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Previous iM@S Thread: >>487729059
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (July 26th): >>487701508

>Archive of >>487692459: archive.is/9hpr2
- /@/ Draws Weekend Morning TV: >>487692632 >>487738528
>Cinderella Girls
- CG Minami's birthday 2024: >>487729231
- CINDERELLA MASTER 067 "Clock Hands" preview: >>487702097
>Shiny Colors
- Jimuteki Shinography chapter 8 (part 2) raw: >>487718853 >>487768863
- CoherentLight chapter 10 (part 2) on July 30th: >>487794520
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- Shiny Music Hour: >>487703486 >>487711241 >>487797280
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- stamps: >>487690868
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- countdowns: >>487711758
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- login bonus: >>487719189
- SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- photos (part 1): >>487712094 >>487779106 >>487793013 >>487793224 >>487796538 >>487796746 >>487793523 >>487793934 >>487795071 >>487794141 >>487794865 >>487795763 >>487796678 >>487797210 >>487797238 >>487798319
- SC Mamimi Private Dress Down Big Acrylic Stand (orders end Aug 4th): >>487701042
- SC Wafer 3 packs in America: >>487767494
>Million Live
- TD Producer's Birthday Lines 2024: >>487780704
- Asterism of Celestial Colours artist's "Sweet Memories" book at Comiket 104: >>487543923 >>487677114
- GK Hatsuboshi Gakuen HR #3 countdown (July 26th): >>487707557

July 27th, 1PM JST: Hatsuboshi Gakuen HR #3: youtu.be/VI7g2njYN6A >>486675090
July 27th, 5PM JST: Shiny Colors LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1
July 27th, 8:30PM JST: Shiny Colors LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY 1 AP stream: youtu.be/K1E1yuMhUxY
I want to marry Minami Saki.
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Sex thread.
I rate Hana.
Meguru bros is this the end of the line ?
Happy 19th birthday, Minami. One more year and you can drink.
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Despite the break yesterday and the lives starting today, the fighting continues on.


Today's Matches:

Meg vs. Fuyu

Chookie vs. Kiririn
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i love Nono Morikubo!
>3/4 on release girls
Shitposterbros... how do we cope?
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Minami Nitta is not pure
at all
>verification not required
>Asahi got Goyo'd
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And that's a good thing.
Wait I'm horny for all of these idols, who am I supposed to root for.
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Copernicus Status: All Smiles
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droopy friendly eyes
Why are there only sluts left? I can't vote for sluts.
The walking sex
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- Theme: Draw the idol(s) as if they're in a weekend morning shows like Precure, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Pokemon, Yugioh, Punirunes, Ania Kingdom, etc. Western ones like Doug are allowed as well as those which got a re-run in morning (like Kemono Friends and X-Men: The Animated Series). Write the name of the show it's based on and maybe even provide the link for its OP / theme song (insert song is fine too).

- References
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (土曜日)
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (日曜日)

- Rule
Usual rules apply so no AI, no photoshopping, etc. If you're feeling a little bold, provide a wholesome SFW version along with a link to the lewd original.

- How to contribute
Please reply to this post and/or use "WeekendAM2024" to make it easier when checking the archives.

- Deadline
12:00 JST GMT+9, July 28th 2024

- Submissions
MegaRin The Super Fighting Robot >>485549632, Spongesawa Hiro Lifting Weights >>486093871, BunPink Miyo >>486099914, Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Haya >>486614775, The iDOLFORMERS >>486754064, Aromage Ayumu >>486813026, Lovely Chizuru of the Silver Castle >>487056913, Ojamajo Tsumugi >>487097524, Queen KoGaNe of the Stars >>487297202, Unwavering Devotion! Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier >>487430087, Spiritual Wind Art - Kaede >>487739304, Cool Samurai Girl >>487756638, Cure Crescent >>487785610
Chiyuki is pure.
Can someone explain to me why the popular idol, Hana Suzuki, doesn't have a red line following her name?
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Kiriko has my full support
Tenga is also a popular idol. Who died to Kiriko, another popular idol.
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It's not a popularity contest it's about slutness
Has GK collabed with Taiko yet? I want to beat off to Hajime
If you guys say "I always knew Meguru would make it here" you guys are filthy liars. You shouldn't lie.
I never doubted Damayu's girl.
It's a doggy dog world...
> That GREEN
Reminds me of this 3D printer filament I just bought. https://fusionfilaments.com/1kg-abs15-filament-radium-green-20
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you better not be printing idols
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I want to beat off to Hajime
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Loving prince Nono. Can you believe she's been voiced for eight years now?

You wouldn't download an idol?
Amana is not walking out of that beach until she's pregnant.
Calm down, Tenko.
how long until the live starts?
Hana my beloved
5 hours and 9 minutes
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I love Ranko very dearly.
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Resin printers are the ones you want if you're actually making small-scale models as they can do much better details, though an FDM printer can do good large-scale stuff (though with thin layer lines it'll take forever for anything big). Just watch out for the smells, shit's toxic.
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I'm voting Meg.
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She got a by and Mamimi is pretty free. You only really had to bet on her vs Amana which is close enough to go either way.
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Hats all sold out hahaha.
voting is just spamming the hashtag right?
I don't want to do that on my porn account
Everyone loves silly hats
i believe it
and i believe she's a girl who deserves a lot of love.
I'm surprised that Haruki and Hana aren't shipped together
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I'm surprised no one has ever thought of killing you yet.
happy brithday walking sex
ships are barely a thing in imas
Fuck off with the shipping, gangbang, NTR and general non P-love romance shit already
No, they only count one vote per account. There was one insane LucaP spamming her tag but obviously it didn't work.
True enough.
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>There was one insane LucaP
That's ALL LucaPs.
It's time for /@/ to be exclusively P-love and ignore other teased ships that aren't with P.
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they're not a couple but they do like tribbing with each other
Well there clearly weren't enough.
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it's always naughty when there's a camera
I love im@s gravure parody doujins
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Hana's super duper straight and Haruki is Luca's replacement lesbian so there wasn't really any room
The sane LucaPs are the P/Luca supporters.
That's pre-release fanfiction
Go back
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I just want to marry Luca and make babies with her.
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Was rushing to upload this and didn't realise I posted it at the end of the last thread. Here's my submission for the dr@ws!
I just want Luca to make amends with her dad, Amai Tsutomu.
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Cute Sakichang.
Post em again I wasn't looking,
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Suddenly I want alt-hair Tsumugi and Tamaki cosplaying as Fern and Frieren.
cumming in kaho
cumming in fuyu
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>really like Luca, find her desing incredibly attractive
>she's the least P-sexual SC
>love Haruki, would think she'd be an amazing gf
>she's not really P-sexual
>like/respect Hana, she's just cute but not my favorite
>she's extremely P-sexual
Strange feeling.
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Pinching Mari-chan's cheeks
When did we get so many Baggot retards in /@/?
Sae stop.
Smooth ikemen.
Vote for Top Idol Fuyu
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no worries. we all knew what you meant and gave you the benefit of the doubt
it didn't end in sex wtf
Luv P/Fuyu
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I watched the anime and fap to the porn and save fanart and occasionally watch clips on Youtube but don't play the game.
Classic fuyuP
What is a baggot?
it's takaflo, the guilty hearts guy
quickshotting inside fuyu and savoring her disgusted expression
Please don't tell me what you're jerking off to
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those two
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It's when you've got a bag.

> guilty hearts
Isn't that a video game series?
Fine, I'll tell you what I jerked off to instead. I used Kaori today.
tell him
Do it for her
Honestly, you dinguses really jerk off a lot to SC's writing when it's full of missed potential and kind of abandoned plotlines like HioLuca.
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I don't get this image
I'm using Kotoha tomorrow.
I'm the only person in this general who has used her.
I'm not ashamed, I am proud
cumming in kotoha
I only fap to its doujins/porn
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She was in that loss-in-two-panels anthology.
wsup red
If you can't fap to official art, can you truly say your idol is a top idol? I've successfully used Shiho, Kaori, Uzuki, Nao, Minami, Meguru, Haruka, Takane, and so on
It's like when you step on a lego but an entire mat made of it. Here's one with the same coloring: https://www.amazon.com/BBTO-Reflexology-Acupoint-Acupressure-Students/dp/B0C2P9J7SZ/
You're just addicted to masturbation. Not to porn like some anons here, but to masturbation.
Oh those right, I remember some VAs doing it
This honestly feels good after walking for hours.
Why is Hayate?
>She was in that loss-in-two-panels anthology.
I have no idea what that is, unless it's some kind of CAD minus 2 panels reference, and even then I didn't know there was an imas version.
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To appeal to people who like energetic JCs with nice bodies.
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Because 14
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This tummy has been kissed by Yuuki
Can you scan it?
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And it will be bloated with offsprings by me
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the answer to an age-old question
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Usually official art isn't titillating enough, but when it hits, it hits hard.
>Usually official art isn't titillating enough
Misuzu, let's give Mari-chan some little siblings, she can watch how we make them too
Go fap to nude edit of official arts
i want to fuck sena
I came
Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Are there people out there watching porn all day but not mastubating?

What are they doing? Appreciating the cinematography?
that's a penis
>the scan quality on the first one
I remember those were some dark times for doujin scans. Can only imagine how many good doujins got destroyed just for those shitty chink scans.
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Peak swimsuit design
If there is anyone who the walking sex wants to have sex with, it's the man who presented her banner.
They're highly related but not the same activity. Mind you that some people masturbate even when not horny.
What was the reason for it again? Low quality scan is one thing but throwing in watermarks, writing (vandalizing) it with "low quality" just to hammer it in, etc is just insane.
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Unf... Fifth Cinderella
Kasshy's a good man.
hiro will die
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Shut up nerds, time for Home Room.
Kassy would be disappointed in you.
Dumbo's ears are huge, it's distracting.
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saki's va slept well
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seiyuu are so fashion aybo
No, not him.
What's wrong with saying Kasshy's a good man? Also, wanting =/= actually getting. Like someone saying they wanted a Speedo Hideo butbdidn't get it.
She's not there.

Saki's song reached 5 million views.
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Fuyubros... It's time to bring out the bots...
Weird kind of cope.
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gin00 posted a sexy kotone on his patreon
easy girl
Saki's VA speaks like a literal child
The "low quality" dude was butthurt over a chinese comment that said his scans weren't very good. He was that petty, that he continued to buy and scan hundreds of doujins, only to ruin them with that obnoxious watermark.
But he was just one chink scanner out of many that used shitty scanners (sometimes their phone camera) to upload doujin scans. I have a suspicion that they might have put better scans up on some paywalled sites, but that's just a wild guess. I have no idea where you would find them. Given the nature of their internet, those scans are probably long lost at this point.
Lilya erotic
Liljabros we're back
Oh no it's an actually good Lilja song
stealing liljas virginity
This is a very Tsumugicore song
>What was the reason for it again?
If you're talking about that one cgc uploader on the panda he did that because he got pissed off from a comment complaining about the scan quality. So he made it his mission to upload countless unscanned stuff in low-res with watermarks. I think it took like two years for the admin to finally step in and ban him. Pretty sure he's the whole reason why the defaced and scanmark tag exist now too. Scanning is a thankless job most of the time but to go full schizomode for 1~2 years over it is a bit much.
You guys told me it was Kotone, why is /@/ never tired of being wrong?
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ew it's a lilja card
the outfit designer really is an armpit appreciator
Anon, it's not just Lilja.
It's Saki, Kotone, AND Lilja. Just like Kimi to Semiblue has Sumika, Mao, and Rinami
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muy kawaii
It can still be Kotone and Lilja. Just like Sumika and Rinami were for Kimi to Semiblue.
It's both, actuallly.
Apologize to Lilja right fucking now.
they teased two cards, you dummy
Sounds like she inhaled too many helium balloons as a kid but also has the speech of a child. Have yet to see if her mannerisms are childlike too. If so we have a womanchild.
new lilja card?
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Saki wants to FIGHT Lilja
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i'm just surprised there weren't others. i was expecting at least a few
did anyone screenshot the new cards?
The man with the Venus banner.
You can go back in the stream.
please tell me im not the only one who kinda hears azumin yukiho in lilja
SSR gasha will be Lilja. Event card is Saki.
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Kotone ssr again...
There's no way they're making Lilja the welfare right? They're not going to have BOTH Saki and Kotone's limiteds be a month from their 2nd SSR, right?
Thanks, Saki. It would have been pretty embarassing for me if it was Kotone..
that's pretty good art for a welfare
Kotone can't keep getting away with making the stupid faces.
My >>487809460 Jewels are safe
Gee mom 2 free heal?
Looks alright, I guess. not a fan of the color.
Followed by Kotone gasha mid-August like last time.
i'm at work and can't watch the stream, can someone post screenies?
Oh wow thats cute
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Play your svedish girl
Lilja is a yamato nadeshiko... my jewels...
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If you are attending shanimas today live, there is a community project for chant guide booklet. You can get it here : https://x.com/miho_thrimi/status/1816101230114136223
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>best Yamato Nadeshiko are always the foreign girls
But what does it MEAN?
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Lilja's new sense SSR is a good condition-focused one, and her skill card does a supercharge based on the amount.
thank you bros
>Temari again
Jesus the limited releases are too often
haha you r so dumbbbb
Very erotic ramune
>decide not to roll until spark
>miss 2 kotones already

ok man
there used to be a japanese drum corps named YAMATO
It's "seasonal" so you can just wait till next year :^)
Saki Card
2 Health Cost (Goes through Genki)
Gain 5 good impressions
Gain an addtional skill use this turn, draw a card
-1 per lesson, no dupes
Saki item
At the start of turn, if you have 6 or more good impressions, recover 5 stamina
- Activates twice per lesson
Another Gasha idols spark limit halved to 100. Additionally, you get a free 10 roll on it.
you vill only produce ze main trio.
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Oh yeah here's Chiwawa
I rolled for Ume and I'm at 45k jewels. What the fuck are you doing?
which card is the event card?
Thank you Bamco sama
what is "Another Gasha"?
very cute kotone
Ok, give me back my 100 rolls from kimi to semi blue then
Foreign devils cannot be true nadeshikos.
umm bwo how do I get more currency I am not drowning in gems but I didn't roll much outside of launch
she looks great
She better be nopan
Rolling for cards you already have for outfits.
sanbaka trio again lol
Incoming Ume and Hiro fundoshi fanart
>another gacha again
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idiot trio

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The Another set apparently also includes the swimsuits, so those will continue to be in the pool.
i like the two on the right and think left is just OK
very adorable china
Skill card - 4 Stam cost
Score +12
Gain score equal 3x your Good Condition stacks
Can't be used unless in Good Condition
- Once per Lesson, no duplicates
If you have 3 or more stacks of Good Condition at end of turn, gain 2 stacks of Good condition
- Activates 4 times per lesson
god i want to ejaculate inside china so bad you have no idea
Don't lewd my daughter you sick fuck
Ume cover those arms you indecent girl
>hits pipe
This is fine... I should just be optimistic and aim to get Kotone within ~150 rolls. And pretty sure she won't get another SSR for the next 6 months, enough for another spark.
Are these armpit fetish outfits? Because they look like armpit fetish outfits.
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I wanna fuck Hiro so bad... What a sticc...
Isn't it great?
Just live with not getting your idol
How about I split your head open? How about that?
>twitter space for this gakuen broadcast has 54k people
good lord
How do I mute only Saki's VA?
Fuck you bitch
temari is so fucking fat
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Hiro would have worn a fundoshi though
that's horrible how could you say that
I think this Saki is likely going to be the worst SSR in the game. Her item making the rest strat nearly impossible is just the start of it.
Kotone's training shirt is 7500 yen.
Sasuga gold digger
The card should be good enough to pair with Boom Boom Pow in contests or idol road.
>Rinami and China white innerwear
>everyone else wearing black
what are the implications?
Is rest strat really that good. I could probably try it with my supports but haven't found the will to do it.
for me? impossible
Goddamnit, Mao. Don't put on your sarashi for sex outfits like this.
very hard
Imagine them being drenched in sweat...
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Does gakumas have any sort of EN translations like how umas has an UI patch that translates everything? I want to play because the girls are really cute but I can't really read Japanese
i hope my idol gets a halloween costume... please no christmas shit...
It's really good for aiming for S rank. You get stats from weeks where you normally don't get stats. It could be replaced in the future by the drinks strat if they release more supports that give stats whenever you buy drinks though, so the meta is still going to evolve
80% of the fun of the game is in the commus so you will be missing out a lot
just play man
you'll learn by exposure
She still hasn't reached 1 million views on her MV

Death by Sentinel Stone Maze
I just feel and vibe the japanese. You should do the same.
How is it for contest deck building?
What does this mean with phase changes?
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shiis decks have phase changes
Shhis's gameplay gimmick is switching between a Nichika or Mikoto phase.
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Streaming tickets announced for the GK lives, pretty cheap at 3000 yen each with a special version of 5000 yen.
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no one bats an eye at dino shilling her age-gap yuri manga on the same account she posts about U149, and that's just swell
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Special Ticket Footage:

Ubugoe will have special footage of their cast audition results.
Shoshin has a tea party with the three members.
Hatsukoi has a takoyaki party.
Grr I will purchase these on a proxy website because I cannot go to nihon.
iDOLM@STER is a very expensive hobby, isn't it.
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Saki figure also announced by Kotobukiya.
How do I trigger that?
It's possible depending on the stats and items you're aiming for. The visual +score and the vocal +skill use items are easy to fit in, but the other items are trickier to include.
Pretty colors.
Aiiiie expensive series
Who is next?
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They hinted an Ume figure is coming later.
ML Bros, our figurines?
Temari probably.
The SHHis cards with exclamation marks allow for phase switching. I forgot which though, I haven't played much SHHis in that mode.
Oh that's great, guess I'll try playing the game now. Thanks a lot!
with a card that changes phase
Kaori released just last month.
Wasn't that already announced?
wani wani ah ah
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what the fuck are they shilling lol
Lilja is really the dream girlfriend but... i'm just not that attracted to her
Oh and if you want support items AND a card from a support, I'd just give up on the rest strat. At that point just run Sensei for her massive increase in SP lesson chance and her unique max stamina boost
That's by Neonmax, Kotobukiya may be making their own.
that's an old arcade game and i guess that's a small home version of it for kids.
Somehow I got lucky and I did it
Ummmmm where's Misuzu?
she probably thinks it's a charm point by the way she styles her hair behind them
Koto only announced the Rinami one, this Saki one by them is new
>Kotone's seiyuu so fast it breaks
The bedroom.
I'm kissing 'em
The main trio VAs have big ears...
They said to expect her anytime soon. Half anni is the earliest she's gonna come
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Is she wrong?
Liliya va bad just liker Liliya
To not expect her*
Teru bros? Where's our figure?
>5 stage needs 6 phase changes
This happens to me for auto producing but I refuse to give SfP more of my time.
I don't think Lilja's VA enjoyed any of this.
She was thinking about me all the time and couldn't concentrate.
Follow this guy guides next time, he does good builds for challenge mode
She's just a cute komuusho autist please understand
You're thinking too hard, she's just autistic
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this song will surpass wonder scale
Looks like Koro got heatstroke and that's why she wasn't at MillionRadio this week.
hah dumbass
weak constiution nipponese...
>was practically fully recovered from an illness I caught last weekend, just in time to watch the live with /@/
>body suddenly started to fail me an hour ago
Silly of me auto producing the first chapter, let's hope this gives better results
>got heatstroke
wow that's pretty medically urgent

New stream opened to watch people pack packages for the Gakumas screenshot competition. Starts in 15 minutes.
thanks bro I'm bored.
It's also the reason Yumi's seiyuu wasn't on day two during a live, I can excuse her at least, she's a mom
> That recently uploaded doujin on panda where every ML idol is devoured by zombies in the goriest way possible
Thanks I hate it
I'd love to say up with you guys but work's been rough this week and I really need sleep. Hoping for some illumine kino when I watch the rip in tomorrow. Good night /@/
It's speculated that's also why Asahi's seiyuu missed day 1 of Wagamama.
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Fight a real samurai.
>weird Japanese rap song starts playing
My dudes working faster than a SEA sweatshop
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I guess Stagecrowd isn't entirely dead since this just showed up, or it could just be that GK's debut live was already planned before the discontinuation.
>Tamaki was tear in half with her intestines everywhere.
Fuck you dearly whoever drew this
I forgot to ask a very important question before starting the game but is Gakumas generous? Will I actually be able to get idols I like without selling my soul to bamco or is it one of those stingy games?
you can exchange dupe fragments for ssrs and some events give the tickets you need to exchange for ssrs. right now you can only exchange for each idols first ssr though and the starting support ssrs.
>is Gakumas generous
lm@o even
Rather stingy, but it's slowly starting to be more generous. Don't expect to be able to get the idol you unless you've been saving for a couple of months (at least) though
Based on how much people complain here, it seems like it's more of the stingier ones.
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KominoP and his two assistant Ps.
No archive so a screenshot for posterity.
No one asked.
Is the fat guy actually KominoP?
It's over....
I've been really spoiled by other gachas giving me enough for a guarantee every 2 months or so

Lets see how this turns out I guess. Can I at least reroll for someone I like at the start?
It's the guy with the huge chin
No limited this week but new Hiro with a good song.
When you first play the game you can select a SSR of your choice from the starting pool. So you can start with your fav
Pretty stingy in my opinion, but I have only really played other im@s games (that are also rather stingy) and Priconne, I'm unsure of what is the average free to poor gems among games.
God, they're doing this on a Saturday afternoon, too.
If you limit yourself to a single girl and are at least a little lucky you can probably still get by comfortably
>Can I at least reroll for someone I like at the start
you should reroll for good cards and maybe an SSR idol since you can choose one of the starter SSRs
It doesn't appear like they had decided yet.
>I'm unsure of what is the average free to poor gems among games.
Usually 1 pity every 1-2 months. If less then it's a stingy game and if more then it's a pretty generous games but even the 'generous' ones tend to have their pitfalls like you get a lot of rolls but you need dupes so you're fucked either way.

What do you mean reroll for good cards? Great that there's a selector at least
Kotone is flat.
look at them gloves
Same. I'm excited to watch full IS but I can't afford to do it live...
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And that's a good thing.
Stagecrowd is dead?

> A couple of months
That can't be ri--what the fuck GK is over two months old already?
I've accumulated about 250 rolls (spark is 200) after 2 months of rather casual playing, so I think it's fine
you are absolutely fucked if you are interested in more than 1 idol though
That was the standard message they used to put on the pages for lives before the sudden change with them saying that there's no plans for overseas distribution. So I'm guessing it was planned before that change.

>Stagecrowd is dead?
At least for SM and SC so far.
Don't roll for skins.
>Stagecrowd is dead?
Kind of seems like they're starting to pull the plug. This SC live won't be of Stagecrowd (I think)
Well that's a shame, I actually paid for a few lives now and then but ended up watching them using the Miku guy rips anyway because I missed the live showing and fuck waiting multiple days just to watch the archive.
GK isn't even THAT stingy but the gacha has to be one of the worst in the industry
Monthly login pass when
>but the gacha has to be one of the worst in the industry
idk there's some pretty fucking bad ones like separating the normal gacha from the actually good unit gacha with ultra low rates and nonexistent F2P income
I am spoiled by enza. Everytime I log in they give me free shit. They gave me free PSSRs for all idols a few months back.
GK already has a monthly pass. Not a bad deal if you're into paypigging actually, plus you get those cute hair decorations.
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Komino just peaced us!
hoyo games and their copycats have shittier gachas
>the gacha has to be one of the worst in the industry
nope, that's still uma/sfp "let's separate two gachas lol", and it sucks with sfp more because they literally got it right with enza since day 1
As >>487816916 says. SfP gacha can fuck off.
they gave 283 free tickets too
Yeah, having to wait until the day after Day2 to watch the archive streams was not ideal. That said I remember seeing other lives on there that weren't iM@S that have archives up on the day of or the day after. So, I guess it's up to the organizers and not a Stagecrowd problem.
Huh where? The mission pass? That's more like a battle pass
Everything was getting better for F2P until they realized hoyo could sell gachas to normalfags and everything went to shit.
Not particularly. They're actually among the nicer ones because the people that parrot this haven't played the actually dogshit ones but reddit and the hivemind told them they're bad so they must be true.
"normalfags" were ALWAYS the ones playing games like that.
All gacha is bad. We need to retvrn.
Teru Tendo
Kei Suzuki
Kyoji Takajo
Yusuke Aoi
Genbu Kurono
Takeru Taiga
Rui Maita
Kurisu Koron
Eishin Mayuzumi
I'm not talking about asian normalfags, I mean the rest of the world.
no way you guys think that while playing imas games.
So just Bamco being incompetent as usual then.


But I thought we were in a post-gacha world?
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>Eishin Mayuzumi
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The gacha pool is shared between idol and support cards
ideally you want to aim for support cards that boost SP lesson % like the ones in pic related (the Temari support is arguably the single best card in the game right now)
I don't know how many jewels they give at the start now but it's really worth it to try to get at least 1 or 2 support SSRs and maybe an SSR idol if you have the time
SfP is probably worse than GK, to be honest. Not much free jewel income (RIP Challenge Tours) and the split gacha makes it quite a turn off. That and like over half of the support cards are practically useless due to the meta.
SS, TD and SC had been fairly generous and you could get every new card of your idol quite easy.
chink alert
Whats the point of producing julia noriko or natsuki if you arent a short-haired dyke
Any gacha that has a separation for characters and cards/weapons/any other random shit is by definition a dogshit gacha.
I'll try that then, thanks for the image guide.
>Your idol
And that's how long? Not even a hoyoshill but not a bamco shill either.
I wish we can hit spark easier for our games.
the one that looks like an older riina when she puts her hair down
Jun's boyfriend
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We're getting that free 2.5k with Lilja's banner this time, right...?
>Any gacha that has a separation for characters and cards/weapons/any other random shit is by definition a dogshit gacha.
Nah it gets worse than that
Try something like Epic7 with it's moonlight gacha where all the good units are locked behind or Tower of Fantasy with hyperspeed powercreep, non-existent F2P currency and MMO mechanics where you're stuck playing support slut for big spenders because they deal 100 times (without exaggeration) your damage.

It gets quite bad out there, people just refuse to play the actually bad games because they're, you know, bad.
Unless you're that Russian KrakenP who has to spark nearly every time. That poor guy.
aren't the rate ups like .3%? you need to hit pity and the pity is a 50/50, it's only a guaranteed rate up if you lose the 50/50. once,so you need 180 rolls at .3% to guarantee a character. that's below industry standard.
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She isnt that bad
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Julia is unironically sex
They're hot.
Is it a limited banner?
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inviting droopy eyes
disarming droopy eyes
seductive droopy eyes
It is.
Has he been drafted yet?

Wait a minute, those idols...
So true
hope he dodged it lm@o
>so you need 180
140~150 for a guarantee (You hit pity on 70~80)
80~90 rolls average per patch with 100+ on great ones
It's not stellar but it's definitely among one of the nicer systems. People just refuse to look at the math but the system is rather F2P friendly which is why companies are copying it and why it's successful in the first place and there's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse shit out there.
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In SC you only need to do 15 TEs and that takes less than 3 days with the appropiate settings, if you're new in SS and TD it might take a month, I must agree having to do 300 rolls is above the standard right now.
Good thing in TD you have like 6 to almost a year to save for her new SSR, I know is discouraging but at least you can assure you won't miss on anything related to your idol, with SfP and GK doesn't feel that way, I've been lucky that my favorite GK hasn't gotten a new card but I haven't been able to save for her spark, and that's including the giveaways and freshman bonuses.
they already mentioned free 2.5k jewels
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lmao @ (you)
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>rerunning literally the first hcg event
what are you cooking takayama
You are not taking into account their "soft pity" system, and how their guarantee carries over across banners.
This gives you opportunities to try your luck on other banners without requiring excessive hoarding.
Consider everything on average and compare it again to your "industry standard".
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>oh boy I sure I hope I don't lose my coinflip pity.
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You really wanna play this game, son?
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Yeah, TD and SS are good if you can save a lot of gems.
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He cute.
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Good night my brotha anon
Good stuff.
jounouchi ass chin
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oh no, momopeaberi is wearing the same sweater
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G'night mate
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Nothing wrong with matching jammies.
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HR #3 Summary
According to Komino, the event to be announced in the next HR stream is not a season event and they will have something new to show.
Natsuki lost all of her lesbian fans when she went out of her way to say she didn't swing that way in one of her early commus.
I mean, it's September, there's nothing to celebrate.
Chinese Reika my beloved.
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A classic
What about the 21st night of September
do you remember?
Natsukichi is CUTE!
you're right, i should have said 160 rather than 180 but it's hard to put the soft pity into numbers because you can go over 80 even though 75~ is around average. however there is a separate gacha for equipment on top of the dupes drastically changing how useful characters are in their games.

i still play hsr, if you just want characters for the sake of having them and nothing else you can manage but getting e2/c2 of a character can be so gamebreaking that it makes them an entirely different character(firefly just recently) and the powercreep is kicking in for the signature light cones where you need them for characters like acheron.
More idols should say that they love (Producer's) dick
The reason Hoyo gets away with low pity is because a ton of their units gets significantly better not just with their weapon but also through dupes. Like effectiveness goes up by more than 100% for some with the usual threshold being at 2 dupes. So you're not rolling for 1 when you need to Rolly he character three times plus their weapon .

Compare that to most.jo games where dupes are usually just a straight multiplier increase (FG0) or outright useless like in most SS or TD.
Twin Towers victim Hiro
Al Quaeda terrorist Ume
Pentagon officer China
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Duplicating idols
I will just say to be consistent you will have to apply the same logic to our games if you are including consideration to dupes/meta.
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that's what he is doing, no? dupes aren't so useful in ss, td, or even gk.
HSR is hoyo's worst game, sadly.
Mostly because it's turn based and the nature of turn based means that the game devolves into char/stat checks since there's no room for player skill and the only way to get a player to roll is bigger numbers.

Their other two games have more room for player skill so there's a space where you can make up or cope with player skill and being mechanically good at the game so the gacha weapons aren't an absolute must like in HSR.
nor is it in the game he is discussing but it is outside the scope of this general.
HI3 is still alive...
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>HI3 is still alive...
the game's barely trucking and the general for that is an asylum seething over the same thing for years
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Imagine being 12-13 and going through puberty while having this succubus as your older sister
Rikkun already has a succubus older sister
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Worst is being 16-17 and having this one as big sister
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She's just like me...
Who's the imas incubus?
the trap quartet
Which one?
Why the xbots are always indian?
All producers are incubi.
All of them!
Have in mind it also may kill certain artist posts
shiny colors and gakuen are the only outliers there and neither have separate gachas for their support ssrs. dupes are only needed for pvp whales and that's more sc than gakuen, gakuen's bonuses for dupes isn't as impactful as sc which does give idols new skills. sc has increased currency gain to compensate so it appears more generous for f2p but it's much more brutal for the whales.

the dupes were impactful even in genshin though, that's why the e6 4* characters end up being so good, you have their entire kit. mihoyo's thing is that they give you part of a character and you have to roll more to complete them. that includes their signature equipment as well as 5 other copies.
Anything to get more rupees Sir.
And if possible Solos to Hana and Haruki
Hana Solo
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What kinda snacks are ya havin' for the live tonight?

very beautiful
Those pajeet bots are swarming on GK posts
Sars are the new pussyinbio's
Giving people the ability to signal boost themselves is by far the worst thing that retard has done for the site
Soloing my idol
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Also hinting at Ume for their third GK figure as well.
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Five Color Explosion Scenario Event Rerun starting on the 30th.

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Hey, it's the T-shirt dude again
none. don't want any sudden forced piss/shit break happening at the worst time possible. Plus it's past midnight here, wouldn't be healthy anyways
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what live, I drank a little and want to sleep
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Listened to the Lilja ver of the new GK song and now I can't unhear her as "Azumin's Yukiho but can't hit certain notes"
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Idols are preparing

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Where's my branch's figures?
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Still on the planning stages and will be released sometime after Tekken x Street Fighter.
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Hiori is wilting...
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do it
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Suna drew China.
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All the seiyuu look the same
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I can't be racist if I'm Asian
Someone has a bingo chart for the live?
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TD's August Schedule

PSTheater Special (Airu)
Talk Party

Back to a main commu added mid-month.
China you're my one idol policy.
At least when drawn like that.
>there's probably some unfinished hidekazu tanaka imas songs sitting on a hard drive somewhere
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ah mei ah luv u
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she's coming
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>80 rolls
>Still no Choco
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MeiPs have infiltrated Family Mart

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Same type as the Stardom Theater events that have been going on.
>lost some good songs
Remember black pilled bros
It's not worth hitting up little kiddies no matter based you think you are.
patriots in control
i'm not expecting much desu, probably just more of the usual. more solos or new cross unit cd series would be the dream. imagine most game stuff will be saved for the stream that's a few days after.
Not without being dirty fucking rich, anyway.
he should have made sure she was a prostitute and not a normal girl
Have you tried consuming more choco?
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Is there a better idol/producer pair than this?
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Hey boy
Karen makes me think of that one porn comic I read with the girl with a heightened sense of smell.
Our hero arrives in out hour of need
Usual place guys, let's go!!!
Last chance to rub one out before the live,
I don't watch SC lives
I thought so too.
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let's go
Did no one record the TBS Fuuryuu Fes broadcast?
Think of how many mochis are in that crowd....
I'm going to bust a nut on Ritsuko.
prpr orange
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It was just a digest (around 50 minutes as opposed to 4 hours). I recall seeing tweets for it having only 1 song per performers.
And what about her glasses?
lm@o, guess it's just lost media then
Yeah. That said, anything involving vtubers could easily wind up as lost media especially those song streams of theirs. As for VL, I recall someone here posted having all of their voice lines (including those birthday ones which was like 15K yen each) but didn't have the very first ones as part of the starter set.
Will the fat fuck do a warming up again?
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So is Day1 ShinyAni focused or something?
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friendly reminder that I want to smooch chookie's va
Noriko is so fucking pretty bros... her smile...
Ah, just realized this is building up to full-Illumine Hikari no Destination lol
We know Anna
lmao that camera cut
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Hio time
Those haircolors are something
Did Mano and Meg colorswap?
I missed u hiohio
get hiori some autotune holy shit
buy the BDs (:
It wouldn't be our Illumine if Mano and Hiori didn't struggle to sing
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The mating ritual from last live had a effect
I've been conditioned to like this song
link plz, i watched from angelthump
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Nice flashbang
They got isekai'd by Piichan
time travelling is canon now
these unit animations and renditions are cool
Quick look up stocks and winning lottery numbers right NOW
not a fan of this stage setup desu...
ugh chanrio
the new era...
Is there any place info on this live was announced?
Kinda sounds weak or is it me?
This song is so silly lol. I can't take any of Shiis songs seriously.
ruka chan
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yoinky sploinky returns
Twitch link?
cometik my beloved
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straylight is dead
That was fun.
A few posts above.
It has been less than a year but double Ha has improved massive
Please tell me Asahi didn't die again
artist sauce?
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i guess stray really is dead
Simply...part of the plan...They'll be back!
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Wonderful choice, but I hope Straylight's okay
now what about the hayate pic
I wonder what the fuck must have happened to take out 3 out of 3 strays at once
probably saving them for some kino moment
If it was a last minute thing just one of them being out of comission would prob change plans drastically
Haven't got it on my feed.
yuika's va a cute
Not going to lie salt's legs are kind of distracting
oh so it wasnt just me looking
I can see people doing that spinning shit in the crowd, wasn't that supposed to be banned?
banned after this live iirc
It's all fun until lights get thrown
what the fuck why
meiwaku desu
Its called yakkai (spinning ultra orange) its fun tho
Asahi's VA kind of mysteriously disappeared during wagamama day 1 around this same time of the year, wonder if it's cause of the heat again. I saw the heat index there was like 107F+/41C
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I remember when I used to have summer vacation.
straylight is dead
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Might look funny on camera but I guarantee everyone in that guy's vicinity is strangling him in their minds.
Wait we had no straylight song this day?
Mano sent everyone to the dead Straylight timeline
Can't be helpedssu
StrayPs at the venue must be screaming internally.
Hinana won the Torub Owl
They are scheduled for both days.
They trolled us
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im feelin chill
I can't believe they tried to assassinate Fuyuko
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Letora brings shame to her ancestors.
Fuyu would be a good president. Unlike Trump.
They can't kill the top idol.
Fuyuko and Asahi are currently both hospitalized after their water gun fight
I'd vote for Kuroi for President
maybe they're saving straylight for later because they're the "new" anime unit in s2 act-1
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It is a producer's duty to motivate an idol's legs before a big live.
8 units btw :)
Is Sumika P-love now?
She's a NTR idol
I'm starting to think these girls might be.......dorks.
Sumika is for Lilja
Problem solved!
Ya think?
Why does it feel like some faggots here only got into im@s just for "le NTR" im@s porn?
Have 2 penises with one randomly shooting out behind my calf?
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gaming cometik
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best song
Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
They're newfags from /llsifg/
As long as they're into idols, I don't mind. It's pretty weird that you're so obsessed about them though.
so weird that they're here during SC's live too
that's enough of reirei for today
Now Hiori is gone? What the fuck? This timeline is the worst.
It might just be because I'm sleepy as fuck, but that last cometik song changed time signatures right?
umm... where did hio go...... wtf is going on....
Accepting bets on how many VAs will still be alive by the end
I'm gonna bet someone from HCG will be eliminated.
it was mentioned beforehand that she will be there for some songs only
SC and NTR are perfect for each other. Prove me wrong.
>cut to stray + hio, trapped on an elevator behind stage
Reset this timeline
For the record when Rei's appearance was confirmed there was a disclaimer stating she wouldn't be in all the songs. So this was known.
To be honest, they sound way better without her, so good riddance.
i'm not very happy...
Notice that there's no missing song line and 100% of the lines have been sung perfectly by those two. It means Hiori's VA haven't practice these songs yet so they deliberately exclude her from this block.
scroll up the thread bryo...
but also I'm certain they've done this song with just 2 more times than with 3 lmao
They've been revived!
Nevermind the bus was late
>two hours later
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it's because you don't believe in joe hendry enough
just say his name
and he will appear
Saving the best for last.
Literally who
Alright, give us a whole Stray block to makeup for being late.
this group sure is popular
joe hendry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb17uaaldwM
Gay sport
ML NTR is better
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that's football (both versions)
Mochi tempos
Why don't we have a baseball autist artist that draws HCG pitching like pro pitchers
Maybe because there isn't artist here who likes to put his spin/gimmick while still adhering to the dr@ws theme? I recall that KaedeP used to add an NTR extra when he has some extra time.
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My daughters and all their backing vocalists who survived the sacrifice
>i've been wanting to meet with producers for a long time (big lie)
damayu my beloved
Please forgive her. They're paid to do this.
Damayu please
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Love Mikoto
I like shiny stories
shiny stories, nice
My main issue with Shiny Stories is the intro sounds like Sims music
Mikoto needs a lot more content overall.
Sometimes I just stay on the enzamas home screen for hours just to listen to the instrumental
You can't say that unless you pre-ordered her jacket
we died
kind of underwhelming day1 desu
Only madoka can wear that fit
another fucking fuyuko card?????????
Uoooh fuyu butt
It's what happens when you do a tie-in live to a mediocre anime season...
what are those alstro outfits
New Alstro song sounds fun
8 idols...
New summer themed 8 member song for SFP, details to be announced in livestream on 30th.
8 people MV? My phone is gonna melt
>change from stable
new alstro song sounds fun
also i guess meguru and haruki are guaranteed for the summer song
you know
leaving your comfy job for a riskier one
New chibis...
>toru/mano again
That was Madoka
I thought it was Hinana
That was definitely Koito.
Launch era SC was so tame and boring compared to nu-SC. Poor mob characters are stuck in this shitty timeline.
cute mobs...
see fellas
this is could happen to you if you put in effort that isn't just your dick
thanks for unscamming us bamco
I've been played like a damn fiddle
WDC never mises
the saviors of the anime...
Imagine being in the room when they quickly changed clothes...
Nothing wrong with moving to debian testing from stable. Or even Arch.
Just like the anime, we now get to listen to the instrumental song as an ED for the credits.
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>it's not layla
Fairouz Ai as mob girl. She's now been in im@s.
okamoto nobuhiro and fairouz ai
So I'm guessing tomorrow is gonna be this but Noctchill
Wait thats it?
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SC LIVE FUN!! -Beyond the Blue sky- DAY1 [2024.07.27] setlist.

Cast: 27 of 28 SC VAs.
The absent one is Chiyoko's VA.

1. Babel City Grace / Mamimi, Kiriko, Kogane, Yuika, Sakuya
2. ALSTROEMERIA / Amana, Chiyuki, Tenka
3. Yumesaki After school / Rinze, Kaho, Juri, Natsuha
4. Hikari no destination / Hiori, Mano, Meguru
5. Tsubasa Gravity / Rinze, Kaho, Juri, Natsuha, Amana, Chiyuki, Tenka, Hiori, Mano, Meguru, Mamimi, Kiriko, Kogane, Yuika, Sakuya

6. Itsudatte Bokura wa / Hinana, Toru, Madoka, Koito
7. OH MY GOD / Nichika, Mikoto
8. Mujikaku A Priori / Hana, Luca, Haruki

9. Black Reverie / Mamimi, Kiriko, Kogane, Yuika, Sakuya
10. NEO THEORY FANTASY / Mamimi, Kiriko, Kogane, Yuika, Sakuya
11. Love Addiction / Amana, Chiyuki, Tenka
12. Give me some more... / Amana, Chiyuki, Tenka
13. Bouncy Girl / Nichika, Mikoto
14. Fashionable / Nichika, Mikoto
15. Ima Shikanai Shunkan wo / Hinana, Koito, Toru, Madoka
16. Catch the Breeze / Hinana, Toru, Madoka, Koito

17. Heikousen no Bigaku / Luca, Hana, Haruki
18. Kudaranai ya / Hana, Haruki, Luca
19. Twinkle way / Mano, Meguru
20. Happy Funny Lucky / Mano, Meguru
21. Another Rampage / Fuyuko, Asahi, Mei
22. Hide & Attack / Fuyuko, Asahi, Mei
23. Issen wa Kimi ga Michibiku / Rinze, Kaho, Juri, Natsuha
24. Haikei Time Capsule / Juri, Natsuha, Rinze, Kaho

25. Ambitious Eve
26. Shiny Stories

27. Multicolored Sky / Rinze, Kaho, Juri, Natsuha, Amana, Chiyuki, Tenka, Hiori, Mano, Meguru, Mamimi, Kiriko, Kogane, Yuika, Sakuya

28. Wandering Dream Chaser / Fuyuko, Asahi, Mei
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Day 1 has now concluded

SC lives never miss and way more hype than ML and CG
They usually end at this time
I google his name and the first thing that comes up is he cheated on his wife, classic japan
Hoping they post these on twitter soon, but here's the preliminary ugh announcement
And so all Ps and femPs on the venue started dating that day...
Mano is developing timeloop powers like Haruka's
You should be very afraid
new solos doko
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Imagine the heat
it's the same sort of heat you emit when you wank
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blog post
Dude. How do you not know the VA behind Accelerator? Or if you're a shounenfag, Bakugou
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needs more flowers
We had mellow yellow now we have mellow mellow
I'd rather completely deflower them
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This isn't how Imagined for Bakugou's voice to be in Im@s
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Here's the real good news
Every big name VA will be wasted on background/Minor characters
wait they're preban exclusive
this fucking sucks
>big name VA
You'll just complain that they never go to lives or rarely voice any content.
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sustainable development goals
I was really hoping for Ayaneru to voice an idol. "Sigh"
Why? She can't sing
I don't watch anime
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They announced multiple things for enza at the live, but this is the only thing on the summary.
Could they be hiding something from us?
Funny enough. We did get Ai Farouz

Only to be used on some random npc.
monkey's paw'd lol
lindsey would cry
How did you even get to Im@s?
No wait. Nvm. You're probably some porn only fan.
Still waiting on Yuko Natsuyoshi to finally sign on for Imas.
When I played the im@s 2 ps3 demo back in 2011
Stop being weird desu
not that guy but imas has a collab
with a game I used to play
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Neither does Lilja's VA but we're still forced to hear her sing.
Can you stop avatarfagging
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It's the truth, LiljaP
Both avatarfags, if they aren't the same person that is.
we're waiting here btw
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Lilja's singing is genuinely shit though.
He'll just use another SC (the same old Yuika, Chiyuki, Amana rotation) to avatarfag with, like usual.
Sumika's gonna cry again.
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I don't think it's that bad, the compositions are of her songs are just mindnumbingly boring. Personally I dislike Saki's voice more.
fuyu is currently 3 p-ssrs ahead of asahi
Are you that fragile just because he said Lilja's singing is bad?
This refers to the KyojiP too
Well avatar autism is clearly a disease, so...
but afterglow sucks...
I think Lilja's voice is grating and unbearable but I'm absolutely fine with Saki for some reason.

Then again, I'm a bad man who is fine with the lolis singing
Takayama needs to bring in the money somehow.
Lilja's voice isn't good but her body is fine. Fine for sex.
/@/ and Japan loves Lilja, get over it
Saki is weird to me.
I should think her voice is terrible but I think it's because she does it with so much confidence (and might be because her songs are better) that I think she's good.
You know. Like the Im@s version of Britney Spears
Remember. You're not horny. You're just bored. Stop cooming.
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/@/ is a Temari country
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Intern-kun woke up finally

Respective Workstyle Sakuya / Dress-up Parfum Hana
liljas voice is shit and I genuinely hope she dies in a car cash
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Haruki and Meg confirmed for the 8 member MV.
Is there a chance someone could post the SC news along with descriptions and twitter links, like when game updates usually happen?
>/@/ loves Lilja
>sakuya besides hana
melty incoming
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Next new song event, 「Change from 『Stable』, will feature Alstroemeria. The new song is named 「mellow mellow」. Tenka will be your 2* freebie.

Accelerator and Jolyne are trapped in Mano's world
SakuyaP. Shut up
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Absolutely based.
I love Lilja for sex. Sumika is for marriage.
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Day 1 Step-Up Gachas for both P-Idol and Supports will be up shortly.
Both will provide you with bonus LIVE FUN tickets at steps 2 and 3 which can be used to obtain new versions of Beyond the Blue Sky.
wait do people not like saki's voice
I thought it was just me
Sumika just texted me.

She'll call y'all of you "bitches"from now on
Sorry, my gacha budget goes towards GK now. Not gonna spend on this dying game.
But you don't play any im@s game...
that recolor is sorta ugly
Bitch please, I've most definitely played more im@s than you.
Post profiles...
So what's gonna be the gimmick tomorrow?
Since we jumped forward in time today maybe we'll be going to the past.

We ready for Yakumo Nami announcement?
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SfP's summer swimsuit campaign will be beginning soon. Your first idols for the festivities will be Meguru and Haruki.


During this campaign, a new MV featuring 8 total idols will make its debut. More information will be announced during the game information stream on the 30th.


>Yakumo Nami announcement
I don't think she's coming back.
Yakumo Ami and Yakumo Mami
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New Carddass Clear Card Collection set will be coming this September.

It will have special cards for the 6th anniversary and new illustrations.
this live is anime centered, and the anime is already in the past
they're probably gonna "debut" noctchill tomorrow
Kaho became Baihu...
Yes. Please buy me Luca’s jacket (size XXXXXL)
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Thank you for posting the news.
Thank you for tsukurou
Jal has started fapping...
Thank you for your continued support of Tenka-chan.
Thank you Mr. Old Type
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Premiere for China's birthday solo in 4 days
Why are you watching him fap? Are you gay?
Thank you intern-kun for not posting the non-game news on twitter.
Chibigurumis will eat you alive.
Arigasankyuu, homeboy.
Fapping to what?
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Would be hot if the art wasn’t shit.
First GK MV to never reach a million
I don't want to summon a certain internet goblin but revealing swimsuits with
>yeah it's two white graphic tees
is not a strong start
At least the straw hat is cute
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「Migratory Echoes(アルストロメリアVer.)」has been added to the game. ECHOES 04 will release on August 7th.


ECHOES 09 featuring Migratory Echoes will include the full main rendition alongside every unit's version. It will release on January 22, 2025.
ECHOES 01 will also be releasing the same day after its previous delay.

The live today and the 961pro PF this confirms that time travel is a part of im@s lore.

So why not take the opportunity to bring out idols that were never coming back like Kotori's mom or Hidaka Ai.
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>this confirms that time travel is a part of im@s lore
I mean, have you seen some of the photos Sora has apparently taken in Theater Days?
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Blu-rays for 「THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS 6thLIVE TOUR Come and Unite!」will release on February 5, 2025.
Special Edition on Asobi Store will include a CD for the DJ setlists and a disc for on-location footage from the tour. Regular editions from Asobi Store will still come with some clear files.


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Reirei my beloved
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Day 1 Step-Up Gacha for enza is here.

Step 3 will give you S-SR【LIVE FUN!!】Asakura Toru.
Step 4 is free and will include a Twicolle card.
Step 5 will also include a Twicolle card and give you 6 Anime SR selection tickets

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I am nearly done updating the OP. Please wait warmly.

Is there much SC news waiting to be posted? The index is slow and I'm happy to wait for you to finish!
Brutal sex.
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krk win
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I think that's all the SC news for now. Carry on.
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JP Ps are schizo-theorizing now
Mano’s VA’s smile is so weird.
wtf why did Mano and Meguru swap colours
It's the teeth
i could see that happening
Mating ritual from last live
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big and small
the lives complaint is legitimate and unfortunate but when the big name VAs can be hired to do ASMRs on DLsite or other games because they need the koebuta audience there's really nothing stopping Bamco from just getting them to voice general content
what do you mean general content?
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I lied, the news never ends lmao

The live lore continues with Natsuha's discovery

Also, you can check these images from Twesta in SfP.
name this unit
That's just how those outfits always were
Those big names can be hired because the content is exclusively voice acting. When you have to also do lots of live performances and livestream appearances then things get complicated.
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Tune in on July 29th at 20:00JST to see Alstroemeria practicing their new song on OurSTREAM.

Dollar Blossom
For Hiori unfortunately Reirei will never show heso
At least my idol's seiyuu will
Did she swap outfits during yhe live?
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mimi ;3

Sweet and Sour
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07/26 - 07/29 "Summer Illussion, Summer Night Dream" (Layla, Chitose, Riamu, Nina)
07/26 - 07/29 "Enjoying Summer, Resort Summer Days" (Shiki, Yoshino, Makino)
07/26 - 07/29 "Beaming Smile, Headway to the Scorching Summer!" (Frederica, Eve, Hajime, Miku)
SS Cards: http://starlight.kirara.ca
SS Tracker: http://twitter.com/deresuteborder

>>Gacha: 07/26 - 07/31 "Million Fes Rerun" (Day 1: Shiho, Day 2: Kana, Day 3: Hibiki, Day 4: Takane, Day 5: Miki)
TD Wiki: https://gamerch.com/imasml-theater
TD Cards:
TD Tracker: http://twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>06/29 - 07/30 Summer Campaign 2024 Special Mission #1
>07/09 - 07/30 Summer Campaign 2024 Special Mission #2
>07/18 - 07/30 Summer Festival (SRS Rinze)
>07/18 - 07/30 Scenario Rerun "Bi-Spiral" (SSRS Luca)
>07/18 - 07/30 Parallel Collection (SSRP Kaho, SSRP Madoka)
>>Paid Jewels only
>06/29 - 07/30 Summer Campaign 2024
>07/09 - 07/30 Twilight Collection [Kiriko, Hinana]
>07/18 - 07/30 Step-up (with Nichika)
>07/27 - 07/31 LIVE FUN!! Day 1 Celebratory
>07/18 - 08/07 Stamp, Twilight Collection Pick-up [Juri, Haruki]
>07/18 - 08/19 Swimsuit Costume (2020~2022) Rerun, Swimsuit Costume
SC Wiki:

>>Event: 07/24 - 07/30 Shiny Party in July
>>Produce Idol Gacha:
>Ends on 07/31 ¡Baila con alma! (3* Natsuha), LIVE FUN!! Day 1 Celebratory
>07/23 - 08/04 MochimochiDragon Step-up, YourKuma Step-up
>07/26 - 08/06 30 Minutes Sisters Collab Vol.4 (3* Houkago Climax Girls)
>>Support Chara Gacha:
>Ends on 07/31 Cool, Sweet Summer Treat (SSR Rinze, SSR Hinana), LIVE FUN!! Day 1 Celebratory
SfP Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/songforprism

>>Event: 07/25 - 08/01 Juo Kunio's Idol Improvement Month
>>New Song Gacha: 07/22 - 08/01 Contrast (Hiro)
GK Wiki:
Grade Stats Calculator: https://kadoyukasi.github.io/gkmas/evaluation-calculator
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did we see mochi during live?
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New thread: >>487848112
Cute thread: >>>/c/4347834
Nude thread: >>>/e/2836133
Lewd thread: >>>/h/7933007
Seiyuu thread: >>>/jp/47392692

Thank you for your work.
Additional news pending (lots).
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Didn't see any on camera and there weren't any announcements for em, but they were definitely present.
I said the word

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