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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Crash the Party in Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Wastelander Magneto Emerges in Fortnite + Magneto Gauntlets Pack a Punch in BR

>Fortnite Festival Season 4 - METALLICA lights up Fortnite!

>Lego Fortnite v30.10 adds Cozy Mode and Expert Mode!

>Fortnite Crew July - Persephone

Last thread
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Post your unrealistc wishlist!
Wish that snk was more popular in America, so it could maybe happend
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Kiss all pwords
maybe if the new fatal fury game does good they can put rock and terry into the game at least
the end of the thread always turns to shit because posters know the thread reached bump limit and they start posting what they wouldn't before out of fear of a might janny see it
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pro lead is so freaking hard
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because festival's engine is pure shit
>terrible hit windows
>hopos are inconsistent as fuck
>highway should display far more than it currently does
Seriously, coming from clone hero to festival feels like pure CBT.
keep at it anon! if you are playing on pc you should also try yarg with custom songs to get better at the play style :)
>Art the Clown

Anything else if want atleast has a slight chance of getting in
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I've been given that look that headhunter is giving the viewer by a few girls and it's always made me uncomfortable. How do they know?
>Seriously, coming from clone hero
clone hero is far easier to play than festival anon
You should use YARG instead, which is based on rock band timings that have always been tighter than Guitar Hero
k-know what?
HOPOs are the sushi looking notes right? I don't know how they work exactly so I just strum them like a regular note
I fuck witht his.
i would add
>Dante (from the original unreal)
>The hot bitch from the first unreal
They know!
They're the equivalente of shining notes in GH, you dont hve to strum them, as long as you're in a combo they will register by simply holding the button
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why does she have Anchor Arms
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uhh uhh ahh ahh gorilla arms
i want her to push me up against a wall if you know what i mean
Yeah, and 10 times more fun because of it.
if this is how RB is, it fucking sucks.
the charts are unfun as fuck to play as well.
bad skin bad emote
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>monlet with roughly human proportions
>easy recolour style
>dramon killer pickaxes
>increasingly shown using his hands
>recolour doom mythic
it's time
no celshade pls
I don't like girls who work out their arms and shoulders
unironic skill issue, you wont get better at the genre by playing clone hero
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I am 50/50, is a relative simple desgin and it kinda feel the vide of the wasteland
in the other hand the face is kinda off
lil bro is clone hero brained
Helsie deserves the Wolverine/Deadpool treatment.
Literally fucking screaming.
It's not fair.
>giving her cleavage
luckily crewchads aren't due to subscribe until late next season
bullet dodged
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Nijimo, Kawakamk, but most of all Adachi
i dont give a fuck, ch is 10 times more fun than rb
I wish they weren't celshaded
I think that the flat butt narrative is a machinistfag falseflag
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whats his name?
I want to say something that may upset you
enjoy your easy mode anon :)
Damn... I am in love.
say that sh with your chest
Looks like Natalie mars
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I think she looks nice though
I got the machinist and scarr lockjaw decals today and Im gonna do some more RR afk tomorrow to get her 2nd style
no it doesn't lol but i'd believe it since thye add so many porn star and gooner shit
Same freckles, nose, lips and eyebrows. Maybe chin and cheek bones.
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Oh shit, I need a brown muscle tomboy for my eroge too.
This design is so good!
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ah I knew I had this saved somewhere! took me a while to find it
inb4 u talking this shit while playing festival on normal without strumming.
lmao at the text on the screenshot on the left saying you'll never get anything for entering a code
Cinder obviously tops Makinist.
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You should know by now that if it's not a Chapter 1 butt it's "flat"
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Total OG tranny death
i play pro lead on expert :)
just like how i play yarg, rockband and guitar hero on expert as well :)
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Wheelchair anon here! Today I give you a squads dub. This is my dub for day 10 of my dub a day challenge. Share your dubs anons! :]
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ready for it to get taken tomorrow
Nice muscular physique that's cool, with dynamic hair that should be fun while playing. Obviously polarizing for those who don't appreciate muscle on women, but I like it. The option to have a helmet could be fun to mess with here and there too. I don't care about the car since I have cooler ones and like seasons with motorcycles more, but whatever.
good job wheels!
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Lmao, I got the syrup emote just now too. Cheers lads.
Shit emote. Cute lesbian.
I'm not gonna do it because it's just a fucking emoticon and fuck creator codes people don't deserve to get paid for pumping out the same 1v1 boxfight maps but keking at the people having a meltdown over it.
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I'm not really into ships or yuri but if that's what you like then more power to you dude
you can remove the code right away
You can enter a code and then delete it immediately after, no need to have an anal tantrum over it
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sister you can just remove the creator code after you get the emoticon you don't even have to buy anything from the shop
I just entered Helsie
I don't know who it is but they probably post here
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>N-No, Daddy Epic would never bring back- ACKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yummy old items! Can't wait for Legacy Passes in November.
I want helsie to call me sister
your sister is helsie
why aren't you playing with dei slayer did you guys get into an arguement
>not into yuri
Low T post. Every straight man loves lesbians.
Finally some new Helsie brat pics
i swear that's not even the case, i did the whole fg event but i still got the emoji when i used a code
I'm ready to earn 60k xp
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Got another one for you.
inv me
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oh no bro
I don't even remember what the story is anymore after I'm done with "land somewhere in 3 different matches" quests this sucks
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Imagine cosplaying as a fucking Fortnite character of all things LMAO!!
Woah, easy on the slurp juice
But Attack on Titan is already in the game.
Malico can I trust zyme or is he sus
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Usually sprays are a bunch of filler shit that I don't give a fuck about and most of them are kinda trash, but I have to say I actually like the sprays they're giving out in the road trip quests. Like I was like "what a waste of time to make 9 different quests and most of the rewards are just fucking sprays" but then I got a closer look and the sprays are actually cool. Maybe I should buy one of those skins that you can decorate with sprays, might actually get some use out of these.
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why is epic so lazy
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Look at this dude!
SNK is so dead execs literally sold their asses to ALLAHU AKBAR, that company will never fucking recover. Not even Smash Bros could save that dead company, I still remember how the fucking Sans mii literally generated more hype than terry bogard.
Admit it, that company will never be relevant again.
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I'm sussy af. You can't trust me.
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I feel like this emote is going to dominate the party royale meta for a while

>Threads are nothing but p-word dogwhistling
ermmmm jannies????
Becky Blackbell is hot as fuck!
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I'm not really a p-word I just think Helsie looks funny
I love Lexa!!!!! Thank you for the Lexa emote!
Im not a pword I just want Helsie to manipulate me in order to take my money
Why do all of these buildpablos on Twitter have the insatiable urge to make their game ugly as shit with performance mode?
No takers? Ok, fine I'll just play on console and PC.
I want to be Lumine.
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>playing Mashing Hero instead of YARG
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I love her
what's your ign bwo?
Because lower graphics = higher performance, higher performance = faster reaction times, faster reaction times = better chances of winning. If you see someone performance mode, it's usually not because their system can't handle it, but because they're a sweat.
I am a pword and I'm not ashamed. I keep my fetish to 2D eromanga and video games like Fortnite.
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You should be more sensitive toward these people. You know they didn't choose who they're attracted, right? You should take your bigotry to an appropriate board.
I already dropped it
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he's so cute i'm glad they added in the machinsts trans bf
10/10 skin would grind for again
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Seek help
I know it’s possible to get two Fortnite BP via the crew if you time it well, but is it possible to get two rocket league BP that way too? If I buy the crew before August 16 it should overlap with both new Fortnite and rocket league BP
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I'm not a disgusting pedophile.
I just like Lexa because she looks silly but I don't want to fuck children like the thread incels that want to make Lexa a pedophile icon. Please don't pair me with them again.
i am getting help its called estrogen
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the machinist is my wife and I'm not trans
stop spreading fake news
>He doesn't know
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even in the context of squeezing out every frame out of their game it doesn't make much sense in a good amount of scenarios

performance mode optimizes for single core usage, and core amounts have gone up while individual core strength has stayed the same/weakened, so dx12 uses more cores and runs better at low settings compared to performance mode which uses one core
he seems like a good chum to me
is his scraped up or something
My PC is pretty old so if I want constant 60fps I have to put everything low
what ever happened with the basketball mode in the files?
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Based! Just a normal middle aged man non-sexually interested in budding young girls!
>so dx12 uses more cores and runs better at low settings compared to performance mode which uses one core
blud... first time I've ever seen you be wrong and so confidently too...
>lexa's teeth are pearly white
>helsie's teeth are brown and stained
Imagine the boba breath
so when they gonna add lightning mcqueen and the battlebus as car skins in fortnite?
>classic early 90s late 80s color scheme claimed by mental degenerates just like they claimed the rainbow
I fucking hate these failures
when they add sweet tooth
Kafka in Fortnite!
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performance mode is based off dx11, which is inferior at using multiple cores compared to dx12

this is why you'll hear people get confused when they see their setups run Fortnite better on dx12 if their setup is medium to high end
your gpu delay is going to be considerably higher on dx12
this is our lives on holiday
Do you still accumulate XP if you don't have the pass? Otherwise you'd be limting yourself to a month of grinding the previous pass from start.

I guess it would be possible to finish it if you play a lot daily
anonzos I'm about to reach 200 :(
there's still so much of the season left
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Giddy Syrup!
also, got a lot of car skins and stuff from just logging in to RL which was cool. I'd recommend to do that if you haven't. got some from owning crew too I think, which gives the RL pass
Is there a database of anons to add that play br or reload
No offense to festies I just don't care for the mode
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This is our lives every day and you know it
I just want to find some festies...
dx11 abstracts more of the GPU management and could introduce additional overhead, so those two factors may lead to more delay

obviously we're talking about performance mode and not dx11 itself so it's tricky to look at the specifics there, but I do know for sure that performance mode isn't the be-all-end-all for max frames and it comes down to your specs
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No. Closest is D*scord servers or word of mouth. People don't post usernames so frequently here anymore.
Will Master Chief ever return?
why wouldn't it?
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Add these names for guaranteed friends
Malico DR
Cyborg Snake
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>obviously we're talking about performance mode and not dx11 itself so it's tricky to look at the specifics there, but I do know for sure that performance mode isn't the be-all-end-all for max frames and it comes down to your specs

it literally is

your gpu delay will be moderately lower
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you should know
It's pretty unlikely you'll find someone you like playing with in the same region and ping makes a big difference in this game. But go ahead and drop a tag and you'll probably get friendos.

Might do a lobby later
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rent free, jit trippin
never outfoxed
bruni only plays festival and yxxsan blocks anyone who adds him
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Wrong, I'm playing with a thread friend right now.
Not true I'm literally playing with him right now
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simmer down now ya hear
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nah in your dreams maybe
Stop being a bigot chud
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add me to the list
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are you guys gonna get deadpool/wolverine?
I don't get
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>your gpu delay will be moderately lower
dx12 is custom tailored for multi threading, that alone is gonna decrease delay by a lot

it's gonna be the better option with multi core CPUs basically always
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whatever nibba, i don't gain anything from being right
none of these are lan so no
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LaN doesn't add broke niggas and you sound like a broke nigga
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have this ark pic I found on xwitter for your troubles with this grand debate
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Fnaf collab August 6th
trust the plan
Cutest face model they’ve added in forever
gross ugly brown
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GGs, Z! We were so close.
Maybe tomorrow, I've had my fill for the day
thank you for putting me on the list
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>two fng players with voice communication still can't win
I'm going to pay a click farm in India to ddos and harass these individual
Its about having fun!
mess with them and you'll have the 'cord on your ass
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Now if I could only have a Darth Vader cope, I'm all set.
Sex with Kirino
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Should've had Malico in that stack tee bee aych
I already have Anakin and it's just not the same.
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I genuinely feel bad for anyone whose only option to own a Deadpool or Wolverine, is the new shop cosmetics, because they are so bad with that cel-shading. Epic just needs to sell contents of Battle Passes in the item shop
Do I really have to be that big to satisfy lexa
cute brown queen!
The thing is that he doesn't have variants, hell, Vader came with no styles
a weapon to surpass metal gear
Wolverine looks retarded doing that pose.
This is my fetish.
malico puts us in fncs lobbies
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I'm so fucking sick of being an adult. I want to be a kid forever.
I love the cel shading, the only bad thing is the battle damage, and lack of styles.
I could eat that girl to see my soul
wait is that why everyone is so good with him
I'm 24 and I feel I haven't matured or changed mentally since 14. I don't want to work a full time job or live on my own or do all that other gay shit adults do.
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you're that guy on /v/ that says he wants to see girls explode non lethally ain't you
Are you a gay?
you wish, paco
i'm a racist
the new deadpool is objectively superior, cel-shading notwithstanding
This girl fucks, but will act like she dont
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she has a nice ass and thighs when emoting, shame her proportions look weird when she's idle
they dont look bad while playing but these skins are awful looking in still images, particularly wolverine.
cartoon filter is cool i guess but it really fucks with the cosmetics that you can combo with them.
most of the anime filter stuff doesn't fit either.
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i thought they would have fixed this by now
I think I'll coat helsie with my syrup
Cute skin
I want to be her.
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Will we come to a point where Creative is going to be organized in a way that promotes stuff besides the lowest common denominator or generic remakes of remakes of remakes of remakes of 1v1, zone wars, box fights, prop hunt, tycoon, etc maps? It's not like there aren't cool concepts, but most of them don't get exposure like the McDonald's meal graphics nonsense plastered everywhere. Where is the fucking incentive for creators who want to make cool, novel stuff like Epic has shown off in their State of Unreal showings and so on when they do a poor job of promoting content? I dislike this system that encourages low-effort maps we've all seen time and time again. It's frustrating, and looking for fun maps through their browser is rough, especially when I'm all by myself.
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They definitely really kill the whole cohesive vibe that Fortnite had going on. Having these skins be cohesive and in the same design language as everyone else would have been much better; especially when I can't, for the life of me, they decided to slap a toon filter on them; this isn't comic Wolverine (he's already in Fortnite's artstyle), this also isn't cartoon Wolverine, but it's Wolverine from his latest film.. But then you take the mask off and it's comic/cartoon Wolverine; same cowl too, actually, since the movie variant looks like pic related.

Further, the rips, tears, and gunshots just seem like an odd choice as well.
I just want superheros to go away.
>zone wars, box fights
These are peak though
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Now that I look at it, Deadpool's costume is also wrong in numerous places in game.

How does a company that gets paid by Disney, has early access to Disney projects, and so on, fuck up these things so bad?
They are trying to justify the existence of these new copes by having them be slightly different but enough that it is the same character
A movie variant of Wolverine & Deadpool do look different; especially if you get the actor's likeness ( they've already collabed with Reynolds before for Free Guy ). The movie suits, in my pic here >>487815340, look different than the already existing suits Fortnite did in CH2S2 & CH2S4.

If they wanted to do an amalgamation type deal, why bother? It's a tie-in to a movie. Do the movie suits and do it proper, y'know? A Hugh Jackman Wolverine is very different than a comic inspired Wolverine.
It’s wrong because while they give them the concept art that same art changes over the course of time and isn’t always updated to companies making merch of it.
The same happens in action figures where a design is given to Hasbro or Bandai but by the time the figure comes out it doesn’t exactly match the movie because of the changes that happened during the development process.
We know, malico
There's two of you??
Any status update on the Monster Hunter collab?
Kys Bruni
We have Sweet Tooth already in PS4 only tho
cancelled, we're getting street fighter 6 characters instead
gibe SF6 cammy
The car isn't compatible with fortnite and fortnite experiences though
I thought I was the only one but I guess not!
its that time of the night isnt it
party rock
ers in the house tonight
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Whatever you say son, just be sure to do your house chores ok?
you can find his song in the long list of jam tracks sometimes
No one wants that shitty fags song or skin
male skins used by absolute fucking losers
and I mean absolute wastes of space, I'm talking Harrier DuBois level of shit because it's me I need a skin to match how I'm feeling
Every single male furry skin
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He's great meme material
What's the cutoff ranking for an objectively good skin? There's just over 1900 skins so at what point does the S tier become A tier?
i consulted my crack pipe and came to the conclusion that 1-375 is considered GOAT tier skins
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
I wonder which collab character has the most skins in the game.
What's your guys favorite box pvp map?
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Unironically this
>buy crew because cute girl plus double dip for next season
>get cute girl
>get 950 vbucks
>get 1000 vbucks
god DAMN my stupid latefag ass has been missing out, this is a crazy deal
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She's a beauty ain't she
>Ugly Tatoos
>Groomer hair
>Man face
>Retarded design shirt
uh im referring to persephone... not.. that...
Way too generous, I'd say there's only like 50 true S tier skins
shes cute and im tired of pretending shes not
But you WILL be getting her next month whether you want it or not
enough about yourself
only the skins I use are S tier
but enough about the furries
Cel shaded Deadpool and Wolverine is honestly a pretty good way to do cope skins, people love this cel shaded shit and unlike most cope skins they actually look good. In fact they even look better than most regular cel shaded skins. I feel bad for any idiot that bought Weapon X thinking that was the only Wolverine cope skin they were gonna do though.
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If you have more than 5 skins in your S rank you don't actually know what love is. You'll never experience the complete alignment between your psyche and your avatar. Your fortnite experience will never be as satisfying as mine.
This but there's only 1 skin in S for me.
when is ranked going to stop being gay and go back to being fun again?
Damn brat...
I think I'd rather chop off my balls than play compshit in any videogame.
I'll take them if you don't want them anymore...
I'm not talking about subjective rankings, I mean ranked by data
>try to do literally anything
>fag with fagnetos gauntlets launches rocks at me across the map
its waterbending all over again
those don't embody the sense of suicide i'm feeling, aside from the polar bear
mainly because holy shit the difference in hitboxes is retarded
I know
I want it to be
I want them to buck break Microsoft into letting them have the Warthog and the Gears Armadillo too
Just say pedo you fags. This isn't reddit.
And liking young cartoon girls doesn't make you a pedo, but 90% of the people itt that fap to loli are definitely unironic pedos.

Kill yourself.

These girls are both adults and you should hang yourself.
>difference in hitboxes
Then why play Fortnite? If you don't play ranked you're basically just playing a singleplayer bot-killing game.
just say you're retarded or don't know.
You're the retarded one. Every skin has the same hitbox.
Streamer skins and default green vest Fortnite character skins.
>I'm talking Harrier DuBois level of shit
Oh you mean the moody doomer type of loser and not the embarrassing zoomer type of loser.
I dunno, use John Wick or something.

Nah Beerus is based.
You're retarded. Go back to Twitter.
Is this "going off"?
i'm imagining a bunch of kids saying those cars are mid
we got a
number one victory royale
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Explain why appreciating the beauty of young girls merits encouraging someone's death without sounding like a loser godless psychopath
>not even going double digits in bot lobbies
The nerve of some people nowadays
the only thing i'd say was done badly was cope deadpool's backbling not being sheathes for his katanas
What do I do with my life?
Have children, meditate and spend lots of time on spiritual endeavors
play festival
Wait for first person fortnite
Twitter is a chud website now you know that right?

It's not your attraction, it's the fact that you post about it disingenuously and refuse to seek help.
I'll support a good person seeking help for their dangerous mental illness. Instead you embrace it willfully, which means you've consciously decided to be a subhuman.
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Why do almost all Helsiefags and Lexafags here talk like annoying trannies, sincerely
Because they quite literally are
ALL of the pedo fags are Troons here, it's a common trope
Malico gets to fuck THIS?!
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No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord.
Why do you have images like this saved on your computer?
>suddenly t-tranny TRANNY TRANNY!!
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/fng/ needs to heal. Look at this cute Lexa webm!
so 4 codes, halfway through the pirates pass, how much bullshit are the next four sets of challenges gonna be after asking for double elimination and 99 kills
i know the latter isn't really a problem by itself but i hammered out every other challenge of this batch in a single match, so i'm just wondering how obnoxious this may continue getting
Thank you for posting this <3
>Pointing out speech pattern thats identical to that of someone like the genshitter
>Luh Obsessed!!! Obsessed!!!
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>hit a player with a coconut
>eat 3 apples
sovl i fear...
what!? no way! is the new toxic emote
oh this week is gonna fuckin suck
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All imaginary.
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Not really
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You could
A different anon, wanna know since I'm west coast
you can't freaking say that
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Anyone here wanna help me me out with the Cybercuck quests? Couldn't care less about the truck but I need the XP since I don't think I'll make it to 150 by the end of the season...
Pass ends at 130 anyways
Are you a festie?
Festival is probably my favourite game mode desu so yeah.
I'd be really surprised if they'd put Kafka in Fortnite.
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So where is the rest of the stuff? this is from janurary btw
nobody cares
desu with the cybertruck creative xp you'll only have to complete 3 of each day's to progress to the next step which are all easy
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>The Operator = The Operation
>Trans color coded
>Belt buckle is literally the tranny symbol
God I hate trannies so fucking much
We have community tracks, but odds are a ton of rocket racing stuff was left on the cutting room floor because of the awful turnout the mode's consistently had since shortly after launch.
I feel this way about black people
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>Just bought crew because it was still showing the old skin
>As soon as I buy it, it updates the newest skin
>It's a literal fucking tranny
God damn you Timmy....God damn you straight to hell...
Konichiwa, dude!
how are the modes even doing, anyway
reload seems to pull solid numbers for BR, though pitiful for ZB (go figure, it's weapons and content ZB hadn't been really built for so of course it appeals more to the BR vets), BR and ZB are about as they always have been with singular player counts that make most multiplayer games blush, and then Lego has "okay" numbers, Festival has pretty weak numbers and RR has been near-dead, only kept alive every few months by adrenaline shots.
i remember someone larping about how the sales of cosmetics were going (lego wasn't selling, festival was "performing as expected", RR cars were selling like hotcakes against all expectations), and it sounds reasonable in theory, but i'd really wanna be a fly on the wall to see the executive responses to these things. now they have to add Beans per skin but sans any customization that Fall Guys was known for seemingly, which just skullfucks half the point of its implementation, and I can't see that ending well.
Its the machinists symbol, are you retarded
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Trannies are about as subtle as their 5' o'clock shadows
Man, keep your tranny fetish to yourself. Don't push your disgusting fetish onto video game characters.
We won. Cope and seeth. Now go fap to Latinas on BigBootyShemales chud
You are right about that lol
Tim has been giving away games for free on EGS for years with zero return. He went to war with Apple and Google leaving billions in revenue on the table and racking up hundreds of millions in legal fees. He's genuinely autistic and stubborn. He will see his metaverse vision come to fruition no matter how much business sense it doesn't make.
>Copy paste a video game to people
>Acting like that's actually giving away something for free
didn't they also secretly placed a trans flag in one of the new cosmetics?
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Yup. It's also really funny going on twitter and seeing everyone have a meltdown because people are misgendering Mr. Beasts pedophile friend. Like yeah h-I mean she fucks kids but can you please not misgender her. God trannies and tranny sympathizers are so fucking retarded.
holy kek
There's a thing called opportunity cost, yes. This is basic high school economics.
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never ever
post cock
Absolutely glorious! Dear god, son! Perfection! Muscle mommy tomboy! Been looking forward to her since they first showed her in the survey concept art!
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im doing a survey right now and while its obviously populated with other people's answers/suggestions, I did see Disgust from Inside Out which could be interesting, kek
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wtf cute
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real cat hours
>No full mask off
I see they learned their lesson lol
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Robert hugging your waist as you both lay in bed, tired
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also some of my answers are ironic, but if we get Dinosaurs (the simpsons era muppet cartoon) or Neon Genesis Evangelion you're welcome
Thank you. I've gotten Eva in every single survey I've taken and I've said yes every single time. I really wish we'll get some skins or in-game items soon.
festival chads, are we queueing up for battle stage?
>THIS Brainrotted
How do I make my drawings cuter?
>Rue looks nothing like a Nazi
>Literal trans flag colored skin with a transgender symbol (It can't be a tranny symbol it's a made up symbol made by tranny artists for Fortntie!!!!)
Uhhh Brain rot chud lol
Battle stage is kinda mid ngl they need to add the guitar hero 3 power ups
>Less than 1k players
Festival bros not like this.......
Did they make it expert only?
>Play battle stage
>Choose the instrument I want to play
>Perfect the song
>6th place
Fuck this gay game mode lol
Fortnite Festival will never reach the peak KINO that was the Guitar Battle vs Tom Morello boss fight.
Bro, having a 20% Perfect rate is not impressive, and you should not be given a free win against someone with actual skill.
>previewing wraps on ar slot items still uses the warforged ar
>previewing wraps on sniper slot items still uses the reaper
if i add bruni will he gift me toga
>Play a song perfectly on one of the 6 random instruments
>Lose because I didn't choose the right instrument to give me the maximum score
Gay game mode.
Post more screenshots of you wasting your life trying highscore a fucking Fortnite Guitar Hero Clone. Also try not to image this every time you complete a song. https://files.catbox.moe/l9nhz5.webm
Ignoring all the ad homs in your post, I do agree the balancing in Battle Stage is shit. The thing I'm trying to say is that I doubt you or any of the festies in this thread are actually playing "perfectly." Any screenshots that I see get posted are under 50% accuracy (of Perfects) even though the got full combos. I'm not holier than thou, though, I have a hard time getting over 50% as well on harder songs. I just want to say that accuracy is very important in score calculation, and Battle Stage doesn't show others' accuracy, just their percentage of notes hit, perfect or not.
I have an osu!mania background where accuracies of 80%+ are common and I don't know what it is about FF that feels really shitty to play. The timings on the Perfects are really precise and the timings for non-Perfect hits are really wide. It just feels very off to play. I've fiddled with my delay for a long time now and I can't get it to feel any better.
it's the same score pool for everyone no matter the difficulty, only vocals get less. you're not a noobatron vocal player, are you?
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>Ignoring all the ad homs in your post
Thanks for reading my entire post and contributing to the discussion.
>Don't miss a single note on vocals
>Lose to someone who didn't 100% the song
Shit game mode. Damn what game did Timmy give to you guys to make you suck his cock this hard?
well lead and drums are way harder so they should always have an advantage imo. like compare any metallica song vocals to lead
never free
never me
so i dub thee unforgiven
>song with 100 notes in it
>you get 20 Perfects and 80 non-Perfects (full combo)
>opponent gets 99 Perfects and 1 miss
Who do you think will win? You're continuing to ignore the presence of Perfects.
>One guy scores 100%
>One guys scores 99%
>100% loses
sad patrol
Bro... I'm sorry you can't understand it. I tried my best.
you're forgetting overdrive, using overdrive where theres hardly any notes isnt going to give you many points
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how come festival gets better gameplay discussion here than br?
Festival rules this general, idiot erisa-cat.
because most of /fng/ are rhythmlets
There's literally nothing to discuss in BR. There were no gameplay changes in the latest update. FF is still new-ish.
bro i played for like 14 hours straight i got like 8 crown wins and 15 wins altogether im cooked and its my birthday i havent even slept. have a good day guys
because festival is available about buying shit and BR is about skill
GH is a better game than rock band tho

The whole genre started to decline in popularity once they went for accuracy instead of fun
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Too thicc, meowskulls needs to be a flat chested, very skinny lanky cat girl
bot lobbies are boring
but what about bot lobby escort missions????
>requires 3 epic accounts (main, alt, and bot lobby alt) and 3 methods of playing fortnite
>get main, alt, and bot lobby alt in the same game
>quit out on bot lobby alt on loading screen
>land and get a car, keep the alt in the passenger seat
>do your best to keep the alt (and the car) safe
>if you get downed you can use the alt to revive/reboot your main
>if your alt gets eliminated you must suicide your main
>The whole genre started to decline in popularity once they went for accuracy instead of fun
nah, the genre declined because Activision decided to release 20 guitar hero games in 2009
i miss the chickens
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I just exchanged some blueprints and got Draco Wheels in Rocket League.
Will I just have them unlocked in Fortnite when they become available?
Your post aligns with my narrative and to the dismay of my detractors. Keep it up.
this image is grotesque and an assault on the soul
If they do port those same wheels to Fortnite at some point (likely through the shop), then yes, your Rocket League Draco wheels should also port over for free. I experienced that when I was lucky and pulled a Centio from a capsule once, which would have been 1.5k v-bucks otherwise. Keep in mind, colorways apply...so, if you don't have all the colors of a wheel and want others, you may need to buy it through the FN shop.
Which ever one doesn't restrict Jam Tracks and skins. Kids are watching some of the most grotesque and inappropriate shit on youtube but someone saying I like my Whiskey Neat is a no no for a game about shoving your shotgun into peoples faces and blowing their heads off.
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fat tits, no tits, human or regular version - i dont care. i post cat.
It's hard to believe FF went from Thunder to Ride the Lightning
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
i was lightning

before the thunda
Is there any OGee songs in the festival yet or have they all been in rotation regularly?
Cantina Band
The only songs that aren't in rotation are Cantina Band and the turtle related song that shouldn't be named for some reason
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Who needs quality control when Jews butt fucked people into being consooming corporate slaves
what's the worst song in the festival
Thunder or Savage
Streets Ignite
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They added some weird guitar whine to the entire song and it makes my fucking skin crawl. Ruining my favorite song by adding some unnecessary guitar equivalent of a smoke detector chirp. Just listen to the firs 20 seconds of each song. I hate it so god damn much.


the rapeh30
What summer road trip quest number are we on?
I’m about to finish 4
pword club
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what the helsie
its in the original song but the fortnite mix for some reason boosted it to the point where it becomes distracting.
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>trying to find on model meow skulls
>it's all futa or huge ass
Man, mega coomers who are annoyingly vanilla are so cringe. Oh is the cute girl with tits and big dick fucking a girl.
>"Ew thats disgusting, I need to see some dudes hairy spread eagle asshole bouncing on some girls body to get off!"
sorry, i wanna jack off to stick meow skulls. my bad bro.
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They are still seething over the cybertruck lol

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