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Logo Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>487656757

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but in early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final release that came out on May 28th 2024

>What has been changed since the open beta?
New modes focusing on single-player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Samurai Jack released 7/23
Beetlejuice has been officially revealed

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! The game is getting better with every patch (:
Being perfectly honest, teabagging and salt emote spamming isn't that upsetting.

Playing like a tremendous OP-move spamming faggot in a way that ensures your children should burn in a house fire, and then toasting me afterwards, now THAT'S annoying.
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Postin' this for future OP-makers.
Teabagging, salt emoting, dash dancing
The fuck is spiderman doing there?
i'd unironically love this, too
After playing 2 games of ranked I jumped from 3000 to 1000 that means at least 66% of players didn't win a 2nd time
I don't blame most casuals for playing even one round of Ranked and going "fuck that" given how people play fighting games to be honest.
I'll only teabag if the enemy was toxic as fuck. Cheap tactics, camping, salt emoting after death, banana guard/shaggy side special spam etc. Dash dancing I might do sometimes just because it's fun.
-a shitpost edit OP anon
HOLY FUCK no one gives a shit about a fucking op pic you autistic freak
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Bro, I can't do this. Every win is locked at +10 RP, but a loss can lose me as much as 16 RP. I'm playing well, I deserve to be higher than gold V, but if I win 3 matches in a row, then lag out in one and lose fair and square in another, I'm down RP. I was a hair from gold IV yesterday, now look.
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15 tiers left. devs made pass too easy
They should double or even triple the xp required like beta Season 2 and have 3 final tiers that's double the length of the base pass
Are you an evil spirit who has returned to make sure the game dies again?
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Hi I'm Tony
Kill yourself unironically
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here's this plant
I do, faggo’
They're giving less daily missions, the fuck?
What form of porn is this.
need a taunt explicitly saying "you're playing busted bullshit to cheese undeserved wins calm down" to answer
Batman is really fat and great at punishing, but my god he lacks kill power
>Batman is really fat
Ok, Jennifer Lawrence.
id fuck the shit out of those three
that was the case late in beta but his confirms are pretty retarded now
like you used to have to catch a dodge in with a charged upb or just stack a bunch of weak and try to ladder with his nonfunction upair, now you have shit like a grounded upb that confirms into jump upair at like 90ish on most of the cast
not to mention jab and dash attack comboing into literally any move you want
dash 2 kills, upb kills, dsmash kills, dsmash combos into fair that then kills
AND THEN hes got the degenerate bomb combo shit
oh and he can ledgeguard almost for free with down b and dair

he doesnt really kill in neutral i guess if thats your issue, hes no fagadam spamming clap 15 times the instant the opponent is above 60, but its pretty easy to fish for jab or something
This anon is refering to Blob, Courage and Grim.
Buy a sports attire alt, goyim.
No, smartass. I'm referring to ed, garfield and mojo jojo.
mmmm i see
now i know how to play batman, thanks anon
Speaking of that, WHEN i will be able to buy finn skin? or i can only buy tom and marvin skins?
i liek both :D
>mojo jojo
enjoy your sloppy seconds
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>play 1v1 matches daily
bugs bunny’s birthday blowout? yeah it was a blowout alright. BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!!!!
>getting less dailies now
It's a feature
is it me or sam jack startup anims are cancer slow
Just you.
his fair takes years to startup
jab and upair are fast thats all that matters
And has good range
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the multiverse needs moms
How old is Bugs now?
Just play smith. Batman is good but easily outclasssed by the top tiers.
Holy shit that bunny is old
Stripe feels like ass now
kill yourself in real life you fucking retard
furries in long pants and no shoes is an extremely underrated look
What the actual fuck, i guess you’ve been playing ranked all day with a sports skin or you paid for it
what are sam jack combos?
wtf i didn't knew playing with sports attire give you more xp
Jab jab uptilt
Jab jab side special (with meter)
Depending on percent you can do side b, dodge, into jab combo.

Everything else just seems to be timing your abilities right. The fact jack has no true combos for the most part should keep him from being OP like Arya. But bet he still receives more nerfs than Steve
Spam Jack.
Side attack, down special, side special, dodge, down special is a pretty devastating combo.
>Jab jab uptilt
>Jab jab side special (with meter)
those aren't combos they're just kill confirms
and they're a pain in the ass to do when you play with dpad
bnb combos for all characters?
i saw streamers doing some fraudulent looking shit where they did two jabs, dodged through them and then did an up air from ground level what the fuck is that all about
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Where is my FFA Toast mission, Tony?
wtf reindog is actually kinda strong
>Shaggy: Side attack, down attack, side special
>Superman: Side attack, up attack, up special
>Finn: Side special, side attack, down attack, up special
>Velma: Down attack, side attack, neutral special, side special, neutral special
>Reindog: Up special, aerial down attack, side attack, side special, dodge, aerial down attack
reindog is awesome, nobody expects you to be good with him either
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The matchmaking is so fucking bad in bronze when i swapped to a new character im fighting people with 300 wins in silver or gold

And my teammates are jack players who die before i do as Taz
I like this update. It kinda gave more life to multifaggots
Powerful mirror
Are you grinding just one character or working on a few?
Mostly a spread, though the character I'm closest to maxing out is Shaggy. I think Jason is probably 2nd.
Velma until I hit Gold then quitting forever unless she gets a skin later or something.
Since characters now go past 16. Just swapping to another once they hit level 15.
Just one until I got to master. Now I'm slowly working on some alts now while lvling up the power pledge event.
I wanna get to plat. Got Harley to gold and hit a wall playing solo, I feel I need a good teammate because relying on randoms means I way too often get some bronze tier banaguard on my team. Been leveling up Smith while I try to look for friends to play with.
Buddy I'm not playing at all, it's crashing when I try to start matches
can someone carry me to master
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im not even bothering yet with daily since ranked is taking 99% of my play time
1v1 fucking sucks the moment you fight Bugs or Finn or anybody like that cause now you have no teammate to save you from their constant bullshit

Bugs is allowed to do the same 2 aerials over and over while spamming you with his projectiles but Superman gets nerfed every patch
Im down to play games with some anon, who do you play as?
Just be happy knowing that bugs feels the exact same way when they get matched against Steven and has his shield block 80% of his moves
sam jack
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>Points are completely random and youll be 2 points away from the next rank tier for no reason
>You arent even rewarded more for doing better or going on a streak

Just fucking let all your characters be a minimum rank like ANY OTHER FIGHTING GAME so you dont have to individually level everybody
Does the block list just not work? I keep matching against the same diamond team even after blocking both.
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>start dancing at the beginning of every match now with Jack
>only person that taunted back was a dancing Jake
I just realized that a stance character like Marceline would mean that there would be 2 classes assigned to her, how would that work for those daily/weekly goals where you have to play a certain class for a reward?
if it works like other matchmaking systems the amount you gain is based off of the ranks of whoever you fight, so a higher rank will give you more than a lower rank
it doesn't mean that at all, they can call it whatever they want
Bronze to gold should just be sped up and streamlined regardless it takes too long and fighting people way above your rank feels like shit even with nothing to lose

she only turn into a giant for the down special or something
yeah i went through bronze to silver and even on my main shit took awhile, i was whooping ass but sometimes i get a mouthbreather ally or someone who just runs off the stage
Classes don't matter at all
>this shit is supposed to be best of 3 later
Grind now!
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any word on if there will be more medals throughout the season? already spent my 2 but I kinda want arya and marvin without wasting my shitcoins
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Welp I normally play jack.
But I don't mind trying to grind out a WW to master next. She's probably someone I won't fumble with and can pairup well with Jack.
Add LethargicCoffee
did anyone notice reindog's air up special cameo in inside out?
Nope each event will have it's own unique currency. You can see the next event is gonna be some sort of cyber usb instead of medals. This is why really only the skins are good value. Always just get characters with fighter currency
I didn’t have Marvin Tom or Finn I didn’t get any skins
This down air glove spam bullshit is the most degenerate playstyle ever developed by man and every harley should be hanged
the skins are worth 800 gleam and the fighters 1000, they would be a good deal if they were exclusive but you can just buy them with gleam later on
Why are they only giving out 4 dailies now
>down air glove
>falls with hammer swing so there's literally no way to contest or punish her
>slides halfway across the stage

and to think they fucking buff this retarded character
Maybe it's because of the double XP when wearing a sports skin
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It's a way of getting some skins by just playing the game if you're playing while the event is going on. The skins were always going to be purchasable with gleam for people who started playing after the event finished.
Yeah but at some point you will eventually have all the characters. You will keep stacking fighter currency infinitely. Meanwhile there is a limited amount of gleem to grind out
>implying i'm ever going to get steven or garnet
I respect you 100%. I only got them on the last day of the beta after swearing never to get them.
If and when Ben gets added, Gwen 10 will probably be a skin. Maybe Albedo as well.
I bought them both and ignored the others
I don't got Garnet. Not getting Steven.
Nah bro
Main timeline Gwen would definitely be her own distinct character, but Gwen 10 from an alt timeline where she has the omnitrix does also exist.
If Ben 10 was added then I will make porn of LeBron and Ben.
dogshit game
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>Morty with the mech skin and a Jack with the final battle pass skin
>Both taunt after every kill

Blocking players doesnt do shit
Someone already did
Don't worry. Next patch they'll add a system where if someone picks Morty, a dark web hitman will go to their house and stab them to death with a frozen log of shit.
>10 RP for every win
>11-17 RP for every loss
60% winrate isn't enough to leave gold V, wtf?
Winstreaks matter a lot for progression.
Win more then
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Calling it now, the first Ben 10 rep will be Kevin for some reason.
speaking of, what we got for the event is what we'll get period right? Like, they're not adding more skins to that event shop? Cause i don't care about any of the skins and given i never bought any character i mgiht as well spend those medals to buy some characters
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>Beat a cancerous joker in 1v1
>Go to the leaderboard to see where he ranked
>Joker just straight up isn't there
Was anything tested?
yes, the event ends in 2 days
my character wish sex list:

Poison Ivy

Princess Bubblegum
Huntress Wizard


Numbuh 3
Numbuh 5


Twilight Sparkle

Any other sluts I am missing?
He's listed as The Joker, not Joker
I only block players who give up at the start of matches
I hope you go to jail you pedo
But thats so dumb. Thanks for the clarification.
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(Begrudgingly)Hey any word on when BeetleJuice is coming out?
Why does he just look like the Joker’s ugly brother
I had a shaggy teammate who literally didnt want to fight and suicided
he was the og batkek, why do you think Micheal Keaton plays him
that exact description is half of my blocklist, I don't know why it's specifically shaggies who give up easy
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If only...
>Dark borders around the eyes
>White skin
>Green hair
Beyond that, they're completely different looking, but those similarities stand out a lot more than things like nose shape or forehead size.
This but the adult version just to spite cunnytards
There’s nothing wrong with fapping to lolis. I just like making fun of you all
Alright I'm gonna side special let's go the old shaggy side special it's time roundhouse kick roundhouse kick roundhouse kick roundhouse kick roundhouse kick the ol' reliable side special works every time gonna get them by surprise with it yep that side special and then maybe a charge and another side special they won't see it coming
>*Does a side special, doesn't hit anyone, and gets an ass beating*
You know what fuck this my team mate is weighing me down he can't hit one fucking person while i set up my side special it's like he doesn't even know how to play the game for fucks sake i don't want to be stuck suffering with such a useless log of shit on my team i'll just throw the match and hopefully my next team mate isn't a retard
Of course he would main Shaggy
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>Twilight Sparkle
yeah she wouldn't be a guest, warner and discovery merged so she would just be a regular addition
this last power pledge wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
>Poison Ivy
Needs Zatanna.
cause they changed how it works, turns out having these events being something that still progresses by just playing normally is better than having them being something that need cheese or anyway take you out of the game to complete them
>We nerfed earth attack except we didnt also we buffed morty more

Just amazing balance
I'm diamond 2 and had close to 100% wr early this morning for like 40 matches and was still only gaining 3rp per win
can you stop calling him that please
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Holy fucking shit, these make the pride month multiversus t shirts look so good in comparison
As a faggot, what in the fuck is that?
mrs, freeze in her free pride month item
That's Melvin, brother of the Joker.
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Meeseeks leaked as a fighter. Stupid fucker is already part of Rick's kit. Why does PFG add in characters nobody wants and not the ones everyone has been asking for for 2 fucking years?
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Did he really? I thought they were just using him for rift minigames.
I have a feeling that Meeseeks move set was part of an unused idea but I'm pretty sure the playable messeks thing eventually became the golf thing on the rifts
settle down there slowpoke.
Welp, I'm off to play some ranked. I better not run into any FINN players, cause if I do, I will LOSE MY FUCKING MIND. Haha, toodles.

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