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Pakalive TV Vol.43 can be watched here: https://youtube.com/live/jd_qk4TpnTE

Previous: >>487066535
>Game News
Current Rate Up: Calstone Light O (3*)
Rate up on 2 SSR, select cards from a pool of 10 cards
New Scenario Campaign til 7/30
>Doubled training rewards
>New scenario limited missions
>3 factor changes
>10 daily rentals
>TP discount & usage halfed

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release confirmed: https://umamusume.com/

>Harvest! Full Stomach! Great Food Festival Guide

CM Dirt will be held in August, Chukyo, 1800m, mile, left, summer
LoH Sprint currently underway in July, Niigata, 1000m, turf, straight, summer, sunny

>IP News
'Umamusume Party Dash' will be released August 30 for Switch, PS4, and Steam
The Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
>No steam store page link for party dash
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Kingu waifu is so beautiful.
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Ready for swimsuit Rickey?

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He's probably talking about how it's not in the OP
Lys Gracieux's first kid is dead
Also some news about Boldog Hos: aim to be back in the end of the year
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Oh gawd, Dantsu is gonna eat me.
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SEXO with this chuunibyou!
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sex with cafe
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Good to know you dacchi
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10 min
You mean 40
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Nox do love ningen. Kita also really love that spot damn
Ningen give them treats, unlike other hors.
Need summer Mirako
Oh shit grub stream is on too
>immediately greeted with homoshit
AH good old granblue
Every gacha is having their streams this weekend it seems
What, you don't like a raging homo near naked in a speedo?
fkhr died for that
We really are getting Lickey swimsuit huh
Can't argue against gachi
No, I want a *naked* raging homo instead
lord i hope fkhr actually died
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But we already got summer Mirako (twice)
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Holy shit my hands are actually shaking what the fuck
Shilling your dead game again? Go back.
Two more weeks?
Art thou new?
>no glasses
not my bro
I hope we see this on stream
Hah... we made it pretty far for a little band of welfare shitters, didn't we bakushin?
Stiru, your power cross training…
Falco is so round...
three of those melons didn't pop…
Ballin time
i don't think that's how basketball works
I'm at least 90% certain this is the average basketball game
Spe is OP for party games
I'm not going to lie i wouldn't pay more than 15 bucks for this. Hopefully it goes on sale.
The sprites are very cute
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Granny gaming
I'm perpetually broke so I don't have a choice, I'd have to wait for a price drop
>canon jobber
Shit just doesn't have enough game modes for the 50 dorra ask
I can't follow what the fuck is happened. I'm too old for this
A (great) NES game has more modes than this game
They are showing off a new game mode
>Your $50 price point mode
For 50 dorra?
Where's the beat-em-up mode?
And you call yourself a Kunio-kun ripoff?
>Day 1 DLC
>steam won't get free in-game items
how are you supposed to convince 3 other people to buy this if you aren't a nip
pls understand horse cant into violence
it will hurt the image of horse and horse owner
Could easily make it a pillow fight and everyone would eat it up.
Just play with your fellow umadachis
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Will I buy this overpriced NES game? Yes
Will I buy the DLC just for sprite Cura? Yes
There's mah boi
That shit was so close wtf
>more RNG for my 150 jims
Never pay more than 46 bucks and 97 cents for a computer game.
What about the tip?
>KMR quitted grub
Guess he's going to Uma to fill the manager post instead
The power of feng shui...
At last...
>paying for the computer games
scam scam scam
It's time for GRANDMA SEX.
New Master challenge
It's about damn time
Time for CB and Ace to get their alts
>Mile LoH
>Summer scamcha
What are they even gonna do for 3.5th anni if the new scenario is already out
Release jim packs for you to buy, royar prayer.
Ah fuck
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Good shit
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Deutschland habt gehwonnen
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>bring dirt horses' VAs in
>announce non-dirt horse alt
I didn't wanna have to spark again so soon dude...
And one you need to go back to UAF to train... grim
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The little bit of curl to her hair is pure sex
>No Summer Bro
Oh Tomakomai won too.
wtf I love Hokko now
needs more skin
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Supreme Tomakomai Domination
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>grandma relegated to a card
Guess I will spark the straightest Uma. What a shitty summer. Yes, I am mad.
she better be wearing panties, not spats under there
>not a swimsuit
Tomakomai will die...
And... skip
At least we get to save jims for a better banner.
both of them make me cum…
i will roll
NOT wearing panties
Absolutely barren down there
i have 130k ninjins
i can spare a spark for both
Giant Tits Summer
They'll never give us the amount of skin they showed for the first summer alts ever again will they
Dumb bird
Ever since they got platformed as the JRA mobile game, they had to tone down the skin exposure. Granted Flash is technically wearing a two piece, so I wouldn't call it a complete L.
Swimsuits like that are why Falco will never win her trainer's love.
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My cute dumb round bird wife
>sapoka swimsuit is better than any of the playable umas once again
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sex thighs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eos... it's approaching...
Someone @ me if they announce EN release date this stream I'm going to bed.
You sure? It's the first time with the weird Hokko alt.
>shitty summer
>shitty overpriced game
>nothing for half-anni
Yep, it's over.
>Flash in a swimsuit made to kidnap Trainer to Germany
>Falko in a baby tier swimsuit
Grandma... you don't use a night gown at the beach...
cute granny
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They combined the early summer event and swimsuit summer event this year and robbed us of lickey's swimsuit
Wrong thread
5 more years bro
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>Tarumae is the only one not showing her navel
>1 swimsuit & 1 non-swimsuit summer
Eh, the 3 campaign idea fucked the sched but I’ll take it. Oh well, cygames has to dig their grave now. SiL is most likely the half anni at this rate.
Sweepy's is top tier, always wanted it to be an actual alt but this way she will never get a summer alt, yeah I might have a type
Wholesome trad idol pls understand
>dirt only SSR
will anyone be rolling?
That's true but other ones aren't much worse. But I'm salty too that they just don't bother modeling them as 3D.
>Bro didn't get anything
>CBT didn't get anything
What a scam
She's wearing nothing underneath those overalls it looks like. I'm kinda surprised the city of Tomakomai let her get away with that.

Top too small, you get >>487842886 instead.
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Wonder! A cute!
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IS THAT LAISU??????????????
They vill get event CGs and you vill be happy
Just went ahead and rolled on this banner instead.
Got these three.
Not saying it's like that every time, I just got reminded of that one time, but yeah shame we'll never see them as 3D models
Granny sexo
Bro literally came out like a few months ago chill. No excuses for CBT though.
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>still the best swimsuit
>Bro didn't get anything
And Flash already had an alt while others didn't. Cygames and retarded decisions go hand in hand.
>not mcqueen
I genuinely was expecting Transcend when her VA got her turn talking because I drank my own club bribe koolaid
i blame english uma for grub downfall...
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Mcqueen's unironically better
>nightgown in broad daylight
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Wrong image, my bad
Sorry, he posted the wrong image.
Kingu got a second alt this year too though? It's not that damning
flat bitch
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wrong image
They had to start the 2nd alt rotations sooner or later. If anything, most events are more or less confirmed to be a 1st alt and a 2nd alt per month now. Then after 4th anni they start the 3rd alts.
why do they have a glass of cum? is this some japanese ritual i'm unaware of?
I hope Sky gets a second alt at some point too, preferably not another boyfaggot look
Why do they keep making the support card costumes way way better than the actual alt costumes?
Ahhh it's basically june + july alts from last year combined

Makes sense

Tarumae got the june one
Flash got the july one
Because you can do whatever the hell you want if you don't have to render them in 3D.
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Damn brat
That "totally not a bra over a gown" doesn't look good and I blame the frills.
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I see asaka
I hate being broke
I hate being stuck in this damn country.
Wait, isn't 3.5 anni next month? There's no campaign announcement?
Because we got a new scenario this june so they combined the events

you missed it?
I think they said something like a countdown?
EOS in 14 days
i am not eating bro mushrooms
Why is Dura and Bro in the same box?
You will eat your broshrooms and you will like them.
I was going to save but tarumae was my reason to come back to this kusoge in the first place, FUCK
The got the entire CG crew there, are they going to announce the anime there?
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boy love
Flash's alt does nothing for me. However Tarumae's does everything.
I will gobble up my bro's mushroom if you know what I mean.
We have gathered so many kinds of sexoos here that I can't tell who's turned on by what anymore.
her nipples aren't that huge....
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>she sees your haskapp
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it's up
Kinoko is objectively better, there's almost zero chance of staining your hand with chocolate compared to shitty bamboo.
Announce the movie hitting streaming services now you fucks.
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Elegant, I like it.
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How many new tarumaefags will be born from this alt?
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Man, yen is so cheap i love this

would've cost 50% more years ago
Are you gonna hotglue?
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I found a higher quality.
still sexo
Tact is dead and shelved. All hail the newer newmas.
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I still don't have her base and am very tempted to roll.
Welp all the good shit is for next month's stream
hopefully we get a new sexo song like gaze on me for the new dirt trio
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her concept art
She would've been perfect without the retarded ahoge
there you go
EN release 2026
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You guys forgot to post her.
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>Lady G Donna
>November 2026 for EN release
How hard is it to just change some text to english?
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10/10 design really
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Rate the stream
It's not just that, they have to localize it because foreigners would feint if they saw any of the trainer uma relationships, everything has to be rewritten
EN for 2026
two more years
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buena sexa
Meine Frau/10
Is it real? I can't find the part where they said it.
Let's guess how many globalfags will be around by then.

so this means EN is confirmed to eos or flop right? is /uma/ safe?
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I love her
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If you want to huff some copium, they're gonna make some changes so it doesn't come out dead like changing the font and including at least until the first anni of content. Does this really needs 2+ years? Who knows, I've alreadt seem some other games like these die because of the long wait between the beta/announcement and the actual release, especially when it keeps being postponed.
Pure, unfiltered disappointment.
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>Flash/Tarumae swimsuits
Donna use your gorilla strength to hold me back
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Sex Variation
Because anons are lying, nowhere on the stream does it say anything about global release date
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It's like Tomakomai is paying them to shill their city.
Cykagames does it for free!
That's the worst part dumbass, they don't even know when(and if) they will release it.
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Actual boy love
And you inferred that from? Your dreams?
I'd be the first one to laugh if it released in late 2026 but we both know it won't take that long.
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Sex Was happy until I realized I wouldn't be able to go to Aichi/10
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Then tell me, why wouldn't they just drop the release date if it comes out soon? They did that for party dash pretty much right away. That means it's not coming out soon(late 24/early 25).
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pantu flame
>Shadai girls wear sexy clothes
>Sunday girls wear boring clothes
Well Sunday Racing was one of the orgs they had to beg to come back after the immediately jumped ship. Of course they want the safest, most dignified designs. Fat man one day. I still believe.
So why was CB's Seiyuu there again?
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Random designated MC. I thought she would be one of the alts, but oh well.

This still makes me laugh.
Pakalive is aimed at their Japanese audience, there's no reason for the VAs to talk about it and fake being yatta ne about it. If it does come out late 2026 I'll mea culpa but for now I don't believe it.
To torment CBfags
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So how did your final day go, dacchis?
...You DID get plat4, right?

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She's free
is the banner change today or tomorrow?
I didn't, fuck this gamemode
I want her already. I thought for sure that we would get her soon after they released AI mode and Everlasting Beat.
She's a big girl
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too bad shes wearing spats but she's probably the june summer alt
>Flash Bikini
My jims…
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Tourism rates in Tomakomai would have skyrocketed if she wasn't wearing spats... they should sue CyGames
I like how this gives the illusion that she goes commando
And yet they approved of their dad being turned into a loli.
same LMAO
I only got to plat 3, but I expected lower because I'm using mutant horses except bride kingu
This but with symmetrical shoes
kurachan was in my dreams
What kind of OP card will we get for half-anni?

>spd = crowded with OP cards already
>stam = not in line with the latest two scenarios
>power = we just got one
>guts = possible given people are still using Urara
>int = possible given McQueen is senkou spec
New card type
I still don't get what the orfe supp does. Both the ingame and gametora descriptions are vague.
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Well Dream Journey is a tiny angry midget in RL. They really toned down the original personality though.
You get +1 stat bonus on her per support in your deck based on their type, up to +2. So a deck with 3 SPD 1 INT would give her +2 SPD bonus and +1 INT bonus.
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It's pretty straightforward. If you have an int card, then you'll get +1 int bonus (when she's 80+), meaning if Orfe sits on int and you train int, it'll account for her +1 int bonus.
It works up to +2, and you get +1 sp for the friend card you're using.

Look at pic related. Her bonus works for herself, and she already has +1 bonus for guts, so with 2 guts cards you get a total of +3 guts bonus.
lmao Takiki end up guessing it lmao.

>Summer Taru
It seems those Tomakomai anons won

Man, why Acute's swimsuit is more of a lingerie for a good summer sex honeymoon?
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they made her extra thicc
3P German-Tomakomai collab/10
death by snu-snu is a certain thing when it comes to fucking her, but it will be heavenly climax.
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Need that cushion for the 168 hour breeding session to make Geraldina.
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Denied of summer with bro...
Too early for summer bro. Get ready for the NY Bromono.
I think Christmas suits bro more since Japan sees that shit as a romantic/sex day.
Good, I hope that "bro" of yours never gets an alt or support
I liked how skip-worthy it was so I could roll on Calstone's banner without worry
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Let a girl dream
now we know where Tact inherit the sex.

Mayano is dreaming, let her be.
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when i whip out my meat
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oh god, Falko's seiyuu is so round
I don’t think it’s normal for you to make that face when you whip out your own dick bro…
How can speek compete against her daughters anyway?
this stream resurrected that one still in love artist so i'm obliged to give it 10/10
you guys weren't lying about menhera jp artists huh
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which artist?
>checks artist previous tweets
>mental breakdown
so what the heck happen? Did some retard attack him or something?
>these unhinged tweets
it checks out
it mention someone quote tweet him about something but it's hard to pinpoint who.

but anyway, it's kinda dumb people will just go retard over random bullshit in the net.

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