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#6152 Final ROTA filler in HD edition

Previous: >>487658694

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-04-15/ (Apr 15/Next Banlist: Late August)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers (Aug 24)
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●Retro Pack (Aug 23)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 26)

>●/dng/ Cup (Jul 28, 1930 UTC):
>●AMC Cup 7 (Aug 4, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>Dark Magician got a 1900 beater mini self that can summon the vanilla as a fucking effect monster
>Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes got 1900 beaters mini selfs that can summon them as RITUAL MONSTERS
Dark Magician bias was, is, and forever going to be a shitty thing Konami will do
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Star Seraph support soon for real
LMAO Troonsei
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Me after i make Rochka sad (i untied her four braided tails and it'll take her too long to tie them back).
Literally nobody likes GX and even less people like the tranny icon yutroon, of all nostalgia trash to force into tier 1 meta,they have made possibly the worst decison
I do
I like Gx
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I love Impulse so much...
What is it's Sargasso support?
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What does the trap do?
ROTA-JP080 火器の祝台 Kaki no Shukudai (Slapdash Summer Schoolwork Success)
Continuous Trap Card
Activate this card by placing 5 Success Counters on it.
(1) If a monster(s) is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck, and/or a card(s) is sent from the Deck to the GY, by a Spell/Trap effect: Remove 1 Success Counter from this card, then, if there are no Success Counters on it, destroy it, and if you do, gain 4000 LP, then Set 1 “Schoolwork Success” Trap from your Deck or GY, then, if you have 1 or less cards in your Deck, you win the Duel.

Note: This is the only card with Shukudai in this spelling so it’s the only Trap of itself that can be searched so far.

Note: This card is both ‘Fireworks Celebration’ but also more critically is referencing 夏期の宿題 (Summer Homework), as Japan loads students with schoolwork to complete through August.
that new wannabe is TERRIBLE compared to the original
why doesn't /dng/ just revolt against this game already? Yubel being meta is trans representation and against everything /dng/
/dng/ thinks women are not real and constantly talks about gay sex
Soulburner vs Playmaker.
Second waves usually are.
>go to locals
>some skinny nerd fuck with vtuber sleeves is playing against me
>awkward as fuck, quiet and stutters
>tries to fast play, apologizes profusely when I simply ask him to hold on
Holy cringe, this is the type of people who consume vtube shit?
why are you pretending Yubel don't make anons hard
Are you sure you don't want to be posting these kind of shitposts on /v/?
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Funny bait
What deck was he on
If it was plants, you just dueled maze.
>Duel Links support
But I don’t want Dennis-tier garbage…
Snake Eyes
yubel is good as trans representation because she represents them properly as the mentally insane demonic groomers they are
>D.D. card
>has nothing to do with banishing
Because unfortunately they like the travesty that is yubel along gx and supreme king
Charmers are the best. I like them.
The anime legacy support that’s a memberberry
The game original legacy support that’s a memberberry
The Star Seraph CaC continuous/field spell that lets you use any additional number of mats to make Xyzs
Thats a vibrator wand you moron.
The combo was called dildo chair, newfag. I bet you don't even know horse cock.
They will print a broken spell card for sage.
How come I remember it as Stick Chair?
They're gonna retrain and make Books broken right?
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Aladdin/Middle eastern archetype when?
Kill yourself Bombergirl poster
Say that to Sacred Beasts
The original beasts are the one dragging the deck down
Anyone know the insta @ of the girl running the cash register?
Doesn't /dng/ find it disturbing Yubel has stolen all the Sacred Beast's support to be meta? It's really awful that all those cards list Hamon, Raviel, and Uria being used don't even have the bosses in the same deck. None of these cards mention Yubel or were intended to be used like this.
They were already a sloppa engine pre-Yubel
The beasts are just really shittily designed and they obviously built the new Yubel stuff with them in mind because it already makes sense thematically
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Decks for this feel?
tellar bros, more support soon...
Performages and Advanced Crystal Beasts are some crazy monkey paws
>Lots of people ask for them to get printed for years
>They finally do and they're awful due to barely being buffed to accommodate the long time gap
they did get retrains
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sangan is a lucky guy
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That's pretty cool. Really sucks I couldn't make it this year. Would have been a fun birthday thing.
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We need an archetype whose gimmick is equipping used panties to the opponent's monsters
>sudden undergarment post when Sorafag posts
The timing
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One of them is just a coomer from /v/
Sargasso should be retrained to be the ultimate anti-Extra Deck field spell.
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Made 3D Agido model
What will take to unban the millers
Like on their face or body or something?
banning every tear card
This card has already put in work in my Gimmick puppet deck. Cute card
How old are you Sora bro?
Ojamas would do this.
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Turning 30 in a few days
It's not very good, in my opinion. It can theoretically be a corner case better extender from the GY, but not having the gimmick puppet name really limits its usefulness in that regard, because you won't be able to send it off Condolence Puppet, or pitch it with Bisque Doll. I would rather just run Gearspring Spirit or more copies of Regulus.

Unless you like it for the aesthetics, which is valid because she cute
Really would have liked this to be generic support for any Xyz deck
>still playin children's card games
Jesus christ
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What deck would he play?
What's the gayest archetype?
Stardust Synchrons
Odd-Eyes Performapals
Yubel Fiendsmith
Odd Eyes given Yuya's 3 men inside on thing or Yubel cause Yubel's past life was a man and he fuses with a man if you ignore the magic reincarnation into women stuff.
I use Sacred Beasts in Yubel even if they are bricks. Style matters.
Junk Doppel
Wasnt this guy exposed as a legit fag working with feds the other day? Probably tour guide/beat cop deck.
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Lightsworn, multi-racial catholic archetype.
Can't wait for his matchup with BAP's True Dracos btw
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Hopefully these guys will get something in Supreme Darkness that allows them to be used in Yubel decks. Evil Hero + Yubel support is certain.
I doubt Yubel will get more support.
>Star Seraphs
>Sacred Beasts
>True Kings
I want to believe
I want lunalight, cyber angel and darklord support
Super Fusion God is still missing.
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What decks fit this deck box
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Kristya turbo
>Locals posts photo of their recent top 3
>Three whole Tenpai people as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Does Bagooska actually farm that deck?
how good, fun, and cheap is fire king tri-brigade?
Of course, that's why Tenpai is good because no current meta deck can make Bagooska. That's why Razeol will shake up the meta with the ultimate turn one board of Bagooska pass
Aside from S:P and Promethean Princess (the former more than the latter), I think every card in the deck is dollars, if not cents.
is this gen dead? It's been hours and 94 posts?
Son and Maze have to play it safe right now. They got hit by janny for all the diaper posting.
Fire Fists and Hazy Flames missed out.
Not bad options. Sort of sucks theres no Jesus archetype.
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Shiranui and lavals missed out.
so are centurions finally decent now without having to run white woods cope?
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Just want to let you guys know
Yu-Gi-Oh OCG is trending with "これがオレのコンボだ" ("This is my combo")
Basically, Shark stuff in ROTA
>is diaper.dek synchro edition good now
It's always been decent but the new additions have given them better outs to hand traps. The only issue is the White Woods variant is way too expensive if youre playing it physically.
>None of these cards mention Yubel or were intended to be used like this.
No, they probably were. Yubel uses sacred beasts in the anime and has become the default user for them because lole kagemaru who?
In duel links for instance yubel is the one who gets all the sacred beast skills
Why would I be offended on behalf of inanimate objects? They’re fucking cards, dude.
What about it?
It's pretty cheap in Yuyutei.
>5ds introduces western aesthetic to ygo
>match made in heaven
>doesn't get used after
It's not right.
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Don't be mean...
He tried his best...
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Nu /dng/ cup on the 28th of July (Sunday, 9:30PM CEST)
>no tourney gimmicks
>bo3 swiss
>TCG banlist and PRE RELEASE cardpool
>send in lists via challonge DMs
>300 second turn timers and a 45 minute limit on rounds
>save replays just in case something goes wrong
Any questions???
>Any questions???
why are you gae?
what was intended
>to summon a sacred beast after being searched by dark beckoning beast and then find Fallen Paradise to draw 2 cards
what wasn't intended
>yep im just here to link summon yama. bye.
Link monsters once again proving themselves to be a mistake
>free Sacred Beast
>free Field Spell which gives you 2 more draws
>deck still shit
Because you need 2 Big beasts with different names to use their best card
At least Cerulean Skyfire is strong as long as you have Hamon
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When exactly did the old vanguard of handtraps like Honest, Gorz and Tragoedia fall out of use as staples?
Shiranui was more Zombiefocused and barely does anything with FIRE.
Lavals and Flamvells are one of the many lore archetypes that inexplicably haven't crossovered yet. Feels like a missed opportunity to not get Laval x Flamvell support and Metalfoes x Igknight support
Performages have a massive stigma against them due to Plushfire so we're lucky that they at least got a buff from the anime instead of being a direct port.
>Gorz and Tragoedia
God, that takes me back.
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If only he was a 2-mat instead of a 3-mat.
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what deck would she play?
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Sacred Beasts are just bad cards. They had to design their support around skipping their summoning conditions and giving them interruptions they don't do on their own since they're all just glorifed beatsticks at the end of the day.

That's the major problem with GX boss monsters, they just sit there and wait for you to destroy them.
sex.dek because I would be bouncing Furina’s cute little ass on my dick daily
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>make blonde goth succ bimbo
>she gets all of the art
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It's great, isn't it?
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Enough with hags we need more lolis.
now if we only got art of her succing
Still waiting on that office lady archetype, konami
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At least we got art of her shaking
>Not POV
cuck shit
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I'm still pissed they didn't make Backup an archetype.
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European Championship stream

Match 2 of the day is about to begin.
Snake Eyes vs Tenpai

Friendly reminder that Benjamin would have won if he showed up.
>tranny that lost to puppets would have won
Sacred Beast suffers from the exact same problem as Meklords, Crystal Beasts, Cyberdarks and the like in that it turns out no amount of support and bandaids can fix the central cards all being bad. Like Sacred Beasts can barely access a Skill Drain all on a continuous trap
The bosses are just bad.
Anime/manga big bosses are just bad, usually.
Cases like Quasar is rare.
Top 20 most popular D*scord archetype servers:
>1. Albaz/Branded/Despian (3445 Members)
>2. Lost World Dinosaurs (3117 Members)
>3. Labyrinth (2807 Members)
>4. Plunder Patroll (2765 Members)
>5. Traptrix (2614 Members)
>6. D/D/D (2576 Members)
>7. Crystal Beast (2515 Members)
>8. Sky Striker (2395 Members)
>9. Noble & Infernoble Knights (2342 Members)
>10. Tearlaments (2253 Members)
>11. Unchained (2132 Members)
>12. Galaxy/Photon (2014 Members)
>13. Swordsoul (1991 Members)
>14. Madolche (1902 Members)
>15. Salamangreat (1884 Members)
>16. Marincess (1840 Members)
>17. Fire King (1757 Members)
>18. Ghoti (1741 Members)
>19. HERO (1657 Members)
>20. Shaddoll (1628 Members)
For reference, most anime/waifu/competitive decks tend to crawl around the 800-1200 mark, the average petdeck cracks 300-700 and shitdecks are normally in the 100s or below 100
To be fair with Meklords relying on your opponent to be playing 1 out of the x amount of mechanics would be ass in any game
>no Fluffals
>no Punk
>no Centurion
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When battle HTs matters less because people have easier access to removal.
Honest, Gorz, Tragoe won't matter if enemies simply wipe out your field first or can do it easily after the BP.
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>archetype discords
>18. Ghoti (1741 Members)
>1. Albaz/Branded/Despian (3445 Members)
As if we needed any more confirmation that Abyssfags and Tearfags are discord trannies
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The discord trannies and jewtube videos unironically are more helpful to learn shit about archetypes than this shithole
Feels weird to see Madolche there. Deck feels so... Clunky it's hard to really experiment. But neat to see it there, might join and just check desu.
2 GX archetypes
2 Vrains archetypes
1 Zexal archetype
1 Arc-V archetype

DMs, 5D's explain yourselves NOW! Why don't you have any good anime archetypes?!
>>4. Plunder Patroll (2765 Members)
What the hell?

/dng/ is only good if you're a seasoned player.
This place is absolutely horrible for newfags.
5D's only consists of Yusei.dek and Jack.dek masturbating
Not really attractive
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You may think this is dogshit
Yet it's still a better meta than TCG
Looks the same to me.
We will be on our 50th wave of VASM support and it will still barely crack out of Other on the ROTK article
The new VASM support is out today, not last week.
I'm aware.
No shit, only retards think TCG is better.
They're pretty respectable too.
>Fluffals - 1159 Members
>P.U.N.K. - 1578 Members
>Centurion - 918 Members
>Dark Magician - 1325 Members
>Blue-Eyes - 747 Members
>Red-Eyes - 474 Members
>Synchron - 879 Members
>Resonators - 1014 Members
>Blackwing - 1073 Members
They're solid numbers but not enough to crack top 20.
In the BASED OCG, Fiendsmith is a T0 engine and Snake-Eyes/Yubel is the only deck worth playing three banlists in while in the CRINGE TCG, Fiendsmith is a T0 engine and Snake-Eyes/Yubel is the only deck worth playing one banlist in.
>>Synchron - 879 Members
I find it hilarious how few, yet understand, due to the absolutely massive amount of ways you can play Synchrons.
This thing is so out of place
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That empty spot is really bothering me, please konami, for the sake of my whatever it is that's causing me stress about this print DMG for this archetype then you don't have to print anymore monsters for it it feels super incomplete right now and it's really fucking bothering me to the point I've created this image to stare at longing for that void to be filled!
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Nice resource, thanks.
Which YGO anime is the straightest?
Rush because Romin oozes sex appeal.
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that's literally reinoheart's little sister
literally the second-most represented deck at the top tables but go off I guess
And where's your chart for this year bro?
Also Tenpai had more presence than Yubel in the OCG before the banlist.
VV was significant too for some time.
Is there a generic Pendulum discord?
>And where’s your chart for this year bro?
why would I chart the entire year when the deck hasn’t existed for most of it? you’re so fucking dumb
Yeah 2nd most represented bullshit lmao
I accept your concession and won’t be receiving further replies at this time. Thank you for your cooperation.
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A shame no one in TCG wants to try this stuff
The tcg livestream just interviewed someone on memento
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16 players:

1st. Yubel
2nd. Snake-Eye
>water plants
>do the lawn
>clean home
>relax, watch stream, and cheer for my TenpaiGODS
Lets go TenpaiGODS
How did you find this info? Like is there a wiki for these or something? Just trying to find anyone who plays battlin boxers
>Just trying to find anyone who plays battlin boxers
Probably just you and me, pal, lel.
People don’t want to play tranny decks, simple as
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22 players:

1st. Snake-Eye
2nd. Tenpai Dragon
Top4. Rescue Ace
Top4. Rescue Ace
Top8. Vanquish soul - https://i.imgur.com/qm3rLFB.png
tenpai got 3 more maxx Cs and 3 of the better dominus in exchange for 2 copies of sangen

not a bad deal tbf
>Vanquish Soul topping
BASED. A shame Konami refuses to print any new fucking handtraps in FIRE/EARTH/DARK.
Sangen is better than both Maxx C at home and Ash Blossom at home
so jerome teased about rush coming to tcg.
No it didnt.
We cant catch off from here, too many cards to export
>this is the type of ESL that spends his days hating Rush 24/7
Okay? I hope he starts teasing about things for the actual game rather than an irrelevant spinoff.
Next set will have a TCG exclusive that makes Fiendsmith even more of a t0 engine. There you go, now shut up.
If TCG releases Rush in the west im gonna kms (will never happen)
>There you go, now shut up.
How about Rush players do so?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nyo.
>Can't keep their own threads alive, but can keep yappin in other gens
Stream timestamp or it didn't happen
Oh, you’re a zoomer AND trans. My condolences.
any anal gay sex decks on stream yet??
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Even if it comes, I'm not expecting it to outlast the 2 year lifespan most TCGs that aren't the big 3 or that are attached to a big IP tend to have (and even those aren't immune), ESPECIALLY if it's KoA that's handling things. Because the same money schemes they pull off in the main game are unsustainable in a niche product like Rush and will just speed up its death.
>jewart splitting revenue and infrastructure to support a dead format
lol. lmao.
They're probably just gonna copy the Speed Duel model 1:1 and wait for it to die as well since they can't put any effort into anything
>Rushnigger projection

I imagine they'll copy the Speed Duel or just keep the OCG Rush model since it's different. You can't play the TCG with Rush cards either way so INVENSTOOOOOON' isn't really viable and you couldn't even build a playerbase if you don't make it at least somewhat easy to get in to.
Great. Boomers and zoomers can finally shut up about how modern ygo is too hard to get into.
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How do otherGODS keep doing it?
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36 players:

1st. Unchained
2nd. Gren Maju stun
Top4. Unchained
Top4. Memento
Top8. Yubel - https://i.imgur.com/M2MFC2L.png
What happened to Voiceless Voice?
Shit match-ups across the board.
MementoGODS we can do this
knowing the tcg they might just try because they're the embodiment of greed. it's pretty sad because rushit was kinda fun at least in the beginning when i gave it a try years ago so the game might just arrive without any chance to flourish
Any updates on julian? Lowkey miss that nigga
he found his wemko irl
Surely Loving Defender Forever is a stand-in for it. It's Yubel + everything as fusion materials
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When are they going to give Traptrix new cards? Any idea?
Tenpai is so based...
ROTA is cracked
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>HERO player in that previous game on stream activates A Hero Lives with 3 mins left on the clock
>Gets Spooky Dogwooded
>Then later on activates DRNM
Herochuds... it wasn't supposed to end this way...
Runick fountain is the problem
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/dng/ when people in a competitive environment play a competitive deck
San diego comic con.
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Yes, and?
>Euro commentators always catch more rule breaking/cheating than the actual judges and inform them to do their job
Holy based
Are all paper players cheaters?
Aren't the euro commentators that blond and that italian guy?
Keep going, MementoCHADs
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>Spend 1000 euros on your Fiendsmith Snake-Eye deck
>Ask your boss if you can take time off work to go to a yugioh tournament
>Pay travel expenses
>Job to Mimighoul Vanquish Soul
None that I know of
I would imagine most of the generic pendulum discussion happens on the PendMagician server
Just google yugioh discord repository and you'll find a r*ddit page with all the server links. There's also a main hub server but I cant seem to find the link
Battlin' Boxer server has 200+ members so theres probably decent activity
>Mimighoul Vanquish Soul
where is it in the stream?
I need to watch this
Ive taken off work before to go to regionals. I used my vacation time so it was paid, its such an epic feel. Especially when you sell cards at the event too
Very nice
so glad to see Mimighoul
>Vanquish Soul
OUR FUARKING HEROES fighting against the forced KoJ meta
>post-game analysis and highlights
What is this, a sportsball channel?
yugioh duels are serious business and as such demand expert post-game analysis and scrutiny.
It's better than the gay ass interviews/guess the card shit
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TenpaiGODS vs PuppetGODS
Battle of the ultimate going 2nd deck vs the ultimate going first FTK deck.

Get the fuck in here.
Doesn't Tenpai just get cooked in this matchup?
They won't ever even get to the battle phase vs gimmick puppets lol
That's what the handtraps are for
Nibiru just rekt him
>The two decks with the most broken field spells you've ever seen
>only 2.8k viewers
competitivecuckolds... why does no one care about our side of the game?
How many viewers do Pokemon TCG streams get on average?
>Tenpai sweeps game 1 in less than 5 minutes
>Tenpai player resolves Purulia against Puppet game 2
>Fantasix King's Sarc set 3 pass vs Tenpai
>Tenpai's first play is Prosp
>trying to ftk against 20maindeckhandtraps.dek
same number
>when the skill is drained
>Nibiru single handedly won game 1
>Skill Drain single handedly won game 2
Ganbare TenpaiGOD
>Nothing but bot responses since they all gave up
How boring can one be. You people are nothing but owned cowards at this point. It's the truth because you all can't compete and have a trash reputation compared to me who doesn't need to hide like you losers. It's beyond hilarious to see just how little confidence you have compared to how you all spammed kys on every single post back then in every single thread. Now you people can't even muster the courage to say anything original to settle the score you're all behind at. Stay mad over not being able to keep up with my dueling and go back to being the miserable community you want to be. I'm not concerned since none of you can avoid your punishments no matter what. You guys never had a chance for being on the wrong side of things.
Tenpai has to go first here, right?
You can't let GP go first and just hope you draw Nibiru and also hope he doesn't draw Crossout...
Tenpai player goes 1st game 3, opens Summoning
Grip is insane if he chooses to pitch droplet
>Puppet player drew his 2 copies of Argent Chaos
>G3 Puppet player opens King's Sarc
>Spheres into Koa'ki Meiru Draco in BP
This but 100% unironically.
One small decision can win or lose you the game.
>"He has a chance now! He can simply play the game!"
It's over. TenpaiGODS have WON.
Tenpai wins 2-1, now at 5-0
Cosmic Cyclone is the problem.
how fucking lucky is this tenpai players jesus fuck
>spheres bounce imsety into drago
>ghost ogre for king sarc
>cyclone for mansion
>droplet on link 2 gp
He was lucky game 1 too. Nibiru was the only handtrap that would have saved him and he had it but yeah that game 3 was insanely lucky, he had just enough to deal with everything. Barely.
shut up faggot twink
>How lucky is a deck that can fit 20 handtraps
So I'm confused, I thought the NAWCQ finished yesterday. how exactly does it work?
>ANOTHER feature match Lab game
>Another dice roll lost
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
I can't remember the last time I saw Lab win a dice roll on a feature match, seriously.
This is euros
the dice is transphobic
I meant euros.
who gives a fuck? it's lab
Who cares about Europeans? You could give a spic a Ghostrick deck and they'd sweep the whole damn thing.
>we're gonna have to wait til September to get more than just the Supreme Darkness cover archetype reveals
>both August and September are gonna get reveal times wasted on fucking World Premiere reveals
we'll see both dbps remaining next month and also the remaining 4 blue-eyes cards so it's still pretty good
>dbp trash
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Why was the veil common rivalry just so homoerotic? The 2 really couldn't stop hounding each other. No other /dng/ rivalry had been as list filled since
vell wanted to be topped by common, that's why
Memento vs Tenpai
why do faggots most project their mental illness on others like this? No one wants to see your shit
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Should I get this?
Looks good.
How much?
>no havnis
uh cringe
That's Fluffals though
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Bell's relationship with Common will never top the fucking collaboration between Taiga and Common. https://files.catbox.moe/271dae.webm

Vell wishes he was this close with Common.
tearlaments art is so fucking ugly
>Activate Heatwave
Nice game Yugibabs. Real nice game.
Literally check the first posts of this thread, sonof.
>activate Heatwave
Mementogods >>> Tenpaibabies
Bro? You were saying?
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More like TenPOO
careful brah, you will trigger faggot twink
Starry Knight is as close as they're allowed to go, but every DT/Lore storyline other than Visas has a ton of Christianity references.
They're still too afraid, closest is the Egyptian archetypes like Gravekeepers or Nepthys unless they decide to give Zoroa his own archetype.
How do you go first, activate D-Shifter + Heatwave and still lose as a Tenpai player?
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lidl irl
>will trigger faggot twink
I mean he's a nigger. Being a civil human is enough to trigger him.
lidl does not look anything like that
More like Sora irl. Who is actually shorter? Mieru or Sora?
what is with this guy's accent?
What is even the point in D shifter if you heatwave? His turn is already skipped, you can't double skip him
Dwarfa is so short lol.
still taller than me
Stop being short then Sorafag
that is so fucking disgusting. Does this person really browse dng
some ocg lists


not a bad start for fuwaros/azamina/impulse/centurion/memento
machine bros I am so happy
Do you think there's gonna be a person that thinks these are all topping lists
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Why haven't (YOU) joined the /dueling network general/ tournament on the 28th of June (tomorrow) at 9:30PM CEST yet?
Taiga? Who the fuck do you think Sorafag is?
I'm retired, sorry boss
>labnigger can't do equation
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i thought sorafag was soundwave?
remember voiceless voice?
Was the word "topping" ever been used in those posts?
I'm shy
i was going to join but real life is telling me ygo should take a back seat for a while.
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Astellar will be big and strong when she grows up.
I remember the anima incident.
>retards surprised
Reminder that his Twitter got found
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wtf how?
>sorafag was soundwave?
Soundwave couldn't keep up the friendly act Sora has. He's too much of a doomer, Sora is too happy.
hope no one finds my twitter... I don't want ppl to see my tranny porn collection
im british btw don't know if that matters
No one wants to see your brown balding head Son
i had work but called out sick so i guess i'll sign up with blue-eyes to be a jobber
Because I don't take this game seriously at all and would bring an easily defeated pile of cards, which would ruin the appeal of participating in a tournament for most.
>4 out of the Memento decks continue to refuse the Red man.
Also two of the Centurion lists you can't see shit but it seems like nobody is playing her. They are playing the blue one which I remember people saying she was bad but they at least play one of her.
In case you're in doubt

>Magicial Musketeers
Oh shit.
>The OCG cannot errata a recent, dirt-cheap card because... they just can't okay?
I say, if she was a proper handtrap it would be good
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Atrii sees play because you need a second tuner.
What does the deck need that isn't Fiendsmith-related?
demoncrafter support
Atrii isn't as bad now because the Synchro enables her draw and her being a Tuner gives her edge over Cimena. Really, if you could special more of your monsters out she would be used more, but right now you want to prioritize the Tuner.
it needs fiendsmith engine to be good
>balding masculine Lidl trying to pass himself off as a tiny Asian girl
Something that counts as both a monster and an S/T since you always open one half or the other and can't do anything.
Is fiendsmith the best engine in yugioh history?

God, both the chummy and dominus trap will be shortprinted to hell
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Why is max so round??
Maybe not. It has Zoo and Ishizu as competitors
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why is he SO FAT
not best, but most splashable, yes
He says something here at 4 minutes, can't tell if it's specifically about duel links or not.

Rush duel cards are much more directly shueisha's project. TCG heads screw up that release too much and they could actually be replaced.
Legend says he houses the infamous unbeatable tistina decklist after kotton fed it to him
Apsaras if she Yugioh.
just the typical european metafag
he eats those who defeat
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don't forget hot
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>>Magicial Musketeers
>its actually unchain fiendsmith slop
fucking time
the sole reason anyone cared about muskets in the last 4 years is that they're LIGHT Fiends what did you expect?
>all the fiendsmith whales not at locals today
It's my time
Yeah around the 4 minute mark he pretty much just tells people to keep an eye on Rush. I guess this is it.

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