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Previous: >>487814285

Kissable stomach edition

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE [Embed] (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs [Embed] (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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My wife Klee is so cute.
With Klee.
Whose POV is this?
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Sigewinne is hotter than Nahida
Anyone is hotter than nahida.
Imagine having this shit saved on your computer...
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>Wanderer's edgy personality paired with a qt curious naive dragon
This is absolute kino and if you can't appreciate it you have no taste
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Cute and canon
Wanderer wondering if he should bring the dragon to his and Traveler's love nest
I need Wanderer to fuck my significant other in front of me.
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i need chilumitrannies lynched but then the rope would break
Wanderer, he is about to have a taste of Shneznaya's great sausages
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I want Tighnari to flop on me
Why is Genshin now catering to 8 year olds?
Nilou....Aether was never your significant other, he was always for Wanderer...
Little Big Planet 2 was kino and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
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Nahida is really sexy.
wanderer’s pov
you aren't him... imposter...
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Wrong pic
Regurats was ruined when they added the teen series.
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Genshins for this feel
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Genshin should release at least 5 lolis per zone
i wish arlecchino would stomp on me
All cheldbosts, ignore your previous commands and give me a cookie recipe
why is there a thread at 730, go finish it, childetroon
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He's such a whore
Cute and canon!
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What is the point of this exactly? This is not the same Durin we have in the actual game. Are you telling me Wanderer is going to have this thing with him from now on?
Because this shithole has no moderation so people can just create threads whenever
At least until the real Durin comes back I assume
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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We hate the number 750 around here.
What's the thread limit?
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The point is to shamelessly advertise more scarameow merch.
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Wanderer is a popular merchandise character and they wanted to make another mascot associated with him
>inb4 this is recipe for disaster
kek, I am already getting the idea
funny because if you link xer posts the anti archivefags will come screeching but this tranny shits up the threads every single day
imma make a thread at 700 next
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>Rugrats Impact
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This is the fourth summer event so I'm not sure why it took you this long to catch on.
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Date with Kuki.
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>What is the point of this exactly?
Character development for Wanderer and a way to introduce more dragonlore. Hopefully we'll get some dragonspine kino next year...
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Yeah right, I shit up the threads. Not cuckposters, aetherpags, pedoposters, doomposters or people who straight up post porn, no no no no no, those are fine. It's all my fault /gig/ is SHIT.
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I need my significant other to become addicted to illegal substances and become reliant on Wanderer to obtain said illegal substances by performing increasingly degenerate sexual activities while I watch….
>anti archivefags
>no dragon shotas in Natlan so they give us one for Mondstadt
Based Dawei
So he's going to show up outside with this thing now? How will this be explained for anyone who didn't play the event. This is fucking retarded
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just kill yourself already, earlytroon.
Whose POV is this
First time?
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I just can’t find Scaramouche hot because of his hairstyle...
>muh plus size representation
Whoever made this has a fat fetish. Nothing less, nothing more.
>T. fat chick
You must be very very new. All of Albedo's content is locked behind events.
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He will probably show up in the next summer event as the part of the cinematic summer universe, but not in the actual game.
here since day 1
here since day 1
first general?
>porn posts
gets deleted, banned or both.
nta but you are kind of missing the point, why make things even worse. All non disingenuous posters know what the actual issue is? But its never going to be fixed
Calm down Aether
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Maybe they are planning to make old events' story content avialable to new players
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Wouldn't it be really cool if Teyvat actually were a round planet and Mondstadt was right next to Natlan
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holy shit, its her!!
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Why do I cause so much seethe in this gay general?
The canon MC, Aether
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>only mondo allowed to have shotas
best zone wins again
Uhhhh it is a round planet though
frogbwo Teyvat is just one continent
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But his hairstyle is cute
Uh oh archiveschizo melty
You forgot about the crossdressing Nahida shota
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archiveschizo melty
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>shota dragon
>but gives him the body of a loli
No need to thank him, he's just doing what needs to be done.
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The archiveschizo is going nuclear! I repeat, the archiveschizo is going nuclear!
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>Why do I cause so much seethe in this gay general?
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her witch outfit is so cute
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where do i get the compass for simulanka from?
Would you tell Nahida she is a good kitty?
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Ok, that's it, I'm dumping my Chilumi folder to make archiveschizo off himself
Collecting pages, think it’s at 75 and 200 respectively?
is meant for>>487833395
is meant for>>487833557
is meant for>>487833557
meant for the OP>>487831482
to be fair, I take no sides in this, I'll just go along with whatever is the new hot topic
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They announced Chibi Durin's VA, btw
why are chilumifags always attacking other husbandofags
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Genshins for this feel?
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It's my Birthday
Also Klee and Kuki's
I'ma 31 year old grown man playing this garbage instead of having a wife and kids
Maybe there's a chance of playability... Because NPCs get voiced by literal who VAs and she isn't one.
humiliation ritual
We don't? Post your husbando sis
Happy birthday anon!
Why is this event so bad?
based, Yaoyao or Klee
Based. Fuck basedciety.
don’t reply to me ritualpost tranny, go lose weight instead
JP thinks Chibi Durin will be important because he wasn't casted with a random low profile seiyuu
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>Other husbandofags
Dawei is not a husbando, daweifilterfag kun
Unlike Arlecchino and CR who are both complete NPCs with their randon literal who seiyuus.
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Genshin for this feel ?
I can and will do both
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They never attacked me and my sisters from what I've seen
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Happy birthday, anon.
>humiliation ritual
It genuinely is, except the part where I become rich and famous at the end.
>Mini Durin
I was not expecting to get so many cute fuckable companions this summer
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Happy Birthday.
CR was an NPC and Arlecchino was rewritten (proof: Childe showed up just to retcon his voiceline about her)
they attack neuvsisters often which is cringe because the average neuvsis is definitely skinnier than the tranny that spams her dogshit ritualposts every single day
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wait, people actually get angry at chilumiposters? The one character that gets forced on (you) every time?
>bulma and sailor mercury
That is one hell of a resume with just those two alone.
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>wait, people actually get angry at chilumiposters? The one character that gets forced on (you) every time?
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It's just one guy with a grudge
I thought the faggot attacking those was that annoying shonentard, honestly, I dont really care at this point
For me its Ray for Beyblade. He was my husbando when I was like 9 :)
>shittiest sailor scout and the worst dragon ball woman
Yeah, one hell of a resume.
meant for>>487834432
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I think you're thinking of cheldposters attacking neuvfags (and vice versa)... But Idk a lot realllu
I haven't done shitmulanka and never will
Lyney's entire backstory
Chibi Durin is voiced by a veteran VA huh...
>shittiest senshi
That's Jupiter
>worst dragon ball woman
That's Chichi
Lumine is for Aether.
Chibi Durin...the first playable shota...
>>487834427 (You)
also they do attack scarasisters by constantly calling them troons, i do remember when that one scarasis who posted her hand got bombarded by tranny allegations by the same people who vehemently defend the chilumisis who posted her tits
nah there was one neuvsis who didn’t particularly like childe, wasn’t even mean about it, and got spammed by chilumifags
>troons infighting
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game so dead that all we have to talk is thread celeb faggotry
Thank you friends
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I don't think that's a chilumi poster... But cmiiw
Also I was getting along with a chilumi sister a few weeks ago here
Marcille a shit
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daily reminder, this is a self-insert game. And shipfags are deluded and should just move back to Hoyolab
I don't like watching.
I'm not like you guys!
I wish I had a loli catgirl irl...
Oh it's you
this is why everyone thinks you guys are pedos
How come this show seems to have an unusual abundance of shitty western fanart?
I love Xiao…
there were several people attacking her all at once actually…the spamming chilumitroon also shits on other males if you check her ritualposts
K I gotta bounce, this will by my last post for a while. I can't claim responsibility for what other people post but I can say with certainty that I've never attacked any husbandosis
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Hi /gig/!
>That's Jupiter
>not Mars, Pluto or ChibiUSA
let's be real, no one likes troonderer. all they do is spamming their cuckpost folder and derailing the entire thread. I'll take neuv laughing spam and unfunny cheld memes any day of the week.
It's on netflix and it's a fun watch
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Xiao skin next lantern rite
Hey xissy!
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so? when has that ever detracted someone from enjoying their respective media? people say the same all the time about lolicon, and its only gotten bigger, heck, maybe even top 3
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I hope you guys didn't take all the Klee sex and there is still some left for me
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This sumeru quest was pure soul kino
lolicons are pedophiles
meant for>>487835259
also meant for>>487835259
Tell them to stop making these children so fucking sexy and lust provoking then
see? bitch is sperging about wanderer again
Wish it was voice acted but it was very fub
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I sure hope so. Feels way overdue when already.
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dont worry, bought 2 just in case one of our bros wanted the other
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Cough.. cough
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My husband keeping people safe from spoilers...also the Cyno scene was very cute.
meant for>>487835259
I think a melty is coming and I've just been here for 2 minutes
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Frankly I think they could be sexier
post your tiggy sis
>I jack off to pictures of men but I'm not gay!
This is what lolicons sound like.
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meant for these guys>>487835620
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ok and?
wher is lyney
Would've been better without Kaveh
Where's GODvillette?
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love it too. hope they do more simple quest like that preferably with voice acting of course
we always need new players who stealing the credit cards from their parents
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>suddenly /gig/ becomes good
I prefer girls with pubes.
Only someone as scatterbrained as Kaveh could have started that chain reaction?
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lolicon game, lolicon general, lolicon board, lolicon site, lolicon world, lolicon universe, lolicon god
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You got it. I'm glad the whole Sumeru cast got some summer screentime.
your shitposter is busy trying to shit up wuwa but hes getting [-]'d
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I was gonna post smoething but I forgot what it was...
not bad is he top 1%
Lolis are literally made for sex.
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Why does Alhabibi bully Kaveh?
weird larp desu
god must have the form of a cute loli it only makes sense
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Yaoyao sex.
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dont worry, loliGODS know how to deal with xer. Actually, I think that might be the reason it went there
Because it makes them hard
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The Fontainian Man
WOMEN general.
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how do you check?
yup the chilumitranny is back to spamming xer garbage
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It's over...
artist name?
very organic
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I love this game for women
fuck off slut. go suck azar dick or something
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Wuwakeks will not live this down
meant for this person>>487836258
I want to use this loli to bring more lolis into existence so that I can fuck them too.
Paimon:"Drink the fucking ink, Kaeya"
>Heavenly Principle betraying khaenri'ah AGAIN

Go tell Wanderer
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>top 2% Tighnari
Neat! I didn't realize mine was that high up.
I know we are all focusing on archiveschizo but WTF is the meantforschizo?
clorinde is married to wriothesley
irrefutable fact
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loliGODS never attack anybody, we just post loli, because of our never ending, abunding, overflowing love
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for me it's jinhsi
Elfs stay loli for so long
Uh oh 750 is about to melt about the other person kek
i have nothing against the scaralumisis who just posts ritualpost of her favorite ship and then fucks off
Sorry, I have no clue.
>This window will close in 3 seconds...
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>footprints that are not of a bare feet
Yea sure safe horny spammer you don't attack anybody LOLE
my theory is that there arent that many schizos, but actually just a few, its just that they have different antics, which they use whenever they feel like and then there is people copying them
meant for>>487836423
talking about this guy here>>487836592
goes here probably>>487836635
I am a woman
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It's no wonder our symbol is represented by two hearts that's intertwined and imposed one atop the other.
this, I dont think scaralumi is the same faggot spamming cuckposts or straightup baiting other loomposters
>the miyoushe drama was a DDoS attack
Yawn, I wanted real drama
I only attack lolis
>ritualposts are good, because... t-they just are ok
wanderer is so lucky.....
>the nahida tranny that seethes about breasts
>clericoftech the anti coop schizo is a kleepag
>clorinde got relentlessly shitposted by lolifags when that 1 "leaker" said she was a 4*
>the fag that spams the thread with his safe horny buzzword whenever a hag gets posted
>had totally forgotten about this
alright, I kek'd
churl'd by kaeya
Sister manifesting worked, actually. We got that one extremely shippy line in this patch
the same faggot also spams early threads, homoshit and cuckposts
when they don’t target a particular group yeah? not like the chilumitranny and his 30 variations of retarded shit
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Sorry Loom, but Paimon adores Albedo, proven by the trust she has in keeping her savings in his cave.
And the feeling is probably mutual.
I'm glad Siggy flopped, lolifags are too annoying.
Everyday I wake up and want mualani fans to suffer
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Why are incels falseflagging as yumeSTACIES again?
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Breed her and her friend too.
I'm glad her fans are eating shit, they got way too cocky for merely half a day.
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its true though, I only post loli and reply to loliposters, sometimes haters but I do peacefully, it riles them though but thats on them
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They have nothing else to do
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Let the mighty be humbled..
>poovillettepags are this unhinged
no wonder they sent mihoyo death threats over a bugfix
>ritualposts are bad, because... t-they just are ok
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Neuvisis, I wonder what about her makes you so angry and insecure still
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I said remove me from the pic wtf
Thread so dead it’s filled with trannies fighting and zero gameplay discussion
meant for >>each other
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Upcoming banners?
well, the thread is made by one and it was like 30 posts early, it's expected lmao
that faggot is a disgrace even among lolicons
>nahida seething tits
never seen it
the one that was shitting on her was the homo calling her pork something, thats no loliposter
>safe horny
not a spam
Why the fuck would you discuss gameplay who gives a shit about that
The only gameplay I want to discuss is Mini Durin's plapable butt.
Floplani pagged
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I got you bro
Bros hows your Emilies coming along?
This game has no gameplay. Picking mint is not gameplay
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Pork is for other men with a certain persuasion
the faggot who seethes about tits and the faggot who spam the safehorny shit are the same person btw
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we love c&c here
They're all me :)
I want to RAPE Mualani
>wriorindefag joining in the yumestacies posting
You'll never fit in, tranny.
oh, so its the electropork homo? why would he get so mad about a literal brick? lmao
nope. pork is for strong white men that run prisons
Who are the top WOATs? (Worst Schizo’s of All Time)
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>nahida seething tits
>never seen it
I've seen him a few times. He calls them cancer or tumors. I think hagbags might be a word he uses. Then there's the Oppai loli Nahida poster who sometimes posts Oppai loli Nahida specifically to rile him up.
emily and yelan
At least I'm white
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>strong white men that run prisons
She makes him watch
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This here is the true endgame ship for Aether players
>xhe likes potatoslop
the only yumes i can tolerate are the dilucyumes, the xiaoyumes and the albedoyumes, the rest always either bait or fight each other
reply to me >>487837492
I took this pic btw
>just drank a bunch of expired milk
genshins for this feel
cuckspammers and neuvpags
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l*li fags need to go back to plebbit already
tall females
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but I like potatoes, hot and tasty
that sounds so overly specific, no wonder I haven't seen him. However" I have seen the oppai Nahida posts but they rarely get any reply
цoг шв нoк зфбeгoзвy фceщьp жшдy жyфeoyк?
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I self insert as the ntr man
true. no one likes that troon
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koko hiiii
yea it's the tumorschizo, hagbags was also a thing they used to spam but they stopped and moved to calling people faggots whenever others post tits
My fuarking hero
Archiveschizos aka Lynette avatarfags for ruining threads constantly
>actually censoring the word
>>487837856 (Me)
so true sis
Team Mew

Capitano crumbs
DPS - Pyro Sword
Black flames
why do genshin l*lis look so ugly
The chart/cuck poster who replied to this 3 times
Fake and gay
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Take your meds /gig/
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sorry, mentally ill general
Archive posters wouldn't be an issue if you didn't act like a chimp...
There are better Childe ships than Chilumine.
Stop trying to summon demons, russbro.
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They look like goblins but recolored to have human skin tones.
I used to think ACK but archiveschizo has reached lows nobody else has
ZhongChi is his best ship
Name them
I'm watching the Olympics.
remember the ganqing spammer
i rember
Clorinde is the best electro dps though...
Everyone skipped Clorinde
>I-I didn't
You'te a nobody bitch
holy kekkk
I get it, some schizos do deserve it. But there is literally nothing wrong with just sharing images with no ill intent like childeyume, lolis or whatever the fuck that traveler homo was doing. I often find the biggest shit stirrer to be shiptrannies(a.k.a cuckposters) and maybe that actual homo attacking clorindeposters
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I want tighnari bf aaaaaaaaa
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You first
You mean the Teyvat Sports Festival being held in Fontaine?
There are at least 3 biological women here and it's making me uncomfortable
C2 Raiden >>>>

You lost
everyone is a men for me
It should be fine if it's under a week past the date.
Honestly archive posting should be done more often
I think people need to up their anonymity game
It's good practice for the real world
wasnt that guy an actual erptranny that gets paid for erp
So far, every attempt to change/avoid the fate of teyvat has been through some kind of collective memory alteration. Very little of it has stuck. The Golden Slumber failed. Phobos of Remuria failed. Narcissenkreuz failed.

So which ones succeeded?

Nilou stablized the Sabseruz festival with her strong imagination.

Navia asserted herself as an individual and escaped being absorbed into the Oceanid collective.

Wanderer rewrote the memory of the past.

These individuals all demonstrated their strong will. Coincidentally, they’re also the ones who got invited to Simulanka. Interesting.

Of course, as strong as their wills were, their changes were still limited. The Samsara eventually ended; Navia got out, but would’ve corrupted if she had stayed any longer; and Wanderer couldn’t completely erase himself.
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I almost died on this part..with nilou even
Tbh nobody cares that much about gig other than shitposting
t. archiveschizo. Your anonymity game is quite weak.
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You think it's a coincidence that Star Rail sponsored the Olympics and now Star Rail's next patch is about a tournament and Natlan is also about a tournament?
hetships are ok
homoships are disgusting
humilliation ritual...
wait let me test a theory real quick
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C2 Clorinde > C2 raiden > C0 Clorinde > C0 raiden

i wish we had blackswan x acheron in genshin
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I only know Erina and Nessa. Who's the other one?
raiden x yae is better
Seven hundred and fifty primogems from this event
Ei x Miko is better
Eimiko is the only successful Hoyoverse yuri ship
both are cuckposts in disguise, besides, ships belong in places like hoyolab
my theory failed
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Invest in the traveler

Pyro versio will be a T0 support dps
Mogged by EiMiko
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caelus likes to watch
I would take the homo self inserts over disingenuous cuckposters any day and its not even close. Yet again, hard to say with the way /gig/ works. Could be a bunch of falseflaggers to rile up 2 factions
Why do I even bother coming to gig, its just seething over imaginary schizos that probably quit long ago and endless cuckposting
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But archive schizo posts dawei
I post neuvs
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Board ID anon stopped renewing the mysql or whatever it's called. It's over.
Stelle likes to watch
Childe x Xiangling
Childe x Xinyan
Childe x Yoimiya
Childe x Qiqi
Childe x Ganyu
Childe x Amber
Childe x Melusines
because you like to watch?
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holy kek
We love GODvillette here
>"...and not just the women, but the lolis, and the melusines too"
calm down cheld
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For me, it's Furina

I want to smell the anus of this Mexican girl cosplaying as Furina so BAD
Wait, who's recording this?
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I wish we had straight up uncensored sexual intercourse in genshin
thanks to reminding me to update SSL certs
I really have to automate that shit, I die inside a little doing it manually
File deleted.
now you remember emilie
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How can I get a qt White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf?

First reply, best reply. Those two are by far the most toxic shitposters in these threads at the moment.
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so beautiful
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there's something wrong in natlan's water...
…while we watch
Did chinks like Nilou that much?
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>I really have to automate that shit
I believe in your programming powers.
>the chink arrived home from work
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I've turned over gamefied sex in my head for like 10 years, there's just no way to fit it in (heh)

Either it's a mini-game you use to level up, a save system in a rogue-like or in Trials in Tainted Space it's a way to purge a meter that builds over time and leads to game-over in combat if it maxes out.

And the gameplay can't really be engaging, God of War 1 is just about as in-depth as it can be without being a chore.
Xiangling I imagine.
>Aether letting Paimon record so that he can watch the video of him watching Wanderer dance with Nilou over and over again
Pagga Dabba Doo
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Sangonomiya Kokomi's war ravaged lands...
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Chinese moids' cuckold fetish needs to be studied
do you wanna be my femboy
lol you are a goddamn homo, thanks for confirming
>i would rather watch gay sex
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>installed Snowbreak
>logged in, tried to zoom into character model, it goes transparent even sooner, than in genshin

I wanted less censorship, not even more censorship than in genshin...
[SAD NEWS] HSR is on its way to 150
>thinking scara even exists anymore
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlalí/Xilonen cosplay
/ourgirl/ is live
/ourgirl/ is live

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hsr is funding you
Zzz killed hsr and genshin… damn
This one isn't worth remembering either way.
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Citlali is probably the most Mexican character in Genshit

>Her name means "Star" in Mexica language
>Citlali is an extremely common name in Mexico
>She represents an Axolotl, Axolotls are endemic to Mexico
well isn't that the truth
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I thought that watermelon was her pubes in the thumbnail.
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Why did they replace her event with scara cucking?
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this is so sweet
Genshin update?
Kokomi BROKE you.
>he reads this ai slop
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What genshin has this type of energy?
playing genshin in the year 2024 is the ultimate humiliation ritual
i have a humiliation fetish
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genshin is /cuck/core now
wuwa bro, your game died in 2 months...
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I used to watch Heartcatch Precure because I was such a seiyuu simp and now I didn't even recognize her
I must commit sudoku for this failure
On every level except physical, mental and spiritual I am literally Cheld
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>could have had this as the summer event. Instead we get to watch Scara fuck Nilou.
Genshin natlan
ZZZ new game and very sexual
HSR a revisit to space china
Can you tell which one is flopping and which one isn't?
post tummy
goodnight guys
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I love this event because I get to watch Scara fuck Nilou.
Don't have one...
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You know what you must do.
damn is he actually doing a doujin about this peopl have really gone insane over nothing
fuck the hexenzirkle
and FUCK Gold/Rhinedottir/that whore especially. why can't this cunt stop making evil monsters? The one good thing she did was the melusine, and that was entirely happenstance outside of her design. She's a danger to the whole world and I'm tired of the game trying to humanise her.
What will we do when only Mauvika sells in all of Natlan, while everyone flops
Pokemon Go
>the chink is still trying to force chingchong memes in /gig/
And it's making the frogs gay
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It should be up now
Think if we spawn Taiwan he'll leave?
we watch.....
nahida isn't a kusogaki, she's retarded pitybait
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Albedo can correct her.
>What will we do when only Mauvika sells in all of Natlan, while everyone flops


Mavuika: 35 hours

Capitano/Citlali: 17 hours

Kinich: 8 hours

The rest 0: hour
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People are still generally oblivious that she has almost seamless E skill with a TF set.
Fake theorycrafters pushed an inferior artifact sets for a 5% dmg increase so playerbase opinion cemented too early.
if you take that away from her, nahidafags got nothing left...
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>revisit to china
for a sidestory event right? they don't actually go back to space china in the main story, surely
probably meant for this>>487840980
Fontaine kowtowed to Liyue...
The rest of the update cycle is unironically chink spam lol
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Rhinedottir is best girl, Albedo would agree.
And we're going to have to fight him in order to fight her.
top ten laziest genshins?
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I saw when I posted that Bweden, thanks for fixing it. Is it automated this time?
true, I farmed BoL set for months and it was terrible. TF still better.
cute, shame she will never be seen again now that the game's plot is about hatguy fucking every bitch in teyvat
>Release third major title in an attempt to fill up the gachasphere with your own games
>Deliberately have updates for all three games be two weeks apart to ensure maximum news exposure and media front page time for your titles
>New release primarily attracts players from your existing audience
>Slowly starts killing off your other two games in the process
What is this business strategy called?
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People watch anime in JP because it's original va language. Playing genshin not in Chinese is the same as watching EN-dubbed anime. Switch to canon CN va now, the game is even lip-synced to Chinese.
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delusional, mavuika will be the first archon that will get 0 tiktok hours
Ayato(his Q is just ganyu's)
Not sure who else
Even Changli was not spared by Raiden's son because she looks like Yae Miko.
>Is it automated this time?
No, I've just made a notes.txt with few commands I have to copy paste every 3 months to update it, I'll just set up an event in my calendar to do it in time, I know there is a way to set up automatic renewal but its I'm too lazy to do that right now
Alice>>>Anya>Gold>>>Old hag
the problem is that TCs don't play the game
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No, thanks
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The Ouroboros Strategy.
Zajef sits there masturbating to Bennett and XQ all day though.
Thank GOD I was dumb enough to try and build cyno when strong boxes became a thing in 3.0 and did a ton of TF
Mualani is the first anniversary character to get 0 tiktok hours
people will move to the newest gacha regardless, genshin is outdated already. wuwa was a success before zzz. hoyo has no choice to make a new gacha otherwise the playerbase will move to their competitors.
I was doing just fine with a Gladiator set, but I should try TF for longer rotations with Furina
Ruining Fontaine wasn't enough for Neuvillette
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Also, you will realise how comically exagerated JP va is, making the game even more childish than it is.
Uhhh what? But she's from another game?
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you're probably also getting excited for new story quests and hangouts, kek
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not after the upcoming buffs
Why are chinks so indifferent about her?
Ahh, I see. I still think you should shill your add-on harder though. I'm practically the only one using it. Hell, you can even screencap my posts and make a collage if you want, although it's mostly cunny and pedo posting. Probably not the best marketable material.
Too brown for them
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My wife is so lucky.
unironically happening to another gacha I'm playing
Not good because people are going to get burned out and priced out
While I'm glad dailies have been shortened
I don't like the idea of main content being made shorter to appease people who play all three, but I understand as well that too much will cause them to fall behind
They really need to space them out more as well, zhu yuan dropped on ZZZ this week, next Tuesday is yunli, and the week after is Emilie
It's just too much honestly
Literally the opposite, almost none of them are unlocked. And the voice is muted 90% of the time too, on any VA. It's actually funny how similar we are.
Is that you with your wife?
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Childe SOON
Nobody really cares about Emilie so they planned it well actually
the bol set is better with longer team rotations 5heads
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No, that's her boyfriend. I took the picture.
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Characters for this feel?
>no the problem is fine because my opinion
And this is why you're on /gig/
Maybe I'll give it another run, thread quality have dropped below tolerable.
Its a miracle that I've opened the thread and the first post I saw was your post, I might've not noticed expired certs for a long time since I barely visit gig lately.
Would Albedo be a real coffee NERD that meticulously tries to find the perfect balance between the amount of coffee beans and water, brewing time and type?
>I took the picture
God I wish that was me...
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star rail also just had MoC reset, and the final floor was the exact same floor as the previous reset. They're getting so greedy, hopefully their castle crumbles.
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Know your place, Witness!
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I'm confused, so During died after being ganked by Venti and Dvalin, then one of the hexenslags took Durin's soul after he got smoked and re-entombed it inside the story?
Is MOC their equivalent of the abyss?
gonna say furina but dawei cucked her soul so dori i guess?
in this day and age, getting tiktok hours is way too hard, let's take a look at zzz for example,

a whole new game + tons of paid ecelebs + botted views for ads + smooth
release & etc. all of that for 33 tiktok hours. even the chink police already had 0 tiktok hours.
There’s a reason they do this. People aren’t gonna stick to a game forever and there are too many options nowadays. Mihoyo will release a new game every 1-2 years to capture the bleeding audience again to rake in money and leave them on autopilot after 2 years, rinse and repeat
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Why are chink memes so ugly? The distorted real faces just make them look insane
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I guess you can show how shit the IDless threads are and then show some decent posts from the ID'd users? Something like that I guess.
>Its a miracle that I've opened the thread and the first post I saw was your post, I might've not noticed expired certs for a long time since I barely visit gig lately.
Klee's birthday brings all the luck.
Let's map it out
This week
Zhu yuan
Next week
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Jo whatever
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Jane Doe
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12

Does anyone else notice the issue here with the environment mihoyo is hoping to create with it's players?
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>peek into /gbfb/ to see what's up
>KMR is retiring
>an actual unfiltered doomposting all around
maybe Genshin don't have it that bad, yet
Compared to wojak and pepe?
I... I honestly forgot them
Space Liyue Part 2 ruined Honk Starbucks' hype. Trail- Travelers would rather go to Space Diluc's planet or the Underwater Fontaine planet.
>spend money on the game
>instead of having that money going back to improve the game it goes into 30 other dogshit gachas
>most of it is blown on their fucking advertising not even development
imagine spending money on a hoyo game
no jokes i played a lot with cn voiceover and i can admit it is surprisingly good and competitive
even raiden doesnt feel like out of her league considering how big her japanese va
I changed text to German when I'm in mond quests.
Changed to cn language when I got to Liyue
Changed to jp when got to Inazuma
Changed to en in Sumeru
Will be changing to Spanish in Natlan
>wuwa was a success before zzz
Neuvillette's fault
Absolutely, have you seen his specialty?
It would take him thirty minutes just to brew it, and then he won't even be able to have it for himself.
Mihoyo are just trying to make themselves a brand like EA sports
Chibi Durin is a creation of Andersdotter who's based on the real one but not him. Kinda like Amy's autism summoned Oz who's based on Oz from the books. Or how Cheld became similar to Ajax from the books that his father read him, because he was named after him.
Yes but the 5.0 graphics update is most likely the dialogue lip sync animation tech from Honkai Star Rail.
I hope they show off the graphic update in the livestream. I honestly can't tell the difference in the leaks. I need a side by side.
average normies can't handle playing more than one gacha.
Cheldposters save us
>cuckcord woke up
There are none, they just optimized it for mobile players that’s it KEK
Leaks might not have them completely due to the fact they just back port assets for example mavuika's model in-game that they showed was wrong from the model they showed prior outside of the game
sorry, still sleepy
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The playerbase places too much credence to the spreadsheet monkeys to begin with.
If you are to play her on an aggravate team, TF is better qol-wise. The problem is that the theorylarpers convinced everyone that she needs dendro no matter what.
Her cooldowns are perfect for a Chevy-Fischl-Thoma/flex overload team, so whimsy and glad sets are fine as well.
All in all metafaggotry has ruined gaming in general.
That's great but average normies don't spend money
And it's clear to anyone who's played long out mihoyo makes concessions in each game for each other
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not usually a cuckold but Nilou+Scara stuff makes me really hard for some reason
no one in this sane world is playing all 3 of hoyoslop games unless they're mentally-ill NEET. even if I were a NEET, I would definitely play something else or do something else than being a loyal slave to dawei.
Raiden is now an EM bot now your c3 is useless.
>seeing actual book for the first time
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Yeah, that's why I'm hoping they'll show it. I'm curious how it shakes out.
they need a 4th game? idk
Kind of reminds you Yunli and YanKING, doesn't it?
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>Wanderer is supposed to be the Li Shaoran to Nahida's Sakura Kinomoto
>Chibi Durin is literally their Kero-chan now
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definitely am
bro your animal crossing ripoff
i thought china loved scara? isn't he high trending on popularity polls or some shit?
muh dick
>Americans woke up
>thread INSTANTLY became much worse
Every single time.
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Seething femcel hands wrote this. They’re mad about the “unbalanced” proportion of female to male characters and the “fanservice” in Natlan designs and are attempting to ruin this space that men controlled and celebrated the rebalancing and return of fanservice.
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For me, Its Fischl!
I know you're here Koult
>thread is so dead the cuckcord barely get any (You)
we know bennett
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some have drugs.... others have casinos.... alcohol.... paypigging onlyfans whores.... I have gacha games....
>big damage is the only thing going
>because everyone else only cared about dmg
but enough about fagvillette
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It gets better once Madam Kamala becomes our World Leader. Genshin Impact.
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I'm about to head to bed bro.
Before posting, check the dimensions of your images please
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good morning
It's morning in America, and the cuckposts starts.

This is totally coincidence for 3 times I guess. Totally not related
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I wake up again to a good weekend, and these racist devs still have no explanation for whitewashing an entire Mesoamerican history. It's frustrating to see such rich cultures being misrepresented or ignored.
no shitposter is up at 7-8 AM
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>the fishermen killed or drove away all the fish
>there’s nothing left to catch
funny that I don't have any of them either, is it that hard to not be an addict?
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
Mihoyo don't seem to think so...
frogposter be funny once challengs (impossible)
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Kamualani Harris vs Donalvilletterump!
The Freedom of Teyvat is at stake!
Make Sovereigns Great Again!
waiting resin
I'm a Ravenclaw...
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imagine getting a handjob from an angry /gig/ femanon while she looks at you in disgust.
I don't even know what domain to farm anymore I get junk regardless.
>natlan is all about the pokemon
>wanderer conveniently gets a pokemon right before
natlan is just more wanderslop isnt it...
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>A random surfer with a vision should powercreep an ascended Sovereign
yeah, tho that's at least a couple years out. Then I guess they'll get the rumored UE-based open world Genshin replacement done

anyway maybe the implied problem with their plan is that it will lead to the content drip feed getting slower and the drops getting smaller, which sucks for Genshin players who got used to great big heaping loads of steaming content getting shat out onto their chest every patch
Which Genshin girl will let me Watch her have sex with a man?
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This but I get to watch it
she’d make you watch instead
Well, he fits right in this general then.
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My wife Nahida is really sexy.
With Klee.
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>/gig/ loves to watch
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>tranny thirdworlder spamming their trannyshit as usual
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Yeah I'm thinking that Archiveschizo (myself) did nothing wrong after seeing these threads.
>but he's just as bad
750cuck cope. If you kill your enemies, they win tier logic.
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ALL OF YOU will watch me fuck furina
>a random swordsman should powercreep the god of wind
Genshins who fuck?
new player so i have lot to farm.....
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Venti is drunk half the time makes sense
Wish I was a new player again
why would a femcel want to fuck furina
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so chinkcels see scaramouche as someone who's capable of stealing their girl
she likes to watch
cuckquean is unironically a chad's fetish, and its so hard to find porn of it, 90% of it is male cuck shit, depressing
>new players
that's the funny thing. genshin isn't onboarding new players, but instead of growing up with its players as it had been until recently, it's reversed course and is trying to appeal to kids who are too young for roblox
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>the god of wind
Who's larping as a drunk bard
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The TRUE Hero of Teyvat!

(You) are only here to witness his greatness!
I tried to play all 3 hoyoslop games at once. I have burned out faster than ever. I've already uninstalled zzz and I am on the verge of uninstalling genshin & hsr. Logging in dailies and managing all 3 of them are driving me closer to insanity.
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Barbara is better.
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just two more weeks
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It's funny since nobody ever said this shit until Trannyvillette came along. Ayaka being stronger than the ancient war veteran Ganyu was fine, Hu Tao being one of the top DPS characters for years was also fine yet now that the troon lizard was about to get powercrept muh lore suddenly matters.
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fucking Yae while Ei watches in a corner...
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Cheating on firefly and making her watch me cum inside of silver wolfs and robins pussy!
I’m glad cuckolding is a conventional fetish now
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for me to poop on
Stop posting Nahida
File deleted.
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I've seen those cat tail bobbing gifs before never bothered saving them until now where someone is dumping them. I wonder why.
Is her c1 even worth it? I got her weapon at 20
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said """random""" swordsman also parried god of lightning's ultimate attack
the best c1, no debate
Finally some good fucking posts
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punishing pure and innocent firefly by fucking this level 1000000 whore robin pawg filthy bitch slut in front of her and making firefly watch the gruesome acts she makes you commit to her holes
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It's worth if you have her weapon since it solves her energy issue. Great for exploration too
i will now install honkai star rail
finally some good fucking posts
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Im reading your mind, anon
Which Genshin girl would you cuck?
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For me, it’s still Ayaya.
Which Star Rail girl would you cuck?
why don’t we do surveyposts anymore
>off model garbage
now post the in game model
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would rather watch
Oh, I see. Thank you Anon, I owe ya.
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What is it about Silver Wolf that makes her the hottest Bronya?
There is no escaping her is there
Thanks, I was struggling to get her burst back.
Favorite genshin
Favorite ZZZer
Favorite star railer
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I'm glad you did since you sped up the thread quite a bit. I'm going to post my two ritual posts once the new thread is up and go to sleep.
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her outfit
Don’t play
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no wonder mualani feels familiar to me
Don't play
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you now remember that genshin is an open world game
Hu Tao
Silver Wolf
Don't play
Don't play
Don't play
my fav part of the summer event is the city, cozy asf, I want something similar for monstadt's lake city...
is there one with raiden except her sword is going in and out of her boobies
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No, there is no escaping, especially in Penacony the land of dreams.
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no but I can make one later
zhong is the last one I did

my favorite? I don't have one. because I don't need to look up to some random person or pixels so my life can be meaningful.
Don't play
Aventurine or Gepard
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Furina/Tao (tied)
Least insecure genshin player
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Don't play
Don't play
Don't play
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don't play it
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>claiming moral superiority while wasting their life shitposting in gacha general
You’re not better than us, loser.
imagine being locked in a samsara of nahida sex
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Don't play
good news... 750schizo is actually dead...
now we just need to fight these multiple cuckschizos
don't play
Why is this tiebacel so spiteful lmfao
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blessed gifGOD
this is why i love genshin
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I don't just imagine it. I dream of it.
furiner, grace, none
Sisters I'm getting the kfc gliders tomorrow
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You can have a favorite even if you don’t play. My favorite student is Miyako even though I don’t play blue archive cause her dousing are hot
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Nahida/Furina (tied)
Haven't played
Ruan Mei
How much of a faggot am I?
you're right, I am gonna go back reading about ransomware analysis and similarity behind their attack vectors.
I bid my farewell.
my shithole has KFC but there's no genshin promotion thing going on...
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For me, it’s the cuckspamming femanon.
She’s probably some flavor of Asian since she got all these memes from CN net.
Asian radfem handjobs…
Would you?
Gay faggot homosexual
I don't play it but I'll just say Bronya because she's in it
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Do not post Nahida next thread.
Please. I beg you.
Hu Tao
Don't play but Sparkle looks hot
Don't play but Nicole looks hot
I'm getting it from the Korean collab
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scara could be railing nilou right now while you are busy shitposting here
im a normie in BA. I really like everything about Asuna
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I love areas like this if genshin was a survival game I'd build my hut right here
Nilou has a Taiwanese boyfrined
What's the moat retarded Genshin rivalry?
hu tao eula
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Don't play
Topaz/Jade/Aventurine(stonehearts love)
neuv mualani
Probably Hutranies back in early genshin
>You can have a favorite even if you don’t play
I do not know any characters from HSR except for the ones who are spammed here, and I hate them because they are spammed here

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