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Previous: >>487774131

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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reminder that Nami is soft
Yeah, I do love cock and I'm a proud support main
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Briar won
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Stay negative /lolg/!
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what a silly fella
>Project Smurf with SKT T1 icon
Kek, man, I miss the old League.
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project f full reveal in 2025, its been 6 years in full development
Couldn't care less, won't play
>play easy champ
>0 counterplay options
>play hard champ
>a gazillion ways to counterplay them
league punishes you for trying to play fun champs
I'm lowkey rooting for BDS rn even though I've always been a G2 fan.
just a content game, G2bros
ez 3-1 win
I just wanna see something interesting for once.
>try to pratice a new champ
>lose lane but dont do that badly
>but my chudmates ff 4 to 1 after running it mid for a stupid overextended high risk low reward play
>Fighting game
7-8 years in development for like 5 playable characters while also not doing anything new for the fighting genre
development "completely restarted" 4 years after the initial reveal. never coming out
>project F
>Riot Games
They've been pretty fucking good for quite a while now and I'd be happy for them to win a title. Also winning summer auto qualifies for worlds irc and seeing them there would be quite hype.
>play skillful champ
>get hard punished for one mistep and riot will never release content for you
>play braindead champ
>press R to climb 3 divisions and riot releases 4 legendaries and 2 cinematics for you
clown company
Oh I meant like the champ variations, I do like Adam for playing other stuff like Garen/Darius time to time which is so refreshing compared to the same stuff over and over, humpth.

>play against yasuo, a hard midlaner
>can time my trades around his Q stacks
>can time my trades around his passive
>can be wary of minion waves
>can dodge his whirlwind
>can bait out his windwall
>can get skillshots around his windwall
>can juke his Q
>usually win against him

>play against zed, a babby midlaner
>can maybe dodge his Q which hits like a mage skillshot (but it doesn't matter since he's an energyfag)
>he can just dash away if he's ever in danger
>can't do shit against his trading combo
>die after 6 if I'm not playing an equally broken champ
>like 40% WR
wouldn't it be funny if she pushed you against the ground and shoved her dick down your throat? haha...
>clear footage of a top down click to move game
>fighting game
what are you fucking retarded? the fighting one is called 2xko as cringeworthy of a name as that is
isn't jayce too manly looking a champion for how he plays? i feel like most top laners look faggy enough according to their playstyle but jayce has alway stuck out as the least fitting one to me.
you see by playing a dogshit bottom of the fucking barrel USELESS fucking champion you actually get way better at the game compared to playing something that's actually functional

it's kinda like wearing a weighed vest for days, once you switch back to something normal you realize just how much better you've gotten at the game just to compensate with the shittiness of your champion
Alright pick interesting champs... NOW.
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CertainlyT has been cooking, you guys are not ready.
yeah, like vel!
>hyper saturated chromatic aberration bloomed the fuck out ray tracing graphics with animated environment
who the fuck thought this was a good idea? I want my league game to look like league not gta 5 with photorealism mods
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shovelman sure is fun sometimes
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Can confirm. As an Ahri main, I'm used to not dying because of my E/R and having (almost) free poke in lane, playing another champ I have to be way more aware of my surroundings. I'm pretty great at Ahri I like to think but other champs, not so much. Ahri isn't really broken because she lacks damage but in terms of survivability, she's probably one of the best midlaner in this regard.
What was going on with the enemy bot..
be my gf?
Just make a dating sim you Riot goons.
Maybe the achievement icon upon winning a champs heart can be imported in PC league after too.
Hire me.
>let's give people free stuff
Unless if I’m missing something the champs are just out of order
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morde is obviously a dogshit braindead uninspired design and it's amazing that retards were fine with this """"modernized rework""""
and yet he's still leagues above true cancer like malphite yorick nasus trannymere jax
They got the yordle icons for the bandle game in pc league and dating game is fairly low budget overall in terms of complexity it would also help artists because a majority of dating sim is carried by art (and writing which is also getting screwed by ai lolz). Idk just saying shit doing something else.
Crazy how all the Briar mains here are carrying in Challenger but none of them post proof lmfao. Bunch of silver cucks trying to tell me what a good champ is.
never said that webm was the fighting game, tardo
read the post again
what is your rank?
Who's the artist? I'm not getting anything trying to reverse search, not even Yandex
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SUP SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP I yelled peacefully. My name is Tyler1 and i'm the biggest brotha you ever met! Yeah... I'ma brothaaaaaaa... *does some gay shit* Wh-wha-wh-wh-wha-whu-WHAT??? You say i'm not BLACK? Yo.. Racist racists here in the chat. I'm a brotha man wat cho talm bout... I'm a.. I'm a light skin! :D Chyeaaaaaaahhh talm bout SUP SUP... WAHTS IS UP.. SUP SUUUUUUP WE IS ARE BE IS BE IS BACK AT IT BUT YET AGAIN SUP SUPPPP *coughing* uck uck ack choo.. uh man that wasn't a good one.. SUP SUP!!! *grabs blood rush* well, so, yesterday, started day on uhhhhh let me think, 28LP, went up and down all day, 500 games played, and ended the day on uhhhhh... 32LP AHAHAHAHAHAH YEAHHH HAHYAYAYAHAHAHAHA HYEA YUCH UCH UYEAHKK.. RIOT... I HATE THIS FUICKIN GAME.. Pause.. Ok. *grabs sunglasses* So we are gonna be POSITIVE. Positivity! Positive mental today... puh puh PEE EMM AYY.. P.M.A. POSITIVE, Mental, Attitude! *folds arms flexing biceps and leans back in chair with sunglasses on* Alright time to get some LP
People are out here dissing on a literal baby, brother it's a potato.
it's crazy to see that autistic sperg having grown up and become a father
unrealistic beauty standards for babies kek
didnt they start over from scratch? i feel like we wont be seeing this until the 2030s
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Anon I um.. don't look. To be fair, I only recently started playing ranked and got placed here. I was mostly an ARAM or draft player.
>enemy team has Kha'Zix Zed
>we lastpick Xerath
2 item teemo sup
walk on 2 shrooms in a row and nearly die from full health
wp bro
why are lolg girls so adorable
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Not really. He is very normal. Most of the big streamers adopt "personas" and just put it on for the stream. You DO realize that twitch is nothing more than a daycare center for mentally stunted man-children, little zoomzoom, and literal teenagers, kids, and children? The more retarded you act, the more fans you get, the more fans you get, the more money you make.
He is very rich irl, succeeds at everything he puts his mind to. Only person in the entire history, and forever will be, to get a permanent, global, world-wide ban, REVERSED by a videogame company, and allowed to play their games.
Only person that when playing the competitions game, dota 2, was immediately contacted by riot to play their game instead. Only person to prove all the haters wrong and get grand master in chess, SURPASSING one of the long time greats, former grand master, currently 2024 year-long hard-stucker, hikaru, (who constantly seethes at tyler for surprassing him btw) the only man to open his own pool cleaning service, do everything wrong, learn on the job, AND STILL GET MONEY, GET PAID, and the only man to successfully be both 5"6 and 6"5 AT THE SAME TIME, while deadlifting his PR with world champions in the room, but not only that, they SPOTTED him, and he is just a dumb fuck streamer from whereve rthe fuck he lives in america? nah son, he the goat.. .THE GOAT. he is fbi, he is secret agent, he defeated 10,000 chinese men while playing challenger jungler in lol one handed, he ride motoerbike, he fly helicopter, he jump out of building with no parachute and land on floor, does his legs break? NO, the floor breaks because EVNE GRAVITY RESPECT TYLER 1.......... he own lambergeno and bugatti before andrew tate was even andrew tate... anon pls.. dont make me go on. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=a+day+in+the+life+tyler1 watch the videwos.. real and true... PROOFS!!!
discount code: ALPHA
>boot up PC with Vanguard running
>Xi Jinping messages me to tell me my taste in gay porn sucks
Champs for this feel?
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he's never dissed my tastes before, must be a skill issue
damn I really did behave like a tardo, excusez moi monsieur
I love playing kaisa, such a smooth champ
Is Jax any good at jungling, if so, why is he never picked?
Anima Squad Illaoi LMAO.
I love playing ezreal, such a smooth champ
said people with "retarded personas" are 100% more fun to be around than your avg lolg who'll queue up with you, make zero communication nor jokes aside from "gj on invade" "they're going drake" "tp inhib" "wp gg"
>Poro snack merch
Ok but what's the recipe.
He’s not a bad jungler from what I’ve seen but he’s just a lot better top
gay chemicals
WTF they shouldn't have sold out to Nestle.
Thanks, do you know if Bel’veth is a good alternative to him? She seems more suited for jungling and also has the late game insurance Jax offers? Or am I wrong here
>Audience aren't even wearing those teemo hats anymore
It is le ovber.
What male League of Legends champion excels in autofellatio, lolg?
teemo is dumb. sell jhin masks
They should release it on 4 October 2024 because that's when Joker 2 comes out.
Having a beer
Queuing up in your games
The FUCK are you going to do about it?
that's actually a good idea so you know riot won't
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Yeah that's why they should hire me (not gonna post this anymore though I htink I ran this meme dry).
ok but you also have to hire me too
not sure what exactly your looking for with an "alternative" but Bel'Veth is a good jungler yes
Referrals are a thing, the only way to redemption is from manipulating the dynamic within the source.
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you should MIRE me
I'm only accepting a job from Riot if I get a handjob from Phreak.
scary o.O
santa monica college is like a 30 minutes' walk away from riot games hq btw
mucho muscles señor
Very tight gameplay, everything timed so well up to a T. I admire this.
>procs execute spell during invuln
A cube?
psst... he roids. dooo not respkect cheaterrs...
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please take responsibility...
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I will cum inside and ghost you the next day, slut.
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This is his proposed soraka visual update
proneboning lillia
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Got some fresh Qiyana plays for you lolgeez...


Qiyana support takes 3 plates + 1 tower and outplays 2 clowns who blow everything for her alone, in vain...


Qiyana support clutches a 3 man ult and kills all 3 of them...


>Das : "Where the FUCK is my SUPPORT, FUCK!"
>his support :
It's Leona.
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le sigh...
that's the worst thing you should want for you dick
Why cant he just say hes got a fattie fetish and be done with it
dont care didnt open any of them now satisfy my carnal desires
>Escapes with Herald
Fucking kino.
No one open these. It's just boring gameplay and not coom. Pass.
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>nerfs you'are dick
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Where's that guy who wanted to fuck grannies, here's literally your girl.
>release gilrboss hag champion
>literally the least played champion
Uh sjwbros....
It is what it is...
asked "if egirl why play renata glasc she ugly" said she's a lesbian
to be fair they nerfed her good skills into the ground
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>treading the afternoon beach waters with your mains while talking about nothing and everything
so fucking comfy bros
It's over before it even started, c'est la vie.
hello cute girlysissies of lolg
Riot spent 3 years reworking skarner only for him to be top 5 least played champions 4 months after the relaunch, OPGG says he has 0.50% pick rate
she can be hell to play because even after several years, people still don't know how to use your kit. they just refuse to learn
duh he's no longer OP
Sup, Tyler1
That is what I used to do when I was next to the sea, just very short shorts and flip flop. Then walk in the water as deep as I can go and just stare down looking at the ripples. They should make a beach map for SR fr.
Tons of non OP champions have a decent play rate tho, see Nasus
Don't do that.
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but I just opened the client
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Bi-hourly reminder that adc lives do not, in fact, matter at all.

If you think nasus is Op youre quite literally braindead I dont knkw what to tell you
End of rine for you capitalist dog
Restart your pc
thats what i just said >>487876952
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Has anyone here eaten rabbit before? What do they taste like?
Would Aurora taste good?
Kill all adniggers!
there is absolutely zero reason why morgana,lux,seraphine,brand,xerath should be played as support and these creatures should actively be punished for being dogshit at the videogame
they literally do nothing
morg throws a couple aoes on waves? woah, amazing
lux denies as much gold from adc as possible? revolutionary
xerath stays on lane to solo push and dies in the process before you can even get to lane? galaxy brain
excellent plays anon! I would've been too busy shitting my pants at the cho dive to have played as smpothly
can I have a handie qkm?
i refuse, i'll play marvel rivals instead
The only thing I know about Rabbits is that you can snap them which shits out it's guts and then just swoop it's fur out and it's ready to go to the fire. Aurora was underwhelming, they should give her some range or make her spells a bit faster (in terms of cast speed and giving some ms).
rabbit meat is bland and toxic
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Remember to cuck your adc.
White meat, taste a little like chicken.
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>9 abilities (all of which are balanced and fully counterable by reasonable measures
>distinct build paths
>extremely fun
>honest design with clear weaknesses
>stands out from other characters of his class; no other mage feels quite the same
>extremely attractive, appeals to my repressed homosexual urges

Best character they've made in a very long time.
aatrox raping and impregnating soraka
I wanted this guy's spells to be based around RGB (QWE) and Black/White (R) and combining colors for plasmatic elements so bad.
aatrox raping and impregnating me (male)
>bot afks lvl 1 so the enemy botlane is in my botside jg solo
>die to them lvl 1 (enemy adc is missing 200 hp)
>path bot
>my nigger botlaner shoves wave 1 2 then 3
>niggerbot gets double killed during 3rd wave eventho enemy couldn't recall
>loses lane for the next 15 mins
>calls junglegap
wp bro I think I can gank your lane when the enemy bard has my whole fucking jungle warded while your maokai support is sitting in lane 2v1 and losing kill yourself
I love this game, but Silver solo queue is just draining sometimes.

Four matches in a row of a teammate picking *into* their hard counter and then feeding (while, naturally, blaming the rest of the team for their antics).

Crummy matches happen! But it doesn't help when you're actively hamstringing yourself.
great creative writing exercise anon
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What about reindeer? Is it just like typical venison?
I agree. Riot can do mages right at least
>I've never played with Meriipu
Is he okay?
Ok what do I play against a Brand then. I still pick Soraka so that I can heal you and back because the damage is too much even if it means losing exp on me, you still get to level 6 faster than me due to it.
quit because of vanguard and one of the only people to not come back
I love when this gen bullies adcfags
my low agency high stress role bullies me enough as it is... be nice.... please..
xerath to outrange him
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>Caps plushie
Do fans really..?
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>filters your favorite avatarnigger with his high IQ niche
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they love it too
I miss old lolisports.
Ok but what about the adc, what if he get's peeled to death because he can't outrange Brand or has poor dodging capibilities and lose out on gold, exp, kills, etc.
Looks like a faggot
then carry yourself because you're a mage dipshit
Doesn't seem so great for the adc, just sayin'
>feminized faggot design for feminized faggot role (mid)
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>mfw autofilled supportnigger tries to CS
ADC should learn to play less shit then? your premise was that they were playing badly
>meanwhile, in reality land



Reminder this guy was a top main D2 player who swapped to purposely face me and got his skull bashed in...
this but soraka impregnating aatrox with her futacock
>bot trolls
>paths bot anyways
I'm not gonna say you deserve it but you reap what you sow
>a teammate picking *into* their hard counter and then feeding
my bad I'm just limit testing I want to learn how to play into counters
Hmm, alright.
you want me to explain why this mundo was able to 1v9 at 40 minutes for the 4th time lil pup? or you got it on a 3rd try?
uuuuooooooohhhhhh mommy zoe erotic :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
This pasta is pretty great, kek. Tyler seems like a genuinely cool human bean.
>watch NA masters streamer matc
>the players there play worse than the players in my silver 4 EUW games
really makes you think
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Hey anons I almost got an S on Elise, but my playing was only good enough for A+. Guess I'll just have to do better!
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oh, stop it, you. I don't do that anymore teehee
jungle diff! I don't know man jungle is looking a little diffed! I was totally owning that Orianna I didn't have time to look at the map or listen to the pings!
Perhaps it was the cs? I can't read.
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this is a comfy general when there isn't a mentally ill spamming
Think it was my deaths because I got higher gold than the entire team. Carried all of those tards all game against a free-farming Akali, only A+ though thanks. They tried to surrender all game too until enemy team ff after I got Godlike.
Fuck you Riotniggers you only reward people for smurfing and farming casuals and noobs in your toxic shitfest.
wanna smoko?
I love him so much it's unreal. did you know he was going to have a depressing raincloud ability that looms over and stealths him? although I would've liked to see what that'd look like, that was too bonkers to put in the official concept on top of all his other stuff
anyway, he's just a good fucking champ
>this is a comfy general when there isn't a faggot spamming
FTFY, and you are right
Yeah wish Riot actually stated what the player was lacking to not get an S atleast then you could send a ticket for your claim if it was under some technical false pretense instead of it being a black box.
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what should I play to counter dasherino / high mobility champs?

don't say Poppy
leona needs cock
doesn't he drop by to say that riot will one day remove vanguard
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>play arena
>get the lobotomites again
>bro tries to not run into lux laser
>thus misses the entire fight and gets mad when i die
Except he's a troon, bummer kind of ruins the whole thing.

That would've been so cool, but gays and their ilk can't actually create because they are soulless.
chiken but more savory and a bit greasy
Fatsoraka my chubbycute wife!
If not Poppy then probably something with a stun that cancels the engage animations like Rivens W.
that's cute but can I see her fat ass?
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I love Lissandra!
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I miss play rell jg sometimes
i'm taking a bong hit on evey death next game
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>Qiyana support
I have been wanting to do this. Please. Can you teach me de wey?
this happened all the time in blind pick kek
Yeah the new support item promotes the idea of csing but that fails in a lot of cases.
the problem with Poppy is that she can only really counter one dasherino champion.
imagine a comp like Jax Kayn Ahri Ezreal Pyke. you can't lock down everyone and you can't chase either
>G2 picks Dr. Mundo
what? it's the same passive as the old one except your tanks don't have to fight for their life with the adc to get canons
Yeah the only thing I can think of for something like that is a Janna. But yeah a lot of the reasons why people only play mobility champs thesedays because that's the only way some can try to counter it, hence the state of a lot of new champs.
holy shit how did BDS make it to the finals? last time I checked they were kinda shit
I meant for enchanters/mages, it makes no sense for them to have it and doesn't condition them to peel for their adcs to get points for the trinket upgrade, though I know those supports spam their spells in the minions so the trinket helps ensure the adc doesn't lose out on the minion execute.
Where are you supposed to play Seraphine nowadays
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>my top pick jhin top
>build tank items
>has more deaths than the whole team
In Swarm
Jhin players are gems.
He's not a troon, take your meds nigger.

A good ADC should know how to bait Brand. I main ADC and I'm *always* trying to bait out his AOE or rushing T2 boots to help dodge his abilities.

ADC and Support absolutely must rely on one another and I hate other carries who blame the Supports for their bad decisions. Best bet is to play to the best of *your* abilities and, if your partner is screwing up, simply go with the flow and try your best.
anything that's not mundo proportions is a troon to lolg. they have worn the word out so hard it's lost all meaning
BDS got a better adc and it seems Sheo getting better.
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He stopped taking his meds, and became free.
>I hate other carries who blame the Supports for their bad decisions
I had a Pyke the other day that was far, far too eager to hook champions. I mean he would walk through a minion wave, then past it, then chase a little bit more 'till he was in range. He ended up feeding them 3 early kills. I got frustrated but I wasn't upset because, lord help him, he was trying. I was playing an offmeta bot, so I was definitely going to give him some leeway.

But a support that does actually nothing while you 2v1 for the vast majority of a laning phase just makes me want to give up for that part of the game because like the computer said, 'the only winning move is not to play'. I hope you were talking about the former example but in case you were not, I'd like your input.
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You wouldn't get it.
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WarGames (1983)
why do marksmenfags do this shit
>"Just dont fight him 1v1"
>Ok, ill just play safe and look for plays in the midgame
>Mord flash ults the fed person on our team and wins the fight for free

Yeah fuck this design. His Q hitbox also is a rectangle and not a V which is cucked
>They should make a beach map for SR fr
the pool party map was nice. my favorite was the arcade map
>tfw never ever coming back
Please (dont) pick Poppy into Irelia, everyone that counterpicks ire with poppy gets absolutely shit on in lane because they have no clue how the matchup works...
why is jax cancer
can't you just pick a mage please don't hit me or scream it's just a question
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>EU dive
>le nigger man of infinite dashes and five kills
I love them
tank 10k damage penta killing
every team should have 2 of them!
hey that is ksante. did you know he can randomly become an assasin and 100 to 0 you? its very fun game design
league has gotten so bad that I'm not even sure who you're talking about here
Hmm yes
>literally giganerfed
>he still pulls shit like this off
Why cant riot just admit he's an abomination of a design like they did with Yumi?
just pink ward him
name 2 nigger champs with more than1 dash
Who needs ADC when you have K'Sante
he's negates marksman, oneshots mages, shreds tanks and runs down bruisers. hardly anyone enjoys playing against him
>please don't hit me
K'sante: w, e, r
Ekko: e, r
He has a point and click gap closer.
He has that spinny thing that blocks aa or something.
He has his auto buff spell that I think also cancels normal auto attack animation.
To be honest I used to play Jax and without even reading his spell descriptions I won a lot of my toplane matchups and straight up carried my games, he's that stupid easy. Sorry if my explanation isn't that formal.
Ekko E is a dash and a blink
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said nobody ever
oh you mean literally black champs
also ekko and pyke have multiple blinks + dash
alright i forgot about ekko you win
I forgot. So ekko is 1 dash and 2 blinks (dashes but better)
I just bought BA Caitlyn and Battle Dove Seraphine.
Oh yeah his block spinny spell also stuns the enemy which I think is an aoe so it does so for literally everyone surrounding him after he literally right clicks you, the minion or a ward. His spell cd's are also not that long. He will absolutely destroy anything (towers, jungle camps, enemies).
Lolg is going to die when the fighting game comes out.
I hope so

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