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it's over... edition



>Current map

Last thread: >>485943946
My god these Apex roasties are so fucking ugly. Surely people aren't paying real money for these turbohaggards right? Right?
tch... letting the thread die
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you know what it is
oh boy... time to fight rollerniggers in fragment... again...
Everything is just easier on controller in this game LMAO
the only thing kbm users have is movement if they wanna put in another few hundred hours on top of their thousand hours of getting good at aiming! HAHAHA
deathboxes are easier to loot with mnk. grenades too. and movement
Damn, they really fucked this game up, huh?
Last time I had legit fun playing this garbage was with the Final Fantasy event. I miss nessy and the buster sword.
they don't know how to make it fun
I've seen some weird movement on rollers where they jump in one direction from a standstill and gain crazy momentum in one direction while shooting you with 100% accuracy.
Anyone want to run a couple ranked games?
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guess it's over for the game
will this thread even last 5 days before it archives? you'd think it would be a 4chan hit since it's a gatcha gam enow
I love you
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I was done with it when my kdr after 2000 hours somehow matched my first month playing the game on sub 60fps machine. Fuck cheaters. Fuck controllers. Fuck retarded matchmaking. I'm don't want to carry shitters and entertain top % full stacks sucking each other off on discord.
Wait i was gone for 4 hours??
>you'd think it would be a 4chan hit since it's a gatcha gam enow
its an evil western normie game
it sets /v/troons/gachatroons off when you mention these sort of games
More anime OPs to attract more players
Sometimes I watch roller killcams and wonder how they find enjoyment in playing like that.
I won dis one
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too bad i can't post your reward
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>Just played the Volpe tour for like 2 hours
Pretty fun stuff. The Heavy class combo (Hook + Shotgun) needs a nerf though.
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Played from Season 1 to Season 13 and primarily played Bangalore. What's the current state of the game? Worth it for an old player to return?
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Do yourself a favor and play something else.
>season 10 was 3 years ago nearly

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