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Number One in the Hood Edition

Previous Teen Hunger Force: >>487692270

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
It don't matter. None of this matters.
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el wiwi
Shut up Susie.
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Love Asriel
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>mint posting and TC posting starts at the exact same time
I still have no idea who or what TC is
Fuck off tasqueshit
Fuck on bigshit
Immediately you're proven wrong.
/utg/ is really nice when there's no one posting in an identifiable manner.
Newsletter when
Where is your avatar? Why aren't you posting anything identifying yourself?
hard mode when
silence ending when
If I had more energy I'd go back and link my last 25 posts and ask you guys if I have an identifiable posting pattern but like I already know at least the last 14 posts where some flavor of "newsletter when" or "chapter when"
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Whatever you say "anon when"
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Do you guys think that in the future once all the secrets of Deltarune have been revealed, will we be able to look back at chapters 1 and 2 and go "Oh wow we could have solved all these mysteries back in the beginning!" or will it be a FNAF-type situation where it's impossible to answer anything with what we have now?
I checked your image in the archive and saw no results. Thank you for identifying yourself.
In fact besides me it seems the rest you hardly care if and when anything Toby makes actually comes out so good ahead and put me in the dossier as Impatient Anon
We all care, it's just a tad useless to constantly go "newsletter when" or "chapter when"
i was posting "hard mode when" since 2017
Honestly you could parse out a lot of what happens in Undertale just from the demo and we get way more information in chapters 1 and 2
I think just about every possible guess about The Knight's identity has been made so far and at least one of them has to be correct
I think that like FNAF, Toby is just making shit up as he goes along and what we have now is not near enough to solve the big mysteries. Of course, like infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters, someone has probably solved the secrets, but we won't really be able to know for sure until the rest of the game comes out.
no dubs here except for ones with zeroes at the end
only the internal gamemaker lts updated

the official release (the one toby need) did not

however in the internal release there's the new feature (game_change)
I thought that was only /v/
Newsletter bros... it's over.
Toby has people looking at GameMaker code they're so hungry
I'm betting the newsletter will be out by the end of next week.
in the last internal update they added the feature.... maybe the official release is soontm
No newsletter until next year
*hides my gamemaker lts update-shaped belly from toby*
Hope sisters why do the doom chads keep humiliating us.
/utg/ when haves no newsletter
It's because you are all submissive sissies now put down the computer and kiss me on my hot mouth.
>Bigot Ronpa
ah who am I kidding nobody here remembers that meme anymore. the /utg/ i remember is dead
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>bigot nikki
>The Original Frywalker
holy shit
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>changes Madotsuki and Uboa a little bit to be Frisk and Gaster
>changes Mimigas a little bit into Boss monsters
>changes two letters of Sariel to become Toriel/Asriel
>makes fancharacters for a skeleton font webcomic and calls them original characters
>takes Francis from Super Paper Mario and makes him a lesbian
which AU is this frisk from?
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>Toby is going to make Deltarune about Susie on a level you can't even comprehend yet.
>Imagine if Susie was the most important thing in the universe, in all universes.
>That's just how down bad our boy is for that purple dragon lizard girl thing. Krabs will be vindicated.
>He's going to burn a lot of timelines to save her and apparently many years of our actual lives too.
Toby can I have some other characters
Can I have one other character
Can I have the characters we already have, even
(goes to sleep)
(adult laugh)
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Unfortunately Toby will never be able to make anything as Quirky as Nick & Lever and will quit in shame from the Quirkmeister scene
a very nice image of chara and asriel and asriel
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what's his wrist condition called?
this is fucking amazing especially how it makes you not even realize he's not picking up the actual stickers right from the start until you re-read it
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New Spamtotem dropped
nose dildo
God I can't believe how much that webcomic just vanished from the cultural memory. Sans and Pap all that's left as evidence it ever existed.
exploding wrist syndrome
You can still find it, I think it was archived up to where it stopped. I wonder what other dead webcomics Robert has reused.
Every time he tries to develop his game they blow up with the crusty explosion gif used in his game and he yells AAAAAHHH MY WRISTS
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>that nose has seen more action than most of /utg/
Little do we know he doesn't actually have wrist issues its just a safe excuse to keep the fans from bitching because "his health should be a priority over game development"
>My wrists... my wrists are in agony... and the only thing that can save them... is someone quirkytwerking on my wrists...
there are some web zones where that type of thinking will have you autobanned
Dogamy and Doggressa are ripoffs of Trobblers
and thats why this morass is still the best place to be
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What are some characters nobody gives a fuck about?
I care about every Undertale character except Pyrope
Even so I'm sure there's at least one freak out there that's all about Pyrope
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Pyrope is a Homestuck reference I guess (Never read it but people say that), so people care about it
It'd be funny if speedruns were canon and the third save slots ending required it.
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You guys are cruel. Give him a break okay?
Haven't kept up with any fan theories what's this "oblivion theory" all about?

Normal, snowgrave, and fastknave
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>through weightlifting, exercise
Toby should really get wrist surgery already. He can clearly afford it and I don't think it would delay him with making the game that much.
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If Toby is really a real Japanese game dev that celebrates diversity how come his game doesn't have a single black Brazilian karateka or British guy
Producer-Sans who threatens Toby with bad time if he doesn't finish developing his game
Ralsei is canonically British
Producer-sama honestly deserves to get on the /utg/ footy team lineup
It was all because he doesn't play the piano correctly?
He was probably predisposed to it but shit piano technique will genuinely fuck up your hands, especially if you combine it with heavy PC use
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that and compulsively jerking off and holding that stupid puppet over his face for hours at every public appearance
Toby cares about Pyrope.
Ralsei speaks exactly like Toriel.

Toriel would pronounce every word seperately rather than use common contractions like
"Is it not?" but instead "Isn't it?"
she is more likely to say "Do not!" rather than "Don't!"
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>It'd be funny if speedruns were canon
It would be fucking stupid and I want you to go sit in the "dumb extrameta bullshit" corner.
He calls the elevator a lift in chapter 1. British.
Every action you make in-game in both Undertale and Deltarune are diegetic
He added this because the dialogue in Deltarune is boring as shite.
Undertale was inspired by Mr. Bean, doesnt get any britishier than that
kris is mr.bean.

prove me wrong.
Deltarune in general is boring as shite
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Toby just doesn’t want you to know that playing competitive Smash Bros Melee is what really destroyed his wrists
Yeah, the gote character is too old! not cyooooot enuff~
ralsei is too faggy and ship baity
no offense but Deltarune sucks major balls. what a waste of time and resources
>cardshit for two (2) whole chapters
>ralsei's uggo chapter 2 reveal
>ralsei's autistic incest dialogue
>unfunny lancer dialogue
>unfunny queen dialogue
>unfunny berdly dialogue (oh my god he's annoying and stupid just like me!!!)
>red herring puppetshit (oh my god he's dead inside just like me!!!)
>king gets emasculated because funny toby father moment
>susie and noelle totally in love despite nothing in common (funny toby fetish moment)
>explosion.gif and toilet.png
He needed ~12 years to make this.
and most importantly he's too OLD!!!!! the deltateens are hags he shouldve been an 8 year old gooter like azzy~
>unfunny berdly dialogue
not if you played your KAARDs right.
How is there "cardshit" in Chapter 2? Queen is a computer, the world is computer and internet themed
Is it just because Rouxls reappears as a miniboss and that Lancer is in your inventory?
All of this but unironically
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I want manriel to come home and sweep me off my feet though
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>Waking up: sexual awakening
>Sleeping: Sexual Repression for magical enlightenment

Queen is making low-key sense.
why does queen grow moles on her face and her mouth changes color during the last line
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Undertale had a development time of under 3 years and Toby was mostly working by himself. Really makes you think
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The sprites are not known for consistency
weird route = light route
I'll never understand people who come to the general every day despite hating Undertale and Deltarune and everything about Toby's writing style.
Is it an addiction that formed prior to them becoming jaded fucks and hating the game, and now they're stuck addicted to a general for a game they hate? Is it just to "troll" people? I don't get it.
Castle Crashers got new DLC before Deltarune came out
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Blueberry Sans...
Her mole is that random pixel that keeps getting spotted.
Half of Ch2 is spent inside Queen's mansion which is just a retread of the card castle shit from the last chapter but way more drawn out, and with different tilesets.
Sex with misplaced cardcastle pixel
lancer's friend
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Uh oh, someone is NOT gonna like Chapter 3...
I always maintain that there’s a bizarrely high gaggle of retards that got brainwormed by the character designs but have this compulsive need to shit on everything else because they’re lonely and need constant random shit happening at all times
To be fair Undertale was all about le deconstructing RPG tropes so I guess it makes sense someone whose only RPG was Undertale would be vehemently opposed to an RPG trope appearing in anything
theres no tv version of playing cards
very telly
game shows
Undertale had like two "dungeons", Hotlands and the CORE. It's not a dungeon focused series, retard.
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this is big
>its a tv poker castle (laughs)
he's in for more than wrist pain if he tries to pull that
Chapter 3 will have a reference to Homestuck's Midnight Crew who are named after card suits and therefore are cardshit that will make anon seethe to death
>Amusement park shit like teacups and ferris wheels in the cyber world
>Random medicine themed enemy like Ambyu-Lance and nurse outfits
Toby's just preparing to re-use those assets for the hospital and festival dark worlds, isn't he
it's huge how telling the dossier is of the life you lead
Anon??? Your Ruins??? Your Snowdin Forest?? Your Waterfall?? Your True Lab??????
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>Every chapter is just going to be [____] Castle inspired
Holy fucking yawn
All of Undertale is a dungeon
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come on, that was a real... what is it?
It's just Ambyu Lance and Virovirokun wouldn't make sense anywhere without a computer because they're an antivirus and a virus respectively
They're themed after medicine but they're not literal medicine Darkners it's metaphorical for computer "sicknesses"
I don’t CARE about the dungeons
I want to flirt with sExY darkneRRRRRRRRRRR
I remember a post that pointed out "CArd CAstle" and "PAndora PAlace" and predicted Chapter 3's will be "STatic STudio" based on that
I hope it's correct because that sounds cool
capast... what does this mean
I could definitely see that being the case
i don't get it
penumbra phantasm
I dont give a shit about penumbra phantasm or homosuck
weather watchtower
It's like Kirby, the chapter letters spell out something.
>The Beginning
>A Cyber's World
it'll spell out TASTICLE
the third dings sibling...
wing ding ping sing
You'll have to care
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ding ping wing sing You know, Since. i don't know how to do taxes; I've never been to a bank, which my brain yells at me over when I'm making art because my brain thinks that just because I've never been to a bank means I can't make art. My brain is weird.
Pingas Dingas Gaster
>mysterious abandoned ruins place with a sexy hag
>cool snowy forest place with the two funniest characters
>wet water cave place with cute ghosts and fish
>hot and humid lava place full of challenges
>industrial techno place accompanied by your fujo gf
>top secret scientist lab (spooky!)
>the throne room (kino)
Undertale Yellow
>dusty dunes and a crazy mountain mineshaft (woah)
>wild west town with rootin tootin cowboy pardners (FRIENDs!)
>tropical oasis valley and comfy japanese architecture
>abandoned steampunk hell with sex robots
>conservative american suburb parody (what a heckin commentary!)
>some rocks in a black void and a ralsei castle you can't go inside
>some red looking trees in a black void and a chess board thing
>some hallways in a black void castle with white lines
>a city inside a computer like a cyber city get it? i am very original
>another castle full of empty hallways but this time more blue
>long unskippable 10-20+ minute scenes all throughout
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tldr you want to fuck the fox woman, we get it
How fucked would the Mojave be if Spamton took control?
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You got that right.
that's a child
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OHHHH NOOO Papyrus has become EXE
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Out if ten
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shitnako the brown
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the guy that did the original video died in ukraine just recently.
small world, isn't it?
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>heard GMS got updated
>it's not the actual release version
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I wouldn't be surprised but source?
It's in my ass along with the glass shards
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The glass shards of the jar are the shadow crystals that kris finds
if you assemble it
>*It quivers with agony, a faint scream from days long past echoes from within.
this is what i meant by the shadow poop glass
>open file
>see the size of that scroll bar
Can I get a short form?
I forgot how many conversations give the speaker (Susie) a COOL NEW WORLD SPRITE with new actions and faces to match her portraits while Kris stands there like a lump (understandably) and Ralsei stands there like a retard with that same smirk on his face as always (meh).
actually i'm here for schizo plot shit and toby's wild meta retread ride, and don't care much at all for the character designs
other than starwalker. he's my nigga
We hate what Toby's writing style has become.
Vs. Susie already has the melody from Black (another Toby song and Homestuck's theme for the Midnight Crew), but Toby's further references will be entry level since he would never dare reference Problem Sleuth/Midnight Crew mainstays like Hunk Rump and Black Inches.
frisk please, this isn't even your game
is that tall piece in the corner of the room like a jesus altar or something?
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This is why we should never make identifiable posts in this general. It is simply unacceptable to be seen as a lonely nerd around here. Faving publicly should be seen as a sickness that must be cured. /utg/ should, MUST, have higher standards.
i think that's a grandfather clock.
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after playing the elden ring dlc i have come to the conclusion that kris probably is actually the knight. every other theory is just a result of long development time.
Never fully played Yellow but....

t h e c r e a t u r e
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good post.
Toby's biggest mistake was making a computer world and filling it with Minecrap, Twitter, and Punch-Out instead of computer specific stuff. Imagine a world where Queen was an outright harsh dictator everyone lived in fear of instead of being mildly inconvenienced and flip flopping between peons and rebels whenever, where every NPC's identity is recorded and double checked in the Registry and darkners are encouraged to report all incidents and tattle on neighbors if they have the wrong 'file' associations. Enemies made of endless piles of AOL Online trial discs, instead of musical CD bagels. Spamton and the phone call and garbage noise being a joke about dial-up and picking up the phone while someone is online is probably lost on most players as it is.

Or yknown just made better references for me to clap at. No big truck or series of tubes? No ReBoot references? Come on Toby, what kind of boomer are you?
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the slimey creature

kingfag i thought you left why are you lurking
nobody can be outright evil in a tobysoft game since that would be unquirky
That's not kingfag, someone finally cracked her trip.
No fuck off you're an asrielfag
This is huge.
i doubt that

Asriel hasn't been my fave for YEARS
This is huge.
kys goatturdies
kingfag post to twitter please confirm it's you or else i need to add this to the dossier
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this thread is so awful right now nobody can stop me from posting kris and asriel
post the pass for the rest of us you nignog
mint is the reason i'm doing all this btw
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If its any consolation:
i can't into sex without love.
and fortunately for you: i don't really like you.
and even if:
"don't stick your dick in crazy"

i am just trying to say: i couldn't even hatefuck someone like you.
now shove off.
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Then why are you abusing ME?! Every single fucking thread?!

notice how they ignored the allegations
i am not.
vore is not sexual to me.
its more like recycling your fictional hubby's biomass and make him part of something more successful.
Non-secure trip code cracking was trivial in the 2000s already when rainbow tables and Trip Explorer were all most people could manage or letting their system scan overnight to generate a trip with a funny word in it. With the speed of today's GPUs and ease of renting a whole-ass server farm for an hour, plus the actual process for regular tripcode encoding being long known, it isn't implausible to assume any single-! tripcode can be picked apart.
Post porn and be banned, bye.
well yeah it's obvious
This… doesn’t feel like Kingfag
I just realized how funny it would be to watch Asriel typing away with his big fluffy monster hands
kingfag post your hand or else it's not you
the real kingfag died when he fought the cat a bit harder that one time.

toxoplasmosis-psychosis mfs rise up
thanks for remembering my prediction
That Kingfag is a spy!
tonight's sock puppet show is brought to you by kraut and the tum tum gang
>Ok I tweeted something to prove it's me but you can't see it so just trust me, okay?
This sucks, man, I wanted to talk about the Cyber World.
Acknowledge it.
Do you think Deltarune will get its own TF2 version like Undertale did?
Kraut is being tricked too much recently
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kingfag schizoboss encounter (real)
Ppbitch posted porn, why don't they ban him??? He needs a permanent rangeban NOW
ok now its very telling
try harder next time
Ew, Kingsis really doesn’t speak like that
most obvious fake of all time
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Evening /utg/ really hits different
Why do you keep posting that image?
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Would you like an appul in these trying times?
goodnight /krautg/
>minty victory lap
Krautsie likes his fuzzy cwitters young
it funi.
i also thought you'd like the idea of seeing kraut_agonized_death_2024_REAL.png
Is it really a victory lap if it’s a doppelgänger
Does this take the cake for the worst falseflag of all time?
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I can't do one lap let alone multiple.
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the horror stops if you stop coming here.

until then: beatings will continue until morale improves.
You're too fat lol
That phrase you keep sayings doesn't make any sense. Beatings will never improve morale, it only makes morale worse. Getting abused makes people feel miserable actually, not happier, surprise surprise.
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Kraut are you really falling for it? I thought you were better than this.
Acknowledge it. >>487797584
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came up with that by yourself?
at least you make me feel smart.
How should we call this new thread personality?
Kingpostor (pronounced impostor)
Why do you guys keep saying I'm a falseflagger
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Today Is That Day Again, Uh . . .
>berdshit arrives to try and desperately regain some relevance
oh shush you.
people kept saying the real kraut died and we've been arguing that mint is actually berd which is actually wojaktimmy which is actually kraut.

consider the following: you're fucking retarded.
if i can have a little fun, i will occam's razor that shit and just assume that its the person that poses as a retard.

and i will enjoy that, okay?
leave me to my few joys.
>ESL berdfag out of nowhere
Starting to think there's less berdfags thank berdfag claimed.
At least TRY to copy her stylometry.
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i enjoyed our time when we talked about deltarune theories.
but you just had to go insane.

i would feel bad for you if i knew that my concerns for you wouldn't fall on deaf ears.

susiecide stream when?
You became more interested in bullying me than talking about theories, don't pretend you didn't choose this.
One Piece but it's the dossier
Fuck off fake trip user
Show me mine and I'll show you yours
Kingy Wingy in my Gum Gum
why isn't kingfag posting any images
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Trip Battle?
What's This?
Smash Bros Brawl?
I am NOT happy, fucking stop saying the stupid beatings shit you psychopath
Not only that, but didn't you specifically say you DON'T want peace? I'M the one who wants peace, I want the madness to stop. You want war and bloodshed.

Because last time I did, ppbitch made nasty edits
>play by my rules or don't play at all
who made you king of the thread bozo
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Do we really need humiliation rituals and beatings in a general for a game about love and friendship?
this is /krautg/ retard
>the ESL poster is back and he's exactly as socially retarded as ever, not even the funny kind or the 'wow that's sad' kind but just the boring kind
this thread is really looking like flies on a big mess of shit, chief
so true tum tum chum chum
the state of this thread makes me sad
>grinding for encounters in genocide route
literally a humiliation ritual designed by Toby
Then CRY
Remember how nice /utg/ was earlier?
>Called out for being fake
>Doubles down anyway and refuses to acknowledge anything but voreposting
If only they'd actually speak like her, they've got the behavior almost perfect.
Maybe I WILL
What if Undertale was made by the guy who made Dusk?
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/utg/ was nicer without the struggle sessions.
Ok, sorry.
Don't steal identity. We joke and have fun with kingsister but we would never steal her trip, please stop.
It's like every dumbass thread personality showed up at once starting with kraut waking up from his stupor and immediately bringing up off topic nonsense
Pic or didn't happen
I'm her though
Also abusing me on a threadly basis with v*re shit is not "joking" or "fun", it's sexual harassment and digital rape

You would know we're joking if you were her
Please do better, Kingfag would never say any of this. Post the pass or leave.
sure you are, champ.

do winners cut themselves?
this is so fucking boring please get new material already
If all of you have been here for years did this only start a few months ago?

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>The Kraut is an infestion-fag all along
>but nobody expects the kuva grineer inquisition

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*shuffles cards*

uhh.. ahh.. c-can we talk about gote?
its going to be really weird when we get to the dark world inside rudy part
This has been ongoing for years, since chapter 1 /utg/
ok prove it
Kraut can't vore anyone he was vored by Noelle
If you're not having fun why do you continue to post?
You're just having with your "schizo" persona
you didn't need to go that far nigga
I know your the real kingposter. The all caps and the censoring of the word "vore" prove it.
is this your first time on the Internet or something
kraut just saved that pic 9000 times, it's never going away now
No, i will not click and also you probably used ai or something.
Please never post again.
You'd rather post her self harm pics than share the trip?
>im being digitally raped!!!
>[proceeds to post nudes]
Why kingfag raped us with unwanted nudes?
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posting Susie with increased fervor
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lolcows are magical.
you can milk them for funnies.
We're reaching levels of lolcowdom previously thought impossible... We're going too deep!
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I literally don't fucking care
Someone jerking to my boobs is genuinely way less offensive to me than the disgusting harassment being spammed at me for the past god knows how long. I don't feel any emotional connection to my breasts.
typical femoid
>for funnies
Everyone knows you're milking for coom material, not funnies.
kingfag deserves a thread on kiwifarms at this point
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>someone jerked it to my moobs!!!
couldn't be me. i don't like boys.
over a year now
pre-chapter 1 had schizos and post chapter 1, pre chapter 2 had schizos and shitposters but it was not nearly this 'every single day, day in, day out, for 24 hour spans' level of unmoderated awfulness
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Anyone know what these people are talking about?
We don't need that, we can already discuss her fine here.
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They're female breasts, dumbass.
Also fuck off with the gross ships
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damn gurl u crazy its just an ugly character no need to get all twisted up :/
One day you will end up doing and post porn so people will not talk about king. Stop.
He's not ugly, he's cute...
Deltarune theory fags confronted with the season of fall.
Theres a new theory going around that Hometown is purgatory and everyone is dead or something like that
So the outside of the school being dull looking compared to Undertale is proof of that (its actually because Deltarune takes place in autumn)
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cute couple
True Hatred
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>how intentionally dead hometown is meant to look
"It's funny. It's a nice fall day outside. The person [making] this game is incredibly lazy. It's a nice place to live. If you look at it a little closely, it's kind of claustrophobic." Also the desaturated that screenshot a little for some reason and conveniently cropped out the eye-searingly orange trees that make up 60% of Hometown. Besides, it's autumn. That isn't dead, it's the last, bright spark of life at the end just *before* death.
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celebrating king-kingfag marriage with pp in my tummy
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It's canon that the Fun Gang beat the shit out of King. So much for a "strong" guy when a frail human, a starved, thin lizard girl, and some twinkish goat can nearly kill him. Face it Kingfag, King ain't all that tough.
They're not a married couple, they're divorced exes.
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This is true mental illness
They make the same posts over and over again every time
>That isn't dead, it's the last, bright spark of life at the end just *before* death
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Deltarune is a horror game.
still more action than you.
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Divorce doesn't exist, they are catholic.
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Did you know that that image is actually a gif? Now you can watch Spade King get beat up with motion!
Jobber king is weak. And seeing that we can start from chapter 2 they don't even need player help to defeat him.
awww. I hope Queen dosen't bring battery acid to the wedding.
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Divorce DOES exist though
Queen even had a newsletter valentine addressed to her ex. She canonically has an ex, and it's King.

Dude quit being an asshole, they're divorced NOT married
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Deltarune will end with everyone getting back together and living happily ever after. This means Toriel remarries Asgore, Rudy fixes his relationship with Carol (let's all be honest, their relationship is probably rocky at best) and King gets back together with Queen to raise Lancer as a proper family. I can't wait!
I bet kingfag masturbate with king spade card
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They look so good together.
she humps her king plush
imagine the papercuts
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That's not going to happen. King would never get back with Queen, he hates her! Rouxls is going to get with Queen instead.

No they don't, King should never be with Queen.

No I don't, I hump blankets
I think doing that sort of thing to plushies is gross and it makes me a little sad to think about actually. Plushies are for hugs and cuddling...
he's getting on with the times...
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it has a big "water"-stain on its side and stands on its own
it smells peculiar.
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Stop posting out-of-character shit, please.
Why not make it a 3-way? King gets Queen on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Rouxls gets her on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They share her on weekends.
/utg/ hates shipping btw and you are insane to think otherwise
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what the fuck am i reading
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post the trip and the shipping stops
i'm reading the oblivion theory and i'm not liking how much sense it's going into about only the dark world doing normal game rules and pointing out how even basic tutorials don't happen until you're there (i am stupid and didn't notice this)
Out-of-character AND off-model! Fuck off.

King doesn't WANT Queen though, he hates her! King wants ME.
I'll transcribe it for you.
"No I don't."
"I hump blankets"
They're both ex wives. :)
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this bitch fucks the bed
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why did you admit you hump blankets with no shame
I saw a video of a guy fucking a toilet once. Some people will fuck anything.
Fugly ass art style + King would never consent to wearing a dress.
I really wish jannies would turn on IP count again, there must only be like 15 people here
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>people would fuck anything
anything but kingfag, apparently.
No, King is only lovers with me! Queen is lovers with Rouxls.
of course he's divorced, he used his son has a hostage back in chapter 1. why do you wanna date someone who does that to their own kid?
is that what you tell yourself when you fuck the bed?
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this is basically what berdshit did but with characters I dont give a shit about
Bogpill me on the sans avatarfag that only shows up when Kingfag is around
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I doubt Queen's any better.
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I hate this fucking artist
kingfag bullshitery and theories are the only reason why i'm here. that's why I only post when kingfag spurgs out for the 50th time.
dude just admit you're an alter-ego already
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too low brow?
For what purpose
kingfag is a troll's supreme target. She'll literally reply to anything intended to piss her off.
him, but i forgive you that small clerical error.
well if there both just as bad then why should they leave eachother in the first place?
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the bing
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You say it doesn't matter what my gender is and yet you flail around going "NO KINGPOSTER'S A BOY BOY BOY, ABIDE BY MY HEADCANON" every time someone uses their eyes and ears
Kingfag's not here. Remember, the only "proof" provided by this imposter is saying they tweeted about it, knowing nobody here follows kingfag's privated twitter.
bingy wingy in my bum bum
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i will default to "him" for as long as i please for as long as the evidence does not point to anything otherwise.
>that's why I only post when kingfag spurgs out for the 50th time.
this is blatantly false, why would you even attempt this card
Stop giving gross filenames to non-shipping images.

Bro I literally posted the uncensored version of my chest

I hate this artist.
>sticks a bendy straw into Kingy and schlorps him up
mmm! blueberry bonanza!
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>tfw I will unironically kill myself before any new chapters are released
>not that the delay is the reason for my an heroing but it's a fact of the matter
Friends, I will see you on the other side.
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This is canon.
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the bing > the king
No it's not, King and Queen are canonically divorced and that Queen design is hideous and noncanon.
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If Toby's favorite is Susie, why did he create a setting where monster anthro furries don't wear shoes but then gave Susie shoes?
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What happened to Bingfag?
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dawg it's kinda obvious, to troll and have a laugh. everything els here is just people horny for deltarune characters so it gets boring very quickly but you always do some dumb shit and that keeps me entertained for a good while.
okay i kept reading the oblivion theory and it went back into about how susie ignores everything and they're making the point about the 'light world is reality and they don't understand games' and stuff but it's mostly just making me hate susie more and making me increasingly convinced this entire game is just set dressing for toby to jerk off to his wife
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actual conversation I had with friends outside a Wild Wing Cafe
>Guy A: [name] is a total asshole.
>Girl A: Yeah but he's a fun asshole, like he's funny. [other name] is just a mean asshole.
>Guy B: There are good assholes and bad assholes.
>Me: Why are we talking so much about assholes?
>Girl A: Because that's what you're into, BITCH.
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Queen is NOT King's wife, she's his ex, and she doesn't fucking look like a genderbend

Well I'm just tired of being kicked around man
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I ship The Bing x The Bean
Not proof, and was already posted before. Unprivate the account and post a tweet, or admit nobody's fucking buying it and post the pass already. Kingfag's dead, and you're just a hollow imitator.
is it an oft occurance that you get your shit set straight by women more assertive than you?
Sansfag is one of those dudes who really wants to act like he just NPC’d himself into existence and had no prior life before this general existed
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no but it was really funny hehe
The mom, the bull, the dad, and the son.
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Rouxls is NOT King's boyfriend, Rouxls is QUEEN'S boyfriend and that image wasn't tagged as ship art so it's inappropriate to force your shitty ship into the filename.

The Bing and The Bean are canonically divorced, the ship already sank so fuck off
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Alright. imma sleep for 3 hours.
seek help kingfag.
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whoever wins gets to top
They'd NEVER date, Rouxls only dates Queen and King only dates me!
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do you want me to really write about pic related?
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you literally saw boobs
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yeah pretty much
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Just leave. I'd recommend banning 4chan from your internet.

the crown jewel of making alphytards seethe...
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I just drew this image of an OC, what do you guys think of it?
No one is topping, they're not interested in each other.

No, wtf
Also if you're willing to talk, why do you keep drawing spite art? Are you the guy who was trying to falseflag as Noeyanon last time? Why were you doing that, if so? I don't understand. I thought it was really weird.
>kraut sees her naked body
"no breasts! man hands!"
>kraut sees her boobs
"they're moobs! no vagina!"
>kraut sees her vagina
"he's uh, just tucking it in"
there's no winning this
I actually turned 24 today
Okay so
- card world = traditional games
- cyber world = videogames

Whats next? Sports? Pen and paper(DnD, etc)?
King and Queen hate each other but fuck each other anyway because that's how spade relationships work (you'd know this if you read Homestuck)
They don't fuck each other though
Queen isn't even a spade
Fuck off Kingfake
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That's very cool, baby. But that's nothing. Look at this.
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I Dont Have Time To Edit That Pic To Match My Age For Today Once Again
>I think you're the fake kingposter around here! YOU'RE comparing yourself to ME? Ha! You're not even GOOD enough to be my fake!
Can you just stop fucking bullying me please
You should know by now that just begging bullies to stop doesn't work. Bullies thrive off attention and you give it to them every single time.
I'm not a fake and I'm not inside of anyone's belly, stop forcing me into your ERP, I don't consent to it and it's digital rape
Kingfag, did you know that you can filter certain words and images? DO THAT!!!!
if this oblivion theory doesn't mention the halloween hack at all i'm gonna be VERY disappointed, since the author is THIS
to lining it up with all the lack of player choice and punishment for continuing that they're talking about
It's not enough. I need the posts to be deleted. Or even better, I need the posts to not be made at all.
You cannot control other people. You can't control the jannies' decisions, and you definitely can't control what people post. This place is not your personal discord server.
Too fucking bad.
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kill yourself tripfaggot
there's an even better solution to that and it's to not look at /utg/
But the posts still get made even when I'm not here
I need it to stop. Period.
Why can you ignore my post >>487810029 but not the trolls?
you literally can't make them do that. the only way you can make the posts "not be made at all" is by NOT PROVOKING THEM. DON'T GIVE THEM THE REACTIONS THEY WANT BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THEM.
they will die out if you stop looking at them. you being here is why they continue. the solution is easy and rewarding, yet you refuse and make excuses every time this is explained to you

The posts SHOULD be deleted though, they're literally breaking rules?
Someone saying something happened doesn't mean it happened.
Remember, above all else King isn't real and nothing they say happened to him will ever actually happen to him.
The same applies to things they say about you, even though you're real, because ideas aren't reality.
Kingfag gets off to people trying to rile her up, it's as simple as that. She admitted in this thread that she's humping her blankets while people vorepost to bait her.
I sometimes have to wonder, is she getting off on this? making a spectacle out of herself, humiliating herself, continuously posting more and more revealing pictures of herself?
Name what rule(s) are being broken by saying "kingy wingy in my tum tum"
You can't control the jannies' decisions. And it's a coin flip whether Deviantart-tier fetishes like vore are considered porn.
Proof this isn't the real kingfag
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What >>487810531 said
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It's your birthday today, berdposter? Happy birthday. Congratulations on another year on this insane rock we call home.
By that logic, kingfag is breaking the rules with low quality post spam
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kiiiiiiiiiiiiilll youuuuuurseeeeelf
Why are you still here?
dude just stop looking at the thread you're doing this to yourself at this point
yeah the kingy wingy posts are too thoguh
Listen to me Kingfag, you can't control what other people post. The most you can do is filter out what they're posting. It is not difficult and can be easily done by anyone for anything. DO IT. But let's all be real here, you won't do it. Because you get off to it. You little masochist, you.

they're not going to stop because you keep replying, i dont get how you struggle to understand this
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The threads were better when Kingfag was pretending to be dead and LARPing as someone shaming the regulars for making fun of Kingfag faking their death.
You don't "have" to defend yourself. This whole "have to defend yourself" thing is why things have gotten this bad to begin with. To actually meaningfully stop the trolling, ignore them. Leave the thread. Stop putting a giant target on your back with your trip.
I read it to the bo burnham song
Kingfag (Forma de Gasterbro) my beloved…
I'm struggling because I can't comprehend a human being being so heartlessly evil that they want to hurt someone on purpose to this extent
I can't wrap my brain around someone wanting me to kill myself
I can't understand someone finding this funny

The trip is because of a falseflagging incident from some time ago
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I'm genuinely so fucking sick of Kingfag derailing these threads.
I declare myself the new Kingfag, and hereby banish the old Kingfag into a kingless hellscape. where her behavior cannot tarnish the reputation of The Spade King any longer.
they won't fucking stop, the best you can do is ignore their posts, and when you ignore them, they stop existing completely in the mind of the only person it matters to. everybody on the thread already knows the shit they say isn't true, so you don't have to do anything about "correcting" them or defending yourself. we all know what they say isn't true
If you don't get off to it, then do something about it. Otherwise, this will just keep happening.
To be honest, I really like your presence and what you contribute to the thread when you're not like... this. And I think almost everyone else would like you a lot more if you stopped doing this. So if you want this all to stop, then FILTER. THE. FUCKING. POSTS. Stop being dumb. Stop letting the trolls win. Because believe me, they are winning and will continue to win until you learn to FUCKING FILTER THEM ALREADY! FUCK! Your stubbornness is actually irritating me.
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Fave’s wondering when do we invent printable GIFs
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they're anonymous people on 4chan who have hit rock bottom in life so their only method of entertainment is projecting all the negativity they've ever felt in their life onto an easy target. and you're providing them a very, very easy target by reacting so much. please just leave this place forever
It's still painting a giant target on your back any time you post.
be gay in Iran
let Oprah sit on your faaaace
you wont have to try and comprehend it if you just leave. the fact you're glued to this place isn't helping your case and does make it look like you enjoy people doing this to you.
Your trip sucks, you're not worthy.

It's not that easy for me, because I know in the back of my mind that they could still be posting it. And even without my responses they probably still find it funny because they probably get off to the awful edits they made
I liked being able to make normal posts in the thread. I miss the days when it wasn't like this. But filtering them doesn't help me, because the posts are still being made. They need to stop being made.
What are your feelings on OCs and fair contests then, kingfag?
How many times do we have to tell you that you literally cannot control what other people post? And you whining about it just makes people want to do it more.
Holographic images.
thread drama gives me stimmyyyyyyyyssssss
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I love skinwalker community pillars!
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Dess will have antlers Sans's comment was just to indirectly refer to Noelle because "antlered sisters" doesn't mean anything in a pre-Dess-reveal world she won't have no antlers aargh
Dess Holiday got raped
who raped her?
The posts will stop being made. I promise they will. All you have to do is one thing. Ignore them. Once the posts stop getting attention from you, they will stop being made. And since you cannot just ignore posts, your only option is to filter them. Once you filter them for long enough, they will stop being made in entirety. I swear to you that they will stop being made if you filter them for long enough. There is literally no other option for you.
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Both sound fine to me. What's there to feel about either?
calm down woody
we're your friends
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kingfag before you do anything stupid, we all know that's not you. we all know that's somebody deliberately pushing your buttons. it's your choice whether you give them the validation of a reaction or not.
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What if someone tied Noelle by the waist to the back of a car and dragged her flailing body along the road at 100 mph before cutting her crippled body loose in front of Rudy's house?
Kingfag, has anybody ever told the sage advice of "Don't feed the trolls"?
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After this much readin' and thinkin' and waitin', Toby has convinced me that anything I write in the future will have 0 meta-narratives or out-of-story plot twists or symbolism with more layers than an enchilada. I'll never be a Tobert Faux and that's just fine. My brainrot for these games and their batshit/retarded/both world building and player-game-other-game-split and so on sometimes makes me forget that sometimes, people like normal stories with normal people where nothing more impressive than the train being on time happens- and frankly, I don't have anything against people using fiction as escapism.
but you left me to fester unworthy protector that sid was horrendous a hannibal lecter subjected to torture this isn't conjecture like lambs to the slaughter an evil inventor
That's kinda hot.
Which part? I'm genuinely curious.
Are they STILL bootyblasted about the fucking cat witch shit? Really?
Yes. She couldn't let go.
I mean, saying "I never lose" is pathetic in any context. Like that's something a 5-year-old would say.
does she flop around like a gmod ragdoll
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Being honest, while I am very aware the effect this could have on old Kingfag, I am legitimately frustrated with how it always ends up like this with her. The way I see it, if replacing her will make her fuck off for good, then I'm fine becoming the thing I despise.

Not only am I fine with both, I also ship King & Queen! King's tsundere attitude to her is very cute.
Yes you did. You still won't admit it?
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>It's your birthday today
Well, DUH
Its Not Like Every Year One's Birthday Falls On A Different Date
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you lost the moment you replied. you can only win if you stop replying.
Not comically, but she would effectively be slammed against the asphalt & gravel over and over again and each time her body makes contact she'd be scraping against the road at 100 miles per hour. By some miracle she may survive but she'll have broken bones, twisted limbs, severe bruising & perhaps internal bleeding, and the fur/hair scraped from several parts of her body that weren't covered by her clothes.
Monsters don't bleed
>"Nah, I'd Win"
Susie lobotomy
Poor injured girl, curled up on the ground bleeding
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If noelle was tied to a moving car her dust would smudge against the asphalt until she's reduced to nothing. Kind of like chalk, it leaves a big noelle-colored mark on the road
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Fake Kingfag isn’t even responding to kingy wingy posts huh
jokes on you susie's so fucking stupid already that lobotomizing her wouldn't change anything
what the fuck is wrong with you, usually you're easy to empathize with since they're actually harassing you but this is just weird
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>"Nah, I'd Win"
King x Queen is a TERRIBLE ship, King is NOT tsundere, he is very honest about how he feels. And how he feels is that the hates her!
Berdly 2: This Time it's Crowly
i don't like susie but i really don't like thinking about things like this
What would it look like if she was only half dusted before being cut loose?
Kingfag is tsundere for kingbaiters
yummy wummy blood ( I am running out of sans images to use, help)
Either she's even more mad than usual, or I really got baited into making a trip by a fake.
Susie no longer able to clearly form the word "freak" after the icepick has its way with her
Nah, she's always like this when the prospect of losing comes up. you just lost the game
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You fuck...
she would either be a walking pair of legs or a walking torso head and arms. the blunt bits would just look like broken chalk
It's just that time of the month for her. Trust me.
then take the trip off, you're gonna become just as obnoxious
If we're going to have a Kingposter tripfag, I'd rather have the new one than the old one.
Finding the red horn band and stuffing it in a jar of hydroflouric acid, then returning to the Dark World and watching what happens to Ralsei as the hornband slowly dissolves in the real world.
the better option would be none
Did you know that his shadowed sprite's silhouette is shaped like a spade
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Do you think the trip is like like Sonichu amulet? Is anyone who tries to wear is doomed to make the same mistakes?
the bebgijgley
kingfag are you on your period
Why find a jar of acid when you can just put the hornband in your tumtumtummywum and use the acid in there for it
no that's just silly and stupid, icepick to the head is a dumb stupid murder joke post, i'm already busy thinking about an accident or a procedure gone wrong or just an unchecked brain-thing or old age or actual real sad things that happen to people who don't deserve it even if they aren't entirely good people, and the less kind residents of hometown agreeing in voices that don't reach each other that it's nice something finally put a stop to that delinquent before she really hurt someone, and the second room at the hospital housing another permanent patient- or the first room, once rudy's role on the stage is done- who doesn't throw people around, who doesn't call them freaks, who just sits there hunched over with a ragged curtain of brown hair across her head and who sometimes has the faintest memories that show up in her mind's eye when the daytime soap operas cut to certain commercials or the other patients have their reccamandatory card games but then the memory is gone like an upturned pail of dust and the fading flicker of light turns her eyes from an almost fiery yellow back to a dull, murky amber
the same shade as a fossil containing some long-dead creature, still polished and propped up to be examined and looked at
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Hey, that's an observation I made!

Unironically yeah, it started on the 22nd so it's slowing down now though
What the fuck, did I have a stroke writing this? Maybe the curse is real after all
Noelle accidentally locking herself inside a walk-in freezer and developing hypothermia, frostbite and eventually early stage irreversible brain damage & organ failure before being discovered and rescued.
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i am going to go lie down, try not to cry, and maybe cry a lot
when someone opens the freezer she comically turns into a cel shaded cgi model then slowly falls making a creaking sound, then quickly falls with a loud shattering noise leaving a bunch of cgi shards all over the floor
If you look past the subject matter, The Baby is You is a good album
>drooly susie killed the whole thread for three entire minutes
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good morning /utg/. are you having a good day?
No, it's been pretty shit actually
I find a sick pleasure in faves getting horrifically mistreated or getting into a terrible accident after previously being falsely accused of some awful thing and thus being wrongly hated and unpitied by people who should care about them, who only realize they were wrong after fave suffers the grievous injuries.
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I Cant Really See The Day
I'm pretty sure the Greeks invented an entire genre about that. Tragedy?
The subject matter makes it even better.
It was good until kingfag started freaking out funny cat girl again.
I thought in Greek works a tragedy is just one with a sad ending and a comedy is one with a happy ending.
Despite the garbage happening in the threads, today's been pretty okay so far. I've been enjoying playing some old RPG Maker games, the remake of The Witch's House is extremely comfy.
ok you can stop with the trip now, the bit's already getting old
Susie's nurse reports that while normally uncooperative at meal times, the patient shows satisfaction and almost enthusiasm for apple-flavored gelatin, and recommends always including that rather than the cup of cherry- or lime-flavor as it makes it much easier to make her take her oral medications.
>this gets deleted, rightfully so
>but ppfag's edit is still up
It's not fair bros
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sorry to hear

i can really see these pancakes being delisus

sorry to hear

hmm, this trip doesn't look like the original kingposter trip, HMM
See >>487812680 and understand I'm being serious.
You doing this shit is only giving me another reason to stay, I refuse to be replaced. I can't leave until the trolling stops entirely.
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I Can See You Already Forgor
About Me Declining Such Pancakes
if I can't have my vessel back then by God I'm gonna make this bunch of retards all be friends and fix their personal shit
>refuse to leave until trolling stops
>can't know if you're not being trolled unless you stay
schizo logic or legitimately retarded?
why do you care about being replaced if you want to leave???
what's it like underneath susie's shirt
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what kind of pancakes do you prefer?
I'd be lurking for a while to make sure the trolling really stopped, and if so then I'd wean myself off of /utg/ to finally quit my addiction to this site.
Legitimately insane since the whole reason people troll her is because she's a guaranteed reaction. She refuses to stop responding because she feels the need to "defend herself", which ensures they'll never stop trolling.
Soosie teen poosie
Why don't you set up your Internet to block 4chan?
what do you gain from this site that causes an addiction?
surprisingly warm for a lizard
a little rough
a little not good smelling
a little like you never want to leave
no you're just retarded. genuinely fuck off and leave, half the people who troll you do it in hopes it'll make you stop for good. yes, they're that sick.
Holy shit this is still happening?
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She literally posted her tits earlier
>in hopes it'll make you stop for good. yes, they're that sick.
You mean killing myself?
What's it like underneath Noelle's shirt?
No, leaving the thread entirely.
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None? Well . . . I Haven't Really Tasted Any Of Them To Chose
I Mean, I Already Told Ya I'm Not That Big Fan Of That Kind Of Sweet Stuff
Serious question. I know we can't get everyone to do it, and even then it won't stop the bait being visible, but has anyone considered filtering her trip? I'm honestly considering doing it.
But trolling me is only making me stay because I have to defend myself.
So if they want me to leave, they're being counterproductive...
PLEASE say you got this image off of reddit and you dont really have a berdly shrine.
I'm pretty sure people post THAT image to make sure you're gone.
It's like waking up under a warm blanket on Christmas morning, knowing there's a tree full of presents to open- but every day.
Honest to god why don't the people who hate me just do this already
That was supposed to be one of the benefits of me having a trip, aside from stopping the falseflagging
Also why didn't you respond to this >>487815903
she's all mine
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you should try out pancakes at least once :)
Why don't you leave the thread?
I don't think you fully understand. they don't want you to leave this general.
they want you to leave this mortal coil
>iToddler can't read filenames while he's busy on his alternate identity
take your own advice and filter the shit that triggers you
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Bro... That's literally what I guessed first though >>487816652 and he said no >>487816717
shaddap inflationweenie
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Thanks But No Thanks, For The Suggestion
>I have to defend myself.
no you dont. thats not how this has ever worked. its like quicksand. the more you thrash and struggle the heavier and thicker it feels, the harder it is to get out. the only way out is to still yourself and let it fall away from you. of course it's probably not that easy, but an attempt is possible
Where is Krautsie and Timmy? This thread needs them.
Won't someone please help me?
Kraut went to sleep
Is that not what I attempted back in April when I tried to quit the thread? And it didn't work?
i don't know how i could other than giving advice and reporting for spam
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It didn't work because you came back. Set an alarm for exactly 1 year and never even dare to even peak into these threads until then. See how much changes when that happens.
/utg/ may have ADHD and require constant stimmies but they're not gonna forget a years-long trolling target because she left for a month
just leave and try not to come back as hard as you can
i was quoting the toby fox sakuya quicksand tweet because you compared it to quicksand sorry if it wasn't clear
Where have you been?
>I tried and I failed one time. Surely trying again won't work any better, its not as if you can learn and improve from multiple failed attempts, so i might as well give up.
you do realize how silly that sounds right?
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See ya dude.
Too late Andy I'm killin you slow
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>i was so fixated on my inane shitposting i neglected my body's need for sleep to the point of hospitalization
kek truly unmatched levels of terminally online

get some sleep eepy boy
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a-ha, the oblivion theory DOES mention the halloween hack, it's about time
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heya kingfa- I mean gaterposter.
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of all the schizo-tier "chara is back" "the knight is whoever" "the game is about why X is bad" ideas about how the game will- could- culminate, which one off the top of your head would actively disappoint you the most?
Game is about escapism bad and will end with the dark worlds being closed forever.
Very imaginative tonight, we are. How many layers of meta-commentary on players and video games do you want on top of that escapism?
A student, an athlete, a smart girl and just a beauty
I will make her my wife
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Those are all normal nice things to say there's nothing romantical or sexual about them.
Looks like I missed another horrible thread
she's such a beautiful girl
Noelle has a soft cute face and soft lovely breasts
Okay, how is calling someone an athlete is hitting on them, she's litteraly an athlete, she's in the running team or whatever it's called, I don't know, I'm not a sportsman.
why the fuck are you replying
Poor girl surrounded by all those mice
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>It's a gay furry chatroom night
I'd like to vent please
I live with my parents, an older sister and her young child. I WFH but this week I took a work trip to Illinois. I got back today and nobody did the dishes all week. There's a giant pile in and around the sink and even some gnats. I frequently do the dishes just to help around the house a little since I live here without paying rent. Am I an asshole for being kinda outraged that nobody bothered to be able to clean up after themselves while I was a gone a week? I do not want to reward this behavior by cleaning up their messes in the kitchen now. I don't feel like it's right to expect that of me, and honestly I think the others living here should feel more shame for letting it get this bad without doing anything themselves.
The thing is though I get anxiety about chores not being done like this? I feel like I'm doing something wrong even though logically i feel completely in the right.
My sister doesn't even have a job by the way. I'm not saying raising a kid as a single mom is easy, or that domestic work isn't real labor, but she fills much of her day with hobbies or just watching YouTube or whatever while also cooking as a hobby. She can use three pots/pans per meal she cooks for example. So I feel particular irritation with her for feeling no responsibility to clean this shit up.
IDK does it sound like I'm being a bitch? Or is my frustration reasonable?
the skrigmorp is here
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hold doughelle gentle like hamburger
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>reached the end of the giant ass oblivion theory page
>they did include the part where toby waxes poetical about the halloween hack and lack of choice/delaying the inevitable
>they cropped out the part where he laughs at making the player feel cheated and tells you to turn the game off
You all make me sad.
Is that the smooth, refreshing taste of...
Chapter 7 schizoboss is all of /utg/
feed her maney hamburgen
When is the kingfag bullying discord going to get banned
The final boss of Deltarune is the Scadutree Avatar
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>You ALL make me sad.
>100% of ALL you people make me SAD!
stop with the exaggerated hyperbole, i am trying my best to be nice and create a happy atmosphere on here whenever i am posting. minus this post because it probably gives off an annoyed feel to it.
Asriel, Consort of December
this would feel more genuine if it weren't for the fact you spitepost spammed for like 2 years and use the thread to talk about your hockey team and dildos
If JD Vance gets to fuck his couch then I say Kingfag gets to fuck her bed
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>i used the thread to talk about my hockey team and dildos
based me, and btw i will start talking about my hockeyteam again in september when the hockeyseason starts anew.
how can you claim you "try your best to be nice and create a happy atmosphere" while simultaneously posting off topic bullshit and actively reveling in the fact people don't like your off topic bullshit
you're a troll through and through, simple as
Don't expect an answer unless you're his chatroom buttbuddy.
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>being off topic = being mean
>staying positive in the face of dislike from others = trolling
the retard does not understand he is retarded, nor does he understand why the others dislike his retardism. so says confucius.
>jannies have finally arrived
praise the fucking lord
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>>being off topic = being mean
>>staying positive in the face of dislike from others = trolling
And what if I just raped you right now and left your body cold and alone in an alley? Then what would you do?
We know, Susie
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>no genuine replies with actual answers
okay then, i guess this conversation is over, i'll go play vidyagames now instead. cya in an hour or so.
Trolling isn't always being mean. Trolling is posting off-topic bullshit and enjoying the reactions to it, ergo: >>487823645. But you already knew that, and you've gained one (You) from me because I'm so fucking disgusted at your existence.
>and yet they STILL didn't delete the ppfag vore edit that caused everything
Give it a minute, seems like they're still deleting stuff
Hopefully it'll get zapped too
It's been multiple minutes now, still nothing.
I don't control the jannies anon, I've already done everything I could
Temmie chang I will drink ur bath water...#random
toby pls
>he's edging us until the end of the month
oooh tobie thou art a cruel mistress...
nngh... careful...
It's not going to be until August
Gamemaker took too long with the LTS release, even if they release it on Monday Toby and the team still have implement its features into the game so they can release the newsletter and do the beta test.
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You can't comprehend the idea that some of us are just good people who treat women with the respect they deserve. You NEED me to secretly be Kingposter, in order to remain secure in your belief that everyone is as morally bankrupt as you, and therefore that you don't have to feel guilty. It's pathetic. Kill yourself you slime.
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gasterbro (or kingfag, either way desu) i think you might need to see a therapist or something... this has gone on for long enough...
No Knights?
The King is in dire need of bellymaw sexing.
I wanna believe this proves they're different but it just feels too... convenient
Go away
I keep thinking about these replies.
I understand what you're saying, but quitting an addiction isn't easy. And there's no "checkpoints" for something like this, so that 1 year timer gets reset every time I fuck up. How many times is it gonna take me to finally get it right? It feels like I'm never gonna be able to make it...
Talk to your therapist. Isn't that what they're there for--to help you?
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>me and kingfag have a shared struggle
>we have both developed stockholm syndrome for these threads
Ok, I'll ask for advice about it next time I meet with them.
imagine explaining an average 2024 /utg/ thread to someone from 2021 or even 2018
Damn... You too, huh?
"hey dude, the game still isn't done, but there's a whole lot of new shitposters. sorry"
>"Kingfag is STILL at it?"
i mean actually explaining what any of the drama means and why utg has nonsense meme catchphrase shit like telly telly
New thread
just tell them "thread personality bullshit" and they'll understand
t. time traveler
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honestly after that first sentence it would be way funnier if you turned out not to be kingfag.
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Any scenario where you're explaining something to someone from the past is pure nonsense. It doesn't matter if you're describing the internet to a medieval peasant or telling a friend that they should cancel their trip to the world trade center. As soon as they know you're from the future, the main thing they ask about is how you managed to accomplish time travel. The entire conversation would be them interrogating you about the complicated topic of time travel and trying to determine if you're an actual time traveler or if you're just bullshitting them. Trying to encourage them to focus on another topic is nearly impossible.

btw newsletter tomorrow.
(Was waiting for the thread to finish because I didn't want to shit it up)
Kingposter, it's become incredibly apparent that there's a group of people who come here exclusively to cause and participate in drama, and a large part of that consists of harassing you because you make pretty much the perfect target for bullies.
At this point I think you NEED to leave this place for your own safety because they will do everything in their power to psychologically fuck with you, because they they're sociopaths who think hurting people is funny.
They are obsessed and continue to shit up the thread with bait even when you aren't here, because they are addicted to drama and trolling.
Before you even think of coming back you absolutely need get into a better psychological space where you can better handle your emotions and feelings about things you dislike, and *then* you need to think seriously about how to post here more inconspicuously, because these people WILL move heaven and earth to fuck with you.
The fact that people this evil exist is really horrifying. I really wish they could get arrested for what they've been doing
>They are obsessed and continue to shit up the thread with bait even when you aren't here, because they are addicted to drama and trolling.
Yeah... And this really upsets me. I feel obligated to protect myself from the slander, even though other anons say leaving will make them stop, it just doesn't.
I don't know how to fix my psychological state, though. I don't know if how feasible that even is for someone like me, because v*re is ALWAYS going to be a huge trigger for me. It's always been upsetting for me ever since I first discovered fetish art accidentally as a child. I can't just erase that trauma from my brain and magically stop being upset by it...
>The fact that people this evil exist is really horrifying.
It depresses me quite a bit. And it's grotesque that they do it through the medium of Undertale, a game about showing empathy to your enemies, of all games.

>I feel obligated to protect myself from the slander
That's the thing, they KNOW that, and that's why they spam shit when you aren't here - they want to draw you back so they can continue to torment you. And that's why it's vitally important for you to stay away from this site for the time being, so they can't get at you.

>I don't know if how feasible that even is for someone like me, because v*re is ALWAYS going to be a huge trigger for me.
I'm not saying you have to stop hating it, just to train yourself to not respond to it in a way that lets people know how much you hate it, because they find that kind of reaction entertaining.
And to be honest I was thinking more about the Spade King shipping stuff and things like that, voreshit theoretically isn't allowed here anyway.

>I don't know how to fix my psychological state, though.
I really wish I could offer advice, but I'm not qualified and it's a bad idea to take life advice from people on 4chan anyway.
I think you said you had a therapist? I would strongly suggest discussing things like coping strategies for dealing with upsetting or traumatizing things with them, maybe even mention you've been bullied and see if they have any advice for dealing with that.
>It depresses me quite a bit. And it's grotesque that they do it through the medium of Undertale, a game about showing empathy to your enemies, of all games.
Yeah, exactly. It's probably obvious that they don't actually care about the game, though... Otherwise they wouldn't be so hyperfixated on off-topic trolling.
>That's the thing, they KNOW that, and that's why they spam shit when you aren't here - they want to draw you back so they can continue to torment you. And that's why it's vitally important for you to stay away from this site for the time being, so they can't get at you.
I'm scared though that if they're allowed to just freely spew that shit, then any new posters who come by will believe their lies and think I'm a sick fuck who wants to cannibalize my fave. I don't want them to gaslight everyone and try to permanently associate me with something so evil and awful.
>And to be honest I was thinking more about the Spade King shipping stuff and things like that
Ah, ok. I feel the other thing is higher priority though since it actually has an affect on my mental and physical health, the ship trolling stuff still annoys me too but at least it's not causing long-term suffering...
>voreshit theoretically isn't allowed here anyway.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean jack shit when the rules aren't actually being enforced... I don't think it would have gotten this bad if this stuff was still deleted consistently.
>I think you said you had a therapist? I would strongly suggest discussing things like coping strategies for dealing with upsetting or traumatizing things with them, maybe even mention you've been bullied and see if they have any advice for dealing with that.
I've told them about it before, but I'll bring it up again. They actually agree with me thinking authorities should get involved but everyone else tells me it's not possible...
>any new posters who come by will believe their lies and think I'm a sick fuck who wants to cannibalize my fave. I don't want them to gaslight everyone and try to permanently associate me with something so evil and awful.
Nobody actually thinks this, it's easy enough to verify in the archives, and at this point I think you're permanently associated with hating King vore.
This is the important thing: They say these things, and then they reply to their own posts with stuff like "wtf kingfag likes vore now?" because they KNOW it's something you hate and hate being associated with. It's just a pantomime they preform to troll you, because they know it gets at you.
>and at this point I think you're permanently associated with hating King vore.
Thank god
I still can't help but be a little paranoid though, because you never know when someone is just genuinely gullible. And I did say I'm specifically worried about *new* posters being gaslit, of course the existing ones already know the truth. I'm talking about people who are coming into /utg/ for the first time and never even heard of "Kingposter"

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