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Previous Thread: >>487944098

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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I'm going to do a short summary of Volume 1 Chapter 3 since I don't think anyone has?
I'll use this old tag
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
And I will not be rereading it, this will all just be based off what I remember

The final part begins with a brief flashback, like a few minutes before, to Shiroko noticing that something's happening--and specifically, the Color has been summoned. She recognizes that it's probably her herself (ambiguous as to which "herself" she means) who is to blame for this. Plana is able to contact her using the Color, and she's surprised. Also I was amused that she called Plana A.R.O.N.A. I mean, of course she'd call her Arona. Plana asks for her help, and after Kuroko confirms she understands the situation (and calls her other self a dummy for reaching out to the Color) we return to where we left off--with Sensei calling for Shiroko to stop Shiroko. We get a brief fight against Horus/Hoshino Terror but we can't control Shiroko during it. Shiroko wins.

After winning, Hoshino is briefly stopped. The girls say Nice! Now she can return to normal! Shiroko (Terror) tells them no, you can't bring someone back from going Terror. That's why I'm still like this. I actually came her to destroy Hoshino's halo because that is the only way to stop her and save you all. She also reminds them that Hoshino asked for this. In her farewell letter from Chapter 2, she said "if we should ever find each other as enemies on the battlefield, please destroy my halo". Of course Kuroko, and the rest, remember this. Sensei is still uninterested in that course and hoping there's a way. Kuroko then notices that there's something unusual about Hoshino's terror form: the rectangular shape over her chest. She says she's never seen that before, and everyone starts thinking--is it representative of Yume's lost notebook?
Probably the roaming minigame and how they could add it as a new side mode or something.
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Yuuka love!
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I was about to give up
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>and how they could add it as a new side mode or something.
please no
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Cringe Mika OP
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Shiroko calling Shiroko an idiot

Oh also I neglected to mention: The Underground Man starts having a melty at the appearance of Kuroko, who he calls the god of death. She shouldn't be here, as there can't be two. He calls this cheating, seethes, says someone should have fucking told him, and gets really goddamn mad
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>Mika in the OP
This thread is going to be shit
I just went to gelbooru and there's a pic of Fubuki putting a donut on my cock on the front page
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>4-0 back to rank 1
>4 different nyharuna teams slain by cheer Kotori
Respect the girl with the pudgy belly.
Hanako noisily giving me...
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Not a single word was read.
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Time for a serious discussion, /bag/.
Which student has the most attractive, neuron-firing pair of breasts in this game?
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Underground Man losing his shit
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Professor Eroero!!
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Do you ever get tired of shitposting?
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>hina going around helping other students
is this why she's always so busy?
how do I start enjoying this game again?
Show us the team that BTFO'd you.
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She's really cute.
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Not a single of those mfers is me
That's his defense. I clapped him.
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Izumi a cute
Sure bro
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My little sister!
>already 89's in my bracket
I shouldn't be surprised considering the UE50 Minori but I do not like this
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Reply to your last post when you do those please
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>can't stop thinking about sensei's binah
>same guy crying about Mika also cries about Hina
Probably a guy with a unpopular student wife who is very insecure about it. You hate to see it.
>mika op
Why? Singatroon was already posting his cuck shit last thread with the idolshit and mahjong collab posts
Predictions on what they're going to show in the upcoming global stream?
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>everyone who posts this picture is the same poster
my cock
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Tits alone is boring.
Tits + pits is the true combination.
Glad we sorted that out.
You didn't need to reply to my post twice.
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my cock + muchuki + aru + yukari + chise + hina
>Mika isn't allowed in OPs because someone might shitpost
the only shitposting in this thread is from the people crying about the OP, like yourself
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Bro your Ibuki refreshes
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my brother-in-law...
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Hina should die
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Niyaniya cunny!
To be fair that image is like a momoiless momoi picture.
What else but bottom-of-the-barrel disingenuous shitposts would you have with that image macro attached?


>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Meanwhile Plana thinks she can figure something out to turn the tides. She's going to overclock (literally what she says) the Shittim Chest to see if she can. However, there's a risk that Plana will basically fall into a coma if something goes wrong. Because of that, she asks Arona to hold her hand (in pretty much exactly the same way she first asked in volume F, with Arona's reply being exactly the same). This isn't to perform a miracle, though, it's because Plana is scared and wants some comfort ;_; Arona of course obliges. Plana also asks that Plana keep the fact that she could get hurt because of this secret from Sensei, which Arona agrees to.

Plana informs Sensei that she can create basically a temporary form of the Throne of Naram-Sin that Phrenpates and her used. This will allow everyone present to "speak" to Hoshino in some nebulous space. As a refresher, she previously explained that the Throne intersects dimensions and stuff, and is basically an impossible space. Hence, in volume F, she was able to physically manifest along with everyone else in the "room". Also PSensei was able to change the environment as he pleased. Anyway, the girls agree to the plan. Hina also wakes up and says she's okay after Sensei asks if she is. Hina will help too. We fight Hoshino again, this time with full control over everyone able including Shiroko Terror (but not including Hina), and afterward Shiroko and Serika hold Hoshino in place and we all "dive in" I guess
Why are people going crazy over Niyaniya-chan? She's just a blond little girl with pantyhose. She is not sexy just like Plana or any other pantyhose student.
gehenna bad because my free rolls have been bad, Arona wants me to be racist
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
i want to fuck her... i want to manhandle her stick body...
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Favorite Toki?
>two blue tanks when S Shiroko is a given to begin with
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I posted all of those but I'm not that guy.
Hina should transfer
fluffy hair and haughty. made for worshipping and then manhandling
The enkou one.
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all pictures of zoos smiling are doctored btw
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Yeah definitely not the best team, didn't expect him to get deleted that hard though.
Mika looks like an alien here lol
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not as many s.shirokos in the lower ranks.
Akira... you left Niyaniya nude on the streets...
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I keep her busy too
I want to feel her big fluffy wings
Her personality/attitude begs to be corrected
>half the people in my club stopped visiting ever since they made it take an extra click
who is responsible for this terrible idea
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Your studentwife has a skeleton inside at all times
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My penis is so itchy...
I think it's over
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3dposter should die
He got mogged by Ibuki yesterday so eh had to make one now
Kikyou isn't even required for insane Kurokage so unless you were doing torment there was no reason to get her anyway. For other raids her effectiveness buff is so small that unless you need AOE def down someone like Cherino would be better anyway.
Kanna if she onsen club
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More like a bone inside at all times.
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She's cute.
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Hey look! It's a slab of fuckable mea- Sensei! I mean Sensei! Good evening Sensei!
Would be so funny if Nexon releases C&C JK alts when an EOS starts to loom over the horizon
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Tell me more
all small girls with fluffy hair need sensex
Why did Isakusan betray us?
Was all the hope talk just lies!!
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only Mari's punani can heal an itchy penis
Ibuki is in my top 10. Why would I care about that?
Having got one of each who is better to get a dupe for tomorrow, Makoto or D.Ako?
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Hoshino becomes the narrator of the next part, I guess, though she's also talking. She speaks with each member of Abydos, from Nonomi, to Shiroko, to Ayane, Serika, to Shiroko (Terror). They each try to encourage her one more time, with the standout things I remember being Shiroko, Serika, and Big Shiroko. Shiroko tells her that because of Hoshino's actions she lived (Hoshino tells her she only gave her that scarf because Yume told her to do that sort of thing, and Shiroko tells her Nn, then I'll need to thank Yume as well and Hoshino has no response to that). Serika is dumb and doesn't know what to say, so she tells her "Just come back already, stupid senpai" and says if she does, she and Ayane will be idols for her. Hoshino calls her cute and Serika blushes and gets mad.
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hasumi's massive hefty flappers...
dAko functions fine at 3* even at Floor 99
Makoto obviously
ishitusan was the faggot who denied us seia for 3 years. now that he's gone we win
Get keystones for crafting instead
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Why is Shiroko like this. Thankfully, Kuroko respects my rights as a Sens
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Suzumi alt when
did i miss a day :(
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I love all of them, but rightmost is my favourite. I can imagine her sitting at the end of my bed now.
yeah also they ran out of the limited banners so there's no more left
Hopefully never.
Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 190
no but it looks like you wasted 10 rolls (unless you bought the division ticket)
Shiroko has the most heart to heart convo with her, as she tells her that it's best to let go of your past pain and focus on the hopeful future. Hoshino says that while she doesn't know this Shiroko, she does feel like she understands her well. And, that being said, she asks whether Shiroko can follow that same creed. She noticed that Shiroko is using the weapons of other Abydos members who must be dead. In that case, can she let go of those weapons? Shiroko says she's not sure that she can, and that surely being free of pain and suffering in this world would be as difficult as bringing the dead back to life. Hoshino says she knows she herself cannot let go, and has another bit of a relapse. This summons Set back, which gets the Underground Man excited. Finally, Sensei speaks to Hoshino

Sensei asks Hoshino why she's looking for the notebook, and Hoshino says it's because she wants to know what happened and what's written in it. Sensei tells her she definitely has to know what's written in it, because she was the closest to Yume. He's also not said once that Hoshino should "get over it" or that "we can simply do this together". Instead he says that even for adults, you can't just get over death. However, hopefully you can work on things so long as you have others around you. Sensei doesn't encourage Hoshino to move on, but to remember basically why she's feeling pain by telling her you two were deeply close, and you may never find that notebook. However, I'm sure you know what Yume would have written in it. Hoshino seems to acknowledge this and thus, in this "paradox" space, this seems to trigger a miracle.
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You do know your favorite student's last name, right /bag/?
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Ako refuses to come wtf
forgot the tag
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
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nakadashi or something
I don't play this game but I've fallen for Mika
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professor and plana are the sexiest precisely because of the pantyhose and having very little skin shown, anon...
Shit OP
it's true, of course. My students know.
I like Shigure
if you don't know your student's full name, birthday, age, height, halo, weapon name/model, you're a fake sensei
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me too
ako is a fair maiden
Yes, I love Kasumi... Kasumizawa Miyu
Yeah, it's "giganigga"
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Dude fuck you man.

Literally no reason to attack me 5 times.

Absolutely no point. I was zero threat to you man.

Why the fuck did you attack me?
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Hinya Sorasaki
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*fat cowdog bitch
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Hina can fly (first time seen) and her gun is her strength. Just her gun
Hoshino has gun mastery, being deadly efficient in reloading and shooting at the same time and switching weapons at lightning speeds; her strength is shown in skill too
Fucking hoshino should've won
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urawa. what a strange last name
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slutty defense
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i think i accidentally used a 10 roll ticket i had thinking it was free for the event
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Wakamo Hovercraft
>a week of x3 hard mode nodes
>or farming event for more points
That's just cruel to make you choose like that.
in most cases that early EX is probably pretty good
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Going by your logic, Hifumi would also be one of the sexiest students. That's obviously wrong because Hifumi is the least erotic student in Kivotos.
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Hoshino finds Yume's notebook in a strange place she's never seen before. She hurriedly picks it up to read it, and suddenly hears someone speaking. She turns as Yume tells her "This is a letter to the future Hoshino. How are you doing? I won't be able to see you as a third year, so I wonder what you're like now" basically.

Naturally this elicits a big reaction from Hoshino. She reaches out to her first as Yume keeps talking to her, presumably reading out what's in the book. Are you good to your juniors? Have you been a good senpai? Are you saying "uhe~" like you ought to? That last one makes Hoshino break down into tears. Yume comforts her while Hoshino turns into a wreck. Eventually she answers that no, she's a bad and useless senpai who always causes trouble, and she's been very stubborn and stupid. Yume says "Whoa, that somehow sounds like me" which gets Hoshino to laugh, which makes Yume happy. Yume tells her she knows that she's actually a good senpai, and she knows how hard Hoshino fights for everyone. She essentially tells her that she's happy with what she's become. She tells her "Otsukaresama", which can basically be translated as "good work" but does feel really strong here. I'm not going to explain Japanese nuances.

Hoshino says she wants to see Yume again, and repeats it once. Yume says she knows that, but Hoshino has things she needs to do. She needs to protect her kouhai. With that, Yume unceremoniously disappears. Hoshino begs her not to go, but there is no answer. As a new vocal track plays, Hoshino falls to her knees clutching Yume's notebook, calling her name, to no answer.
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>/bag/ irl meet
3x comms too
John that fucking cunt
>Marina activating immortality
Doctored footage.
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Yurizono "Sexy" Seia
neither of them are nearly fat enough to be me though
Translate this, weeb.
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erm, you mean TI-84 right?
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the other game was better, it's an "it's so over/we're back" kind of game but I have to compile it in a different program since it's a little over 10s
Seia isnt sexy
That's her middle name.
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So they really had Hoshinofes planned out all the way back to Hinafes, the anime was such a huge mistake
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this is a cat
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>sh-shensheei... <3
When I read this bit in JP I just broke down
Such a strong moment
That's obviously a fox.
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this but with momoi
indeed she is
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Slowly, Hoshino manages to pick herself back up. She holds what she gained from meeting Yume, what she lost from her death, and what she has gained since close to her heart. We see new art of Ayane and Serika joining Abydos, and Hoshino stands up (through a sequence going through her first, second, and third year "selves"), vowing to move ahead. She returns to normal in time to shield her friends from one of Set's lightning strikes, asking if they're okay. We see the full clear picture of her and Yume together at Abydos's gates as Hoshino says her still being here is proof of the value of everything that's happened in these years, basically.
If the anime production had actually been good, it probably would have done a good job hyping up the chapter and drawing in new fans. It's such a waste, I suppose we should be grateful it's over and didn't seem to do any lasting damage.
hanako is a bad influence considering she doesn't have the guts to do the same
turn it into a soundpost for me. i'm too lazy to do it now
Delete this. Hifumi would never. She respects Sensei's rights. She is not a lewd girl.
Please stop draining me
The lasting legacy will be the design of sensei that every artist uses from now on. A twink.
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what a coincidence
so am I
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They have all of this stuff planned years in advance, not just six months.
The Mahjong collab shit show was planned halfway through the in the game's lifespan, for example.
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Kei love
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Keep rolling Sensei
damn...i should make out with Fubuki...
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Everything is planned out 2 years in advance. I'm sure they have a notebook of schizo ramblings about what to do beyond that.
They unironically expected it to be successful and for Hoshinowank to surpass even Hinawank numbers. Wouldn't even be surprised if they only included Kuroko to save this shitfes(t).
Key. Your panties?
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worst name. ruined a certain pixiv tag.
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mari holy water
No, I already got this whore.
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Stop looking at it.
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OKay here me out. This collab could work

RWBY is popular in Japan and has a really good set of JP va's.
Students for this feel?
nngh. S-sorry
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Let that piece of garbage stay dead and buried where it belongs.
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It makes me cry every single time I go through the sequence, even remembering it. Honestly.
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
With everyone back, Hoshino confirms everyone's okay once again, including Head Pref-... "Hina-chan", who tells her "save talk for later, we have to deal with this big dude now". Hoshino agrees

The Undergound Man is maaaad but says he can fight cheats with cheats. With Set, he can overwhelm Sensei because he knows Sensei's weakness: this nigga can only control 6 students! At this points, Plana says "Sensei, I was able unlock new limits on the Shittim Chest. A new process will now begin: "Perez-uzzah". She says "I am invincible now. Twice as strong as usual." as this new twin OS miracle box now allows Sensei to command 10 students. With this, Sensei says he's sick of this tragic shit. He vows there will be no more death in Abydos. No more suffering in Abydos. He takes out his credit card, and we fight off Set
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I thought this was a cute girl until I checked "her" Twitter to find out it was some Asian twink again.
Why the fuck are BA cosplayers so gay?? I keep getting fooled...
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Can someone turn that into a soundpost with Hifumi's character song?
It sounds funny in my head.
>watched hbomber guy video
Okay fag.
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Deep down, we're all dick lovers
you can literally see his penis, my dude
eyup, hifumi is lewd
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Aggie will be closed next thread
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>spark kikyou
>get spooked by her
If they rewrite everything that came after volume 3 for the anime then sure
>he doesn't want to pound lostwind's asspussy until he's leaking precum while dressed up as Miyu
Posting Reijo every day until she gets added Day 76
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Junko was cute in today's event, but is there really not going to be any more Sensei in this event? Feels a little weird if so.
RWBY was never good and I've never heard of whoever your eceleb is.
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tonight, you
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Nope. Hifumi is a pure girl!
It's over. Shut it down
bending fuuka over the kitchen table and shagging her until her toes curl. that'll teach her to bitterpost
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I wish I could fuck our local Miyutwink's bussy while he dressed up as Miyi
>Hina gave Junko her own ticket
good girls
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>Didn't spark kikyou
>Didn't get spooked by her
>Hoshino should've won
She was holding back
The Foomcord...
im almost lvl 89…
is yall proud of me?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm >>487959008
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Post dick.
>tfw 40 year old virgin
I'm going to die alone. And I'm okay with that.
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I come back to /bag/ after a few days and this is the first thing I see...?
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Asian twinks are hot tbqh
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
In the aftermath of Set's defeat, lights begin rising to the sky. The shapes are, according to the girls, a bit like sea creatures. The beauty of the sky and this strange phenomenon are of course arresting for all those present. Hina notes: this could be a reaction like plasma from the lightning strikes, indicative of a rare and valuable mineral. Hoshino remarks to herself that after all this time, Yume-senpai, we've finally found treasure in Abydos.
Saori using her normal to avoid the Minori EX is actually so slick. She's elite.

I thought this was going to be a loss with the early enemy Marina EX.
nom nom
>got momiji
>got shanako
>got kasumi
>got kikyou
>didn't go past extreme on kurokage despite having the students for two p2 teams because i couldn't be assed to make an actual strategy
>kurokage refuses to rerun
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nice thread guys
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Show me
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Fags attaching Hifumi to their le epic homosexual posts doesn't mean she's not pure.
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Gehenna is actually filled with good girls.
I would fuck a cross dressing /bag/ anon.

Does that make me gay?
Now that Isakusan's retiring, will there be less Hinawank going forward? Cause I sure hope so, especially if there's gonna be a Gehenna volume
i dunno, i'm starting to want to sniff hifumi's warn panties after a long day in the summer sun desu
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I've seen foom's butt with baggot dick laid over it
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Zaregoto wa owarida...shine!
Please post your Miyu cosplay PLEASE
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>trusting cosplayers
why do you think the default reply is calling them men
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no problem
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junko dropped her food!!!
Why? Ako has no fans so who's gonna buy it?
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
Saury just fucking blitzed everyone.
>Saori using her normal to avoid the Minori EX
Normal It's nice when the AI actually makes it seem like your students are geniuses and not dumbasses running into Nagisa's barrage to die... again.
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>Keep yourself safe
I wish you well too anon!
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Would you /bag/?

I love my cock
That doesn't make a Hifumibro
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You may not like it, but /bag/ is a 3D man general
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>Mari is a fo-ACK
Yes. All HinaHoshwank will be replaced with Miyakowank.
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It hasn't come in, and I've only cosplayed as non BA characters in the past so I don't think it's all that relevant...
I love cocks
Wanting penis up your ass isn't gay.

However, enjoying the penis in your ass makes you gay.
>he didn't get Dress Ako with his free 100 rolls
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Welcome School starts playing. Hoshino gazes upon the sight while Hina mentions that just a little bit of this mineral should net extreme fortune in today's market. However, it is currently exploding. She says the reaction will likely continue until all of it is burned away. Shiroko is like "Nn" and Serika is like "HOLY SHIT, AYANE, DID YOU BRING A SHOVEL?" and Ayane's like why would I have brought a shovel. Big Shiroko asks if there's anything they can do to stop it or take it, but it seems hopeless, and since all she has is her mask she starts shoveling some of the mineral into it. Shiroko says Shiroko, don't use the mask I gave you as a bag. Big Shiroko relents. Hearing this, Serika says it's going to be confusing if Shiroko and Shiroko just keep going by "Shiroko". Big Shiroko says "Okay, I'll call you Small Shiroko (Chibishiroko)". Shiroko says Nn, I'll grow up soon. Big Shiroko says "Okay, let's go with 'Weak Shiroko' (Yowashiroko)" and Shiroko immediately gets pissed and starts shooting at her. Big Shiroko starts repeating what she told her in volume F: it's no use, the difference in our experience is too vast--but Shiroko cuts her off and says she's gonna win this time. All this is happening with pic related at the forefront. Unwelcome School starts playing as things start exploding and there's a bunch of noise. Hoshino says "Well, whatever, this is how it is I guess". Finally, she says "Uhe~" ending this episode.
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I'm afraid the same thing will happen to me with Achuko and Kokonuts, but I'm tired of waiting for the spook.
>crit Marina down
>Shiroko blasts Atsuko
>immediately tap Haruna out and finish with an EX on Shun
she just decided to win. Look how close this was.
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No way that's a man, please be joking. Those proportions are super feminine and she has fucking tits, or are Asian males just built different??
fuck your dogs
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This stupid fucking cat
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dog sex
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I did
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i'm not gay but yeah, would
Minori's Normal has a super low modifier and Saori's blue, she might have been safe?
Still looks cool.
we know hanako
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He's been doing tactical photoshoots for like a decade. I forget the handle but he's definitely a man and relatively well known. He's wearing breast pads.
If this is a man we are in trouble...
Sorry, im not white.
Mika love
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>18 and born in March
>still in high school
How does this work
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I still don't have DAko
lol faggot
The only good Blue Archive cosplayer is that one Ibuki cosplayer (female) with the ruler.
but that's not any better
how many hina's mode collectibles are we able to get? Can they be missed?
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i love misaki
>/bag/ lusting for a MAN
Homo general
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she needs her pussy licked
I would suck his cock to be honest with desu
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I mean with that health I don't trust it, Saori's pretty fragile once she's taken the Haruna EX and needs a battle buddy to take the heat.
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I lust for manko
kodomo manko
Imagine fucking Hifumiposter in front of Hifumi
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She's simply built different.
>inb4 Makoto was unironically merely pretending because she's deathly afraid of the possibility of graduation after what happened with the Thunder Emperor so by acting insanely retarded she can avoid her fate,
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I'd rather duck my rabbit
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I'm an Ako fan and I still haven't got dAko
she hates you
Where is her dog tail
I understand the criticisms of some shit going nowhere, but the emotional setpieces of the volume were very well crafted. Alas, a good bit doesn't fix a flawed package
Who's Thunder Emperor?
Thanks for p(l)aying
>Atsuko uses slangs in the Summer Arius event
Globalfags will never recover when it goes live in their server
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My life is a lie.
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A Bond 50 Saori could tank it.
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Good thing it's legal there
Sorasaki and Takanshi
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do not overstay the welcome, homo
Nuh uh
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Eww. That's even gayer than those homos who posted above.
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oh yeah, this dude. he has videos sucking and shoving dildos up his ass too
I wish someone loved me as much as Hifumiposters love cocks...
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Well, thanks for the summary.

Can't wait to live through the dragged out schedule on global too.
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>gay hours
>cosplay hours
Fuck this shit, I'm never browsing /bag/ outside EU hours again
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dogs... won
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
We get a brief flashback to an Abydos middle school as students there worry about Abydos's future. Suou wakes up in the wreckage of a train after this, heavily implying Suou was either one of the students speaking, or at least present during the flashback. She tries to leave, muttering to herself like what was I even trying to prove, but the twin brats call out to her, asking where she's going

Back at school, Ako calls and actually is not mad, just really fucking worried. She even asks if Sensei is okay since, uh, let us not forget: he got blown up very early in this chapter. He says he's okay, and supposedly so does Hina but Ako says "stay put, stop overdoing it, I'll come to you". Before that though she asks when it was that Sensei actually asked for Hina's help. It's shown to have been just before the explosion, after that all-nighter he pulled. He suspected if Gehenna was "involved" in this somehow, maybe Hina could help. So, he asked her to be on standby. A bit later, Serika tells us to stop looking at girls' underwear after Nonomi brings it into the clubroom. Serika says "you're making Shiroko-senpai embarrassed!" and Shiroko says "Uh, no, I'm fine actually?" but Serika insists Sensei not be a pervert and leave this place with Nonomi telling him to check on Hina and Hoshino in the infirmary. Sensei says "I plead not guilty" before going there

There we see that an exhausted Hoshino fell asleep against Hina's arm. Hina, being Hina, says she can't move now because she doesn't want to wake Hoshino. Sensei is basically like "This is too fucking cute, I want to leave you like this" (lit "Dang, that's a shame" to her request for help) but Hina complains with more insistence and Sensei removes Hoshino from Hina's arm. Hina leaves while Hoshino is still asleep, saying she's got stuff to do, but they'll stay in touch and besides they can meet whenever, right?
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How do you know that...?
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aussies deserve to get nuked
ending the episode, not the chapter lol
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I'm not surprised. I like the gear-heavy cosplays but the other stuff is less interesting so I don't really keep up.
Imagine playing a game with literal hundreds of the hottest JKs around and you're still this gay
Stop being gay
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Wakabros it's not looking good right now
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hey /bag/ i havent started the hina event yet can i finish it in one sitting ?
When are we getting the PV showing the new story chapters
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Your 15mins of fame is over. Now bag lists over the cripple loli.
nakadashi hoshino
No, you can only make some progress every reset.
only 65?
i found a forum where they share his stuff. there's even a kemono page
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I was actually worried the alt might push her over the edge into "gets targeted by shun" territory but I'll be safe.

48 is good enough for now she'll get to 50 soon.
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Why doesn't /bag/ talk about Shuro anymore?
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Too sexy.
we do not forget brat manko
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its joever for me isnt it.....
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Well it's not the end of the world, you are just gonna miss some of the late rewards which I think were just gifts
more like OGAY
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At least if nothing else, Niyaniya has a chance to be playable one day...
I still do from time to time, unlike certain posters, I do not need to bring the same girl every day over and over, its stupid, its boring and not worth breathing
this better be a girl
Nice ass
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I still haven't read Vol 5
>he doesn't know
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Seia is the Milhouse of BA because she is a meme
With hips like that it has to be a girl
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If it did, would you have neglected your SSaori?
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Why is toki the most cosplayed girl
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It really sucks that Hifumi is forcefully attached to homosexual larp just because some faggot shared his gay blog years ago. Even regular Hifumi posts like the anon who got 100 affection got shitty "show cock" replies when he reached the goal.
she is. no nude content though
You can literally see the adam's apple bro.
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no because the Sumire alt will be arriving soon and add enough stats to fix the problem.
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Read it so you can join us all in hating Nagusa.
Neru sex
Made for milking like a cow
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she will never be THE Ibuki cosplayer
Unless the Sumire alt is a healer tank.
Does this count as 3dpd?
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> gay blog
Neru is imposing and unnerving.
Who the fuck is the ibuki cosplayer?
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>>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Briefly, Hoshino shows that she's bothered Hina left without Hoshino being able to give her a proper apology. She's also worried about her underwear, which Hina apparently was wearing along with her gym clothes (Hina took the clothes she was wearing, and told Ayane she'd wash them before returning them). Hoshino is like mmmm but I don't know how to contact her and she's told "Dummy, just ask Sensei to give you her contact info". She's also still in her gym clothes, and Nonomi tells her PLEASE get changed and stop being lazy (Serika also told her to do this, but she Nonomi gets her to finally do it).

Afterward, before the meeting to wrap things up starts, Hoshino apologizes--quietly at first, but everyone teases her until she shouts her apology. She sincerely apologizes for all of her stupid actions. She also says while that trippy sequence was happening, she is sure that she heard Serika promise that she and Ayane would be idols. Ayane is like what the FUCK, Nonomi says "I'll be the producer!", and Serika says oh come on, I was just saying things. Hoshino tells her, you wouldn't back out on a promise right? And though Ayane is worried about this, Serika whispers nah it's okay there's no way we'll do it before Shiroko raises her gun and says "I'm gonna MAKE this happen" and Serika says Shiroko, please stop

In a short flashback we see Sensei asking Hoshino if she's alright now. Hoshino says she can't say she's "alright", but that she's accepted the pain and peace her life contains basically. They make "her". Big Shiroko asks if she can let go and Hoshino says probably not, but she can't keep focused on the past either. And, as things go on, surely...
Well, we don't see what she says
>slut cosplay
used to hear that cosplayers were often mentally ill and attention addicted
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>years ago
That was only a few months ago, right?
Good news: Next thread can't be worse.
Stop forgiving students just cause they, "bweh"d at you, sensei.
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Hime is so precious...
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I refuse to believe churro can post on the internet happily.
post hifumi lust, like an hetero man would do. Homos hate competing with anything feminine, so they resort to gaslight the same way women do
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Hello, is this the crossplay gooning thread?
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers
cute princess and Zoos
guess i'll charge my steam deck
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not to mention it'll probably add DEF and HP instead of ATK but regardless even with Set bonuses Saori will be below Sumire in attack, thankfully.

I think even with another alt she'd be safe. I probably won't use her on Urban though, sHanako and 650 range means Saori will probably get deleted most of the time
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Well I tried to change her image by tummyposting with Hifumi more but someone kept telling me she's not for lewd so I stopped.
I cant help it. Bweeehs are cute.
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>She's also worried about her underwear, which Hina apparently was wearing along with her gym clothes (Hina took the clothes she was wearing, and told Ayane she'd wash them before returning them).
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>doc told me my test was dangerously high and I needed to lower it
Who are some students that would fit my tastes?
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Uwawa Plapsa, Reisex Uzawa
I'm gooning one out for my hifumibros
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Oh and a brief addition >>487958625 << To this
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
The Underground Man SPAZZED OUT over the appearance of the credit card. He says No! Foul! No game! I refuse this! Plana reaches out with a message saying he doesn't have the time to waste with people who treat life as a thing of "winning" versus "losing". Underground Man's all !? and Plana words it more harshly: in other words, he has no interest in a person who never managed to become an adult. Arona says "Uhh, Plana seems a bit scary"
Never, I will forgive terrorism and murder if a student cries, shrimple
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Not reading those spoilers so I get the full experience when it hits global in 6 months
Absolutely savage
>Set bonuses
I haven't even thought of who I'll start giving those Set bonuses to past the second month, or whether I'd even have enough mats to do so in the first place.
I bet the area around #100 would have less SHanakos...
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Tits too big
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>promises to do something
>intends to break the promise
A bigger criminal than Aru.
Ibuki sex
>not for lewding
and you honestly believe what le heckin wholesomerino, possibly an homo says? there is a reason why those never add anything interesting, they should just be in overly censored places like official discord or fb
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/bag/ is gonna freak
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Woah, quad tank...
My experience with sShiroko vs blue tanks is
about 95% percent of the time.
Who’s the designer?
Is there some way to clear the hina guide tasks quickly or do I have to clear them all again?
>Planner says I don't need anything
Uhhh....which bluray is the rarest?
Good morning
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Holy shit my wife finally got a figure.
Uhhh hope it's not too tall.
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Okay. I want to impregnate Hifumi.
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Garage Kit Archive...
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Why is this thread shit, aren't these the comfy eu hours?
best posters have yet to wake up
damn it!!
Source NOW.
sexy momoi
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>the bond 50 Mimori in my PVP bracket sent a friend request to me
How the hell did he find me? You can't even search by name.
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sup anon
Didn't she end up being not only legal but also have a kid or some shit?
Whatever, 3D is 3D
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>I bet the area around #100 would have less SHanakos...
you think? fes soon+second fes in 6 months, not to mention what tHosh is gonna do to blue armour people without big health bars. Urban is going to suck unless I get a baby bracket, since Sumire is probably a throw pick.

Saori uses the batteries so once I max out Sumire I can just buy from the JFD shop to gear her out for Set. I will take the freebie.
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I brought this up because
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
The Underground Man is seen once again, in his cell or whatever it is. While he's moping, Shiroko arrives and tells him hey, I thought I destroyed Gematria but here's another one. You want to understand death? I can show you, then. Once you experience it, surely you'll get it. The Underground Man is pissing, shitting, and crying and tremendously terrified. Shiroko does not kill him, though. She says "stay in your underground and don't show yourself again. And remember: Another god of death exists in Abydos. His story ends where it began: with him crying and repeating "kurushii" (this is horrible/it hurts/it's vexing) over and over again by himself.
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Just had sex with my wife
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Is this a dude???
Underpants Man is basically Momoi.
Hifumi probably shaves down there
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
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Why do you make it sound like you were expecting her to be not legal
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>not only legal
nothing wrong with that. adult pussy ftw
aussies and homos
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Saori love! Anybody plan on getting her eventually?
fym bro her pussy is literally in front of your face
EU hours start after noon
I would kill you and everyone else in this thread right now if it meant I'd get a <145cm wife.
THosh has kind of disappeared in the PVP youtubers I've been checking out lately, no Kuroko either.
There's a lot of SHanako in their matches but she's not in every match it seems, but I guess it comes down to bracket. There's a surprising amount of people in my 100-50 range that don't even have SShiroko. I kind of just ignore them because it feels like bullying.
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And what's wrong with her being legal?
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I do not associate or condone any behaviour or persons while browsing this website. I do not actively search nor expect this kind of content and was an unwilling participant in this interaction. I do not know these people and do not share the views of any post within this thread or site.
hina's erect wings
It would be pretty wad if that picture was illegal since it's been posted on /bag/ a bunch of times
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I imagine that pvp youtube is a little skewed towards dismantling the tank in cover or working around them, since they're all in the autism layer of jp pvp. The lower levels are probably a lot less interesting.
yeah, it would actually get the general nuked
>has a kid
even hotter
I have long forgotten the source of this doujin
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
Briefly we see Plana confirming that he has been completely separated from this world. However, just after that she says Shiroko has severed her communication link via Color between herself and Plana. She can't find where Shiroko is. We cut to Shiroko, somewhere in the desert, with sandy sound effects. She stays put for a small moment, and then leaves. We see that she has dropped the weapons of dead Abydos in an unmarked spot of the desert, leaving them behind.

This isn't summary, but a remark since some thing this contradicts the story's message or is disrespectful. It's honestly, imo, just complicated. Shiroko had a much worse experience in life than Hoshino did. She lost several friends and is confirmed to have killed her closest one herself (Hoshino, who she clearly sees as akin to her own mother). Those weapons hold memories of her friends in life, but also their really miserable fucked up ends. For her, letting go is the better thing to do. This is also demonstrated in that during this seen her halo is still breaking, but after when we see her again, her halo is recovering.
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One and the same I'm afraid
It’s based off this art by Ohisashiburi
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seia is too sexy
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Guess I'll try limbab now
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>The lower levels are probably a lot less interesting.
Or more interesting because people are lacking all the components to make a good team, just talking about my Global PVP bracket though I guess. Top10 always has a weird submeta going on in my experience but it's usually for the attacks and not the defenses so it's quite boring.
high demand, eh?
The cock one in that same aggie was better honestly
Previous gehenna leader
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You're now aware of your breathing
I am now aware of Azusa's vagina
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You're now aware
Ay Carlito.
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yep. We'll just have to see. I don't see THAT many Hanakos right now so it might be okay.

I predict being sad about it though. Statue but less fun.
I'm still not exactly sure what procs tHosh's cone AoE
You are now manually blinking until you realize Chise is the sexiest character in the game.
>sold out
the need for seia is too strong
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>he isn't aware
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After she uses her EX or Normal in combat mode.
Huh, did she draw Akira? She basically only ever draws her OCs or characters she’s drawn for other games.
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>He's also not said once that Hoshino should "get over it" or that "we can simply do this together". Instead he says that even for adults, you can't just get over death.
>Sensei doesn't encourage Hoshino to move on, but to remember basically why she's feeling pain by telling her you two were deeply close, and you may never find that notebook.
And with that, most of /bag/ is disqualified from being a canon Sensei.
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
And now for the true epilogue with Signal of Abydos playing and with Ayane explaining everything. There's a lot of little details

GSC council members are now visiting Abydos
The investors who got fucked by Kaiser are now working in Abydos's marketplace
The Shemata was destroyed, with its destruction overseen by Makoto and Hina together
Nephthys is investing in Abydos once again, and the railways plan is ago in collaboration with the excited as always Highland Academy
Suou is practically confirmed to be an old student of Abydos, seen in a destroyed middle school classroom (presumably, the same from the flashback) silently watching it, but refusing to explain why she's standing around there when a fellow Highlander asks what she's up to. Anyway, the shupogaki are being a menace again, so she must now go tardwrangle them
Kaiser's president is hospitalized. The debt still remains, but he has not followed up on any of the threats he made in chapter 3
Ayane abdicated the presidency as Hoshino expressed willingness to become president. Ayane says she's not fit for the position anyway (I don't agree!) but Hoshino is president now. She now openly tells old stories of her and Yume's adventures, whenever her kouhai asks or whenever she thinks something reminds her of those times. She also tells Serika and Shiroko that they are ordered to wear swimsuits if they go treasure hunting at the Oasis where the minerals were again (they keep trying even if it's all gone). Serika complains that this is the only kind of thing Hoshino ever does with her power
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You could've just summarized it without the remarks like it was done with volume F. The remarks arse annoying and puts you off as a fag. Now where's makoto's segment.
I need this for my cum jar.
Kuroko's huge trauma was never resolved/healef at all, how they handled this was the weakest part, extremely disappointing after Vol F desu
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Yeah flanking seems a lot less influential compared to Urban2 so it's probably gonna be a bit of a snoozefest season again. I really hope Outdoors3 is good.
They need to start making some seasons shorter. I'd really like to go back to the first 3 seasons for like a month each just to see what the meta devolved into since then.
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didn't ask
That's not a man but she'd probably look better if she were
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Oh it's that girl with the cuts on her thighs
Jirai-kei is real
3D Ibuki accurate wife...
I'd rather not spend another vol1 chapter dedicated to that, tyvm. chapter 3 was already pushing it with hoshino.
let's just say shiroko was built different and leave it at that
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my students are gonna leave me in 2 minutes...
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Behold the sex symbol of /bag/
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Do you really want to see the corridor with sShiroko and modern AOE skills? Maybe for a week but past that it would be a nightmare.
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sold out pretty fast even
seia aint even that sexy.
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What should I be dumping all my energy into to level up fast
be yourself
What is the ovulation calender for the prefects at gehenna? Just curious
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>Do you really want to see the corridor with sShiroko and modern AOE skills?
I think it'd be really fucking funny.
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sensei would never...
Too sexy
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Her name is NOT Professor Sex.
thanks but for some reason, I couldnt get the lost ticket, I already finished junko's quest, yet nothing works
Someone fucking beelined for that booth
Seia is really that sexy
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Sensei is so lucky...
it's in the corner
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Is the doomfox in the thread with us right now?
As XP reports start to get increasingly sparse, which type of students should I keep leveling into ranks 60 thru max?
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The cute professor.
He's a lucky man.
Your PVP team
lmao, bullied by a little girl, what a faggot.
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Now try saying that without cumming.
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it's them
the brothers
Wait for raid/challenge quest(?) you need the student for and resource dump on the spot
(I have reports stocked for about 10 max level students)
Post her bweh face
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>6 months of sShiroko+Shun+Iori in a map worse than the train
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i came when plana showed that expression again
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I genuinely don't care if you see me as a fag for talking about the game I play and read.
Anon, she is not "better", she is "getting better"
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
At the Shibaseki ramen stand someone calls out that there's a thief. Shiroko runs off, with Hoshino remarking she'll be fine by herself since she's gotten stronger. Sensei goes as well, off of a gut feeling. Shiroko and Sensei find Big Shiroko has stopped the thief already. Sensei tells Shiroko he wants to talk with the other Shiroko, and to go on ahead with the recovered goods. He and Big Shiroko have a short talk where she explains she's been collecting scrap, doing bounties, and living in abandoned houses with running water (she says there are many). He asks her to join them in eating ramen, but Shiroko says she can't because she doesn't know what sort of face to make in front of them all. Sensei doesn't push it. Shiroko asks him whether he's going to ask anything. When Sensei asks for clarification, Shiroko says "about everything that happened to me, there's a lot". Sensei says he feels he knows what Shiroko has been through, and also that he does not want to bring up memories and subjects that hurt her.

Shiroko remarks that she was surprised that Hoshino returned to normal, which gets Sensei to remember the letter he received from Kuzunoha wherein she explained it's impossible to turn back though if he's interested in something like that to come and find her. Sensei tells himself: let's stop chasing after Kuzunoha, and he tells Shiroko that he wants to be her strength. He gives her a smartphone and tells her to keep in touch for anything. Shiroko is happy that Sensei is always Sensei, and as she remembers the brief flashback to where Hoshino was asked if she was alright, Shiroko finishes her sentence by saying that for sure, things will get better in time.
my dick just twitched
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multiple people even seeing as a single person isn't allowed to just purchase all the available Seia figures
Actually just broke my f2p status this week to get to 90 quicker
Seia isn't *cums*
seia isn't se-*cums*
>sexy smile
>inviting look
>alluring eyes
Why is /bag/ like this?
How tall is she? This is important.
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Sexy Seia is a psyop
Why does this artstyle remind me of bleach
Domo arigato
I said a month for each one...
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the seia coomcord...
Guess what the more vocal baggots were parroting what they thought was "an obvious and easy solution" up until part 5 was released.
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When is the seminar sleepover?
her momotalks are nice enough
Your wife
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
After this I think is a nice touch that oddly I saw complained about? We get a new kind of "credits sequence" using a new arrangement of the first theme, Constant Moderato. It feels like "this is a new start", especially as it ends with a credit to isakusan

The sequence ends with Hoshino awake in bed, staring not only at the things that are mementos of her tragedies, but of her joys in life, as she now has put a picture of her new kouhai right beside the picture of her old Senpai

1 more
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I only care about their looks
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I have personally blessed your next free tenner
New Year event.
hello it's the custom server guy again
so i found out that there is actually code for every single event minigame still present in the latest client, even the miku rhythm minigame
there is a chance i could rig this up to show on the latest client version (and maybe the events themselves on the past events page too)
That guy was obviously baiting for more Hifumi lewds though.
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After Seminar Bunnies
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Are you sure?
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Because it's cute.
>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino
(to be clear, that "credit" I mentioned happens at the VERY end, after the part I'm going to summarize next)
Total/Grand ASSault
Joint Firing Dick
>guy really sold out on all his sexy seias in under an hour
all he has to do is ask
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>the credit card
Did they change it from adult card?
What are you planning to do with a custom server?
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wait wtf? the nekopara creator has been making BA figures. akira one sold out today
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john nexon here, we're going to make the corridor look like a fucking joke just you wait
what is he cooking
no it's always "otona kaado" but I mean, it's a credit card
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Hovercraft can't stop losing
After this chapter and the mess of how things were handled with Hoshino, I'll take the glossed over healing.
He said the other day he wants to make a custom JP server but in English. Not like the global version but the JP one on JP schedule but in English. Do you guys not browse /bag/ 16 hours a day every day or what?
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I wonder how much the level designers understand the interactions (or lack thereof) in pvp. Then again, not much you can do to level the playing field with the usual powerhouse students
Since it's based on the JP client and content, ideally have global EN AND custom JP translation for content that's not officially translated yet
Old events because apparently they're still in the game files (assets too)
and of course free pulls arona i am gonna be spanking and sparking so much
who knows maybe even custom content like stories
>decacunny figures
holy fuark!!!
Now who gets what...
i love loli anal
Wakamo's figure cost twice as much and not only sold out but hit #1 position on all the major sellers' sites
My man is gonna singlehandedly create a safeguard against EoS
Do we even know for sure exactly what became of Yume? I know the whole point is
>We don't know how she died
and such, but did Hoshino just straight up stumble across her corpse somewhere or something? How does she even know she's dead?
Seia never...
remember to ask for consent.
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What's up my niggas?
bKoyuki gets the welfare
bYuuka and bNoa are limiteds
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>look up Hina's VA
>Miles "Tails" Prower since Sonic Heroes
>Ako's VA is also Melusine in Fate
I have rights.
I meant the dick or the tongue.
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probably not at all, pvp is (and should be) an afterthought

A lot of the movement in raids seems unintentional, and raids are where the bulk of dev attention is going to be so if that's not considered there's no way the pvp pathing ever enters the discussion. They probably hash out a stage, run a couple test matches and then send it.
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zoos should thank Mika for saving and turning her life 180 degree. Imagine if Mika weren't naive and she got stuck with the old group
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Would you?
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Imagine if Hina sounded like this
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>seminar business
Not sure how that would go, they regular uniform is already kinda business...
Add sex
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>that creepy grin
That's a hag aint it
Hina is peak sex in that outfit
Jesus fucking christ those feet
Tasty hina
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>Show me a good time, Takanashi Hoshino

The CG from PV2 where the Abydos girls are fighting Binah-kun in a city finally appears. There's no context given, this is just happening now. As Serika complains "Where's Hoshino-senpai?" Hoshino remarks that she's already here, and she'd like the rest to hurry up. They're surprised, but do just that. When they arrive, the find that Big Shiroko is there too, and that is also surprising. She says she's only helping this one time, though. Hoshino says talk later, Binah now, and Big Shiroko says alright, Strategy B and she takes out and puts on her mask (might be a reference to how one of Shiroko's intro to battle lines mentions "Formation B" https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/File:Shiroko_Battle_In_1.ogg ). Nonomi also puts on her mask, and Serika is like STOP, PLEASE. Ayane says yes, stop fooling around. Ayane is also wearing her mask. Serika asks "Wait, are you not playing around too?" Small Shiroko demonstrates discomfort, and Big Shiroko tells her "Nn, I won't give this mask to you, it's too precious to me". This mocks what the little Shiroko told her at the end of Volume F to explain why she would not give Kuroko her scarf. Shiroko gets a sweatdrop over this. Hoshino rallies everyone again, Big Shiroko takes off her mask, she tells everyone to move out, and the chapter ends--with credit to isakusan
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the field walkthrough guide missed a credits trash bin
Scroll up my dude.
>i love loli anal
Noa Dick
Yuuka Tongue
It’s Sex Business.
Sex with Mari.
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My scroll got stolen by an elder.
Thank you for the summary.
Hoshino straight up stumbled over her corpse, yes, which contributes to the crippling trauma she received. She also recovered that corpse by herself, bringing it out of the desert. While we cannot confirm with absolute certainty what happened, Hina, Hoshino, and further investigation as well as Yume's own statements indicate she simply got lost without a compass or enough water and died of dehydration--something we see she has been at risk of before because she was a scatterbrain and would forget things often. Her death seems to be very simple in order to be more realistic, as unfortunately this sort of thing can just happen. Not an epic battle or a deception where you can get revenge for it, but a failing that led to death and a probably very horrible corpse.
So now that Isakusan left how do you think BA’s still will be?
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foot SLUT
Sensei fucks Aru and Hina on a daily basis btw
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I like the adult card better... also i just realize that there is no interaction between Phrenpates's card and Kuroko
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>Second Year
I don't think she's gonna make it....
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