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Previous: >>487729837

>Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2024 9th Anniversary Countdown Campaign:
●July 26 ~ August 14 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 25 Hellfire of Wisdom, 8M QP, and 5 Stargazer's Teapots.
▶Pavilion Quests (Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 2 9th Anniversary Heroic Spirit Costume Ticket and 5 Summon Tickets.
▶Limited Master Missions(Jul 31 ~ Aug 14): 18 SQ.

>Hunting Quest Vol.14:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 7 Golden Apples.
▶Limited-Time Master Missions: 12 Stargazer's Teapots, 12M QP and 6 Golden Apples.

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶See previous threads.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 31): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 3:
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Lancer Tamamo no Mae
4*Archer Anne Bonny & Mary Read
4*Rider Mordred
●July 24 ~ July 31 JST.
5*Archer Artoria Pendragon
4*Caster Marie Antoinette
4*Ruler Martha
All limited.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 2:
●July 21 ~ July 28 JST.
5*Archer Jeanne d'Arc
4*Lancer Ibaraki Dōji
4*Assassin Ushiwakamaru
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
this one
I'm baffled how raikouschizo isn't range banned from making threads already.
Is the other OP's image really considered trolling lol
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Lmao it got deleted
me? for Enkidu
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Do you even have to ask after reading the spam he did last thread? It's not even the first time he pulls this bullshit, it's becoming a recurring thing that we have to make a new thread because he made one with sabotaged OPs
the fact that thread got deleted tells you something
I just don't understand why it's apparently juts one guy. There are so many malicious retards in this general.
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One of the stars is not like the others.
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>the cursed one!
Because you don't know raikouschizo and how deep his mental illness goes. The fact he's now doing it in both generals should tell you as much.
A generic shitposter just drops their shitposting after a couple minutes, hours at worst. This schizo goes on for days because he has no life.
Is FGO pro-Israel?
Lurk at least half a decade
It's not the same guy.
Seimei is going to save quick, trust the process
its discord trannies
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heres ur anni servant
Solomon confirmed.
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>Mashu Azul
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calm down Beni
>is the worst girl of the original
>has the best route in the original
How did she do it
By being Nasu favorite
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"Hey peter here im working with lasengle and im going to provide you some spicy rumor inside the company"

"Because the success of servant from non-servants characters in type-moon series, we decided to take a certain someone and make the pseudo-servant in 9th anniversary. I wont say the name. Also because of this we dont need to think about new fresh original FGO servant from scratch. So we will keep pouring more of non-servant character from type-moon series outside Fate such as Kanaan and Tsukihime. If they are in fate series, they could be human character too. We have more servants to release yet less time to design. Who needs new original servant anyway? I mean look at kashin koji, galatea, and miss crane. Nobody buys them"

"Peter sign out"
Lmao all I see is arc fans cope.
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>5 dots means 5 stars Servant
>9th star has 6 dots for 6 stars
Nasu is going to subvert expectations and release Olga as Anni Servant when nobody expects.
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What if there is no anniversary servant? It subvert everyone expectations.
This year there's too many good CE picks.
Hokusai, Tonelico, Koma, Kama, Melu, Sei, Bob, Musashi, Oberon and Cuzilla all look amazing
>8 stars with 5 points
>newest star with 6 points
unironically possible lmao
simple, Miyu 5 star caster with tamamo card installed
shit servant
>pedoshit from prismaflop
fuck off
go to sleep, its past your bedtime
>most important writer of all time
>2 star nobody
>some random nip females that wrote some random gossip in their diaries
>5 star ultra powerful servants that mog Gilgamesh
the womb tattoo...
Lmao, cry more, Raikouschizo
Said nobody can't fight for shit
And said nip females are vessels of a Divine Spirit
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We already have a fox sun goddess at home.
that's roa as a tranny bro...
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I'm already into it, you don't need to convince me any further bro.
>not a fox nor a goddess but eh…
cry harder samefag
Admit it, /fgog/. She's a really steamy and sexy MILF.
Much better than Tiamat.
>no Reines in Adventures
Shit sucks.
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>Much better than Tiamat.
Why did you have to force me to disagree at the end of your comment?
She's not a MILF, she aborted all of her kids.
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Bob and mom
you need take some med desu, you have to accept that fsr was a one night stand, they will never be relevant again, especially flop-gozen.
>gets mad at shitpost
>2 people make fun of him for it
>cries in anguish and says its samefagging
how do schizos do it?
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here's your anniversary servant bro
Lmao no, she got mogged in body deformity from Ibuki and in mom shit by Tiamat both
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nobody cares
Until this point, none of my favorites yet to appear
Have you ever tried to have an opinion of your own?
>i have to support the bigger numbers
is it wrong to assume that you're a mutt?
We all know Tiamat is better by mike because both of her forms are superior. She can be small and cute and can be a big gentle mom, Raikou can't do that sadly…Tiamat was the mother of all living things after all, so she was perfect in every way
>still blatantly samefagging
retarded prismapedo tertiaries
not even once
Shut the FUCK UP, Georgie you humongous retard
Why are you repeating a fake name you were tricked into thinking was real years later? Are you an actual schizo?
Suzuka and shuten rail her everyday btw
What's up with these retards who think that every fan of one of the most popular characters in the game is a random redditor? (And you can tell when he's actually here because he calls everyone a EOP)
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1/2 ap doors soon...
Because nobody else displays that much mental illness
Genuine schizos prowl these threads
We are talking about the same retard that shitposted melusine for 2 weeks straight and morgan for months
There's at least three other retards who schizo post here who are as bad at him if not worse and 2 of them are here because they got banned from the fucking reddit (skizu and the guy who post random nip posts to prove that the superior Nipponese men have the same opinions as him)
stop projecting, schizo
ignore and report, the retard gets banned all the time
You reap what you sow idiot, you're branded with that retarded name forever
He also ban evades all the time
Harada needs more swimsuits
Have they ever explained what's the deal with Shakespeare's 3rd ascension or his reality bending powers?
Anon, are you thinking?
When is the fucking jp anniversary? I dont even play Jp but I really want to know the Anniversary Servant (and I guess summer banner too)
fuck off back to alter, newfaggot
>nigger waits 2 years for sevants already but cant wait another week
kill yourself alter shitter
Hey bro, FGO was launched on 12 August. So we can expect the anniversary to land somewhere around then. Sometimes they don't show the swimsuits on the stream, so you might have to wait a little longer for those.
Based spoonfeeder
kill yourself, every i know its rude, that's why i said it
go back, shitter
nice english paco
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sorry that i edited the post and dint read it
if you're smart enough, you can infer directly what i meant
you should still kill yourself, you want info that we dont even have yet just to wait another 2 years for it
you have no room to talk back, alterfaggot
and take the raitabortioner with you back to alter
>to wait another 2 years for it
Not quite. We discuss it there too, maybe even more. After all our content is two years old.
No, I was just asking.
Isn't his third ascension Shakespeare Alter? He was in Shinjuku.
why are you still here?
you guys just fight for the most trivial of reasons huh?
fuck off
>they keep masturbating to servants that arent even in their port of the game yet
I also masturbate to BA characters and I don't even play it. So what?
see >>487825485
Imagine if Pegor was indeed the anniversary servant.
Replace Suzuka with Boabhan Sith and this is perfect for me
what the fuck is a pegor
Shakespeare had his moment in the sun already in Apoc though. Sure he is still wasted potential but he remains the only one capable of mogging Jeanne with her full Ruler haxx applied
Murasaki is a lot more attractive than Raicow for me, despite them being very similar in design.
Maybe its demeanor
That rabbit VTuber
the official ambassador of fgo
Ushi Gozen buff plz
Lowest stats of all SSR Avengers and that can't be fixed and no NP Interlude (and her NP has random bullshit instead of steroids)
raitabortions deserve to stay shit like the jobbers they are
raitabortioners don't even play the game anyways
>NP Interlude for a servant on the same year it got released
Are all Raitafags this retarded?
you can play as her in fsr or something?
I think he's baiting
Maybe but i think she also has a prettier face and eyes. And her tits seem more shapely
She dresses more stylishly too.
You don't either
She's that bad she needs one.
By the time you unlock her FSR is already over. There is nothing to do.
She can stay bad and you can stay retarded.
Appmedia says she's the "best" Servant released this year

2024 has been so bad for balance. 6 months of purposefully gimped Servants. She needs massive buffs
>You don't either
>nnnnno u!
stupid raitabortioner
I don't care retard, she's not getting buffs on the same year she got released, other servants have been waiting for longer, and again, you can stay retared, entitled bitch.
Other older Servants are already better than her, by a lot
She's new and this bad, she deserves major buffs
>anti earth is random bullshit
Pretty much anyone who gives such a childish nickname to something they hate instead of simply hating it like a normal person is either a kid or autistic, which one are you?
Seems like the usual behavior from brainrotted Raikoushitters
Lmao that place stopped being relevant years ago. It's now ran by a retard who barely plays the game and has extreme characters biases
All the shitty quick servants this year. I very seriously doubt we aren't about to get some new quick support.
Anti earth is the most common anti-trait
Crit down and a low chance to stun is random bullshit
>which one are you?
hi georgie, keep seething that your raitabortions are shit, you don't even play
>needing buffs for a game as piss-easy as this one
You type like a massive pussy, are you a woman?
News Doko?
She can't loop and is bad at CQs. Needs a buff
I hope that this year they finally buff Titoria's NP, her damage is embarassingly bad
>Which one
Thank you for confirming you're either a newfag, bad at the game or baiting
Please kill yourself
why has no one posted the enemy counts yet?
She can only loop on Rider and Caster waves
now this is an older servant that deserves buffs
unlike the shitty raitabortion
No one's playing the game here, silly. We're just here to throw a tantrum.
90++ is 3/2/1
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but i need to use up my AP...
guess im using my door farming team for 1st run
he's probaly an alterfag who is baiting, stop giving it attention
I'm hoping for a Morgan NP upgrade simply to see the Poogodfags rage
Really, wherever he's baiting from it's better to just ignore.
i am every poster and every poster is me
Here's your summer 8 event preview BBros
Don't exist here. Try alter.
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i exist
real shit
>machine guys
>golems and olympus death ball machine
>chimeras and books
who's next?
massive eyeballs
>Neither of them 120
I rest my case
there is an homunculus with an ahoge in the last quest too
I hope you rike more bones
>those tits
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who would have guessed we're getting another artoria for anni servant?
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>Caster class
>Eye cancer final Ascension
I re-rest my case
Rabu black pantsu
homu means Rani
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And what if we get 2 anniversary servants?
There's a Saber wars pavillion at the venue
Mysterious Heroine XXX incoming
So...haven't been here since before they had the 2 dead months. We're all expecting an SSR ticket for the anni right? Since they haven't done 30M DL and the game in general is on life support.
No, I'm not.
I'm not actually expecting shit from this anni, to be honest.
8th and 9th are such weird numbers
It isn't on life support.
>the game in general is on life support.
This. The game is in the morgue already.
The Mahoyo event was the game on dialysis but it fumbled the ball hard too much already and couls not recover.
The gigfag reveals himself with minimal provoking
Sensor tower and the other BS salesfags use to "track" sales won't work on the aniplex shop thing so remember to start ignoring them cuz everything they post from now on will be even more fake than before
thank you for your service, please make sure to spend another 4 figures on the game this anni
ok retard
Maybe there will be another SSR ticket at the 10 year anniversary, that's a big logical number. And despite what many want to believe, this game is not on lifesupport, which would be easy to understand looking at games which went on lifesupport before EOS but that would not really help to get the forced message across.
This quest is quite easy to 3T for me and I'm under 200 pages, I think I'll waste some apples on that.
i hope one of the quests will have demons
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no heels make this fake
And then the erecuck woke up
Looks plainer than year 2 summer
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its such a shit choice and a flop that i'd believe it
Eresh will save summer this years trust the plan bros
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I'm okay with this.
Nopan Rani is the only good choice
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He want another flop anni after Aesc
Finally some real leaks
yes I'm sure the Servant released on the last fucking day of July counts for the month
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>caring about sales like he's on the Sony board
Nigger you can't shitpost this hard.
Lb7 summer
Benni alter
Nito alter
It was revealed to me when I jerked off
we're still doing this?
If that's the lineup I'd rather not have a summer at all.
Truth be told, this is a way better lineup than we're likely to get.
Pale whores in bikinis. Now!
Nobody cares about LB7. City is the only good one.
>Marie Alter
>Another CARmilla
So Shuten?
>Nito alter
these would be good, the rest can fuck off
if there's not at least 3 lolis this summer, then there will be WAR
no there won't
i hope you kill yourself worthless pedofaggot
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Solomon it is
good morning
Oh, they're flops alright. They flop on my cock.
I suddenly like Marie Alter now.
>6 anni is Koyan and 9 anni will be summer koyan.
>9 tail fox, 9th anni, a fou again and Koyan in the anni site.
>Fate/ Extra record info on aug 4.
Patternkekk am I wrong ?
It's the boob veins isn't it?
Quick tamamo....
the 9th anni and a 9 tailed fox would make the most sense. it's the best time for such a thing. amaterasu seems likely or mythological mystic code tamamo that continues the trend of caster tamamo gaining tails through ascension.
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>Flesh extends into the bra in a shapely manner as if it were an actual breast
anyone here draw for the 9th anniversary?
GudaBB love
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boobs too small and boobs too big
I like the decorations on the arms kek
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Mogged by her gremlin daughter
Aslaug is super cute too
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I could write a book on all the times there were patterns and apparent hints that would say Foggsu content was imminent.
Remember that time when Trashu was commenting that one month about how there's way too many Tamamos already?
The goddamn Sesshōseki split open in that timeframe too and they didn't feel like it gave them the sign of their utter incompetence over those years when it comes to giving content for her.
Oh, but Genshin being multiplat didn't count? Curious!
Kiara Kisshouin is the Anniversary servant.
It's Karl
Hey gfof, has Takeuchi ever been told "no, fuck off" by anyone in TM?
Why the fuck would he? He's the one keeping that ship afloat.
Kawasumi when he asked her to wear the wig.
I miss when our biggest rival was Granblue and we were destroying them now the Mihoyogames, BA, Wuwa and Limbus are all fucking destroying us
Is Granblue dead? Last thing I remember was them getting an alt for their oppai daughterwife
Nah they are destroying us too but outside of gacha in their case. Their fighting game and action rpg are much better
Wym?, Blue Archive and Limbus make less money than FGO, WuWa has real chances of falling off hard and I'd rather make no money than have the Mihomo fanbase, they're the first gaming company to have genuinely disgusting fans in every part of the globe
do peruvians really?
Oppai loli in FGO doko... Surely we're degenerate enough for one?
(Not sure if Kiyo counts, kinda tall)
We're not subhuman enough.
im eu
People in Peru are so fucking ugly, when I traveled there I was baffled by how wrong the mix between the Spaniards and the Incas went
It didn't count either you retard, every one of those charts is a approximation that is probably way off, the only people who can tell if they're making money or not is the devs themselves (not to mention that they don't track merch, some franchises like Saint Seiya have been afloat for years almost single handedly because of how much their merch sells)
Right. Only wholesome stuff in this game.
Anybody has a guide to set up a JP google account so that I don't have to rely on 3rd party installers to update FGO?
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Wuthering waves seem fine. It's a genshin clone with actual pandering.

The game that deserves winning is snowbreak.
In the anniversary they announced a season pass and in today's stream they announced that the free and collab characters will be getting gacha versions, that the producer and director are leaving and that the game was actually being ran by the new producer for the past few years
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>we will never have this kind of pandering
it's literally not fair
oppai loli are evil
if their whole tits don fit on my mouth they're shit
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This year for sure Jack will get a swimsuit. It's been 9 years now and it has to happen
>Log out your phone from your current google account
>Set up a Japan VPN
>Log in your phone to your google account
>Open app store/play store and install FGO update once
a sexy woman? for (me)?!
Holy shit Kamafags just got a major W
That's some cute art, got a link? (Even if the artists name is capriccio I imagine it's gonna be hard to search for)
a shit
Last year i said that the BAGgots buzzing around here would drop that game in a few years to shill the next "FGO/Genshin killer, this one cares about us waifufags i swear bro" but i didn't expect it to be this soon
Never played that one but as a pregnancy degenerate I appreciate the doujinshi
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Here you go.
>Mihoyogames, BA
Make less than FGO in nipland. FGO competitors are Monster Strike, Uma, Gakuen.
>Wuwa and Limbus
Irrelevant. Wuwa got banned from the appstore because of refund fraud, Limbus is literally a dead game.
That's a nice coloring for the FA Kama figma. And honestly we've gotten major W ever since Kama became a symbol of FGO with her overbearing popularity.
>Wuwa got banned from the appstore because of refund fraud
Still funny they tried to pull that shit on top of doxxing all of the Japs whales
>doxxing all of the Japs whales
what the fuck? tldr?

AA x Guda bros..?
>Scam Japs with a banner lying to them
>Threaten to report them to the government
>They go fine whatever we will refund you
>People aren't getting refunded after saying they would
>They say it's not their fault it's the banks fault
>Please send all of your info bank and shit to us so we can refund it and we handle each single case one at a time personally. This was their words
>Somehow they send out an automated email with every whales name, accounts name and all of their shit forwarded to everyone in a email sent out to everyone
>Funny, but also proving they lied about handling them each and it was all automated as well
They will never recover in the Jp side.
sounds fucked up
what did they lie about?
Why don't you post the picture of appstore claiming that wuwa got banned cause I can download it just fine on both Android and my iphone.
What's with this peruvian meme? There's a raikouschizo-tier schizo in /pw/ and he accuses the people he hates there as peruvian too.
It got taken off of the iOS App Store for a day this week but no one knows why yet
It was sorting about mistranslating a character and it fully changing how they worked making people think it was good when it wasn't or something
I got this from the past few /gbfg/ threads but I'm sure by now some redditor did a resume of all of this
But the game's still up and have never left the app store so I don't know where this rhetoric comes that the game got banned on appstore, nobody is willing to post the screenshot showing otherwise.
Because it's already back, it was a day off and that's it and no one knows why yet
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Than post the proof that it was off the store, all you larping retards can't differentiate between what's fake and what's real and proceed to spread misinformation at every given chance.
Ask me how I know you're a tourist
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What happened??? can't post the proof fkn faggot, all bark no show.
But that's not app store it's a 3rd party website.
Do you understand what this site does, genius? It tracks the ranks of the app store. Wuwa quite literally disappeared from it and that reflects it.
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BBfag is peruvian
But you were claiming that it got banned on appstore and if the game was banned it would not appear on the store so what is it?? Now your posting a random nip website as your reliable source not a screencap of wuwa not appearing on the store.
This thread is based and investigator pilled.
Never trust your bros.
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Still waiting on a Taiga figure...
If you go into the wuwa general they actually do post app store rankings for the game and they just had a new banner that made it into the top 10 i think. That anon is a schizo that doesn't actually play the game or know that nips got over that email leak incident in a heartbeat.
Anon its not hard.
>Wuwa gets banned for refund fraud
>Game doesn't rank as a result, the sites that track ranks showcase that
>Ban got lifted, its back
For someone who makes fun of Kizu he really is from the same type of cloth
>GudaSaba patricio
ubercringe holy shit
>that made it into the top 10
Thats it?
>anni logo has Fou on it
It's going to be another Beast isn't it?
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He's the literal boss of TM, anon. I don't think anyone there would ever tell him to fuck off

Servant for this feel?
blonde bitch is Mash, the other guy is Astolfo.

the other girl is a servant for (You)
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>Green eyes
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>satanic snoy overlords visited lasagna office
it's over
That oc3 girl are better choice i think than the other choice
no, Ceasar is already in the game
what the fuck is wrong with her hand
jesus, look at that pool, one foot is literally melting out of existence despite being at the same depth as the other foot, which is blurry for some reason even though the water is clear enough to see the bottom of the pool, and the bottom of the pool is 3 feet deep for some reason
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I believe it's possible
It's Karl
Just WHAT IS IT between you and Karl anon...
I just think he's neat
I'm expecting a Tamamo(Golden White Face)/Amaterasu. Lots of clues for that.
What is Mashu saying on this month's weekly missions?
ay carramba
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Ammy is too busy.
If anything she'll send another piece of her down to larp as her.
Post your 120s, bros.
Will 150 finally come this year?
>still no new bride servant
Fucking fuckers useless incompetent nepotist pieces of shits
Imagine if Valentine was just bride versions.
Imagine if Valentine was a short event, less than a week, and no new servants, only for (you) servants get the spotlight, along the choco scenes?

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