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Starshine edition

Fenny Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPLAljMe-Y
Lyfe trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKb6Kc36y-I
Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ

Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwEidZ5LjY

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

>Snowbreak 2.0 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Chapter 13 "Suspense in Skytopia" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Loverush Party - monopoly minigame
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Star Master - kusoge minigame
[Jul 15 - Jul 29] Defiance of Divinity - boss stages w/ co-op
[Jul 22 - Aug 5] Empyrean Tactics - wave defense
[Jul 25 - Aug 15] Specular Matrix - paradox incentive event
[Aug 1 - Aug 15] Endless Battle - co-op wave defense
[Aug 5 - Aug 19] Hero Games - co-op wave rush
[Aug 8 - Aug 22] Torrent of Fire - co-op tower defense

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jul 11 - Aug 8] Lyfe - Infinite Sight | Weapon: Nightborne Crown
[July 11 - August 22] Fantasies of Yore (limited selector banner up to 1.6, same with weapon banner)
[Jul 25 - Aug 22] Fenny - Starshine | Weapon: Heart Hunter
[Aug 1 - Aug 22] Eatchel - The Cub | Weapon: Blitzing Fangs

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>487718230
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wtf i love star master
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just reposting for the memes
BRO (female)
I honestly don't know why the other girls try when adjutant has such a good kitty to make him happy, nya
>lyfe or fenny bread
>waifuwar ensues
why not mauxir or acacia bread?
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fenny's superior midriff
Can Mauxir stop samefagging already?
I like Nita
nonsense, they both belong to (You), and I'm (You) too
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I swear the samefags are either Acacia or Mauxir
Eatchel is USELESS
Nice lyfe3.png image!
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if seaslug fucks up nita's chapter, I'm going to make hiroshima and nagasaki look like a fucking joke.
Did you make it in snoggers? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1x2421Z7E6/
she's comfy but yeah healers aren't super important.. probably should have gotten an alloy truth instead of her gun with the selector but i almost never use my mauxir.
I know I'm being greedy just asking but what do you guys think is the timeframe until the next wedding (which *WILL* be Acacia)?
Will there be a cadence? Every half-year, every quarter...what do my fellow Snoggers think?
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So... Is Katya going to appear in the next chapter?
The next wives will be Yao, Cherno, and Katya.
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>first one is my post and webm
Yeah. I made it.
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>win anything
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>Using reverse psychology to encourage Eatchel posting
yes actually kek
Isn't she the first girl Adjutant married?
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fenny may have been the first to put a ring on it but nita was the first to put her ring on it if you know what I'm saying.
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realistically it's just going to be the esther execution chapter
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I did. Multiple times in the same video actually.
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not this time
I should have spent more time talking about Fenny instead of making Njall edits
>got overshadowed by sexy female villain in her won path
I could see it happens
No. Keep doing the Njall edits. You're going to make the next one for sure.
I will block /biz/ on Heimdall's wifi, I'm sorry, Nita, it's for the best. LightCoin and AngryYmirApe are worth nothing now and you almost got us to buy it.
Considering it seems like we will be getting half anniversaries, I would guess every half-year but who knows.
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Eatchel is going to appear in the story soon... the voices told me so.
How do we tell him...
ashtee de mate gomen yo
ashtee de mate gomen yo
ashtee de mate gomen yo
ashtee de mate gomen yo
ashtee de mate gomen yo
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Oi, cut nita some slack, will ya. She's not dumb enough to fall for those scams again- I mean, she wouldn't fall for them at all!
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Chen gets me in every time
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Yeah there's no doubt that Agave is the new recruit during Adjutant and Katya's two week secret sex mission.
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Yeah, I snuck another blob in there.
Definitely not. It's going to take 8 years to get through the current cast alone if they went this route. Even if they went double wedding every patch, which I don't think they will, it'd take 4 years.
It's likely going to be introduced when they get the deiwos taming arc alt. If they keep the cadence of 3 new characters a year, we could feasibly be married to everyone in 2 years.
Bro, I don't want to wait 8 years for Cherno's turn. The game may not even be alive by then.
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Mauxir is the Mari of Snowbreak
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Ah wait. More blobs.
Mauxir is a cat, not a coyote nun. Nya.
>two week secret sex mission
called a Bachelor party
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It's been a while that I don't see these, glad our CNbro still here.
Don't even joke about that. God forbid.
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the official, paid by the company, artists said mari is a cat
granted the devs can say otherwise
No, I have been posting dry coal for months.
she is neither a cat nor a dog
but rather, my loyal cocksleeve
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Fake cat nya.
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you didn't forget about me, did you?
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Wait what? I was talking about this Mari
(Fenny is Asuka and Lyfe is Rei)
for paradox lab, what is better snoggers?
ATK or Ballistic DMG?
How do you actually pronounce her name? Maw Sir?
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If anything that will be Agave since she's the only one with glasses.
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fingers crossed
"Mau" and then like "sheer", but more Chinese sounding
Pink mary sue doesn't exist in snobble. She can't ruin it.
I want Fenny & Lyfe to terminate you.
I am just gonna call her jackal.
mau zhi r
... yet
im genuinely considering learn chinese to spy on the cnbros
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No, Agave is Hanekawa
Mao Zhi r
we should make her president
Agave isn't a used goods slut.
basically, just say mauser.
Both are good, will wipe bosses in seconds desu.
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Luv' me some grind
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I sent my titagen projection plz respond
What does the locator and keys do anyway?
nta but they're used in the little story scenes.
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Remember to pet your cats
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That's Enya's VA so I don't think so.
Katya has Inverted Frittos
I really like the game dev team, I hope we get more little ""groups", like a cooking group led by Enya or a tabletop group by Lyfe.
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Some keys actually open invisible paths, like pic related. Locators are for some story scenes
>tabletop group by Lyfe.
i wholeheartedly believe she will have an extremely autistic hobby and will act like a kitty with us if we share the same hobby with her
i don't care
>Cooking group led by Enya
W-would Cherno be allowed to join?
How does 4cherno heal?
she's the head chef
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Hmmm, nyo.
Bro even if you don't get in I still appreciate Njall edits.
>she's the head chef
Worst big sister EVER
>u-um, adjutanthusband, i painted this imperial guard captain in your colours....
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THEY won
Being left behind next patch award?
They're all grown up now and have huge tits... it's beautiful
uh, definitely!
as the...official and very important taste-tester!
gotta make sure both Cherno and Meursault like the food, r-right?!
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bros... she found me..
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I'll risk it
I'm not the one who usually makes the "Did you make it in snoggers?" post. There's actually been a few videos since the last one. If you did the Njall massage edit, you made it in this one.

reposting what I said in a thread from like, a day ago
>Warhammer-esque tabletop war game with Heimdall operatives, bosses, and snogmons
>Haru taking it way too seriously
>Lyfe managing to stay calm despite her Wild Hunt ricocheting half of her shots
>Tess, Acacia, and Frito all trying to cheat but getting caught in 4k by Chen's perfect memory
>Cherno obviously winning but super embarrassed about it
>Siris and Mauxir recording the game
>Yao and Eatchel eating all the snacks while no one's looking
>Enya giving Adjutant a back massage
>Fenny and Katya fighting over Adjutant's attention
Marian and Nita not pictured
Very realistic
If they aren't going to bring Cherno's chapter back then she should appear more in the story. It was the only time she got to be relevant and it was removed.
I wish Chinese translation was better, I wanna understand the comments under the bilibili posts better
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bwos, if i let Tau peg me, do you think she will let me take a loan?
Yao would be asleep in a chair, Nita is the one who would be eating everything with Eatchel.
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So which ones are pregnant right now?
Adjutant consummated the marriage, right?
Depends on what the next chapter is about, if it's about the two weeks that the Adjutant was with Katya and I assume Agave in New Hentiro, then yeah, probably.
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Tau is a sub
I think they want to make a second part before adding it back, since Mersault was supposed to disappear at least for a while at the end. I'm probably being too optimistic but who knows.
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Tau's had at least two kids. First time might have been an experiment, but two times confirms she likes being creampied.
Naturlich. We even made sure to plug up their baginas after our thermonuclear ejaculations.
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They should add French VO to the game.
I don't speak French at all, but hearing girls speak it makes my dick hard.
why is chadjutant kidnapping siris?
Mon ami, le français n'est pas une langue passionnante.
Latin based languages all sound like mexican gibberish to me.
Italian's not too bad.
hag sex
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Finally finished Chen's room, who should I go next bros?
Mauxir's room, nya
how much room tickets in average do you need to buyout all the furniture? 2100?
Well you better start studying nuclear fission.
Thanks for the crosspost. I will now laugh at the shitshow your general is in
2800 or less sometimes
Consensual kidnapping
he left, things are fine jhere now
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Snowg bros, convince me to download your game
I did make it into the video, but because of the mustached Acacia, kek
the Njall massage is what got me to make a few of my own edits; I don't know why I find that boss just so fucking funny
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Yeah, I can go for them next thanks.
>both Yao and Mauxir are still on trust 26 and 24 respectively
Wtf, never noticed that I've been neglecting them so hard.. Even Acacia is up to 47 trust.
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You get this sexo girl for free if you start this week
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what phenotype is this?
Who are those characters?
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Damn, I just realised Snowbreak is the first game in a real long time that I played that actually cares about the audience.
I've been so battered and beatend and briused over the decade that I guess I got used to it at some point.
The community is also genuinely funny, and (for the most part) wants to help each other out. Yeah, we have our infighting and trolling every once in a while, but nowhere near the extent of other games.

I also cried during Fenny's personal files. That shit hit real close to home
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Guess I should post more animal facts, it does sometimes work.
This reads like an AI bot.
It's cool I'm just gonna lurk his general and post on there if I fancy
Uh bwo? I can see it...
>drank too much water with sucralose in it now I have gas and diarrhea
Sometimes, I wish I was AI.
Titagen fixes this
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Oh.. this may just work
>be afraid to touch the raid because i dont trust the ops i have
>check it today because i NEED digicash for another 10 pull
>it's fun and all my max lvl ops do fine
holy shit mauxir enya and wife combo is stupidly fun
This wouldn’t happen if you were in Valhalla.
I think Lyfe should suffer more. She didn't suffer enough, she needs another severe psychological trauma to go through.
isn't labyrinth pretty much the gameplay loop endgame? i mean, what the fuck do you do after completing the story?
She needs the trauma of adjutant wanting to play the tau or eldar or chaos instead of the imperium
indeed katya should go through half of what lyfe went through
The girls need to see the Adjutant be grievously wounded and nearly die in front of them
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Find stuff on pixiv/iwara
This... I love this so much...
>got jumpscared by lyfe's gun after maxing her cope one
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Fenny's gun is mostly a buff for her support right? I have some tickets, should I save them for Cherno's gun or should I try Lyfe?
I think it's easier than last time because of less stages meaning less threat level even if you haven't get the upgrades.
I put on my own music when doing the labyrinth. Anybody else?
Shut the fuck up Edda.
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That's a normal thing anon, been using Muso and Wangan osts for a long time in the background while doing Paradox.
why doesn't the new lyfe generate crown tokens in the labyrinth
I'd be happy picking Revenge in paradox lab if atleast it bothered to heal you at the end of the battle
Bro? Your eatchel?
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i didn't roll for her, i was too much of a newugly at the time :(
Does this mean "My friend, French is a passionate language."? Whatever it means I should hear a girl say it, French sounds so hot.
Bro if I wanted to hear some swarmy mexican talk I'd just head down to the local taco shop in the ghetto.
What the fuck are you talking about?
nigger retard faggot
anyone responding to this tard after me is a falseflagging cuck that doesn't play either game
>robot made for war VS enhanced human
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Why did you not use the webms of them actually getting their rings?
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Literally who?
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He is horny for Fenny, please understand
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I didn't care about french until I heard it coming out of a little girl's mouth.
Well who isn't? Every post here smells of squid and sweat you fucking monkeys
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die die die
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where do ((they)) even come from?
I'm starting to believe the anons who say ((they)) are bored /gig/gers who go from general to general just to create retarded waifu wars and discord
I'm they
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It's time for more sea slug facts /snowg/
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can i have a seaslug as a pet, professor?
Is this "they" in the room with us right now?
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I'd love to see Lyfe's and Enya's reactions.
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Dark Elf Chen, anyone?
Last time such a situation happened, Lyfe did what you'd expect.
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unfortunately no for things like the Nudibranch, from some research looks like you could have a Sea hare as a pet, but from the outlook they don't have long life spans and you should always keep in mind of the salt levels in the water.
All we can do is appreciate the youtube videos with them in nature.
Lyfe literally saw it happen twice already. Enya also did but it's locked behind GoS (the most kino chapter).
>N'wahs keep moving
How about one of our girls losing her memory and getting close to another guy?
>but from the outlook they don't have long life spans
Hello? MuMu? Yeah, I'm gonna need you to make a dark elf with white hair a reality pronto. Yeah, within the year would be nice. Uh huh, it'll sell well for sure so no need to worry about that.
Do you want another Chinese civil war?
Who tf did Hanekawa fuck? Once I learned the MC doesn't end up with her after watching the OVA trilogy that sexed her up like crazy I lost all interest in the franchise. That, and it was confusing as hell to follow.
Girl's Frontline 2 x United Nations Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is one general over, I'm sure they will get that kind of content eventually.
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"EDDA could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this Dorm before. There could be EDDAS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her exposed chest." Fimbulvetr reveberated her entire manifestation, making her ass jiggle even as the 9.000 SilverBucks Baldr Inhibitor circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) hate of edda after dark. "With the adjutant, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
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This is considering as a pet, while as in nature they can spread their eggs far and wide. There's a reason they'll never be extinct, well outside ocean pollution close to their habitats.
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Do snoggers here really want THIS to be their next wife???
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meds, now
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Is Lyfe more fucked up in the head than Cherno?
Yao or death
that explains it, ty anon
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which one of you is this
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I'm going to make Caroline a mother too!
I don't want this, I NEED it.
This is a no snogging zone. Do not snog.
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Oh you want to snog that badly?
Define snog
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snog THIS
Professor, can I squish them?
I am a little confused on ballistic damage. Does ballistic damage buffs work on weapons like Discordance which seems to only deal electric damage?
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We snog, now!
All bullets do ballistic damage, but they also have an element such as electric
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Yes but be aware of it's poison. Refer to the next video.
Is S-energy recovery useful on Alt Lyfe?
So the number that pop up from each shot is the ballistic damage being dealt? Regardless of color? I was under the impression that it was signifying the amount of elemental damage.
Mixing up ballistic and kinetic. Kinetic is a damage type, like electric and fire. Ballistic is shooting/bullet, as in left clicking to shoot your gun.
It has a use, sure, but far down on the "useful" list, below other stats like ATK (obviously), Alignment Index, Skill Haste, or even Crit Damage.
No, but she would be if adjutant rejected/divorced her.
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The number that pops up is called final damage, which is a calculation from the damage equation for your weapon that takes into account things such as ATK, damage increases to ballistic damage, elemental damage increases etc.
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frito could be an appropriate tutorial npc
Is 5Yao's E ballistic or skill damage? What are aptitudes?
Only if you somehow buff her with tons of skill haste. I ran out of s energy only in paradox with skill CD buffs.
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Ok that clarifies it. Thanks.
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Believe All Men
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my wifenny
Thanks. Got a +10% ATK +14.1% S-energy recovery weird logi piece for Lyfe and I think I will keep it.
Her wedding dress should be cosplay from some old and obscure game that everyone has already forgotten it for decades.
In-game it only specifies Thermal damage. I'm assuming skill though? Not sure.
>+10% ATK
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remember, using your wife is faster than reloading
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i hope the next dual wield pistols character will be sexy as well, even better if her design is similar to the adventist
Reloading? What's that?
Marian sexy nun skin
Eeeh? He reloads? How lame!
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Very interesting, I didn't know sea slugs could be this fat!
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>Haru and I were embracing each other in an extremely lewd way
10% ATK is easy, it's getting it with another relevant stat that is hard
Will it be harder to get her logis after the event ends?
Oh boy, what room do I choose?
>10% ATK is easy
I've only gotten one, and it came with 4% DEF because of course it did
Dumb Frito! That's not how you prep an Adventist nun for me! It's "Get on all fours!" and "Stick out your butt!"
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I'm all for a nun operator.
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>10% ATK is easy
Yeah, they move to a permanent Operation mode where they cost more stamina, and you fill a progress bar to get a random logi from that Squad, but also get a currency to purchase them. So it's partly random partly deterministic. Still costs way more Presence.
Aptitude is a buff for bullets. Like Yao's E, Marian enhanced quickshot after E, 4Frit support, Katya's passive. And WiFenny's support overwrites it.
That's technically Cherno, but they don't have the balls to make that.
Fix Rozan and then her skin is a nun, to repent.
I hate logistics. I hate artifacts. I hate all rng gear.
>they cost more stamina
They don't though. In the event store you exchange 100 stamina for one logi piece. In the operation you exchange 200 stamina for two logi pieces.
However half your pieces you get from this way will be a randomized one from that Squad as you pointed out.
i LOVE logistics. i LOVE artifacts. i LOVE all rng gear.
it gives me a reason to play after completing the story
We need to go back in time and erase summoners war from the timeline
Hm. I'm definitely not a math wizard, I wasn't aware the presence cost is the same. GTK
Marian's follow-up shot is not / doesn't have an aptitude effect
What is 虾头老哥的 ? MT struggles with it
I love Tess but why is she so dumb?
She’s pretending.
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Believe That.
shrimp = coomer
Depends, they're not all the same.
Minmaxed Logis(BiS stats with A or S rolls) VS Budget (1 S tier BiS stat or 2 B Tier relevant stats) isn't that much of a difference in actual performance, maybe 5~10%
meanwhile artifacts in other game are more than half of your damage and are extremely powerful, plus they have 4 stats + 1 main stat and each stat roll individually rolls from C to S tier on every level up.

I would like 10%ATK+100AI for Lyfe and Cherno, but if I end up with just the ATK it's fine, I'm not going to skim out on another character's logis to go back and farm Lyfe's.
Tess has no soul.
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She's pretending so you can't sense her murderous aura.
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In her womb
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I just saw her try to play the "if we kill the baddie then we become just as bad :(" over a guy responsible for the death of millions
Tess (canonically) acts like an airhead around (You) because she doesn't want to scare adjutant with her true self. You should learn more about her past, including the SpecOps she was involved in
Why is that boss so tanky?
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For Katya, Njall is like butter. Everyone else struggles
Shut the fuck up essex
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Tess has been killing a lot of people under the orders of Tau, you can even see that during the preview for Perilous Snowpatch. Of course she doesn't want for her sensei to know that, that her hand are soaked in blood.
i wonder how far they'll go with "meme" weapon types. maybe one day we'll end up with an operator that throws really sharp playing cards
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meanwhile you can just feel the sexual tension between the adjutant and this bad bitch

Seaslut plz gib bad girl with soft cute vc inside her dorm
Yeah Katya shuts her up immediately. I just thought it was something dumb of her to say.
God I want to snog all over her tits
n-n-n-no u
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Look at me Adjutant! How could I ever kill someone?
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Esther will die so Nita can fly.
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Should I get this?
Unironically I'd trust her with my life more than any other operative
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Don't ask Tess what she did to practice magick in the first place, that hans moretti sword box was supposed to be an ILLUSION
... /snowggers/ what girl would your trust with your life? why?

Dear Lyfe and Fenny,

It's not cheating when you have sex with the hospital's staff, nor am I particularly lecherous for having such a desire and enthusiastically acting upon it; nature compels my potent seed to be carried by the winds of my virile love into every moist orifice that remotely resembles a woman's genitalia.


P.S. I also made love to a kettle.
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I don't know why.
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are you sure this will help me in battle, adjutant?
It's okay, Lyfe doesn't care, and Fenny enjoys it.
>that remotely resembles a woman's genitalia.
No, adjutant! don't do it! don't put your titan in njall's ventilation vent!
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Frito is always looking for my health thanks to her new AI telling me to do my exercise routine.
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You forgot your image anon...
y-you meant.. you fucking love her.. r-right?
>only 1 letter away from Tessex
Lyfe doesn't care as long as she's the number 1 wife.
She just doesn't know that she's not the number 1 wife, Fenny is.
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Hmmm.. Nyo.
Kot wife before gamer hag
I can't help but think Lyfe smiled knowing her rival finally got one over her. It would wholesome if anything.
Eatchel (forma desatada)
One of the stories had tess shoot a guy through his teeth. She is a fucking killer m8
Lyfe's themes are revengeance and schizophrenia. Rivalry, rankings and being number 1 is for Fenny.
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>play Honkers
>Love Griseo
>Play snoble
>Love Acacia
What is it about autistic petite girls that makes me feel this way?
Why did she bully Fenny and Katya, then? What she did to Katya was unforgivable and uncalled for, bitch should be punished for that.
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Lorelet retard here, I'm a bit confused about the Suspense in Skytopia story

Adjutant was using a combination of GANGES and the tree in New Hentiro as a computational computer with himself as the conduit to sort of predict the future by running simulations of what could happen, right? And while doing this, he was ALSO making titagen clones of himself to talk with and prepare for the confrontation with Rozen, right?

So when did the whole "Adjutant" dying in front of Lyfe and Fenny happen? After the Adjutant wakes up with Edda, they bump into Agave and it's apparently just after he took Fenny to Heartflow Garden, but then Lyfe and Fenny from that timeline shows up from that timeline? If I'm understanding right, there's some sort of temporal distortion where the Adjutant was that let him fuck around with simulations to figure out the best course of action, but the one he sent out beyond the temporal bubble wasn't constrained by those simualtions, meaning everything that simulacrum did and experience were real, which is why Fenny and Lyfe thought he died. Then, when he stopped using the tree, the temporal distortion disappeared and he and Agave who was in the area with him reappeared back in the real world/time line? Am I getting that right?
Standing her ground. Katya was getting too uppity
They’re gonna do that to acacia. Just like what they did to griseo.
Odin influence.
Retard, Odin is DEAD
depends on what the threat is
They don't call her Wild Cunt for nothing.
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Fenny learned some ntr lessons from Katya
Aaalright snobbies. I know I'm not the only autistic fuck who takes characters from one series and imagines them in another series' OPs or other various media, so what OP or other 'thing' do you all imagine would work well with Snowbreak's characters.

At the moment, ever since we got the letters for the Anniversary, I've felt like the 100GFs opening works amazingly well.
Fenny is the blonde with twintails, Lyfe is the silver haired one, Cherno is the small blue haired one, Frita is the small red haired one, and even Katya can be the woman shouded in darkness. It all works so well. The only one I can't fully decide on is which girl is most like the pink haired one, since I haven't fully "met" them all in the story. In general, none of the girls strike me as being as straight up horny as the pink haired girl is. Maaaybe Tess would work.
Lyfe basically absorbed Odin in her sick mind and got some of his traits in the process.
Synthetic Titagen Medicine giving all the girls a stupidly immense libido, except the girl (You) choose to protect you.
Why are you like this?
Difficult to think of something better than a good haughty OHOHOHO.
Fenny didn't do anything, it's the adjutant who did took action.
Lyfe marrying Fenny's husband is more of an NTR scenario.
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>Synthetic Titagen Medicine giving all the girls a stupidly immense libido
Just imagine Tess, but even hornier.
She didn't actively have to. Her magnificent charm compelled (You) to propose.
Based Fen stacy
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>seapag hours
>NTR discussion begins
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I am not sure, anon. Without me even realizing it, I have become the way I am.
I don't know but I hope Nita vs Esther gets as kino as anything Asura's Wrath
I think it's more like all her baggage has been dropped and now she can be herself without all the brooding.
Odin isn't real
4Cherno, we'll clip through the edge of the world's geometry where we'll be safe
>inb4 meursault counts as a separate girl
>forcefully takes over from Cherno once you’re “safe”
Good job now you’re stuck in the rape dimension with no way out
Freaking cube, man. Laeve me alone already
Good luck, she's a yandere
Will they update Lyfe's furniture? Shes still freaking out in her bath.
Was this you?
Hopefully they'll replace it with a regular bathtub, available in Gigi's deluxe selection. Complete with a joint interaction.
>joint interaction.
Why did i think of weed?
My apologies then. You gotta check a pattern when you see one.
You know how attracted schizos are to this general...
>thought about weed instead of caressing Lyfe's body in the bathtub
I'm afraid it's brain damage, bro.
Heroin with Marian
Why wouldn't you want to play the greatest gamemode ever?
Is this from the interactive scene?
See that terrorist? You can capture her.
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Testing webmconverter quality.
Alright, cool. Looks good. I wanted to move her eyes to be looking at Adjutant without snapping her neck, but it turns out whatever happened made them track the camera pan.
nah it's a band that we just started
She has cute panties
take a shower, stinky
Can she play Seven Nation Army for me
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I wish they released this mv on youtube
God I hate playing with Nu Lyfe too much button press
Cherno or Siris player?
1600 digicash on chernofag
Haru... forgotten...
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Baby, it's you on my mind, your love is so raaaaaaaare
Being with you is a feeling I just can't compareeeeeeee
And if I can't hold you in my aaaaaaarms, it just wouldn't be faaaaair
Cause precious and few are the moments we two can shareeeeee
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We need a support operative who buffs max HP and allows us to ignore enemy shields.
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look at this loser sitting all alone
Nu Lyfe feels so convenient to me.
>point at enemy
>hold left click
>lots of enemies
From my ASS
yea it's leaking right now
I regret rolling for Nu Lyfe + her weapon. I impulse rolled for her I could have gotten Nu Fenny gun instead
Why not just get both?
This is MMD right?
Is Lyfe's dodge shot standard skill damage?
You are either shitposting or just hate Lyfe.
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There's nothing to notice.
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who did it better?
Wyfe gameplay is really cool. The natural and slower default movement makes her skill/dodge feel so much better.
As opposed to games like warframe where movement is floaty and ice skatey 100% of the time. It looks like shit.
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All Frits are equal.
>chink game
>zero chink names
what the fuck seaslug
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Chen forgotten...
based westaboos
bro your YAO? your CHENXING?
No, it's ballistic damage, but I do think the damage when you press E and she shoots does count as skill damage.
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Bing chilling
>Yao Ming
Yao6 will be a giant
Nope, it's ballistic.
Uh bros, I've completed perilous snow special chapter and and in ch.12. The story is a mess... The magician and adjutant is mad at T at the end of special chapter and suddenly they ok with T now in ch12? Did I miss something?
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easiest paradox of my life
you missed Tess personal file
>Ballistic damage
>Skill damage
>Ulti damge
When are we getting a new archetype?
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is it 500 on each stats for the sp ending?
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is that...
Prostate damage?
Emotional damage...
Aux unit 5* soon. Trust the plan.
Adjutant's ultimate skill:
Tell an operative that you never really loved her. Deals triple damage to Tess and Lyfe.
Do I need to unlock her first to see her personal file? I think this is the major problem story doesn't make sense to me.
>Do I need to unlock her first to see her personal file?
Yes, just read it on yt if you don't have her.
What the fuck is your problem, you filthy bastard of satan and dog.
>half the cast kills themselves
>the other half kills you and then kills themselves
I forget this shit even exist literally every chara has "Nope this is not auxilary"
The Adjutant should suck my dick.
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Fuck off, Kegaard.
>+20 minutes without posts
dead game
eos soon...
Everyone is busy licking Fennys feet.
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What is this and when?
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shh the Yao is sleeping
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Discordfags are planning a review bombing
what are they dissatisfied about? The writing in a gacha game?
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Who cares about discordfags? They can't do anything anywy. Also pic related
Why does everyone using the term "educate" outside of school or parenting sound like a massive red flag?
I don't even know what they are so mad about
>educate on what they're missing out on
Missing out on what? What is bad about character writing (beside blatant nonstop cockhunger)?
And how many is that? Like 5 people?
>What is bad about character writing (beside blatant nonstop cockhunger)?
Nonstop cockhunger is good if it's my cock. And it is. So it's good.
I just open discord to see and it's literally only two people in the image
One is Francis and the other is a vtuber with low 2 digit views
it's funny how those guys act like raiding tourists and then get mad if you call them tourists
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I guess everyone who disagrees with me really is either gay, a tranny or a discord raider
That's groomer talk.
>Cleared everything on new paradox
What now?
What are those thingamajigs for?
The what?
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close the game and go back to shit posting, it*s as shrimple as
The cubic looking thingies.
>either gay, a tranny or a discord raider
All me
You mean the items. It just unlock new path that gives gems or use to unlock locked paths
please give me your energy, I can't leave bed...
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What logistics set I need for Wifenny dps?
don't go down the forbidden path bro. Only sadness you will find.
Oh I think I recognize the top one, Severyn-something, some male vtuber
What the hell is wrong with you?
Next time someone ever criticizes this game for deleting male logistics, just look at what granblue got KEK.
Did they get another cute Sandalphone?
How much time until we get Agave confirmed to be in the next patch?
I mean the way they're doing things is stupid. Do they think seaslug will listen to them if they give zero constructive criticism and just rate the game a 1/5 in everything? Seaslug already said that they know how to differentiate the valid critics from the tourist critics and what they plan to do is the most tourist shit a tourist can do.
The Discordfags are right.
This game is shit, they should try to be more like

Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Girls Frontline 2
Fate/Grand Order
Wuthering Waves
Honkai Impact 3rd
Blue Archive
Path to Nowhere
Reverse: 1999
Aether Gazer
Punishing Gray Ravens
Neural Cloud
Tower of Fantasy
Brown Dust 2
Epic Seven
Granblue Fantasy
Azur Lane
Don't do it bro. Wait till seaslug makes logis farming less painful.
Why crop their names? Let people know who the tourists are.
Half of them cuckshit and worst of them is shart dust 2 literal cuckge, kill yourself nigger ty.
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I notice a severe lack of Cherno in this thread.
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cute and petite WiFenny....
About to commish ass smothering. Who should I pick?
Enya or Wyfe
Yeah man who cares. Post Fenny memes now and stop reading Troon Chord ya schmuck
Your Francis... fuck outta here and go back to CoD
If you decide to use Cherno go with Meursault instead.
Thanks, I'll spin a wheel to decide the outcome.
Haru or Chen
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Generation activism was a mistake. Thank fuck i didn't end up like this. Either go to church or shut the fuck up with your proselytizing.

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