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Big titty heroine in cyberpunk city edition

Previous Thread: >>487628794

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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Sex with not-Mona
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Which game?
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It's skinsuit therapy time anon!, get in there!
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Arisu's uncensored cunny
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Asylum blobs rule
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whoops wrong pic
Whats for dinner?
Chicken Ham or Roast Beef
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Please tell me that's a dress and not a bikini.
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Thirst demo is like almost done probably maybe.
I want to ask for consistency though since I don't want to go back and look─ how did sub-par transliterate these:

ナーヴィガー (was this even a word?)
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I only play lolige!
It's a slutty dress like this one
I need more 95% vanilla content game with a completely optional swinging/whoring scene
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She has both a bikini and a dress
>ugly dress
ge with good looking low cut dresses?
>Pjnk hair strands
nipples too big
Does RJ01153640 (the OP) have much corruption in it, Does her hair turn pick when she becomes a slut?
best game about lolis becoming mindbroken sluts?
It's all about corruption, she gets groped all the time by random npcs in every map and every dungeon
That bikini is perfect.
The dress could be a little shinier, and something looks off about the shines around the stomach.
Her hair is all over the place. Pink highlights, monotone, two-tone. I know this game had like a million artists, but they couldn't keep it consistent?
Vanillabros how we feeling
I'm scared, recently I have been leaning into more extreme fetishes...
she sucks cocks 5 min into the game!
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She actually does. You can get her to suck a dick within 5 minutes if you skip the intro and bumrush to the maid cafe job.
everyone sucks a little bit of cock that's nothing to make note of
You'll probably find yourself more at home in /vn/ or something. How does one even incorporate vanilla into a game that isn't a dating sim or VN?
Give a man a MTL, and you blobjob him for a day. Teach a man how to MTL, and blobjob him for a lifetime
bonafide hallmark of kusoge if I've ever seen
i knew it was going to be another failure like croix
at least she could get pregnant
>20 year old highschool dropout slut sucks a cock in a hentai game
Who could have seen this coming?!

Fuck off, esl. It's also a much better game.
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Chloa. At least get her name right.
And not-Mona's game is 10x better than Chloa's game. Chloa's game was so goddamn glacial with how railroady it was and the h-content was just boring rape. At least not-Mona's game isn't loaded with bad story stuff, it just moves along really quickly to get to the good stuff.
Recommend me a H-RPG with multiple party members
ero witches
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I don't like NTR

I don't like wegs

I don't like femdom
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Can someone get a lawsuit filed against these faggots?
>RJ01213396 tomorrow
so ready
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>doubles*core game picked up
>non-shota vanilla smol ppge properly translated
well enough to bring me out of retirement
i see nothing wrong with this image
no way tomorrow at last? that game is only missing prostitution to be the peakest depraved daughter rape game
Either way hyped
Cool anon but wrong general.
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I'm happy his game seems to be doing fine, once he's done with the DLC he told me he would start working on his next daughter game
The 3D general literally doesn't exist and hasn't for quite a while
also the only reason for the split in the first place was for illusion games and illusion is fucking dead
Virgin runs should still have sex scenes
Say that again see what happens nigga
>big tits
Somehow he managed to make that game even worse. Bravo.
you can give her small tits
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what am i in for
Illusion games got their own generals in /h/ anyways, no one cares about discussion of 3D games that are lined with the 2D ones in the thread so long it doesnt drown 2D discussion, except some actual autist
Virgin runs can be supplanted by "pure love" runs where the girl remains uncorrupted but still has events with someone who isn't a psychopath molester
Like their previous game. Playable but ultimately disappointing, mediocre and overrated. The forced x-ray is one of my biggest issues. I can ignore the horribly janky "animation", but the x-ray, awful audio, and ugly semen are great distractions, and the games don't have much else.
You are in for Kino if you dont play in easy and enjoy the premise, its not really challenging but you have to put a bit of effort to defeat and fuck girls, which makes it quite rewarding.
The main girls are cute too and somehow the story hooked me in, better plot than past 2 pokemon main titles for sure
I remember playing a game where yuri sex wouldn't count as sex so a virgin run could be a lesbian run, I forgot the title though.
How we feeling about the upcoming Acerola game anons? Revenge story with a white-haired femc is the makings of kino.
>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/
>Like their previous game. Playable but ultimately disappointing,
>The previous game literally had no gameplay
>This one has gameplay

Are you making shit up or do you personally have a hateboner for it?
>like means exact
based esl
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we talk what we want here
found the autist

So tell me chud, were does a lolicon 3D cohabitation game belong? h is definetly not the place
foid moment
It was definetly not mediocre, I agree the x-ray sucks tho, not a deal breaker to me. Sounds more like you just didnt like it to me anon. When a game has lots of sales and high rating, despite you wanting to believe you know better, usually means most people will actually like it.
chuddy please
How is that relevant? OP clearly states 3D does not belong here. Red herring all you want, it's void. Go make a thread for it somewhere if you actually care (you don't, you only shit-post and this will be further solidified as fact as you won't rectify the situation you're unhappy with and will not make a thread for it).
The two games have nothing in common except for the art, nimrod.
Pure fucking kino. Come for the degenerate mind control rape, stay for the heartwarming love story between a boy and his blob. Currently debating if I want to replay it so I can do the DLC stuff, or if I want to wait until the DLC is uncensored too.
>Hey, make a thread for the only relevant game to talk about every few months that only gets mentioned in 4 post

You are retarded
Good thing anon stated it as what they didn't like, not being objective. Sounds like you are a shill or obsessed over it for some reason. Try looking in a mirror for a change.
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stop arguing with the retard and just post what you want
>The forced x-ray is one of my biggest issues
Actual homosexual.
>anon dies when the opposite opinion appears in front of his eyes
>can't read OP rules
>even when pointed out they double-down and call others retarded
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Oh yeah?
*cums on you
meant to reply to >>487801212
>Good thing anon stated it as what they didn't like, not being objective.
May I see it?
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what`s the most satisfying ntr
i won't tell you!
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Do not trust this anon, that was not me XD
The kind where the bull injects their sperm into the cuck's balls where they live and prey on the cuck's weak cuck sperm, slowly shrinking the cuck's balls until they dissolve and invert into a yaoi hole for the bull to impregnate.
The game being a scam/ broken
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Do trust this anon, that was me!
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also, wegs are already allowed here
but then it means you're ntring me out of my satisfaction
>this mad over purplecop
Personally, I think the best NTRge is
no one is mad
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3D will never belong here
Only 2.5D siderscroller games like Ricca and Core Awaken are ok here
I'm mad
That trash just looks like regular 3D. But it could be my disdain for 3D taking over.
The most overrated shit in a while, shitty art, scene variety and especially the gameplay sucks donkey cocks
so much samefagging here
I was here during the /hgg/ - /hgg2d/ split, 3000 years ago. It happened because Illusion games dominated the generals and it was difficult to talk about anything but waifu cards. But most non-Illusion 3D games also got snubbed, since most of them are as niche as the 2D games discussed here. Now that Illusion is dead, so are those generals, so I wouldn't mind sharing space with shit that pretty much uses 3D like 2D games like Ricca, or too niche to really pick up elsewhere, like Secret Flasher Sereka. Sure, shit that's bound to be popular and create enough buzz on its own, like the next Miconisomi game might be better off staying out, but there's plenty of 3D games that get ignored in the Illusion and Kiss generals because of how niche they are. Shit like Seed of the Dead is loads of fun, but the card trader in the other /hgg/'s kind of suck up all the discussion.
Fucking clown take
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I was here during the birth of hgg2d
>words words words
expect anyone to read all that?
stop with the good nuanced takes anon, we need to be as straight as a ruler with the rules here!
I read all that
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we want wegs here
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Uhh yeah. It’s not hard to read all that, anon. Why are you even here if you don’t want to read? You have to read in these games anyway.
You are being too reasonable. We don't do that here. ESLs don't operate in logic.
>Now that Illusion is dead
Stupid oldfag, they just rebranded
no you don't
just hold ctrl the whole time
Yet some people don't even read the OP. Curious.
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Hey, that's my sexblob!
As smart as Fumika
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Happy birthday, /hgg2d/
I wish Yukata's game made her miserable I wanted to ruin her life
happy bday anons
>legendary blonde girl not found
shit image
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Our Smash Bros roster is getting a bit bloated.
Oh, speaking of Smash Bros, Rashe brought her boyfriend!
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Happy birthday you fags, some of you maybe be human garbage but I love you all the same
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Happy birthday bros
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>I have been in these threads for over 10 goddamn years.
Well, at least it's a hobby that has never truly gotten old.

ILLGAMES hasn't improved a damn thing over their forebearers. How is it that tiny doujin circle Miconisomi has proper pOnOs in vagOO collision physics in 2017, and about to drop the hottest NTR track of 2024, while the biggest commercial 3D hgame producers are still trying to get away with mosaic cylinder on mosaic texture? It's a fucking travesty.
Who are the bottom 2 pixel girls?
Arcade girls game
what a shit collection of characters
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Horee shitto.
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we tolerate vandalism here
Happy birthday, bros
>karrynfag woke up
Here comes the samefag reply chain with the same posting style.
who is the girl with black hair and purple eyes down left the eramegaten balloon?
added dazed there
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home is where the fumis are at, and that is here
happy birthday
Isn't that koyori?
improved image btw
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Think he means this, who is familiar but I forgot who she's from
>femdom reverse rape verbal abuse
does such kino exist?
mr president?
Wait isn't that that one never-ever from 2009?
Of course it does. That's like half of femdom games already. Go play Nightmare School or something. RJ302248. It's in the bin.
Koishi has no games

>anon hyped it for months
>it's another slop
please refer to this image from now on
Can you spoonfeed me an RJ? Looking this up gives me nothing
She was the face of eraTW when it was popular here all those years back
Many such cases! Honestly the avg quality of hgames and hgg2d is mediocre. The more something is posted, the more (on avg) it's overrated and mediocre.
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you rimjob you spoonfeed
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Here's to another 100 years of games
It's in the bin muchacho
>he doesnt know about the koishiges
help an anon out would ya?
It's the opposite for me, I have enjoyed almost every on-topic game that was shilled here at some point
One notable exception is Nebel, I hated how grindy that chinese garbage was
NTA, Game Center, not arcade. Just look in the bin, you really can't miss 'em.
still can't find it
>0 (zero) good NTRge released this year
It's over.
>draught so bad it's now also affecting NTRggers
damn it really is this bad
Then you're an idiot who can't ctrl+f and therefore doesn't deserve to find it.
Did you play that one witch one?
i saw it. Thanks faggot
>gets abused
lmao deserved
It's kusoge.
Absolute Cinema
RJ01119634 is goty
Fuck off to f95 and never come back
That's a fucking lie, the Secret NTR Dojo sequel came out this year and it was pretty banger. So was the Kegani Laboratory game, and I don't even like NTR.
Eh, I thought it had some charm for a short and lighthearted ntrge.
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this is my home and you will never fend me off
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awful lot of cringe lately. for safe-keeping
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Gonna spoonfeed because we are all frens here. Koishi and Satori ge(release TBA but exists)
>rating gets lower every time I go to the page
I heard RJ337117 has endings where Karin falls in love with an old man and settles down.
Is this true? That's my top fetish.
I understand now. Please forgive me
I hope you get your throat slashed at whatever internet cafe you live out of.
Which ge has the best mating press?
>netori shit
>asset recycling and shitty grindy mechanics
Holy shit... Kamige....
not-mona game is fucking shit, same as not-eula lol
I liked it
didn't ask
i asked N
You're no different then those muslim refugees who ran to other countries then yell allah akbar 24/7

Let me guess, maybe you're into goat fucking games too
You didn't need to. I am happy to give you my opinion regardless.
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if a game manages to get you horny enough to want to fap but you need to go a doujin instead of the game for it... is it a good H game?
Yeah sadly a lot of people are like this now.
based pedy
>adds malware to the game in your path
lol, lmao
who is that blonde slut right in the middle with the choker? i know she's from an ntr game but i can't remember the name
Netori is NTR, and RJ01175511 could use less grinding to improve the peeking mechanics, but it approaches getting cucked like you're actually getting cucked, and know it. They're both actual games too, not RPGMslop walking simulators.
i am so DELIGHTED you asked. She is from a legendary game. Every retard ITT hates her with pure spite and malice
what's the title then? i also know it's hosted on itch.io
Genuinely curious. To the femanons that very likely don't exist, who would you add to this collage?
>exactly 1 minute apart
>all in lowercase
How about you find out by yourself?
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H games have always been the neglected sideslut that gives warmup blowjobs for me
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Dev hasn't posted on cien in a while. Hope that means he's hard at work making more kino and not dead.
the starter blob from the nyuu pokemon game
>To the femanons that very likely don't exist
>yet the general is arguably dominated by femc
as a femanon the only one i recognize is the loli from violated heroine, rest of it looks like low quality slop. black btw, 5'4"
male MC fucking everyone is too vanilla and boring
male MC getting cucked is not self-insert friendly
with femc i can see a woman being degraded without feeling like a cuck
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I don't mind the warn (or even ban if it happens) but it is amusing how the other times the same thing is posted ad nauseam they don't get touched.
>inb4 it's a sign that things will improve!
If only. I'd take the hit if it were true but sadly moderation is incredibly poor.
what's your discord my chocolate queen
>male MC fucking everyone
Also a resource nightmare. FemC games allow for much more efficient content creation. Since you only need to create basic sex CGs for one woman instead of three or four, you can multiply the number of scenarios you can get her into. The only multi-heroine games you can get away with sex scenes with a multitude of women frequently are games designed with modular scenes like what Osanagocoronokimini with Black Guards of Odom or the zombie labyrinth game.
>male MC getting cucked is not self-insert friendly
Yes it is.....
>justifying low effort slop
You could at least pretend to have standards, you know.
>Kegani Laboratory
>Good game
RJ01063431 looks like yurishit. How much male ningen content is in this?
Why are we so dead?
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She's from Nightmare School, which funnily enough was mentioned right below >>487806793
>random fighter instead of Helvatica
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Cousin games?
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Are there any games where you steal someone's mistress? By mistress, I mean that the dude doesn't really love her. She's just his woman because of mutual gain or necessity.
if you mean the EDEN mob girl, the original image was made back in 2021 so no Gehenna girls yet
We split from /hgg/.
why is it okay to fuck cousins but not our sisters??????????
>perhaps instead of maybe
>japanese quotes
>no linebreak after the second sentence
my eyes
Which dazedslop is this?
What games are you playing then? Otomes?
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yeah most of her partners are middle-aged or above, and if she gets fucked enough and gets pregnant then you can get an early ending with them.
She doesn't really romantically fall in love with the old men, they just win her over with their dicks. It's not the full on slutification kind either, it's more of an in-between, like a woman coming to terms with what she has.
Hm, I see. Okay, thanks
>textractor can't extract dialogues from this game
Oh for fuck's sake...
>perhaps instead of maybe
>What is the difference between perhaps and maybe?
>They can be used interchangeably but of the two, maybe is very appropriate for more informal contexts and perhaps is used in more formal situations. Compare the following: I can't find it anywhere. ~ Perhaps / Maybe you threw it away.
File deleted.
I'm an autist who is obsessed with hymens. Which games actually show the girl's hymen? The hgg2d games I've played show only the blood from rupturing. Beggars can't be choosers, so even just a side view like in some of Crimson's games would do.
I wish ROUND-HOUSE (Kikkawa Ryounei) made games aside from doujins, another based hymen enthusiast.
One of the dumbest faggots on this general in a while. And we have a lot of 'tards.
>RJ01035443 translation released
>Still not available anywhere except in mandarin
Because the game is bugged to only be in CN.
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>When anon keep posting the latest MTL news like theyre some kind of autistic twitter journalist
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Another year passes by like the wind, at least I still have all of you with me
I deeply care for MTL news because

1. Not learning dead languages

2. Not supporting corporate shills(k*gura, mtl plan)

So the options are MTL(unofficial) or MTL by dev.
what mtl news?
jop brainrot thinks any and all translation equals to mtl
>ESL webm
Must be rough not being able to understand chatgpt tls kek
I thought I was being coined as some schizo because I complained about lack of a TL
anon, would you start sucking cock right after reincarnated as a woman?
play ekdix
Witch one?
>over ten years
I feel old bros.
Look at all those unblobbed girls...
>33 in 4 months
it's so over
Are you me?
The game isn't bugged, the retarded pirates over at ryuu downloaded the chink game depot instead of the english one presumably because their PC was set to chink locale.
as long as you still feel horny
Primitive Hearts has hymen but it kinda sucks.
I don't know about ryuu (awful site to download from, only use it like bunch of other sites to see what's new). But I heard the info from ESL95. I don't care to verify it either way, as when I played the game in Jap I thought it was 'meh' game and straight-up forgettable, I had a moment of deja vu or so when I seen it's "coming out" again (translated this time).
not him, but yes
fellow novemberbro?
ESL95 is retarded. I am saying this as someone who just bought the game.
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Anyway, I'm feeling generous today.
gofile dot io slash d slash 2W1xFY
archive sha1sum: 6e826afc7faf2232465ffc54b4a565160ec807ea
This is the proper english version, prepatched with the uncensor.
Are you reading this, fag95 and binfag? I expect you to mirror the fuck out of this so I don't have to keep re-uploading it on request like with Mechanica.
binanon is dead
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
>I don't know about ryuu (awful site to download from, only use it like bunch of other sites to see what's new)

What is a good alternative to download from?
>scenes only has one or two facial expression changes
dropped, there should be a minimum of at least 4 or 5!
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Give me a game with great and varied facial reactions.
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Thanks, cool anon
whats this general approved vpn to download/torrent ges?
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Why doesn't this dumb idiot just lie down on the bed next to her? Also, what's up with her weak bladder?
>scenes not only have facial expression changes regularly but also entirely different body postures as the scenes progress and become more intense
i really hope the devs who made RJ01062555 keep this level of quality, you rarely see it in other games
You never lied down on the floor for no reason as a kid?
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thanks anon
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fuck you
Surprised nobody has uploaded this demo yet.
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I came.
Fuck you Fumika. I hate you!
based, thanks katagiri anon
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When was the last time that we got a game with oyakodon? I feel like I haven't seen a single one in forever.
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Me on the left
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What else did I think would happen?
You guys are in for a treat if minaka's game ever gets translated. Expected Shinto lore and got SMT instead.
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Ge where the male MC doesn't even realize that he is helping his girl getting into NTR until it's too late?
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Literally every NTR ever, you fagge
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Needs more Fumika.
That's when you smile and say yes. Followed by raping her.
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Any games with unaware bukakke?
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Not true, but I wish it was
me on the right
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release doko
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Unfortunately, there was too much CG reusage. A shame!
>RJ419055 dev wants to sell it on Steam
Why? Surely he can understand that even if Valve somehow doesn't ban it, westerners who bought would give it negative reviews for essentially being a short prologue for a different game.
>it's mostly defeat rape
>girl never gets into it
>same expression and no character development through the entire game
I have no idea how people can enjoy poison slop
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Need more chikan games where you can befriend the girl instead.
>short prologue for a different game
What game? I thought that game was released somewhat recently so if that's the case it sounds like it will be years before the next games release
Some people prefer it when the girl hates getting raped so I guess it fills that niche.
I like games with good and evil routes because it makes it more meaningful when you actually choose to be good/evil.
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He's working on a game with the same heroine but as an adult, and the loli game was meant to just be a short prologue chapter for it.
Yeah so it seems like you're right. Getting onto steam is a barrier and the fact it's just a short prologue with no full game in sight would probably leave a bad taste in people's mouths unless priced appropriately. Out of curiousity was he planning to have it translated?
what gey?
Poison's CG variation in the scenes is so bad, not even worth the time.

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