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Previous: >>488014621

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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let her cook
Does Douman or Summer Skadi come back first?
What's the problem with thinking Rikyu is beautiful?
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Good night, bros.
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post your ruler skadis
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Finish your weeklies
Hi Kama
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Sex with Batman…
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Night night
Skadi comes back first, but only by a couple weeks or so before Douman is back.
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Which Baldur's Gate 3 class would your favorite Servant be?
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Good night bro
I always have thoughts of Kama...
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The whole Arcade meme died when they went into maintenance mode. Then nobody cared anymore once we got Merlina and the Arcade collab. Do remember that Arcade got Santa Gyaru Suzuka while mobile got Santa Karna, lol.
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Which one do you think I am?
A Redditor.
Good night bro
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Beni Rabu!
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Good night, bro.
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Night bro
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someone who plays the same game twice (retard)
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I prefer Oberon's "other" costume more.
Merlina and skadi in this event are blatant bait Gacha shit it's unreal.
Oberon and Cnoc aren't Quick.
>5 hours
>female master
1 hour would suffice since she can take 3 at the same time
So if I have Skadi but still don’t have Douman, I should prioritize getting him right
Cleric/monk I guess
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Sure bro.
Don't worry about them, bro. They get mad when anyone talks about anything with sincerity.
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SS Oberon is the peak of FGO
FGO releasing three SSRs for the first time ever didn't tip you off?
What a loser
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Why does Rikyu trigger people so much?
Can i get a Qrd on why liking this character is so controversial.
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The next lottery event is Morganfest in November.
gave me a giggle thanks bro
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so when's the next event? also do I need to play traum for lb7? Cuz I haven't played that shiet yet
It shows that the person pretending they like her has no taste or care for characters beyond a surface level.
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Me in the back, having sex with the other scheming old man.
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What makes Muramasa so erotic compared to normal Shirou, or even Archer?
Yeah, you should only want more NP levels of Skadi if you plan on actually using her to farm or it you want to 120 her.
They're rats who hate /alter/ and rally against servants popular with /alter/bros like her, Raikou, and Kama
Nipwank in September, August is a dead month
Dude they made Ibuki the most broken garbage because no one would have rolled for her. She's the biggest gacha bait
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August is a dead month. Time to take it easy.
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Traum is easy skip material. Go get your 3 grails now.
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It's literally just one retard lmao Ignore
You don't need traum for LB7 but you obviously need ordeal call for CHALDEAS
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Great Old One Warlock
remember that this was just barely after kung flu lockdowns were lifted to some extent

that also didn't help, also a short as fuck event with writing all over the place, and I remember people complaining about the designs being "too safe" and for westerners, I can see that, but then again Raita apparently gave no fucks and Skadi is sexy enough
Tea gramps is the best don't listen to those people. They love shitting on characters they know nothing about.
Like yeah sure it's a cope CE for when all your TT/Bella slots are taken up, but would someone ACTUALLY use that?
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It's called Alterabussin.
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How's your year been so far?
Skadi and merlina are boring while ibuki is just raita clown suit shit. Ibuki is helped only by being gameplay as fuck.
Can you put it in non-modern terms? I don't play fAAAg slop.
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Do I need to use Skadi herself to farm? My Jets has been NP1 since launch and I don’t want to roll Rikyu
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Don’t pay them attention, anon. Koma and Rikyu are amazing.
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cute sei
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Lolibabas are always a blast, plus this lolibaba comes with a traditional hime cut ghostly lady in the set
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Is the Rikyu fag the same guy as the Perlin fag?
>also a short as fuck event
That's been the case for every event ever since Lasagna stopped doing reruns and making every event three weeks long.
>the designs being "too safe" and for westerners
I don't see anything safe about Ibuki or Skadi. Their tits are spilling out everywhere. Merlina may be "safe", but she's barely a summer servant. I mostly use her in first ascension anyway.
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Mininum NP level for JETS is NP3, you can get away with lower NP levels with MLB Black Grail. I wouldn't reccomend using him over some like Caren, Molay or Skadi herself because of his lack of charge.
There's probably better options than Skadi, but I'm not sure since I'm not that much of a quick enthusiast.
I wonder if Arc knows that the Earth has been up Kiara's nasty snatch
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am I okay if I have ruler skadi and oberon or should I kms because I don't have caster skadi
I just want my doman to be good
>the game has no content because of COVID!!!

Please. The fact lasanga is still drip-feeding content to FGO shows that this entire thing was a cope by fanboys who were looking for an excuse other than lasagna's incompetence for the lack of content.
>10/10 design
>0/10 characterization
why is this game like this
So what if I only have NP1 Summer Skadi and NP1 Jets; and don’t have Caren or Molay?
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You can use her for some farming, mostly for free quest farming and easier quests, but with Summer Skadi you will still usually focus on buffing a single damage dealer, either herself or another Quick servant. Anything that worked with normal Skadi will work even better with Summer Skadi.
guda guda shit
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Thoughts on my year? I haven’t rolled Douman yet and I’m almost out of quartz…
Does Traum not count?
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Unironically roll for Douman immediately.
That one is on Higashide
Consider using Arts or Buster instead.
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Im interested in some comps for the 90++ lancer node, could some bros care to post some?
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What's wrong with doing the same thing twice if you enjoy it?
But I use them very often with Rikyu.
I picked it for the chibi Oberon.
She is though. I wonder if /alter/ will like them after their event.
Two more levels to go.
Nope, writing content doesn't count. This is /alter/
Since anything related to Saber is peak and they even animated Camelot, can they start animating LB6 already? I guess they're busy with Mahoyo and whatever else.
the pandemic is still going on, but its just barely passing the emergency phase. Either way its still falling in with the narrative that companies are just going wild with the overcharging and under performing.
>became a Gogh haver from GSSR
Based, enjoy her. And that's a hell of a lot in the past two weeks, congrats. I see you also somehow missed Wu while getting Skadi.
You guys like her design that much? She's kinda bland to me.
Douman isn't really supposed to be a looper though...He's good because he can clear 1 wave and let the other dps handle the rest
>Tamamo (np3 now)
>korean twins
>clae (np2 nopw)
>crane (gssr)
>okuni (gssr)
>douman (destiny)
>np2 Ibuki

I expect not getting ssrs for the time being since I got a lot
I did, I’m 11 multis deep on Douman rateup and only 1 (one) Yan Qing to show for it…
I'd say the issue comes from enjoying FGO enough to play it twice
Very peculiar
>busy with Mahoyo
Ufotable is going to be spending the next 6 years making KnY movies, Mahoyo movie 1 won't be out until 2030
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Who's this handsome fellow?
Who isn't bland to you?
You forgot to ask Albert to switch on a hot period
Damn, Jannu's got moves
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Will you touch her /alter/
He is for (you), so keep going.
>11 multis
Realistically that's like fuck all in terms of trying to roll someone.
holy frickin soul
To me Kriem is a complete psyop from gameplayfags, she isn't that pretty and her personality is shit. I have no clue why so many people love her, it must be the piercing.
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a fucking shrimp
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>Yeah bro, quick is just as good as Arts and Buster, just roll for Skadi, it'll be great bro trust me
Nips hate piercings and she's popular with them
Xu Fu
No, I hate touching other people.
I mean, I did get Arc x2, Merlin, Ibuki x2 and Skadi right before this, so my luck is just swinging the other way to balance it?
Lots of women like her because she's part of a couple while men her because edgy goth woman
hey, isn't this sieg's wife?
I'm reading Mahoyo and god its so fucking boring
I wish this was a real costume you can get.
Xu Fu's design is ugly as fuck.
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That's 99% of Buster AoE NPs.
Cool story, but she still isn't for (You).
Every servant's design and personality are shit except for my favorite.
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I got 6 Arcs in 360 quartz and then my first Douman in 30.
It doesnt work that way
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I'd say it's cooler than Kriem's, the only cool thing Kriem has going on is her sword.
This but sincerely
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KNEEL to your queen
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Jin Gi Rei Chi, Chuu Shin Kou Tei!
I'm known for Hakkenden. Even if you don't know me, you know Hakkenden!
this but my favorites
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>a fucking shrimp
fucking a shrimp
Nope, Jannu is.
rolled mostly np upgrades
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>I got 6 Arcs in 360 quartz
She’s funny, but I haven’t had the chance to use her in a team yet, especially with me missing Douman
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I like my Sieg family of autists, simple as
I'd love to get an objective list of good and badly written/designed servants. Ever since the Fate series went the gacha route a high level of bastardization had to occur but I'm sure some survived.
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pretty happy overall, not really fussed about not getting proto-merlin since I already have OG merlin and Im gonna use the 4* ticket on summer erice. Biggest win was getting ibuki in a single 10 pull
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imagine if she got an np upgrade...
I’m pretty certain I’ve spent about 360 quartz on Douman rateup for only one Yan Qing…
Who's this? Couldn't possible be the 20 year record holder for coolest servant in this franchise.
You can't have an objective list for that.
>Holmes VS Young Moriarty
>the sprite size differences are plainly obvious
Jesus Christ man. Why even make this a required fight with Sherlock only if you can’t bother to make them the same size or even remotely scaled correctly?
This should of been his summer costume. I'm mad.
You kinda can because they are all based on actual figures real or fictional.
Is...is it that weird?
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I know, I suck when it comes to money. I'm just glad that Saber!Medusa won't be out until next year, that way i won't be as tempted to spend in the meantime.
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>visible underwear waistband
is he wearing boxer briefs? boxers? a jockstrap? I need to know
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Would you like to have group sex with these Servants?
get me pregnant get me pregnant get me pregnant get me pregnant get me pregnant get me pregnant
You now realise that the artist drew three full ascensions for a summer Douman and they still only let him be a costume and used only one of the three sprites for the costume
do otomes actually like kaman?
>God tier design
>still flopped despite being Medusa
Wtf happened?
Has raita gone too far?
FGO is declining.
>>visible underwear waistband
I don't think so, the dark band you see at the top is continuous with the material of the shorts. The green waistband section seems to be like a belt.
her event was before anniversary+summer so obviously outside medusa fans it was an easy skip. Also zero incentive to roll CEs when its a tower event too
I forgot to roll Taigong but I mean
I don't know if this is on Type Moon or Lasengle but whoever decided to ditch two ascensions and keep Douman as a costume is based.
>God tier design
Way too /fa/. Real men don't like this.
>ST quick
A death sentence. Also, it's not a good design. All her ascensions are overdesigned
AI can only dream of doing something like this.
AI keks cant compete.
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oberon in the ass, douman in pussy, moriarty in mouth, and mkama swapping out with douman for the double creampie
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Yes. Oberon, Moriarty, Douman, Kama then Oberon again.
>missing on quixote kino
i bet you enjoy this event story, fag.
I thought Medusa Saber comes with Ordeal Call 1?
You are such a chad...
She gets no fanarts at all.
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I might roll for Cooldusa because I want this CE.
>dud bait timing
>design is good but the appeal is not at all adjacent to Medusas usual appeal
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I think it's an underwear waistband, male shorts aren't normally designed with that much material above the waist tying, also they did the same thing with robin already (I believe he is wearing boxer briefs in this one)
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nope, she showed up in OC1 but that was in june
I don't know man. That one Gil slop...
Skipped it of course. I haven't read anything in this game since LB6.
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Same thing with the recent event JP had. The new SSR was also a literal who outside ot TM OGs.
shouldn't it be panda or somebody else chinese?
>Wtf happened?
Durga (sakuraface)
Illyafest (cups rate up)
Kama rerun
Merlina rerun
Raikou rerun
Kuku/Tlaloc/Nito alter rerun

all before her in 3~ months, Medusa saber basically being right before anni so people were "waiting for anni" or just broke
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>AI can only dream
All the artists moved to BA.
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Would you judge me if I said that I’ve fapped to this art before?
Yayy, peace peace~
>male shorts aren't normally designed with that much material above the waist tying,
Yes, but this is a weird Douman outfit, I think the artist took some liberties. Find a picture of the shorts without the text box in front of them and we'll be able to see more clearly.
That's Carmilla.
>implying reruns matter to whales
That's Carmilla
I'm not convinced I'd ever use an ST quick servant other than ecchan.
>ST Quick
Not just that, but Saber ST Quick after Caesar got 50 buffs and Setanta got released 2 months before.
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I don't blame you, Robin is quite good-looking
They were literal whos for everyone. They starred in an obscure awful manga and the only reason anyone knows them is a CP cameo.
my point still stands
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>close eyes
>can't see my bros no more
No one cares about Setenta though.
>Open my eyes
>Cant see anymore
Uhhh bros?
Why is everything dark...
Did somebody turn off the lights?
Doesn't matter if they like him or not, he's free NP5 in your Chaldea after Arcade collab so if you need ST Quick Saber you have him. Or Santa Karna. Or Caesar. Or maybe you rolled for Okita in the 8 years she was in the game before Medusa.
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shotastaceys do
I think these 3 are the servants that come the closest to being outright naked.
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Need some frens, had to delete a bunch of dead mashus.
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no judgement he's hot I love some male eye candy
it's swim trunks with the underwear band peeking out, there's a difference in how the black material hugs the body tighter above the green trunks waistband, as well as the reflective sheen it has, which is found in the elastic material of most male underwear and isn't present on the rest of the shorts because most male swimwear isn't made with elastic bands
the only odd thing he's wearing is the polar bear jacket (which is cute and I would still wear)
Diabetic bro...I...
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Forgot this.
If you count FA art that isn't gameplay visible, Douman.
Not really. There's nothing that indicates it's a chinese themed CE
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Aoko sex
Yeah, I like him. I have regular Kama and summer Kama grailed as well. If Kaman ever happens I'll happily roll for him.
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the fattest NEET
If we're including FAs, there's Nobunaga and Nobukatsu too.
Wish we were bros
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Tummy hurty
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I used Kama's FA for aesthetic purposes, as the difference is negligible (only a piece of cloth).
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My wife is naked when I enter her
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>/fgog/ homos are raiding us
They should make Doumans FA art into a costume like they did for Ruler Skadi FA
I guess you're correct, but it's stupid that he's wearing underwear under swimming trunks, nobody does that.
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Wish we could be bros, but my FL is full. Maybe next time when we get more FL slots.
Dont worry ill unfriend you so you have 1 more slot and then you can friend him
I didnt like you anyways and i was looking for an excuse to do this so its okay
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>non-fgo image
>Wish we could be bros
I for one am extremely glad that I will never be your bro, scum.
You do not speak for me
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Would you like to have a Douman bf?
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Don't be mean, asshole, befriend him again, i can always add new mashus or post again tomorrow.
I'm married to Obeorn.
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You don't care about Setanta, anon.
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I AM Douman.
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How long does a bro have to be offline for you to delete them? My limit used to be a month but I'm leaning towards a week now. If I know them or they say they're going to come back I'll keep them.
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it depends on what swimwear. swimming trunks with built in netting? most don't wear underwear with those. swim trunks without any netting or additional layers underneath? most guys wear underwear with those
>t. I have removed both types of swimwear from men
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Yes, I’m short
It's extremely unfortunate that we probably will never have a canonical Alice swimsuit, it'd be interesting to see what sort of design Nasu would choose for her. Aoko of course is a dumb slut who'd put on any piece of slutty spandex.
3 days
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Namaniku ATK designed Chaika and he also designed Schez, so ermmmm, it's FGO adjacent!
Sent, Astraea in all
1 day.
If they dont log in for a day i delete.
2 weeks unless they say something in their message about coming back soon or not being able to play due to some reason in which case I wait for them for a month.
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/alter/ does often read as if Douman is posting here.
login every day, or else you're getting the boot
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I want an Ivan bf
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What's her personality?
I can't believe abbybro is fucking dead...
I'm going to grail him now just to spite you
>>t. I have removed both types of swimwear from men
Sis please, we don't need to hear about your dissolute lifestyle.
Realistically a month, but I still have anons like C*rtis and N*rdicLl*m* added for whatever reason. Maybe out of nostalgia of the past.
2-3 weeks until I delete them
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Is that so? I usually wear both when I go to the beach or something public/more casual. If I'm swimming in a pool (I do so for exercise) then I obviously don't wear the shorts and use goggles.
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added and locked :)
5 years
You won't waste your grails on him, anon. You don't care about him.
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like over 60 days for an /alter/bro, but I've never had to remove one yet
I wish it was that simple…
She's your loyal subordinate and will help you with any of your goals and is a great, strong, fierce samurai. However internally she's full of anger and hatred at the world and while her loyalty is real, she will internally interpret it as "the answer is to burn and kill everything and everyone".

also big big big BIG daddy issues, one of her My Room dialogues is literally her having a PTSD flashback involving him
Screen cap it bro
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Big Wu makes me happy
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canon btw
Very cute Kama...
Ok sure but what's her personality?
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She's so broken by her father that it just turns to blind rage and being crazy, but she's doing a little better in Chaldea. But it's not like Raikou is any less crazy, she's just less inclined to intense moments of relapse
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Very smol birb
I wonder if I can swap a castoria out for bride here or something.
What's this from?
Don't care. What's her personality?
Summer BB in all!
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Joke's on Alice, Aoko has already destroyed the world with her spells.
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It's been pretty good, 26 new servants (including welfares) and my year is actually kinda starting rollwise. Was mostly saving for this Summer, but ever since I started taking advantage of daily rolls last year the number of servants I'm getting yearly has skyrocketed anyway. Most of the individual SSR's I got have been through daily rolls too.

I used to be a bit of a servantlet over the years, mostly focusing on a tight knit group of favorites, but I'm currently on a fast expansion phase (think I had 21 new last year). The acquisitions gave me a boost for this anniversary's rewards and I also have been rolling strategically to cover Class Scores for next year as well.
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Nasu, please...
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>also big big big BIG daddy issues
Its over...
Every decent female I've met in life has had a good relationship with her father.
The fact that she's going to make me a zombie when I die scares me bros...
I've been doing this node for a while now with Benienma completely forgetting I have the twins
It was weird. I almost never get much of the summer SRs, but I got like 7-8 of her before getting skadi and halfway through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGNmKszPjVw randomly came up on the radio in the middle of rolling
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Top tier ass and she's for (You)
Just tell her you DON'T want that
She's all about CONSENT
Now that's good.
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She has even less chances than Passionlip
Ivan x Old Man x Me
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How strong is gareth lorewise?
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You weren't supposed to point that out...
She's "for (you)" but in the "let's kill everyone and then perform a double suicide haha" kind of way.
Who wrote it?
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We'll do the first part and see where that takes us.
loses to cock
holy sex
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Her bond 5 line after clearing Waxing Moon is still that wants to kill the world but with (You) as her lord. God I wish Milly would kill me
qt aoko face
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OH FUCK! I went to bed and forgot about FGO and my AP overflowed for 2 hours. I'll never get that back
>destroys the universe to save her boyfriend
>nasu says mahoyo has no romance
I'm finishing up Traum and man, the writing is fucking terrible. The reveal that Sherlock was actually a disciple of the Foreign God all along and then dying was so poorly executed. It feels very lazy when Moriarty in this story chapter has been almost entirely irrelevant besides monologuing about how he'd finally beat Sherlock, then offering to betray the Foreign God anyways. What was the point? Did they want to shove some pointless Sherlock wanking before they extricated him from the plot?
You say this, but they always pick one unpopular girl every year.
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>AI trash
imagine disrespecting your waifu through this and not making something to show your adoration by hand
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Anybody get vored? Any giant ladies? No romance.
Lip has a golden ticket...
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based Nasu
Probably the weakest KotR aside from regular Bedi (the one without the arm).
13 SSRs so far counting NP levels. I failed at getting Skadi and I'm at 0 SQ right now so I'm probably gonna fail at Rikyu as well, but it is what it is.
Unironically blame Takeuchi. The Holmes stuff was supposed to happen in LB7, but Takeuchi decided they needed to make a young Moriarty, and so he got shoved into Traum and Holmes' subplot was moved up.
They picked more than one this year
KOTR are all "free HGW win" tier
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why is Miyu such a perv?
There's a scene where Aoko and Alice shrink the MC, so they are effectively giantesses to him.
Pretty fucking great, managed to get all my targets and I still have 200SQ left.
On the lower end of the KotR, but I'm pretty sure that still puts her pretty high in terms of the more conventional servants. Unless she's fucking the protagonist in a grail war she's not surviving with that D rank luck though
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>Any giant ladies?
The fact Alice’s NP is basically making a giant mist copy of herself makes her the “giant lady” that Nasu likes to insert.
She is a girl, all girls are perverts
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If she borrows her powers from herself 10 years from now then what happens when she reaches that age?
What happens in 10 years from the first time she used Super Aoko to drain mana from her future self out of mana and give it to herself in the present?
Does she lose access to magic for 10 years because shes keeps getting drained of mana by herself from the past?
Is this explained in Mihoyo?
She'd get mogged in a traditional HGW
I'm pretty sure she'd want me to play to my strengths rather than spending time on an inferior product. People have had their bald head slapped for less.
Feels good that anni/summer tourism is coming to an end and we'll finally be back to normal /alter/ with these upcoming dead weeks
It'll be explained in mahoyo 2
She borrowed the 10 years from Sono-G, she isn't draining anything from herself
i really love playing FGO
might be my favorite game of all time
Me too, kyoudai. I love dead weaks.
There's been barely any tourism compared to previous years.
Not including a whole bunch of extra np levels, I'm pretty happy.
What's good about that
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I’m in the mood to goon to Muramasa after the last thread
i have 30 sq and i want douman
i just jerked it to clown porn
any other catalyst i need?
> Famitsu: A younger Moriarty appearing in 6.5 was another big surprise.
>Nasu: He wasn't planned to appear, actually. He just spawned into reality because Takeuchi said he want to see a younger Moriarty.
>Takeuchi: Yup.
>Nasu: When we first heard about it, everyone in the writer team had the same reaction. "A young Moriarty? Awesome, but where do we include him?". It was too hard to find a moment for him. And here's where the young Moriarty's writer came up with a character for him as the true boss who defeats Holmes in 6.5. That's the story of how Holmes got his farewell in advance.
I don't know bro. It's felt very post-2015 here this weekend
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Jesus fucking Christ, man. Takeuchi should stick to art and nothing else, his input is worthless.
>letting the artist decide the writing
pretty sure this is not how it's supposed to go
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Ok. Bye bye.
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do you have sei/summer sei and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNv2RHR62Rs playing in the background?
Gareth doesn't seem like she fits that bull though
i have np2 sei and np1 summer sei
>Takeuchi said he want to see a younger Moriarty
Why...? Did he see the faggot Moriarty from the BBC show?
I beat the challenge quest with Taira-no-Kagekiyo and summer skadi supports.
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Add the appropriate musical arrangement as he said >>488045198
>Did he see the faggot Moriarty from the BBC show?
Theres an entire tv show dedicated to BBCs?
And there was a collab with FGO?
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This greentext is so true it's funny, Aoko "not my problem'd" like 10 times in that exchange
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There are actually a few different Japanese Sherlock Holmes projects that feature a young bishounen Moriarty.
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oh how cute, he still thinks tourists come here every summer.
imagine repeatedly taking Oberon's anal virginity
Given how shitty young Moriarty's design is, it's because he's fucking retarded.
The BBC Sherlock show starring Doctor Strange and Bilbo Baggins.
What tourism? Threads have been dead. We didn't get friend lists so I didn't even get to do a roll call of who was still active.
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I just really don't know why they went with the clown aesthetic for the foreign god shit...
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truly fitting
two 4 star CEs and i feel like a clown
>reg skadi + support ruler skadi + thought key man 5ce
this is kinda fun. dropped oberon from the comp completely.
If you go to the 9th anniversary mural messages, you will see quite a few Setantas there. Even his cute dogo is there.
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Olga is a clown, so it makes sense she wanted her servants to be clowns too.
>still using plugsuit
Then what's the fucking point?
This reminds have they started the backroom talk from the illustrators yet like they usually do for the servants that come out.
Is your new Plugsuit level 10? Mine isn't yet, why wouldn't I use it and level it up?
Is it true that Gilgamesh isn’t a dom? I always envisioned him as one, especially with the doujins
Gil is a power bottom.
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You will be using switch 99% of the time in 90++ quests retardbro.
There is no canon Gil sex scene, headcanon him as whatever you like
dumb falseflag, everyone knows if this guy quits he nukes his list himself.
He's a bottom for Clae
Show me a 5ce or 6ce comp without plugsuit that can 3 turn the 90++ node
sir, this is an anonymous basket waving website, you don't need to announce your departure
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What would you do if you saw Castoria holding the demon core?
likely nothing because i dont know what the demon core is
i skip all the story
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Sad to see you go
I'll go ahead and delete you now
Why is it that every Crypter goes out of their way to talk shit about you? Kadoc is probably the closest in terms of capability and he's still leagues and leagues more skilled as a mage and with actual magic circuits. Shouldn't the fact that you've gotten through all those Singularities and Lostbelts DESPITE being a completely ordinary human count for something? Even Kadoc talks shit about you in Traum and he got his ass beat and his Servant killed.
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ponder over it
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Nice try. Bob bro would never give in to the haters
pepe didnt shittalk that much
the answer is that they probably still remember gudao as the weakling they were at the start of f/go, and even if they see youve improved, its not as much as you could have
Don't have you added but I hope you know that you're welcome round here, fuck shitposters.
When's summer 6 rerun?
>blah blah blah
Didnt read
This shit even more boring than a Sakurai event
>its not as much as you could have
It's not like you had much time to do anything more, you were too busy unfucking the singularities and the Lostbelts they fucked up. According to the writing, Gudao does do physical exercise and anything to prepare for incidents but it's not like his magic circuits can get any better, they're set in stone.
Damn, you must really love him to go through this much of a shitpost.
You need to remember they were pretty much in a coma until the Lostbelts. For Gudako it was 3 years, for them it was a day.
>being terrible at magic is set in stone
>wonder why people inherently better than you look down upon you
seems like you have the answer and reject it
We have luck, a good kouhai with an omniversal catalyst, and a lot of divine intervention going for us and that's about it.
Yeah, and then those people inherently better at magic got their shit kicked in. So much for that.
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nice servant trait lmao
Remember, 90% of mages are assholes who think way too high of themselves, they would rather kill themselves than live a normal life....like in harry potter.
Are you saying being terrible at magic isn't set in stone? Sure, he can learn basic spells but his circuits are so shit that he can't do much else. You straight up can't improve your circuits.
>trait of being her
i like it
Kirsch didn't, he always respected you. He goaded you a bit in Atlantis only to try to get you raring to fight him, and when you meet him again in Olympus he calls you the best opponent he could ask for.
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He'd talk shit about anyone and he's pretty reasonable when you get to know him.

Woman moment.

Woman moment

Is genuinely nice to you

Is genuinely nice to you

The bitch from Mahoyo bullied his mother so she treated him like shit and he became a deranged serial killer, being rude to you isn't that weird.
Pepe didn't. He was actually so competent that Goetia took him seriously and immediately killed him in London. Gudako was such a shitter that he ignored her in London.
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So where the fuck did this dog come from?
Nasu's worlbuilding regarding mages is really stupid. His rule that all mages must be ruthless psychopaths, to the point he had said that if Rin's father had lived she would have either become a full amoral psychopath or quit practicing magic entirely, means that he has to pretty much ignore that rule whenever he wants to create a sympathetic mage. Also that, combined with the fact that Shirou in FSN says that mages consider it totally OK for a mage to murder another mage, means that there shouldn't be any sort of mage society in the Nasuverse. If every mage was a psycho who thought that murder is OK, then mages should all kill each other on sight, since letting another mage live would simply give them an opportunity to kill the fist mage later. I think Nasu was trying so hard to make his setting dark and edgy that he didn't bother thinking what the consequences of that would be.
Thats Gareths boyfriend.
>He was actually so competent that Goetia took him seriously and immediately killed him in London.
Anon, this is pure fanon. Nowhere is this actually said in the text.
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cope nonmagicalkek
from Ace Combat 7
Pepe is nice to you but he recognizes that you're shit as a mage and says so. Wodime is probably the only Crypter that gives you credit for what you've done before confronting him and doesn't say a single bad thing about you but that's because he's too focused on his own goals and your involvement is pretty much inconsequential until Beryl rapes him to death.
Nasu said it on his blog
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>Question: "For the last one, is it okay for me to ask my personal question? Say for example, if the protagonist didn't survive in the prologue, and someone from A-Team survived, what will happen to humanity? Is there anyone in A-Team who can successfully restore the Human Order?"

>Nasu: "There are two... I believe, it's either Kirschtaria Wodime or Daybit Sem Void. But in case of Daybit, he will get stuck after restoring humanity and won't be able to face off against the danger in year 2018."

>Kirschtaria will be able to hold on?
>Nasu: If its Kirschtaria he'll just make it? No, he'll be able to clear half of the threat from 2018 but he can't win since he's a Crypter. But, if we're just talking about restoring the Human Order, Kaddoc might have a chance. No, nope. It's too much for Kaddoc.

>Kaddoc feels like he has a factor that'll let him become a protagonist. What do you think?
>Nasu: His plot armor (最後の運命力) is just a tad insufficient. If Anastasia works hard then maybe, but without Lostbelts he won't meet "that Anastasia." There are various reasons why the other faces would quickly fail.
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gareth's womb
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>Trait: Illya
It's funny how we genuinely have more nice mages than mean ones across the franchise, but people still go "all mages are assholes!"
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I am not quitting though.
>>nothing in the rules that says a dog cant be a master
>inb4 the dog wins the next holy grail war and asks for a tennis ball
This gets posted all the time but it basically boils down to, like they say:

>is the character competent?
>do they also have plot armor?
If they don't have both, they're fucked.
post the rare yu mei ren trait
>inb4 the dog wins the next holy grail war and asks for a tennis ball
How would a dog ask for anything dogs cant speak.
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Run. This terrorist cannot be negotiated with.
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What the fuck
Yeah, we can spot a falseflag when we see
>kadoc...if anastasia works hard
i love nasu and how he sees his characters
we saw some of that in traum
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>Hinako and Beryl just get BTFO immediately
>Pepe loses to Beast I - Goetia in London
>Kadoc loses without his Lostbelt Anastasia but could have won if he had her with him
>Kirschtaria/Daybit would beat Beast I - Goetia

Did I get this right?
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It's her year.
Are you ready?
Why is it not a molotov since Castoria actually knows how to make those?
Did they ever expand on this trait they added with Rasputin? When they added Rasputin, they added this and for some reason it's only ever had these two in it.
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meanwhile, I have a weakness for servants with this trait right here
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>his favorite servant does not have its own unique servant trait
>Is this explained in Mihoyo?
It's time travel, Nasu simply does not care.
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>Moon trait
>BB doesn't have it
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>Gudako has contracts with hundreds of servants while Kadoc only ever had it with a single one
>She can reach beyond time and space, beyond the Throne of Heroes and protect the man that she loves
>9 years later they're still depicted together in official in game artwork
Sisters, it's so romantic...
A pipebomb is easier to conceal and more destructive.
They forgot.
Gudako could wreck that relationship in one night
>Gudako has contracts with hundreds of servants while Kadoc only ever had it with a single one
lol wait until lb7
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>all mages must be ruthless psychopaths
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>Moon Princess Arcueid Brunestud doesn't get the "Moon" trait
A wolf is a master in Strange Fake
It's because Atalanta was blessed by Artemis the moon goddess and Kirei has a moon spirit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahloo) up his butt. The real mystery is why the other moon-connected servants, such as Artemis herself, Super Orion, and Caligula, don't have it.
People are just repeating Nasu's rule. Of course Nasu ignores that rule as much as he ignores every other rule that inconveniences him.
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>Is this explained in Mihoyo?
Not really, there's no definitive explanation for how the fifth magic works.
This one also has no interactions as far as I'm aware, though I do like it thematically.
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Just like Gudako and Oberon!
>not having Setana in your ALL slot to attract shotastacies
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Yeah? Mine has bigger tits.
why mash isn't part of this?
Don't forget BB and Arcueid.
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Masters cock tastes so delicious its making me go crazy~
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Good question, you'd think she would be.
me and L
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nice view
That's clearly Kadoc's Ana.
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>Became the Shielder Demi-Servant for Galahad and with his approval obtained ownership of the most powerful defensive Noble Phantasm in the entire franchise
>Blocked Rhongomyniad: The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World from the Lion King
>Blocked Ars Almadel Salomonis from Beast I - Goetia who used the power of Grand Caster King Solomon
>Defeated Beast IV - Primate Murder Cath Palug without so much as a single blow
>Blocked Zveri・Krestnyy Khod from Lostbelt King Thunderous Emperor Ivan the Terrible
>Blocked Loptr Laegjarn: Shine Brighter than the Sun, Flaming Sword from the Fiery King of Giants Surtr
>Survived Kirschtaria Wodime's Grand Order/Anima Animusphere in Atlantis
>Became the owner of the Atlas Institute's Black Barrel and used it to kill the True Mechanical Greek Goddesses Demeter and Aphrodite
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and blocked the World Discipline Keraunos: I, Star-Cleaving Thunderbolt of the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus
>Killed the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus using the Black Barrel
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and defeated the Divine Spirit Golden Caenis with only the help of an extremely weakened Sherlock
>Earned the Faerie Knight title of Tam Lin Galahad from Aesc the Savior and defeated the Calamity of Norwich
>Called upon Gawain and Lancelot and stood as their equal as a Knight of the Round Table when she defeated the Calamity of the Beast - Demon Hound Barghest
>Killed the Calamity of the Curse - Enshrined Deity Cernunnos and shattered his Core using the Black Barrel
>Survived and awakened from the Garden of Lost Will and defeated the Insect of the Abyss - Oberon with the help of Caster Artoria

Is there something our little Mashu can't do?
She was robbed...
>Is there something our little Mashu can't do?
Obtain the "stout defender" trait
Can't you read?
>last part of Traum is in the indescribably small sandy plain that's meant to be Area 51 for the bit about Bluebook/aliens
>not the giant swirling whirlpool in the top left of the map
What the fuck man.
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The image that killed the BTAfags.
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Sisters, we won...
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I exclusively 120 servants with the "Demonic Beast Servant" trait.
post your 120 red hare
>Purin and Skadi both want eggs
I fucking knew it.
>hadn't bought the event shop ones yet
Oh thank Chri-
>only 10
FUCK. At least there's a Mahanaga in the 90++ quest.
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I think Nasu just explained things poorly. If you kill other mages indiscriminately, you'll get a bad reputation and thus paint a target on your back and miss out on the opportunities cooperation provides. That there is a Mages' Association at all makes it clear that cooperation is considered something desirable in the Nasuverse.
For example, Touko has imprisoned and murdered a bunch of mages, but because those imprisonments and killings had clear motivations (self-defence, or so she claims), there's no reason for other mages to consider her anti-social. Likewise, if Touko had managed to murder Aoko and Alice she would have suffered no repercussions for it, because those killings would have had the clear motivation of acquiring land. Meanwhile, if Touko had approached a random mage and set him on fire, she would suffer repercussions, as other mages would be afraid of Touko setting them on fire randomly, so they would then preemptively try to attack Touko and exclude her from opportunities for cooperation.
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Touko's mage sex dungeon is one of the dumbest ideas nasu has ever had
You're a retard kys.
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It kind of amazes me that you guys have a fuck ton of QP presumably from farming lottos or doors but somehow don't have mats. Obviously, you guys spend time farming generally. I max every servant I get and spend 0 time farming because I am lazy and somehow have no difficulty fully ascending or 10/10/10 the servants I want. I still haven't used a single pure prism either.
Read ahead and the more you go you will see Kadoc is quite complimentary as well, for the exact reasons you state.

Besides Pepe, who's at a life's point where he's just kind to well meaning people around him, Kirschtaria always kept it real and treated the MC very seriously. He treated us so seriously he never underestimated us and pretty much overwhelmed the MC in one of the only 3 battles his body could hold the first time he faced us.

Daybit from what I read will have a similar regard as well. The better the mage is, the more human and meritocratic his regard becomes. They won't just superficially see you as a weak mage, they will understand that there lies some kind of hidden strength that has made the MC pull through his journey, in spite of the weak magecraft background. If anything, this hidden factor and the lack of magecraft background should make Gudao all the more scary and puzzling for one so deep into the magecraft world, which explains some of Kadoc's or Gordolf's early impressions.

There's also an underlying theme that at this point should always be taken into account, that the Fate franchise protagonists tend to be people from outside of the magecraft world or system. A magecraft is typically not a good human being on most moral standards, and their path only lead to death, corruption and all kinds of maledictions. The likes of Zouken or some of the storylines from Fate Zero in particular illustrate that well. This is also why Kiri is so reluctant to teach magecraft to Shirou, he wants him to live as a normal human being away from the shit world that magecraft leads. But the pattern stands that the protagonists are always people from the outside who are introduced into that world setting, and who best embody a more pure human heart and strength.
Can Touko defeat servants?
Name one unpopular character they picked for summer 8
Who won this rap battle?
Fairy Medb.
didn't know it was THIS easy
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he's not topping any otome polls let's be real
Beo can probably chew right through them and seeing how together they messed up Rozay I'd say yes
>It's funny how we genuinely have more nice mages than mean ones across the franchise
yeah, thats the 10%, even rin was an asshole until completely befriending sheeroh.
Touko can't even defeat my dick
Can servants?
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I swear SG is the only story to do time travel well. Any time it gets used in Fate it ends up being some kind of contrivance.
Holy god auntie. Is there any more like this?
Time travel is always a contrivance
LB4 use of it is kino.
There has never once been a good time travel story
Yeah, LB4 time travel actually surprised me
vice nice, got any more?
According to Gareth's room lines, it's completely unknown. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about
Mushoku Tensei does it pretty well.
Both with timeloops and Oldeus.
>MT mentioned
k y s p e d o
fuck off already
SG is very good and a clean case of using time travel well through the whole story.
MT is self-insert shit though.
>MT shill again
sometimes I forget that rayshifting is time travelling. I mean we go to the places but they all feel the same, whether it's medieval europe, japan or some island
Wandjina CUTE
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What did Altera mean by this?
very true but sadly shes kinda weak and all gimmick
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tongue my asshole
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Why'd you erase her sexy body markings?
I still haven't watched sg yet. Is it really that good?
>Is there something our little Mashu can't do?
Not being a narrative black hole and a Mary sue
Based. Post Fc so I can add you.
my unhealthy obsession Lauren would never call MT more than isekai slop trash
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>Woman has poor taste in media
Many such cases
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>Wake up
>See this
Wat do?
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i don't think I'll be doing anything anymore
>Bob bro would never give in to the haters
>has a meltdown and deletes friend list
turn into stone
French kiss her.
Get rock hard
Die because im not a servant.
I like summertime rendering's time traveling the best
turn 360 degrees and walk away
What's wrong with this Nito? Is it sick?
>new high quality quetz art
what year am i in
hug and kiss my wife Yuu-san
Turn into stone, very slowly.
I still need to watch that. Are the BDs out?
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AI bro can you do crazy castoria?
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bros, I don't feel so good
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Well with FA's illya has the naked mostly see through dress. Kinda insane this was oked.
Orsted is a top tier husbando
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Ai bro can you do a Castoria with a extreamly stretched out and hairy anus goatsie style?
Uoh... This is pure sex. Sex with Illya ToT
Shes 3 years old anon!
Dunno, but I 100% recommend it.
You're saying she's naked without her clothes?
Out of 10!
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Terminator 2 is fucking great.
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>3 out of 10
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Don't worry. Help is on the way.
Illya confirmed ugly.
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imagine ati walking around naked …
Is that teen mom just above the book Kama is holding?
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So how old is she? almost 2000 years old?
I think so. Her shoes also match her colors.
Yeah, she's looking at Yui
no, physically I'm mostly fine, bros..
Who's the redhead guy taking Olga's photos?
How do I get a gf to do this to me?
>both space ishtar has a snowball np damage effect
>other loopers are considered trash if they dont have the same snowballing effect
>summer kama and summer ibuki are given a pass
for what reason?
odysseus doesnt get a snowball effect and he's considered something like voyager-tier looper
Ten, so you got about seven years to clean up Babylon or she cleans it up with fire and dragons
That's not U-Olga, that's the Halloween SSR with the thick thighs we're getting soon. It's not a guy, it's Miss Crane.
U-Olga is on the right side.
big mac
a large boke
6 piece bicken nugget
and 3 bhocolate bilk bookies
Almost everything about this post is wrong lol
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dragon girls are objectively better
Well at least I got the hair color right
>for what reason?
Kama has Arts, NP damage and bonus damage against charmed enemies which she can give them herself. Ibuki has Berserker class advantage and attack and Arts buffs.
>odysseus doesnt get a snowball effect and he's considered something like voyager-tier looper
Because he's a Rider.
spishtar also has atk, np damage and (80%) arts
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I love when Redrop draws Crane, she's either absolutely beautiful and serene or being utterly deranged.
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Good. Let's get on with it.
How long until XX for me to summon?
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>(80%) arts
No one counts the Arts in damage calculations because it's not guaranteed so it's more like a nice bonus when it procs. And her attack buff is only 20%. There are other ways of buffing damage besides a ramping NP damage buff.
Crane is amazing no matter what. Honestly one of my favourite FGO original servants.
That's just Crane
A super prim, proper, professional woman with a crippling idol addiction
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Choco street hags spotted
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i'd eat there
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>when Vritra isn't mentioned
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Will you celebrate Liz's Birthday next week bros?
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What's your favorite example of servants becoming friends in Chaldea after being introduced to the game at separate times or their friendship not being in that initial event/chapter?
Dangerous beast on the billboard... Is there a royal icing reference?
good night, bros...
Raikou and Sei
Bad night, bros.
I hope you all get nightmares.
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it's reality that's the nightmare
>got Sei from Destiny summon
>did her Interludes
>ha that's cute, what a nice character moment
>Summer event directly references that exact interlude a week later and has a bunch of scenes of them together
Feels good man

I loved Raikou's reaction to hearing her nickname the first time.
Didn't know we had so many Cranebros in here
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>school uniform ce assclap
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It was cute, liked that mom’s resort and side story was a subtle continuation of Sei’s interlude.
Thanks bro... it's not as if that's my current world. I either have nightmares or I don't dream at all.
I hope you have such an intense nightmare tonight your blood pressure jumps so high you get a heartattack and dont wake up.
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>still got some left over Skadi ice cream
oh, I was wondering what his outfit was from. interesting.
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there's not a lot of us but our common bond holds strong
She didn't die in the defense of a country or kingdom, would be my guess.
Sis you shouldn't be mean to people online
Neither did Barghest though
She died defending the world during Solomon so it oughta count I think
Ok, and?
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C'mooon, it's not a weird thing to be your sister in a dream…
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I want another event where she helps with farming. Made me really happy farming Koyan raids with her.
Clothes bad civilization
why are you larping as a girl?
Breeding Zenobia
I don't like her
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Simple really, I already have prepared for such an encounter by procuring a piece of Athena's shield given to Perseus and gain a conceptual advantage against Medusa's gaze. The fragment is enough to reflect some magicial energy back to Medusa which I embedded with a curse to make her magicial energy enlarge her breasts and body and increase her erogenous zones sensitivity to several times their normal range. With her in this state I have eliminated a servant by myself as a human and acquired a mistress in one move. Heh, too easy...
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omf finally more jalterlove
If being a girl is what makes anon happy then he should be allowed to be a girl.
Fuck off hater and let people do whatever the fuck they want as lomg as it isnt affecting you directly why do you care
post fc
T h i c c-thach
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20 minutes to clear your master missions
Thank you Gray.
thank you okita
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It affects me directly because it makes me cringe every time I see his stupid posts.
For me it was an easy choice with Hildr
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The choice is obvious
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I have 3 tubs still, been eating small portions as dessert after the daily meals. It's probably gonna last for a couple more weeks.
So, does Ruler Moriarity just suck? I thought I could replace my Mura with him as my AP Loop farmer but he doesnt do much dmg
That's only Summer Barghest so who knows.
For me it's thrud. The best Odin made Valkyrie.
>GSSR result: Muramasa
>NP 2 Bazett
>Castoria (finally! Didn't got her last year)
>NP 4 Wu
>Kiritsugu "GOAT" Assassin Emiya
>Ruler Skadi

Overall, it's the least pulls I had this year since last year and 2022, I had more than 12 SR/SSRs... now saving for Sunflower Daughter, Gogh and I still over 400 SQs and 12 Tickets
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appreciated 'sui
She died defending (You)
He's worse than Iyo who you get for free
I won't need to roll for any other arts looper now
based, welcome to the club. what was the end cost?
gameplayfags are so disgusting
Post your supports.
Which one did you like in LB2? Their Interlude? Murasaki's event?
who let you out of my bed
I picked Hildr+Run because they were the most unique. And the piss jar from Ortlinde is too offputting.
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Skadoo's fish attacks are very fun. I like how the extra attack changes from sending a manta ray and the sun fish to the big dunkleosteus bite on her last ascension.
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Nice ice cream. Better be fast with it before it metls down!
I genuinely have yet to see a single bro with Summer Ortlinde.
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>NP5 S. Ibuki
Who's winning this week, doom or hope?
>lizfag delaying the jig
I picked her too
>dead month
DOOM always wins
>NP5 Grailed Summer Ibuki
>NP1 ungrailed regular Ibuki
What is there to hope for? We know it's a dead month.
>can't sell ice even with everything upgraded/ascension mats bought
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doom got revealed to be RDJ so yeah I'm thinking doom lost
literally me
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wouldn't most people consider that to be a win?
He's a disgusting gameplayfag which means his support is worthless.
I like the 1st card Arts animation. She has very cute attack and skill animations.
Does the steggy rerun come right after this event? Really close to maxing out my gold fous
Now I want art of Alter getting a brain freeze...they are painful but it would be very cute
>why yes it's a win to have the most iconic character and actor of the MCU who left come back to play a new character
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>Robert Doomy Jr.
This is going to be a shitshow for the ages.
I'm excited for hopefully a good Doom villain but I wonder how they'll acknowledge RDJ being Doom. Or if they just don't give a fuck.
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>steggy rerun
So we are supposed to get a summer Okita alter/ summer Kama rate up this week right?
Seems like a weird choice for a variety of reasons
the steggy re-run is in 2 years bro
MCU's already a shit show since endgame. The only big hits they've had since then were guardians 3, obligatory spidey and deadpool 3.
MULTIVERSE or so I assume, which is meh as fuck
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What's a brain freeze?
Ah yeah, true. I haven't watched anything since Endgame so I don't know shit about multiverse stuff.
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>Been looping everything with my np2 summer Kiara since she released
>People still roll for more arts loopers
You guys really did not have a single arts looper that got your attention during all those years that you had to roll for Ibuki? I mean I know she is better but with dobule castoria literally everything loops and there are a dozen of neutral loopers that do her job but instead of refunding 96% and get charged by castoria they get 82% and still get charged by castoria
Like from a gameplay standpoint I do not understand going for so many neutral arts loopers when having one does the same as having 5 of em
No, I rolled for Kama
people fell for the 90++ 6CE meme
Ibuki can loop 1/1/1 with black grail and nobody else can
>I wonder how they'll acknowledge RDJ being Doom.
Way I see it , there are wo choices
1. They don't and he just wears the doom mask the whole time. Then it really doesn't matter.
2. He's another universes tony who is doom for some reason.
Probably 2. On the other side of things. I see no reason for a Guy who won an academy award last year to sign on for a shit idea. He must have some confidence this script will net him cash.
>AU Ironman villain as Dr. Doom
Could be pretty cool if done right.
This is straight up false information
I have NP2 Summer Kiara and she is pretty mediocre in terms of looping.
I fell for the 90++ 6CE meme and I didn't roll for Ibuki.
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I'm happy to see Disney shoveling fire into a furnace in hopes to bring people back to a genre that can't possibly reach the heights it hit already. The more they lose in the process the happier I'll be.
>embers mission during event
Why do they keep doing this?
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You know, when you eat something cold too fast and it gives you a headache!
Disney is just desperate to rekindle the flame so they're giving the biggest Mahvel star an unlimited paycheck to come back
Because the event missions are copy pasted from this same week 2 years ago in JP without any consideration of what's happening in NA
Because you should be done the event by now.
Current MCU is literally just Cosmos in the Lostbelt, complete with PHH and pruned timelines. They even have anchors responsible for timelines surviving.
No? We get events like an entire month early sometimes
How many apples would one have to spend to be done with farming the event by now, and why the fuck would you do it?
Because I want to log in and log out.
Only if you used apples. Otherwise you simply aren't done with the points since there's no point CE so you can't even claim you got plenty of CE drops.
None if you rolled a lot of CEs probably.
I did, but I'm not through the statues/monuments yet
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I don't have that issue actually! I can eat cold pretty easily and even eat ice cubes no problem!
i have np2 spishtar already bond 13
it was time for a new one
skipped summer kama, unimpressed with ruler melu
That's not the issue, the issue is that with natural AP, you couldn't have completed the visitor ladder yet.
>I do not understand going for so many neutral arts loopers when having one does the same as having 5 of em
Speaking as someone who has 5 neutral arts loopers, Kiara is ass and by far the worst
Ibuki with bg won't even loop you the 1/1/2 node from Olympus
That's just not how it works
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I've loved disney parks my whole life. After what they did to splash mountain. I wish only the worst on Bob Iger (the Disney CEO). I honestly hope someone actually can fix it, but I want the current leadership to burn.
I like big titty dragon
People who like kama rolled for kama
people who like flat dragons will roll for melu
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There is literally two comics series version to pull from where ironman becomes doom. They're probably going to pull from infamous ironman, but this one would be funny. I mean a lot of people call it dumb, but it was cool in infamous ironman.
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They don't farm QP, they only go hard on lotteries. If the lotto doesn't give the materials they won't have it. They probably skip the raids / hunting quests where unusual mats are dropped more frequently.

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