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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487806190

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16 - Aug 18)
- Bronze spreadsheet:

>Pre-Expansion Update (11.0.0)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
Recommend me a FUN class/spec to boost to 70 (and why). I will post proof and trips can pick the name.
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Surv hunter
Ret pala
Ww monk
Arms warrior
Take your pick
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I told you it was him.
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They share commonalities.
why are people posting the exact same images at the start of every single thread
why is it never pandaren
There's no hype at all for this expansion.
all caked up
>Surv Hunter
>Not BM
Prediction: 11.1 will be the final patch of The War Within. The goblin/ethereal stuff will be cut as the devs move focus to Midnight.
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>He bought the epic edition?
>shut the servers down during the early access
good, I want to play as an anami troll headhunter ASAP
on the beta they've made surv more fun than BM
Can't wait for 12.0.5 to be the final patch for Midnight because the patch content will be cut so the devs can focus on The Last Titan.
all TWW patches are already in development. maps are being developed and prepared for midnight so other devs can start spawning creatures
and they're already making concept art for TLT
Post Jaina
Sorry anon, best Blizz can do is a new elf race.
I'm honestly looking forward to the shitshow.
What can they realistically do when during those 3 days, the game will be unplayable?
epic edition buyers are unironically fools
the game this time would be especially bugs riddled and unstable, for about a week or even two
no M+ as well
so, good luck sitting with the thumb up to the ass and, leveling professions i guess
le ebic experience
leveling professions on alts is basically it desu
human male retribution paladin
scarlet crusade tabard
bottom dps
name - Üťĥëŕ
the quintessential retard combo
Short expansions so they can start selling new expansion pre-orders and early access for another $90+ because that's literally all they have left.
No I mean Blizzard, when they inevitably fuck it up and the game will not be playable thus making the 3 day selling point absolutely void.
>Various teams are already working on *all* of The War Within patches simultaneously, which is a benefit so that they can plan out and coordinate not to over-do any one type of content.
why doompost made up stuff?
Guess that explains why are there different builds on live, PTR, beta leveling realms and beta endgame realm (and all are buggy as shit).
it's incredible how they managed to kill w/e hype tww had in 2 weeks:
>tanks nerfs
>super buggy and messy prepatch
>dei soulless cinematic
they don't want wow to win
Just wait for the expansion to launch next month, people to get to 80 the first week then realize there's fuckall to do until september 17th. Blizz is currently speedrunning how to torpedo all hype from their game.
I love this pic
I feel like Blizzard is deliberately doing all this destruction to their game so that players won't feel sad when they announce that the game is going to be shut down.
it's a mix of devs being incompetents and devs being xiv shills (unironically).
I think they lost too much irreplaceable talent and they're stuck trying to put out too many fires after growing complacent.
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Bros, when did they let you hide pants? One of my wishes finally came true. Now I don't have to find bottoms for this robe.
What's with the vague doomposting. Did he realize that nobody really cares that much about 1 niggress?
No, it's just incompetence. Incompetence and people who just want "Blizzard Entertainment" on their resume and don't give a fuck about whatever they were working on.
At least they did one thing right. Now I can pretend there's nothing worn down there.
>no one cares
read the comments: everyone is shitting on the cinematic
Reminder to not reply to grifting doomfags.
Now that's a reach
and it's a skip
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>Last 3 hours have been nothing but doomposts
>Not a single melty at avatarfags
>New thread made at 750 posts
What are we thinking gentlemen?
see you at launch
>people who just want "Blizzard Entertainment" on their resume
this a million times
got their video gaym degree and cushiony job at "the corporation" and can now put in minimal effort to not get fired
god I fucking hate pajama programmers
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What is the point of upgrade tracks? Why can't they make all gear upgradable to max ilvl with relevant crests? This shit is pointless and I preferred old gearing system.
I'm willing to suspend disbelief a little bit since the retarded Genshit spammer was here with his awful bait again. But, I do notice what you are noticing.
It's just that 4chan has literally drawn its last breath. All the /vg/ generals I frequent are the same, despite the popularity and good health of the game, the doomers have driven away the real players and the generals have become nothing but /pol/-/porn/ spamcities. People are miserable and will do anything in their power to make you miserable too.
Easier to identify which content drops what. For example I know that if I do a t2 delve I will get Champion. Or veteran from open world stuff
QRD on Warlock Specs for leveling please. Demonology seems like the obvious choice. Demonology is an edgy hunter, Afflicition is just AoE dots and Destro is casting a single 5s spell and oneshotting things. Is this correct?
Are you fucking retarded? There is already a way to identify what content drops what and we had it for past 20 expansions - it's called ITEM LEVEL.
It's easier to memorize names vs numbers
What's with items being put into your bags in completely random locations on the default UI. Hurry up and work Bagnon ffs.
pretty much. i guess the best for leveling is still demo
theres no fucking way blizzard is letting stay hunter the way they are balanced right now
if you play hunter right now you can already look for another main for tww becuase in good old blizzard fashion they are completly going to kill the entire class
Sure, let the names stay, but why can't I upgrade from Adventurer 8 to Veteran 5 if I have enough Carved crests? This is stupid.
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it reminds me of that AI slop with the chick lying in front of round window and showcasing her ass
id hope it has an animation
warrior is the only class that matters anyway so who cares
so did they nerf self healing?

it takes more than 3 full drain lifes to heal half a health bar, which i have to use because health stone is broken and doesnt refresh unless you log out
The only thing I don't like about the trailer is the lack of narration. Shadowlands is the last expansion with a great cinematic.



>This shit is pointless
Yes for the players, but don't forget that people don't make games for gamers anymore, they make games for WallStreet guys.
Adventurer 8 is already veteran 4
I wish they would make it like Remix: one currency, one "upgrade track", every raid drops it in a varied amount, with enough playtime you can get max ilvl just by doing anything.
All the item level resets every few months, why make it overcomplicated? It's not like this shit matters.
But you can't upgrade it to Veteran 5. Why?
Clearly this expansion is a great filler. Everything looks so lean and low-budget, including the cinematics. Doing an official saga in WoW was a huge mistake, we know that the interesting parts of the story are only going to be live in the last part of the saga.

I prefer the way the Legion-BfA-Shadowlands “saga” was built, three very unique expansions each with a big story but with some elements continued in the next expansion.

But I had really doubted the quality of Dragonflight and I was wrong (except for the dullness of the story).
so is the one armed chick life a half orc or something? why's she got short pointy ears?
Because they don't want people to get gear from normal dungeon and upgrade it to the max ilvl.
garrosh's daughter
The tracks are there so anyone can upgrade and progress their char. Without them, how would you know how many times you can upgrade it using x crest before having to use y?
And that's where you just outed yourself. Legion wasn't part of the BFA-SL story arc. Legion was MOP-WOD-Legion arc. You do not know anything and should leave.
God fucking dammit just looking at this makes my head and ass hurt.
The game already has item quality, why not use that into coming up with stupid random names that don't have any semantic reasoning behind them, you just have to remember it.
Is it because every shitter needs to see PURPLE names and anything below that doesn't feel good enough?
eh, the sylvanas stormheim storyline with hela kinda ties into shadowlands. certainly more than anything in bfa does.
>WoW / TBC / WotLK - Old Threats Saga.
>Cata / MoP / WoD - Garrosh Saga.
>Legion > BfA > SL - Sylvanas Saga.
>TWW > Midnight > TLT - Worldsoul Saga.

Dragonflight is an outlier.
Are you retarded or just pretending? Or ChatGPT? Why is it not possible to upgrade Adventurer gear to Veteran with enough Carver crests? Or Champion to Hero? What's the point of this limitation?
>I hadn't touched the order of my characters in the menu since I started playing, each one being ordered according to their creation date.

Now it's all ruined, organized according to the character's “popularity”. I know, I'm autistic, but I really liked seeing the history of my characters.
if LFR starts dropping blue gear casuals will rebel

This is the final boss of LE WOKE TITAN expansion

Say something nasty about him
Stormhiem was considered the direct reason for why Teldrassil got burned, until they retconned it 10 times and back to white wash the Alliance
Thank you. Legion was the beginning of the Sylvanas arc.
dragonflight was a sidequest, but im fine with that. it was nice to have a fun sidequest expansion after the triple whammy of the legion/argus, the 4th world war/n'zoth, and then cracking open the sky into the literal afterlife and fighting satan thanos. it was fun to have an expansion around local adventures and royal family squabbles to tone down the temperature of the story for a hot minute
>Stormhiem was considered the direct reason for why Teldrassil got burned, until they retconned it 10 times and back to white wash the Alliance
Yeah didn't they already try that in WoD?
Or was that just shitty non-set armor and trinkets with no special procs, just passive stats.
Before the Storm.
Originally Genn's attack on the Horde in Stormhiem is the justification Sylvanas uses to convince Saurfang to make up a plan to siege Teldrassil for. In fact, it's the main event that Sylvanas uses to help sell Saurfang on the idea that the Alliance will not just let the Horde exist because of people like Genn in charge.

Ultimately that got written out like many of BFA's initial set up, in response to the backlash of Teldrassil.

Her plan to never die had failed
They started doing this shit in DF and it's terrible. Who even enjoys this? I want Valor back.
kino cinematic desu
>Could've had a kino story arc about Genn realizing his actions led to the Fourth War.
>Instead Night Elf fans chimped out over Teldrassil and Tyrande took over his Sylvanas rival arc for BFA and SL.
if you want to tank? warrior (wall of iron tank with chunky hits and lots of mobility. arms dps is spec is also great, but fury is a bit exhausting to play)

if you want to spellcast? warlock (demonology is a crazy summoning engine class, the coolest class fantasy execution in the game. destruction is a perfectly realized classic big damage fireball nuker. affliction is a pain though)

if you want to melee dps? death knight (the unholy necromancer rework is one of the most unique melee specs in the game, and frost is turn your brain off big hits fun. blood in finnicky though)

if you want ranged non casting dps? hunter (really the only option in this game for that type of class, but its good. beast mastery is easy to play and relaxing, survival is actually a really fun grenade throwing melee/ranged hybrid, and marksman gives you a psuedo mage with big number casts)

those would be my picks
Why did Sylvanas kill Genn's son again?
i nudified one of anons draenei
>Who even enjoys this?
Me. This was I know exactly what content to do in order to progress in the game. It also tells us that ilvl isn't just a number you can increase, but a proof of what you're capable of doing in-game: you can never have XXX ilvl if you can't do m+XX, for example.
Because Genn's son jumped in the way of the arrow meant for Genn.
Why did Sylvanas shoot an arrow at Genn?

She's a big girl
That's good!
Because you typically aim to kill the leader, of the army you're up against?
>you can never have XXX ilvl if you can't do m+XX,
lol, lmao
newsflash mazed tranny: majority of m+ runs are paid boosts
tons of people have XXX ilvl without being capable of doing M+ that drops it
ilvl doesn't prove anything
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Hey, that's pretty good, except for the weird texture on the chest. That's actually the exact titty size I had my mind. Thanks anon!
No horsecock but that's okay.
Why were they fighting?
>Brrrrrrr *monotone music*
>Dwarf is jerking off the chain
>Niggress is putting on the armor and posing in front of camera
>*Monotone march music*
>Blue Ugggo Goblina twitches satanically and screaming
>*let add some WoW login screen leitmotif*
>Shot of the new endgame zone
>Female Jailer is smiling just like in 20 previous videos, previews and promo art

I peed myself, thats how hyped i am bros.
dragonflight was the pride month among the wow expansions
YFW you don't help the gay humans in Waking Shores and gay centaurs in Ohn'ahran Plains
Gilneas provoked the Forsaken into a war. Sylvanas had no choice but to invade. They call it the War of Gilnean Aggression in Chronicle Volume 4.
Because Genn was an isolationist dumbass, to which the Forsaken took advantage of land already over-ran by ferals?
What's the point you're trying to make here? That happened back in Cata. The Horde and Alliance were at peace during the events of WoD-Legion.
The Fourth War was kicked off with Genn breaking that peace, by attacking the Horde in Stormhiem which was the original justification used to set up BFA?
Before the very obvious arc you could write of him fucking up out of desire for revenge, was completely ignored so his rivalry with Sylvanas could be taken by Tyrande.
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Slowly coming to term with the fact that the chat window filters will never be fixed and I will have to read that cringe forever
Just because you're a shitter that buy boosts doesn't mean you have to project
thanks anonz
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>reddit wow is giga hyped
>forum wow is giga hyped

>4chan wow is not

Maybe we are the problem.
>What's the point you're trying to make here?
How is asking a question trying to "make a point"?
I didn't know why the two had even had a fight in the first place.
lmao who's projecting, faggot?
I sell M+ boosts and I know how many people buy them
pro-tip: it's A LOT, just last season I personally did like 300 boosts, and it was worst season in DF for boosting M+
Based Brigita
yeah maybe you should stay there :(
is m+ boosting a good way to make gold?
professions put me to sleep
Yeah sis, let's go back.
it is the best if you can do it, I have multiple gold capped characters
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you need to filter something so unoffensive
are you okay bro
Just make a WeakAuras that filters it ;)
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What are these incompetent DEI hires doing?
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I just want to be able to filter these but they're ON by default and stay on even if you disable them.
And more importantly whispers, half of the time.
I always make my own groups for m+ and I'm tired of reading all the begging.
Or get insulted for the most random shit.
Well here you go. The entire timeline of events boils down to this.
>Genn makes Gilneas an isolationist nation between WC2 and WC3.
>The events of Warcraft 3 happen and Sylvanas controls the Forsaken
>Forsaken join the horde and serve the Horde during Vanilla-Wrath.
>Few skirmishes led between Horde and Alliance during this period increase come Cata when Garrosh gets in charge of the Horde and aims to build up the Hordes military.
>Garrosh orders Sylvanas to build up the Hordes might in the Northern Kingdoms to help his war campaign against the Alliance.
>Ferals ultimately end up getting into Gilneas and causing it to fall around this same period.
>Sylvanas doing what her Warchief orders, decides to take advantage of the plight of the Gilneans and take over Gilneas to use as a Dockyard for the Horde.
>Gilneans seek to retake Gilneas from the Forsaken who took advantage of Genn's fuck up and Liam is killed in the process taking a arrow meant for Genn
>Gilneans hold their grudge until Legion, in which during the time of peace, Genn breaks because he suspects Sylvanas is up to something and justifies it by saying clearly the Horde left Varian to die at the Broken Shore.
>This is the direct reasoning Sylvanas uses to kick off the campaign in BFA against the Alliance and hold Teldrassil hostage, before it was ultimately burned as that plan went to shit.
>reddit wow is

Last time I checked reddit wow collectively shat on the new cinematic and expressed concern about the game readiness
There are some bugs with the chat channel options right now.
No anon you see they all paid $50 extra to sell crafted gear to everyone else who paid $50 to sell crafted gear so they can all do daily quests and normal dungeons 3% faster as there's nothing else to do for a good 3 weeks after launch.
>I-it's just 4chan guys!
>>Genn makes Gilneas an isolationist nation between WC2 and WC3.
Was that due to not wanting to pay for the Orc camps?
I remember Kael'thas also commenting on how retarded it was in the Arthas novel that the Alliance kingdoms had to pay to feed the Orcs.
it is, unironically
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I'm not an LFR shitter, but raids have never dropped blues and it definitely shouldn't either. But i do think there's too many ways to get welfare gear for shitters.
>the game this time would be especially bugs riddled and unstable
Exploit early, exploit often

The premium players are going to be premium, if not, what's the point?
i will do most quests
level up the chars i want to main
level up professions
do all delves
do all dungeons on normal mode
start farming gear from delves and open world events
that will definitely keep me busy for a while
It was both not wanting to pay for the Orc camps and generally just wanting to isolate from the rest of the Northern Kingdoms post WC2.
Officially Genn was always supposed to be the weirdo "Crazy" King who made the worst choices for his people, until they brought him back in WoW to be a faction leader in Cata.
It's why the nobility rebelled against Genn in the first place before the Forsaken even came knocking in. Genn's choices of isolationism led his Kingdom to ruin.
why cant I leave mop remix early
based retard
oh yeah and toy around with hero talents
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I always laugh my ass off how the 'cord troons literally can't stand anyone criticizing the game. Be it a random /v/ tourist or some established retail player who's twitter screencap is posted.

Their axewounds are personally grievously injured whenever you criticize the game, apparently.
somehow worse than the DF cinematics lmao
who is he talking to
fuck no
>HRT before and after
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I want my tendies back. Remember what they took from us.
>>Gilneans hold their grudge until Legion, in which during the time of peace, Genn breaks because he suspects Sylvanas is up to something and justifies it by saying clearly the Horde left Varian to die at the Broken Shore.
Canonically Azsuna happens first so in Stormheim the Alliance is fully aware that Sylvanas is up to shady shit and is focusing on herself rather than the war effort.
In BFA she 'justifies' her actions by saying that the Alliance, now led by one of the biggest pacifists on the planet who is personal friends with one of the main Horde leaders, is plotting to attack Kalimdor for Azerite, mainly because she (or rather Gallywix) already instigated more conflict with the Alliance in Silithus when Goblin miners attacked an Alliance research team who were studying Sargeras' sword and the initial signs of azerite.
that is comically large
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never forgetti
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>Harronir has so many customization options on wowhead dressing room
>Earthen playable
>Drachtyr will open more classes in later .5 patch
I wish they just went full steam ahead and added a ton of races aka allied races 2.0.
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i'd rather have them improve/expand what we have
Why do they do this
They should first open all classes to all races.
And add more customization to existing races.
Nobody wants allied dwarf #4 or allied elf #8
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>tfw straining to find new, creative ways to call people subhumans on the official forums and get away with it
Based and very-mentally-healthy-and-manly-chad-pilled.
So what is bis trinket from normal and heroic dungeons?
I ordered mine like this:
>Horde characters
>Alliance characters
>F2P twinks in case I let my subscription expire
They literally told you it wasn't gonna be possible. I do wonder what kind of ilvl remix characters will have when they leave prison.
Personally I'm gonna farm the Radiant Echoes on a normal character, and buy some 480 (upgradable to 502) gear for my MoP character.
>They should first open all classes to all races.
Super soulless, cringe and gay.
>And add more customization to existing races.
>Nobody wants allied dwarf #4 or allied elf #8
Agreed, there's tons of other cool options tho.
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Quick, while the avatarfags are still asleep, post warbands.
the quality of this general really is better when those retarded faggots are asleep
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You fool!
>MMO hiring practices are based on who is the most gay/LGBTQ/SJW Friendly
>We will never have competent MMOs again
MMOs for that old school feel? Not OSRS or Vanilla please.
>Super soulless, cringe and gay.
We're already half-way there, most of the lore-impossible combinations have been broken. Just go all the way in and remove all restrictions, it doesn't matter anymore.
>warbank does not work and possibly doesn't even even after maintenance

Bros I still don't know who to take into TWW
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Ashes of Creation's Game Director is a literal fag who had the Californian gay marriage and everything

Small surprise he's an amoral shitstain who participated in a pyramid scheme to get rich.

Korean MMOs exist purely to separate people from their money. WoW is still #1 solely based off the fact that it's the least shit MMO of the pile, not because it's particularly good.
>Game won't let me tmog to dual wield the Tauren Totem
Imagine being this much of a pussy

btw if anyone else is experiencing framerate issues, I fixed 75% of it by changing from dx12>dx11 (I couldn't notice a difference visually), and lowering frame rendering to 100% (was set at 125% for some reason). Nvidias game optimization thing also seemed to help slightly
allied races are, by definition, not cool options but low effort reskins of existing models.
any cool options would be added as real race
They should add a Transphobia Mode.
We need a Transphobia & Niggerphobia mode.

Replace all existing non-white & gay NPC's with straight & white ones.
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all of them
what do spiders turn into when you use this? also seems retarded, isnt the nerubian stuff FILLED with spiders traditionally?
>changing from dx12>dx11
I do not miss playing on a toaster from last decade
Why did Azeroth change bimbodoreis into womanlets instead of keeping them same height?
What about people with kabourphobia? Do they not matter?
No timewalked characters ready for TWW?
Consider digging into older forms of English, working in word definitions in lieu of outright saying what you mean, and ascribing your acrimony to their behavior as a proxy.
The people there are often too stupid to realize what you've done.
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i might just turn this on because crabs are sigma asf (as fuck)
actually doesnt look bad, is this the preorder set? Heritage often feels similar, Dark Iron casters in full plate armor are pretty based
I've started calling them Nietzschean last men and so far, had some success with it. Even a few upvotes, kek.
I have a few but I'm stuck choosing a class, I wanna play something that
>has access to all 3 roles
>has an easy tank and DPS spec
>feels satisfying to play
>scared of Ashes of Creation already
ashes of cremation looks more and more like ue5 shovelware.
Phobias are real illnesses
>he doesn't play at 200% render scale
once you try there's no coming back
I have a 4060 and typically get 150+ fps (around 300 in classic), and much better performance in games that look much better. Its definitely just poor optimization on the software side, not a hardware issue

as said >>487855845 crabs
Looks great but the white hue on the sword doesn't match
There are so many changes in the classes this expansion that it's hard for me to tell you.
it's crazy you still can't play as an actual wildhammer dwarf when they've been apart of the alliance since the fucking start
we actually got dark iron over them, unreal
You say that because you are afraid of their game.
>definitely just poor optimization on the software side, not a hardware issue
That's what she said
I have genuine arachnophobia (I've had my mom remove any spiders in my house) and I have never once felt any kind of fear or revulsion towards video game arachnids, ever.

I'm fully convinced it's pure virtue-signaling to say arachnophobia carries over into video games.
battlemage when?
I feel like people know that and it's the reason they make fun of it
Based Gotrek poster.
>>he doesn't play at 200% render scale
What's so good about it?
I wonder if he ever fucked Chromie.
wildhammer dont feel like they're genetically different enough to be their own race. like with the dark irons they are actually physically a different kind of being, but the wildhammers are just a different culture but still the same kind of creature, so im okay with them just having their hairstyles and tattoos added into the regular dwarf
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>increase render scale by literally 1%
>lose 40 fps
idk why that happens
doesnt seem right
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im pretty terrified of real spiders but i feel the same. if anything, it makes a game better because spiders are supposed to be threatening in video games and the added terror just compliments that
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yeah, just like tarisland
>I'm fully convinced it's pure virtue-signaling
Some video games really succeed in triggering certain phobias. Subnautica, if you know it, often triggers thallasophobia.
i like the gnome, he's got a lot of personality
i bet you'll shit yourself if a big spider crawls up on you without you noticing until he's right next in your face
from what i've seen in tww, there's spiders on ceilings and shit, and they will drop down on yo ass on their web and you will shit yourself
WoW has had spiders hanging on ceiling floors of caves & dungeons since vanilla.

This shit is just pure virtue-signaling faggotry:
I guess, it just feels lame, same thing with people who say their void elves are high elves. Like yeah ok sure, you can customise dwarves to look like the wildhammer dwarves but it's still retarded considering maghar orcs and highmountain tauren exist.
idk if crabs dropping down from the ceiling unexpectedly is any less scary
soulless chud locker
It was serious business at Blizzard. This feature was multi-month project which involved few dozens of managers, producers, analysts, narrative designers and diversity consultants and they had to do 2-3 meetings every day to discuss the best way to approach it and all the implications and if they are inclusive enough. When they collectively spend thousands of manhours planning and discussing it they finally made a task for Chad Stevens, a programmer who implemented this complex and important feature:

if unit.type == "spider" then
unit.type = "crab";
>Wearing 2 shirts
Why do Americans do this?
>WoW has had spiders hanging on ceiling floors of caves & dungeons since vanilla.
Since Cata actually, but thats still ancient.
just try it
cuts your framerate in half, but the picture quality, sharpness and crispness is waaaay better
Have you seen the spider in the cinematic? Yeah
I suddenly got "Reins of the Ravenous Black Gryphon" while afking in Valdrakken. What happened?
are you sure? I don't doubt you for argumentation sake but I remember jasperlode mine having that big spider at the end hanging from the ceiling? idk
>brain dead faggots spent 2 years bitching about shadowdance
>now rogues are trash tier
>compares AoC to rushed chinaslop after blizz and tencent parted
relatively, though I guess someone who plays on Classic can confirm
I just know that Naxxramas has no hanging spider mobs and thats where youd expect to see them in abundance
rogues have been trash tier for years already
Some Alliance player got the drop and gifted some Hordelet player the mount

Same with Hordelet player getting the wolf mount drop and gifting Alliance player the mount
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Let's test your theory out.

100% Render scale.
When will you learn...
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Its the most chad and based lineup youll ever see in your life Hordelet.
Are you retarded? Subt was the best dps for raids since s1 and it was one of the best for keys to the point some people ran 30s with subt instead of fire mage because good mages are extremely rare, assa became god tier for raids during s3 and 4 and outlaw was great for dungeons.
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200% Render scale.
based as fuck
when I see a kultiran warrior/dk I imagine that's how anduin lothar looked when he was crushing hordelet skulls
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I still don't know what you're talking about but thanks kind stranger for the mount. Have some ass.
Lothar was a gigachad not a mongoloid ogre looking fat fuck lmao
10 / 10
apparently he was a really big guy THOUGH
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>hordelet seething
Kul Tirans are fat pieces of shit and will never be cool.

Use: Teaches a player of the opposite faction how to summon the Ravenous Black Gryphon.

Some Alliance player got the mount item as a drop from Time Rifts and gifted it to you, the random Hordelet player that they saw in Valdrakken
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sadly they are cooler than any other race and Haymaker makes them more fun to
cope lol
Big guy=Tall and muscle not retarded and fat.

>if you don't like my faggot race you're le hordelet xd

No bro it's le peak performance!
kinda funny how kul tirans are the playable ogres reddit has been crying for since tbc and people still wont play them
a displacement
its fucking cooked
whats the cooldown
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are you winning son
is your shitposting getting you enough (you)s yet since that incident where a kul tiran chad turned you into a part of the pavement?
>kultirans = ogres
Are you retarded?
It's best visible in motion.
101% or 200% doesn't make much difference when it comes to FPS drop because it already enabled the scaling system, which is disabled at 100%
The horde want Ogres because of wc2
The alliance never asked for fat humans

>cast time
It's trash desu just play panda and pressure point mobs.
They look too human.
Ogres are monsters so the obesity is a feature not a reminder of bad life choices.
not sure if autistic or just blind
fat people are monsters
bro wtf is going on with the token? It was finally going down and now it went to new highs
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uh oh meltie
I am in a 60.000 hordies : 1000 allies server so I was lucky
people were excited for the pre patch until they found out the biggest feature was bugged and you still cant use it
not sure if autistic or just retarded
the people that have been asking for ogres are the same people who have been asking for amani/forest trolls, high elves and wildhammer dwarves due to them forming the original horde/alliance in wc2
WoW lost
WoW won

It's over.
I was gonna make a KT male alt but this faggot is ruining it for me. Probably won't now.
>no u
Token price goes up when there are more buyers.
Your post doesn't make sense.
same with me, it didnt use to but since the prepatch now it just nukes my fps. I suspect its a driver issue, or maybe even combination of issues
We're so back.
The ones who can't appreciate a normal, mortal, fuckhuge human brutalizing the allegedly more brutal, potent or cunning Horde races really need to get their head checked.

Kul Tirans for Life. Stay big, strong and dumb.
I think similar shit has happened to a few specs
Probably, most players are fucking stupid and act against their own interests.
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>finished the quests to unlock the horde unlockable races
>start doing the alliance ones
>get to the lightforged draenei quest line
>the starting quest portal isnt spawning
>try abandoning the quest and getting the quest again
>still not appearing
>look online
>people are saying that the prepatch broke the lightforged draenei quest line to where the portal needed for the first quest doesnt spawn
good job blizzard.
>see german war within in dead
>they say "no guild no problem!"
>Solo dungeons have "phat lootz!"
kekus this should count as misleading advertising
they moved the portals behind the embassy area
The worst part is Blizzard fixes bugs on a priority basis and that sounds like a low priority problem that could take a year to see a fix
sry had a stroke meant *in youtube ad
its a beacon or portal that spawns specifically for this quest, not one of the portals they moved. thanks though
western video game: the game
Did the finalizied what loot delves drop?
Any other Warlocks encountering a bug where your healthstone never goes on cooldown?
It was finalized ages ago.
this company sometimes... i just want to complete the last quest line for the unlockable races that is left now. i went and did the kul tiran one since it was the only other one i had left other than the lightforged draenei.
i agree that those races probably could have been their own thing, idk, highmountain tauren needed their own druid forms too though which was probably part of it.

lightforged draenei definitely could have just been cosmetic draenei options. i would have liked to see the broken from krokuun become an allied race, they felt like a much better fit than the literal who's they called the lightforged
Wait wasnt that shit gear tho, didnt they buff it? I remember they buffed recently the mythic track
does shadow priest get an aoe button in tww?
During blizzcon they said it would go up to heroic and that's what they did.

Dot everything and your st will cleave.
Yeah ok I did and it's much better, damn.
isnt that what shadowcrash is for?
So depending how long an 8+ delve will take on average you get less reward for your weekly m+ for more time investment?

I guess its fine if you litterarly are unable to group up but don't know man if someone is that normie they probably buy a wow token and a carry if they want loot
Doing delves is faster than keys and to be fair m+ is super fucked right now, unless you run 10+ you will get heroic items as well and heroic items are pretty useless now because they increased mythic track from 4/4 to 6/6.
how fucked up is your game when the solution for a normal player to get geared is "buy a cash to gold token and go hire mercenary players off the black market"

fuck that
less blurry
look at the tree tops
This might surprise you but the solution is playing the game. Crazy I know.
Is that so? as you can see im not well informed just checking in before launch, we will see how it goes
That whole loot thing in tww seems to be very confusing especially with the crest increase.
This is just how wow is designed, its not a new thing

People did this shit way back in lineage, if you make a loot whore game and introduce cash flow into it its just what happens
I have never once bought a carry in the 20 years I've played WoW.

If you've ever purchased a carry of any kind - you're a total faggot and have zero respect for yourself.
>That whole loot thing in tww seems to be very confusing especially with the crest increase.
Is not confusing but not many people are talking about the changes like I can assure you most people don't know mythic crests only drop on 9+ now.
You didnt play 20 years of wow fatso
Repeating the same quests on alts won't make you straight no matter how hard you wish for it.
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Is it worth resubbing now for the pre patch if I thought BFA and Dragonflight were gay as shit ?
what the sigma
pre-patch is never worth it imo unless you are story fag that needs to know everything, which you clearly arent
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TWW healers ranking on beta in terms of fun:
>Totemic RShammy
>Voidweaver Disc
>Herald of the Sun HPally
>Celestials MW
>Chronowarden Pres
>Flameshaper Pres
>Archon HPriest
>Farseer RShammy
>Lightsmith HPally
>Master of Harmony MW
>Keeper RDruid
>Wildstalker Rdruid
>Oracle HPriest
>Oracle Disc
I would wait one more expansion before Metzen degay the story.
TBC, WotLK and Cata pre patch were fun and sometimes hilarious
wait for Midnight, seriously, then wait for a reviews of Midnight, the goalposts might be shifted from it to The Last Titan
im just gonna keep playing mistweaver since it feels the best now
no more essence
rsk+stomp using gust
no more wasted stats
i am gooning
I guess thats fair but they are like legit a decade ago now and they never do shit like that anymore so
Sadly I already accidentally buyeded TWW
this. they should just make every healer as fun as mw
Im just hoping for them adding Windwalker Jade Lightning AoE talent to Mistweaver so i could just sit back and dont feel handicapping myself while playing caster MW
Caster MW is such a soothing playstyle, i just love to see the bunch of jade beams from me and my statue, and how crazy its pumping the ST heals
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>2 cinematics for TWW and both are hardcore flops with everyone agreeing that they are the worst cinematics ever
not a good start to your new expansion, bros
Imagine how kino the Arathi would be if Shaniqua Lothar didn't exist with her tryhard character design.

Hell even if they kept her but took away the shitty blind eye and arm shield design, it'd be markedly better.
With bugs, come exploits. Exploit early, exploit often, people with the 3 day early access will forever be ahead.
new cinematic has it's moments though
>Lame fuck playing tank spec in PvP
Yeah, sounds about right.
The woman within
it's a pretty zone
if you just completely ignore the tranny story and skip all cutscenes you probably enjoy the new stuff just fine

the story has been marvel-tier comicslop where the faction leaders are the main characters instead of the player even before they wokeified everything anyway, it was never good
>all mmos are pozzed or just bad
it is what it is
>woman in charge of cinematic
>cinematic is shit

not surprised
>waah waah i need to buy gear in pve game because..... i said so!
you can die like a total retard in 528 gear, or parse worse than a nigga with 490 btw
>Need to do a quest chain to unlock a home portal in Valdraxxen
Please tell me this is account wide and not per character.
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I'm just gonna spend my money on v-bucks
there is no tranny story
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look how they trannified my boy- i mean girl i mean i just don't know anymore
>People did this shit way back in lineage
the eastern europoor l2 private servers i played on had zero p2w
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>Molten Core's final boss: The Molten Core
>The War Within's final boss: The War Within
H-holy... metzenkino...
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>haven't played Dragonflight since release
>log in on my tanking DH
>get literally one shot by a ret paladin
>the story has been marvel-tier comicslop
i know it was always like that but i think i like it that way (chances are it's my retardation)
99% sure it's cinematics made with their crappy “”“”AI“”“”. That's why there's no narrative, no words.
>300 ilvl vs 500+
damn bro
the what now?
>world of warcraft's final boss
>if you just completely ignore the tranny story and skip all cutscenes you probably enjoy the new stuff just fine
are you talking about wow? lol
yes, WoW has skippable cutscenes
Remember that the draenei heritage writer who everyone is praising as the second coming of WC3 Metzen is the one who pushed for this shit.
>watch a cinematic in a dungeon I've never done b4
>get kicked
What's your experience with WoW players compared to other games?
IMO they're either completely retarded, or really amazing, but choose to ignore you or straight up insult you, or they are quite friendly, but awful at the game.
I could NEVER find anybody normal in the open world. It always had to be interaction through a guild.
The fact that you think it's normal tells more about you than about me
>Metzen is the one who pushed for this shit
how do you know that?
rightfully kicked for enjoying the tranny story
watch it on youtube boomer
Is it really early access when those guys have so many restrictions? It's barely an advantage at all that costed 3 times the price of the expansion.
Are those people retarded? why would you buy that?
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as a tank how do you leave your M+ pug group in the highest amount of style possible?

I want to make them seethe as much as humanly possible (assuming they are being aggro fags who shit-talk first)
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which one of you is this
like I give a shit about that lmao
1000 tendies and a month of time nigga
>why would you buy that?
because there are people who want to play the game?
please explain how 90=3*50
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what are the restrictions?
not me but i liked that
They can't even do heroic dungeons or rep grinding, just leveling
4chan is mainstream now
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will it reach a 50/50 ratio?
>Another cinematic trailer of "burly rock dude does a thing"
So. Out of ideas already.
why are you leaving them? id be willing to bet youre just being a crybaby
hey wow bros i've not played wow since shadowlands.
does prepatch have anything cool?
I'm thinking about playing A war within.
how was dragonflight?
if you have to pick wow and another mmo pick wow
if you have to pick between nothing and wow pick nothing
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what a gay reply

if I'm tanking your shitty pug M+ you better not be giving me any shit whatsoever, I'm the lifeline to your diseased key run you little bitch

you WILL worship the ground I walk on or I will leave and force your cuckhold self to go back to sitting in the capital while waiting 30-45 minutes for another group to form and take your sorry DPScuck character with them while I already complete my 2nd dungeon by that time

u mad?
im positive blizzard botted likes for this trailer, because this trailer was as disliked or even more disliked than previous trailers literally everywhere, and ratio of those trailers was like 10% likes to 90% dislikes
I play augsissy so I get quick invites as dps
it's all slop
>le gigachad pics
>u mad
I bet you play kultiran.
woah I didn't know zyzz still played wow and posted on 4chan in 2024
nah this trailer isn't as offensive as the one about zereth mortis or the one about sylvanas telling arthas to be forgotten lol. it's just weird and a bit boring
jesus christ is it really that bad?
what the fuck? i thought chris was back? what? is it as bas as the shadowlands prepatch?
>another prima donna tank
dont worry there are several more of you around for me to find
>not knowing who zyzz is
newfaggot mopfetus detected
Anon you think those dislikes are real but not likes are fake? Lol.
>30-45 minutes for another group
Jokes on you I'm a healer. That said, I'd still worship the ground you walk on.
>not played wow since shadowlands.
there are DF talent trees for classes, they are pretty cool, you can still check out DF story, you can level up a new character way faster than before (literally hours through panda remix)
>how was dragonflight?
better than SL
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I bet anything in the world you are dog ass garbage at tanking.
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if i dislike it it's real
Can someone explain the hate for Augvoker? I don't get why it's hated. I play it in battlegrounds and no hate for it as I heal, dps, cc and buff. But I see places online fucking hate it. Why?
>all the dps cuckies seething at this post
well done
>fags running 30s are forced to use augmentation
>that means every play is forced to play with one
That's literally it, people here pretend you need aug for a shitty +3 weekly no leaver since s2.
parsefags don't like it when their numbers are reliant on other people
i'm a tank, though
Prediction: Xal'atath will get the Lich King treatment meaning an omni-present villain that we often see if not directly interact with even while questing.
Xal'atath will not be a boss, but we'll get a fake one to kill as a 'HA, GOTTEM' moment.
N'Zoth will return for Midnight.
Earthen will be broken upon release as their racial ability for secondary stats will be retard strong.
If Evoker get's hunter it will be the most over powered piece of shit due to hover, tail swoop and wing buffet.
By the final patch of the expansion Turalyon will attempt a coup on stormwind, when it fails midnight is ushered in by Yrel.
It synergizes differently with different classes and currently dictates the meta as aug can boost certain specs above and beyond others

thus we have the status quo of your group needing aug as they bring utility and a silly amount of boosts to your DPS and tank, which then translates into you bringing the class and spec which benefits the most from aug

queue everyone else disliking Augvoker in M+ and pvp
At this point the damage is done. They need to expand support role to more specs.

Outlaw & Discipline would be good targets for this.
it doesnt do anything unless youre pushing the highest keys. its the most "im helping!" spec in the game
Absolutely retarded takes, kill yourself ASAP.
This is why you play as a tank when you're new.
DPSfags and Healsissies know a replacement will take hours so they won't kick you if you watch cutscenes.
>Earthen will be broken upon release as their racial ability for secondary stats will be retard strong.
their racial is just a free food buff since they can't eat
afaik they said they are moving away from it instead of supporting it.
>It's barely an advantage at all
They are going to be full max lvl and full stuff
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ret paladin has been a support since vaniller
just scrap forbearance and give me two charges on all my blessings and bring back the AoE sac cant remember what it called from wrath
ill take a personal damage buff while your at it
so they are changing augvoker then?
>ret paladin has been a support since vaniller
True except in vanilla he was a healslut at best.
>Affliction (curses and dots weaken enemies while buffing your allies that hit your target, think Zealot in Warhammer: RoR)
>Third DH spec about fucking with enemy souls and banishing them to the Nether, similar to Support Aff in terms of playstyle and damage profile
Disc Priest would be fine too but I think the focus should be on making an extra or an existing spec Support for classes that currently only have DPS specs
>what a gay reply

The ironing
>rolls on tank and dps loot
>forgets to rebuff you after 5 minutes
yeah amazing support
no but the playerbase said no more supports so no one else wil get a support spec
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Is it full retard hour right now?
What the fuck are these recent posts?
ion is so hot
>the playerbase
No one's buying it slop pig
It's common that trannies can't afford hrt pills at the end of the month.
Need to wait for the paycheck.
>what is oracle
destroyed with facts and logic kid
silence, hole
also you forgot i roll on healer loot too
Imagine making a class's entire identify power infusion. which last like a single target 100% haste boost. Just imagine then imagine people being slaves to meta and feeling forced to bring 1 class to feel like they're playing optimal.
Imagine them building resentment to a class for forcing themselves to play in specific way.
then there you have it.
Hero Talent Trees would be finalized and refined and actually ready as they were envisioned only in The Midnight
I know it
You know it
Everybody know it
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youre supposed to. healing is all you can do
>mid roastie
>mid roastie with an anime avatar
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It is a reasonable hypothesis that they will be expanded in time.
is this the most rushed pre-patch ever?
literally a placeholder login screen
well im talking about the main game anyways
did you get cucked by a retchad in classic or something, kek?
The wedding ring is still the best part.
Copium can be from Twitch as well, it's not just 4chan language.
hero talents were a mistake
classic ret players are actual subhumans. its one of the biggest reason to play horde in vanilla just do you dont have to deal with them. its also why warmane is so popular because every room temperature brown loves ret paladin and its the first time the spec is good
Reminder that Blizzard hired an entire studio outside of Blizzard to work on WoW that have literally 0 experience coding WoW.

You'd think that an additional few hundred people would be a boost to their development, but if you know anything about gamedev at all, you'd know that putting so many new people on a project has a massive cost to it in the short and medium term that actually -slows down- the project. It might payoff by Midnight but certainly not in TWW.

No wonder the pre-patch and expansion look so rushed. They are scrambling internally, most likely. Utter chaos.
I just watched the new trailer. We are in for a shitty Mr. Bones forever ride with the niggress arent we?
John Hight leaving Blizzard was a major red flag that shit hit the fan. Its not good when your production manager leaves the company in the middle of the three expansions production
Amen brother.
Same here and boosting is for posing fags who cannot hack it.
Are you talking about outsourcing menial work into India? I'm not in the loop.
i think hes referencing the studio they bought that did plunderstorm
is hazelnutty jew?
Any builds for Shaman where I don't need to babysit totems constantly?
no, but she is undergoing an experimentations conducted by the jews
honestly the anti woke chudposting is getting more annoying than the actual woke characters in game.
Gotta love how Metzen initially left Blizzard because of how stressful and chaotic it was and likely just returned to the exact same situation, maybe even worse.
It's a raid, just ignore it until they fuck off.
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This is what I use, but you need an absorb shield not to get interrupted
he's just a token nigga at this point
will probably leave again when people start blaming shit story / writing on him
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I guess we'll never know if it was intentional or not.
i just skip the totems. if my party finds themselves missing the utility then they can talent it, i cant be arsed

i also skip all active button talents apart from the most core fundamental ones. i dont want to be bothered to push more than 3 buttons for my rotation
its going to change with every patch
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I feel like she's lonely deep down
She has no real man in her life to fuck her hard and set her straight. She strikes me as the type of woman who doesn't engage in casual sex but her worn-out, beat-to-death dildos lying around that just don't cut it toward making her pussy tingle.

She needs someone to save her.
i havent tried full passives build for anything yet
id guess you would probably be able to clear 10s no problem
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Used shadowstep to a boss, fell through the floor, then it DCd me.
Now whenever I log back in, I log in under the floor then immediately DC.
Send help.
anyone else unable to log in with their character after doing the gear update button?
Guides are actually useful, just cannot stand that voice.
Damn she kinda looks like her character here
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I don't think anyone is logging in.
You can't blink on the platform with the last Tsunami boss in Hall of Infusion without falling through the ground.
It doesn't look like a 3D environment, right? They will change the picture in the future patches for more variety. I mean, it doesn't look bad.
log onto another character and use the unstuck feature
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>log in for the first time since BFA
>everything looks fucked up
>get slammed with notifications and quests like it's a mobile game
what then?

So, people who only care about meta play are complaining about meta play? That doesn't make sense to me.
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Wow, that's a really cool discussion you're all having.

I'm gonna go fuck my human paladin boyfriend, though.
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Her old model is so beautiful and instantly recognizable. Why the fuck did they change it?
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>hide objectives addons still broken
>true stats values addon still broken
>chat window filters still broken
At least the hide talking head addon still works
t. liadran off to *consult* with turalyon
was too CIS and was a relic of her problematic relationship with a white male
they had to make her a strong independent lesbian elf.
i have no reason to invite an aug to my key unless i know all the players in the group are good at the game(they arent) and if spells that dont get kicked will one shot people
I'm going to flatten this elf later when I have time.
makes sense since the new expansion has mobile support
>new patch
>deleted my entire addons folder
got sick of elvui and shit honking at me in dungeons. can I just use weakauras to have a creative looking player/target/focus frame that isn't a gay basic rectangle?
Why do elven women lust after human men?
>shit honking at me in dungeons
you can mute dbm. it will change your life
>if you just completely ignore the tranny story
TWW is much less gay than DF tho.
might be something you like if you look hard enough
however i think everything is gonna be a rectangle
maybe try shadowed unit frames, that's pretty good
Speaking of retardation, I made a blood elf for the first time the other day. I'm surprised she's allowed to have all those Stacy voice lines.
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its just part of being an elf
>to make her a strong independent lesbian elf
But she has a husband and a son....
ignore him, he's retarded
the cat woman at blizzard love their relationship
You can play WoW on mobile via GeForceNow as of June but there's no addon support yet. Been leveling remix alts on my phone.

Elves are almost always immortal and because of their long lives they often lose tough with the splendor, magic and lust for life. Humans by contrast are ephemeral and live a brief life but it's full of passion, as a result elves love humans as they remind them of how great and exciting life can be. Basically they fuck us so they can live vicariously though us because when you're immortal life gets boring.
Good bait
Best addon to tracks procs/debuffs please. Classtimers is dead. Raven, TellMeWhen, any others?
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>the cat woman at blizzard love their relationship
We'll see in august. There are two encrypted conversations between Turalyon and Alleria.
WeakAuras you fucking retard
I don't support trans rights.
>Weakauras user being rude as usual
TellMeWhen person would never do this
Turalyon said he loves her more than he loves the Light itself, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

Maybe it should TellYouWhen to shut the fuck up nigger
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>only addon I ever used was KTM in
>my face when I see the recommended add-on list for LFR and M0
i want to download chroncile vol 4
based downloading weakaura right now
I warned you guys about the Californians. They are getting more and more deranged every day that passes.
>cat women loving anything straight and wholesome
Lmao they're just doing what Metzen told them to do. Their relationship is sentimental to him because it's the very first one in the franchise.
If the cat women had ANY real power over it they would kill off Turalyon and have Alleria get with Xalatath.
pls link mega with other books pls
>maye getting fucked in the ass
non canon fanfiction
might aswell read the trans babble of roleplayers in this thread
That's not me! But the video is really hot. I love that guy's work. He's the one who did the Maye x Velf prison blowjob video.
Because it wasn't subversive.
pls i can't find it
oh wow okay, so they just give you max speed dragonriding right from level 10 now. okay
Mexicans are conservative and based.
TWW won't have any kind of porn
At this point I'm wishing someone put explosives in all porn.
there's already xalatath 34
nigga blizzard is 90% cucked asians and whites
>new mechanic from previous expansion becomes easy to acquire
This is a thing since TBC.
I'd take California over Mexico any day. Sorry, Jose.
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liadrin has brown hair and would never be caught dead doing something lewd as such
shes pure
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I miss CoT1: Escape from Durnholde, in retrospect it was ludo
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>Their relationship is sentimental to him because it's the very first one in the franchise.
Will Metzen save the WC2 heroes from being raped to death like so many of the WC3 heroes have been?
I hope so desu.
Go back, classicpag.

this is so hot
elves were made to be dommed
I just use a gamepad. It's not ideal since there's no consoleport but you can level and dps dungeons/raids just fine.
ive seen the deep purple asshole of that shadow mage girl theres already too much porn of the ass within
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>shes pure
no its not. they didnt give you 310% speed flying until level 40 last week when thats been in the game for almost 20 years
What did you mean by that
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Did you not read the latest short story set in Silvermoon?
Sorry man, but she canonically lusts for Turalyon.
This won't be ready for launch will it?
I want to piss people off in BGs with rogue in TWW. Is that sub or ass spec? I don't necessarily care about contributing to the win so much as blowing up stragglers, preferably on repeat.
The voices in your head are an unreliable source of proof.
that's the oompa loompa race that serves Califags
I remember someone shared a drive with some wow mods, did anyone save the link?
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The 500 mount reward is underwhelming
don't project onto me, Alleria
>don't project
>Manually creating an aura for every single thing you want tracked
>Not just enabling all and unticking boxes like classtimers
I'm actually employed. I don't have time to code addons. Anything that does the bulk for me (like Classtimers)
you got a pvp talent that puts you and your victim in a seperate phase
undispellable and you cant pvp trinket it
abuse that to shit on newbs
>No glads
>No PvE titles
>Just masturbatory screencaps killing bots
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Anyone else comfy Remix leveling? I'm gonna miss it when it's gone.
I didn't play the WW beta. Was the warbank ever functional?
wait till you find out how awful the mount is that you get for grinding 500 honor levels
years of afking i mean grinding bgs and you geta random shit horse with unanimated 2d eyes
This shit is insufferable
i havent logged in for months. they should add cm sets already so i have a reason to
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> it's "we want basic bitch audience" trailer
> literally a a shitty B tier film trailer as the big, long awaited cinematic trailer
> nothing to be hyped about
So why did Hollie, Ion & Metzen greenlight it?
I haven't tried Remix yet

What's the general route you take from 10-70?
when i ask pve only player why they dont play pvp alot of the times the answer is just that rogue makes them mad so they dont wanna play lol
just a toxic class that makes the game worse but its been like that for 15 years so they wont change shit
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How are people still mindbroken about cm sets over 10 years later?
Yeah it’s kino. Leveling a rogue and shaman rn. Dunno which I’ll play in tww
I was gonna level but I realized I already have a max level char or two of every class and then they were level nerfed after some expansion or patch and now my former max level chars are all over the place and it actually upsets me.
>not just downloading the auras you need for your class from people who made them and post them online for retards with "a job" to download

Your employer should think about replacing you
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hot damn

white women looks like THAT ?
Sylvanas is so ugly compared to Alleria.
Altoholic's options: endless dungeon queueing
Everyone else: play through the zones & quest
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>Yfw she poons out and becomes better at the game thanks to the test
Yes, always.
People said it!s because of remix characters that they could sneak some items through or something, that they disabled it while the remix lasts.
And if you don't know about this talent and how it works there is no way to figure out what the fuck is going on when it's used on you
>Not lusting for a human male who liberated her homeland from the trolls

she wishes Alleria to die just so she could hop on Turalyon's dick
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she looked a lot better before she was a literal walking corpse tbf
Remember how the common spam ITT was about Blizz adding black skins but they just stopped shitposting when it turned out nobody wanted to use them ingame?
>Blizzard has announced that crafted gear will cap at 636 item level (Myth 4/6) in War Within.
this is good but heroic and m+ are still doa
Reminder that all futas are switch.
Some are in denial about it.
>mfw literally weeks after launch top guilds were offering CM carries
>mfw by the end of the expac even shit guilds were offering CM carries

Fomo faggots are the worst
Based Blizzard
The game is healing. All these changes make the game better and better. The biggest flaw in the game atm is raiding. I can't wait to see what the revamp will look like.
>Alleria is no longer fit for having sex with him
>Turalyon visited Silvermoon 'to talk to son'
>In actuality he spent days there rawdogging Liadrin

read the last short story made by Blizzard bro
Good because nu-heroic and mythic can suck a big fat dick, Legion was the last time 5m dungeons were worth anything
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>she looked a lot better before
That sounds like a reasonable justification for switching it off. Why not just say that, instead of leaving everyone to wonder why a major expansion feature doesn't work?
>I can't wait to see what the revamp will look like.
what the fuck is this cope? ive seen it now several times. they will never revamp raiding.
And people were selling ZA bears like crazy at the end of TBC, and the majority of Scarab Lords were on fresh servers
>The biggest flaw
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M+ got a revamp
Raiding will get the next revamp
It's coming.
4chan in general is heavily botted. You don't need to register to post here.

This is "Free internet".
>that ulgy model on the right

You now remember Blizzard cooperating with chinks to make Warcraft-based game but then cancelling it, yet using some of the leftover assets.
idk man, Turalyon is old school alliance and probably seen Liadrin as both a Traitor to the alliance AND a Heretic for having helped control and siphon M'uru and because her paladin powers came intially through that robbery.

I just can't See Turalyon having an affair with someone he likely legitimately hates.
he is here every day talking about the imaginary raiding revamp
>You now remember Blizzard cooperating with chinks to make Warcraft-based game but then cancelling it, yet using some of the leftover assets.
yeah, her and uther's model in that cinematic were basically straight out of wc3
>balance druid had pulsar removed
what the fuck
why would they do this
This but M+
I'm sorry but the two graphs are the same
Turalyon doesn't hate his enemies. He only doesn't like orcs.
Nigga why are you applying logic to the mentally ill coomer fantasy? After two years (and blizzard confirming they only met once) they are still saying sylvanas and anduin are a canon couple.

They fucked druids, rogue and dhs real hard this time.
I fucking hate the TWW Alleria redesign btw
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>Just download a third party application specifically to update auras in World of Warcraft.
bro he was LITERALLY in Silvermoon to meet with Liadran in the recent shortstory
He only despises Orcs, and for good reason considering what he saw them do.
Exactly theres literally no reason to keep them gated for some dumb reason people reroll charachters all the time and shit you should be able to get the other armors if you have done CMs in Pandaria at least
God I wish I was a night elf
anon this change is made to avoid mythic raiding but still m+ is dead
From the overdone drag queen makeup to the chest binder instead of proper woman BREAST plate.
Incredible. Thank you.
>500 honor levels
thats one of the better looking mount
you cant be serious lol
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We all do.

They made her look like an old crack addict.
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why did they get rid of her iconic blue tatoos on her face?
like I could stomach the rest of it but what the fuck man
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I'm a resub...

I watched this 2hr long summary on WoW's history last night and am now questioning my own sanity for why I decided to resub.

super meltie, go back to goldshire you troglodyte lmao
She is gay-coded now
exp bonus from bosses gets sent to mailbox, once you've upped your % exp and gotten enough exp you can retrieve it. the benefit is that you can carry raids and dungs as you're the most powerful at low level.
>i resub
>then i wasted 2 hours watching so gay video
the fuck are you doing with your life nigga?
> there are people who care to have more than one ground mount & one flying mount
Explain yourselves, mount autists, why are you obsessed over having so many mounts?
>level 70
>allied races
you knew what you were getting into
High quality crack is expensive.
looks like a fat, middle-aged, midwestern american roastie
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>mfw I see what the warband UI looks like
How the fuck are they managing to make worse UI in 2024 than what we had in 2004
they probably ran out of time
>looks like a fat, middle-aged, midwestern american roastie
but enough about alleria
DEI hires
lmao that manjaw
its like collecting cards or steam games but instead of spending money you masturbate and oneshot 10year old dungeons/raids
you see
it looks fine on the designer's 12bit 5k hdr screen with a 99.9999999999% calibrated color spectrum accuracy
stop being poor
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Fair enough, but why waste time & money on this horrendous trailer in the first place?
as much as i hate them you can't blame this on chinks
making things ugly on purpose is a distinctly western (liberal) phenomenon
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is there a setting to turn this shit off?
t. jawlet
I wish I were poor so I wouldn't have to play WoW
the dooming will continue until they fix m+
Doesnt matter it truins my immershun
I cannot suspend this disbelief.
and Liadrin is allied with orcs and abandoned the alliance in favor of them and led an army of primarily orcs against the newly rebuilt alliance base at stromgarde, in a direct confrontation with Turalyon where the orcs she led against stromgarde killed a great many alliance soliders.
need to occupy the DEI people somehow
nope :)
Nothing is wrong with M+?
I've spent too much time and effort into this game to ever stop playing. I am too invested with all the Mounts, Transmogs and Achievements that I could not just stop.

Sure, sometimes you play more and less but it's come to a point that I could not just walk away from this game even if I wanted to.

There is this lingering feeling that I would have wasted so much time and effort by completely stopping or even skipping out on some FOMO stuff that I just can't leave at this point without regret because ya know, you might always come back as it has always been the case so far.
Do you also have this feeling or am I the only one?
It looks so much worse than the've presented at Blizzcon
>Characters are spaced out
>Dont look like they are an actual party of ravellers
>Cant use environment (chairs, boxes) to sit or lean against

Garbage shit.
things do not seem to be going well
you put them in office bureaucracy & customer care positions, not creative or marketing positions.
>deletes M+
it exists

Same mostly, even if for example star citizen replaces it for me I doubt I'll ever abandon it totally, just play lot less and more casually than I do now.

Which is fine, cus WoW is best when played Casually.
if youre lucky you will find something else in your life and all the pixels in wow will lose their meaning
it will still be a fun game to play but no longer your life
did you really expect anything better?
they completely killed it nigga

considering what they just did they are probably going to remove it before the last titan
My frame of reference was blizzcon as well but instead it's whatever we got.
I don't get it.
God I love badass disabled butch lesbian black women, this expansion looks so cool!!!!

They can't help themselves, they literally HAVE to make stupid shit that sucks.

Back to classic.
>I've spent too much time and effort into this game to ever stop playing
This was me with my kids until I was divorced.
Don't care anymore and so will you once you break the cursed cycle.
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>Back to Classic.
Yeah bro, go back to your Orange Ball bosses.
Please take your shitty takes with shitty reddit spacing to reddit, redditfag.
>blizz switches to annual expansion plan circa wod
>immediately blows up in their face
>blizz switches to annual expansion plan circa df
>immediately blows up in their face
What a surprise
>blizz switches to annual expansion plan circa df
this is literally fake
Augmentation Evoker.
when is turtle wow coming back online?
how the hell do warbands work? Do all my characters need to do that tanaris quest?
uninstall wizard
Returning collector autist. I want to solo Castle Nathria on at least normal. Any ideas on what ilvl and class/spec I may need? Are there any healing bosses?
One healing boss, so any class with a heal is good with veteran gear
Wahts the best bronze frarm now, still heroics?
Will every female race have the option for facial hair or is it a bigoted new race option only?
I think the DEI stuff will die in Midnight. That or we get black lesbian Blood Elves... Sindragosa is black now, right?
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Liadrin letting herself go arc when?
You're gonna need to wait a month till you get level 80 in War Within.
Prepatch redid the scaling to account for level 80's and such, so now the SL raids and BFA raids are harder than they were in 10.2
Honestly, and now that the dust has settled, why do playable Dragons Look like that and was it a good choice ?
I feel like it's a broken vs draenei situation again.
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ok but hear me out...
I like how zoomer trannies actually think writing properly is Le reddit.

I've literally been on 4chan longer than you've been alive.
no they look like shit. They are just worse night elves/china trolls
I'm not even going back to classic, probably gonna pick up a KR mmo or Turtle
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What did she mean by this?
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I thought MMO-C was a lost cause, but it turns out there is still hope.
uhh.... stop dooming or something, dude

you HAVE to like the globohomo slop because the mayecord says so !!!
They outsource the shit out of these trailers.
Not even the the pre-rendered cinematics that are made with in-game models are made at blizzard anymore.
This isn't that "artists and programmers are too occupied wth this so they can't focus on that".
Funny how your reddit spacing isn't observed or practiced outside of 4chan by redditors.
Is pelagos the black woman
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disagreed, and we haven't seen a cinematic bare body night elf in DECADES, i'll take ANYTHING close to them at this point, i love them so much
just watched the cinematic. Why you americans so gay and retarded? FEMALE POWER *PUKE*
>people hating on wrathion
if anyone other than pelagos it should be ebonhorn thrown into the woodchipper, what a useless nigger

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