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Have a Great Leaguestart Broskies Edition.

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

prev: >>487748375
>crushing fist works with unarmed
>vk device lost every time i go back to town and when i log in its a coin toss if it happens or not.
10/10 league start.
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D4sisters... what went so wrong?
good night and good luck bros, going to bed now and playing in 8h
Can anyone tldr melee changes?
>buy supporter pack
>3 unique drops by level 9
totally not p2w
>expecting to play smooht on day 1
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>I can't play because I crash
>All time peak record
It is Thaumatology/Runes I ain't gotta explain shit.
She is probably just a dyke. evict the trannies from your mind

Grim Dawn expansion delayed to 2025. Is this worth picking up?
>consoles can't play because the virtual keyboard to name characters is broken

is the new league mechanic like the minion system in v rising?
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Sisters you aren't playing a melee build right?
>dc occured
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Melee looking great so far
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I'm going slayer flicker

Hope I don't regret it
holy fucking instance crashes its like 6 times now and its always fully reset when i go back
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>everyone crashing
>player count record high at 228k and still rising
how does he do it?
Thats a normal thing for a melee start. Before you gear up everything rapes you
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It's a melee league BUT I literally play melee since day1... I'm just tired of this so... is there any kino Witch build?
>cant even play long enough to reach a waypoint in act 2 before crashing
buy an ad
who /flamewall+rolingmagma/ here
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>last fetid pool guy is untargetable inside the league mechanic
>beaten by a Banana
lmao daed gam
35,000 more players and we overtake sleepoch. can we do it or not? can we take down the king?
Just used crusing fist and lost 120 of my fps.
Seriously, what is ggg's secret? How do they save PoE every three months?
>no projectile based retaliation
Oak zone is bugged, keeps crashing for me. Anyone else?
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why do they force me to reorganize my stash tabs every league
Inb4 having another tileset / map is making the game crash
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>it happened again
I literally cannot complete fetid pools
Crushing Fist is actually pretty good.
kek this is THE most bugged league ever
holy shit does no one playtest this
>holy shit does no one playtest this
we do :^)
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Witch is probably going to have an absolutely depressing mid-game before it gets a bunch of divines to energy shield max and endurance stack
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holy fucking kino
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>hmmmmmmm for this league, we will fix the #1 complaint that was shouted into our ears for the past 10 years
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Do I play Gladiator? I just want to be tanky and block sounds tanky but isn't it meme tankiness? Like I know some or a lot of boss attacks can't even be blocked.
True, Waypoints activating without clicked did save the game. I didnt believe it, but playing right now shows its the best change ever.
they go off your standard tab order
all mobs too
oak is mandatory
northern forest is a nightmare
Zizs SST glad looks bad
Meanwhile Raxx wiht LS slayer is blasting through maps
the absolute state of cucksoles. can't even patch anything because they need to wait for daddy Sony to approve their shit
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by doing a league so shitty that there can only be one direction, straight up baby, necropolis sucked ass so we can eat good today
theres a bow in poe namend something hail i cant remember the name
Guess I'll go jerk off untill they fix the crashing issue, fucking useless 4080 and 32 ddr ram
its an hour into the league, nobody is blasting through maps
>He thinks its a hardware issue
First chaos orb im rich
You know i meant the campaign, stupid
my steam finally finished updating the game, it's time to login and sit in queue for a bit
i dont play shit games so i wouldnt know
>Ice Crash league
They were right about this being a melee league...
>everyone who logged in got an unironic malicious virus
i hope it was worth it KEKW
>apex cleaver from necro just gained 650 pdps
what do i do with 1.8k pdps axe now
you're a faggot
crips icecrash ignite elementalist might make a combeack.
i really enjoyed that build
suggest a nickname for my slayer (earthshaking or LS, didnt decide yet) NOW!
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i haven't played this game in years
how is templar looking?
ive baited myself into venom gyre starter lols
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Just made it to act 2 motherfuckers
how to beat oak crash?
should i play or skip this league? i didn't like getting raped every other zone last league...
Uninstall wizard, kind sir
Please give reddit gold if this post helps you
Tuning into meleebros streams to check the awful atk speed after rage change
pick allira instead, cute feet and all res
playerscount is peaking this league, that should indicate something, anon
>you only MARK ores in areas for your miners
>these ores then need to be MINED by your miners (make sure to recruit a few throughout the campaign)
>these mined ores then need to be SMELTED
>2 hours to mine 200 orichalcum ore
a bit sussy, but I assume it will get better with more skilled miners
my advice is too start upgrading shit throughout the campaign
you don't want maps to catch you with an empty town
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I was talking about the pickup range retard
>playing on day one
>not waiting until bugs are fixed
shiggy diggy
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Blooming league. Literally.
Relatiationbros... how does it look?
I want to try it but I am leveling with sunder
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>this fucking banner radius
>picks back up with no refund if you leave it
>only one even worth equipping
This shit is fucking worthless. A portal gem would be better.
so is Toxic Rain Champion still fine for newbies?

Am I retarded or retaliate skills sucks?
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dead thread dead game
this, so much this sister!!
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holy fuck pconc is bonkers on leaguestart

i should have done this a long time ago
Not being instant makes them feel like shit at least this early on. Absolutely clunky to have to wait for your swing to end and then use them in the small window
>2 hours to get home
That is my fear
Hope once you get max rank workers everything takes 10 to 20 minutes otherwise its going to be over
fuck i still dont know what build should i play
Is SST good?
Im finishing my shift in 6 hours, and ill probs have to sleep a bit after i get home. Its over...
So these retaliation skills, how hard do they suck?
depends on how easy recobs make it to craft a max arm or ev shield. cold conv got nerfed very hard with the change to hatred
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I can play 2 to 3 hours per day till Aug 1, gonna take 1 full week of rest and play non stop
They're awesome.
you are lucky
most people are crashing
global 2 is literally deader than a few days ago
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yejibros we reached act 3!
Came back after like 5 years, what hell I'm getting destroyed like one shot in act 1
I just saw the Hatred changes, that fucking blows ass.
Almost exactly the same. I can only play a few hours per day till 3rd aug, then I get at least a week off (maybe more if I scam my coworkers to cover for me)
>will come home to stable servers
how the fuck do you refund points now?
why are you trying to complete fetid pool on league start dumbass?
from Kingsmarch tavern dude
What's the shortcut to see items on the ground? I can't remember and default filter hides everything
So how is the Warden ascendancy?
Pretty good, pushing 200mil on my starter gear (+5 proj)
Might check it out then.
It doesn't work. I think I have an issue. Thanks.

Yes but I have to do it all the time. Weird. Thanks.
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I want this dudes armor as an MTX.
can confirm everything gets faster with more and more skilled workers.
and there seems to be a difference between the same skill level of workers too.
for example i have 3 lvl 1 miners and using two speeds up a mining job from 40 minutes to 13 but if i swap out one miner the job takes 25 minutes.
there may be a hidden stat affecting this stuff.
shut the fuck up, obsessed retard
in kalguuran society and magic, names hold meaning and power, similar to the lore of affliction league
the king especially holds all the names and their power
she is rejecting the king and his power by shedding the name from the kalguuran kingdom
i told you guys
don't play day 1
i'm going back to comfy ultraspeed melee warframe farming
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>it's already freefalling
hahahahaha it's fucking over doomchads win again
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>crash into rollback
What are some noob traps for POE?
Thread also seems super dead for this supposed most hyped melee chads we back biggest palyer numbers ever league.
>following a build that requires specific uniques to work
>bow builds for your first playthrough
>going in completely blind with no info on game mechanics.
According to the spreadsheet bleed guy SST does like 1/4 of lacerate bleed dps, good luck shield bros...
bros is the new patch good? I didn't play the necromancer one but it seemed like everyone hated it, are we back?
>Thread also seems super dead
>5 threads in one hour
we are so back
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just bee yourself bro
it's over I already logged out
>136 posts
>thread created 1 hour 30 minutes ago
>at least 30 posts are mine so really 106 posts
>first shipment MUST BE of 100 value, that's 40 ore or someshit
>1 borker is 60 ore/h so 3 is a must
better bring more than 1 alch shard
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>non-stop crashes
bed time
will surely be fixed in the morning
you didn't trust your gut
you didnt use the razer footprints for the best pathing seed rng.
I got blue armor and sun rune
melee is good now tho
What's the vendor craft for a one handed melee leveling weapon?
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i'm still in act 2
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literally unironically the worst league of all time. an absolute blunder. they made mobile phone waiting games into a league mechanic. it's actually over.

nah I'm enjoying it
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>mfw I summon the Forgotten Daughter in Fellshrine Ruins and she one-shots me
Without a doubt, the best leadue so far
trying to make your own build
Uhh bros, how do i access the league mechanic?
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Intimidating cry movespeed seems to be broken, even with chief infinite power it doesn't give any MS
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>played like 100 hours of the game a few months ago
>enjoy it but feel overwhelmed by all the shit to do and know I'll never be able to respec
>want to get back into it but feel like I'll just be frustrated and confused forever
am I overthinking it bros, is it just brainoff kino
i just reached act 2
not new
That's why you just focus on one or a few endgame systems that are baseline now. For me, it's Delve.
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welp the vault pass is shit
>is it just brainoff kino
it is.
is kripp's Lacerate of Haemorrhage okay to play? it looks better than ziz and he makes good points in the video. Lacerate looks so boring though
goodnight wowg
How fucked is Witch really? Because it lets me pivot to anything I'm interested in this league, but also, survivability...
>four shot oak
get shat on retard
was added last league I think, or was it the one before that. There's couple more surprises to be found in the campaign that they have added
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>still can't make a character on Playstation
Take the glacial hammer pill. Enjoy the shattering of frozen enemies. Dripping liquid shit sound from bleed will never be as comfy as the crispy clear sound od frozen ebenies being destroyed.
Melee goes from feeling amazing to absolute dogshit in the span of seconds. Niggas justw alking out of my strike range, uber god mods rares out of nowhere and shit.
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Look at this shit. How do you not test for this?
actually, sure, that sounds fun. got a guide?
>that side path in Ledge thats nothing but dive bombing goat men

brilliant vision Chris
is this your first league start
it's always like this
people are playing
wait like 6 more hours and then the doomies will come back, i'm waiting for it i'm one of them
There's no built in loot filter?
Brother if youre taking dogshit like double strike over 'melee' skills like volcanic fissure, the problem is in the player
just leap slam bro
>we made whetstones much more effective for low level items
>but also nerfed their droprate to the ground lol
always with this monkey's paw bullshit, I've literally found more chaos orbs than whetstones
'poch flopped btw
Goratha is a known glacial hammer shill, try his jugger guide
Playing Molten Strike.
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>double damage for bleeds on daggers
is SST saved?
They did the meme where nothing drops outside of the league mechanic just to fix it a week in again
bro are you not playing the build? wtf guide do you use to play?

nvm... i alraedy uninstalling. jesus crhist
Got 4 okayish rares and 2 bound runes for a lvl23 one. Shit because no currency, but alas.
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the fuck is this
To be fair, it's a sound philosophy. They are afraid to give out anything good and fun so they start with shit and work their way up slowly with buffs. Once you give something good to people to play with, they won't react well to you taking it away.
>Why can't they give us rewarding and fun league mechanics.
No fun allowed. Deal with it.
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Yeah so fun getting past brutus only on whites
Wtf, I LOVE Mark now!!
i don't get this business practice, do they not like long term money or what
>play on league start
>performance is terrible
>constant crashes
why do I fall for it every time
there's three statues of those, if you click them all you will summon the Forgotten Daughter in the church ruins before you enter the Crypts
go on without me bros.... not because the league is bad, but because I would rather rub my dick against broken glass than do the campaign again
d4 has 1+ mil players off steam
nobody plays d4 on steam
How have the spell gem early game nerfs affected campaign running strats?
>"Kick for preforming to many actions"
That bitch almost oneshot me with her fist scythe swing lol. Blocked it all after tho. Feels like retilation skills are my big dps while leveling.
>alkaizer said berserker is shit
>ben is start as a berserker
is alkaizer just a dipshit?
lol literally me too. i got excited then instantly nope the fuck out. i haven't played for a couple leagues too. prop wait until poe2
>ben is start
ESL nigger
when were u when ben is start
Is kingsmarch the starting point for poe2?
Have 2 friends who play PoE we always league start HC together. One has a girlfriend who got into D4 and wanted to play PoE. She wants to do SC.
Waited 2 hours after league start to start with them, only to go solo anyways.
blog on
Ohoh I can't wait
I feel like the layouts are more cancer too
why are you level 8 with basic attack still slotted and no movement ability you retard?
Who fucking asked
>He isn't making 10k gold/hr
You're not gonna make it /poeg/
Damn bro I hate your friends!!! Bro!!! No way!!! Your friends are so bad!
happy now faggot
That support gem room in chamber of sins is pretty cute. Seem to be very meta ones for various archetypes.
no one asked
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Holy shit I'm slow today. But whatever, time to go to bed.
Holy shit the projectile return enchant is on 2h swords, zenith ms just got a free ring slot.
fuck this poster in particular
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>be exile from oriath
>be washed ashore on a beach full of zombies
>shit my pants and run to the visible fires in the distance
>kill one zombie on the way
>enter the camp
>a guy in fancy armor immediately asks me to be the leader of their city
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Has anyone figured that single mother of three on the graveyard yet?
I just reached Act 2. Can I already interact with league mechanic?
you can straight away weirdly enough, seems fine
ahahahahah. The real recognize real amirite??
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seething lonely samefag
hope your friends rape you
i know its not likely but is there a way to avoid my leap slams from using up my exertions?
or should i just use a different mobility skill?
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Kraut is playing the league lmao, what a faggot
look at your skill tree and find it
Why did they nerf Hatred????
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Woah, chill. We joke around here, but that's going too far.
lmao i just opened it to find the delete warcry cast time talent and found the mastery
is that one new?
did they make the campaign bosses harder wtf, kaom is one shotting me
Holy shit this new league mechanic is insane
I already got a divine from it
Seems like he is having the time of his life, retard.
You on the other hand are stalking him to post it in a dead general (everyone is ingame)
it has been around for a while
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rape jokes aren't funny, anon
may we see proofs of this "divine" ???
i've never seen it taken, i guess you can just play around it
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Fucking jew aka YonitWeisberg is a piece of fucking shit
imagine coming to 4chan to talk shit about your friends and thinking you're anything but lonely
So what's the most popular shadow or marauder build? ssf btw

This is the hardest I can recall Act 1 ever being. Really tempted to give up on melee leaguestart, but I'll give it one more go.
Talking shit about your friends is the essential part of normie culture thougever
you're not using a guide are you, anon...?
Can we not joke about SA here? Thanks
Thanks. It looks fun for now
thank god I put that faggot fedexile in my 4chan loot filter
dont wanna see that garbage
What's a good league start if I'm gonna go Warden?
Yes they are
>kaom's primacy from unique lockbox in act 3
Thanks? I can't use it until lvl 58
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holy fucking shit, lacerate is so fucking awful to use, the AoE is fucking tiny is it supposed to scale with weapon range or some shit I can barely hit enemies in front of me
I can't believe I league started this dogshit skill...
yeah towards your other friends that you like more
doing it to strangers makes you a lonely loser ontop of being a quintessential normie
Find 3 statues, you unlock a new boss that is a bit of a sneak peek at Sanctum bosses.
Man, SRS is pretty rough now. I had no idea the nerf hit them this hard
Pretty happy with RF so far, haven't played it in a few leagues but it's pretty good. Gonna have some issues with first ubers but I'm just gonna throw myself at them, planning to do the molten strike of zenith build eventually, SSF of course
The brainlet has fallen for the bait build!
>ben is
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alright I'll spoonfeed you this one single time, dumb tranimeposter. because everybody deserves some help from time to time.
i haven't played PoE since Sirus was the big boss in the game.
What the fuck should i do this league? I was looking at the new Warden class, but looks a bit high investment to achieve good results
I'm not using a guide and if lacerate feels bad to play at level 40 because it's shit mechanically then it's still going to feel bad at level 80
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Kino, shame it's nerfed but its still pretty good desu
>first 3 4 links were a dex base
>I need STR/INT
kek laugh at this retard
reminds me of when noobs would leaguestart tornado shot back in the day and then cry when it didn't work
this league mechanic better go core
Not him but I was one of those retards, thought of doing tornado shot with a 15c budget.....
>level 40 now
>found 1 blacksmith's whetstone
my favourite chris thing is when they portray a nerf as a buff
>give people a proper melee buff after 10 years of asking for one
>literally just changing numbers unlike Chris' cope
>all-time high playercount
Listening to your playerbase... works?
wasn't nerfed enough
nvm clicked ruthless by mistake at character creation
Did they ever change SSF in poe? I really liked how it was implemented in Last Epoch.
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yejibros we reached act 5!
No thank god, I hope it stays the same and I say this as a ssf player, though the game has been getting easier overall, ssf players have been having trade tier gear every recent league
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I haven't seen a single one in a regular league.
just buy them from a vendor retard holy shit
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>can't even get the game to load Twilight Strand without crashing
Quinn is the undisputed king of /poeg/
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Meleechads, how we liking it so far?
Shitted on Merveil and the Oversoul
mana hurts but I got a pot
Doing sunder at the moment
Nice. Everytime I go to the Northern Forest the game crashes. This is the end of my journey it seems
Mana feels so fucking awful holy shit I didn't even know how hard they fucked this up for non int characters. 100% going blood magic.
Power Siphon poppin' off fr fr
>game crashes so hard Steam has to reboot
What the fuck?
Got Le Heup of All from my first shipment
i cant fucking decide what to league start
i was gonna do uber dans ball lightning or orbiting
but i tried some melee and holy fuck
so now im thinking some kind of bleed melee glad
or maybe meming into gorathas glacial hammer because holy shit that buff and those guaranteed freezes

please help
no thats outdated, play pconc of bouncing if you want a poison skill
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Love how the literal mobile game popups don't go away on their own and I have to click them myself to keep up engagment.
Freezing in general is the best feel in this game. Higher dmg or dots cant beat it
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Can't wait for Path of Immortal , this looks LIT!
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זה נגמר
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how the fuck is anyone watching mathil anyway at league start, this is such a fucking snoozefest even zizaran is more interesting. and he plays better music too lmao the absolute state
Hhahahh, get fukd
Oy vey!
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>he fell for it
got another one, boys
>2 Whetstones in the entire campaign
>0 armor scraps
Nice game GGG
Mana hurts like ass and I can't trade a decent weapon without a single whetstone drop but still doing great. +15% all ele res from Alira is a pleasant change for leveling too.
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Anybody got a good gachi soundpack
I used an armor scrap on a level 6 armor before raring it, thinking these wouldn't be this rare.
Doesn't this fuck up a lot of things? Like zz always saying to vendor recipe for melee leveling or how picking up scroll trash is not needed because just sell armor scraps and wetstones :^)
>Add currency exchange
>Nerf the shit out of all currency drops
Crashed in act 6. wanted to log back in, game patches - error you have to close the game - game is closed. Restart computer, same shit. Welp that’s it, good night boys. Game doesn’t let me back in
Newsflash, they made whetstones so rare because they don't want people t be able to upgrade. They want you to always pick up new shit off the ground. This is some ruthless level PoE2 conditioning
reinstall the game brother
I can't even make a character on ps5
Telling me I should keep my whetstones for a good base once I get to maps?
Is the league mechanic good bros? I can't play yet.
They certainly nerfed the loot again. Acts 1-3 legit felt like Ruthless, most bosses didn't even drop anything
Drops literally nothing in maps/acts and in town it's just mobile shit with occassional small loot explosion.
God I fucking hate navigating the lunaris temple. Fucking hell
you vill play zhe ruthless
Too early to tell. It's not overturned in acts though.
it's based and tradepilled garrison kino
Nothing will feel as overtuned as the spider eggs from affliction in ruthless. That shit was raining chaos and alchs before they fixed it hahah
whats the minimum ilvl for bismuth ore
>mobs spawned in the league event and can't be targetted
>in fetid pool
Thank you Chris Wilson, VERY COOL
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what are the best dual wielding attack skills ?
they all take into account both weapons and not just main hand wep right ?
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i got this from a shipment in like early act 3, also got a storm prison
i'm very satisfied, im bing chilling though so im still in the campaign
Dual strike of ambidexterity
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dead league
anyone else feel like the damage in the campaign went way up?
I'm at work. Please don't tell me they pulled another kalandra/necro out of the box. Crashes will be fixed promptly, I hope they didn't take a shit on the game
if i'll dual wield sword+claw, my skills that require a claw (via nightblade) will be using only claw from offhand right?
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Ended up sitting and verifying all game files. 8 had to be redownloaded. Back in the game now
so I updated my filter to be more and more strict as time went on last league, how the fuck do I easily reset it to basic strictness for league start when I wanna see everything again? pls help a retard
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your friends are having tons of sex with that girl and you're sitting alone playing solo hardcore with your hand.
How is the league mechanic so far? I had 0 hype for this one because I hate timegates and I didn't even bother reinstalling the game.
Nigga, like set up everything before going to the bed
I know how it works. The fact that it's non-existent while you're waiting for it basically means you're just playing standard again which 99% of people already did last league with how bad it was that everyone instantly quit
Act 6 for me.
lmfao i'm in act 4 and i've nearly maxed out my town
i guess i better get my ass moving
>They didn't open the secret path on act 1
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how do I start another mining job after the first one finishes?
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>Playstation players still on login screen
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I can't believe these rewards sisters!
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>Eviscerate's AoE
it's fucking huge it's crazy
I can't get through fucking act 1
cute paras
Idk but the drops are trash
Friendly reminder to start running your town or you'll be miles behind everyone
still sane
Just woke up, how is melee?
accidentally started Lab right before my ship came back bros it's fucking over
pretty good at least in acts so far
though I'm of the opinion it's been alright for a while save for totems, just keep your weapon updated and everything dies and you leap slam all over the place, seems to be the case still, though to be fair I enjoyed boneshatter acts way more than sunder currently, just a tad too slow for my taste and thin frontal aoe requires aiming
if you want more details - rage good, berserk kill, banner meh with slow attack
I don't use warcries so no opinion about that (sunder is just for leveling, going strike later)
t. melee enjoyer
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link it then jabroni
it's an endless queue, your dudes are assigned to a specific type of ore and are waiting on you to clear and mark more veins in maps
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Remember to hydrate and to take breaks every hour or so sisters!
in the most predictable turn of events ever, ben dies like a dumb bitch
dd niggers are literally subhuman
someone commit an ooopsie
we could've saved her...
the problem with last league was how obtuse and clunky it was. even printing mirror items didn't save it. this one is surprisingly nonintrusive save for having to pop into town occasionally. looks like you do basic town setup then ships start shoveling loot into you and all you have to do is pop circles in maps and bring them gold (drops from mobs, autopickup). there's also recombinator service, gambling with choosing base types and better affix weights, currency auction house (at fucking last), weapon enchants some of which are broken. they reworked and buffed melee, reworked warcries, rage, banners. and there's some fuckery with defence affixes. I have some low tier life rolls on my gear in a5 that are 100+ flat life, like t7 life on body is over a hundred, it'll probably go up to nearly 300 if the pace keeps up.
all in all it's the biggest shakeup since like expedition and one of the most high effort leagues since then as well.
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>mfw kalguur shipment just arrive
That's nice and all but gameplay-wise you're still just playing standard for the most part except now it drops gold to use for a small chance to get something that isn't vendor junk. Maybe I'm just bored of the game though. The thought of even touching the campaign again makes me ignore everything else.
did you expect 4 pages of currency like in the trailer before you even picked your ascendancy? I drew a few good rares out of there and a couple runes, that's decent enough for early acts.
kek just sold a heatshiver for 1 divine after having it sit in my stash tab for an hour
left click was removed last league. Get rolled, reddit
>Try the blackmarket
>Get a 350 pdps axe in the start of act 4
>Do the tutorial for the League mechanic
>Launch a shipment!
>You need more Iron!
>Okay.. wait a bit
>Launch it
What the fuck.
flesh and stone+arctic armor if you're melee+max suppress+65/65 block
what would be not playing standard then? it's a good league mechanic that introduces several new ways to acquire loot and customize your character. there's some borrowed power as well in the form of enchants if that's what you want. most leagues do a combination of those things, some do just one.
youre a fucking retard
The shipment I saw in the trailer was a 4 hour wait. Really makes me want to play I think.
>gamble axe
>triple my dps
>and its a 4 link
>and its the perfect colors
>get to western forest
>decide fuck it whats the point

hope you lads have fun this league
fellas probably testing smart loot
they aren't testing, smart loot has long been in the game, just disabled almost everywhere. and they explicitly said in the trailer that gambling has better weights.
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i tried to force myself to finish the acts while sick and puked on my monitor
guess thats it for today
How easy is it to respec? Want to just go in blind and pick a bunch of cool sounding skills.
fucking lmao thats rough
>went to sleep because it does not work on PS5
>woke up, still not working
How well does it play with a controller?
I get that it's mobile game garbage but I went to cook some dinner, set out a shipment before hand, and then came back to a 6-link
very good except locus mines
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retaliation skills are going to be miserable for bosses 60% chance to block already and I get no procs during act bosses
So just take 6 hits instead.
really hard unless you are mid/end game. the currency to respec requires grinding. i would not go crazy with points during leveling. You do get like 10 free point respec during campaign.
wait till you find out that most pinnacle attacks are straight up unblockable lmao
why do you think everyone calls pob ehp a trash mechanic? when you want to survive only max hit matters, big boys ignore your fucking spell suppressions, blocks, evades and other gay shit, you take it straight to the face or walk out the way.
>league launch a success
>posi vibes
>good game momentum
>high steam numbers
>players are having fun and enjoying themselves
so how is ggg going to fuck this up?
Is playstation still cucked?
some endgame exploit for the top 0.0001% that prints mirrors
spell supp works for everything. That is why people prioritize it even for ubers, retard
Holy shit I'm making so much chaos from flipping right now. This shit is like OSRS GE before they added taxes.
barring a game breaking exploit like >>487801001
said, I don't see why they'd want to piss players off so close to poe2 EA and right after the worst league they've ever released
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Damn. Thanks for the info.
they just posted this
Jul 27, 2024 2:54 AM (GMT) - We're still waiting for certification for Playstation for the Virtual Keyboard fix, which we expect can still take several hours from now. Thanks again for your patience on this and we sincerely apologise for the long wait.
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is lifestacking back on the menu, boys?
Holy fucking shit this is the best league ever. Everything is done so well. Melee is back.
Only not playing right now because poop and snack break!
Remember to upgrade your shipping routes, each port asks for specific items, bring them those items for better rewards and a bigger request next time.
The shrine effects from the league mechanic are pretty bussin' ngl
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I'm using lifetap and have no Mana issues.
same, I had to stop to take a shit but I got some awful diarrhea
been shitting for like an hour, the stench is making me wanna throw up, my tummy hurts
Hello? Give me the fucking builds
life stacking is just baby ivory tower
Alright, fuck it, I'm just going to play something else for a few hours and check back later.
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I went to sleep as soon as the league started what's the meta build sisters
path of mobile game town management sim
Okay, so..
You go Marauder.
You take your Slam of choice (yes, even Perforate).
Put it on Lifetap when you can.
You level with it and add in Intimidating Cry.
When you hit Act 3 and get Autoexert, reserve all your Mana with as many Warcries as plausible.
Take a few Warcry nodes.
Take a few Rage nodes.
Go Berserker.
Add in Overexertion support in late Act 4.
Congrats, you now have a full build.
niggers literally input 3.25 starter on YouTube and take your pick not like you're gonna get anywhere without a pob
Given how respeccing is actually affordable this League, I could probably do it without a PoB.
give me the fucking builds, i'm not asking
Is "you were kicked for too many actions" thing new?
Warden status?
you can respec with gold in kingsmarch during acts. it's quite cheap.
Where the FUCK is blood rage to buy as a marauder? Wiki says after intruders in black at the vendor but nope
Nah, happened to me in previous leagues.
Retarded fucking kiwi niGGGers can get fucked.
What the hell does that even mean? Of course I am spamming buttons when I am surrounded by your gay ass quasi archnemesis packs
been around for ages. it means you were caught botting/macroing and will likely be banned soon. RIP account.
so lvling up as Sunder Glad currently but are the new block stills worth using or meme?
this is the worst gameplay I've ever seen it takes him 10 minutes to do a map LAMO
the retaliate skills? they'll probably be ok for mapping, but they're an unplayable meme for bossing.
Finally I'll be free.
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Sticking to Lacerate or Earthwuake it is
it's a mechanically weird skill that you have to actually know how to build and position correctly. not something the average retard will succeed with.
earthshitter->boneshitter for an easier time (if jugg)
Am I fucking tripping or did I just hallucinate that there would be an in game poe.trade functionality through like a marketboard/trading hub?
You are hallucinating. Just currency exchange.
Okay thanks
When did they put extra league mechanics into the acts? I haven't played for a while but last time I did, Blight, Legion, Breach and Ritual were all maps only. Now I've been finding them all through the first three acts. Was this done only for this league?
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>7 hour general
>page 5
dead ass game, botted to fuck
Last patch.
And this patch.
simply rebinding m1 to wheel does that. I got kicked a few times when I was trying to six link before they added the hold thing. still doing fine. it's not against the tos. one press = one action is all they ask for and they don't care much even about that. I only ever heard about rmt bans, or straight up exploiting/abusing, not simple macroses.
i still have no starter
chris ffs do something
TL;DR: They sprinkled a few with fixed positions (and level limits) as well as a few other surprises (there's 3 extra crypts in Felshrine you can find for a surprise for example) all throughout the acts. Last patch, they did Acts 1-3 (maybe 4) and the rest this patch.
just pivot into any other slam? earthshatter does the most hit damage but you gotta pay for that with piano style gameplay more than any other slam.
ok, but jugg can tank trauma better
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That's fast
you only had like weeks to prepare
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this is one downright PECULIAR league
what trauma? there's no trauma since they killed divergent bs. it's also one of the few skills that suffered a net loss of damage this patch. just let it die.
We're getting ruthless loot but damage seems fine to me, both dealing and receiving. Minigame city builder is fun too. Even if this league doesn't live up to expectations there's no way it's a catastrophic flop like necropooplis
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im enjoying sunder, might go for a slam instead of molten zenith.

any good slam builds for jugg?
>niggers stole half of your shipment
Frost Blades is really fun
never seen the general so dead from people having fun in-game
Alk is playing earthshatter I think, he even uploaded a vid
>patch day
>thread already dead
unironically would it be kino to just make a general /arpgg/ thread? Might be fun
What's the dump all hotkey?
someone help me out, how does Ben generate endurance charges on this build??

slayer would have survived that
Too busy playing to shitpost about D4.
>someone's already level 91
>I'm only level 50
I forgot Autoexertion still costs Mana.
I still hate the negative impact Expedition patch has had on the game.
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>League start melee
>Get a cleave of rage early on
>It's complete and utter garbage because rage gives no attack speed naturally anymore
>It's complete and utter garbage because max rage is naturally far smaller now
>8 hours to get to the FUCKING slave pens
>70% phys reduction
>1.2k life by level 40
>101 deaths
These changes to melee and rage are terrible, the buffs to weapon damage feel like fucking nothing.
Also vengeful cry is garbage, it was such an amazing bait to go for warcry buff effect early on expecting rage to be anything other than complete shit.
>"But did you try slams?"
Kill yourself.
Good night.
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>be me
>grab sweep
>start sweeping
>be raged
>start raging

feels good bros, can't wait to hit maps
not sure if i should run frozen legion, bladestorm or cyclone as my alternative.
>the buffs to weapon damage feel like fucking nothing
The buffs are all late game scaling, retardbro
Just found out that Autoexertion does not trigger in Hideouts.
Get past act 3 lil bro
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rolling magma isn't total shit to start leveling with
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seems harsh
Slave Pens is act 5.
If it's your first offense, yeah.
But we both know it's not.

thank me later
who's gayer? goratha or ziz?
>Click blue stone
>Sky goes dark
>Kill all monsters
>Nothing happens
>not /settle or /settlers or /settlement
>fucking /kingsmarch
7 hours
just made it to act 4
lol ziz's sst bleed build is zdps
you get the ore as soon as you click it. map becomes more difficult and monsters drop more stuff
locus mine is op as fuck
nah its dogshit
>gamble everything i have
>all trash
>remove all gold from treasury
>gamble everything i have
>all trash
dead game
this FAGGOT is ruining my league start experience
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>need more strength and int
>no crafting mats
>no trading currency
>no gold
>find 1 vaal
>SLAM ring
>4% increased strength, 5% increased intelligence implicit
>attributes are saved
i still believe in the vision, do you?
I need Orichalcum to start building my colony, but I'm not getting any in maps. Tried going into the campaign again, but the league mechanic is not spawning there anymore
Bowchad here. You're welcome for carrying you during the campaign, meleeniggers.
Be honest. Is this game good to play now?
Is it fun? Is it too late to start now?
lots of fun builds to play this league and powercreep out the ass
Isn't the Inspiration support change good? What i'm missing?
Some ( actually fast) anon said that the NPC who run maps bring back gold and base resources, not real map drops and shit
I'll need to test it out tomorrow when I reach maps

Literally day 1 and for a lot of people it starts in the afternoon
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this is the first season I've ever played of this game
I have no idea what I'm doing
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I'll never understand how people do it in less than half my time
>Inspiration support change
What did they change???
picking broken spells and ignoring everything
there are niggas getting 4 stones by 9 hours
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>Missed out on the release
Damn... see you all next expansion
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posting while I wait for my 2 min loading screen to finish
Get an SSD
Does that shit compound permanently or sure it erased after some time?
Let's say for example I paste Izaro's dialogue once every league.
>I'm picking alira
Are you ppl actually retards?
I have one
*is it erased
Consolecucks deserve it at this point.
The new audio stuff is really impressive. Merveil softly singing to you as you travel through the cavern is really atmospheric.
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>game goes into pitch black mode with vulkan render
>switching to directx solves it, but gives 50% LESS fps
>can't adjust brightness/gamma settings in game because le small indie company :^))) is incapable of adding such 21st century tech to the game client and bans players for using 3rd party tools
>rogue exile encounters in act2 would constantly crash the game and reset instances several times, had to avoid them
>managed to pick bait starter build with 0dps + 0hp
>shit drops, only 1 useless unique
>went to bed after reaching act 4

anyone else had an ABSOLUTELY BRICKED league start? Or is it just me
Didn't she always do that?
nah you will rebuy all stash tabs again
is it too late to start now?
It's too late to get your funny name broadcasted to everyone in the league but other than that how could it be too late?
you ARE using upscaling right anon?
>2 stinkers in a row
OK I've seen enough
i tried to switch it on and off, but it doesn't fix anything
I would rather use some 3rd party tool (like reshade.me), but i saw people getting bans for it, because it's breaching the ToS.
PoE is probably the only game where you can't adjust brightness/gamma settings in game.
>took me 9 hours to get through acts
It sure seems like they upped the monster density in early acts. Plus I wanted to do all my town upgrades as I went along since it's real time. I swear it doesn't normally take this long.
>but it doesn't fix anything
it doesnt change your fps at all?
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just hit yellow maps but im so sleepy...
I want to sleep but I need enough gold to keep my farm going while I do so I need to keep playing
this isn't fair Chris.
i havent seen a single Blacksmith's Whetstone this league
ask me anything
So I came back to this game after years of not touching it and I am out of the loop. How do the Bandit Lords work now that replaying the campaign on higher difficulties is no longer a thing? Is it not possible to get crit from Alira anymore?
Two skill points was the only option, so they balanced it by putting one of those skill points in a different quest. Now you can choose 1 skill point from Eramir, 40 life from Oak, 15 all res from Alira, or 8% movespeed from Kraityn.
LS Slayer/Wardens, hows life rn?
have streamers found out the meta builds and meta strategies?
Same game crashes in vulkan now
Was the most reliable and fastest render before this league
>lol ziz's sst bleed build is zdps
First rework just gave you a pool of 3 passive rewards from them at once. New rework that happened today gives all 3 a comparatively minor passive on each one but also reducing the overall power of the Eramir option by splitting one of the skill points into an unrelated quest.
Cool that they added that Forgotten Daughter thing to the campaign but also what the fuck she's pointless what a waste of time searching the zone
>no crit from Alira anymore
Welp, guess I go for the skill point then, thanks anons.
zero damage per second
Gamble where?
Have yet to start, no idea what to play
Any ideas for a smooth campaign?
bleed bow glad y?
it's worse this league.
Definitely should be a book of regrets at minimum.

any YT league starter
>any YT league starter
Hmm Zizs starter all look kinda clunky desu
>he hasnt been gambling
its the black market at faustus in kingsmarch
do not trade with the second city, they send back useless rares
or is it based on what you sent? in that case, do not trade orichalcum.
on that note, the first city (or wheat) sent back currency, 10/10 would trade again
are my ships being destroyed or are they just disappearing?
i says time time remaining and then i leave and then i come back and there is no shipment or any rewards but i didnt tell me it failed?
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Just woke up
How's the league?
>he hasnt been checking the favored resources
oh anon...
Give it to me straight, how bad is glad bleed now
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>LS slayer is the new LA deadeye

Bleed Lacerate Gladiator

Ronarrays build or what
no shit they literally just tripled the base damage of it
Warcries open chests from Affliction would’ve been really nice
I fell for the melee meme, first time I've ever actually fallen asleep during the leveling experience because melee is so fucking slow and boring and now I'm 10 hours behind where I'd normally be playing Rain of Arrows or BAMA or something.
>im bad...
cope retard.
I normally finish campaign in the evening of release, I literally fell asleep from this shit.
What build
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Lmao nice, it's going to be the ultimate burnout league for nerds who can't put the game down. Make sure to check every three hours to see the town doing alright.
Sunder with intent to go SST
Always change your weapon as soon as poissble use crafts
Melee needs weapons
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Is perforate one of the worst slams? You get it early on and it has absolutely no reach. I'd say it's a bad introduction for noobs to experience slam skills through it for the first time.
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She's there to be cool, be a surprise for new players. I searched the zone for the shrines, activated her, and realized she's way stronger than anything else in the act for no reward. When I went to the Reliquary and noticed a couple new and conspicuous keyholes, I just ran right past them and ignored everything but the quest objectives
Okay, reveal it.
post your pob or fuck off
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>Bouncing PC with the new Perfect Agony
>New life rolls for some extra survivability
>Finally a good league mechanic after so long
We are in for a good time, lads
uhh farmvile is kinda fun bros??
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>you can get uniques from the black market
If they don't make this league a cote feature immediately, they might as well delete the whole game.
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That's the whole point. It's D2 gambling in poe.
lacerate bros ww@
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i had to respec to bleedquake, sst was too shit bros.............
Well that was a fun league see you in 3 months
What quest gives the extra skillpoint in act 2?
golden handjob
crypt lvl 2 thingy
>Oh boy a new league
>can't wait to play again
>kill brutus
>remember how much campaign there is before maps
I can't do it, POE2 please PLEASE
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I didn't play for a while, and fuck, it's clickbaits everywhere. I'm looking for an actual league STARTER that is a tried/tested/proven build, cheap, so I can do atlas/voidstones and farm currency for the build I actually want to play. What is it ?
>filtered by poe1 campagin
>poe2 when
who's gonna tell her ?
locus mine ps
if you want tried and true and tested go poisonous concoction slayer
When was the Hidden Underbelly added? I always felt like Act 8 was one of the worst laid out acts, and now I feel stupid knowing that there was a short path that connected the Solaris Concourse to The Bath House.
poeninja > hardcore settlers > sort by highest level
Merveil has always done that.
A lot of the background sound effects are muddled so you'd really have to wear a headphone to hear some of them.
Like, the screams on the way to Piety.
Literally this league, one of the new things in the campaign. Is pretty comfy to just do clarissa/gemlings and ditch
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Well. This was a mistake.
Unironically asking, could I get far in this game with a Ice Crash Witch?
>go to the gym at 3 am
>only this girl I've been seeing someitmies
>we finish at the same time
>goes to the male locker room
>actually a turbo passable young tranny
bros? anyway, I'm 8 hours late to the launch
Root of the Problem - Act 2 - Yeena
hole is a hole
Slayier BEST ascendancy even though warden is new and glad got reworked lmao

Also EVERYONE is playing LS meaning the best weapons and gear for it is gonna be fucking. expensive.
pro players use all their gold gambling the belts
its not even a time saver in the slightest
has poetrade been updated, the plugon
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Slamsters, how we doin? We cruisin?
haven't got a single whetstone yet...
you can whetstone me anon
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Da fuck? Half of the gems can't be found in pob...
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I did it bros. 12 hours for the campaign. It's a new record for me. 0 chaos. 0 divine.
its up
Does the game still crash on oak?
Okay, now I REALLY want to know what kind of code makes Oak#s warcry crash the game, but only if the game isn't in full screen...
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Guys, something fucky is going on with my Bismuth.
Man, Locus Mine Power Siphon fucking ripped up levelling. Shit was so cash, currently beating up white maps with ease as well. The grace nerf really fucking sucks though
>fucks up his game
>fucks up his build
your IQ is too low to function
I think you should kill yourself
is this listed in /passives or a Shit Coding Wilson Fuck You missable
it's listed; "Through sacred ground" is the quest name
Do I stay left side of the tree shockwave cyclone or go right side of the tree shockwave cyclone charge stacking
Post build
subtle joke
Man any monsters with endurance charges are so fucked now. Even white mobs are so fucking tanky.
How is the league so far?
how can anyone in their right mind play a game for 13+ straight hours without a break? some of these people ain't right in the head.
has the music in mudflats changed??
2 stones down, time to upgrade my gear and get the next two tomorrow. Hopefully by then the delusional retards trying to fix lepers alms at a div will have moved on.
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Should i do these early on?
Are town improvements shared by all your characters in a league?
i don't really like it desu
i don't think its bad but its not for me, realtime progress is always there nagging when I want to zone out and map
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janny are you okay
eating beans rn holy shit so good
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>only 300 posts while I was sleeping
WHY are we so dead? We burned through 2-3 trheads before at league starts.
kino league
because people are actually playing?
>league starts
>everyone stops posting
i wonder why these things would be related in a game where everyone who gives a shit is racing the crowd to the endgame
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First time playing HC, when should I stop doing the league mechanic? I'm in act 2 so far they're just punching bags
>where everyone who gives a shit is racing
you say that like it's some noble and prestige thing, you fucking dweeb loser
There isn't an offical race and I doubt anyone but ben his sperg friends care for unoffical worlds first poop in mavens diaper. Especially not here with all the beginner questions. Something is off.
splitting steel is fucking strong in low levels wtf
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>retaliate glad
>wait for proc
>use eviscerate then shield swipe
>have to wait for the next proc
>use eviscerate, shield swipe, eviscerate, eviscerate, shield swipe, shield swipe, eviscerate, shield swipe

I really am not sure how I feel about this
go back to wowg moron
Did he just say Grallyboar?!
List all the 3.25 campaign changes
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Mfw I found 2 divines by act 7
Anoint for +20% reuse chance so you're not in coinflip hell feels mandatory
I'm using it on regular bleed glad and it feels pretty great, but I can't imagine trying to use it as a main skill.
Is the semi-strict filter gonna hide rustic stashes?
I'm still so fucking upset about the left click tech being deleted
how's the new league?
best league mechanic they have ever made
Uhh, so did this league add that semi-auction house thing?
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>kino league mechanics
>even if you're totally retarded and contrarian you can just ignore it
yep it's a kino league
Wait a minute. The acts are still boring and all the league mechanics are underwhelming loot for annoying encounters.
Alright, how do I make 2-3d easily?
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are based
I have been dooming for years but this league is set to be the best post-3.15 league by a considerable margin
We went from the baldest league in history to this, I don't know how GGG pull it off every time the chips are down
what do i play if i don't want a melee build? something fast please. no LS though
ele hit
wtf were they thinking with all five of these unique tinctures, they're all INSANELY bad
thinking of reinstalling, are there any decent/viable walking sim retard builds that arent RF? e.g. deaths oath, or some kind of autobomber?
he cute tho
jfc melee does a LOT more damage now
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>Ice Crash Witch
seems ok
why wouldnt you?
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Who /bonking/ here?
HopeChads stay winning
oh shit its this guy
wardloop but you need currency
Gears probably gonna replaced in a level or two
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how bald managed to kill d4 so easily?
she's been mewing, you can tell.
>just made a 4c trade
fist of war earthquake has been ultra comfy
Still not sure what to make of Warden.
dont you have to micromanage / spam your flasks for that? sounds kinda annoying
Reminder that you need to get the value of shippments up to the milions if you want to see a div from it.
fuck sake bro
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>Go to a morning jog.
>Come back from shower.
>Boot PoE.
>Shipment comes in.
Max comfy saturday morning.
I'm not saying this is the best league to ever exist but also this is the liveliest I've ever seen 1488
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How do I get over there?
Wait, why is the recipe over there and not by the waypoint?
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No idea how to evaluate items but the boat gave me this (5-link) sword, roughly how much could I sell it for? I just got to act 4 so I figure maybe a 5-link is valuable at this point?
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Newfriend here, what now?
kill monster
Its a beginner friendly League mechanic. Casuals aren't scared of complex manager charts, they're afraid getting one shot from two screens away by unkillable monsters.
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why am i not getting valour from melee kills?
2-3 alch
Luv me Frost Blades, simple as.
Enter the name of your Duelist. Change your class by clicking on another Exile.
No, I mean is Duelist good? I don't want to play as a woman or a darky. Templar also seems cool.
How smooth is it
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>came back after a long time away
>the citybuilding just hits right
>play glad, because I hear they got an update
>have no idea what i'm doing, liable to try and equip two shields tbqhf
>ask in chat for pointers
>get called a retard
Ah, home.
just reached act 5, died 0 times so far, level 44, it's not much but it's hard work
Alch, maybe two. Its an okay sword but Campaign drops Okay swords all the time. I wouldn't really worry about trade until you hit maps if I was you.
Fuck got a build? I might reroll
Aim for minimum 1400 HP before Act 5 final boss, or you get oneshot. Also start capping resists (except Chaos) if you haven't already. In Act 6 town check your resists, if any of them is below 75%, go to your hideout craft bench and craft some resists on your gear.
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recombinators are going to make craftspergs dirt poor, that shit is going to eat all your fucking gold
which streamers aren't fucking memelords jesus christ
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>bosses drop tons of gold
seems like a 10 way maven angle
they all are, this game has 0 good streamers
there are no good streamers anon, period, for anything.
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Took me 7 hours just to reach act 7. Would have been much easier if I got a 4-link early.
Why is Berek's Respite priced so high? Is the prolif that valuable early league? I swear it isn't usually worth this much.
Nobody? is this just a glitch of level creation? Should I just reroll the area?
>he didnt rmt
maybe a new secret
Theres a secret door with ring symbol on it, with 2 pillars you need to press down.
I have to go 40ish hours until I can play poe again (longass flight home)
it's so over
RF cope builds use it
I don't, I honestly just wing my builds but if it helps I haven't had a single issue doing any bosses or clearing packs. About to hit act 4 real life is a bitch.
>splitting steel
>brutus falls down like a piece of cake
duelist can ascend into 1 of 3 different ascendancies
see if they are something you are interested in
Valour is a counter that increases under certain conditions while you have a Banner skill which augments the power of those skills. Valour is a counter on the character and is shared between all skills that care about Valour.[1]

By default, players gain 1 Valour on melee kill, or on melee hit against Rare or Unique enemies, no more than once every 0.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 50.

Normally, Valour cannot be gained while a Banner is placed. However,


in Ruthless mode) allows players to gain Valour while a Banner has been placed.
Set a ship to sail so when you get back you got a shipment waiting for you.
reminder that you can ctrl click either the "I want" or "I give" boxes to swap them with each other
Does anyone know how much gold respeccing a point costs?
If you like hitting things with sharp weapons and doing Bleed/Physical damage, he's good.
lol why would I link a good streamer to frogposting shitters here?
Damn you going for normal or the catabasis gem?
That's where the steamdeck comes in handy anon
alkaizer is the only one that doesnt drivel brainrot words
most obnoxious motherfucker there is
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Good morning children, I would like to remind you that today I will be releasing my mystery boxes and you WILL buy at MINIMUM 10 boxes.
Thanks mate. Hard to find.
Melee feels so fucking nice now
Kiracs pass armor this league looks like total shit, SKIP
Been doing normal so far, but I'm definitely gonna experiment with katabasis and see which I prefer.
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uh oh stinky :)
that shit looks like it belonged in the previous league
wow you weren't kidding. I'm pretty sure they've just entirely given up on the Kirac's Pass. They advertise it in game but they basically always hide the video on their main channel. Only the first two Kirac's Passes were any good.
The drapping on the antlers looks dumb.
did you try ctrl f endurance?
i already bought 2000 points on league start
im ready
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Just saw a guy with no mtx and two wetas at act9 town, what a chad
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How's Lightning Strike right now? PConc is cool and all but I'm getting massively fucking cucked by not having a weapon in a league with insane weapon enchants.


Just dump gold into the treasury right? no point keeping it on your person?
>look at neversink
>armor scrap and wetstones still tierd as throwaway currency
you only hoard gold on yourself if you don't want upkeep to whittle it away
Only "negative" is you can't gamble with the black market if it's in the treasury from what I've seen.
I'll wait for the weta offer again, like always. No chance I'm going to pay three bucks or so for a gamble box that may give you literal shit.
Yeah that buff is really strong. Wish it was longer but oh well.
>>armor scrap and wetstones still tierd as throwaway currency
im using strict, does that level hide them?
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Merveil you bitch im coming for you
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>waking up tomorrow to an entire night's worth of town mats and two shipments from Kalguur.
We mobile gaming now. Already got 2 divs from the ships.
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>Next episode of UK's extreme hoarders
>Insects coming from his clothes while he walks
no I shan't be doing that, I will buy the crabman mtx though, so hurry up and release it.
when poe has a good league, no other game can touch it
They shouldn't but you can simulate it I guess if you want to check. Maybe it hides anything under 3 stacks above a certain strictness tho.
Do you get gold from successful shipments or is the cargo value just for determining your item rewards?
Don't fret, PoE 2 has an entire island full of these little shits that you get to kill.

any reason to unlock kingsmarch before mapping?
I can only agree with the other anon. This might be the first well round and fun league since the 3.15 disaster.
>hes not gambling for bis gear in act 4
Item rewards. Gold is the obvious "Sulphite" for the League, so you have to back playing the core game instead of just standing around trading or managing the town. GGG is using Gold as the means to limit botting.
wait what
If your town isn't maxed out by maps you've bricked.
https://pobb.in/J62UA4iK3u1m into https://pobb.in/hFzmYnph-pNp into more endgame shit
https://pobb.in/HNi_YU2gbo-2 into https://pobb.in/UXgOCq01VS0h
You can get started on gathering some resources for the early town upgrades if you've been doing the mining nodes throughout the campaign. Not really a big deal though.
I will eradicate all of them.
>click bismuth ore
>get +75% eye strain mod rolled onto the map
Seriously why is this so dark sometimes? I can't see shit on some of the naturally darker maps because of it
League mechanic is real time progressed, meaning you set a task in the town, then go back to playing the game and wait for rewards.
Oh okay that makes sense.
Set up mining, crops and shipping but I wouldn't upgrade any of those or you will only get high tier workers who eat your gold alive.
Kek maybe this is just the first time I've played with the audio settings up high enough. Did hailrake always have voice lines?
sooo it's not worth it until maps / until i get enough gold to sustain it
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>he ACTUALLY hasn't been gambling and sending out shipments and rune smithing this entire time
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I died in uber lab
Its press 3 or so buttons to get alchs and occasional Chaos orb after 40 minutes.
>Lacerate feels clunky
Lads i.... is it too late?
So how the fuck do slammers deal with getting stunned? Carn literally paths right by Unwavering Stance and doesn't take it.
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bros this league is so good. my build is aboslutely turned on as well. we are so back
now get another one
Speedrunners will never understand the comfy of clearing an act then going to town and upgrading/gambling/sending ships out
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1st death.
we did warn you anon
>Lootfilter pings
>Lightning coil, 3c
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Crafted now i am golden for her majesty the cold hearted cunt
Should have gotten that second ring
Lacerate hasn't been its old machine gun self for years now.

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