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Previous: >>487920669

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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My wife Klee is so cute.
With Klee.
We love Yoimiya here
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Tao love
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yoimiya is annoying as fuck
Yoimiya is leading the least annoying girlfriend poll bros
i like men
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Childe SOON
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Is this good Tao thread?
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Nahida is really sexy.
She has unfair advantage of being the best girl.
Is anyone saving compilations of /gig/ posters stuck on toyland puzzles?
>Nilou based on nabu Malikata
>Bell based on nabu Malikata
>second and third desert quest based on nabu Malikata
>Nilou's costume is based on nabu Malikata
>Somehow all this has flew over people's heads
The fall of literacy....
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Today I remind them
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real femcel hours
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Which female genshin has the most thick, clay-like, snaking turds?
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For me, it's Iansan.
fuck you cheld!
Nobody cares about AI generate loreslop for a fictional world that feels lifeless and artificial.
Who would be the most annoying girlfriend?
Why does /gig/ hate femcels but allow Cheld lusting femcels in here? Why do other males cause such a rage?
no you don't understand
i NEED to get mad at things
Excrement varies over the course of a person's life. No one has the same kind of shits all their life.
Reminder that the only canon "for you" girls are Noelle, Yanfei and Ayaka
>I can't read!
Thanks I already knew that
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you don't say...
those Cheld "femcels" samefag and try to gaslight people into thinking anyone likes them
/gig/cucks will orbit any ""woman"" when it comes down to it.
Because Childesis posted her tits. Post tits. Simple as.
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in the end, anons come from the same genepool as the ledditors they like to shit on so much
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For me, Its Amy!
You mean like "kurumi" kek
god I want to do nothing but give her a hug and headpats
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>paimon cucks (You) with a flying raddish
>they even adopted a kid together
it's so fucking over bros why would paimon do this to me
Yae Migger
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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i lost the 50/50.... again
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Yae Stinko, but thank god she's a dyke.
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>Thinking I need permission
yoimiya best girl
Camerahida's perspective after getting cucked.
Kokomi or Ganyu.
Yoimyia is the ADHD hyperactive girl who never stops talking, most people would get tired of her after a few days
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
we know bennett
50/50s are a bitch in smash bros
do you just DI or do you air dodge?
shit's hard against ROBs
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Thoughts on kleepedo weaponizing Kuki Shinobu for his shitposts?
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she would boss you around even while having sex.
I actually like kana ueda but least annoying? idk man, longterm I think I'd rather boring than loud and high energy
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This is mechanically the best healer in the game currently.
Prove me wrong.
Baizhu is worse, but does have a massive niche on Furina + Neuv teams.
what the fuck is >>487936327 talking about?
So will we finally stop talking about Neuvillette after Natlan begins?
why didn't she show up?
does mihoyo hate her?
all you a(You)
>all this making out
What are you? In middle school? Fuck her already!
Some schizo's boogeyman that keeps getting brought up randomly
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All you to(me)
Same here
kuki and klee sharing a birthday was really all it took?
Can you please stop bringing this up when the thread is getting better?
because she's my friend in game
nah, it would be cute seeing her break character by only saying her "i love you".
she would be unable to do it at all while having sex.
you didn't have to sell her so hard, I'm in
From the following, which of these girlfriends come with the lowest chance of dying if you had to pick one
>Raiden Shogun (Not Ei, the robot)
sex with this nilou
wanderer is so lucky....
Probably furina.
High maintenance, very needy
kleepedo BROKE YOU
does anyone here still give a shit about this loser
her banner is gone and she flopped so hard that she dragged fucking furina into the abyss with her
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Probably. The schizo has a serious hate boner for Klee. I'll probably be accused of being this boogeyman just for pointing it out.
Keqing easily
isn't she really chill after the archon quest?
Keqing, nagging bitch she is. But she's hot so it's still a yes for me
Homorina was going to flop regardless of who she ran with.
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I need to know what the peace keeping body for Natlan is called.
yoimiya or charlotte
are we the strongest character in the game
can't believe people just straight up lie on the internet like this, either that or your bitch ass hasn't even played the game
...you know when you make a webm like this, the dance actually looks kinda weird.
I can't put my finger on why tho.
Hutao or Eula
arlecchino can literally suffocate me with her ass
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>Archon on her first rerun
>stupidly popular
>absurd con bait
>best buffer in the game at C1, completely broken at C2, lol at anything past that
At any rate, nobody pulled for Furina's weapon to avoid being bricked by the literal worst limited 5* weapon ever made.
Post Fontaine Traveler would have a hard time fighting a generic NPC that never fought a day in his life, so no. Not even close.
nice try kleepedo
It's not about Klee's birthday but the forced Kuki/Yanfei shitflinging and dogstabber posting. I do hate your ugly buddypoke, but let's put things into perspective.
It hurts
...what does yanfei have to-
actually never mind. I give up.
>Baizhu is worse
He's better just by being able to hold Deepwood or Instructor's, TTDS, being Dendro and providing slight shields and buffs to reactions.
The only team Sigewinne is better than him in is with Furina, Chiori and Navia.
Sigewinne has potential to become better than him in Natlan, but we have to grade her on the current meta and right now she is comfortably A tier while Baizhu is S tier.
Traveler has always struggled against literally whos in WQs.
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chiori legit sounds like perfect wife material
>she's a breadwinner
>you can stay at home and be a househusband
>only need to make meals, clean the house, sniff her dirty laundry and watch over tomato
>get to be her sex toy after she returns home from work, highly stressed
>femdoms the hell out of you
>she uses you to model her outfits, groping your body and admiring it as she takes your measurements
>she defends you from bullies by being the bitch that she is
>kirara and navia come to visit very often
>chevreuse is willing to overlook any crimes you might commit due to her relationship with chiori
>get to cum on tomato while chiori is away from home

perfect wife
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thanks to her i was able to 36* abyss again.
attention whoring on /gig/ is sad
ugliest buddypoke?

geo buddypoke
hydro buddypoke
Eh, it has a niche on Yelan + Arle teams, although the need for a healer on the team instead of a Zhongli is annoying. It's no donut at least.
There wasn't any of that. You seem to have a serious chip on your shoulder that you're trying to unload on /gig/ that you're better off spending outside.
You easily accepted the claim that I have a hateboner for Klee, so why does the idea that some other schizo might have a hateboner for Yanfei seem so foreign to you now?
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Keqing but she would unironically fix me I want a Keka gf
she will cuck you
anons do you not remember how many fucking cakes she eats on a daily basis
no such thing, they are all very cute
Don't engage with the schizo
All the girlbosses with strong, assertive characteristics like Keqing and Chiori.
there, now fuck off.
nahida and sayu are both incredibly ugly
yaoyao should have been the dendro archon
> I have a hateboner for Klee
i merely drew a comparison between klee and kuki having the same birthday. I STILL have no idea what Yanfei has to do with this and now i don't care.
hydro buddypoke
geo buddypoke
I just want to post childes tho?
that's the goal
again you obviously haven't finished her quests or are full of shit
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Yes, but does she do her daily stretches? I see her a little plump
probably meant for>>487937097 or>>487937206
probably here>>487936605
>I STILL have no idea what Yanfei has to do with this
Then you probably weren't on /gig/ for the past few hours
It's ok, it's not that important
My guess is the schizo you're talking to is a Yanfeifag that's still living in 2021 when Klee vs. Yanfei was a thing and couldn't let go of his vendetta 3 years later.
no, how many cakes does she eat a day? and was this before or after the archon quest?
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always has been
all buddypokes are ugly desu
if I had a keka gf I would annoy her to let me sniff her panties until she caves and gives in
nah it's probably someone aware that the guy who's been forcing yanfei dog stabber is a kleefag
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>being on /gig/ for hours
Do people really do this here?
NTA and I know you said you dont care but i'm fairly sure it was because SEAnigs posting about yanfei's birthday when it was still kuki day in the west.
I have been here all day
meant for>>487937206
Geo loli looks less toddler than all the others. NGL I would.
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Her youthful and tight pussy gets stretched daily.
the yanfei dogstabber is just a kleetroon falseflagging yanfei vs kuki same thing happened last year
keqing feels like the sort of girlfriend that will cave to your demands if you bug her enough about it tho
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Strong babies
Healthy babies
A dozen just to start!
>your genshin wife/husband
>your wife/husband from other games
i don't know what's more retarded, the "meant for" anon or the fact that this fucking idiot doesn't reply to the post he was clearly replying to
and yes, i did mean this schizo >>487937758 and this fucking idiot >>487937653
wtf anon is a buddypoke???
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" meant for " schizo BROKE YOU
geo is ugly as fuck
The telltale signs that it was the guy from https://rentry.org/kleecuck are the low effort falseflags with filenames like Yanfei 14.jpg or Kuki.jpg
Also the samefagging and botted poal posting just to stir the pot a little more between Yanfei and Kuki fans
It's just a schizo crapshoot
>noooo he didn't reply to my post properly
>career woman
>thinking she is perfectly fine staying at home
Enough about buddypokes, post some safehorny bitches
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is meant for>>487937904
also meant for>>487937904
I don't know how to use Childe therefore he is bad.
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The safest and most horniest
Thank you for your service.
It really took me a while to get used to the cooldown
the best and most based ritualpost
kys meant for schizo
goes here>>487938185
you're my bitch
meant for me? What did I do now?
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now thats one fine women
I am replying to a post. Who am I meant for now meant for schizo?
How many were filtered by that windtunnel?
Relax random wooden shield hilichurl guard
Guess who I'm replying to nigger
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Amy kino
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I wish loom had bigger titties in game
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Mwah ha haha
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Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
name a sexier female than Raiden
Lumine sex
Amber sex
Barbara sex
Noelle sex
Fischl sex
Sucrose sex
Mona sex
Xiangling sex
Keqing sex
Xinyan sex
Ganyu sex
Hu Tao sex
Yanfei sex
Yun Jin sex
Ayaka sex
Yoimiya sex
Kokomi sex
Shinobu sex
Kirara sex
Chiori sex
Collei sex
Nilou sex
Layla sex
Faruzan sex
Lynette sex
Charlotte sex
Furina sex
Chevreuse sex
Emilie sex
Mualani sex
Citlali sex
Skirk sex
uh oh anti-meant-for-cord melty
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Husbando lovers working overtime. Waifu keks will never win.
I had difficulty so I checked everything on the island instead of giving up and asking for help, like a normal person should.
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>entire questline is the Jinni telling me how desert people are deceitful stupid thieves
Genshin actually is pretty racist huh
According to reliable sources, the Chinese are really seething.
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That's a lot of filtered posts haha
meant for troon lost
Birthday sex with Klee!
You need to go back.
Raiden/Raiden mei
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Would you please sign my petition?
yeah i did, still haven't done it
All the hebes, and Navia.
Pic related. Hina and Ui from BA. Fiametta from Arknights.
Being female is consent. If they didn't want to be lewded they wouldn't have been born female.
>meantforpag gave up
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[Dubious]: /gig/ knows how to play the game
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Fontaine owes Furina an apology.
Add self-inserters and shiptrannies first
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I can already picture the "person" behind that post
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Why name when one can simply indulge in the splendor that is the prinzessin
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meant for>>487938592
meant for>>487938413
meant for>>487938413
Based and rapistpilled.
Hu Tao
None. I am faithful across timelines and universes.
The only thing that could make me rethink this statement is if Hu Tao existed in other games.
all hebes, except ayaka
pagden is ugly
You missed meant for troon LOL
btw I'm not replying to your post with this post, but someone else
I did guardian with clorinde yesterday and forgot to apply dendro in a quicken team at first, felt retarded for the rest of the day
Huohuo from Star Rail.
Ereshkigal from FGO.
Tio from Trails.
meant for>>487939049
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Dimitri fire emblem, I miss my boar
What happened to genshin boycott???
hmm nyo
hu tao
Why would Fischl hate fujos and yumes?
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I humbly kneel
nice try emilietard
Yae Miko and Sparkle!
I'm not a Fujo, You're the FUJO
unfathomably based
isn't emilie a hag?
Dimitrigawd... I fucking kneel...
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Are you gonna sign the petition or is it gonna be your surviving family members?
>Pretty good pick ups for a reasonably new account. I'm happy you're enjoying the game.
Yeah I was curious if the game got more interesting since 2020
Where would you live in Genshin world? For me it's Sumeru.
answer the question
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hmmmmmmmmmmmm nah
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Lisa stockinged feet!
Sex with Fischl Fujos
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also gn
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Why did you make her do it, /gig/...?
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can we stop pretend to hate hew now?
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liyue because picrel
why cant aether look like this
>ESL babble
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Look, just sign the stupid petition. I got stuff to do
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liyue bacause hu tao and xiangling
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we never hated her we just said Clorinde smells better
why can't our males look like this*
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Aggressive, bed-breaking babymaking sex with /gig/ femcels, the uglier and smellier the better
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why do people hate her anyway
because the female playerbase will be too busy schlicking to play the game
the safe horny lightning neet...
I won't sign until you add what I requested
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Breeding Fischl (and Mona)!
Giving the Immarnachtreich an heir!
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Where are the Yanfeis?
cause she's kind of retarded but still extremely hot
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meant for schizo went to sleep and i have no idea who these posts are meant for
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>passes (you) the zaza
should I go to sleep now too
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rough sex with petition chuuni, leaving my signature all over
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Sign this petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog!
don't hate her, but can't like her because all of her screen time must be shared with Yae Migger.
tits too small
There are clearly not enough pregnant art of Genshin girls. Someone go make some.
She ruined Inazuma.....
Be the change you want to see in the world
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>Fischlschizo hates and wants to commit violence on dogs
I am connecting some dots here, hang on
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Solid taste sis
I'm more of a Claude girl myself though
Claude in FE3H
Ratio in HSR
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nobody smokes zaza now that they legalized it but old blind people and joe roganers
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Doom lords our status?
But I'm lazy, untalented, and broke.
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now you remember this
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vaping is cringe but yeah just eat the zaza instead. edibles >>> beer >>>> vaping
Imagine live action genshin adaptation from marvel studios.
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Can we stop pretending we hate Yanfei here?
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Zamn that might be the most scuffed rabi I've seen
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If this were repeated with any frequency, /gig/ would have a name for this like "shmupslop"
Then there'll always be a shortage of pregnant Genshin art. You only have yourself to blame
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i signed
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too popular, I guess...
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hehehe.. hi /gig/
why hoyo stopped making KINO fights like that
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you did this
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Siggy Fact:
Did you know that constellations are a scam?
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done autobattling? h-how about you autobattle some grass!!! hahahaha....
Just give her lots of sweet love and affection with plenty of headpats, hand holding, and hugs to make up for it.
You would like latinas before they hit 30
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>She ruined Inazuma.....
What, like, Financially? Her scenes and the Fatui harbingers are pretty much all I remember about Inazuma by this point.
why delete this
its based
i sexed all yanfeis
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you aren't old blind or joe roagn enough to know real vaping, back in my day we actually heated it for vapors rather then trying to put it into a fluid
you kids would never understand, it was so much better back then
Redpill me on constellations.
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>too popular, I guess...
fuck you furina it shouldve been me
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Thanks thanks, it's nice to see other sisters get the vision
Claude is nice too, but I see him more like a brother
fuck you Arlecchino it should have been me
I hope to make everyone angry Mihoyo makes Childe, Diluc, Jean, Furina, Neuvilette, and Arlecchino dark-skinned but leaves all of the Natlan and Sumeru characters as they are.
I want to see just how terrible this fanbase can become.
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> he forgot about chadpei death
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C1 yelan makes me move fast
>I see him as a brother
why are there so many nahiders
Raidenpags set themselves so easily with how often they cling to "muh popularity" only to easily get destroyed, I feel kind of bad for them.
absolutely based taste
Why does the bloom have wings
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i don't mind raiden but being all defensive is cringe and her fans were always the kings of it.
doesn't completely ruin her just saying it might as well in regards to /gig/
picrel unrelated they are just as defensive and suffer same problem
inazuma thing i guess
don't even get me started on yaefags
NTA but i remember some of her scenes and no, she did not ruin inazuma, Yae did.
Literally everything could have been prevented if Yae just opened her mouth and talked to Ei. She even KNEW the people in the whatever commission, that delivers information directly to Ei were lying and colluding with the fatui to rule inazuma by themselves, which was why she was so confident in telling Sara she would give evidence to such a betrayal. Because she already knew what was going on, but didn't want to out the work in herself.
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i def won't beat the zoomer allegations, but all the more reason that you(yes, you specifically anon!) should personally teach me how... how you boomers did it... maybe while arle holds me in a leglock too who knows haha
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Those don't exist anymore, I'm alone.
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sex with fischl yume that made this purse
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They've never recovered since this moment
Xianyun C2 pretty much doubles her team contribution. I'm gonna get it next time she runs, unless she is on the list of Shenhe-likes who won't return no matter what
Honestly kinda bunch him in with the Scara scene 5 minutes later. Don't worry Tappei I still remember.
How else am I supposed to let Dawei know to make more cute girls?
>kokotroon shitting on raiden
That explains a lot
do I count if I just think she's really hot, I don't use her ingame much anymore
I want to suck on these safe horny tits...
It's so lonely at the top
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we used that volcano thing, but as the none german made vapes improved in quality i think people used a buddha
i don't know i stopped smoking it never seemed to make me smarter just feel weird, and i got over the weird
you are the real one, the good one. don't mind what i said it wasn't targeted at you
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i've been trying different beers since i'm still on summer break and i got miller lite for the first time tonight, it tastes like nothing but has the aftertaste of piss. it should be illegal to sell beer this weird...
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Am bored.
What books have you been reading lately /gig/?
Any recomendations?
this makes me kek every time
waiting to see c105
I'm such a happy cuck
hebe model
Im such an unhappy chad
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Wow Navia looks so much better without her dumb hat
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The only books I read now are Cosmere related stuff from Brandon Sanderson.
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trails in the sky fc and sc are some pretty good books, they do have some combat sections in them but it took me 30 hours alone to finish reading fc

i remember etika doing the vape volcano...
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What happened to the sunofags?
what's up with the unvoiced quest about Sumeru characters at the end of the event? What the fuck? It felt so detached to Fairy Tail land.
holy cope
Stormlight Archive
The Expanse
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I started reading Memorias Postumas de Um Bras de Cubas, kino so far.

The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas is written as an autobiography, a chronicle of the erotic misadventures of its narrator, Brás Cubas--who happens to be dead. In pursuit of love and progeny, Cubas rejects the women who want him and aspires to the ones who reject him.
The books in Genshin
writers needed to fulfill their anal worms quota for 4.8
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I was going to wait for more lore stuff to drop to make a Kachina song, but decided to release it soon.
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I wanna riiiide, I wanna ride my brick...
This Kinich waiting room is fucking unbearable
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Jorge Joestar, I've reread chapter 5 so many times it's so sex
File deleted.
Genshins for this feel
Reading is for retards
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Been a while since I've read something that wasn't a legal document or a technical manual, but I'd recommend Forward the Foundation by Asimov. I haven't read any of the previous Foundation books but it was a good standalone read regardless
Help me understand, so Song of Days Past scales off Crit, Dmg Bonus and Enemy Res? So someone with a higher value of those would squeeze more value out of it right? So wouldn't that be insane on an HoD Alhaitham - Furina team because you've a shit ton of CV and Dmg Bonus already?
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Every menopausal safe horny character in the game.
shenhe after 1 minute and 30 seconds with me
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um actually i ordered one baby the other day from a woman, so she actually does owe me(a man) a baby
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i wanted to read some hunter s thompson but haven't decided which book, i just want to read something where all the words draw because it was written in such a way.
stories are important and all but phrasing and setup, or whatever it is just has its own appeal, a way more social one rather then academic
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strong healthy babies
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Alright, choosing this one then.
If it isnt good then I'll have a melty over Yae tomorrow.
>we dont owe you anything chud!!! a strong independent womyn's freedom is more important than anything else in the world!!
>wtf why is every western nation collapsing? why do i get raped by a pack of niggers every time I leave my house? biden help!!!!

why are femcels like this
>entire inazuma civil war happened because 2 500 year old women were too fucking lazy to do their job for 5 minutes once every 5 years or so.
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Be careful what you wish for
Cyno's HUGE cock
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remind random fischls tomorrow if you can
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Fair enough. I'm just attracted to the thinking types in general so it's not a wonder why I like Claude in a way. If he didn't exist then i would've picked Dimitri
I mean, the protag at one parts wonders "if pretty why crippled, if crippled why pretty" after meeting this certain chick. That should tell you a lot about his mindset.
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i dont wanaaa do the wormed epilogueeee.... i did ALL of the exploration shit already thoooo
Hey, you aren't Kokomi!
How long do you have to wait to impregnate a woman after she gives birth?
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The absolute fucking state of you genkeks
I'll try, and in the meantime I should probably read the rest of the series too
I know you need to wait weeks for sex
I have anal worms...
> trails in the sky
holy based, i myself reading sc
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God, it's been a long time since I've read a book for fun but I can't stop recommending Agatha Christie's ten little niggers/indians
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Pag art is even funnier now.
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just say you love us bro, no need to be a tsun
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I dont play Genshin but I saw this picture by the MiA author and figured you guys would like it
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I'll be the judge on that.
If I like it then its obvious am not sleeping tonight since I get pretty obsessed with these things. And honestly am tired of reading about tannery
>he doesnt know what periods are
I wonder how plausible that is.
Arguments for not knowing periods
>worked in official business his entire life periods dont appear that often in the work of a judge
>dragons dont have periods(reptiles)
>he isnt that good with observing human behavior
>only consistent female in his life likely never had them due to the curse
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Thanks bro.
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Damn it...
guys what does pag mean
it means "I am a femcel and I am seething"
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its a good book for sure but after many hours in sc and not being close to finishing it i stopped because i wanted to kms from reading so much... ill finish it someday though

prolapsed analworm gigger
It's short for pagther
y he fishing doe
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This is what deacons do for fun on the weekends
cant believe an AI made this
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Term to make fun of third worlders who often self-insert as Aether.
There's one right here >>487943376
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its yet another /v/ tier buzzwords that people who enjoy posting wojacks in /pol/ like to use.
I believe it's a short version of 'pagpag' a term for scavenged leftover food.
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I mean, why not?
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Mihoyo killed abyssposting
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Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with Floptaine?
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Raiden for this feel?
I think you should explode
idk, what are your thoughts?
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i like the new endgame fuck you. rng is based, it kills the speedrunner and rewards the improvisor
if that is all it took to kill abyssposting then abysskeks were always weaklings
I miss my Abyss...
And IT clears aren't fun to post since you don't have much variety
but the amount of damage it gives is so small it's basically never worth using
this. they should keep abyss bi weekly and IT as a monthly thing.
Chiori riding a massive churl cock in front of me...
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i don't even like bennett x fischl but im stuck rabbithole of fischl bennett videos because its the literal thoughts and dreams of fischl fujoyumes, which as we all know are easily the sexiest fujoyumes
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nissin clears marudogshit any day of the week
It would be 100x better if it didnt lock elements
while spitting and insulting me
wtf are you smoking
prime cyro cope if you ask me, noe one asked about your ayaka btw
mahjong ojisan's POV
still kino
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I just hate being forced into using 4 characters and trial characters at first.
I don't even have Ayaka, nice try, retardGOD.
This would have been best but I also wish they had improved the presentation of the standard abyss. IT is nice and cute while abyss feels cold and game-y
and i bearly have anywhere near what i need built for it, its actually a tad more to think about rather then just blasting some copypaste meta teams at things.
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wtf jesus is real?!
Wanderer fucks this
can anyone post that image of neuvillette standing ominously right behind mualani
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Barbara just pissed on me and told me it was a energy drink
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brother what the hell are you talking about
I genuinely don't understand why people whine about new abyss when old abyss didn't even come with a new lineup every reset. If you miss it so much just go redo it every first of the month, genuinely nothing has changed
Yep, should've kept same reset timer and kept IT as a monthly thing
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i just like shifting narratives for no reason and making up ones whether i believe them or not.
but i do have some admiration for based fujos even if most are cringe, same as coomers.
maybe i met a good one one time, maybe i have good memories
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Going by what dataminers said, they're expanding IT rather than Abyss, so I'm not expecting that anytime soon.
Abyss has been my only motivation for logging into the game before. I'd log in one day during reset and that's that. It's fun sharing clears here and getting 'soul' comments.
the best thing about it is that for a couple of days we had a distraction from all the cuckposting
i tried to post hu tao but then barbara sat on me
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Will you be pulling for Emilie?
22 characters here we go
I'd pay all of Amy's child support
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theres no admiration to find
dont be an idiot
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Kachina song.
Her EN voice is absolutely awful and ruins her entirely for me
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She filtered billions
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>alhaitham got cucked by a manlet
i want to post cheld but my ip range is banned
yes C0 and I like her JP VA
just have sex, its easy
Nyo, but she better not steal the peak soul status from my Chiori
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wanderer is really sexy
How come when I meet two female friends for drinks it doesn't mean sex, but when Cyno does, it means sex?
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I like how her cutout is in the shape of her sun stone thing.
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Nice game, genkeks.
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How did that geek pull dehya
because you replaced female for gay males if it involved cyno
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forgot image
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Imagine what Tonia posting is going to be like next year if she's playable
cheld face and tonia butt
first flagship event? I remember the first lantern rite had like 3 different quests about NPCs getting cucked
Please play our flop game
Whose pov is this?
>the paper squirrels cucked me
Asuka comparisons non-stop if she looks like Childe
the flow is good as is but is it hard to avoid the copyright if you upload the original and sample?
Coinflip. Don't want to swipe for her when she probably smells terrible.
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I dont think fujos or coomers or whatever would be good partners. Them being exactly that shows they have no discipline therefore no worth the time. Not of equal footing so no good partners.
They are not excellent.
flopshit impact
I was going to fuck that paper squirrel
He looks so bad here, like deviantart OC.
Anon, No you're going to get a papercut!
>All the I fucked your sister jokes
>From both Childe and Aether's sides
I never tried to make a song with copyright music, but some anons already did and so far, nothing happened.
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okay but seriously, have you tried sex?
no one said partners its just a thing adults do, healthy functioning ones
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Are you ready /gig/?
>In 5.0 there is a cutscene where the seat is revealed when captain appears for the first time
Wow so shocking
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Fischl got covid and now im infected
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Wormvillete is finally getting dethroned
>He is very buff
Finally, I'm not gay for pulling for a male.
How does anyone take team jew seriously after he shilled the fake conquistador archon
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>roll Navia for my Noelle team
>a team where Navia is the carry does more damage but still less than my meta teams
>Noelle team feels more comfy with Zhongli as the third geo anyways
It's over
>Dark Skinned
This may be the least believable leak I've ever read.
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Im not someone who has had many partners before but I was never into casual sex. I have high standards for people.
>I'm not gay for pulling for a male
Now you are a delusional fag.
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it's real
Nilou is for me
As real as Mualani being buffed tomorrow
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based, thanks
for another entire year of literal faggots, dirty unwashed vagina havers and redditball z niggers shitting up the Genshin Impact general? yeah i guess so considering the last two years have already been just like that
I highly doubt they're gonna make a former archon playable
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Its boring to lock the same 3 elements for a month, it would be better if it asked for X of each element and during gameplay it locks and unlocks them randomly, its not random enough. I prefer it over abyss tho
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Lol, lmao.
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>In 5.0 there is a cutscene where the seat is revealed when captain appears for the first time
wtf is this supposed to mean?
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>dude, lolicon shotacon and furry is fucking disgusting and problematic
>proced to fap to rape, bestiality, tentacles, slimes, interspecies, churled, ntr, blackmail, hypno, bondage and other humiliation and degradation porn

Why are they like this?
Your furina???
>they're doing the 2 archons shit again
Anon is just shitposting. He posted the same pic yesterday to grab some (You)s.
That's definitely going to happen with Xbalanque since he isn't dead like the Egeria or needed to erase himself like Rukkah. In the leaked lore, he has already revived once.
Imagine if Mavuika is red Nahida in gameplay
What if we kill ourselves
>dirty unwashed vagina havers
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Give me red Nahida.
and Navia another archon leading a civil war against Focalors and Yunjin and Yaoyao will lead us into the chasm
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that's fine my point is just a lot of people put it on a pedestal, and you SHOULD put long term partners on a pedestal but you can't actually get there accurately if you still put sex itself on a pedestal, aka never have it/save yourself/don't actually know what better part of most relationships entails
that shit is like saving all your money for the most expensive car but never learning to drive because you can't "ruin" it by driving anything before hand.
The internet has created a new breed of head up ass retards and i'm weary of it, not saying it is (you)
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>Hag and Loli in one package
How do you feel about this /gig/?
I think the "I want to have fuck a fujo" anon and fischlfag should have sex
Stop posting hidden cuckshit where Furina is next to a body of water (which represents Neuvillette).
loli and shota are the new boogeyman
these degenerates use it as a scapegoat, so people will ignore them committing actual sexual crimes and grooming kids on discord
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>male shilling
>NTR bait
Why is Genshin the only Hoyo game that's like this?
waistline of shorts too high
We've been doing this for 4 regions straight no shit
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Based on a twitter poll made by a fag, not surprising
I think anon should play BA instead of coping about a new loli archon
What are you even talking about? Genuinely, seek help
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Neuvillette, aka body of water, aka sovereign of piss, aka toilet master
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You know what I'm talking about. Don't even try to pretend faggot.
Imagine if Chiori was in the event. imagine her DISGUSTED facial expression if Wanderer tried to lay you down on her lap
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*blocks your path*
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its just ying yang
why are you so angry about chinese being all ying yang?
She might unironically let you lay on her lap. Only thing is she won't get flustered.
Yeah. Everyone here knows that you're a schizo.
Nice freudian slip nigger
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i only like imaging her private parts not all these long sad sob stories for rejected golfists
>Xbalanque dies early in the natlan chapter
first line and already wrong
>the previous lead character designer was relocated

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>nilou wants tabibito to stay away from her lap
>schizomouch thinks she's weird for refusing to do this
>this somehow means she's cucking you with him
Why are chinkpags like this?
Can someone explain the turtle = cuck thing to me?
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>sun spirit girl
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The Captain
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I was applauding
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Thats honestly really stupid. I suppose that for some people sex would be considered sacred but yeah I never thought of it that way.
My views are a little bit complicated, Im not someone who cares much about romance, Im just looking for something or someone great. Be it a partner, a friend, a challenge or something beyond.

Who cares this is the Genshin Impact general.
Absolute Amy Love.
Male shilling happens on hsr too albeit to a slightly lesser extent
No one's in a canon relationship on genshin (aside from npcs and Alice)
Neck yourself shit stirring tourist
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Bros !?!?!
soulless account
I assume it's the color green = green hat = cuck.
It's not even close to the same level. Learn the difference between NTR and NTR bait. Also kill yourself subhuman.
I'm genuinely excited to see his noodle arms and bobble head.
based account
Forgot the fucking image.
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Are we in this thing alone
Or are we in it together
unless im illiterate, it says two characters? so mavuika biker in one banner, mavuika child in another?
Signora crumbs in 5.0, trust.
Anon, are you seriously falling for a shitpost...
The tourist's bait wasn't taken seriously now he's lashing out KEKAROO
which part is stupid? not looking for a fight just like exchanging views.
the part about sex being good to practice or the part about people being neo-puritans?
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Retard, CN data was sourced off a chinese app. Twitter loves darkies, why would they rate them so low?
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Off screen desert gang reunion...
>damage control already
Holy kek
fuck me..... im just retarded
I don't follow any part of that but thanks I guess
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People caring so much about sex is what I find stupid. I assume your point is that people who care much about it will eventually ruin their relationships and I agree.
Thats all.
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When will aveline come back home?
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Wrong, the reason to save yourself for marriage is that theres a non 0% chance that the person you like might be not too much into sex or not be very good at it. By not experimenting whatever you get will be experience with joy because some sex is better than no sex. Genshin
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>didn't load correctly
I'm just going to bed. Genshin Impact.
I see netorare in everything... Hehehe
genshin impact?
which Natlan unit will be meta defining and cause lots of seethe?
which Natlan unit will be story important and cause a lot of seethe?
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Thank you. Thoughts?
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>sexhaver ramblings
go back to réddit you disgusting normalfags
To wear a green hat. (戴绿帽子 or dài lǜ mào zǐ) is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend because the phrase sounds similar to the word for cuckold.

One theory is that back in the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang enacted a law, which required men who worked in the prostitution trade to wear green hats.

One other theory suggests that the families of prostitutes were forced to wear green hats during the Yuan Dynasty
don't roll for dark skinned characters
i'm not a racist buy hoyo intentionally makes colored units worse - denya, arlan, nekomata, etc
Cn data is made up since there was no real source, or taken from an lgbtq cn shithole.
>Twitter loves darkies, why would they rate them so low?
Mualani shows too much skin and iansan is a loli, and because they love darkies they voted for the dark loli more than for the blonde one
>sample size is only 23,000
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hmm~ hehe...
That connects much more clearly then, thank you.
Get real, these fucks don't care at all about shotashit, or openly advocate for it.
>Cn data is made up since there was no real source, or taken from an lgbtq cn shithole
Nta but why are you coping so hard? Are you a Mualanifag? Teyvat helper has been known for ages
>K dash
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what is a damage control?
is that like using the correct soft points so that you don't blast through all the walls of the apartment?
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Also, turtle = 乌龟 = a man whose wife is having an extra marital affair. So it's probably both things.
Cooldown is a bitch that's why I got his C1 on his first rerun.
It's manageable after that
when will nahida tell me to sleep
>if you had sex you are reddit
holy fufck
nobody asked about your stripped S13 sadboy, you will never be daijobu
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>meta defining
Mavuika, homofujos will seethe because "muh sexualization" and she's not a brown dyke with a goatee.
>story important
Kinich, waifufags will seethe because him and Ajaw will have more screentime than all the girls combined.
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Isn't this a slight upgrade for F2P EM Venti? It basically gives 245 EM after bursting, which is 80 more than the next best F2P option.
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Why is /gig/ still trying to gaslight people into thinking Genshin isn't a cuck game? Is it just our resident homofujos? At least CNbros have some self-awareness.
No longer human I want to kms
I think that cuckolds will be very disappointed if they play Genshin Impact to get their rocks off.
tl: reddit
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Go back to Facebook where you belong, bugman
[Unreliable, Russian, Alcoholic] Childe will get his first Electro Childe banner toward the end of Natlan.
He's the one who posted loom earlier
He didnt show the poll and they look too similar to the global poll made between literal twitter fags
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>more schizophrenic ramblings, with some random link attached for some reason
being a non-virgin is a mental illness
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he doesnt play the game
I hope
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for me its anti-virgins
Even Facebook has more self-awareness than you troon
Stealing every anon's wizard status rn
If Childe got his kit fully converted to Electro, he'd be the best Aggravate driver in the game.
I forgot to mention I'm trans
Who is the most boomer character in genshin
Does Fontaine flopping mean that they will finally get generous with anniversary rewards?
Just use mods.
You can get his delusion form but his attacks are still hydro because it's cosmetics only.
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am i supposed to pretend im a virgin or not help /gig/ i failed math
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Happy birthday to the lawyer!
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smouche xisters, our response?
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Would you a Siggy?
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You sure about that buddy?
Are you sexhaver? Why do you play genshin instead of having sex?
>just use mods
>you can't get what you want by using mods btw
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Oh how I want this
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So they're just going to make all this sand disappear to accommodate Natlan?
He'd be Clorinde-tier on single target, and that's assuming you can clear in 1 rotation, to avoid the 10 decade cooldown.
The first character to get a 5* alter will be Kaeya.
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Just had fried beef empanadas. Feel so full. hope a recipe for em is sometime in 5.x.
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It is Yanfei's birthday finally!
ntr fetishists who project their degeneracy everywhere are truly something, i dong think any game can handle this amount of squizophrenia
You DARE to gaze upon ME?
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Keqing is relevant because i said so and my mindvirus will contage you
>asking to hear all about furina's trial
i dont think we should tell her considering what a shitshow it was
happy bday
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>off model kuki
>not curvy enough like her in-game model
But enough about the devs
>don't care at all about shotashit, or openly advocate for it.
you mean straightshota with baseball sized dicks
stop it with the persecution complex, they hate shota too
the only time they don't is when they can pretend they aren't kids
It's really concerning.
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No, they'll create a beach.
Happy birthday, she was needed during Fontaine
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because i like videogames?!?
the fuck type of stupid question is that
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>slimy yeah
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I always knew I was a sexhaver
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I always knew I am a sexwatcher
what's the statute of limitations on being a sexhaver? it's been a very long time
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couldn't they have used someone with a good design for all that shilling? then maybe they wouldn't have had such mediocre sales
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every hag gets a designated manlet
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It's amazing how no Fischl fanart, not a single one, has her ugly ass in-game split-in-half short hair that makes her model so unappealing
Who is the Traveler's hag then?
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Invest in pyro traveler agenda

He will be broken
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kuki's feet are gross
tabibitosama impregnates ALL of them
Fontaine goddamn flopped
unknown god
paimon forma de hag
Honored... to watch
Wormvillette flopped.
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flopping on fischl
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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>2 flat stats
I'm praying for you anon.
Mavuika and Citlali are at the top though Mualanisister...just accept it already lmao, even on bilibili fucking kinich videos have more views
I don't care what this rolls, I want you to explode just for getting double crit on-set at all
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What the fuck is up with the random Sumeru quest about some random book by the end of the Summer event story?? I thought Id be getting some after party celebrations with Nilou or something. What the fuck??
please click my suno link im so lonely help
Fischl exists to be flopped inside
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>Pyro Traveler isn't available in 5.0
>talks about the Pyro Archon lending her power to the Traveler
They better make their kit powerful then
i did not read a single letter of dialogue from the nation of sumeru
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You mean your AI is lonely, on your behalf
roll it bwo?
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I clicked on your suno link because of this guy >>487951461
some mentaly ill term some /gig/schizo created, its so forced its used nowhere but here and even then its used among a few trooncords
Thats just sad, it might be usable if you have a kick ass off piece for head piece or something
What's the ideal birthday present for Yanfei?
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Welcome the club of worse artifacts!
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flippity floppity
literally navia
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Can use new set for 40% dmg bonus to team

Already guaranteed to be powerful
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my fuarking hero!!!
you guys are so dead wtf
im going to /gig/ instead.
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I don't know how anyone can have hope for pyro traveler after the absolute joke hydro traveler was.
Recycle at 750

Don't move yet: I'm just saying this now so that no one tries to make a new thread 20 posts early again. Wait until 750 before moving.
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>thinking a tanned white girl in a bikini cannot be less desired than a 4 star dude with bat ears is cope and "sis" behaviour
He's a dazzling Prince
Seven hundred and fifty
For me Fontaine will forever be incomplete until i can roll a homeless looking dude who drops sick beats
>yesterday's birthday girls stealing a thread slot from Yanfei on her birthday, after she did the same to them
he looks like a The World Ends With You x Final Fantasy collab character
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shut the fuck up you fucking faggot don;'t you ever tell me what to do fucking bitch
At least advertise Kinich or Mauvika, this character is shit.
>retards already moving
she has shown nothing other than coombait value so far, and this is not a coombait-focused playerbase
Natlan looking to be another filler like Fontaine desu
SEXO to finish the thread
sex with hags
safe horny sex...
Retards actually fell for reverse psychology and aren’t finishing this thread
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Lynette's fat ass
Recycle (in 5 more posts)
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Fuck you all! Fuck all these schizos!!
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reminds me
Safe horny
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Looks like it's another 4 months of grinding for you fag
The artifact system in this game is a fucking joke lmfao

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