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The Edition Edition

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27, 7:00 PM EDT | Cuchulainn, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previous Thread: >>487827601
First for catgirls on caturday
Blmsisters... *explodes*
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How do you read/pronounce XIV?
To me this game is Final Fantasy Sheev
sunuglies drool
moonpures rule
Malera of Light
like ziv
Black catgirls aggressively flirting with taken men
Alright, new thread
Here's a challenge for y'all
Be as genuine as you can for this thread
Your genuine dogshit opinions, unfiltered by irony. Your genuine enjoyment of things. Your genuine hatred for things. One thread, no irony.
I'm weird and pronounce the letters. It's Final Fantasy Ecks-Eye-Vee
Would you say that your WoL is a psychopath or a sociopath?
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Sheev for me too.
Bros do you have that meme of the 30 year old hag, brown hair, eyepatch, has the word telefrag and gibbed it in. Usually posted by a femlala.
each letter makes a distinct sound. It's ex aye vee
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Hrothgals owe my sunnie+ cuddles and lots of lewd catbox pictures
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So keep posting the way I do, gotcha

I hate that I know the picture, and am wearing an eyepatch....
I don't have it, but I will save it the next time I see it
Where did you see this? I don't see a notice on the lodestone.
Being hung by honesty has made me intimate friends in Final Fantasy XiV Online. I enjoy gathering and giving free crafted items to my friends. I dislike physical ranged DPS jobs.
I do not but I remember that one thread where zoomers were "Hagmaxxing" and it made people horny here.
Anon, is it true you were looking at that slutty middies Adventure Plate? Post FEMRA!
POV: Your dumb, lazy bunny wife is being a no good lazy bitch when you get home from a hard day at work.
I usually just say 14 or >>487849632
Aren't these mixed? Psychopaths I thought were the violent and impulsive ones and Sociopaths the manipulative schemers? Huh.

Also no, she's a sweet, jolly pirate girl who goes on adventures and hunts down bandits and renegade (not good guy) pirates!
Usually I have a distinct writhing hatred for lalafell, but you're one of the good ones. You'll be spared when I cleanse the world of their filth.
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My femlala will make a new friend today! …by any means necessary…
what do you mean by any means necessary sis......?
is it me?
You're thinking backwards.
miera bwc for my moonie
did they fuck indoor brightness up for houses or what
Queue CC on Crystal :)
Please don't spare me if you do cleanse it. A world where I've lost my friends and live on arbitrarily isn't one I want to continue to push through.

You got it, sis, I believe in you
Huh! I'll be damned. Every day's a school day, i suppose!
post moonie
Ah, I see, then you'll go first. A mercy, I'm sure.
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I came to the wrong neighborhood...
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erm hello
yeah, they've acknowledged it and are planning on fixing it
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yeah, the lighting change affected it pretty strongly
what i previously had as a nice dimly lit room got fucked
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Spooky patch :O
Very interesting so far tho!
I am
A male eleven that has to trim the grass of his garden
God I dislike garden work
cant... id out myself
>I had a think and while I can come up with several points in both Shadowbringers and Endwalker that I'd be interested in watching a streamer react to, for example, I couldn't think of a single one in Dawntrail. I really hope they can course correct in the patches and bring this MSQ up to snuff, because as it is, it felt like I was playing a different game, and it was honestly depressing.
Moonies are a proud and noble race! We don't taint ourselves with miera! We steal Nunhs, maleoonies, and maleddies!
Why do you keep posting this? Also you're a skinnyfat adult man in his 30's typing this shit up.
Time for marital rape with the possibility of impregnation
I have combined the traits of every "my femra" poster into one single femra... The ultimate femra, if you will. Now, all that remains is to bring my creation to life...!
You're definitely welcome to try, and I don't mind going down first if it means I can try and stop it.

Queue Onsal
guess i would have to pin her down and slam fuck her until i was satisfied
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no meena for you
Dawntrail had a total of like one moment that was a cool moment, and that was the Zoraal Ja fight. It was nothing special for the rest of it.
My mirror must be acting up, because that doesn't look like my bun at all.
ok that's reassuring, changing from 0 to 5 did absolutely nothing in my room.
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Goodmorning everynyan
I think Krile is a good scion and has a pretty voice. People shipping her and G'raha have good tastes. I think Y'sthola should be axed from the story and Thancred / Uri should make their gay dad shtick official and retire from the plot. Bring back Yugiri but make sure the VA won't get killed for a third time. Make old plot characters like Hilda or Boulder relevant. Get the twin elezen out
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Sex with my sunnie+
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The cutscene fight or the trial fight?
correct answer
free kupo nuts
um ala
snae ling
coffee break
his whiskers
carrot of happiness
do you guys rememebr any other say quest text?
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My femlala is like this
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Queue onsal, let's get some frontlines rockin
Cuz why the fuck not

Alternatively hit me up and I'll throw you an invite for a party containing two ausfags
May I sleeve
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I think DT have pretty mediocre music when comparing to past expansion like EW, ShB and HW
I challenge you to find my bun in-game and tell her that.
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Perhaps staying in the woods would've been a better choice
Final fantasy ex i vee
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pumping to this bun rn
ex eye vee gee
has donated
Effy are you single
helllloooo cute sunnies of /xivg/!! have you thought about... eb'ing a femra?!?! haha just a thought haha... they are pretty cute right...?
Think nigger
we fall
Wtf is “eb’ing”
Watching Zepla react to Wuk Lamat barging in on her trying to thirst over Erenville has been funny.

>WoL, let's go on a journey together, I have so much to show you
>Zepla gets excited
>Zepla dies inside
Femra x femqote has to be THE MOST grownman pairing I've ever seen anywhere jesus christ
Thinking about femezens...
Feo Ul, i need you
right there is probably a ton of msq shit, i was thinking of making a macro with all the beat tribe text
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Who is this fiddie in all the solution nine billboards? she cute
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i am
a femezen
that is lebeling picto despite her saying she would stick to blm no matter what
Mine too sis, straight down to the glasses
It's a shard of Minfilia
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I genuinely 100% unironically honestly love Malera.
They are my favorite
Futa rava x femra has entered the chat
Wait, is Zero a shard of Minfilia?
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Are we allowed to post thighlanders yet?
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where do i submit my application for a grown ass man eb
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You are probably Crystal, no grown ass men plays there
>tfw want to experience dt dungeons for the first time with others on vc
>tfw started too late and on primal
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Isn't Zero a Zenos shard? I remember people discussing that Reaper lore suggests that that was the case, even if it's not explicitly stated in the MSQ.
I really dislike the fact that you are expected to do damage as a healer and people on top of that want it to become more complex
You could have had one..
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On the website!
You can be a winner!
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>shards talk again
malboro how did you know
but im going to transfer to the land of dropbears

Wait what's wrong with that?
I love the scions and would lose all interest in the game if they were gone. I also like being the main character and the story telling me I did a good job when I complete a trial. I hope Thancred gets another arc.
You have a skin condition or somethin'? What's the shit on your face there?
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Constantly being negative, angry, and a irritable person gradually erodes your soul into turning into somebody who will never be happy. Nobody is asking you to force a smile. Just stop focusing on everything that bothers you and engage in the things you want to do. My genuine hatred is for people who are obsessed with ruining things for everyone because they cant get out of their own ass with misplaced anger and refusion of responsibility for their own problems. It's always somebody's fault and never their own. So they make it my problem they are over 30 and hate life and expect me to believe its trans people that (insert group here) ruined it and not themselves.
Dedu kinda weird that they gave viera men a different line of dialogue when meeting Erenville's mom
i forgot to turn off the face texture edit the oiled skin adds im sorry sir
first you must present yourself for moonie inspection
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Don't you borsalino-post me, I don't skip cutscenes, I remember her absorbing the light power from the flood, but at the time I thought she was a WoL shard or something, but it occurs to me that the power to wield it like that is more Min coded

who the genuinely fuck knows
How is it hard for male characters to find partners? There is like 3 female characters fir every male! Do they just not send messsges to people?
They did?
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depends are you on aether
What the fuck is blud yapping about.
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very gay but very polite
It's a tough world for a maleroe
Yeah but a good chunk of those female characters are played by grown ass men
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I can't wait for savage bwos
I don't exactly remember the full details but for an Avatar to work it would have to be similar to the wavelength of your soul. Something like that.
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This is all of you niggas
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Incredible how this game fucked up at lizards and cats (twice)
How do we fix BLM? is it time to just finally remove enochain timer from the game?
My moonie girl asked erenville and his mom if they were up for a threesome and they awkwardly laughed it off
The vast majority of those female characters are played by guys who absolutely loathe the idea that their own handcrafted waifu character would get touched by another male. The most they usually tolerate is engaging in lesbian or futa sex because then the other participant also turns them on.
Post the gif of the older sister evaluating him
Okay so they’re using ffxiv as a dating app? Lol
Increase all potencies by 10.
Would you reccomend a new player skip to Dawntrail so they can get a fresh start without all the baggage of previous expansions?
/s Mol coffee break free kupo nuts dream bigger his whiskers, snae ling Please, Feo Ul, I need you O loveliest of branches, please grant me your succor! Amid the Flowers <wait.1>
/s Tataru Anogg Uhm Ala Lali-ho Sushena Kenn Gyuf coo everything will be fine Itomaki Ismella rekindle the flames of hope With the Wind High as Honor Now Fall <wait.1>
/s I have a favor to ask Pretty Please, Emet-Selch Y'shtola carrot of happiness You misunderstand. I come in peace. Greetings and salutations! Well met! <wait.1>
/s Noughts and Crosses my friend Your god is come Ellie! la-hee inspection GRRR! allin tuta Suzume come hells or high water Egg Hunt tuktu going my way Doubt the truth <wait.1>
/s Guydelot Deftarm! Fray! Beaver Gaia Don't give up! Wake up! Lad Kenn smoked fish from Isari Is anyone around here? Wings Unbending Hail fellow well met! <wait.1>
i don't know that gif sorry
Maleroe are cute
This is a poorly disguised fetish diagraph that tells me you found this in a trash thread.
Be a good boy and you get poached if you are social
wrong lol I like guys too as long as they're cute and aloof and kind of mysterious
I get a jolt of dopamine every time I hear and see it
My femlala likes non-penetrative sex with maleroe (you can firehose her when you release tho)
Flare star is instant cast and scales with astral fire stacks
Leylines also increases your damage dealt
jolt 1, 2 or 3?
sorry i am moonie
>She doesn't know
a goonie is fine too
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And big. Really big.
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Tell me what that means so I can irritate my tiny wife with more ridiculous vocabulary ive learned from bad influences.
>The vast majority

Ok, you self-centered dumbass.
may I post my viera?
dream bigger nigger
There is no such thing as femlala who like maleroe
You asked why male characters do not approach female characters and i gave you the answer
Jolt 4
Permission granted. Give 'em hell.
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Fuck her between the thighs, intercrural, then coat her with cum when you finish
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thanks, here she is
need Caphciua EB for my Miera
Holy fuck you need to have sex with my sunnie+
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its a shame they didn't release matte versions of the finished manderville relics
a lot of the weapons have really cool base models
Cute. Show bunny ass
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Oh, I already commissioned art of that so I guess I cant annoy her.
You know those videos of a broken fire hydrant just absolutely gushing water, or a high powered pressure wash-tier fire hose blasting water.

Yeah imagine that but with your ... y'know... because of the size difference.
You ever see a protestor hit by a water cannon?
>noughts and crosses
take me back lads.......
is that all the lines btw?
10/10 would lick tummy
>Your genuine dogshit opinions, unfiltered by irony.
This game is not fun at all without at least one other person to play with and if you are playing it solo I assume you have some sort of antisocial tendencies.
if you mean roleplayed sexo i can do something later tonight...
if you mean posed sexo you can use the character as you please
thread enemy, my beloved...
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its the one i use and it hasn't failed me yet
but i cannot say for sure
my brain thought this was a fucking tempura batter, next you cover her in flour and breadcrumbs and deepfry.
i hate shout chat so much why cant hunt trains be normal
d a m n
Dawg can we just play pretend for a second? I am a grown 200lbs man who fights and lifts, but in game I am a minimum height female Veena.
Frontlines is fun when people try
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>get into a boat
>a whole new continent
>take a good whiff of the air after landing
>still smell a faint femra fish'n'chips minge on the horizons
god damn it
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just this once
holy moly, that is high praise
why do we have to be thread enemies...
rp of course
>Responding to tranchelle
He's trying new words to beat the filters
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today I’m farming scrips (again)
For some reason a lot of the "I strictly play male characters" players also happen to be weird, sexpests and/or unhinged.
why would tranchell say that shit when he was exposed as a crossdressing faggot?
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same except i'm a fiddie and it's gatherer scrips
would bury my face in and properly worship
Catbox it for the class to enjoy
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You're making me hungry...

Of course you have, you're based
People used to think I was a grownass woman playing a male character because I kept his appearances simple and realistic. Still one of the highest praises for fashion senses
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A lot of you think being nice and open to meeting people and making friends means someone is going to become instant friends with you or they must secretly hate you.
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[Orchestrion] Now playing [A Trail Unending].
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes at you.
Max height femra for my min height fiddie?
nice dong
Beautiful. Could spend hours just staring at it. I imagine the front view is just as beautiful
you will do 250 hours of jrpg and you will like it. also please dont because then you have to buy a level skip as well and then you will show up griefing my leveling roulettes
>fights and lifts
you're a pencil necked skinnyfat faggot hyped up on estrogen, kill yourself.
I haven't given a fuck about raiding for years now so the story shitting it's pants this ridiculously hard this expansion has me wondering whether I should just quit the game entirely.
I don't claim to know the inner workings of a schizoid's mind
Just filter him and move on. He's got a very distinctive posting style that's impossible to miss
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2/4 onsal who wants to have sex at mid
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It was one of the first art pieces I got that somebody else linked and you guys called me a pedo for a year and a half. And made me decided to not share any of it unless its with people I talk to regularly and trust. However that one is still out in the wild which im sure is bookmarked for schizo to use as ammo to his own replies.
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Thanks, I grew it myself
1 sex with my sunnie+ please.
>party keeps making mistakes and I haven't made a single one yet
>make ONE mistake
>party instantly disbands
i know EBs can mean more than just items, so I'd like to find someone who i want to date or have a relationship with to EB. This also means i don't randomly approach female characters since most of them are piloted by grown men. if others like that that's wonderful, but I'm not into men.
>two out of 3
thats what the blacklist is for
summoners.. grow the dongs..? when will mine grow in...
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yours was the straw that broke the camel's back
Call dragon fucker he'll clear it out in about 5 minutes
Just take the dress off. No point it being there. Doing it or I come and force it off
You were holding them together by being consistent.
The poster below me will be plapped (by me)
I will cut off the poster above's dick.
My moonie only lets min height sunnie+s plap
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If it's not atleast in first stage by lv 50
Contact a healer to grow it for you.
This is what m3 feels like on healer, 15 minutes of jannying it up and a wipe if you screw up a single time. I just stop using my ogcds on dps and let them contemplate their actions for 40 seconds when they eat shit.
I regret to inform you that my plapscapades have left me horribly disfigured in the groin region.
I liked fightan with Otis
I will be spending the remainder of the duty on the floor then :)
big agree
some standouts are Alexandria or the overworld battle theme, but the rest of the music really forgettable
Otis had a cool moment. Not quite a HYPE moment, but a cool one.
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Post midlanders
oh hey cute fiddie have a great Saturday
i am
a gay hrothgar
Your 6k dps will be missed :)
Everybody knows you arent going to quit. Stop being dramatic, pussy.
What's new in gay hrothgar land?
Thanks, you too.
I don't respect the following in savage/ultimates

I respect the following
Was hype for me. Otis and Bakool were the best parts of DT
>Otis sacrifices himself to protect Sphene
>Sphene immediately body hops to a new body, rendering what he did entirely pointless
Ok cultist. Enjoy your inconditional brownnosing being the reason this game dies.
Why are there no sexy mods for wow like there are for this game
SAM not here
I'm safe
M2 was not fun and I don't like Honey B Lovely. I don't like that I don't like her, because I enjoy being the kind of poster that can agree with most opinions.
I like Black Cat, and can't wait to see how the raid series continues with her as a supporting character.
Still more than you, Glaretranny.
psychopathy and sociopathy havent been terms used in practice for over a decade. Its just pop culture terms these days.
>respecting useless rdm leeches, sissy drks, or blms that can't adjust yet will still get outdamaged by the melees anyways
i'll let monk players slide but your opinion is discarded regardless
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this dress is worth a lot of gil dont rip it...
wow its worse in every way compared to a summoner!
All face1 suncats looks like this
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people who bring RPR into sub lvl 90 ults should be shot in the street
play smn if you want to turn your brain off
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It won't die because I have countless retards like you to stay subbed and keep it afloat while I take extended breaks to play other shit.
Going from a 1.94 job to a 2.5 job makes the game so boring
I dont respect BLM because even though it is supposed to be difficult in practice, most of them force strats where they dont have to play the game and everyone else just has to carry them by doing the mechanic for them.
Put WAR in the top list so all of my jobs can be there.
I will use Passage of Arms during Wicked Hypercannon.
>But that's a DPS lo--
Don't care.
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I think this healer grew it in too much, how do I fix it
moonies moonies moonies moonies
twelve above i need moonies!!!!
The most hype I was in DT was whenever
Estinien showed up.
>Wait 20 min for a leveling roulette
>Get Worqor Zormor which is the best for my level
>Tummy starts rumbling BAD
gets exhausting being so respected all the time but monk is the only dps I can find fun to play
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Midlander :3
>be on dynamis
>take a break because MSQ is offensively bad
>come back to finish, but duty finder is completely dead
>data center travel still restricted
This is quite a pickle i've found myself in.
Doesn't this guy eat shit?
Sis… quick, find a sock!
Shadowbringers was definitely a streamer's expansion.
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Face 4... in the wild
Just use Trusts.
do you have any idea how little that narrows it down when it comes to midlanders
Your fault for being on dynamis like a fucking retard
Fuck off don't make me laugh it's hard enough as it is
who are you quoting
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True. I'm probably going to give up my comfy house and just go back to Adamantois.
Road to 90 nigga
>anon started laughing at the post
>his gut flexing with the laughter suddenly has him clenching and typing this with white-knuckle fervor
uh oh!!
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Oyasumi, anons, have a good day
Cya later haglala.
does age matter
this girl i was talking to on ffxiv and discord ghosted me after i told her i was 31
really thought my life was about to begin
my femlala on the right
ecks eye vee, how it's always been.
hope you're enjoying your house bitch
Duty finder isn't completely dead at normal hours you're just pretty early
I don't like the game forcing us to have a surname.
But I do understand it's important in Japanese on how the NPCs threat us and all.
Literally just proving my point that you are retarded enough to take such weak bait
The complete lack of self awareness is astounding
love this bun
I have to do the Zoraal Ja trial and there's no way i'm willingly letting Wuk Lamat join my group.
Show us your minge luv
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it was probably like a 15 year old guy
I'm sorry Louisoix-sama, my unconditional brain fart came through...

I already unsubbed, already haven't played for a week, and my sub runs out on August 2. Only reason I'm even here still is because I've decided to at least stick around to read opinions on the next two patches before I decide to quit for good depending on if people say it went the same way as 7.0 did or if they actually get their shit together and go back to delivering the quality of storyline everyone believes they should be.
I don't WAN'T to quite this game, because I love it from all the years I've been playing it, but if I can barely even recognize the game's MSQ anymore, why would I stick around? This expansion gave me the same fucking vibes I got going from Mass Effect 3 to Mass Effect Andromeda. And I just don't have time in my life anymore to do raiding, nor even the energy to enjoy having to prog for hours on a strict routine that doesn't let me quit once I'm tired. There's nothing left here.
this bun owes my fiddie one sex
Throw your pokeball at him
gn mate
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So ask your friends to join?
A Youtube comment.
gn ya dog cunt
>I already unsubbed
Sure you did
i was getting my dynamis alt ready for savage and you dynamis players are all genuinely fucking braindead so i only have one word for you; suffer
Materia's still here for your duty finds.
Unironically why are you short-circuiting so fucking hard about a single person unsubbing? Why is this conversation triggering you so ridiculously hard?
disgusting shemale fucker troon
disgusting shit eater
disgusting troonra
disgusting reddit character
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If I only want to focus on making tank gear on Tuesday (for starters), I shouldn't need Carpenter Weaver Alchemist Culinarian just yet, right?
do you guys ever take a screenshot just because the lighting looked really good?
Does the blonde slutfox still post here?
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I would have to catbox that...
do you have an invoice for that debt?
only DOH you can reliable forget is cul because it only makes food, everything else is mandatory
>wood accs
>wood shoes
>wood masks
>cloth pants
>cloth chest
How do you get this portrait frame
Free use moonie
post the one with Yanna topping you
This is a Miera
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Wrong FF general, bruh. This is for Dawntrail, the MMO.
>Weather: Space Rain
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>WAR is not in "I respect"
You what
narcissistic piece of shit
Holy shit so many of my favorites in the bottom bros! I've won the respectbowl!
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It's my birthday, I guess that's new.
Y-you too
That's not how it works you mouthbreather, there is no fucking you can get away with not doing the mechanic in real content.
Maybe do something harder than expert dungeons then talk.
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Here you go, going to think about whether to pose her with either Eutrope being the dominant or Allie Baelsar being the submissive next gpose I do.
Red mages be like
>sure i might do shit damage, but I make up for it with utility!
>no I won’t actually use that utility, because it’s bad for my shit damage!
Only CUL. Some gear will need Alchemist recipes like gemsap of intelligence for casters, or vitality for tanks. Weaver is needed for cloths that tank gear may use and Carpenter might be needed for accessories.
I want this cat to impregnate me
Oh, right, just looked up Rinascita and it used everything but ALC and CUL for the tank set. Okay I guess I'll spend more hours on this then.
I’m a sunnie with big oiled titties
Ty, you got a twitter you post these on?
Sounds fun
>play as archer a bit
>suddenly catgirl racism in the quest
Alright then. Forgot they were the "savages" of XIV.
I think the only time I've had a BLM "force a strat" is on the tree boss last tier where they begged for the bridge spot since it let them place leylines in a good spot. Also just tell them no lmao.
The fact the two most prominent miqo'te in the game are geniuses from the most urbanite civilization tends to make me forget that fact at times too.
I do have a twitter but it's not used for anything other than looking at nice pictures.

Here's the catbox tho https://catbox.moe/c/ef4ca0
we've almost made it through the shroud moonie mating season
lovely piece of work
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im very sure ALC will make precrafts for every single item again
just dont die
My sunnie is only for one night stands sorry...
hi i am moonie
Nyaruhodo, then I'll just have to keep an eye out for new stuff here. Keep up the good work.
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Feels good to be a sunnie again
she looks like she sucks a mean malezen dick
>duty finder is completely dead
You're either trolling or retard.

Use PF on dynamis, not duty finder.

Also Seraph and Hali have been the most populated servers on NA the past month since everyone is coming to dynamis.
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When is GNB getting that shark gunblade?
And when is DRK getting a shark sword too?
Anyone else mute women in vc during raid nights
All they do is scream and make unfunny jokes
hi im glub
you're sunnie again? best news I've heard all week!
the only thing i suck is tea (it was too hot)
Report to my sunnie+ for your celebratory rape
Absolutely pretty, I wish my EB would wear a face veil all the time.
Gonna plap your tits with my sunnie+
depends on the level of shrill their voice is
bro one of the images is broken
> just dont die and bring a picto instead
Sounds like a good idea
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I can't lewd Alisaie because of Alphinaud.
women are generally quiet in my experience. trannies are the ones that never shut the fuck up.
hello wife
I wish I had friends to VC with
Kill yourself you fucking faggot tranny. Dogshit obnoxious drawtranny starved for attention.
huh dunno what's wrong with it but i deleted the image in general

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Just dawned on me that G'raha and Y'shtola are cats and yet still handle water far better than Alphinaud and Urianger.
Ive done this both in savage and ultimates, though it is more common in savage and the old ults.
my knees...
No, because the raid leader is a woman speaking Japanese.
Child birthing hips
Madlad looking like a piece of Strawberry Shortcake
Best race for a chubby girl?
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this game has no good lighting
Sometimes I just take pics of the environment (using my character at most for scale) because the lightning in some zones is really pretty
Touch grass, Kanchal.
Only women I've raided with were loud, but you're right that trannies can neither shut the fuck up nor not scream constantly.
my mysterious future helmetra husband...
What world are you on so my sunnie+ can plap
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how big is the +
Ok give examples.
At best you can ask someone to trade places with you on certain mechanics where it wouldn't make that big of a difference to them.
You will laugh at hunt train shout chat.
Skill issue. Make better female friends. The goslingfags and futard coomers are the annoying unfunny screamers ime.
Femlala, by a pretty significant margin. Every other one is super slim/toned or built like brick houses
Seeing Alisaie at the beach and calling her Alphinaud to piss her off
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Lorewise cats can't consume food that's too hot anyway.
You guys are doing VC with women?
could i suck you?
Yeah when it's static raid night so thatd be during week 1 savage in Tuesday.
There are so many women that play this game that you can't avoid them. Where the fuck have you been?
It's all a larp, anon
You think anyone here could even be near a woman without said woman feeling disgust or anons shitting themselves?
It's really small
Yeah my fc is half legacy female hags
UWU where you push all BLMs ranged responsibilities on to a melee or a healer.

E11s positions
E9s bramble strats
e12s blm titan phase

just off the top of my head
Aye, I couldn't resist returning now that I don't have to fight the lighting system fir every screenshot
It's a mod unfortunately, the horos headpiece does not normally look like this
Is potato an insult
cute moonie
Being a lone wolf Malera and raising my power level to finally present myself to others with confidence?
Hm, I don't remember making this post.
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me on the left
if thats really you? based i love small cocks
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Depends on who's saying it. A potato can call another potato a potato but a non-called shouldn't.
Are you literally me?
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>That beast tribe quest line where you throw love grenades at a cat man so he can toughen up
Are the people of Eorzea alright in the head?
Yeah nasty racist biggers say it when commuting violent crime against the lalafellian community.
>raising my power level
Keep telling yourself that malera "man"
hhhhhnnngghh stinky sunnie x moonie sex...
Literally nobody did BLM relative Titan short of like top 10 speedkill groups, it was a meme strat. We could talk about SAM relative High Concept though, that one actually saw usage.
Is this nil
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Half my FC is filled with women.
Skill issue, just lewd Alphi too.
eb my femezen
>main character (ascended form)
>mascot of the group
>the edgy guy from the team
>protagonist's love interest
Somewhere around half the game's playerbase are women. They raid raids too.
thank you!
this explains so much...
its just a fact that blm is by far the job that gets babied the most by tailored strats just so they can stand still and do their rotation on a target dummy.
Yuri sex with my fiera
who in the fuck loves small cocks in this world
I want to vc with anyone but I only want to play the game
Not anymore lol, just bring a picto
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it's over...
Funny how everything you mentioned is from 6+ years old content.
Yeah blm is so shit now that there is no point in jumping through hoops just so they can do mediocre damage
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I think like 90% of you are genuine schizos, bipolar or some kind of borderline personality disorder because you cant hold a conversation to save your life let alone maintain a meaningful friendship. In terms of XIV the game would be way better off if they removed ultimates and just made more normal content.
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middies on light!
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do people still play this game? do YOU still play this game?
I think they’re aesthetic, like a Greek statue or the mighty gorilla. They also pose a lot better with my femlala. Make characters equip themselves with 12ilm dings labeled “medium”, it’s insane.
women unironically
>6+ years old content.
edens promise is not 6 years old
Good morning
Time to convert the Endwalker soundtrack so I don't have to listen to the shitty 128kbps version of the music ingame

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I've never played that game
it is me and yay that's great. i will find you later...
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How do I make a cute Lala?

step by step guide please.
>she uses pheromones to attract shota bees
Dunesfolk Femlala
Everything else will just fall into place sis.
min height.
That's it.
Ranru my beloved
i need this so badly
people who have actually had sex with other humans
nice one for outing yourself as a virgin
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femra's friday
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Come sit in my femezen's lap and let me pet those ears
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I'm sorry i'm a femlala i'll try harder next time
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What can they do to fix the scions' abysmal writing? They could reveal that Wuk Lamat is a primal and was tempering everyone, only Erenville was immune to it.
As for the WoL, maybe we've always been a stupid cunt surrounded by smart people. I mean, we made the same mistake with Alphinaud back in ARR.
yeah sure.....
then why does every category of porn including ffxiv gpose mod webms and screensnot feature big cocks blacking petite catgirls
The most important decision is which voice, nobody will see you outside of your giant hat, but they’ll hear you.
me too
.t moonie

but my cottagecore aesthetic... can plainsfolk not work?

certified smol.
You trying to make your character look trans too? lol.
Wrong, preebitz exists as these specs and clearly isn't
because your gross porn isn't for women retard
Also me but those two facts are unrelated
me btw
>cottagecore aesthetic
Ok based, nevermind Plainsfolk Femlala with twin braids and then work from there sis.
Min height as well.
Sick art
So what, do I just join an FC and just talk to them? I don't even want anything serious, just conversation.
I've seen club3's other shota WoL on Y'shtola pics, he's fucking packing for a shota.
cleared valigarmanda after 3 hours with the same ragtag pf group
feeling good
Women fucking hate small cocks lol, they don't like porn sized either, but in the end it has got to rub them around and deep enough; that's even besides an above average cock being more appealing visually
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Take inspiration from there
Just avoid hair highlights and heterochromia, this thread always hates those two options
Always the best when a group sticks together to get the clear. cg anon
How about just play the game and don't worry about like some weirdo?
Sometimes I wish I still played it. At least FFXI BLU is a real class. But I'd die from how agonizingly slow the gameplay is.
You know how some people prefer small breasts over large breasts? Same thing.
E9S bramble strats were bad for literally every caster, it was especially hard on healers. It wasn't for explicitly BLM. Happy brambles were a warcrime. Nobody did the meme Titan shit because you had to hold LL or mostly waste it during Lions regardless so there was no reason to. E11S didn't do anything for BLM specifically, sweaty groups were too busy manipulating him into spinning and moving to extend phases.

The most BLM ever really gets is soft prio on not moving for spread mechanics, but short of SMN you should probably be doing that for every other caster anyways.
for newly released savage content, which jobs can afford to have suboptimal gear the most, and which jobs can't?
I like them because they're less distracting when I'm trying to look at men's assholes.
> So what, do I just join an FC and just talk to them?

If you want to? They’re like 35 years old with half niglet kids and a weed addiction.
Allow me to introduce you to the concept of "grown ass men"
no, it's shit
and i'm tired of pretending it's not
I like highlights when the hairstyle has good highlights and the colors are chosen carefully
You retarded son?
gentle femdom hrothgal gf
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>As for the WoL, maybe we've always been a stupid cunt surrounded by smart people.
I thought that was somewhat the point?
The WoL appears, helps out here and there, and it happens to be revealed that he has The Echo during a time where that trait is extremely rare.
Enter Thancred/Y'hstola/Papalymo&YdaLyse, all of them are rather wise, all of them know the threat of primals, all of them know the Echo's benefit against fighting Primals. Intentionally or not, they'd no doubt try to recruit the WoL into their secret agency and quickly brainwash the fresh-off-the-cart lad into their group's muscle.
What happened to Rori Chan
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Wait, you guys aren't being genuine?

I love playing WHM, getting Crown of the Immaculate in Trials roulette, the nice /xivg/ folks I've met here (especially the ones that don't mind my ADHD/Autistic/BPD ass), and I genuinely hate trying to have talk to those who are irony-poisoned. Just be yourself and let someone like you for who you are, ya dinguses. Cringe be damned.
She became more cute and funny
Maybe I should just give up and join Aspects of Aether...
Preebitz is extremely kissable.
I killed her
Women are NOT the ones making that porn anon
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You guys really think this game doesn't have women huh
how does giving her a smaller chest make her trans? what kind of logic is that
The best way to understand women's disposition towards dick size is to just think of your own dispotion towards boob size on women.

For the vast majority of people, the absolute ideal are hefty, well shaped boobs, but not so big that they sag a lot, and definitely not crossing into gigantomastia which is where they just get gross. It also doesn't mean you wouldn't find a woman with boobs smaller than what you consider ideal unattractive, because there's more factors to it and even smaller boobs are nice if they're shapely. And you can even just flat out ignore it if you like the person enough. And on the other flipside, there's people who just have different tastes, there's as sizequeens as there are guys who are into absolutely huge boobs even if they sag to the bellybutton, and there are enough girls that like a smaller guy as there are guys who like flat chested girls.
Yeah. What's up anon?
Very nice... Have you never taken nudes of Ace, or are you just not willing to share those?
>shining knight with tiny little waist
What more could I ask for
>face 1
hopefully not a groomer, I guess
nta but they said chosen carefully...
Did she?
big fat arms 0 tits and you have a dick, makes you look trans
Early on but they really sucked so I haven't shown anyone since they're really bad and was made when I had zero idea what I was doing with Ktisis
holy shit
the COPE
women LOVE big cocks
it makes them feel more pleasure and become more sensitive
there is a reason why all porn feature big cocks and the saying "size matters" and "the bigger the better"
why is this so hard to understand
Me unironically. They're more comfortable and overall enjoyable, some people might fetishize that feeling of being overwhelmed but for me it's strictly a turnoff.
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>deep enough
>appealing visually
99% of cocks are ugly as shit no matter how big they are
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Any gamers on the EU servers want to do Arcadion savage when it releases.......?
We need FOUR more gamers..........!
i think the story ended the moment the WoL had a fistfight with Zenos in space. i had zero (heh) interest in any of the post-EW story as well as no interest in dawntrail. i don't think this game is worth playing just for the story anymore unless they stop doing episodic, monster of the week style content.
t. SEA man
it's fine. hard to tell from screenshots. maybe darklights would be better instead of highlights. I wish I had their cdata to look at it in glamourer or was just next to them in-game even because I can't tell from the lighting and stuff
Slutty waist desu
Do you anons think the savage tier will be hard?
I got my 2100 JP on RDM/PLD/DRK and my Excalibur/Aegis/Apoc, that was enough for me.

XIV's got its advantages, like not having to spend 50 years for self-buffs on RDM and write up 500 lines for gearswap, but goddamn its so squishy and pathetic and weak in comparison
Understandable... Who knows, maybe in the future you'll try again with my veena f- in the screenies
then why are so many of them into zooshit?
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How many women are in this party?
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silence, pole.
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
99% of porn is made for men, anon.
This character isn't a moonie+. She has bigger arms because she's muscular, as a DRK you need a degree of physical strength to be swinging a sword that big. Smaller chest because i wanted to give more focus to her thighs and butt.
Nope. First tier is always designed to be easiest and I don't see dawntrail being any different
i replied to the wrong post... i'm an idiot...
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LOL Nah, your crusty diseased poop dick is disgusting and you're a faggot.
is that mass of fur behind you your... tail? can I fluff it...
The first fight will be easy, second fight will be easier than people expect
3rd fight is going to wall PF hard
Not entirely since it's the first tier but I have a sinking feeling that M3 is going to fuck us up.
>he says after erping with his fellow incel shemale faggots and gooning to horsecocks
>he will never have sex with anyone without a Y chromosome
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What should I spend my Crystalline Trophies on? I already got all the framer kits and the minions and furniture
I can already tell you're south east asian obsessed with blacked porn
My femlala is heading to seraph, looking for a squishy lap to sit in
Normally I don't engage with this sort of shitposting but a lot of this is factually wrong.

Not to say there isn't a lot of women that enjoy big penises but plenty of women don't like "foot long BBC" or the equivalents because it actually hurts them because their vagina isn't that deep and it slams into their uterus.

>there is a reason why all porn feature big cocks and the saying "size matters" and "the bigger the better"
Yeah and the audience for that porn is men, your point?

9/10 for actually getting me to write a serious response. You did well b8 man
if you think thats bait you must be new here
My femlala loves massive cocks
i just have a big tail
1 the malera
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I don't know how people make this face work, the scrunch is too powerful
people with small cocks coping
hi bozo
wolf collars. Get the shitty weapons if you haven't already, but just invest into them. they'll eventually release feast armors for them (trust the plan and ignore the screaming wintraders who will try to convince you otherwise)
hi tranny
My sunnie is a warrior main who’s muscular and has big tits. But she always wears armor and rarely shows off her goods
Same sis...
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Wao... Holy moly
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Why do ESLs love the word “cope”, good ser?
>they'll eventually release feast armors for them (trust the plan and ignore the screaming wintraders who will try to convince you otherwise)

can they hurry that up at least? i've been waiting for hellhound armor for over half a decade now
erm hiiii :3
*buries my face in it and cuddles it without your consent*
PD has used the same main color and highlights for years, only swapped hairstyle in the last year. I think it worked well on his old hair as a bleached contrasting highlight, where it was noticeable on the fringe and the braid, giving a younger appearance, and it works well on this new one, the older hag ponytail, as an age marker
no woman wants your bull's shitdick hurting their vagina lil bro
I have unironically heard "size doesn't matter" and "it's not about the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean" more than both of those phrases at this point. Anyways I agree you're clearly into some SPH/blacked shit.
Statistically women hate black dick
I believe EB is code for an actual relationsship.
I don't really blame people for wanting to find someone with a similar interest (this game).
Meaningful dating is very difficult these days because of instant gratification, younger generations not knowing how to talk to people, older generations having unwarranted self importance, and general anxiety over everything that many people seem to have.
It doesn’t have to stay squishy tho…
I just got finished with the first DT trial and I am soo bored with the story at this point. I was a sprout catching up throughout ShB and EW, but ever since, raiding has spoiled me. I only care about the fights now.
This is gonna cause a meltie.
it just boils down to which jobs get fucked by sps and sks and which dont
My femlala is doing normal content inf fxiv instead of sex stuff
DT story is shit just skip it
anything raid buff heavy, but in general all dps should have penta if youre pushing high floors
>omg do women like this or that??
>will biofems like me if i do x??
Desperately need a dom for my male lala
cope muttoid, im from SEA and even our darkies can go black any white woman they want
same sis but I traveled to dynamis to play with a friend
this is true i am a woman and i hate all dick
black included
Elk clawing at his keyboard in pure rage with tear filled eyes imminent.
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Even a virgin like me knows foreplay matters more than dick size. Final Fantasy XIV.
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What would Midgardsormr think about women?
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primal eb (eternal buddy) to do the first dt dungeon with...
Does anyone on Crystal still need to run the normal raids for the week?
go look up literally any dating/hookup website/app response rate based on race
also see divorce rates based on the same
And also circumcised dicks.
Im a woman and I like dickpics actually
i'm on primal
but i'm already eb'd
Any recommendations for gathering scrip grinding? Wanting to pentameld my gatherer after I finish my crafter, but not sure the most efficient way to go about it before patch drops (or if I should just continue crafting and sell materia to buy gathering materia)
Two and a half
Like it's not even about race, a lot of well endowed men have trouble with sex precisely because they have to be more concerned with their partner's comfort vs someone with an average sized penis who doesn't have to worry about stuff like hitting the uterus etc.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
mad and insecure needledick copers
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unless transbian
darn. just buddies then?
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>draws the most bodacious milfs of all time
its so tiresome
im on primal
not eb'd
but i finished the DT msq already
No one goes for SEA dick bro
Mentally ill women are rarely worth the effort.
Do not fall for the memes, I try to warn everyone I can about it. You cannot fix them.
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boring trans-fucking shitdick meltie 3/10 go back to spamming /trash/ alone
Noooo. Based on what I’ve gleaned from my raid alt, the story is about to get mini real soon. I just need to push through one more zone.
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If you unironically put glasses on your character you deserve to die
I like Dawbtrail's BLM better than Endwalker's.
Sharpcast was hot garbage
if its supposed to be old hag vibes then the base should be white as though it was dyed and is growing out white from the roots, and the highlights something else
sure, we can be regular buddies
should i meet you somewhere?
yeah well my femlala looks adorable with glasses so
why do people jerk the story so much when it's 85% boring filler and the rest is mostly trash
>mini real
WTF? Stupid autocorrect

*real kino
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A shame indeed.
that is fine if you want to run the dungeon with me
I think I'm about to unlock it in a few quests so you pick and I think I'll be there in 15m
my male char looks far cuter than any female char in glasses could even hope to
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need hrothgal mom
>Live in a fantasy world where you can make a perfect character
>Someone willingly chooses to give them poor eyesight like its some kind of fetish
my wives
Yeah the alley behind the quicksands. Being rope and lube
Healer gear literally never matters. Tank gear usually doesn't matter, unless someone's getting oneshot (it's the GNB). DPS gear is the most important, faster fight = less time for people to make mistakes.
I can count on one finger how many relationships I saw working on this game compared to needing to borrow hands to count the ones that ended badly and need a full hand to count ones that ended in court.
Why do you guys do this to yourself? You're not as desperate as you think you are.
I love these types of group photos like you wouldn't believe.
you're this mad lmao
post him
good thing it's not a competition.
if your male character looks cute, then im happy for you too!!
I've been thinking about DT and I think something must have shifted really late in the MSQ. Like characters are missing or were added really late. It doesn't make sense how Wuk Lamat is treated unless they didn't know what other characters were around her. She has so much screentime but can't have conversations with other people. She doesn't even banter with Erenville. I wonder if some other character was meant to be there and got cut late and the other characters were added, but the script was already mostly written.
Because they are tranime slop consumers and have no real standards simply because its not injected with as much propaganda as modern western consumerist slop
Just tell me your world, I'll go wait at the entrance to the actual dungeon.
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> Someone willingly chooses to give them poor eyesight like its some kind of fetish

The WoL spent too much time reading growing up.
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One of my favorites is
>someone in full tank gear
>they're wearing glasses
One knock around the head and those glasses should be gone
I love bunny venat
i love femras
I shant, it's far too cute and will make you swoon
you too
Oh sure, Ultros. I'm on the lifting of wings quest so I think I'm close (finished the other group already)
-Skyleira Hartshorn
yeah, him.
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do it
Should be, but they're not. It's tanking magic.
Bomb head helmet when, Yoshi-P?
Healer /tank gear matters because they are more important than dps.
Wait, hentai lied to me?! Penetrating the womb is BAD?=??!
I can't believe this!
>taking a hit to the head
drk spotted
change to a real tank and block or parry
This guy is just a humble old craftsman, he can be excused.
Alright, heading over now.
Anon, people like flawed characters over godmodding OC's
I know you guys are incredibly autistic but please, you have been posting this shitty bait for at least 3 years on this thread.
theyre not, thats why they're on strike.
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Can't holy moly me without having seen me little sister
Though if holy moly is for curvaceous viera, prepare to be severely disappointed
This is true, dom top turned dom bottom after my first relationships were all less experienced. Every time, sex turned into a red light green light game of warming up vs having to stop because too big to the point my boner died. Sex can be hard enough to make work as is sometimes, both people need to mentally and physically in the mood. The more plug and play you can make things the better IMO.
face 4 malera... handsome...
Characters with glasses would not be viable in combat situations and not qualified to be WoL
>replaces you in 3 minutes
Maybe the new dps won’t have shit opinions
are you serious
women HATE uncircumsized penis
thry literally get turned off by them and break up with you on the spot when they see an uncircumsized penis
Three fucking years of this shit
Are you not tired
Good morning /xivg/
What race should I be if I want to wear diapers?
american women*
lalafell, no contest
thank you
the only relevant hard check is the enrage check and gearing healers and tanks is not conducive for that.
One of these
voice 5 femlala laughing at me
Femra are the most degenerate race so probably femra.
uh oh mutilated cock melty
/xivg/ - Female Dating Experts
i can smell the gnb ovulating
I want to dye my gear. You can wait for week 4
scrote opinions don't matter
i did one roulette and i tab back into absolute lunacy
I haven't completed the Dawntrail MSQ quite yet, I just unlocked the level 99 dungeon so there is more for me to see and experience. That being said, I don't like how they did Dawntrail's story so far. In the aspects where they made half of it about the rite of succession and then the second half about Alexandria.
I think they should have committed the entire expansion to the rite of succession. And have the post patch quests be a build up to us entering the golden city. And then give Alexandria it's own expansion. I think the major events should still be a part of the story, but more fleshed out. And it would have been terrific to have more echo flashbacks of how Gulool Ja Ja's adventure went from his perspective with fights where you play as him. So that we can learn more about him and see how each of his children reflect parts of his character. And I think Zooral Ja should still lose and work with Spheeen but have that teased in the post patches with him entering the city.
And then, like in the current story, have him build and prepare his army for 30 years before the WoL finds his way through the gate. It would be neat if the WoL was sucked into the portal alone, and would be lost in the new reflection. Where he would have to rely on help from the people there. Giving an opportunity to introduce new characters, even if they would be temporary characters. And during the story try to find a way home, but also learning about the world of Alexandria and what plight they might have, if any. And then have the WoL decide to help them before trying to find a way back home. However, it would play out, Zooral ja would succeed in fusing parts of Alexandria with the Source, which would lead to our beloved Scions and Wuk Lamat be included from there to try and stop Zoral Ja and his army.
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How's she look? chose the freckled face, used the tattoo to give her blush so I add even more freckles with the face paint, not that I think it shows...
I am 32 and never had even a casual relationship with a woman, any advise you hear from me should be met with the exact opposite approach.
now THIS is cope
Women will literally spit on you and beat the shit out of you and take you to court if your dick is angled to the left side
>inb4 some virgin incel tries to go "nuhuh thats not true" revealing himself as a virgin
Female dating tip:
Just listen to her
Note: many men fail this simple trick
Male dating tip:
Just listen to him
Note: many women fail this simple trick
May I sex?
would look based smashed into a bloody pulp
Now type this without crying, rabbi.
What is xivalexander and why would I use a third party .exe over noclippy?
>like its some kind of fetish
imagine cumming on them
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very cute!
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I think something like that would have been neat, because so far I think the expansion's story has been lacking. The rite of succession was over with rather quickly and the trials were simple. And I think there could have been more scheming and clashing between the contestants than it already were. And I think both the rite of succession and alexandria both deserve more time to flesh out their stories and be more than they currently are. But this would in the end be impossible for a small indie company to achieve. Besides, perhaps I want more than final fantasy has to offer and in that want, forget what it is all about.
this but also if you want an xiv girlfriend just play malera
What race should I be if I like femroes?
>only 2 lalafell
>rest is femqote and femra
Are lalafell the most anti-degenerate race?
what do femra smell like?
seething virgin incel coping because his gf left him for rampant physical and mental abuse
try having a relationship with a woman that doesn't involve her being your mom and punching bag where you offer nothing of value in return
just realized that it's in an area with instances
so uh
i'm in instance 2
sad but true
>an entire expansion for the rite
>two years of WuK
this would unironically kill the game
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He'd like them I think
get a trip now, nigger
Good to know! I'm on the quest just before the dungeon quest it seems so I'll be there soon
I saw my thread crush with some disgusting cat slut and they were very close.
It's so over bros....
I'd rather have a girlfriend who also plays xiv than an xiv girlfriend if you get what I mean.
Unfortunately a lot of people won't.

Unrelated to the reply but if a woman/man/whatever cares more about your dick/pussy/whatever than the rest of you, you should leave that relationship.
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My hair is ginger and white because I love ginger hair, and the white highlights were inspired by one of my favourite high fantasy characters, but because XIV doesn't let me just highlight a small part, I accepted the options and used the hair that would let me have the brow highlight, then swapped to my current hairstyle because I like having a hair accessory, ponytail, or braid, but wanted something new
Coming from 3 different abusive relationships, this hits pretty close
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Better look at the face, though she is 90% hat...
just filter his images
hes a massive fucking faggot and cant stop puttig "dragonfucker" in all of his filenames
how did you make your character look like that?
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this tummy ache will be a tough one to live through
Why do short impotent men like hitting women and then lying so much anyway?
oh hey, I said that.
She looks adorable! I was going to recommend face 3 after your initial comment but it seems you already landed on that
Grooming is more responsibility than I want in a video game. Helping people is fun but ultimately I want people to know how they can help themselves so they don't need my help anymore.
Same but from the opposite spectrum with an abusive man (I was the abusive man)
N a h .
You want a girl whose personality and potential relationship with you doesn't revolve around an MMO
That's what I meant lol.
seeing this thread give relationship advice is surreal
9/10 of you will end up alone deservingly and i wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy lmao
can you tell that femra on the left she looks much better without mods
I think it works immediately after a patch since it's not tied to dalapood
oh if you're cosplaying someone then all that goes out the window because you just choose whatever's closest to the original character
if it's "inspired" then you need to take a careful thought about being faithful vs. making something that looks good in-game and it's really hard to strike a balance. cute though!
>he doesn't know
I think I do and I agree.
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i love flatras
QRD? What did I miss?
>thread drama
>femra involved
every time
thats not a moonie anon
i love you for this
idk. i just got here and these incel retards are talking about having a girlfriend

kinda funny
please reply to my shitty msq takes that ive been posting at the same time every day for weeks sirs
When will /xivg/ do something about the tranny femra menace?
It's good to have similar interests and not be into the same things as well.
but if this game is the only thing you two have in common it's doomed.
I think a lot of anons here haven't been in very many relationships or have had bad ones.
when i'm around cute girls i get diarrhea too
post em
My fiddie's whm glamour doesn't have pants or smallclothes!
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Many of us have partners irl
Do a better larp next time
What menace? I love tranny femra
i'm dating two girls irl but im gay online
literally can only think of three anons in real relationships here and two of them are the straight hroths constantly posting about it
I’m a miera and am wearing thigh highs irl because they’re comfy
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A bit harsh don't you think >.>

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