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Fork Tailed Devil - Edition

Previous thread: >>487615368

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers
https://youtu.be/DOGazUgUdsQ https://youtu.be/wAtTS8xSYEc

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Locksneed Fartin' has been making thirdies seethe since the thirties

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/vcaPiiFZu2o?si=-b3_BdTu1Sa5eZr-
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stop being racist
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Eternal reminder to fly the Harriers!
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shove 'er in a cart
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>three years old
jesus it's already been that long?
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missile guide is outdated in the OP, use https://youtu.be/_tQ6JzPWEFU
Cut off his balls, janny.
mom i posted it again!
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>it's another sh4rtranny melty
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I dunno man sure seems like you are the one that is mad
holy cow that cat has some moves!
yet it's some random vorenigger seething about a SH4RTG member who made a normal OP post. curious
chat is this real?
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i bet you're brown
so trannitors ban me for posting a picture of an abrams, but leave this trash up? typical
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>says the virgin tranimefaggot behind a computer screen, where skin colour doesn't even matter
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why did you post this. you could have posted this on /d/ or some degenerate vore focused website. but instead you posted it to seethe over someone making a normal OP post. yeah you're completely mentally stable
>skin color doesn't matter
post hand and passport next to wall socket
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>xe thinks that being a homologation of shitty hun slaves (russoids) or a muttmerge of eastern europe it makes em white
lol, lmao, unless you're pure scandanavian you can eat a dick, trannies.
anyways war thunder. funny how you fags always have a melty and yet don't post pics yourselves, curious.
being a snownigger isn't white, Uberslave
>Didn't post hand, passport or wall socket
yep, confirmed brown
go get beheaded by some feral jihadi Ahmad
>no hand
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>Vore focused website
I'll be glad to provide the source!
>didn't post hand, passport or wall socket and continues to deflect
alright trannies, you can continue to avatarfag and erp in your discord.
brown behavior
don't make me post the video
>n-n-no u
Brownoid, here in civilized places we answer questions before asking new ones.
If you post your hand I will post my DNA results, they asked first anon..
post it pussy
>vore focused IP grabber
why am i not surprised
[LowIQ] squadron troons VS [wartg] squadron brown storm fags?

aw sweet!
post. wall. socket.
Locksneed Fartin' has been making thirdies seethe since the thirties
ah yes only the finest muttpost before they go to bed. how many F-35s crash yearly?
New malzi

>1.6 accidents per 100,000 flight hours
fell right into the trap that OP laid out
War Thunder official channel has 2 sides

shorts by basement guy: >>487810175

vids by DEI hires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LpDvHp1vKI
TKX or Type 90 first?
Tornado is hella fun with supertemp
endless clubbing f4s and nig23ml premiumtards
>how many F-35s crash yearly?
Same number as there are operational Su-57s
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Oh my God I am going to fucking cum.
I'm not trans but what I said is fact my dude
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Everytime I see this pic I remember my ex because sometimes I used to force her to wear a Megumin cosplay when we had sex, she loved the character so that was pretty bitching great.
Sometimes I wonder if I should've married her, but then again I broke it off with her after her mom died and she became a ton of emotional baggage even after a year. That's a pass from me chief.
Anyways thanks for the neat memories.
I'm retarded and forgot to reply to >>487811463 my bad.
>broke it off with her after her mom died and she became a ton of emotional baggage even after a year.

nice shitpost.
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>/wtg/ anons
>having the ability to get girlfriends, let alone having sex
Keep dreaming
Threadly reminder to kill Cobra fags
I don't care how much of a meme this was, I want it in game https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_Az8mpEGf5Y
>retard with a fuckton of heavy bombs strapped to his plane thinking he is not just as cancer
>cobra fag can't comprehend stock grinding
>stock grinding
>8x missiles on your wings
I don't think so pal, I think you just are a bot aspirant
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You have retard aspirations anon.
Yes that is literally stock but I have a G suit and fire bombs, what more do you want for me nigger, to challenge fox 3's head on with sparrows?
literally not stock
too cool, straight to 12.7 and sold in a 90$ premium pack
Literally I'm going fuck your ass
>he can't position well
>he can't notch
>he just runs head-long into every engagement and whines about stock grind
0 sympathy for shitters
Why is the AMX A-1A the same BR as the F-104S?
all aspect missiles hurt little lv10 misha in his pack premium(((((((((((((((
I feel like I've read this pasta before
I'm top tier in 6 nations I know how to fly well but its simply a poor method of RP gain to play like that when you're playing with literally a disadvantage akin to having a arm tied behind your back.
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I just got done spading 3 Italian high tier tanks.
Please tell me something fun to do or play.
I feel exhausted.
I'm tired, Hitler.
>I've no lifed longer than you have!
Ok Defyn
make new account and grief low BR's, TK and taunt them in chat
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Give the AGS M900 and make it 11.3 please.
Best we can do is 11.7 and no new ammo.
god i hate nazis
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you on the left
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And this is you
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no u on the left
>daily speical task is just scouting
>teammates too fucking stupid to click the tank i scouted
its been over 10 games and i only have 2/13
First off why are you doing tasks for this horrible battle pass season
And secondly thats what you get for doing tasks that require teammate involvement
>doing sped tasks that rely on your team
the guy on the left bombed the guy on the right to nothingness
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>slams you against the truckbed and escapes into a wheatfield
>back to strafing bread factories the next day
nothin' personnel kid
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somebody post the loony troony redditor Bomber Harris fan
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kinda funny how the guy on the left is just a bit chubby nowadays, but back then he would have been considered extremely fat
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F8U-2 easily, it's fucking broken now that everything around it went up while it stayed and it no longer breaks its wings the millisecond you pull too hard.
Have a silly Saturday /wtg/
wrong site xir
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you cant kill ukrainians like that, it's a hate crime!
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fucking when?
>doing tasks for this BP

>being this new
I guess everyone went to bed?
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just having breakfast, shitposting will resume shortly, feel free to pick a subject
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cool pic
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i get a lot of my shit from https://beeldbank.nimh.nl/foto-s
its in dutch but you'll get pretty far by just using vehicle queries like 'ypr', 'starfighter' or 'leopard'
quite a lot of ww2 german pictures as well
very cool, thanks
here's where I get mine from, it's basically the same thing but finnish
>chink name
every fucking time
Crazy how Finland is still missing so much shit
I just noticed that new bp doesn't have a new boat
So we went from 4 good vehicle per pass to 2 dogshit vehicle
uhm rasist?
Anton graciously added option for purchasers to roll for previous boat prizes or 1 million silver lions
>I just noticed that new bp doesn't have useless bloat
You should be thankful they didn't waste dev resources.
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>eaten by a viewport
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I will still continue to shill for seperating interwar-Korean war vehicles from post-korea - modern day (like how coastal & blue water is separated) as a general rule of thumb. There's plenty of cases for exceptions like a bunch of Swedish tanks that despite being post-WW2 still using conventional shells and steel armour that would fit into my pre-Korea split, I just don't want to see HEATFS etc. When I'm in a tank from 1942
I've only done a Britain & Germany tree, I'll do a Russian maybe but I'm not doing everyone
>he doesn't have a friend to complete 7 tasks each day with
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Germany, I couldn't be bothered to do premiums...
>AEC 6.0
Might as well just remove it
It goes clean through the front of a Tiger, I've got 4 or 5 nukes in it by bringing it up to 6.7, its a good "tank"
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your tree is only good if you put the is-2 into 1.0
The more i read on this patton guy, the more he seems like a huge fucking pussy
Get to wonder why people shill him so?
Tank game
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You will never guess what this tank is
>BoyFriend 109
>Fuck the Wolf 190
t-14 armada
Surely it's not one of the two (2) leo2's in the game with composite screens.
leopard 2A5/6/7
That's clearly a panzer 3
useless and chunky composite screens over the tracks*
WRONG, you take mediocre mid-'50s+ junk that would cope questionably outside of second line roles and you put it around the segregated Cold War reserve tiers to fight it out with immediate postwar refits, the techtree is RAW good call on making the 38na a rank II though, it has no reason to exist as an armor downgrade that doesn't perform its designed role as a direct Luchs competitor
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you're like a little baby
watch this
What's the point of the uparmored leos is enemies can just slice through the ufp like it's butter? I'd much rather play the 2A4 to keep the mobility
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you will never guess which one is the main gun
>Fires 155 HE-VT in your general direction
it's the snowmobile isn't it
fucking canadian tank magic
fuck you're good
so now that they nerfed rocket farmers, are they going to make sim battles give good rewards again?
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Why do you morons keep playing this trash game? Uninstall now and move on with your life.
I like collecting cool vehicles. The gameplay is incidental.
why do people change nametag colors? how does green team mates benefit you?
And play what
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>why do people change nametag colors?
Because they aren't forgetting to take their medicine.
Sounds like you're projecting advice onto us that you can't follow yourself. I find the game fun and the vehicles and explosions cool. It has plenty of flaws but unfortunatly it doesn't have any real competition.
I wish we could turn the team colors to red because most of the time the teams are enemies in blue so you know you have enemies all around you on both the red team and your own "team"
not getting enough reddit pointerinos kommyhuct?
You can change the colours in options. I have changed friendlies to red and enemies to blue because blue team always sucks in team games.
thanks doc
Probably for colourblind people or something. More customisation is almost always cool,
Standard colors and color scheme is eyestrain inducing if you play for a long time, too much contrast it's almost painful to look at.
>the guy on the left is just a bit chubby
amerimutts never cease to amaze me
you should see an eye doctor
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guy on the left is literally british
how the hell are you getting the pictures off of this?
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download button on the left, then click the blue text
i just found it myself
i was trying to right click download it but they have gay javashit to prevent that, and in the network section it downloads an image in something like 30 fragmented pieces
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>you MUST have a high explosive round in your APDS belt because... BECAUSE YOU JUST LE HAVE TO OKAY??!!!!!!????
it took them twelve years to add a fuel slider, just wait twelve more for custom belts
anon half the stuff in the game with belts are balanced around how they fuck with the belt composition
custom belts wouldn't change much unless they allow gepard and its clones to take sabot in the main belt or something dumb like that
worst case scenario the balance is marginally more retarded than usual until the next BR patch, who cares
>radar missiles refuses to activate seeker
is this a new feature introduced with the update?
so what are atgms good for? seems like shells are always better if you are good at aiming
free kills if you're using russian tanks
if not: LMAO!!!! extra br ))))
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Irl it let them put a big anti tank weapon on lighter vehicles without the compromises of a fat gun. In game it lets you get sniped while you spend 5 years guiding it in.
nah right site, 4chan is just reddit-lite now
Same reason we keep coming back to 4chan.
True that's why you get so many troonish passive-aggresive behaviour like in >>487837890
yep, and the jannies ban you for posting a dead tank for their favorite nation
devblogs soon?
Just saw a Sunderland try to cap a point in copestal. He overshot by a mile but it's nice how this event has reminded people that seaplanes can land on water.
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pot, kettle, dilate
The mudsucker FEARS the floatchad.
Aim-120s on the inner side of the pylons for my F-15J(M) got deleted on their custom presets. Did gaijin do something fucky with that slot?
They were replaced with the "default" variant of the same missiles, which come stock now. They're exactly the same in stats but since they're technically different missiles, the unlockable variant had to be deleted from the pylons where the stock variant is available so the same missile doesn't appear twice in the options for those pylons.
Ohhh, makes sense. Thanks.
>die in the two coastal ships I'm trying to spade
>get to spawn in the HMCS Brantford
brain: off
kills: yes
>n1k1 is allowed in floats
How the fuck are you supposed to land the f15? It just wont stop.
you have a thrust reverser called a vulcan
recoil based airbraking
so why did engineers think it was practical to put a 3km line of wire onto a rocket to control it?
drag chute
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What other options do you have? Radio control? At the range of 3km+?
Because it's more practical than not being able to control it at all.
the fritz x could do it
Because it was
just slow down earlier?
>launched from air
>launched from ground
Makes all the difference in the world. Bullpup was radio guided, too.
my point is that instead of using a wire to kill targets within that 3km max distance, they could have used radio instead. i don't think people were jamming each other back then which would warrant the need to use a physical connection
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If the German tech tree gets to have a billion Pz.III/Pz.IV variants then other nations should get a bunch more variants of their common WWII tanks as well, it's not fair. I want more slightly different mostly copy/pasted tanks to pad out my low tier lineups as well.
They could have but both sides went with wires instead because in the end it was more reliable, practical, and most importantly responsive than wireless radio guidance. It's unlikely jamming was ever a consideration at all.
>within that 3km max distance
TOW-2B Aero has 4.5km distance. Radio is less reliable, even without jamming.
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this is ultimate aircraft shape
it just works
they weren't worried that someone would go and cut the wire with scissors before it could hit the target?
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we've already reached the WW2 quota for 2024
better luck next year
copied from the j29 btw
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Molested Le Malin for whole 80k yesterday.

The girl fucks.
>started the china grind
>the same vehicles I play in other nations feel like absolute trash because of low crew level

nah nigga this is almost unplayable. m18 feels like an awkward slug with bouncy house wheels that can't turn it's turret and the loader has no fingers. not to mention i get one strafed by machine guns because i have no vitailty. didn't realize i was playing a fucking role playing game.
>not to mention i get one strafed by machine guns because i have no vitailty
good. i suffered too long from your 50 cals
sex with breast woman rabbit pantyhose toes
captcha: whoo
Almost half of Valentine production went to the Soviet Union. They should fill the Soviet tree with Valentines
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so are the fences on cargo port meant to block shells from going through them?
God, imagine a world where lend-lease didn't fuck us all like that. They were immediately the enemy after winning, anyway.
The Allies developed jamming technology for the Fritz X within a few months of it being deployed.
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Red Army does not need English tractors, or other low quality material of war
Yes, and also the electric pylons on Fulda.
new top tier for Britain, thoughts?
fences blessed by stalin himself
not even stalinium can penetrate
>Light tank/IFV with Cockeril turret #5024
The other proposals for a Himalayan LT will be more interesting to see, hopefully more whacky.
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>inb4 Gayjin adds it to the British tree and makes it superior to everything else in the tree to humiliate the Anglo Saxon
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>mutt themed OP post
>reminder jacking off lockheed martin
mutts being allowed on the internet was a mistake
they just need to implement Arjun realistically for that, no need for meme lights
>They were immediately the enemy after winning, anyway.
They actually weren't immediately the enemy. It took a few years for the cold war to really get under way.
we literally invented the internet because we were afraid of commie nukes taking down our telephone communications, be grateful
just like bushes and stop signs on Sun City on release, all intended
it was a case of the western allies and soviets REALLY not liking each other, but everyone was far too tired from curbstomping Germany, Japan and the smaller irrelevent shithole axis powers to do anything for the next few years
why did the west not like russia for all of history? i keep forgetting to ask this on /his/
It's depressing reading about how optimistic FDR and Churchill were at Yalta when you know what happens next.
T-90MS will be Britains first usable 11.7
Operation Unthinkable
that's just churchill seething because he had promised the poles their country for five years only for stalin to yoink it away
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(The red army needed tractors and every last low quality weapon of war the allies could afford to give them.)
>give the soviets a bunch of free shit
>they do the lion's share of fighting against the germans so fewer GIs and tommies have to die

honestly it was a pretty good trade
Given that he was proved absolutely right just a couple years later I think it's fairer to say that he was one of the first people to recognise what the USSR was actually up to.
>does literally nothing
>ha-ha! i know what you're up to!
>for the next 50 years
>ha-ha! i knew what you were up to!
I don't disagree. It was a complicated situation. Sure Churchill did see the red menace and what it meant for postwar europe. But the Americans didn't care as much for two reasons. First, FDR really wanted the Soviets to help in the pacific campaign, which was still far from over in February 45. And second, the americans by this point were incredibly fed up with british machinations which they felt were using american lives to further the interests of the british empire.
>First, FDR really wanted the Soviets to help in the pacific campaign
you sure? america dropped the nukes just because they didn't want the soviets reaching japan before america could take control of it
They were fighting and dying regardless what was sent. That's charity, not a trade.
they wanted the USSR fight Japan on the continent but they also wanted wanted to avoid a Soviet invasion of Japan itself, it's a bit of both
the nuke was far from ready during Yalta, go read about the conference
The best part is Russia absolutely did not need any supplies to defend against the starving, freezing Germans in their own land. All the allies really did was equip them to take eastern Europe.
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I just want lowtier decompressed around 2.7-3.3. There's not really any point in playing the very cool panzer IIIs and other early war tanks when you can just step up to panzer IVs.
Historical revisionism
"The nasty West has always hated poor innocent Russia" is a modern meme and it's not really true at all, in modern times - e.g. last 3-4 centuries - they flip-flopped between friend and enemy to western European nations as much as those western European nations flip-flopped between being friends and enemies with each other. Russia was regarded as being somewhat backwards by the rest of Europe though (and honestly it actually was) which probably helped fuel an inferiority complex over the centuries, though.

Communist Russia on the other hand was absolutely hated by everyone in the West for incredibly obvious reasons, and they were so shitty that most of the ex-Soviet countries hate them as well. Modern Russia never managed to get over its Soviet Union days and kept on being a bit shitty (and they're still backwards compared to the West) so their reputation was never fully mended and now we're here where Russia has managed to make itself a full-on international pariah.
lend lease was a soviet charity scheme to prop up the western war industries
le cunny

Just get the prem M4 and zero to grind crew ez
We made it, and suffer YOUR presence. Be polite or a GBU may land on your mud house/wedding/hospital/school.
so they didn't really like the soviets. i think grouping them in with the Allies doesn't make sense. it should be Allies, Axis, and Vodka
Western nations have always relied on a foreign foe to unite the populace against so they overlook their elites robbing them blind. Russia was just convenient because it was far away and different just enough to be easily villified(communist revolution scaring the piss out of fat cats helped too).
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>full-on international pariah
these are indeed the only countries that matter
Found the thirdie.
when were russians friends to western europe? i don't remember them actually cooperating with anything besides being against germany for 2 wars
post hand and wall outlet lmao
and this attitude is indeed why Russia isn't a "full-on international pariah" no matter how much you seethe, cope and mald
"western europe" as a concept didn't exist as we know it today, there was france, spain, england, etc. Anon is saying that historically russia was just another one of those players.
shouldn’t have included poland and baltics there
Russia can mingle with the browns all they want but international means white
>1 joke
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They are friends to western Europe when their enemies are dying there.
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>release a premium for a tree where there is nothing to research
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why did gaijin have to make the bradley shit?
>loudly outing yourself as a newfriend
every new tree ever?
whats more puzzling is why they waited a literal year before adding the copestals
Play outside
They also contributed a lot of armies to the various Coalitions that took part in the fighting in western and central European nations, and at one point enjoyed extremely close relations with France (up until the Continental System crashed their economy and trading with Britain caused Napoleon to have the mother of all melties over it). The Napoleonic period was a bit nuts, all told.
facing 10.7 tanks with DM23 105mm equivalent lol
Vextra shell fix when?
It isn;t though, it performs like it should mostly. If anything it's too strong, only need one Bradley to completely fuck an mbts ability to fight by shooting it in the front, when irl it took two.
>only need one Bradley to completely fuck an mbts ability to fight by shooting it in the front, when irl it took two
I imagine it's a hell of a lot easier to pinpoint the vulnerable points of an enemy tank with mouse aim than with an actual fire control system.
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It was kino I wonder if Napoleon would've done better or worse if born in 1890.
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napalm rounds
>politics niggers ruin another thread
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>fly saber
>third partied
>third partied
>third partied
So you'll stop posting? Promise?
dont think you have to support politics to kill russians
>proving his point
well done /pol/tards
>still posting
Guess the thread's still here.. huh..
did gaijin break minecraft bar shit for shell type/repair/etc from showing up in ground battles or are my settings broken somewhere
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>i don't think people were jamming each other back then which would warrant the need to use a physical connection
Every jewtuber for the last five years have been telling people never take dogfights just headon and run and third party. It's had an effect.
Not like anything else is reliable in a 16v16 clusterfuck. It's precisely why the "smaller teams" switch needs to be made to ACTUALLY work and let you join guaranteed 8v8 lobbies whenever enabled.
He would have been too late to have as much of an impact, IMO. France was in a bit of a shambles thanks to the revolution which gave him a lot of opportunities to climb the ranks very quickly, another two decades and things probably would have settled down considerably and he wouldn't have been able to get to the top anywhere near as easily, if at all, thanks to (probably) fewer wars and France having much more stable leadership. I imagine his life would have ended up in a similar sort of trajectory to how the Duke of Wellington's played out.
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Wait disregard that I'm a fucking retard, I misread 1890 as 1790.
Land on belly, he's a big boy and won't break. The gear brake traction is broken and it was like that for years.
>He thinks they shot out the barrel and optics and other shit by legit aiming for them like you do in game
Bro its just like fucking cops shooting center mass, youll take the hits you can get
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I just wanna bag a kill when it's a sure thing
room temp IQ strikers shouldn't have their ass saved outta nowhere
get it to like 100, turn hard, let it top over onto one wing and itll stop real fast, the airframe is REAL stronk. I survived a round and got another kill with a fully BLACKED F-15 missing my wing tips, one rudder, etc
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giant hole in vietnam
That was my point, yes.
Why is the T-90M underperforming in War thunder? Should it go down to 11.3?
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Every match is 9.7 when playing 9.0
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Every match is 10.3 when playing 9.7
How many nations even have 9.7 lineups? I almost never see them in my 8.7 ussr lineup.
Every match is an uptier regardless of what rank youre playing, I swear. Doubly so if you pop any sort of booster because of the (((generous snail)))
I will not be constrained by your autusm
it's a game mode with respawns though
>see new flight sim
>okay let's check it out
>it's actually a sim-lite closer to war thunder than DCS
>forced cockpit view
>lots of varied ordinance and weaponry
>remixed versions of modern jets with their simulated avionics
>four planes total
>one (1) map
>updates take AGES
>no mods support
such a shame
he good is the leclerc
If you're willing to play other vehicles, I am not. I have what I want to play for that BR I'm not playing anything else.
based winrate tanker
no, i will not partake in anton's shitfest, ONE vehicle and i'm OUT
>1 125mm gun with a 7s reload
>16 127mm guns with a 3s reload
holy fucking based
sounds like you're the autistic one
where the fuck is the summer vehicle event?
is running chaff on helicopters even worth it vs ground radars?
i have so few countermeasures (48) that i'd rather just have more flares i think
When they had a king who was related to the king of germany and the UK.
đi vào lỗ
no more events bar one in the winter
It isn't because they can't notch (too slow to do it) and that's the only time chaff works. Just multipath, even at 60 m, it's perfectly doable when you're this slow, nimble and can hover in place.
>bro just respawn in a tank destroyer please bro
if i die in the light tank i’m not playing
Even spading anything other than the thing I want to play most requires an autistic amount of effort for a game like this.
that’s not true
If we don't get steamrolled I have no problem living until the end of the match. If we are getting steamrolled I'm not staying for that. Why should I build an entire lineup for the one in twenty games where I die and the match is still a good one?
>He doesn't know
Nuclear option?
just respawn in a heavy and drive to the point for 4 minutes nigga that’s immersive gameplay
ok w4rtg we get the point
i just took a fat shit so the french tree will be getting a new leclerc
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I have been told it is pretty good if you have the skill for it.
How do you guys decide if the people disagreeing with you are lowiq or w4rtg I've been called both at this point and ive only ever been a part of the main wartg one once.
why does the lvkv9040 only get 24 bullets in its clip?
they're boogiemen that dramatrannies obsess over.
Can I reach bases with Alpha Jet before they are bombed? I need to know whether to grind flame bombs or not
>engaging with schizos
report and move on
The project for an autoloader with higher capacity got canned, the funds were redicrect to importing more somalis.
>I've been called both at this point
stop making bad posts then
why do you need a boogieman for bad posts in the first place is it so hard to say
>this post was bad I did not like this post anon
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french ground forces buffs where?
all of my MBT's still use the wrong outdated ammo and my armor doesn't exist????
mistral class ship where pidor?
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I'm having a decent chunk of fun playing nuclear option, why don't you give it a try?
asuna asuna
stupid newfag
i don’t have the mental strength to grind soviet jets
>trying to find any logic or reason behind mentally ill wartg redditrannies projecting their failed selves onto random posts in the thread
They will never be women, it's that simple.
Why? Mig-15 is very good

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