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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.6 Fading Dreams, Dimming Shadows Trailer
>Songque Jovial Deception: Shadowdimmer New S-Rank Battlesuit Preview
>"Venerable Seven Shus, unite as the one Law" Cutscene
>Summertime Reminiscences — Honkai Impact 3rd Concept Animation

Previous: >>487626990
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Remember when Honkai had soul?
did it ever
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We're all waiting
As long as Senti lives, there is soul.
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>Kosma is not only boring but a pedo
Kosma retconned to only like hags with fat tiddies now
He doesn't even make being a pedo an interesting character trait. What a failure, easily the worst part of the ER.
At least Firefly wasn't a Mary Sue who retconned the entire story.
>Old Herrschers were bad because people from the old era were assholes. Their downfall was murdering an innocent child who hadn't done anything wrong

>Nevermind! They were bad because they couldn't help it and the pink whore had to shart on the Honkai lifestream to make the new ones resist it. That innocent child they murdered? Actually they were mind-controlled into doing it btw. It's not like they were ruthless and that's what got their era ended. No it was just the trashy nun's fault.

Nevermind AGAIN! Honkai just wants to... LE HUG people, and they nuke continents and zombify people because... le it's too much love!!!

Seriously, what the fuck?
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We need to go younger. Griseo but half the age. Imagine.
It's funny because Seele used to look like a loli
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Elysia is the most soulful character ever. What if we take Madoka but we make her 10 times better.
Now she looks like Walmart's Mei both here and in Star Rail.
>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys
>slowly change it to appeal to a "wider audience"
>it's shit and your core fanbase now hates you
why are you still here?
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>have an Elysia and your audience loves you
>lose your Elysia and your audience abandons you
ggz seele is a loli unlike the hi3 counterpart.
Whichever Seele you prefer you can't deny "Seele" would be so good as a brat/mesugaki
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This is the moment when Honkai died, even hebeseo would have been acceptable.
Because it's funny to see how the game gets worse with each passing day. Not even just the story at this point, but also things like "a more generous gacha system" but with 7 S-ranks in a row that all need each other. It's objectively bad, but some slurpers will keep defending it and it's fucking hilarious to watch.
but they aged bronya, ai-chan and theresa (twice) before that so obviously griseo was gonna get it too
should have spoken up before it got to that point
Griseo was a child who acted like a child, Theresa was always a hag, Bronya is a robot and AI chan is irrelevant.
>Tfw even female friends hate adult Griseo
Is it because they self-inserted as her for otome purposes and didn't like the fanservice of the new design?
no anon you dont understand my favorite loli getting aged up was the fatal mistake no one cared about the others
Now explain how Griseo aged when the other FCs are immortals. Even Teri's aged up self is restricted to her mantis mode od whatever.
I remember the schizo calling that blonde girl "galaxy Durandal", who is she anyway?
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>Rozaliya and Liliya become relevant again
>But they, too, turn into tittymonsters
Would you wish upon the Monkey's Paw, /hig/?
Same way Luna existed for 50000 years and didn't age a single second but had an event with fanchuan and suddenly she's a slampig cow
At least Fanchuan created an excuse for Luna. He didn't even try to justify how Griseo aged.
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Singer from Oxia going by the name Moonshell, this npc and the boy on the left are the only ones that mention her at all iirc
Would a halfassed excuse like "we put griseo inside a blackhole for forty two eternities and she came out looking 20 years older" really satisfy you though?
>Aging 50000 years would turn your bones into dust but don't worry you'll just grow giant tits
Why do they do it?
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Dunno if they ever intended on making her an actual character or not, she just seems like Mars' Kira
There's a quantum theory that says that if you seal an apple inside a vacuum for an infinite amount of time then the particles that compose that apple will go through every possible state in existence before recomposing themselves into the form of an apple

You know what writer really loves shoving in philosophical garbage and quantum bullshit?
because zhuge already exists, so like bronie's sister and magical girl teriri.
Given how we're going back to Oxia, she will be a future character added in later on.
Fuck me it's the same niggerfaggot that ruined Kolosten with "Well you see here's 1000 dialogues on how Honkai forcefields work and here's why it doesn't matter because we'll never use one again" isn't he?
I'm not a lolifag, but I too like loliseo better simply because I liked how she was a cute clueless loli who copied others but still had her own determination. Hagseo is just a boring responsible astronaut, she lost that previous cute side that was moved to the 7 little vitas.
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Zhuge at least stuck to her lore where she was born normally and aged normally before getting stuck as a 12 year old permanently due to a wish gone wrong

Regular teri and Luna had their lore crumpled up and tossed away for KINO FANSERVICE wait what do you mean nobody liked it please come back look we have sleepy teri now and she's not an adult anymore!! She even has a built in auto mode for that game you didn't want to play!
Do they look like this?
Everyone i've talked to universally hates part 2. Even the most dedicated honkai friends that I always talked to about HI3 think the story should have ended at the finale so it's honestly really amazing how hoyoverse managed to make something so universally hated given that they have put out three games that became worldwide best sellers overnight.
I still don't get why they changed Blockade. It was fine the way it was: A legacy game-mode only useful for it's rewards, no different than Universal Mirage or all of the daily stages. All of its replacements aren't harder, just more time-consuming and annoying. I didn't even do HotT this time around
hag luna is more theresa than her, just saying.
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I like part 2, so it's no longer "everyone", bro.
Anyone that cared about that most likely quit several years ago, just saying.
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>Give canon wife a pair of tits
>Massive horde of SEAmonkeys IMMEDIATELY boot up Koikatsu to make her get gangbanged by vantablack anime dudes and shoop some shitty tattoos all over her body
A year later, the Theresa tag on Pixiv STILL hasn't recovered from this by the way. The latest """art""" right now is what I just talked about
I can't imagine still caring honestly. I thought anyone sane would have stopped caring years ago.
Nyoooooo, my ads....
So why did Dawei the loli lover sell out
Part 2 slop lost again
He never liked loli. He just knew they're easy marks to get money from. His HI3 love is Himeko
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Can't wait when Marisa finally moves on and drops this game like a brick it's become. ZZZ theorycrafters will welcome him with open arms
He'll drop the Honkai from his name and call himself JustMarisa then its all over.
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>/hig/ speeds up
>It's a pedo admitting that he's only here to seethe
Infinite amount of content on the web and all you do is come to a community of a game you no longer play with a story you no longer read and shitposts.
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I wouldn't mind an older Roza as long as she wears a dress like webm related
The state of this general.
The state of this game.
Where the fuck is Honkai Impact 4th?
That's Star Rail bro
Raiden Bosenmori Mei is waiting for you in the superior game, bro.
>But the gameplay
GGZ's gameplay was vastly different from HI3's, but HI3 was still the next Honkai game.
didnt snowbreak also do the meme of lets start aging up our characters
I'm not playing a knockoff jrpg with less combat options than FF1.
That's fine. People in 2016 probably said the same about HI3, not wanting to play a knockoff Bayonetta (White Comet). But HSR is the next Honkai game whether you like it or not. HI3 devs are now working on it as we speak.
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Then wait for the Honkai MMO in 2026 I guess. The Animal Crossing copycat game should be out next year instead.
No it isn't. End of discussion. Good-night.
>Stage 1: Denial
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yeah but I don't really mind. Snobble has recently taken the niche this game used to occupy.
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>The Animal Crossing copycat game should be out next year instead.
Crazy that mihoyo has announced absolutely nothing for it as of now but the game is already confirmed to release at latest July next year
I'm gonna play it
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>Tfw we will never have a scene like this for Luna and instead have to slurp up a shitty CG where she hugs a giant yellow HOMU
>Snobble has recently taken the niche this game used to occupy.
I can't think of any overlapping audiences between this and snowbreak outside of maybe extremely mentally ill schizos and grudge filled chinks
I remember seeing a video of its alpha build, hoyo is probably going to start talking about it in this spring, after ZZZ has been out for a few months.
>It has Honkai in the name and the devs are former Honkai Impact staff, BUT IT'S NOT THE NEXT HONKAI GAME BECAUSE I SAY SO!
The absolute state of HI3keks
>the niche this game used to occupy
We never occupied this niche...
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ah yes, I love historical revisionism
Is Snowbreak the game that made Zhongli's CN VA have a melty because it has gone to a more sexual direction or something?
>theorycrafting autoswap
the hi3 touch system? only global dont know about that system
The fact the PC is some faceless, lanklet faggot and you have to pay money to see this interactions is really sad. Holy fuck, why not just make the MC a tall chad if you're going to go all in on waifus?
>fanartist signature in the corner
What did he mean by this
Faceless lanklet faggot > Giant HOMU with an invisible hand during Luna's handholding animation
>omg guys sex!
>Giant HOMU with an invisible hand during Luna's handholding animation
Why did they "censor" that for glb anyways?
He looks like those japanese porn guys at 0:12 kek
Snowbreak pretty much only has fanservice going for it, so it better be good.
Maybe they didn't want to make black Captains feel excluded? I have no clue, I know a lot of people who play this game and not a single one is black or even tanned
>anon cant recognize the old devs
nta but is so hecking over.
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nta but Seele!
I think the captain (us) being a huggable HOMU's cute.
It's so sad that the snowbreak shill schizo came from here...
you're a huggable HOMO alright
It's cute as a throwaway joke and wouldn't feel out of place in a meme event like the one where chibi Kiana punts the fuck out of HoT. But that was supposed to be the grand epic finale and payoff of years of Captainverse events. So I would've liked something I could at least take seriously.
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it's been only a year since we got our last birthday letter and you fags are trying to revise like those never existed.
its a reference about teri liking homu, so like bronya.
What are you talking about?
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We saving?
but HOMUs are srs bsns, sir

>forced character
They're probably newfags who never read one
They're talking about the people pretending Snowbreak has nothing in common with HI3 when HI3 also has/had a lot of For (You) pandering. Captain doesn't exist in the main story, but the bridge voicelines, birthday letters, Captainverse, and some other things (Dorm affection levels, touch system, yada yada) exist.
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>Captain doesn't exist in the main story
>bridge voicelines, birthday letters, dorm
every gacha ever?
>Dawei's business pitch back when miHoYo was founded was 'Give lonely otakus anime girls that'll make them happy and they'll be loyal to you"
>>>We never occupied this niche
>Dreamseekers™ ITT
Yes I too love to pretend the Rita birthday never happened, or any birthday CGs and events really
I'm not so lonely or desperate that a game can buy my "loyalty" with a pair of big tits
I need good gameplay, good story and good characters. Snowbreak lacks all 3.
And Honkai used to have good gameplay, a good story, good characters, AND (You) pandering, all at the same time. What's your point?
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I'm starting to unironically hate dreamseekers™
>i need the jpeg to tell me good morning or I'M MAD
I need a game to fill the Elysia niche that this game no longer does.
You don't get it, chud. Birthdays using the Earth's calendar are offensive for Mars people or miggers as I like to call them.
>complaining about reaction jaypegs on an Imageboard
sir, this isn't twittumblr
Da Wei stopped pandering to otakus after he realized how demanding and even outright schizo they can be.
Just look at Snowbreak and see how many things they changed or removed due to said otakus.
i'm talking about the girls, retard
>All these fags intentionally missing the point
You guys have eyes, yet you fail to see Mt. Tai. Shame on you
>look at Snowbreak
I don't give a fuck, shill your garbage somewhere else
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I guess they're using it as ad
The point is not to shill Snowbreak but to show what HI3 could've had, had it stayed true to itself instead of trying (and failing) to attract a wider audience.
>7M+ views
>But only 762 comments
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>but to show what HI3 could've had
A 'game' that looks like a showcase of basic unity assets with zero story or lore to talk about and jiggling big tits in front of lonely insecure men in a desperate attempt to take all their money?

I'll take even part 2 over this, holy shit.
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>this thread
If I told someone there'd be a time where people would detest otaku pandering in Honkai Impact back in 2019, everyone would tell me I'm crazy and yet here we are. No wonder everyone left. There's nothing here but newschizo types who'd call you an incel for playing a galge and Seelefriends holding out until the end of time.
Tell me this is some pre-release version
You already know that that was never a possibility unless HI3 completely ditched the main story for captainverse.
kill yourself, seeletranny
Nope, that's the game. That's why no one talks about snowbreak "gameplay", just the lewd fanservice scenes.
Stop missing the point, you gigantic faggot.
We already knew that you're trans, xis
You made it obvious enough
Fanservice ≠ otaku pandering.
you are fucking retarded
Eysia was the most (you) pandering character yet /hig/ only complained about her,
>Least deranged elytroon.
Yes because she and her cabal came at the cost of taking the spotlight from all the other characters people already waifued, fundamentally changing the formula of the game which culminated in the end of birthday CGs because "oh no we have too many characters and a small budget. indie company btw"
Honkai Impact 3rd was never about showing you FotM characters you'll never see again. It was about a decently-sized ensemble where every character was important every once in a while
If Elysia easily managed to take over the fandom you really didn't care about those older characters.
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>have a formula for a game that your niche audience enjoys and successfully faithfully port it to mobile
>abandon it in favor of an inferior, glitchy A Post Honkai Odyssey clone
>it's shit and your core fanbase now recognizes Mihoyo as its overlords for their such great dominance of the mobile market that everything inevitably becomes Honkai
>also Vergil costs more than all the DMC games combined
I love this copypasta
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Save for Vita
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>hofi skin gacha when she is about to get a new one
>hofi key in spending event store when she is about to get a new one
Save for Elysia's Divine key
>implying anyone cares about the /u/thot
>post about hofi
Getting real fucking tired with this chinawank shit.
Like, tell me, why, a supposedly extraterrestrial planet with extraterrestrial beings are using the chknkiest of chink languages. Explain how a blonde bimbo named Maria turned into 'Sonque'.
Same with HSR, though, understandable, since they're going back to space china.
But holy fuck, WuWa is even fucking worse. I don't think there's a single character in there with a non-chink name.
>well, they were made by the Chinese
Don't care. We didn't have to deal with an egregious amount of chinkshit until Hua's chapters, even ER didn't have as much.
My cope stick Songque is good enough! It's true! I don't need the sig weapon!
> I don't think there's a single character in there with a non-chink name.
Encore, Verina, Camellya, Aalto, Calcharo
Also if rumors are right then they're leaving China in 1.4 instead of waiting all the way for 1.6
>mfw we lost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivndcMphvm0
>Explain how a blonde bimbo named Maria turned into 'Sonque'.
She literally tells you that she picked a chinky name to fit her chink fortune telling schtick.
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>so young and happy! where did the years go?
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Explain Himeko
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Those motherfuckers removed the option to buy only the required ammount wtf
I buy extra because I usually submit the same resource again on another.
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Nothing to explain
It's so over... I still don't have Songque's stick.
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You would be surprised. Perhaps not for the hardcore yurifags but for captainversefags it's pretty common.
>extremely mentally ill schizos
Naw, very few yurifags care.
>grudge filled chinks
That's just a normal chink at this point, with how many gacha have gone out of their way to shit on them. Find me a chink that doesn't have a grudge against some gacha.
This is what captainfags want.
>2 posts in a row seething about captainverse
Are they good?
What part of my post was seething about the captainverse? I myself am a captainversefag who also plays snowbreak in addition to this.
The weapon is the one you need to get from there. You have a box for the third stigma piece too if you didn't get it yet.
Everything in the weapon gacha is completely worthless except for the weapon. The stigs only mean you don't need to craft them but the crafting is the least expensive part of level stigs so it doesn't matter.
You know who's pretty cool?
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>latest patch features Songque
>Elysia OP
Next OP is going to be Duduschizos btw
She is too fat, try to fit her in the OP
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>be Kiana
>be horny
>doesn't get fat
Otto genetic experiments are magic.
>see Kiana
>Kiana horny
>rape Kiana
>no chance of impregnation
>repeat using honkai energy
definitely magic
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She will get the op during her birthday, all the characters get that at least.
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>all the characters get that at least.
Haha, yeah. Oh wait. New characters don't have birthdays anymore. lmao.
good one
All part 2 characters, Roza, Liliya, Kallen, Sirin, Hare amd Prom will celebrate their birthday on february 29th.
Yes Kiana was it’s soul
god. I love tits.
Seele said yes to going on a date with me. We’re going to dinner next Friday
This post? Me.
I too, paid seele 5 dollars.
Seele sucks
Seele swallows
I still haven't gotten to Seele's part of the story desu
I hope you all know that I anticipate pure KINO from her parts now
Not every pedophile can be cool, I'm afraid.
we like bita here
It's the shotacon part of him.
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Sirin sex.
Damn pits slut.
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100%. What's funny is that it's got nothing to do with how the game looks and feels like lol
Chigusa playing Honkai Impact
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Enjoy the ride, bro. It may not be the best plotline ever, but all the little character interactions make it some peak cinema content tbdesu.
She's such a hoyoslut it's insane, it's funny to see the shift from the games she plays before and after she played Genshin for the first time. Now it's almost exclusively hoyo games
It's the phone version. The PC one makes you actually aim.
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Mei is watching you sleep
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It'd be kino if Vita is actually trying to usurp either Cocoon of Unwovens of Kianas authority, the same way she did with Sa
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Do Honkai leave coprses or do they dissolve? I just assumed the later because that's how most of these things work but I never actually thought about it until now.
The only reason that worked for Sa is because Vita was already under Sa and Sa kept slowing increasing the Authority Vita had until she had enough power to break free and usurp her. Not only is Kiana like comparing a puddle to a sea, but Vita doesn't have that same "in" so I don't see it.
>Sa kept slowing increasing the Authority Vita had
That was in the Salt Snow Holy City Arc, right after that Sa took away the authority given to Vita. Vita usurped her in Huas arc afterwards, she had little to no authority from Sa there.
And I think it may be Vitas goal since Vita became more like Sa over time, and Sas goal was replacing CoF as the main controller of HI3s world on the imaginary tree. I can see Vita wanting to do the same
She will use Seele herrscher authority to enter Kiana
I doubt it. There's still the Marah question and I think Vita is prepping for that creature
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My own clone!
Yes, but she already had powers/authority from Sa, she had direct/compatible powers to allow her to Usurp Sa, like a key to a lock. Think how Otto needed a Herrschers powers/Authority to allow him access to the Cocoon's powers.
>Vita in Kiana
Something needs to happen to Kiana to connect the history to APHO and let her return to Earth and Vita is the best way to do it.
Kiana is kind of a retard
Congrats on your transition, Emshi.
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Very abrupt ending, what the hell
How long was the second half? Maybe I can squeeze it in before I get outside.
~45 mins if you run it on autoplay
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Vita never lied when she promised Seele she'll only bring blessings when she meets her again. I don't get why they're still being rude to her. Very disrespectful tbqh
sex with mei senpai
My wife told me
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Because the game states that over time Vita will become more and more like Sa. She's going to turn bad eventually by nature.
Hum no, she is Seele's friend
Sa isn't evil though
Sa is basically a weak Cocoon that is actively malicious. Where as Cocoon destroys planets due to autism, Sa destroys planets due to autistic rage at being weak.
why would Sa's eyes of Boddhi be evil by nature? It's not connected to the Honkai, and Marah is currently building her own empire outside of the Solar System right now. She's not exactly vindictive against the cocoon and she said multiple times she couldn't care less about it. It's important to judge Vita by her actions and the things she accomplished, not by her incessant trolling. They propped her up as an antihero for an entire year, there's no way they'd just betray her character like that.
literally everything bita ever did were steps to fuck over sa for her own benefit
there were subtle hints that she cares about the people she met, especially the Seven little Vitas. She's just a massive troll
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Imagine the sex.
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so the whole Mars thing was just inspired from Fate/Extra?
No, because we didn't fuck a foxwife/degenerate emperorwife.
>fatefag: how do i make this about myself??
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We still don't know whether DS is a digital copy of some real person from Mars or was just generated on the spot.
Mars doesn't have real people to begin with. Even ignoring all the dream shit, they just pop into existence.
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What does Coralie smell like?
>Excpecting remotely good writing from nu-hoyo
Give up bro, Genshin and now hsr have given them the all clear that they just need a good marketing department and agents that incite tribalistic bullshit for their games to print hundreds of millions every month
Why the fuck did it end like that
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Rita artfag never fails to deliver
>Mars doesn't have real people to begin with.
Nowadays yes, but there used to be some civilization on Mars.
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What are you even trying to say?
Vita looks small in that scene. It made her look sexier.
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shoulda been helia height at least
It's even better with male DS, someone should post the screenshot.
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So Vita likes to take it from both sides, I see.
No, I’m hungover
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Back at the beginning of Chapter 1 Vita implies that Dreamseeker is a Star Whisperer. Aka a copy of a real person made by an Ether Anchor.
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Schizo DS.
>Star Whisperer
I don't even remember what that was. Honkai really needs some sort of glossary.
The hell is an Ether Anchor?
No, what it needs is less technobabble and bullshit. Why the hell would a mobile gacha need a glossary like it's an encyclopedia? It's ass
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Playable DS.
Any new details about the DK for Kianners of the end?
When did they stop adding old valks to ER?
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Read the Dudu VN. It was used the first time (and only time prior to part 2) there. But really, it's not more than what I described them as. Star Whisperers aren't "variants" or "expies" of a person which just happen to look similar, but a copy of them.
An item that works similar to a herrscher core which grants a bubble world stability, to simplify it. That term was used in captainverse events and the Dudu VN before. For reference, in a book of part 2 it gets mentioned that Honkai energy provides the Sea of Quanta with stability. It's that.
>irrelevant shit
Why didn't Otto just make a Kallen Star Whisperer?
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how come seele pops up every time i update my launcher
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Got songque and her weapon in 60 rolls. I can maybe stretch it and get seraphim too. Is she mandatory for songque? If I get sera I will have to skip sleepy teri.
Pretty much mandatory since song can't crit without her.
stretching sera
On the wheel of pain!
still 41 rolls needed for sera... main story quest barely gave anything
DS is good enough for RL
I am disgusted by a pure white woman like Maria getting garbage Chinese tattered slop as her playable outfit.
Which Valk actually use Kosma and Aponia signets? I wanna do some meme run
swipe gweilo
I use Kosma signets on Phys valks that can auto-trigger their evasion. I haven't used Aponia's since they changed it.
The sole reason why Dudu and Rita went into that bubble world in the first place was because Otto gave them the mission to research/explore more about Ether Anchors. I guess he wasn't happy by what they told him once they were back
SS DS in 7.7 apparently
The launcher was released on that patch so it's set as the default image.
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seele is my default love
There's no yellow and warm.
Ew Male ds is a scourge on this game.
Calm down troonxis
Whose yellow and warm tastes best? Seele or Kiana?
Shes like Hare but without being a skin walker.
Overall the new story seemd to going super intresting way not gonna lie im invested.
Consdering we dont see Kiana in Apho when ayy lmaos broke in i assume we do not succede here with Kiana also would give them a chance to make it made sense why Mei was emo in the first part
We just know she wanted to fuck over Sa (who is not dead btw) and then go out and see the world. We dont know if its "now you are my little maflies and i play with you for fun to see both despair and hope" type way or if she is legit just repaying the favor to Kiana.
matbe both.
Either way we dont know her motives
Someone has to impregnate this slut.
Hi Bronya
Yes brutally so much she spawns a new world
>it made sense why Mei was emo in the first part
Kinda interesting how she was rather optimistic about Kiana waking up soon during the latest chapter.
she expressed multiple times that she wants to larp as a detached god for the sake of the people she wanted to protect, or she'd end up just like Sa.
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Im not taking my pills..
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and "Seele"!
I think Seele doesn’t cut her pubes. And that’s a good thing.
If you insist
She only did it to become as powerful as Cocoon and defeat it, but her method reached its limit and she was stuck at 1%.
Because it's a copy and not his Kallen. He wanted the original Kallen, anon.
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Is it me or did Durandal sounds like a milf now? Her voice has this certain ara ara tone to it now.
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Songq letter
sex is back
>Hey you, you're finally awake
adam was a better avatar
name one thing or character that is worse than troonseeker aside from seele
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Genuine question, why is PE Finality here? I thought she "fell" into that bubble universe Dr. MEI/ PROMETHEUS was at. I don't remember her being at the original moon base map either, but I could just be misremembering
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>It's another dream/simulation
>They coudln't be bothered to give the APHO Mei model a blinking animation
She just doesn't blink, okay?
Just finished the normal part of Chapter 9...holy KINO
Fuck, I can't login. BP network error. SEAonara bros...
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They're really going at it with the Dreamseeker x Sena
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Calligraphy lessons with Seele!
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>Got spooked my Nyx after all these years
>Have her weapon laying around but no stigs
Is willows even good on Nyx?
Verne has been made craftable some time ago
Yeah. It's usually the best cope for ice dps valks.
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This patch is gonna be dry as hell huh
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Pinkfaggots are just jealous that Songque is a better written character than Elysia.
>another fucking FoV
>prommy again when she was like two weeks ago
Did the opening scene where Sena and Entropy dancing together and giving each other Astral Rings not clue you in already?
Both are fat.
>Mihoyo throwing a bone VS what may as well be them officialy pairing DS and Sena
Trust the plan, new PRI and Astral Ring Stigma for FoV soon.
HoFi is the only suit that will get a dk with astral ring because she can jump
>new Theresa can just afk in ER with her ultimate
Okay but when can we skip ER?
And that's a good thing.
Lantern can jump but she can't attack. Just copy-paste the same mechanic to all the part 1 non-jumpers. Done.
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Another mihoyo commis- never mind people actually love Elysia.unlike part 2 slop.
Why are Pinkfags always like this?
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>reading Theresa bridge lines
>(you) slack off with her
>skip work together in secret
>play games together in a empty conference room in secret with the ecuse that you are discussing work
>pretend fainting so that she can take (you) home then go on a picnic together
>go watch a movie with her and Amber
>going on the moon together to take a break with visiting Kiana as an excuse
>waiting for each other to finish work to leave together
They sure are throwing a big bone to the Theresafags, it almost sound like they are dating.
Too bad it's not canon.
Yeah, why are they always right?
APHO Mei when?
Will they give Boobnya some astra slop DK or will she remain obsolete?
Is that Kosma in his dog version?
After APHO Goose.
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What does Hua chicken taste like?
Tencent is acting uppity again
well, it's not the first time Genshinfags picked a fight with GGZ either.
>Weekly quiz LITE
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel
Its like they know the game is filled with time wasting bullshit but can't accept they should just cut it
EoS LITE when?
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We don't need LITE for Era of Seele!
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Reminder that Hua has muscle.
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When Hua had muscle... When Honkai had soul...
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Now the Soul has muscle...
Japan finally made a better Honkai Impact
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forgot webm
But does it have Seele?
she was supossed to be a captainverse character but shes trapped in mars sloppa now.
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sadly, no but it has a Songque-tier 2hu boss battle
The arenas are too big, they give a bigger empty feeling than HI3's early stages, not really the best choice when dealing with a low budget.
Part 2 has been out for a few months now
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what's the point of a Honkai MMO if it won't have the same moddability as something like Phantasy Star? I'm almost entirely sure the MMO will be reminiscent of ToF but with worse character designs. There won't be any holiday-themed skins for any of the characters either other than the samey CNY dress designs because of course it would. It's not out yet but I'm already disappointed
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so other than songque, who is good in ER for this patch?
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Imagine the hate sex between these two
Mei is always good for it
revengence mei or HoT? I assume its the former
They are not even subtle
Dreamseeker is the Hate, Vita is the sex.
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Thoughts on Bita?
I want her to Sita on my face.
Vita doesn't shave down there.
And that's a good thing.
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It's been a while since I had such a fun Abyss on Red Lotus. 10th place was over 660 points too.
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the teri event is this patch or is it something else?
its up on SEA right now
Link in the OP says it starts on Monday.
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the twins are big
Lightning cannot remove the 30% DMG reduction of enemies in ER. The damn Cabbage timed it well with the 2nd batch of HoO stamps.
the twins make me big
Is recycling stigmata possible? I just noticed that I leveled one of Songque's stigmas with useless affixes over 1 with useable affixes.
Seele = shit
Seele = awesome
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am I stupid or is there a bug that's not letting it progress?
is the new SD valk good enough to trivialize stardust abyss? I've been filtered by it since it was introduced and I managed to luckshit her so I'm hoping she's the key to actually clearing all 4 nodes on stardust days.

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