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Previous: >>487010197

>Event Rerun: [The Phantom of the Mist], July 23rd - August 6th
>Routine Arrest: [Shaded Ever After], July 23rd - August 6th
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>[Mania Training] Phase 7 Starts, July 23rd

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(sɓu!ʇʇǝs ʇunoɔɔⱯ u! ɯǝǝpǝꓤ)sǝpoꓛ<
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You know
It really does feel like it's been a while since they gave out redemption codes
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the last ones i can remember were from yao
second anni will have some probably
Don't miss out
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>don't miss out
>live in 13 hours
>offtopic stream
Shu a cute!
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i've written it in detail before but i dont think i have it saved. maybe someone has it. i can't find it in archives from any word i remember i used. im pretty sure i said deren/owo are aquarius/leo, or maybe saturn/sun.
deren/owo are about reaction to great images and stories.
shalom/coq are about reaction to great power. rahu/christina are followups.
...what were the other ones. i don't remember.
du ruo/yanyany are about reaction to great lie. what theme are serpent/mess opposites on... i wanna play dreamy bubble again. i talked once about how going back and doing interrogations its clear they like events were meant to be read in release order. summer explains what mania tech is and what's going on in the world, stargazer expands the scope to what's outside 'the world', eirene takes us on a trip beyond the outside, and also connects us to high society, where the scope of the story rapidly focuses and serpent's event takes place. man ptn is so good...
well, maybe i should play adela event for the first time in the meantime. and do all those interrogations which are meant to be read immediately after their events.
that's cool
im kind skeptical of the relevance of the earlier interrogations though. i think like most fictional settings, the world always ends up expanding and you kind look back and wonder how much of the day 1 content would be one day revisisted at all
oh here we go. one of them anyways. searched my dickcord for "whitestone" and got a date
>hmm doing summer's interrogation now and eirene's earlier it dawns on me a good chunk of these were probably written in order. summer was the first banner that wasn't the cover character, and her first interrogation is entirely about 1) explaining the mechanics of mania crystals and 2) talking about anime girls. in other words, the lore of this game and a commentary about the game's place in our world.
>the first event is stargazer's, discusses the world and how it came to be (perishing star/nightfall).
>then comes eirene's banner. eirene is mentioned briefly in stargazer's event and the next event. her story is about the human world outside the city.
>then it's serpent's event. the first event in the city itself. the focus has moved from the world as a whole all the way down to the individual desires.
>reading these in order and alongside the events makes everything fit a lot better. i thought they were just 'side stories'. well, maybe for the A/B launch sinners they are. but everyone else fits. cabernet's interrogation completes her event, and she's the opposite of lamia, who in turn is the opposite of both cabernet and everyone at the event.
>there's a lot more thought going into this than i thought.
>stargazer: knows the future (long range) and the nature of people, tired, wants to go to the next world
>kawa-kawa: knows the future (short range) and naive to the nature of people, shounen protagonist, wants to map everything out about this world
>serpent: wants everyone happy, so she can be happy
>mess: wants everyone evil, so she can defeat the big evil
>the writers of this game are actually too good.
goodnight burgersisters..........................time for this sister to sleep...........................
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gn chiefie
>i thought this was a joke character. which she is.
>"Whitestone Industries exists to serve your [every] need"
>but this is not a joke statement
>in this world powers come from strong desires.
>the most powerful object thus observed takes the form of a white stone.
>the "industry" is the game itself. the character saying all this is the only one designed 'tastelessly' for sex appeal, which is what all the marketing about. but the story doesn't care about that at all.

>most mobages have limited run characters. so far this game has only had one: a movie director.
>everything lines up
>it's talking about itself the whole time

i should save that one time recently where i looked into the stuff about lesbians takeover of ptn and how it was originally different and how it lines up with what deren was talking about.
...but i m tired. i'll do it later. eventually.
That must be the most credit anyone has given to Bai yi and gang ever.
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we didn't even get to torture her at game launch, which was when this ad ran
i thought we did
you just had to beat chapter 6?
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a doctor's appointment made me miss the end of hte last thread but here i am chiefs
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Bai Yi's interrogation was added in an update.
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i genuinely think she's so cute
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Original reveal was eh, but this pose here made me like her.nxykr
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out of curiosity does this game have the "textting" feature with its characters like some games do? I thought I had seen some screenshots online
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kinda, the game has unique log-in events with sinners (randomized from day to day) and further "surveillance" events that are also random but weighted for the most recent sinner you rolled (or maybe the most recent banner sinner, i'm not quite sure) where you have little conversations/events and can choose options
the previous event also had a texting app where you could text event characters as part of the design because it was about social media
In general? No.
But in some specific events, yes.
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she a cutie frfr
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consider the director,
That ceia person is absolutely retarded.
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wait are you talking about the girls frontline ceia lol
that guys a tard yeah
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I still don't know who that is...
Yeah. I think I know exactly why but the absolute dredge of society flocks to the gfl "game".
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assuming that chief is talking about who i'm thinking of, ceia is/was a girls frontline community guide maker who was infamous for being basically a pimple of a human being with an almost possessive attachment to one of the characters in the first girls frontline
i assume he's only gotten further obnoxious as the community shrank over the years and now said character (suomi) is in the sequel
oh ok
thank you for the information, fellow chieftian
/gfg/ itself was pretty good for at least the couple of years that i frequented it but i agree that in general girl's frontline had some fucking bottom feeders in the community
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no problem
now if you'll excuse me it's bedtime
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Bai Yi!
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should probably sleep....
Page 9 hate.
Oh wow.
necrobump brought to you by aisno
That’s only 3 minutes after another post…
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How does fire team look with Hestia? Right now I've been using Yao in my regular Magic team as a tank/dps nuke. I don't know who to invest.
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you think those bumpers don't know?
its TIME
this chief wooper love
you are welcome!
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i like chibis
its so fucking over
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I finally found that chief car pic I'm been looking for.
I am going scorched earth
fuck this gorilla and fuck her blowjob skills
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I miss the snow

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