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Dumptruck Edition

Previous: >>487820364

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan EP - "As the Sugar Cube Floats, Fleeting in Time"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ekcFSdke8 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsp6_mservA (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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>normal people doing normal things
this was one of their biggest mistakes among many
Finally, a good fucking thread
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Zhu's dumpy...
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Bwos, what kind of thiren is this?
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I want to marry Corin and provide for her and our two cute kids.
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your future crossover agents
I thought those were beads from the thumbnail
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Now that the dust has been settled what went wrong with 1.0?
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>this is the biggest original meme this game has so far
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Don’t miss out on Miyabi, she’s very MOTIVATED
Cute cat.
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thats a forced meme by one guy. buffpup is our number 1 meme
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Don't forget to hug your sibling (this is normal)
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NepSEX buddy cops soon!
Who's gonna get both of them?
So why ate you playing this shit instead of nikke
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Buthering Baves have had their sales ranking taken down for IOS for 3 days because they were caught buying and refunding their own product to inflate the rank (to please investors, we assume).

Remember this anytime someone brings up that game.
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Is it true that Billy and Anby will be the two A rank agents in Qingyi's rate up?
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Don't miss out on Miyabi, she's very
What changes will this game make to appeal more to a fighting game audience? They're advertising at EVO despite not being a typical fighting game.

Will complex combos be more common from here on out?
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Simply the best
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Feedback from adhd streamers and their retarded followers has led them to cut back on fun TV sections
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When is Hoshimi Bosenmori Miyabi coming out?
Not enough cute gays
Too many lolis
They didn't make Grace show her feet at max trust. Betrayal...
Isn't she like months away considering we still have to endure Jew Yen banner/Zogbot banner/Tom and Jerry banner before we're finally done with the fucking cop faction
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cats are such silly creatures, I love em
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What's the best team I can make with Grace + A-ranks?
I think mihoyo is just off their meds, this game has nothing to do with fighters other than attracting furries
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I do not enjoy doing Hollow Zero 5 times every week
remember to bully the furries out of the thread
it works
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Newfag question
Should i select other bangboos or get copies of butler
>check archive
I've done it. I've found a pre-activation schizo.
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Why is every Grace build I see using Thunder Metal instead of Freedom Blues? Is the 4pc really that bad? And I thought upgrading skills on Anomaly characters is bad, so why are they always 7/7/7/7/7?
>hrtg avatar
>post about not wanting to play the game
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How many dennies would I have to pay to cuddle with Lycaon and smell his chest fluff?
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What is this?
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The CAT is fine but I prefer The RAT
5 times? You should be running it 15 times per week to get an additional 300k dennies you dumb retard
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Cool song
Piper Lucy. Piper is essential.
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We won, Twilightstacies
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I hit 15 cap ever week so far. It's the most fun mode and the only place where TV boxes aren't annoying.

But they have to make the animations and dialogue faster or skippable.
Not enough rolls
Roster is too small
No skip tickets or similar feature for easy grinding
Do you have source for this drama
imagine.. IMAGINE the smell after a long day's work...
Zhu Yuan's fat ass is not enough for me to waste all my rolls
I need the other flat cop in my life
When shoud I start using my free refills?
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Ironically enough this image applies more to that game than this one.
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>let myself get hit until HP is nearly 0
>it doesn't increase past 1%
Nice spaghetti code, retards
I like the endgame TVs
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that's a forced meme by one guy. billy is our number 1 meme.
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/our girl/
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Just hit IK45. What do now? Farm for disks?
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>micromanages when Wise sleeps
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For you master proxy, it shall be free.
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Do thirens see dogs and cats as inferior beings?
Uninstall. You beat the game bro. Congrats!
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Why did Mihoyo sponsor this?
Can't wait to hit IK50...
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>finish Infinite Abyss
that was tedious as fuck
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How would you react?
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>Current increase: Please see Resonium Details
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I thought it only counted HP lost through the TV events
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>werewolf and vampire designs wasted on homos instead of females
it's so over for straightbros
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No pipers gang. I think the gacha needed 1 more SSR and 2 more SRs too.
Rabbits initial story kind of sucked
I would have liked a bigger glimpse at the overall story rather than it just being hints.

I dont get the point of us being legendary super hackers at max level if we restart from 0 but also get some super AI that makes us look like chumps shit at our job.
Also fairy needs a cute avatar

If you mean gamewise and not story it did a poor job at showing the combat. One of the rabbits should have been a more mechanically complex character to let people know the entire game isnt a left click spam.
Also speed up the forced character demos, I had no idea Anbys hold to lightning empower combo was a thing until way too many hours in the game.
Also lead with some of the clever TV section explorations. The bomberman one should have been like the second or third quest you do.
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what happened to the hoyo animal crossing game? it looked choppy, so i am guessing they are heavily reworking the visuals? or was it a really early build?
>Why is every Grace build I see using Thunder Metal instead of Freedom Blues?
Probably because freedom blues is used on another character (only one can be applied) or just for the extra damage
Is it true that zzz is an omnipandering game?
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how do I respond without sounding horny?
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>No skip tickets or similar feature for easy grinding
None of the hoyo games have this, be thankful that out of all the games, its the quickest ones to do your dailies
>zhu yuan trust event requires video store to be lvl6
Nicole's too pure...
Anomaly characters have no problems triggering their anomaly. Mastery or buildup RES shred is a trap.
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so soukaku's chain attack is a dps loss cause of her slow ass animation? What were they fucking thinking screwing newbies for pressing the shiny flashing button
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They peaked too early with Zhu Yuan. It's all downhill from here.
Maybe a little, but probably only occasionally as a treat. They're not gonna want to alienate their casual playerbase - the kind of normies that would never even glance at a guide or tierlist and just try to force their favorite characters in a squad.
At most I would maybe expect more character switching shenanigans as the game ages and hoyo starts adding limited supports that want to be on field longer and more often so that people don't feel bad about pulling for a limited character they'll almost never actually see outside of chain attacks and the occasional ex skill.
I don't get why burgers think this works
China is not totally controlled by kikes like they and it makes them seethe endlessly.
That artist makes a lot of videos for them that get used as ads
I think all S ranks are like that. Probably because they give more rewards when you use them as wagies (without wage).
Why is Nicole always portrayed as a cuckqueen?
Kot has been redeemed
Because you're gonna watch porn with her
Why does this post give me an urge to LICK
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don't fucking remind me I got a naga dupe and then noir right after from a fucking fakeout
I swear to god if they don't give me bikini cow tits anis
no one likes you here and no one tolerates your presence
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get at least 2 different s ranks then do whatever you want.
Mihoyo will provide.
Be patient, trust the plan
1.3 will release Caesar and Burnice tho
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I wake up and I get to see this bro? Life is good
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Don't worry, Victoria will get Sadako inspiration later. TRUST THE PLAN
the male npcs in the game are really hot, too bad the playable males will always be fujobait
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Am I unironically bricking my account by rolling for rrat if i already have ellen and zhu
Yeah there is something for everyone. Its kind of refreshing.
>2 S-ranks from the standard banner so far have both been Nekomata
>Had to go to 80 rolls on the limited banner and got knotted
I think I might cry from how unlucky my account is. Looks like there'll be no fat booty cop for me, considering I want to have enough funds left over Qingyi. Fucking sucks tho, Lycaon is probably the one standard banner S-rank I can't really build a team around right now.
We need a character like this
Get the others.
I have 2 teams now of level 40 characters, which number discs do I start investing in and for which type of characters?
Nyo you're bricking your dick if you don't get the girls it wants.
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only brick is if you roll rat but no grace
So many monster/horror ideas to use too.
I am preemptively kneeling.
>This game was a lolibait, Most of us are here just for the idols(Hard truth).
>just 1 banner for 3 weeks.
>Bangboo's Slop Events
>Most of the designs of the game are trash, Zhu is just her ass and that's it
>Gameplay is a joke, dodge and parry are too easy and too rewarding
You only brick your account if you skip characters that you like
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Vampire homo would be kino if he looked like him.
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I see that metapags only use Ben as a cope support unit with the Energy Regen set, but have people here tried him with a crit or impact set to see how good (or bad) he could perform using him as a stunner or burst DPS with his sig?
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Feels like every other artist just decided to roll with it after one artist did it.
zhu yan is a brick simply because her playstyle is all over the place and nobody knows how to use her correctly.
we have 95% females on the roster...
>I want analworms in my game
So how much damage am I losing being level 50 against level 70 enemies, as opposed to level 60 against level 70 enemies?
I like and tolerate anons presence!
main dps character first, check his preferable stats for disks 4, 5 and 6 (usually atk%, crit chance, crit dmg, specific element dmg, pen, etc)
I will simply put my rrat in a piper cosplay and pair her with koleda and lucy.
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>the second part of SD6
>ranged mobs
>spread out
>they jump back when they attack
>boss actively jumps through them, separating them
This is so fucking bad to play.
you already bricked your account by rolling for 1.0 characters
the rat will be your first step to unbricking
is the damage increase of Swing Jazz its own multiplier?
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>No one knows how to use Zhu Yuan correctly
>her passive just outright says how to use her
should i just use up my battery at ik 42?
do the material drops increase at ik 45?
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How do you even play the asscop? I got her and her signature but then realized I don't really understand character building or team comps.
sibling hugs should be shown on full
Compared to Mihomo's initial titles, we have a billionfold increase in m*les in the roster
As level difference decreases both your damage dealt and their damage taken increases. It's a massive bonus especially for DPS
why not always do i get the banboo at the end of my chains?
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is it a brick if I roll on rat's banner just to C6 corin?
bro your venti?
He does whatever the fuck you want him to really. Wouldn't be surprised if that's just how all defense units are going to roll - generalists who do a bit of everything with some extra safety/sustain as a consolation for not being specialists.
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Sorry ellen but the suit stays on during sex
playbase for this game is like probably 80% males 10% trans and 10% females so probably not that many males.
But if we do get them they have to be cool.
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>stun with Anbi
>vortex DEF shred with Nicole
>Ult + EX + hold pewpew trigger with ZY
>repeat until death
That will be 90,000 polychromes + tips
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why did they make corin so fucking hot bros
>black nails
>black bandaids on legs
>gloomy sex eyes
>all those ear and hair pieces
even if she is insecure she is basically a walking goth loli sex machine waiting to be manhandled while she cleans my room
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Maybe we will have a cute bat thiren
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I'm surprised with the amount of trust events Ellen has. I keep seeing new ones even after playing this long. I wonder why they made some of them common and others so rare.
I've only been fishing for her events, is it like this for other agents as well?
Need to chain 4 times for bangoo to appear.
I think it only works on boss enemies or if you mange your stun well on mob enemies and trigger a stun during your chain.
it doesn't matter. if you use it now you will unlock the better stages faster
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How come nothing is weak to phyisical?
>yeah bro just waste 99% of onfield time against bosses trying to stun them so that you can get 10% damage increase every 2 minutes
holy fucking retard
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Do you use 4P Physical or 4P Anomaly on piper?
bwo? Your reading comprehension?
Bwo don't sex her... She's too pure...
She gains shells on B4, B5, Ex special, chain attack, quick assist and ultimate.
Hold basic to enter suppressive mode and consume shells.
>zhu yuan enters field, basic strings to build shells, parry into stunner, stun, chain as you normally would, ending on nicole for her debuff, bring zhu in and hold attack to dump shells into stunned enemy, ult when you're out of shells, continue shelling, repeat
There's some more complicated combos with her dash attack, but that's about it.
4p electric or dot set for grace?
Expensive but very helpful. Thank you!
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I salute the tummy `.´
The only thing you will brick is your wallet
I feel like certain events don't unlock until certain trust levels. There's always a lot of repeats early on, but then it becomes more varied later.
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because physical shilling is 2 patches later
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Only one I don't like is the music store one. How the FUCK I'm I suppose to know that choosing Electro would make her trust decrease
>it takes him 2 minutes to stun an enemy
>literally just posted her passive
I for one, would want a character based on The Thing or Friday 13th. If Jaws is acceptable, so they are.
Just remember to always hug the enemy becase she loses like 50% damage from being too far away
Physical is better but anomaly is more general for farming, I'd say farm something general and craft anomaly with the disc remains
What is this game about? I just saw the shark maid and the cop girl with the fat butt getting fan art. Is it a gacha?
Jane is my future wife
Werewolves and vampire were always male monsters
Where is my succubus? Where is my Hachishakusama?
Level up your stunner's skills and impact disc bwo
Im not a metafag so I dont have any concrete numbers but I run him with defense set with his sig with koleda and he chunks health bars on his quick assists and stuns really really quickly. He feels great as a stunner but im just a shitter so I dont know anything
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Are you shitposting, or are you actually this bad at the game?
HI3 has skip tickets
Is there a A rank agent if you don't have grace
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Idk corinbro I’ve never really be into the gothic lolita thing but Corin activates my neurons like nobody else in the game
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she sounded VERY disappointed when she came over to watch a movie in that trust event and wise told her she had to pay back by promoting the store, almost like she was expecting SOMETHING ELSE
I'm a bit confused. It's every 10 inter knot levels I can increase the level cap for my agents, right?
Grace applies shock extremely fast regardless so she doesn't miss it all that much.
Thunder Metal's 4PC is multiplying all of her attack by 28% effectively permanently. Even though disorder removes shock it's still active before the shock is actually removed so a disorder proc with her as the base element is also boosted by 28%.

I wouldn't go as far to say that Freedom Blues 4PC is a trap, but the conditions you'd want to use it in are rare and the opportunity cost too great. You'd have to choose to fight an enemy that has high resistance to your anomaly, using a mono-element team for some reason that is relying on anomaly procs when enemies gain resistance to anomalies the more times they're afflicted with it, or you just don't care and want to apply element asap.
The last I took advantage of in Shiyu Defense. Stuck the 4PC Freedom Blues on random characters to apply their element effect to an enemy as fast as possible to bring down the shield. But later on i'll actually build shit out so I won't need to do that.
I use him as a stunner since my rolls gave me S11 and Lucy I went ahead and invested all in on fire, but I don't really have a proper stun character to compare him to. It does feel good to just facetank shit with him like the dullahan *teleports behind u* slashes
That's the whole point of a stunner
Now I am horny, well done anon
Is Rina witch or ghost themed?
>female Jason expy
I will M6 her
Ghost/haunted doll
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Grace is the witch
Ghost, more specifically a poltergeist
My gf
>vampire were always male monsters
Carmilla, one of the first novella about vampire released in 1872, before even Dracula was about a lesbian vampire.
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>Tricked Zhu into watching porn with me
Shes so dumb
jesus why is this general so retarded
no you are not stunning a boss in 10 seconds. yes more than 3 seconds of not using dps = dps loss and no amount of stun damage bonus will make up for that
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6 months from now
Mark My Words
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>only 3 characters per team
>only 5 roles (dps, stun, dps-dot, defense, support)
>only 5 elements
>team comp is limited by character bonus
i think they might run into trouble making unique characters later on
1 v 1 me snake
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do witches hover over ground with their hands like this?
Man the Nest HZ is so much more fun than Shiyu denfense, it's just you and your ability against worsening odds.
Time attacks are really boring.

Miyabi and Corin were my favorites!
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where do I go to learn all this shit
I want to improve my game knowledge but I'm a retard
I was 17 rolls off pity so it too ka fucking while, but she's finally here
>That Piper Truck
It's freaking huge.
Yeah but everyone cares about Dracula, dingus. Shit you posted is literally who tier
Made for hand holding
was the reddit spacing necessary
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the heavy machinery with excavator arm has some wackass hitbox timing that don't match the visual effects to time your parry or dodge
not a problem, just adjust to the timing but that's still wack
Well at least it encourages them to pump out factions quicker.
>team comp is limited by character bonus

You will get more Ben/Koleda combos and you will like it! ROLLL ROLL ROLL
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She's a slut
>you are not stunning a boss in 10 seconds
You can tho
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who cares about the fan-fiction of an alcoholic irish coomer
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Congrats copbro! Have fun.
>character has passives and buffs centered around stunned enemies
>takes him 2 minutes to stun an enemy
Is that a flamethrower? Anomaly fire?
I wish I were my brother
Sort of get that. So are stun characters useless?
But I thought the design of zy = dump all your damage when the enemy is stunned.
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>my sister puts heartfelt photos of her life together with me
>all I can put up is shitty ingame events photos
>like the kusoneko one they make you do for tutorial, which I immediately took down
defend this, Hoyodrones.
How can she be a slut when she's never had sex?
Or should I say "PAWtect you!"
all the belobog bosses feel like ass to fight out of all the enemies in the game, glad they don’t show up out of their respective area
Koleda stuns everything in two EX combos. That takes less than 3 seconds retardbro
They should let me put up photos I took myself ingame.
I thought it was a meme in these thread, but I also got lycaon on my lost coinflip. Help me put together 2 teams from these:
>Soldier 11
>Every A-rank
I could do another 80 rolls for Zhu, but I'm a robosexual so I don't want to jeopardize my chances at getting Qingyi.
Qingyi only needs any support character for her bonus, right? So she should still be a good pick even if I don't have Zhu? Please don't tell me my smol android dream is over with this lost coinflip.
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Yeah, its hitbox is active before the parry flash is, so if you're going for a dodge you'd need to do it before the flash appears
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>no you are not stunning a boss in 10 seconds
yeah this is b8
have a pity (You) for the attempt
stupid fucking cat posters
And Dracula also had his brides
Me, because it's hot
Go out and enforce the law.
I started last week. You can still make it.
smart fucking cat LORDS
They are more like cronies/underlings rather than actual brides. He was fixated on Harker's wife in the novel.
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I want to play more but the only thing left to do is make my characters stronger
no I don't want hollow zero I'm done for the week
I like that you need to heavily invest in anomaly or stun resonium if you want that shit to actually work. It's not as free as it is in the rest of the game.
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>got spooked by Nekomata trying to c6 Nicole
Who is this pocket pussy good with?
Not really, just Ellen's banner if that's what you wanted.
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This is actually a great idea, but given that photos are just saved as files to our PC it would be tough for them to stop users from putting random shit up in-game.

I would IMMEDIATELY do a Corin wall though. Imagine her reaction when she would see it when coming to clean my room...
NTE is going to FUCK our ass bros. I'm worried
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you missed out on shark banner, all the free shit and half the events retardbro

catposters are the most oppressed minority in the united states
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ok retards post of a video of you stunning level 50 notorious mecha or any other boss in 2 hits. i'll wait.
>b-but you dont have enough impact
i dare you to say that again
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Her slyness, the way she dresses, her obsession with dennies...it all brings her chastity into question!
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They probably drew each other here. That means Wise is the more artist-ey one.
The limited banners will eventually come back. Just focus on the game and economise your rolls.
Maybe once Hugo is introduced, we get his loli vampire sire some day following after him.
>Koleda's reaction when I start talking about thiren crimerate.
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missed out on what? getting addicted to dailies like everyone else?
>3 weeks late for a gacha release
At least tell us you were super busy or your grandma had cancer or something.
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I did it, Billybros.
What are good investment stopping points for skills? I just reached rank 30 interknot and am not sure on where to spend my battery energy.
1st team will be a little awkward compared to a traditional stunner like koleda but ben is a psuedostunner so start getting gud at his blocks
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Yes, but they are still female vampire.
the game flopped
do not install
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>Impact 143
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You bet it is
I want Koleda so fucking bad it's unreal
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>Impact 143
Why isn’t ZZZ open world?
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Grace sounds like a crazy but amicable machine otaku during cutscenes but reads like a nasty sociopath in her trust events. It's like she was written by 2 different people.
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bro my anby with no impact discs has more impact than that tf you doing
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>Nicole is a slut!
>Nicole is a virgin!
Nicole is my wife.
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>10% damage increase
its 150% more damage retard, 210% if you use qingyi, not to mention zhu passive is 30% more damage AND she also gets 30% more crit, and im not even factoring the boost from nicole chain attack and zhu additional bullets
Because God exists and sometimes he does good things
Because it’s better this way.
wise x belle x zhu
wise x belle x nicole
wise x belle x miyabi
wise x belle x lycaon
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>Impact 143
There's already an open world game by mihomo
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i know i'm technically not bricked but this feels very bricked
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Today I learned that all the sixth street cats have fully modeled ballsack and anus
Gee, two tits windows? They sure love them air intakes.
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its over
Mihoyo doesn’t wanna go bankrupt
Before they start costing purple shit
thank god its not
last thing i want is to chase 1000 same looking 1 primo chests through the same copy paste maps and copy pasted puzzles
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retardbro how about you equip some fucking discs I'm a damn loser who don't even have enough resources to level her up and I spent my 35 to 40 farming resources like a dumbass so i'm stuck using shit discs...
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The Prophecy is open world.
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now go check out the bunny band w-engine
>1.82 energy regen
The only unit that wants 4 pc Anomaly is Seth next patch
I'm not far in the game, what is that?
Is nekomata just so bad it's not worth using her, or do I not have the right characters to build a team for her? I've been focussing on S11 and I've almost got her from fully scuffed to only semi-scuffed now. Haven't really invested much in my other characters yet, so I can still go for whoever at this point.
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Nice ventilation and nice support
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>she had dumps like a truck~
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We already have a rabbit asshole so why not
wow you have 10 more impact!!!! surely that means 80% speed up to stun!!!
fucking retards. still waiting on the video.
I like that most of the characters use gadgets, prothestics or weapons instead of some form of magic. The fox girl kind of stick out because of it though.
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Hey bro Hoyo made a game just for you! The fine gentlemen here >>487866416 will be happy to tell you more about it Im sure
whats everyone farming on IK43+?
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>his level 40 Koleda's impact isn't above 160 or even 150
I can't guys, this guy isn't baiting he's really serious
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Factions ranking in terms of coolness
>Sons of Calydon
>Cunning Hares
>Section 6
>Victoria Housekeeping
>Belobog Heavy Industries
>Obol Squad
>wither core
>the only way to make it "challenging" is by making you put on extreme penalties and forcing you to make it to corruption 5 for the gay health drain over time and make the fight 1 hit=death
The future for contents is grim
Heddy the homewrecker
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Here's Anby (A-rank) stunning a level 70 Thanatos in one chain attack. She has 173 impact.
also im gonna be honest here you’re gonna be pretty fucked comp wise with qingyi considering her only viable team without zhu will be qingyi/ben/anton unless you get grace along the way (qingyi/grace/anton)
but of course, your dick matters above all, so good luck!

not until we have a physical stunner or support yeah she’s in a bad place compared to other comps
How much Impact do you need on your stunner? I have 907
Wow just like Elden Ring!
I am the exact opposite, I dropped this game on Day 3 and I haven't touched it ever since. People said it's JOMO or something.
this is seth's best f2p engine btw
play the characters that you like
have soul and don't be a metafag
do you like nekomata or not?
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Damn, this game is not f2p friendly.
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Does Belle know that incest is illegal?
Man, she might as big as Grace.
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do we have any idea what Caesar does? I saw some anons saying she's supposed to be physical.
>homos are nonhuman
Heddy in my beddy
Did they nerf her height and booba?
>show me a boss fight
>h-heres an elite mob
you cant be serious
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I hope mihoyo doesn't go full chinktard with ZZZ and just stick with superficial CCP faction names cause I just dropped HSR after knowing THESE are the all the upcoming 5* until 2025 hits. I will miss Topass but I already had my fill of Wuxia torture patches long ago
I just did a lvl 4 run with an ether/crit build, worked pretty good.
Because MiHoyo doesn't want to compete with their own games obviously even though most of the community is just from genshin and HSR
Do sisters really do this? I don't mean specifically incest, but try to get in the way with a girl that likes you or you like.
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Be the judge
Can you change S rank bangboo choice once you've picked one?
>Obol Squad
Bruh, there is only S11 so far.
Physical defender.
The top portion you just wouldn't know about if you didn't look up how damage is calculated.
I didn't mention this, but anomaly proc damage is based on your stats for each instance of anomaly application. So that 4PC is doing nothing for a disorder-spec Grace UNLESS you double apply her shock. It's an important caveat and something those builds you were looking at are accounting for. Hopefully.

The bottom portion is something you experiment with in gameplay. I was using 4PC Freedom Blues on Piper for a while because it was the obvious anomaly set, but then I thought about it and realized it was kind of stupid. Her big problem is energy so I keep 4PC Assault + 2PC Freedom Blues with an energy disc. The energy is overkill, but none at all is too little. I suspect once I get more of her core upgrades that improve her energy gain multipliers and definitely once I get more cinemas she won't need any extra help.
your pity isn't wasted until you get a boo
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>he takes longer than 10 seconds to stun
Just don't get hit loser. Everything becoming a massive damage sponge is dumb.
I'm not here to fight you, it's just what I have right now. And if you really want help, you can gauge how much impactful it is in an actual boss fight.
What do you want, 6/11 Ninevah?
>All that chinawank
They really want to tank this game holy shit.
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>illegal business
>illegal relationship
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Then why are you here
Anon, this enemy is known for extremely low stun thresholds. It's the balance her. Quick, annoying but super easy to stun.

NTA btw, but this is NOT a good example. It gets often stunned by just one parry + counter attack.
>not dropping it with aventurine homowank and penaconyslop flop
Big and saggy?! How many patches???
of all the roles in the game this is the one I wonder the most about its viability and what it will offer going forward.
1.3 if the leaks are to be trusted
Defender Physical
post a notorious hunt or sd boss
feels like every single retard in this general stuns a normal mob in 1 hit (which is possible) and uses that as a benchmark against boss fights where stunners are a complete dps loss
>Just don't get hit loser.
That's not really a problem, dodging is easy
This is ass
Don't forget the seven china spaceships, we've only visited the first one yet bro
alright, I'll leave
will drop HRT if I don't win the 50/50 on the feet chink girl, this game is way better
>not dropping it when they announced dr ratihomo being forced on everyone's accounts
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My king is fire not physicalkek
She's also unenjoyable whenever theres more than one enemy on the screen, her basic sucks dmg wise, if u happen to stun her string is too long to proc the chain if you don't hold and if you hold u waste bullets with improper buffs (better swap and do a string or waste energy on other chara), her damage is linear, shes very dependant on nico suck to have any grouping, loses a ton of dmg outside stun cause of passives so its harder to finish a near dead enemy that barely survived a stun phase, weak iframes, no 40% reductions, no poise, weak dodge counter, damage dropoff at 15m and over (some mobs and elits get pushed by your combo making this a problem). What else can i say.
On paper, if you play perfect she is on par but outside of that shes a wonky ass character, i havent mastered her yet but the only benefits i see from her rn is the Ether element. She's benched for any non ether stages as soon as Jane Doe comes out. She needs BIG QoL, if i was in charge i'd make her E create at least a mini suck ball or a small vacuum effect and change the requirements of her passive to criticals or corrupted enemies instead of stunned enemies.
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What is Wise doing in Honky Train?
Nice thanks bwo
A ben upgrade would be worse than physical
>Download hoyoapp for reward crumbs
>Decide to check forums
>It's twitter & tumblr tier homo posting
>Retardes youtube-tier comments
How good is luckyboo? Worth investing in at all?
>Lycaon will never step on my face with his paws
I'll kill the nigger that fucked him up.
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I'm kinda worried that they'll end up turning the penultimate chapter into a chinawank chapter. The Luofu having seven ships seems like the perfect excuse to have them involved in the fight against Nanook.
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>tits all covered up
>do we have any idea what Caesar does?
Makes my penis hard
Aventurine had good bants despite the faggotry and drawn out flashbacks, but Firefly and Raiden also were the final nail in the coffin with how much screentime they took from the plot just to state they were using 1% of their power. Robin might've be been as well a 4* character
Sure if you don't already have a revolverboo
Discount Revolverboo. Pretty good, actually.
Oh man, You better believe that will happen, just wait for the Chinese new year. I can almost believe this sort of things is a requirement for Chinese companies
>Penacony has like 6 characters
>While Space China has more than 10
shit is fucking ridiculous.
mihomo made a containment chamber for the retarded zoomers so we can post in comfy threads. I kneel dawei
I think Corin's saw spins the wrong way/the blade is mounted the wrong way. It spins away from the pointed direction of the teeth.
is jane doe a rat or a mouse
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Will she be good at the, sex?
Which discs do Koleda and Ben want? Need to do my Cleanup weeklies.
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The new paizuri window is hotter, fight me
No. She’ll be an awkward mess.
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Hidden cheevoGODS WW@?
akshually, she identifies herself as a cat
i think ben or his wengine simply adds your def stat to your atk stat, or some % of it.
it was first conceptualized as another gearset to eat up resources. currently, it can only ever be an offense or stun with a different icon and slightly more noob friendliness.
its future can be brighter only if there's a gimmick mode for it. until then, it did its job of being a shallow grind extender.
Optical illusion. It's like watching a cars rims appearing to spin backwards when it starts picking up speed.
this is why you can't add difficulty to gacha games
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Sick of his sibling forcing him to cum inside her every night. So he chose to escape to another game.
what the fuck is wrong with mihoyo and forcing trannies upon the playerbase
>hey guys heres trannyloy for everyone!
>hey guys heres dr tranny for everyone!
i hope they dont fucking send out a tranny furry in this game, hate to have my mail held hostage for years
The most important for Koleda is 4pc Shockstar, while the 2pc can be either energy regen or fire damage. Ben can hold 4pc defense set and 2pc fire, or swap those depending on if your Ben's the one doing the damage.
i have nothing against the kot but since you have lycaon the team i suggested would be better than anything else you could make, you can make do with anby/piper/neko if you want to but it’d just be worse than lycaon/piper/corin since corin gets insane burst paired with lycaon
I see. Thanks for taking the time to explain instead of just making fun of me.
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I know how to use her in bed and that's all that matters
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Thank you bro, time to make them stronger.
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I want to commit arson
Obsessed niggas will stalk a general for weeks so they can post a doomer comment. Probably a honkai troon.
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Just telling on yourself bro
it's not animated as fast as a real saw and when it slows down you can see it moving the wrong way.
I guess you kinda give me a decent cope though.
>try out the disorder team with Grace/Lucy/Piper instead of Grace/Lucy/Anton
>it's killing faster despite Anton having higher investment
I'm gonna kill myself
>trying her hardest to avoid eye contact
>xhe is still believing in mihomo not wanking male characters for zzz
>xhe is still believing in mihomo not making an entire chinawank for zzz
hahaha... t-t-third time for sure...
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I tried using a games official discord for the first time in forever so i can keep up with the latest announcements and then i got muted for talking about Leaks. Are all discords that gay now? Holy fuck
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Almost a month has passed. Are you staying? Are you happy with the arcade event and the two voiceless mini events?
>also im gonna be honest here you’re gonna be pretty fucked comp wise with qingyi considering her only viable team without zhu will be qingyi/ben/anton
Damn, is that really going to be it? I thought she just needed a support from any faction, so I sorta hoped there'd be more options than that.
>play the characters that you like
>have soul and don't be a metafag
>do you like nekomata or not?
I'm ambivalent towards nekomata. I like her design and how she zips all over the place, but all that zipping around doesn't really feel particularely impactful.
I really liked Qingyi during the story tho, so the only way I'm not rolling her is if she's unironically worse than Anby. I can't shake the feeling that I might be fucking myself over a bit team comp wise having Qingyi without Zhu. But I guess I'll just have to hope they release an attacker+support combo later that she slots into.
No, I believe you senpai. Nekomata is cute but her hits don't feel as good as Lycaon when I playing him during the story. Out of curiosity, would Lycaon/Corin/Soukaku also be good? Unless I'm mistaken that comp should also have all their bonuses enabled.
Yea I like the game so far.
Just don't fuck it up like you usually do Hoyo
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Staying until waterkuma is fired
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>talking about leaks in the official discord
>using discord
>2v2 snake kino
>cute bangboo event
>fun little bite sized puzzles
I actually have enjoyed them.
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Mmm... Nyes...
I dropped the game on Day 3

okay alright I will leave
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It has Nicole...
Not happy with events but combat & characters are fun. I'll stick with it to see what they've got going for 2.0. HSR had a rough start as well.
PVP events are always sovl
windtrace is the best genshin event too btw
>want to use Rina
>has no Grace
>Anton suck ass
Protip, if you close your game after making the wrong choice, most of the time you will relog to the point right before
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for me it's
>wither core 6/11 took me long to clear
I don't wanna know what's waiting for 11/11
They're spongy as shit bro
Are the first few stages of SD red easier or harder than SD blue? My Zhu team does good but my underlevelled and poorly geared Anton/Koleda/Lucy team takes like 10 years and I dunno if I'll be able to get 'em up to par before the current period ends.
As side note I had to squeeze out the last slither of damage with Koleda on SD10 after my Anton got two-shot at like the 25 seconds left mark and my index finger is still shaking.
Your lycaon and corin?
Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the frankenstein maid so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time she cleans my house I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Corin. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Corin's tight gothic pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/kludge babies.
The fourth stage of red shiyu is when the difficulty spikes back up. You can probably handle the first three.
Maybe - I'm also playing HSR and I feel like playing two gachas as a pure f2p is probably not gonna be long term sustainable for me.
Damn, what a real GAMER
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How far deep are you guys in Withering Garden right now?
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summoning antico-op schizo...
Got spooked by my first Grace. What's her best team that doesn't include Rina?
At 11/11 all enemies become massive sponges and even the smallest enemies deal a quarter of your health while stealing most of your energy and flinching you for further attacks. It's cancer and drains your soul but that's what gacha endgames are for
Is Piper's sig worth refining or should i save it?
Red 4 is gonna be a lot of people's end point for this cycle but you should be able to at least B rank the first 3.
9/11 isn't too much harder. The killer is the "Enemies are enhanced in all aspects" on the 11th modifier.
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Can't S rank Shiyu 9 because of fire team. Does it come down to disks or rotation?
I feel like my rotation is good,(build fire anomaly with S11, switch to piper then spin to proc disorder, lucy as chain attack buff only) ,but my fire team has disks that don't hit their preferred main stat. They're all S and A as well. Not maxed leveled because the main stats are wrong.
There are already chinks in the game, but zero traditional chink aesthetic. Best case scenario would be if Mihoyo simply decorated the town in new year and reused the chink named characters in events
>Anton C6
is he good? I have Grace
dr ratio is based and dunks on fagventurine for being a peacocking gayboy
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Do you consider this your equal?
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I'm addicted to Nicole's breasts and ass so I'll be staying for the foreseeable future
Piper & Lucy
>Damn, is that really going to be it?
No that anon's being retarded. Qingyi's core bonus activates with any cop OR Attacker too. Corrin is an obvious team mate due to wanting stunned enemies, but you could build around any Attacker you pair her with.
Billy clears the second team solo btw
What does the happy face mean on the team menu? As far as I can tell it's just characters that are in world friends with each other but can I make anyone friends?
Who will be a good mother to my children?
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>got to 1100
What's your record, houndbros? Snakecucks please do NOT reply with your dead game
Yes but he needs Grace to be invested into for max damage. He's also helped greatly by Rina shock extension.>>487877248
>everything about the cops and all the fanart from them is absolutely dripping with S0VL and SEXO
how did they do it?
Do you mean the one that shows you how many members of your team have their core ability additional effect active? It's the one that appears next to the button showing you how many more battles your food buff will last in the team screen.
Exposing Nicole's sluttiness by asking her to put her "skills" to the test.
How much money do you need to catalyze the loan resonium in Withering Garden? It doesn't actually tell you how much you need to repay like the other stage, he just fucks off if you don't have enough.
Why is my wife so much taller than me
Nicole & Zhu Yuan
It's okay.
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You don't?
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>roll x10
>it's all wengines
Fuck me sideways I guess
>file size too large

I lied a bit it's bangboo banner

>2x resonaboo

Who's the brick of bangboo banner btw
>get Zhu
>get to level 40 proxy after doing challenges and other stupid shit I hadn't done
>waste all my extra charges for materials to level up skills and what not
>reach 10 tapes in the normal signal search and decide to impulsefag them (can't do anything else with them anyway) get knotted
today was a good day, /zzz/.
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Can someone give me the run down on the North securityboo mission?
This is the first time my eyes are just glazing as I read through the story and I'm kind of just button mashing through it
But not YOUR Billy
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I love him...
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fuck this mission
When I'm making a squad there is a face in the corner that gets happier when I put koleda and the bear together, but when i have the bear, lucy, and the cop it does not look happy.
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All the agents in this game wear Balenciaga lol
youre always guaranteed what you pick so theres no bricks unless you brick yourself
but what engine did you get for the A, that's all that the cope you can have
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566. Playing those arcade games with joystick kinda sucked.
Billy is that good?
I'm dropping this game for Azur Promilia
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Did you actually get all your skills to 9/9/9/9/9?
It's a fun little side game, and there's not that much grind compared to other gacha I"ve played since you can subset a lot of it with skill in most modes outside SD.
No, at least not yet because the only A-rank anamoly is Piper so you won't get disorder procs.
I'm doing it for Piper because I love her.
Are both Pantheons just short or do we have room to grow
Then yeah. It's
>shows you how many members of your team have their core ability additional effect active
You can click it for more detail as I recall. I haven't need to in forever.
Bangboo banner 2x resonaboo
Only Ellen and Zhu
Others are 1/1/1/7/1 slaves
It's over
They are like 25
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This thing, for Lucy
She's still C1 though, it ain't that much
If you invest, kinda? If yours is past C4, now that's a good Billy
Dont you mean 14/14/14/14?
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I ran out of everything before I could do tht.
Azur Promilia doesn't release until 2025 though
You're doing forensics work to find out what happened to the guy.

Rost and the sharkboo amushed a securityboo, Rost had a prototype virus that was supposed to copy his shark's personality over to the secboo (after wiping the secboo's personality). But it was really hurting the sharkboo, because Rost is actually an asshole and didn't care about it. Instead of canceling the transfer process he forced it, and the process fucked up so the secboo is now a mix of the shark and sec. He's not fully a secboo but he knows enough to know Rost is an asshole who wanted a secboo to to fuck around in pubsec's stuff.

That good enough?
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They are having trouble NOW, in 1 patch anby is being powercrept.
>No that anon's being retarded. Qingyi's core bonus activates with any cop OR Attacker too. Corrin is an obvious team mate due to wanting stunned enemies, but you could build around any Attacker you pair her with.
Well, that's making me feel a little better about this. So would something like
Be good? The other anon recommended Piper instead of Soukaku in that second team, but I'm unless she's significantly better I just find Soukaku cuter.
This is the best gacha I've ever played unironically
Here's my full list of gacha shit, everything I've played for more than 6 months regularly:
>Azur Lane
>Dragalia Lost
>World Flipper
>Princess Connect
>BanG Dream
>Project Sekai
>Uma Musume
>Honkai Star Rail
This is the best one of them all. If this is your first gacha you have no idea how good you have it.
Yeah, thanks
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>BP level 49 with 800 XP
>reached the XP limit for this week
bruh are you fucking serious
don't forget Original Sharkboo also died in that process/spoiler]
>*SCHLOP SCHLOP SCHLOP* Wise could've never expected some obscene noises coming from a nearby alley to be able to draw his focus away from such a crucial PUBSEC comission he volunteered to assist Zhu Yuan with
>"Come on Wise, we can't afford to get distracted now." Qingyi bashed her metal staff against his head "Leave Zhu and your sister to the intel gathering while you keep searching for clues."
>"S-Sorry, you're right…"
>*SCHGLOP SCHLOHPY* As Wise cluelessly investigated the crime scene, the noises only got louder and sloppier over time, amounting to a dreadful sense of concern
>"Wait up, they could be in danger! Belle! Zhu Yuan!"
>He ran toward the alley and managed to get a back view of them: Belle stood on a pavement covered in sticky white and pungent yellow fluids, while Zhu squatted next to her, the nasty sight of her usually upright face obstructed by animalistic thrusts she gave against Belle's waist
>"Oh, Wise, ugh—It's you!" Belle turned her head, smiling and waving despite her slightly annoyed tone
>"Belle? W-What is Zhu Yuan doing leaning on this filthy ground?"
>"We found a *SCHLOP* transmitter the rebels were *SCHLOP* using to gather the ethereals around. Zhu is just *SLUUUURP* busy defusing it!"
>"Is that so? But I can't seem to get a clear view of the device…" he could only glimpse at Zhu handling the grotesque silhouette of some bulky object dimmed in the alley's shadows
>"SHTLOP—don't comsh a steph closher, ghis area is—SCHLOFF—limitsh!" Zhu put up a "HALT" hand sign, her slimy glove concealing the view of her throbbing, uncouth expression
>Before he could get a step closer, a metal bar pressed against his chest. "You heard her, Wise. Let's head back to the site." Qingyi had a subtle smirk contrasting her stern gaze "There is a proverb that says 'curiosity killed the cat' you know?"
>"Y-Yes, Ma'am!" he flinched meekily, unaware that from then on, the siblings would come to aid PUBSEC in countless cases all over New Eridu.
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Which way proxy?
you get 2400 tomorrow
why do you need that b rank ball so bad anyway
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I'm staying for Lycaon
Why won't Mihoyo just make a Single-player game like Persona/Danganronpa?

Too many live service games are unsustainable.
Can I make them friends? Or does it not really matter?
If you read the word "rapeable", what character comes to your mind?
gross and cring
Why would they? This method makes money. The people who whale outbalance the people who play free substantially.
It's way more than that kek. I need to update this.
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I just failed the interaction for this dumbass. This is why dogs are better; they'll never refuse food or be happy with whatever.
Fuck cats and their cuck owners.
>Too many live service games are unsustainable.
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The more concerning issue is that there's 5 roles but only 1 that actually matters. If they don't do something then all shiyu clears are just going to be 6 anomalies eventually.
>average futranny cope
Bangboo event final two parts were good.
Current one is fun but like most of the TV stuff could do with being on the longer side. It's cool of them to try new gimmicks every day but it needs to be on 5-10 floors instead.
Arcade is fun, i honestly don't care if they keep spamming events and i hope they add more arcade games.
It mostly depends of how they handle Hollow Zero and TVs. If they just move on to rallyslop and leave TV behind for the most part then i probably won't stick around because the combat system is not that good on it's own. If the game keep a nice mixture of TV and pure combat, and keep adding more to Hollow Zero for it's replayability factor, then i will probably keep playing the game.
I hope Monica becomes playable. She's like Jessica Rabbit.
Corin. You can just grab her by the wrist, pull her to you while she cries out "Yamete kudasai!", bend her over, pull down her white bloomers, and start a-rapin'.
huh i mashed skip but that actually sounds kinda based. imagine a dumb shark being a public security assistant lmao. rost sounds like a bro
Why aren’t you playing Elden Ring?
weapons, in this case w-engines, in character gachas are so fucking ass
I'm hoping if they add more it'll be Chinese characters in a fire fighter team. Them being civil services will probably keep the CCP happy and give us more interesting designs.
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>Are you staying?
Game's fun so yeah, definitely staying.
Those are just smaller events but I actually enjoyed them, snake duel is kino and bangboo is soulful, the current TV puzzle are so-so.
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Yes, my billy can, I wouldn't have told him that otherwise
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Invest in Billycoin.
They can literally create a Chinatown in the city and add a plot of a greedy Chinese man who wants to ascend to greater heights like a dragon
Shut up /zzz/
Shut up Wise
Shut up Grace
Shut up Rina
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Hit me with a sequel and you're based in my eyes

Also Zhu Yuan is really fucking fun to play, my favorite gun character and she's 90% compatible with anyone I like to play so she's honestly really great right now
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How much have you fed your billy to get him to do that?
just make a shiyu defense that resist anomaly
thiren women where?
imagine getting filtered by a cat
I already finished the DLC
Gael is still the best Soulsborne boss ever made from a "lore"(lol), presentation, moveset and music standpoint btw
Good job anon! Keep it up!
Why would they? Gacha makes anywhere between 4x - 20x more money than a singleplayer one-and-done game. Cygames spent 7 years making a fully-fledged console game and it earned them less income than 4 months of their gacha game revenue
based and schlopilled
>Invest in Billycoin
If the rumors are right and he's in Qingyi's rate up I'm gonna 6/6 him.
I'm too busy playing real games like zenless zone kino and modded terraria
Disorder is the hyperbloom of this game
Yeah, he decided not to go back to pubsec but he's dedicated his new life to hunting down Rost and uncovering who came up with that virus. I expect more detectivey missions to come of it.
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already have, see >>487878913
>faster than zhu yuan nicole team btw
>no bangboo
i already played it and the multiplayer sucks ass compared to the older games so there's no reason to stick with it
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Probably with good disks
I already finished the game and dlc
PLAPkaku is exceptionally rapeable
aka 3 mainstat artifacts is enough to clear until EoS?
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Hey /zzz/, C1 Koledabrick anon here with some questions.
I've been playing Corin/Koleda/Ben which misses Corin's passive but it's been fine for getting through the story and early SD.
I'm at the point in SD where I need two teams though, and I don't want to give up progress since I won't be rolling til robocop releases.
Any tips or ideas for getting two usable teams out of this trash roster? Anton is C6 for what it's worth but I heard he wants Grace to be any good.
How strong are Qingyi and Jane according to testers?
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is there any reason to use light attack after parry instead of heavy attack?
It’s an easy and boring game, like every triple A slop nowadays. I should just start pirating shit
billyGODS have mercy...
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if mihoyo was smart they'd make palworld before palworld did
too bad they arent tho
ah excuse me i forgot qingyi can be paired with any attacker, so yes her/lucy/11 would make a great team
blue oni buffs wouldn’t make any impact to corin's burst at all which is the issue, piper brings a lot more damage and damage buffs on top of it which corin benefits from, unlike the oni's ice dmg buff
you can do two attacks?
Belle will achieve total Pubsegs, Wise will pay her bail
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Haven't fed him too much, nothing too crazy, the discs rolled pretty nicely though I will say
kiss him
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Corin has retard strength so she'd be able to fight off your rape attempts.
She'd let you do it, though.
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Qingyi is very weak, basically an Anby sidegrade.

Rrat is a meme, Assault will become less and less good compared to crit% the further we go.
Which main stat for Piper's 5 disc? I guess Anomal Mastery/Proficiency for 4 and 6, too?
Do you think the average mihoyo player has enough iq to play puzzle games like danganronpa?
twerk for him
post that webm of the furry vtuber who goes a absolutely insane after pulling him
Double kot...
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Not really, until you post your +0 discs clear.
No wonder, he's like an entirely different agent with a new playstyle once you get like 4/6
Yiff in hell
palworld was a fluke, their devs were bruteforcing the genre for a while, though if mihomo just put something together like that in 2 or 3 years they could've also dominated the creature collector market
'Cos I don't have Elden Ring.
Does physical DMG bonus affect ASSAULT too?
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I can't clear SD17 2nd half under 5 minutes with Grace/Piper/Lucy
>before playing zzz
>the furries are the worst part about the game
>after playing zzz
>the furries are the only thing the game has
I will be dropping this game for NTE
I limit myself to writing one FutaBelle pasta per limited character >>487636730 , eagerly waiting for Rrat
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yes you can press the normal attack button or the special attack button, and looking at these multipliers for anby I was wondering what's the point of using a normal attack
how did you roll so many billy kinos
Physical, it's free 30% extra damage.

I got 60% Energy in 6, Piper lives or dies by her Ex so I kind of like it.
Your best bet is unironically the starter team
>high talent levels

Cool so everyone can do it.
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faster recovery for light
>ah excuse me i forgot qingyi can be paired with any attacker, so yes her/lucy/11 would make a great team
No worries. But that's great news for me, I'll just give up on Zhu for now and guarantee myself Qingyi then.
>blue oni buffs wouldn’t make any impact to corin's burst at all which is the issue, piper brings a lot more damage and damage buffs on top of it which corin benefits from, unlike the oni's ice dmg buff
Dang, sucks because she's cute. But I'm a little confused how Piper works in that team. Something like: Piper's spin (to build phys anomaly) into Lycaon to stun into Corrin for damage? Or is there another way they should be used?
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it wasn't a fluke...
people have been demanding an open world pokemon game forever and nintendo is just extremely lazy now because tendies will buy and eat up any slop that gets produced.

mihomo always has experience making open world games, genshin was a copy of botw in a lot of ways so they should have done what was obvious.
my faith in the STARLIGHT KNIGHT never wavered
Really? he plays about the same as I've played him since c0
Palworld is a tech "demo" like Wuthering Waves. All game, no story/ui/cohesion/art direction.
I thought Belle pickers were straight waifufags, what gives?
>grace without her bonus talent active

holy brick team
what site do you get build cards from
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quads but a lie
im still a kotlet, but at least im still a knotlet too
>>after playing zzz
>>the furries are the only thing the game has
The king of retard takes
Did we even play the same game
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Cinema 5 makes all the difference.
I recommend using Starlight Engine for solos since you'll be dodge-countering most of the time. I think his signature is a statstick like Steel Cushion and there aren't many chances to trigger the effect in most cirumstances since a lot of enemies just bum-rush you.
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Crit set is a meme on him, he's slow and his nuke is a guaranteed crit anyway.
Give me the Rina
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I guess "less restricting" would be more fitting.
be grateful lycaon filtered the worst female MC pickers and only the coomer ones post here.
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Cute Autist
Can you like the rest you’ve written? I’d like to take in a deep dive on some futa belle on this fine Saturday. It probably gonna be the next best part of today since I finally got Zhu Yuan. Keep up the good work, your services are a needed in times like these
>be grateful lycaon filtered the worst female MC pickers
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can anyone explain me whats going on in this pic
NTE isn't out yet
neither is Azur Promilia >>487877867

it's that one poster who says he dropped the game on day 3 and says he'll leave the thread but doesn't actually leave
he doesn't play games, he has his fun is being an annoying whining bitch on 4chinz
Those are multipliers for the parry not the follow up attack and are dependent on enemy attack types you silly anon.
Some enemy attacks are considered 'heavy' and take away more assist bars and stagger characters more, chain multiplier is for parrying multiple hits with one defensive assist.
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im glad i got her, i like her
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if I take away his signature engine, then what's the point of it all....
Hoyo lab website
Cunning Hares work well together, it's tempting to dismiss them as the freebie shitters but they're a perfectly functional team
In that case they've been doing a great job expanding to other audiences. not the most massive games but between the fighting game, relink, and the anime a lot more people know about Granblue.
In Hoyo's case they can only make so many gacha without eating their own sales. At some point they'll have to expand out of gacha or just do nothing but ongoing development.
Isn't this just the daze you do when you parry?
Characters have two animations, per example, with lucy, she doesn't fully fall off and the boars just help her keep her ground.
When its a heavy attack, she FULLY falls down and the boars fully grab her
Chain attack its when you parry any attack after the first one, and thats why it has low daze multiplier.
Palworld was just a reaction to Pokemon having stagnant gameplay since X&Y (i.e. 2013) and being a woke trainwreck since Pokemon Scarlet.
Pokemon X&Y were the first titles that made your rival weaker than you and where the gym leaders didn't have full movesets, kek
Ellen likes having her ass stomped
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Police girl looks cool. But i'm new and i don't want to repeat the same mistake i made in Genshit by using all of my pulls and then having nothing when someone i actually want comes along. Should i do it anyway just to build a team? or should i enhance my core members?
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just do side 1 in less than 5 mins
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wuwa collab when?
If mihoyo were really sovlful they'd put FlyMe2TheMoon in their new launcher as a fun little add-in.
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should i spend 600 currency on koleda's 5* engine? my stun engines are garbage
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Did Grace used to fuck Koleda's dad?
Those will work. It'll be kind of awkward with S11 wanting extended field time for basics, but it's doable.
>unless she's significantly better
She would be for that particular team. Soukaku is primarily an Ice support and you aren't relying on Lycaon as a DPS.
>But I'm a little confused how Piper works in that team.
Piper to proc Assault + Flinch (boosts enemy daze damage taken) -> Lycaon to daze -> Corrin to sweep.
I don't know what you mean. That counter is strictly counting who has their core skill bonus active.
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can i replace ben with lucy in a S11+Kolead fire team?
Make it a game in the arcade.
No. its 30 pulls, thats 1/3 of a patch income, don't be retarded.
bummer, I didn't want to put too much into Billy as another phys dps but I guess I don't have anybody else to work on anyways
ty anons
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>like her looks
>like her abilities
>hate her moveset and as a support she's a designated EX-special bot anyway
Paying attention to leaks of upcoming characters is the best way to not fuck yourself.
If you want the robo loli or rat more than anything save if not go for the cop her best current team is all free characters.
Joseph Samuel Hendry (born 1 May 1988) is a Scottish professional wrestler and musician. He is signed to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) since September 2022, and has also been making appearances for WWE on the NXT brand since June 2024 via a working partnership between TNA and WWE. In TNA, Hendry is a former one time and the longest-reigning TNA Digital Media Champion.

In addition to various other independent promotions, Hendry is known for his appearances in his native Scotland with Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) from 2013 to 2019, where he was a one-time ICW Tag Team Champion, and in England with New Generation Wrestling from 2015 to 2018 and Defiant Wrestling (formerly What Culture Pro Wrestling) from 2016 to 2018. He also performed in Ring of Honor, first in 2016 and then from 2018 to 2022, and also appeared in World of Sport Wrestling from 2018 to 2019. He first appeared in Impact Wrestling (renamed TNA in 2024) in 2018 before returning to the company in September 2022. Hendry first made some brief non-wrestling appearances for WWE in 2014 before returning in 2024 on NXT through a working partnership between TNA and WWE.

A decorated amateur wrestler, Hendry has earned British Senior National Championships in freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. Hendry represented Great Britain internationally in freestyle wrestling at the Commonwealth Wrestling Championship in 2017, and subsequently earned a position on the freestyle wrestling team for Scotland at the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Genshin consultant here: Your artifacts suck and there's no perfect team synergies even for the limiteds on this patch to say the last, so chances are you won't be able to A rank rotation Shiyu and almost average to the rewards you'd get when playing with two A-ranks and one standard S-rank teams. Save
Yes. You should actually
Mihomo could release 100 flops and it wouldn't even put a dent to their capital. Why does everything have to be about money to you gachatards?
>all and any luck I had has only been with the bangboos
I hate this so goddamn much. Resonaboo and rocketboo the same day, then sharkboo from a single pull days later while I lose both 50/50s to rina.
Is Billy's engine not just straight up better on Corin than her own wengine?
>Housekeeper = 45%(3%, stacks 15 times) for the duration of her EX + 1 second
>Starlight Engine Replica = 32% for 8s after a basic attack.
One requires energy, the other does not.
Am I just being delusional or what?
that would be cool too, actually
Nyes but you lose the unique Koleda ult animation
Yes. Ben+Koleda synergy is very overrated. I like Ben but he's the brickest of bricks.
piper builds stacks when she spins, once she builds enough stacks she grants team wide damage buffs
assault increases daze buildup
so theoretically, piper first if you have EX built up to inflict assault and grant team wide buff, lycaon to daze+initiate chain attack (if piper ends up dazing the enemy to 99 you can switch to lycaon mid spin so her finisher doesn’t trigger chain attack), end with corin on chain attack, ultimate, then EX if you have enough time for massive damage
Is there a stat and disc optimizer site for ZZZ yet
you didn't read the description correctly
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Non-piggerbros... we don't have any chance with Lucy...
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Failed the .mp4 to .webm conversion like three times. Shoulda just done this from the start.
corin is dogshit without energy bro
im not doing that math but starlight replica needs you to attack the enemy with guns and i think she has none
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>In Hoyo's case they can only make so many gacha without eating their own sales
Why? Gacha is a model of monetization, not a genre. Their animal crossing gacha is not going to 'eat the sales' of ZZZ. ZZZ isn't 'eating the sales' of HSR. These games are all different genres, different artstyles, different character designs, different lore, etc. They make mihoyo bank. Only genuine retards think that Genshin being #1 selling gacha and Star Rail being #2 means they're competing with each other. People will (as always) just play the games that are in the genres that they want to play.
If Mihoyo announced a brand new gacha FPS tomorrow, a whole new crowd of players would be coming to play that too.
>At some point they'll have to expand out of gacha or just do nothing but ongoing development.
I'm staying but I don't know for how long. I'm having fun but artifact grinding in in Genshin and HSR were ultimately what killed those games for me. If the new Shiyu Defense stuff isn't a timed DPS check then I'll be more inclined to stick around. Until then bad disc rng is going to chip away at my sanity
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how are you gunning down ethereals with a chainsaw
Depends on the mindscapes
did you miss the part you have to hit the enemy from 6m away? retarded corinbwo...
Read retardbro read
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She's cute
for how bootylicious zhu is, she rarely gets good ass shots on kill compared to ellen/anby/nekomata/etc. in fact she might have the least booty shots. im sad. should have saved for rrratt
does this count as porn if i got a boner
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what is belle doing?
>20 seconds of onfield time to stun
you realize how much damage ellen could have done in this window?
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Zhu has a very confidential element, not many units share it so she'll stay relevant for the foreseeable future, and she works very well with F2P units
Thanks, I already use piper koleda lucy but i just got s11 and i am not really a fan of piper
koleda and S11 are mc0
lucy and ben are both 4/8
lucy has her special engine, ben does not
You should. I never saved this, but the boost Koleda gets from having him in the team is stupidly small. Ridiculously so. I'm going to look for it.
Day one: this shit is so kino bros. Also why does Billy sound so shit in English but so cool in japanese?
Billy bros, what is your burst phase rotation? I end chain on Nicole to swap in but I feel like I waste time going into crouch stance....I just attack hold forward so he dashes forward into crouch then burst then skill.
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Nicole NEEDS to be kissed on the lips!
>should have saved for rrratt
rat will probably have even less bootyshots blinking all over the place
Yeah but normally you don't do it like this.
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Read the reply chain retard. The question was "why won't mihoyo make a singleplayer game" and the answer is "it would make them far less money". Why would mihoyo want to make less money? What good would taking a loss do for them?
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Game is shit and its being powercrept to the moon.

You had the staple same element or same faction.
Then Ellen gor powercrept beause all Zhu wants is a support, and lolirobo only wants an attacker.
Lolirobo is powercreeping the fuck out of Anby, so I assume they are trying to delay the fact they are going to run out of unique units by just directly powercreeping 4* units.

This game is dead, its not going to survive a year at this rate.
>ZZZ isn't 'eating the sales' of HSR
NTA but as a long time hoyoplayer I jumped ship from HI3 to Genshin to HSR to ZZZ. I can't afford to spend money and time on four different gachas at once so I always swap for the one that looks the most refreshing
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She's sucked many cocks with those lips though!
>I'm having fun but artifact grinding in in Genshin and HSR were ultimately what killed those games for me
We have an item to remedy that but it's quite rare, maybe like 2-3 a month.
> If the new Shiyu Defense stuff isn't a timed DPS check then I'll be more inclined to stick around
I hope for that too
Why haven't they?
Are they actually retarded? Like did someone release Joker's retardation gas in the Homo offices or what
>Companies should just throw money in the trash because they have to much
that's precisely why they are rich retardbro
If mihoyo became a real videogame developer everyone would shit on them because their games would be polished turds
they could flush money down a toilet too
you could flush money down a toilet also, are you going to do it?
Is Jane worth pulling without Grace?
Sluts cannot be xute
>meanwhile there are brick 5* being powercrept less than a patch away from each other in HSR
I have been around for just the last two weeks, but yeah, I'm enjoying the game. Granted, I was lucky enough to pull both Ellen and Shu without much pain, so the "need" to pull is at bay. Still, I enjoyed the game enough to buy the pass. Seemed "fair" after the first week. I still need to properly get into the End Game, and feel how the grind will be moving forward, tho, but the core gameplay is enjoyable, and I do like the characters and setting.
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Confirmed, Corinbwos are the DUMBEST in this general.
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I know who you are
>Chinks gave up this in order to program anime games in coastal cities
Sexual intercourse with this surprisingly sensual blue brat
what are the hidden commissions for IK44? anyone?
stunbros our response..?
Nobody up until 1.4 is worth pulling. Do with this information what you wish
haha you can easily encourage her to senppuku unlike amby
There are none. They're at 40 and 42
can you only have 3 cinemas on at the same time?
Some are just blessed with Billy dupes
Not even the Bikers?
I wanted to try C6 Lucy
>ZZZ isn't 'eating the sales' of HSR
Ehhhhh it might. I dropped it for this and HSR's general is slower since this came out too
how did you know i was brad pitt
> real videogame developer
By any metric except by games journo love, Mihomo is a way more relevant company than any trad AAA developer besides maybe Ubisoft (yes, including Nintendo, who keeps shipping disappointments at a paltry rate of once every 2 years).
You can only have 1 cinema art piece toggled per section, so
1 or 3
2 or 4
5 or 6
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>Called Infinite Abyss
>It's actually Finite
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Cool, I'm not saying you guys don't exist. But its fact that players like you are the minority. Myself, I never heard of mihoyo until Genshin Impact. I dropped it and never played another gacha until ZZZ came along because its an action game.
If another company came along and made an even better gacha action game with designs that appeal to me even more than this I'd drop ZZZ and go play that. And thats how most people operate. Just playing what you want, brand loyalty is completely meaningless.
T-that's impossible, you can't know that with only my UID...
>6m away
FUCK I read that wrong
Time check. How long did it take you to finish this one?
That's because of Mihoyo's content policy
HSR is dead and going back to China2 to promote ZZZ
Then ZZZ will be dead during 1.2 to promote Nathalan.
After that will be HSR's turn
i fkin love this game idk why im having so much fun its insane
HSR finished before ZZZ came out tho
bro your DP? you know how to DP... right?
She may look and act like a brat but she knows exactly what she is doing
>hsr dead
france olympics
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I wanna play it but the energy system is cucking me
The bikers will show up by then, faction units won't usually fit in one patch. It's just a suggested metric due to the exponential rise in dps potential newer limiteds have after the first few MHY patches
HSR will bounce back when they're done with Xianzhou. There's like.. 8... Chstacters.... leeeeeftt..... *dies*
damn, that's kinda lame if you whale for a character and can only activate those
>yellow flash
>press space
Consult the bottomless pit supervisor
Same here. I’d be willing to pay a subscription for infinite energy.
I've posted screenshots with my UID several times and never got it added to the txt file so I don't think you do
You're thinking of wise players who only bring up Belle for incest, Belle players draw her thirsting over women or Lycaon.

The east has always known that femMC yuri is peak fiction in gacha. Just ask Fate
OHH SHIT I shoulda used that one.
Alright, tomorrow's a Sunday.
nta but 90 minutes
14 yuan has been deposited to your account
Fast gameplay and dodge autism
It's makes my ADHD brain happy
Well you probably only whale for the effects, whaling for the art is kinda turbo autist but I can see it happening
let's try to dissect this, they made money with games but are somehow not a real developer?
To be a real developer you have to release AAA slop right and lose billions of dollars?

can you explain?
I don't think HSR is recovering after chinawank, it doesn't have the staying power of genshin or the soul of ZZZ.
I mean, it's not going anywhere but I can see it become the smallest hoyo game of the last 3 (but also the cheapest to produce so it evens out)
its literally just for the art bro
you can toggle between naked and not naked
thats it
Good sound design and gamefeel
Except for the graphic novel cutscenes, the audio in those is frankly garbage, and I’ll be mentioning that (again) in the survey
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At that point you might as well pay to always have max discs, skill, and character levels.
Mihoyo literally wanted that to happen though. HSR is on a dead patch, with a throwaway banner for a character that nobody cares about. Genshin just got an update with another bigger one coming. They literally schedule their shit so that there are always dead months when one of their other games has a big update. Sure, you could argue that counts as 'eating their sales' or whatever, but this stuff is all considered and planned by them already.
burgercuck, that's 2 dollars
you're thinking of yen not yuan
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How did it take you that long with that many resos?!
Are we going to get skins in the future and is it going to be like Genshin levels bad of hardly releasing them?
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now that the dust has settled, is Zhu Yuan stronger than Ellen?
You know what im talking about smartass.
real games are NOT live services games.
specially gacha games. there's a reason its a whole different business model.
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I found it. Incredibly inconsequential buff for having them together.

>Does he make her that much better?
No. Having both in the same team is honestly overkill.
>and how much does he improve Koleda?
>makes the second hit (only enhanced) in her BASIC attack string do 25% more damage and like 35% more daze damage
>her special do 10% more damage
>her ultimate do like 10% more damage and a whopping 3% more daze damage
It's not worth using Ben with her if you're only doing it for the buff.
>production house shouldnt make movies because serialized show makes more money over time
This is how retarded you sound
Yes and it isn't close
I picked Belle and I only see Wise and Belle fucking each other exclusively. It’s the only thing that makes sense about their dynamic and the most widley accepted pairing. And no, the screeching of incest hating minority doesn't count.
all of the funding for HSR goes into advertising it or promotions, not into making the "game" or story good. just look at the new spacechina wank
the "passion project" is just dawei plastering HSR everywhere even if nobody likes it
>lycaon does less daze than my anby
You're not safe, David
Yea but I haven't played Genshin since Sumeru.
Also do I really want to go through 4 patches of boring chinkwank to catch up to when the story gets "decent" again?
Is skill stronger than no skill? Depends on the player.
Who said anything about Mihomo being greedy with their shills? They have quite literally all the money in the world.
>The east has always known that femMC yuri is peak fiction
The east has always treated FeMCs as coombait or comedic relief, tourist, at least before mihomo ruined the gachasphere.
>Belle players draw her thirsting over women
no and its not even close
Irrelevant. Both of them are getting powercrept by Miyabi.
They're getting the Fate collab next year and are technically making more than Genshin in mobile.
Its prob going to be their best game even with the gameplay/powercreep problems.
Less team reliant, just needs one support to shine. But her combos and gameplay suck since unless you're a robocop schizo you will always be underperforming in DPS potential
Post your Wood4
I'm interested in the stats
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find me more Bangboo art
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>I don't think HSR is recovering after chinawank,
Thats what people said the first time we went to space china. Then penacony happened. Its a really simply well polished turn based RPG and it has way more wide reaching appeal than ZZZ does, it will be fine.
Yes & yes. HSR leaks show they're getting a skin soon so It takes atleast 1+ years for 1-2 skins
if you dont care too much for her just save. artifacts will be shit for months and you know it, so just build around the basic S rank you get until a good unit you like comes out then go all in with their artifact. atm no unit really stands out as "must get" like venti or that other gay guys was. also most of them need MULTIPLE units from the same faction to minmax damage, so you not only need 1 but multiple units, let alone ones that fill the role of stun and support well.
Does the story content in these games have a level cap or we'll eventually have to get to lvl 60? that'll be a nightmare.
Do you now ads also count towards their character trailers?
i believe they are a HUGE part of the cost because they have 2 or even 3 for each character and they are high quality.
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is this the hardest boss in the game?
i spent too much time on at the start bringing tons of buffs and rest area's down
>Belle players draw her thirsting over women or Lycaon.
I like Belle fucking women or her brother. No hate to the Lycaonsis' though.
>real games are NOT live services games.

>Counter Strike or TF2 aren't real games
Damn bro posting from the 1990s reminding us all the interwebs is just a fad for checking emails
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>stun nearly full w/ Anby
>swap to Billy so he stuns
>chain 1 Anby
>chain 2 Billy
>chain 3 Nicole
>quick assist Billy to trigger Starlight Engine
>trigger Crouching Shot rolling forward
>Ultimate with +40% damage from Steady Shot + 50-100% ultimate damage from Team Starlight + 15% Starlight Engine
>Rolling Shot into EX boosted by Steady Shot
>hold basic point-blank on Crouching Shot
Based incestchad
it's so hard to release a good triple AAA game now. It takes so much money and in the end people don't buy the game because zoomers are just a different breed.
Name some successful triple AAA games recently.
At the end of the day companies have to make money. A successful company survives and is profitable.

The film industry is dying to netflix. You didn't notice this? Am I talking to a boomer?
Hoyo doesn't really do skins much because they make quality 3D stuff and designing/modeling/rigging a whole new outfit is basically as much work as doing it for a whole new character.
And I assume people don't go out of their ways to buy skins since they use the welkin currency to buy one every other year.
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wha-( thef ukc
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Dont care. HSR survived because there was no other gachas. It's not recovering now when Natlan, Wuwa and ZZZ exist.
HSR is going the way of HI3.
I'm jelly
HSR was just a giant ploy in order to have an excuse to create March 7th in a non-dead/non-homo game
I rather they make S variants of A ranks.
oh wow
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>rearded newfag tourist doesn't even know about Riyo Gudako
Mihomo has money and this makes you mad so you're spending all your time complaining about a game you don't even play.
Does this make sense to you?

touch grass anon
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AAAs might be successful if they didn't have to pay millions to (((independant))) contractors to be told to gayify and uglify their games before release
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what the fuck does that mean
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Are the equivalent of disks in other Hoyo games ever powercrept?
If I get the perfect disk for my character, does it stay best-in-slot forever? Same for weapons.
Are you going to pretend that Counter strike or TF2 require the same development skills that a normal game that you complete are your done?
Those are Multiplayer game that have practically infinite amount of replay value due to its nature and for that they require ALOT less effort to maintain.
Lycaon's incredible for an ice team and a brick outside of it. Koleda is currently the premiere universal stunner except for the ice team. It'll stay that way until more S-rank stunners come out that have buffs or debuffs for their specific elements.
>retarded newfag proves me correct
She was the textbook example of comedic relief.
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>production house shouldnt make movies because serialized show makes more money over time
The analogy you're actually looking for is "TV production company shouldn't make Theatrical Films because TV shows make more money over time and Films are a big financial risk"
Which is correct. And literally what hollywood is doing as we speak. You have the IQ of a doormouse. Fuck off.
That's classified.
Thanks for explaining senpais. I'll use those teams for now and save for when they release an S-rank dps I really want.
>Those will work. It'll be kind of awkward with S11 wanting extended field time for basics, but it's doable.
I think I can deal with a bit of awkwardness if it means being able to use Qingyi. Bonus points that it also allows me to use the cute autist and the cute ojou-sama.
Nah, they made a shitton of FemMC yuri for GBF and FGO already, long before anyone cared about mihoyo. I realise Genshin was your first gacha, but stop trying to pretend you know shit.
>yurikek mental olympics
Fate hates yuritroons btw
Genshin blenderfag here. Mihoyo doesnt have to redo the whole character, but they could be kinda austitic when it came to balancing the weight and collision of the cloth meshes. We have to model underneath the clothing since behind it is nothing
>takes off his jacket as you unlock mindscapes
And doesn't count as femmc yuri because... reality makes you cry? Whiny little tourist.
that one samurai enemy boss kicks my ass in any mode
Well, Penacony (and ZZZ) are what made me drop it.
Penacony after Luofu was like The Outer Worlds coming out after Fallout 76, plenty of people persuaded themselves that it was a drastic improvement when it was really just the same barely improved formula.
I really started seeing the cracks with the Ratio/Mei patch.
And if pigs had wings they could fly.
If this if that, the fact is it's not doing that.

Some other person mentioned ubisoft as a real game dev, the stock is 80% down last 5 years. I'm not even fucking kidding.
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>trying to rewrite history
Yuri fanmade content was always a minority compared to straight in both series, yuritroon. FeMCs were never made for yuri.
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got a cool wipeout with the 2 best girls
>belle only has 47IQ
>because zoomers are just a different breed.
It's not because of zoomies, it's because AAA dreck has not changed in some important areas since 2014 (gameplay) but has changed in some areas where no one asked for it (woke culture, ugly characters).
I wish I had Piper
They lived on tumblr so they assume everyone was as mentally diseased as them kek
Nah,I don't care about non-canon oc, everyone knows yurifags never cared about canon anyway.
FemMCs were always mainly made for yuri. Your "no uhs" won't change it. There is a reason Riyo got to work with FGO directly.
Zhu Yuan doesn't actually need her C1
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A lot of people are forced into eastern manga anime stuff because they're trying to avoid kikes.
I agree that if western games were good we wouldn't be here. But they aren't good.
Yeah that's what I meant in simple terms, I'm a MMDblender fag myself so I know the pain of rigging a new outfit, setting up all the bone chains with their physics and collisions and so on, plus I think Genshin characters don't have real physics but they instead bake the physics of every animation.
This amount of polish makes it hard to create new outfits when that time could be spent on a new model.
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Take your MC wars elsewhere faggots.
>mention fgoshit here
fuck off
This. Leave incestfags secluded to their canons while ryona artists keep pushing content into the fandom
You don't have all A ranks already?
That's just your tranny headcanon, newfag. Noone is going to pander to single digit percent of the population, just because you aren't kicked out doesn't mean it panders to you.
>if western games were good we wouldn't be here
Speak for yourself normalfag
i wish i had lucy
I wish I had Lucy
Wise is for Belle, Belle is for Wise. This is the ultimate truth.
>FemMC's were *headcanon*
>characters don't have real physics but they instead bake the physics of every animation
It's sure does feel like a retarded anti piracy measure
hivemind desuwa
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Fuck off grace stop trying to rape my son
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what the hell
Not MC war bro. Belle players are cool. Yurischizos should kill themselves though.
Yes. In a Rina random trust event she's talking about Howl, and if you compare him to Lycaon, she'll take it as an incredibly rude thing to say about Lycaon
One of the very rare trust decreases with Lycaon is if you tell him "you should be able to" (in the context of understanding howl's speech)
>150 rolls into standard
>No Piper
Fuck you
I'm torn. last night people were saying it's a must so I thought today I will try to get it. now you say I don't need it...
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I don't see why?
It's a way to have complete control over your character animation and avoid clipping entirely.
Nothing stops people from adding physics to the models in blender.
>implying Ellen is Mihoyo's first trans-coded character
They already pandered to lgbt with Kokomi color palettes resembling trans flag, retard.
its literally one guy saying to get it so he can laugh at your account brickage
it's not just even vidya. no one watches comics anymore because woke faggotry spread so much.
It'd be so easy for the west to just stop ugly fat trans stuff and release stuff we like but they won't do it because the people pushing it have infinite printed money.
Golden rule of gacha. Eidolons are always a waste of time and the only people that recommend them are hoyo marketers and whalekeks.
The most you should do as f2p is get character and their weapon.
It was made for male otakus like me, because no one cares about screechy redditors like you.
>refusing to accept that the east just really likes Yuri and always has
most of her damage happens during stun and Nicole's debuff. you don't have enough time to use all of the bullets.
Its hilarious how the cinema stuff is them taking off their clothes.
Golden rule of coping redditors
>newfags implying futaXfemale is yuri
you'll get her soon bro
a dupe of her helps her out a lot too
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whats the trick to the piper/lucy/neko team? Using them i nshiryu defense and even though they're underleveled they should be doing more damage than I'm getting out of it.
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What should my second team be?
I've been using Grace Anby Piper but since I just pulled Zhu Yuan I will have to put Anby in with her and Nicole.
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you would rather pull for the robocop
Anby's actually quite fun to play
>refusing to accept you guys were a minority and barely tolerated if not kicked away from most hobbies
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Piper + Lucy and whatever else. Probably Grace or Corin
You will never be Japanese
I have e1s1 ruan mei and I have been dunking on content ever since
/u/ has already decided transbians are valid and real yuri
Are you a man or a woman? just curious
She is basically the Ryu of the game. Now, I wanna collect the Ken.
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you can run lyca soukaku with zhu
Zhu, Anby, Nic
Piper, Lucy, Corin
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the trick is that you have a useless brick and you're depending on the bikers to carry it
Most people enjoy yuri, this is not your safespace just because you can only think about 3dpd normalfag politics all day and associate it with alphabet soup shit.
r5? show dmg plz!
The only difference between a yurifag and a futafag is a flesh dildo.
C0 or C2 basically
Don't think her weapon is that much better than brimstone either.
You would've dunked that content regardless with an e0s0 Ruan Mei
I’m a man who identifies as a woman. I just shaved today and feel extra feminine. Gonna stroke my femcock in the woman’s public restroom later.
And you'll never recover those rolls that could have been used on an actual character. No, getting 60 extra jades every 2 weeks isn't worth the 2+ pities.
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>Most people enjoy yuri
is that what (((they))) told you? LGBT freak

If she's not C1W1 then she's useless
idk, nowdays trans self insert as futas and thats icky! Why do troons ruin everything they touch
Just a dude
What weapon do I put on Loocy besides her sig? I'm using the one you got from the pre release event atm.
Man you tourists get more retarded by the day. /u/ is infamous for how badly they hate trannies. They've hated them long before /pol/ existed or any of you kids had even used the internet for the first time.
>Most people *headcanon*
Most straight men hate yuri, which is why straight men only gachas shit on your kind on sight. YWNBAW btw
>Most people enjoy yuri
What makes you think that?
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Futa was always disgusting though. Makes sense trannies would coopt it.
>Most people enjoy yuri
Why do you think there's a containment board for it?
>n-no winning isn't good
spoken like a true reddit account owner
NTA but isnt that an obvious fact? What straight male doesnt like hot Lesbian action? Even some Women love it

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