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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
JUVENILE DAYS - July 25 ~ August 8
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Events
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Zwei - TBA

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

>Upcoming Costumes
Naga: Elegant Date [Mission Pass] - August 1 ~ August 31
Tia: Lovely Date [Log-in event]


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I love my wife Rapi.
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Breeding Brid!
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but she talks now
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I love Anis
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Nikkes can't get pregnant.
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I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
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pick one
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goodnight /nikg/
goodnight snowwhite poster
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Being wrapped in anises fat, smelly body...
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have another one, on the house
OP/anon hood
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love the name
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
If I pick Villain sushi, can I fuck it?
If I can't, then I'll go with gRape
>quincy is a croquette
>anne is potato wedges
This is not canon
How do you get it to focus on the colors like that?
I usually just go into Select and mask and have to manually select/deselect till I get what I want
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Would you guys recommend MLBing the upcoming collab units? This will be my first and I have 60k gems after MLBing SAnis. I dont want to miss out even if they suck but I'm afraid you can't just get a copy and dip
And on that note have they ever rerun, or confirmed whether they will rerun previous collab units?
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Good night! Have sweet dreams!
I'm fucking the villain sushi and (YOU) will not get a turn
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Does /nikg/ use the Quick Advise feature?
It's 20 points less than real Advise session, but it's also quicker, if you don't already know the answer.
I'm sorta tempted to use the quickie.
Also, speaking of Advise sessions, why do some Nikkes have Case Closed text?
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I give up
Time for me to play Trails again
all the collab units so far have been meh at best
feels good to be able to auto both of the new chapters. felt like it took me forever to catch up to the story (i did have to manual one fight though because i kept getting suicided and the AI is shit)
i only use quick advise
Cream Hood is the most beautiful and also tasty hood. There I said it.
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I didnt know drawing on a tablet takes much more effort than on paper.
No, it adds up and I refuse to be behind. Also the highlighted answers make it even quicker anyway
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I never use quick advise
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it's a conditional hue/saturation plugin, i select the range of affected reds and which hue to turn them into
it ain't perfect because it also affects the redder areas of her boobs, thighs etc
nice poli. keep it up
very soulful but her legs could be thicker
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Too late, I already fucked the villain sushi
Enjoy my sloppy thirds
why are you in such a rush to be disappointed
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Can Shiftup rearrange shards and arenas based on users maximum POW?
I need out of my ultra whale's tyranny.
I see, thanks for the reply my nikker
i still need to try zero again someday. got 10 hours in and just did not like it, compared to the first 3 games. and i refuse to play the games out of order so i'm just stuck
Now draw her eating a KFC $5 fill up
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teacher i hav questions

which is the best spare body selection choice? something like liter? or just whatever is closest to MLB?
Do you think that anyone currently in the game is Freesia or Childhood Friend, or will the reveal be in the same update the characters are actually added to the game?
please be a rikker
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She wants the love real bad
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Ok, Commanders. Time to choose.
>Youre on a battle field with a 20% pow deficit
>you come to a fork in the path
>On your left is 3 Defense Battles
>On your right is 3 Base Defense Battles
Pick your path. Choose wisely.

i dont have crow

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Sno huwaito...
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When I got started a few months ago, there was a whale at the top of our bracket
Last month it seems like they got shipped to another shard, leaving me at the top
Wonder if I look like a whale compared to those below me...
I wonder how often that happens though, considering I've had the same pvp rival this whole time
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>Childhood Friend
That is Syuen.
>which is the best spare body selection choice?
whatever one you need to break the wall
after that i guess your favorite nikkerz or the most meta ones like liter
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fuck nikker, read the contents of those before doing anything. they are spare bodies for treasure units only
save that shit for the wall. you m ight hold onto it for months on end, but you will hold onto it
Liter and supports like Liter do not need dupes to be good or better.

Get dupes for MLB to get over the wall, then get dupes of either your favorite nikker or the ones you want the treasure.
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Fuck nikkers. Sex nikkers. Throw a nikker in to your bed. Slam dunk your dick in a nikker. Mating press sweaty nikkers. Cum down a nikkers throat. Launch sperm into a nikkers womb. Missionary nikkers for procreation. Toss nikkers around like a ragdoll. Inseminate a nikker. Judo throw nikkers on to your dick. Get leg locked by nikkers. Report nikkers to your bedroom. Hip thrust nikkers in half. Create pregnant nikkers. Trap nikkers in prone bone. Crush a nikkers pussy. Hold a nikkers hand. Eat nikkers. Spread nikkers. Exterminate nikkers in the ass. Piledrive nikkers in to submission. Put a bun in a nikkers oven. Sodomize nikkers. Mandatory fucking for nikkers. Grind against nikkers. Drown nikkers in cum. Marry nikkers with a wedding ring. Make love to nikkers. Feed nikkers dick. Impregnate nikkers.

Tranny Hood
Base Defense, no question (as long as I have my team and not the canon team)

gotcha, MLB rush it is, thanks champs
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How lucky!! You got the best wife
Original creation donut steel
so if im level 146 with no chance at 161 anytime soon should i just... just what? keep boosting my only 3 star?
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you are now ready to one shot team special interception
>Thought she'd be a psychotic bitch based on appearance
>Is actually just kind of lonely and playful
I need more interactions with this pure sexo demon
sovl. Now draw her 8 months pregnant.
skin hood!
I like the Chattebox edit
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We strongest electric dps in the game
ouch, it was for >>487917659
Well the whale is at level 591 and the 2nd place guy is at level 382.
Who's skin?
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Holy moly
The whale I had had a full mlb+ team well before the wall.
I refuse to believe anyone is that lucky, and I've had quite the few really lucky pulls myself.
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Do you guys remember when Red Hood was Mid Hood? lmao kek
remember the melty anons threw when they buffed her?
>but the power creep!
i broke the wall at like 140 and dont think i spent more than $50-100
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I play Snow White in campaign so I would kms

Good work!!
No because even without the buff putting her on top she was still
Pretty Good
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Oh no, chapter 16 is having enemies with a higher power level than me, i'm about to hit a second wall
you forgot the correct answer
>dont bother for a few weeks or maybe even a couple months til you have blue numbers and can auto it
the one that ends with you killing yourself
I'll never forget someone telling me that every single banner after RH would be power creep and I would have to roll for every unit from now on.
Defense no question, Base Defense makes me want to kill myself sometimes with how aids they are spamming tanky raptures.
Did you get the shiny profile pic before the wall?
They added me as a friend after they left the shard, so I get to see each time they get a new one.
Depending on battlefield conditions, my first reaction would be base defense, unless silencers are involved.
>Did you get the shiny profile pic before the wall?
but i did have liter like core 2 before i even broke the wall idk why that grandma loves me so much (she was my first max core as well, the shiny profile pic as you called it)
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Looks kinda like Heavenly Pink or Primrose
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So was this the giant hole we found at the end of ch28? I thought we explored it already, what is this about?
look at this female
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Funny enough, Liter might be my first core 7, if I get her from a mold again again... again.
Hi guys I'm a new commander straight from the military academy, but I was only given a few mass produced level 10 nikkes.
I think it's really unfair that this "hero of the ark" has like fifty nikkes, all over level 200.
We have enough fags anon, don't do that
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Try cumming in one or givint it a condom with your jizz it should give her around 12k CP boost
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Worst, most useless girl in the entire ark.
Champagne or Misty Rose
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Sounds like a skill issue, rookie
Go throw yourself in a few life or death situations before you come sit at the adult's table.
They say that he fucks these metal trash cans can you believe that? What a weirdo, at least he's out there in the outpost while we are stationed near Royal Road
Which Nikkes should become a gooey cum hole?
I want to post something
...but I forget...
she says "moorv" to go backwards
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I think that was just the hole the crystal crew fell down, and we entered while hugging rapi
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Shut up Frima you are the most useless nikker you only sleep, and Milk is a lot more cute than you I'm going to punch you next time
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dont worry, i got you
It's obviously Lusty Gallant
That’s too many words to be frima
you must beat chapter 16 to get special interception upgrade gear i believe in you
Fuck, I don't remember what happened in part one of her bond, especially since her event just happened and she very much was out of line there.
Am I allowed to overload Privaty?
you are REQUIRED to overload Privaty
No. She's property of the Central Government.
Which Nikke gets moist when she sees SKK throwing punches so manly?
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check last thread some anon did it
Chilean Pink or Pale Dogwood
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With semen, yes.
I want to fuck doro's egg pockets
You named only 1.
>rental nikkes one at a time are no longer doing it
> Does /nikg/ use the Quick Advise feature
No. 120 > 100
Whatever you say FRIMA, I KNOW IT'S YOU, fucking bitch you only sleep and wake up to shitpost
yes, i fucking hate doing advise
i like talking with nikkers
literally saves so much time
only retards manual advice
Can we skip to november already?
For your consideration, anons, I would like to nominate three new Rituals to our pantheon.

Those would be




*Preens adorably* with a picture of Cindy.
not me
typing hard
How good is she, is she better than summer sakura?
>Preens adorably
Is Cinderella a bird?
I've seen her but haven't met her yet in the story
She's still sleeping in a rock
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Isn't there a reason or something that you shouldn't?
Now make it a giant doro and have it say "dooroorooroo" then it'll be /nikg/ approved content
that's the post.
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How about NONE OF THEM
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Hope something good comes out
>replace volume with SMary in tetra tower
>blitz through the fucking stages I was stuck on for ages despite adding to the power deficit
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9 r and 1 sr
who are the Twelve Ritualposts of /nikg/ pantheon?
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Good luck!!
she has last bullet mechanics so as long as you don't hit max ammo you are fine, but she is also a support who doesn't do much damage so in reality it doesn't matter what you get on her just overload her.
>hating on based sugita
you are a homosexual
Anderson is hotter than many of the nikkes desu.
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Never used it, I like talking to my girls
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why do you hate your bro?
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sugita my balls
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Tiga combo is now complete
I agree
I haven't gotten the merry christmas line in forever, was my favorite part of starting the game up and randomly getting it out of season
Anderson is going to sex your butt anon
We like Andersen here
I overloaded privaty and then she started stealing buffs.
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>Hating on our dad
You're somehow the biggest faggot itt, congrats
based. Now draw her 8 months pregnant.
Well I don't
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I play with the game on mute.
But for a really fucking long time, poli's burst was not muted. Nothing I did to the audio settings could mute poli. They fixed it, but I kind of miss it.
>liking men
gayshit impact is next door
pretty based desu
You cant run from da police
It's an understatement saying how hot Moran is. Child bearing hips, large boobs and pretty face. Added to her cool personality.
Real men like everything, we are not insecure
>unironically faggot posting
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Based retard enjoyer
>guy with 397 sync somehow beat the whale with 476 sync in SP arena
how the fuck
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>the actual moran
Anderson gave you the nikke harem, show some respect
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im going to alice
modded apk
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>real men like men
Whatever you say
Does he have Scarlet? There is a composition that has Scarlet reflect damage back to the other guy using Blanc's invincibility.
Wait until the Scarlet treasure!
When do my free level 200 noobie units disappear?
Most of the whales I've seen have shit to mediocre teams and only coast by because of their massive power gap, in fact the bigger they whale the more retarded they are
Damn right I am
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What did she and Sugar do in the event?
Sell me on how Moran is cool
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I want an alt and sexo bond so fucking badly
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I like when Sakura and Rosanna were apologizing and she was like, "wait wtf really?!"
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this is the worst doro I've ever seen
Foreskin, because it has the same colour as the hood of my enis wenis! Haha, get it? :-)
Moran wedding event soon.
using on moran and maxwell
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Y-yeah man good one!
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Anon, I fucking hate it
Great work.
I think we should just have guys saying it and it's a shame Raptilion isnt saying it too
Isn't she mildly retarded though?
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I came up with it myself.
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What are snow whites one shot setups for SI?
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Rei standing blowjob wooooooo!
Remember that the whole reason you hunt down a Mother Whale is because it's old enough to be one of those raptures that used human meat as a power source.
Imagine this fucking thing descending on a city.
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No, never! I'll always use her!
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>people here like anderson greeting them
>manly deep voice saying "Goddess of Victory: NIKKE"
ya'll niggas gay
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he literally gave us the mission of having sex with nikke to make them stronger. He pays us to hang out with horny women. He's a homie.
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He is our dad.
after you break the wall you should get Noah's spare bodies since pilgrims are rarer than other nikkes
It gets worse when you realize the amount of biomass required for this rapture to achieve this size.
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moran beat up sugar because she tried to stop moran from killing crack dealers
Another 60 men down
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I think the fastest is RH, Naga, Crown, SW and Elegg.
Good replacements are Miranda, Maxwell and Anne Fairy, Yulha too but is not quick, with Liter you have less time to charge (around 750%). D wife doesn't buff snow
Raptures dindu doe!
Imagine being vored by her
>human meat as a power source.
Mostly human. That thing 100% ate every pet that was in the area too. The thing might be a Soeul Killer.
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I just don't feel like it
Annes face is kind of lustful...
remember when Red Hood was the mysterious force of death to the Ark?
good times.
>Kill the Ark
>I'm gonna "banish" you and your harem of 10/10 lady androids to this barren piece of land where there's nothing else to do but have sex with your sexbots all day and build and customize whatever buildings you want like a fancy hotel to have sex with your nikkes and a swimming pool and its so remote and bad that no one from the ark will ever go there
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Ger ready for the NTR
I'm honestly surprised there's not a mechanic to invite people to the ark, animal crossing style, instead of them just randomly walking through.
Invite to the outpost, i mean.
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I have a similar sync gap over my arena shard and I haven't changed my team in over a year and a half, so I believe it's possible.
>reach boss stage in tower
>hmm I'm clearing the adds righter quickly, this shouldn't be a-
>notice one girl is already dead
>wait how in the fuck
>second dies while reloading
ah it's one of those, gg no re I'll be back at blue numbers
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Finally got her. I was starting to feel nervous.
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ok cool thanks. those are all burst 2s and red hood. who bursts before snow white? RH then crown?
too many veins. makes them look like they're sick
Rei at 10, 10
>Squads are supposed to be shuffled every few missions except for super special ones like Matis and Absolute
>You were allowed to keep your quickly slapped together penal unit permanently
>Gave us our own city to get us out of CG's mind
>Has your back every time
He is a pretty cool guy
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your MLB lobby?
rosanna has no visible veins retard
meant for
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New to Nikke, is this beginner's luck or this happens solidly often in Nikke?
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Yes, and Miranda is also a B1, and I'm not really sure if Miranda or RH is better, I don't really understand the crit damage formula.
I don't know if it still works, I think it does, but Miranda has a mechanic where she ignores the nikke in the opposite slot of her for the burst. So if you have someone with more attack than SW you can put that nikke in the 5 slot and Miranda in the 1 and she will buff SW
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it happens
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I had to ticket her after 200+ pulls between last year and this rerun
do you get penalized for retrying on interception?
it feels like my best runs are always my first and it just goes downhill from there, just curious if there's an actual mechanic or if it's just mental
No way Counters is 10/10 in the nikke universe.
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only to people that aren't me
ouch sorry anon
You mean the quick battles, or what?
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I have everyone but Leona, D killer wife, Ein, and 2B...
>Viper in date zone and Rupee in fun zone
You can restart as many times as you want. You lose a try if you quit or finish.
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10/10/10 actually

>hit auto battle
>watch show on tablet cuz lol modernia
>auto battle
>auto battle
>manual battle
>auto battle
>auto battle
mmmmm new chapters are fun
you can alt-f4/force close the app if you want to reset your team and not lose a try
nice. now you must strive to mlb her before she goes away for another year
I've got 2 SSRs just like 2 times, and I've been playing almost since the game came out, but never got 2 of the same SSR.
whenever I see a funny image on r/nikkemobile I make sure to repost it on /nikg/
Conceptualize the aroma
why did you count rapi twice?
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i'm including every nikke you pull. if they run around the outpost they're part of the harem. and they are 10s. not neon.
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Because Rapi is two people.
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Fellas, I have little to no interaction with women irl. If they like you, can you just get away with staring at their tits? I stare a lot at my favorite nikkers and I wanna know if they'd feel uncomfortable.
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what if i told you..

there's also another i got with D Wife, naga and noir so that was pretty dope
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happens pretty often
>spend ten dollars
>no ssr
>open image
>double S
>close image twice
oh that's tasty
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You can stare a bit if they are your gf, but even then anyone is going to feel uncomfortable if an autist is staring at them for 5 minutes. If they are not your gf then not, don't stare, if you are a chad you can do it for a few seconds
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no refunds
>buy $100 pack
>"free" gems
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Grunkoh is a fucking NIGGER
Even level to 160 until you get your LB3s. After that if you need the pow then yeah, continue boosting up who you can.
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>he bought
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anyone have UR rankings? Did the rankposter quit the game or something
Why is every nikke pooooshooking now? It's weirding me out.
I see, I should tap her or something every once in a while or pretend I'm holding a conversation with her then.
emma's cooking
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Primal Series, very nice
>roll 1 voucher
>turns into an SSR
why do they mess with me?
I hope you're considering the feelings of a real woman and not the nikke's in your pixel ass game
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Bay is like a purple though.
cause it makes your brain release the feel good chemicals
>drake wants villains
>tells guillotine to fuck off
What did she do wrong
I don't have a real woman to consider the feelings of.
They should let us change the commander's hair color.
Trony is not a 10. No way no how.
Sometimes people take things too far to the point of making it uncool
replace potato with penny, bacteria with a jew and sw with yan
Women that are sub 5' tall are not 10/10
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Like >>487926434 said, it literally is meant to abuse your brain's reward expectation mechanisms. You are a monkey pressing a button that may or may not dispense fruit juice.
Rapi is around 5'7, Anis is a bit shorter, maybe around 5'5, maybe only Neon is below 5'
I don't know what the difference between free and paid gems is.
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I wish I would still feel that rush of getting a gold flash
No way Rapi and Anis are that tall. Their sprites have them maybe just shy above 150cm.
They keep teasing Rapi and other powered up units. Who's gonna be the anni Nikke?
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I've gotten spooked by off-rates on the last like 6 banners so many fucking times I feel nothing when hitting gold on event banners anymore.
Fortunately, standard banner still gives me that dopamine rush.
Rapi will get her ssr the event before EOS
Shift Up made a 1:1 scale statue of Rapi and it's 170cm exactly.
*blocks your path*
I knew this shit was coming after the other chapter, why do we let Suen send her goons with us when we're just going to get betrayed again
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*frys your ass in 8 seconds*
My shit union has made 15/43 billion of damage so far, my syncro is 291, should I leave?
>Rapi is taller than me
Uhhh that's with the high heels on right? I'm going to ask her to take them off
I don't like you but you're not mother whale
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>Rapi is taller than me
Retarded question, but what would happen if skk inserts his penis on Rapi's ass while ahe's fighting raptures?
>Rapi is taller than me
Either a femboy or Vegeta which way did you go anon.
>Rapi is taller than me
I'm so sorry man...
Yeah but don't join a nikg union.
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>in MY /nikg/
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Yeah, the statue had heels so she's slightly smaller
Probably 1.68m?
Marian is 5'4? I don't remember exactly

Grave is 7'1 btw
Source: me
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damn bro
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is for me?
A lot of 1/1 scale figures dont match profile heights.

170cm is pretty massive for this game and sprite work doesnt indicate that. That would make Ingrid like 200cm
no you dumb bitch fuck off
I was thinking of PANTSUU2 since it's casual and spammed here in every thread also they say they're 3% atm, my union ends up 9.5 - 11%
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>soda and viper
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Depends on which butthole, inserting it in her first butthole she turns into Rapi Hood, inserting it in her second butthole she turns back to normal.
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oh my god I just saw snow white digging up graves and eating the bodies
KUNNYHUB will have spots after UR. sitting at .97% for now
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Grave is definitely BIG compared to other nikkes
You should, they are pretty casual and only require people to hit
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s-seben duarfsu *sniff* redy

prepare youself you m-meanie
Nta, can I join NIKKUNNY? Please.
She's about half a head taller than Cinderella. If Grave is super tall, isnt Cinderella also super tall?
Less than 1% of women are taller than me.
post your box
I know, it's over

I don't think I can be Vegeta, would be based if I could
I'm still waiting on the twin bunnies and summer anis figs...
Cindy is anni so when Grave
Meh, I'm 5'4. Height is not that important, my wife is 5'6, btw I'm 36
Free unit for the anni.
you will never be a man
she's a promoted rikker, she'll be the free SR
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i've pushed like 50 stages of chapter 28 and 29 in the past two days so far
>A lot of 1/1 scale figures dont match profile heights.
in-game sprites are even worse to indicate height, Yuni reach about Mihara's ear in-game but next to Rapi she looks like a midget.
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I believe in you anon, hit the gym and try not to stare at women that are working out
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2.5 Half Anni
Event called New Paradise (Eden is destroyed by the Crystal, Johan Dies, Nihilister Gacha skin + treasure, Grave's Flashback)
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I fixed a line
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Saa eins zwei drei
Saa eins zwei drei
Shi wo furikitte
Shoumetsu no yuugi ni
Aragau kiseki ni idomu
>can do gravenigger in 12 seconds now
Damn do I love when improvement is so obvious
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>jew isn't Dolla or Chime
>no SSR Rapi
>no Chime
They are forgotten.....
Hello guys I'm new, when is next anniversary so I can join? Also, is the game dying or it's still strong, I intend to keep playing for at least 2-3 years.
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>No 7 foot Amazonwife to tower over me and bend over to kiss me
You manlets don't know how good you have it
True. I dont think we can go by anything unless it's in-game but we dont have anything in game. All these bitches just seem tiny as fuck though.
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What would Chime even do? Support Crown?
why is that hunchback smoking?
you can join now, Ein is pretty damn good
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Nikke is going to last 18 more years
Why are murricans both females and males so obsessed about height?
My uncle is pretty tall, but he has an amazonian wife of 195cm (6'4 I think?), he's a lucky guy
Just finished the last few chapters. Who the fuck is Grave? Completely new character? Guess we'll have another flashback for the next anniversary event.
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ROBUTTZ finished the raid before the latest reset. We stand at 5.58%, which is our first time below 6% and a union record.
Is everyone not obsessed about height?
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Fucking finally, I’m thinking of Sin, she seems like she’ll be interesting to rehabilitate. But How do I mlb these girls anyway?
Romantic relationships no longer exists
Nobody loves each other for the sake of love
Partners are now just another accessory, and everyone wants to have the best accessories.
Its easier to get shot being tall
Because they can't obsess over the real important measure, weight
Not to that extent
Destiny's Child lasted a while with a fraction of Nikke's lowest earnings. We'll be around for a good long time.
you buy their spares in the union shop
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Based anon with smaller hitbox
>Yuni reach about Mihara's ear in-game but next to Rapi she looks like a midget.
NTA but I think the artist fucked that image hard. No way Yuni can be that small. She looks 120cm
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Word. That works for me, thanks for the info anon
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Great job!!
Nta, that wont happen again since shitup went public, so if revenue goes way down think of 1-2 they will axe it and focus in thw next gacha, DC survived making barely 100-200k for years
I prefer short girls, so it's annoying seeing all these basketball players complain nikkes aren't 10ft tall
Sometimes when doing a pull, you can slide that little lever, and a blue can go to a purple
Can the lever go from purple to orange, or even blue to purple to orange?
what is the trick for glass slippers boss fight?
She'd probably be a Liter++ CDR support using a SMG. Honestly though, I think it would be more interesting if they made her a genuine non-combat slot filler that gave you extra resources when you clear a non-event stage using her. Something like extra credits or maintenance kits.
Anniversary is at the start of November, but the event for it starts last week of October.
Cocoa.... no.... that's enough ketchu---....
Ein let's me put it in her bum
You are asking for a monkey paw wish, they would turn that idea in some rng chance and you will always get something stupid like battle data instead of rocks or kits
Anniversay is in few months. You can join now while you can still grab summer Anis and Ein. Both are great dps characters.
>extra maintenance kits
>everyone who didn't roll chime is eternally bricked
Physiology of the characters change frequently between art pieces and animations. It's strange they dont give us nikke heights but it's probably due to the many artists and them not wanting to stick to a strict scaling.
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Poop is for vanilla sex
>broke down and made elemental teams
>tank, support, support or damage, damage, damage
>66k power average
>taking on 72k power missions no problem as long as its weak to element
bros what the fuck you told me just pick your favorites and go
No, if it's SSR it just shines gold the moment you touch it, it doesnt change as you slide.
This game DOES have fakeouts though, where it shows purple but there's actually a SSR. Doesnt happen with blue afaik
>relief called in sick so I have to work double shift at the resturant on a surprisingly busy Saturday
I'll see yall bros later
Because of their retarded measuring system. To everyone else in the world the difference between 5'11 and 6' is a literal fingernail but burgers go BIGGA NUMBA BETTAH like a fucking retarded cavemen.
Wait if I create my own union, how tough will it be to get the points to mlb the jailbirds
I hate those faggots who play Oddjob
No one ever said that
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just bag the fries bro
I'm getting bored of the Elden Ring DLC
I found, fought and beat Bayle before finding out there was a quest associate with another character and missed out on stuff
Found some cave that Miquella sealed off, making the trek south super pointless
Hate all the dragon fights, just clipping at dragon toenails like usual
The exploration isn't as fun as I thought it would be
Already sick of the living jar caves and tombs
Should I just hit the critical path and reach the end of the dlc?
Goddess of Victory: Nikke
What if ER collab?
I've finally made it
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these words physically cause me pain and its not even me
Real talk. Anything less than 5ft 6in for a man, you are short. More than 6ft 3in, you are too tall.
good news: they're not really syuen's goons
Play a real action game, faggot
Welcome to rock hell
Depends on the country
I said that
Waiter! Waiter! One relatable experience please!
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good job cutey, from here on you try to do SI everyday for T9 gear and rocks
now post your id and server so i can add you
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It's been a while since I played DMC3
Might give that a whirl
What if DMC collab?
I'm a 177cm cutie. Centi please carry me
Still a bit mean
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>24-19 Hard
>gas fuckers out of nowhere
>before boss comes in
>3 gas fuckers drop after my burst ends
>knocked out my B1 and B2 and Rapunzel is on cooldown
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once you reach a certain chapter, you'll know why crow is a fan favorite
I use to work in the food industry, it was shit dealing with boomers, entitled fags, annoying fags, disrespectful shitbags, etc. Only good thing was the managee not giving a fuck about being rude and kicking people out. Godspeed anon
I need more story chapters, don't feel like pushing 20+ hard mode.
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I'm 179cm I think Rapi is perfect for me.
I don't want a DMC collab because Trish is boring as fuck and heaven forbid we get the brown lady from 2.
But yeah 3 would be a good pick to play
I need a nikke to be taller than me
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I'm on NA, I don't think that's the popular server here is it, I was also going to say my friends list is full but I didn't even realize most my friends list hasn't been playing the game for months
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GOOD morning SAAR
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I start culling my list after 3 days
Solo Raid 13: Indivilia
Moderate Accuracy
~366,000 in JP
~129,000 in Global
~103,000 in KR
~80,000 in NA
~73,000 in HMT
~61,000 in SEA

Solo Raid 14: Grave Digger
Moderate Accuracy
~366,000 in JP
~123,000 in Global
~79,000 in NA
~60,000 in HMT
~49,000 in SEA

Solo Raid 15: Golden Kraken
Moderate Accuracy
~366,000 in JP
~115,000 in Global
~76,000 in NA
~60,000 in HMT
~46,000 in SEA
You sure like hotdogs, anon.
We have less JP players than blue archive....
I always feel bad after removing people from my friends list unless they're gone for like 2 weeks, even then I might wait a month. I don't know why since it's not like you interact with them at all.
Holy shit that's a lot worse than I thought, I figured NA and Global would be closer for some reason.
So If roughly half of these people buy the monthly pass, that's around 1300000 dollars a month, not too bad desu
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its a pink dolphin rapi and sakura must be jealous i found it so quickly
so, dave x skk is the destined romance
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I purged one guy who wasn't active for a day. Two guys haven't been on, but I'll keep em since they're bros. You know who sent it
stop being weird around cuties
NA is actually popular, hmm I'm on NA but I dont see you. Next time post your ID code
I think I missed a day once because I had to pull 3 16s back to back a few weeks ago but I'll do better I promise.
Dave is the dickmaster
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Ummm anon
Are you talking about the whole google play "x amount bought this"? That's talking globally across all stores of googleplay, not just NA. Same with the amount of game downloaded.
Sorry anon, honestly I didn't even notice my screen name was visible in the screen shot.
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It just hit me no one ever draws the mole on Eunhwa's chin
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thanks for the account
I meant to total number of players, forgot the 4chan app auto quotes what ever you have highlighted. If half the total player base buys the monthly pass, then that's 1300000 USD a month roughly. Which is not bad.
oh we're guildmates already lmao
sent anyways
Soda crying is the best
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Diesel calls out for her little brother when she cums

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