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Issue #218: Old, bald and lovin' it edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial and Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens. Mission refreshes.
>How do I recognize a bot?

>Comic Recs

Previous: >>487260493

Abuse the pity bots to get 500mil
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>MFW still winning with arishem against cassandra and darkhawk
Literally any deck, they're pity bots and will autolose to you.
You still want to make them stay in by tricking them into thinking they're winning 2 lanes, which is why people have been suggesting Tribunal
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can confirm it works, just hit the 15m for cass using this method and tribunal
>ravonna renslayer
>super skrull
>iron lad
>iron man
>blue marvel
>the living tribunal
I played in 1 lane until the second to the last turn never fielding tlt or iman, the best method was myst'ing onslaught or sera to keep from gaining prio and then just finishing the combo for the casserole on the final turn
then what's a good tribunal deck? I have almost every card in the game
then just use the AnnihiluSersi list from last thread and don't play them until 6 >>487518018
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fuck yall
kill yourselvess
i am so fucking mad
thats a good pity abusing deck
what is that pity abusing deck
what is pity abuse? does it work in lower plate like you pity 9x in lowest then highest for 10th game?
After retreating 9 times in a row the game always gives you a 'pity bot' which is coded to throw the game so you go all in on it and come out with more than you lost for all the retreats
so i just need to retreat 9 times in a row during turn 1
yea that seems to be the strat
So can you retreat in cereal 9 times in a row, and then switch it to your highest plate for the 10th game?
On one hand: It looks good
On the other: it’s Iron Man. He looks pretty good with anything. So if you have an alternative, they might need the border more.
The reason it works in diners is you dont lose your overall bubs, so eventually you will reach the higher tier plates then eventually 500mil
can bots play arishem?
no they cannot
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i thought so, doing the pity thing my 10th AND 11th game were vs Arishem players so i retreated because i didn't trust it.
Twitch drop variant.
Not bad for a baby variant but im not going to use it lmao
So are you guys doing this on kebab or ice cream?
you do it at the highest plate that you can reasonably do it at; you need to keep in mind the base cost times 9 is how much you lose so if you don't even have enough bubs to play that plate a 10th time then it's moot, and not to mention that you also want to have the bubs to be able to get maximum value from both you and the bot snapping
>hoogland won
goddamit of course it had to be bots
Yeah it's not every 9th game for me, it's very 10th or 11th so far
*not every 10th game for me, it's every 11th or 12th
Doing on the highest table as long as you can tank the 9 or 10 losses for the big payout

I was doing it on cherry pie (250k per loss, every every bot win gives me about 4mil)
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>MFW both of us played copycat on the final turn and both had stolen each others shang
there are now some absolute faggots pretending to be bots
You have 3-4 turns to gauge out the bots anyway, no need to rush
3 turns, retreat by 4, and a pity bot will not snap within that timeframe either
nobody plays, they just try to one up the new game mode, abuse the hot locs, one up the current meta
i think the core game is decent but you don't get to actually play it much
because this game mode is complete fucking ass. its just a long grind during one of the worst metas the game has ever had
Love abusing this shit, thank you REDDIT!
i know it's ass
and like most of their decisions it skews the base game towards retardation even more
aren't the redditors right that if too many people are bot abusing that it becomes impossible to climb with?
click the retreat button as soon as you can before the starting animations even finish to have the competitive retreating edge, I've never been out-retreated doing it this way
if you're on pc just spam the esc key
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BRUH everyone is doing it at the second highest table LMAOM
I hope diner stays hanging out in cereal tier and trying out random decks is peak comfy
it's so fucking fun to bully the early tables with the cassandra avatar turn1snapping all the arishem players, I fucking love diner
>Pity bot is winning two lanes.
>Moves its Vision so it is now losing two lanes.
Fuck you, you cheeky prick. Give me my bubs.
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>got 500m bubs and spent 30 mins giving them all away
Now i can sleep. Mode was fun overall, High stakes games sure did get the heart pumping
Bros, now that I'm done with Deadpool's Diner it feels like a massive weight has been lifted off of my body. You have no idea how good it feels.
come donate to me in the 20k plate in like 45 minutes thanks.
Remember the shills defending SD with their lives for the past two weeks trying to say how the meta was actually fine? Why are they so quiet now?
I’m still stuck at 10.8 mill and just lost all my bubs. Why does 15 mill still seem so far away? I feel putrid at the thought of trying again in several hours.
before and after doc ock leech were put in the most common deck. simple
they were both being used in top infinite a day after Arishems release but the shitters never fucking listen.
can confirm, I just hit 15m just now getting her and it feels like I'm falling in reverse
My local meta was 90% Thena/Cassandra/Darkhawk lists on the higher tables. I don't think Arishem can really keep up against those numbers unless you get lucky
I ran out of bubs retreating, not a single bot, tried in my second highest bracket.
I barely see Arishem anymore after slotting Cass in
Worked for me, thanks.
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>95mil bubs abusing the bots
Some FAGGOT using a hope avatar retreated and it reset my retreats, then i couldn't afford to get to 10 again fuck
Yea I've had quite a few games where people just instant retreated on me since it seems word is getting around about the bots
In case people have a hard time identifying the pity bots:

>Avatar, usually a base card avatar of the base series1/2/3 card, never a season pass or an infinity avatar
>Faggots make try to bait you with robot guy avatar, stay away
>Sometimes title, sometimes no
>Names are in English
>Card backs are the default Marvel ones, never any season pass one
>Their deck will ALWAYS be the base series1/2/3 cards since they're the pity bots, never a series4/5 especially newer ones
>They might spawn one of those cards via a location, a stealer card like cable or one of the pity deck types are the devil dino/shield one
>I know this to be 100% true because I loki with copycat, it's always the base set of old cards

The cheating bots might have the good cards, these bots don't

Then they do the usual bot shit
>Snap on 4 if ahead
>Retreat if behind INSTANT retreat if they are behind in 2 or more lanes at the start of t6

True to stack a location, winnning it then play a big card like blob/infinaut to secure a lane
Also use a tracker if you're on pc, easier to track how many games you've retreated and see cardbacks instantly (if you miss the load screen) and bots tend to have a quick queue
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I think the bundle coming out in 2 days will be the best way to spend gold along with the token Tuesdays
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>Want to donate all my bubs to regen while sleeping
>Everybody is retreating turn 1
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kebabs is when it starts to feel like a grind. start with a 'hello' into a 'I'm losing' and just use cards you want boosters for or weak cards to fill up lanes so they feel safer
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>Second dinner when they see everyone is donating bubs and cutting into their profits
I love USAgent so much. Nobody ever expects him, and he wins me so many games.
>Next diners they inject in the cheating bots
3 redditors fishing for upboats won't change shit, spent like 2 hours going between 10k to 400k and all the tables remain filled with tryhards
As more people finish the grind I'm sure they will be happy to donate bubs that they regenerate. It will become more common the closer the event comes to ending
game is nothing but tech cards lmao
wtf i love marvel snap now
So the retreats are recorded per table, let's say if you run out of your bank while hitting the second highest table and have to go to the one below it, once you reach back up again the retreats still count previously
Buff to spectrum/destroyer when?
If destroyer was a completely new card what do you think it would look like? I'd say 6/18 "On Reveal: Destroy your other cards. Gain +2 for each card destroyed.
With that ability he should be like a 6/10.
It's 2024 anon. A new 6 cost card needs to be 30+ power on release or it's doa.
diner's fucking unplayable if you're above 3k cl but have none of the good decks to play
people weren't kidding about how many people are conceding to get to bots
Just retreat for pity bots
If you're not quick enough they fuck up your streak too
another arishem nigger plays
t2 coulson (not generated)
t3 card generated by coulson
t4 second card generated by coulson
t5 alioth (not generated)
t6 chi + rogue (not generated)
zero cards generated by arishame
I gonna delete this shit
its hs all over again
fucking faggots spinning the wheel and stealing my cubes only due to RNG
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stories to tell your 40 year old friends at your LCS
>ranked is 99% zemo decks
>diner is 99% people conceding within a second of a game starting

well done second dinner well done
At last, a normal OP image. It’s not even gooning for the live action version.
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I didn't even know there was a live action version.
Why is she so cute? Lol she looks adorable while comics Cassandra Nova is an old hag.
The movie was great, loved it

That's because, well... the MCU Cass is in fact, not an old hag.
That two mil table, the grind on that one was insane. Once I had enough to reliably retreat on 10mil going up to 500 was quick as
Snap has the worst community out of any ccg
god i love this game
Her actress did a good job, but D&W missed an opportunity for a funny bit of stuntcasting for Cassandra seeing as how she's Xavier's twin.

Damn it's been so long since i've seen split, i completely forgot Anya was it

Might rewatch this kino..
>retreat turn 3
>retreat turn 2
>opponent retreat turn 3
>retreat turn 1
>opponent retreat turn 2
>opponent retreat turn 3
>retreat turn 2
>retreat turn 1
>retreat turn 2
Having a lot of fun in the Diner !
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pure fun, isn't it?
>playing a shitty version of arishem
>bar with no name mid
>gonna snap and doc ock him there
>he moves his jeff there
>pull his odin, shadow king, shangchi
>next turn he plays copy cat which copied an arishem created quake from the bottom of my deck
>end up tying now on the left due to his nebula growing at least
>he plays dark hawk on the right completely raping me
>i lose all my bubs for the day
imagine actually playing against real players in deadpool's diner instead of retreating against them on turn 1, I could never lmao
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You and me both brother..
Im glad we got borders, would've only saved borders for the cards i play all the time
now im just spamming borders on random shit kek
YOoo shiiit ma niggas, patch on july30 this week

My opponents kept retreating before I could on turn 1, so I just decided to just let them.
It's still progress albeit slow progress.
Do you play arishem or thanos? Those lag up the animation, i was beating people to retreating when i just played a random deck with no start up animation for the first 8 games
whjats the strategy
retreat on low bets then queue up bots in high risk?
>Arishem loki'd his hand at turn 5
>motherfucker pull a generated blob at turn 6 and made lose the game
I threw 3 rocks and black widod'ed the cunt, how fucking lucky has to get that specific card
been that way since alpha. the attention seeking is absurd. there were people playing squirrel girl on turn 1 and conceding to get all the cards, then telling everyone how they are great at the game because their MMR was so low that they never faced humans for months. those people are still in the community and would never admit to this.
see: >>487791752
>retreat 8 or 9 times (8 works for me)
>get a bot: like here>>487812516
>farm 500mil bubs
>go into the lower tables and show off my variant cass
Can I do this on entry for 9 times then beat the bot at max table available?
it is tracked per table
Nah pity are locked per table, so you would need to bank up the bubs accordingly and retreat on the highest table, or farm up bubs on a table below

cherry pie is 256k per retreat, most i got from a win here was about 8 mil, mostly 4mil

chimis are 1.28mil per retreat, wins here give you 20mil to like 80mil if the bots snap

last one is is 6.4mil, can give up to like 170mil a win

i farmed up with cherry pie until i banked like 20mil where i could consistently hit the chimis table, didn't even really touch the final table because chimis was enough to hit 500mil with a bunch of 40mil wins
And every hour at the highest bob mart gives you like 4mil bubs? Just a matter of time until a lot of people get the final variant for cass
Damn I want that Legion bundle since I don't have that card
wanna cop a rolex but heard they be fuckin wit people n i aint rilly tryna play dat
Always play something other than Black Widow against Arishem if you can help it, if they play Loki on the same turn it's a huge blowout

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