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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtkcHfHcNc [Embed] [Open]

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Official dbd poll:

Previous Thread: >>487601267
/ourboy/ is live https://www.twitch.tv/swordbro_streams
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what the fuck was her problem?
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You have played Cheryl's game, right?
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Nurse's blinks should count as a basic attack and she should have map wide starstruck after caging someone
>escapist gets windows, sprint burst and old mft
What was bhvr thinking? Why play any other class?
Scout is better. Base kit old Object of Obsession except you give vision to your whole team and killer cannot see you back.

You can give survivors wallhacks in chase while you do a generator.
Wallhacks aren't going to help you when you've got two killers on your ass.
It might not help YOU, but giving your entire team the exact location of both killers will make them less afraid to progress the game state. This is especially true if you have no friends (like me) and play solo Q.
One survivor wasting time for both killers is a win for the survivors
Nope. I want to though. As soon as it’s ported/remastered for modern consoles
You can play it on PC very easily even with a toaster. Either emulate it or play the PC version. Emulation is probably easier since the PC port needs multiple mods to bring it up to par with the PS2 version and even then it is behind in a few areas.
>muh teamwork
Man fuck the team. I want to escape and I don't give a shit who has to die for it. So I'll continue to only play as escapist until the mode is gone.
Hmmmmm…. Maybe I’ll do that….
I'd recommend playing SH1 first. It's just as good if not better and SH3 is pretty reliant upon it.
I wasn't trying to shit on your playstyle. I just think scout applies more value across the board, which equals more escapes overall.

Escapist is definitely more satisfying to play as the benefits are a lot more apparent. It can be difficult to gauge how much of a boon wallhacks is for your team each game.
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yeah but I didnt like it as much as james'.
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*ruins your 2v8*
Getting a baby nurse as your duo is way worse than a baby trapper
I'm sorry cheryl I wanted to let you go but it wouldve taken like 5 minutes for you to crawl to exit and I gotta get back in queue
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>why yes, I do go for unhooks when the exit gates are open in 2v8, how could you tell?
Because you turned a 1k into a 6k after you went down and all the other retards went back for you
The endgame in 2v8 can be chaotic. You'd think they'd go for any of the exits but theres a weird mentality where they try to find the open one even if the remainders are on 2 or 3 lights. Then one goes down, then it becomes an endgame snowball when everyone tries to go for the save. I just started leaving because I've seen it go south from the other side so many times.
Does leveling your killer higher actually get a higher ultra rare yield or is that a meme
It’s time to ban wraith and huntress from 2v8
Sex with Wesker.
I think that only applied to the old prestige system when p3 was the highest it went. I doubt it matters now.
Still no Calvin Klein lingerie for Queen Jane
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>6-8k with random nobodies
>paired with a ttv
it is literally impossible to like a ttv
Why do people shit on me for using Guide?
I think if dbd ever becomes actually competitive then 2v8 would be the better mode for it. It's more entertaining and the potential interplay for killer duos is cool, they just need to give survs more agency or deeper class selection or something.
survivors are naturally toxic - they eat their own
damn evil ash is such a low inhib rapist
ive never really got the
>play on low settings meme
but what pisses me off the most is when these same fuckin idiots do new chapter showcase videos and still keep it on low settings
Separate queue for anyone with TTV or YT in their name fucking when?
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Please stop yelling, Feng is sleeping
its way too dark above low
>wtf are you telling me that the settings that 95% of the player base uses is being used in a showcase video!??!?!?!?
That doesn't really matter since they all use filters anyway.
>play trapper
>free endurance on survivors
>free unbreakable
>200000 pallets on map and no brutal
>traps spawn closed
>only have to do 8 gens
wow so hes even fucking weaker. what the fuck were they thinking
Wraaaiiith! Its huntres! Let's go bowling
I am currently on my third replay of SH2 trying to get maria ending.
killer sucks in terms of actually getting kills but im having some of the most fun ive ever had on wraith
why don't they just make gens actually fun or engaging to repair?
just add a fucking ddr mini game or something
Waiting 10 minutes for a 2v8 killer match is fucking ridiculous dude
nah its perfect. just imagine all those pathetic survivors who don't have the patience they all want to be the killer but they lack the will, the determination. so when you, the killer. get your game and slaughter them. i can feel their envy its all the more sweet.
>5sec que times
>easy 100-150k bp every match
>no tunneling or camping
>get out almost every game
>20sec SB, MFT and windows
>killeroids easy to loop
>can listen music/podcasts while playing
Yep, DBD is pretty chill now. My soul is healing
This community is fucking dogshit if i was bhvr i'd tell them to go fuck themselves when they ask for new gamemodes its the same shit every single time every side has to play like a complete cunt fun 2v8 gamemode? We're still waiting out the egc when we win fun gamemode? We're still gonna tunnel this community is the worst group of joyless cunts i have ever had the displeasure of ever knowing about and I genuinely mean that
mad cuz bad, eh?
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fun game.
Im not the best no I did fuck up but why does this community have to be such cunts? Ok we had a bad 2v8 match do you really need to hide around the map dragging the egc on for as long as possible so you can leave?
I cant believe the best gamemode so far was the Chaos Shuffle one solely because every asshole wasnt running 4 slowdown/WoO and second chance shit everyone was on the same playing field
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A mischievous glint, shall we? she says in a husky voice, a smirk playing on her lips, eyes sparkling with mischief. There's a playful glint as she addresses the power dynamic, playfully smirking as she offers her ministrations. An audible pop and rivulets of—admit it, pet—the ball is in your court. The game is on; the choice is yours."I don't bite…"unless you want me to, she purrs, half-lidded eyes sending waves of arousal pooling in her belly. Take your pleasure, she urges, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, kiss-bruised lips curving into a bruising kiss. You hesitate, torn between propriety and desire, and she grins wickedly, fiery red hair contrasting with her long lashes."The night is still young,"she purrs, propriety be damned as the world narrows to just the two of you, pupils blown wide with pleasure. Her tongue darts out, tracing your ear, and her chestnut eyes hold your gaze as her nails rake angry red lines down your back. Her cheeks flame as she revels in your response, cheeks hollowing with each sharp intake of breath. Stars burst behind her eyes, inner walls clenching around the void that only you can fill. She craves your touch, your possession—heart, body, and soul belong to you… for now. Eyes alight with mirth, she teases,"Naughty boy, but before that…"—the minx traces a finger along your jawline, deferring your pleasure as the tension builds,"but first…"Oh my…
What I've found is that specifically green addons become more common at higher prestiges, but it caps out quickly. You also find more purples, and a few more iris in earlier bloodweb levels, but its mostly the greens that seem to pop up a lot more.
I for example have the same amount of greens and yellows on my P100s, all 3 of them.

Ultra rares are harder to come by than before because the bloodweb keeps resetting and they are way morecommon on webs 45-50. The real trick is to get to P100 for the permanent L50 bloodweb, there you always get 2-3 iri nodes.
>red hair
>chestnut eyes
what character is this? this is important
NTA but "red hair chestnut eyes" makes me think of mahiru
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Texas is fucked lmao.
>Latest patch reworked how long it takes to earn grandpa perks in the hopes of more people feeding him, which is basically a 5th secondy objective in a game of 3 people needing to guard 4 objectives.
>The 3 good perks take double or triple the time.
>One of said perks was the only counter to 12 second grapple stun builds.
>Fix prof in the same patch so it works on the battery objective too, to where rushing battery takes 8 seconds.
>End result is family camp harder because you need 2 people minimun to protect an objective
>Chasing victims at all and Feeding grandpa at all is now completely griefing, Coms absolutely required to avoid being cheesed so solo q is fucked.
>Victim lobbies now take upwards of 20 minutes and most family just dc the moment they realize they got a low level with them.
With a few little tweaks 2v8 should become the main gamemode seriously non stop chases no need to pick up look for flashlight saves slug no shitty fucking 4 slowdown or second chance bullshit, no 4 man swf destroying every game is so fucking refreshing fuck 1v4 2v8 should be permanent and everyone should move there
my only change is make it 10 gens and its perfect.
it's balanced around absolute braindead survivors who don't do gens
they don't always do all 8, 10 would be too much for them
and the game is over in 3 minutes if the survivors are any amount of coordinated.
its odd how 2v8 solved the weird shitty parts of 1v8 like seeing what classes/perks other people have, killers not having to waste time looking for hooks, them not knowing the cage locations so they cant camp and tunnel the cages moving around this must be an external contractor or some shit because whoever made the 2v8 mode knows about all the annoying bullshit in the base game
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>family already has too few players because the experience is unfun
not unbalanced if you're on comms and using meta family members and builds, UNFUN, family is pretty strong but ONLY when you're on comms with teammtes, or run disgusting meta builds on meta characters
>buff victims and nerf grandpa
good one, gun. how about making grapples weaker the more you get grapped so you can't get grapped 20 times a match? let family other than lf spawn at the same time as victims? give family members that stay in matches after their teammates DC a buff or exp boost or something? make it less safe to sit at gates for victims, by making the battery faster to turn on as family, and not put the battery in such a place that victims can just watch you start it then leave? give family more points on average, you get fuck all 0 points unless you get a kill and now there's not even a point in feeding grandpa
remember when he quit dbd after they enabled mmr? that was funny
they don't call him crapper for nothing.
Huntress is a must pick in 2v8 if you dont have a huntress on your team you're gonna lose
BHVR would be so fucking foolish not to have 2v8 be a perma mode new chapters are barely cared about anymore they can reignite the hype by slowly introducing maybe 2 new killers to be added in 2v8 its perfect you dont need to model/design a new killer all you do is you give them team perks and innate perks and boom you have people hyped for killers you already made already its literally perfect
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yeah I'm backing out if I get a crapper teammate
you wish cote
if you can't win as nurse in 2v8 as long as your teammate isn't afk that's a skill issue, especially playing against brand new free weekend noobs
you can't win with some retard that is setting traps that no one is stepping in.
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lower your tone when speaking to me, killeroid
was he setting them in really obvious places like next to pallets/windows? a few like that are fine but the real moneymaker is putting them in completely random spots no one would think to look
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She is getting railed behind that wall.
What fun combos would Pig have with some of the other killers? Saw's license holders seem pretty chill so if any license character is gonna be in it's probably her. Her and Doctor/Legion would be so good
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no brain billy mains
>8 people with active helmets on
>legion zooming around the map interrupting their attempts to take it off
could be good
>pig in 2v8
never gonna happen
Shut up bitch >:(
if Pig is in 2v8 no way she has helmets, or if she does they don't kill
People keep saying I look like Sable.
Wdym, hes one of the strongest killers in 8v2?
Just protect a 4 gen and watch you teammate kill their entire team.xpj2
i could see there being no timer on them, but they would activate if the survivor attempted to leave, so they'd have to deal with them at some point
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nope not playing it
>pig gets her traps
>but they down the survivor after 2 minutes instead of outright killing
Who cares dead game
Can I make an appointment to impregnate you next week?
It will tho.
Except that her power will be adjusted so that situations like this won't happen.
I'm a man
I've always liked the idea of her and Pinhead for secondary objective pain, or maybe Plague and you can vomit on the Jigsaw Boxes.

Aesthetically though, Pig with Deathslinger seem like they'd get on well in and outside the trial. Plus, there would be some nice synergy with pulling people off Jigsaw boxes+deep wounding them.
Knight + Skull merchant
May you be sewn alive in the belly of a dead camel.
base kit nowhere to hide should be removed and gen completion reveals should have a limited range instead of revealing everyone on the map. really my only complaint with the mode is it more or less completely invalidates stealth as a strategy, i get the other aura reads for the sake of speeding up the game.
>Ever wanted to see 8 people disconnect at once?
good lord killer solo queue is far worse than survivor.
whats the verdict on sh2 remake? are we getting something in dbd regarding it?
This scares you?
literally only giga sweaty faggot tryhards are playing normal mode as survivor right now
FUCK stealth as a strategy
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oh love my love look at you love
>gets grapped
>gets door slammed
>gets barged
>gets grappled again
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skill issue
Already played the original so don't care about some goyslopificated version of it for a "modern audience tm".
You'll get that one ufo charm that was leaked with Maria but was never released and that's it
7 people and someone was in a cage for 2 minutes and they died cause nobody went to uncage them kekk
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whatever you say, baby killer~

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