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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
JUVENILE DAYS - July 25 ~ August 8
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Events
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Zwei - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costumes
Naga: Elegant Date [Mission Pass] - August 1 ~ August 31
Tia: Lovely Date [Log-in event]


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I love my wife Rapi.
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DBS fags are cancer no matter where they are seen
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The AZX?
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AAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE What is up with her voice?? I thought she was going to be cute and funny!!
A rikker(Grave) will get an SSR before rapi
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I love Anis
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no doros allowed in this thread
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goodbye Tia, you WONT be missed.
Doro will become the strongest Goddess when she realises her ass is the most powerful weapon
Grave will be the free Pilgrim, no one will pull for a male character
you are bricking your naga by removing tia
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Make way for Doro!
Shes my favorite counters girl but they keep doing her dirty in the story, like they are hazing her, almost as if they are punishing her.
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> Ein releases
> "lmao zero sex appeal SHIT NIKKE"
> turns out she's meta

you fuckers are so predictable. APOLOGIZE
If my summer Anis burst is 9, who do I replace Privaty with? Another B3 dps?
only the fag of the north star larper needs to apologize
She'll still do a lot more damage with Privaty on the team so she gets down to 2 ammo when someone else is bursting
bro? just replace that ugly ass villain and you're good to go

power up soon bro
Do you already have electric dps?
Hagfags in shambles
I think she is the most loved member of counters, even gets to host all the anniversaries
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And then I didn't pull her
A nikke's appearance represents their ideal form.
Privaty would still be good to drop her ammo to 2 when your second dps bursts
I'm using the standard team with Doro, Marciana, and Scarlet/Ein.
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I have 2 SR shotgun dolls but I haven't gotten a single rare one Simce they came out.
If you're lying I'm going to poop my pants out of rage and sadness
> you are bricking your naga by removing tia
don't care, i really hate Tia suicide

>bro? just replace that ugly ass villain and you're good to go
eh my Drake is fully kitted so she's here to stay. I might consider upgrading my Elegg to replace Naga.
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What does gacha rarity mechanics have to do with the story?
Rapi is already in the game, I've been using her since I started playing and enjoying her story and I will continue to do so. Having ANOTHER Rapi would be great though, but not having two Rapis yet doesn't diminish the experience.
>i really hate Tia
Very based, me too
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>doro: i dont believe u or anything anyone says
>rh: im gonna kill myself
>doro: now wait a minute here
neon dev will never let it go
Only the /nikg/ certified homo that keeps spamming 'troony' hates Ein.
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Do you need her? You can survive the train without healer at 281+ by the looks of it.
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I love Ein because she's meta, I hate troony because she's not
wow i cant believe people flock to meta characters in a game where 80% of the roster is unusable
These chapters were terrible
that dude is really obsessed with trony for some reason. I guess he really found his "trans sister" joke funny.
I don't like her because I'm a hagchad
2 rapis = 4 buttholes. you wouldnt be able to handle it
divegrass nikke when
im doing story and noir melons keep popping out of my screen!
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
hopefully never. soccer is the gayest shit in the world
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You have my erection
i want to fall asleep sandwiched between these two, the three of us cuddling together to dreamland after taking a shower post-sexo
why 2 buttholes
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very nice
i don't want it
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Soon bros
>rapi's been getting cucked this whole time because she's too insecure about her two buttholes to approach the cummander
Because nikke cores are stored in buttholes, and Rapi has two cores.
Rapi has 2 souls inside her, herself and redhood.
And as we all know the soul is stored inside the butthole
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That's a really thicc Rapi
but red hood is dead so shouldnt that butthole close up
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Anis's hair clip is the ultimate slop filter.
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maybe its kinda like a phantom butthole
>tragically, she's unaware that revealing such a thing would cause skk to go primal-levels of horny for her
My wives saved Nikke, just like i said for an entire year.
only true artisans can depict my perfect wife anus. She is perfect after all.
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i love when stages are complete luck whether everyone survives the first two seconds
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I don't get it without red squares and circles
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What if, Counters doesn't get new SSRs versions for the story, but the powerup comes from treasures which essentially elevates their kits and stats to new skills and increases their stats to SSR levels?
is Laplace a good toon?
>character is called red hood
>she doesnt wear a hood, just holds a red jacket behind her at literally all times, even when jumping out of a plane
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How the hell is she outdamaging RH? 5k power difference shouldn't be that big.
I was spamming troony during the week but then I went for a trip, nice to see someone picked up and continued my gig lmao I will return monday love you
not happening, anis would be too powerful
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lol. you want good unit.. for free? lmfao. lol heh
she's called red hood after the sight of her clit after commander(forma de legendario) gave it indian rugburn
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N-neon bros
If that comes true then my team would have double Anis
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Is this the hardest stage for the whole chapter and half of the next?
neondev's eternally seething that everyone prefers anis to neon
i cant believe neon is fucking dead
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only in 4chin I would read something like this
>Recieve Social Points 15 time(s)
It's joever... I'm never getting those 30 points back...
if they made an anime i would rather it be SOL like this instead of the gacha plot.
hardest for that chapter by far, yes
but chapter 26 has multiple asshole stages
27 is better, and 28 isn't bad
Clean your friend list.
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Anis chads, I kneel
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I'm just new, don't have anyone added yet
Time to install discord I guess
Install it and stay there.
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If you've been offline for 7 (seven) days, you are no longer my friends.
should be 3 days
>waiting a whole week
how lenient
it's three days and you're out
Benefit of doubt.
Anyone done chapter 29 Hard?
How much harder is it compared to 28 Hard? Any bullshit stages I should be aware of?
>doesn't have a carefully curated friends list of people that go online at reset every single day
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Elemental advantage.
It's 2 hours after reset, if I don't get those Belortas as soon as possible I start screaming
if she gets an SSR it would be really nice if this costume was usable on it
best swimsuit in the game and yet i cant use it
>Rapi we are facing a tyrant class rapture, It's crucial for you to wear a bikini for this fight
idiots just add friends from your union? how hard can it be? and then trim those who are over 2d inactive so you have daily income????
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I hate these flying shitters on those long ass defense stages while the game is stuttering due to korean coders
There is no friend recruit channel
It's joever
You mean you LOVE those flying shitters in defense stages + those raptures that chain your nikkes so they can't move
>he doesn't know about the broken friendship rate debuff
bet you don't have pure accounts either.
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do defenders get an advantage in the 3x3 arena?
I defended against a dude twice in a span of 2 days then I lost my position to another but I saw that the past guy who was attacking me had gone up.

certain in my victory I attacked him and then lost all 3 rounds.
Metal Slug collab wen
attackers have all the advantage.
>Metal Slug collab wen
after the spongebob collab (Spongebob is canon in nikke)
Simpsons and Dragonball are canon too.
I do not like sinister, that is all
I desperately need to manhandle alice, that is all
17-33 Hard is fucking bs
doubt it
do character reset items expire
I must have the patience of a saint, then, since my friend list cap is 30 days; as long as I get my maximum friend points every day, I don't really care. 60 days for my Union.
1 month
this but unironically
They stay in your inventory but you can't use them until they give some out again
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2 days = sayonara
>flying shitters defense stage + ropers
Pray for Crown taunt in time for the ropers since you can have Naga bursting instead

Tia Naga to block the green balls near the end
I hate Rapi as much as I hate Kyouka
>Pray for Crown taunt in time for the ropers since you can have Naga bursting instead
now let's add silencers
What day do you usually clear UR?
>pretending to be hesitant with pulling
>slowly shoving the machine lever up
>slowly skipping the rikkers to pay them respect in hopes of getting nikke for being honourable
I can't be the only one, right?
Donald Trump collab when?
I am in desperate need of petting Alice while she sleeps on my lap
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I need to start. Every time I do a lot of rolls and press skip its all belortas. Pulling it truly adds a luck bonus, similar to how quick advise gives you less than the manual advise.
I hype myself up right before pulling the lever, and then just shove it up in one go
and it fucking works
The only way to roll is to channel into the nikke in a place they would be most comfortable in.
Example, if I want to call Frima, I would roll in my bed. If I want Summer Helm, I would have to go to a battleship museum. If I want Ein, I will drive to the nearest high school, and roll.
I remember Mcegan deactivating sync cursor for those trashcans for maximum corehits
Aim assist is your friend you can hit it hard while its falling down say with Alice or Redhood
My memory isnt that good I dont recall silencers on defense stage. Mostly multiple brappers are the most annoying thing there in 27/28
ch29/30 are those flying shitters and laser
>Lost Relic in a Hard stage
>10 dust
That is just an insult
fuck off pewterschmidt
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I will not
I rolled for her because she's cute, and then later found out she's meta
So suck it
i fucking hate this stupid train
>red hood suggest SW to put drills on the weapons because they are cool
>red hood wolfbane shoot bullets like a drill
>grave seven dwarf has a drill on it that she has no idea why snow white put on it
its the small things
I normally give them a day. I haven't missed a day since launch, and if you do you're out.
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Fuck this shit. I tried to pull for Anis and did everything right. Lost 20k and right when I think of stopping it shines Gold. I get hyped only to get fucking Biscuit. I give up.
>>red hood wolfbane shoot bullets like a drill
You mean rifling?
download sizer and go windowed mode then use sizer like 3000x700 resolution
biscuit is a great unit to pair with anus.
rifling doesn't do this >>487823361
no matter how much you wanna cope
The most annoying one was hard 28 i think 33b? Defense stage with a bunch of ropers and other shit that hit pretty hard. Haven't tried 29 yet, not really looking forward to it after malding on Crystal Chamber for a while.
the resolution doesnt mean shit man
i'm retarded and those turrents just nothing personnels my nikke
this fucker is a big DPS check and i don't have it
then again, nikke in general is a DPS check
UR or SI train?
I don't remember that stage but a lot of anons here were stuck on the one just atop the ramp to the town. For me it was 27-12 cause I had to lvl up my modernia to clear
Drills dont either.
Huntress and Loader when?
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If you think about it, that's not wrong, especially if the projectile tip was machined into a drill bit.
i'm too weak for UR train
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Nikke for this feel?
I like ein's elysion hairclip and would probably wear it.
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bro just look at a drill
Starting chapter 28 now
I have to ask,
When does the game get good?
Story seems pretty underhanded the whole way through
Yuni and Crow killing people was neat, but I think the entire Ark went pure retard to make any of that work
This crystal stuff isn't interesting
Why the best story segment still the tutorial when Marian helps you off her?
29 is easy cept the defense stages which was my leftover, i went to sleep after beating 28, then swept almost all of 29 in a day. 30-6 is a nightmare as well as the defense stages after it, drove me nuts finding objects to generate burst. I'll just camp here for a while

For Crystal Chamber, the best for me was Crown Liter SAnis Redhood Scarlet. I think Redhood and Scarlet are the only ones that need covering. Naga Alice strat just didnt work for me even with the massive cp difference.
My SAnis has like 80% elemental, she's the one carrying my electric vs boss even on those special stages for 300 gems i think
Try to get one turret down low, then switch and kill the other turret. If you don't, the second turret will gain the destroyed turret's power and do double damage. Remember to OL your gear if you can.
Yea? Drills don't shoot lasers nor move in a spiral path. They just spin.
Fuck I've got current thing on the brain. D's. D's hairclip is cute.
that is why you mother doesn't love you
Nah all this crystal shit should've been wrapped up in 2-3 chapters. its shit the whole way through bro.
I say whoever I want's name when pulling and wait through the rikkers when I get a gold flash.
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>sniper rapture target drops
>seven dwarves charging
>OHKO before it finishes charging
feels so fucking GOOD
Resolution matters, if you can kill those add-ons while bursting, you get better rewards.
I hope you learn the concept of frame dodging as well on this boss. You will use it alot in this game
I grip and shake my Pomu pape like she owes me money (she did). It werks everytime.
crossfire collab
Seems irrelevant to drills. Are you sure you thought about this?
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>August 2nd - August 9th
>Ein banner ends on August 8th
Just noticed Zwei will be available on the last day of SR and considering she's elec and might synergize with Ein there won't even be a reason to do any challenge mode hits until she drops. Expect the last day to get hectic
Yeah, I saw most folks were using Scarlet for CC. My Scarlet takes away too much POW though, so I just ended up using Naga instead of her. Surprisingly S. Anis carried me quite a bit for 28 hard, those god damn capsule niggers with those shields kept fucking up my runs.
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what about freefire?
Your fully invested mesugaki?
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>7 (seven) days
You are dead to me after 2.
What would have Rapi's reaction been if she started raping us right there?
she is lonely, give her some slack shifty
Frame I looks so clean
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Not much change, Hair goes red-> runs at Behemoth-> gets clamped. Maybe the expression on her face would be angrier.
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Yeah pretty good this time, shame we don't get all
My SAnis Scarlet duo has like 40k difference from Naga Alice, her dps buff gain from SAnis will useful, think of her as the Modernia in this situation and you just need to framedodge with her when you see the glowing red circle

Good luck with those cylinders
I was using Alice BlackScarlet on those stages with Redhood burst 1 cause my Modernia was dogshit before I changed her burst effects to something else
Neon is going to rape me in front of Rapi after she betray us in Chapter 39
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That's not much different from what happens canonically.
pretty good track
they should do Scarlet next for Anni
Just got Alice after playing for a year and it wasn't even from the wishlist despite being there from the start
>finally reach chapter 28 boss
>mandatory electric shield
if ein can't save me then guess i'll just fucking die then
The hard version?
Hope you tell us which is better SAnis or Ein, Can Ein even replace Redhood? Would be real interesting.
We still have to fight water bosses 3 more times
2 Crystal chamber and 1 Coffin
We're you saying her name when you pulled?
I broke through 28-40H after Ein patch, but Sanis was still stronger for me, she was less invested than Sanis though. I wish we could repeat the fights, I got stuck a bit in chapter 29, might be a while until 30 boss.
it was on my final pull for Ein who I now hope will not take a full year to come after she goes to the common pool.

From the current wishlist pool I'm only missing D:wife and Milk now
Ein is arguably not meta right now.
I'll be honest with you nikkers, Behemot's JP voice ready does things to my dick
I don't remember, honestly. It's a very casual union. I joined it around the time the system was added just to be in one, and they were open about it being casual. On top of that, I was made the leader without warning earlier this year for no clear reason; I can only assume the last leader went inactive for too long and the game automatically transferred leadership to me for one reason or another. Or the last leader just chose a random person before fucking off somewhere. All that said, we have over ten people contributing to the current raid.

When I typed out the limit being 60 days though, I realized that's probably a bit much even for a casual union. I'll probably start pruning around 30 instead from now-on.
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Just to be clear, I want to fuck Trony in the butt
Interesting, yes will take a while for 30, I just want to figure out how good is that true damage+elemental advantage+Sanis buffs really is, if it can compete with Redhood
I say what what?
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but that's where the poop comes out?
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You can always mod it. It's one of the few mods that actually looks good.
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I still brought RH to my clear, for B1 usage. Team was Liter, Crown, Alice, Sanis, RH, sync 413, 735k POW. My Alice is very invested though.
And my wiener goes in
So, who the fuck is Grave then?
>Elysion has no nikkes
>New Elysion nikkes are just Absolute 2.0
I thougt Elysion was the military Ingrid should have the most amount of nikkers whe are fighting a war here.
I kneel to brazilbros
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toilet nikke
Elysion is utter dogshit, but really I just feel bad for elysionfags. I get it. I mean after all, I wanted characters to be designed more like rikkers to begin with, not schoolgirlslop/sexworkerslop
Thats a very unique lineup 2 sources of dps buff, I also quite high pow for that sync.. Must be pain to frame dodge between alice and redhood
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>Elysion has no nikkes
They do, we just haven't met them yet. Unfortunetely any new Elysion squad introduced in the story will never be canonically as good as Absolute.
Noooo i only got one mast...
>canonically the strongest (they arent)
>their units a actually trash and one of them is crow levels of unusable in any way shape or form
Oh it's that Nikke everyone keeps going on about
Kinda cool that you can just see her rather than it just be an ambiguous blob
rare case where 2 is objectively the worst
Loveryn is <3
Will replace Marciana
I still don't get how Neon became part of the main crew
She sticks out like a sore thumb
>Trying to figure out why some nikkes aren't shooting at this rapture during a burst
>Objects intervening and it doesn't deteriorate
For what reason
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This is the detailed damage spread. Basically, RH -> Alice, RH -> Anis for first bursts (this destroys the first crystal, I target the right one), then RH is only used for Anis bursts for ATK buff. I only iframe the first ball, destroy the other two. My Alice has nearly 40% ATK, Sanis has over 60 ele. That comp got me ~100 bars left of HP before I opened my boxes, at sync 406.
Yes, I paid for some costumes, feel free to call me a paypig.
They actually brought that up in chapter 29 or 30, I'm curious about where this is heading.
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retardbwo... dont post your ranking after the thread fucking dies from bump limit. here, ill repost it for you
thanks. I'll buy out the skill mats and level up my nikkes. i don't have noah or noise but i'll try out delta
If you don't have summer liter you might as well switch to some other game.
neon dev got hired
>canonically the strongest (they arent)
I didn't say they were
>one of them is crow levels of unusable in any way shape or form
Gameplay is not canon.
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Where do you get these mods? I tried going to DC discord some months ago and the fuckers were paywalling almost everything.
she's a spy
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Because she was cute.
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day 3 of ein having zero art
meanwhile, my wife:
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Your pow is above my sync 420 team at 413, kek at those Liter and Crown dupes padding it.
>no elemental advantage on S
>guillotine not invested
>exia without treasure
oh no
pic not related. shit look like a rat on steroids
I think it's pretty funny that her whole character is being autistic retard shouting firepower and her SSR is the worst unit in the game
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now now my nigga crow and eunuch still exist and they're literally rikker tier
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They get posted here from time to time. https://files.catbox.moe/krr0c2.jpg
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Anne? easily 1v1s Behemoth.
Alice is by far the highest still, not only high dupes but also 11 OLs with SR doll. I went all out with the jims I had on Crown, wanted to get MAX but luck was just not there. I'm not going to throw my money away on rolls, at least, so had to settle for that.
>half of chapter 31 is filler stages with no story
why is shitup getting so lazy? we waited months for this shit and they're fucking us
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>think about pushing missilis tower
>realize im at a 40k deficit and the first wave has a tanky sniper that always deletes one unit unless I focus the burst on him exclusively in which case the trash that surrounds it deletes 3 units instead
I'm tired, boss
Sex with Behemoth when?
>more vapaus unchained bullshittry
I hope we can get to the point of having the Counters having a showdown with a heretic without relying on it.
Sex comes after marriage, obviously.
Mine still stuck at SR10. Anyways you have a very unique lineup setup. Happy it did well for you before 421. 29 is a Modernia abuse chapter. Hope you sent her doll do SR5 at least if your burst with her isnt at 10. Mines only at 5
How many gems did you use on Crown for that amount of dupes, I might empty my stash with Cinderella if her skills are good.
Heretics and Pilgrms will never get sex.
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Post them
Fuck that, sex with Leviathan when?
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Helm is the 10/10 perfection Nikke
these are always a disappointment
You just have to wait for Drake
neon's ideal body...
she's an azure lane character
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Only missing a gacha skin now... wedding skin when?
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>Zwei filmed us visiting a love hotel with Ein
Probably something close to 60k. It took over 100 rolls for the first one to even appear, my banner pilgrim luck is garbage. My M is fortunately good, I'll try pushing more later, but I might need raw stats from 421 at some point.
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>brute forcing and tanking the shield because my elec dps aren't up to par
No wonder they are so mad
Rupee's shop isn't a love hotel...
can do, chief
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Still waiting for Rupee's treasure to have the complete collection.
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Nikke NA server playercount will take a hit once Sparking Zero comes out
>why don't these almost rikkers roll over OP enemy type that otherwise had to be subdued by two best Ark squads + shitload of luck
/nikg/ moment
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I have a theme
i do see that, it's criminals
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Whale is DEAD.
I repeat Whale is DEAD.
Fuck you Whale!
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What a cute and wholesome event
Big milkers
Actually the worst designed boss I have ever fought
Yeah, that's why I'm glad it's over.
Next is Nihihilister and that one is pretty straightforward DPS check.
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Too bad the next event won't be as wholesome
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stay away from Rei you fucks
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Was this the absolute worst event story in the history of this game, so far?
After beating the newest chapters with my wives + Bunny Soda I can now browse this general again
It's the only one i've ever started skipping through, so yes.
It's so plain and boring it feels like they just shoveled it out on a day and went on summer vacation
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if its not related to the war I skip
simple as
No that's Red Ash
Her nipples are on display and I still didn't bother rolling on her rate up
Though I wish other Nikkes would get that treatment
That's ein's arm.
actually, it's naru's
just got to chapter 27 and what the fuck why does the soundtrack always go so hard in this game?
there is not even something crazy happening at the moment but damn
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god you could probably fit Rei's whole foot in your mouth
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Still want to get Bay's, just need one more dupe.
Over my dead body. Marciana is perfect, even if she isn't the best.
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my dick could still fit
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Extremely based, I'm envious. I just need to MLB S.Helm to achieve this.
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Who was the second one that SKK carried to safety? Anis? He left Neon for last, didn't he?
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I want to fuck Marciana in front of all her students as part of sex ed
This image goes kinda hard, to be honest.
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It's the lobby reward for the next event
*it was just a simulation*
>brap induced wind
I do not consent to my data being analyzed.
sex with noir until blanc cums
Where's her ass?
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she just got 2 lets that go straight up into the belly with no pelvis
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Mating press
>Marian die
Not really, she's Mordenia now
>Doro friend die
Not really

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>Zwei Waffen
Hm...Is nice.
From the first moment I saw Grave I immediately knew that... she is Pinne.
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Mind switching Doro by making her listen to Pinne's moans!
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I like mine well-done
retarded euro pagfag
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Finally someone civilized
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just kill everything on the screen retard
yeah keep chewing that shit like an ape
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>also electric
She must be either a healer or CDR.
I can't hear you
>"Fortunately no one was hurt."
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kill him and then kill his children if he has any
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But I wanted to offer you this Doro soup...
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This bitch really setting up her students with a sex maniac.
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wish this debuff could be applied at will to any woman irl
It's fine they are too flat to be sexed by shikikan
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new comic, thoughts?
I love Vesti
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now reassemble it without looking at a reference
Delete the tie so the pantsu shot is better visible in-game, mod done
sopa de doro, uma delicia
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the new guilty figurine looks bad
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F for S
>well done
I've seen people send steaks back more cooked than that complaining that it's raw.
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It's all Viper
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Just noticed the entire Colorless story is already in the files
>pierce calculation formulas
>Zwei will buff pierce damage and synergize with Alice/RH
Last one looks like Tia thoughbeit.
I believe that is the haha he is implying at this very moment
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NA /goddess of victory - nigge/ rankings
NIKG - ???
MESUGAK1 - 44th
UOOOH - ???
NOPAN - ???
N1KKAS - ???
404TH - ???
Pæ„›ZURI - ???
CSERYL - ???
do i stop getting treasure material once that treasure is fully updated?
I don't know.
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She looks more like she's about to shoot death beams.
heh its been a while
i've come to terms with Nikke being destiny child 2.0
Haha, you're funny of course it keeps collecting forever and then 2 years down the line they'll implement a way to convert the useless materials into other materials like they plan to do with the useless manufacturer gear soon which only took them almost 2 years as well
>non-RH teams deal about 65% less damage
can contribute one good hit at least
I don't think so.
I had roughly 150 pieces for Laplot before last SR, switched to Exia for dispatches since you also get various treasure pieces as first clear rewards.
Ended up with 162 Laplop pieces.
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They need to up the age rating then.
RH is trash retard
Would Ein idolize Rupee if she knew that the two of you were fucking?
Your teams are awful then.
keep coping cucklet cuck cuckdow
sorry I'm new, wtf for some reason I almost always get only diesel material, I almost have 230 pieces at this point, second is 21 laplop, etc
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Privaty looks pretty soft
>230 pieces
super bricked, you only need 160 to max it
my hood is fully OL with 10/10/10 so that's probably a factor>>487834231
yeah poopee should have totally said "sweetie mating presses me daily" and let ein kill them both
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I mean...
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Holy based, fuck Exoticus.
>three days in a row without any rocks or manufacturer gear
It's over...
This is why my dw will forever remain at level 1
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>gets mad at manwhore for being with another woman
>0 time to explain anything
>runs away
Woman moment
>Guilliotine wasn't invited to this year's summer event because she gave Jackal PTSD
Gross. Look at this cow. I can't believe they baited me in to rolling for this livestock.
It is cause she's flat anon. No flats allowed this time.
>230 pieces
I hope you switched the material you're collecting from daily dispatch. You can pick whichever you want there and get 3x a day, if it's still set on Diesel you should swap that
>Rei's left arm
She really wants to seduce SKK
Can you believe there are people who don't believe Grave is pinne? I mean, why else would they hide her face if its a new character? Doesn't make any sense. She IS pinne.
>Can you believe there are people
who are you trying to bait? everyone knows its not pinne, devs said so
bad bait
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>devs said so
why does marciana's drone recoil when she shoots
>I hope you switched the material you're collecting from daily dispatch. You can pick whichever you want there and get 3x a day, if it's still set on Diesel you should swap that
dont you have to spend gems fpr that?
You can change it anon.
it gets scared by the loud noise
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how? by reseting dispatch spending gems?
>dev said so
Yes that is the only way
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next time you do your dispatch missions just click on the diesel treasure one and select a new one. it doesn't cost anything.
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thanks anon, im stupid as fuck. didnt know that
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>don't have a single outpost event
what the fuck?
What's the outpost level for 75 and 76 core dusts?
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You press the blue icon to switch which Nikke's treasure materials you want to get, it doesn't cost gems
If it's still set on Diesel now you're bricking yourself since you only need 160 for each
Need shifty outpost event.
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She really just insulted Tia to her face.
Baiting aside, Lupee just continues to prove that she is best girl in every event.
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Is she wrong though
Haven't you heard? Ein is a bully.
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laplop too tall
newbie here, what's the most kino event aside from dorozone and miracle snow?
Bow Wow Paradise
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> 230 pieces
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Sea you again, just got added to the archives.
My favourite moment in the game so far. I hope we get The Admire in nikke form like Kancolle
April Fools count?
That's not wrong. For outside observers things are not always clear.
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This event was cute. It made me nostalgic for my HS friends.
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don't lie, you never had any friends
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Sea you Again. Aegis is pretty cool
Dave collab
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It's pretty dark though. This bitch is probably getting resetted.
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who else but HER
it's Crown
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Stop hurting me these events do that enough already
I prefer them over the Counters honestly
Nah she got off with cleaning the bathrooms. Unless you mean she's not gonna pass the tests
could it be 300 if i had not asked here
>game where women are turned into fucking robots and made to fight a losing war after the end
She deserves it, let's reset all potential Crows.
Do people just lose the ability to read once they click on any of our threads
They're just a better version of counters
I don't care about shotos, tekken is already slopped to the max
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f2p rival now has half a sync level over me....
I bet he's not a real f2p anyway
Fucking cheater
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Fuck that stage. They spammed way too many of those quickshot flying disk bastards.
what is read
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hey guys is summer anis coming back this year?
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This is where we philosophically diverged, anon. At the end of the day, I'd always blow my load in her cunny instead.
Who the fuck reads? I have TTS for this thread, you losers.
It went over Tias head naturally
rerun again? doubt it
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you need euthanasia
>cleaning the bathrooms
death to the stormcloaks
She's back right now.
aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou aeiou john madden
>wanting to hear the dumb shit typed in this thread
license to kill and unironically >>487836274 for light hearted
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Baipa bros. Viper really did nothing wrong
Millions death means nothing. Humans breed like roaches.
When is the Anis: Sparkling Summer rerun?
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So the school girls and triangle are the only nikkes who all have a different manufacturer?
Crow/Jackal isn't the same as Viper.
Exotic and Counters
the what now
I was alt-tab shitposting while belorta and mica were winning the stages
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12k core dust per level is so miserable
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bow wow paradise was fun. A lot of the other "light filler" events needed to sneak in some serious drama because korean, but bow wow was like an episode of a kids show
why isnt neon missilis?
wait, what? this is kino
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Nikke for this feel?
bow wow is the worst event by far, at least leona we could BTFO NTR faggots, but biscuit event was just a bunch of nothing
More like you only need 50 for each besides diesel and viper
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do they just throw darts on a board to decide the bonus nikkes in events?
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Don't forget your monthly CCP Pass rewards.
You can get 9 hours worth of core dust boxes.
Don't brick yourself.
Shifty is the only human I would have any romantic relations with
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Isnt she just that cheerleading bitch but white and a cop?
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wrong general zzzigger
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I will always claim my CP, Shifty.
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The fuck is that? I saw this in another thread and thought of the cheerleading bitch.
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I will play your game for the ass cop
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wrong general eosconne globalfags
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>can get pregnant
devs confirmed this
I always wonder if its better to grab the gems or cores
>blue numbers
lmao ok nyagger
New accounts would probably want gems.
I prioritise cores to not fall behind in rankings, etc.
Though I think you have enough to buy both, mostly. Cores boxes cost 3k coins in total.
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nnnhhhhhhhgg dorothy-sama i'm a hungry little pinne you have to feed me you have to use your doro-pudding
do you know what time it resets? because it isn't the same as the game
Are you ok nyagger?
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First time checking the shop and I see this p2w shit.
Surely you can only buy it once? This is 5 days worth of cores.
No idea. Maybe Seoul time, so in like 3 and a half hours.
Are you ready for best girl?
I think that's like once a month. The 15 buckaroonie monthly deal is way better.
>I am beauty incarnate.
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kyaru is nyikg, nyewfriend
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Her creators fucked her before she got to be deployed that's why the ruptures got to her first.
We finally got the superior kuudere. It's time to drop Rapi.
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Oh wow, 12.5 days worth of cores for 18€ a month.
Yeah no, it's way too easy to gain levels over free2poors.
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That traitor bitch isn't nikg its just something your matrix buddies spam and you got the fags in your pockets.
That's untrue. She literally mentions a squad and spending time with them before she got corrupted. The voices she heard were her own schizo ass as she became corrupted. Play the new side missions and stop speedreading.
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>Having to plan team comps around a single unit in just one day
Retarded gooks
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>Hänsel, Gretel and Siren were her squad mates
So what happens to pic related?
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Time to shower its been 3 days nikg
Scrapped. Just like Space Miku. Hell they abandoned the entire space station.
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No way Tencent will allow this.
is nikkuny still a nikg union?
Her design will work easily if they use her as "firefighters squad nikke", even her shooting poses are ready after all
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many such cases
>Main Story tires to drop Rapi at the end of the chapter.
Not like you make team comps yourself anyway. Or even rank in the top 200.
There were some $20 packs recently during the large events with 180 core dust boxes even, literally more than one level
I don't think you know how cheeks work.
nope they merged with some discord union a while ago and started removing nikg members in favor of players who spent more money
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The strongest nikg union
Cheeks aren't connected to your ears anon. Roll your finger down from your earlobe rn. Then touch your pp. Now think about THAT.
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Give me one good reason not to use a ticket to MLB Frima
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who the fuck even plays rookie arena still?
>no proof
>another fag seething over another discord fag
>discord screenshots
So this is the power of globalfags
>throw a couple of multis at Summer Anis because chubby
>Get Elegg
I mean, it kind of worked?
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Another Jim Jones reference?
check pantsuu union
>theres orleen, ok
>there is orleen2
wtf I just realized I have 40 unread chats in the mission tab
Look at a mirror, but you won't with your ugly face.
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Orleen did nothing wrong
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>pisscord faggotry
A true hero
Helm la Redempto
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He can't do alts, recruit and push hard you know! Girl has to stream as well pls undertand.
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Those are rookie numbers
I'm a rookie
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your hero needs to be bigger
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>Level 469
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lmao 21-31
>you have three minutes to kill the raptchas
>do it in less than 30 seconds
Absolute are now my bitches, right?
>stuck at mother whale
This is such bullshit. My server rival just blasted that thing and went straight to the boss of CH25.
Lol, lmao even!
>instead it's the meme about anis and neon's inferiority complex
great, I thought we were done with that.
Bro 3 (three) new guys in my union just beat motherwhale at 381...and they are far from the being the lowest clears.
shut the fuck up about discord trannies and post cyborg ass or something
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>Main story tires Rapi
So it is confirmed that Rapi car exist
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I want Summer Anis
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I agree, here's a naked cyborg
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I'm in ch 26 hard cause im lazy but holy fuck nikggers you fags get carried in UR don't you? Embarrassing. Well could be worse you could be paying people to push for you like some fags do.
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I have allergies rn and I am NOT gonna do the new cube shit.
You were so cringe you killed the thread bros
Shameful display
>Lost Sector construction
Man, that is really cool.
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new 'buri
>the map changes to mark the terraforming,
okay that is *really cool*.
half of the posters in this thread
>three off rate up Nikke
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>Marciana in JK outfit soon
Consider: BOOM
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Also a free upgrade like the OL power upgrade.
too busy erping in matrix
Volleyball probably sends a ball of energy around a bunch of them and if you can't kill it in time it's a chunk of damage
Peekaboo probably teleports a LOT.
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Details on how Ein's Near Feathers work
>peekaboo rapture
it's going to s-surprise me
I'm 20 levels above that and chapter 24 so no
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I doubt he even carried anyone else, Grave did. Only his precious Rapi.
>I'm 20 levels above that and chapter 24
I'm at 411 rn last time I pushed was 405. I'm at 26-19 rn but I'm busy doing side shit on my pc so I cant play nikke. That was 1 month ago. 24 has a wall stage or something?
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Only beautiful people can call each other beautiful.
I'm 10 levels above and struggling at 24-20 with 670k pow.
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I'm 20 levels above that and I'm comfy at chapter 23. Pushing is bothersome, just chill.
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You were a pig in your previous life
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>Marciana in JK outfit
Why are you guys stuck at 24? Defense stage?
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no fuck off spooknigger
Correcting Marciana
Damn hag (triple vein emoji) dress your age (triple vein emoji)
4 hours after in-game reset
>dress your age
negro rei is 39
Just how many villains does this story needs to have? What happened to the scorpion bitch and her gorilla boyfriend?
Taken to the local medical facilities after jobbing
You need to introduce new things constantly or players will lose interest. This is a live service game.
You're a fucking shitter then.
>What happened to the scorpion bitch and her gorilla boyfriend?
fucked off somewhere as commanded by marian, won't be surprised if they'll be her subordinates later on
Jobber villains and jobber nikkes (like absolute). New thing = hype = money = eso never
imo Rapi is going to be the anniversary unit.
>t. macrocuck
I got 1 for SR and will just get more over time after her banner. She's so fucking plain man.
I fell for the "Laplace is poop meme" and only have her at Core 2. You guys bricked my game.
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(Ch 31 spoiler)
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Is this noob bait or perfectly fine to pull once a day? Or are these crystals ALWAYS should be used on limited banners?
Also what about the Newcomer 1SSR guaranteed one, worth doing too?
Started playing yesterday currently reading about the 160 wall.
So Grave's plan was to antagonize us while the Beasts are here and can wreck her shit? Doesn't seem too smart.
use it until you break the wall and dont forget to update your wishlist
I want her now
My Laplop has gotten to Core 3 despite never being on my wishlist even once
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>cucks himself out of damage
>calls others cucks
You can feel free to use 150 gem recruits as a newcutie, you get 250 just for doing dailies and a highly recommended $5 a month gets you another 100 a day. That's not even including all your other gem sources.
Pinne was never really smart.
VA: Glass Slipers are unable to be compromised
Translation: Glass Slipers is unable to be compromised
oops, that gave it away how much of a fuck they give about the english VA. I bet it's all recorded in one take.
>expecting /nikg/ to have standards
I am a shitter at this game and that's okay as long as I have fun
>So Grave's plan was to antagonize us while the Beasts are here and can wreck her shit? Doesn't seem too smart.
No. Not at all. What? How the fuck did you get that from a single fucking screenshot of my life without any text. You guys are retarded.
Does being in "surplus" (higher than just equal which is blue numbers) give you anything other than just not being nerfed by deficit?
Oh right I just noticed
> It unlocks after you make 40 rolls on the Ordinary Banner
I am not retarded. YOU are.
I've done nothing but talk shit about Ein but I really do like her! Honest!
it is
What? I'm playing through the chapter and spoiler-tagging since it's brand new content.
Grave attacks us and acts as a menace throughout 27-30 while there's big scary Heretics in the area. I'd expect her to beg for assistance.
meant to say wife but Idk SHES MINE YOU FAGGOTS
More blue = more cheese. If you cant clear shit in blue something is wrong with your brain.
have you not seen the EN Va interviews with pyrrhixz? The Nikke team doesn't give a fuck
yeah I can beat everything up to 20% deficit, then I struggle, I was just curious if being crazy blue numbers gave you an attack buff since deficit is a nerf.
The stats themselves. The higher your number relative to the recc number the higher your actual stats are which allows you to steam roll more. It's the opposite of the nerf from deficit
Dont care, Sex with Cinderella
fucking hate these defense stages taking a whole 1 and half minute even though I'm 5x above recommended power
they need to add the lost sector thing where you one shot blue stages in campaign
But then what's the point of playing the game? Might as well just read the story on youtube then.
Nikkes were made for being a fleshlight first and foremost
Behemoth's voice movement is so shit in story mode.
>grave attacks us
In context she had to given her past. She's a sweet person and rapi is the one that fucked everything up. The game even acknowledges that.
>I expect her to beg for assistance
Other way around. The entire plan rests on cinderella after everyone jobs multiple times. She never had a real plan before everyone showed up and just spent time running from the new heretic. She just wants to free Cinderella.
I was referring to what she did before Red Hood had a fit which was call raptures to us, shoot at us, etc.
Cinderella x fattest ugliest smelliest ojisan
>Rapi punches BehemotH in the face
>No artwork for that
I want to spend my tickets
Please help
>implying I don't skip the story too
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Woah nice, Kelvin actually exists.

And he's somewhat correct, I don't need to touch hard mode unless someone actually manages to climb and catch up.
She'd has been constantly betrayed by humans and others. She is a good girl.
The game listened to me because there's artwork for the punch the commnander throws at her lmao
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This bit is interesting to me. I always thought Heretics were just corrupted by false memories, false beliefs, etc, but they're literally just brainwashed. I wanted a scene where the commander actually ask a Heretic why she serves the Queen but she wouldn't have a good answer.
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>no element or attack lines on my alice to OTK Sinister 9
Heretics are free but loyal to the strongest rapture. That's basically it. A missing leader causes division which explains dragontits.
It's not until they get Vapaus'd that they even start thinking for themselves.
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What a funny coincidence, i just 1 team sinister on lvl 9 with my Alice team :^)
>Sinister 9
Bro we finished UR 2 hours in. Union and ID?
So Grave is one of the R Nikkes or something? What did Cinderella did in the end? Is Behemoth dead?
Such a good fap
Cindrella forced Behemoth to wrap herself in dark matter then they retreated
keep playing anon...
oh nevermind,
The MoG ending shows that Cinderella was deluded and hallucinating when she was a heretic. Anarchiro was mute and completely non-communicative though, unlike every other heretic. My assumption was that any nikke that hates humanity can become a heretic once corrupted, and that's why they're relatively stable and coherent. There's plenty of reasons why a nikke would want to destroy humanity, given what we know about how they're treated.
Okay if you think about this for 2 seconds, this means the next collab is school-related media of some kind like BA. The Marciana outfit isn't coming alongside Zwei because it wasn't a part of the first batch of leaks, plus 2 week events don't get themed passes, which would be the only way for the skin to be released during Zwie's event since the August monthly pass (Naga's) would be ongoing for the event's duration. This means Marciana's skin will either be the monthly pass skin for September OR themed pass skin for the next 3 week event's themed pass - either way, these skins will be related to whatever major event is ongoing for the month of September, which we know will be collab month. This means the collab is school related bros, so what could it be?
No? Behemoth did her dark matter attack that has a cooldown, Cinderella couldn't beat her and her weapons did 0 damage to her so everyone escaped. While they had the chance.
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purple doll onegai
So that implies that Enikk picked nikkes with hatred of humanity in their hearts for her deal with Chatterbox,
What a Scooby-Doo story, jesus christ.

Cinderella turned good this fast? What the fuck is Shift Up smoking
Cinderellla's entire thing was fighting back and meeting the goddess with her squad. Corruption doesn't have to make sense. Look at lap she was like fuck this and tried to kill herself before she became corrupted.
Retarded negroid the next banner is already leaked its the jks friend whatever the fuck her name is.
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they're common you fucking retarded nigger
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No. This is all fucking headcanon.
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j u s t fuck my shit up senpai
I'm talking about September's collab banner, reyard
Those nikkes were just being ground up for material H food, not turned into heretics
That's corruption. Corruption doesn't automatically equal heretic. Most corrupted nikkes are just glitched out and have their commands reversed.
See I knew this would happen. Y'all kept making fun of the ''jobber'' heretics so now Shift up gave us retarded powercreep. We gonna be stuck with a year long training arc and at least half of our nikkes will die or left in a vegetative state for shock value to represent how serious the new threat is.
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>Gets a head-start on Viper's treasure
Anis's VA already said it was Stellar Blade.
special nikkes become heretics via tentacles and being fed raptures. Its just that simple.
The story went from having a ton of tension and hype to being a dud the moment you leave the chapter. I don't even like Cinderella anymore, she's just Babu 2 now.
What is Viper's treasure?
What even are treasures? Dolls of the commander that boost stats yes, but how do you even get them?
aaaaaahhhh that scene with behemoth and flat chest (disc) was awesomeeeee
youre not chinese
Yeah, I thought corrupted nikkes eventually become heretics, or they get sacrificed as food. But it's a selective process, I see.
>I don't even like Cinderella anymore, she's just Babu 2 now
She's nothing like her. Rapifags are so stupid.
I am mad and jealous
>Vesti gets split in two after an unhinged act of bravery
>Eughwa gets fucked by crystals like a damn meth addict
>lol nvm we're fine now
>she's just Babu 2 now.
But she is not retarded and horny for skk like Babu.
I still want Scarlet sex
Imagine wanting to have sex with a non-meta unit.
>rapi gets her head shot off in the beginning
>nikkes get cut in half
>vipers head explodes
>hammering is just a fucking head
>bro wtf why are these robots fine why is vesti fine?
whats this BA fag on about?
>used goods
They were in the hospital in severe condition and two or three lines right after that they show up just fine.
Disney ahh story.
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I like how Nikke has just enough noblebright to keep it from being depressing.
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>no T9M
>no rocks

someone has to answer for this
And we've seen thousands of times that Nikkes AREN'T IMMORTAL. Just because some of them survive doesn't mean they all should.
They are robots
>severe condition
all they need is an intact brain
That sounds almost Zerg like.
They just added a 12 rock pack in the monthly shop, bwo. What are you waiting for? It refreshes again in 4 days, so hurry now and you can buy it twice for 24 rocks total.
>n...no things die!
How many of the main cast has died to date? Even after being shot point blank? I'll wait.
>inb4 the fucking cat
>they are robots
Nope, try again shitlord.
>all they need is an intact brain
That brain can still suffer injuries and fuck them badly, Emma literally said that in that same scene
Glad I got your attention lmao
Hey, the cat is an honorary part of the main cast.
>of the main cast
>The cat
He has a name you fucks
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>skk is with Rapu again
Npc ghost cat is npc.
Thats an npc.
Its a dead fucking cat who cares lol
Why does every single comic person but 1 guy make her into a femcel or cuck?
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True. Cats are family
Pine is an NPC? You dumb shit.
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While I get what you mean, Nikkes are not healed. They are repaired. They are terminators with a supermodel chassis. But even so it takes time, seeing how Eunhwa was still not able to move all that well when Rapi paid her a visit.

And most people are not really into the robot suffering fetish. They have no need to see how the nikkes look when maimed.
Nikg is so stupid they don't know what an npc is.
She's not a playable character retard.
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Big boobies?
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The same fate, again and again.
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Pinne is a goddess too, Bocchan.

Jokes aside, why have a character that you KNOW are dead as a playable unit? I have seen it happen in other games and it ticks me off.
npc not jobber
Are you so sure about that?
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need pirate coochie
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>Fall asleep doing mock battle last night
>wake up to my cellphone overheating and the union raid cleared
I'm such a terrible danchou
Anyway to make chub.ai characters not write paragraphs every single response? Sometimes I ask a yes or no question, and they respond with an article.
Oh boy. This is gonna take a while.
What are the stocks looking like on this supposed leak? I just spent 200 standard tickets on my last Viper spare body so I could add Volume to my wish list. I’m trying to max out all of the favorite items.
Anchor is literally me.
Everyone defending Shift Up writing skills is an NPC.
Should I pull for Ein as a lvl 110 newfag?
No, she's dog shit. Easy skip.
do you have summer anis?
You use SillyTavern and you give the AI instructions in the system prompt to be concise.
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>should have used R dolls only
did I brick myself
On dit PNJ connard
Stupid sexy jobber made for fiery nipple fucks...
I'd assume people know what a main cast is and it sure as hell isn't an npc. Would be even funnier if pinne eventually became playable (not the generic rikkers) though. Since...nobody fucking dies.
Thank you. I will try this tonight during my goon session.
Yes, she's angel food. Easy max core.

nah but seriously if you like her, grab her
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I don't
She's cute but I'm a metafag that wants to push story. Plus I've already gotten all the girls that I like based on appearance.
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I think that would be terrible.And it would traumatize Dorothy even more.
meta is pilgrims which only come once every six months. so if you wanna save, save for that.
>I think this is terrible
Got. It bringing her back.
if you're going to roll right now get summer anis before she goes away. ein isn't limited so you can get her later
Pull for waifus. I don't understand minmaxers in a game like this.
If I had listened to this image I would never gotten my maxxed Laplace LOL
Trust those 20%'s you fucking retards.
That looks like a skull. I wonder if it was on purpose.
I'm too zoomer to even attempt to comprehend this spreadsheet. I don't know how to read data.
Why would volume get a treasure? She's good.
idk but Prydwen leaked it so it must be true
It's trying to trick you into being a hoarder piece of shit who never plays the game until all the planets in this solar system are alligned.
I spent all my gems and no summer Anis
What is this painful feeling in my chest?
but I only have 40 pulls, I asked in past threads and you guys said that I should have at least 120 pulls to guarantee a banner
That's an extremely autistic and anti-fun approach.
I never pay attention to game mechanics unless I need to, but most of the time my squad consists of the Nikkes I like most.
You're a smoker? Now it's probably the time to quit.
Are you pure f2p? if not, save your money for new events which let you buy rainbows.
She's a powerful black female rapper, she's worth the most good goy points.

ticket her, retard.
You're right. Grave is a sweet person. I'm glad we helped her out.
If the world was just someone would draw naga in an erotic dancer outfit with a collar on, kneeling infront of naked crown on her throne and having naga kiss the feet of her queen in total submission.
She has sex appeal though
NTA but can you elaborate? I'm also new.
I'll make the next thread, gentlemen.
>Are you pure f2p?
yes, I also plan to never spend a penny in this game. Just how fucked am I without summer Anis? forgot to say that there's also 10 extra rainbow
It takes 200 pulls to 100% guarantee anything through the game's golden ticket system. 120 pulls means you're statistically likely to have gotten her by then, but its not guaranteed.
Every event, there's packs you can pay dollar dollar for that get you the rainbow tickets you need to recruit from banners.
Sorry nikker, but crown belong to the elec. comp now. She'll be groveling before Exia's sweaty NEET feet.
I spent 45 jimbos and 10 tickets to MLB SAnus.
Why are all the computers busted in 32?
10 extra rainbow vouchers, so I'll have 50 pulls, is it worth pulling for summer anis with 50 tries? I dont know what should I do, I don't want to brick my account
Nikke told me only to do that for Pilgrims and I always listen to you
You can use gems as well, 300 gems just like ordinary recruit.
If you don't want to let destiny decide, then save, if you believe in the heart of the carts, don't and hope you luckchad through. A pilgrim event is likely a month long so you'd have plenty of time to get it.
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no new thread i guess nikg is dead

ritual posts at the ready!
Can't you people tell newfags to read the guide or tell them to fuck off? that's what we do in /buyfag/ threads, they don't even bother to read the fucking guides in OP's post.
Just hide and ignore if you're such a little pissy baby about questions.
Nah I prefer to be nice to them, meanie.
Fuck off retard. We like new duties
As a newbie, which of the limited banners is recommended to pull for? Also the current event that gives you those butterfly tokens, best use for them is purple tickets too?
Can you sex the nikkers?

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