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This is the Friday Night Funkin' General.
Discuss the game, fan-made creations, & series that have crossed over with Friday Night Funkin':
>Spooky Month
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Week #2617 - Miku & BF: Superstar Saga Edition

>Pit Stop Update has released
>Funkin Crew's most recent blog post
>Ninjamuffin & PA did an AMA on /funkg/
>Phantom Arcade's stream summaries

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Last Week: >>487646267
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i demand darkusa
I summon thee.
>scatfag thread
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Miku is so hot I want to have sex with her
id cum in her
what do you think of the other vocaloids
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Arrow Funk GF
I want rin and len slurping on my cock at the same time and when they get finished I want a double titjob from meiko and luka while kaito watches from the cuck chair
are you all retarded why are you fucking using this
yeh :D
no second thread in sight mate
hey guys
Do y'all think BF and Miku would make a perfect sibling duo?
That's a lot of dolphin porn, Anon.
thats dolphin porn it's cheese pizza
old cheese pizza, literally the exact same links from last time
they should funk each other while girlfriend watches
mods don't do anything
like seriously they do fuck all and treat that as a job well done
>General so unraidable they're resorting to CP spam
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i'm not clicking those links wtf are they
At first, you were just mildly annoying
Now, you're just going to prison
pild chorn, literally
the same ones that were spammed last time
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>so desperate they are filling the thread with massive chocolate pancakes to nuke the thread already
heh, pathetic cunts. lol
Sharty has fallen
just say child porn faggot
I think they need to be paid a visit
pom poms apple pie cunny......
reporting this shit to the fbi
please fucking do
>implying the feds would even move a finger
tourists are fucking retarded
reminder what the janny said last time
why are people so fucking obsessed with possessing material that can net them 20 years in a cell
Unless you're reporting a pro-palestine protest, I don't see glow agents actually doing anything
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you absolute nigger
citron papaya
Because it's the ultimate taboo, both in edginess and sexual depravity
Watch it as the thread gets nuked like last time
jannies and mods are lazy pieces of shit
it's best if i probably leave since i don't want to see this bullshit happening anymore
I wouldn't mind
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They already lost as soon as they began infighting.
why don't you kill yourself instead
f-funkin?... *gulp*
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What if Lord X made EXE suck Curse's BBC?
this WILL happen in Illegal Instruction [UST]
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Post some FC's
do i bother rizon
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Nah, think it stopped, or if it didn't just wait
has it really been 4 years
No it's been 3
That guy doesn't know how to count
That's how old FNF itself is
You're him btw
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that reminds me of this video.
technically it's 3 and half
funkin was known around September 2020
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>deletes own post
>haha guys i think blah blah related to deleted statement
you're not falling anyone
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yeah unfortunately she took it from someone less than willing to share
It's certainly better than the godless hell hole that is FNF Twitter
Imagine disagreeing with some shitty opinion only to be swarmed by retards denouncing and slandering you as much as possible
Maybe that's why people are out to kill this general
the main problem lies with the dogshit moderation from 4chan and /vg/
but within /funkg/ itself, anons should really learn to stop responding to spammers and trolls, or trying to "own" them
>but within /funkg/ itself, anons should really learn to stop responding to spammers and trolls, or trying to "own" them
that's also a problem the rest of the board have
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Just report and ignore, I kn ow that it is hard to ignore everything around you is fucked and hopeless, but that's the only option, do it and you will see a better place. It will be slow, yes, but it will happen
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That's po who said that moron
twitter is just a hellhole in general
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thoughts about her?
aethoslop tyson version
Man you made me think it was gonna be Mike Tyson
Did the D sides team ever release the source code for the Mighty week, I wanna know how they did the note
since you are the only earlyfags ITT, you must breed with me
this sounds like something that would come out of smash bandicoot's ass
what note?
kill yourself hamburgelnigger
Once you beat his song you get a note on your desktop with a “poem”
>reporting this shit to the fbi
actually report it to the NCMEC, they are sponsored by the government to handle CP.:

damn bro get me some breadsticks at olive garden first
but to be specific, you probably need https://api.haxe.org/sys/FileSystem.html
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>dead air gets leaked again
>sombrero wearing dinosaur is added
i forgive you for everything vlad
Thank you
>Sharty has fallen
They had to delete their raid board because someone sucessfully reported them.
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thanks. here’s a direct report link for anyone else who cares to do one
alright fine but you are paying for the condoms
who are you
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NOW we're funkin'
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while you are at it, i've looked more into it and since everyone's path to the desktop are not the same, you should grab it by using getEnv function.
something like:
var desktop=Sys.getEnv("USERPROFILE")+"\\DESKTOP\\";
should work, but i'm still not sure since i cannot playtest this right now
tired of mario mix over exe mods? don't worry, cause there's mario mixes over basegame songs!
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Fuck, I really like this
all others are soulless and cringe and cowards and i'll make them know
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maybe super mario isn't so bad after all...
Duckling’s the one posting these links by the way
I'm not even sure anymore.
not much better to be frank but this place is just easier to skim through since twitter's format is horrible for comment chains
that and mostly the anonymity unless you get outed/out yourself for whatever reason and/or you're a known username outside of here and make it obvious
can't they do mario mixes of something like good fnf songs instead of just irony poisoned songs and d sides filler
you are asking too much of content farms
>Go for a walk
>Come back to hear that 'p was spammed
Awesome. This is like what, the 5th time that this has happened?
are there any fnf mixes that are actually worth it
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I’ll see if it works thanks again this is gonna save me a lot of stress lol
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no, you WILL sit through videos and videos of boring slop that only appeases mario hyperautists!
where’s chaos and sunshine? or any other song worth doing? uhhhh IF YOU WANT IT SO BAD DO IT YOURSELF! (heh, thatll show em…)
the regular show mixes that were made by that anon were ok
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I've been recently listening to quid tracks recently after putting it off for so long. Why the fuck are there gypsy woman motifs in driveby erect?
because inserting random song samples makes song gooder or something
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dd looks like a fag lol
why does he have chalk in his hands
...that's not chalk
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give critique
style clash
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I mean I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.
gee how come Pico gets to have two blade using yanderes with evil looking boomboxes on his side?
anyway it's good but yeah like the anon said it looks a bit art clashing
tracie should be an honorary aryan
was tracie being pulled out of obscurity a net positive or a net negative
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gross! use her instead! she's much better than that useless bitch!
a net nothingburger
eyes are very big, i think you'd get less "style clash" comments if you made them smaller
either fully redraw pico for the mod, or make Tracie's face closer to the base game style
Hideki naganuma’s mindset
net negative, because it spawned a horde of obnoxious troons and femoids who larp as "le oldchad ngkeks"
lines too thick, this is a problem with all of your art
Expect to see billions of knightsonas with troon scars in the next days
if you want tracie to be more like basegame, then don't make her too overdetailed.
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post the flas
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Considering FNF is part of Elsagate, do you think the funkin community is worse off for it?
>dislike song
>except for one specific part
post it
no, wait till the mod drops
oh yeah, I forgot to mention....
remember this silly meme right below?
well, guess what happened?
the content farmers has somehow managed to create a gigantic rabbit hole based on this meme btw. don't ask me how, it's just happened that quickly.
a gigantic WHAT?
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this song is so good until it isnt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXm9o0zbFxY&pp=ygUIeXV0YSBmbmY%3D
oh shit she has red eyes like the crimson moon!
what a very George Wood esque review
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two can play that game
it's literally that simple dude. 0:55 it just turns to shit.
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are there literally any FNF ""programmers"" who aren't completely fucking insane and incompetent to work with
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God is good
want more beef?
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>songs still consuming up to 1g or higher
how the fuck does a beep boop rhythm game even require so much memory?
no because there aren't any programmers who aren't completely insane or incompetent to work with
Haxelpixel is a garbage engine
I forgot sound images were a thing and this scared the shit out of me
this and psych engine is one of the worst engines when it comes to optimization
aren't you guys supposed to be in national prison within this hour?
just I&R both
I hate psychenginefags
These guys are based because they make fun of the hamburgerfaggot
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when i posted this originally it was almost the end of the thread so

post remixes or V2s that fix dogshit fnf songs https://youtu.be/tCgjRB-RU94?si=K3bOCr-ZJd3bXb9u
Both have to be nuked
what are other good engines nowadays, just the v-slice?
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https://youtu.be/C4AEo65Wvwc?si=hPDUuxq-2QsTxKE4 a fighting game mod, you don't see those every day
Forever is pretty good
this should've been done 2 years ago
>the hamburgelfag has his own RAAAA
better make him fuck off
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>praising a group of prisonbreakers just for making fun of my boogieman
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>"cool oc mod"
Anyway the song is alright cool sax part too
Isn't the problem with forever that it isn't nearly as accessible as psych let alone v-slice? Did that change?
I don’t think obituary is that bad but ok
Castle Crashers is getting a new game?
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If my other post gets greentexted I will make a page for her on the Skyverse wiki
I'll doubt it, the behemonth isn't what it used to be
i can think of another reason not to use forever that isnt that small (honestly)
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https://youtu.be/SaEez_bTmiU?si=WJGTO3rvPFWvvvyv vs omori keeps losing all their good songs huh
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if you are samefagging, then why the fuck did you post chocolate pudding itfp and didn't got arrested already?
No, behemoth launched a dlc that customizes features
Like what?
Behead ukrainian babies with a plastic knife is a bald retard
>accessibility at the cost of eating 1GB per song
fuck no
are there any reggae fnf songs yet?
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havent been here in a while, guess theres now 2 different spammers
gay nerds fighting
both are sharty tourists
one is an angolan faggot and the other an arab crybaby,
>he didn't reply to me
Someone's scared :3
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqkKFj3S2Xg despite the mod's premise, this is still a pretty nice song
Never check out this mod when it was popular, looking back it’s kinda weird there was a small trend of making trollface related fnf mods
Wait really man they're getting more crippled by the day
i can sadly only remember blueballs incident, and that one was an unplayable mess
that's the only trollge mod I can stand
Oh my god, finally a skullgirls mod that finally focuses on the character who's whole shtick is music
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funny how the worst V1 song became the best one in V2 and the best V1 song (apparition) became the worst one in V2
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only good trollge mod
>song about the character named big band doesn't sound like big band
absolute hacks why are modders like this
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I just got back here from a long day hanging out with my family
Is this another failed sharticus raid or is it the obnoxious attentionwhore samefagging to make himself look like the next Rayuko
>is it the obnoxious attentionwhore samefagging to make himself look like the next Rayuko
Beats me, all i think about all of this is they're asking for a another counter-raid
what the fuck are you on about
counter raid
on nu-/funkg/?
not happening
It has happened on this very year anon
>/onions/ won
this wasn't a fight to begin with you were just battling yourself
do not care in the slightest
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What's your favorite character?
well well welll!
look who's back for another projection meal with 2 liters of diet cope!
>we literally own this thread
like this thread had any coherence before you showed up
genuinely you haven't done anything that we haven't already done to ourselves
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...Yeaaaaaah...I still like him despite everything...Seriously
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Well, well, well!
What are you CHUDDIES doing now?
so, what exactly is gained from this?
>sharty won
>said by one guy who literally has nobody else on his back rather than the gigachadposter and prob will end up arrested and getting persecuted soon
I guarantee that when you're noticed by the jannies, you'll get a good visit from your national home authorities to take you to hell by hanging.
it's basically that a self made attempt at raid, he got pissy that he kept getting banned and so he prepared a raid thread, hence why he's the only one posting
net nothing because it's just a fictional character and nothing more, who cares if people like it or
if it gets content so be it
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basically this except the soldier is literally a jihab kamikaze wannabe.
>twitter meme
There's a point in which posting the same image over and over becomes stale
so the rayuko spammer is also the scatfag
Don’t think I have a favorite but I think Sarv is pretty cute
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Outside of bf and gf

Outside of waifu fagging
I've always been fond of Senpai's shittyness
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oh great now not only there's two cringejakposters and one chadposter here but also a fucking frogposter itt as well
when will this gonna end?
Paranoia if it didn't fucking suck
I like that pico fellow
the less attention these get the less effective they are
This samefagging is way too obvious, i'm going to sleep
>Wait really man they're getting more crippled by the day
yeah the sites back up but the raid board is deleted at least temporarily:
dang word filter heres a better archive:
>This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine
If we were still a proper country, versus /v/ would've added an Eduardo vs Dr. Basedstein song
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idk if it'll be a v2 with more songs or remade from the ground up as a new mod tho
I want official minus Darnell NOW
how come it has taken so long for such small progress after over two years sakkth?
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what can you even get out of this thing?
a drunk goblin
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yall fuck with blarvin...?
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I hate all of (You)
i think it's gonna be something really forced lolol curious to see it too
do yall fw.. zargin..?
>Frog nigger asking about mods that don't exist
>Gigachad demanding the death of fnf niggers
>Sharty larper targeting one faggot
You all deserve this fate for endlessly talking about twitter drama every thread instead of the game.
Pfft. you speak as if this was any big deal
Are you going to talk about the game too or...?
>Bragging about using a brimstone splinter
Yeah, here's a topic to discuss. You ever wonder why there are so many pedos in this community. Its because of the devs. They pander to anyone and everyone who even joins this community. Examples of this is making bf and pico LGTB representatives and playing whatever mod the community relentlessly begs Dave to play.
These queers never say no. They just go along with whatever the community wants, and it makes it easy for pedos to sneak their way into this community.
You are a schizo, kill yourself
This isn't the game, this is just unrelated whining about the community of the game. Talk about the fucking game.
You're a fucking moron predators would sneak in regardless.

You're following the blame the neighborhood tactic when you should be following the people have no shame tactic.

Because people don't have shame and with no shame they pursue their Darkest desires and with no impulse control that means edp445
he's right you know
Is that what happened with kitsnune Skulls sky fag.
He could be a vampire if you interpret the mouth as a fang
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>Bragging over this sorry excuse of a raid
>And shilling over a offshot of a offshot
My sides, i can't believe i'm going to say this but you will never be the sharty
Do you have an argument against this that isn't calling me a schizo?
Tell me what even is there to talk about that anyone even cares about? Just look at this general, most people barely even bring attention to the game itself since all topics have been spent.
How many times can you asking people what their favorite mods are, or what people thoughts on a particular mod before it becomes stale.
How the does me saying the devs allow anyone in make me a predator?
>Do you have an argument against this that isn't calling me a schizo?
Yes, the fact this has been a thing before the LGBT shit
I’m a stoic so I don’t give a shit
You know I didn't say that chud I said preds would come in regardless of what the funkin crew does.
>Schizo sperging
typical, kill yourself

song about peacock getting abused by his father
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this sure is a sight to behold
>this has been a thing before the LGBT shit
lol, lmao even
Yeah, I see you people can't even have proper debates about anything without resorting to just throwing insults at people
There was no debate to begin with
Right so what now?
>wants “proper debates” about trannies
>on a fucking video game board
The only “proper debates” you two should be having are ones that ARE ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME
starfox mod when
Thank you all for the comments, Offi wll try to make the design less style clashy, Again, Thank you all for your contribution
ok man, btw how done is this mod?
just tell him to make pico sprites he doesn't have to be a lazy faggot
I don't really have any complaints. This is a very nice sprite that fits well with the game.
I hope to see you make a mod one day.
shut up jew
hes gonna be fine dont exaggerate, everyone will forget one week from now
Nah, Mr Breast is too big to fail. Besides, people have the memory of a goldfish with how everyone is so shocked e-celebs used to talk to shadman.
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>another fucking comment wars involving rightoids complaining about the "current state" of funkin' while shitflinging with other users who never fucking cared about drama before
and I thought the shädman threads on /co/ are more insufferable compared to this.
I bet you spend a lot of time on /co/ gay boy
>/co/ faggot is crying that his hugbox isn't a even bigger hugbox
Is anyone really surprised?
you sound lost
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Bringing up unrelated topics isn't "'proper debates""
Not going to bother to read, but I bet it's just a bunch of shitflinging between lolifag pedophile "it's just a drawing bro" retards and wannabe nonce hunters
From what I know of /co/ I imagine the former are the dominant demographic
he's right, people always bringing up pedo-discussion shitflinging out of nowhere are extremely obnoxious than the ones who are actual pedo themselves
I want a gyaru funkin babe DAVID get on it NOW
>It's unrelated even doe Pico and BF dating is literally relevant to the game
The real problem at the root of that is the faggot developers spending too much fucking time on social media
I just woke up, is their shitty raid attempt still happening lol?
Nope, it ended a little while atleast
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what do you guys think of rerun?
Yeah now we're discussing trannies and faggots because I guess we don't play the game
That's why they really shouldn't spend all that time giving bullshit trivia like bf being 7 feet tall. It only serves to entertain the easily please retards on twitter, and all it does it show how immature they are.
It's way despite how fucking annoying it is they say nothing I have more respect for Team Cherry since they don't respond to every retarded question that comes at their way.
The game has nothing to talk about anymore so you either stop making these threads or you deal with this shit.
you can tell the main composer wants to make a 17bucks fanmod instead
this mod is the equivalent of eating expired food
Then why do you two don't leave then, you two clearly don't like the game, so why continue to be here
>bullshit trivia like bf being 7 feet tall
That was just a joke that autists took seriously
Uninteresting boring exe oc slop garbage shet
All the songs are just noise
>stop making these threads or you deal with this shit.
Dumbass get out of the gen so you can save yourself and others the trouble no one gets anything out of this
The fact you niggers even engage with me only proves this general has nothing to talk about anymore.
Or you could just stop being obsessed with trannies. I don’t give shit about little kids because less of them on the internet means I can enjoy it better. I don’t give a shit if Reddit tier e celebs get cancelled stop ruining MY day with your shitty axe wound fetish either KILL yourself like the troons you love so much or get the fuck out
reminder that we're in the midpoint of summer time
I don't care if you think there's nothing to talk about stop bringing fucking troons and fags up as if you're obliged to.
This all-caps meltdown with a picture of disappointed Spongebob attached to it has really convinced me. I will discuss Boyfriend's favorite flavor of glue now instead
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Ao oni mod
This isn't entirely about troons, you fucking retards. I brought up the underage zoomers who beg Dave to play some shitpost mod, but all you wanna do is hyper focus on the troon part.
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>summer ends
>/funkg/ activity becomes noticeably slower
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Because that’s the most annoying part that you won’t shut up about and whine about every fucking thread
Obviously I'm gonna focus on your transphobia chuddie, that's the part we have a problem with
>Retards are STILL shocked about this fact
Eternal newfags. All of you.
Shut up about that too then moron you guys had your thread where you could seethe about the 400 dollars. If you truly think there's nothing to talk about then just cease posting here.
There's so much to talk about yet at least two retards have spent at least an hour arguing with some chud about how he needs to talk about something else
This is how you can spot a newfaggot. If you want to talk about something then talk about it. You are not accomplishing anything by trying to browbeat others into a certain kind of discussion. You are not a janny, and you wouldn't want to be one anyway
you just know when/if hit single malpractice releases they're gonna shit themselves
No way these posts are annoying me more than the "raid" that's fucked up
Yes path those mails be comforting you less then a "retreat" this's cleaned down
I wonder how much I’d have to pay Dave to doodle his version of a Miku sprite sheet….
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Why is Neetblue a tranny?
>literally relevant to the game
Name one example that's actually in-game
He doesn't want to kill bf
That's it
Man I'm looking for an old mp4 link I made and saved back in like the 500# but I think I fucking lost it
It's literally effected how people views these characters.
Too bad for these people
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whats the point
cut a hole in the bottom and fuck it
Where? If you say twitter your point is immediately made invalid because twitterfags don't actually care about this game and will move on in a few months
Can hot glueing also refer to plushies or is it only figures?
The mod just fucking released about a week ago and it's not that popular HOW
>a company
just say makeship dude it's ok
/funkg/ should get some plushies so they can do stupid stuff with them
i think you can pitch or ask them
You just need a decent following, if bluefrok can get a campaign then I think anyone can
imagine being the guy that edited the original smile dog image
what would a /funkg/ plush even be
To be fair no one bought the bluefrok plush and I doubt they would sell enough to be made in the first place
buy an ad
how can I make these fumo-like plushies?
cause I always wanted to make one too and profit on it.
30 dollars? For that price she'd better come to life and suck my penis
throw money at makeship
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30$+almost 20$ shipping
/funkg/-tan plush i can beat the shit out of
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>Every single link leads to a BBC porn site
You got something you wanna tell the class?
holy jews
but that just bf that’s boring
The team is pretty talented which makes me upset cause they're literally never releasing this shit
Duke Nukem Forever: The FNF Mod
I’m so glad that ended up failing I hate to imagine the poor landfills being plagued with those
Thanks Cobson
Is producing plushies really that easy??
what the FUCK this is worse than the skarlet plushie ordeal
that’s for ALL makeship plushes. creators never tell you about the shipping part because they know nobody is going to pay +50$ for a damn small sized plushie.
>The team is pretty talented
You want something to talk about game wise. Here
I find that mods like dead air are good because it shows people that fnf can be used to express other types of music genres. The music might not be the best, but it's bold and it give fnf new life.
what does /funkg/ think of femtanyl
Are there anymore mods that have unconventional genres?
What’s your thoughts on trans people /Funkg/?
I tolerate them but I'm not going to say men are women or vice-versa any time soon
It's hard to pin down, but I want to say 17bucks is unconventional for fnf but it's become the stander these days.
dead air is pure earrape
whats the point of showing new genres when said genres are garbage
ermmmm but the experimentation anon!!
>No, don't try anything new because I don't like it.
that all you can say?
Yeah, what else is there to say other then you the music and don't want people taking risk. Well fuck you, the reason fnf has been stale and we need something like Dead Air
Don't care, your music taste is as shit as anyone who thinks music with animal crossing sounds is good music.
Dead air doesn't have music, only sound.
Risk is to make literal sound on purpose?
Just makes the genre more well known so more people realize that they can listen to real music as a reference instead of other fnf music, and I'm not calling dead air real music I'm referring to non fnf music
Saying music sounds like noise dosen't say fucking anything. At that point you might as well just describe music as noise.
>it's either forgettable undertale boss music or coins in a dryer sounds
I just want FNF songs that sound like actual music you'd hear on spotify
Everyone calls you a schizo, but you have a point.
In fact, the tranny devs ruined the game.
After MtH joined the team, everything went to shit. It's well known that troons are incompetent at everything, why do you think weekend had to be delayed 2 years?
It won't be long before the funkin crew and everyone on Newgrounds mutilate their genitals, and then, everything as we know will enter an endless age of torture and suffering
It's noise
Shitty loops, muffled noise ""voices"" and no coherent melody
>Everyone calls you a schizo
Yeah, troons trend to call you a schizo for talking about something that has overtaken every aspect of our lives. But it's funny since these are the same people who endlessly talk about fnf drama despite being told by mods it's off topic.
>In fact, the tranny devs ruined the game.
No, the game was fucked from the start because the devs are a bunch of terminally online retards who have never been involved with a project like this.
nigga, the game was going perfectly until Week 7, stop putting the blame on cam and dave
they stay in their lanes, I stay in my lane
i wanna cum on her thighs
oh no no no bros he forgot about the shitty charts and inputs
i wanna die bro
>stop putting the blame on cam and dave
No, they're the ones who allow the community to make this a small time project to a 2 million dollar piece of shit. Your also assuming that KS wasn't a mediocre musician before weekend.
You stepped into the troon lane by being in this fandom.
what fnf composer has the biggest female fanbase
you will never be a real woman
keep sucking Dave's cock, can't wait for him to butcher every NG guest
why the increased obsession with trannies as of late
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if (You) hate trannies so much why are they talked about for half of every thread
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>muh butchering
Nigger, you think people like Matt and Edmund would allow their characters to look like absolute retards?
Also it won't affect their main canon
>the personification of discord is 20
still the youngest of the four but come on
Some anons just like getting into arguments and that is a very easy way to start one I assume
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it's just shitposters who wish to be annoying
It's bait, this is the only place where they get attention
this is inaccurate, Skype should be younger
post the 4chan one
I don't know, it's not like their invade multiple places where kids are around and beg too much for attention
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I think I remember this mod having its own personification of 4chan
>Everything I don't like is bait: A newfags guide on 4chan
reddit should be morbidly obese
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oh yeah it does
I think I know what's the issue here.
Before Saruky visited the page as a dev, everyone was worried about the OST and how he would fuck it up
The moment he entered this place, he used his dark magic on the general, turning some of the anons
into troon-loving demons, as well as opening the gates for mutilated kids
>Oh, you talk about troons a lot? You must secretly love them.
People who make these types of posts are the same ones who bring them upin the first place.
Jokes on you, I always liked Saruky
4chan is somehow the gayest one
I don't know what this question means
retard, they always shit their pants when someone mocks the tranny Funkin' crew members
He's wearing leather thigh highs..
Hey man I didn't say bait >:(
if by “shit their pants” you mean get pissed off that the same couple of anons insist on doomposting over one detransitioned music producer instead of talking about literally anything else
then yes, i do shit my pants when you babble on about your tranny hateboner
Seen the same thing for the main devs as well. Seems people don't take too kindly to the basegame getting insulted. Usually don't see that kinda defense when mods get shat on
How was Saruky not socially ostracized for this heresy?
I've been told that no one regrets their transition
>I've been told that no one regrets their transition
a lot of them regret it later on, what are you on about?
It's ok, anon. You don't need to tell us you're sucking tranny cock. Most of this general does that anyways.
>How was Saruky not socially ostracized for this heresy
you do realize you are talking about the same society where doctors and surgeons don't truly care about someone's health and choices unless they pay them ridiculous amounts of money?
Why should i care more about mods
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You’re right anon, everyone here sucks tranny dick regardless of whether its out of love or hate
No need to project your weird fucking fantasies onto me
Ok fair enough I thought I had something there
uh you had what?
ghost sex...
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people making their own bf chromatics was a terrible mistake
the video is old enough to excuse it, i think that's just what was available then
yeah, and no one bothered to make it sound properly
that is the unfortunate part
How so ?
sticky makes songs? i thought he just did covers
well not really but there's for sure women who want to fuck him
has he ever shown his face
ok now im waiting for the deviantart one
gross, especially the 4chan one holy shit
Saster, you haven't seen anything until you see the Japanese girls obsessed with him
should I feel bad for myself that I found the discord one fuckable?
yes he has
how can slingmingo attract a female
Dave has the most female fanbase talking about funkin related people in general
Krinkles and Alan Becker collab when?
really? the chaser?
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Don't care if this is real or not, draw this big dude.
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Draw Cloud
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my hope will never die
it is not
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Huh, seems like vee is on a bit of a /co/ binge currently.
Still funkin by the way, Sasha has a mod.
Draw boyfriend eating worms
draw the bunny girl from counter culture
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Hi vee! It's been a long time, no?!

it's not actually vee
Why would it be vee anyway he deleted the last requests he did here
reasonable enough
N-No! Not you, my arch-nemesis!
i don't care, i just want to see my buff bunny bitch once more
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i'm glad you understand me
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draw him please!
this reeks of pedophilia
draw yourself getting raped by chad fulp plox!!1!
animation vs madness
this but you and your mom instead
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draw her pls!

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