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Previous: >>487989198

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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So now that EN dub is kill, will you be using the TRVE voice cast (CN) or the jp slopdub?
>earns millions
>can't pick a voice pack for every character
Shit game.
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So pre-load tomorrow?
Why did they murder Argenti, bros...?
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Luciérnaga amor
Captcha: P4RT0
She got pregnant by the extreme handholding at the end of 2.3.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Two more weeks of Jade
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>is not aware
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For those that missed it.

Argenti has a new VA listed on the website, previously it was "Adam Michael Gold".
You can hear his voice at: https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/character?worldIndex=6&charIndex=4

The reason for this is unknown but this has nothing to do with the ongoing SAGAFTRA strike because the current VA is also affiliated with SAGAFTRA.
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this will be us when they inevitably shipbait Firefly with another male character
Show your different picks.
Nobody want sto listen to the worlds ugliest language for 20 hours per planet
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good morning hsrg
I love my husband Boothill and while I did sleep like shit I did dream about kissing him so it wasn't all bad
y e e h a w
aaiiieeeeeeee my advertisoooooors
I used to think that luciérnaga as her name was weird, but thanks to this general i find it kinda cute and charming.
They made a French dub too?
Too lazy to take pics, I only use Jazz III Dunlop, red or black.
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Sparkle can't come soon enough
Hey guys I'm fairly new to star rail, I'm curious about 4 star drop rates because from that departure and standard banners I literally keep getting the same 5-6 4 stars over and over again. Asta, Arlan, Herta, Sushang, Pela, Natasha. I haven't seen a single Xueyi or a Gallagher.
Also what happens when you finish your standard banner? You choose a reward and it goes away? Where do you pull with those grey passes then?
First time hearing that, I'm so sorry
Kissing Boothill on the cloaca!
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Good shit. Predict Lingsha's animations. Will she transform into a lamia woman?
No lmao
Seh will turn into a snake, and it will be the funniest shit we've ever seen
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no but feixiao will transform into that furry faggot from zzz
enjoy, gweilo!
SMTV style, snake tail but with feet.
I'll skip her if she does.
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Good morning Yunlibros
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Elysia
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
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I remember you!!!!! Get out of here!!!! Shoo!!!! No cloaca!!!!!!!!!
I can't take it anymore Yunlibros...Jade's banner is still up...
>woman in chink dress
Expect the lamest animations. Cant be worse than Ruan Mei though...right?
Good morning feet
Guess they're not added to the standard pool yet.
Departure and standard banner's different. Departure, the one with the discounted pulls goes away after you get your first 5*. Standard stays, you get a selector at your 300th pull, pick any 5* character from the standard pool. It's a one-time thing. Standard = gray passes.
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can't wait for her
She will literally be Topaz tier and all her animations will be the dumb rabbits
Can Jade fuck off already? I can't wait to receive a footjob from this goddess
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How long must I endure...
Yunli? For (You).
Maybe I should top up for once, it's been 4 years since I spent on anything gaming related apart from some monthly passes for gacha games. Top up reset is impossible to happen before 3.0 right?
The standard 4* pool is evenly split across everything currently in the game (characters and light cones). The only exception is newly added 4*s which only enter the standard pool after their debut patch is over. The new 4* this patch is the After the Charmony Fall light cone. You can check the details page on the warp screen which legally has to accurately reflect the current pool and your odds.

Standard banner will still be there after you use the 300 selector.
Top ups only reset on anniversary, so once each year.
I hear Argenti's audio files were fucked then hoyo just recasted? Anything on this?
To this day I don't understand why people shittalk RM's animations, they nicely fit her and have smooth transitions.
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Why can't you jump in this game?
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Yunlibros, we're gonna make it. She has a surprise for you for waiting so patiently!
It might just be scheduling issues
Hoyo: Ey we lost your voice files lole sorry, can you come re-record everything?
Him: Uh sure but I'm busy until X day
Hoyo: No that doesn't quite work
And thats the end of that.
Just a theory though, nobody knows what happened and Hoyo hasn't made an acknowledgement of the situation.
I also prefer them over annoying screams and unnecessary camera shakes
Sure but don't lie to yourself and say it's befitting for a 5* chara's animations.
I've already accepted it since she's not a combat type, but Bronya's was a bit better.
You shouldn't top-up now unless you want to signal to Hoyo that you're perfectly OK with getting two patches of chinkslop and want to eat more in the future.
Something happened behind the scenes but the VA didn't really explain what
It’s called Honkai:Starrail not Jumpkai:starleap.
yanqing is so lucky...
I guess bland as fuck animations do fit that boring bitch.
Stupid fugly biznatch, go away, I'm ready to roll for the beautiful nymphet that's coming.
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Jade is beautiful
Attention Honkai Star Railers. As per my agreement I have taken a bath. This is my first bath this entire month. I do not go back on my word
i'm yanqing now...
based, now brush your teeth too
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Prydwen tier lists are designed for casuals that don't save up and probably don't even do their dailies. You would get e1s1 minimum if you wanted to keep using the character
Clean your room while you're at it.
Kind of disappointing. I like his voice as Argenti, and I know he's Tail, too.
homoverse doesn't contract the vas directly, they're hiring a studio
and he claims that he doesn't know the reason
... outside of game
You’re getting way too ahead of yourself
>casual metatards
I can't see how they get any enjoyment out of the game, but it's their own fault for just following a tier list.
>yunli right around the corner
>space Greece soon
FeetGODS, this is our dawn!
Did a random 10 Roll (from 0) on Argenti weapon banner and got it. My only male is Blade, is Argenti worth with Huohuo and Sparkle?
>Argenti is voiceless for 2 patches
>doesn't even have voice when he's on the train
>VA said he recorded those lines and has no idea what the issue is
>VA has now been replace because of whatever reason
I feel like the studio just gave up.
>Moze VA replaced
>Argenti VA replaced
>Sunday VA soon to be replaced
What is actually going on with the EN dub
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>2 days left
>Pity 72 guaranteed
>Still Jadelet
What are my chances to get her before she's gone Jadebros? I have literally exhausted every content there is in this game aside from achievements.
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Cute sisters

Silver Wolf...
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Just swipe bro, buy a express pass or whatever.
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Use "that"
Approaching hard pity, should be in the next 1x pulls unless you're unlucky.
I wish I never pulled Silver Wolf. Took me to hard pity and now she just collects dust.
When did he say he recorded the lines?
>Sunday VA soon to be replaced
What? Why?
He's hasn't committed any crimes and he hasn't said shit about the company unlike the Genshit VAs that spent an entire week gargling nigger cum and "boycotting" the game and they haven't been fired.
>log in
>Do MoC
>Finish MoC
See you guys in two weeks!
1-2 brush my teeth r
3-4 clean my room
5-9 sit in my room all day shitposting
0 play honkai star rail
I would have given you a hand but I fucking loathe Jade, tough luck pal
You Acheron?
I never said Id be quitting the game over this, dummy.
He's just talking out of hiss ass, Sunday VA is fine and hasnt been recasted.
he defended a rapist therefore he's a rapist himself by association
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>all the TCs say Jiaoqiu replaces SW (not Pela, meaning SW is less valuable than Pela)
It’s over. She is now just a mono-Quantum slave.
Reminder that mihoyo didn't even fire Moze's VA he stepped down himself because he's a bitch.
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sorry bro, had to be done
SU/DU reset soon
>72 pulls
yikes, maybe if you were at 75
With Ach e2+ this has been the case for a long time.
I'll still skip the fox, because I have yet to not 0 cycle any moc stage I put Ach into, and that's with a sustain. Why bother pulling a guy then.
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The studio was having technical difficulties I think or something about the voice files.
Hoping my luck turns around with Yunli
But I have set aside $1,000 for Star Rail in August so I will be good to go regardless
leave some for me bro
>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
>lost every coinflip this year
Bros, I'm afraid of my Yunli flip...
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E2S1 or E1S1?
I read his whole ass tumblr and twitter post and this guy really shouldn't have said anything and just kept his job. Stepping down because of twitterkeks when the company itself doesn't give a shit is some pussy behavior.
Buy the battlepass
I have 1100 gemmies should i irresponsibly use them on jade because i only have her at e0
I don't get it, the cock is as black as Uncle Rufus yet there's Aventurine throwing his chips near it, is he into Blacked porn or something?
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I don't play little girl characters
her constellations are all that good
imagine the smell...
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When your primary focus is being an e-celeb instead of a working actor it's better to not have the constant buzzing and score some pity points in the process.
He's supposed to be a pimp bwo
>posts a cock
>no bare tits or cunts in the image
You are gay
e0s0 with lynx
her teams don't stack any def shred so e2 is a meme
She already seems really strong at E0S1 so I'm gonna leave her at that.
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This. Yunli is minor-coded and I don't want people outside to look at me weirdly.
This implies that Black People on your images have money. Sorry but I'm not buying this.
Homosexuality is a sin
Sex with Banjomori
but my Robin is E1 and my Sparkle E2...
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>disregarding a decent job opportunity for some e-celeb clout on the online equivalent of an asylum
I'll never understand e-celeb stuff.
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A Yunli footjob would fix me
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She will fix the game after the damage Jade has done
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Bottom sissy thread...
wtf is a switch
Definitely botted
What video game should I play on my Vita next I’ll post a full review next weekend after I beat it
Doesn't this only apply to gay sex?
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>tail's voice is gone
cute and canon
A gaming console. Not sure why one would want to be that, though.
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I knew all of /hsrg/ were little sluts.
Any (good) mono element teams that use SW aside from Quantum? I want to get some mileage out of this useless brick.
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>easily botted polls
very cool
Less botted poll in this general
What is pegging
>mr. Tail was the only reason I would have rolled huohuo
>They fired him
Easiest skip of my life
you either run monoquantum or use her against a quantum weak enemy, no other way to run her
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Phantasy star nova
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don't do it bro.. brushing gets rid of the protective smell barrier around your mouth... femoids will take advantage of this.......
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Noooooooo Fofo is cool too!!!!!!
We have to be strong, we're almost there bros, this horrible banned is about to end.
>Total Avgin Death
don't worry jadebros, they're gonna delay 2.4
Mr. Oswaldo, my nigga! I wasn't expecting to see you in this thread.
it's just another way of saying dom and sub these days
She absolutely flopped in my stone
>Avgin New World Order
I don’t know how to install English patches on my Vita
well shit, I am a hot commodity here
>which one of you wants to suck my dick first?
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Let me roooolllllllll
i regret every dollar i have spent on this game
Me inside
>fake Yunlishill back at it again
Same time as yesterday
How much have you spent?
give me your account then
Oh, wait. I don't think that troons working on the English patch for it ever finished. Just play natural doctrine instead, it's in English and you don't need a patch for that
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if yunli isn't the best dps in the entire game and i can't clear apocalyptic shadow on auto i'm out of here. games aren't even good anymore i've not seen much less played a good game in forever. back to heroes of might and magic 3 i go
Prydwen tier lists are for casual low spenders. They have way too much stuff that requires swiping or saving to be reliable; they always put DPS as higher tiers than supports (supports are far, far stronger), often measure against teams/gear that are not F2P friendly (S5 gacha cones, sigs, everything in Wuwa) and are extremely biased towards their own preferences, such as putting Acheron T0 in PF (which is retarded), not putting RM in T0 until FF came out, underrating Argenti in PF, etc etc.
Basically they are completely worthless outside of shitposting.
They also claim to base the tier list on their own metrics for endgame modes, which rarely reflect their actual tier list (Acheron almost always underperforms at least 1 other DPS) and has a small sample size that's easy to skew by low usage rate.
Having less than 5k total full clears makes their stats worthless.
Okay I’ll download that
at least $3000, all of which i wish i spent on zzz instead.
i could kill you instead how about that?
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Time for a hug
No, we would know by now
Jesus Christ, any E6's?
Buy a year's worth of monthly passes. You only need like 10 pulls.
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When is the beta version preload?
if you can waste 3k on this then you can waste the same on another game
now fuck off, you dumb humble bragger
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Yunli is a shipbait so I'm skipping. Only that way I can secure Feixiao to avoid same fate. Dawei needs to learn the hard way!!
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time for a bud
Me but Genshin ($3k between launch and 2.3). C6 raiden and every limited before raiden most at c1 or C2
You're gonna spend 3000$ on ZZZ and say the same about it in a year, just keep consuming piggy
Ewww. At least cut the heroes crap and play the REAL might and magic (I'll be nice and allow 8 or older)
I'm literally YanKING
can I beat the penacony story and origami bird event before the reset for the free gally?
this is a man, right?
>posting ugly tattooed 3d whores, not even ugly hsr cosplay whores
I think you shouldn't worry about the beta and kill yourself before it comes out
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is 6 good
nah instagram slut
Kill yourself
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I want to SEXUALLY have SEX with Lingsha.
that doesn't answer my question at all
Feixiao literaly fucks everything
Lingma balls lmao
bros, how can I afford to pull Yunli, Feixiao, AND Lingsha??!?!?!
Lingsha will be for (You) and will fit perfectly in the TB/FF team
Be patient bro
what's your job?
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Who's balls?
Ask hoyo for a raise, marketer-san
Feixiao literally has so much sex that she surgically removed her tail to allow more dpm (dicks per minute) inside her.
calm down yanqing
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Silver SLUT
Use... THAT
does he know?
Who the hell is feixiao?
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CHADqing's POV
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Please stop posting Firefly NTR she is my pure and innocent wife...
Kafka is more built for bbc anyway
Feixiao is a haremstacy
Someone please post Herta
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The same way I afforded Chingli, Chongchangus, and Chungching. I SKIP CHINKS. KILL YOURSELVES.
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I trust in Feixiao to be a pure and innocent battletard just like Gojo was(He refused to fuck Shoko what a fag)
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I chose e2 bronya with my selector. She's great but i have not had a clara yet. As soon as I do pull clara I will wish I had used it on her E1. But it's only a 1/12 chance and I didn't wana wait on clara possibly forever so I took e2 bronya since she was already built.
Literally my POV
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I prefarmed Clara and used mine on her, I've used her one time since getting her.
I don't have himeko or gepard and need both but I also want bronya e2, gonna be a hard choice for me
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There is still time
I already did my DU run
Not my fault the Chinese company puts way more effort into designing Chinese characters. Though I only want Yunli and Lingsha.
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Big Belobog Cock?
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Herta Herta Bo-Berta
Banana Fanna Fo Ferta
Fee Fi Fo Ferta... Herta!
>way more effort
>chinese dress copypasted over 1000 times
As a 46 year old obese black man from Minnesota this threads quality has plummeted
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He looks so vulnerable asleep...
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My girlfriend is so cute
Miss Herta.... *Pant*.... Hmmm Herta.... *Pant*
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check out this awesome move
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How good is Yunli at E0S0
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better than e0 clara
good with lynx
Why do I even visit this general?
Every second post feels like it's posted by a bot.
>roll Yunli
>skip sus fox
>roll Feixiao
>throw leftover rolls at Lingsha and if she wants to show up then she will
you can stop samefagging now, dollfucker
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We’re all Intellitrons here
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Dan Heng was really going in for that kiss...
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this is hideous
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Pretty good
he likes to watch!
So 2.4 is a total skip patch? Nice. Penacony was draining me dry. Glad to finally have a breather.
What the fuck were they thinking with the entirety of hss?
Literally no one ships aventurine and Firefly together. Hell, they look like awkward friends in the pic related.
I prepared my tongue and all
2.4-3.3 are skip patches

Save for T0E0 3.4 Fate units
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Watch this
That's the Akash voiceactor.
Everflame mansion bros...
Why are you replying to the gojocuck
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you're mentally ill
I don't like Fate. I will not pull even if they destroy the entire meta. I also will pull for Lingsha guaranteed.
gay sex
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just get yunli
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Not saying this general is a bastion of good discussion, but you clearly haven't seen other gacha general if you're complaining about this current state of this thread. .
/gbfg/ will make you think the thread was getting raided by some anti-gbf discord channel, but no it's just like that 24/7. /hsrg/ is mild compare to them at the worst of times.
Caelus is so boring man. Easily the worst male MC in Hoyo games. He's like a fucking cardboard. No expressions. A bloody robot.

Aether is unironically more entertaining and charming
I'm skipping redman because he's a male. Sorry but I'm not changing my morals just because he's "LE BASED" and COOL.
IDK who that is
Sporkle is a good pull if ypu dont have her
>rolling for males
GODther is so lucky..
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not my fucking fault. i literally just wanted to try break and hunt for once. fuck da wei for shilling this garbage game mechanic to me
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/hsrg/ is honestly decent if you filter the gojocuck, I'm seeing a lot of hidden replies so retards still falling for it though
The only female character I skipped from Peakacony was Acheron.
E2S1 Sparkle. No way I was skipping a character that sexy.
is it fair to roll for huohuo's sig cone if I have both HoHo and Luocha but no gold cones and just want an upgrade from the luocha effect res cone so I can pass it between the two based on what content I am doing?
Isn't she the worst 5* limited harmony?
>but you clearly haven't seen other gacha general if you're complaining about this current state of this thread.
The other gacha general I visit is completely fine
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I will pull Feixiao if and only if I can clear MoC with her consistently with this team, no limited eidolons:
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Desu, /fgog/, /gig/ and other older general (doesn't have to be gacha) are basically the same. Hell, going to places like /dng/ and the fighting game generals are fucking depressing because 90% of the posts are by discord troons and turd worlders who dilate and mald at everything.

/vg/ is just an inherently shit board
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>Aether is unironically more entertaining and charming
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I found Acheron's girlfriend
Bis for acheron, great for hypercarries. Shes no RM, but shes still great.
Shan't be rolling for support cones. SHAN'T!
Even if someone were stupid enough to believe this is true... wouldn't that only be a sign that even the worst 5* limited harmony is that much better than most things you could pull for? Harmony is just that good.
how much dps per minute would you gain going from 48% res shred to 68%?
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Who has the biggest bodycount?
Only retards here unironically say that
It gets more value against high-level enemies.
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ToT mc owes me sex
Whoever the Tears of Themis girl is must've fucked a thousand dudes at this point, isn't it a gacha otomege? Kiana has fucked and been fucked and been cucked by a ton of characters in HI3. So one of those two.
Yesterday i was doomposting there too, what a time, lmao
why is gojocuck talking about himself in third person again
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Herta rabu
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no I have Argenti already don't need 2 physical dps
Name one limited harmony worse than Sparkle.
She controls my ejaculations
>isn't it a gacha otomege?
Yeah but there are only 4 dudes which get different gacha cards over and over again. The high-rarity cards you get via gacha have stories tied to them
Where the FUCK are the Feixiao leaks? I need to see the animations.
>The high-rarity cards you get via gacha have stories tied to them
Damn, so you literally have to roll for more story? That's awful, but I guess it works out if you're only into one of the dudes.
Robin, seeing as how no one here rolled for her
Rosa is loyal to her 4 husbands
but the atk boost! I already have good cones for everything else. this is is a day 0 account
>Worse than Ruan Mei and Robin
>barely better than Bronya and worse than her with Jingliu
Yeah, I can tell how no one here rolled for her by her launch thread being buried in Robins.
Easily Robin.
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God I wish that was Firefly...
>4 holes for 4 guys
good for yumesisters
Literally tomorrow
I rolled her. Shes great. No idea what you are talking about
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i like aether because he can easily be turned into a femboy or shota
caelus can't, therefore caelus i inferior and ugly
worst limited harmony is still better than just about any other character in the game
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Okay, go spend jades on your ATK boost then
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There's regular main story content that gets released over time + the card stories as "extra" so to speak. Imagine it being similar to a companion quest I guess
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>Caelus will never be pegged by Scaramouch's artificial dildo freshly extracted from Nahida's pussy
We're losing HARD, Caelus bros.
>4 holes for 4 guys
Speaking of sporkle, for Acheron E2, is Bronya just as good as Sporjle, or is sporkle BIS?
yeah huo has the best abundance cone in the game
I prefer dead threads over whatever "this" is
yeah bro male characters should be judged based on how un-manly they are, fucking retarded coomer
multiplication = qpq > huocone
Where the fuck is the fourth hole?
only retards here are honest enough to tell you that i guess?
ruan mei is ruan mei
sparkle is good with acheron (e2 lol), qq, seele, clara and .. males
robin is good in basically team sparkle is good in (one exception - dan), but she's also good in dot, works with jingliu and is best in slot in fua

am i missing something?
0 cycles on my machine

Sparkle provides SP so she's better on that front alone.
Bronya feel awkward to use since you have to ult during the action advance while Sparkle allows you to ult whenever it's ready.
Arlan is black so I guesss this is canon
>Using Robin in dot
Literal retard
bronya is pretty ass with acheron because she forces you to ult before ending your turn, else you waste the dmg% buff
Robin is good for dot though. Not as good as Mei but sometimes you need Mei on the other side like with Super Break
>Asta out of nowhere
If we're going that far she still has 2 hands and a foothole, so she could fit at LEAST 3 more dudes.
there is nothing wrong with it
Brother Arlan don't look

Robin in dot has the problem of the team having no SP to work with.
What is he going to use if RM is with FF, Sparkle? Or is it muh Dotcheron time again.
I'm hoping we get a bounce type skill healer who can abuse luocha's energy regen
>Using tranny fly
Lmao even
Post the calcs of Robin vs Dotcheron
Black swan only needs to use her skill once and csn use basic after
Can't give a good titfuck without using your hands. And also I think trying to do all that at once would be too much for a normal person's mental bandwidth.

True, but what are ya gonna do?
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i have her e1s1 thougheverly?
>noy using the best character in the game
Your loss I guess
How does the 10 jades from astral express visitors work?

I thought you get them from 1st time chatting with each character but you can apparently get them from same character more than once?
I just beat the multiplayer part of the bird event in 2 games by winning both with the Stelle bird
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iirc it's twice per char
What about super Himeko, faggot?
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don't forget 2 back_knees!!!!
yumesister... panderingGOD I kneel
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Mom and her daughters…
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>Being a cringe meta tranny
>bland and ugly pagfly
I will forever keep using my sexo wife Jingliu instead
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Is it me or has team diversity really fallen off lately? PF is the only mode where teams are slightly different. MoC and AS are literally just the same Acheron and Firefly team. Then sometimes DoT. What the fuck happened
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Okay Churin-yumes
I kneel
This art is hot as hell
I skipped Acheron so I still get to have fun.
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>that time "people" were forcing RM vs Robin
>Can't give a good titfuck without using your hands
the dude can use his hands
Why did she put cancer in our chest?
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>cool and pretty amerifly
Anyone that skipped her is a grade A retard
RM only has the edge right now because of firefly

Feixiao will bring Robin to the top
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I remember that one shill youtuber that said that Robin makes RM obsolete.
Probably a self hating man as well.
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This has always just been a Clara game for me
>jingliupag calling anyone bland
Fucking lmao
The correct answer has always been "both".
hsrg told you to roll both, all the flopzhou part2 and IPC characters need her.
RM was always ahead, even before FF. Only exception is FUA.
I still remember all the posts saying Robin would never be used and that there was no point in getting her if you had RM already
thought it's a sparkle vs other limited harmonies (she loses btw)
wtf? Aren't they sisters? and one of them is dead?
>PF is the only mode where teams are slightly different.
I run Acheron and Firefly there too.
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xuehanya love!
>me who skipped all IPC
>me who is skipping slopzhou (except Lingsha)
Fuck off, Robin.
foot to mouth feeding from yunli!
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RM FUA actually works very well. Been using that since forever.
Hsrg said that she was RM side grade and that she was not worth rolling + a flop
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Robin clears ruan mid in SOVL so easily it's not even funny. Ok it's a little funny but let's try not to laugh at bug mei rollers too much!
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a tier sounds about right for JY
I didn't say it doesn't work well. Robin is just better.
Xi Jinping and the communist party wants them to make this a Chinese game. That's why we are revisiting China already.
Belobog - China - Penacony - China - ??? - China ...
BiS for FuA teams
BiS for break teams
BiS for Dan Homo but jobs to Bronya in a lot of hypercarry teams

So yeah Sparkle is the worst one

Of course RM works everywhere, that's her whole reason to exist. The point is that FUA teams are the only use case where Robin is actually the best option.
I rolled Ruan Mei E0S0 and I haven't bothered rolling any other supports. The game just isn't hard.
MoC has the most diversity depending on the buff
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>161 speed
All upcoming units will prefer Robin as well

Kek Sparkle rerun is a mischievous trap
Ruan Mei has always been at the top and the only time I remember people arguing was when that chewwy youtuber was posted or this schizo >>488026653 tried to claim it
Glamoth set, Jade on team giving +30 speed, e1 huohuo providing 12%
that's two skill uses a turn for JY
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neither rm nor robin are sovl
what would herta do if i just straight up stole her feet?
or you could just run him normal speed and use a fast sparkle?
Pure f2p E0S0 teams can't clear hardest content thoughbeit
Define soul
This post was made by Arlan gang
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Watch this canon btw
why would I be meta when I can be extra?
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I remember kek
She does love trash cans so this is the one time I will completely accept this.
I relapsed into ntr and started to like blacked because you spergs keep posting Firefly ntr..
WTF is this shitbuild.
e0s0 Sparkle is only worse than e6 bronya in every team except for boothill and argenti, what the fuck are you smoking?
I'm f2p but I only roll on characters I like and make them all E1S1
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Don't you feel it growing, day by day?
People getting ready for the new
Some are happy, some are sad
Woah-oh-ah, we gotta let the music play

What the people need is a way to make 'em smile
It ain't so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message, get it on through
Oh now, mamma don't you ask me why

Woah-ho-ho, listen to the music
Woah-uh-oh, listen to the music
Woah-uh-oh, listen to the music
All the time
>All upcoming units will prefer Robin as well
Like Yunli and... Moze?
I skipped Robin because I can't listen to that FUCKING SONG ANYMORE. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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cute and canon
Which eidolon (up to E2) or LC (S1) has the greatest value?
On who?
When is Robin rerun... I want her
Acheron e2s1 has the best output per investment, your question is kind of confusing though
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I skipped Robin because I don't swipe and I was low on jades.
I probably won't get her on rerun because I've found that I really don't need her. Superbreak on one side and while she'd probably be good for the other I already have teams that can do well without her.
For the unit in question, Firefly and ACK respectively
For general account power, Ruan Mei and Juancone
performs fine
Jing Yuan is fine
he does not need buffs

Acheron cone. I guess also her E2 in a vacuum since it allows her to run those broken harmony supports instead of nihibricks.
If they add the option to mute the song I will roll for her.
Ruan Mei E1
Black Swan E1
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>Doing the bird bejewled game last minute because I was busy playing Mihoyo's other 3 fucking games and forgot about HSR.
>Did pretty good in the story
>Multiplayer is mandatory for all limited rewards.
>Somehow, every player gets 2~3x my score almost every round, within a few seconds of the round starting, with occasionally an actual normal human being as my opponent.
Can't wait for next survey.
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>other 3 fucking games
Genshin ZZZ and what?
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E2 Acheron is the most overrated eidolon in the game
Acheron's damage is backloaded into her Ult
An action advance Harmony MAYBE brings equivalent debuff stacking to two nihility, and MAYBE brings more damage than two debuffers reaching 100% DEF shred
But of course if you have Harmony brainrot feel free to get E2
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>tfw tora updates inventory at 3 am my time
I'm not gonna make it bwos I'm gonna miss out on the best doujins...
Your spirit is weak and you are not welcome to her world.
>he jobbed to 40 year old women
How do we fix the shitty balance in this game?
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I rolled Robin specifically because I love the idea of a buffer that is an idol that actually changes the music. Would be nice if she got more songs later or they added her other two songs to a rotation or something.

Honestly though I am loving running Jade/Ratio/Robin/Sparkle in DU, there's something so fucking funny about stacking everything on SPD and turn order and just seeing funny chalk man and Jade feed into each other and then the moment the enemy is about to get a turn, suddenly

>Be you
>Be complete dumbass
Say no more
HI3, although after the last couple of patches I'm probably going to take a break for a year.
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thoughts on my Sparkle's relic prefarm? I'm aiming to get 161 speed
Even if you don't have any main DPS on E1?
find a hp orb with 2 spd subs and i think ur good
E1 has the best value. Best character with insane universal e1.

Robin e1 would be next also universal value for any team. Robin works just about any team except with 2 DPS. Firefly and Archeron.
Post her bis team then
Acheron literally gets out performed by jing yuan until e2s1
depends. usually its e1s1 because they give u free stats equal to like 6 or 7 sub rolls each. E2 just depends they can be game changing or just situational. E4 is usually filler. E6 is always OP
pela pinkfox chudpard
Wrong set, low crit damage
*throws a pig at you*
1. RM e1
2. Robin e1
3. Sparkle e2
I was going to and was seething about there not being a JP version, but now I'm used to it and my Pavlovian response is that her singing is good because I get a free turn. You pretty much filter it out like any other battle music at a certain point.
But anon, Sparkle e1 beats both RM e1 and Robin e1..., and so does her e2 beat RM's e1 at the very least.
>puts you on a roulette wheel
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>Horizontal investment always beats vertical investment.
>Having more characters add much more to your account power than eidolons and lightcones.
Stop trying to fool the newbros
What am I missing now?
Correct, it takes many bricks to build a house
A soul.
This is only true sometimes
You've yet to post your MoC at least once to back your claims.
Who doesn't, really.
I think you mean having more light cones retardfrog
Huohuo and fu xuan, looks good otherwise.
k then stop crying when people post teams with eidolons if it's the weaker play?
correction: it's more fun that way
don't ruin your fun by rolling eidolons and cones
Does a harem of dudes even work for women? they're not like men they'll eventually default to the guy who they pair bonded with the most, which is the one best at sex
The only thing that sucks about this is that building characters is total balls. You spend all your time farming traces and end up with half-assed relics for most of your characters.
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Hello Firefly frens, may you be having a wonderful day:)
Incel detected
you only need 160, sparkle has 101 base so you have enough
4pc hooker is kind of a meme but you already have decent pieces so whatever
btw your 2nd support should generally be faster (so they can use their shit before sparkle drags the dps and makes them act)
Raiden Bosenmori Mei
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What did this artist know? Was it all really foretold?
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>posts blacked porn
nothing personal kid
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This is me (having all females in the game besides Robin (lost 50/50))
Now I will skip Yunli and Feixiao to vertically invest.
Know what exactly?
Sparkle is far more niche making her not worth investing into her than the other 2 harmony that are universally good in just about any team.
Feixiao will be the first female I skip. I have every single other one, even Fofo
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Fu Xuan was my aim but I didn't make it to pity in time on her rate up which is why I now have Ruan Mei. Fu is for sure a future target though.

I don't want anyone from the next patch so I'm in saving mode.
who cares about Sparkle, Robin, or Ruan Mei? They're all about to get BTFO by TINGYUN'S GLORIOUS RETURN.
march!!!! shut the FUCK up.
>4pc hooker is kind of a meme
how true is this? cause by the looks of it it's always said by people who don't have the 4pc which makes it seem like a cope
>Yunlibros all off'd themselves because they couldn't make it through Jade's slow ass banner
>who cares about the best characters in the game
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>Quantum Destruction
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Yuri is never canon
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I will die laughing if she's a sustain or hunt
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Firefly love!
incel response
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You DO have all three right?
Kakaurine is the most used sustain
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Honkai for this feel?
In terms of SPD tuning before battle or simulations, it has little effect outside of the most extreme, autistic rotations. It can have its uses in more chaotic environments with more SPD and AV fluctuations like PF or SU.
Fu Xuan will be dropped to trash tier when next preservation is released
Aventurine or Huohuo
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I'm just busy farming her relics
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Sparkle will be the first unit I have the hackerspace on. every other I just ran whichever piece has the most speed. If I swapped out the head piece I get 4 lower speed but reach 200 cd, but I don't think she needs that much cd
she always had a timer she's garbage just put her in the dumpster where she belongs
You guys are crazy, Robin is dps not support
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I am literally Huohuo
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The wait is killing me AND I'm suffering from patch and warp anxiety
He's the most shitter friendly sustain. A crutch for bads. Fu xuan is better built properly.
sustains are weird since you can easily clear with any of them and none are as impactful as the other characters
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I've been horizontally investing since I started 4 months ago and I can't clear MoC 11/12 and AS 4
I will pull yunli and strip my clara naked
when is the preload?
just say you are out of jade
/hsrg/ isn't ready for the amount of Yunli feet that will be spammed here once the patch goes live
>T. seething waifufag
Spend more, gweilo
>Aventurine is le GOOD!
Oh no, the homos are coping again. Enjoy your team buff of... nothing and your... no dispel... and your huge uhhh.... nothing. BUT THE TEAM WILL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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How viable is Clara/Yunli? I really want to play them together...
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Why do you have my uid memorized
All sustains are good except for flopflop the reddit
>Self hating tranny
You will never be a woman, you arent even really a man
You will get there. Keep investing.
>Kakaurine with sig
Into the trash it goes
fubrick is also a crutch for bads though
I assume you are referring to Lynx, Nat, and Gepard?
>no argument
I accept your concession, faggot.
Silverwolf, blade, huohuo, and herta. Pagfly transshine flopped.
I have profiled around 25 posters and saved their UID + pattern behaviour
As far as I hate to admit its definitely 44
Also QQ is spammed way more often than Ruan Mei
I don't have Aventurine or Huohuo and I've been full clearing content since 1.3
It's Herta, the goddess of PF
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Let's talk it out and not fight
My Aventurine always eff resists everything, good job blessing that imprisonment Huohuo, I'm sure it was impactful.
Bailu has the best Chinese voice.
Gepard is better than flopflop
She isn't though because a shitter would complain that she dies to aoe. Not a shitter friendly 5*
>511 achievements
you're doing something wrong then
likely halfassing your sissystainers (so they don't do their fucking job at preventing you from dying properly) and supports (this also puts more pressure on the s*stain since they're immediately low hp the moment enemy farts at them)
The fox of destruction has no business saying that.
You're asking too much bro, try again next month maybe
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>BUT THE TEAM WILL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is literally the point.
Will Miss Tingyun be a FUA unit when she revives?
They would probably be really good at a double footjob
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A meme team. Just put them on different sides.
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If we talking about easiest to use/build it's Aventurine
If we talking about highest potential/ceiling it's Huohou
Fu have been left in the dust.
hey chat, what is a Herrscher?
Gepard is just a better version of Aventurine.
Only true if you have Acheron and Firefly.
Damn i was thinking posting mine since my friendlist is a gravezone, but you creeped me out of it, thanks
Yea but Robin still feels pretty niche for my account and I barely use Sparkle outside of PF
Yeah all E2S1
stinkiest post ITT
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En quiebra? ¡O tal vez me lleve todo!
I will roll Dark Ting and will use her with 4* Ting and will clear both of their asses everyday and I will be happy.
Doubly true if you don't as only ACK and Fireflop are strong enough to bruteforce current content with low vertical investment. So you'll otherwise need more toons that can match weaknesses or abuse whatever turbulence / whimsy is going on.
The green gremlin is the ugliest foxian.
I'm joking. Emily is the only person that posts HuoHuo with a phone filename. You can just add people from the /hsrg/ firnedlist
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>Retards arguing about the 4th king
Ignorant slaves...how quickly you forget
huohuo energy regen is the most valuable by far
Break = Gallagher
FUA = Aventurine
DoT = Huhu
Hypercarry = Fuxuan

Lingsha will soon replace Gallagher, I guess?
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nope the verdict is out.
Shut the fuck up fofo no one likes you
Lmao who's that fucker on the right he looks like a metaverse ripoff of Caelus.
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I use robin all the time for my Ratio/DoT/PF teams, she was pretty useful in the stellar shimmer event too, giving extra turns is super good.
I still hate that they singled out Robin ATK buff to not work with Firefly, I guess it would've been way too disruptive to the game balance? Idk
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And her energy regen does fuck all for half of the meta teams
>Doesn't work with Ack
>Useless for FF
Even FUA wants Aventurine more so the only thing she has going for her is DoT
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You too bwo
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>Retards arguing about the 4th king
Ignorant slaves...how quickly you forget!!
zzz male protag
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I don't want to say this but we need a double homo banner...
My jades are running low....
speak fofo i love you
>E0 Acheron
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>Retards arguing about the 4th king
Ignorant slaves...make way for the TRUE KINGt!!
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>Even FUA wants Aventurine
yeah because he gives them... uhhhh... he has a fua too so uhh yeah they need him
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I love these more than Firefly the character. They're so fucking tasty!
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Good thing you made this post before the patch when it becomes outdated
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same to you bwo
no one here actually like firefly let's be honest
I wouldn't let a single drop of his cum leave my mouth
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I love her so much
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>BUT THE TEAM WILL LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's funny considering you're arguing about sustain. Yeah dude, that's their entire point.
Real answer though is that Aventurine does stupid amount of damage for a Sustain. Yes Huohuo gives massive buffs, but her only dmg is her basic atk. Any dmg loss you lose from not having buffs will be offset due to Aventuine hitting you for 50k Ult and 20k chip dmg for each FuA he does, which builds up throughout the battle.
>Doesn't know how Numby works
You're right, i love her
This sounds like a mega cope bwo. It's ok, nobody gives a shit about sustains anyway plus Lingsha is gonna powercreep all of them anyway
The 4th king is obviously March 8th
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Gonna keep going? If not, I'll catch my breath for a while.
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Reminder the blacked spammer is a literal half SEA half white amerimutt from Tennessee
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I really love twintails Firefly
did she change her hairstyle for the selfie? It lookd like she's wearing twintails in the selfie
>2.4 comes out
>Does absolutely nothing to the meta
Lol? You think Huohuo is gonna make Yunli T-1 and catapult her over Fu and Aventurine?
Can't unsee know
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wow he’s just like me except I’m just a autogynephile instead of a race fetish cuck
>Aventurine's insane damage
Lol lmao.
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I wanna lick his heart shaped tan
>Huohuo's insane.... clense?
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>profound mental illness
Name a more iconic duo
You can clearly see it's her regular long hair because it's obstructing the railing behind her
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I have questions.
1. Is SW an upgrade over GuiGui in Acheron team?
2. News about the game.
bis for hypercounter cause she gives yunli more parries
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Zamn! A whole 20,000 damage!? That's like 1/5th of a Black Swan DoT tick!!! Holy SHIT I will definitely roll your faggot now!!!!!
I feel as though I am too autistic or otherwise unempathetic to appreciate Penacony's main story.

I came into the Penacony main story with cautiously optimism. I heard how it was a tremendous step up from the Luofu storyline (which I found compelling and had zero issues with). After having played through it, and having rewatched it on YouTube just to be absolutely sure, I can say that it does not resonate with me.

The Penacony main story relies too heavily on abstract ideals (e.g. "It's true that some people are born strong, and others are born weak. If the Trailblaze is the target of heroes, then the Harmony will guarantee that the strong help the weak"), saccharine platitudes (e.g. "So, why do people choose to slumber? I think it's as you said... Because in the end, we will wake up from our dreams"), wistful philosophizing (e.g. "Each time we reminisce on our past, we always seem to notice a tiny, but unforgettable instant that we left behind us, along with certain other things that remain constant throughout..."), complex interpersonal relationships, and other concepts rooted more in intimate emotions than in concrete realities. While fitting for a story set in a dreamscape, my way of thinking simply cannot connect with it.

It also feels as though Penacony's main story really, really wants you to like Firefly and, to a lesser extent, Acheron. I found them acceptable, but not outstanding, so all of those heart-to-heart conversations with them fell flat to me.

Another gripe of mine is that Penacony's main story feels like it squanders the idea of dreams and dreamscapes. I am a fan of fiction that revolves around dream/virtual worlds, and yet the concept feels vestigial to Penacony's main story.

In contrast, my favorite story in Star Rail is the Huohuo event. While also reliant on interpersonal relationships, the story is conveyed in a more concrete manner that I can more easily process.

Is anyone else here feeling out of touch with the Penacony main story?
Fat 60 year old boomers and the ugliest flip women imaginable
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Supremely based Yunlibro
definitely a powerbottom kek
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Leaks tonight right?
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1. Yes, but if you want an actual upgrade for your Acheron you either roll E2 or roll for the Pink Fox. Assuming you don't care for the gender of your units.
2. We get preload today which will include CGs and Textmaps, tomorrow we get all the kit data for Feixiao, Lingsha and Moze.
Least gay dead by daylight player
>Ugly effeminate faggot
1) Yes
2) Game's basically dead, we're going back to the soulless chinkshit region for another half year and there's zero hype for any of the upcoming story/characters after Firefly killed the game. This current banner is the lowest the game has ever been on the sales ranking so sharthoyo had to slam the panic button and announce a collab with Fate.
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Yep, that's her hair
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People really don't wanna say Aventurine despite him being the obvious 4th choice?
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you can see another hair band tho
Whats the point of the fox when i can just shove gepard or sigga with trend in the middle?
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I stand
I love the stoneflops
shan't read
The fox makes trend obsolete so your sustain can get you even more debuffs.
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This general is tsundere to him because he's a male
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Sigga with his signature and the gay fox is 10x better and will generate more stacks then either option. While also doing more damage.
Bronya is better because she doubles how fast Acheron can stack her ult (you can easily get 2-3 per cycle with Bronya) but it comes at heavy SP cost.
If you are not 0-cycling or doing long fights then Bronya is bad.
Some idiots said that you have to ult during Bronya's advance which is wrong, although you can ult after the advance (before Acheron gets her turn) to ensure you don't overstack, what's more important is ulting when you have Bronya's ult up which is the equivalent to Sparkle's skill (crit boost). Also there's no point in using Bronya at all if she's not -1 speed.
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Stand proud, Acheron
You are strong
Reliability? You don't have to pray for a 40% hit chance, also you don't have to run a shit defense Gepard or Sigga because Trend is a shit cone for sustain.
Also, PF usage.
At this point just add Seele as the unpowercreepable and call it day.
How does he make Trend obsolete? You would just use him and Trend on sustain.
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> fu xuan is le bad sustain
She couldn't sustain my cock is all
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built for anal
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Which is better a e0s0 Jaiqiu, or a e6 Guinafen with his LQ?
Because it would be really funny if the optimal choice would be pulling for his LC only for low spenders such as myself.
Does fox need his cone? Im running Welt and pela with acheron and desperately need an upgrade. Want her e2 ao im eyeballing sparkle as well
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I know.
It's like that one anon said. Sustains are easily replaceable and none of them are as integral to a team as the others
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Because Tremd and his debuff both apply on an enemy action and an enemy can only apply one debuff per action. It's possible that an enemy can act twice in a row and so trend and his debuff both stack but another sustain is more consistent.
FIREFLY!!!! *holds her up by her neck* ANSWER ME!!!! *raises fist* WHICH CAME FIRST!!! THE EGG!!! OR THE CHICKEN!!!
Only in PF is there every a situation they the enemy takes 6 turns before fox takes 3.
And in PF you can throw on solitary healing on the fox and he can have 1-2T ults.
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Need Aventurine to rail me...
>Doesn't know how Acheron ult works
Acheron can only gain a stack from each enemy turn, if they take action and they get Ashen Roast from JQ and then attack someone with Trend and get burned that only counts as 1 stack, not 2.
Jiaoqiu basically makes it so enemies always generate an stack for Raiden "Bolsonaro" Meo.
Jiaoqiu is still better, the E6S1 Gui > E0S0 JQ was only for DoT and even then it was a shit sheet that also said E6S0 Gui with Pearls > E0 Ruan Mei.
Fair, fastest clear recently
She's pure court camelotian, she's just dressing up as a xianzhou
Pela=BS>SW>Kafka (cause of fua)>Dots
Oh, I didn't know fox debuffed on enemy attacking a target. I haven't paid a single bit of attention to him after seeing his embarrassing model.
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Fox cone is a big upgrade but its not 100% necessary.
For reference my E6 acheron gets a 13% buff in damage without accounting for any extra stacks generated. With his cone it goes up to 19%
>Tranny trying to gaslight people into rolling his NPC wormslop chink chow fox
Kys tranny
Anyone else dodged every male limited sustain?
>Dodge luocha
>Dodge kakaurine

>Only limited sustain is fu
>Lingsha will be my second
i rolled e1s1 argenti on his first banner. but otherwise yes I did
Kek, I think some people actually believe that at face value.
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Yeah bro I'm sure E6S0 Gui > Ruan Mei, after all we all know that Ruan Mei is just a pela sidegrade anyways.
She's coming with me.
How do I actually use Welt? Like what does he do for the rest of the team.
Exact same position as me kek. I tried for Huohuo and got Bailu'd and I only have enough for Yunli this patch
Jade cannae eff off soon enough.
I want my HuoHuo!
I like her a lot, not gonna roll her tho
I have Fofo and Gallagher as my sustains. I got Luochud in 10 rolls when I was just throwing in a tenner for Yukong, but I haven't used him in a long time.
there are only two of them, "dodging" them is about as commendable as "dodging" ever imaginary destruction character
Run him as a sustain. Peak soul and funny
Why did hsr sponsor the trannylympics
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How do you dodge a limited character? Isn't that called skipping?
Also you dodged the most soulful character and loved character btw worm
How do you "dodge" something you have to do on purpose? Retard
The only male I have on my account is Ratio
we all build pity here retard
you want e2 and to use his ult to interrupt bosses who do 2 attacks. thats what he is good for.
I think you're a heterosexual male, but kinda retarded for "dodging"
Bro your dan?
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Why limit yourself to sustains?
Nah, just the subhumans
>Roll for who you like
Mental illness
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NTA but he's right lmao. He was built in trend on ultimate. This may make you say, well I can just run trend. What the homo fox does is allow you to not be bound to gepard w/ trend preservation that isnt even good. And you can use someone like Gallagher as your BIS (for now) until they release a sustain with lots of debuffs (currently only e0s1 kakaurine).
Are you impotent?
Daniel doesn't count thoughbeitever
Based March
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If you "build pity" you literally have a gambling addiction.
No, I just don't roll for shipshit
see >>488023449
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>liking males in gacha
They're fine for shitposting though
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Reddit broke me by pointing out that the new Argenti voice sounds like Markiplier.

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The man with no eidolons
Welt still has the coolest ultimate in the game
Yes, I dont hate my own sex like you autogynophiles
Did you mean to post this on your blog and it ended up here by mistake?
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Congrats you found a synonym. You'd have to go through doing endgame content with shit sustains for all this time. I won't forget the time many of you losers exposed yourselves for having rolled luocha during the anniversary event.
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You ever get bored posting the same shit every thread every 2~3 minute? People talking about the actual game and here you come with your bad breath trying to make it something else and then act like others is trying to shit up the thread instead of yourself.
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Stoneflops KEKAROO
See >>488029281
>anime pretty boys are the male gender
come back to reality someday
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We love the IPC here. If you don’t have Topaz, Aventurine and Jade you aren’t /hsrg/core.
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stonesessed and stonelly ill
>Anime girls are the female gender
Mental illness
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I don't hate my own sex, I just don't like Aventurine and he's overrated in combat efficiency due to homosexuals.
You gotta be fucked in the head to even know what any e-celeb sounds like.
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Not terrible, but his old voice was better.
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typo I meant Black Swan*
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I finally went to the bathroom in time.
>fantasy is reality
Luochud is SOVL. Aventurine is gay.
the trap is thinking that mihomo will be releasing more heroes to power up your comps after 6 months. No, in fact after 6 months they just shill the new comps and leave old ones incomplete. Powercreep is real
How would you know if he's overrated or not lol. Fuckin posers.
Hey, what the hell?
Congrats anon, happy for you
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There were some good avetopas today
Ringmaster when Gabe?
The same guy whose Jiaoqiu showcase was posted earlier in this thread had another one comparing E0S1 Sparkle and E0S1 Jiaoqiu in the same E0S1 Acheron team and they finished on the same action. I'm thinking the earlier assertion that fox guy is useless was correct
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Reminder /hsrg/ is tsundere for Luocha and one of the most used characters in the thread
>Nooooooooo they're going to make more fun team comps so you can keep enjoying the game
Kill yourself browny
Oh yeah? Tell it to FUA and DoT who's been getting new gibs for way longer now.
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With Avenpaz week being over, it'll slow down some now
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Her ult kinda sucks without the sound effects.
Hers and Blade's are still my favorites.
new bread
Every time I see this I become sad that it's a meme "fanart" video and not a kino cult classic 1996 Sega Saturn JRPG
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>Star Rail Heroine: Firefly
She won.
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It was fun while it lasted!
DoT got 2 characters in 1 year (Kafka, then BS). I don't know why people act like there's been DoT shilling when FUA and Break have gotten more characters in the past 2 patches than DoT has gotten since release.
JQ isn't even a real DoT character, his DoT wasn't in his base kit at first either. But even if you count him, he's still not out yet, while the current and next banner are both FUA.
Cope troons
>Avenpaz week
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It's a week long event organized by fans just for fun where every day there's a new prompt and you have to draw the characters following that prompt.
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It's a shipping week. When people post fanart and fanfiction about a specific ship with a designated different theme each day
She doesn't really have the fastest clears. When you look at the fastest clears she doesn't even show up.
What she has is the fastest average clear because pretty much no one is using her except hyperinvested Seele players and therefore don't have the shitters dragging the cycle count down. Either way, she still handles all content and that's pretty cool for the very first limited character.
What’s the context of this? I don’t read moonspeak
You don't translate names though. You would say Star Rail Heroine: Hotaru

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