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censor this vile nsfw image his toes are exposed
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it's okay it's a toe friendly beach
3rd for rimming Miss Pauling on the beach.
oh ok
the ambassador is viable and the nerf was over exaggerated
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Concession still accepted btw
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>there is a whole entire cult of circlejerking upvote absorbing worksloppers who dedicate their lives to getting self mades on the ugliest most unpopular and stupid cosmetics known to man
>they compete solely amongst themselves to fuck the game up while trying to get more light green text and borders in their inventory than their peers
bringing back quickplay is a bad idea
all tf2 needs is a new server browser
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Every post is a repost of a repost.
trannies who main pyro, heavy, engineer, and medic can't stand the fact that some classes actually take skill which is why they want everything nerfed into the ground to be as boring as them
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I love tf2
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Karate chop pyros in half. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
>couldn't even put the shovel in the right hand
>he doesn't understand ritualposting
get out of here newnigger
>le object.... ON LE HEAD
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
this but soldier
who are you quoting
this but femsoldier
the ambassador is the worst revolver and the nerf was overzealous
Degreaser nerf was more overzealous. It wasn't even good.
>creator somehow manages to get the ugliest cosmetic humanly possible added into the game that they themselves wouldn't even wear
It's still pretty usable.
inb4 "No, that would be your mother."
There was literally nothing wrong with the weapon. It was only "problematic" because compniggers and compnigger wannabes like Uncle Troon said so.
Honestly it was also a pain on trade servers, where MinecraftGaming would just shoot you in the face and run away with zero ability to catch him.
>Trade servers
Sounds like yet another skill issue.
degreaser was objectively meta you turd
no ur mom lol
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I'm glad it got nerfed, that shit was annoying. Spy should be the sneaky guy not a run and gun guy.
>hit insane flickshots and quicks scopes on scout
>randomly miss easy shots like heavy un-revving their minigun and moving slightly faster
Anyone else like this?
Deg was only good because flamethrowers sucked and we all discarded them for either RS, basic shotgun,or flarepunch. It was the "none of these candidates" option, and it suffered because of it.
>Spy should be the sneaky guy not a run and gun guy.
Can autistic retards stop appealing to this argument? It's completely arbitrary.
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Sorry, forgot to mention that it was EASTERN STANDARD TIME.
Could he be more than a sneaky guy? Sure. But I don't like it when the run and gun guy has invisibility and disguises. That's too much power for one man.
lag compensation
I almost always hit the air behind a scout's head and get a headshot but will somehow cover a heavy's head in blood splatters without the game registering it as a headshot, tf2 is just bullshit like that. I don't remember a single time where I've landed a headshot on a scout and it actually genuinely looks as though I shot him in his head. it's usually pretty much the lower part of the back of his neck
finally my training will pay off
>only good prize is the scout beret and generic scout jacket
grim, I hate scout
Are those unusual hats up for prize?
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No, that's just a nearly top rarity, unusuals have the magical sparkle in the top right corner, like the safe n sound in this picture.
Mmm okay.
Yeah, we didn't get lucky this time unfortunately.
What are some ultra omega slop items that you have never, ever seen anyone wear, not even as a joke?
hardmode: no , smissmas or scream fortress sloppa, too easy, true slop like scarecrow, k-9 mane, scout's fast food set, vox diabolus, crustaceous cowl
fixtf2 should've should've endorsed people to not upvote emporium cosmetics
winter 2021 case did irepairable damage to the workshop
i just use the no hats mod
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prinny pouch who tf uses this
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I have never, ever once seen this, only in conversation about rare dumb hats
if i've never seen them how am I supposed to know what they are
Warp Drive and Overdrive are the best hat unusual effects from the new case by virtue of being simple, neutral, energy-like and not using community sparkle particles. Cuban Smoke is also acceptable, but is worse than Burning Flames
porn addicted bitch
if anything, the massive blowback from that case all by itself, alongside the extremely shit worthless winter war paints set in motion a movement to curate better workshop submissions in the first place
glacial glazed, the reigning king of war paint sloppa...
Idgi he's just posting selfies...
Then he's underage
And other tales from planet retard
merry cone
i like this one, and have seen it a lot
>invested in cs2 last year thinking tf2 was dying and i could make a lot of money
>all items declined in price
i regret my decision
ive seen this plenty its always tryhards wearing this
That's what you get, bitch
Ride or die
>using video game items to try and make money
deserved retard
Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was the point of making the winter 2017 war paint case only drop for people who had purchased the jungle inferno premium contract?
>enjoying myself for like two weeks solid playing
>out of nowhere become furious at Tomislav, at scorch shot, at gunslinger, at wrangler or at sniper
>take a month long break
I got to stop this fucking shit
to be fair i wanted to make steam money so i could buy more items
He's adult, just looks youthful...
I want to beat the shit out of monkey and zesty for putting coffin nail skins on the brink of extinction because of m-muh heckin trade up content
main sniper or just predict where they're gonna go and use huntsman and you'll be making them angry
tomislav of all the things?
only thing that reliably makes me seethe is demoknights but the other day i fought a soldier on process with max casual level and an all lime painted loadout including this, it drove me up the wall imagining him being some pretentious compfag
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as a scout main i unironically go 100% seethe mode when I encounter a sentry so much that i instantly go and wsitch to soldier and demo just to destroy it then go back to playing scout, just for the cycle to repeat all over again
>see sentry
>switch to direct hit soldier
>two tap it
>switch back to whatever I was playing
Why do last pushes always have terrible sightlines for offense? How the fuck am I supposed to snipe?
>why is my autowin cancer class not viable in literally every situation?
generally at the last point of payload is favored towards red (higher ground, lots of spots for sentry, etc)
>see scout
>switch to engineer
>build a level 3 sentry
>enjoy objective gameplay
cry about it faggot
That's reasonable.
fempyro with anime eyes is just off man, keep her face totally obscured

its hotter that way desu
True I just stumbled across the video and thought it was kinda funny and kinda hot despite the "no horny" angle
the only options asian tf2 players have for vanilla tf2 in community servers are 2 2fort skial and 1 hightower

its so fucking over
when I started playing in 2011 I learned about idling for items and the server I chose for that was some korean server running an idle map that was a wooden cylinder
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>game of Brew starts
>1/3rd of Red wandering around wondering where the first point is
>Blu somehow still can't cap, because they're equally confused on where to go
>the only time Blu caps first point, they can't find the second point before the round ends
no matter how hard Valve playtests, they still can't account for the average Casual player
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>do this
>switch back to scoot
>sentry is already back, enemy engi has switched to wrangler or short circuit
browndarious690 will surely lead the way
>playtesting community maps
l m a o
footrest honeypot delivery
what is the best weapon for going on your own autistic adventures? something like c&d or eureka effect
someone needs to shut that damn fucking mario clone
never underestimate player stupidity
force-a-nature, bonk, atomizer
remember tf2 players don't look up
The last word out of your sorry mouth will be xer, and it will be loud!
Shit man Valve doesn't play the game at all let alone testing new maps. At most Eric might load them up to see if they don't crash but honestly I doubt he even does that.
sticky bomb jumper and maybe uber as medic and go behind and hit random people with the ubersaw i do that its fun
Cant blame people for not knowing the layout of brew. Brew is almost unanimously considered the worst map in the game and most people have it unchecked because they played it once, realized that it sucks, and never want to play it again
I have never seen BLU cap the second point. Brew is so shit it’s unreal
pyroshark or sea turtle engi
Remove medic, give every class a heal over time when out of combat like Soldier's Conch. Speaking of banners, you'll have to buff them to fill the void of medic, should be easy and fine. Next up increase audio cues such as footsteps and give a mini map that shows where people are shooting from. Nobody fucking talks or coordinates in 99.9% of matches, let people be more autonomous and not be a slave to a mechanic that nobody is utilizing. Long story short less """Team""" and more Fortress. Reddit will hate this, but it's objectively the correct decision.
what if the candy cane's passive meds on kill was for every weapon
I don't know why people like that turn to a furry virtual item raffling site to write an essay about their life's story, 95% of them (including me) just hit "enter raffle" and close the tab
fuck off uncle dane
Are you implying that no med = Engie paradise? Did you forget the part where I said buff the banners? Buffed Battalions backup will make is so that sentries tickle your team.
yeah good luck destroying a nest of 2-3 engineers wrangling their sentries while their pybros are airblasting all your rockets, pills, and stickies and unsapping his buildings with the homewrecker with your battalions back up that would totally work and wouldn’t make blu lose every single time who needs ubercharge, anon from /tf2g/ knows game design better than industry veterans yeah
Does anyone have an official VMF of pl_embargo? It appears as though I can’t decompile it and edit it, so I think I may need to get an official version of it somewhere.
mfw mappers keep adding annoying announcers to their maps that sound like shit
I actually like embargo but the blu announcer is horrible
there isn't any public vmf for embargo, you are probably gonna need to convert the bsp into a vmf this tutorial might help
This is exactly what I tried doing and it didn’t work.
bspsource works fine you sure u did it good? If it doesnt work again maybe just ask the creators or pay someone ig
BSPSource decompiles the map fine, but when I try recompiling it, there is some kind of entity cap that gets hit. I have read that the program used to decompile the map is the problem here.
get a job
I’ve tried, but all of the potential employers require their applicants to have Ph. D’s.
ig try finding another program to decompile the bsp and maybe ask help in the forbidden Tf2maps.net yes i know scary...
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You might have to decompress it first, valve put in a compression step sometime after workshop maps came out and most tools want the uncompressed version. You have to use a batch file or use command line to get the program to work, it's not very shiny.
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you guys are lying to me!
medic booba - summer edition
new gregfrags
daily reminder that sniperfags get the rope
rent free
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currently bidding ctf_2fort for 1000 keys
I'll buy it for tree fiddy
I don't like how every nu-map seems to have deliberately somewhat confusing layouts as if to stand out/seem interesting
its called flank routes dumbass, learn it, its useful
this single cosmetic has probably increased his estrogen fandom threefold

speaking of which do you guys know there is a small tight nucleus of female tf2 fans?, they dont actually play the game, they just really find the mercs really really hot, also they mostly ship them with each other, as is common in fujo circles
i fucking hate women so much
map design is a lost art. every one of them feels like a brainfried zoomer created each room independent of the next
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Atom Smash, Canaveral, Burghausen, Hadal>>>>Cachoeira, Megaton, Applejack>>>>>>Embargo>>>>>>>>>>Odyssey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Overgrown
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Just unboxed a new unusual 3rd in 2 days with like only 30$ spent
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>daring dell
>taking a photo of a screen
weak bait
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Playing TF2VR with your Steam friend
it's called good map design, zoomer, keep crying about it while chomping down your mr beast feastables you'll win that sports car soon
>all these scout primary weapons
>not a single one of them is half as good as stock
good. stockbvlls will prosper.
does it even work after the 64 bit update?
Soda popper is way better than stock
so, okay, in your situation where you are up against basically half of the entire enemy team defending one exact spot, why do you not just coordinate a push with half of your own team then? of course any retarded solo or duo attempts will fail, you get the push started with 4 gamers, maybe 2 are demos, maybe just one is a demo and soldier, you let a dalokohs juiced heavy go in with the tomislav and start focus firing at the pyros while they come out from behind the sentries to airblast, have a pyro of your own with your push to counter airblast, and only have the attacking squad go in after you got 2 spies behind their lines to get behind that clusterfuck of bullshit to start sapping and stabbing together while the medley of wrangler engineers and pyros are focused on the group of four fucking guys with extremely disastrous destructive potential. Spy makes it easy to set up a pincer attack like this and a group of defending engis and pyros even with muh homewreckers and wrangler isn't some impenetrable bullshit. You fight it with equal numbers and they are fucked. Hell if they want to be that much players grouped together just say fuck it and have 2 soldiers and a pyro go in, let the soldiers unga bunga to distract the pyros into getting into an airblast war, then have three snipers post up like minutemen to rattle off headshots on the defending pyros and engis. Boom, those 6 defending players are fucking cooked because they have no front line and very linear or very close range offensive capabilities. Coordination is hard in pubs obviously so thats why medic needs to exist with his uber so that pubs will be encouraged to push into a nest as a group but even then most people won't follow up behind the ubered duo, and more often than that the medic won't even bother to try body blocking any fire. Don't worry bro I wrote this knowing you won't read it since it's not as long as a twitter post
Great, now try to unbox one that's valuable!
So how does scrap.tf raffles actually work? Just enter and you'll win something if you're lucky? No strings attached?
Yeah. Actually I just won a hat a few hours ago.
Right, guess I'm entering all of these. I regret I didn't go P2P sooner
The darwin's danger shield should get a third balance patch that gives it 40% damage resistance to explosives and grants immunity to flinching and push force generated from damage. it's time for the other damage type to get fucked over.
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Gabber be like:
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this 1000+ tour guy who only snipes late games in mvm got a game ban, either for cheating or because of his behavior. Never saw him complete a mvm game from wave 1, would ALWAYS leave and only hunt for late games.
I guess this is 1st game ban example of disruptive gameplay.
its a very simple map.
This is actually scary, valve could manually lock your thousands of items away for not being chungus wholesome 100
>he has items of actual value on his account
Probably just banned for cheating.
MVM disruptors deserve bans though.
>raise my mouse sens
>keep hitting amby headshots
I had a nice as fuck streak going too
If you're disrupting an mvm match you're hurting valve's bottom line. Imagine if you could prevent someone from unboxing, that's basically what they are doing.
>oh no I cant ruin the game anymore for other people or act like an annoying, slur spamming guy anymore
Boohoo, good riddance I say
Gas apes are the ones disrupting our game, griefing them is justice.
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I fucking LOVE Steel, and I LIKE Hadal.
Kids these days don't know shit.
People always laugh at Valve's "Too confusing and challenging for new players" but holy fuck TF2 players can't use their brain to save their lives.
steel is zoomertuber approved tho
bad bait
Is this something zesty made/teased for an upcoming video or
It's pretty much done in his editing style
As long as valve allows ad-hoc connections and team scrambling in official servers again.
Sorry meant for >>487844047
Hadal would be great if the last point didn't become more and more dogshit with each cap.
>just rush last bro
I don't want short rounds.
I know people here hate the idea of changing the server browser, BUT
>Let people search for maps without the need to put the game mode prefix (ctf_, cp_, etc.)
>Add a filter for official maps
>Let me see all the tags a server has
>Make the browser's design more TF2-ish and less Half-Life-ish (even just changing the font to the ones TF2 uses)
I think these would be nice changes
Days without people going the wrong way on Bread Space and Camber: 0
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Maps should be relatively simple so team colour props like arrows stand out and players can see them
When maps start getting too vibrant and detailed the gameplay props start to blend in and then players complain that they get lost
Yes I'm aware players go the wrong way even on Badwater defence even with the big ass arrow out of spawn
stop being a shitter, genuinely. If you're still doing this after 1000 hours you suck at the game
100% cheating
>Spy watch that lets him walk through closed gates on payload
>Some downside idk
Cool? Too good?
Why do you niggas keep unboxing the current case qhen you're guaranteed to get dogshit worthless unusuals even if you do get lucky
just pick quite literally any other case. Ok maybe not winter 2021
Yeah, I play stock spy and used to rely on revs to mask closer decloaking but I can't with that fucking gun on top of it extending his range too far
Just go for a stab when he's distracted shooting someone

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