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previous Thread: >>487886829

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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No lewdy the Foomy!
Hina should die.
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>Pain, pain, fly away.
Well, close enough.
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I like go away more...
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25 creampies in Hikari
1 creampie for Nozomi
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see you for your rolls tomorrow, sensei
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Why are we so fast? there is literally nothing going on
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nom nom
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all me
Hinafags are spamming.
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>mogs the entire artistic industry for a month and a half
>people actually seething because they see them everywhere
shupos owe me sex
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Comfy Hina hours.
Fact: Baggots are the most powerful race
Why do you care? All of those generals are just spam and shitposting.
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Arona gave me a free wide
I got SEimi. Is she best in slot for Set after NYAkari? I have Kaede also, not sure who is better.
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I'd like to make an announcement. This guy is a huge nigger.
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Gaming with Hina would be pretty comfy
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Hmm...I think I will lick Hina's pussy.
No you don't
Reisa, I didn't raise you like this.
I don't remember seeing sEimi, I think Akari is better
My ..., my daughter and my wife!
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Hope everyones saved up for DHina.
>nothing going on
sex happened
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Can someone post art of Hina and Hosh together?
I do, go away seems more natural to me.
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Reisa stop using the nigger word! You're supposed to be pure. Haniwa correction is needed
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>literally nothing going on
We have bluefes events in both servers
Nope sorry, you don't actually feel that way
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barely squeezed in
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>Neru as my bro
>Arisu as daughteru
>Hina as my wife
A man can dream
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How significant are the stat boosts from limit breaks? Are they only for wife purposes or do I need to set aside mats for the usual raid DPS students?
I will get her first roll
ok I hate hinawank but even I gotta admit this was fucking cute
Hasn't started yet
Bluefest is 6% rates
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how come it's a festival about blue and yet there are no mentions of chise anywhere
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Looks like it'll be another spark to get dako... Well at least I got spooked by Makoto & Ichika so that's something, I guess.
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Are the free rolls over?
White Boy Summer
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Keep those other two girls away from your garbage Hina posts please. Thanks.
I want to smell Neru.
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why do people sometimes call her dress chick?
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We need a weapon to surpass Reisa-chan
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Hina wife and Alice daughter is very possible. Bringing Neru too shouldn't be too hard.
Someone shared an oshig + sEimi high floor clear (I think 108) with Kuroko. I think the highest Kaede clear is 106. Before Kuroko, I think Kaede teams were more common. Just build whoever you prefer, it seems that Shiroko Terror is a guaranteed floor 100 clear.
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Momoi is bad at videogames
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Especially Nozomi.
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You'll get your last 20 free rolls tomorrow, cheese.
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how would hifumi react to cunnilingus
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This but Hina is my bro and Alice is my daughter.
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Hina's literal translation from jp is chick, she has some art about that too.
So dress hina can be jokingly translated as dress chick.
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I am enjoying this event.
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>Arius banners nowhere to be seen

Coulda fooled me
I'm enjoying the parts without Hina in it.
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>walking at least 30km everyday in desert heat to school
At least 1 or 2 students should smell funny
I like her tail but not her voice
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New here, just starting out. Should I keep this? What happens if I retry? Do I lose some resources? It's not really clear and i don't want to fuck my account over the first day.
I got Hiyori in my free rolls! The steaks are high!
Imagine the smell of Shiroko's ears
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I wouldn't ignore them for meta but I would definitely go wife first.
Set is not fun tho.
Suzuki quick, turn on the TV
They hit trinity. Those Arius bastards hit trinity.
Old Big Ben is falling
It'll never be bong o'clock again
calm down, Makoto, or you'll make Ibuki sad
Why are girls like Ichika, Konoka and Chiaki so punchable?
Is this a glitch? Iori being sideways i mean
No, you rolled a bunch of absolute trash. Reroll.
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Are those your final words?
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Trust the Vigilante plan Seiabro! If her merch would've been unveiled too early then the plan would've been spoiled! She'll be playable soon along with Suzumi's alt!
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Please fucking read the OP
And you can keep rerolling for 10 times total, just save the result you want
It's a very enjoyable event.
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What are your thoughts on Asuna's fat pale sagging massive mega milkers?
The whole account, or just retry?
Global intern-kun needed to justify his paycheck.
Based for showing us more pantsu.
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I am not enjoying this event.
That's terrible, you should reroll.
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Smug Migga!
it's so fucking over bros...
Probably, but other anons have posted the same
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>bought everything i wanted from the shop
the fuck do i do with my AP now?
positively fragrant
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I hope you have fun anon! But do reroll
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ok I'll wait... maybe when seia arrives she'll increase the vigilante club budget
Finally finished the event story and I'm confused. How is the Pandemonium society the "bad guys" in this story. It seems like Makoto has some hidden leasership abilities and people actually listen to her while the Prefect Team just goes around spooking and strong arming everyone into submission. What a confusing event. Also let Kasumi dig!
I look like this and say this.
anon, you ask this question with the hope of triggering an imagespam replychain everytime. Just do it without the need of a retarded question
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you gotta kys
>New here, just starting out.
Hello newfag
>Should I keep this?
>What happens if I retry?
You'll retry.
>Do I lose some resources?
>It's not really clear and i don't want to fuck my account over the first day.
You can restart the game as often as you need if you haven't bound your account yet. Though each reset will force you to repay the prologue. Read the newfag guide. It's there for a reason.
Pandemonium are the natural leaders of Gehenna and fully embrace what Gehenna is. Hina is a tumor that goes against Gehenna.
This is your tutorial roll right? Just retry. You only get to keep one set of 10. Also you can reset your account from the options if you don't get anything you like.
Retry until you get several good 3*. If you didn't get them then reset your account and do it again.
Makoto bad, Hina good, it's as simple as that
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How likely is it that we will see another student kneeling to Hina in the future?
You want summer shiroko or PVP is unplayable.
otogi's vice grip ass
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Boogie farm
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Why don't we just bully Juri?
It's funny.
I read another guide that said Iori was acceptable, but wanted to ask to be sure. Checking out the OP guide now.
by me
buy the credits
That's a shit roll, not worth keeping even if you like her.
She looks decapitated here
Any time Hina fights someone they will end on their knees. You just can't defeat Hina.
Average event chapter
>Hina wakes up
>Starts floating up into the air as all people around her are drawn to start worshipping her
>Give someone a stick of gun
>"Y-yes empress Hina you're so so generous and kind, you truly have saved Gehenna once again"
>Hina answers what 2 + 2 is
>"You're just so wise and perfect grand overlord Hina, the wisest and most perfect in all of Gehenna"
>Students line up to be stepping stools for Hina as she walks each step
>Hina decides to go to sleep
>"I hope S̶e̶n̶p̶a̶i̶ sensei will notice me"
Wait there's PVP? I thought this was a comfy sp novel or something.
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I'm in love(True)
o...ok... but gonna buy the jfd trash instead then...
this actually happened
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She's a dumb nigger.
Next will be Makoto
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How likely is it that we will see more dead Hinas in the future?
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Hoshino beat Hina
Kuroko beat Hoshino
Kuroko won
I said no lewding!
Several 3* in a 10 pull? That will require time I guess.
Mika should die
What is she saving Gehenna from tho? Wasn't Trinnity formed because Gehena was on a road of total domination making gorillas like Mika seethe for eternity in irrelevance?
the two good things about the event are
>the go home club
>you can check trash cans for loot
that's it
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stop calling my favorite student a nigger
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Trinity was formed long, long before Mika was even alive, you retard.
You forgot
>smiling Hina
>pajama Hina
>dress Hina
>singing Hina
Hina lost to Hoshino terror in 0.1 seconds
While Shiroko could fight recently with it
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Hoshinofags be like "this is great writing"
pajama hina was reasonably cute
other than that meh
He said good things, not bad things.
She's still irrelevant and seething at TOTAL GEHENNA DOMINATION
Is it worth farming to get Ibuki to 4*?
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Does Hasumi have the biggest tits in Kivotos?
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Finally, sex with Ichika.
>rolling early
holy bricked
I did couple hours of rerolling when I started. It happens more often than you think. Chances are those 3* will be the shitty ones though.
You didn't like the free resources?
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Does anyone have that monochrome comic where alice and hina are playing vidya together? I seem to have misplaced it and the boorus don't seem to have it. I think it was posted here a week or two ago.
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What domination? Even a basic JTF soldier like Ichika slapped the 2nd most powerful student in Gehenna into submission.
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just finish your spark you whiny ass faggot
blame youself for having shit luck
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>your waifu isn't here

she literally doesn't matter
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This one? If not can you be more specific?
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I will NOT kiss my sensei
>They tried translating the laughs properly for once(mostly, the effort was there)
>Pandemonium are fun
>Fuukas 5 seconds of screen time when she isn't being kidnapped and can interact normally with juri
>Event being split into two different stories is interesting, you see two sides of a story

>Everything else
Makotofags, your response?
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Kanna saved BA
She had the Sensei buff. It doesn't count.
Hare doesn't matter, yet she still showed up.
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That's exactly the one, thanks!
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Kanna love!
that hand on hip... god ichika needs a proper pounding
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Can you mog Hina?
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It's not fair... she was in jail at the time!
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Hare is our weed lmao girl
This is what sex looks like.
>scatfaggot gone
>got my local IP range banned too
Why is it always my kind, bros?
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someone explain?
Stupid dog. You made me look bad.
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>not holding out hope for the final 20 rolls
>hanako is there, front and center
phew... my glass canon wife matters
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>see Red Winter logo
>get excited
>not Shigure
My pain is constant and sharp
When is she coming back, I want her.
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>got kidnapped by robots cosplaying as mobs
ok retard
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Don't you think it would be really unfair to Mr Nexon if you got everything you wanted for free? How do you expect me to keep the game servers running like this?
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Is there a sound webm of her beautiful performance yet?
My problem is that they went overboard with the required number of artifacts. Saving artifacts for students aside from my studentwife basically means goodbye to daily 3rd node crafting.
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I think it's time for ligma.
Why would you want her, aside from pure SEX obviously
doesnt work for me?
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It's that easy
Wife purposes only, for now.
Inb4 they expand the limit break system
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should've rolled the first time around
no excuses
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We need another sports event where Migga can show her strength!
I discarded hope decades ago
Now I only know pain
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Because I, as an alcoholic, am bound by moral code to have her on my account
In the grand scheme of things, this isn't even that old a reference, yet it will still go over some zoomers heads.
i bet seia's handwriting is extremely girly.
Are we getting bouquet packs with the anniversary banner?
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I will allow Overlord Hina to control my mind
Isn't Ichika Tsurugi's (aka Mika's nightmare) tardwrangler?
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She can't read or write.
we're all 30+ here
we all watched courage
>had to spark for ako AGAIN
fucking nigger jew Arona
I don't care about John Nexon.
oh no no no no
nice brick
there are still free rolls tomorrow
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nevermind i figured it out. you login and you gain points somehow and they accumulate till you spend them or the event is over.thakns bwos
thank you, god it's beautiful
a love song for (me)
explode you monkey
Meanwhile for some reason I got cHare AND Kotama despite purposefully skipping their events, wtf Nexon
Shut up
arona and plana loves you
I was BUSY
Based alcoholic
if you buy the monthly are you still considered f2p?
Anon you saved up for d.Hina quadruple spark, right?
The only Red Winter I am missing is Oshig since I pulled for Meru.
The next time I see a Red Winter banner on a pull I'll know it's the one. Hopefully either her or cKotama spook me on the FES so I can have an easier time with my next selector choice.
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holy shit the translation in this event is so fucking bad.
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holy shit the translation in this event is so fucking good.
Never falling for multiple sparks bait on my account seed.
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>blue set is so much easier I barely even need to look at the screen now
Thank you Shirokoteller, my beloved...
It's mid
post the top 5 translation mistakes from this event
post the top 5 translation wins from this event
wtf I love Kaya now
Kuroko's pussy
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terrorists in my cafe
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Ummm, my rights???
With each post you make you show how little you've actually played this game. Where the fuck do you come up with this shit?
Stop believing prefect propaganda.
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Why is there only like 2 darkies in Blue Archive? Are the developers racists?
Literally me
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reminder this slampig gave sensei the okay to fondle her breasts
I just got spooped by Atsuko
Is she any good?
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but they are, though? and i like them because of that
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Senkos artist is pretty cool
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how does hina sit in your lap
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Marina marriage.
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Can THD(TOTAL HINA DOMINATION) be stopped at this point?
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what is she, my therapist now?
Glad the event has been puking gifts on us.
smelling chise's hair
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kino, we need more hinakino
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imagine the smell

Kanna still refuses to spook me. Selector when
Next ten events should be Hinacentric
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>pen broke so I cant contribute to aggie
>they had to send them from China because they didnt have a stock of them here (they dont work on weekends so thats more days without it)
>free rolls have given me nothing
>woke up with a fever
>only Hina's song makes me feel better
thanks for listening to my vlog
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How are the new Set clears dealing with the red orb without SIzuna?
scratching seia's ears
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Dr Sex
Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
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she will cum
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humu humu
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Hope to see you in the next aggie
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Dont click
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I need to rub one out
Hungry fuuker
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Elves, go away. This is an elf-free general.
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Why is there a scatspammer in your general? What's his endgame?
I can't believe Saya would do this
Well, I got Renge from my free pulls, nothing else, but that's something. Here's to a final two minrolls tomorrow.
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Next event will have a Kisaki banner
that baijiu tho
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what do i write for it to be ako?
fucking the frustration out of fuuka
Hey /bag/, newfag here. What's with all the scat and stuff? Can I get a QRD?
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First the chapel attacked, now the prophet ranting about the end of the world!
Hoshino lost to normal shiroko and the abydos crew too. She lost 5 times in that chapter.
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How did John Nexon achive such a level of perfection with Gehenna? How can Trinnitards even compete?
post :D
schizo spammer on a VPN, report and ignore
You know despite being fat Hiyori doesn't give me the impression that she stinks. She looks like she smells like melon.
I don't know because I got that image from here like 1 year ago
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Like this
Haha, wow. Why would he do that?
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Now that the game is dead, what are we going to do next?
Hey /bag/ newcumrag here, why are there no Ako fans in /bag/?
local schizo who hates mika and replies to every post relating to her with scat, couldn't do so for a while and just posted yuri with her instead, will also complain about mikaposters and say stuff like mikafags and mikaspammers, just report and ignore him
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Mika is made for Sensei (male) (me).
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She's doing her best. Don't be mean.
Fuuka and Juri are not attractive. Even by the gehennoid standards they are ugly and gehennoids are the ugliest school.
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Play ZZZ
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it's a hot dog
Ichika is that you?
Holding back
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Where Kasumi alt
Haha, oh wow. Why would he do that? Can I get a QRD?
Unless you are an absolute newfag, going for more than one spark in a FES has always been dumb.
Especially now that they are moving into two characters in a FES format and demanding two saved sparks.
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I wrote COW.....
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We ascend to a higher realm
Akofags are mythical beings that according to BA scholars simply don't exist.
The steaks...
>falling for the QRD post
Stop that.
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I'm already playing ZZZ but its story and characters suck compared to BA. Also typical mihomo gacha practices so enjoy never having a fully built character unless you want to roll for the character and their weapon seven times each and then spend months in the RNG mines.
The scat obsessed guy uses a proxy server made by a fury. At one point months ago he tried questioning the furry on why it wasn’t workibg so the furry came here to test his proxies which were fine but he discovered the mods were banning the scat guy’s file hashes (this is why keeps slightly editing his 5 pics every day now). When the furry exposed that, the scatschizo tried to dox him, and the furry retaliated by exposing he wasn’t using proper protection like an idiot and leaked his true IP here, exposing to us the autist was from Singapore
Months later, during Christmas everyone was enjoying the holiday with friends and family to the movement here slowed down… except the scat and blacked posts. Essentially proving the autist that spams shit here spent all that festive span of time alone.
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What happened to that guy posting femsensei? He gave up so soon. What a shame.
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you know remember people actually skipped kasumi because of her voice.
"Ako has no fans on /bag/" is an old-fashioned meme at this point.
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Hey /bag/, newnigger here. What's with the Mari's Momotalks? Every time I try to read them, all I see is the word "nigger" 100 times in a row.
Is my game broken?
Set, comfy Kurokage, and PVP.
Why would they skip her because of her best feature? That's dumb.
Scatfag, spams the thread 20 hours a day every day for like two years now. Any time someone posts or mentions Mika he replies in five seconds with scat. He's a Singapore troon who insanely hates Mika. This is literally his entire life for years.
For the last year he just spammed yuri after getting into trouble with his ISP, but I guess he figured out yet another work around for now
Have you figured it out yet?
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My favorite student is from Gehenna but my favorite school is Millennium. That's ok, right?
I skipped Kasumi because Ako had a banner at the same time.
Her voice is the best part. Bunch of uncultured swine, all of them.
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Fucking slut, how dare you speak like such a dirty little whore to me?! Impregnation correction is needed.
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fuuka in a school swimsuit.
I think I'm skipping Makoto
Arona LOVE
Arona HATE
For me, Gehenna has the best girl but Millennium has more good girls than other schools so yeah
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___ /___/, _________ ____. __ ____ ___, ___ _ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ _ ___. __ __ ____ _____?
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>they skipped visual and auditory sex
Is it possible to roll for her now? I've gotten a lot of hot spring alts all of a sudden.
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Sounds gay. Couldn't be me.
People pulled on TTT banners?
Reminder that there's a 50% off coupon that can be used on the guaranteed roll ticket in the galaxy store for burgerfats
She's the new yellow powercreep hypercarry. Just don't cry when you fall off into irrelevancy.
You can't just crop your name like that, Yuno.
fuuka bent over the kitchen sink with me pounding into her from behind
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OK when can we get Dripp Abydos now?
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If I cut it off, will she die?
Terrorists bad, sensei
She's been widely used ONCE in the past 6 months in a raid where everyone already has all the other required students so they just borrow her.
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Kasumi has the most ergonomic horns
>he wants even more Abydos wank
6 months not good enough for you?
>Gremlin sounds like a gremlin
>"How could this happen to me, I've made my mistakes"
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Cutest school.
Nonomi looks incredible here
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Couldn't you at least bend her over something more comfortable?
Ghennas just better than other schools to be fair
Hey /bag/, new sensei here. Today I got my free Hina and pulled Atsuko, Hoshino, and Saki from my 20 free pulls (I had only gotten Noa as a 3star besides them from the free rolls). I hope they're good. How's your day been?
I absolutely hate Niggertardo so I'd rather not listen to K*sumi.
Her being a gehennoid makes her even more unappealing to me.
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This is easily the worst event in the entire game. What the fuck were they thinking.
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Then why I like them so much?
If it's so good why do they only focus on Hina
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Please let Plana give me the pages from now on im tired of this AI cheating on me by hiding those purple pages.
Red winter is a unironic nightmare. Gehenna is a jolly place compared to Red Winter which is pure gulags, pogroms and death squads hunting down citizens.
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I don't know how they keep outdoing themselves with constant flow of worse and worse events. How are they so bad?
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season 2 when?
There is just so fucking many of these official alt designs made for store collabs at this point. Is there somewhere where these are being archived? I know the likes of Danbooru don't have all of them.
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Because Hina is the greatest thing of the school
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They will never understand.
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Suzumi alt when
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It could be. I have this image saved from when it was implemented in JP.
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>he doesn't know
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Serika will have to work hard to finance it.
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>7th 3*
>Non rate up again
Is there any point to roll on normal banners when the rate up is so bad that you get them anyway when you are forced to spark limiteds?
I'm not complaining about this one though. I did consider rolling on her banner. Good thing I didn't.
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>6 months not good enough for you?
Idol Abydos is also coming this year
Yeah talk about a glow up
>have both Cherino alts
>Have both Shigure alts
Have none of the other Red Winter students. Why, I just want to complete the roster....
It's been a good day. What do you think of the game so far? Are you enjoying it? Who's your favorite student?
Sniffing and licking student feet
Sucking and kissing student toes
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Because Ioris the true heroine
Where are you from?
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Yeah, but have you considered the free pudding?
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Suzumi panty color?
You'll never be a real Akofag no matter how hard you tr.
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Nonomi would never glow
What's with all the shock images with Mika poorly edited in?
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the worst part was the complete lack of seia... inexcusable
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singashit decided to change tactics
Holy SEX. They NEED a New Year alt.
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I made that
oh nyoooo
Shut the fuck up and suck my dick, fox.
>nonomi not smiling
Wow. Any idea why he does it? Can I get a QRD?
Scatnigger the same faggot who used to spam yurishit
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Those are onsen outfits
>game actually choking and crashing
well that's a first
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I love my maidcatgirlwife
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Holy SEX. They NEED an Onsen alt.
Oh? Can you explain how you know it's the same person? Sorry, I'm new.
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It's Hinyan
7 spooks on a non-rateup 180 pulls is a decent amount, especially considering you still have 20 rolls + the spark to go.
i dont really know his motivations, i just know that when people start talking about his mom whoring herself out he goes into a melty and starts posting that shit as much as he possibly can.
eyes way too small
When is this fucking game getting a PC client?
>Kasumi talking about how her butt stinks
Haha. Wow, that's crazy. What does he hope to accomplish? How long has he been doing it? Do we know who he is? How do we know he's from Singapore?
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One life on Earth and this is yours, huh?
It's a humblebrag.
There's still people without a pink roll on this banner.
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that's kinda harsh, Hina
damn, it was Kasumi hours and no one told me
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>QRD falseflagging
Kek, saved
It's probably the best gacha game I've played not counting master duel. Still haven't gotten around to deep dive into the story because I've heard there's a point where you aren't provided students for the chapters anymore (Just reached level 40, I wonder if that's enough)
Favorite student is hard to pick, I can mostly just go by volume 1 and a few momotalks but I think Haruna is pretty fun
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Somebody told me in /alg/ that you guys have a spammer or something? What's going on?
he announced it himself and also said that he sucks bugs for dinner with a straw, crazy stuff.
Squeaky loli voice made sense before we knew anything other than her sprite, but once you understand her personality her current voice fits way more.
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Get new material troonscattyboy
Notice how the Momoi metapost stopped when the scat started back up?
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Fuck is there really a trash can there? I might've missed it.
At least you got a good student. I got 4 shunnies on hanako banner.
sh-shut up
Hey, Kivotos. Newsensei here. Why is this wolf shoving a cucumber up my ass every night? QRD on her?
He is part of a shitcord tranny group taken the mantle to shit up /vg/ by being cringe as fuck. Apparently this nigger is an unironic gov faggot of his pissant pajeet shithole of singapoor. This dumb cretin can't help his tranny faggot ass from getting exposed. This guy is really a sad case like imagine spending entire Christmas spam scat on a mongolian basket weaving site because not even your parents accept you as a human being.
the purple thing next to the desk
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My nunHinyawife
Haha, oh wow. What a crazy thing to do. Any idea why they do it? Do we have any screenshots?
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You were asking for it
Yeah I see it, I just thought it might've been photoshopped for some reason.
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It's not just over
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Wheres Ioris alts
>80 pulls
>only 1 purple
its ogre
>How do we know he's from Singapore?
Unironically a furry site owner doxed his ass when he went ballistic over there for not accepting his gay ass furry OC
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No, Gehenna as a whole kinda sucks
>quirky delinquent group 1
>quirky delinquent group 2
>quirky wannabe delinquent group
>the lunch ladies
>No fun police
>The school council (retarded)
>the school nurse
They are fun one their own though, I am not shitting on them specifically
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Reminder that there will be a stream for global in 13 hours: https://www.youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY?si=pwAlCwhjUMYU5QJt
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One day Juri found a meme about "sopa de macaco".
She got interested and tried to make it herself. The end result is something Gehenna doesn't like to talk about and would rather pretend doesn't exist. It's a source of the great shame of the Academy to the point that the usually polite Juri threatened me with a knife when I asked her.
Damn, that's crazy. Can you explain it in detail for me?
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I'm in mood for a cold pepsi
when will iori ever stop jobbing?
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I finished with 22 lost items, is that the max so far?
False. Kasumi is braless
I hate having no idea of what I really need. Checked the guide. Do I keep the two meta 2* and a good 3*, or the pull with three 3*, one good, one bad and one meh? Or do I just retry again? But in that case, which one do I save?
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There will be a Misaki alt before the Misaki alt.
forgot your scat pic kek
Sopa de Maki, uma delicia
Gehenna is about personal expression and freedom not being threaten with death for reading a book like in trinity.
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if you can't decide maybe it'd be better to post a pic?
hoping for some good indepth dev talk about the anni banner, rpg mini game and stuff as usual
Based HarunaChad. Save all the pyros you can to pull for the BlueFest student next week. With D. Hina, you'll be able to complete anything related to the story with ease.
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Forgot pic.
>QRD shitpost makes a return
>so many newfags that it works
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This but coke
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I have the exclusive footage of Misaki alt.
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Trinity be like:
>police (racist)
>mental asylum
>sweets club
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I got atsuko a couple of days ago, she's gonna be great for Set and Kurokage
neither is good but right is less bad
save right and keep rolling
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Cats eat cat food.
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Can someone recommend me a decent Mechanical keyboard for first timers? My current keyboard still works but the lettering is all faded away and sometimes i have trouble with finding the keys for each letter, it's about time i switch it
On it.
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>Started with Bunny Asuna, got his autism tick because she was the "spade" card in promos and started pushing her being "blacked" and still keeps it going on /v/ (Although this was actually a generic choice, since she and Neru were swapped between spade and diamond in their promos anyway)
>Had a big meltdown about Mika that started on Mon 11 July 2022 in a Mutsuki vs Mika argument (Constant mentions of Muttsucky/Mika torture porn/both of them and other students being "blacked")
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391462267 (First "revenge" post followed by cropped porn)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391463365 (First Mika torture porn link posted because cropped wasn't getting noticed)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391449012/#391468510 (First time Muttsucky mentioned)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391503620 (First cuckholding Mika post)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391504573 (Cropped porn starts showing up)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391504686 (Starts Kayoko cuckholding spree)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391499039/#391538871 (Starts schizo rage posting here)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391544552 (Attempts to drag Wakamo and other students into it)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391553769 (Cropped pictures start here)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391544103/#391559203 (Final complete loss of composure at being ignored)
If Hina can fly, why does she walk everywhere? Checkmate atheists.
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Always makes me laugh
Just gonna be some dev talk stuff I imagine, should be interesting.
Doubt we'll get all those funny Sensei stats until the stream in oct/nov.
Miyako is knocking on my door
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Holy based, care to change it up so filtercucks are reminded what they're fighting against????
Because she has no where vertically to go.
So I should aim for good+non farmable? And prioritize 3* even over meta 2*?
You'll never have friends.
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Tummy Archive
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i got akodress and makoto who do i need more stars on?
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>Major reason for spamming is because he thinks he's having "revenge" on the janitors for deleting his blacked pictures
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/400472037/ (Outed for using a furry proxy site, supposedly from a SEA IP)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/401859108/#401885048 (Self reports as being from Chicago)
>Uses a filename randomizer
>Moonlights as a Midori poster
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1621257319045/("little shit meme" started here https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/408270636/#408279496)
>Uses specific phrases like "dark sensei" or "tanned sensei" and "clubmates" as NTR devices
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/blmen/ (Funny how this is a holdover from "blasuna")
>Got pissed off from people posting about "Farfie" and decided to spam about it
>poisoning sensei with powerful pheromones
evil, truly evil
If I were rerolling today, I'd try to get Shun + Iori or Aru.
It's good, even though most of them are mediocre, farmable, and/or a dupe. But Kikyo and Ui make up for the other 5 that I would happily trade for a single Makoto/D.Ako so I could have both when I spark one of the two.
You should ideally be rerolling on the bluefes banner, not this banner.
The right is better though. Aru is the strongest 3* there and Serina, while easy to get, is painful to not have for a new player.
You could do a lot better though since the rest is mediocre.
Sensei washes doebeitever?
knock back on her cervix
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Flying would probably be far more tiring than walking or even running.
And people would be able to see under her skirt.
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Holy b-b-b-based!
You want d.Hina these two need teams to shine.
Reroll until you get Shun. Nothing else makes up for not having Shun.
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why are gooks so obsessed with blacked
every time a blackedshit spammer slips up it's always a SEA or a Korean
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1 year and 6 months
I'm using the retries on the first roll after tutorial, I see there's other rolls after that in the guide but I'm trying to understand what's good to get.
How have you been documenting the schizo for so long without knowing about his fucking QRDposting during his scat posting holy shit are you legitimately fucking retarded?
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>Frequently uses shart/shit/mispells a student's name ("little shit memes" attached to a Mika pictures like https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1662350455824732/ or https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/1644460533418/ and https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/image/_BzhebUkllKMcJap4n6F2Q/ to further start shit)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391412472/#391426991 (Using "shart" first appears in the 11th of July meltdown)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/391910746/#391946248 (Mikashart again)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/415376229/#415387414 (Hinashart this time)
When called out usually falls back on the "meds" picture.
>Obsessively thinks about NTR/blacks
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/Racist%20janitor/ (Some of these are literally two black men blowing each other)
>Always complains about some student being "spammed"
Will we get a tenner?
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>no sauce on reverse image search
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It's beginning to smell a lot like monkey
All over the thread
Take a look at this sad sad man, he got rejected once again
Now it's all old pics and stupid posts that glow
It's beginning to smell a lot like monkey
Scat in every post
But the ugliest sight to see is his ugly face, golly gee
Face no one can love
A pair of proxies and obsession with Mika
Is all there is in his life
If the Singapore cops will come after him
He will become a nigger's wife
And /bag/ can hardly wait for him to kill himself
It's beginning to smell a lot like monkey
Everywhere you go
There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well
Maybe he will get the hint and hang himself
It's beginning to smell a lot like monkey
Soon the spam will start
And the thing that'll make him screech is another Mika pic
What an autistic twat
It's beginning to smell a lot like monkey
Scat in every post
But the ugliest sight to see is his ugly face, golly gee
Face no one can love
That's the plan, the event sold me on Hina being top cute. 21k pyro and 4 10x tickets should be enough to recruit, right? The current banners are seducing me though, both the dork dictator, pure sex, and comfy floof. Are they all limited to this event?
Love her laugh. She's such a dork. Reminds me of a shounen rival character.
So fucking based. Remember to call him out! We can win this!!
Nonomi would literally never ever
you sound upset
Yes, we always get a ten-pull at the end of the streams.
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My wives
Iroha is permanent but DAko and Makoto are limited and won't come around for another year.
I'd recommend Hina a bit more just purely because she's way more meta.
Anon, who the fuck do you think is dumping all of this shit in thread knowing full well that it's off-topic derail bait?
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>she sacrificed her meal ticket for jangler
Foxes exist only to be raped. Thoughts?
Nexon should reach out to Ken Penders to be the new lead writer for BA.
Arcade Dumbledore is taken. Move on.
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Some people really need to go outside.
Doing Gods work, anon. Is there a follow up to it too?
So which items are time gated in the Hina exploration? none of the collectable ones right?
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Just keep calling him out! Be sure to decouple the reply and don't use buzzwords! He filters his own posts when he gets bullied and you want to make sure he sees it!
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The ugly schizo unironically cured my depression because I realized how far from rock bottom I really am.
Where the FUCK are the Kasumi doujins bros???
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Shanchongching and Japkekkyako be like
>my beautiful wife Chise
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>NA server
What did he mean by this
>Give food to someone fucking PUNCHED ME
Hmm Hina bad
>this is deleted
>monke's samefagging and seething is not
And Haruna was cheering for Hina on her performance. Even when they fight, there's no animosity between Gehenna's clubs. Besides maybe Pandemonium and Prefect to a certain degree.
How's your Ibuki, anon? You taking good care of her, right? Feeding her with plenty of nutritious eleph so she can be strong? Right?
how good is ibuki + iroha
my iroha is pretty leveled up so i might farm a bunch of ibuki elphs too
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I'm going fix that swirl
character limit bros...
Based! Keep calling him out! We can beat this!
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https://exhentai.org/g/2939091/3d360832c5/ best you got imo
the shupos wouldnt do that
This is so sad, but thank you
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Yeah, I liked that even tho they often fight, at the end of the day they are still classmates.
Gehenna is cute.
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Fill my empty friend slot. North America.
I don't think Ibuki's investment matters a massive amount but Ibuki+Iroha is meta for Indoors Peroro.
Oh, banners are once per year? I can deal with that.
Reminder that Gehenners are so mind broken by eternal conflict they flipped out when Makoto wanted peace for 5 seconds.
ibuki + iroha is basically just iroha but somewhat better. meaning you're still not using them outside of peroro indoors
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I just want to thank you once again for making me appreciate what I have in life.
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I'm sorry for cumming inside, /bag/
im a retard and started buying hoshino elphs in the shop without thinking
Oh yeah? Name 3 things you have in life
Give or take a month or so, usually depends on when they do the rerun.
DHina technically can be acquired on the next Bluefes (in 6 months) by a spook but you won't be able to spark her so it's easier to secure her (and SHoshino) on this banner if you want them.
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Can someone please post the items guide again
s.Hoshino... right?
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Hoshino cunnilingus
Just check the trashbins and look for stuff they unironically twinkle
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How do you respond to this?
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I got jumpscared by balloons...
Millenium Students vs Geheeners
*twinkles ironically*
I already checked every twinkle and trashbins only give credits
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I got banned for REISISMS because I used the term "turd-worlder" in an argument.
Did I hit too close to home for some janny or something? Jannies and mods are usually completely useless otherwise.
Blue Archive. Neru.
Gehenna is... evil?
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Your studentwife does cute things in secret when you are not around
Damn they even have the token black
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And the last one. Am I right in thinking the right one is the better one?
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Fubuki cunnilingus
Who is the Kircheis of Gehenna?
Scatspammer is a janny.
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What the FUCK
I wish that stool was my face.
Yeah the one on the right will carry you through early game content a lot better.
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coom in doom
*cums prematurely* Now what, huh?
'You are, in fact, correct. I love child pussy.'
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Kasumi cunnilingus
Love the precious memories you make with your students /bag/
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Fubuki anilingus.
Pretty much. Slurs are non-zero chance of getting banned. It's really really low chance (though can vary a lot by board)
Yes, very easily.
Iori and Aru are two of the three best starter 3*s. The only thing that could possibly beat them is a strong non-starter 3* or Shun who would still be a significant loss compared to them until late game.
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Wakamonia (formerly Kivotos), 2269 A.D.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
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I do. But only with Gehenna students.
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whats up with this trashcan? it gives nothing but you can interact with it endlessly
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Starting the first mission then, here we go.
>everywhere there are cute girls doing cute things but a blood-stained lady talked to me in my dreams and they all shoot each other all the time
This is going to end badly, right?
That's where boogie's crayons are, but I don't remember if you can get them already.
You have to interact a bunch of times.
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Welcome to hell.
Right is pretty good even if both of them are farmable. Both are good single target nukes with small AoEs.
But why?
that's Hina
That's where they put the classroom's fliers when Makoto got hypnotized
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You must learn to not only receive, but to give as well Hinerd.
Who the fuck threw boogies crayons in the bin
Never got Shun once so unless I reroll this is the best for now.
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300 rolls to get one Makoto... it's like those 100 free rolls didn't even exist...
It was Miyako
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Male Sensei cannot resist Mika's charm.
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>That's where boogie's crayons
I want some heads.
>girls frontline collabing with the fucking UNITED NATIONS
>Blue Archive gets a shitty railgun collab, didn't even get Ichihime from the Mahjong collab
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Fuck off, other gacha could only dream of collabing with railgun.
I got best rabbit, but still, no Ako or Mako in sight.
I want the slime collab that granblue is getting
That homo game doesn't deserve Millim
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Does the UN have cute 2D girl?
why would anyone want to collab with unelected oligarchs?
We got Misaki. We're already better than everyone else.
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For newfags, get a Keychron.
https://www.keychron.com/collections/keychron-v-series-keyboard (wired)
https://www.keychron.com/collections/keychron-v-max-series-keyboard (wireless)
There aren't really any other keyboards at that price point that offer as much as Keychron does. It's fully hot swappable as well so you can play around with other switches if you want to. Don't have to worry about lettering fading off since the keycaps are double shot PBT.
Hina likes to talk to trashcans
Biribiri > blue hat cucks any day.
Momoi pointing at Karin
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Here, take this cat.
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>girls frontline collabing with the fucking UNITED NATIONS
Still won't get drafted, fuck off.
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Got Makoto on my final free roll, glad to get them both and enough for Hina rolls
>trouble finding the keys
As expected of an Aru poster.
I got Nihahaha, casual rat, karismasu Serina but no Ako yet
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Not a big fan of our previous collabs desu, I don't know if I want more
Why the hell would you want Globohomo collab
Wake up.
See this: https://files.catbox.moe/grvku5.jpg

What to do?
I can't believe iori is fucking dead
Complain about the lack of a halo and tell her to fuck off.
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Mikaspammer always wakes up at this hour
That's Miyu's new house
You can go steal junbos missing meal ticket from the jail afterwards
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fuck kasumi
Die from being crushed
work on your detective work
It's Ioriover.
It's the same time as it was yesterday, he's gonna have his daily melty
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>can't get drafted since I already did 10 years
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you don't have to tell me
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I won.
Aren't these Gehenna's trashcans too small even for Miyu?
he won.
yeah then explain the last 3 hours dumbass "wakes up at this hour" my ass retard
YOU woke up at this hour and noticed it
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Lv 60, newer account. Considering how I'm about to drop 2 sparks on bluefes for a buttload more ligma, could I get away with 5*ing Makoto right now and still have enough to UE40 D.Hina? Or is it better to just to have multiple units you use at 5* before dropping ligma on further advancement?
>the last 3 hours
I'm talking about the fag that spams as soon as he can
there is literally no reason to 5* makoto
you will use dhina a lot more than makoto
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public park trashcans are bigger cuz there will be hundreds of people walking around.
>siphoning bluefes luck
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Ok but what if I said I really like Makoto
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>doing hina missions
>"complete X chapter volume Y"
>already did it
>do it again
>challenge completed
>next challenge
>"have 6 characters reach level 30"
>all my characters, except the Ako I just got from this banner are already past 30
>level her
>"completed 1/6"
bros... what do I do, why doesn't this shit also counts the ones I leveled long ago?
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You're right, I just woke up. I'm taking the evening shift.
The other Mika fan will take the night shift.
You're annoying but this is actually a pretty lewd Mika. Thanks.
I got a UE40 Makoto and I say don't do it unless it's a flex to show how much you like her(like I did >>487903632)
Wife > Hypercarries > Be yourself
go ahead then
she's pretty fun I enjoy using her in pvp and watching her erase any yellow backliners from anywhere on the map
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towel for mari too
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I wish they were real and suffocating me at this moment in time
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Well that was easy
Like I said, even if the spammer was the schizo, other mikaposters don't have a problem with his spam.
I need more Kasumi fundoshi art
I love Kasumi
They just raised the level limit, if you feed reports to students you already raised, it'll count them.
I thought it was my turn
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How far until the PS68 event?
I'm not a Mikaposter.
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She's still /bag/'s queen.
If your love for her was a explosive, how strong would it be?
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oh, that actually worked, thanks anon.
the only annoying thing now is to spend stamina on normal missions again.
d.hina stash status?
I'm ready for up to 2 sparks
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My love for her is like a truck
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>Chinese game collabs with the UN
(CPC) patriots in control?
Level up your pvp team retard
Blue Archive X BRICS soon
Hey monkeyboy, just a message for you, no matter what you do and keep spamming shit, the truth is that everyone here loves Mika.
Peace <3
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that's not your screenshot
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Go back to twitter, faggot
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Mika is trash. She hurt Seia. Don't care she forgave her. Death to the gorilla.
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You best be 50 by the end of next month.
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I have no strong feelings for or against Mika
not me, I love Miyako the most
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>She hurt Seia
No she didn't.
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>still level 87
Implying my studentwife isn't always cute
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Post your Seia then oh wait you can't
>United Nations
More like useless niggers.
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sexy momoi teabagging me
erotic momoi
I can see it
it's joever...
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gross and unsexy
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