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Previous Thread: >>487582435

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jul. 9 - Aug. 5 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Lingering Summer
[Current] Jul. 9 - Jul. 29 | Point Event: Fish on Cloud Nine (P2000)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 5 | Theater Mode Season 12 (HOC: RPG-29)
[Upcoming] Jul. 29 | New Neural Upgrade batch (Type 79)
[Upcoming] August | Episode 15.1 - The Summer Garden of Forking Paths

[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Detective 2
[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 |Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 | External Search - [Crimson Joyrider] (Bonneville)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | Character Event: Bonneville [Phantasmagoric Sojourn]
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | New Mini Event: [Melodious Macrocosm]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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You link the wrong previous thread, fucking DORK
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your system sucks, and i'll be back to torment you soon
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>Dragon Imoko
Kill dragons. Behead dragons. Roundhouse kick a dragon into the concrete. Slam dunk a dragon baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy dragons. Defecate in a dragons food. Launch dragons into the sun. Stir fry dragons in a wok. Toss dragons into active volcanoes. Urinate into a dragons gas tank. Judo throw dragons into a wood chipper. Twist dragons heads off. Report dragons to the IRS. Karate chop dragons in half. Curb stomp pregnant scaly dragons. Trap dragons in quicksand. Crush dragons in the trash compactor. Liquefy dragons in a vat of slime acid. Eat dragons. Dissect dragons. Exterminate dragons in the gas chamber. Stomp dragons skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate dragons in the oven. Lobotomize dragons. Mandatory abortions for dragons. Grind dragons hatchlings in the garbage disposal. Drown dragons in fried chicken grease. Vaporize dragons with a ray gun. Kick old dragons down the stairs. Feed dragons to alligators. Slice dragons with a katana.
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>torment you soon
Aunty famous
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I heard you are smooching
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No FamiFriday thread? Delay pre-reg another week.
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i dont have that font...
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>9:29 am
What timezone
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I mean you feed King Chong Hydration™ and made him collab with the Rossartists. No FamiFri to you today
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Eastern SEA, so the pinoys.
You forgot that it's 26 July. It's already 27th in Chink/Jap/Gook/SEA/Pajeet land
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What better way to know thy enemy, than to ally with thy enemy. Study them from the inside, then take them out from within. You do not see the bigger picture. You do not trust the plan. But in time, you will.

it goes the other way dork, GMT-4 that's USA east coast and also quebec and part of brazil
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That's definitely a screenshot from half a day ago. The only place that's 9AM right now is Chink/Gook land. And they're already on the 27th
reminder that this thread is comprised of 60% indogs
Undine has the best face here
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Can we give kot gun already?
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SEAniggers are the Indians of the squint eyes
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Bullshit, post you're timezone then, faggot
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It would be more worrying if it wasn't
what gun would we give her when she gets out?
no shit dude its a gacha general
yeah and the date on the screenshot is the time of the post, not the current time. I'm also too tired to care that you're baiting, goodnight
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here's your kot gun bro
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New Periscaria alter just dropped.
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That's STUR and her spine tail gun thing
STURlinetta is going to have the dorkiest dorm animations imaginable, I can already see it.
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What a dumb dork. What if she falls? Her gun's gonna bonk her on the head. Dumb! Dork!!!
>In front of the mirror
>Instead of making up or flexing, she practices cool poses
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Do you think her spine tail thing is removeable?
Okay fine, I'll buy the oath ring. Just calm down...
Excuse me, but my cat is a very skilled professional cat.
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If it isn't used for her ult, I will be very upset for such a missed opportunity. Just like wkp doesn't use her flare gun for her ult.
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GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG. Lil bluds....what is this?
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I was rewatching the PNC trailer due to the idol event name dropping the main theme, and I noticed something. Who the fuck is this? Do we know who this is? Is this a doll?
That's marking your territory in a way that no other gachashit is capable of.
?????????? this has to be a fucking joke that's Chelsea
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Damn. I really am retarded...
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getting real "mk 23 dol when" vibes from this post
More like them being forced to add marriage to try and salvage the game but also too high on their own farts to do so, so they cope with this.
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speaking of PNC trailers, who the fuck was this meant to be?
Bro, your IMR event? Fuck Ranko. Hug Riko
Smoooooooch Berlinetta my beloved.
Now type that without crying.
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You weren't supposed to prove that we're actually 1 iq you retard.
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Impossible with how hard that shit had me laughing
you weren't supposed to point that out...
Is this going to be the new shitpost?
Yeah that was a pretty hefty trvth nuke
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>Fuck Ranko
That's the plan
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You monster
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This is what the AU wants

Join the resistance, join the URNC
Behead Ranko. Love Riko.
>get """marriage""""
>its just some holographic thing
>girl doesn't look happy about it at all
What is this shit?
Kill yourself Riko apologist, I bet you support the 40% tax on all Magasea residents
Those two are made for threesomes.
Chelsea does (not) exist.
Are Mica hacks?
They haven't done a hack-n-slash game yet so no.
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I support a 100% tax on all Magrasea residents if the taxes go directly into Riko's pockets. She deserves all.
No, oaths mean nothing and you get nothing but a minor stat boost.
Are you some chinkcel or something?
Good. We should fight against racism in all its forms and welcome Indians into our ranks.
Chink waifuGAWDS literally own this series though?
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Are we still getting SF dorks on GF2?
I certainly hope not.
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I certainly hope so.
Pdersonally, I can't believe they caved to the incels and added marriage mechanics.

What is yuzhong thinking?! This is only going to invite incels into the fandom and cause it to be impossible to browse for female fans. Did he learn nothing from NC? Yuzhong is a fucking idiot to bring oaths back, they should be relegated to snowcel bullshit. It just doesn't fit.
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Ok Anons, I am pulling the pull points now what?
these last two threads have been extremely fraudulent
>Did he learn nothing from NC?
Yeah he learned NC giga flopped
No those aren't pull points anon
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Am I supposed to be able to use this talent?
That is a holding point

No, that's wrong. We should be opening the series and be inclusive of as many identities as possible.
Incel detected
>When KJ needs to rest so he says no to sex
We do
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What dolls did you run for advanced 6 today?
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Fuck Dreamer
One day she will hear the truth about Magrasea and the farce of a stage it really is
Shut up Eosphoros, go take Malkira's tentacles up your ass.
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Give it back
>uhm there is no gawd malkira pls peg me

Fag-Eosphoros lost to tentacles.
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I give up
How do I get these?
KJ WILL face the truths about Magrasea too
It’s up to him to take matters into his own hands, and end things on HIS terms, not Eosphorus’s, not Malkira’s, not Irida’s
and then persicat pulls the plug and shitcans the whole thing until whenever the hell exilium digs it up
Just keep mashing, several are locked behind a certain number of runs. There is no strategy.
What is this?
Death to the smoochers
I don't like it
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Chink shut the fuck up and go away. No one cares about your gook-cel drama.
Just report and move on
kill yourself
>that collab
Wtf, Yuzhong is a Rossartrist?
That would mean he wasn't being subtle at all with all the URNC plots, maybe even funded by the UN
for your spongebob imagery, your punishment will increase threefold
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you know mods can ban based off of devices? they only do it to people they don't like though
he denies jesus christ
Lotta, lotta what?
I'm tired of the amount of incels In here.

Why did yuzhong think that inceloaths were a good idea to bring back. It's not 2016 anymore.
We need to start emailing mica about all the disgusting chudcels they're attracting. We can still fix this.
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Shut up and cum to Jiangyu losers.
I'm gonna fucking oath my comrade Hououin Kyouma and you're not fucking stopping me.
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where did you come from
SG gets underrated a lot these days. It's like barely anyone knows about it now.
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They don't want you to resist. They need 10 children to save the sagging birth rate.
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Lotta cheeks
kill yourself
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Chink said double gems
got really behind in gfl story. why ro isn't in neural cloud and gfl2?
Pull points
Pulled points
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Morridow is /ourdaughter/
>girls frontline line
Iron Lotus
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You will give China new heirs.
Interns doing canon porn as a joke..
Chink anus.
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Clean it antivirus
Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twisting through a dusty land
And when she shines, she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande
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You know, it just occurred to me. This pro-chink propaganda to breed chinks would become overly strange when reversed with chinks lusting over burger dolls
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Farmland needs farmhands, lets make some Commander.
Dolls for this feel?
>Check Twitter
>People are complaining about the UN collab

>It really is an A&W root beer can
just ignore it, is IRL politics, there is no point in talking about something so relevant
inb4 ">t. globohomo"
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I wonder why
first mistake
The only faggot I've seen unironically complaining instead of shitposting for fun was some /pol/tard that, when tagging a random chink, said chink just asked
>who the fuck are you?
>mmmm yeah just let it happen lol
t. globohomo.
File deleted.
What do you guys think the D in MDR stands for?
Oh thats a good gif.
I'm horny
What is her favorite Rush album?
Not many complaining, I only saw two guys that actually dislike it for real. the rest are just being ironic.
The UN is involved with the creation of GAVIRULs if i remember right
MICA does it to themselves to be quite frank.
>no pubes
Almost perfect
what's wrong with harmless simple concert collab?
>implying China prefer gweilo men to fuck their chinese girls over their chinese men to fuck white women
Post actual good chinks shikikunts
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Maybe they can try that now that Russia has a huge surplus of single women again.
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it's funny, i give them that. and honestly? idk how it will be handled, but it is their first concert/orchestra outside of CN and that's fucking great imo. it's in San Francisco tho, so good luck for some of you burgers wanting to attend
Just ignore that globohomo collab and any talk about it, don't defend it, that makes it worse.
She's suppose to have small tits
In the sweltering summer of '62 SKK was raped.
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Who is going to watch the concert?
the MICA relocation plan...
I currently living in San Francisco and I'm still alive and well
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Is it actually full of shit every other street?
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I don't reply to anything on xitter, nigger. It's a waste of time to try to argue with people I can't call retarded without getting suspended.
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Holy shit I can catch it
It's a spectrum. The poorer/urban hell it looks, the more homeless it looks. And then there's this general area where there's a massive cesspool of fent zombies
>globohomo collab
It's a fucking concert nigga. The fuck do you think are they gonna do, add a blue helmet M4 skin?
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Fuck this tiny chink
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When and where? I need to book that day stat before work claims that day
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Russians are built for BFC
Should we do a/gfg/ concert meetup?
Are they gonna stream that?
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Only thing we do with blue helmets is put holes in them.
fuck that skk cutie
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Sexiest and most molestable Chink
I want to impregnate her mother.
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Aunt rimming.
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While that chink watch us
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Does she drink Lablatt,Molson or Moosehead?
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Comfort woman doll
Why are you guys like this?
Seriously why?
Grace Under Pressure
Would be extra funny if it is
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Why would I NOT be like this?
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Nice """oath""" system gflkeks
So August release is real right?
The only dork allowed to torture my cock is PYTHON
according to mdr?
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Dolls for this feel?
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Explain full pic too big prs understand
chinks can't meme
>mosin is tyler1
more schedule info soon, concert take place in the San Fran UN Plaza, i think it's near the city hall. i think to attend you need an invitation which mica will tell how to get it also soon
I think it's just "What I expected - what I get" meme.
The thing is we don't know the context of the images used there. The only one I understand is Groza used to be the night battle queen, and I don't know what's the "what I get" part of that one.
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oh yeah, also i think VGS staff have landed in US
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I laugh way too hard, I don't know why, but that skeleton send my sides to orbit
That's literally me though.
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>Invite only is possible instead of concert tickets to make a bit of money
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Wait it's in San Francisco? I thought it was at the plaza in NY?
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If it were literally any other gacha game /gfg/ would be laughing at them
for what? the themes fit with the game
there's two of em, one in SF and one in NY. we're doing it in SF
I dont think gfg cares about other gacha collabs
A double whammy?!
no you twat. the concert is held on UN Plaza and there's 2 of em in burger republic. we only doing it in one of em
I could start searching DEI and UN goals for mihoyo, yostar, kingsoft, cygames or any company your gachashit is owned by.
I don't do that because I don't care.
>can't even get Tareus's hp to half
Go ahead SKK, I will pad your score.
>he lacks the boss fucker fairy
Read previous thread.
Go to the end of the previous thread
Lick foxy tumny
An angel. A literally fucking Angel, childhood friends are simply the best
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I'm taking back what I said about Kuro
yeah she's shit
I've played other games on vg and people there didn’t act like this. Sure, sometimes anons posted their screenshots but no one went around doxxing people at every chance.
seems like you have allies
surprised they're mostly just laughing that they added back
who the fuck are you?
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No way I can't believe it
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maybe you should act less like a dork then, people here love dorking people. so they learn the hard way and start covering critical information
hello newfag, filter NGA post and you'll be fine. ignore the NGAfag
Its our resident nga fag
Thread culture.
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I'm still invading her anus
I'm confused about this covenant system. Don't the GF2 dolls bitch about not being treated like humans? Why do they have such an inhuman oath ceremony then? Can Mica make up their mind on whether Shitcan is "a cool guy that treats dolls like humans" or otherwise?
Yeah, but which doll would you fug?
This is /geriatric foggies general/. These people lived during the era where you don't want to expose yourself.
It's not a fucking oath ceremony you fucking retard it's literally inscribing your cum composition aka love into her neural cloud
That's bullshit when yellow pages was a thing.
>Why do they have such an inhuman oath ceremony then?
Because the oath system is an upgrade first and a "marriage" second.
SKK needs capable combatants more than he needs waifus(not that he doesn't already have Kalina who would suck his dick at a moment's call)
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Titty battle!
dont point that out
Same post as the on /v/ thread. Curious
You are not supposed to notice that
But I should.
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>45 people
>Three games
>All of the are kino
>Two of them are successful
YZ should learn from Kim Jihoon
checked out of curiosity
it's not actually shay it's the OLDER lunatic doomfag, the one that disappeared after trying to spam us with gore webms a few months ago. He's calling for raids again.
Debiru's titties are about to burst
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Oppai loli
YZ: When affinity reaches its highest level, Commanders can inscribe a special code for the doll, a process known as "Inscribed Covenant."

ZH: Originally, this special code was only inscribed in our neural cloud and couldn’t be seen. But now, thanks to our requests, it can be displayed as a 3D projection.

YZ: A 3D projection? That sounds cool. Let’s take a look at the animation for Inscribed Covenant.

ZH: This ring-shaped projection will move with us and serve as a significant... testament.

YZ: That’s tempting. I wonder if my character can have one too... Anyway, back to the topic. This Covenant projection must have other benefits for the dolls, right?

ZH: Yes, it can enhance our body's performance, improving various aspects. This means all the dolls on the Elmo will have the opportunity to become even stronger.

The wombforce is real
Wonder if they'll still do rings. Maybe for bride skins
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I need your strongest curses
For Manticore too
>when you marry dolls they now gain the ability of the omnitrix
>sharks ruin my carpet again
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>tfw family is dead
What does Persica smell like, apart from old coffee stench?
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you're not marrying them anymore though
my code is
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>Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.
Why though?
Yeah the less people that play the game, the better.
Filter all the chuds, MICA
Good luck recovering your account when google/facebook banned your account or ends service
Doesn't sound like oaths
because a sunborn account isn't going to get banned for nebulous reasons at random or the 3rd party login api is broken so you can't login
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I want to rim
Ew, who wants to rim a 794x1024 dork?
>entire game of shooting at glowies
>entire game of shooting at not-illuminati
>hey watch me make a bit at anti-christ central
I guess I want to see the massacre
Bro we created the antichrist.
Fuck you, you braindead idiot. If anything, this new oath system is a letdown because it does not go far enough
please tell me you are doing a bit and didn't actually fall for bait that obvious
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Forgive me, anon. I was making a shake. Please accept these three blessing coupons. Redeemable at any participating locations for free familyblessings.
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Why would google ban your account? Or end service? It's always way more likely the games will EOS
There's literally no incentive to ban someone generating money for you. But okay, fair about the 3rd party login API although I'm unsure if that's ever happened.
The warning is there because it already happened to some.
>Covenant (noun), a formal agreement or promise between two or more people.
If i were to make a headcanon, i think it is the pact that skk said to colphne about elmo squad. "everybody who's on board in elmo is a family and will be protected. those who betray or seek harm on elmo squad will have their core and frame fucking obliterated without traces". idk about you anons but i like this philosophy
>But okay, fair about the 3rd party login API although I'm unsure if that's ever happened.
faceberg api was down for maybe half a day one time and besides that xitter started charging to use theirs and nobody wanted to pay for that so it's not an option anymore
Damn that's a garbage thread. Dude has personally vendetta
Sure. I believe you, but there's probably a reason for it. I don't use a google account for anything outside of the one mandatory to my phone appstore.
I see, I think linking a social media to a game is kinda weird. Reminds me of the twitter API for wow. I mostly just liked the google login because it generates enough money to pay the monthly sub thing in some gachas and it was convenient having all the games auto-login when I used to play more of these. I'll probably not bother in gfl2 though since it'll have a stand-alone client. I should get around to linking it before release..
I shouldn't have procrastinated the SG Collab. How long is this event?
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It's like none of you played P3 and got Aigis to her max relationship
Isn't the ending about MC touching Aigis' robotic heart or something?
No it's mindbreak!!You're ruining my narrative!!
You touch her CPU pins with your bare hands
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You're all shitters. It's mind hack
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Sleepy sleepy
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Would a Command & Conquer collab work great with GFL?
>Tiberium is similar enough to wacky Collapse
>Yuri's mindcontrol works on SKK but not dolls
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Nuh uh.
Anyways, we need STARturday power. Now!
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William and Kane swap worlds. An anti-collab, if you will.
It would, but it's too obvious that's why it won't happen.
I'm about to finish the remaining Steins Gate collab story, I heard it has multiple endings?
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She's FAT
Clukay NO!
There's nothing but anons arguing about some collab
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What if stur...is going to be an enemy?
her tummy is made for intense rubbing massage
Thanks, the OP linked to the wrong previous thread.
The first post rectifies it
First France now Nebraska will you just stop?
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>Two counts of criminal mischief
Criminal mischief is such a funny term. It's like being charged with being too silly
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For a fat piece of shit she's got a hip-waist ratio worth going to war for. I wonder if this is how Paris and Menelaus felt
>collabing with UN of all organizations
What the hell YZ, you used to be cool in my book
Rossartrism is real and they have replaced yz with a nyto infiltrator
When are they making an Imoko nyto for me to breed
People have the right to be wary of this "collab". Sure they just got the location to do their concert but they should have picked up a better place
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>People have the right to be wary of this "collab". Sure they just got the location to do their concert but they should have picked up a better place
since when twittards have access to this thread? go back to elon's playground you mongoloid
There's a /v/eddit thread
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Say something nice about my wife(right)
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>We're opening a global server
>What's something more global than the fucking United Nations? Ring them up for the locale!
I bet this is the entire thought process that went through Yuzhong's head
Wait, your right or my right?
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>Jimmy, summon the United Nations, and send the teenagers to Beilan
>it's time to remind the faggots who's really in charge of this timeline
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I'm a little curious why Sunborn is collabing with UNITAR for a concert. There seems little to be gained from a Game Dev studio and a Global organization will get out of this outside of Yuzhong saying he got to hold a concert at the UN Plaza
it's funny and we get to make a joke about antichrist & URNC. also we have a concert outside from china, so i consider it a win-win
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>this is what I get for attending the URNC concert
Signed status: the fuck up
During 2023 anniv before GF2 release, they announced collab with space research program or shits. We haven't heard anything of that since.
im more curious with the UN side, what was going on their mind when greenlight it.
I'm pretty sure whichever suit only assumed it's some gritty sci-fi game studio without actually knowing what kind of 'gritty sci-fi' game it is.
>We need to be hip and trendy for the kids
Simple as
>chong looks for venue on US
>sees linkrel
>"what the fuck that's a steal"
>rent place and contact UNITAR if they want their name for an event
>UN agrees
if my assumption is right, that is hilarious as fuck. i kneel
As anon said last thread:
>oh, your game is about love and hope? We're in!
>chinks casually outjew the UN jews
They're probably jaded by the amount of games that paints UN in the bad light
or really just unaware and didn't care
anon the YZverse doesn't treat the UN kindly either
UN deserves that rep for being a useless, milquetoast organization anyway.
I agree with both of you.
I'm not surprised if there was a monetary bonus for Mica if they did it.
>Mech Tower 33
>kill all these big robutts
>"okay sure that's simple enough"
>there's myriad of smaller troops that shoot arrows, deadly for the mech
>"okay I'll just use the support squad to take care of those"
>support squad gets their SMGs wrecked in a single fight, have to engineer a way to 2-turn the map whilst able to go to heliport and repair after a single fight
I fucking hate KCCO.
>deadly for mech
Post mech and parts
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Holy shit that's a fucking bargain
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now i understand what Asian Kojima mean by "the shining beacon of brave new world".
It isn't in New York? If the event invite only and is sponsored by UNITAR, shouldn't it be on their HQ in New York or something?
>do a quick skim to make sure it's not something insane like that one edgy game about killing random people/ a game about cannibals
>oh it's about cartoon girls with guns? sounds fine -> stamp
that's probably as far as the line of thought went
Kek this actually makes so much sense
The fuck? That's even cheaper than the venue for comiket rip off here in SEAland
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Shield makes mech take 6% less damage per enemy group.
Universal MG has that skill that makes it so every light weapon hit can trigger a shield.
Cannon gives shield points of 10% lost HP every 8 seconds.
Signal Receiver puts damage stacks on groups.
Heavy MG is just a stat stick for light weapons.
>YZ jewing the globohomo for his concert
I kneel
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Holy shit YZ, you pulled a big Riko!
What do you even find in a SEA comiket? I doubt people sell doujins there.
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Made with love
Shield is the BiS defensive component already
Cannon is also the BiS heavy weapon
Swap your HMG for the quadmount thing, it utterly rapes any horde type enemy and ignores evasion, so it will quickly punch through any archerdogs
I'd also suggest swapping out the universal MG if it didn't have light weapon shields since you never get much benefit from its passive without manually moving up the mech all the time.
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Some SEAnigger artists had their own booth at that convention.
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My name is 羽中 and I support the United Nations and it's quest for peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet!
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Got p10c. Her skill sounds really good. Is she good?
So this has to plant GFL firmly at the apex of crossover shitposting right? Like get all the anime and boybands and brands you want, did your gacha collab with the motherfucking antichrist themselves AND put the zombieland idols into a warzone?
>girls frontline line
>Girls Frontline Line
tourist spotted
No, Savage.
In general use not really because it won't get much use, but in endgame content like ranking having a forceshield on demand for the whole formation is dupe-worthy esports tier.
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Someone please get this....
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>No, Savage.
Cope all you want but the website and twitter is named GFL2 making GFL the official acronym.
Why is she getting naked
Did she blue screen at the same time her computer did?
she's great lifesaver but annoying to use in practice. you'll have to wiggle dolls position (pay attention to her skills description) and cast the skills manually at right timing
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Clothy would never.
Now, Hel on the other hand...
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>Why is she getting naked
She's a dork.
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Love pretty dolls
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Teach me Miss Agent!
>the website
GFL sisters are you okay ? Seems like you need more twitter accounts and discord screencaps to cope with the fact the official acronym is GF.
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More Princes
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Famifrens? Stursisters? Pre-reg status?
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Total Sharker Love!
My husbands (wives)
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The singular (1 (one (uno))) sharkryfag is uppity again
Its sharkry herself making those posts
Also keep in mind fans online might not use official acronyms so don't get confused
hope this helps :)
real fans would know the acronym
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Who's this cute doll? Remember seeing her in stream screenshots.
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Zhaohui, previously known as Tomoki.
gatekeeping is wrong, how else would a newfag who missed years of GFL being the norm be so welcome here?
don't worry, we won't judge :^)
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Next doll on CN, Zhaohui - member of the Monsoon squad made from 95 and 97 and her
d*scordniggers yet again trying to pretend their infestation meant being welcome
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When EN comes out I hope instead of chinks we get some US-Europe-Russia squad. Something like M200 AEK FAMAS
Just ignore the trannies trying to force their made up flamewar over acronyms, fighting over letters that don't matter is just what they seem to do
Another jade beauty to cultivate. Excellent.
lifting her left arm above the other feels wrong, it'd look better if she was sliding it forward but probably harder to animate right
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with good tummy.
Also seems to be last one for some time
>Monsoon squad
I know Daiyan is Haze and Jiangyu is Rain. What about Zhaohui?
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Did someone say... Jade Beauties?
I think her name was Tomoki or something like that 2 years ago when they showcased her. No connection to rain
He can't ignore himself lol
I don't understand how this hope/cope of region exclusive units at launch still exists when PNC already didn't do such a thing and GF2 is running banner to banner with no complete content in the backburner, especially with this close to 1 year delay that is a bigger sign of being unprepared for foreign launch rather than a deliberate delay to create exclusive content for it.
So what do you guys think about the new oath scene ?
You think they will redo it a bit or will they go along with the (not) brainwashing ?
I'm talking about the connection to weather because they're called the Monsoon
Tomoki was my fan translation when I coinflipped whether the runes were meant to be for chink or nip
朝 = morning
晖 = sunshine
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Is it sad
>morning sun
so like, the clear new day after a monsoon passes or some poetic shit?
Not at this point where they will risk delaying the new client. At most they'll give another half-assed apology and claim they will make >better and more appropriate animations for future oath cinematics.
Chinks have 3 gold medals btw
My experience with the monsoon season is that the morning is always sunny. It's the evening where the heavy rain with thunderstorms happens.
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>Monsoon squad
Skins plz.
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I want to make a son with the moon if you get what I mean.
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because of you dorks spamming about sun and moon i keep reading monsoon as moonsun aaaaaa
It's just missing the pre-scene where you talk to the girl and she agrees to it with some lovey-dovey message, and then it plays the scene where you remove her love limiter. Or grant her higher authority because you implicitly trust her, as, I think the lore stated.
It is the best day of the week again.
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Coolbros it is our day
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It's SF Saturday
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Chong. No
>when you get UNICEF's rape money
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Moon, Sun, Star or Black Hole?
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that's a dedicated rape doll.
AI Generation continues to be a blight on humanity
Which say, Shinikan man?
hmm, nyone
Her GF1 skin is superior
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I cored that Italian whore in 1 and won't waste my rolls on her in 2. Go fuck yourself and suck my dick if you wish to call me gay, you want to, you know that and so do I.
The only problem I have with the new skin is the fact that all of her art has a fatty bellybutton, but the 3D model has a normal one.
I go for the real architect route, Spas-15.
Ravioli ravioli, you will get spooked on all your rerolliolis
Vepley = pgLang
Sharkry = OVO
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I was given that threat for both GF1 and PNC. It ain't gonna do shit.
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Summer RO
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Cast off
Don't care. I want the goblin hunter skin
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I mean they're both cute, but if you asked me to pick one, I like the GF1 swimsuit more.
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Keep getting over confident, anon. You'll be either bricked or smooched in due time.

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