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Reminder that MH not being super successful in the West used to speak to its quality and you are retarded if you care about normalfag sales - Edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New info + Recent trailers: https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/gGqtgbbE
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/
>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>487630920
I love huntresses
>retarded edition again
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Daily reminder
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if gamescom doesn't save this game nothing can
he was 100% right
no one asked
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Just fucking let the general die
You faggots are insufferable without a lumu
I'm going to sleep
You didn't play any of the Monster Hunter games anyway.
kill yourself
>everything in this image is now obsolete
>if only you knew how bad things really are
well he knew and he said nothing
kek all the comments are basically calling him a retard
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this, mr. beast can go fuck himself for his complacency
>we literally got lock on
>big damage numbers so we know we are a good boy
>big sword is now a combo weapon with hyperarmor and counters
it's over, we have become the meme journo we used to make fun of
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Wilds shills are insane
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Giving FU 6/10 is crazy
wilds will have monsters health bars so the prophecy can be completed
Good. The harder the cargo cult of FU is shat on, the better.
I don't even understand how people end up with these kind of histories. I mean I grew up on the internet too but I just never joined these gooner pedo hypno sissy political cult discords so i was never forced into any kind of humiliation rituals its really that simple
Yeah it's closer to a 7
I have been playing PVP in Monster Hunter ever since I picked up my hamer
Just because you didn't know doesn't mean I didn't win
Literally a generic deformed Fallout 76 enemy
Watch out for that solp!
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i wouldn't say it's 10 on 10, it's kinda bland even, but it fit perfectly in monster hunter, it's fine
retards expecting elder dragon tier designs with flashy colors for every monsters are stupid
kek it was inevitable but i'll probably keep playing the series in some capacity until they add health bars or remove grind and then i'll quit and just play the older games forever
it's actual shills and some people just deluding themselves because gaming sucks today
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Event bird is overpowered.
Knowing and repeating any of those words is a humiliation ritual in itself.
It's issues with human behavior and mental illness, they prey on the youth who aren't capable of understanding how dangerous private discords can be and parents who clearly didn't watch enough To Catch A Predator while it was airing.
4 is the last soulful generation. rise/sunbreak at least tried to capture the same essence, fuck wirebugs moves though
*pets Owl*
good birb
She was right...
Well yeah there’s no content so neets spend all day shitposting to keep their favorite thread bumped and what better way to do that than with low quality posts that bring down discussion
>samefagging this hard
what are you trying to cover up you fucking pedos?
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It was almost universally high rated, actually.
>esl hates wirebugs
there is a new game called mh rise people post lumus but no one joins
like if people refuse to play rise aka trash there should be a reason...mmm
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>check /mhg/
>no lumus
>all the people who make lumus are gone
>pretty much all the people who play lumus are gone
is this general even alive anymore is it really all shitposters now?
>wtf where is the lumu why won't anyone join!
>lumu posted
>doesn't join
last thread there seemed to be a few lumus going but of course it got drowned out by shitposters
when's the last time a lumu was made for a game that wasn't 5thgen
just make a room or shut the fuck up
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Jesus christ. I'm working on a vid for MH1 and I'm having trouble keeping it below 30 minutes. I can't imagine subjecting someone to my retarded opinion for over 3 fucking hours
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Crown huntan, if you have some crowns to hunt that I also need, we can hunt it
Lobby ID: N2Qr3LrLPr4N2PRW
dont need to one was just made
Booting up my sega saturn
Might make a room, anyone want to play?
>Immediately close video
I bet this retard says "Tea-grex"
isn't teeg rex the """canon""" way to say it tho
this i bet that retard says "luh gai uh kruhss" or something stupid like that
There's no canon way until someone says it out loud in a game. So just wait for our hunter to say "Wait a minute that Tigrex..." in Wilds
cringe or SOVL?
can't believe rooms are back bros
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Let's try again. Killscreens?
screenshoot it for prosperity
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You know what man? When you fight this guy as intended in full chammy gear with a chammy weapon it's actually pretty fun. Still very hard even with that stuff but the fun kind of hard. Learning to predict his movements and dodging like 3 tornadoes at once while he charges you is fun. They should have given him an apex form.
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Beating all the quests should unlock covers for all the monster OST during their fights, or the ones from their original appearances

>room was so shit it killed the thread
That's not a World room code, and Rise can only have 4 in a lumu.
Couple of days ago there was a GU lumu
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Tie - Grex
Ra - Jaing
Fay - Tal - Es
Mal - Zee - No
Al - Ay - Tree - On
Sa - Fee - Jee - Va
you guys aren't ready for the real redpill
it's pronounced duh VILE ʒho
greet jay-grASS
Ji no gre
the jag is silent so it's just "great ass"
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post one honeybun!
Oh Doh Gare Ohn
Nar Guh Coo Guh
Gare An Gole Um
Luh Guy Uh Cres
Ass Tuh Lows
Uh Cant Er
*Sa - Fee - Jee - Vuh
sa fei jei va
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>760 hours
>still haven't completed every quest in the game
I'm losing hope bros
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Which legs, lads?
1 or 3
I am looking forward to Wilds.
4. Imagine the smell
dumb retarded shill fuck you fuck you fuck you
same, really excited for the weapons reveal
great posts, girls
i've been out of MHG or keeping track of wilds for a while... what is this marios and bloom tool?
its just the shitposter ignore him
Bingers who never played a game older than 4th gen think the gross oversaturation of every texture in 4U is core to the series' identity (even though the only reason they did it at all is so people could see shit on the tiny 3ds screen)
Wilds... good?
>worldfags still seething that we'll be getting color kino in wilds
cope lmao
What's the chances of Heavy Bowgun eating shit in Wilds considering it's been top-tier multiple games in a row? Either nerfing damage or doing something about the shield making it so sticky
Pretty low unless they go full tryhard and gut the weapon hard enough to make generations CB look good
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>he thinks Wilds will be bad
look at this dood oh no no no no
They will bring back Great Jaggi for wilds.
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it might get nerfed with how much they've shown it off already. firing from the hip on your horse and everyone probably expected to use it or have a loadout for some gay chase scenes
hbg was actually worse than lbg in base world and base rise before updates roll in
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Either you get a mega buff with mount kiteing or nerfed to the point where bowguns become side weapons
>nerfed to the point where bowguns become side weapons
please please please please oh god please please holy shit please please please please PLEASE
malzeno and shara had a baby? WTF!!
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Had it playing in the background. 17 minutes in. He's like next level autistic right? You can tell he's pretending to be maliciously obtuse when he plays clips of gaijinhunter and responding as if there wasn't any context to what gaijin was saying, and then follows up by being genuinely obtuse by essentially saying "If a game changes even a little bit, it's basically not even part of the same series anymore". I feel like I'm genuinely becoming more retarded the more I listen to this shit
Sorry didn't correct my post when I made a changed to it. Not pretending to be maliciously obtuse. He's being maliciously obtuse
>He's like next level autistic right?
He's a legofag on his xitter
have they even released any weapon gameplay video for wilds?
no just wait for gamescom dude we're not getting shit until gamescom in 26 days
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Yeah, I just looked further into some of the links he provides. He also does some pikmin show where he's literally holding a pikmin plush and making voices. He also has an outrageous amount of subscribers. I'd totally bang his sister too. And his maybe girlfriend?

God I fucking wish I was autistic.
Jakob is unironically based tho
Hi Jakob
>God I fucking wish I was autistic
believe me if you're spending time here you are buddy
I'm here cause I'm depressed and Monster Hunter brings me a bit of joy and regular /v/ sucks. I'd much rather be autistic.
"MH4" and "perfect" should not be in the same sentence without "isn't" between them.
>I'd totally bang his sister too.
i love how people cried about world toned down the colors and make it more realistic....when tri DID THE SAME

Fucker has friends too. Fucking christ I hate my life.
It's okay when the game I played when I was 10 does it
maybe if you weren't such an ornery piece of crap people would like you
any tips for murdering diablos well?
So I'm just a piece of shit then? Just because I'm dramatic and depressed like a shakespeare character come to life I'm a piece of shit? Really? You're just gonna spit in my mouth like that?
don't forget to bring your 音爆弾
pretty much
in what gamu? in the old ones sonic bombs are a necessity and obligatory
in the new ones just learn to dodge his shitty horns and be careful of his tail
if you are based enough cut that shit out and be careful of the bonk if your weapon is not that strong
Honestly it's because people don't bother with me. I used to work an overnight shift and when the morning people came it was only ever greetings, I was always very cordial. One of the morning people had to help on a night I worked and she ended up really liking me. She said that I was just really intimidating and that's why she never really spoke to me before. People just don't really give me a chance unless they're forced to spend time with me

You're not me silly
in every
ew you can have that
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best game ever
based gambler
always feels good to get, especially in elgado
yeah well why do you think "normal people" spend so much time getting good at putting on the fake smile and talking in that annoying way? because it makes them approachable so get better at that
>3 dash juice
trillionaire pull
this will be how they introduce gacha in wilds but you'll have to pay real money
i hate in rise when you join random anamoly requests it's always like either lvl 10 lagombi or lvl300 SSJ_GIGA RISEN SHAGARU 1 FAINT + APEX RATHALOS + FURIOUS RAJANG
Greatsword and Guard +2
Never had trouble making friends in school either. I was friends with all types of people. From the one that would be considered "losers" to the popular kids.

...Yeah. I hate being fake but honestly there's literally no refuting what you just said. I'd rather be true to myself than be someone I'm not, but I'll keep what you said in mind
this is actually true >>487810071
i never used guard tho just sheathe quickly. diablos tells are mega easy, she just does a shitload of damage.
use sonics and traps too
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C'mon man. she's not the prettiest, but she's not ugly either. I think what makes it hotter is that she's not just some random broad, she's Jakob's sister and I kind of strongly dislike him. As fucked as that sounds...it does something for me
It's funny because the monhun community is more unequal than ever right now. 99% of players are very surface level with the series and then you have like 1% of players looking at motion values, hitzone values, stagger threshold, etc so you always get a small amount of people at late endgame and most people still at early g rank lol
Is the hilt stab on HH any good?
i miss the 140 rajang rooms...
what game? but no it's never really been that good you just use it to cut tails if you need to and refuse to switch weapons
your level 300 risen shaggy rooms bro?
no thanks fuck frontiershit
Useful for getting the notes faster in World
i'm not into ntr or ugly bitches, man
what >>487811234 said, but in every game
where did this "Rise is a classic game" meme come from, its obviously nothing like older games
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Not him but he is right
you village missions, worlo?
Would anyone here like to hunt some HR Deviljhos with me for the gem?
Why do retards like you bait that it isn't, or worse, genuinely think it isn't closer to pre-World games?
what game
Monster Hunter World
rise aesthetic tries to be GU as fuck
gameplay too
its all GUtards trying to fit
World biggest crime was be western and replace cool weapons by bones..oh and the mantles shit
other than that its fine
that's not a game that's a movie
holy cringe
I would but it's sleep time. May the desire sensor not fuck you over too much. And equip plunderblade on your cat if you have it, he might get you a gem.
>other than that its fine
clutch claw is not
roar spam is not
tremor spam is not
turf wars are not
tenderize is not
sliding is not
post room and anons will join
risetrannies are melding and seething tho lol
I only played GU and Rise btw
wtf when did i post this
Classic monhun be like
GUtards are a legit abortion lmao
i spent the last 2 weeks playing monster hunter now. i took out a loan and quit my job at ihop, killing mizutsunes and perfect dodging the bubbles for maximum style points.
its only closer if you look at it on the most superficial level
It's only not if you look at it at a superficial level
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO GU IS PEAK OLD SCHOOL MONHUN!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT 1, DOS, TRI, FU AND 4U WERE LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>able to watch cutscenes in hub with party members
>village missions
>no clutch claw
>no tenderize
>no baby blankets
>no bingflies
>no binger shot
>no unnecessary tracking monster shit and jizz to fill a wahoo progress bar

Rise looking A LOT more like classic Monster Hunter
Maybe tomorrow, I don't know if the shitposters tonight knowing my steam username would be a good thing
>heh, its has none of the world additions!
>new rice features? heh, I'll just ignore them =)
the shitposters will stay by the way but more power to you
Shitposters don't play the game, nothing will happen
It only took the good things from World and further improved on them with a bunch of quality of life and menu improvements. Infinite use items being the main good things from World.
Dang, would've joined
do I need to bother with coating in World/Rise? never played bow before
Glad you agree that Rise is closer to classic than World, too
>GUtrannoid still trying to defend Rise
legit why? everyone can see the gameplay and you can even try a demo
Like why even bother at that point
It's closer to older games in a bunch of small niche ways most people wouldn't noticed unless you've played the older games for a long time. Somebody made a list a while ago but I'm way too lazy to look it up. Ultimately it's just because rise didn't change certain stuff that world decided to change for literally no reason.
Whoa, MH vets know Rise is closer to classic than world semen...
yeah, its so much closer, I really missed magical cooldown abilities when playing world bro
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My bro is perfect for Wilds
based hunter arts fan
not using coatings on bow is like deciding not to equip one piece of armor
you certainly can but why would you ever other than because you didn't have the materials
GU is better than Rise
This but unironically. Still not sure how to feel about it though. I mean it makes rise feel like more of an actual continuation of the series than world but it just makes the already growing divide between mainline and portable that much more apparent. I don't know how capcom is going to reconcile this kind of thing now that rise has sold a fuck ton too. I guess they just keep making the games more and more different? At what point do they become so drastically different that it starts to affect the brand though. I mean you don't want a player new to the series to play a portable game, enjoy it, buy the next game, and be greeted with a mainline game full of cutscenes that they might hate or vice versa. They really should start making marketing materials more clear. The more likely scenario is they just remove all the last vestiges of old monhun in the next portable game and start including the slinger, mantles, scoutflies, etc in every game going forward but then portable games will keep having a more extreme style of gameplay
>the only options are westernhun with old gameplay or frontiershit
fucking kill me....
he didn't play GU anon
Frontier is old gameplay. It branched off of Dos and Rise is closer to Frontier, thus Dos
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the results are IN and risetrannies are not going to like this...
>number posting
You lost
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Postin in a schizo thread.
this doesn't mean anything
Risies were Dosfags this whole time?
>those fucking jpeg fruits and veggies
I want to pull off his afro wig and expose his lies
>babeposter is afrogato
I hate that they refuse to use all of these older characters in the new games. So many recurring faces from mh1 up until GU and then just nothing except Ace cadet in world. Rise didn't even have any returning characters. Wilds looks like it might have little miss forge but that's probably it. This is a big reason the 5th gen games feel so disconnected from the rest of the monhun continuity which is a shame because maybe people wouldn't be so hard on 5th gen if there was this nostalgia element.
what is there to do in Rise high rank, I just murdered that Narwa fella
(i didnt buy sunbreak)
>Rise didn't even have any returning characters.
Bro, your Hell Hunters in Sunbreak?
The guild guy in the Wilds trailer who sends the main character off is Ace Lancer
>i didnt buy sunbreak
You got played
World being entirely new characters wouldn't even be a bad thing... if any portion of the characters, dialogue and overall story development was overseen by a human being and not a dying monkey.
Oh yeah good point totally forgot about them but again there are so many old characters they could bring back that wouldn't even have to be integral to the story but would make the games feel more connected and they just refuse to do it
eh i guess it could be him but the evidence for him was always weaker than the evidence for gemma being little miss forge
All the event quests with rewards. Harder versions of monsters in the Advanced missions and I believe some other Apexes
It's funny too because with all of the new improvements and the stronger focus on story they could have easily written some really memorable characters in 5th gen but none of them hit as hard as older characters and I'm aware part of that is nostalgia but some of it isn't and it still doesn't change the fact they could have done so much more with characters in 5th gen.
>buying a monster hunter game that isn't the G rank version when the G rank expansion is out
what kind of autism/retardation is this
calm down Ryozo...
If they actually do have a showcase with all the weapons at gamescom, I assume they'll probably also show off some returning monsters to show how focus mode and the new mounted combat will interact with them.
It's not about nostalgia. You only need to play the game to realize the story is basic trash, half of it is wasted on an awful shit fight, the characters are ineffectual cutouts, and the Hunter is treated like a secondary character the entire time. The handler is genuinely one of the worst characters and most punchable faces in MH as a franchise. The game is only good when the story finally fucks off and you get a chance to just hunt what you want.
stop assuming, retard
I genuinely wish they'd get some young voice actors willing to try their best for these roles in wilds because of the voice actor strike. Might give characters some soul but they probably contracted people well before the strike
simplicity is more that is why the story from world didn't land , they tried to force the handler to you so of course some people hated that
rise is dogshit
try it again in english, esl
saying that doesn't help though because we know they're going to push more and more story from now on we've been over this
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I just remembered the palicos are gonna be voice acted now
You can switch to meows
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>acksbually, nobody buying it meant it had a REAL fanbase
>s-stop buying it!
>noooooo save me Ichinose
i heard you can change it back in settings but i probably won't
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things are looking so fucking g r i m for WIlds
I'm already expecting the worst so really any good news would be amazing at this point
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>just learned Loc Lac is finally accessible again
You're right, they're going to show nothing and cancel wilds instead, monster hunter is doomed.
I’ve honestly been thinking that Jakob is paid off by Capcom to discredit the old games (the ones that people actually played) and hype up Wilds.

Like, have you seen the video where he shits on older fans for asking for ports of the older game. Either he’s a turbosnob elitist or (more likely) one of the many MH youtubers/posters on Capcom’s payroll
>or (more likely) one of the many MH youtubers/posters on Capcom’s payroll
we have gone full schizo, holy shit.
This has to be fake. Both of the monsters in the first trailer literally look like they were made with AI. Chatacabra is quite literally rajang/garangolm/(insert monke) with details lifted from Deviljho.

Wilds unironically looks like it’s about to blow World and Rise out of the water in terms of uninspired gross muddy designs
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>claims he doesn't play games that much and is a photographer
>slow, droning, autistic voice to the point I sped up the video 1,5x, sounds like he just had a lobotomy
>food analogy in the first minutes of the video
Jesus fucking Christ this whole thing could genuinely be made as a massive shitpost or /mhg/ mocking some faggot like this who is so up his own ass he thinks his shitty opinion is some beacon of brilliance
MHFU is not even that hard, it has its own pace and quirks you have to adapt to, but it is not this ebin hardcore shit people blow it out to be
4U, unless you go full tryhard with CB/IG/GS, is harder and way more demanding, especially in G rank progression and solo Gog requires you to prepare a lot harder than Ukanlos.
you can close your ears
smithy in base Rise was kino
There is literally no reason to use a shield unless one is making use of new Spread in the intended SB way
Any allegedly viable use for equipping one otherwise is a result of the game having deliberately anemic monsters

Crag S and to a different extent Clust also falls off as a function of hunts having real HP values, Artillery only became a real playstyle outside of Isle LBG with the addition of Charged Shot (since the base game version has the above mentioned HP problem instead) and to a lesser extent Frostcraft as that's one of the last possible damage bonuses after stacking everything else; but the folding nature of every sheathe means that it's still too far away to be properly fun despite having as many viable weapon options as Spread
Unfortuantely, no. That's genu-iiine autism right there fresh off the vine.
do you guys use palicos?
does an arzuros shit in the woods?
who's that, I dont remember a monster like this in world
>I mean it makes rise feel like more of an actual continuation of the series than world but it just makes the already growing divide between mainline and portable that much more apparent.
they knew they were doing this with world and are continuing down this path with wilds. i don't think they care
>The more likely scenario is they just remove all the last vestiges of old monhun in the next portable game and start including the slinger, mantles, scoutflies, etc in every game going forward
hopefully not
Mainly when progressing through the village, but I tend to bench them later. Online, I bring out my cat if the other guy brings out his
mansion basement
I love President Donald Trump
I think the only reason rise ended up being a bit closer to older games was because apparently it was originally intended to be a 3ds game. Now that they'll very likely be designing it for switch or switch 2 from the ground up I think the next portable game likely will be much closer to world but I guess we'll have to wait and see honestly
wrong board anon
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Jesus Fucking Christ
You know it's kind of ironic because by making this video a meme you just bring more attention to it so he gets more views and more money. In fact it's probably him posting it.
>523K views when he has 15k subs
yeah lmao he must be loving all the free publicity
Don't palicoes talk in Monster Hunter Stories anyway
Why are you fags acting so surprised, they've always been able to talk... they were just never given a voice
he is correct, but casual shitters will disagree
These people have never actually played the games. Like most discord trannies and doomposters.
>they've always been able to talk... they were just never given a voice
almost like ppl dont want voiced redditcoes...
I think you guys really overestimate how many people play the spinoff games. If anything they're made to get non fans into the series. But obviously it's just jarring to hear them voiced when they've just been "mEOW" for the whole series
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BASED Tokuda saving us from CRINGE Itchynosay
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Goddamn ryozo really is a manlet. Keep in mind these guys are already tiny because they're asian. I can't tell if ichinose is taller than tokuda based on pictures but when you compare them both to the manlet they seem about the same size
do I really get nothing for clearing village in Rise?
village is only even there as a formality, they dropped it as hard as rampages in sunbreak
what does this even mean? when do you ever get anything for clearing village?
b-but... its a classic game...
Why can't I just hate both?
fujioka is dead anon
I mean the ransomware leaks showed that they have spies in basically every even remotely notable MH related community around, even random discord servers
They had spies in servers for Dauntless to record how the devs communicate with their playerbase
Does them paying off youtubers seem that unlikely to you?
It shows right in the screenshot Tokuda cut his teeth designing portable battle mechanics. Your "king" is Itchinose's protege and a portable chad
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Fujioka is still working on Wilds. Why wouldn't he? Monster Hunter is his baby. He's basically the father of the series.
>they have spies in basically every even remotely notable MH related community around
fucking kek guess we know what the C in CIA stands for now it's Capcom
>Monster Hunter is his baby. He's basically the father of the series.
Fujioka doesn't give a fuck about MH, he was forced onto the project and just did it for a paycheck, what he actually wanted to work on was Street Fighter
>Does them paying off youtubers seem that unlikely to you?
So can you tell me how to be on Capcom's payroll?
I don't have a YouTube channel, but I would love to make one just to shill Capcom products if it means easy money for me.
I'll make videos praising Capcom and spam them here and on /v/ as often as I can.
he's not the director anymore anon he's transitioned into his ojii-san mode
Good morning everyone I love huntresses
Monster hunter always starts out with believable low fantasy creatures and you work your way up to more fantastical beasts. This bear thing is perfect for that, but its design isnt particularly striking or original, 9/10 in my book. As good ss Arzuros but not quite Congalala tier
>was the lead director for MH1, MH Dos, MH Tri, MH3U, MH4 and MH4U
>was art director on World and Wilds
>is executive director for the entire series
>"doesn't give a fuck about MH"
Not the lead director, but still working on the art and serving an executive position as a series director to ensure Tokuda and Ichinose stays on track. It's like Shinji Mikami but more involved.
>series director
is that even his official role? from what I could tell he just advises and does a few other small things he might as well not even be there
>serving an executive position as a series director to ensure Tokuda and Ichinose stays on track
Clearly not, considering that as soon as he got "promoted" to executive director the series immediately started adopting features he was very strictly against like layered armor
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>all those YouTubers praising wilds
>it's must be Eric!
>all of them!
holy schizo, how are tendies this far gone lmao
fujioka: p-prease tokuda-san and ichinose-san layered armor is bad i assure you

tokuda: shut the fuck up old man
ichinose: the children yearn to dress up their e-whores my friend i'm sorry
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>that even his official role?
>he might as well not even be there
He's art director. All the art you see in World and Wilds (the good and the bad) are all under his leadership.
And yes, he's series director. He's always referred to as such in the media.

>he was very strictly against like layered armor
Please show PROOOFVSIES that he was ever against layered armor and did an about face when promoted to the role of executive director.
I don't even think he's credited with that role. I'm reading through the credits and don't see that
no wonder 5th gen is so lame
Ah nevermind now I see it he wasn't listed on one set of credits I read but he is on another.
Rice computer loomoo?
it is time to let go of monster hunter
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Playing through the DLC and I gotta say... this kinda fucking sucks. So I just do half the damage unless I do the stupid grapple? Those monsters are spazzing out all over the place. It's doable in a team, but solo is hell. I was fighting this bitch for 30 minutes.
you are supposed to break his forearms/wings to slow him down
and its way less than half the damage less
still sucks tho
okay but why? why post that? it gives me the irk like im so irked right now you have irked me im irked
get irked nerd
>Please show PROOOFVSIES that he was ever against layered armor

Every Monster Hunter game has offered more and more ways to customize your character, but even now, you still need to make that hard decision between armour that you like visually and armour that you like for its stats. Is there no way to allow a little more flexibility or balance between your looks and your stats?
KF: “Restrictions in freedom” is one of my game design philosophies. Game mechanics are less likely born if there is truly freedom. Through the restrictions that exist in freedom, I believe we are blessed by player’s thoughts and game mechanics. And more importantly, the number of choices you can make in this circumstance plays a big role. For example, I’m talking about the color swap choice of your armor sets and custom skills such as “Decorations” and “Charms”.
Where there is a restriction of balancing your look of armor sets and stats, each player will have their own “taste” and thus facilitate communication through feelings such as “aspiration” and “pride.” I do not know yet how these elements will develop amongst players moving forward, but I’d like to keep my attention to these elements of communication.
>when do you ever get anything for clearing village?
You got absolute KINO in Dos
Damn. He truly has lost at least a small part of his SOVL. Thanks for the proofvsies link.
Everyone agrees that Iceborne ruined World. You should have been playing the game at launch.
That's just happens at the start of Master Mode. Once you get proper gear (and get better at the game) it won't be a big deal anymore, even without the claw
I want to try the greatsword. Does anybody have that handy flowchart image?
Annoyed the crowd isn't yelling your name, doj?
Rice movesets are so lame bc of transbinds
Don't listen to this >>487838347 guy, the entirety of Iceborne is ballanced around shit claw. The difference between using it and not using it at Beotodus for example easily means 15 instead of 30 minutes clear time. The modding community has made a bunch of mods to rectify it though

Was going to call this out and realized it was just Doj shilling his mods again
Don’t touch the poop
What do you mean again
But yeah I made some of those mods exactly for people like me (that guy) who hate how Shitborne ruined World, what's the problem?
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I don't like the claw either, which is why I don't use it. It doesn't make that big of a difference, and I don't know why you have to exaggerate it when the claw has many other legitimate faults
>It doesn't make that big of a difference
Not in endgame no. I currently only play with clagger removal and faster enrage, but as a new World player coming out of base game without the Drachen + augments, Iceborne is miserable. I've replayed it myself and it's as bad as I remember on release
That’s because you’re bad at the game and scapegoat your lack of skill
I'm better than you. This statement plus your unawareness of the game's elements shows you are low IQ. You are a 2D creature arguing with threedimensional one.
Ugh....Kelbi Bow....PURE SOVL

>spam 1 move (regular) good
>spam 1 move (silkbind) bad
I'll concede that the jump from base World to Iceborne is pretty extreme, and this is where the claw makes the biggest difference. But I'd argue that it loses much of its relevance once you get some decent gear, so around the end of M3 quests.
What the fuck is a transbind? Is this the brainrot everyone is talking about?
its the rope fetish thing that trans people really like
Monster Hunter
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a land version of Gobul will be in Wilds.
>slab blight resistor on
>Alatreon now become a joke
gimmick boss is never a good thing
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>nintentroons praise a game where they get to hang from a rope
and nobody is surprised
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I am currently playing Rise on PC. :)
>prepare for hunt
>hunt is easier
Gimmick games are never a good thing
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Enjoy, fellow fiver :)
I miss when you actually had to sit down and prepare in Witcher 1. The other 2 games fucked it up.
>1318.8 hours
>84/100 achievements
I hunt monsters not achievements :)
Nice. I love Monster Hunter. I love 5th gen. I hate shitposters and genwarrers.
I can't wait for 6th gen.
>I love giga casualized gen that removed half of what mh was
If only it removed the whiners with it...
>removed half of what mh was
You mean the bad parts?
no, it only added bad parts
Just like you only add bad posts to the thread... curious.
sorry, I meant, "yeah, you are right, forgive me"
yeah, its alright bro
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Facebook is two tabs over
>facebook is le bad
Monster Hunter is good.
Why are we only allowed to use Buddy Recon points once per hunt? Why can't both be active at the same time? Why are we only allowed to choose one at a time?
Why is buddy recon a thing?

I don't get it. Someone specifically got out of their way to design it. Why? Why not just a camp? Why only once per quest? So it's more "challenging" to get back to the monster after carting or when it does an area change every 5 seconds? Moving across the map is not hard, it's just tedious. Seriously fuck this shit, citadel specifically is a terrible map because of the fact that there is no camp in the west.
>less than a minute apart
Is this a coordinated attack? What the fuck.
yeah bro, World discord is sending out its forces to threaten the buddy recon enjoyers
This comment surely won't get a NOOOOOOOOOOOOO response, will it?
yess yessssss
Is Thunder the most common weakness in World/Iceborne? I swear every other monster is weak to it.

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