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Previous thread: >>487862702

Happy birthday to Glaucus and Specter!

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater
[7/31-8/21]Here A People Sows - 5* Vanguard Wan Qing
[7/31-8/14][Reap of Millennia]6* Defender Shu, 6* Guard Zuo Le, 5* Supporter Grain Buds
[7/31-8/28][0011]Chong Yue, Lin, Honeyberry, Highmore
[7/31-8/28]Resell many skins
[TBA]RA#2: Tales Within The Sand - 5* Vanguard Kestrel

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit
[8/1-8/22]Inudi Harek Horakhet - 5* Medic Papyrus
[8/1-8/15][Engraver of Quicksand]6* Guard Pepe, 6* Sniper Narantuya, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner
[8/1-8/29][EPOQUE]Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, Poncirus
[8/1-8/29][Misaligned Sightseer]Nightingale, Weedy, Hoederer
[8/1-8/29][Coral Coast Re-Edition]Surtr, Elysium, La Pluma; Minimalist
[8/10-8/24][0011 Re-Edition]Lunacub

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Pepebros run this general.
mama shu...
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I love (You), Doctor!
I love (You), /akg/!
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im gonna fuck that cat
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Bnuuy love
wait what the fuck
Top cute. I'm ambivalent toward her design but this video makes me want to roll for her.

THAT toot video had the same effect...
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Look forward to your actual Egyptian cat operator after the shitty prologue to her release is over
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Are Walter's pots even good?
the current plan among the pepe/red woman haters is to whale on shu's banner then complain about the skin color of pepe in the anni questionnaire, with their spending making HG take their complaints seriously
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I will hug big liberi leg
Wait did the JP or EN stream even mention RA2?
When is that supposed to launch?
So Pepefags are the new obnoxious group?
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Happy birthday Shark
I must confess, I was a Pepe hater not but hours ago yet the dancing and smug won me over. She's cute.
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And I love Zuo Le!
Like 10% more dmg
They havent even done anything yet that i can think of
The worst group is people trying to find the next convenient scapegoat to blame thread quality on
Cheating on Amiya
I’m starting to get the feeling that HG doesn’t really like Siege now, for whatever reason
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You get 24 free rolls so to spark you need 276 rolls. This is 165,600 Orundum. With your current Orundum + OP you have 136,260.
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My rat wife alter...
What were they thinking?
in PV 4 there is caution tape on the inside of her hood
wonder if its the same coat
Why did HG choose to do an Egypt theme right at the same time as Genshin?
The strongest soldier of all Amiyafags, gone through threads upon threads of shitposting yet still ritualposting, still standing unshaken, thanks for your hard work and keep it up AmiyaGOD
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Very nice
Genshin already did it like two years ago
because egypt is kind of a summer theme
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Not possible
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Young master...
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Her talent's explosions go from 150% to 160%. Could be worse, but I doubt you'll miss it if you don't have it.
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Gacha content is planned a year or 6 months in advance
Why the fuck does Namie get hate but LM7 and Azling get a pass?
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Sure buddy. I'm sure you'll skip her
Is this another LM7 situation where fanart of the character is all super cute but you look at the ingame art and vomit?
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I knew I shouldn't open up to anyone after Priestess
Freebies during the event should cover that. Or failing that, gold certs from rolling and buying HH tickets.
I don't think many people think of summer and swimsuits when they think of a desert
You can't even swim in the nile
would be too based
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Azling improves
But they all get hate and have a small handful of contrarian defenders?
>Azling get a pass
Said no one ever
you can if you aren't a pussy
Azling and namie are fine, lm7 can burn though
>LM7 and Azling get a pass
what fucking bizarro /akg/ do you frequent?
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Doctor, I do hope the shitposters will not cloud your judgement of me.
I feel like its a missed opportunity but we dont know who else may show up in the event yet.
Maybe this will turn into something
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Shut the FUCK up. I LOVE Amiya.
>IS only module
>it's what their modules should have been in the first place

It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. The monkey's paw has screwed me over for the last time, I'm throwing that thing away.
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you can say whatever you want even if it has no ground in reality and /akg/ will mass reply to your low effort shitposts anyways
Zuo Le is meh lol, only fujos and fags are actually going for him
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I can always borrow her when I need her. I bet one of you guys will have her at support
AK's doing a Dubai vibe so you should definitely be thinking of fancy swimming pools. I don't know shit about Genshin.
i used to do that but it made my mental health decrease, now i only post about my wife pepe
No need to worry Zuo Le, you are still one of my favorite onaholes.
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It is the exact same coat, that's just a CG drawn by a different artist
Shut up roach, we're busy having a meltdown over a noseless cat creature at the moment
A generous dowry will make things right.
>year 4 operator
>year 3 operator
No alt for you gweilos. Hell I'm not sure we're even doing year 2 alts yet when W straddles the line between year 1 and 2.
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After only a few hours, pepefags are already the worst posters in this general
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Its like two shitposter trying to cuckpost with amiya of all characters
Amiya, the one person that loves and cares for the doctor more than anyone else

If nothing else they are making themselves look like idiots
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If I plan to get Shu, should I also spark Chongyue? Or just wait for new Sui siblings for her faction talent?
Breaking up with Amiya
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I've been waiting for a good musha since I picked the game up I am really excited to let it rip with his S2
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>Amiya, the one person that loves and cares for the doctor more than anyone else
Go be with your chink lover somewhere else
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S2 is offensive 15SP? Might be 14 it's difficult to tell, around there. And 15s duration. Reddo shirayuki...

>Over 1k attack pre activation too
>Just drove in from whatever game she was actually designed for
but amiya's victorian?
Namie has a "female artist" e-celeb persona worshipped by normies and simps
Try out a Chong from support. He's not bad, but I wouldn't say he's worth 300 rolls unless you find him fun.
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>the one person that loves and cares for the doctor more than anyone else
You're good Zuo, meme EN streams and Akg shitposts don't dictate my worldview, unfortunately you're still not safe from being bent over and ass fucked, that's not me trying to assert dominance, that's just me being bisexual
Now that HG have discarded Terra and will put their budget into Endfield, the future of AK is wacky wild kooky cartoon hijinks like Pepe's trailer....
If GG was released today /akg/ would be having the exact same melty as they are now with Pepe
>keep giving people excuses to skip and save by putting ops in events long before their banner
ain't never going to learn
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Kal IS module is meh for IS. Only okay if you get -deployment bosky debuff on 2F or 3F
You lost priestshit
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I found peppe in the animation really cute, hoping her voice lines are nice.
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>the one person that loves and cares for the doctor more than anyone else
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Sad but true.
according to NGA, HG saw the "white pharaoh" meme last year and thought it was hilarious, so they made an event inspired by it
The dead dont count
>Release an amazing limited summer banner
>Show off this stupid ass shit collab
Who thought it was a good idea to name her after a frog?
Top 5 people who love Doc the most?
So I've read a little about why CN hates RA2 so much
>both base and skill tree aren't inherited on restarting a run like RA1, if you restart you're back to nothing
>you're forced to restart to do the new plotlines, seeing Pepe takes a while which is why so many chinks don't even know her
>restarting runs means you're doing super boring resources harvesting runs repeatedly to build up your base instead of exploring new nodes with your built up base
>if you fucked up building your base right on the early days (like not planting enough wheat to ready all operators) you'll be forced to rewind and say goodbye to all of your progress, just wasted
>mode isn't well explained enough, making it frustrating especially when you're forced to rewind a large chunk because the game is stupid
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You are fired
When her design was revealed on 1st anniversary even then people called her unfitting for the game. The extra long wait where it seemed like she was scrapped was always what endeared her to people.
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In a better timeline, Pepe is the 5*, the male summoner that nobody cares about disappears, and the 6* limited slot is taken by the girl from PV4
Dude is confirmed to be an Agent Vanguard, he got solid baseline already
We need characters brimming with personality like Pepe. I'm so fucking tired of stoic women. The era of Nearls and Texases are over.
No one
Not a soul
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Theresa cared more about Amiya than Doc, thats why she installed TheresaGPT in her head
(Tied for 1st) Nian, Dusk, Ling, Shu
5. Chongyue
5.uuhhhh Gravel I guess
Hence it's what their regular module should have been and not for IS exclusive only. The monkey's paw screwed my wish over. Deploy slots are not the issue for her in IS but more an issue in other content. Like deploy limit reductions in IS where you would feel it the most.
Pepe is our future
It's criminal that Izutsumi isn't even making an appearance
Coming in 4 days
any evidence that priestess loves doc?
Don't worry, I'll forget you even exist in three weeks time.
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I'm not part of Rhodes Island
You have no power over me
why blue rolls and not normal ones?
I hate them both only reason GG stays around is they are still meta to this day and nothing has come close to being able to cheese everything with global damage. Mizuki was also hated and brick at the start.
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>amazing limited summer
I know Naruntaya is hot but she doesn't make up for the rest
My daughter will marry a Yan noble, and conquer the nation, desu.
>back to the coffin gweilo
So it's shit like RA1, got it
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Her VA is also the singer of her EP song, they clearly threw big money on Pepe becoming big
Mizuki is still hated by anyone with a brain because he's a literal seaborn.
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>New horse girl is literally the blemidark meme
like deploy limit reductions in CC*
No, its worse than RA1. People likes RA1 for the base building but the new mode makes you delete your cool base you spent hours farming to build up if you want to see new story.
>Chongyue loves Doc less than his sisters
Wrong, they all love the doc the most.
What made RA bad at its core was that the gameplay just doesn't fit AK whatsoever, only way to fix it was to completely redo everything about how it plays.
With Amiya in her bedroom
The fuck are you talking about she's literally a catgirl (female)
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Can you stop talking about Amiya and cuckoldry
Amiya, Theresa, Muelsyse, Kal, probably Gravel?
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She mogs pepe so fucking hard
too bad it's not gonna work
She is a big spoiler for anyone watching it.
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All I care about is R6S Rerun, Walter and Pepe
I won't roll for anyone else
The one that betray Rhodes Island, really?
Didn't know the aslan lorekeeper had a driving license
In the ugliness competition
I'm gonna go find Priestess at least she loves me.
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How can you say pon is useless with a body like THIS?!
>too bad it's not gonna work
/akg/ is addicted to being wrong.
No she isn't and even Senshi isn't in the party immediately
>five (5) limited characters in one event
That would be too much, and you can't cut out any of the original 4.
Wait for DM part 2 where we get Izutsumi, Mithrun, Thistle, and Marcille forma Dungeon Lord
Pepe? More like Poopoo
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This is it, isn't it? The death of /akg/
Guys can you shut the fuck up for like 15 minutes? I'm trying to have sex with my wife Texas in here and it's pretty hard to get into a right mood when you're screaming 24/7
>3 males and 1 female
>female is starting to look like she isn't the 6* operator
Collab is gonna be a massive flop.
Amiya is nothing to me
she'll be laying eggs constantly
Why is the art so low quality? Looks unfinished
Hehe poopoo pepe
You don't """"betray"""" a company chud.

It's called resigning.

Why did a pharma company need to send their employees on a suicide mission just to rescue the CEO's father? Fuck this shit ass company and fuck Amiya the nepo baby.
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Seaborne can't look like a cute girl like that
they look weird like this
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She didn't have that kind of body when we hired her, you're looking at a year of diligent work by the good people behind the Rhodes Island cafeteria
Akg loves cuckoldry and there's people who goon to shitposts if the viccy slutposter is anything to go by. You do the connections with that information
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>second time I post in a dead /akg/ thread today
My retardation is getting stronger...
Getting fucked by the Doctor while Amiya watches
Uhhh so where is the Monster Hunter Wilds collab announcement?
I thought Kabru and typed Thistle I am a retard
The trash can there symbolises her
Seaborn did nothing wrong
>that low poly Pepe model in her EP
Rhodes cafeteria workers
All of them are getting promotions
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>These meme IS mod only release every limited event
Uh yeah, this seems to be poorly thought out in general
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Now that Amiya's taken, surely you wouldn't mind a dragon
I wonder how the producers reacted when they already decided to throw massive amounts of money out the window hoping for Namie to deliver and it's just the most bland girl of all time in their mailbox
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We love Kin
Losing a match of CTF on the landships deck
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Pepe is looking for treasure, but there's nothing of worth in this general...
I'd rather fuck a trashbin
I want him to be a camo sniper similar to April
late party members always get screwed in terms of appearance.

senshi literally joins the party in episode 1/chapter 1.
If you can use them along with another module (true) then it's perfectly fine. The biggest sin is costing nyodule blocks.
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Okay but why would you release an "infinite" mode, give it no QoL or updates for 6 (six) fucking months, only to quickly rush in anything after you've already released a sequel to its much more popular sibling and nobody cares?
The A, B, and C team is working on Endfield. Please be patient with the D team.
It seems like the Zuo Le thing with Amiya reached the chinks. The arguments are getting ugly over there...
>These modules steal the slot of other 2nd mod
Its gonna be Marcille who is the six star given she is the biggest power house. Laios isn't even that strong of a fighter so he is gonna be a five star most likely.
Mating press
HG needed yet another way to get your on the infinite grind treadmill but are too pussy to add E3
Thank you lads, if all else fails I will cover with a top-up. Help Endfield out and all that.
time for Pepe to leave then
Remind me of hot redhead girl from now dead game Alchemy Star
God I love hot redhead girls
I'll pull her and show her my treasure
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Yurifags please...
I'd rather fuck the gentleman behind the counter
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The chibi is pretty nice too
She wishes
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Dr. V, your Estelle is very useful for my IS4 runs, thank you.
Post it, I want to see pepejpg
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Yup, I knew exactly who Narantuya would appeal to.
>ps1 models are now retro instead of pixel art
stop... time keeps marching on... please stop.....
So literally as just start out reading it. So yeah he is fine to keep in.
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As expected the first Peppes are coming out now
Why stop at IS only? Put a different module for every mode. A module that only works for CC for example. Imagine.
Did they show her S2 effect animation? The base one is really nice already
Remember to buy Pepe's Mystical Quest coming to your playstation this fall
Today was a disaster
Laios will be a 5* Juggernaut Defender and smack enemies with a cooking pan
This is one lazy skin
>bro just remove her jacket and uh... Yea that's good enough
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fat gravel...
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Look at this popular and hyped limited operator!
Pepe has to be the biggest turnaround /akg/ has ever had.
From non stop doomposting to people actually glad she was the limited after all and looking forward to her.

She will be like mumu and become one of the most popular characters
Today was a good day.
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Post the full set bro
Sure keep telling yourself that
They released 2 songs in Japanese back to back for Nymph and Pepe
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Trying too hard
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its like 2 dudes shitposting
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if she a nightzmora like Tola?
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>yo, welcome to rhodes beach bar, watchu want?
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Will you be rolling for /ourfrog/?
Cool bizarro timeline
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>Pepe and Narantuya flopping
>HG trust in Namie completely lost
>She will never be picked for another huge reveal again and demoted down to 5* or 4* which is much more her speed
I will be there
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>Did they show her S2 effect animation?
They did. It's even better now. Like a summer sunset
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I was getting to that
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>more modules other than delta
>only way to get enough blocks is by buying them with IRL cash
>SSS still doesn't give monthly blocks
Kinda scummy
Alright fuck you
Sex on the Beach!
I mean, seems like she got us a job. Or visited us at our job.
Gravel still in the race, baby!
Sorry I'm saving for Siege and Shining alts
mustard shot please
If anything Namie would just make MORE operators instead then
>moved amiya down
so are you actually the person that does this chart or are you just a shitposter
mating press
We're finally back to decent music
It's Pact, she's hot redhead retarded girl
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Saving every roll for frostnova equivalent of civilight eterna maxpot
Why would you ever think someone who maintains a "level of cuckposting" chart isn't a shitposter?
as long as they don't take the spot away from actually relevant 6* it's a win
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Here is real
>no brain
>no treasure
/akg/... a wretched place...
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Google can eat shit
Is it available on PC, I don't have PlayStation.
A shitposter, the top row where Amiya is supposed to be at is still there, it's just blacked out
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You know what, these free blue tickets ain't so bad
What does hoederer's skin look like?
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What the fuck. What the fuck is wrong with them?
ah thats what i thought, thanks
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never ever
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I want my refund...
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It's missing a few ops, no?
Sure, luv kots. Luv hammers.
Just need to download PCSX2 bro
If I spend a single roll using anything but the daily free roll shoot me in the head
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I want to play Mystic Light Quest...
Just gotta say, you people are downright normal and reasonable compared to Granbluefags.
I took a shit and when I looked in the toilet after getting up it looked really similar to Pepe
Screenshots doko
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Yandex image reserve search is much better these days

But if it's from Lofter, it won't show up on any reverse search unless the artist also posted on Twitter/pixiv
Resident lupofaggot known as Dr. Detektyw#3718 now likes Caper. In another words he's a bandwagoning faggot
Are you happy pepe is the summer limited?

Is Pepe really an Aslan?
Is she really a recorder/historian for Siege's ancestor?
Why is she so long lived?
Damn I'm so excited to read another barely readable chinese slop for hours for the fourth time.
No, it is until Nymph banner
Real talk, it's just a module mat sink and a way to slow down module releases. HG realized they've completely fucked up with the module system but have no idea what to do about it
What perplexes me is the actual module effects. I'd understand IS only modules if they were either effects that only make sense within IS (interacting directly with mechanics like hope, relics, shield, tickets) or extremely powerful modules that let the operators fulfil more roles. Phantom could have gotten that effect on a real module and he'd still be the worst 6* FRD
CNplayers don't care about our streams, make your lies more believable
>both have the old design of needing a deploy slot for their gimmick
>also related to an IS

Cool I guess but should not cost module blocks to upgrade. It's reduced to 3 but those things are precious. It also probably means they won't get those same effects for delta module (in Kaltsit's case) so yeah, that sucks.
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>Siege gets bum ass Gawain to help her
>Pepe has the gigachad king to talk with
Why HG
...The Doctor?
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A bit too silly for me. I will stick to his ass showing.
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It should have been her, not Pepe
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That faggot removed me! Fuck him!
>but the new mode makes you delete your cool base you spent hours farming to build up if you want to see new story.
That's not true though? You just need to open new map zones to access new content. You can just play with 1 save without restarting
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Like this
good work /akg/ you just make people to literally harass namie
No honor, no loyalty!
Is this accurate? It doesn't feel right for some ofthe operators.
WE didn't do anything
>a fucking ruski
based people
Pepe has the same skin tone as Egypt's current president
Very nice and aesthetic, I think it fits their event's (day) main screen as well. My only worry was that they'd downgrade her with that animation
It only costs 1 module block without other resources and cannot be upgraded
[sad news] namie is being harassed by strangers on the internet and it's all your fault
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Don't you fuckers complain about Namie when grubblefags have to deal with constant homopandering being shoved into their face
>nyes nyesnyes nyes nyes~
Still don't know what RI is...
Download soon in a Sargon near you
such as?
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>3 6* operators
>1 limited 6* operator
>0 operators of any lower rarity
>4 skins
>2 live2d skins
>1 future live2d skin for peppe
>a whole integrated strategies season dedicated to mizuki (where he becomes a literal god)
>a whole merch set dedicated to mizuki
>sanrio collab
>her best friend nagu from hololive is getting a 6* operator in the next event
Pic related, Lowlight POV when Namie visits the office
Why is it always /akg/
Based. Link?
mentally ill mobs fighting each other is nothing new
namie himself chose to be an eceleb and thus should take the consequences
I thought it had 3 levels?
Look at the resolution you dumb faggot nigger
Don't let twitter know about this or they will start a revolt in Egypt.
whats wrong with top left?
She deserves it
Shouldn't have tried being an anime-adjacent ecelebs if she can't handle the autistic rage of unwashed nerds
honestly same
Uhh *RA
Will it have lore bits?
I wish it was true but I know it isn't
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>open Xitter
>they're all seething at the lack of Negroes and melanin-enriched Operators
>in the final story node IW-ST-3, Zuo mentions that he hopes mr. magistrate and the boss lady beside him throughout the event aren't torn apart by future events
>his big muscle partner calls him childish for speaking like that
>eventually the conversation moves to talk about Zuo's love life
>Zuo says he can't get married/fall in love because of his job
>muscle partner reminds him of a girl he helped on a previous mission
>Zuo gets flustered and says it was only her repaying a favor
He’s talking about Amiya isn’t he…
>give it no QoL or updates for 6 (six) fucking months
There were 2.5 RA2 expansions and some QoL
It's downright disgusting. Namie's style just doesn't fit Arknights. Year 1-2 style doko.
Crazy that they dont actually know what egyptians look like and just assume they are all black
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The Pepeganda is working...
It's quite nice.
Anyone who give me a hand translating this?
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I kind of wish they just dropped the stupid module system or at least just not made you pick and choose what gets a buff. At least FGO tries to fix issues with older units to make them strong even low rarity ones. What sucks is most modules buffs have to be shared with others which don't always help them.
It's been a while since I've last seen this image
only retards fall for propaganda so congrats
He has never been to rhodes island by that point.
Which brings up the fact he has the hots for some unknown lady.
Link me to ursus /akg/
They said you get full module effect for 1 module block
BASED comment
coward hid her pits
He's right you know
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This looks really nice, bottom will be her friends
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Oh, sick. I was expecting to dump 3 into it but one (1) module block is nothing if you like the operator.
For those curious, Pepe has some big issues. Her S3 increases the splash radius, not her attack range. That means she has to be right in front of the boss and she has nothing for survivability, modern bosses will nuke her. They're also immune to her stun in 90% of cases. Pepe is too fragile for killing bosses without an extended range. She was designed to kill a boss and also handle the enemies that come along with the boss at the same time, but that just doesn't work with modern bosses.
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Stand up, my friend. I decree Beeswax 6* alt in 2 years time.
>Hiding the name
>You guys
Hmm no, the sentiment is just widespread. Namie nepotism has gotten people fed up.
My knee...It's shattering
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Modules should have just been actual reworks, not the "here's the other half of their kit" stuff for new ops and "here's some shit that probably won't help lol" for older ones.
He's lying! there is no evidence that Namie is being harassed (yet)
I hope she resigns
>retarded opinion
checks out
If this gets me an Ethan alt I am fine with the seething.
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>Doctor I feel embarrassed
>I want to Marry Amiya
>I brought you these Cookies
>I have your blessing?
>Thank you Doctor!
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Especially since she lust on Mizuki's pit.
>niggers only care about the lack of nigger characters in an anime game
no wonder no one likes niggers
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We are never getting anything this good ever again.
Yeah, her being sucks is pretty evident. S3 having backloaded damage doesn't help one bit
BASED sanjay
i love india now
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You know it's the woke twitter retards doing the harassment because of their inexplicable nigger obsession.
Surtrbro... be nice.
You are not immune to propaganda.
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>She was designed to kill a boss
>kit revolving around killing dozens of trash mobs with true aoe
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Is that
>She was designed to kill a boss and also handle the enemies that come along with the boss at the same time, but that just doesn't work with modern bosses.
Her kit screams laneholder/elite line laneholder
>that pfp
wtf I love streetshitters now
the Indian cooked and it wasn't just curry this time
/akg/ truly deserve their schizo shitposters.
anon this is just embarassing...
She's literally Siege but without the DP generation
Why is HG so cucked?
he deleted it
i'll just use her to kill anything that's not a boss, not really a big deal
So Siege
Too smug
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stop replying to a schizo
Why can't they ever fight for the right reasons...
could have been bikini Blemishine you know?
Now THIS is where the meme painting of that one dude standing out in the crowd would be applicable
You guys said the worst vanguard got a skin but I don't see siege's skin anywhere?
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you are right rosmontis...
What? Sanjay is based for once?
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Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell?
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Let's take a moment to laugh at patternKEKS
Bro, look who's on the banner
>only character so far to get two grands
>fate episode for this second grand was barely about him, instead it was literally about two trans characters grooming a child (no i'm not making this shit up) while he's in a corner getting flanderized into muh coffee
I like Sandalphon but it's infuriating how much he's getting pushed despite them only making his character worse and worse with each piece of content he's in.
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Im gonna stick my dick in this cat
Siege is actually quite good and comfy to use, she just gets shitposted a lot by fags like you.
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>pepe is a lane holder
Uh, but they just released Ulpipi, the strongest lane holder. Her kit seems pointless
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You have 4 days to get your medal trims in IS4 before it becomes cancer mode
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hold this dick
>St*nd*rd B*nner
Nobody pulled
IS4 has trims?
she has a barbed vagina don't do it
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I don't know how new you are but male characters are extremely popular here.
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I would plap Ethan instead. I didn't care for him but they did a good job with his character. Not like people are even bothering to post his ass or Sharp to defend Arknights about having reps that Twitter seethes about.
Namie's sexo was too good... it beat the patternfags power..
He deleted the post, I didn't find any trace of it.
Holy based
>/akg/ is so assblasted that people here are unironically harassing the artist on twitter
The sad state of this general.
>defending harassment just because you don't like the artists
It's a culture on twitter at this point
I think Pepe looks goofy as shit too but some people need to calm down if this is the kind of thing that makes them genuinely angry.
I love relics that force you to clear emergency stages
Sounds epic, I hope they kill a bunch of cats like they did in the Genshin community
Why did Manfred do it?
Peepee mindbroke you...
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lmao based
coward bitch probably immediately got dragged and doxxed
could give it but couldn't take it
ermmm do you guys mean x??
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Be honest Kal, did you encourage the nice Nightzmora people to go on a continental conquest spree?
didn't know there were incels in the Arknights playerbase
Namie is just hoederer(female) If you can't stun shit you're gonna die as a laneholder. She looks to lose to elite/bosses compare to hoederer though, she's a mobber not a bosser. So at that point you can just use gavial, ulpipi or whoever
6 more months of threads like this
none of these twitter posts exist and it's just one pepefag making them to get sympathy
fake I didn't find that exact post
Yes, just defeat brave nature 10 and you are good to go
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>Bullying Namie

I mean she is a know pedo so its been long over due.
What's going on with that namie retard again? Why are people wasting their time on it?
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Why can't you guys be normal?
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I, for one, want to thank Namie for making saving for Lappalt that much easier.
Thank you Namie.
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People use the term "mindbroken" a lot but the anger over Pepe is one of the occasions where I think its use is 100% accurate.
>Didn't know there were incels in anime waifu collection game
*Power Smack γ*
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>Ethan alt
>A Gui won't be there to draw it
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This is an incel website you stupid bitch
>people getting mad over a character named Pepe
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
>Ines and W as egyptian paintings
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mfw CN stream
Should've been LM7
Pepe is fine in and of herself
People are just mad at namie for whatever reason
I'm a Brocafag and it doesn't seem like he's for (You). At most Might be for (You). He's just like the rest of his gang tbhdesu.
I would move Arene up to For (You) based on his voicelines
That's all really, but honestly I don't know a lot about the operators' background. If I wasn't a Brocafag I wouldn't second guess this list, but it might be worth looking through the ops, especially your favorites.
I mean they still work for the game just they do sprites now.
>cowboy boots
>Egyptian garb
what the fuck
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Pepe's design is genuinely fine (other than the hammer which might be the ugliest weapon in the game). It's just Namie does a dogshit version of drawing her, this version in the RA2 trailer looks 10x better.
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Namie, it's 4 PM, time for your dicksucking session. Remember to wear the Pepe cosplay.
Tradwife mentality.
>Ascalon not in For (You)
Fake news
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>actually faking screenshots
and they call us mindbroken? You want to go with the "Namie is a victim" theme so badly so people feel bad for her
brb plant some chilli pepper
Pepe porn doko.
I just want to see his art (non-chibis) again man. Also more skins for his ops maybe.
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Medal trim is A10
But there's also personal medals for each starting squad, you need to beat A12 on those to get the last one.
Each starting squad has a medal for all 4 endings so it's a lot to go through if you wanted to autism it.

Expansion 2 adds a LOT more difficulty to IS4, there's harder regular stages, the non-combat nodes can fuck you with cursed collectables now and sometimes the mid/end bosses randomly become emergency versions. Which can often just kill your run because you can't deal with an emergency version of it. That's why people say to go for those starting squad A12 medal trims before t he expansion, it's much easier to get them now
Thoughts on Uncle? He also seems to be your type, I'd say
Pepe is too powerful
>Namie operators look better when not drawn by Namie
So in another words, grass is green.
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Haha wouldn't it suck if Namie got accused of whitewashing and mocking Egyptian culture?
That would suck I think, since she is a westoid artists that cares way too much about her public image
>Ines and W
Kek, 10/10 skin
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I pon'd
Tradwife Nian is the only good thing we got on this god forsaken day
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The only thing that can make people further mad at Pepe is if she's yuribait. I kinda wanna see it happen.
None yet. Get in the drawpile and get started.
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Congratulations Namie, you did it. You made me skip a limited female. My Lappalt funds are safe.
2ch(dot)hk(slash)gacha and scroll to akg
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give me your thoughts on this bunny
Minorities are NOT happy with the arknights summer event. They think it's racist and are being very vocal about it on X.
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sex fuck
We can fly under the radar because genshin is taking the bullets for us in that regard
Pina colada? More like penis alotta.
I mean broca starts out by being one of the only operators openly distrustful of rhodes island and doctor as an organization.
But by the time his anni lines drop he is fully trusting in you and rhodes so maybe that is the angle they are going with?
Im not all to familar with him so you would have more expertise on the matter.
Fanservice aside, I don't understand why she won't just ask Shu to grow some Carolina reapers or something
she looks like those bratty girls who make fun of oji-san's small dick
See? Theresa would let Doctor spank her cheeks until blood spills out of love for him
My highest difficulty is A2 so I guess I'm just not getting it
literally a puppet for the hivemind
"she" just wants to kin him
wtf i love the summer event now
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It's time to get rid of this retarded idea that yuri is worse than hetero shipping. In no universe is girl x girl worse than getting cucked by another man.
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The banner is going to be an astronomical flop it's going to be so funny
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>no hat
Man they post a lot of animated stickers
Wouldnt that be more HG?
Namie doesnt write story just draws characters.
Her ears still look dumb poking through the hat. It makes it look like she's a fake bunny
We love Sharp though.
Rita loves me and I love Rita
People here would sooner hand over Amiya to Zuo Le than make peace with yurifags. That's just how it is here.
This is how Arknights dies
Death by a thousand cuts that could've been stopped at any time
For every one seething retard here there's 200 slurpers out there ready to max pot
Namie's apology video soon?
We love Sharp despite being a nigger, he's very good dude
Love all bnuys, my thoughts haven't changed she's still a cutie, simple as
holy shit when is the last time we got a Liberi enough with the kots.
I have so mixed feelings on this skin
That body is to kill for but the hat and shoes completely ruin everything
I guess it fits her, in a cockteasing brat kind of way
what are you talking about?
That negativity would break her
I would lose the little respect I have left for her if she really caved in to those fucktards
What does supah think?
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Why do smug buns love surfing?
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Do NOT accept the gift from the elf
gangbang whore
bro your new summoner dude I don't remember the name of??
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What happened to patternfags? Did they go into hiding after getting proven wrong yet again? You guys said that summer banners can only have alters, but I didn't see any alters today.
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Most Namie fans are from CN/SEA and they don't care
What are those inside her basket? Seems to be some kind of assorted grains or something
Namie dogeza when?
Nah the chinese will slurp it anyway. It'd be a total success even if you threw literal dogshit at them
>Caper coral coast
Didn't anon call this out like yesterday?
Don't you dare disrespect Ulpipi
das racis
Now we need to include Namie giving good head to the patterns
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[Based news]
Chinks think Narantuya should be the limited
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greetings father in law, it's a pleasure to meet you
i bring a box of yan's finest pastries and deserts, as a token of appreciation, as well as my sincerest wishes we become friends
>shit (namie)
>It'd be a total success even if you threw literal dogshit at them
Sounds like /akg/ and male operators
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>All of them give you a free roll and sanity refresh
>Except Amiya
>Amiya cheaps out and gives you furniture parts
I'd put milk on her butt if you know what I mean
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>another AK killer bites the dust
I want to correct her through a rough and brutal assfucking.
seriously anon you are trying too hard
just give it some time and try again later
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Nikkebros, is Caper the Elegg of Arknights?
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>Don't you feel guilty putting these two illustrations together?
She gives you 3.5 rolls
No doc... you will only make her worse
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however, moose is completely fine
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oh no
It just means she wasn't buttfucked enough.
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Is Zuo Le for (Me)?
Now is the only time he can do it, in like a day or two everyone will forget the stream and move on to other shitposts
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i unironically have no clue what you're talking about, i just came home from having a milkshake with my family and thought it would be funny to post about that
it was either that or a JUNIOR YOU DARE pasta about him
It is too late for the Moose to try to win my friendship, I am going with Eyja...
Fuck, already?
post countries
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Thoughts on this bunny?
This seems like one of those paths with no end doc...
we dont care
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chinese fans are NOT happy
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The Moose is the only one who gives you actually valuable stuff.
Canon wife?
Did you end up mooseless..
unironically I think this is the end of Namie's partnership with HG
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I love my bunny
Always have, always will
>cucking his own daughter
have you no shame anon
I'll follow it until I reach my goal, or meet my end. It will be LONG and HARD. But I will not give up no matter how TIGHT the path might be.
I will NEVER forgive her!
>amiya's rim billy crackers
I can't wait
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Would marry and give her 5 kids
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You may not survive
Good, hopefully she’ll craw back to Cover
i NEED space Amiya
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Holy fuck, it's TOTAL CARNAGE in the comment section
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Are you a hoe?
Not fat enough. Caper is shaping to be the Bache of Arknights.
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>mischievous brat
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Rim billy? Do those have cream fillings?
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>only 5
Amiya may have other plans
Thank you Zuo Le.

Very cool.
Namie on suicide watch
>pepe's illustration level is of an NPC
Yeah, fucking Zuo Le.

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Love her to bits but Christ almighty has she gotten shitposted tons over the last two months
He’ll look way better with my cock in his hands than the hoe
>He also seems to be your type, I'd say
Not sure how you got to that conclusion but:
I like him, If Broca is S tier for me, then he's like an A tier. I like his background and voicelines more than how he looks. Present day wagie looks better than his young version imo, stil brought his skin to see him smile again.
>But by the time his anni lines drop he is fully trusting in you
I have seen this tier list before anni lines dropped so the tier list maker didn't consider that in, but even with that I would still not consider him under For (You). Reading the anni lines only shows that he finally trusts the Doctor to a similar degree as many operators under the Respects (You) catagory.
The most decisive thing for me it's how if Chiave and Aosta were to leave RI for some reason, I would assume Broca will go with them too, which is not something I see for an operator that is For (You).
At least, he shouldn't be in the same catagory as someone like Mizuki or Skadi alt.
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Pepebros... this is where you're from?
>unknown country
I don't play Nikke. Does Elegg like to mess around with the commander?
No way she sucks too good
That's fine, I have made my peace with it.
my very cute bnuy daughter that's starting to get at that age where she's interested in boys apparently
6 if you include Kal
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It's over, everyone is skipping. Even Arturia is shitting on Pepe.
Trips of truth
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>Pon gets content
>/akg/ descents into complete disaster for 4 threads and counting
Surely, that's just a coincidence right?
I thought Lowlight was gay?
Namie is that good?
this is a good outcome, all things considered. the good character on the banner is a non limited who you can tix, get spooked by, or buy with certs at some point down the road. the character most people don't care about is locked in the 300 pull limited spark jail. why would you guys care about the good character being easier to acquire?
>unknown country
Leave Sami
>Got the tomimi summer event pushed back so she can have a limited summer event for her char
Namie must be AMAZING..
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I wanna fuck the pon now and I will raise her
can't believe /akg/ and Lowlight are making me raise yet another useless unit my poor Valarqvin...
>HG hires a westoid woman
>Shit comes crashing down
Every time
asgalon :DDDDD
bepe :DDDDDD
bonjirus :DDDDDDD
Every Nikke has sex with you unironically
Namie is an Aussie
Valarqvin is useful for a 5*
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No you don't
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>[Arknights related] 24.7.27 After the 2024 Arknights Summer Carnival Special Newsletter ended, the number of fans of the Arknights official bilibili account officially exceeded 6 million

She's a mischief maker that installs legally distinct DOOM on every device she can find, especially private property.
I agree with Arturia. Mizuki and GG were great and then Pepe just takes a giant dump
>6 million
That sounds a bit too much...
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>easier to acquire
You still need wait at least 1-3 years to redeem her with certs, and spook is not a guarantee. I get there's a chance of getting spooked, but still.
long Amiya...
You guys deserve this.
You shat relentlessly on Mumu, beautiful elf who is for (You).
You shat relentlessly on Ascalon, a sexy adult woman who is perfectly fine in gameplay.
You shat relentlessly on Wis'adel, one of the OGs of Arknights.
This is your punishment for the oppression you inflicted on normal people just trying to enjoy their characters.
Welfarefags and 5*fags say she's decent though?
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Love the blob
she's funny and likes DOOM but not a bratty gaki at all.
the bratty gaki is more of Noah or Belorta
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I will roll for Pepe, she is my wife
most five star ops are good, just play better
>Liking things
>On 4chan
It appears you're not used to our customs
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Namie saved AK
Speaking of bilibili... has the bilibro done his /akg/ compilation today?
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>Don't you feel guilty putting these two illustrations together?
>You still have time to change the limited now
>Why don't you remake the summer event limited edition?
>Brother, put the illustrations together, you said the one on the left is limited, do you believe yourself?
>In my opinion, Pepe's illustration is just as the level of an NPC
>The limited edition is too ordinary
>Save money again
>I think your banner planner should be replaced
>Hahahaha that's great, I'll wait for anniversary with peace of mind
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>I wanna fuck the pon now
You have eyes but you can't see Mt. Siesta
Yeah but I have maxxed out Arturia and would rather use my deployment slots for someone else than Valarqvin's shitty overall damage.
Again, I have used Valarqvin and the different between her and Arturia is like night and day
How long does a nigga have to wait for a new lupo character? I'm getting tired of this shit
You say this about every new operator
You only say this because she is getting shilled now, you'll move on when the next limited comes
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Less pixels more soul
we just got aroma?
The next limited is Lappstinky who is not wife material and is tainted by the stink of a certain group of people.
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>Sister Tutu
how do you even get that dagger out of its sheath
You're getting Lapipi alter soon enough calm down
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You know how the rule goes, she is cute so it's okay
Looks like a Drag Queen with that face
Wives for polygamychads?
Still no idea why chinks call her tutu.
Pepe look fine. What are the melty about?
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No I don't, Pepe is special
Carnelian and sister
I need more cute paprika
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>event doesn't have Doctor in it
That means a high chance of the event being well-written, so it has that going for it.
ONLY Aroma. Look at the amount of sarkaz released recently and now it seems we're going back to the constant switching between releasing new birds and cats as if there weren't like 40+ of them already
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>Amiya wears this on her date with Zuo Le
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That's because she's already married right?
Now that even chink overlords have turned their backs to pagmie, it's time for seapags to defend their master.
Irrelevant NPC got the limited 6* status
I will sex this khaganschizo
New character, especially a limited and one that we've seen as an npc, means we HAVE to shitpost
Arent the more popular side stories the ones that have doctor in them?
Her being the limited is weird and undeserved
>well-written is when characters don't interact with doc because i hate waifufags
ok tranny
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sounds familiar
Doctor or not I will skip it
Yes, married to me
I'd add that an irrelevant NPC with bad art (for Namie standards) becomes limited 6*
Can you stop giving (You)s to obvious bait
Think people are just assblasted she is the limited
Which i mean sure she probably shouldn't have been but they are certainly blowing the issue out of proportion
ssh let them keep thinking that
I don't really care about her kit or namie but this video is so cute it makes me wanna roll her. The song is so good too

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>t. Texas
Pepe would've been perfectly fine as the welfare 5* for RA2. Not a limited 6* operator. But of course it's Namie so her characters gets to have the best, most special treatment of all.
are all nightzmora autistic?
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Even if the world is destroyed doc
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Upcoming shipCHAD banners:
>Shu (shipped with her brother)
>Ascalon (shipped with Manfred and Logos)
>Logos (shipped with Sanguinarch, Ascalon, some elite ops)
>Ulpianus (shipped with Gladiia)
>Nymph (shipped with Mitm)
Sadly the summer event is light on males and will probably be yurishit, but otherwise this is an amazing lineup and I highly recommend you all roll on these banners.
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Top 2 beloved events have a lot of Doc focus btw
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they're just built differently
Imagine unironically rolling for anything when Walter is around the corner. Just pot 6 her and then you don't have to roll for anything ever again
why does being the limited or not even matter
Ah so we are trying this shitpost today
So what makes something a good limited?
Why is Muelsyse or Arturia good limiteds but Pepe isn't? Genuine question, every one of them could pass as normal 6*s and no one would blink. Why is Rosmontis limited but not Kal'tsit? Eyja is but Swire isn't. It all seems arbitrary to me.
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Don't let Pepe distract you from Laurentina's birthday
Pretty weak/10, apply yourself.
But I collect all sui
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The song and animation made her grow on me, e0 art is eh but I'll just use E2.
Wuh2 will get leftover pulls after Asky Wasky
I sure hope so
Sorry Gladiia, Ulpipi already got shipped with my dick
>t. The Last Knight
it's because pepe doesn't even pass as a normal 6*
the singer is also her VA which is double nice.
Hmm, nyo.
I will drink the wine she painstakingly made for me.
That's not how you spell "ugly".
Just look at the illustrations of:
>Shark nun
And then look at pepe.
There you have it.
Can you elaborate what passes as a 6*? What passes as a 5*? Can you put words to your emotions?
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A good day
Pepe was as relevant as Muelsyse and she was the limited for the anni but you point this out and you are a schizo. Are you ready to admit you only think it was OK because she panders to the selfinsert crowd?
Btw one of the arguments against the elf was that it set a bad precedent for limiteds.
Kal is literally MC and used as 2nd mascot after Amiya
Generally story importance, hype, and tone in general. Mumu worked because she was teased since launch and important to RI, Arturia because she also had a lot of build and has an aura to her.
Pepe was teased in a mode nobody likes and doesn't have some serious tone to her for people to get attached to in story. Though it's a post-Choom summer event anyway so it's either going to be that or a swimsuit alter.
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i think she is cute
Only Pasta2 and Lapipi2 can save us at this point
Please have sex with Specter
I thought that was yesterday
Eyja, Elf Bitch, Yato, Gavial, Specter, Chalter, and both Ws don’t deserve to be limited. Why is Pepe the only one getting hated on?
Last Knight only fucks one thing and its the ocean
Arturia is not a good limited btw. Her event's story is dogshit always rated lowly, and whenever she is on-screen the writing quality significantly dips.
She is saved by the fact that she is meta.
Muelsyse had more story time and was much more anticipated than pepe. Mumu had actual significance in terms of the rhines lab stories, whereas pepe just vaguely shows up in a sargon themed gamemode.
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more like
>Shu (shipped with the Doctor)
>Ascalon (shipped with the Doctor)
>Logos (shipped with the Doctor)
>Ulpianus (shipped with the Doctor)
>Nymph (shipped with the Doctor)
This not about story importance. Pepe as an established NPC had 0 fan art. Why make her a limited?
Because she was made by Namie and say what you will about the rest, all of them look significantly better than Pepe, and have a nose.
>mode nobody likes
Or, you know, RA is actually popular enough on CN? You know the server that mattters, unlike EN or JP
>what makes something a good limited?
being a relevant character, not a niche secondary gamemode NPC that no one gives a shit about.
Arturia and Muelsyse have unique playstyle that makes them one of kind operators.
Meanwhile Pepe is just Siege but Earthshaker. Even the new red woman is more unique than her. Hell, Ulpianus deserves to be a limited with his kit.
W is literally THE Arknights girl.
someone should make a comparison of every other limited's e0 art compared to pepe's e0
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>posting the edit
Of all the limiteds, W absolutely deserves both. Politically speaking, she is the most influential operator we have. Who else can say they're literally the leader of their nation?
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The knife itself isn't that curved.
The purpose of the curse is for the sheath to stay and not come with the knife when you pull it out.
It hooks on your belt.
I mean Ulpianus is more a
>ships skadi with doctor
kinda guy
Sounds like a lot of copium for someone who just lost their daughterwife
Fuck off Wfag
>THE Arknights girl
That's Exu
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The art started coming in yesterday because of time zones, but her birthday is today outside of Asia.
NTA but 6* should be someone with extensive combat experience, natural talent, highly unusual abilities, this should be conveyed through the story and/or visually. Compare Blaze (top operator) with Specter (mentally held back; senior operator), Estelle (experimented on but not extensively experienced in combat) and Popukar (rabbit with chainsaw, a rookie)
So it's about fanart? How much do you need to get eligible for limited status? Retard
oh neat, that's interesting, thanks sandbro
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Please no I've already lost my wife...
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>no argument
I accept your concession.
>Susie Glitter
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Don't worry, Doctor. You still have one daughterwife left.
I like Pepe.
Truth is, we all just hate each other.
Isn't Pepe like some ancient Aslan thing?
That kinda makes sense though. Most of the 4*s look like children/young adults. Suzuran should be a 4* or 5* according to that logic
You don't even know what her event is about. The mental gymnastics you people do to justify Muelsyse but at the same time shit on namie is insane
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Ulpipi tried to kill you first time he saw you
>see a woman
>think of men
what do you call this mental illness?
more like loughSTINKY the SLUTshinny!
Go back to crying about people skipping Walter. At least that shitposting gives me a hearty laugh
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I'm not a mudslime but you're welcome I guess.
gay man in denial
The only who “deserved” to be an Alter is Skaderp (literally a planet buster), and the Sui siblings (God Fragment). Everyone else is just ants in the grand scheme of Terra
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Priestess is still here, though?
It's made pretty clear that Ulpipi is never rejoining the others, he's kill on sight for aegir now.
Ulpipi is a man of good judgement then. but not a man of conviction
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Likewise, I just wanted a fun or cute summer op and I got it.
suzu has her whole nine tails lineage going on, along with extensive natural talent
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Texy Wexy
another year of not being able to suck inam's ashy toes
Is Priestess still alive?
Pepe was literally in ONE game mode six months ago and suddenly became a limited out of nowhere
At least Muelsyse appeared 4 years before she became an operator and heavily involved in the Rhine Lab event
Suzuran has exotic genetics if I remember correctly.
I don't know, anon. Pepe just doesn't strike me as that ancient Aslan entity.
somehow I keep thinking of W everytime I look at Red Hood
its just me or the Zuo Le shitposters seems quite gay
Being the non limited on a limited banner really doesn't make her easier to get. You have to deal with the exact same split banner as the limited, and
If he wanted to kill doctor he just would've
Its why doctor didnt freak out iirc, since he knew that if Ulpianus wanted doc dead he would be dead.
How important is a berry for IS5 btw? I have eyja and mulberry already but am considering to build honeyberry or chestnut for it. Leaning towards honeyberry since her upcoming skin seems nice?
She looks like she belongs in a NIKKE
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Enemies to lovers, easy
This daughter of mine hates my guts though and for good reasons
Aegir will forgive him when he solos the Nevermelting Glacier, trust the process.
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Haha funny joke Mandy, NOT
They're trying way too hard that's for sure, dunno about gay
Not as a human
namiechads WON
namiehaters eternally BTFO
>Pepe just doesn't strike me as that ancient Aslan entity.
I get that, but if it turns out she's super strong/intelligent/wise or whatever and just pretends to be a retard to hide her power level I'd like her a lot more.
>if Ulpianus wanted doc dead he would be dead.
Upipi would have to get over the army of hidden bodyguards doc have
Pressed post early
*and still don't really get a rerun for months and months anyway. Even when they do, now you're dealing with the same split rate this time with a 2nd standard op.
The odds of just randomly getting spooked by that specific op aren't good enough to be counted on.
Kind of sad that they have so little to shitpost about, they go after the games mascot
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Look at this cat, she is my wife!
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>top 30
>I get that, but if it turns out she's super strong/intelligent/wise or whatever and just pretends to be a retard to hide her power level I'd like her a lot more.
Yeah, likewise. I don't hate on her per se, rather her middling art.
>doc didn't freak out since he knew
Sounds like we get cool Doc during his event then.
I will burn HG to the ground if they make Closure not a limited when they make Pepe a fucking limited
Will K-san return?
need more Exu amputee
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>NGA hates Eureka now
Can't wait for Weiwei to take over the stream host
I know Pepe's hammer is hourglass themed but I just see a beartrap at the bottom.
They didn't make Kal'tsit a limited
Surely they won't make Closure a limited
K-san said he's only coming back if Exu gets content
they are trying too hard with mediocre material in hopes that more people will parrot it
Closure will be a welfare lmao
Why do you want a widely anticipated character to be limited? "Boy I sure hope I get the chance to need 300 rolls to get her in the future!!"
What is wrong with you?
Although I want her limited so she has L2D like in the store.
Dumb but cute.
NGA wants Eureka to not be a 1*
>i will burn hg to the ground if they don't make my favorite character borderline permanently missable
what did he mean by this
He goes on a buddy cop detective adventure with ulpianus even though skadi and the other hunters should've been protecting him
for the love of god normal people use >they to refer to a singular individual all the time
Because limited operators get special treatment, way more attention, they are the main stars of their events, and they get live2d + live2d skins
How many threads we have burned today?
>RIcore op
I divorced mumu for pepe
Limited are effectively 7*
yes, an NPC tier character just becomes a 7* because of its artist
>People are actually seriously thinking about skipping Walter
Enjoy bricking your account for at least a year while I just clear the game with my eyes closed
yes they as in that individual
Rosemary is an exception I guess
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More for me.
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Very true
Nyarcissa deserve her fate
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Ok this one is hot
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I do like their interactions
Every altknights format banned Walter for how boring she makes the game. What's the point of rolling for a character for gameplay that you will never end up using? If she is ever truly needed you can just borrow her
What even is that weapon?
literally 6* Limited art quality.
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Peppe has a mid kit on purpose as she is testing ground for earthshaker Siege
Because Walter is made for people to not play the game. As anon pointed out. People who want to use her don't want to play.
Like that greedy whore will give herself up for free
Anon, this is a single player game…friend clear can’t be auto
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>Can't wait for Weiwei
Nice art but the character is painfully ugly
>X flopping
>before the banner even came live
>Another 6* elf
Now we just need a Lodoss War collab and we get 6* Deedlit..

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