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Previous >>487770161

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>it's a bunny with a tamer episode
kill me
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I will now play this game
So now that we have agreed Enzo is better than Valby, are we still paypigging for her skin or wait for Ult Enzo?
what times are ult bunnies getting on their shelter clears?
think this is the best i can do on regular bunny
what a fucking slut...
Female descendants owe me sex.
dont care I only farm for ult
show me ult valb
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I'm still 3 catalysts off
they will give her 50% base crit rate like lepic and you WILL kneel lmao. screenshot this btw so I can laugh at you come Wedenesday.
bros i can't tell my friends that i play this game anymore...
i speculate, those variants that arent ults will be different elements, same abilities of vanilla characters and will have purple backgrounds
screencap this
Brat correction soon.
who gives a shit about enzo? it's a male character
i'm curious how fast you make it through the boss when you try, probably where any time regular bunny lost will be
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I'm ready to nakadashi all the females in this game now.
This. I feel like I bricked my account by picking Ajax over Viessa. I'm only playing this game for the sexy beautiful women. I will only be getting female descendants and their Ults.
Fucking server. I know its weekend but holy shit, fix your fucking servers and more optimization, goddammit nexon. All money from skins not enough ?
Anybody know if unused supply coins will carry over to the next BP? I got the one skin I want, nothing else interest me. I might pick up the teleport animation because it's funny.
They shouldn't
ajax is aids to get later honestly so you are fine
viessa was not hard
bros i have to get my friends to play this game
Welcome fellow Lepic CHAD. Get the increased efficiency module and become megaman while mobbing.
Based fellow lepic chad. Now start farming obstructer to get firearm master.
Alternatively just stack crit and dangerous ambush and begin your 12s devour runs
If Increased Efficiency vastly increased the firing speed of Overkill it might just barely be worth the 2000% reduction in damage.
My god, Apex Predator has NOTHING on this. This might get me to open my wallet.
why are we comparing valby to enzo. 1 is a crowd control hero, the other supporter. Enzo has better buffs but he cant do shit alone.
Nah but it makes your robo arm permanently transformed. It look cool.
It doesn't. You still need a statstick with fire rate mods. It's fun though.
You actually want firearm master like this anon >>487856780 said
Enzo players are convinced everybody on the team needs to be using large mag mods on their LMGs and paying attention to them so that the hours they spent farming keys and hunting vaults wasn't wasted
Having permanent crit on your weapon is better than whatever virgin build you have. So at least be useful like Enzo CHADS are.
what makes you think I'm using a gun at all
they really need to up the rewards or add another tier to special ops
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I need Viessa to crush me with her thighs.
>using guns
rotflmao even
Imagine riding her thigh like a horsey as she bounces it up and down.
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Let's see you taking out bosses without any guns.
Frostwalker here I come
Rumour has it all the female descendants are getting summer inspired bikini skins.
Replace descandant.ninja with this
The builder works way better

Get the fuck off my board enough, Enzo nigger.
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Le Epic Lepic pic
Red weapons when?
*mating presses*
The guys should get bikini skins too.
Is Lepic french?
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Thats reddit though
>retard thinks he is clever because I have to shoot 1 bullet to get all my buffs, still making his Enzo ''buffs'' completely worthless
How will they cope next?
Who are you quoting, little guy?
Well that wasn't so hard. Now I just gotta grab those few materials and Viessa is next.
Yujin bros...
enzo chads bullying valboids
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>Who are you quoting, little guy?
are the reactor stats bugged?
why am i not getting the crit chance?
Sharen is Italian
did you get them from bosses or Void runs?
The funniest part is you could unequip everything and it would still work because pressing Z counts as swapping weapon
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What the fuck is this thing? And why does its eye keep tracking me around the map?
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>do emote
>game crashes
>spend a 2 full days stealthing outposts to get Ult. Bunny
>code was last, and got it right as the rest of the parts got done cooking
>look at what to farm next
>have all but one Kyle part
>the fastest AMP for that part is ALSO stealth only
Look. I like Sharen. I like seeing all of, or at least a significant portion of, a boss's health bar disappear with an Ambush sniper shot. I like being credit to team with Melting Rounds (if the effects of the ability wasn't so goddamn disruptive) and safe revives outside of Colossi. But being forced to play nothing but Sharen for the past week, because the fastest AMPs for the parts I'm looking for are odd numbered AMPs only available from stealth, is starting to get stale. You don't even 'need' Enzo to do vaults, he just makes them a cakewalk. The fact that SO many AMPs are locked behind playing one specific Descendant is just an such strange decision
I remember at launch you could exhaust all of an outposts spawns and then hack the consoles if the tubes survived. Or at least the Kingston one. I never got that to work anywhere else.
nice self-own lmao
It wants dat Bunny buns.
Let me guess, intel cpu?
>Do bunny 3
>Sound stutters to fucking shit
what's the base crit rate?
so its not just me
Both. Two of em came from void reactors. One is the absolute cancer one with the fire boss that hass a shitton of HP and fucked up immunity balls.
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>Prebricked on 2 fucking slots
Oh no, he's retarded
Freynafags have been quiet lately
that's redundant
Holy brain dead.
too much anal
Multitalented autists need not reply
Sorry, I got burnt out. On the game and my dickskin from all the anal. We ran out of silicone lube so I had to switch to water based and it's not as slick. Too much friction
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le epic chads, we're taking over this general
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Nah this is still a bnuy general
you a hoe
why did devourer have to get the most aids missions to run solo
What the fuck is that helmet
dhad's breddy lebin :--DD
boring ass bundle skin. looks like a purple skin not an ult one. its just a bunny body suit with a mask for latex gooners.

valby bros not like this...
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A gimp mask from the future.
>Farming bunny cave while I fap to ultimate bunny jumping up and down

This is peak efficiency.
shut up faggot
based gooner
>afk farming bunny cave while sleeping and dreaming about fucking Bunny
now that's peak efficiency
Sorry, not my fault she is anal only. Still has her hymen and everything.
valby's wet holes
Why is everyone with cyrillic letters a cancerous griefer
with bunny cave shards you can open AMP 62/63 with a really easy fight and literally start printing out CC and EA on demand

unfortunately that would require bringing bunny to the bunny cave which fucking leeches never do
they should just scrap the men at this point
i farmed an outpost with one that wasnt
show me your bunny's thundercage
Show me bunny's pussy
Making bunnies with Bunny
Thank god for the outpost timer reduction, wouldn't be doing them otherwise
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Line em up!
I impregnated them
We need guilds
We need strip clubs
I put my own substance in them after you impregnated them.
This game has to have track reading. I got all Lepic Ult parts while farming other stuff, took less than a day. I'm on day 6 for Ult Ajax
What is track reading anon
imagine having sex with a woman that has the body of ult buns, must be nice
Kek you're not the only one
do I use Reload Insight or Recycling Genius?
Reading your tracked items and reducing the rates.
I fucking warned you all about tracking items in the first week...you all called me schizo...
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>40 AMP 119
>1 enduring legacy blueprint
>3 fucking blueprints activators that are practically useless
I'm gonna try my luck with 59 so I can get an ult Lepic part at least
hope I don't fall asleep doing dungeons
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What to put in instead of Time Distribution? I just put it there because they bricked her with two malachite slots and the rest was randomly thrown together on the fly.
It seems useless with full Supernova, or should I just go two pieces of that set?
Even with a 1 minute cooldown the sharen outpost -> void shards -> void reactor loop isn't great.
At least sharen has a nice ass.
>do outpost
>alt tab
>do outpost
>alt tab
>do outpost
it just werks
>hp collector
>mp conversion
It does but I'd much prefer shooting monsters.
I'd be way happier if I could live in the kuiper mining special missions or something.
Bro Bunnystucks are plummeting SELL SELL SELL
sloted hp instead of mp collector after moving mods arround
that's what I play Gley for.
Nimble fingers and mp conversion are temporary anyway, those are the 2 slots i need to reforma with sub mod, it's just for bunny cave farm
So it is safe to sell descendants when i have the ultimate version right? Is there a reason to keep them?
>double yellow on reactor
>get excited
>+element for something other than the reactor's type
Why is this a thing
I can maybe let the tech/singular and other damage type ones slide but the element just seems mean
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Summer Viessa will win....
Best place to farm for these? My inventory keeps getting filled with reactors and barely any components no matter where I farm.
future helminth system
You can sell them as soon as they hit 40
Bunny/Valby are fine to keep since they can farm even without investment
You want to keep Sharen and Enzo for their niches
Maybe keep people for Void Fragments
0.1 * (1+0.324) = 0.1324
you're also using crit modulesand not telling us.
So both of the Ultimate scout rifles seem trash, but does the duration of Wave of Light's Solar buff at least increase with upgrade level? Because 1 second is like 3 shots at most with that weapon's fire rate. Unless the Solar buff is consumed when you trigger the Lunar debuff, then its even worse.
Inaccurate how? I can't read your shitty table
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What's the best Gold/Exp farm that DONT fully creampie my inventory with reactors constantly?
What the fuck is DBNO anyways
i WILL goon to ult Valby
Floormat timer - Down but not out
do I go fusion or tech for vies?
down but not out, it's when you get knocked and people have to ress you
I can only utilize one of them if I want all 4 crit modules. very disappointing.
i would have never guessed that that's what it is
That's what google is for
While I like the skin (should have been blue), I'm not liking how they're completely dropping the character's theme and design solely for fanservice. The Ult skin being that way is fine, since they already did it with Bunny and most of us, like myself, wanted a sexy ult for the girls. I just hope they don't keep dropping 100% of the chars vibe for every ult and ult skin. This should have just been one of the optional normal skins for her.
oh my fucking god can you zoomers SHUT THE FUCK UP
It's honestly not a great skin either.

I mean okay by itself it's not bad I guess, but the game is already full of "skintights" like it. It's not novel anymore. Paint it dark blue and you basically look like regular Bunny
are you stupid
if you wanted to go supernova you should've made the C slot R and kept the default second M slot.
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fuck sake gays and lgbqtesjrinesre+ are RUINING gaming
>its not accurate to lore
i hate trannies.
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shit I posted the wrong image.
the game has schoolgirl and maid outfit, you piece of shit retard and you're complaining about it now?
Oh snap, I should probably get Ecieve Radius for Enzo insteado running around the map like a turtle
I like ass and titties too, retard. That's why I said I'm fine with the ult skin and the new red one still being options. I didn't even comment on lore. All I'm saying is I hope we get sexy skins that feel like they MATCH the character's personality/design a bit. Would anyone here know this was a Valby skin if they didn't say it? You couldn't guess that, opposed to Bunny's looking super sexy, but still like the character itself.

You could read more. You know I'm not saying "sexy bad", right? I'm not upset or anything about the skin. I'll likely get the red one and try to dye it blue. Why do you retards automatically think I have an issue with sexiness? You can have fanservice that still feels like the character. Valby's ult default is way more revealing than this red one and I said that's what I was hoping for (aside from the shit helmet).
so is damage done to my shields done before or after my defense/resistance calculations?
I raise you my table, in green are components that will have the maximum stat at lvl 100, and in red are the ones that don't scale as much
Whew, I gotta take a break. All I do is farm a mission then farm a boss, rinse repeat.
So are the best stats
Aux: HP/HP/Fire Resist
Mem: HP/Def/Elect
Sens: HP/Chill/MP recovery in combat
Proc: Def/Toxic/Shield?

Processors are pretty abysmal since you can't get good stats out of it.

Or should you have 3 HP boosts and 3 Def boosts to maximize survival on everything
Sterile Lands special op
in time you'll learn to have a unique module set for each character, and if you really want to sweat each boss too.
But she isn't evil?
I'd say paint it baby blue instead, if we even have that dye option. The helmets need to go as well. None of them look good... well, ult bunny's is fine, but her hair covers her up too much. I would have preferred this being some kind of special ultimate skin that turned her water red or water. Seriously, why give us red when all her abilities will be blue? Are they really trying that hard to force us to buy into their trash dye system?
meant for
Maybe normal mode is the key
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>>487869017 (me)
>farming 88 for 5 python parts
>got 3 Ult Ajax code
A solemn reminder to ALWAYS have multiple goals in mind. Focus farming will only bring you pain.
your brain is rotting from reading too much tranny shit on twitter/reddit
I bet you're the nigger that accidentally posted gay porn here a few weeks ago
I'm farming 7 for python nano tube and this is so boring I could fall asleep.
frost walker is impossible
Every Hard mode boss is "kill it before it can do it's mechanic"
Try 59. You might get enduring legacy or ult lepic stab out of it.
Works for me I'll queue that route up
i got 7 nanotubes trying to get enduring and ult le epic
Same. I got 5 out of it so I decided to start farming Python as well.
how do I easily farm High-Voltage mod?
farm the boss that drops it
imagine freyna farting in your dick
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which one for bunny
do they go over the max? why are some 19 and some 18? or is 19 the max and 18 are the ones slightly under.
>hard mode pyromaniac
that's gonna be painful
>already below 10mil gold after valby farm nerf
it's so fucking over...
right clearly
show me your descendants stats and i will tell you why you think that
electric and singular, then use electric master over electric specialist
what a stupid question
green good
6mil to max a Transcendant is wild
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what does that have to do with it?
i mostly invested on guns.
solo it retard
fuck wrong image the other one had range but I'm overcapping on range if I use the other one
bunny has shit base crit so you don't want crit until you've exhausted every other source of potential damage
I honestly dont know its weakspot after breaking his shoulder and his tube lol
knee caps
it will be dead by then
nigga just shoot him
2 hp main stats, 2 def main stats. For substats you want each one to have gold in their respective resistance and +hp/def/mp/shd. This will give you at least 12k def (about 40% damage reduction) and a half decent health pool. It's highly advised to add a max health mod like stim accelerant. This will give you enough tank to stay alive as long as you dodge what can be dodged and keep an eye out for health drops. If you're shit at avoiding getting hit then add more health if you can.
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the wait is killing me
>why are some 19 and some 18
DEF has 19 and HP is 18, these are at lv1 from the ingame wiki, at lv100 they will be 4683 for DEF and 646 for HP
i feel like im doing negative damage with gley
whats that launcher i see people using? seems like they've got an automatic launcher
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that's why I like my spreadsheet. I show other parts in the AMP so you can target ones that have chances of giving you multiple goodies.

almost there guys
equip some hp and invest in your thunder cage.
takes like 3 min but that's better than most pub i guess
Looks like home stretch there bud
fucking bunnys who don't know where to jump in the cave...
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grats bro.
This operation? It's just wiping them all out. [Distant explosion]
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we in there
>Kyle's Repulsion Dash has auto-aim
literally unplayable.
do I keep rolling?
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you could go for colossus damage if you don't have a better weapon for bossing but it takes a 2h craft for one try, took me a week
all gold or go home
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Just got Gley what do I want on her
>zone is called "the observatory"
>you're the one being observed
Bravo Vince.
lol PC faggot left the game when he went down once on Hard Executioner and immediately left. We beat it without him, why are you fags such a waste of space?

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