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Still eating good! edition

Hungry for patch notes?: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/17655/updated-7-17-2024-v-252-go-west-patch-notes

Angler company comes out in uhhh two weeks? Maybe!? : https://orangemushroom.net/2024/07/19/kms-ver-1-2-393-maplestory-milestone-limbo/

Vac pets are friends, not food: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/sale/17694/cash-shop-update-for-july-17

The Reading Rainbow: https://grandislibrary.com/


SCANIA - Buddy DoubleOctave and Nisunobi
HYPERION - Apply to Comfy and 2kowai!
AURORA - Hit up Alem and Nuelyi for smuggled maple BBQ (what do you mean 13 att isnt that much?)
PRIVATE SERVERS - Get on Royals while we wait for Castela to be fixed.
SOLIS - Apply to BuyingTrack to get carried in chapter 4 of the cool CMS event!

Previous Elf: >>487426404
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dailychads won
hyperion won
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>arcane gloves pots from unique > leg in 2 reward points bright cubes (solid cube hell begins)
>arcane gloves bpots from rare > leg in 8 event bright bpot cubes
>remaining 5 event bright bpot cubes used on leg secondary gave me 12% bd and 9% att lines (from previously garbage lines)
now we wait for shoes miracle time (24 aug) to try repeating the same steps
and then 25 aug (trace fever + 50% off) to finish perfect 15% tracing my arcanes and retracing my cra (progress 90% done)
good gains are being made in this event, can't wait to afford 17*ing these arcanes
yes i'm f2p interactive
smol gains are comfy when you just 22 something in 1 go it doesn't feel right
current gear are unique absolabs of course
not going to put these arcanes on until i'm finished abusing legion shop css
im waiting out the dmt cube spam for a bit
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i did all of chapter 4 wondering if i misclicked and went into 3 by accident, the only difference was that anubis was red and he still died to getting dark soulsed
got these done on accident too i dont think it cared about what i used just that i found new high grades
proud of u anonymous
personally bpots scare me but i think im running up against the wall where 2L leg bpotting my stuff is the cheapest way upward and its time to leave my 4 stat 10 att epic ones
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Let's MapleStory!
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hardcore anubis got me
>5th time doing cslime
>losing blink to the ring
i fucking hate this game.
I want to do a bw boss mule but my guild laughs every time I bring it up
bws are fun and maybe you'll lib the bw then they wont be laughing and theyll fight 4 u to join them.
ur right
im gonna give it the minigame nx
and my bishops staff when it libs in 3 months
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my kaling party died out twice tonight
what i think is happening is that our kanna (designated bait) was being carried by his class mechanics that no longer exist with the revamp but we're also just down a guy too (the snoozemaxxing bedcel who was also awol last week) so idk
>join a BM party
>need to get people from outside the guild to fill slots
>they keep flaking and getting replaced by new flakes
if they fleshed out this pyramid event into a real game I'd play the fuck out of it (as long as it's with a thief)
(edit: my kaling party has now died out twice and gauged out twice in p1, we are waiting for a fifth try as soon as my p1 wolf deletion button is off cd) (we've cleared at least 15 times before what the fuck)
we cleared but i fucking crashed
>gauged out twice in p1
how are you guys this bad
cursed kaling runs. a bad sign for tomorrow.
idk dude it was fucked before i got there once and the other time i was iframed maybe sleepybro was locked out (the opposite of locked in) on acoconut of it being 2am but we got there in the end on run #5
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Did EVERYBODY pick Lim's helmet?
I've not seen a single Inkwell helm and I want to know how it looks while wearing one
regret starting to sink in for hyper burning khali
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i shouldve went with lim's helmet...
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sex with nina
Yeah, that's a big oof
thanks for your sacrifice
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i think i went for only 6 hours today because it was boss day but we got 400 frags so its cool
youtube ads tried to come back today and while ublock still blocks the ads theres a delay or i have to click skip, hope that gets resolved soon
gonna have food and then its bedtime im starting to read lord of the rings and wow thats a lot of hobbit lore ok gn
is there a specific time everyone queues for ursos on eu reboot?
it seems that no matter when i get there its completely empty
You can get full mesos going in solo fella, just deal 5% of his hp
Why does she look familiar?
when getting carried how much damage do I need to do on each phase in Hellux in order to get loot?
how many stars should I star force my pink bean belt if I am not getting absolab or gollux gear anytime soon?
10 if you have no money, 15 if you have some money and 17 if you have a lot of money. You can transfer hammer the stars to a gollux belt so it's not going to be completely wasted.

Also it's not that hard to get abso gear on your hyper burn. Soloing might take a while but a party isn't that bad and you can always get carried too. The weekly quests are total ass though.
>i will simply transfer hammer into sos
>realize I have no sup pendant spares
i thought my party for nkaling wasn't great at it but recently we had to replace a member and the new member said to us that we were really good at balancing gauges (we've cleared with him twice now) compared to parties he's been in before

seems maybe most people struggle with it. we did fail a lot at the start though, our party has gotten a lot better with dog&tiger p1
I am doing the weeklies it isn't the problem, its the bosses, even with carries I doubt I will survive the bosses attacks and mechanics and spending time and effort to learn it is not a priority for me right now, I am 240 and want to reach 260 and work on my legion atm, I will start thinking about gollux gear when I can solo hard gollux and get coins, hopefully in the coming week or two I will be able to solo hard gollux
my party doesn't want to move from ekaling to nkaling for some reason despite having more than enough damage for it
I get you. I started playing late last year and it also took me some time to start doing lomien and hellux, although I was playing fully solo. Ultimately the mechanics aren't that bad as long as you've got the damage to avoid a very long fight. Trying to hit 260 ASAP is a good idea since you get a pretty massive power boost with 6th job and if you want you can also take advantage of the free arcane weapon.
Frag prices are crashing so fast thanks to stinky NEETs and third worlders it looks like it'll reach previous node prices way faster than I ever thought
unironically what are they planning with this
6 different origin skills?
it doesn't have to be an origin skill retard
it will just be an entirely new skill like 5th job
should I start trying to roll for hybrid meso/drop rate lines on accessory with 5 bill? drop gear is top priority for me atm
Mesos obtained is the good line right? And drop rate just makes them drop more frequently which is essentially useless?
you need at least 68% drop rate for the bags to drop consistently and you also need as much drop rate as you can (caps at 200% from equips) to get more frequently arcane symbols, node stones, droplets and frags from mobs when farming and more and better loot from bosses, your progression will be significantly slower in reboot without 100% meso obtained and minimum 68%-80% drop rate
also only pendants, rings earrings, face and eye accessories can give you those lines
Meso rate is the "useless" line in reg
You want to max out drop rate for frag drops which are going to give you far bigger rates than meso rate focus
Of course ideally you want both, while still being capable of one shotting Grandis mobs, but 2L drop+meso is extremely economically inefficient if you're not luckmaxxed
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omg maplestory
I meant specifically the "increases meso drop rate" line yes. My regular drop rate is 250% when I'm grinding but my mesos obtained are only 48% since I'm a regger. Working on grinding a new familiar for my third slot now that these grandis assholes drop 'em.
i decided on bsp

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