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Previous thread: >>487768985
Happy birthday Glaucus and Specter!

>JP stream - 7/27, 2:00 AM UTC-7
>CN stream - 7/27, 4:30 AM UTC-7
>Global stream - 7/27, 7:30 AM UTC-7
Ambience Synesthesia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfXZRVcd5a0

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Bit early
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My soulmate...
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This shark needs a rotating
is arturia a bad influence as well?
or what about logos and his mom who always walks around with a massive necrosis-inducing dildo lodged in her crotch?
I can feel the quality dropping rapidly from jpg
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Happy Birthday Coldshot!
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>49 kb
kinda want to just deepfry jpgs and post them again
I was right to take today off! Migh put the EN stream on background if there's nothing interesting, though.
Its true
I saw logos drop his the other day in the hallway
It's over
I'm not a reedbro anymore
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>Speccy died
Is that burn scar on Skadi's face?
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Arturia didn't even do anything you can punish under any system of law
Those people just wanted to do it anyways
shadow i think
why would I know
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Consoling Reed
Getting knocked up by Doctor
She stole my snacks after amiya caught me...
Character assassination with the provocative summer skin
>Character assassination
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That seems like a bad idea. I don't think Ascalon would be a good mom...
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>Character assassination with the provocative summer skin
Reed was always bottomless
I kinda think she would do fine actually
Yeah... I'd always been curious about that. Like, I remember some fan arts of her trying to keep her tail from lifting her dress up.
Public indecency is a thing.
>Character assassination
Stop spreading bullshit, Mandragora.
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She would try her best at least...
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Yeah, probably not
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Trust me bro
She farted on my dick
Okay bro I trust you
Dragons don't fart
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>Summer limited is a gote 10/10 bombshell even more sex than Carnelian that saves [X] archetype with a well-designed kit
>But P*ppe accompanies her as non-limited 6*
Would you pull?
Summer info releasing

What's going on here
Whenever the flame on her tail burns a bit brighter - that is from igniting her fart gas
This artist is really thirsty for Theresa...
Also, why so many AK lewds have someone walking in on them...?
R.I. landship isn't small.
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AHHHHH I love reservepipis
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>the leaks were real
>Another Skadi skin
Wouldn't be more sex than Eyja (for me)
I'd pull for Peppe and maybe her
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What the fuck man...
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for some reason she drops this when killed
Because this is presumably Doc's office, and even if it's not, a lot of operators have business with Doc so yeah
There are only so many places the Doctor can be.
ive been saying this the whole time and no one listened
Those rock Wis summoned is absolutely nasty. Who the fuck okayed that?
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>When you're tasked to guard the necrotic dildo room
Doctor actually has business in most parts of the landship.
He helps run most of the departments.
Owari da.
Walking in on your dad with your best friend, Kal has it rough.
it's clickbait swire
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Operators with anal plugs?
Just got off the phone with Lowlight
Talked about the summer event
It's not looking good guys...
hmm? 4chan?
Just got off the phone with Ryuzackiichi and he says they're making a L2d blemi skin for summer
Ansel, Leonhardt, Suzuran(9), Ash, WeiWei, Lotus
It's 4chan again
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>I don't think Ascalon would be a good mom...
Would she be worse than Harmonie though?
Just got off the phone with Lionel Messi. Big news for Arknights fans.
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Just got off the phone with Kal'tsit
She told me to fuck off
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Fuck no. it's almost impossible to be a worse mom than Harmonie
Where does this "Harmonie would be a shit mom" come from anyway? People imagining what she'd be like as a single mom?
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Also he does visit a lot of actual patients that aren't operators. Makes sure the kids are entertained and takes care of some of their actual medical tests
she had my child
So yeah, people getting attached to their headcanons
>little sarkaz girl in docs lap
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She's making doc eat some food she made
It's so cute
Doctor is gonna get attacked one day
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God am I seething about how badly the glasgow girls got screwed over by Siege's arc.
Super cute
Isnt doc actually super good with kids?
They were screw from the instant inufuken drew them.
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>summer hype motivated me to log in
>*open base*
>summer hype
>Doctor wakes up from a coma
>Everyone in his base is dead on the floor
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We are hyped for Pepe.
people would still like them if they were drawn as beautiful girls in a combination of decrepit but well-maintained knightly armor and appropriate clothes
I mean even cador is better drawn than all of them
Will they rename peppe to a new codename because that name is dumb
the playable ones all look like shit except indra
literal eyesore whenever they show up in the arknights visual novel
>except indra
i like isa...
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i did not stutterer
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She cute
i disagree
Why is Open Crown the only song without lyrics on MSR's website?
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how much fucking health do wuh's camo-giving summons have?
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Still wrong anyway
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Nice summer limited arkeks
thanks, i astral projected it into your head myself
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>summer hype
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>6* protector tier HP and DEF
>50 RES
>wishadel is immortal for as long as one is next to her
who designed this
this literal who chikn is never ever getting an alt
I'm not gonna make it for the stream bros.. hopefully it's good. I still hope that we get tomimi alt even as unlikely as it is. Will catch up with it all tomorrow night night
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Ocean love
>Manticore alt
wtf you weren't supposed to leak that
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I wonder what the hell HG is planning to do with these guys
the base e2lv90 stats is 3500 hp, 650 def, 777 atk and 50 res
can't block but it's tankier than most operators that you may spend 20+ or even 30+ dp on
ill say hi from the bilifag vid
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6* Weiwei doko?
no clue
we will see probably in some side story or something
Weiwei is wei cute, but I really can't see her being higher than a 5*.
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Amiya love?
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Well I'll just keep bullying Isa
Is the Witch King the strongest person on Terra?
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Cute chicken
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Soon never ever
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kinda want to build gunpla with her
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Is it too late for me to post this
even the AIslop nude edit couldn't save peppe...
sami no diffs everybody except ayylmaos btw
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I wanna watch anime with her
He was the best Arts guy but prime Patriot was stronger.
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sounds like it would be fun
what would she like
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>what would she like
Shonen shit and a weird obsession with even the worst berserk stuff
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In particular she'd probably also love bleach too
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What an ugly gremlin
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A curse upon you and your house
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Why is the stream so early nya
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Is our first piece of "Beagle is still alive" evidence really from a fan kit wallpaper?
No, it's in fangalt's profile
Did you at least tell him we said hi???
Just got off the phone with CD Projekt Red. Big news for Arknights.
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I declare Amiya hours
Now remove the pharaoh's nose.
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I declare you shit.
He's a huge fan of Lapipionel Salessi
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Witcher collab with Projekt Red alt! (I'll settle for a skin tho)
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What happens during Amiya hours?
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The transplant was a success!
How long until CN stream?
>Donald Duck cosplay
Nah it's IC.
In five and a half hours
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Pissing on Peppe...
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I'm going to sleep, yeah I know I'll miss Amiya hours and the stream but that's fine, good night
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For me it's the well written character type
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Pissed on, melted in the microwave... We need to rescue this cat.
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The choice is clear
The bottom has GG AND Suzu so I'll have to go with them
Alrighty, guess I'll go take a short nap
How do I get a lupo gf/wife like Rita?
Don't be sad bunne
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Laugh at her jokes.
Both are good
What's the division? Sexy vs cute?
Off yourself, monkey.
top obv
Mature vs cute
Per MTL, onee-san type versus cute type.
YUJI's art is so cute..
give me wife
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leaks doko
Smooch me
so none of the AK cast then?
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Nyo leaks
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How do we avoid summer flop? T
Ch'en is.
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Here you go.
This is your wife now.
Ask it who the cringiest operator is
I'm level 120.
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Fact flood
Made me think of Gerald cutting his own head off.
t. logos
Considering this and Liberators Ambushers should get more hp...
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the choice is clear
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What should I draw in the pile
Reed in micro bikini
i;m tired
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I heard you were looking for a wife, Doctor?
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Good night, bros.
I hope I woke up just in time for the triple stream.
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I heard that you were looking for a wife, Doctor?
I hate Muelsyse.
I seriously fucking hate her.
But you are already my wife?
Announce one of the cute boys in Endfield and I'll prereg on the spot.
I would like a wife that isn't Amiya, Arturia, Muelsyse, Surtr, or W.
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He already has a wife
you meant you will preg on the spot right?
How does lava not bump into shit?
I can't decide what to do with Shu first. Naizuri, footjobs, anal, or baby making sex.
Im going to sleep for 3 and a half hours for this fucking stream
this shit better be fucking worth it
Doctor is too broken for him to consider getting married
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mpreg announced...
That's why he should marry someone else to broken to get married
How many hours until the EN stream?
7 hours and 45 mins
I can fix him
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We can fix each other
How many hours till Total Namie victory?
Why do you give people bad wives?
Namie victory means my stash stays safe for a couple of weeks more.
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Asky is a good wife
He probably wants to feel special, so I recommended a wife no one will take
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>I-I can fix h-him!! *Blushing face* XD
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Who is a better wife, Asky or Deggy?
We should join hands and make a bingo prediction for the CN livestream.
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Give me 3 reasons why Ch'en is a bad wife
>Inb4 cop marriages have highest domestic rate
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Namie... LM7... please stop...
>We're fixing that
>Very wrong
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No offense, but Degen would wear the pants in any relationship
Why do you need a wife when everyone loves you and is willing to do everything for you?
>everyone loves you and is willing to do everything for you?
Operator that can fix Doctor?
Namie should only make 5*s her artstyle sucks lol. Doesn't fit Arknights at all
But will Asky give you pills for the hangover?
Wyell? Post template, I'm willing to make a few suggestions
the CN stream is active but I don't speak bugman so I can't understand them. are they just playing an old stream?
>are they just playing an old stream?
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None. Only his wife can do that.
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Probably, but I feel like she would also be nagging if you drink too much...
Is Eblana my wife?
Translation weeb?
Is that the attack titan?
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Something like this? Or you can just list your entries and probably someone more creative can make it look nicer
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Amiya and Doctor fix each other.
They love each other. Respect each other. Care and support each other.
bro... she is the reason for all of his misfortune. Are you ok? Do you read the story? Are you a bot?
Toland the Grade 9 Mercenary...
>Aren't you going to ride, Doctor? x4
Which operator is into pegging?
No. She's evil. You're married to a good woman.
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Only a person who understands what loneliness feels can fix a fellow loner. She can fix him and he can fix her.
But I don't want a nagging wife, I want a wife that lets me do whatever I want and only calls me a retard after I fuck up.
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Makes sense since they keep playing promos from 2022-23. They're cute, tho.
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Can Amiya be your wife?
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>Among the crowd frequenting the greenhouse, the Doctor caught Lena's notice. Lena has made it a personal mission to care for the Doctor.
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she is
Make it either 3x3 or 5x5
Free space would be either Sargontent or Eyja skin. One for Pepe and new choco girl. Add module prediction, either wandering medic or something meme like Bard or Arts guard. Dunno about the skin prediction: Moose, Degengote or sad cat? One of the "leaks" was about a new feranmut, so maybe that too. Any other ideas?
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Operator that will make Doctor worse?
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I recommend this wife.
If you do it right, she would die for you.
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Is that Cliffheart alt?
I don't want my wife to die for me. Denied.
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How about a wife that cannot die, just like you?
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It's over for Global. Just EoS us already
Marcille's collab news! (Use that one golden bikini image)
It's over...
Dungeon Meshi collab
Doc can die without coffin
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Shut up, my wife would never do this.
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Hello /akg/ do you guys like my wife?
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Where are her pants?
Why is your wife dressed like a whore?
What is this, wife#15 now?
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Its in genes
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>Operator that...
>post non-Operator
Bitch please. Dumbass human.
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Here's an old image of Doctor's wives
Its taran culture bwo, they used to fight naked to inflict fear on their enemies, but since thats not acceptable in modern times they developed the habit of not using underwear.
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I find Eblana's attention whoring really cute, bros. I hope she has a really arrogant homete homete line.
>Mysterious gote
>5* alter of a 3*
>Eyjalt skin
>Dungeon Meshi collab news
>Destiny collab news
>Some QoL update
>Some Y1 skinlet swinsuit skin
Too busy to make a 3x3 rn, someone help please
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For me, it's Amiya x Edgelord Doctor
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Korean Doc
How's the internet from hell, Hamilton
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Leaks doko before I go to bed?
Tiny Theresa...
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I'm posting Qualaisa everyday until you fags marry her.
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Why'd HG do it?
What is this, wife#16 now?
it would have been funny if Confessarius had just dropped a
>btw turns out Thereas was pregnant
on Theresis, imagine the guts rage
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RIP Jessica.
Stinky ghoul.
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Take some meds already, it's not like you're actually koreans.
frog = ??
jellyfish, running, female = ??
hammer, 5, = 5* banner Peppe?
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>How many hours till Total Namie victory?
4 hours
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Everyone loves DoT wives
Not gonna read the thread as I don't want spoilers, just tell me if the banner leaked yet? Y/N
Only that NGA ad from couple hours ago.
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Jellyfish love
He stole my wife, Skadi
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Speaking of koreans, Yostar korea is giving away 1kg of rice to 20 people for their stream.
Will global give breads then?
That's odd. Is giving away staple foods during streams normal in Asia?
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Bro your rice farmer wife?

Food of barbarians...
>Is giving away staple foods during streams normal in Asia?
They're probably making Shu rice a merch thing. Since her name is the same as a rice product.
Shu's bountiful harvest...
I legit forgot that RI is supposed to be a medical company.
Feels like it hasnt been mentioned in any story for ages
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>Feels like it hasnt been mentioned in any story for ages
It was mentioned in Ray's event, but RI hasn't been relevant in events since Lone trail.
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This cat
If I were a regular RI employee I would be pissed if I have to join in Amiya's Kazdel adventure.

I know they allow RI employees to skip Victoria. But the Chernobog thing is bullshit. Fuck Doc and fuck Amiya. Nepo babies.
What a dead drawpile
Where is the pre stream hype?
Did BA released a new girl or something?
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stfu retard
Nepo baby.
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Your fox
You did the same ritualpost with Coldshot
I don't get why the scene somehow becomes a meme
Most of globabs are SEA, they are riceGODs.
Normies first incest and boob physics
New generation of zoomer watching incest bait anime for the first time.

Or niwaka tourist.
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Reminder to feed your Surtr
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Endfieldbros... It's over....
>sits on you
>breaks your pelvis
>breaks your pelvis
She can control her body weight via gravity hax
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Hibiscus has been demanding cuts in the ice cream budget
Hibi is gonna have to argue with Surtr for it
>Taiwan folds after Xi promised multiple free 5* in all Chinese gacha
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This is a man
Who is the Edelgard of Arknights?
No... NOOO!!
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good night bros. See you in the morning after I watch the EN stream
Is this real?
oripathy is irrelevant these days anyway.
shit pivoted hard into shadowy conspiracies and ancient gods or whatever
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Foul Blemished...
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Gn, whalebro
Its me
I'm the limited
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Are you?
Lord Buckethead!
Fix the fucking machine!
Cannot Helldivers cameo??!
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I mean, Trump isn't president
So Peppe is actually a sphinx?
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Sex rabbits
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I need to rub that tail, sitting in a pile of books we're reading as Saileach notices all the books are crashing and launching into her while Reed's tail goes haywire because of me rubbing it
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Date with dyke roach
Mlynar Hawaiian shirt skin please
I don't mind if it's 18 OP
I wonder how these particular artists feel after W alt release. Hopefully they feel stupid for drawing this kind of fanarts.
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His base outfit is silly, he has a fucking NEWSPAPER HOLSTER
Not silly enough
I need one that would make his entire family point at him while laughing
>Hopefully they feel stupid for drawing this kind of fanarts.
No one draws based on what's canon, you dumbfuck. They draw what they WANT to happen.
Margret would never laugh at him
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Sleeping on Mostima's lap!
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>ancient god responsible for oripathy
>administer the "cure" to the ancient god (it means kill them)
>oripathy no more
It's really that simple.
I regularly cum inside W
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Dead bread
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Less than 30 minutes until Sugoi pachi pachi pachi, where's the hype?
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Mostima lets you sleep on her lap
You let her sleep on a piece of cardboard
My condolences, treating STD's must be a pain
Hate Namie
Hate Peppe
Simple as
I'm hyped for new collab visual from JP side
What did they mean by this?
Never forget about Breado...
t. original Breado ritualfag
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I thought stream is later.
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Reed Magician Girl...
So THAT's how Siege joined us.
that's CN stream in 3 hours
He's talking about JP one
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JP is in 15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/live/dptAEROnEGo
The order is JP -> CN -> EN stream
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>2.1k waiting for the stream
This is so fucking bad holy shit, just put this game out of it's misery already
AK is the first gacha where I'm more excited for EN streams than JP
Those are just her multiple pregnancies
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the yapping incident...
Only Denis can save Arknights
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bun bun
There are 3 streams: JP, CN, and EN.
The JP and EN streams will reveal and talk about content coming to the JP and EN servers (So Shu, as those servers are behind CN).
The CN stream will reveal and talk about content coming to the CN server (New content, the new summer alt, this is what everyone is talking about when they reference the "stream").
Their times are in the OP. Look at the UTC timezone, and then substract 7 from that ("UTC-7" means UTC time offset by 7). The JP streams starts in about 5 minutes, for example.

The JP and EN streams are much less important, people just watch them for entertainment purposes. The JP stream is notoriously long with lots of merch advertising and VA worship. The EN stream features computer animated avatars voiced by a few EN dub VA's and is pretty simple in comparison to the JP stream.
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I'd much rather have soulful bean animations over an hour of VA wanking
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Are JP streams actually good compared to EN?
Saga a cute
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Bros, I just though that the JP stream is a bit later, not the CN/EN ones. Thanks anyways.
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It's Nippon dog
No, lol
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Amiya being a good wife
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>The heart of Sargon is a vast region with a harsh environment, home to a large number of small and medium-sized tribes. Among them, some ancient tribes lack means of communicating with the outside world, and often retain their unique customs and traditions. Although the Caprinae tribe to which Beeswax belongs does not fall under this category, it still retains its customs despite regular contact with the outside world.
>Though many view the so-called "pagan" beliefs of these tribes as little more than barbaric vestiges of a primitive legacy, there are a few researchers who have been trying to ascertain the true source of these ancient beliefs.
>Operator Beeswax is not shy about sharing her beliefs. From her descriptions, she tends to use more abstract expressions, trying to depict a conceptual existence rather than a physical object of worship with an actual image. In fact, even though Beeswax claimed to have received the blessings of the gods, she admitted that she had frankly never directly seen these gods.
One of the new operators (who may or may not be a 6* who the fuck knows at this point) appears to be a researcher interested in the gote clan (she's not a direct member, she's not a gote and they're specifically listed as a gote tribe).
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Around devils, never relax
The early BGMs are so good bros...
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>a researcher interested in the gote clan
My cute husband intern-kun in the stream
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Amiya being slutty
One thing I don't like about this artist is the lack of nips, implied or otherwise.
i'm glad EN streams are good now. the intern streams should never return
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JP stream is actually just CBT
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Oh fuck no. It's long as fuck, tons of merch shilling, VA circlejerk, and endless JAPANESE CLAPPING and "ONEGAISHIMASU", you will hear it like 50 times.
>*uniform clapping*
>*uniform clapping*
>*uniform clapping*
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nice feet
sacrilegious chest
forgot the SUGOIS before the clapping
Why are japs like this?
3D shu soon
neck yourself
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too big
Low standards
Victim of consumerisms
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quick rundown on the yapping incident?
2 nukes gave them super powers.
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They like it so they don't have reasons to change and improve
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Why are globabs watching nip stream? It's not intended for (you). You don't buy the merch. You don't understand the language.
why are japs like this, like unironically being forced to listen to a room full of adhd girls will just make anyone go insane.
Can you not post facebook cringe?
Sugoi desu ne
Arigato gozaimasu
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
draco can't wear pants due to the tail
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not now Mumu, I'm watching my mandated weeaboo Arknights infomercial
Because the chink one happens to be on the same day, and the JP side of the game didn't want to compete with the CN stream for views I guess.
Moshi moshi
Who is the Sukuna of Arknights?
Who is the Makima of Arknights?
Who is the Isagi of Arknights?
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POO stats
I can watch whatever I want to. It's mildly entertaining to watch a bit of it. They had a cute Saga animation at the start.
That 55.3%? That will be /akg/ btw
Anime nywes and a confirmation on shu's date, that's all. With some luck maybe R6S 2's info as well.
>More than half got 620
CC is healing...?
Japan gamers are good, damn.
>You don't understand the language.
But I do?
I am...the 1.6%...
Isn't that's the usual numbers for medals and dips
Ch'en's voice actress is so cute, post more of her, I can't watch stream rn
>Who is the Sukuna of Arknights?
Witch King
>Who is the Makima of Arknights?
>Who is the Isagi of Arknights?
Top 1.6% let's goooo
Are global players really bad compared to JP? Even if you are bad you can manage to copy a guide from the mainstream channels on youtube...
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Red or Green?
If you failed to get AT LEAST 700 you're a shitter.
Old Kal
>event is 31st instead of 30th, the standard Tusday
Fuck, why delay it a day for no reason....
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Is that the minimum requirement to be accepted into the banana council?
You will never be japanese
31st of July
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That nets you the rank of banana cadet, you need better accomplishments to be part of the council.
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Why? Why is it Wednesday instead of Tuesday? There's 0 reason for it to not release on Tuesday, releasing on Wednesday doesn't delay the next event after it so it's not even them stretching out event time.
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EN has the worst players by far, the skill level is pretty low. Though, they are the SOVL of Arknights.
JP players are gods and arguably better than CN, it's just they have so little players.
I had a dream they added sex with assistants to Arknights
The banana council is as hard to join as Kakerou
what's the point the triangle if it doesn't show the right proportions
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I had a dream that Amiya fucked me in the ass but I woke up and it was just my bf
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Hopefully it becomes real soon
i had a dream i was amiya and i fucked doctor in the ass
BA and Nikke are way ahead of AK
to further elaborate on what I meant
>Arists can now choose to draw other artist's characters
>Can add they own spin like E0/E2 arts, skins, L2D etc
>Ranging from stuff we usually get to suggestive and even implying sex but with the dick out of frame
We need 地雷系 operators...
I wanted Chen's VA to say wanking...
You can blame CCP for that
Is Wan Qing good
Bro your Robin?
Oneesan is the better choiceof course
Jesus fucking christ why would you use Hoederer as an example to showcase healing when he's the worst operator to demonstrate healing for in the entire game?
>with the dick out of frame
Of course it's out of frame, Doc got a 2 incher
passable elysium sidegrade when you don't run a lot of snipers
early rushes are rarer now and you seldom need flagpipe combo anymore though so just use whoever you like
Doesn't matter, if you're using a flag myrtle will be always better. It's a matter of which flavor of buff you want from the other flags.
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That's easy, just go all in.
Gurain Batsu
>if you're using a flag myrtle will be always better.
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should i take her?
We know that /akg/'s average is 8 inches tourist
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Take Ines lmao
Oh look, blemi's new slave.
Is this the first skill preview that enemy hp bars are shown (and enemies die)?
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Okay are they going to show the Shu bean or can I go back to sleep now?
they show enemy HP and allow enemies to die when it's relevant to a character's kit
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Zhuo Lau
This preview makes me think we will more often than not fight under dirt water than normal.
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>25sp+15 sec duration for 5 seconds of sleep
Isn't she mediocre even in sleepknights?
I closed the stream when the girls started screeching, I assume nothing of note has been shown yet?
I really dislike the fake reaction sounds they are making
Do you know the point of sleepknights is to juggle the sleep, right?
there are deployable pumps in most stages and ideal pumping will keep most dirty water away
it's not the pink mist scenario
t. cncuck
you have to fill 30 seconds
>cn player
How annoying are those locust-like drones?
Yeah, but can't you already permasleep with Blemi+kafka+Blacknight+Erato?
how long do JP streams last?
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Yes, but more help isn't bad either.
I was going to make bait webms showing Shu healing crushers to shitpost about not healing ops to full well but JP is simply ahead of the curve
Probably up until the CN stream
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It's her
it's effectively a 200/s physical damage DoT that can be "cleansed" by any kind of attack
and they die after taking any kind of damage, including arturia's elemental damage aura
they take HP seals though so you can't leak them
they become a serious threat only in one S stage where you need a high tile bait for them (preferably lin since the sheer number will wear down other phalanx casters)
>we're getting streams for chinkshit and le silly summer events
>nothing for kino anni and 0.5 anni
I hate yostar
usually +3 hours but they might cut it short due to the CN stream.
The summer event is our anni. This is the future you chose when you complained about W getting delayed.
Why is Kal there?
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Choose your swimsuit Doc
Burn ritualist. Or incantation medic
"le silly summer event" is our anniversary event you massive retard, of couse we're interested in it.
god i want to fuck franka
Does this mean DM collab news later?
Probably? The Dungeon Meshi creator is in Chinkland at that event.
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CC13 620 is substantially harder than CC11 and CC12 R18. Let's see what global's numbers are for CC13
how long until inam's succulent ashy toes get revealed to us via livestream
One ceobe and half until stream, half ceobe for leaks most likely.
I'll definitely get the stinky neet this time
We're not getting Inam unless she's a 5* or welfare and even that may be unlikely since the event isn't in the same part of Sargon that those characters are in
>half ceobe
Decapitated mutt, holy based
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Dusk Sex
Red always
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I don't think there will be any leaks until stream, they always happen like 5-6 hours before.
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Is Shu a good wife?
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Namie works for cheap
>More Namie Wank
Namie GODS
Why would this be a summer operator when she's dressed in a big summer coat?
All the streams are on the same day so Namie could make time for them
We Namieknights now
Namie shipped Shu with Zuo Le...
Wasn't Shu's near the start of the stream?
*winter coat
sorry im retarded
>Why would this be a summer operator
Because there's an NGA ad up right now that started running yesterday with her silhouette?
Namie just flew over my house
After Eyja alt, anything can be a summer operator.
Scam ticket, it's been forever since I see one
Shit woke up late what did I miss?
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A 10 roll ticket with nothing but strange people on it
Even Matoimaru???
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Why couldn't they at least hire some pretty asian girls to host the stream?
she was 1 day before
>Shit woke up late what did I miss?
Sugoooi, sugooi, aaaaaa, clap clap clap, sugoooi
>eeeeee sugoi mina
Nice stream arkeks
I hope Ela got announced on JP stream as well, I remember Ash got announced on JP Dusk stream back then
That's Ch'en, don't be mean
Oh, you're right.
Oh right, JP stream first.
no wonder shes so fucking ugly then LMAO
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Nah, the event art was leaked earlier https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/463355049/#463376819
Strange people?
Ch'en..... Ch'en.. is......
>hiring ugly people to voice ugly characters
That's why the nippon's VA industry is so ahead of the west
They all want the alpha...
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What will be her alt name??
Cast your votes now, and win crazy (you)s later!!!
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Why can't she get a boyfriend?
Dorothy is NOT a pedophile!
Ceobe the Ceobeist
God, my memory trully sucks, thanks anon.
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the war
Already has one, me
That's because she didn't have any children yet
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>No animation while she heals
Namie kino
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Whoa, Shu actually looks cute now.
Namie makes really cute stuff
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For me its Ceobe the Unbothered
Ceobe the Dead
She has (You) as a bf what do you mean?
Chongus' skill animations are really cool desu
Weak bait
is it true they're replacing the original shu art with art drawn by namie?
The quality of a woman and whether she is wife material can be determined by her feet.
Cute snack dispenser
They'd look cooler if he was naked tbdesu
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I was waiting for this skin, nice.
1 hour and 17 minutes until the true stream...
They're replacing all art in the game with her art, better get ready for Namieknights
>Everyone except Zuo had their noses stolen again
What the fuck is her problem? She draws noses on dudes but just outright refuses to do that for females.
Kill yourself fag
Mizuki is a female!?
noses are ugly
Noses are a mistake
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Are they couple?
Thats a small cat
I said kill yourself you obnoxious ceobetroon
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I hope I get spooked by Zuo and not Nian
I sure hope I don't get Shu at all!
Can they just shut the fuck up with the shitty sound reactions
It's all namie now.
Uh oh! Someone's angry!
Eh? Sugoooooi. Kidzuikunakatta!
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spoiled brat and the granny who corrected him
Zuo is a eunuch, he got his dick chopped.
>trying to bait the desire sensor
You can't outrun it, gladiiabro
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Salty little newcutie, you should go back to your safespace :3
I mean if there was anyone who could outrun it, it would be gladidi
So 5 extra rolls? cool.
Namie's underdesk blowjobs
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The lack of delpipi disturbs me
You will eat her cookies, right?
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Which one, /akg/?
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Usually eunuchs just have their testicles removed.
The mooseless one
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Beware a moose that brings gifts
Terrible choices all of them... I guess I'll have to go with the elf...
All of them since it's rude to not accept presents
Elf wine...
Mumu's tastes the best, since Mumu made it. Easy choice.
Does Arene have any special tag combos?
Mooseless clearly
Just out of interest what is that people dislike about Peppe's design?
I think Namie did a pretty good job and peppe is a cutie. Namie is usually really good at E2 art too and people here loved Goldenglow so I wonder what it is about Peppe they dislike?
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>minna daisuki, Surtr
wtf are these foods?
>mumu: some kind of rice in a basket
>eyja: an entire cake
>viviana: 1 slice of cake plus tea
>chinese guy: chinese food, probably pretty good
>amiya: average victorian lunch
no, same for april
Ceobe the Good girl...
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>Just out of interest what is that people dislike about Peppe's design?
>I think Namie did a pretty good job and peppe is a cutie. Namie is usually really good at E2 art too and people here loved Goldenglow so I wonder what it is about Peppe they dislike?

Peppe is a cutie so idk why 4chan doesn't like her design, namie did a good job imo
Been here longer than you, fag
Uh oh! Some troon loves reddit dog
>what is that people dislike about Peppe's design?
The design
It's less about pepe herself and more about namiewank.
They dislike the idea of an irrelevant NPC that contributes nothing to the story potentially gaining the limited status
>why 4chan doesn't like her design
A good chunk of CN doesn't like her either
Tea time with mooseless
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>Said that she was not aware and hastily 'bought' it from a store
>It was actually handmade and she made it out of flower dew, clearly has everything prepared
Why is she like this?
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If you want more Ceobe just say so! No need to be a tsun!
Personally, big ass warhammer and a moeblob don't mesh well together
Don't be stupid, do you really believe she'll be the limited? She's the standard unit for sure, but not the limited.
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It's cookies with cream filling
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that would mean the girl from the NGA ad is the limited though
Her hammer looks like a mess of parts more than a weapon; her shoes are ugly as fuck; her clothes are very plain but adorned with tacky gold all over; and finally she has that stuff side haircut.
Amiya's cum cream filling...
I am unironically this sometimes. Idk why I even do that.
Can you post said ad?
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She's trying to not be intimidating
For me, she simply doesn't align with the general tone of the game.
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Unironcially Zuo Le's because karage is delicious
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This mystery nigga from PV
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One hour left
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Did they state when RA2 was starting?
1 hour left until the real stream.
tits too big
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Nice freebies, arkeks
That's giving me la pluma vibes, hence a *5, not a *6 vibe, even less a limited.
Those are chocolate biscuits
This isn't a summer advert, it's just an Arknights advert. I still refuse to believe they would stop making alters for summer and instead choose to have peppe or this girl dressed in a big winter coat be a limited.
peppe gives 4* vibes yet here we are
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Leak is finally here
Any good youtube re-streams of the CN stream that does not have dumb overlays or commentary?
Just watch it live on bili?
they wouldnt fucking dare
>KEEP OUT jacket
I don't get this fashion choice
>hoederer l2d skin
If I hear another
I will nuke Higashi
really? i thought we were fucking done with sarkaz slop
>it's a young girl
I'm happy
WTF Carnelianbros, our response?
Why not go straight to bilibili?
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NGA leak
>I've seen the new operator
>I can't disclose specific data for the time being, I can only say absolute top-tier must-pull
>Got that Egyptian eyes symbol thingie on her nametag
I'll buy it
B-but its low quality if you dont have an account and Im dumb and always forgot where to disable the flying comments...

Thx boss
Not blurry enough, but for god we really need more specialists.
>outfit features Beeswax's clan's symbol
>information revealed states it takes place in a gem processing city, both Beeswax and Carnelian are also named after gems
>Beeswax's profile states that researchers are looking into her clan, new design features a lab access/ID card that's consistent with that
Anon there's enough evidence to guess what sort of character she is. A zalak scientist in Sargon, interestingly enough we already have a zalak scientist from sargon.
He needed some jiggle physics after that tease of an E2 art.
Assclown shoved lower on the totem
You guys told me they would never bring her back to life...
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>Thorns and elysium playing chess
>The Pilgrim
Bro they literally just released a song with that name this week.
Left looks like fishe.
>Mostima x Exu merch
this looks so fucking scuffed man
>Suzuran on screen
>the entire chat is crying
What a bad girl, making so many people sad
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isn't this one of the fishe floaty things that skalter has flying around her?
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They always compete
>egg2 skin
About damn time
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>white skin
>comes from sargon
>looks young, around or less than 20 years old
Who the fuck could it be?
why are there 15 different fake leaks
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Its so over Im skipping everything for her pot 6
lmao at people who think its fishe
>all these leaks
Who turned on Zhang into maximum overdrive?
Elysium looking fresh as fuck.
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REAL leak
A little but might be the end of a tail too
extremely controversial lapp drawing by min
Why Zhang can't take a proper photo? Why is it always blurry?
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where is the link to the CN stream? Can' find it on bilibili
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The elysium/thorns set is 10/10
It's his special power. He doesn't have access to HG materials, he just has a camera that works like a magic 8 ball. It shows him the future if he shakes it while taking a picture.
Looks more like Kjera's ones
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Check the OP
massive gamble on HG's part but i think it's actually gonna work
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Cute couples
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CN post their phone cases while waiting for stream
click the underlined text "如不能自动跳转 可点此链接" to load the thread
Bro Zhang can't risk getting caught he's taking these pictures while sprinting through the HG offices at full pace. Any slower will see lowlight himself tackle him to the ground.
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Thanks ulpipi
check out THIS leak
reveal doko
Zhang is Lowlight
Zhang only manifests himself into the physical realm to take the photos partially so the photo quality suffers. The Deathless Chinese Leaker cannot afford risks when Lowlight, the Hai Mao is there to execute him if he fails
Mostima has black or blue nails?
Shameless slut
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Good stuff
>Zhang is Lowlight
post leak of this as proof first
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No... you lie...
this explains the section where HG shareholders executed lowlight live on the stream, thought it was a bit weird but this makes it make sense
Make a Shu bread
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Nothing will top the madlad who used picrelated as his phone case.
this one is real
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I don't think these are appropriate outfit for supermarket employees
when are they actually revealing stuff though
ten minutes from now?
Have we had any fakes this believable before?
This is why Nian is unemployed
>Lowlight can revive now
Holy shit Arknights really will live forever if he is immortal
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what the hell are these burkas
maybe, maybe not, japs are like that.
Retard newfag.
>lin wearing aniki's jacket
No thread until we get the announcements out of the way
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Proof from NGA!!!!

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