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previous Thread: >>487915548

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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Today is a good day... Cause it's raining.
Fuck summer, holy shit.
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What's the /bag/ consensus on Alice?
>gym challenge
>yuuka dies in the first 15 seconds
so the mobs are my tank then?
Why are all of gehenna's trash cans full of money?
She's a whore
Any post after mine that disagrees is wrong
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We all want to be her sigma
*cums on your 4head*
I think Leisa is sexy
Bad Ibuki! Time out
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This thread will be worse
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She called me useless.
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Hey everyone, this guy's from Texas!
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Roomba hate
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One of the best students in the game and is enjoyable every time she show up in an event/story
Yes, you do not need a tank for this challenge, what you need are:
- CCs like Kayoko or Suzumi, apply it on Rabu when there's a skull underneath her
- Damaging RED AOE to kill the mobs, this will fill the drone gauge.

After 2 CCs stun Rabu will be damageable.
Ogogee love
Key is better
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How do you feel about student graduation?
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She is the hero.
If there's any actual reason to doompost, it's that arius summer squad isn't getting enough fanarts. Even sweet club got many art in first week.
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My lovely daughter
Do you have 1, 2 and 3 versions?
None of my students will graduate because they will all drop out after getting pregnant
ok but what use are you, really?
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Momoi is never gonna graduate with her grades.
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Worst girl and why is it this bitch? Wish she’d stopped spooking me.
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confess your doomposting sins
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she's so fucking cute it hurts. if I had to boil BA down to a few characters as representative examples, she would easily be one of them.
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Pretty much already have a couple of them
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Anyone else tuning into the global stream later?
Is there a resource for info like how to find stuff in the event (I found an image that contains at least one error, and doesn't mention the credits hidden in trash cans in the current event either) that isn't retarded?
Something that just has "this is what you need to know in this event, this is where you find shit, this is what you need to do, this is why you can't deal damage to this particular enemy"?
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Anything can be a slur if you say it hard enough.
nom nom
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you keep saying that but where's the sex?
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You must smell like Chise
how many more free rolls do we get? I used some of my own so I'm unsure
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>8am on a sunday
I wouldn't count on it
No? It’s not worth watching we’re not getting anything special for global
They were unfortunate to have been announced alongside the BlueFest students (and it wasn't the same as with S. Hanako, since Kuroko and the alt version of Hoshino have no connection to the Arius event)
jumber (hard r)
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Do we know why what's-his-face quit? Is he retiring? Jumping ship to work for another gacha company?
Fucking Junigger.
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i might if there's a dev stream. i always look forward to those.
I am a manwhore who lusts after 99% of the students. I am not loyal.
Arius have never been fanart magnets like some other groups are. They have their fans but they always seem to get one upped by someone else in the same update
>Nyanya Hakase
Saori's >swimsuit probably doesn't help things
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I don't think there's one place with all the info you need in one place
This is what i have on hand
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If you want a real answer, it's been just about a year. old pic, but Abydos desert is cold during the winter, so your arrival there is around early-summer to mid-autumn. We know for a fact that the Arius attack on Eden Treaty happened in November. The summer events came after these events and we even had a sports festival. Those, in Japan at least, happen in autumn. We also know that there is a Trinity cultural festival ahead of us, which also happens in late-summer to early-autumn in Japan. That just about marks a full year of events at the minimum. The game could be just using what's called "サザエさん 方式" where the seasons go by but the time actually doesn't fly so it stays the same year forever. Most girl-collecting gacha games do this and the only exception that I've personally seen was Grimoire, where students that graduated went into the military and the others that remained went up in year and rank.
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Junko has been a slur since Rozen Maiden, which predates 4chan
i sometimes open /bag/ to drop a doompost and then just leave again
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Kaho activates my almonds and gosling glands more than most students.
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Fine I’ll read and invest in Kaho’s momotalk guess I’ll give her a chance since she won’t stop coming to me . She’s kinda cute probably going to end up being a bitch tho
pigtails for pulling on as i plap her from behind
thank you
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This is the forbidden one, do not use under any circumstance.
Why's saori wearing casual clothes and not actual swimwear?
What is this, Burqa Archive?
>Solved all the issues ingame except for Ibuki's missing crayons
>For some reason it doesn't even show up as a quest
>Game just wants me to finish already and forget that I already heard NPC's talking about it.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
Momoi will graduate by giving sensei the most disgusting and gamer blowjob in the story of Kivotos
She'll give him a blowjob with her mouth filled with mountain dew and doritos
Architects on suicide watch.
I will fuck them both
I’ll save everything for her. Ever since I saw her in the opening intro I wanted her.
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Hanako love
I don't see the rentry guide mentioning this: the garbage bin in front of the exit at the dining hall contains credits. I wasn't able to pick it up until i revisited the room after completing the quest.
aggie status?
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so basically just like how time never moves in the simpsons due to writer necessity
sexy seia is cute
>that waist line
made for grabbing right at the intersection where her back ends and her butt begins and pulling her towards me, pressing her against my chest azusa sex
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
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> End up being a bitch
Cracker just fucking read it first, she's one of the nicer student who never bitches at people.
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Fill the blank space /bag/
Closes later tonight, maybe next thread
>>Nyanya Hakase
Is she getting that many?
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>both 11 and want to be teachers
what did John Nexon mean by this?
That is not a part of the instructions
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>probably going to end up being a bitch tho
Something I've never known. is this fanmade or from the beta? I don't remember ex animations during any beta footage I've seen
Yep, it is difficult to continue to have the girls in the game if they leave the school due to age. You'd also have to deal with changing the profile of every char (which they actually did for Hoshino recently after the ending of vol 1), including age among other things.
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Aye man, just don’t want to deal with another Hina. If she’s actually sweet as you say then I’m reading fool.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
They are most likely in the trashcan that's located inside the classroom since it's the only one you can search. Either that or inside her backpack she forgot in the party hall
We didn't get dress saori and yet she got a lot of illustration. I was expecting the same for this alt.
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It's from the beta
Just didn’t want to deal with another Hina lol but these arts are activating my neurons.
Thank you. I can be trusted with the Aru Exodia. I would not use the Aru Exodia for any nefarious purposes. You can place your faith in me.
>The game could be just using what's called "サザエさん 方式" where the seasons go by but the time actually doesn't fly so it stays the same year forever.
The bird cannot stay in its shell forever. One of the core themes of this game is growing up and I don't think they'd deny us seeing the results of that. Maybe I'm the weird one but I'd find it weird to stagnate.
>want to be teachers
biggest mistake of their lives
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Aru became a real Yakuza...
Hiyorifags are eating well though.
Mika should die
>Double Bluefes with Kuroko
>Akemi as the funny new meme student
>Niyaniya as the new sex student
There's just so much going on I'm hardly surprised, but their banner will be starting in a few days anyway so maybe it'll pick up.
You're underestimating several potential factors
>Time doesn't really move since this isn't earth, its a metaphysitcal concept, time is not a constant experienced by everyone in the world simultaniously but rather individually. A students time only moves forward and they graduate once they reach the answer they're meant to reach and sensei says they pass. Much like angel beats
>Even if time does in fact move normally, we see in volume F that Kivotos only covers a very small portion of the planet, and Kivotos based on Shiroko's bike momo's is roughly 6000 KM across, or the size of the united states and canada. Its a giant size but we see it takes up very little of the planet, therefore we can assume Kivotos is much larger than earth. Depending on the size of the planet and how closely it orbits the star closest to it, Kivotos years can potentially be much longer than Earth years. We see Kivotos has a ring around the planet, further showing it isn't really earth
>Events don't necessarily happen in order, and several events potentially happen at the same time, like how summer1 and summer2 actually happened at the same time.
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Does Chiaki show up at all between now and current JP? I think she is cute and don't want her to end up as a forgotten character
I skipped all non student wife momos and I don't feel bad.
This photograph is edited. Aru can't count to 10. She's not smart enough for it.
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Are you going to be ready for this coming Hiero, /bag/?
What's the team for this Hiero?
Why didn't they have lost items from the start?
A lot of people wait until momos are out to get to work
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It's a boring alt though
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Remember to get the 10 rolls from the Ako Web Event.
If you miss it, your account is BRICKED.
The dress was hot, especially her back. The """swimsuit""" is just a tank top with shorts on. If anything her exposed tummy in her original outfit is hotter. That said, I think her L2D will spawn some art. She's happy this time at least.
aru's armpits...
Did you skip Yuuka's in the tutorial? If not you're used goods. Or is it her?
Millennium will fall.
For me it's gold
Wasn't the third PV about how a year has passed since SCHALE began operations? Surely, this means aging is a process that functions differently for Kivotos' citizens, considering no one "became older".
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At least one of the Prefect, Valkyrie or Justice students would end up going to prison after joining thier local police for police brutality
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>One of the core themes of this game is growing up and I don't think they'd deny us seeing the results of that. Maybe I'm the weird one but I'd find it weird to stagnate.
The game also constantly shoots this theme in the foot with how status-quo-archive the story arcs turn out to be. "Growing up" may be one of its core themes, but it certainly has no ambitions of tackling it with any real gravitas because it would actually involve a lot of steaks, depression and lasting consequences to do so, without Sensei being a bright-eyed boy scout who can solve everything by calling all the girls princesses and talking-no-jutsu.

Blue Archive is unmistakably enjoyable for what it is, but I'd find it hard to take "growing up" as being a core theme seriously
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>no Kokona
>not enough ligma for UE50 dHina on day 1
I'll be fine, but I'm Azusa frowning.
otogi's tight ass
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Who'll be the first student to get a third alt? Assuming Kuroko doesn't count
It's been at about 4 seasons, if that makes you feel better. We know that beginning of Vol 3 was in November, and the Hifumi summer happened after that. We also know that Hanako summer happened after the Ui event. So even if you assume that every single summer event happened in the same summer, there still is a fall to summer time gap. The upcoming Trinity event or On Your Mark is another fall season, and we know for a fact that it happened after Vol 3 ended, so it's the fall after the aforementioned summer events and that brings us around to about 4 seasons.
>involve a lot of steaks
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Hiero is kinda easy with dHina
Kaiten is so easy I did torment
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Maybe Aru
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Nice numbers
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Steaks. Delicious steaks.
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Summer is a long season
>Hifumi summer happens
>Week passes
>Hanako also wants to go on a summer adventure with Koharu
its possible
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Kuroko doesn't count cause she's a separated character.
In all honesty though it will be Shiroko. Let's give her a Striker alt that's not ridiculously niche.

Maybe we can get young Shiroko...
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Where's my Makoto?
Who will be the last student to get their first alt?
I just finished Hina's minigame. Did I miss out on anything by finishing it just now instead of during the first day?
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They will release 3 Pina alts all at once, trust the plan
fyi games like Girlfriend Kari, all the girls have been on the same grade yet there were 12 years worth of seasonal events. It's just how shit is in these kinds of games.
skewering otogi's butthole on my cock
Isn't the Wakamo valentine event happening concurrently with the dress Hina event?
Can't we assume from that 1 year already passed
This isn't even getting into the fuckery of all the different timelines that need to happen for all the valentine dates to occur
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>has Shiroko in the name
>not an alt
An alt is an alt is an alt.
If Kurko is 165cm, wont that mean Hasumi is going to grow another 10 cm?
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Trips confirm, she is a neko
From the release students? Maybe between Shimiko and Sumire?
Only if Hasumi goes Terror
I literally just said that. Are you just stopping midway of reading my post just to reply?
that's reaching a little too far.
Time most likely just doesn't move beyond a year for the same reason time never moved beyond a year in Calvin and Hobbes or any other work where it's not really acknowledged. Namely it starts to mess with the premise of having a cast full of high school girls
so, what are today's collectibles?
All that confirms is that Mari look like janny lol
Akira's banner when?
Hasumi terror should look malnourished and short
Like Hina if she JTF
A lot of people will say it fell off after vol. F but I don't really think so. The SRT chapter was good and hyakki was alright because of decent setup especially for a chapter 1. The retards parroting the whole kaya having done everything due to breast envy are illiterate and should be ignored completely. Events are always the same formula so it's really just the abydos story that felt like a disaster. Just off the top of my head
>hoshino isn't an interesting character especially not enough to be wanked as hard as she is
>debt plot point has been dead in the water since episode 1 and yet still takes up half of each episode despite going nowhere
>suou and nonomi plot points were dropped half way through the episode
>hoshino flip flopping between being okay and not okay every other chapter
>yume was a good idea but was forced way too hard and overstayed her welcome especially if she won't come back later
>hermit somehow didn't know sensei had the adult card despite claiming to know everything about him
>muh million dollar ore disintegrating into light but oh no how are we going to repay our debt haha did you know we're still in debt haha
>random bina
The whole thing just felt like a clusterfuck of half-baked ideas and dropped plot points in favor of dude check out this cool animation or terror scare or whatever. If the last few chapters were their idea of creating some kind of tension or stakes they failed horribly. It's really the only chapter I think is genuinely bad, excluding launch stuff which was excusable.
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Where's Koharu gonna be at after high school?
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don't forget the cunnies. can't have them growing up
>hermit somehow didn't know sensei had the adult card despite claiming to know everything about him
maybe he was just wrong
You realise this is all just mental gymnastics to try and confirmation bias the fact that the students haven't aged-up at all across the 3.5 years the game has been going for, right? Wait until everyone starts taking all the tinfoil hat theories as confirmed fact as a result
No collectables today. You can just skip
Shiroko Terror looks like 20 years old
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i just looked up grimoire and that's kind of based. more gachas should actually have time flowing mid service and change their jobs and stuff
Shiroko Terror looks like the mother of my children
Thank you, was pretty easy after I invested into Suzumi. I couldn't get a good rotation with Kayoko
no that's chise
it's Aris
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The flow of time itself is convoluted
>>hermit somehow didn't know sensei had the adult card despite claiming to know everything about him
He literally cut Francis off because "No spoilers" when he was explaining things

Also I've seen japanese pointing out that Clockman not knowing about the adult card is meant to be thematic. Since clockman is a manchild who never grew up, he couldn't have known about the adult card. It was a blindspot for someone who could never grow up properly.
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What ideology is this?
Damn I knew it. I hate when gachas do this. I wanted to take my time to appreciate the story at my own pace but gachas always incentivize you to complete the stories quickly for better efficiency.
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Underneath my desk sucking my willy
Jesus fucking christ girlfriend beta is really 12 years old now?
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Hina digs through TRASH for SPARE CREDITS
It's true I've seen it
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I think the issue with V4 and V5 is that while on the face of it they're fine and even have many interesting moments, there's just something lacking as far as the characters are concerned. No one seems to be latching onto them like they did with the Trinity or Gehenna girls.
It is Haruna
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Tomorrow is the last free pulls, are you ready to pull or did you use the current free ones? Did you got what you wanted?
I, Yukari
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>>random bina
Literally nothing wrong with that
The "Abydos fighting Binah" CG has existed since before the game came out, and after years they finally found a place to actually put it in the game. Just like Ibuki riding the tank in the pre-game images which they also finally found a place to put it in the game, they sometimes create cool or funny images, and then figure out how they can actually make that image into a reality years later.
It's Aleeth.
>like they did with the Gehenna girls
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midomo boob tent
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Yep, that has been confirmed at the last scene. Sensei and Plana tells him how he's a manchild that can't accept defeat and tries to tantrum his way out. This is also when we got Plana's sadistic face that certain people have been going crazy about.
Wait a minute...
Vol4 at least has Kanna
And yes outside of amusing memes, Miyako is decently known. Miyu even moreso.
I think it was really just Vol5 characters that people didn't really latch onto
Will you buy your dog?
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> Did you get what you wanted
I will have to skip Makoto and spark D.Ako, so ehhhhhh.
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I'm ready to roll 40 minrolls.
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reminder: Nagisa is the fucking strong and you should roll for her
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Maybe camping is alright...
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Hm? Does /bag/ dislike Vol. 4? I found it enjoyable. Not Eden Treaty-level, but still fun.
i'm getting tired with prof niyaniya, can we get new fotm?
Story skip-kun, I hope you do remember that Binah is the one who made Abydos into a desert. The only way to restore Abydos is to destroy him.
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I got Makoto, had some 10x tickets that were expiring so used those. I think I might need to do 60? pulls to spark Ako.
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That chest is sinful. Prison-worthy, you might say
do we have a purple NYKayoko/S Hoshino/S Ui yet?
No, and she will continue to kill billions of my unborn children too.
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>they sometimes create cool or funny images, and then figure out how they can actually make that image into a reality years later.
That just sounds like they're making shit up as they go along.
I wish they'd go back to shupos, they were so much hotter
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So what's this one gonna be like? Just Moe sitting on the chair?
It has a pretty rough start and you either like the rabbit squad or you don't. I think the big contention for me is Fox Squad. Their motivations are weak and I don't think they really jive well together. They just aren't strong antagonists.
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I love BA, and I'll keep playing until the game reaches EoS. Does anyone else here feel the same way?
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Volume 4 has the best character in the game though
Nagisa mentioned
kikyou, kind of
Volume 5 wasn't really ever a chance. Practically only exists as an excuse for kurokage to happen then we're right back to alts and the anime\vol 1
nta but Miyako is a boring leader compare to what we had before. She's too focused with her own ideology of what's right and what's wrong but she feels so stiff, there aren't any good moments tied to her directly and her fight against Yukino turns sloopy the second we realize how retarded Yukino is, reducing the impact it should have had in Miyako as a character.
In the other hand, the girls from the Hyakkiyako volume are too forgettable. Yukari and the cat have some salvation, but range pretty much doesn't exist and has zero impact in the reader. While Nagusa is a mess or a character who gets completely overshadowed by the villain Churro.

Having weak elements in any group is unavoidable, but compared to the retard group where the weakest element is koharu, or the Abydos gang where the weakest element is Ayane; you can really see the difference between those clubs. Koharu has more charm and relevance than other characters in the game by giving her small yet important moments in the story like the way she defended Mika's belongings. Or Ayane turning into Pinochet for a hot second
Vol 4 is one of my favorites, especially since it finally introduced the rest of the GSC members, the infrastructure of D.U. Plus I liked all of the SRT and Valkyries.
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No it's just you
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> Not the dress version.
And before people say anything, the dress version looks better as a figurine, base Saori is like an AK character.
Not if it actually goes to shit under different leadership/management. I'm not enough of a drone
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I've always said I'm here for a long time unless the devs do something catastrophically retarded but I think they're smart enough to not.
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>Will you buy your dog?
Already put in my preorder.
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i've already been playing for 3 years anyway. pretty much the longest i've ever stuck with a gacha. what's another 3 years more.
Base Saori is great, fuck you
>stories are absolutely shit tier unless they planned out every aspect ten years ago and the story was 100% completed and sealed underground so we know nothing was added to it or changed even slightly within that time period, a story can only be good if every aspect of it was written well before it ever came out, nothing can have been altered or changed after it started coming out, a story is not allowed to be changed or developed in any way after it starts
This is always such a uselessly "I want to sound smart" take

The entire point of mobage is that they are living stories; they develop based on audience feedback, writers developing the story as they go, the story is constantly being written. Writers have the skeleton of the story planned for years but the bits and pieces inbetween are usually always in development.
Yes. I've continued with much worse games for much longer.
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I said the same for touhou but then I stopped following it after about 2 years. That was nearly 13 years ago.
despite being day1, and spending over 3 grand, I have less than 250 logins
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>I'll keep playing until the game reaches EoS. Does anyone else here feel the same way?
Sure, I can play for another couple of months
Well given how I felt betrayed by the gachas I used to play and BA earned my trust based on what I want (for the girls to be only for me because the devs want it that way), seems like I'll be here forever.
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I feel the opposite.
The game will EoS someday, and everyone will be sad.
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Think about it though. Hermit claims to have researched all of the prior gematoria failures and assures the reader he knows exactly how to beat sensei, yet somehow he doesn't realize the literal loss condition of every prior member, the adult card, until the very end when he is completely caught with his pants down and loses to it. That doesn't feel like hubris on hermits end, it feels like some kind of scooby doo monster of the week in gematoria form. Just someone set up to fail in the most cliche way possible because the narrative demands it. Especially when you consider he doesn't even get his comeuppance. He literally just pisses his pants in front of kuroko and presumably fucks off forever. The adult card was played so much better in every prior chapter but it just felt cheap this time.

It wasn't a good lead-in and even for a preview of what's to come, it was very weak. The typical volume preview videos they do would've been both more sufficient and more impactful than just a quick shot of bina at the end, as if they remembered it at the last second.
I unironically believe in the guerilla marketing accusations with respect to bunny Toki's announcement, though I don't go spreading it around
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Nice, I love smaller figures.
You can play Touhou games at any time and they won't be different though
Thank you for keeping the servers alive, even though you don't use them much
I always play all the gacha I pick up until they die, no matter how shitty they are. Grimoire, Atelier Online, Star ocean Anamnesis, World Flipper, and that one Touhou dentetsu game that I can't remember the name of and tons more.
I didn't start it, but I find the idea of boy Otogi really fucking hot and I fantasize about it sometimes.
maybe he's just a chronic bullshitter
I got both already (used the 100 rolls at the start). Can't really ask for more.
I would be happy even with only one of them before the 200 since then I could simply spark the other one. But I got lucky this time.
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I want Plana to give off a disgusted expression while letting me look up her skirt.
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God all these Hiroy arts are making me rock hard right now.
I feel like this chapter, especially compared to a lot of others, tried to push themes at the detriment of everything else including the consistency of the story.
It's a fanservice. We know Abydos was going to fight Binah at some point, and there was no better way to place the place was being restored. It also came after the end credits as well, the so called "part C" that's popular in media. It was very well done and is also well received. I think you're just being obtuse for no reason because you hate Hoshino or something.
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The newer th games do play way different than the first few th games. And not really in a good way.
god she's so fucking fat imagine just railing her from behind and seeing those fat fucking tits of hers sway all over the place
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Johnathan Nexon here, design the next unique equipment. Go ahead. Who gets it and what does it do?
is Hiroy actually wearing a thong or is it the artist's preference? I havn't seen the chibi's behind
since when did /bag/ pay attention to the lore? there's still people here that don't know what gods the girls are based on
I need to see official panties
You would be lying if you said Ako
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Which is why we must make the most of it right now, even if everything is meaningless, that doesn't mean we shouldn't make the most out of it.
Looks pretty good.
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>I love BA, and I'll keep playing until the game reaches EoS. Does anyone else here feel the same way?
I just regret not starting sooner, i was afraid of the game being chinkspyware and i avoid it for a while but i fondle because I wanted Karin.
Now I'm stuck here with the rest of you faggots.
The what? How?
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Looks like a regular bikini bottom to me.
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>but i fondle
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I got your back bro
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>i fondle
How hard would it be to roll both dAko and Makoto purely from rerolling
We love Ako here
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>Gourmets have no problem hanging out with Hina
>Kasumi leaves a note cheering for Hina's piano performance

I've walked away from a number of other gacha games over the years, always because I felt like the devs were just actively doing things I didn't like or want. BA seriously hasn't done anything to even remotely upset me. Nothing lasts forever, but between the game still topping sales charts and the girls themselves still being very cute, they'd have to do something apocalyptic like introduce male students to currently get me to leave.
fondle what though?
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>chink spyware
The events are always pretty cute, the girls are always appealing, the chibi department is amazing as always... I can't see myself leaving anytime soon.
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See how you feel about BA after 5 years
Folded, Anon. FOLDED
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come pet chise
This is the first gacha I've stuck with for more than 6 months. The fact I haven't burned out by now despite going all out as usual is a testament to its various QoL design centered around sweeping. I really appreciate the way dailies are structured, even more so given my experience with older gachas that had absolutely zilch QoL by comparison. I'll definitely be playing BA for a long while.

Although it is slightly irksome to see blufes being escalated to another level with two units introduced this time around. I hope that's not indicative of the typical KR/Nexon jew stratagem that's pervasive throughout their games.
ask me how i feel about adult pussy
Fuck you bing
nexon needs money badly right now. you can see this in ALL of their games currently
Probably not too difficult, since new accounts would get the free 100 rolls all at once in addition to the starter pyros/gifts.
You guys buying the watch? It looks pretty sweet...
Click on the Ako circle on the lobby will show the web event, there's a bunch of good shits there so remember to redeem them.
Man, if she's this plump right now, can you imagine what a bit of time would yield?
Saya please, we need you.
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You saw nothing

What do you think Genshin, ZZZ, and other Hoyoslop is?
I am a poor shut in nerd who wears sweatpants and t-shirts with holes in them when I go outside, I couldn't pull that thing off even if I did buy it
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the watch that looks like Ui?
Almost certain I'll play till EOS, though if they try hard enough maybe they could ruin it.
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So anyway, doomposting aside, I really want to impregnate Momoi.
>What do you think Genshin, ZZZ, and other Hoyoslop is?
All games made by a completely different company with absolutely no connection to Nexon or Yostar???
Guess I'll be in reroll hell for this weekend then, gotta figure out how to split LDPlayer into 9 mirrored setups
NTA but I came from Genshin, which is pretty fucking dead outside of its main story
ZZZ is even worse though, they improved the animations but "combat" is literal 1 button mashing and the "levels" are actually a bunch of single stages with loading screens in between
fuck ya life bing bong
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Are you planning to buy Ako's figure?

she wageslaving bro...
Most chronographs look like this tho
If only I was a millionaire
She's not there to have fun like the rest of the squad boss
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My point was that, unlike Genshin and ZZZ, Blue Archive is not Chinese.
Your hesitance to play Blue Archive due to hypothetical "chink spyware" was thus silly.
tf are you supposed to do on Rabu's challenge?
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>got teary eyes listening to soft nip voices
I think I'm a fag
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what a great view
Yeah, that's kinda where I'm coming from as well. The story wasn't convincing enough on it's own so the narrative had to compensate and felt heavy-handed as a result.

It had good moments and was enjoyable for the most part, but as a whole it was not very good. I'm pretty neutral towards hoshino which in of itself should be cause for concern given how much development and screen time she's gotten. I still like hina for example, despite her being in a very similar vein to hoshino.
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so what are we suppose to do with SNonomi now?
In all seriousness basement dweller was a pretty shit villain. He somehow makes me miss Beatrice of all villains
Accept defeat
>Curtain Call Day 5 (Event day + 14. July 30th / Aug 4th 19:00 UTC)
>Teleport to "Classroom"
>Lost item: examine the trash bin near the blackboard 3 times - Crayon
>Talk to Ibuki for free sex
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what if your students were epic little animals
>Hina pic
Yes I think you are.
>no central nmgk
it's so over...
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Post Saggers.
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Yes, it will look great with the dining set my wife got, can't way to show it to the guests that I will have in the upcoming dinner parties
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Very cute. Now get naked.
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PSA someone translated that futa dress Ako on Hina set
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And you don't even have to 3* it so bee urself.
I don't get what point you are making
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As long as the game keeps being non-grindy (for gacha standards), being free from yuribait or males (and a significant part of the fanbase also hating those) and has great heartwarming stories, I'll continue to play.
Thank you! Will be Kayoko by herself enough? I can blast the mobs with Nagisa + Minori
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So, what's everyone's favorite ingame stills?
How much for this? Like $100 after shipping?
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She looks too sad for me to be horny over this
She needs healing first
Gimme the hiroy pic please
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noone would buy it because ako has no fans
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Yes you only need like 3 seconds of hard CCs, so just use Suzumi if you feel the 6 costs EX is too much.
Of course, you can always combine Ui + Kayoko.
Why do most of them have their eyes closed, they'll trip, fall, and accidentally shoot around
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I played Rockman X Dive until EoS. I'll probably stick with BA until the end too
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Hina should transfer
Still can't bring myself to lewd her
I'll quit if they don't release Seia within the next 6 months.
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I don't have Ui so I'll try with Suzumi.
thank you
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>ako has no fans
name 0 of them
I haven't got it saved but the Kanna one
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If I got the Ako figurine, I would record my hotgluing her and post it on /bag/
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I love Akemi even more for filtering and exposing the fake Sensei amogus
They're withholding Seia for the Volume 3 adaption
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>tfw can grip my wrist with index finger and thumb
as a wristlet I cannot wear this
Yeah for sure. Nexon is so desperate for money that they keep withholding students so much that some event reruns don't get new banners(Reijo). Super desperate for money that that a filler banner of launch farmable students(base Hoshino and base Hina) got reran 10 days ago.
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Jackie Chan.
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Alright, all just for me then.
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Oh god yes, give me those nun tits.
You can be desperate for money and have bad management decisions too
2 Bluefes is absolutely desperation
Pregnant Wakamo but I don't have the screenshot
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You can hear Alkaline Tears just by looking at it
they got hit with lawsuits, strikes, and sabotage all within 12 months
You're safe lol, it's made with Japs in mind
Personally, it feels too 'rushed' in the sense that Vol 4 basically needs to expand on alot of uncovered ground for the story to make sense, and then they also had to expand on the characterisation of the RABBIT squad, and then ontop of all that it had to be done within 2 chapters, whilst resolving a new conflict in each.
>SRT, its role/history and the subsequent fallout, especially in regards to its students (i.e. RABBIT/FOX Squad)
>GSC as a whole (given the connections to the SRT) and the Defense Office/Kaya, which ties back into Valkyrie
It'd be like if Vol 2, not only had to cover the historical background of GDD for the story to make sense, but also the background behind the Engineering Department/Veritas, Seminar, C&C and the infrastructure of Millennium as a whole, whilst trying to fit in the plot of them discovering Alice/winning the prize and the Rio trolley problem plot for their respective chapters.
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Got DAko with the free rolls, will probably have to spark Makoto, but I don't mind
Thanks pal
DESU they've reused the track too much
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there is iboogi
>The story wasn't convincing enough on it's own so the narrative had to compensate and felt heavy-handed as a result.
It's gonna end up feeling pretty retroactively hollow if they ever bring Yume back to life.

And because Isakusan left and this is a gacha, you know they'll do it eventually. It's not a question of if, but when.
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Ok, now it's the second time I find something like this. I reported the Hina one where she talks like a valley girl. Should I report this one as well? If it's not obvious, the text option gives a response that makes no sense.
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Don't forget the revenue disputes with dnf, cause that's fucking with me directly.
A lot of dialog choices are like that. There's only 1 correct answer and the girl just thinks you chose it.
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>mfw I live really spartan and never bother decorating anything in my living space
I just can't think of any reason to buy merchandise.
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still no haruna figure
It will be YEARS later and no one will care at that point to make it retroactively hollow desu
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Gehenna cats are built different
I will.
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Often the first and the second dialogue will be part of the same statement. Something like 70% of the time actually.
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>3 purple gifts
>30 more minrolls
good morning (10pm)
Gehenna bad I think is what this means
is nyHaruka good? just got her from the free pull
Kivotos seagulls can destroy armored vehicles, so I assume cats won't have issues with cow milk.
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I'm doing the Gourmets challenge but fuck, I don't get it.
Well, I do, but my chibis advance too fast and I don't get to heal the mobs
Fuuka stupid gehenner stop fucking dying
I bought figs and stuff in the past.
They sit there on a shelf and collect dust so I stopped buying them. I'm just not a decoration person I guess.
Rio crying under the table is a great character moment but also has big meme potential
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I'm also like this, don't like to own many things at all because I've had bad experiences with hoarder relatives, but I dickbought the Bunny Toki figure anyways.
With all these figures, the only one losing is my wallet.
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for me this is the one
Fair enough.
Valkyrie as a school is the one that needs the most expansion
The game treats valakerie like a club instead of an entire school with different groups and clubs. Its basically the police of all of Kivitos with only three real members. Honestly feel like rabbit squad using Valkyrie mats gimped Valkyrie from getting more members early on.

Valkyrie should have
>Public assistance bureau
>Tactical department
>Investigation department
>Swat team
>Traffic devision

Instead it's like three girls
>Well the mobs are
Mobs aren't real people
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Camping was just too comfy
>buying plastic dolls
Grow up.
Sometimes dialogue choices have a "canon answer"
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this pic forever ruined that scene for me
I was also like this until I started building Gunpla, now I went all in on other stuff too like toku.
K, (You) me again when we get Yume's banner in 2030
I feel like the RABBITs themselves also just got lost in the shuffle. They're barely even relevant in V4C2 outside of Miyako herself. There was more emphasis put on Kaya and her taking over the GSC. And when we do get to see the RABBITs, they're usually with FOX instead of Sensei
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Has anybody estimated Misaki's breast size from her swimsuit sprite?
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Actually I can

Its natural
It happens all the time in nature
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My backpain is gone, my head is full of hair, and I'm not tired anymore.
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Fantastic choice. Next up, Maid Toki figure
I'm just not that worried about the game. They'd need to really fuck up, not just write an ehh chapter or story event.
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Busty Ui my beloved
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while i'm at it
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Fuck off back to plebbit, you fucking tourist
Now that'd be real disappointing.
cats are the niggers of animals
>he says, while playing Blue Archive
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Could end up being much sooner than we think. I mean I like yume and the story can't get much worse for abydos in my opinion so kind of a null point for me. I'd imagine she'd be a pretty huge hit with secondaries as well.
lmao retard
The game's content is all decided over a year in advance
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So THAT'S why Kazusa is flat...
If bond 100 unlocked a special recollection lobby, would you do the grind?
Small annoyances become big ones when they pile up.
we have 4 Valkyrie students with names now
Anime adaptation of Vol.2 done by Studio Trigger will save Buruu Akaibu now and forever.
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if it's like this
Full Shiroko team before Seia is announced, lets make that happen
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I will never forgive mx2j
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That would be the final nail in the coffin for "growing up" and "maturing" as being any sort of core theme to the game
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Plushies are the best merchandise. You can squeeze, hug and play with them all the time. They have way better value than plastic statues. The worst are obviously the overpriced dust collectors of lame and cringe giant robots.
>0 unread momotalks
Cheater. MANWHORE.
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I do it out of love, not reward.
And grinding for over 2 years just for something like that is nice, but ultimately retarded.
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Figures for hotgluing?
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That cat's going to have the worst fucking case of diarrhea ever after that.
>Its natural
A cat's natural diet is usually just the shit that they can kill. Be it rats, birds, or any other small creature. That's how they hydrate too, more often than not.
Most cats become lactose intolerant as they grow too.
There is a continually growing list of people who will never forgive mx2jobber
This is directed at the people not already on the grind.
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>the angry version
Since Yume is based on Osiris it seems inevitable regardless.
im not particularly attached as in "characterfag" for the Vol 5 crew and thats because none stand out. And I dont mean that in a bad way, I mean it as "everyone in this group is well written and I like all of them"
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What in the world
She's very revealed for a while and hasn't really caught on with secondaries, unlike Rio or the Shupos. I doubt releasing her would change that
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Ako got TWO figures? well fuck me
>everyone in this group is well written and I like all of them
Except for Nagusa.
The special memolobbies with babymaking momos already exist. John Nexon just forbade the guys who already unlocked them from sharing it to the rest of us. Junnyfag is gooning everyday since he reached 100.
I'm out of the loop on this one, why do people hate mx2j?
It's GKs
> Two
Lmao, she got FOUR figures now.
- The standing one
- The standing dress one
- The L2D one
- Now the dress one with pose.
his og designs were good but lately the dude has been pulling a lot of stinkers
I love it when they look at me like I'm garbage
She's not coming back because it's a gacha game
She's coming back because this game is about always reaching the happy ending. The amount that edgefags have to pretend to be against characters coming back to life in shounen stories is retarded. Every single KEY game involves bringing people back to life with a miracle in the end. Nagisa dies and then Tomoya restarting and reliving the same period of his life millions of times was able to find all the dragon balls after making everyone in town happy, and he used his wish to being Nagisa back to life since her life was tied to the town. It's all metaphysical stuff that doesn't make sense unless you actually play the visual novel and you read the robot segments of the story
I'm saying that in the past these tropes were celebrated because people sued to understand that it's fiction, and one of the good parts about fiction is you can have unnatural or miracles happen, you can have happy endings in fiction u like real life. Blue archive is a shounen that in particular celebrates older stories and constantly has homages to them, stories like Clannad and little busters.
But now edgefags are "Noooo fiction is real life, tou can't do things I don't agree with or I'm turning out and I can't believe in the story anymore, fiction has to work like real life, we can't have miracles suddenly happening despite them happening in literally every chapter of the story up until now". This is not the story to bitch about miracles and happy endings, the only question is whether you can make it believable and earn it
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I fucking lol'd
Ayame would have been well written...
>when the child support payment is deposited in her account
And yet we can see it naturally happening in nature in that gif, meaning it's natural
>Small efforts will one day lead to great miracles
Hopechad game btw
>noooooo you have to revive every single character and erase any sort of stakes or you're edgy!!!!!
retards like you are why its so hard to find a good story these days
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That happens to hiyori in the summer event.
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fucking dickhead
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>there's just something lacking as far as the characters are concerned
They're not lacking. It's just that Vol5's cast overall aren't overt in terms of their visual design OR personalities. They're all fairly understated, and you have to be the kind of person that appreciates that, whereas the average joe will call them "boring" and call it a day. The laymen will always latch more onto the characters/personalities that exaggerate some very visible trait
Sensei LITERALLY says he can't bring back the dead. It's not happening.
she drops her popsicle with every ex skill, then picks it up and dusts it off in the result screen
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I'm gonna put milk in your fucking mouth
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I can't believe Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad.
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No I think Nagusa is the best, I love Usopp a lot. Having a character that is genuinely a coward due to insecurity is great.
I also like Churro as an antagonist, I think shes genuinely unhinged
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How do you guys order your steaks?
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she's also my light
medium rare, no butter or herbs. side of baked mushrooms if they got it
at the middle actually
maybe BA should ripoff Clannad
God when are they releasing a Kaho alt
She's so fucking sexo it's unreal
God fucking damn it I had to spark Ako, bros I have 41k gems left can I pull for Makoto? I want to get D Hina and S Hoshino first and foremost
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one for me one for hiroy
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Nagisawank is the worse than hinawank and hoshinowank combined
For the last time, roombas do not need yogurt to function
are you the Mari bro?
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Do you season your cutting board, or your steak?
And I'm supposed to just believe that the story wanted (especially this recent Vol1 part) to emphasize the importance of learning to accept the past and move on? You can't have an entire story segment beat Hoshino over the head about needing to "let go" and summarily bring back the dead character she was so hung up about. That immediately kills any and all meaning behind the idea of "growing up" as a theme.
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I'm bored. Give me a game to play. Preferably something I can dump a lot of time into.
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I tell the waiter what I want
Clannad should have ended at School arc
Nagisa should have died there
Granblue fantasy
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hinner (forma grande)
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Rome Total War
The first one
I feel nothing if I have to use a selector...
By the way, I got S Wakamo while rolling for this whore, is she any good?
Yume will be "back" the same way the Neptunia series does the retro godesses. They will make an alternative dimension where she never died and that Sensei there won't be the same Sensei of the timeline where she died (the main one)
THen, as BA doesn't care about gameplay formations making sense, will be able to be deployed with the other three Hoshinos
mabinogi :^)
What size?
Jiren looking ass.
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Hunt Showdown
Rune Factory 4. Dolce best girl.
Old meme spoiler from when Clannad the anime aired but before After Story, if I remember right.
>no you cant bring back the dead it would ruin the story
Rune Factory 3
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I season the bull
Cherino's letter was fucking bullshit to find
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>someone is stealing Boogers' pudding
Heads will roll
The truth is out there
Want students to stay dead for the sake of muh good story. You don't love your students. I thought this was supposed to be the hopechad game.
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You're right. I don't love Yume. Don't know 'er.
>S Wakamo
Pretty decent damage if you don't have Mika
I've been playing SotN recently. Maybe you will enjoy it as well?
Isn't it canonically makoto
Nonomi, fire them
nikke is fun
Well that depends. What games (gacha?) are you already playing?
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Professor NiyaNiya is a slut.
>game about growing up but the students are not allowed to grow up
Seems counter intuitive senpai
Slay the Spire
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I snort the spices, eat the steak raw, chug down some vodka, then light my mouth on fire.
I liked slay the spire but the game felt very repetitive after beating it once
I have fully maxed out mika lol fuck me sideways
ayy lmao
come play eternal return
I'm gonna fucking say it... I LOVE Vol 2
Sorry, with no Isakusan and others, that's not the theme of BA anymore
It's ok I'll buy her some more pudding (she'll have to lick it off my penis)
Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance
You can play making an entire demon harem
Seia posters are all cunts.
growing up is not the correct term nor is that what the story is about eslbro
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But letting dead students stay dead is literally not allowing them to grow up. They can only grow up if they're alive. Gotcha retard.
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as someone who liked the Tomoyo route, that particular after story was a real rug pull
Isakusan leaving is one thing but Hwansang too...
Maybe they're going off to find their own company
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I've always thought Nagisa should have stayed dead in Clannad, there's a similar theme there of the MC in that story always pushing forward through all his suffering and troubles to still find happiness, he should have married the tsun teacher and raised his daughter with her, not have the daughter die of KEY aids too before magically asspulling a happier reality.

Is spoiling Clannad kosher, it's been like a decade and a half at this point.
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Except Isakusan wanted Yume to stay dead. His hopium ran out and I'm glad he left.
>when you catch niggas disbelieving in the happy ending
Kim YongHa just recently reaffirmed that this is a hopechad game through and through, don't coom into the doom
seia posters should post more cunts
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Playable never ever.
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This thing wont make it to Hina. What a waste.
I don't have any Akos in my folder
I hope all these faggots fuck off to another game when Yume comes back.
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seia's cunt
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Nips are starting to notice that swimsuits have been getting more and more covered up lately.
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>Ako gives you a 10-roll ticket
your response???
didnt they remake tomoyo after and rewrite the ending?
All the Warriors
didn't fucking ask
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Looks like you blew all your luck on those digits. If you want Makoto after your 20 free minrolls tomorrow, you know what you have to do Sensei.
Finally a good Seia post
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>Ako loves you so much she gives you a 10-roll for FREE
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
The ticket is rigged to minroll, fuck Ako
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maybe? I didn't keep up because they released too much clannad stuff so I may have missed it
shouldn't care about spoilers. there were retards who were upset about jojo spoilers when the shit was 25 years before
Sir you cannot post porn
Listen, you stupid retard. If V1C3 did not spend a gigantic length of time beating you over the head with the message of "The dead stay dead, you have to grow up and more on, clinging to the past like this isn't healthy, Hoshino", it'd be one matter and reviving Yume wouldn't be that bad. But if the story goes out of its way to emphasize that theme, at the expense of other aspects, only to turn around and revive the very reason for her problems in the first place and after every goddamn character, including the fucking self-insert, tried to push this and the chapter ENDS with her making that resolution to move on and follow that theme, then it's fucking stupid to bring them back to life and destroys any kind of "message" or theme BA could hope to have. And makes the chapter seem pointless when it was as subtle as a wrecking ball.
cockroach a shit
Seia? Where are your pubes?
>Isakusan wanted Yume to stay dead
Seia's cunt
okay, now post
S Hanako
S Hoshino
S Hiyori
S Misaki
S Nonomi
S Serika
Do the animal folk find it weird that Sensei and students alike treat their underdeveloped brothers and sisters like pets?
Thinking about professor Niyaniya's pussy
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Why didn't you show S. Hiyori's portrait?
you're not fooling anyone, bikini schizo
>semen in her ass
i love loli anal
What does she eat to get tits that fat?
I'm not him unless if he was somehow able to crack 2ch's anti-japanese posting restriction with several others agreeing with him.
You should've been born in korea if this is what you spend your time doing
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My only worry about Isakusan leaving is how the new writer will interpret and write the existing cast, especially the characters that have more complicated writing surrounding them. Isakusan said Mika was the most difficult character he had written up to that point, and I think that shows in how variable the opinions around her are, you ask 50 people about her and you get 50 different opinions. Even amongst Mika fans I see some pretty retarded takes on her character. But, well, it could be a good thing too. Maybe some improvements on the narrative side of things.
should have waited to buy it
41K is nearly two sparks. Nearly. You can only spark one more character.
Unless you buy some pakeji to get those 7K you need to complete another spark.
That said, you will still have to compromise and choose between two of the three.

If you want my advice, D Hina and S Hoshino are more important metawise. That said, the next Bluefes will come in six months, and there's a chance D Hina and S Hoshino will spook you there. No one knows when Makoto will be rerun
it's a mystery, since the top delicacy they had in Arius was said to be processed sugar. and yakisoba being told that it's 3 times better than it had even Misaki going crazy over it
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>NA dominated by a chinaman
It didnt event give any recruitment points. I thought they were supposed to.
If you make a post I don't like you're "that" schizo, natural selection's best defense mechanism
well shit 4th attempt and it's already done with only 60 rolls
I wanted Iori for my starter 10 but but I'll see what my 2 other rerolls give before settling on this one
S stands for soft
Hwansang leaving is a rumor
>stealing from the one source of power and motivation and true leader of Gehenna
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The usual route is being reduced to being nothing but surface details that defined their popularity
serika's flat fucking chest
nice samefagging, nigger
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No one's gonna buy base Serika figurine, at least the Miko alt looks better, and the summer alt would sell more.
Anything is better than whatever sad sack neutered state of Mika was left in after Vol 3 and F. All the energy from her personality has been sapped out.
You have 20 pulls tomorrow, should be plenty
no momoi today?
Well, he's also in the "advisor" position like Isakusan was before leaving. I think it's not unreasonable to assume the worst.
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and I love her too
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would help if i attached my image
Nice argument, gentlemen.
What do you mean?
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i'm not lying lol
have you never been to 2ch before?
This is not my first gacha rodeo, but it will be my last.
I am on this train ride until the end, then I am swearing off mobile gambling games for good.
tits need to be bigger
No, we hate chipi chapa here
it's trash, but honestly just play with whatever students you like
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I saw a momoi post a racial slur against someone one-eight black just earlier
That's not too bad to be honest. You don't have any standout great units, but you have a lot of middle tier decent units that will help with content.
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Kinda dead, used to be alright in pvp.
Set character. Set is a new game mode.
Farmable but very good.
Biggest AoE in the game, probably good in Chesed.
Farmable. Long dead.
PvP and Kurokage
They're retarded, then. Just by looking at S. Hiyori's design, their argument that 'Nexon is showing less skin with each summer event' gets debunked.
i wanna cum on that belly
Genuinely the only thing that will make me quit at this point would be male students
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I want that Iroha fig.
Sniffing the inside of Serika's knee pad after a long day of wage slaving.
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No. Momoi EoS.
>no cuck niggers who want m*les in this game
>no yuri trannies who want that in the game
Hell yes I'm playing this forever.
if you're rolling the anniversary banners you really just want the anniversary students unless you're going for someone specific
I'll bank on that
Them being meta is a nice bonus but really I just like both of them, Makoto seemed interesting so I wanted her, I'll try to get with the few free rolls left
>Ako "gifts" you herself
Kikyou is so fucking mean. So unpleasant to be around. She's scary
Reminder that it's all your fault
what the fuck
Shut up Kasuza
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I'm surprised people put that much stock in the quality of the stories to begin with. The nature of live service means that it will inevitably have a few stinkers throughout its lifespan. Even with a miraculous 10/10 run, things will eventually hit a point in year #9 or whatever where you'd instinctively starting thinking to yourself "when the fuck is any of this going to end", with my favorite example being GBF. Personally, I think the deciding factor is the balance between the game's monetization practices and the user experience. How it's trying to milk my pockets now versus how it will change (for the worse) in the future. If the game feels awful to play because it's constantly goading me to buy X package, like those chinese MMOs where the entire screen is plastered with icons and banners, then I don't care how good your story is.
Mari should dribble my balls
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I focused on getting dAko and Makoto since they're limited, no idea who else to prioritise from the starter 10 (this is the image I was using) or what to use my leftovers on
I've set up my mobile and tablet for rerolling so I can probably give those a couple more shots, but the probability of hitting both dAko and Makoto is a bit low especially as I can't multi window in emulators when I attempted
Same, I slowly let BA consume my life and that's totally fine and comfy
>They're retarded, then
Those whole threads are.
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that's just how she is.
picrel is edited
maybe ask Chibianon to amp her boobs
well, I got one 3* this event at least
we'll see how the last 20 rolls go
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I did this last night
nyo, abydos is my least favorite volume so i dont know how i can keep my interest the next 6 months
>not good
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You rule
Enjoy the vacay
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Kikyou is very cute, yes
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today is his birthday, say something nice about him
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I posted this Pic in the last thread but it got deleted. Why?
This is because the thread he linked is the Priconne thread (yes it's supposed to be about Priconne, not BA), but even in JP Priconne got absolutely mogged by BA so pretty much half the posts in there consist of just being angry about BA and insulting it rather than discussing Priconne.
>no yuri trannies who want that in the game
eh there's still some who keep trying
Kinda surreal to see pushback though. Even from the normalfag side who typically are the ones doing it (reddit/discord/twitter) and virtue signalers alongside them which aren't many at all. Heard an artist gave up on trying to make /u/ art because no one cared enough to follow them lol
he used to be good
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I've been playing DQ11 recently and Monster Hunter world with a friend of mine while juggling BA and another Gacha
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Thanks for drawing my wife
It's an ancient image.
Why the fuck does he not have Maki atp, you can buy her at the TA shop
I like dSaori and sSaori
He's the best when he tries.
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I still like his art/designs, despite /bag/'s best efforts to convince me otherwise
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Probably caught by accident in the mikafag scat posting deletes
He ruined Kazusa and Saori
>used on almost all yellow raids
>but she's not good
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>no son gang
fuck a stoat
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i like it when cute girls hug each other
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Who you gonna marry?
>Heard an artist gave up on trying to make /u/ art because no one cared enough to follow them lol
Just a reflection of how good this community is
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May as well give it a few more shots then, but I'd be okay starting with the pulls you showed really. It's not a bad start, you have good tanks, dps and healers that will let you clear basically all PVE content.
stop lewding your daughter
Bro that's Nagusa :^)
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she asks for it
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Thoughts on this BA ad/inspiration video from Thailand?

Shouldnt newfags just wait till tuesday before starting the reroll grind?
It's old
Also Mika wouldn't be on a reroll list because she's bluefes limited
who's worth shooting for in the starter who's not farmable?
Gege is such a shit character designer compared to Kubo and even Kishimoto.
Where do you see Mika in that image?
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I like his long black haired, large breasted, red eyed girls.
My Mika image got deleted too. No ban, though. I think the jannies just cleaned up all the pink in the thread.
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Nice Beatrice recolor lmfao.
Shit is weird. Should've been a fan film or something, seeing it on the official channel is just bizarre.
Preorders where?
it says starter reroll, retard-kun
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they got the important part right

do we have a price on this one yet
What are you even on about you fucking schizo?
You can't roll Mika in any way, shape, or form from your first 10 roll. There is a limited number of 3*s that you can possibly get and she isn't one of them even if her banner is going on at the time. You can't roll her in your tutorial roll. Ever. Period.
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I think the doomposting is actually getting to me.
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nice tummy
this happens every 6 months
we get an influx of newfags who want to join because it says "100 free recruitments" and think it's a good opportunity to finally start playing
can't really tell them "no, don't play until after" where there in fact will not be 100 free rolls even if it's a better idea
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how much you got??
sexy seia...
I think you are retarded if you believe obvious posts from the tourist.
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That makes sense. Still insulting to be associated with that subhuman
What specifically?
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>Who you gonna marry?
I haven't gotten that far, I only just met Jade and Rab at the tournament...
Didn't he copy paste expressions and pose from a previous sprite of his onto this sprite
He's also a shit writer
That's the point, idiot. Are you being purposely stupid?
what a fucking fag
I bet you watch sports too
Oh. That's a pretty fun part of the story.
Jade/Martina is the correct, answer though.
i love veronica so much
For me, its Bianca
Got told to go try because it's 100 free rolls now, plus aren't dAko and Makoto only up until Tuesday? After that it's double SSR rate but wouldn't limited with 100 free rolls be a better goal?
I feel like scatnigger has been posting less
mfer still replies to mikapics but I havent seen that much shit lately. I mean, besides Hina when I'm playing
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I thought I went through each act with a fine tooth comb. Am I missing a keyword tag or is this normal? This is from the last set of words if you scroll down.
Most people dread the idea of rerolling at all even if this game has an account reset button.
atelier ryza collab when
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I don't know, I need to plan stuff out.
>he didn't find the last keyword
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Yes I will buy this plastic doll fuck you
should swap aru and kokona's position
Yeah you missed the third paper plane which had the keyword during day 1 that you can't get it anymore sorry
I also went through twice, pretty sure there isn't another one or it's not available yet.
sorry that one had a 10-roll behind it and you missed it
there isn't one. there are twenty keywords only.
So who the fuck drew summer saori then? Her expressions are so shit compared to her dress version.
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still mx2j slopping it up
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I don't think this is an interaction I'd ever see in canon.
i know who you are

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