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Previous: >>487906221

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Imagine no sustain units
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My wife
hate firefly
firefly hate
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What does "Thorns of Scented Crown" mean?
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I'm spending 200$ on Yunli even though I have her guaranteed and have enough for her and her LC.

I stand with feet and I want Hoyo to know this.
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Hotaru love~
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>child prodogy
>also named lloyd
>outfit looks similar to overalls
holy shit
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Firefly love
do tongue kisses feel good?
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How was today's pagpag?
Jesus expy
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A rose, Anon, a rose
>a lot of good morning sirs itt
genshin could never
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How is your stay in the mental asylum?
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I want more shonen trio kino with Dan, TB and March
I miss the squad...
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>SEAmonkeys wake up
>Pagposting starts
Either the scent references roses, an Argenti signature, and signifying their thorns as a painful crown of flowers.
Or the scent is that of a rectum and your Argenti stuck his head far up your mom's ass
IDK I'm 50/50 sure on this one
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She's too cute, i blame Hoyo for creating this demon
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>Pagpag is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants (usually from fast food restaurants) scavenged from garbage sites and dumps.[1][2] Pagpag food can also be expired frozen meat, fish, or vegetables discarded by supermarkets and scavenged in garbage trucks where this expired food is collected.[3] The word in the Tagalog language literally means "to shake off the dust or dirt". Pagpag can be eaten immediately after it is found, or can be cooked in a variety of ways.
Do Firepags really?
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Cute and canon
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Bronya SEX
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How's yours?
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SEAchad rule this general.
Burger should play wokeshit.
Europ can stay.
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The best thing about Firefly is how she pissed off trannies and made them out themselves.
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I want her feet already
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You will never be American
anon, we know that's your account
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>75k Firefly
Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
yunli a cute
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Why are you posting your L?
She's the most popular character in the game. You lost, play a different game.
How come everything is about Ruan Mei while Robin and Sparkle only get the leftovers
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Its 8pm in America
Good evening frens
All me
I will ALWAYS be American. Even if it gets conquered by another country, they'll never come to my swamp in flyover country
My girlfriend is so popular and cool...
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Good evening bro, I was just finishing my dinner, Luciérnaga love.
I don't understand how a character getting spammed tens of thousands of times is supposed to be a "brag".
her banner ended, so they need to keep her relevant
Amount of mentally ill pags is equal to popularity
>pag humor
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>I don't understand how a character being super popular is a brag
Because we won.
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Theorycraft how the stonehearts will be involved in Amphoreus
How is spamming on a mongolian basket weaving forum evidence of popularity?
NTA but are you dumb?
also its crazy people keep fucking complaining about firefly poster while keep responding to it, motherfucker you feed them response
Reminder to report off-topic posts
The Flopping Stones...
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umm why are the reddit firefly x caleus pags posting blacked memes?
They won't be
Sparkle will though
something something credits something something enslave the natives something something all for the amber lord of course ;)
>GAYreek planet
>They like little boys
Opal will play a huge role in it
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There is no spam heere. It's just honest love and discussion about the popular character from the hit video game Honkai Star Rail.
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Go on without me bwos
Go back
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>Bleachposter blessed us
Aiiiiiieeeeeee i kneel
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killed off by the Kiana expy off screen.
>She's the most popular character
In the 3rd world
They make some sort business deal and we clap
Off-topic posts are the only good posts on the website though.
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Yes, Penacony is indeed the 3rd world (HSS doesn't count it's just the prologue)
>character from the game gets discussed in the general for said game
Wow that's fucking insane. The mental illness is off the charts. Wow.
The real cope is thinking Gaycio will be relevant
Agreed. Fucking American have no taste. Fuck this shithole.
That doesn't answer the question.
How is tens of thousands of instances of her name not considered spam?
A name being used doesn't constitute "discussion" especially when there's literally ritual posts in every thread just saying her name and "rabu" afterwards.
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its so funny to me that i started calling them stoneflops and some Anons picked up the mantle to piss off the aventurine schizo
Do you know what spam is?
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Is the update here yet?
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again, are you fucking dumb?
2~3 days
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important: will Feixiao and Linghsa's beta animations and kit come out by the time of Yunli's banner?
Define it.
That still doesn't answer the question.
fire FLY
stone FLOPS
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You're the one making the claim, anon. You should be an expert able to define it yourself.
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Did you know firefly is an actual word and not just a hoyo character
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Soon bro, so fuarking soon.
maybe her animations will have her turn into a lamia?
Then you're dumb.
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How am I supposed to survive until then?
IIRC, usually it's the week after the patch.
Someone stole Stelle nose...
Why do I need to? My argument was never about what the word means, but yours apparently is.
And you can't answer a simple question.
Where is Kafka...
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uh oh troons are having a melty!
you cant even answer my question too
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Dissociation, lots of it, we're almost there
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i hope elio makes an appearance in space greece
>Firefly OP
>Hertaschizo having a melty
Every fucking time
Your definition of the word spam seems to be that a word being used many times makes it spam, which is wrong, so I wanted to see if you had a different definition. Seems you don't though.
I drew this
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What is it about FF that makes pags seethe so hard? Pretty strange phenomenon...
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>pander to poorfag SEApaglus self-inserters in her trailer
>turn off the majority of 1st worlders
>she has the most underperforming banner in gacha history
Wtf was Hoyo thinking? They fumbled the bag so hard
>which is wrong,
Alright, then you define the word if mine is supposedly wrong.
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Sex with avians
Why is it catboxed? Is it gay porn or something?
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No, I'll agree with you. Your definition is right. Btw, can you stop spamming?
Tail is going to destroy it, isn't he?
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Are there any specific sets/stats I can safely fodder? My relic inventory is constantly fucking full.
Poor Jade. They done her dirty
You just said it's wrong. Why are you so unwilling to define a word after asking me to do so myself?
Anything with flat stats
you know i understand people didn't fell for hoyo attempt to pander (You), but seething at people who fell for it kinda dumb, its like f2p faggot shitting on whalekek for spending money.
I thought SEA love Firefly?
Anyway, whenever I see post call Firefly as "FF", I assumed that poster is a women and actually hate Firefly.
Jade & Boothill...
We like Jade, not Firefly
I just thought it was strange that your usage of the word makes you more of a spammer than the people you accused of spamming, so I was curious of how your understanding of "spam" excluded yourself.
Pags love yuri and shipping, it's a well known fact
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How do I build the vtuber? How much eff hit rate and how much speed?
How smelly are yunli's feet
You can't just have enough of both
>makes you more of a spammer than the people you accused of spamming,
How so? I haven't even used it in like 5 posts. Are you going to define the word or not?
Go fast and 67EHR. This slut is VERY squishy if you go full DoT damage build.
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only femcels, trannys and faggots hate FF
Lingsha has a nice tummy
On point
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67% EHR and spd
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God I want to squish Gui in all her squishy parts
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I suddenly remembered that there was a pagschizo in gbfg, maybe this is the one.
Dawei was almost stabbed over this?
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This is mine. I'm thinking of switching her to a defensive build since I don't even use DoT and she ended up just being an Acheron debuff bot though.
SEAgods live rent free in the minds of 4chan.
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What will I regret more
Buying Sekiro or getting Huohuo?
Nywell post more of your wisdom then, meme whore.
Fofo, please spend money on real games
Cope. Jade got 0 shilling. Firefly was the most shilled character in gacha history.
why did they nerf jiaq so hard from beta?
I did something different and went for 108.4% EHR for Basic to always proc on 40% Effect RES boss
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this origami game is so retarded i hate women
>In gacha history
Please play more games
Man these threads really died hard
You wont regret Huohuo.
They didn't die, the schizos are just raiding zzz and gig instead since they're faster.
Get fofo E1 and her cone. Make Tail proud.
>love from Kazakhstan
We have at least 3 anons almost killing themselves over Jade's slow ass banner blocking Yunli's arrival
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>Man these threads really died hard
Heh, sorry about that, kid.
Sekiro has no online elements, just pirate it.
ZZZ and WuWa killed HSR…
chinaslop had nothing to do with it, nope.
if had luck at roulette and have S5 showtime you can give her Cosmic and go all the way to 100 EHR for all the buffs
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>Firefly is projected by all industry market analysts to be the highest selling banner character in gacha history
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Can't have American Chad get his filthy gweilo hands on our pure jade beauty Fu Hua
There is nothing to do ingame right now. And the banners aren't exactly exciting their.
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need this kinds of art for firefly!!!
stoneflops killed the game
that was before they released her pagpag trailer
God I love my mom so much...
Where's she? Where's the famous Penacony idol Robin?
The stones flopped fr fr fr ong
I'm so fucking mindbroken I was genuinely waiting for robin to show up somewhere there...
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No enough fofo love in this thread. Summoning blacked schizo!
Blade is the luckiest man in the universe.
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I'm not gonna make it... Jade's slow ass banner...
I'm putting this through every video software until i find Robin.
This but unironically what were they thinking releasing that trailer instead of literal anything else
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>Leading industry analysts are projecting a phenomenal debut for ZZZ, with first-week sales expected to surpass the combined launches of Genshin Impact 1.0 and Honkai: Star Rail 1.0.
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dubs and the summon gets cancelled
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do any americans even play Hi3?
Most of HI3 players I know are from SEA
I will have over 500 pulls by the time Sunday comes in me.
i know, right?
You failed... summoning successful
>1 page ntr scenarios
get back to me when there's 100+ doujin of this
Think of her feet!
Everyone already knows youre here, paggie. No need to talk about yourself in third person >>487936318
this same OP has been used like twice a day
E1S1 Jade has been acquired
Lost every 50/50 on the way there unfortunately. Luckily I did not lose the 75/25
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Good night firefly frens, I ate too much during a relatives bday and I'm about to pass out
Luciérnaga love
You weren't supposed to point that out
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Don't die
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I'll quit if they shove a stoneheart in our faces for no reason again like penacony
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Blade looks so done with everything
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The cursed sword is promising me the power to fast forward 3 days.
I’m like 15 rolls away from hitting the guarantee. But I can’t anymore gems…
I mean it's not like we have real numbers so who really knows, not that I think she is but numberfaggotry is completely pointless
bros yunli is still so far away..
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>7 minutes ago
Fluffyfull flyshine
its a fake quote for shitposting
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Why does she make transexuals and femcels so mad and uncomfortable?
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it's not what they're doing it's the wierd fixation on nationalism or race that annoys me the most. Also we need bunny girls in hsr next no donkey expies please
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why is she like this
She's what they will never be. A loved woman
What is the point of pictures like this
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>Supermindbreak troons/homo/fujos by just existing
she's too strong
4*, I am about to do it as well
Here’s another one
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Thank you for contributing the absolute worst hours, SEAgods
man i've been busy playing wuwa and havent check /hsrg/ after firefly, now its all blacked porn and shit. what the fuck
g*d gives his hardest challenges to his strongest warriors...there will be yunlibros who pull her even after getting KING'd...
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They hate traditional and conservative value of normal human being
why dont m*les get even half the fanart kafka and firefly do?
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Nooooooooooooooooooo, don't kys you're so sexy haha
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Seriously wtf is up with the cuck spammer? And why does he focus on Firefly so much even though other characters have more blacked art
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luciernaga liebe
They are at their limit now. She was supposed to be forgotten after her banner but turns out she's a wildly popular character with staying power.
>Playing wuwa
That's a lie
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I'm a tranny and I like firefly, this stupid discourse of "us Vs them" is very amusing to see from both sides.
Our beloved and well written character: Firefly / Aventurine
Their waste of time filler character: Firefly / Aventurine
Our strategic and gender only pulls: Waifu / Husbando
Their disgusting worms/incel pandering: Waifu / Husbando
It's just like that, though the husbando side is the funniest to see because they think they're superior to "incel Waifu pullers only" but then only pull for husbandos and screech whenever a Waifu gets featured.
I wish I could find a caelus to fall in love with...
It's just the gojocuck, he's been at it for weeks at all hours and cycling through the other generals too with his spam while ban evading with proxies
Why would i lie playing a game, what do i gain from this?
Dont react to it, retardbros
don't give gojocuck attention, it just shits up different threads all day long. its been spamming for the past 2 weeks
I have Caelus facial features. I'd say my jaw is even better too. I'm 5'7"
Sampo and Jing Yuan are the only real schemers though. The rest are fakers. Sampo and Jing Yuan are also the only good ones.
Shit game.
Shit thread.
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>play wuwa
you mean that shit game that flopped so hard that the sigga sold over 8x what their shilled (for you) hag did?
Firefly love.
What the fuck? i just play a fucking game moron,what does this do with anything
What the fuck, are those numbers real?
Schizo warfare tactics 101: always bring up sales numbers.
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shut the fuck up
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Queen of /hsrg/
what filler patches does to a general
eos when? they can't be breaking even making an open world 3d slop that bombed this hard.
wuwaggots... we have no choice but to kneel...
>all that shilling to just barely reach top 10
holy mother of stoneflop!
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if you want to dab on saleskek just tell him that JP rolled for jingliu not for kakaurine
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My girlfriend is so cute
I wanted wuwa to fucking bfto genshin so bad, i guess i prayed to the wrong god, because these FUCKERS RUINED IT BY MAKING THE WHOLE GAME CHINKWANK
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Othergame also have for (you) character.
What make her so unique?
Queen of gacha even
Best selling gacha worldwide in June
nobody rolled jingliu after archeron had just released braindead moron.
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When we say trannies we mean twitter trannies, you know the kind.
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My favorite girls in Honkai Star Rail are Sparkle and Yunli
LOVE this
Cuuuuuuuuuute 44, more
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We're all watching the wonfes announcements instead hoping for star rail figgies.
She's extremely for (You) not just wishy-washy implied for (You)
And she's an actual character not a chibi/sprite/static PNG
>avoid going to wuwa because doomposting
>been on maintenance mode on hsr because china 2.0 doesnt interest me which make me go to /hsrg/ less
>check the thread
>blacked and shit
>ask why it happen while giving explanation to why i ask as if im not 24/7 hour schizo thread dweller
>now people start to spam sales again
holy shit cmon man, what did i do
Stop posting Sparkle.
I know you attach Yunli image for a (you). lmao friendless loser
What do we think of March 7th?
>tfw /wuwa/ is even slower than us
>game came out last month
>bring up wuwa at all
>doompost/saleposting follows
I still do not konw what the G stands for and it's been months now
We love her.
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This blacked shit is weak ass bs. You better pray gbf dont die, it will open the floodgates of the real schizophrenia infestation on /vg/
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Why doesn’t Star Rail have skins like this
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She should sleep on the couch so I can bring my gf Firefly to my new room.
Seriously, train expansion when
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Other than FF and SAM there's no HSR figures though... And the new Fate ones kinda suck
isnt gbf dead already?
Where are his nipples
we don't have any skins
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Most /wuwa/ anons quit the game.
WuWa is unironically dead and ToF 2.0
Pic related is what /wuwa/ shills don't want you to see.
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I played gbf for 5 years and I still find honkai to be the most schizophrenic fanbase of 4chan with genshin taking an easy second
im curious why a jobber like go/JOB instead of the strongest like CHADkuna? just remember that GODkuna humiliated SHITjo without even going all out
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Dead as in EoS closed caput finit.
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/hsrg/ is falling. The schizos are jumping ship. The NEETs are finding jobs, our Divegrass manager is a plant from /gig/. Hertaschizo abandoned us, the list goes on. With that said I want to know which upcoming gacha has actual hype? For me all signs point to Azure Promillia since azure lane is quite based.
for a deadgame, there is always dedicated sales poster following it kek. eh its better than blacked shit

>This blacked shit is weak ass bs
i aint seeing any black porn for any kind of reason moron,
>better hope gbf dont die to avoid schizo
please, this thread cant stand (You) pandering while hoyo fucking make a collab with f/sn, /alter/ already among us.
LMAO Do granPOO keks really?
the worst gbfg schizos just infest every gacha general anyways
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I still think those people lack mental health professionals so they end up posting their delusions online without thinking how it looks from the outside.
I particularly hate the "semi romantic" or "semi sexual" because all it means is that they saw asexual or aromantic trends and wanted something even more unique to fill their twitter tags with.
I hope they grow out of it or eventually receive proper mental healthcare.
Honkai Star Rail.
Also I hope none of you have to ever deal with someone suffering from BPD, genuinely one of the worst shits you can get your brain wormed with.
have you ever opened one of their threads?
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Just play ZZZ like any normal straight man
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Mmm I wonder why GBF is dying, truly a mystery...
Being a furry isn't normal
Try covert narcissism bruh, that's the good stuff
i dont play games that flop
BlACK wolfie
Posts like these are EXACTLY why I rate Honkai first since the entirety of the Honkai fanbase made their entire existence into seething about genshin and going as far as to go to genshin threads or other gacha threads to seethe about genshin and shill honkai like everyone needs to be drafted into this hsr vs gi war whether they want it or not
why are anime fighting game players like this
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My hopes and dreams are that they make Yunli and Nilou scale figures one day.
From where I stand, society's ideal system should be "seven rest days".
Following Sunday, there should ensue a second, a third and indeed an infinite procession of Sundays.
This should be the face of the new world - idyllic, eternal, peaceful days.
gorillions probably
my nigga wolf
get a job nigga
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I don't know after Wuwa and ZZZ, I prefer non openworld Gacha.
Both already enter login daily logout phase while waiting new shit come out. But ZZZ is less painful so I guess no more openworld for me. I also stop buying Welkin on those three (including HSR) and Unironically buying AK welkin because there are several units I want in few months
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What is /hsrg/ opinion on armpits?
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This is the second time this nigger has been naked
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Firefly will be HSR's Jalter, even though it's been more than 9 years she will still be one of the most popular waifus
I think you just have shitposters living rent free in your head Genshinbro
To think incels, chuds, and neets actually agreed with this loser lol
by asking if youve ever opened their thread? lol
I want to impregnate Bronya's
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Good fucking lord. This gojofag has been making threads unusable for days. Fucking cocksucker do something more useful with your life instead of this shit 24x7.
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please fuck firefly
but I don't?
ZZZ is more braindead than HSR "auto battle" desu, you just mashing 1/2 button like moron. im laffing at this furfag somehow thinking it has the same difficulty like fighting game. tried wuwa, it has better combat but i do agree the open world is a minus for that game
I mean he's keeping pussies and redditors away at least
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>Next big pandering is 5 years later
I still remember the thread when JAlter dropped to NA, so much suffering and horrible luck.
Kinda wish I had the screencap collage of the event, FGO gacha is genuinely horrible.
Ey JadeAnon, are you going to make Private Server tests of 2.5?
Go back to your dead thread kuroshill.
maybe hsrg will finally feel what it feels like to be one of those other generals whenever the schizos from here decide to pay a visit
Sunday did literally nothing wrong.
No that anon is is right, have you opened /gig/ lately? 90% of the thread is just Wanderer cuckposting.
i drop the game moron, im just giving my opinion regarding this 2 new gacha.
Kurofans are like a cult
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>everyone is having a melty
EU hours soon, friends!
consider the following:

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Yes absolutely. There will probably be working PS builds in 5 days or so and we can start then. Let's hope that hoyo doesn't change up the security protocols again.
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We love ZZZ here
I think it's refreshing to have 1 Ultimate for entire team so I don't need see ultimate again and again. The cop actually has to keep attention to ammo and anbi is remind me playing Flame Sakitama but it less forgiving because it doesn't have many interrupt resistance like on Honkai. Meanwhile Wuwa began to feel like Genshin 2 with less Q and E
>check tier list
>billy is the worst character in the game
yep im glad i skipped zzz
How can it get worse?
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wanderer cuckposting (soon kaeya follow)
blacked porn and tranny schizo

whats next of hoyo masterplan bros, i kinda wish the game didnt explode as big as it is now. should've gatekeep the whole thing
wuwa bombed because they launched a gacha with yumepandering, that will be kuro's biggest regret, never pander to female players.
honkai star rail.
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i thought you two were the same person
fr fr just like it took firefly 5 years after kafka
so this is why they've stopped shilling their crappy bird everywhere lmao
that doesnt mean anything you can clear endgame with him still
Stoneflops, i owe you an apology, i didn't knew your game.
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noncanon crap thats fanmade is irrelevant retarded sparkletranny. I could the next day Sparkle has a futa cock and fucked by real gorrillas. No matter how many times I say it, it's a fanfic.
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I mean from Horuta banner to biggest pandering (not Shinjuku, that's where they pair her with Seiba alter) to the lastest chapter. Not comparing Kafka which is different person.
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>1 hour ago
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o7 will be there, I still remember that you wanted to split the testing, is that still in your mind or do we just post showcases of whoever we are interested in?
Yeah we are, I'm the person who wrote Kafka, Aven, HMC and Firefly text guides and helped with the Robin guide.
JadeAnon is the guy who did PS showcases and even accepted requests, cool guy.
Does anyone have that kino webm of the IP3 (Jade, Aventurine, Topaz) based on the billibilli video
The funny thing about all this is
its a fate stay night collab, and people keep expecting fgo characters
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Left and right are ugly
>The cop actually has to keep attention to ammo
that because her whole kit bro, she aint as hard as fucking CC told me about
>anbi is remind me playing Flame Sakitama but it less forgiving because it doesn't have many interrupt resistance like on Honkai
this is also my complain about ZZZ, idk why you can say its less forgiving, the whole game has long window for anything.
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We are different*
who does? its obvious its going to be archer(emiya), saber(artoria), and rin if it's just 3 characters
Marry and fuck - fuck and kill - fuck and abandon
Only retards, everyone knows we're getting Saber, Archer and maybe Rin.
I have e1 jade with JY sig cone
am i gonna make it?
We're getting Shirou
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we're lucky if we got more than 1
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why not illya?
They need to because they try to aim casual audience. Ofc you will get disappointed if you expect hard game. Honkai is worse because everyone has damage reduction and interrupt res everywhere so there was challenge so you need exactly has same rotation. PGR is on the nice spot and satisfying, I like it. But I just don't like the style.
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I've rewatched some of Ufo ubw, i know i keep trashing on them for their weak scripts, but, it felt kinda nostalgic to see the fights play...
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you forgot about summer Jalter
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what a dissapointing E6 for the big chested Jade
We have Illya at home.
the team is e0s1 blade, e0 lynx with bailu cone, sw e0 event cone, and the jade.
blade uses glamoth set with 130 speed and then jade's boost gets him to 160
jade is speed tuned to move ahead of blade turn 0 with her trace
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drip in 2 hours
Illya gets like a single scene in UBW, though giving Clara a Illya outfit would be so easy that maybe they'll do it.
>Free for everyone
Hmm nyooo...
I like my tsundere wife harder to get and broke people's wallet
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This was mine.
mein sides
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>illya and berserker
>clara and svarog
anon this was always going to happen. The game was rigged from the start.
This is some kind of apache ritual
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Is it Yunli trailer? I don't actually know the schedule for marketing.
Kek based
Would Fofo sell better if she was barefoot?
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>They need to because they try to aim casual audience.Ofc you will get disappointed if you expect hard game.
i fully expect it will casual core despite they shilled it as combat focus game. it just that i tried to play it but still amaze to how fucking easy it actually is, its like they make good and detailed kit for the cop lady on paper but the application is suck balls. PGR pretty much in weird spot where the more you whale the more braindead the unit gonna be, its actually funny that most new unit is harder to play if you're S0 while WuWa feels like braindead version of PGR but the animation/swap cancel actually good enough to feed my autism.
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i got some oreos :3
quite based
Lots of creativity
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yeah let's split the testing.

I'm thinking of not splitting in based on characters but based on requests. We can standardize the testing procedure by agreeing on the relic stat spreads for characters. I'll share the ones I've already written for sparkle/bronya/jade/HuoHuo and Aventurine. Any other teammates that are requested you can handle the relic creation for and just share them with me.

Once that is done we can just take alternate requests and get done with it.
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you WILL be looking for March's perfect companion, right?!
> 2 pc+ 2 pc BE with 223 BE, 30/180 CV Crit Chest and 144 Spd Boothill
> 4 pc Cavalry with 225 BE, 20/130 CV Def Chest and 138 Spd Boothill
Basically almost same BE but all other stats kinda get hurt in exchange for full set Cavalry, Speed still works with my Bronya tho so idk maybe it's not as bad. Which Way?
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Firepags ruined hsr and this general forever.
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try watching UBW deen movie, even though the pacing is worse than Ufo because of the duration limit, but there are some moments that are better than the Ufo version

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>Already have e2 Clara
So do I bother getting Yunli? I barely use clara and I've never had the need for 2 Claras before
Yunli trailer in 25 hour
Other gameplay trailer in 48 after (after maintenance end)
HOLY FUCKING KINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just give me herta space station kino
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Does Himeko still do this?
Shirou vs Archer is way too fucking fast in the movie
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l showed you guys the result of the March testing. I'll try her put with feixiao as well.

While writing this reply I was checking the channel I uploaded those videos to and apparently I had forgotten to private the March 7th video and my channel got taken down by copystrikes lmao. I'll make a new one to post stuff in.
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please doot
I haven't started the pvp bird event or the battle event that both end in 1 day
How long do they take to fully complete (or at least all the jade)?
Describe your HSS zone that will come with the 2.6 SU update
2 hour at most
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>every patch whinging about no content
>every patch multiple people asking how long it takes to do all of the patch's content last minute
2 hours
5 offline duels (multiplayer unlocks)
2 multiplayer tournaments in top 3 (more if you're trash)
3 offline duels repeated
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30 minute sex scene with stephen lloyd
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Damn, that's how real men fight
ngl, i kinda regret not rolling for sigga despite only have himeko/herta/xueyi as my FUA
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SEAniggers and their dogshit grammar ruined this thread
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I just punched a bunch of cracks in my closet door because my mom ate the panda express honey walnut shrimp leftovers that she said she would save for me yesterday, but then she got hungry and ate them. Couldn't find that shit when I woke up and I saw red. I tried to walk it off by going to my room but then I gave in to my anger and punched my closet door a bunch of times.
Now my dad has to replace the door and we'll be out ~$100.
I regret it heavily now. I'm not joking about any of this either.
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Don't care
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didn't ask
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what a fag lmao. you could've just ordered more food.
>Panda Express
How was he wrong? Sounds like a perfect world.
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grow up xis
jokes on you
I'm actually into this
these copypastas sure do get creative
I unironically like the Shirou vs Archer in the DEEN version. It felt more like a "dance" which is what I expect from Archer's fighting style. Too bad the rest of the movie was ass.
bro? just drive off and buy your favorite food yourself?
>but I'm a neet
just ask your parents for their card to get food.
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You should learn to manage your anger.
Good thing, it's not over 200$ shit and you already regret it so you won't doing same stupid shit again on future, right?
>actual Gen Alpha
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There will be a Hua. And she will be a Senti.
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completely understandable
Will we get a Senti expy?
American education everyone.
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>and you already regret it so you won't doing same stupid shit again on future, right?

[spoilers Yeah I promised to my parents I wouldn't break things again and would just talk to them if I have a problem /endspoilers]
And I'm not rolling either one.
You have to be over 18 to post here
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I'm 24...
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How do I improve my acheron so I can actually 0-cycle stuff or at least 1-2 cycles?
I rolled Acheron in hopes of getting stronger and killing shit faster but It takes me like 5 cycles to kill the past and future boss
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Sex with this creature
roll eidolons
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Roll for the pink fox, E2 Acheron with Sparkle = E0 Acheron with Pink fox
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>already bored of this dead as fuck Jade patch
>we're only getting chinkslop until 3.0
Just like that, all the hype from Penacony is gone. I don't think I can weather through this without quitting.
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fuck it im taking this one straight to 15, send your energy bros
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