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Previous Thread: >>487980285

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 7/29 (Mon) 10:59 (JST)
Hoshino (Combat) (3* - Limited)
Shiroko (Terror) (3* - Limited)
Mika (3* - Limited - Rerun)
>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 7/27 (Sat) 4:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

Special Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/jXR54sRUlcY - 7/28 (Sun) 11:00 (UTC)
Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 7/26 (Fri) 19:00 - 7/28 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
Banner & Event-related character count
Hiyori : 4
Iroha : 3
Saori : 3
Akemi : 3
Kuroko : 3
Ako : 2
Hina : 2
Ibuki : 2
Niyaniya : 1
Makoto : 1
Hoshino : 1
Fuuka : 1
Atsuko : 0
aggie thread
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This one.
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Current stream summary in one image
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Is this the thread
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Aggie thread
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My precious desert rose.
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How do I get Paruru to have sex with me?
which one is it faggots
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aggie thread
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Aggie thread is the correct thread
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wakamo leaking her pussy juices all over my legs
Get a gun
Oh right, that World of Warships collab thing was real
>World of Warships collab
World of fucking Warships??
Who the fuck asked for this?


Chinks will get mad about getting NTRed by battleships
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Someone explain why is this a colab.
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Glad none of my students will ever be sold like that
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Azure Archive
Blue Lane
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I hope the chinks complain.
Fuck collabs.
>whoring out your IP for collab money
truly a new low
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Enterprise student when?
I wonder how will chinks spin this as NTR
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> world of warships collab
War thunder collab would've made more sense
don't they get collabs with all sorts of "anime" bullshit?
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Maybe if they released some Odyssey students this would fucking make sense.
kek I laughed
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this is so fucking stupid
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eos imminent
lol, they're so fucking bright in-game.
no it actually would not
This is just weird, dudes.
Like what? Abydos Ship Class?
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Azure Lane or Kancole is no brainer, but Blue Archive?
>no yostar involvement
kek, does this mean its global only?
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my wife Mika
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>world of warships collab
the KR stream didn't mention this at all, and jumped to other things
another mom's touch collab was also announced
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Kim...this better not be where my monthly funds are going towards...
Abydoss voicepacks?
Also, the middle ship looks like Hifumi than any of the 5.
They have tanks
Hello? My fucking rights?
World of warships already did a AL collab
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What if this is the preamble
Plana sticker!!!
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Is dress Ako necessary for anything?
I kind of like her but not sure I wanna drop 12k gems on her if I dont get her for free
hoshinos looks like its based on her shotgun but this is???
I don't play this game but that skin looks incredibly pay-to-lose lmao. Why would you want a neon green warship
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Good morning, /bag/
Will you come with her?
should i learn gook and visit north korea? i want to try those kind of collabo event
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>They all address the player as Sensei.

did she fucking stutter
you will come with her
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Nevermind, they announced the collab.
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I don't like them whoring out our students to other games for money
new stickers are more exciting than anything else

we WILL be getting these stickers, yes?
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I'm buying Neru cards
>asks if you will come with her
>tells you that you WILL come with her
>if you arent korean wakamo isnt interested in you
get fucked wakacucks kek
Is she joining me or kidnapping me?
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Well Hoshinegro likes whales so I guess it fits somewhat? Kek
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Nonomi is a razer theme shill now
I know, and they fit theme. Blue Archive doesn't even have boats unless we count the hovercraft.
Where's epic piano guy?
Professor, sauce please
Aren't these just for a chat app or something and not in game?
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never mind, looks like they're talking about the warships collab now
> world of warships collab
> no wakamo
wasted chance
Serika, your bloodlust... It's showing...
Card games on motorcycles when?
Very based woman. Kneeling is mandatory.
this has gotten way out of hand
I swear I am not the guy, it just appeared on my feed.
This is... huh, something
>more collabs to come
oh boy
>not even unique sprites like the mahjong collab
Talk about cheap.
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Most noteworthy use is in Set. Even then she isn’t a core unit and can be replaced as a guy beat up Set with welfares and the like.
She is good to have but certainly isn’t on the level as meta juggernauts like D.Hina
I just really appreciate there's an Akanefag in the aggie.
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she's core for set, although in 6 months when kuroko drops she opens more options and you can pretty much run floor 100 without a single set only student
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that's not okay
I need more stickers
cute bloodlust kot
more wixoss cards for ba?
yeah naver and afreeca are streaming platforms
gooks don't have twitch anymore
>nonomi asks
>shiroko commands
And /bag/ says nonomi is a rapist huh?
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but why
nothing's going to happen on our end right? I literally don't care about this and I don't want this to hog our event/collab space.
Good morning
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>Get bright Neon Ship
>Become the first to die in every match
>Not even original sprite with Abyddos squad wearing mariner uniforms
Yup, it's slop.
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Nice collabs, BAkeks
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Rate the collab!
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nonchibi version
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Rate Shuro's concept design.
Just EN versions of the JP cards.
garbage filler shit
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You too, anons
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I went to sleep at 5 AM so I overslept a bit
Did I miss anything important?
>wakamo just canonically kekked every NA, EU, TW, SEA, CN, and JP player
I don't have enough space on my computer to reinstall WoW.
Looks like a rape bait.
oh wow nonomi's ship really is that stupid
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Triniship with Migga!
Tits too big
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This is just weird, man.
Is there even a mix of players who like anime shit and ship shit? No AL doesn't count.
My cute wives
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annoying shit
>another NTR scandal
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if the KR stream and English stream are talking about different things why don't they mute the KR side
>collabs with shithoyo
Nice chink game, fatekek
Don't make their mouths move like that
thanks i made them myself
deadnooodles does commissions for Nexon now?
why is it always abydos and ps68?
Did Deadnooodles design those portraits? HOLY SHIT.
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you missed BA being a sellout to other collabs
Is that the game the Yugiohfags have been crying about how it gets better prizes then them
>5 AM
what timezone or how many hours ago was that? we can't give you the news otherwise
Wait. BA was actually popping in Anime Expo? The fuck?
Is there any human being born in America that's not fucking FAT? WTF
I get that WoWs are full of weeb players, but I don't know how to feel about this
midget aru
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bordering on v-tuber design. I like our shuro the most
Kind of harsh for the ones that need jfd artifacts
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where's the fucking armoured core collab you hacks
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First arc girls
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Who comes up with these shitty, retarded collabs?
>didn't put projections of their halos on top of their main mast
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Based noodles, he's moving up in the world.
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
wakamo canonically isn't interested in whites lol
ANOTHER battle? Wtf do you mean, Serika?

We fought at the BEACH last time
Retard. All of them refer to the player as Sensei. Everything will be fine.
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Which card will be the strongest?
Sorry, bamco is only collabing with SHONENGODS
yep, i'm thinking kino event
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I could totally dig a Fate Go collab
what we got was way better but I'd still rape correct this/10
nobody gives a fuck about trannered core
>guy dressed as hifumi
Hifumi bros...
Official Sechi merchs? Nice.
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I think they said something about these being acryllic stands but i could be wrong
i'm a sucker for menheras, so would still rape her senseless
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California should die
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Shut the fuck up and leave.
The adult card
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that was the resident hifumi cockposter
It's Fucking WoW so nobody cares anyways otherwise AL would've been in hot water a long time ago.
>referring to the "captain" or whoever the shit as "Sensei"
Doodle Senseis, manga Senseis and anime Senseis got extremely cucked...
La creatura...
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>he's back
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key sex
a bit too busy but still sexo as fuck
the final shuro design is peak.
>secchi the traitor
I'm more of a military aviation guy desu
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is this Dorem artist mx2j? why is he using a different alias?
or is it doremi + mx2j?
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>Shiroko show panty on the telly
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Illya collab when
Abigail is fine too, but FGO characters never collab...
You don't understand unless you live here, but over half of Americans are fat. It's unironically more common to see fatties if you go to a store or something than to see non fat people.
>sensei is... korean?
Don't shitpost with Mari, at least use a more nasty fox like Seia
You'd be surprised at how many ship-related anime there are even if you exclude AL and Kancolle. For starters, Space Battleship Yamato.
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>saying this when our game can only collab with itself (not to mention the +2 years timezone)
Look, I get it, you might have been uppity for anniversary tourists shilling BA in threads thise past weeks, but you can come back to /fgoalter/ without trying to start shit fires over anything
Does this count as a win for sechiAko?
7/10, good but kusogaki Shuro is a 10/10 design
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>shit event
>disgusting cosplayers
>mostly jeets and spics
Hwansang + doremi + mx2j
Also Arpeggio of blue steel
tats are always cringe
Japan loves their ship... for some reason
little girls messing with my dick...
corporate shillchi...
Holy based
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Please stop firebombing the Asian.
>ai slop
I like it a lot but the design doesn't thematically fit with the Japanese aesthetic of Hyakkiyako. Feels more like something out of Millennium instead. Like the secret, out of sight slacker of the gamer club or something.
What the fuck are you on about?
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niyaniya anal sex!
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It would be a nice first time
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made me chuckle
I wish that was me right now...
Why is this sellout still here?
sechiako's tits look kinda cursed
The eyebags of that Miyu make her look suicidal
Well, world of warships matches are plagued with aircraft carriers
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Sechi Akobros are we back?
there are only two types of people who are into military stuff or are actually serving
those who like anime and those who like to suck cocks
no, there is no in-between, it's either they like anime or they're a massive faggot
>Abydos wank: Bad
>Trinity wank: Bad
>Hina wank: Bad
>Haruna wank: Bad

What are the /bag/ approved wanks?
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>I praise Makoto
>kekeke you have good eyes, sensei
>I praise Ako
>Sensei is... a fleet admiral?
now do tiny seias
It looks like a modern day chunni menhera in some ways, hyakkiyako tends to reflect classic or traditional Japan more anyway so yes
He's right.
>t. Former Navy
>What are the /bag/ approved wanks?
Abydos wank
Trinity wank
Hina wank
Haruna wank
Give the uncompressed version so I can archive it
Those seamen? All me
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>Taiwan mentioned
Yuukawank, ididot. Nobody complains about Yuukawank.
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>Saying taipei then switching to taiwan
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I want Hina to wank me
I liked what Serika and Shiroko said/10
Tsundere who wants Sensei to be dominating her
AL is kinda different in that WoWS ships are the one being inserted into the game, not the other way around.
But yeah it's WoWS. Aside from seamen joke there's really nothing that can be pushed.
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I'm a sucker for armored core collab
But WoWs is more WW2 stuff, right?
I like them a bit more modern.
>announce ANOTHER collab
>10 minutes later mention taiwan so that chinks go away
actual geniuses
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With Ibuki.
she's getting me into fetishes I've never had before...
> Surprise
> It's just the same 1200 pyrox
Kim producer, plizz...
>nips were happy for Hosh second blufes

>/bag/ seethe and cried about it
Why are we lik this?
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Wow, I might be the only /bag/got here who actively plays world of warships. i probably still wont drop any money on this though
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she seems to be based off on james moriarty and has a similar halo to ako?
you can download it here.
Sensei wank. Both figuratively and literally.
The right way to praise Ako is with a collar and saying good girl
is he the dude that left?
midori does not want to share sensei
wtf is wrong with her
/bag/ came to realize that Trinity wank is good. Trinity gets development and focus for several students. Trinity events get the best character driven stories.
that's isakusan
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There are no such thing as Taiwan.
nice aggie bababs
>Wakamo is... IJN aircraft carrier?
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Chinks insists Taiwan to be referred as Chinese Taipei in international competitions and stuff. So it's a bit sensitive. But it's actually better to just say Taipei since they said Shanghai in the previous sentence and the con is actually in Taipei.
>she's getting me into fetishes I've never had before...
what are you? gay or something? try https://exhentai.org/tag/artist:bizen stuff
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Ninja club. They should have more time in the spotlight.
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Why would she share?
Trinity Summer 2 was absolute ass because Hanako is a black hole for character development, she's basically Trinity's Haruna.
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Steam says it's about 61 gb. I need all of that space for shitty rpgmaker games.
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Pretty mid 3rd ani stream even for KR standard
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Is Taiwan number 1?
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Suzumi alt when
The one in the OP is manually rearranged, merging all canvases.
Here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/25uxzw.png
I wanked myself
This wasn't a 3rd Anni stream anon. That's in 3 months...
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Free pyros/10
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incredible collab nerds
The chibis are more sexy.
>gook stream
>0 gook ako
its fucking garbage
Thanks, I'm gonna upload it to my Twitter account in a few hours.
/bag/ is a war thunder general
Could do without the Warship collab. Otherwise pretty nice. At the end is stuff we already know.
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I read through the post you replied to for a spelling or grammar mistake for like a solid 20 seconds before I realized you were just using a Midori pic since she was the topic of that post. Midori posting has mindbroke me.
Because it's not the 3rd anniversary.
you're just chibisexual
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Can we go back to NiyaNiya wank?
put me in the screencap
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Mutsuki Status?
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>whores itself out after becoming relevant
Even in Aggie she's a retard
Aoharu is so good bros
Sechi status?
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Why do I like the never ever?
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Still 6 months behind/10
The adventure continues
Your nip masters finally caved and did a collab with the chinks of all people stfu and gtfo
What does Kim yonha even do?
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tri-gusa, no regrets on making midomo wide, churo sex, autistic VAs / 10
>he doesn't have a 16 exabyte storage
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But enough about sensei
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Sex...with kei
Can't we get something out of these collabs? That was my big complaint with mahjong too, we literally get nothing in exchange. Though I don't even know what we could get out of this game, maybe Wakamo Warship?
this may be the 3rd anniversary banner/event equivalent for JP, but it's not refereed to as that on global
also these streams usually suck anyways only thing worth watching is the dev talk segment and maybe jamming out to DJing
no stats corner/10
One of the few things I'm excited for with these streams. Instead they shoved it aside to shill the KR VAs instead. I get it, but it's stupid that they couldn't make time for both.
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Student sexual relief reminder.

Midori is cute, more people should use Midori outside of Midoriposting.
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whored out to the inferior rummy mafia
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+ free pyros
+ interesting behind the scenes talk
+ cool concept art
- worthless collab
- en dub mentioned (i think?)
you have based taste, however if you stop loving them when they release you are cringe and gay
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Say something funny first because I only post shit that gives me a lot of likes and retweets.
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Horns would have been great on her. But I'm totally fine with design we ended up with.
>maybe Wakamo Warship
No, we would need to collab with AL to get Akagi
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ngl i kinda like the concept design of shuro more
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it wasn't mentioned dumb fuck stop reading /bag/
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>free pyros
I just woke up what did I miss?
It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi twitter account.
Gookako lost, Sechiako is official and eternal.
You'll get a random art of your student with a ship and that's about it
Akagi is even more forgotten than Wakamo.
it was horrible
am I the only one who edges to these absolute sex demons but in the middle of jerking off feel some urge to suck cock and then goes to bed and cums in his own face and even swallows it
Why she got that Dynamax cloud
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Thanks for drawing rrrat.
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Mika blob!? Another one to join Mikaverse
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Why are so many artists drawing this girl instead of someone from the Arius Squad?
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>stop reading /bag/
they're just priming you for D.Hina
That's for the stream in a few months bro.
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Good morning
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My wife is so beautiful
New loli
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I love angry Kei.
Key love
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cute car
Yuuka impregnation
in other words keysex
I said this unironically about shupos and Kisaki before this and I will continue to love FOTM lolis.
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Don’t forget the mikadragon
because she is hotter than swimsuit alts
I'll take anything after mahjong, even bloons is more appealing than chink gacha
Should I buy a 4k monitor?
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I suddenly remember yostar and nexon trying so hard to hide the identity of d.saori that they literally censored her halo during the opera68
What the fuck was that about
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Thoughts on Nonomi's Nonomis?
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To give you the lowdown on the ships that are getting skins in this collab:

Hoshino of course gets a skin for the highest tier (10) of the 3. it's for USS Montana, a proposed design following the Iowa-class equipped with 12 406mm main guns. The ship is one of the oldest T10 battleships in the game and is a little power crept but still solid enough in today's meta.

Nonomi gets a skin for Tirpitz, the sister ship of Bismarck, a T8 battleship that specializes in close range fighting. Sucks in the main game mode, but is good in smaller battles like ranked where it can close the gap without getting focused down too hard.

Shiroko gets shafted by being a skin for the T9 IJN light cruiser Takahashi, which came out last year, but the entire line has been widely regarded as a joke by the entire playerbase. It's a light cruiser with smaller caliber guns, but is bigger (fatter), slower, and less maneuverable than the heavy cruiser line, which if you're thinking to yourself "hey that doesn't make any sense", that's what all the players thought too.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk. Blue Archive.
cute sechi iori
>Suddenly an influx of Kei posting
What happens?
big sagging saggers
probably the best time to buy one if you're gonna abuse back to school sales
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it was a fun surprise because of that, I'm glad they did it
Can someone post some Hoshino art?
11+ children.
That shit's a meme like buying Raycon.
I wish I had a wife to care for me so I didn't wake up at 3 PM almost every day.
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Fotm students are unironically better.
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My personal favorite is Migga chicken!
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Mashiro, you're sitting like 5 feet off the ground
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Mika should die
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Why doesnt JP like Sumire?
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So who's the main girl of this game?
best sag
Serika... forgotten...
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and the squirrel
They could have used ships that weren't powercrept
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You fucking niggers seethed at the railgun girls showing up and possibly being in your roster. Some of you even insisted on skipping the event entirely so Saten doesn't join.
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She was asking for it.
Kamabogo Gonpachiro!
Hina and Hoshino arguably.
holy FUCK, her pony tail looked like a leg in this so I thought her right leg looked like a fucking cock
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Wakamo wank
Most Hyakkiyako wank
C&C wank
Arius wank
Kuroko wank
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student flavors
Nice try, retard. Trinity Summer 2 is admittedly segmented as each member basically got a single chapter spent with Sensei each instead of developing a friendship between those students but comparing Hanako to Haruna means that either you misunderstood the story or didn't actually read it. The main focus of the event story was on Ui. She was shown trying to work on her attitude towards other people. The main theme of the event story is closely tied to Ui's ideas and values about preserving history.
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Kei is cute.
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>oni horns
brahs should I make a secondary JP account?
Agreed, very strange choices that don't really thematically match the characters either
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artists preferred new lolis than big breasts, also she's similar with Momoka from Idolmaster on the other side
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Kei is hot
>skipping Saten
Why are you like this anon?
There are so many mini Mikas
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Migga wank!
kek I can see it
fuck you
I used to love WoWs before it became an unplayable cash grab shit.
I miss Asashio so much...
Hi good morning
Makoto sexo
That is all
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woah mama
QRD on the Axolotl Momoi?
Nobody really wanted a boomer collab. If we are going to do a collab then do it with something relevant like zzz or wuwa or a modern anime.
Ayane was the one for Takahashi. Serika and Shiroko were shown at the end but I don't play WoWS so I don't know what role they get if any.
A lot of Japanese people have said "she's like Moriarty" but I'm not familiar with Sherlock Holmes. Is she really? And if so, how?
My alluring abyss
Fuck you anon
i can't unsee it
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>who in the manga and show
>who and barely exists in the collab
Checks out.
It always bothers me when the dialog art for characters is in some weird pose, instead of actually standing. Thankfully they stopped doing that.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't been a thing since the Hyakkiyako Summer event, where swimsuit Mimori get her art?
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Arius squad swimsuit is a huge dissapointment on all standards.
You cant do a swimsuit version making the character LESS sexy and get away with it.

Specially if you put the rateup after motherfucking Terror Shiroko and Hoshino modo serioso
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I want to have an AFL team worth of children with her.
All I'm saying is they should have given us that default cat girl from mahjong, I doubt there would have been any of that shitposting back then because hey, free cute catgirl.
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current Shuro >>>> concept arts
EOP here, how good are the 3.5 Bluefest students (ShirokoT/Hoshino)? Mika/DHina-level or below?
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Haven't even looked nor cared about Nonomi at all since Suou came into my life
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>basically no story presence (her role in vol 2 is handled off screen)
>not the primary focus of on your mark or new year's march
>may as well not be in vol F
>no clubmates until very recently
If she took a more proactive role in an event or main story people would probably like her more.
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Do you think devs remember Niya exists?
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I think SMimori was the last one, yeah. I think they themselves realized how weird it looks.
as a JP player, you're ignoring that Global consistently gets extra rewards via a shoddy in-game browser during events, including this one. Furthermore Global's always gotten more (and higher) random awards basically. JP is quite stingy
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Fuck you nigger, now I see it too.
even below wakamo
>Less sexy

Hmm, no
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>Shuro was tall and had big tits in the concept art
>Was turned into a shitposting mesugaki instead

This is so based
I'll follow you anywhere john nexon
yeah you're right it was Ayane. Idk why I typed shiroko there
>zzz or wuwa
You seriously fucking think gachas would collab with eachother?
both of them are strong but they are currently looking to be built more for set than general content.
also kuroko seems to be way stronger than hosh in set, nobody uses hosh after 90
But that's not the professor.
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I think sSaori is more sexy than regular Saori in a lot of ways. Casual clothes really do it for me.
>relevant like zzz
bro that shit is literally already dead. not even fotm it ended up being fotw
No one complimented my contribution in the aggie yet. Fuck all of you.
Kei is only ever angry/tsundere in fanart

In the game she can be sassy on very rare occasion, but is mostly matter of fact and a bit pathetic/meek.
Aris gets angry more often than her.

It's like "Iroha and Hina's rivalry"--completely invented by fans, unsupported by the game.
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Bro she is in like every Hyakki story and event in some way
wouldn't have changed anything because of akemi and niyaniya existing
people tend to forget what happened with mika vs kisaki around the second anniversary

although I agree that saori's design is very weak
FUCK world of warshits
rerun Miku NOW
Nice tiny seia
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Are you looking forward to this upcoming doujinshi?
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>get more rewards
>have 6 months of foresight
>the "canon" server because muh gooks
>still make shitty revenue compared despite being a conglomerate of multiple servers
>people still can't show self control with rolls despite oodles of free gibs + foresight
JP manage AND top sales charts for their free gibs despite everything. I honestly don't know how any Global player manages to screw up their roll plans. The stars align consistently and people still fuck up their savings somehow
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It's this Chinatsu image all over again...
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>no veins
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This is wrong because sHiyori has done irreparable damage to my penis over the past week
Nice /wuwa/ garbage faggot
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Princess is mad because Sensei cares about me more these days than her.
why does she have a boner?
Chinatsus footlong cock...
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Compare this to her first L2D, no more blood, no more suffering, she found something she likes to do, her friends are doing fine, she is happy.

I hope s.Misaki L2D will be similar when released
Sumire fan... is a cock enjoyer?!
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>simplicity in designs is Blue Archive's strength
>except when they're not because I say so
/bag/ pls. Saori is fine.
It's my policy to never compliment Ako in any way, shape, or form, sorry.
She's one-note and boring
i would blow in mere seconds if key had her hand on my dick
She's bit too much of a one-note character. Obviously most characters in the game don't have tons of depth, but somebody just being "I like exercising and working out! Feel the burn!" isn't really interesting.
She's hot, and can be kind of funny, but all scenes with her are the same.
free pyros/didn't watch
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Which one?
>forget what happened
more like no one cared except some schizos because the rivalry is stupid. That is like saying cHoshino/Kuroko are forgotten because niyaniya exist
EOP confirmation globaltard bwo...
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help /bag/, where is this from
google and ascii can't find shit
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>>(her role in vol 2 is handled off screen)
>Rio's plan got foiled because she literally forgot about Sumire
I can't tell if the devs were having a giggle at her expense.
Most of her expressions are shit. That's my only gripe.
do you have a link for the previous ones?
this is why I like FOX better
>Iroha and Hina's rivalry--completely invented by fans
They have beautiful hair rivalry.
I still find it weird there was that 1 passive agressive line between them in the infirmary.
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Foresight is global's biggest strength and biggest weakness
Knowing the future is a huge boon but knowing the future can also fuck you over because it may lead to you sabotaging yourself

/bag/ is basically Seia except without Sensei to save them. I used to feel bad about global getting so much shit handed to them on a silver platter compared to JP but after watching globals fuck themselves horribly for years now, I don't really feel that bad anymore.
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____ ______ ____?
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Hina really is a janny huh? why is she going around gehenna checking trash cans? she's even dissappointed she didn't find anything in this one
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Kuroko and Saori are canon best friends across wagie jobs behind the scenes and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise
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Arius bad
Yes. i really like S. Saori's portrait.
Chinatsu and Sumire spitroasting me with their magnum dongs...
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She definitely raped me after this didn't she
this is why i like rabbits much more
Just woke up. Does /bag/ still hate Hoshino?
Fox squad has better weapon and cooler in geeral
Made for rushing to the hospital after she accidentally overdoses on drugs
ogogo wants american sensei cock
this is why I love miyako
Seia from Blue Archive
nobody is forgotten nor am I talking about rivalry, I meant how when you reveal multiple characters people's attention will be divided amongst them
>Original design has sexy midriff
>Beach version doesn't
That would be a great outfit for casual Saori, but I don't think it's that sexy of an outfit for summer alt.
It's not passive aggressive in JP, can't speak for Korean
she's a homeless American girl
I fucking hate when they give cool weapons to literal whos.
You can never be sure if some student is hiding there.
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When do all the lost items show up on the Hina minigame? I got about half of them
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They're fine. Don't let your mx2j hate-boner get the better of you
These are the posts I come to /bag/ for
Fuck you
Complaints about designs for alts mostly boil down to how sexualized the outfit is. We had retards hate on Christmas alts, New Year Kimonos and Utaha's alt because they don't show enough skin.
you should have everything but 6 paper airplanes and the crayons right now
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im thinking foxes won
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>reveal cunny design
>fan artists go absolutely wild for 2 weeks
>never release any of them
Why does BA keep falling into this cycle?
Rabbits using Scandinavian guns is cool, but they really should embody some Finnish stereotypes.
Addiction to coffee, wanting to build sauna in the park, burning hatred for Red Winter...
mama and ogogee are the best
reminder that rabbits won vs foxes
eat shit americans
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>alright, we've got it all planned out, the final climax of volume 2 where ALL the millennium clubs come together to stop Rio and save Alice!
>Oh, what about Sumire?
>Fuck just have her be with Chihiro that'll fix it

Granted the whole Mirror thing is a bit of a "we're out of time and need to wrap this up somehow" moment.
is there a graphic roadmap with the faces of the girls that will be for rolling in the next months. I want to go Project Management maxxx
i really wished that we got Key playable so i can see Aris other side personality, but instead they turned them into 1kb data for a reason
>SAtsuko immediatedly forgotten

What went wrong?
Still better than “Wakamo's logs”
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wdym the PSG1 isn't cool
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Toki wins at any gun contest by virtue of running with the G11
no clue funny how I've seen that image posted a lot and even have it saved but no clue where it's from
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You won't forget your Professor, right?
Blueballed Archive
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Ogogee won
Nobody give shit about her outside meme like rimjob and ugly smile
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>Students throwing motivation letters on grounds because they know Hina would collect them like a janny
Truly our best janny
mx2j is shit and I will never forgive him for what he did to Kaede
no, complaints about designs for alts mostly boil down to this useless fucking hack doing a shit job with somebody else's design. go fuck yourself, retard.
What happened to Problem Solver 67?
You can only have sex with one; the other will just watch. Choose wisely.

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>Summer arius released at the same time as Serious Hoshino, Shiroko*Terror and the newest cunny character for artists
They were done dirty
2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 are really nice, but I'm not getting the camp "vibe" from any of them.
The final design is really nice.
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That's cause Aru is cooler.
>go absolutely wild
that's a bit of an overstatement tbf
it took a few days for fanart from big names to start popping in but with the other FOTM lolis like shupo and decagakis they get hundreds of art literally the second they drop.
professor was a slow but slowly growing trickle.
It really isn't that hard to just look up the JP banner schedule history
You now remember SSerika
I wanted to watch the kivotos live thing but they talk in bug language instead of proper japanese
So that's impossible
m/39 shouldnt have the Soviet flag, since it specifically refers to the Finnish variant of the mosin which are quite different.
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of course, it's why they got mx2j to do the party dress Saori. John Nexon is in on it.
I don't care for her design, for me it's the worst among all the arius ones
Date with Hare...
A healthy sensei has to move on from students that refuse to come to him
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Guh... phew...
Another Aggie, another load blown
Kikyou has inverted nipples and probably a bush, though it's hard to see that on either of them, so her.
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Nexon just doesn't know what to do or when to reveal them, I guess.

I think about the fat pussy ass everyday.
Wait did they bring out Koyuki for Vol2? I've completely forgotten.
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Maybe if they were more interesting then perhaps they wouldn't have gotten attentioncrept by another npc loli number 10.
s.serika to me was mxj2 's worst work.
the neck is 100% unforgivable.
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PD Yongha said in an interview before they can easily run the game for 15 years from the money they earned from BA at that point. They probably intend to follow through that estimate by slowly increasing future banner candidates while also delaying them as much as possible.
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Kikyou is literally the only logical long-term viable wife material choice
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It's Muchuki's birthday in 80 minutes, so her.
no time and no budget
t. kim sun dev
>JP makes the most money
And water is wet. No amount of foresight or lack thereof will change that.
Pantyhose sex it is.
2-2 looks like something I would wear with 2-3 knit cap.
The aggie, the whole thing
Her eyes just look off to me. Dsaori's were just way better
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I have pledged myself to be her sex slave for the rest of my life
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im trump do what i say
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That's my little sister!~
We were robbed of longer hair Hare.
she was absent, they only let her out for vol F. I think Noa was also not present for vol 2.2? I forget if it happened before the sports fes released, it's been a while.
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D Saori had a worser case of downs if anything
spamming pina's womb with sperm cells
Also being Mx2J'ed
They waste that money on shit collabs, shit features like gook voicelines and chink server exclusives over hiring more dev talent.
its been two years since ive smelled and savored teen pussy
ugh sperm spam
What are they doing?
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>Brought the ticket
>Got picrel

What am I in for?
It pains me that the better sister is doomed to be mid. What does Nexon have against her?
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Atsuko... Atsuko wouldn't have had a case of downs
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Taking the train to schale
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>waah hina is flawless waah dev's pet
Observe, the ULTIMATE canon Hina flaw. She has imperfections, just like any other student...
I agree. Don't say /bag/ for 1/a few faggots.
stinky butt
Hanako deserves my penis.
plug out your hdd and hide it 5 feet into the ground
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makoto has to be teh most hated student right?
the only thing I don't like about Swimsuit Saori is that it's called "Swimsuit"
That's a mistranslation.
both are fucking garbage mx2j saori is the worst sprite that he shat out so far
Yes, tell about how much a validate them, it gets me going
Wakamo cumming instantly from smelling my unwashed smegma coated cock
Invasion of privacy
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> Didn't collab with world of tanks
What was the logic here?
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Embarrassing post. Reapply yourself and try again.
I need the source of this, because I keep seeing other clips of it and it's really hot
don't tell me this is the full animation (and not cropped)
No, I hate Reisa and Miyako.
Thought so, poor Koyuki...
It happened after Sportsfes, I remember that random gamers filler banner. But I don't think Noa showed up anyway? I don't even think Yuuka was that prominent in 2.2 either.
dsaori has sexo outfit
csaori is less sexo than her default form
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In Blue Archive, it's the cunnies that are the tourist/secondary bait to get the fan-artist trains going for attention. Literally pump and dump FOTMs. The actual good girls are all the hags
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Water isn't wet
it's her valentine's chocolate
I don't have the source sry
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The full animation is like 30 seconds.
And yes Sensei did cum inside her, twice.
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To whoever drew that Makoto, you have my eternal respect.
Makoto and Cherino.
first we take touhou
now we take kancolle
Wow I haven't seen this webm for awhile.
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> have tanks
> no make boats
what are the first two kanji on the right and the one before onna? otherwise i got it
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Based, at least we know there are some wakalovers from the stream
I want to write a ba fanfic would you read it
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Which one is better?
hagcucks are always loud redditors desperate for attention and cry extremely loudly when they dont get it
im missing a bunch of items from the hina event. is there a list to check what I missed?
For a newbie? Iroha.
D.Ako is for a endgame content.
Kisaki at the end of this year
2025 year of loli
1-3 and 2-2 are my favorites
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D.Ako is useful for Set
Makoto is used in ONE RAID
Iroha is the queen of blue AoE
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>32 stamina
makoto is better as you're just starting
whos the halligan of blue archive
Wrong. Those eyes are beautiful and work with her personality, costume and mask. Nagusa memes are irrelevant. The positioning of her eyes on her summer alt just seem off perspective-wise and that detracts from most of her expressions. Compare when her eyes are open to when they're closed and the difference in quality is immediately noticeable.
Kazusa, because Kikkyou is more likely to simply rape me afterwards. Kazusa's kinda pathetic so she'd leave it at watching.
What's with people constantly trying to brick newfags into rolling Makoto
iroha is the most meta but she's not limited like the other two
then again the gacha pool is so crowded and the rates are so shit that non-limiteds might as well be limiteds
>I will just ignore the comparison that destroys anything I say
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>But I don't think Noa showed up anyway? I don't even think Yuuka was that prominent in 2.2 either.
I think they both showed up at the end? For Rio's "Gomen.." but you're right that they didn't really exist. I guess like Himari they got cupboard'd

I could read it again but vol 2 is a bit rough to go through so I'm just not going to. It was mostly a veritas (without Chihiro)/engineers/gamers/C&C show.
It's funny
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2023 was the year of titty
2024 was the year of loli
sure hope 2025 keeps the cunny trend with how many NPC jailed lolis we have
iroha and makoto are better if you're a newfag
How the fuck ships are relevant to blue archive for fuck sake only ships we got are Cruiseliners filled with bunny girls game is a fucking sell out now.
I'm making shit up but I'm sure that it's just Yostar spending shit on CN exclusive shit. The bilibili apology shitposting yesterday made me believe that Nexon doesn't care about chinks but Yostar does. PD Yongha easily shits out apology letters for when things go wrong on JP or Global servers but he didn't make one for the chink melty over the mahjong collab.
shhh don't tell them
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I'm still mad that normal Saki is stuck in special slot, fuck Nexon
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she blue me til I archive
your student
are you natty
>rolling for MAkoto even
lol do people do that, she's kinda uhhg
guess it takes special taste fr.
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> mari-nyahahaha
Why do fuckers burn through threads so fast
Chill the fuck out
It's funny and bricking hapless newcuties fits Makoto's personality
no cap
macunto or eroha
Ah shiet. I missed 8 memos ouf of 10 + 3 random items
Is Hot springs Cherino good?
>One raid
But she used for Binah 2nd team?
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Nice tags, sensei!
Noa did appear in V2C2 for a brief moment
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shame that i didn't get to join aggie so i can draw this thing
Limited >>> permanent
I mean I don't know what to tell you. You have no sense of aesthetic and can't tell the difference despite posting the comparisons yourself. Skill issue I guess.
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What books did Sensei have in his private drawer
you can easily use makoto in yellow greg
how do these nigger companies make so much money I want to make my own 2d totally not porn game as well
not too bad, considering many artists are busy preparing for comiket
There's no such thing as a FOTM tiddies monster.
Only kind of FOTM in this game are lolies.
How does Makoto compare to mYuzu, sMiyu, Moe and Nagisa in the AoE specials department?
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Wow! A fast thread!
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> nyahahaha
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Do we like Misaki here?
All Wakamo doujinshi
draw it fucking koharu next time
She need a lot of enemies to actually start dealing damage
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Makoto annihilates anything with tons of mobs with a screen sized AOE
some ppl "care"" about stats n shiet
Damn, but at least she's cute.
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Hmmm newcutie...
bigger AoE
yellow damage

only really relevant for Chesed but I believe she's better than Moe for it (though both do the job fine)
Nyo...the thread needs to go on longer so there's more opportunities for people to validate my drawing in the aggie...
That's a cool Misaki even though I don't know what it's referencing
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This is your cancer patient
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>no sense of right or wrong
>inconveniences everyone around her by doing insane stupid shit for insane stupid reasons
>regularly pisses off the head of law enforcement
>obsessed with food (more than just pizza in her case
>would 100% keep eating after being informed she's dining on human flesh
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That is the one raid she is most useful in.
People like to point at Chesed, but come on. Even before level cap increase that was considered one of the easiest Torments.
>it's the cunnies that are the tourist/secondary bait
But the Shupos are loved in Japan specifically because they are related to trains.
it's mountainhan https://files.catbox.moe/3m4xue.webm
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I wish i had a gf w those thighs
she has mystic attack meaning she has some sort of magical powers it all make sense
he's just mad because the hags arent automatically popular here like in every other game
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When does a millennium bluefes happen?
being able to solo chesed first half is a pretty big achievement
>denied me my sundress Ui
>draws bald chibis
Fire Paruru already
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>quickshot sensei thinks he can make a student cum first
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>t. tiny seialess
>People like to point at Chesed, but come on.
it's just a convenience thing. Chesed was always a bunch of moving parts and she simplified it.
well, she can't swim
What would it take for /bag/ to like Haruna?
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Can you blame him?
Actually I want it to die fast so I can bury my shame
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I never said I don't like her
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at least you got a tiny seia... right anon?
Thank you
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>That is the one raid she is most useful in.
This is Binah (Torment) btw. The subskill is just too good.
black souls
Okay I don’t think I can when she is so sex
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New thread or recycle?
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skill issue
What in the goddamn fuck?
mutsuki's birthday...
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there's a full animation, but it is paywalled and afaik not uploaded anywhere I know about

I'd pay for it but my own money's too tight. fwiw mountainhan is pretty generous about paying for stuff (like 5USD for his literal entire body of work, and 15 if you also want the original files for some reason) https://han.fanbox.cc/posts
wtf why was this thread so fast
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I feel bad about not drawing her the last couple aggies
>Makoto's Ex gets stronger the more targets there are
>use her against single target
there was a stream
You don't use her EX dummy
Aren't gifs good enough?
...Okay, that's pretty impressive. Is Binah a two-team Torment now?
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Goodnight /bag/, good luck on your rolls later.
>def down on basic
>yellow damage buff to strikers
she's very very strong
Good night
No that's a 1T.
I like sound effects.
>fools unable to see the greatness of Makoto-sama
Good night aruji anon
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I used her so much in the first outdoor torment binah and i used her every day in outdoor pvp on attack because she 1 shot nymutsuki/shanako
Gn anon
>use sKanna specifically because she boosts ATK of Specials
>don't use your Specials for offense
I love her, but I hate it when she's mean to Hina :(
use sKanna specifically for her armor shredding EX
You are confused
You better slow down next thread niggies
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gn, see you tomorrow
That team is literally just a cleanup team for the last 3m (there's a Shun so duh) because Mika just wipes the floor with the raid
You don't even need Makoto unless you're chasing the top ranks
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small penis humiliation
urethral sounding
facesitting + smell play
chastity + cock shrinking + pegging
nursing handjob
mama play + patronizing dirty talk
small cock blowjob (she mentions how she can't deepthroat it, only suckle, VERY important...)
sleep sex (so small it doesn't wake her up)
public humiliation
yandere + mindbreak + impregnation
sorry koyuki sensei is a very messed up man...
>facesitting + smell play
Absolute kino
I know who you are
He's totally not fagfie
>chew through an entire thread in a single one hour
>don't even use up all images
i want to blow my load inside a student...
Wakamo specifically
S.Kanna's sub skill is weird, since it is obviously geared for Greg...But her debuff is too short to be of good use there, and she will also melt from the AoE damage. What were the devs thinking?
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coom in doom
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coom in doom = seia
cum in dumb = ako
at last i truly see...
cum in dumb would be more like koharu
Good evening ded bag! It's Sunday! Wishing you all the best for today! Hope you had a great day too if it's evening!
>why are people drawing new student and not flipped alts of characters who also flopped when they weren't alts
truly a mystery for the ages
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Good evening trainanon, I hope you're doing great
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good morning y'all
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Who the fuck keeps committing crime.
That's against the law.
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I was informed last thread that reisa was under suspicion of homicide.
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Seems it's true, it's always Uzuwa Leisa's fault.
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I've been framed

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