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Previous thread: >>487807798

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Upcoming Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
[000] W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis
[TETH] Fell Bullet Heathcliff

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
Target Extraction: [ Gregor ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

it wasnt page 5 retard
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Pau and clippu
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tourist thread
Do anyone know what this mean?
I just came back from Vegas
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Rodya LOVE!
Where's Heathcliff erasure when you need him
>000 faust and 00 heathcliff pair
>for the third time
but why?
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after reading no longer human i feel that meursault is completely normal person compare to the like of Oba yozo
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What bothers me is Faust getting ANOTHER event 000 this soon
works on my machine
Karaoke party with /lcg/
Main girl privilege.
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Worry not Kim Ji-hoon, HE will save your PR!
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D-damn you!
I'm not super informed on how Mirror Technology works, but wouldn't it be possible for the sinners to get loli/shota versions of themselves as IDs in the future?
Angela is a man stealing whore that could only succeed by killing the guys wife
So why do sinner boob sizes change between IDs?
>would it be possible
>would el director do it
no because he is cringe
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All the erasing power was already used up on cashy
Assuming there is an alternate world where they are a loli/shota then yes
different diets in life lead to different boob sizes
>000 for TCTB
>EGO for TKT
>000 for Warp
It's fucking Ishmael/Sinclair all over again. Oh no.
Still don't get why this guy became popular, limbus is Ayin's asshole level of easy so most of his "contents" are useless
Genetics lead to that
It's simply the artists are inconsistent and el director is a hack
in some mirror worlds they get implants, in some they dont
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>literally nothing until AT LEAST october
Vergilius is a literal horse in one of the mirror world
What's wrong with boob sizes changing
Erm... your unvoiced intervallo bwo?
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>Doesn't actually show up in the Christmas event at all
Thinking back on it we were robbed
If you underfeed someone who derives from a line of massive tits, they won't have massive tits.
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I was busy like all day yesterday. Why are people all hyped up about the announcement yesterday? From what I gathered, there was some cool stuff like Erlking but them announcing they wouldn't focus on any other game while developing Limbus (due to team size issue) seems bad, given that Limbus was meant to fund other projects.
The Don canto being "delayed" (kind of?) also doesn't feel amazing, I think a lot of people expected it to drop in September-ish.
Just asking for some perspective because I wasn't able to watch it live. Thanks to any anon willing to explain it to me.
why are all event egos worthless garbage
>needing things to be explained to you instead of observing the facts and coming to a conclusion yourself
you are unworthy of posting faust
Desperation for hope
If they're not predisposed to have large tits, simply eating more won't give it to them
You're essentially saying "someone won't be fat if you don't feed them"
No shit
I hope we get to see that thing and basilisoup at some point
which is why sinner boob sizes change between IDs that have different diets and upbringings.
are you daft?
In my opinion it was kind of a bad stream for the long-term prospects? Wanting to deliver more quality content is cool, but taking more time to release it is questionable in my book. Especially since side content isn't voiced which does take away some of the immersion. Adding more "weekly/monthly stuff to do" is actually quite bad, if you ask me. I like the fact that I only have to login once, maybe twice, a day to convert stamina and do my weekly MD run to not fall super behind. The current issue is that the cantos feel like the highlight of a season and the rest feels more like filler content meant to not make you drop the game in-between cantos. I enjoy stuff like TKT but I don't know if I'd call the sum of that and Warp Express (once we get it) equivalent to a canto in terms of entertainment / reveals / worldbuilding.
None of the event EGOs were in the story
>I like the fact that I only have to login once, maybe twice, a day to convert stamina and do my weekly MD run to not fall super behind.
you structure this like adding more weekly/monthly stuff to do is mandatory. for all you know to "not fall behind" you still just need daily conversions and weekly MD. the extra stuff is for people tired of doing only that
You're implying that everyone who's had a boob size change has been malnourished and they're all predisposed to having huge tits
Yet Rodion, someone who we know grew up starving, still has big tits in every single one of her IDs
The reason why there's differences is simply because the artists are inconsistent. You just want there to be something else to it because you're delusional
Mr. Hack and Fraud has been scamming us this entire time...
Most people were unhappy with 10 years of Limbus. So you kinda skipped that part.
>The Don canto being "delayed" (kind of?) also doesn't feel amazing
We at least got concrete date for this one. But this was expected. Let's just hope that there is no other delays.
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Don't care if limbus last for 10 years as long as they don't touch Ayin again and subsequently ruin his character, I'm happy
Mon chaton
>Yet Rodion, someone who we know grew up starving, still has big tits in every single one of her IDs
She would have even bigger tits if she had enough nutrition. All of her IDs are poor and underfed.
>Most people were unhappy with 10 years of Limbus. So you kinda skipped that part.
Did they? What's the current status? I only got some images via my social media.
Mate I'm that Faust would, depending on her diet, grower more or less close to her maximum bust size as dictated by her genetics.
>You're essentially saying "someone won't be fat if you don't feed them"
why yes, if you don't feed someone they won't get their fat tits even if they're genetically predisposed to. Different diets can therefore lead to different sizes
I really hope that's the case and they're not making the extra content grind necessary to keep up for future RR/story etc
Unsurprising.The only truly out of place is the amount of out of his way he'd go for other's requests and length along with them.
Two previous threads were mostly "AIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE, IT'S OVER"
>social media
Blah. Don't care about this nonsense myself. I bet you can check youtube comments or shitter to find something.
I read this as Argalia...
Dante WILL be Ayin and you WILL like it.
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Too late, bud
There is a difference between hoping for X content every two weeks only to be let down because it's something else and knowing when it will happen even if it's in one or two months.
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Do people really unironically believe that we'll get nothing but only Limbus contents for 10 years straight? I feel like with how autistic KJH is it won't take long until PM release spinoffs and extra stuffs alongside Limbus, now with reinforced chairs in case the commissioned artist are getting uppity
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If that becomes true... i will kill el director
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>ruins your virgin dog hymen instead
He stated that he wants to do a new project but with Limbus its hard to do. Obviously it wont be pure limbis for 10 years
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>The retard who's against Chain Battle system because "muh double slotting" and "losing random encounters would be impossible, do you really want all battles to be super hard?"
He would actively kill the game with his shit takes, you do not want that guy on your team.
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Shouldn't it be prostrate instead? KJH has a bussy not a pussy
>All of her IDs are poor and underfed.
You're an idiot
Not only do we not know everything about IDs from their inception, we do know that Rodion was rescued while young in her Dieci ID so she's properly fed there. Plus her Liu ID has lamentations of her eating too much, so she's not want for food there neither
Across all her IDs her body remains the same. As does Faust's, Outis and Ryoshu. The only characters who have inconsistencies are Ishmael and Don
And for some reason you're adamant that the reason why is because of "dietary reasons" and not human error for drawing them like that
He also said that if they really want new projects they want other companies, developers or teams to handle it instead of them.
that boy on boy anon
Now that I know Walpurgisnacht isn't until September I want to start refilling again...
gn /lcg/
>there's already porn
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Congratulations for making thread gay AGAIN, faggot.
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The vtuber avatar is girl because I made it so
you're quadruple gay
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>first time fighting king in binds
>don't look up anything, go in blind
>"it will be fine"
skill issue
did you read his attacks and how they work
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Keep talking like that and I'll make it schizo again as well
fuck you
I did (sinking deluge, no way)
still got my ass kicked
then again, I didn't know his resistances, and I fucked myself over by spamming blind obsession during the peccatula fight, you can see one of the sinners has 79/7 sinking
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That's the only thing you can MAKE, Lindcuck,
>fuck you
man I forgot 4chan ignores/hides the mars symbol, was trying for picrel
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How the fuck do I beat this shitty ass stage if I don't have AOE EGO?
Does El Director hate F2P?
>cute anon that voices linton for memes
>schizo that derails thread with shitposting using linton images
not based
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nah fuck you leatherman
Faustcliff is more canon than Heathmael
I am back with my retarded idea about PM fangame (immersive sim; playing as Shi/Seven fixer)
i might write huge gamedesign document and drop it here just to see /lcg/ thinks about it
please don't
We're getting the ArcSys fighting game, huh
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>Don't touch Ayin again
But Anon, Dante IS Ayin... and Carmen... and probably KJH too...
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But you should probably invest your autism in learning Godot and making cool games yourself instead. This shit is free and somewhat easy to pick up.
i will do it because i am unemployed and got nothing to do (and lose)
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What the fuck "inscribe my aspect" even means? Dante himself don't know that.
i have been working on opengl game engine (with a friend) for almost an year, godot lacks some features my colleague and I needed
also (IMHO) godot isn't really good for 3D games but is awesome for 2D
Bro literally just roll higher
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>Dante himself don't know that.
he forgot
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Your a looney anon
>This deals 0 effective damage
Bait? Or mental retardation?
aight so dante had like maybe 100k of starlight saved up and he was just about to upgrade the whole tree until the gayboy trio showed up and stole his og account forcing him to start from zero
He literally gave you 200 shield before this attacks. Its not a big deal at all unless you were extremely fucked already
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reminds me of something but I'm not sure what
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i have no idea what this means i was just shitposting
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Everyone I know who tried to work on their own OpenGL game is dropped it or dead with one solo exception of Starsector developer. I don't think that level of autism is needed, after messing with Starsector myself it's such a giant timesink, and it's 2D OpenGL game.

>godot isn't really good for 3D games
I was following 3D immersive sim template named COGITO for Godot for few months now. They still work on kinda basic things, but progress is steady and you can probably do MVP of a game with it.

I generally think that people who stuck with making tech for their games for years are not actually making games, but just toying with engines. Which is fine unless you lie to yourself about it being otherwise. If you have idea for a game you need to be able to produce MVP in a matter of week, maybe few, but not months.
Tell me it doesn't make sense, though! Dante is constantly compared to Carmen
>Whitenight allusions
>Both called compasses by their followers
>Connection with Demian/Enoch
AND Ayin
>Managerial position
>Bringing followers back from the dead
AND we know that he's connected to The Light because of his schizo episode during the YMFTCTB intervallo. And what are the two personalities within the light? Carmen and Ayin.
He even has memories that only Ayin and Carmen could have (flashes during Heath's distortion).
It'd even explain the weirdness around Dante's gender. They/them isn't being used because they're non-binary or some nonsense like that, but because they're literally three people.
>Dante is Ayin
I think I prefer the schizos that think he's Sinclair somehow
The poster below me is the true identity of Dante
Radagon is Marika
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ayin and dante are both legiterally me thoughever
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There's a bit of a problem though... the nigger is in the light how tf is he piloting a clock while in the light
I'm not a nigger.
How many times did that happen?
ever heard of remote controlled vehicles
This meme still doesn't makes sense, cause this bitch has zero connection to the light project
If the city is too dark and is in need of the light, then why don't they just change the lightbulb? Has anyone checked if it was still working or not?
>And what are the two personalities within the light? Carmen and Ayin.
>He even has memories that only Ayin and Carmen could have (flashes during Heath's distortion).
Wow you almost tied it all together.
What if its because Faust implanted a Golden Bough in his head?
astral projecting
body hijacking
secret contingency plan
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What mechanic will dimensional bags have?
Speed of light reader
>secret contingency plan
Bro Ayin's not batman
looks like its gimmick is that it changes damage type
it was that lil fuckboi benjamin getting so hard for ayin that he made sure to have an automated system to clone the faggot after he disappears into the light or dies
>000 grippy faust with 00 ncliff
>000 7faust with 00 7cliff
>and ids for train event coming soon
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NTA but carmen only did ever talk about cogito and even the plan she talks about was centered around cogito, thought i can see her learning about the light when she became the bucket and saw everything Ayin did
Bruce Wayne IS Ayin however
Ayin is JACKING Dante as we speak
Unironically Ayin is probably richer than bruce wayne
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It doesn't need to be Ayin and Carmen literally piloting Dante. It's more likely that, by being intertwined with The Light, Dante ended up with parts of their personalities and memories inside him.
I am JACKING off as we speak
If he is so rich why is he dead?
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>Dante is a homunculus spawned by Ayin and Carmen
>Faust's homunculus
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this general has returned to life with the power of
even tho im not a smart playa
He's still alive, he just can't use his money anymore... speaking of, who inherited all of the big bucks L corp was making?
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If anyone, probably Angela.
Most likely just taken by the head.
angeler inherited the fucking facility, his friends, the plan, the light, the whole fucking thing
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Due to LOOOOOOOPing stuff I genuinely believe we'll be getting Yuri back at some point. Also:
>bring Saude back
>she does nothing
I suppose I'm being hasty considering we have 10 years for her to establish her relevance lol
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>this bitch has zero connection to the light project
this has to be bait
Director's a genius.
10 years of limbus means that he not only gets constant funding but can wait for technology to improve and his coders to increase their skills allowing for an amazing next game. Call me Hokma, cause I trust the PlAn.
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suicide because nilhilis much
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Im gonna carve my aspect so hard you have no idea
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Everything except his love
>bring Saude back
>she does nothing
Killing all Verga's orphans would be just too cruel.
she carve on my aspect till i limbus
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It's only a matter of time
Good post.
Why is everyone in Limbus so obsessed with finding these boughs? Don't they know they can just plant them in their backyard?
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The existance of wild hunt and envy peccatula combined with Sang Yi implies that there might be friendly clones of all our sinners out there and that 7 Don souls will come to save us in our time of need in canto 7
i dont want to grow a white woman in my backyard shes gonna fuck my dog
just shit my pants again
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Yeah 12 years from now till lc2
Who's still fucked up after being free from the library?
Tomerry is fucked beyond repair
Yan is still distorted
That girl from the middle still has her tongue cut off
Who else?
Donbus Compini will be real…
Why didn't director come up with chain combat before, is he dumb?
I meant the Ring, not the Middle
pupeteer victem,
walter his office was shortly wipe after he got invite
thumb got fuck form index raid so heavy chance they will receive punishment
finn grade 9 shitter got teleport to random location lol lmao
Katriel cut her tongue after entering library, I presume. The thumb is fucked, but for the different reason now.
Also R-corp, Sweepers, Puppets and Hana. R-corp 4th pack it turbo fucked too. The rest depend on guests strength and spawn location.
Thumb not middle
RRR is is fucked with clones running around
Sweepers just appeared at random so it could lead to really funny scenarios
W got fucked which we will see this intervallo
mmmm nyes
If Saude was actually one of Vergil's orphans I figure he would've been more moody about her almost dying
Katriel got her tongue cut off after giving angela the lip so she should be fine. Puppets, r corp, night awls, dawn office, walters section of zwei since he fucked up by disappearing for so long and GYEONG-MI coming for his ass. Following that logic every single fixer office that entered the library should be scattered across the city and therefore fucked out of their jobs.
Holy shit my brain isn't working for some reason today. The THUMB, the girl from the Thumb who cut off her tongue
>Still gets it wrong
Idiot, she was from the Pinky
I figure the reason the Thumb is so strict with cutting off parts of themselves as discipline is because it surely can't be that hard to get good prosthetics in their position
>army of Dons arrives out of nowhere to defend our honor
i'd clap
nta but Vergil already went through the death of so many of them before, and if Saude was joining he knew she would do so, and he also recognized potential risks the before team faced. And even with all of that, at that point in the story, Vergil just wasn't the type of guy to let any change in his mood be so easily seen around the Sinners and Dante (and he probably still isn't right now, even if he is "opening up" in the loosest sense).
I wonder how the 4th Pack will come back though? Because like Phillip, they're in the unique situation of having clones of themselves in two seperate instances. But unlike Philip, when the second versions of themselves got booked, they didn't create new books, they just updated the existing ones with new pages.
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Yi Sang is beautiful butterfly
>shota Sinclair tied up in Ryoshu's web before beind devoured
They will come back as colors
dude stop spoiling the plot, KJH didn't even get to write it yet
iirc Philip wasn't 'cloned', he merely lost pieces of himself. There were 12 total babies, if I recall, and one of them managed to escape. So it's less that he was cloned and more so he was split and a majority of him was booked
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he is
>he was split and a majority of him was booked
Does this mean we are going to get shota Phillip as an NPC in some intervallo?
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Please post more K Corp Hong Lu
What's chain combat even exactly, the fact you have the rest of sinners as backup, or that you do stages 3 at a time with no healing inbetween?
Both :^))))))
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I still believe Yuri was somewhat (or sometimes) able to hear Dante during the LCB exploration; is not like other NPCs who just had one-sided conversations, the very few times Dante spoke directly to her she responded, one of those being cut short by other sinners.
In one of those interactions Dante just thinks to themselves that they know she can't hear them, but I don't remember Yuri ever questioning about Dante's ticking noise like other NPCs do, she's even surprised their head is "not just for show" (this is after seeing Dante heal the sinners for the first time)
The former.
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I won
I think it's the backup part
Stages/combat with several waves isn't anything new desu
I miss her so much anons
I'm going to post this on Reddit because it's very intriguing. I want to see what the commoners have to say about it.
>he would dare risk staining his heavenly soul by interacting with the plebs
>inb4 its Director forgetting that Dante can't be heard, just like with Vergilius
I feel like Dante's clicking can be understood by some people other than the Sinners. Maybe because of some magical power shit or bough resonance because of LC or whatever explanation there is, which is why Vergilius clearly understands Dante despite pretending he doesn't
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Is that... ze mark?
No because then being a sinner and having the mark would be a double negative and Sinclair wouldn't be able to understand Dante.
or because she just guessing form the body language also verg specialty is reading people
NTA, I vaguely recall Demian saying that anyone can hear Dante
they just need to listen
I'm thinking it's because she was an LC worker/was exposed to abnormalities for an extended period of her life. Dante's clockhead could just be a tool abnormality.

Also I wonder what he's counting down to, since his minute hand moves a bit every canto.
>They don't realize Vergilius is acting like he doesn't hear Dante because of the contract
prudence work right now
Doomsday Calendar is an abberration abno of Dante's clock
from the l to the i to the n to the k
wear tights every day dont give a damn what you say
"Reading people" doesn't work like that
You can't figure out full sentences just because Dante tick tocked a little bit faster than usual
>Dante's clockhead could just be a tool abnormality.
This claim seems incredibly retarded. But since he is obviously somehow related to the golden boughs it would make some sense that there is correlation beetween him and L corp stuff
Wondering if verg pretending not to understand danteh is because of previous loops fuckups.
>looks like a man
>built like a man
>has the name of a man
>is actually a girl
there is no looping in limbus
If they actually implement a loop story I'm dropping the game. Not interested in viewing the same story with minor variations 3 fucking times, especially with months long waits between each one.
Limbus Company is the new L-Corp. Angela is behind it.
The Golden Boughs are a physical manifestation of the light (bits of Carmen's nervous system used to produce cogito, the very last bit will be her brain found at the library).
Dante is a fake body created by Angela similar to how she revived the other Sephira, implanted with an abnormality clock. Faust is her puppet robot to guide Dante to fetch the boughs.
Every time Dante/the clock acquires a bough, it ticks closer to midnight (doomsday).
Once Dante has all the boughs and fully resonates, we'll get another WhiteNights.
Carmen will be revived, but Angela's consciousness will take over her body and fully become human. Dante's corpse will become Ayin. All sinners will become the Sephira or at the very least get them as IDs.
I originally ignored Lobotomy Corporation back in 2019 because a Korean game with Kabbalah themes rang badly in my head and I was sure it was cult stuff.
We know, Harold.
You have the limbreasts and the limbpussy.
You already showed us.
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can I do Instinct work on QoH instead? please?
>but Angela's consciousness will take over her body and fully become human.
How to out yourself as a readlet 101
I originally ignored it since I was sick of roguelikes
Still am desu, but I regret not playing LobCorp earlier
>We are in hell
>Purgatorio reveals the loop
>Paradiso is re-treading hell but with better endings
Is this what Shekinah theory was like?
with canto 6, they've very slowly started to reveal donte's clock has time manipulating abilities, I would not put it past them.
How do make Ishmael and Yi Sang's ending happier?
Save all their friends and turn them all back into good people? That's too much of a happy ending for PM and would be pretty shit writting
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So what was the meaning behind this dude?
Was Jihoon just really pissed at traffic one day?
I played LobCo pretty early but just wasn't captivated by it. I was vaguely intrigued by Ruina but I never saw anyone discussing it so it just went completely over my head. If that faggot ABIB wasn't actively deleting threads off of /v/ for a while I probably would've been able to jump into this franchise much sooner
the 7 HHPP clerks are the most important of all
How does offset work? Everytime I tried it it just doesn't do anything
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god i hate the weird gacha creatures
they are weird and off topic
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No, not until you reach at least Prudence EX.
Were you trying it on counter skills, because it doesn't work on counter skills
was just joking, I don't think Limbus is a loop story, because it'd involve the entire city being in side a loop and that's just retarded. I am convinced though that we'll get a 2nd round of cantos to give fully closure to every sinner. Gregor and Rodya didn't even get real endings, Kromer is gone but Shitclair still has his blue boyfriend, Yi Sang still has former friends we haven't met + fishbowl man, and they kept Ahab and Nelly alive for a reason.
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god I love the weird gacha creatures
they are cute and on topic
I mean the idea is Dante is pulling out stronger or at least more skilled versions of the sinners from a mirror world. Some dumbass kid version of them isn't gonna be useful in combat at all
That's why they do their job so well.
They know el director has 7 execution bullets on him at all times
It works if you offset with another counter
I think, can't remember
>Some corps singularity allows them to imbue children with the knowledge and strength of all possible future selves
>We get mirror IDs of that once they appear in a canto
Here's your 12 limbab IDs
I dont think so
Sadly, no. You can only offset shield and evade
it doesn't work if you're trying to offset it with lower spd (unless you're offsetting with the original target)
and doesn't work against counters, in any case
We already have a shota in the form of Sinclair
samefag, kys
>commute to work is 90 mins
>commuting back home is 120
>>have to work 10 hours
I am an irl T corp wagie, who intimately hates the idea of travelling ANYWHERE
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no u
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is the vod still just on the PM channel? I have some time off for once so I can afford some hype for future content
I want off Warp Sang's wild overworked ride
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>No mention of Uptie V in the stream
Odds we're in the clear for awhile, or think they're gonna drop it without much warning when they eventually get around to it?
man shut the fuck up gimme a deadpan female Meursault or a depressed fem Sang
yeah it's the third one
director no good all rusty when handling the vchuba programs
Wonder what Uptie 5 would bring though. a 4th skill? That sounds like way too much dev time, but at the same time I wonder what playing Limbus would be like if we reach a point were every ID has as many skills and passives as Vergilius.
I dont think he would mention it if it happens, and if it does then it would come with the big seasonal update probably
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Ego and distortion are two sides of the same coin so its natural people who manifested EGO can hear Dante
what is Yuri's ego?
1. Uptie 5 would only appear after Canto 7, and the stream only went up to Canto 7.
2. We didn't get a golden bough shut up this Canto, so next Canto won't have a level cap raise.
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He may or may not appear in the future, but the Dante is Ayin schizos need to let go of their delusions already. Leviathan literally tells you where Ayin is.
[La Manzana]
Hopefully, it doesn't, not until the thread/exp economy is fixed.
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he's alluding to the chair throwing here right
Kentucky fried bough
Monzo is the Chair Throwing Defusal expert there
He knows best how to calm el director (hhpp sandwich)
Uhm I thought men weren't supposed to be emotional? That definitely gives me the ick
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>Only calms down with HHPP food
I ludonarrakneel
We know you wet yourself at the though of KJH throwing a chair at you, Vellmori.
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>"I want to run this company like a club, we're a team"
>2 star employee review that mentions object throwing, obscure incentives and criticising in front of others
don't get me wrong I believe in Director-nim but he's got a ways to go methinks
he's autistic, of course he'll sperg out now and then
How the fuck am I supposed to deal with this shit? There are no EGO weapons that could reach far enough and I have no agents fast enough such that they'll be able to travel to the elevator before its hands come out. I could try forcing Queen of Hatred to come out with the Shelter but that also runs the risk of just starting Apocalypse Bird.
Did you make sure to kill every clerk at the start of the day?
>obscure incentive
One extra sandwich at HHPP
How goes the grind, anons? You've kept diligence in your mirror dungeon runs through the dead weeks, correct?
I barely meet my weekly quota, I'm a lazy fuck. I should probably slam a bunch of MDs though, running low on boxes and I don't want to spend Lunacy until walpipi
My account is maxed and I feel no reason to grind beyond what's needed to unlock/max new releases
I am at peace
Doing 1 weekly run + dailies is enough for me, especially since I started to skip so useless IDs like the new Dieci Meursault one, I have so much that running dedicated teams is not an issue, and he's just garbage
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>canto 7 will not have uptie 5
Oh thank fuck, I can finally bridge the gap on the IDs that I've yet to uptie
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Not great, haven't been feeling it this season too much in terms of the new IDs, maybe I'll pick up the pace again so I can have enough to shard / uptie Warp, as well as Devyat and Zwei West but just enough since I don't care that much about Rodya or Heath IDs to fully uptie their shit; for Zwei it'll depend if it's Don or not, since we'll know by the Bygone EGO.
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>der friendshooter's aberration is hotter that him
how does el director keep doing this
I tend to one one HM a week, then I try to do one normal mode per day but it usually works out more like 5 a week. That's about an ID/ego every 10 days or so. Adding in events and stuff, maybe every 9 days I guess.
As someone that only joined in The tail end of season 3, it is a little sad that this rate will never really allow me to catch up and empty the dispenser, as two IDs or ego are added every two weeks. I do daily paid pulls which helps a little but still, unless I whale I'll never get all those ego. Which is fine but it's soul crushing seeing all those ego people got automatically from the battle passes I missed.
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Most of this season was spend in ticket mines trying to bring more IDs to LVL 40-45. So not great.
I want a HHPP sandwich...
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Fine but lower than previous season
Bros I need my Dontent... 2 more months is too much...
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I have my EXP ticket stash to show that I fear the level 50 update next season
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How do you even have enough enkephalin for this, whaling?
I remember reading that AO3 fanfic where Liu Ish meets the Ruina Liu, and I wondered how it would have changed if they knew Rodya was Ish's director since the section 4 director in the story was an asshole.
Everyone who does a refill or 2 a day has an excess of modules, I've been sitting on 300+ modules for seasons now and I still got 50 stamina boxes just stashed for no reason.
2 refill x day
the enkh isn't the problem tho, but the timesink for so many md runs that take 20 to 30min
I used to do 3 refills a day, now I just do 2. Two refills is really cheap. Yeah you'll end up with one less 10 pull every 16 or so days but the benefits pretty heavily outweigh that.
if you minmax without refreshes or the instant option, you can do 2 md a day
I'm not even at 600 yet
I havn't had any motivation grinding md for the past few months, I sometimes even forget to do my weekly md
prostrating is like dogeza
This game doesn't even require you to whale aside from battlepass, the 2 refills are covered by the weekly free lunacy and you'll still end up with way more than enough (also thanks for random apololunacy) to pull for walpurgis if you don't want to wait to dispense
Altho you do need to put in the time to grind if you dont wanna pull for anything else
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Sinners for this feel?
>heaths canto was released end of March
>Don's will be October
2 cantos per year... what the fuck director-nim...
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she a bit chubby
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just send in people with fuckhuge Red resistance you tardo, it's not like the hands dish out GOODBYE or angry shitbird levels of damage
Is that a negative though?
at 150 stamina w 2 refills you get 27 modules per day, 189 per week minus 18 for 3x hard, 171
then you can do 34 normal md runs and still get 1 module positive gain :)
I really should just start chewing through the 600 modules i've gotten built up
god knows i'm not doing more than a weekly MD, might as well stockpile tickets
Funny to depict Heath as protective when he literally RAN AWAY, leaving his woman alone with another guy that really wanted to fuck her
Is that taking into account exp and thread dailies?
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to elaborate, the hands only show up in the corridor every 25%, so just let them tank a hit, heal up, then do it again
if you blitz it so fast that 3 hands come out then yeah you're going to lose your nuggets
Cause he thought she didn't love him, cause she was talking about marrying Linton at earshot, and didn't listen to the full thing about wanting to finance his betterment.
Heath was too scared he would lose his shit so hard he'd brutally assault Linton and ruin everything for everyone, maybe even harm her if he went crazy enough.
no, i completely forgot about them lol
dailies require 63 modules per week if you dont skip lux (9x day), so yeah quite a lot less of md u can run
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>What happens when the black swan wakes from the dream of being a white swan?
I do think they're depicting our *current* Heath, who has learned his lesson
After all i don't think that Cathy representation to be accurate of her either, from what i've seen
They are so cute.
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I like the concept of Warp Outis, but her actual charge rate is too slow. Load is an interesting idea to add to warp teams, but 90% of the time fights are so short that you only have a change to maybe build up to 3 charge tops
Clashwise, W Outis is fine, but her mechanics are mismatched. her passive needing to spend 10 count per charge is too high, and always runs the risk of having poor timing and losing the whole stack of charge the following turn.
>Too low
She's never far off in the total damage dealt in my runs with her, she's not a monster like Ryoshu but she is no slouch either.
She does shine more if a fight lasts longer however.
Yeah she's more support focused
I guess it's fine for outis, since that's kind of her niche like meursault with tank/high def-hp IDs
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Hello I'm an employee from L Corp. How do I trick the Queen of Hatred to have sex with me while we're alone at the observation chamber? I heard this anomaly forgets everything that happens to her.
90% of the fights... for now
Warp Express and future content will most likely start to favor IDs who thrive in longer fights due to Chain Battle as the new default system.
So for Warp Express are we getting
>000 + 00 banner for the wannabe roadrollerhaters
>00 freebie
No more warpie crew IDs?
000 Faust, and I think a 000 EGO + 00 Freebie heathcliff. They look like weir puppeteer wannabes.
Will never happen 'cause they'd never want to make MD runs go faster but i'd like a season where the MD floors have just one node but w several waves like rr4 so it goes quicker esp cause of less load screens
you need to balance the tightrope of convincing her your dick is an evil presence but BEING SURE TO CLARIFY that violence won't subdue it
prudence level required is in the high EX range
I thought they were sweeper fans
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The mask looks more like puppeteer than sweeper.
Sweepers are more like gas masks, and they're literal liquid inside of them.
Yeah im almost sure that these people are inspired by Jae-heon to fuck up W corp. Frankly if PM wants to go there again it could be W corp Yurodivye but that sounds really meh
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>Dante is a fake body created by Angela similar to how she revived the other Sephira, implanted with an abnormality clock. Faust is her puppet robot to guide Dante to fetch the boughs.
Yeah because it'd be totally in character for her to make other people suffer much the same fate as her
More like the designated chair breaking dummy like picrel
Goddamn, I'm laughing at how low-budget and impromptu the whole stream seems
god bless KJH
>i love the puppeteer so much wanna assault a warp train while cosplaying as him
>aight sure
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yes donqui, i will delay the canto for you again, the dream will never end....never....
For me it's finishing the stream with
>we might go bankrupt coz you never know with life :)
>if we do go under i'll do mukbang and gaming streams to finance the game :)
Feels less like an actual official stream and more like a personal one
But who the fuck knows that Jae-heon fucked up W Corp, besides W Corp and the Library?
I wonder if there are any other poser groups based on the Ensemble
It’s weird how much work you have to put for so little payoff. Like in most content you can probably get more damage from bro meursault. It’s what, 60 charge for 30% damage on certain attacks with the s3? Don is 20% with her s2 with no setup. It feels like bullet outis but they forgot to give her darkflame
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forcing monzo to do mukbang
the fact alone that an incident was widespread and known enough that first-class tickets are being sold less is already more than enough wiggle room to let something like that take root
you've gotta remember that like every single member of the ensemble was a SotC level threat by the end of the story, people knew about them
Was roadrollerman based on district 23?
Greta was there IIRC but I don't where the other shmucks operated on
The same scene you're referencing also states that nobody knows what happened, Outis warns W Corp employees can get kicked out if they seem to be snooping into the situation.
Its likely that as far as the public knows, a bunch of High Class passengers went missing for reasons W Corp refuses to comment on.
I remember the musicians of Bremen being mentioned in either Meow's or Oink's page, but its been so long since i've played LoR i can't remember shit about the smaller details
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>Mukbang of eating monzo's remains
Does this mean Director will replace Monzo in divegrass?
Meow was a teammate before the 3 musicias decided to split to do their own thing so it's not really the same a other copycat cases
Mirror worlds, anon
maybe Jae-heon and Elena were more extensive in the train and burst forth like a gristly wave with more Love Town-esque experiments and made a much bigger stink than the little oopsie the base world did
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Any idea of how this could possibly work? I think this is the least reasonable one for a gameplay idea in Limbus
>2 red eyes EGO and 1 red eyes ID
>all belong to Ryoshu
what other abnormalities can you assign to a specific sinner this hard?
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Manager mentioned he might edit Monzo to have a miniature dog Director on his head, threatening him with a gun. Or a green sharpie
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>instakill memepillars will be in the next walpenis
>chain will be already implemented by then
>If I work a bit harder, my family can come to the Nest
I wonder if that actually managed to happen for anyone in L corp, considering the real purpose of it all
There's a real fuckin' easy one with To be Bad Wolf and Heath
though maybe that's just an easy comparison because he's already been a wolf and that's where the similarities might end
I imagine the real der shooty will get more stuff with outis, and then the obvious bad wolf and heath
obvious meursault qoh
Maybe erlking but our heath didn’t give up in the end
>passive SP damage every round
can i finally have the lore on the chair?
hyperbole description of an average KJH spergout
>director's favorite color is green
>enkaphalin is green
let that sink in
R Corp soldiers are technically children forced to age up by T Corp shit
>let that sink in
but sinking is blue
poison is green burn
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You guys remember that there was a unnamed, secret ego on the road map? Who do you think will be getting it and what is it?
Betting all my lunacy on heathcliff and it'll be solemn lament, to drive home the coffin motif of erlking
i feel like if it weren't a D abno, Meur could probably get Clouded Monk
serene until a breaking point
Faust Solemn Lament
nigger what?
You seen the livestream and haven't reached the conclusion that KJH has the real blue-blooded autism vein?
director got accused of throwing chairs when buttmand
There's Rodion with King of Greed, i suppose.
trying to wrack my brain for any abnormalities that revolve around being special but i'm coming up blank
heathcliff would be nice considering its his season, but I imagine the ego will be waw tier so it's gonna be someone without one
a real chance for sinkle
I've not done MDs in 3 weeks
are you gachaniggers? I'm asking to elaborate. So what if he throws chair? Did he fucking get to hit someone or what, i'm fucking pulling the info out of your bitch mouths rn
[WAW] Red Eyes (Wide Open) Ryoshu
She alr have walpener stuff, Kim jidawg focusing on giving every sinner a wallpen before doubling
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>are you gachaniggers? I'm asking to elaborate. So what if he throws chair? Did he fucking get to hit someone or what, i'm fucking pulling the info out of your bitch mouths rn
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Man, PM as a whole has me feeling like I'm watching one man's modern JRR Tolkien tier worldbuilding mess getting built up and come unravelling out day-to-day
Feels odd.
Like do you think a lot of this stuff has been thought about beforehand or is it all kind of improv and fitting the new pieces in with the old now that there's a gacha production speed
actually I forgot that fotdb was HE level so it actually could be heathcliff if they keep with that
I just figure since its walpurg they'd have done waw tier
maybe it'll actually fix potential man too
what is the fucking deal with throwing chairs, can't none fucking tell?
the whole chair meme is that he got accused of throwing chairs for being too emotional
Going against all faggots and pedophiles, I'm here to remember that in the canon faust explains that the time range mephi can pull is 2 years of difference, meaning he can pick a same age sinner up to 2 years older or younger.
Reason to that is yet unknown
Thing is you're asking for an elaboration that just does not exist
Its obviously been thought of before but Jihoon is most likely flexible. We know he writes faster than Devil on LSD as he wrote Limbus we have, which is like 3 Ruina's by now, in a year.
as much as those vacations happened to anyone that signed the contract
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One Sin Rodya
I like how you reference a mutilated flesh golem, a young man who had his entire metaphysical make-up changed, and something that happens in the City every day.
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how does W.outis's third skill work ? there are 2 [on use] and both say that they give her coin power +2. so can i get a total of +4 coin power if i fulfill both conditions or is it a case of either/or as in, only one condition will get fulfilled and i can get at max only +2 coin power ? or do they just state the same thing twice HELP ME
open wide because reality is often disappointing >>487818349
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>*shoots you*
your response, limbabs?
Reread does 2 conditions and you'll notice that they can't happen at once
i just want to know if they hired a new cg artist or not
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You struggle or go unpaid
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>Injects green juice
>pierce ineffective
>10 protection
i tank it
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Limbus Company's first crossover will be with Serious Sam
Greg and Heath are the only sinners without Walp stuff
so it'll be either of them but I'm leaning towards Greg because it's been a while since he got anything
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in 10 years after walpurgisnacht finishes up every abnormality in lob corp and ruina including apoc bird and white night they'll go the only place left, Limbus Company and that's when we'll finally get farmwatch
>IV sinking fusion gift
>fragment of decay
>III sinking fusion gift
>Distant Star
i hope it's nier instead so Faust can get an ID with a fat ass in a thong
It dawns the question: did katriel got her tongue back? She was inside the library after all.
And what happens if you get a limb chopped off but doesn't get booked yet? Do you get the limb back or it doesn't count for the book?
Fuck it, what about Philip's unstable ego page? Do we just have a random naked wax composed philip running around setting things on fire out of fear? Will waltuh and his fuckgirl get him back?
remember kim delayed the content so he can have sex with nai_ga and make 10 babies that eat through your 3 years funds
I'm leaning towards heath because no conceivable arm gimmick if it's solemn lament.
Thoug if Greg really gets to shine, I hope it's the dreaming current, been a while since we've seen it
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if Erlking Heath could affect other worlds through being an ID, would it be possible for Ncorp IDs to attack Dante?
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limbab status?
I doubt it'll be Solemn Lament, we already have Regret from Yesod's floor
It'll probably be an abno from Netzach's floor
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uh ohhh I should've checked my team before going into the MD
EoS in 3 days, the lawsuit, he lost, the right was transferred to mimi, everyone is trans now, probably will diddle kids with the trans character in chapter 8
>Fuck it, what about Philip's unstable ego page?
Philip is still fucked, at this point you can only root for PhilipClair
if you are between 2 and 14 charge COUNT while having 2 or more charge POTENCY, you get the first conditional
if you have 15 or more charge COUNT you use the second conditional, regardless of charge POTENCY
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One massive mistake PM did was how little they showed and developed Sonyas and Rodyas relationship.
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Utter to me what you think the Ideal Intervallo would be.
>Say you want less dead months
>Don canto delayed
What's his fucking plan
Dante gets fed up and starts the Serial Limbus Smackdown
who gets his ID?
A company party that goes way too hard, leading to the sinners somehow managing to lose mephistopheles
Walapeño says we can pull back much further though.
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Probably like

>Facility is starting lockdown due to abnormality breach
>Ordeal starts midway
>Forced to advance, passage on their back closes
>Pillar drops down in front, blocking the way
>Sinners advance to it to break through
>Baba yaga style timer starts counting down, if you take too long you'll get crushed
>Beat pillar and move forward, passing through a few departments, and getting blocked

That or some type of forced loss mechanic where you sacrifice someone to exchange for another unit with backup unit, or a way to endure the pillar drop by beating one somehow.
honestly, the Thumb's excessive reprimands seem pretty goddamn tame now that K juice has been introduced to the narrative
mid-tier syndicate goons could probably heal up injuries after putting some work in, but the pain of losing a body part would keep them in line
likely the reason Katriel even spoke out of turn to begin with
There's been porn ever since his dogsona was first revealed back in the Ruina days, secondary.
why would the contract mandate that, thats retarded
If they ever get around on that it will be after Canto 12 so after at least 4 years.
Asked this is a previous thread but forgot to check the responses:
will it have a plot impact the fact that our sinners, despite allegedly being absolute shitters, in other id mirror worlds they seem to perform above average and in the case of specific characters ids, to be above them?
for example, canto6 ids for outis, ryosho and greg seem to be comparably better than josephine, nelly and lipton, sinclair clearly surpassed philip, etc
so far it hasn't ever been adressed right? our sinners original ids are still considered to be quite at the bottom of the barrel
It is a reprimand
If they wanted you dead it would be a different thing altogether
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i want a event where sinners have to clown their way through a death game
>bring Saude back
>she does nothing
Bwo we just got told she was in recovery and that she's on another mission. We'll definitely see her again.
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the one where a bunch of doors open up to a bunch of different mirror worlds, getting restricted to using at least 3 IDs from that world to play (BL, KK, TLA, Ncorp, Rosespanner, Cinq, etc) with small snippets of fluff and dialogue to have more stuff to speculate about
it makes for a cool plot twist™ even if everyone sees it coming
or for a funny gotcha to the playerbase if it ends up being true that he cant understand
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so now that Chain battles will be the default, does that mean that full 12 members of each faction are back on the table? full fucking N corp heretical purge when, I need a fucking psychotic, bloody N Ish fully following the compass of N Paus
could've sworn I'd saved some fanart of an N ish but i can't find it
don't think they'll ever do something like that, they'd just get complaints from people that don't have enough of those ids, either because they're just new to the game or whatever
if she had survived *could* she have gotten hired to the bust? what role would she even have served? babysitting charon and dumping lore in l corp facilities?
certainly not the bus, but maybe to the before or after teams
All 12 of the same faction is too samey. I'd rather cross faction synergy like how R and W corp IDs are all charge.
Helping Dante's morning boner
How many IDs do we have that are good? Or to phrase it better, how many IDs do we have that aren't pure evil?
With W-corp having 8 IDs faction limit is likely expanded. We might get more N-corp, but not Nagel&Hammer tho.
el director blossoming metanarrative...
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>babysitting charon and dumping lore in L corp facilities
>access to guns
>giving superiors respect means no painful shit
>speaking up with a concern that is deemed acceptable to be speaking out of turn means losing a body part, but still possible to regenerate or get some sort of bionic part replacement
I dunno guys, the thumb doesn't have the schizophrenic whisperings of the city in their ear like the Index or the art autism of the Ring, maybe the Thumb isn't so bad to get (be forced) into.
the Middle is still kind of recovering from Roland's fucking massacre and the little we've seen of them hasn't really painted much of a picture other than Ricardo and tattoos
depends if you're considering just doing your job of being part of a scummy association/wing to be pure evil, like don in the middle or tcorp
The contract Limbus has with Verg and the Sinners as it stands is just whatever is the most convenient so it spoils the least amount of stuff for Dante (and us)
I just want a fuckin' everything there inquisitor Greg, man..
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Not a single one of them are better

>Index: Go rape your mother and then kill her, while eating your father's hair, on the 13th
>Thumb: Cannot in any capacity question your superior when he tells you to be frontline against the charge on a rival outpost, is guaranteed to kill the initial assault force, or else they'll just kill you yourself
>Middle: Constant picking of fights against potentially dangerous people, probably have to follow along the whims of any big brother or sister
>Ring: Nonstop work to meet subjective art viewings of superiors and not get kicked out, dabble in tons of fucked up art
Probably, though I'd rather make teams more varied than "12 ids of the same faction"
dude where's our bus
hey limbabs is now a good time to start your game?
about as good a time to start a gacha 1+ year past its launch as any other
The earlier the better I guess but nothing's happening right now, and the next few months will be kinda dry
Maybe that's for the best actually, you'll have time to build up ressources
No, come back in 9 to 10 years so you can experience the whole game.
something about this image seems suspicious. tell me what you're hiding from us
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>canto6 ids for outis, ryosho and greg seem to be comparably better than josephine, nelly and lipton
seems to me that greg have better health but thats about it, upie stories treat it like they are doomed to lose aganist wolf
>sinclair clearly surpassed philip
how? sinclar didnt manifested proper ego and reference to cello in his dialoge seems to hint he will distort anyway, philip also resisted
>our sinners original ids are still considered to be quite at the bottom of the barrel
ehh, lots of n corp id are at their worst
>here lies Heathcliff
>he never scored
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If you mean with bottom barrel that they are still the people Dante met in the prologue then yes. Outside of any developement they had in their own world of course.
The earlier the better, as usual, but we are about to enter a relative content drought, so it will be a great time to catch up.
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pic unrelated
people will complain that they have content to work towards, have to put effort into thinking what they'll shard since its either sticking to the meta or doing what you like and that they can't access everything instantly?
Share the first one
I seem to recall that at some point the sinners were handicapped in some way prior to joining Limbus, like their true power is suppressed in some manner, especially Ryoshu's.
>But, prolonged use might cause small side effects like headaches or residual traces of the identity's personality surfacing from time to time.
I hope they toy around with this in an intervallo/side event in the future
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I mean we got an id from hod's floor Even though red shoes was already in the game.
Nothing stopping them from repeating, seems like we're not leaving the asiyah layer for a while
I think you draw a reverse conclusion of what you are supposed to.
Our sinners are incredibly skilled. In every scenario in other world they excel at what they do.
Our world binds them to Dante, we know at least Ryoshu is physically nerfed by it, probably some other sinners too.
wait roughly 2 weeks for the next event
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Why would they miss out on 2 weeks of dailies/weeklies/story progress?
Man I love these
>using N corp
man shut the hell up dude
N faust did what Kromer couldn't
Sinclair, sure, he's fucked in the head because of Faust's interference, but he is actually STILL SINCLAIR, just a mirror version of him that fully gave in to 'kromers' manipulation.
Don is straight up still just Don but indoctrinated, no goop needed
Heath and Rodion, i'll give you.
Meursault is hard to draw a through line with Guido to be honest. Canto 3 didn't really showcase many characters so much as it revolved around the conflict with Kromer, and even the interactions the sinners did have with Guido he was more of a minor roadblock than a boss. especially ever since the SP changes
they won't even be able to play the event retardbro
>sinclair clearly surpassed philip
Running away here after an awful stream or something like that?
>hey do we go ahead and kill Angela, while the Library is unstable and everyone inside is as weak as a kitten?
>nah, she wants to be a human, so we don't have to worry about her
>but what if she changes her mind?
>don't worry, it'll be grand
I hope someone got fired over this
Where's number 3?
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tbf cathy is very cuckable
Nah his unstable book is still a different thing.
There is a possibility of a internallo where we team up with Salvador and Yuna to get philip (or at least half of it) either back or dead
highest reading comprehension Limbab right here
>muh shitkle s-suprassed phi-ACK

Faggots never win do they?
Wait, is that not what the Head does?
She was on the path of becoming human though. As soon as that chance was squashed they intervened.
Yo! Runashy!
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>shitclair propaganda again
Reminder that he's not getting any more content until October at the absolute earliest. Suffer.
i have one more after this one
Wait why is this so peak?
Director kun please...
Yumes are too strong...
Wait is this traced over that one the fagowl house porn?
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what the fuck is he doing in 2nd
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He wasn't informed to not deal damage
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He was told to clean it up.
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I use G corp greg in the 1st deployment slot of all my rupture teams and he's actually pretty good
and thats all i have
I think my only complaint about chain battles becoming the norm is what the hell happens with human fights when a sinner with 2 slots dies?
or just in general, so many IDs are begging for 2+ slots to become giga busted like any discard/self-tremor/charge ID
I wouldn't be surprised if the process of "chaining" the Sinners to Dante and allowing Mirror World identities to be superimposed onto them necessitated a sort of "reigning in" of their inherent capabilities/potential at the start that's slowly being released via collected the Golden Boughs
chain battles are the human fights right?
Don't listen to the Headcucks. They still take Serum-C_oupium after losing their top dog.
I find him very usable if you have thunderbranch, it makes him almost count-positive
plus in MDs chances are enemies will always have enough rupture for his s3 nuke to be consistent
My bet is their only hindrance is not being able to manifest ego
this is actually really cute what the hell
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Chain battles seem to be the intended format for every battle type going forward. I hope project moon thinks about how jarring and demanding of a shift this will be for later players who missed RR4 and build W event fights accordingly.
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i slacked off ever since a vacation to japan, shame there was almost zero limbus shit there and what was coming was in october
Here's your new W Corp ID bwo
that didnt answer my question. Are they changing it to manual targeting or the human fight style where you drag a chain across the skill bar?
Ugly ass sinclair holy shit
No, they're making all battles use the backup replacement mechanic from RR4, no idea why they called it "chain"
it's the "six fielded, six benched" think that RR4 currently has. I get the concept, they want players to make decisions during fights as to whether or not they want a sinner to die, but at the same time that's 6 more sinners new players will have to fuckin' bring up to bat in every fight if said fights will start being designed as more hard
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so anons, can you describe whats happening in pic?
He's directing.
this does actually bring forth a question, how the fuck, especially post-White Nights and Dark Days, do people not distort on the trains?
Can't lie this one's actually pretty cool
I think simplest reason would be to say C's voice cant reach while the train does its thing
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technical difficulties
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>rolls a 4
>kills you IMMEDIATELY
your response?
>sees a furry
>instantly thinks of a distortion
i mean, Tanya
We've had 2 furry distortions so far (3 if you count Heathcliff), it's really just a natural connection to make at this point.
Carmen can't speak to people inside warp. But maybe it has something to do with W-corp restoration.
>rabbit equipment
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>10 years of Limbus
Laetitia my beloved, how many years will I have to endure before I finally get your ID?...
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>rolls a 2
>denies you of any power gain anyways
Yeah this artist likes giving W Corp jannies guns for some reason
Boris Steel Knuckles is pretty cool dude.

You're in a fucking train retard
Lobotomy EGO:Laetitia Sinclair 000
I think you meant to say Queen of Hatred
Yeah I'd kill myself
That's a situation turning your life into hell, but it's not necessarily your ideals being tested.
An awful situation is not the same as the foundation of your beliefs being destroyed.
Surely there would be a pacifist who would be forced into "killing" someone in order to protect themselves.
Oh who am I kidding, pacifists wouldn't even survive long enough to board a W Train.
If I had to wager a guess, the trains going through some weird dimension on the way from A to B might cut off the necessary connections to Carmen for someone to go so mental onboard that they will Distort, or someone gets such a heroic story arc that they pop an EGO out of it.
Our Sinners' skills are not better than their original counterparts, but rather, some key things like Limbus Company, Dante, their own versions of their Sinners / other key characters or the Golden Boughs don't / may have not existed in their worlds, which means they (as the character they take the role of) don't get sidetracked from their original goals or ideals.

It's mostly apparent on N.Corp IDs but you can see it too with Kimsault not ever going to the Library thus never distorting, TLA IDs just getting to run around as this terrorist group since Limbus Company didn't stop them and Dongrang didn't get in their way, or Rosespanner Workshop just never having to confront the TLA nor LC thus just continuing their normal workshop activities.

Philipclair didn't surpass Philip, he just denied Carmen, he wasn't stronger than Philip but rather it's hinted that he just took a different path. Though the version of him that we got to see was just as he awakened his EGO, he could've still lost and distorted just like the original Philip.
Nobody "dies" in the train, and pacifists aren't beyond the idea of self defense in most cases.
Yeah I'd watch anon kill himself.
Or Kromer, or Gregor whenever he gets killed again for that matter
What WOULD be the best EGO to give Sinclair?
QoH looks too silly. Laetitia seems more like it, but I don't know.
Nameless Fetus or Child of the Galaxy.
Actually, the oc here is in love with both Heathcliff and cathy.
Nameless Fetus because he is a little BITCH
Dream Current or Schadenfreude would be pretty good
We all know he will dual wield Twilight and Justia. With both Apoc bird and WN wings. Anything less would be a crime.
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What are some things you wanna see from Don's Canto?
>Read Child of the Galaxy's entry
>Get a erection thinking about him grooming me
Its over.
The birds/Apocalypse Bird fit him thematically. Otherwise Laetitia because I want to goon
Happy Don but also deep voice Don
>but it's not necessarily your ideals being tested.
You don't seem to understand that thousands of years is a loooong fucking time. We aren't vampires or werewolves, we're not suited to live that long.
Sinclair never surpassed philip because:
>fire output of philip is infinetly superior

>sinclair can't sustain wax pinion form for long without losing his marbles, while philip maintained his ego even when the fight was over and he was going through distortion struggles
>You're in a fucking train retard
Maybe it only crits on scope.
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I dont think Don will have that interesting of a story but i hope the villain will be extremely cool
I dont think Philip could hold it longer if he didnt distort immidiately but we have literally never seen another Volatile EGO.
Don if she Outismaxxed.
I don't know why but I always thought Singing Machine would fit him
An actual ego manifestation from Don
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I hope the Knight of the Mirrors has a phase where he wields a bunch of IDs at once
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>windmill boss
>something funny with Dulcinea
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But why would Sinclair receive anything but the EGO Gear Spore of the Little Prince?
Isn't lae ego gear just pink der shooty but weaker, no team kill and pink?
Because it looks like shit.
Reddened Buddy
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I love time loops so here's the question, if we loop, will all the sinners retain their memories or just Dante? Because we know Dante is able to remember shit he shouldn't be able to so it wouldn't surprise me if his super memory was specifically designed to retain knowledge of the future after time travel
I enjoy the fact that you are aware of you ignoring game text and the fact we got a new railway and mirror dungeon which are connected to boughs. Pretty based
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Don singing a korean version of Impossible Dream right as she's manifesting her EGO.
Perfect. Heh.
Starting to sense a pattern. Is this how people in here learn? Say something retarded and expect people to correct them?
Btw you're wrong.
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>What are some things you wanna see from Don's Canto
vid related
I mean it's a rifle yeah, but it doesn't look or work like Shooty's at all
The best part of her ID would be the suit/gift anyway
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They can make it work, anon...besides, the infected agent in the abnormality story did have a birthmark on his forehead...
She said this and he said this.
>Don singing a korean version of Impossible Dream
Even better, she's singing the whole thing in Koreangrish instead.
I mean the suit is fine, but spear is just bad. I'm sorry. But I don't think they can make it work.
an architect after my own heart
distortion is caving to your base impulses rather than recognizing how detrimental it could be and pulling yourself out of it into EGO territory
furries are degenerates most of the time, it lines up
oh yeah
I can jerk off to that
I mean, both the examples of unstable ego that we have happen to be the same ego.
Following ludonarrative, sinclairs pinion lasts way shorter, taking a heavy toll on his sanity, while philip managed to hold it on for longer (a whole battle) and while being extremely worn, near death from battle.
I think it's pretty telling how he didn't got even near of surpassing philip
>COGITO for Godot
will look forward, thanks

i work with OpenGL because i'm too familiar with it, also it'll be used for both 2d and 3d projects - i can tell about 2d one, because of it i am rewriting box2d for own purposes: it uses single thread; not adapted for client-server architecture; cфт't save entity states; limited simulated area (12km only); as i mentioned before, i also need some features

>people who stuck with making tech for their games for years are not actually making games, but just toying with engines
that's sad, but also that's true
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It would be kino.
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You say this like Ryoshu didn't just get stuck with the actual worst looking weapon
Dante might be a given, who knows if the prologue was just him 'waking up' from another loop or not
the K corp thing is odd since Dante remembers what the secret of the singularity is but not the actual events that took place in the chambers of the headquarters where the fights took place
Heath remembers Cathy despite her evident total erasure so there's evidence that some things can be remembered if they're central enough to our sinners
I think it looks pretty cool
I like the eyes
>the K corp thing is odd since Dante remembers what the secret of the singularity is but not the actual events that took place in the chambers of the headquarters where the fights took place
What? He said he never forgot shit, why are you assuming her forgot the events leading to the discovery?
At least, I don't remember him specifying something like that.
Being honest, spore prince is one of the really badly designed ego gear.
Wouldn't surprise if Kimchud completely forgets about it
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ah but a spear is ass for you
tbqh everything red eyes looks abhorrent
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who will get the zwei west ids besides Don
you guys are acting like they won't do something interesting with the weapons
Regret Faust didn't have much to work with since it was just a hammer, but Don had an easy in with the massive mouth on her weapon
the spore spear could easily have some kind of "spore dispersal" effect or whatever on its attacks, and the spider bud club could.. sprout legs from the large end and pierce through an enemy for the s3 maybe?
I'm not that anon doe
i'm gonna have to dig through text again, shit, i remember reading something along those lines either elaborated on at the end of canto 4 or it's in the notes
So what I just said. Der shooty but no team kill, not that strong and pink.
But I agree, the suit is very good
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Nobody, we already know it's a single 000 banner like Oufi was
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funny how people are drawing the dreyvat npcs
Hags in this universe/game are pure sex so Don cant be that old
Don was a happy child in what seemed like an innocent daycare. It was just a shitty toy room for a bunch of kidnapped kids/orphans where they were kept before being subjected to horrible experiments. Some tried to escape but it was futile, the people in charge (giants) were unbeatable. To cope with her friends being mutilated, Don daydreamed of her favorite heroic fixers coming some day to save them, but it never happened so she started deluding herself that she was a knight to one day take down said giants and free the children. Somehow she managed to escape/was the only survivor/was saved by an actual fixer, and has lived in delusion since.
Also Dulcinea will end up being already dead and only in her imagination, or the researcher in charge of Don who pretend to be nice to her and she mistook that for affection.
okay but WHO is getting the devyat IDs?
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>Anon asks a normal question
>Nigger gets upset
Rodya (000) and Bygone Days EGO (the sinner with Bygone days also gets new Zwei)
A part of me would like only Dante retaining his memories because that's cooler but undoing all character development for the rest of the cast would be profoundly retarded
reread the final episode of c4 and yeah Dante completely remembers everything, and detailed it in his notes
dunno how I misremembered something that badly, maybe i crossed some wires in my head when Dante was talking about how the sinners forgot everything
could be a pameli pamela situation, who knows
mind could be older but the body is fresh, might explain the delusions
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Meant Rodya*
Easy to get them mixed up.
The correction bait is insane
>tourist asks to be spoonfed
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>undoing all character development for the rest of the cast would be profoundly retarded
There's nothing to spoonfeed tribal niggerman. Its a hypothetical question.
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Do you think Hermann & co will be the endgame villain of Inferno or will N Corp just be an obstacle before the real antagonist shows up? I have this feelings that most N Corp stuffs will be done in Canto X and Canto XI and XII will be dealing with Smoke War and L Corp respectively until the sinners are ultimately defeated at the end of Canto XIII and we LOOP
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Stop fucking lusting over my dog you degenerates
But the one I lust after is you, El Director...

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