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Visual Novel General #6535

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>487688785
secret love or select oblige first?
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Love my sister's
your sister's what
I haven't gone outside in 3 weeks
I'm doing secret love first, but that's because I'm almost certainly only going to read 2 of the 4 routes.
Check out the blogposts for each VN and see which one appeals to you less and read it first, then read the better one second.
I haven't read visual novels in 3 weeks
That chibi is very cute.
bra, panties, and oversized hat
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This slut needs to stop showing off her armpit
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
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me and my imouto
>kitami rikka
>ikuko va
Gonna do secret love first too, green and blonde it is
I will say, this VN has a pretty odd structure.
>starts with four confessions immediately
>then flashes back to scenes from the heroine POV showing when they fell in love with MC
>then flashes even further back to the actual start of the story and you play as MC and work up to the proceeding two
why not just start it at the third part
But why? it's erotic.

It gives me an erection and now I can't concentrate
Are they gonna charge money for this? It seems like a legal nightmare.
kill yourself
>starts with four confessions immediately
sasuga hooksoft
they really are the king of killing any interest i have on their vns
Live yourself jopGOD
I do like the amount of funny faces this VN has been providing me
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My imouto hasn't hugged me in over a year.
>introduce map system
>have to click on all four heroines to progress
>the order does not matter
Why even have the map system? Why spend dev time on a system to choose heroines when the system ultimately makes no difference?
It's been great for that alone.
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MSGK imouto
Maybe they don't want the player to feel like any heroine is being favored by going first.
This is the general for english translated japanese visual novels, how hard can that be to understand your mongoloid nigger?
Nobody here likes you. Kill yourself you attentionwhoring piece of shit.
I can see all their pits.
Maybe they shouldn't have made one specific girl the icon of the executable?
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butas our response?
Cry more kek
but if the JOPs weren't posting you still wouldn't be discussing english translated visual novels
when was the last time you actually read a visual novel?
Fuck JOPs
He comes here because actual JOPs on /jp/ would make fun of his "japanese" understanding.
It's only for the prologue, once you get into the common route you only get to choose one for those segments.
That's a lot of words to say
>moege are escapism
Which is kind of the point, nobody's disputing that.
didn't read but I'm happy for you
>realism... le good
lmao even
JOPs are the only ones here reading visual novels
Kill yourself spammer
no it will remain free but the Steam version is non-ero, the ero patch can be downloaded on their Itch

At this point the depression lines in hooksoft and subsidiary vns is like an old friend, I get excited every time I see it in one of their new vns because I recognize it and know what it is and I've seen it before.
Post your untranslated moe garbage in /jp/ where it belongs or at least use spoiler tags, you dumb thirdworld nigger.
Mine neither. IRL imoutos are fucking bitches once they get older
shit sucks man
The childhood friend pink FEARS the pure gyaru and kuu(?)dere.
moebutas are trash
If I wanted to interact with WHORES I'd just go OUTSIDE.
Or what? You'll throw a little pissy tantrum? LOL
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call the cops cause I don't give a fuck
Moe is good as long as it\s not the only thing present in the vn.
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This is pink abuse
I fucking LOVE my imouto and I LOVE fucking my imouto
nice try
nobody on this board actually fucks their imouto
>unsigned love letter
>every heroine claims they were the one who wrote it
Why not just ask them to repeat what it says, only the person who wrote it would know.
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Hey me too
Why did you post a childhood friend then?
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Looking all smug doesn't make her an imouto.
I will never understand the appeal of imoutos
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imouto BUTT
Based imouto enjoyer.
Some people have sisters who are their best friends. Some people are pieces of shit but their sisters take care of them anyway. My sister only speaks to me a couple times a year. It's not fair.
Imoutos shouldn't eagerly show off their spankable butts in front of their onii-chan...
I have two sisters, with one I talk once a year with the other I don't even remember the last time we talked it had to be at least 5 years ago but probably more.
no ge really strikes the zone for me of the urge to pamper your cute little sister and protect her from all harm
Try Ginharu.
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Imouto butts exist to be spanked, groped and admired by onii-chans.
>lot of word from roastie seething about moege heroines being better then her every way
why should I care? also her argument is really retarded as it can be used for fictional character be it moege, plotge, nukige or ntrge.
why arent you blonde like your imouto
where can I purchase one of these imoutokumas?
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Holy fuck... Bertille best girl.
Oh she SUCKING those lips
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BR imouto (false)
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/vn/ is a pink general
A pink kicked my dog once
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I hate p*nks
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Is anyone going to blogpost anything today?
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Katawa later likely. The H2O blogger was doing it on weekends too
JOPs, which route did you choose in the new madoge?
Good. I won't visit the Zoo with my family then and lurk here with you.
you know you can read things yourself?
Biggest oppai first
I'm waiting for TNSR to release.
didn't stop the katawa guy
2 weeks mate.
I'm binging other mediums right now. I apologize.
I'll start a new JOPge later
Read Ritterorden
I'll read あのンズ ライフ
I kind of understand fujos now.
imouto anus...
Read THE kamige https://vndb.org/v27916
That's a CHILD
she's a JK hag
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I'm blogposting H2O later.
im starting SRW A Portable tonight (someone should still blogpost battle moon wars), reading will be late prob
Is it okay to post that?
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Friendly reminder that Azusa is NOT a child.
If she has boobs and ass men will lust after her.
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you wouldn't lust after an angel
That's a boy
only your mom-and she a bad bitch
I would.
I even lust after flats
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boys don't look like this
if she ate enough donuts, I would
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which one of you made this
how the FUCK do people still use bandicam in year of our lord 2024
It's called soul
>Kageaki Minato
I havent played that route but it radiates the kinda primal fear Otoha's raido taisen did
imagine the amount of drugs at the time of writing
my brain is expanding
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Finished the Kikokugai remake yesterday. Chapters 4 and 5 really jump the shark with Taoluo's abilities, and Haojun randomly dying to a stab in the heart in the final battle felt a tad stupid with how much he was built up.

The ending gave the impression that it was supposed to be bittersweet, but it actually just felt sweet since there was no downside to anything. Very emotional in the moment but gets worse the more you think about it. I enjoyed my time with the game though and would recommend it.

>Hug Your Imouto Edition
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Redhead best girl and the game deserved a movie adaptation.
>it was supposed to be bittersweet, but it actually just felt sweet since there was no downside to anything
you do realize he's trapped inside her mind, right? Its a brain in a jar situation but you're sharing the space with a yandere That's neither bittersweet, nor good.
>final chapters
Its been too long so I dont remember how exactly the final fight ended but I remember it relied on muh emotional powerup a bit too much

Based for reading classics and obligatory https://youtu.be/t0vfzPKNW-I
Going to read hanachirasu next?
uhhh, kino?
Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XeJKegwdL4
It's true that he's trapped for eternity with a yandere sister but it's certainly not presented as a negative. It's presented as a good thing because it's all that Taoluo ever wanted. I think the ending would've been better had the writers leaned more into Ruili being of questionable moral character. She didn't come across as a very likeable person to me.

>Going to read hanachirasu next?
Already have, as well as Muramasa. I like Hanachirasu's message that even evil assholes like Akane shouldn't be looked down upon if they managed to live a life without regrets. It's like a Muramasa prototype in that way, just way too short is the problem.
the bitch on the left nasty tho
>It's presented as a good thing because it's all that Taoluo ever wanted
what? no. Im 99% sure he was horrified when he found out about her insanity and he's never thought of her in a rmoantic way. It's what SHE wanted and essentially forced on him Unless im misremembering something
>the ending and Ruili
She's not meant to be likeable, Haojun is. She's the true villain of the story - an insane girl that fucked up everyone's lives
>Muramasa prototype
he wrote it so they'd allow him to write muramasa, so yeah.
>Unless im misremembering something
You're right that he was horrified and only loved her platonically, but the ending scene unambigously states that, now that he's with her, he has all he could ever want.

Like I said in my above post, I completely agree with you that the ending would've improved had it been presented in a more ambiguous way, since Ruili really does appear to be the actual villain.
>re-checked the finale
I understood the ending as him being afraid of death and filled with nostalgia/regret in his final moments and her taking advantage of it, kinda manipulating him into agreeing - she doesn't tell him what going with her entails, I doubt he'd agree if he knew.
Completely forgot this existed, makes sense with the bittersweet comment but that's still her playing with a doll of her brother, he has no memories, doesn't even know whe she is. That world is all he knows, so he couldn't possibly be unhappy in that comfy space. I.e he has all he could ever want, but there is nothing else he knows and could have possibly wanted, the(his) world is empty save for her. It is not Taoluo, his wants have been reduced to one thing only since he only remembers her dance and not his sword etc. I'd hesitate to call that happy or bittersweet, but I guess it's not bad either, sort of cruel, sort of not. It just is. A victory ending, maybe.
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FINALLY someone says it...
There's no way Takuma would ever fall out of love with Hayami if he's endured their 3(?) years long separation during her route.
She's just been overreacting because they haven't had sex in a month. Pervert Hayami.
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>knows about exhibitionism and scatology
>casually serves black tea and cake during a porn watching session
Yui......... The city has corrupted you.
One month without sex would be pretty horrid in a relationshio. Owari da tier
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Gyaru ass on your desk.
>then flashes even further back to the actual start of the story and you play as MC and work up to the proceeding two
I've only read prologue 01, but the flashback is to after the girls have fallen in love, but before the confession is it not?
>first time watching porn is with a girl who was her bully
is this NTR?
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>if they're having sex, they HAVE to love each other
Pure, naive Hayami-chan... just asking to get corrupted...
Shouldn't say stuff like that next to the city mattress.

I thought that nips only have sex for procreational purposes? There's no time for casual lovemaking if you're working a 70 hour week to make ends meet.
Not yet, even I've watched porn with my bros back in the day.
I’m pretty sure soaplands are not meant for procreation.
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>the books Hayami's been reading all along were actually yuri novels aimed at young adults
Based... a shocking revelation if I've ever seen one. And here I was thinking that she'd be the intellectual heroine of H2O.

That sounds like a market gap.
>Not yet
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>Hayami is repelled by most of Takuma's porn collection
>gets hung up on the lesbian porn and wants to finish watching it with her best friend

I like how there's moaning and noises from the porn tape playing in the background. The only other VN I've seen doing this is Euphoria, and it really helps the immersion.
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Marry and reproduce.
Hello /vn/, haven't been here in like 3 weeks.
Any news about upcoming titles or whatever?
>watching lesbian porn with your bully after a month of no sex
the future looks grim
Oh, abysmal dogshit.
Alright, see you next month then.
one less homo in the thread
I dropped a 250 on my chest and it still fucking stings
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What did she mean by that?

Don't worry, they're just doing it to gauge Takuma's fetishes. Nothing weird about this.
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T-That's not what butt holes were made for, Hayami-chan...
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Famous last words.
Takuma will prove her wrong.
Anal training incoming.
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should've started H2O this summer
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That's what happens if your entire knowledge on sexual acts stems from yuri and yaoi smut fiction.
Hayami-chan's pure and divine image starts to crumble down by the minute...

That would turn the FD into a 10/10.
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Pure virgin bros...

There's still time, summer has just started.
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from the FD?
stop dont make me DL this just to read her H scenes again nooo
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>That's why it fits perfectly into your mouth!
Heh, maybe if you're a smallfry.

Yui seems really firm about making Hayami give Takuma a blowjob.
Her remarks must've struck a nerve earlier...
Yes, Yuki anal training and fingering was a necessary addition to the Subahibi canon.
uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo imoutoooooooooooooooooooooooooo uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Is that true?
Do girls give blowjobs before having sex?
i play new VN's based off Youtube music video recommendations.
What is it with scaji and anal training FDs...?
Still never reading that subahibi fd
Women don't even count blowjobs as sex.
oh wow
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>makes Hayami wear a maid uniform and reveal her erotic lingerie to practice a blowjob
What is Yui's masterplan here... this seems a bit over the top for helping Hayami out with her relationship.

Ask the femanons here.
Doing Eve first
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I love traps the most !
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I love NTR the most!
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Just girls being girls...
>Yui's masterplan
you might come to a terrifying realization if you flip her gender. It's a wolf(man) in sheep's(girl's) clothing...
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Don't blame yourself, Hayami-chan. There was nothing you could've done in this situation since your hands were busy.

>sexual predator heroine
Looking forward to her route...
Hayami makes me wish I'd have read H2O prior to Subahibi. The parallels might've hit even harder that way around.
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It's been a weak year so far.
Is it really so hard for her to actually be aggressive and be the one to initiate sex? Just take a leaf from the imouto book and force yourself on him.
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>public hair
WHAT did she mean by this?

Yui would never...
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push your imouto down
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Don't worry kino is coming out this year
does anon have any cool reccomends for me
I was thinking summer memories cause it seems cute
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>you showed me yours, so I'll show you mine
kek, an equivalent exchange.

Hayami's a shy girl who still thinks that she might be a burden on Takuma, has a very short tsundere temper, and she's so pure that she didn't know about blowjobs until recently.
Someone like her needs the guidance of a professional slut like Yui.
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You wouldn't get sopping wet while helping out slash sexually molesting your best friend, would you?
Is that a legal loli?
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>practice blowjob on a giant sausage
>bites off the tip
This isn't what I had in mind when I asked for a tardwife...

Look at her oppai. She's just small.
How should a good imouto address her brother?
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10/10 design wasted on used goods, I will never not be mad.
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Yui raises the stakes by bringing out her already used, dick-shaped vibrator for Hayami to practice on.
She's serious about this...
we're reaching dangerous levels of what two girls can platonically do with each other in the name of friendship.

It's "onii-chan" for me.
>/vn/ is a pink general
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This brat needs correction!
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>a girl will never gaze at your member as lovingly as Hayami is eyeing Yui's vibrator
Why even live?
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You've almost sold me on this, I have but 3 questions:
>Does the MC really fuck the trap in the FD? He does according to vndb but I could find no such CGs in the sadpanda gallery.
>Is Yui used goods by the FD? If so, does the MC fuck her at any point?
>Girl on picrel is listed as the second protag for the FD and I've seen CGs of her getting fucked by the trap. Does the actual MC ever fuck her?
If, and only if, the answers to ALL of those are "no", I'm reading it.
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>20 April
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This scene reads like a tutorial on how to suck cock, with Yui guiding Hayami along and offering helpful commentary. If someone told me that this was written from practical experience, I'd believe it.

I'm not trying to sell anything here, and deciding whether or not to read something based on spoiler tags from vndb is retarded.
>it was used
is this netorare?
He does in the FD.
He doesn't do it in the "H2O root after and another Complete story Edition" which got translated and only includes parts of the FD.
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>imouto switches from "onii-chan" to "nii-san"
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>You suck

It was washed properly of course, and use by another girl doesn't count.
>deciding whether or not to read something based on spoiler tags from vndb is retarded.
I don't want to read anything I wouldn't like. Knowing whether a VN is ruined by used goods/faggot shit/actual NTR is well worth the minor spoilers (not like I'm gonna know any actual details if I get "yes" or "no" answers to basic questions).
Nice to know, good enough by me. Thanks anon. The other 2 questions still stand though.
>no, ps2 sidestory only I think
>no. Yes, during her route
>no, she's only a protag of her FD sidestory and barely present in base game
I dont think it matters since it wouldnt with a real cock
I prefer ani or aniki
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CUTE! Yui is so cute and such a good friend...
She wouldn't go any further than this with a girl in a relationship, would she?

What do you mean? Of course it matters.
It's the same as eating food with cutlery used by the entire family. There's no problem as long as it's put into the dishwasher after each meal.
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JOPs are built different.
Fuck JOPs
scat ji'd that
I wish I had a remote job
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>Yui is an anal stacy
BASED!!! Best girl and best wingwoman.
I'm gonna be so mad if they forget this trait in her afterstory and turn her into a pure country bumpkin... I couldn't take another 'Rin Tohsaka'.

>coerces Hayami into trying out one finger for Takuma's sake
It doesn't count as long as it's just practice, right?
Based defender of /vn/ integrity. I am your knight, king
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Classic Visual Novel. LMAO
Does anyone in Japan even know this EVN trash? Seriously, is it popular over there?
shit taste
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I love traps the most!
Why now?
Seethe more, off-topic spammer.
What is the point of putting it on Steam when it's free to download on all platforms
I love NTR the most!
Post more, legend
Milgram'd that
Rated better than Uminegro on EGS
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so if I put a dildo up my ass and then washed it, you'd lick it?
more people will read it
I actually can't replay 9nine H-scenes because I'm too embarassed about Sora making fun of me when I open the gallery.
The imouto in the Roshiya anime has similar gremlin features, so I've been thinking about her recently
her route is set in the same time as the other girls in base game, dont get ur hopes up.
I would prefer just licking your ass.
wait nvm she does have an afterstory too, I'll really have to go and read it someday
Why, after all of these years, have we never been able to get a JVN with a finale that even matches- let alone exceeds- the quality of the finales of EVN masterpieces Mass Effect 1 and 2? No JVN has ever come close to the satisfaction and feeling of triumph of finishing these two stories.
What are some good native isekai VNs? I only know Sengoku Rance
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>showing off her naked m*nko is too embarrassing
>but letting Yui stick a finger up her ass is OK
Woman moment.

It'll be censored on steam.
Unlike Hayami, I've no reason to practice my fellatio skills.
But don't let that stop you from having fun.
I'll keep my hopes up and trust in Scaji to deliver kino.
I feel bad for having never played these games. Now I'm too old and don't really like video games.
I beat KotoR doe, was good
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Surprise Attack!

Is this still in the safe zone??
This isn't NTR, right? They're just training Hayami's butthole for Takuma to use.
i remember before ME3 came out I kept thinking about how bioware could top the final missions of the first two games
turns out they didn’t even try
still the worst disappointment in gaming history
The best H scene in H2O

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