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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Needle Knights purged: >>487817507
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2nd for Elden Cute!
I think we need an Elden Ring anime
Type Bs are lucky. Adult Miquella definitely has a size different fetish. For the first time ever he will be able to dominate someone smaller than him.
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overlevels and people who didnt beat the game will seethe at this picture while being raped by gigachads who did
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Jar time.
Why aren't you playing the strongest build?
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>Greatsword mainhand + Footwork off-hand in ER
>Greatsword is the only worthy one
>off-hand Footwork's first move might as well not exist
>the first move also leaves you too vulnerable
>the off-hand moveset doesn't even mesh in well with the GS's moveset
>Skeleton fist Offhand + Greatsword in DS2
>Full access to both movesets
>Each weapon's move chains into eachother well
What the fuck happened
t. Hornsent
Cosy summer general, maybe?
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>summoned to Host "consort of ranni"
>walks through fog door
>Romina turns into a wheel and runs him over for ~480 dmg
>dies in one hit
ranni is shit and ranni simps are morons
How does Malenia control her prosthetic limbs, anyway? And how does she see?
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>beat Mohg at RL 70 on my own with everything post Altus still to do

The possibilities are endless, so endless that I actually don't know what the fuck I should do. Grab some DLC weapon and sharpen it on Morgott's ass? See how far I can go in the DLC with what I have now?
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What do people in Lands Between do to have fun and relax?
Do they relax?
Do they have fun at all?
Does anyone for real plays this without a guide? Even with a guide 90% of quests are obnoxious.
no and no
Mohg's endgame. His rune rewards + health is scaled to endgame
You will never refute this.
zoomie/gen alpha'er detected
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>Roderika decides to stay in Roundtable and burn to death for an old misbegotten she met like a month ago because.... SHE JUST DOES OK???
Fuck Miyazaki, in my world after beating the game my Tarnished dragged both her and Hewg out and settled them in Stormveil where Nepheli was really excited to see her again
Choose your route until you're funneled into a single path.
The only happy people in ER are the dancing ladies in windmill village and that's only because they are fucking insane, make of that what you will
don't forget the lamenters
Why do people ship Nepheli and Roderika so much anyway? It's a really popular tag.
Miquella is so lucky.
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1. she can't see but is an anime martial arts master so she doesn't need to. she can sense ki or something idk.
2. The DLC actually explains that Marika's people have the ability to meld things together with their flesh which explains e.g. Godrick being able to magically control a dead dragon head by crudely
sticking his arm through it. Malenia's prosthesis probably work the same way.
Is there a type of element that makes criticals better? Similar to how DS3 had the Chaos Dagger ripostes for 1 shots.
How do I defeat Malikeks?
>no summons
>no ranged
>no cheese/glitch
I was able to complete I think every quest without a guide.
The only one in the DLC I had trouble with was that shitty St. Trina quest which requires you to die several times. But I just kept going back to drink the nectar every time I got a new item.
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There's probably hundreds of literal bumfuck nowhere villages that we don't "see" in the Lands Between. Melina says life is still going on. The breakdown of central government means people revert to local subdivisions, metaphysical fuckery aside.
>Genki musclegirl barbarianCHADDESS
>Her cute shy wilting flower of a sidekick/best friend
It's not hard to understand, it's a pretty cute archetype.
>Verification not required.
Is there any weapon with a prettier moveset than m'lady? I don't think there is.
I think it's just a magical property of Miquella's unalloyed gold that lets her control the prosthetic limbs.
it depends on your target, but there's only one dagger with 130 crit, the misericorde, and the dmg formula is the same so elemental will deal more damage. targeting a weakness is best but generally lightning affinity will work (which means dex)
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>What do people in Lands Between do to have fun and relax?
they hunt omens and turn them into accessories
you know, fur coats and horn combs
The dynamic is great yes. It's just usually there's more of a reason.
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when she's not at war Malenia likes to spar, garden, cook, spar more, and play tabletop war games.
everyone will have their own justifications but at the end of the day it's a classic case of paire the spares
go to the dlc, it's better than the base game.
report back to us about how much multiplayer activity you can see
That 9nlu just made me kind of realize the second other interpretation that I like, where like him saying it is also able to be viewed as his tone as being disappointed he beat you because hes tired and wants this to be over and you not being steong enough just like puts it back to square one of what he was doing before
nta but they also have more of a questline dedicated to them, nepheli gets her own castle and roderika becomes an upgrade lady after you help her out, its natural they're popular. all the most popular characters are ones with most player interactions
I CE in the deflecting hardtear on all my new characters now because it's fun
you don't have to, you can cheese radahn with rotten breath, then do varres quest, then cheese mogh and you're in the dlc.
This might take some time but you don't Need to cheat
>do some PVP in NG+
>get invaded by guy named sensei
>most tryhard build possible
>swapping between six different kinds of weapons
>no fashion, just meta

what a fucking faggot.
No thanks. I'd rather have fun from the beginning.
Would be kino if they were all the like japanese weapons and he was dressed like old samurai man like Isshin
this won goty?
That breaks a crapton of quests and skips steps
you should cheat in every weapon in the game because then you can do stuff from the beginning
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Mechanic so nice they added it twice
it would have been. Instead it was the parrying dagger, the death knight twin axes, the flame from the spooky mansion, and the great katana.
How do you cheese Mohg now outside of gitting gud? You can't despawn his ass anymore and prepping yourself requires a decent amount of going around
Elden Ring has the worst opening sequence From has ever done.
The Roundtable Hold is the worst hub area From has ever done.
The fact that these are barely noticed by the Elden Ring internet criticism industry does not bode well for this studio's future.
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Which elden ring characters fit this
>DLC added a ton of Frenzy items
Fucking nice
>Still no Frenzy headgear for the Lord of FF larp
Not nice
>And now every single person in arena is running around with the Frenzy torch. Only time they aren't is to spam sleep arrows with the new crossbow
Very not nice
I have fun with lots of weapons. The Sekiro tear being locked behind the DLC is gay. So I will bring it to every character I make now. Makes my game more fun.
It's never been a good thing when a studio has the luxury of growing complacent.
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There's a cut midra head. It was either the original version of that horrible yellow lamp or a transformation item that gave you the head you want
miqella and radahn
>Elden Ring has the worst opening sequence From has ever done.
Agreed, though I hate that dark souls 3 makes Yhorm look like he's going to be really bug and then he's like smaller than most bosses
>The Roundtable Hold is the worst hub area From has ever done.
Yoy are literally insane, it's my favorite area in literally like any of the games and has the most character b interactions and is like such a cool area and idea
>Fog and fire that cause bloodloss build up
How the hell does that work?
I forgot to add
>And Frenzy is still completely useless in PvE so with the DLC released and no further content coming, it will forever be gimped into the role of being a PvP status spamming shitter attribute
Very, very not nice
I'm kind of pissed that we didn't get the floaty robes Midra wears.
Marika and Rennala
>using spells on a STR build

i do not. i'll be using the gravity stone fans and chunks though.

real talk: are hefty rot pots okay? it doesn't use limited use items to make it. you can farm for it pretty reasonably all things considered. (not using this for the gaius cosplay, although i AM wondering if hefty stone pots would technically be okay to use? since he uses a lot of gravity stone shit in general? idk, i don't need them but it might be funny)
The fog is full of tiny razorblades that cut your skin.
>Greatsword of Damnation does 0 Madness buildup
Frenzy Chads suffer
His name is Mohg.
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Radahn and miquella
Mohg and miquella
Sellen and seluvis
Florisaxx and tarnished
That's because that sword isn't a madness sword. It's a sword that was used to seal that guys madness.
My friends won't stop calling him "mogma" "amogus" "mongus" etc
We've never even played Among Us
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too much sexual tension between these two. surprised we haven't seen marika groping rennala from behind yet while she squirms uncomfortably (but she has to put up with it because it's marika obv).
What makes Leda so sexy?
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>made a low level character just to help people in coop
>some guy summons me 5 different times despite dying to Godrick in dumb ways
>take a 10 min break for coffee
>get back the the game
>get summoned again
>same guy
>he does some begging emote
>motherfucker waited for me specifically
>help him, we kill Godrick
>check steam for recent players
>its some guy with an avatar of a balding 45 year old guy with glasses
Mom always taught me to help the elderly
>lamenter head makes ugly piss light
It was a lantern
>Midra the failed lord swings that shit, half the arena is covered in frenzy flames
>I am the chosen one with schizo frenzy eyes and the sword does fucking nothing

T-thanks From
nice outfit
sexy voice
seems crazy = I CAN FIX HER cope
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Where did she get the beast from?
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>mentally ill tranny uses the cloak of compassion to act as a wolf in sheep's clothing in order to get away with SA and other sexual perversions and crimes, with the complete control of turning everyone gay to worship him (narcissism) and having an iron grip of totalitarian control being the ultimate goal.

miyazaki is so incredibly based with his satire it's unreal.
It fell from the sky.
The layout of the Roundtable Hold is okay but it being a pocket dimension that is both separate from and linked to the game world is nonsensical and awful. People complaining about the Scadutree forget that the same inconsistency has been a part of the game since launch.
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>summoned to help kill magic horse lady
>close to boss room we get invaded
>haha get fucked invader
>host runs into room
>finger and i battle the invader, waiting for the fog gate
>boss only triggers if you go into the shallow water arena
>host doesn't know that, just sees an empty room
>he comes back out to us
>of course i die
i was mad
>It's a sword that was used to seal that guys madness.
No shit. And it should have absorbed a bunch of madness power from him so when you get it as a boss weapon it does madness buildup and Frenzy players have an option other than Vyke's.
Idk Iije that specifically, I think it leads to the weird thing where you realize you've found roundtable hold and makes it an amazing reveal, not that it means anything
I think it's cool thougg
It's made of unalloyed gold it halts outer god influence
i assume you can't use mohg's shackle to stop the nihil?
haha get fucked phantom.
Nope, only works twice in phase 1
You forgot that the two explicitly evil and irredeemable bad guy factions, frenzy flame and hornsent, are jews. The frenzy flame's biggest follower is a guy named after a jewish demon and the hornsent call themselves the chosen people
i thought the hornsent were that other race people here hate.
Nah. Just like malenia's needle didn't absorb a bunch or scarlet rot.
They should've just given us a frenzy infusion with the dlc that gives a weapon split physical and fire damage with frenzy build up and int and faith scaling.
is there anything interesting to do in altus?
about to go there before checking out caelid

following a guide on areas for recommended levels
Nah that's demihumans. We even have the extremely rare intelligent one in boc that gets his ass kicked by his own kind and makes us his massa'
Lore is for fags. Madness has one (1) weapon in the game, the dlc should've added at least another.
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I don't need the 14 DEX if I just want to parry with this right? The animation plays just fine
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>and the hornsent call themselves the chosen people

they waz kangz and shiiieet. different kind of chosen people.
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Reminder that Ranni is not a libertarian and she doesn't "want humans to govern themselves," she just doesn't want to repeat Marika's mistake by becoming a vessel for the Elden Ring and an agent of the fingers. No doubt she has a vision for the world which she earnestly believes in, but her chief concern was always for her own personal liberty and not the liberties of others. She is still the god of a new order, just with a much subtler touch. Though what the purpose of a Lord is in such an order is up for debate.
>anarcho-monarchist Ranni
Nah. They're too intelligent to be blacks. Demihumans are closer
>dark skinned
>raised by shitty mothers no fathers in sight
>based on the name marigga they try to steal others cultures or claim figures as their own
>no one really takes them seriously
>some lorefags insist they're the same species as us despite clear differences
>very animalistic features
Do I have to go on?
fromsoft should tune the base game difficulty up to dlc level and add the fragment system. add it as a mini dlc or something
Hornsent are based though because they're Jews from when they were warlike motherfuckers doing conquest .
I dunno why the Hornsent/Belurat remind me so much of that.
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>all these videos of "one shot elden ring"
>came out less than a year ago
>fucking japs came out with this strategy 16 days after the game was released
hornsent would have to be a 3rd option then. merchants are already the jews, if demihumans are black then maybe hornsent are latinos? they did do kind of a mass sacrifice or something right? were they involved in any kind of illegal immigration or something, maybe?
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>add new Katana
>INT/DEX scaling
>destined to become successor of Moonveil
>introduce it through an enemy that does flips and teleports
>its weapona rt is just a simple three-stage attack combo
>no stance-like skill
What was Fromsoft doing all this time? adjusting Miquella's eyelashes?
The hornsent are Jews. There's actually another group that are historical nomads, merchants, everyone hates, and invite chaos wherever they go. Gypsies
I wanted a dex/faith katana, and they didn't give me that.
so then you're saying the merchants are gypsies, not jews? "the happy merchant" is a jewish meme though.
I love watching eceleb stream compilations where you see the politically correctness almost fail them and they struggle to catch up and fix them.
It reminds me for all their faggotry, they're still human.
those are chink runes althougheverbeitfulliously
Gypsies are historically merchants too
Also kales name
huh, i thought i could discern chinese and japanese letters more than that. good to know i suppose, i also assumed that bilibili was the same thing as niconico, but apparently not. so i'm just wrong all around.
Also since this game takes welsh influence
japanese use biribiri
Coming up with the strategy isn't that hard, it's just a matter of cataloguing all the buffs and ordering them by buff duration so you know the order in which you cast them
Execution is the hard part.
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If the nomadic merchants are gypsies then how come Hogwarts still has copper pipes? Checkmate atheists.
I think my build is forever fucked up, I read someone saying to invest in 12 faith for all the utility miracles it unlocks and I did it... Today I returned to read that post and there's a comment clarifying
>Not worth it if you're a mage though, your slots are already full with spells
And guess fucking what, I'm a mage. Damn.

Also why does Faith go with every build but not Int? I'm tired of it always being faith to play as a "spellblade / magic swordsman" build. Elden Ring has a lot of spells so I hope they mesh well with melee.
You can respec multiple times, you'll be alright
you should read more guides to tell you how to fix your build
That's the actual reason the scholars are so aggressive. They're not maddned. They're just tired of gypsies trying to steal their shit so they attack everyone on sight now. Hell you can find one lf the merchants in front of the lift to the entrance. He was there to steal and got scared off
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interesting. i think /erg/ should really look more deeply into classifying everything in the game under the assumption that it's a satire on modern western culture. and all of the different groups represent different real world things. i wonder how far down the rabbit hole we could go on this if we really tried?
oathseeker set should be bumped down one tier lower on the menu, and all those sets in the basic knight tier should all have between 51 and 53 poise
>just realized that like no one being able to die might just be a korean headcanon and that like all that'd ever said for sure is that like that removing Destined Death made the DEMIGODS immortal
I really hope this isn't true
Bros I just inhaled a lot of bleach fumes and I can feel it burning my throat and nose
Am I gonna die?
i think Tarnished represent white people.
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Just like Londor & Kaathe wasn't explored in DS3's DLCs.
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i see you brother
I'm genuinely struggling with finding a reason to play anything but dex as a mid level invader.

>best elemental infusion
>best sombers
>best consumables, which are reasonably easy to acquire without CE, and even a good reusable one now

It's not even that it's better than all other options, it's that other stats have literally nothing going for them.
I'm so glad the greattree schizos are BTFO'ED forever. You cucks just couldn't read root resin correctly.

GRRM wrote this shit, look at what the weirwoods are. Trees are divine and govern the afterlife, any retard could have explained this to you.

Rannifags on suicide watch.
how can that be her buried in the shadow realm mausoleum when tanith is still alive eating her husband in the LB
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remember, diversity makes us strong
many different groups of people can easily work together for a common goal
it's not a plan to sow discord and keep companies and governments in power
I'm going to be jealous if you die
is one-handed backhand blade honest or will that get me chainsawed too
is it bad if i use blood infusion or grease (if heavy) for a gaius cosplay? would magic grease be okay since he does magic shit? just feels bad if i have to use heavy infusion with no weapon buffs during psycho crusher.
Gypsies are semites.
It's not her. The dancer shares 90% of her creation data with her. They're meant to be from the same foreign land
Why does Patches give you Dancer's Castanets to give to Tanith then?
>panics three times then eats shit
>gets baited by fromgod and cries

you have my permission to use blood infusion
Read up on her lore. Tanith was also a dancer before settling down with rykard
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there's a ton of stuff that deals with wild animals that applies to humans but it's not PC to say it unfortunately.
Just do it, who cares? It's cool
yeah, gaius toughest move is his bleed move
Roma gypsies are indian in origin. Irish gypsies are Irish in origin, though are inbred now to the point of being genetically distinct from actual Gaels.
>wasted DLC on a twink
Are loreCHADs mad?
>Godwyn fags down in the dirt where they belong
No, Lorechads feasting on tears
i just wish there was a purple grease to go along with the spiral shit tbhwy. i'll probably just try it with heavy infusion and go in dry. if i can still kill regularly maybe it'll be okay.
Tanith was also that kind of dancer but (maybe?) not THAT dancer.
>The dance of Ranah is one of burning passion, and the most passionate dancers never allow their fiery dance to end, losing even their names as they dance on. To see the passion fade is to see the dancer's flame extinguished.
Anon, they're semites.

Semites adjacent
They got chased put for being kikes.

Romani are jews.
Godwynfags are actually happy he wasn't molested. The ones seething about Godwyn not being there are radahnfags malding that it was him who got raped
eternal sleep grease is purple I think
she's so me
>chased out
They're still in Ireland lol. They were never chased out, they just moved to England when more opportunity for scamming appeared.
can you please fuck off to /pol/?
this is a serious general, it's no place for children without supervision
oh shit really? might have to try that then, lol. im sure someone will get pissed at me with "hey remember when gaius put you to sleep?" but you can't please everyone.
tell them the stun is to simulate giaus shitty shockwaves/hitboxes
Blacks are jews too. They're physical jews, different bodies, lower intelligence but that same destructive soul. It's likely why half black half jew mutts look less horrible than half black half white or half jew half white mutts. It's not racemixing, not really.
Eternal sleep only really works on enemies. It's normal sleep for players. Also has anyone tried eternal sleep on a godskin yet?
Don't make me turn up the heat shitlib-kun
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we're talking about the game, there's nothing you can do about it. cry more.

>it's no place for children without supervision
tell that to Miquella.
What exactly about my post was /pol/
It's just genuinely funny. Was watching an incantation only run by an eceleb and at one point he was obviously going to say Queelign sounds gay when he gets hit, and he self censors mid sentence and says he sounds "like a teenager" which is stupid.
It's hilarious.
Lmao... That's just not true. Godwyn fags are nonstop in these threads "why didn't they expand on godwyn? why didn't they bring back godwyn?"
Then someone inevitably replies with "because godwyn is dead and he has no story to expand on because he was killed by the special death rune that permanently kills the persons soul" Then they respond with "but Radahn dead now alive."
So on and so on. I've seen this exact fucking thing play out over and over again.
You made fun of political correctness so the tranny is scared you're gonna start chanting MAGA slogans and killing minorities.
regular sleep grease, then? that's also purple but a lighter shade, isn't it? sophoric grease i believe?
Could the reason I took 3 days to beat Godrick be that my Uchigatana was only +2? Now I was gifted a +8 rapier out of fucking nowhere so maybe I was expected to have it leveled that far?
Okay now that the dust has settled..
No. Godrick expexts +3 - +6
Too cute for the game.
the rapier should be a little higher than your current but around +5 is expected for Godrick
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>1 mob spamming machine gun lasers does over 1k damage

literally just a single mob worth a damn makes all the difference, it's incredible. like night and day. NEVER engage the gank straight up. this is your daily reminder.
Cute. Post more.
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Lore observation: The architecture of the Black Tower (specimen storeroom) , Church District, and the monolith by the Scadutree Chalice have the same reliefs and patterns as Helphen’s Steeple. Messmer’s keep and the surrounding fort (with the ramparts) do not have the same architecture. Messmer added his fort and tower onto an existing structure and converted the Black Tower into the specimen storeroom (his fire knights actually convinced him to). You can tell which parts of the Shadow Keep were added on by Messmer by looking for ramparts / military walls, and the walls that have his sigil embossed on them. I think the structure was used for something spiritual originally and not always a military fort.
No its because you didnt level vig or you didnt use unsheathe enough.
Which weapon has the coolest moveset?
how many food consumables are in the game? im gonna use them on my gaius build because he's fat so anything eaten is fair game. so exalted flesh or crab or boluses are okay but something like uplifting aromatic isn't. any other useful food items? i'll probably use meat dumplings too.
Correct. It was Helphen and when Marika changed how death works, Helphen became pointless.
don't you have more bad tik toks to make? leave me alone
Actually I didn't use it once, just R1 spam.
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/Pol/tards just need their daily fix of gay shota tummy and tranny whore goddess worship. Let them. They are scared in unfamiliar setting, so they have to do some virtue-signalling to feel safer. It's harmless.
Theres your problem, elden ring is an L2 spam game.
Eb status?
So what's the deal with Miq's bug wings? and are they related to the fly people?
DON'T PICK MARIKA'S ENDING bros her pussy is full of Elden Yeast
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tummy status ...?
oh no the polwhiner is having another melty
>fighting elden lord godfrey at RL1
People who complain about DPC boss strings need to try this and share how they feel
>projecting his own needs on the chuds
You're the one who needs to spew about pederasty and intentionally misgender people here all day as a virtue signal and to help you feel comfortable with see no-no words and wrongthink.
I antspur'd him 2nd phase and just ran away lmao
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>Go on a /vg/ general to rant about muh libtards
>"It's on-topic you fucking SJWs because this group from the game are Jews!"
I don't know who you think you're fooling with this OOHH SOMEONE IS OFFENDED shit, you're not in middle school anymore.
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>about the size of limgrave
the absolute madlads
I want to try a summoner mage RP build but without Mimic Tear. Who are the best tank summons from the base game that also do decent damage?
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>tranny whore goddess
she's not tranny, she just larps as a guy to buttfuck men
it's totally not gay
trust me, bro
calm down sweetie its just words on a screen
Calm your shit or ill start spamming antivaxx data and studies. You're a tourist and have no right to behave or dictate behavior as you are attempting to now.
I regret bringing up the funny eceleb moment I saw.
I thought thought it was a funny bit. I didn't even post the vid or anyone so nobody could get mad about it.
And still someone found a way to get mad.
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Specimen storehouse gankers are the worst niggers on earth
>Calm your shit or ill start spamming antivaxx data and studies
or you can post that on /pol/ instead of an Elden Ring thread
one of the knights are good tanks and damage
for pure tanking get the shield dudes from undergound
might as well post the source/clip now, then.
>Calm your shit or ill start spamming antivaxx data and studies
At least there's verticality to play around, open world Liurnia remains the absolute hell pit of gankfaggotry
Nope. /pol/ doesn't have any issues with uppity shitlibs moving in a gaying up the neighborhood. /erg/ does. I don't WANT to start us on another round of chemo but I fucking will if I have to.
Dropped plot
Kristoff and Greatshield soldiers
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the covid shit technically wasn't a vaxx, it's a gene therapy. an experimental one which had no data or trials beforehand, tested on the public against their will. not the same thing as say a measles vaccine which has decades of data behind it.
>You guys will force me to have another meltdown and spam the thread for hours!
It is true. Queelign's hurt voice sounds zesty as fuck.
I wish it was. A hilariously overpriced expansion would have been preferable to this bloated monstrosity.
Pure melee builds are absolute and complete dogshit for invasions above level 100, i have no idea how sweatlords can even play this shit for hundreds of hours even with duped golem arrows.
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i see we have in this general some people in dire need of having their maidenhood taken away
So how does the Deflecting Hardtear work in regards to very quick attacks.
So for example if you were to block Waterfowl ability would you need to spam L1 to block each individual hit or does the perfect block extend every time you land a hit, and if so, how long does the perfect block get extended by?
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In my delusions all of Elden Ring is an elaborate stage play everyone puts on for us and when we log off all the characters just hang out and chill.
Cute picture
Behave properly or fuck off to a site where your shitlib nonsense is encouraged.

Don't forget that Moderna owns a patent on a gene sequence that's found only in the COVID virus


They designed a virus and coerced you into medical experimentation with gene therapies to stop the virus they made.
Londor is the ruins of the ringed city in the ashen wasteland where we fight Gael, but before the fight itself, when only hollows remain. That's why you can see that city in the ash wastes with a pilgrim (who we now know are affiliated with it) walking to it in the trailer.
Define "mid level invader"
Because at 50 or so i don't believe there's anything stronger than a full madness build
Based six-year-old poster.
If I remap the sprint button to somewhere else, will dodges register on press instead of release?
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The overhead block of lazuli sword, carian knight sword and the kaidan enemies should have been an ash of war for straight swords, curved swords, greatsword, CGS and katanas.
It would have opened up a nice defensive option for those weapon types and could have come with a bonus to the damage if you actually blocked an attack with it. Also charging could have been nice for PvP to delay the coming of the actual attack.
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>shitlib nonsense is when people don't like it when I go onto a vidya thread and threaten to spam it with vaxx slop
Why are you even here dude
>Behave properly or fuck off
Talking to yourself? Pity.
Why not just make it the default behavior for any of them that doesn't do a poke heavy?
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Well shit.
Is there any damn way to make it so it's on press instead of release.
Has anyone checked whether this includes Siofra river? Might make a difference.
STFU you cunt, this is awesome. Like a whole second game.
No, shitlib nonsense is telling somebody to go back to /pol/ for mocking a streamer being a weakshit politically correct retard. Shitlib nonsense is when you immediately start projecting your weird obsession with virtue signaling and pedoposting onto those people who want to mock streamers who act stupid.

You aren't welcome. Learn how to fit in.
>抓住他,我的虫子同胞们,我们将为了共产党的荣耀而消灭他 - 啊啊啊啊啊
My Lord suggests rape correction?

(t. not Varre)
last time im gonna post about this shit in this thread, but: i still find it morbidly hilarious that the leftists who are so anti-corporation lined up to suck the dicks of big pharma at the drop of a hat. phizer and moderna are some of the most corrupt institutions on the planet and they just slurped that shit right up. or how much they glazed fauci even though technically he caused the pandemic by diverting funds for gain of function research to china after obama outlawed it. the evil prick found a loophole. yet he's not only not in jail, he still has the job! incredible.

anyways, post some webms.
Yeah, rewrite the source code.
I don't know how to do that. Any other way?
The funny thing is when his vaccine copypastas get jannied for being offtopic he'll pivot to blaming it on a Discordtranny cabal like the last two or so times he's had this exact same meltdown.
>buaa buaaa
how do you do that?
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keep up the good work
MFER. i made a wholass new character for a perfumer build and the chilling perfume bottles frosbite doesnt scale with int. fix it From.
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The discord has either quietted down significantly or fucked off. I haven't seen an unfair mass report against ontopic material for over a week.
>humans to govern themselves," she just doesn't want to repeat Marika's mistake by becoming a vessel for the Elden Ring and an agent of the fingers. No doubt she has a vision for the world which she earnestly believes in, but her chief concern was always for her own personal liberty and not the liberties of others. She is still the god of a new order, just with a much subtler touch. Though what the
the internal AI name of the Wanderer enemy is "RedEyeGypsy."

Kale is also a romanization of the Romani word kalo, meaning "black" or "absorbing all light", and is used a self-identifier by some Romani communities. Kale very likely isn't his actual name.
Go back to /pol/.
You missed out, perfumer build was disgustingly OP a while ago and the devs killed it within a week and meanwhile chainsaw glitch still exists because nips are subhumans
Nah, how about you fuck off to a website where the average user doesn't hate you and hope stroke out from all your fucking experimental and dangerous injections.
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Funny seeing blues who are clearly primarily an invader.
Chainsaw technique still works because it is intentional and From secretly hate all the ganking chuds and think invaders chainsawing them is gigabased.
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Melina got a lore reveal though.
If this was true they would make chainsawing only possible for invaders
t. killed a host's two faggot friends only for the host to pull it out against me, 2 or 3 days ago
A curt reply unrelated to the post you're replying to only works if you actually have something incisive to say. If you don't, you just look dumb.
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None of the perfumer item scales the status buildup. And they don't even really need it if you build your character right
now give her a jew nose
>Tender Miquella's eye is no mere morsel of flesh. It is a vessel of soaring grace. Proof of his Empyrean lineage.
>i posted fanart with my 400 word long rant about that isn't even elden ring!
Which Elden Ring girl has the most femdom energy?
good morning erg!!
You guys ever notice how this level of polnigger schizoposting never coincides with lorefagging? Really activates my almonds
Go back to sleep.
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why does it sound like messmer is speaking into an absolutely 300% compressed microphone
I'm honestly not sure what kind of schizo connection you're trying to make.
I’ve been in bed for 13 hours i cannot if i tried
>debating lore
>other guy is being a skullfucked tranny and not listening to basic reasoning and logic
>tell him to eat shit
>post a pic of a fancy gastronomy restaurant serving a toilet bowl full of chocolate pudding and shit to a group of customers
>7 days all boards for off topic

Or worse
>rudely post an AI image that resembles goatse but is actually just pleather couch cushions
>3 day for nsfw

Lol, lmao even

He's trying to imply the lorefags aren't chuds.
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Fucking based Poopa total chink death
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>>他在作弊 他他妈的在欺骗美国猪 乔·拜登在作弊 他他妈的 - 啊哈哈哈
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Anyone got any decent sliders that I could use? I want to make nia but not 1:1 exactly just how she would look if she was in elden ring.
Headcanon. Miquella is canonically the manliest guy in the game because he turns all women around him into devoted simps. Meanwhile the "manly" characters like Radahn or Godfrey get topped by a woman and a child.
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>He's trying to imply the lorefags aren't chuds.
I think he's implying the opposite.
The ONLY based blue
That’s abusing off-hand RKR bug that got fixed like a week after that video was made.
What’s the mod I see people using that shows phantoms latency above their heads in PvP and Co-Op?
Oh. I guess that's possible
the fact he survived so long is fucking absurd
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Elden Ring should have micro transactions.
For example, we could have Miquella Ending behind the paywall. If someone wants a vanilla game, he's welcome. If someone wants a full experience of Age of Compassion and Boy Love, he can cough up some cash.

Or, for example, marrying Malenia instead of Ranni. Or having a threesome with Rennala and Rellana.

They can have my money, why don't they take it? What kind of shitty capitalism is this???
It's an option in seamless co op.
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Cope for your inevitable pegging.
It's been months let it go, are you autistic?
it's an inherent feature of the seamless mod but steamp2pinfo does the same
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that's what living in Guiyang, Guizhou, China does for you
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Hit me one more time, my goddess.
Coomers and waifufags are fucking retarded.
You realize you're playing like a chink?
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this reminds me of the rumor a few months back that Kadokawa was making an Elden Ring gacha game.
still trying to figure out the best way to be a blue heel tbhwy. typically i figure it's easier if i just die as soon as possible to deliver potentially 4 estus to the invader.
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How are spears? Are great spears just strictly better?
I was thinking of just using spears for my ARC/FTH build cause dragoon with spears sound nice and its not a weapon type I really have used at all
use halberds instead
Never letting it go. Especially not when I see discord trannies teaming up to abuse the moderation system. I will remain in /erg/ and act as an immune response against shitlib behavior for as long as I remain interested in Elden Ring.

Just fucking shut the fuck up next time you see a wrongthink or no no word. Filter the word or hide the post.
Mental illness.
You're autistic, aren't you?
Self awareness isn't common among these types of people.
>It's another "sperg with a persecution complex is going to fix the universe one vaxx copypasta at a time" episode
Didnt we have this already?
im gonna say it:

mandarin chinese sounds like someone talking on a VHS while you're rewinding it.
Any reason?
>playing like a chink
>by nuking faggots taunting in a completely dead level with swift slash
Spears are just a little boring.
God I miss the demon's souls spear moveset so much.
I used to know someone like you irl and he would always join video calls shirtless and sweaty and we had to pool money together to buy him a shirt and he still wouldn't wear it
poke halberds have better damage, reach(arguably), and stance/poise damage.

Yeah they often do.
>stands on other side of boss room
>fling magic for 20 minutes
Wew that was an intense boss fight.
Damn I can't believe the invader cleared the level and summoned chink invaders to kill them with his max level boyfriend
Have some respect. He became the chink to beat the chink. You should be saluting his sacrifice, not mocking it.
>ruins of the ringed city
Is the ruins of the Ringed City. It's not Londor.
I cheated to do pvp sooner and lost all interest in the playthrough. I have to start over now.
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>phantom is level 500
Why are you even mad at the chinks playing the game instead of being mad at From for having no regional matchmaking in place? I can't believe all these years they still just get away with it. Fuck everyone who isn't in Japan.
the whole ass system needs a revamp, movesets, le special move, scaling and catalyst status need to be flags and or customizable, for EVERYTHING.
and all sharp weapons should do bleed, and bleed shouldn't do burst it should do what poison currently does, and poison should debuff you while draining your stamina until you pass out, and rot which is implied to be disease should be a semi permanent debuff with the same.
i'd turn the magic system into "programmable chains" too or at least make the menuing more like KH:BBS I mean it almost is already with the reset to slot 1 on hold (for fast heals if you're clever)

it needs a lot of work. what we got isn't bad, but dark souls weapons were more interesting somehow
which ones would be the Poke halberds, then?
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>Elden Ring gacha game
So capitalism IS working.
Sorry I've ever doubted you, Capitalism-sama*.

(*I hope you will not fuck it up and give me a chance to buy Malenia's hand in marriage, and not just an overpriced shitty shield).
Poke halberds can't poke with a shield, and do they have more poise damage than great spears?
this weirdly has milf energy.

>For God's sake, Mrs. Lansseax! Here we are. You got me into your house. You give me a drink. You... put on music. Now, you start opening up your personal life to me and tell me your husband won't be home for hours.
>So, Tarnished?
>Mrs. Lansseax, you're trying to seduce me!
they do you can pick a region or global in settings.
this is like twitter still saying there is no easy mode when skibadi fragments exist. its an internet issue not fromsofts. like, countries are still using copper for telecommunications when we have fiber, thats on the country.
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>Chinese nationalism suddenly entering /erg/'s body when Poopa kills chinks as an invader
off the top of my head, basic, banished knight, and dragon halberds, and the commanders standard,
>No, shitlib nonsense is telling somebody to go back to /pol/ for mocking a streamer being a weakshit politically correct retard.
Maybe because their politics are largely irrelevant. Critique their gameplay, ignore their politics unless they say something truly unhinged like advocating for child fucking. No on sensible watches a gaming stream to listen to the streamer talk about their political views
>Shitlib nonsense is when you immediately start projecting your weird obsession with virtue signaling and pedoposting onto those people who want to mock streamers who act stupid.
Or maybe you’re obsessed with mocking the wrong thing and getting mad that people are questioning your obsession.
Off the top of my head, Halberd, Banished Knight's Halberd, Dragon Halberd and Commander's Standard.
piss on your local chinatown
>Skibidi fragments are actually the easy mode difficulty!
This is the brain of people who say this shit, you don't even know how the game works
it wasn't a rumor but I am pretty sure the corpos just noped when we laughed that hard at them for even trying to cash shop the souls franchise.
+ no practically porn waifus means it would have flopped anyway compared to honk a blue archive (I dont know gachas)
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chinks are subhuman and have no soul
Normally I wouldn't be as mad over laglords playing the game - I don't care about Australians for example, but chinks play the most cancerous build and have no shame in being the biggest pieces of shit humanely possible.

Have you not invaded chinks? They ALL play the same way. Every last one of them. They all look up guides for the "most op" builds and shamelessly taunt / invade with the most broken things in the game. Every chink you will find will have 100+ poise with a bleed build, or spamming pokes with a great katana + guts armor (and spiralhorn shield), or light rolling and spamming impenetrable thorns, or spamming swift slash with rot grease. They are all subhuman. Every last one of them.
He's doing it for attention and this general is happy to give it to him. It's the same with lorefags being unable to ignore obvious single-sentence bait posts. He comes in here going "hurr durr I'm a schizo" and instead of ignoring him you get a dozen guys replying "fuck off schizo! Man that guy's such a schizo amirite" and keeping things going.

If you open a soup kitchen don't be surprised when vagrants start showing up.
What the fuck anon? Get the fuck out of my head.
my head
Not me. Marxists deserve it.
fight fire with fire, anon. how about another joke, mur-ray!
they reduce damage taken and given what would you call it?
>you don't even know how the game works
i'd love to see anyone here break down the damage formula lmao go ahead, call me a retard again while you wrestle with that
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Without regional matchmaking the entire online system will fucking collapse on its own ass
However, we need a way to remove chinks in particular. Some sort of IP filter.
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I'm not going to use shields anyway. The poleweapon is just gonna be my mainhand and dragon communion off hand for dragon shit.
I guess Banished Halberd would fit since they also do dragon communion stuff.
So wearing armor is easy mode, leveling up is easy mode, upgrading your weapon is easy mode, buff spells are easy mode

Regional matchmaking only works in Japan, this has been the case in every single From game, you are a stupid clueless retard and you should never come back to this general and taint it with your ignorance
I only defend the Chinese because they produce a lot of crossdressing porn for me to jack off to on twitter. I owe them one for that.
kys gooner
Crazy white man post.
you can use spears, it's just that you have to powerstance them. they work fine for 1v1's but not against ganks. honestly though it kinda makes me wonder how viable sword dance on a single 2H pike could be.
It was nearly a full year my guy.
They’d never allow it because the chinks would riot if isolated to the extent that they can only play with eachother. Bugmen thrive on being able to abuse cheats and latency to carry them and if not allowed to play with NA and EU players they’d rapidly whither away since they’d only have other bugman cheaters to compete with.
no, just the difficulty reduction items in the dlc, that is easy mode. not using them is the true demons souls starts here.
easy mode exists, for babies, like yourself and reddit. I am playing the actual game, without them. your only argument against it is "you're dumb" "you're retarded" which means very little to me and I hate you.
I'm not even talking about official methods. Some sort of p2p tool to refuse chink IPs.
Invaders don't get to set the host's world condition.
If the game agreed with your arbitrary invasion rules, it would've respawned the slain enemies.
Every time you chainsaw exploit, you're admitting you can't beat the opponent without using the exploit.
when are we gonna get the QRD of how to do the chainsaw? the more i see it the more i want to learn it, since i don't use CE at all but there are some pro gank squads that would be impossible to defeat otherwise and really deserve that sort of shit.
No, that was a different much harder to pull off glitch.

The OG glitch was litterally just “RKR left hand and don’t attack with it for free 80% damage up on right hand weapon for 8s”, that was fixed in very first post release patch.
ascended god sex with miquella
Knowing them they’d find a way around it. You severely underestimate how far they’ll go to ensure they can keep abusing the system rather than deal with each other.
*and summoning spirit ashes or players on your first playthrough ONLY. its ok on subsequent playthroughs cause spirits can be fun, and not playing with others just to prove something to no one (after your first playthrough) is a waste of good jolly cooperation or alternatively invade away god knows we need more invaders now that you must summon or taunters to see invaders.
Malenia picking you up, wrapping you in a protective embrace of her hair wings (she ascended the good way now so no bugs or rot), and amazon pressing you mid-air
... hair wings? That sounds disgusting
yes, if you're over level 1 you overleveled, absolute turbo shitter
concession accepted, I will not reply to any of your follow up posts
>telling me what I'm allowed to say and not
Okay buddy. You did this. This is on you.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, excess deaths including cancer have become a concern in Japan, which has a rapidly aging population.Thus, this study aimed to evaluate how age-adjusted mortality rates(AMRs)for different types of cancer in Japan changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022).Official statistics from Japan were used to compare observed annual and monthly AMRswith predicted rates based on pre-pandemic (2010-2019)figures using logistic regression analysis. No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excesscancer mortalitieswere observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer(including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer)after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022. AMRs for the four cancerswith the mostdeaths (lung, colorectal, stomach, and liver)showeda decreasing trend until the first year of the pandemic in 2020, butthe rate of decrease slowed in 2021 and 2022. This study discusses possible explanations for theseincreasesin age-adjusted cancer mortality rates.
I wish the world didnt get progressively more dead the more questlines you resolve. Starting a new character feels so awesome, running into varre, haight, ranni, blaidd, D, roderika, sella, and a bunch of merchants in just a few hours. All of them are cool characters and make me excited for the game.
Why can't you beat these supposed subhumans without resorting to exploits?
Are you a sub-subhuman? Because you write like one.
Her god wings are made of her long flowing red hair. It's pretty and clean and smells like strawberries.
Do you guys think Messmer and Miquella had sex?
Red hair, incest and a guy. All qualities Miquella loves. He's also very similar to Marika, something Messmer (with his mommy fetish) would enjoy a lot.
Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
>you can't defeat laglord chinks spamming swift slash in an empty room with no mobs in a 2v1
the entire game is designed to make that impossible
so skibadi isn't easy mode but if I spoke to melina I didn't beat the game?
I think you have brain damage.
it's crazy how every game is like this, too. chinks cheat in every fucking multiplayer game that becomes popular. i never understand outside of some story times i've read detailing the chink human condition.
Clog up the world and then die when you think the red has used some flasks.
That's what I do.
Thank your local shitlibs anons. This is courtesy of shitlib fragility where they can't possibly tolerate wrongthink and have to moralize whenever somebody does something they don't like

Excess death data from 47 countries in the Western world show that excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years — despite COVID-19 lockdown measures and COVID-19 vaccines, concluded the authors of a peer-reviewed study published Monday in BMJ Public Health.

“This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns,” said the team of Dutch researchers, who analyzed all-cause mortality reported in the “Our World in Data” database.

The open-access database included reports from the Human Mortality Database — known as “the world’s leading scientific data resource on mortality in developed countries” — and the World Mortality Dataset, which researchers used to track excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to presenting excess death figures, the Dutch authors cited research showing negative health outcomes related to COVID-19 vaccination programs and lockdown measures.

The researchers called on government leaders and policymakers to “thoroughly investigate underlying causes of persistent excess mortality.”

The Telegraph — a prominent mainstream U.K. newspaper — today ran a front-page article on the study with the headline, “Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.”

"Earlier this year, Norwegian researchers published a peer-reviewed study in BMC Public Health, showing an increase in excess non-COVID-19 mortality — or deaths attributed to causes other than a COVID-19 infection — in Norway in 2021 and 2022. TrialSite News reported on the Norway study last week.

The study authors noted a “temporal concordance” between Norway’s increase in non-COVID-19 excess mortality and the country’s increase in mRNA COVID-19 vaccination."
Your character's also lagging on their end. Good to know you need an exploit to deal with these supposed subhumans.
her armor
>You aren't welcome. Learn how to fit in.
don't know the context, don't need to
go back to re3dit
It's on the lesser end of things to complain about in regards to his character but was anyone disappointed with how lame "God" Miquella looked? For being someone who cast aside his flesh and emotions (besides Radahn cocklust) there's nothing interesting about his design besides having 3 arms (done better by Ranni). Easily the least interesting demigod design by a huge margin come to think of it.
Proof that they were taunting? Proof that it was a gank and not two randos just clearing the level?
>completely dead level
Are you expecting for them to just ignore enemies and run through the map getting attacked by shit? Seriously what is with invaders as of late assuming every group is ganking now? When I invade I usually give the benefit of the doubt unless it’s some first step/prawn shack/prayer room shit.
>muh swift slash
A prudent choice to have it on hand considering the amount of faggots that run it. It’s shitty and requires no skill but it’s basically a necessity now to have it on you.
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the problem is a lot of situations as a blue, you just don't have the fucking time. it can be over before you ever reach them. they might need your flasks NOW, like an emergency. many times the invasion is over before you even spawn in fully. i just don't trust it anymore to do silly stuff like aggro a bunch of mobs to pull to the gank. invasion will probably be over one way or the other before i have enough time to do something that fancy.
I was really hoping for Evil Fairy God Miquella because of his insect wings in the trailer but I guess I was wishing for something impossible, Miyazaki's precious femboy would never be deformed in a way that actually matters
is there a guide on what staff to use and upgrade before you're high level/have high INT?
>summoned to first Rauh effigy
>clear to the room above the Spiritspring
>drop host a cotton
>he tbags, eats it and then drops to his death
haha idiot that's not how it works
ahh saturday morning threads
AstraZeneca has admitted for the first time in court documents that its Covid vaccine can cause a rare side effect, in an apparent about-turn that could pave the way for a multi-million poundlegal payout.

The pharmaceutical giant is being sued in a class action over claims that its vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, caused death and serious injuryin dozens of cases.

Lawyers argue the vaccine produced a side effect which has had a devastating effect on a small numberof families.

The first case was lodged last yearby Jamie Scott, a father of two, who was left with a permanent brain injury after developing a blood clot and a bleed on the brain that has prevented him from working after he received the vaccine in April 2021. The hospital called his wife three times to tell her that her husband was going to die.

AstraZenecais contesting the claims but has accepted, in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February, that its Covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS”.
>telling the guy who's rejecting the shitlib morality patrol to go to shitlib paradise
yeah its use the meteor staff until at least +14 on any other staff, period. then, lusats + damage type boost staff if applicable.
I can see this for Radahn, not Godfrey though
40 and below - demihuman
40 to 68 - academy glintstone staff
68 and above - carian regal scepter
Alternatively you can use meteor staff and swap to carian
Just use the Rennala staff, iirc its outright the best at high INT simply for its scaling
Unless you're going for some themed build I guess

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