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Previous: >>487766062


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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Reina bread
>So disliked they had to revive Heihachi to keep interest alive
bottom looks like the son of the mask
I like her, she's my girlfriend.
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>make Reina
>but bring back Lidia
>but bring back Heihachi
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My Husband
I love her, she's my wife
Jin is a tsundere for Lili
i hate lili
juan player
deadken... ?
my friend who mains lili just complained that my character has too much evasion
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Same bro
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>alisa stick
chanel is probably the passive in the relationship with knee
she's right
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your character is…?
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fuck alisa i hate alisa
>can pull off easily a 65 combo with 32start with Lidia
>have to sweat my ass off on execution for 70+
Why the fuck are these combo and timing so hard, Reina has 75 as fucking bnb...
i'm stupid
keisuke's eye drops are actually modafinil btw, he's pretty much cheating lmao
tourist here
decided to pop in
havent watched kekken since march

hows the tourneys?
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yeah but chanel is the most based competitor
I had a cup of coffee at my last tourney was I also pretty much cheating?
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>round start
which character am i?
game got a lot better with 1.05, but the same people as always are winning knee and jdcr are underperforming
Why i can see jin’s dick on this pic?
what was in the coffee? was there modafinil? then yeah, else no
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>likes 17 out of 20 males in the roster (85%)
>likes 3 women out of 10 in the roster (30%)
What does this say about the swede boy?
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>tmm says kazuya isnt tournament viable
>seeing kazua in tournaments
>see kazuya in evo top 8
TMM bros, our cope response??
He’s gay and loves garish edgelords, so a typical tekken fan
Why doesn't he like Lars, the "swedish" character?
have you ever played against a Lars?
harada loves his baki ripoff but someone at bamco has a boner for russian characters
Lars is what started the downfall of tekken
always knew Reina pissed with her mouth
lili is a worst matchup for kazuya
How come Arslan is dodging so many tournaments?
Isn't it just keisuke? TMM genuinely has a point with kazoo being balanced around electric which simply can't be perfectly input consistently
keiseuke turned on the macros
modafinil kicked in
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tmm fraud?
how long do i need to spend in the lab to wavu like this?
>Most played newcomer in spite of being the most difficult one
>Tons of fanarts, videos, memes
that guy looks like a white version of shadow 20z
lol he do be like that
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Reina was never meant to replace Hei other than as a marketing tool.
Those who wanted Heihachi Gameplay don't get it in Reina, and those who wanted cool karate old man certainly dint get that either
because he knows anyone can download his greenie Nina if he played more
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fight pass 2 dailies hit different
Lars should say OIIOIOIOI and shop at lidl
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telling Lee I accidentally crashed our newest flying robot into his newest car
saar humanity started in pakistan
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make noise....
What does Lee expect from his employees day to day?
will there ever be another DLC fraud that can carry freedx?
This. The moment Reina was revealed played her own moveset and not a Heihachi clone, that clearly spelled that Heihachi would come back someday.
She really is meant to be her own thing. At this point, I'm guessing she learned Taidou on her own and learned Mishima-ryu from the Tekken Monks.
actually syria, iraq and iran beat them to it with mesopotamia 3500BC

indus in pakistan and india came a thousand years later in 2500BC
>bryan vs lili
not beating the lgbt alliance allegations
Why are there so many malaysians who play Lili?
Former french colony
why does it seem to be impossible for western devs to make a tasty looking chocolate mommy?
I am seriously beginning to believe that this is some kind of racist plot that just kind of slipped through the cracks and noone noticed yet.
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Punctuality, good organization, looking good in bikini, and that they are not allergic to roses.
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this is some greeny ass tekken
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nah, everyone is too afraid to lose their job and they are hired by some retards who have no idea what they are doing
looks like a gummy worm, i fucking hate nike so much jesus christ
Some something white features on black people, nevermind Master Raven looks clearly black but is still beautiful
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look at olympic games opening this timeline is cursed humanity is cursed

it's here
what happened at the olympics
this lili players looks like a chud
guys my shoulder hurts, what do i do?
I'm about to tell Lee that the 15 000 parallel memory ICs we ordered don't actually have 20 nanosecond address to outputs timing like the datasheet says.

He's gonna freak.
do me, in the ass
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you need to post an image with it
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looks like tekgen
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is she a robosexual tradwife or just a slut?
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so stunning and brave
imagine lettting your gf touch the man responsible for T6 and after retcons and characters
imagine dragons
robosexual slut
When did AI level up?
Why is she posing with a toilet?
jinsexual slut
that's just lidia and she looks very pretty in that pic
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Tekken is the DoA successor
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Sexo tummy
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*blocks your path*
we need more sexy gyatt bitches in tekken
It's up
is lidia in the game yet? did they give her an ass in this game?
no and no
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I really wish they kept that move, it looked cool
Nerf Dragunov! Ban Dragunov from tournaments!
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does she still have her charge punch that she can cancel out of with a dash?
seven gooner letters to atiff
>looks like knee
I think her losing her 1,1 was more baffling.
yo dude is grinding cocaine
it's powdered onions milk
This Malaysian tournament is badly organized
finna flash
guy is making a mess with that chalk, he should be using it at the gym, the fat fuck
this reina looking mad free
Reina is free. Yes
compared to the paki one we had? where their power got cut multiple times?
She still has I think
the absolute state of reina players
nah it was cocaine
Arslan only won EVO in T8.
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what happened?
aspie take
This. They made tekken 8 too easy so that these random niggas can mash and win.
If LTG played Arslan in tekken 7 Arslan would never win.
I think the main storyline in T8 will be the mulgold ulsan rivarly. They're both hitting peak experience/age ratio for Tekken for this game. Arslan will steal tournaments here and there but these two will be the top scorers.
I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay
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total asuka love
asking a girl if you can kiss her is the beta bitch move. it'll only work if you're younger than her and a cute twink and she's into that. otherwise asking for permission will instantly make her lose all respect for you
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That's Reina
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that's my wife asuka
Same face porcelain doll.
This enrages TMM.
>you can steal 1 move of your choice from any other character and add to your main
Can you make it top tier with only 1 extra move?
just give 1 good low to heihachi
'novgod? time for kino
>after 2 hours of training, my Lidia has a 75 damage bnb with 15f starter
Im happy... Hard work pay off...
2 stance lows will do
Nyotengu for tekken instead of dvj
if we were still playing real movement based tekken korea would reign supreme
another masterful dragunov play, absolutely outstanding show of skills and resilience. truly an inspiration
Nah I'd win
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Kazuya's heat 1+4
>boots game
>sees toilet in the main menu
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I am so proud of /ourguy/.
CBM lost some weight? lets goooooo
and who's the other african?
Nina with yoshimitsu 1+4
isn't markman malaysian?
Speedkicks is getting exposed at this event. His evo run was just a fluke. Man only had to beat kpiss and shadow to get 9th.
i thought he retired
markman is reptilian
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which one of you is this
It's defo a Dragunov player knigga means book in Russian
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Infested turning red
digestion eat the malay sauce
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he didn't skeet so good
nice greenie exhib
>picking steve
>picking leo
>picking tekken
leo is fuckin braindead autopilot masher for toddlers
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I really miss Kino 7 bros
Kusoge 8 doesn't hit the same
blud misses blocken7
This commentary is so much more soul than the sellout advertising shit at Evo.
>it happened again
While one guy is mashing 15 seconds of consecutive + frames, what do you think the other guy is doing in 8?
mashen 8
slime rusher 6
what went wrong
*slime troonies dix
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going to bed 8
someone help ranked is poisoned
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Just close the Lid bro
T7 didn't have ENOUGH backdashing and blocking, only people with 130+ IQ can appreciate that style of Tekken.

>what about spee-
He knows 7 is better he's just a contrarian.
Lmao they had to end cause the mall was closing
slime rusher 6
manface kombat
retcon strive
what went wrong
I had to change my in-game area from PL/EU2 to EN/EU1 so people stop declining matches.
Fingers crossed most people drop her when more and more pros claim she is mid tier and then she will become low pick-rate knowledge check character making people believe she is OP.
They started to design fighting games around western console players instead of japanese arcade no lifers. That's what went wrong.
Slime Rusher 6
Mashen 8
Two Touch -Strive-
66L Versus Partying
Mashing Kameo 1
Spics of Hopping XV
Twix Knockout
Rogerbros... I'm starting to have doubts...
The fact you cant confirm her 122 or political punchs is such bullshit, Reina can easily confirm her 112 into stance...
I don't own her so I'm still trying to figure out some of her stance shit so I stop getting btfo'd.im sure she'll go the way of Eddy or something once the honeymoon phase ends
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granblue fucked up hard so we now have the title of straightest fighting game
Reina isn't honest
I need P5A
As a Pole she is now my main. The moment you switch servers I will whoop your ass

Also what's the point of refusing matches with new characters? It just ensures you never learn the matchup
any character with Dragunov WR2 or Jin d2
Why are they marketing to fujos? Those bitches don't play fighting games.
>this will save our dying playerbase
fujos kept KOF alive
>free game
>still no one plays it
I thought the mexicans did that.
Isn't every character a casino character?
it was a joint effort, but it wasn't cause of Mexicans that to this day Iori is gay for Kyo
idk I think it's just funny
It's all so bizarre, I thought I was going to have a strong grasp on the ins and outs of live when I was an adult but the last 10 years have seriously made me wonder if anyone has any idea whats actually going on
>free game
If you wanna play Gran only
Amazing how every single fighting game series is shitting the bed simultaneously.
You can confirm political storm you just have to stop at the 3rd hit. Also a top tip, b3,4,1+2 is now a natural combo and hit confirmable. Its the highest damage wallsplatting mid you have if you think they will duck at the wall
how do i deal with blockspammers as Steve?
niggas are just holding back and i can't touch them
hit em with a low
I have found Pencil's anti-character series useful, here's Lidia one
Chill bracie, switching back in a week or two. High chances she will end up being my main, too, she is pretty enjoyable to play.
>what's the point of refusing matches with new characters? It just ensures you never learn the matchup
Sheer stupidity, as is common in people playing pvp games.
except SF6 and VF


except SF6 and VF
Wait till 2XKO comes out, then suddenly these jap devs will wake up.
>Soi la reina del cafe
I shan't play azucena
Lidia should have an unblockable mid
Look at that miro
Cock the aura seru
i got plugged 9 times (not a joke)
>couldn't bother making a fulll song so you only get the anime opening length
fuck chipotle
character? (genuinely asking)
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Play Kazuya and you will never be plugged
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Yeah you'll just get canceled on 80 percent of the time
>couldn't bother making good looking women so you only get Italian men with tits
What's the best place for fight stick art commission and printing?
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Devil Jin died so Jin could live
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
Love Atif LOVE LOVE!
>The Tournament went so over time that an entire pool was not shown

>CBM and AK not shown at all
>You didn't get to see Malik Ash washed by some random who immediately lost the round after
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you can print it yourself
im hungry, what do i make



ME WIN (most of time)
it's embarrassing how nu-sf music is this fucking shit
At least get banned for posting THE webm
*flashes you*
Hey Ed's song was good.
he has a whole festival dedicated to himself????
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love to me
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Ryu seems pretty different here
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Ok Harada hear me out

Season 2

You figure out the plot linking them
both in Ogre's cave for a year
Julia was in Lee's cave, to keep her safe from G corp.
Ogre can barely handle one woman, as evidenced by Jun.
JinxLili vs JuliaxLee
which is the more deranged ship?
i want to see ogre having sexual intercourse with azazel
Jun isn't human
they're not sexual deviants
he...hello? you hear me? eh... can you hear me??

>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King
>Tekken King

How do you sidestep a ff2?
I tried spamming sidewalk/sidestep in neutral and i always get hit, it works like 5% of the time.
Even when i do that very obviously my opponent still goes for it and it just works.
blud think he can sidestep ff2
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why do nerdy asian girls only exist in one flavor
blud thinks girls are not like other girls
>How do you sidestep a ff2?
With perfect timing.

And if it's Reina's, you better confirm the wiff and punish instantly or her follow-up will track and hit you anyway.
Not much you can do with straight hair in the end
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they're all playing table tennis or chess
>more successful economically in their own country
why aren't they economically successful in India then?
shut up sir give my mapl sirop sir
>only 8 defense practice mode slots

I WANT TO PRACTICE BREAKING ALL 3 OF JIN'S COMMAND THROWS + reacting to ff3 and d2 + SSR 2,1,4 + sidestepping electric into electric + ducking 2,4 + ducking df1,4 + MORE
So i just need to predict exactly when the 12f move is coming out?
Just hop in online practice mode br- OH.
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I don't even know why I play t8 anymore i fucking hate this game so much
what if i beg?
These niggas brought their caste system to Canada too by the way. They may be "more successful" but they'll be shitting up the place sooner or later.
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>releasing in epic games
stillborn fighter
'nov got em makin poopoopeepee in their dipeys
Remember if a guy who started world War 3 and killed thousands if not millions of innocents found forgiveness in not only others but in himself. So can you.
I'm worse
t. Henry Kissinger
My holes are getting stretched tonight!
'no thanks
t. Sajam
my favorite part is that jin starts ww3 and everybody loves him.
Kazuya's crimes are making kangaroos fight and killing like 10 people in new york after jin attacked him for no reason
i don't love him, i love cocks
kazuya's crime is defiling jun
They are jealous of Kazuya's swagger
what stick should i get bros
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The shit women will write knowing full well they don't believe it is really incredible.
Women are demonic creatures it should be a well known fact by no and once you know that you can accept it and deal with it or reject it.

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