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Rusalka edition

Previous thread >>487733372

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavvveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.8
CURRENT EVENT: Dog Days: https://www.warframe.com/news/dog-days-2024
>Just simple shit like that nothing extravagant.
Fuck that!
I want filly dresses for Yareli.
Hildryn hugging thighjob
with nezhas big boy dick
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No, fuck off. I'm keeping it simple so there's less clipping
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
What are the ERP dojos?
Stupid question that probably gets asked a lot, I quit right before the second open world map with the corpus planet thing came out, have I missed anything?

Is it worth coming back?
Yeah its cool
if you liked it before its like the same
69 I assume, especially holevania right now, I visit them when I can anyway because funny number
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I have unironically only beat it to Ember after her new skin came out. It's literally mindbroken me to the point that nothing else turns me on anymore. I redownloaded the game and bought the set just so I can rub one out while sitting in my ship.
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So just run plains bounties?
All the new content has quests that introduce you to it. Just do the quests and you will have no problem catching up.

The one good thing about Warframe's Mastery system is that all content in the game is somewhat relevant.
they added a lot of play-not-warframe stuff and then a lot of play-warframe stuff, new tilesets and power creep with new weekly chores, and rebalanced damage types and armor bigly so armor is no longer the insane outlier enemy in every case and partial strip is still good
Uh oh based alert
or just go to the open world lel
>default helmet Wisp
This artist has a high power level
Cool, I was Mastery 18 back then which was decently high so I'll probably check it out. I was curious since I missed the story updates and they seemed cool from years ago
her heels in the Citrine Noble, Gara Noble, Mirage Noble, and Voruna Noble animations just ruin me
Just started building Wisp Prime. Is her butt still big there?
prime accessories reduce her ass size slightly for some reason
it was the highest
RIP to a great
I'm always surprised every time I learn Newgrounds still exists
He died?
It held on to relevancy when Tumblr banned porn, Fulp immediately said "porn was always welcome here"

You didn't know? There's a memorial to him in Iron Wake and DE had an announcement about it
Does anyone here have the autism to update those outdated FAQs?
I want to ERP but I'm scared because I've never done it before
delete alchemy
Not even a single message for a lapdance!
I don't keep up with the community all that much. That sucks tho.
Why the hate for Alchemy? I think it's fun. They just need to have enemies only drop the necessary ingredients.
Embers typically walk up to whoever they want to dance on.
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A true tenno.
I salute his memorial every time I'm there.
Is the wukong slam build still good? I kinda wanna try it out now, bored and don't know what else to do
Only chinks are allowed to wukong slam, no dumb gweilo allowed.
try to make a bad weapon good with rivens or specific frame builds or whatever you have to
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>Riven.market says this is going for 500 plat if it had crit chance.
What do you guys think this is worth otherwise?
I'll take it for 5 plat
i will let you plap for plat
t. ember with 11 partners and rising
>grown man hand wrote this
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That reminds me, I never got my commission finished from em.
>i will let you plap for plat
>t. ember with 11 partners and rising
Imagine the pozz
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Teach me the ways of attracting partners
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NTA but in my personal experience people will come up to me while im dancing and just ask in dm's
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Can I hide this eyesore loadout drop-down menu on the map screen? I hate it immediately.
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>the Moonguard Goldshire Inn incident
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Welp, I was gonna wait out Fortuna (while I "farm" plat) rep but I forgot that to rank up past 1 you need higher level bounty drops or stuff from Ticker. And I don't have Starchild unlocked yet.

Jeez, haven't had anyone yet, stood there for a few hours
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Nigga you're a grown-ass man hiding behind a 3d model of a fictional character, seeking sexual attention from other grown men on an anonymous imageboard, because you can't pull anyone of opposite sex irl, most probably. You're an AGP-ridden loser nigga, reconsneeder you life choices and set yourself on fire in the nearest hardware store to atone for your misdeeds, cheers.
for me it's argent dawn
womp womp
opinion discarded
russki mad
First MMO general?
I see you're new here
They're all gay, dude
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The hardest thing about this game is the wait on Forma.
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What skin is this? Spotted it while trying to pawn off my shitty rivens.
is there a worse defense map in the game than the uranus one? I think not.
That is base Kullervo, my man.
I'm tired of reviving Ember players
Buy the Forma. It's 35p per 3. Do it. Do not settle for 1 Forma a day, you can easily spend 30 a day, if you're doing a dedicated grinder run with a booster.
I've never heard of that frame before...
the myanus one
literally defenseless :3
Kullervo, Kullervo, warrior born
For a while I would just log in, claim a forma, and build the next one
I built up over 100+ that way
That's 3 months worth of time.
just play TFD in the meantime
I did it during a content drought, there was nothing to do
come to my orbiter, cutie
Holy based...
Is kullervo better than dante?
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>Sitting in the bazaar trying to pawn off some rivens I don't want.
>Some mongoloid opens trade and I ask him what he's after.
>"Just wanted to see what you had."
all me btw
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kullervo has better damage but dante shits out more overguard and it's for the whole party
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So this is my current build but I was thinking about maybe my continuity with Umbral intensify, would that be smart or no?
cant see da stats
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>Frog dismissal
>Accusation of being a zegro
>Accusation of being a samefag
Got anything else to make yourselves feel better about your wormlike existence?
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We come alive moving under the neon glow
(Everybody rock)
It’s the party of your lifetime (everybody rock, yeah)
The signal’s strong, can you feel it in the floor? (Everybody rock)
It’s the party of your lifetime
how do I visit other peoples orbiters?
You have to be in a squad and they have to invite you
It also works for Drifter Camp
>archon cont
subsumed 1
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std afflicted sluts....
it makes even less sense that way
I never see him either but I swear he's the strongest mother fucker in the game if you want to run a melee build
that's... weirdly intimate
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>Now that you can see, there ain’t no stopping me
>The city’s on 11, it’s two thousand degrees
>Something big is coming, but it’s just the beginning (this is just the beginning, just the beginning)
>Neon lights flicker, DJ spins the track
>The boys are in sync, and there’s no turning back
I was running it as a way to get more continuity while I farmed Endo to max out my primed continuity. It gives 45% duration in its current state vs the 30% of continuity
You are entering their home after all
Do people actually run 'normal' melee builds anymore or is pretty much everything just heavy attack spam these days. Heavy attack builds like with a Nikana or Scythe just seem to do way more damage consistently.
>>Something big is coming, but it’s just the beginning (this is just the beginning, just the beginning)
people are getting schizo about the lyrics but it's obvious it's alluding to SOMETHING we haven't seen yet
no I'm not just coping about 2 years of missing dev time
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Accepting an invitation to come someone's place usually is.
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NOW it makes sense, but i thought you used it for tempest barrage which doesn't proc toxin
archon cont is by far the worst archon mod and is only applicable in very few instances
Hybrid setups with Tennokai
It's literally the infestation singing about the coming of Wally, you dumbass. This is the only year he can't follow Albrecht into. It's also the "plague year" in history, and Infestation is explicitly afraid of Wally. I'm sure none of this will come up in the story. *clueless*
dagger light builds are still nice (90% followthrough) with occasional tennokai hits
Are people just giving random blessings to you if you have the ember skin?
if by blessings you mean STDs
Go to hollvanian 69 fag I dare ya
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Kullervo can do crazier damage on paper and is probably the best melee frame but Dante still does crazy damage and is just more versatile overall. Dante also has great survivability from his light verse spells, unfortunately Kullervo isnt as good in that regard because hes overguard only and can't really use it the same way as any other OG frame who prefer to treat it like double shield gating. Hes not exactly squishy but not having shields of any sort is still a liability.
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>"Same as Deimos. The Infestation got in. Got to me and my family. Stole our names, our ideas. I can hear its hive-voice scratching in my mind: "Let the Heart stop beating, let the Door close forever." Only my dreams seem real now, so, *yawn* I sleep."
What IS Infestation's beef?deal? with Wally? It's far too smart to just behave like a scared animal.
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you don't get it anon. this is just the beginning
Yup which is why you definitely see so many equinoxes running around on steel path right?
Well, for 1999 it is. It's ancient history to us.
just the beginning
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>Bugchasing larpers ITT
what, and you're better, frogposting in an MMO general on a malaysian pot spinning board on a friday night?
How much time will I waste on first time solo Profit-taker?
why don't you try it and tell us
got it senpai
will report in 12 hours
coming <3
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>login first time this year
>grab ember skin
>grab umbra forma mission and stare the whole time
>alt f4
See you for the next assframe
For Dante, should I just be spamming abilities constantly for nuking and overguard and not even use my weapons? Or is it more of a balance of both?
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69 has fallen
There’s no reason not to do both unless your weapons completely suck.
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Average Loki picker down on his knee.
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I'm going feral
there's two 69 instances, are in the one with some fag named jigglephysx?
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Of course i am. It's saturday morning where i live, retard.
Nah just a poorfag. But I decided to get rid of continuity all together and replace it with an umbral intensify. I don't really think length benefits my build at all. Having a few extra seconds on my spears actually seems counter intuitive and I can consistently recast tempest barrage. Having extra strength seems smarter but idk if it is yet
Join us in 69's mall brother gonna make warbros but for nezha mains only
I'm already there
why are you so autistic?
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We're by the stage then :^)
I'm already there just in my pink colors <3
Try Lavos with his augment that adds elemental damage to your weapon

I solo profit taker in like 8 minutes with him
is it full? can't see it :(
the fag in the corner with the basic nezha?
For Dante, all you really need to do is keep casting his light verse and dark verse and each combination of them, his kit flows into each other, so as long as you cast 224, 234, and 324, you will get some kind of overguard on him, the only combination you dont get any sort of overguard from is 334. 234 and 324 are very underrated, they massively increase your Noctua DPS, make sure you constantly recast them. I actually like to run Transient fortitude to neg duration since it gets you into the habit of continually casting his abilities. Dante seems complicated at first but he's pretty easy to understand, but the only learning curve with him is the muscle memory aspect and making sure to use the Noctua Alt fire whenever its up.
My Ember Heirloom will be grooming your frames
I need help, i can't get a Sister of Parvos to spawn:
I did the 2 quest needed
I run Hydra on Pluto and get the 75 kills inside the rift using the hardest key
But then, nothing happens, no sister spawn

You konw what could block me ?
Are you using the highest tier granum crown
I'm using the Znith Granum Crown
then approach us fag if you're too much of a pussy
Hmm idk what it could be then
>message a Nezha in-game
>they are a big yapper
delete orb valis
>delete orb valis
>it gets replace with a snowy wasteland open world
>with RDR2 sized map
>It becomes warframe red dead
>players are forced to use mesa with sybaris and vasto/akvasto/zylok
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>WTB message someone
>he invites you
>sets course for the dojo
>you somehow load into his dojo before him
>you get kicked out because the dojo is empty
Try and wait a little while
>part 3 of profit-taker bugged out and I have to do it again
delete orb valis
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Is this worth picking up? I know nothing about stances or if they even matter at all. I only have Cleaving Whirlwind and it makes me spin around which I think is funny
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>Join him
>He's chinese so it takes 1000 years
>Starts spam "?" while i have to load all the way into chang lang ding dong
>Kicks me
Which weapons that the void trader offers are actually semi decent?
>live in asia
>some people take ages to load into my dojo
>while I always load into anyone's dojo in seconds
I think your internet is shit bruv.
Before Tennocon i had 3 primed mods and saw Baro 2 times. Now i have 33. I feel empty.
Retard, you're not poking your nose outside of your downie containment server like others, so of course you're loading in without problems
Are you dumb? I trade with people of other regions all the time, it's not like you can only trade within your server.
Is primed sniper ammo mutation worth picking up at all?
Maybe if you're autistic like me and actually use sniper rifles in regular missions
Vectis Incarnon soon
>anything sniper
I just bought my first primed mods from my nigga Baro
Party of your lifetime does not sound like a 1999 song
Which magposter?..... There's many but they're not the Godmag...........
my chosen clan (the first one that took me) has a trade room full of grass and floofs on the trade terminals but I almost never get anyone taking longer than 30s to load
idk what's considered normal because I use an nvme, everything is instant for me. I've already stolen all their research so I might be open to finding another
>heavy attack spam
qrd? what's new
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To any anon that has shitty PC and awful load times
Use Windowed mode and scale down your window to be about the pic related size
Maximize it for playing the game and drag it into the smaller size when loading
It makes it instant, even on my toaster
ZAMN, is that a 20fps gameplay? Might as well play on an iphone at that point
based advice fren
Just getting back into the game after a SUPER long break. Played from closed beta till about when plains of eidolon dropped. Whatre some things I keep an eye out for or grind for? Im caught up on quests (Not counting a few side quests for frames)

Any specific weapons I should grab with the 3k plat I have? Any frames worth grabbing? Or should I stick with my Excal prime?
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Profit-taker done, took a little over an hour and I had to redo phase 3 bounty because shit bugged
when timer during last part showed up I was sure would fail but I managed to kill the fucker with 12 seconds left
fuck you nightwave for making me do this shit
oh and I almost forgot
skill issue
Excal is insanely strong with slash dash red crit build just sobsooom kullervo and get his 1
Yeah, just finished grinding out the SP circuit for this week.
Go and farm (or buy) incarnon weapons, they're top tier right now. As for frames, Dante, Jade, and Styanax are some of the newer frames I think are pretty fun/powerful, if you want to stick with excal then you should def make a slash dash build like the other anon said
Are the incarnons you can buy for 120p actually good?
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Is this a good excuse to finally go get the opticor or nah?
>2 dead stats, no negative
Bad ribben.
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Need a good color combo for mesa plox. I only managed to come up with this.
Can't I just reroll with kuva?
Yes, though if I were you I'd just wait until they show up in circuit
Thanks anon. Anything specific I need for a slash build for excal prime?
Yes, the opticor is a decent weapon so go get it if you haven't yet.
Thanks bro. Turns out I'm 2 MR short so I'm gonna go ham building weapons and frames til I get an affinity booster. Unless the vandal doesn't have the req.
You don't have to buy them, you get them from Duviri
Don't worry, rewarded weapons can be equipped regardless of your MR.
thank u retard teammate who keeps fully charging the second excavator before any reactant has dropped
Thanks bro, I guess in that case I'll just wait til' next time the event is up.
Are there any fun grakata builds that actually kill things? (no riven)
>he plays fissure excavations with pubs
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>pub excavation fissures
ooh Khora deluxe set is on sale today
he pubbed?
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>Did a quite long Circuit run with Ember of all frames
>It was actually fun and got some neat rolls
>Got both Incarnons in a single run
>This happens
>It stays at 3 seconds
Thanks Reb
I fucking hate incarnons and having to land headshots in a game as hectic as warframe
>DE designs new female warframe skin
>add buttcrack
>sell millions
Why don't they do this more often?
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What a fucking aimlet holy shit
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Can warframes get pregnant? Asking for a friend
jade was preggo before
Confirmed by DE
>group enemies
>blind fire at head height
it's that easy
Wrong. >>487835685
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>Try to do Sabotage or Interception on Steel Path
>Get flooded with enemies that back cap or instantly kill pipes
Ahem... and i quote...
>Megan: "Never say Never!"
You've been deboonked and can now go sit in the cuck corner.
I hope the massive influx of coomer cash is a wakeup call
holy shit eidolon hunting is AIDS
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I'm doing my part!

Seriously, though, I hope that we do get more like this- the Heirloom feels like a possible turning point for Warframe, in a good way.
>ping limit on 150
>connect to 3 brazil hosts in a row
>steam region is set to eu
cute mrlet
stop being racist, they're just portuguese
What's the best node if I want to mindlessly farm nano spores? I'm almost out of ciphers.
is there is fix for the bug where trade kiosks won't let you see other players?
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Around halfway to steel path bros. Honestly the rest shouldn't take that long since it's just mopping up nodes I never did as I went through the starchart.
does he know?
What? Wiki said I just have to do all the star chart nodes.
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What is the fastest way to farm Simaris rep?
>Let ligger do gay shit like 8 times
>normal sales
>Do 1 skin for straight people
>sells like hotcakes and serves as free marketing
the truth of the matter
Do his daily.
Do his daily
There's also a neat strat of going into SP mission with an invis frame and scanning every enemy from stealth, since it gives a nice bonus
Do his daily mission, DON'T claim the reward. In Steel Path, go to Adaro on Sedna with Ivara and prowl your way through the map until you get to exraction. Scan all of them, kill all of them, then let the new enemies flow in. Repeat until your standing is completely full, then turn in your quest for extra standing.

If you don't want to do that then you can go to plains of eidolon and scan enemies there but I don't like doing that personally
I even bought his Khora skin cause I used to play her a lot but its such a deformed abomination I never use it
But Im sure his Nidus and Nezha skins are pretty popular
when do weeklies reset?
Ember sets are selling like hotcakes
I've done that in zariman cause you get holdfast rep out of it too
twitter freaks vs real people
>LFM SP Circuit 1 hour 1/4
Here you go, paste that into recruiting chat.
>hurr durr do his daily
Load up SP extermination on Earth as ivara and just prowl around and scan.
Scan, kill, repeat.
Ez maxed out in less than 10min.
And why are you leaving? you can easily solo it even with DE deafault builds
>finally traded enough plat to buy a voidrig
>BR literally in name
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Also protip use low duration and subsume baruuk sleep-meme in case you fuck up and they all get alerted.
Just put them to sleep and let them get amnesia.
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Tired of playing Garuda, I need a new main. Which (female) warframe is most likely to leglock?
I think I'll try that out today, knocks out two birds with one stone sort of
Stances are a meme
Their only purpose is to give you more mod capacity
delete orb valis
2 hours
Its super easy to farm now
I guess I should make quick plat selling mech sets, I used to farm vaults for fun
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No competition
is getting primed regen worth it if I'm a wyrm main?
Is Maroo's relay and trade chat the only way to sell shit? This is cancer.
warframe market is the only way real humans actually trade
Join a clan that has a trading post in their spawn room and use warframe market to buy and sell shit. You go to trade chat when you wanna scam people
Yes, good post, fellow real human.
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Ember players irl
Thanks bros.
2 more weeks
Are there any good weapons that Baro sells?
"Good" can also mean fun
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Wrong, they look like picrel
Nyx would leglock but she just mind-controls you instead so she doesn't need to
quanta vandal is my weaponfu
i just started playing warframe. is this game good if i like listening to dnb or the ridgeracer soundtracks?
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I never knew Zariman had an extraction-type room like this, it think it looks pretty cool. Sampotes is great for this because it can kill so many with the slam and it doesn't break your prowl
Depends if their womb persisted through the infestation. Don't think there's anything that says they didn't.
Who let this mexican escape /trash/?
whos that?
spics are more likely to be a cuck or fag and some of them love to spam /v/ and they got outed.
/v/ is 90% white wtf are you talking about
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>/v/ is 90% white
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>/v/ is 90% white
/wfg/ is 90% chinese
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>>/v/ is 90% white
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eu hours, eh?
do you miss the BBC and Ember's ass spam?
>spawns all the way at the start of the map
/v/ is second brownest board, right after /pol/
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Valkyr game
The odds are very low we're getting her as a skin aren't they...
Only once she's in Saryn suit, after her redemption arc in the story or whatever
I want that deep cleavage though!
>Cleavage on a frame with a human head
All you can hope for is that she'll wear a cool, partly-zipped jacket and her frametits are visible
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>don't normally talk to anyone
>someone starts chatting me up mid mission
>wants to run the same mission with me again
>sure why not
>he flakes almost immediately, right after the first drop in the next mission
>europoors cant afford Ember
Why are syndicate orbiter decorations so fucking expensive?
Cetus pot costs 100k standing
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We're probably going to beat her and her final form will be Saryn's protoform that was given to her by Albrecht but I really want her original outfit
I think I'll start getting in shape and save up for tennocon to try and get a hug from reb if she's going to go around braless like that all the time.
When prices drop (like for arcane energize) due to an event/baroo bringing in the desired item, how long does it take for prices to escalate once more?
6 months?
A year?
3 weeks and 50 minutes
Arcanes go rather fast and they'll be up to around 80% of their previous value in just a month, and around two to three months (provided nothing gives another easy access to them in that time) will return to a "full" price and keep climbing for a bit before it'll normalize
3-4 months
And for Baroo stuff?
EX: primed mods?
Russchizo hours
Hmmm, today I will
I will buy r5 molt augmented for 120p
Prisma Weapons can climb quite fast because the stock is always depleting since you can't resell a leveled gun
Prime mods vary, but waiting around two to three months before reselling will net you a decent profit if you max them out in that time
content? Is there content yet?
anything new since jade?
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Please ignore the mental illness and all that shit for a second.
WHY is the tattoo fucking sideways? What kind of retard made this edit? Literally the moment she stands up the tattoo is going to be over 90 degrees in a wrong direction.
>retard tries to argue with me that nourish on equinox isn't ideal
if your IQ is below 90 you shouldn't be allowed to use the chat feature
Are people still farming mirror defense on Mars for Citrine?
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>debating with / talking to / speaking at anyone in-game
I haven't began farming for Citrine yet, i'm willing to join you
it's not thematic
Neither is Orion
its the most actually
But Sirious was green, indicating that Jade would've wanted it
Now that Stalker regained his memories, he's no longer that big of an edgelord and would select something that memorializes his deceased wife who nurtured that child for centuries
Fuck you then faggot
where the FUCK do I get neurodes?
You have to defeat Neurodia on Neuron.
Come to my orbiter and I'll show you.
what frames are viable for AFK ESO farming?
all of them
just go afk in a corner
What's your play style that you benefit from it? Maim just one shots the room anyway, from a larger distance than Nourish applies.
shoot people, stupid
is it just crew mates that give xp for elara? or can it be a spectre?
The pregnant can get Warframed at least.
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How does this look for a "Narmer Cultist" wisp?

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