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Previous: >>488032687

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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It's not Cookie's birthday any more, anon
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Ororon BROKE you.
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I don't care.
>everyone hates chasca on their tierlists
Megaflop incoming
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That looks so much fun
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Emilie is so fucking ugly.
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Not as ugly as Layla or Yaka
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Changli is almost as sexy as Shenhe
Nah his design is seriously ugly, from outfit, to overall colors, his hair, everything on him is ugly.
there's already a new contender for the ugliest genshin poll...
Thanks to the anon who recommended putting Navia and Xianyun together, very fun doing geo plunges
>she beat the ugly potatoes that no one likes except for memtally ill pedos
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Ororon flopped
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I really don't care for her but that might just be a gig thing
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No one cares about designs lmao

Give them a broken kit and everyone is rolling
You need to go back.
he's literally just tall sasuke
This will be the thread
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Daily Reminder that Furina is for you.
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>>488050885 (Me, real, check timestamp)
You need to stay here.
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Its my first time seeing the pink hair girl, so I'm just gonna say she looks the cutest right now
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Tier list
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>Ororon flopp-
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Imagine being this dude, being a no name VA for background characters and landing a role in a billion dollar game and (former) global phenomenon Genshin Impact only for hoards of mentally ill teens to explode about your character being offensive and not dark enough and to boycott the game before your character even comes out.
holy fuck i hate this pretentious tone every single redditor speaks in.
Did you not watch the trailer and somehow manage to dodge people posting and talking about the characters up until this point?
new ship dropped?
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All Clorinde stans will pull for Chasca
Tbh most natlan designs can be sumeru designs and vice versa
yep oroworm will flop bigly
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>>488051097 (me)
You missed by a second.
I thought only the 5.0 characters were officially revealed so far.
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They look like Frieren and Fern
So this is where the slurpers come from...
Ororon will be Capitano's BiS support and you WILL C6 him.
porky flopped tho
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not him but i have no idea who natlan navia is.
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Impressive t b h
Well I guess now you have an idea of who we'll run into during the Natlan archon quest
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>4channer acting like 4chan is better than leddit
>clorinde stans
So no one?
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Sex with Kinich
I can't believe they named a country Smell
>global like homos more than CN
Kachina sex
Sex with Kachina
>Xilonen and Mualani lower than Chasca in CN
Damn they really hate anyone with even just a slight tan lol
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Really makes you think.
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Another Clit enjoyer is made!
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why arent they making Hangouts anymore?
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Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
their rankings would vary wildly under different lighting conditions
But somehow they want to convince you brown chars are just as profitable
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That's the point of his post I think, chasca is the third lowest
She's just above the lolis
i will put the adult women in S tier, the teenagers in A tier and the children in blank tier
I guess they deemed they were too much effort for too little payoff
>global demands brown characters
>ignore the one only brown posterchild of the nation for pyro trans kaveh
Why are they like this?
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This thread is very gay
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Well, Yuji is better than Sukuna now because JJK will end pretty soon seeing as Yuji can now cast a Domain Expansion. Genshin Impact.
>past leaks said that someone from Celestia would wake up on Natlan
YOU don't even do hangouts
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>Kazuha gets cucked by Electro Bat/Seahorse, Hydro Tulpa, every Hypostasis, etc.
>Xilonen dominates universally

Anemotroons it is so over for you. 2 months. Tick tok.
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Lolifags can't say that jap femcels hate loli btw
She was the most popular female character among jap girls back in 2020
so uh... what the hell was that completely unvoiced questline after the current event's afterword involving the sumeru characters?
The geo car girl is cute. Why is she so underrated?
reddit safehorny
the safe horny geo panther...
>he thinks Sukuna won't break free thanks to a binding vow(asspull)
It's called Sukuna Kaisen for a reason. Genshin impact
i don't care about that seapag, he's literally mentally ill, the comment below though is just plain false. biggest role of fucking what, wormvillette got every plot important scene. the cutscene and fight with the whale, the muh sins shilling, the scene with focalors, a scene with skirk, the talking about natlan bit
furina gets one (1) flashback dedicated to her and then disappears. that seapag won't ever address any of this btw
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Metacommentary/Fat Xiao being dunking on lorekeks about how they specifically put red herrings and draw attention to unimportant details just to throw people off of the story. Also featuring dunking on boycotters who can't distinguish fantasy from reality with the part where Candace says the story features a poor representation of King Deshret but it's so fantastical that she has no issue with it.
the one with the literal 0% effort to show all the unvoiced sumeru characters to hit their "must show character" quota all while you're running around for 3 hours looking for a book that...honestly can't imagine why this was important?
yeah idk what the fuck that was.
Do you want them to be naked?
No I want them to be younger.
The Sumeru sidequest at the end of 4.8 is the foreshadowing for Natlan's Archon Quest. The Novel symbolizes the Pyro Gnosis.
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>all these safe horny slop
the sumeru quest was a meta joke about how they do foreshadowing without actually spoiling anything by constantly throwing misdirections, which also causes the readers to create theories and talk about it with other people, making a story gain popularity.
they always do it for events and trailers. that quest itself is also doing that.
Also featuring dunking on boycotters who can't distinguish fantasy from reality

Wait you're on to something
It might be a last minute addition that's why it's unvoiced
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I see. I guess it was nice seeing the Sumeru characters but I feel like they could have done that a little better.
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>nilou jumps in the arms of traveler
>nilou smiles, shuffles around and cant keep eye contact when traveler says sorry
>means nothing
>nilou complains about her legs falling asleep
>2 toys with some of the colors as nilou and wanderer are playing the role of 2 dudes on skyrim, while another toy with the same color as traveler is photographing the meme reference
>means nilou hates traveler and is fucking wanderer
the absolute state of doomcucks
a great reason to ask for a skip button in the survey
Because they were pandering for Traveler self-inserters and hated by shipfags
"They are literally shipping traveler with nilou because there's 2 clear cg and very straight forward interaction:"

"No you see they are shipping scara and nilou and cuckolding traveler, you just have to understand Chinese, interpret arcane homonyms that we totally did not just see in the tea leaves, go through leaks about the words of an ex-employee, interpret existing lore in a certain way, understand past Chinese historical context, read the interpretation in npc position in the map, understand Chinese internet slang to see what only we can see"

insert gymnastic meme template
>posts safe... period.
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Sukuna is the strongest and there's not a single asspull in jjk you fucking cheld
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Camerapags getting uppity
>nahitroon is awake and spamming le safe horny again
Maybe you should be working so you can afford your C6 paghida
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Nilou's only love is the endless supply of pie in her pocket
the fact that fucking ZZZ has a skip button that even summarizes the scene before you skip it and it's under the same company is wild.
please dawei...i just want cute pics of dori, rosaria, sucrose, etc. to put into my teapot
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98% of the popular anime girls are teens
i don't know why hagfags keep pretending their normalfag taste represents the majority
Doomposters don't even play the game.
Hags are popular in games not infested by normalfags
Genshin is normalfag infested
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You are right GayGay is the best writer in existence, the only one who can rival Fat Xiao.Genshin Impact
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Looks like the Quantum symbol from Star Rail
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>people keeps posting cuckshit because *reasons*
Safehornypags are obsessed with their mommy dommy fetish as much as furries are with their disgusting fetish.
why do you care?
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Nahida is really sexy.
it's one guy
i just dont like the way redditors talk. they also get mad if you call people fags.
I fucking love gyaru characters in video games
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Do tell. Are these doomposters in this thread right now?
I don't think most people care about the 'age'
or height whatsoever. Hags have bigger breast and wider hips than the hebes.
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>it's one guy
>first person to see in this dreamscape
>first response is to tell them to calm down/clearly show disinterest
like, why do they do this?
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>show's up just to tell you where the stupid book is.
>show's up physically to flirt with him
HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL??????????????????????????????????????
You are a redditor and will always be a redditor despite migrating here after getting kicked out of your home site. Go back and/or kill yourself.
caring so much about giant tits/ass is exactly what makes you safehornypag
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a.k.a. they're safe horny
oh no reddit melty
Ejaculating in Kuki's mask for her birthday
she is squeezing their windpipe
You pick no.2 if you play Lumine or is gay.
You pick no.1 if you play as Aether.
you forgot to mention that Nilou was complaining why Wanderer put MC on her lap instead of the cold, hard ground. But I guess that wont fit your narrative, cuck.
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is putting tits on flatties safehorny?
people just assume they're 18 or over because most of the time, their age is never a factor in anything other than having an excuse for them to be in a highschool setting
I am a 130 kg tieba poster ama
>making kuki safe horny
Scara and Kazusa are literally just as much of faggy twinks as Aether and yet they get fanart
does the Genshin audience just hate the MC that much
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
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>Kuki is for (You)
>Yanfei canonically thinks that Aethermine is in love with her, still only cares about their legal troubles
>public use Klee
The birthday messages speak volumes, the message is clear...
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Good night /gig/ broskis good luck with your weeklies tomorrow
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Being attracted to normal things isn't contemptible. I don't have a problem with people liking whatever but Genshin is a normie game and appealing to those taste should be expected. In fact not expecting it is a bit delusional.
most girls react with embarrassment if a guy is dropped on their lap in front of everyone
which is weird because the only character other than the lolis that are considered below 18 is (You) and i think Fischl.
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why has gig been so cancer lately?
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>nigger baboon speak
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Go back to /co/ tripfaggot
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Camerapags can never recover from this...
>replying to the nahitroon
lmfao, that tranny seethes at anything with tits
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Its a travesty.
Lets look at the most replayed moment from the Natlan trailer
>Kinich and Capitano
There is no way, maybe if I check the JP channe-
>Kinich and Capitano again
what the actual fuck
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Why are you lying? You're 150kg.
meant for >>488052938
meant for >>488053153
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id prefer going back to the racial discourse then this cuckfag swarm
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This kind of interaction is only cute because it's Loom who is doing it
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I haven't used Xianyun since 4.6

How can Xianyun be saved
wtf 'hi /gig/!' kokoposters are redditors?
nah my post was meant to the tranny spamming safehorny like xhe does everyday, i'll just filter it i guess
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Gaze and rejoice in the true main character of Fontaine, Sandrone!
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sex tao
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leave kokomi to me
what pissed me off about the discourse is that I know it's just shitposters and white karens, real latamfags wouldn't complain about bad color representation, they would complain about how latam hasn't been nuked yet
at least the cuckshit comes just from shitposters
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Have you ever gotten flabbergasted by your own samefag because you forgot that you were the one who made it for a second?
>Hu Tao never gets cuckposted with Zhongli
>Shinobu never gets cuckposted with Itto
The way to stop cuckposter is to pre-cuck them
Make a plunge based 5-star. Liyue relevant, for (You), with its own artifact set and 100% damage bonus plunge buff. Cuck the character out of having a good weapon though.
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I need Kirara's beans on my face
>Jean never gets cuckposted with Diluc
You may be on to something...
all you a(You)
This is what the boycotters want Natlans designs to look like
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>NA hours
>blatant yuritroon / cuckposting by whites
see you in SEA/EU hours!
no way
>a guy
happens no matter the gender
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It always happens when I use multiple devices
my favorite part of the summer event was when wanderer cared more about albedo's dead brother than albedo
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Japs better roll for him if they like him so much
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>>488053780 (Me)
All the time
>I dislike this character a lot
>I dislike this character a lot
No, I have no trouble keeping track of my personalities. Have you tried tying different colored strings to your fingers yet, schizobro?
what's the gender distribution of the japanese genshin playerbase?
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So it's not just (Me)...
women above 15 should all taken to glue factories
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All you to(me)
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sometimes i forget i wrote a falseflag then check back 10 minutes later and wonder how someone living in the same planet as me could write such a retarded post
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I'll probably bust out my plungeluc team again when Murata emerges as Bennett's 5* replacement
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we told you to not roll for plunge trash
I literally look like this irl
i have multiple personalities so I usually don't but occasionally I switch while replying and realize
Can I get a rundown on /gig/ in the last 48 hours i've been busy
it's either 55/45 or 50/50
>conveniently left unfunny cheldspam out
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For me, it's Iansan.
cuckspam and now cheldbros ARE SO FUCKING BACK!!!!
>real latamfags wouldn't complain about bad color representation
that's because they want to be white like so bad
every one was expecting natlan to be filled with browns
C1 Xianyun is a permanent overworld team slot though. Even if you don't play plunge shenanigans she's just as valuable to exploration as C1 Yelan
shut up pantalone's cumsleeve
the amount of schizos in here is mildly concerning to say the least
fucking old otakus
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>hags are popul-ACK
Why didn't Furina just call out the shit booking and refuse to follow the script? 500 years of a midcard comedy gimmick and having to job on purpose to avoid detection, and for what.
fuck off cuckfag you lost
Natlan 5.0 Beta showed the Pokemon system. It only works in Natlan unfortunately.
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All me btw
That sounds like a good idea, I will consider it
I'm glad it's not just me who experiences this

NTA btw hehehe...
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I wanna nibble on her ears
public use klee...
no fucking way Baiz has a near 30% ownereship rate
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sometimes I seethe at my own falseflags
thanks bro

>It only works in Natlan unfortunately.
cringe, thanks bro
It's the same shit as thursday when the last part of the event released, CN players are obsessed with cuckolding and it leaked to /gig/
metatroons are mentally deranged
>10-15 hours until V3 Mualani buffs
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gyatt tao
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because fate bro.
500 years of stagnating the script, it was going to happen sooner or later. She even tried hiding the prophecy but it was found anyway. Nothing she or anyone could do, so they came up with a plan to "have it happen but not actually lololol"
>he replied on my behalf
Thanks cheldbro
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the buddyflops of the buddypokes... if they arent meta like paghida (or standard) they die lmfao
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sex with hu tao
Do we know the next set of characters for Envisaged Echoes yet? I don't really care about any of the currently available characters.
AI slop
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can i watch?
Damn sigwin flopped and slopped
why was fontaine so unpopular?
I C2'd him to just have a multiwave-capable dendro applier not cucked into a circle area.
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Klee's demise shows how few of the player base currently are 1.0 players. We have been irreversibly transformed.
Themale in 5.0 looks more attractive than the female. Its yet another Nilou situation. Dumb looking, dumb female.
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i hu tao love hu tao
Is there a dendro character that isn't Nahida I can use for Clorinde? It would have to be one that mostly stays off field.
i really did not need to see that
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Your Baizhu?
c6 kirara
>Diaper Ganyu is not real
Diaper Ganyu:
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fake, this is not Furina
Which one of your wives did Wanderer fuck this time?
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The crocs make her look like a kid.
c4 kirara* my bad.
Can't wait
Why did the Cheldcord stop posting?
stand back and stand by
pagpag break
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Emile is the best
Solo Baizhu requires abnormal amounts of ER
Kirara's cat feet erotic!
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Bwos, i just finished all the event side quests in the last hour. Are you proud of me?
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>the statement that costed an election
no because you skipped
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>zzz has this
when is our turn?
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Good job
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Not to sound contrarian but she's the only Natlan character I care about so far (not counting Capitano)
Excuse me?
Even Hu Tao and Ganyu have low ownership rates. Only Zhongli has high rates, but it is mostly because he allows players to not dodge.
I have C0 because of the event, she's actually very valuable for not scaring away birds.
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>skipped Wandershilling
m-my knees...
Reminder that Whopperbedo is a shotapedo
Since you can't tell who's under the mask, might as well imagine the one under the mask is a girl since it's hotter that way.
>metatroon statistics
>meaning anything
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I look like this
which is fine because he doesn't need any other rolls except for hp and er and proto amber gifts refund of 12-18 energy on burst
Floplee isn't and never was popular despite being forced incredibly hard throughout the years.
nice, she's very fun to play as.
If you care about her doing actual dmg as well as shields, you CAN give her an Atk stat weapon like Summit Shaper when you get her C4. Works very well with Clorinde, shield and coordinated dendro application (every 3.8 sec but still)
Or character, even.
Yelan is one of the least popular 5* characters and has some of the highest ownership rates.

(I like her design, by the way)
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Bathroom break
Why are waifufags so in denial that shipfags run this game?
I'm Fritia's boytoy
kindly fuck off and possibly kill yourself
this story, is that a foreshadowing or something? Also did the Cat Guy eat the Snowflake? Weird childrens book
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Did you bring some for us?
My Clorinde has 4 piece TF so she dominates field time, which is why I was relying on Nahida's crazy 20+ second dendro timer to just continually proc Aggravate.
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Klee was (and is) a popular character. But people roll for meta and Klee is one of the weakest main DPS.
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i want to kiss my gf...
they need to update dodging, it sucks shit in this game compared to the competition. Shields are bordlerline mandatory for certain characters to be able to properly attack certain enemies
i have no clue what that's a metaphor for. its baffling.
How important is to do bounties and reputation quest? I did 3/3 for Mondstadt for the battle pass (I don't buy it but the free stuff is nice). I recently finished the Liyue archon quest, like 2 days ago too, so I might be able to do reputation quests there too.
Should it be a priority?
Raidentroon falseflag
Cheldtroon falseflag
genshin is run by 4B lesbian catladies now so never
>Shields are bordlerline mandatory for certain characters to be able to properly attack certain enemies
looking at my C1 Yoimiya who I love as a character but despise playing without a shield
It’s only important if you want to unlock
The wind glider
It's an honest question. I literally don't understand the mindset of someone who picks up a gacha and is like
>one of the most important things to me is having girls that want the MC as a romantic partner
and then they pick fucking Genshin
good job I still need to start the second part of the event
The cat murdered and fucked the dead body of snowflake.
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I HATE waifus
I think it's a priority to get the culus detector and treasure compass unlocks.
Idk, but Mr. Cat acts no differently from Dottore. And he didn't eat her, he stripped her fur after killing her, thus the perfume.
even better because you'll be killing enemies fast enough and won't have to worry about switching back to kirara like with Nahida everytime an enemy died, wasting Clorinde's skill (does it stay after switching out? i don't remember, as i often try not to have that happen)
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Patrician choice
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When is the paimon sex arc?
Hutroon falseflag
Whenever you unlock a new region's bounties, which is usually through the archon quests, have a look through the rewards for it.
Some things in there are pretty fucking nice, you can ignore the map compass/oculus detector things because those are for shitters who don't explore anything. I did all of Sumeru and Fontaine with less than 15 on the 'cannot find this' list, and you will want to kill yourself not knowing how to complete the statue but the eventual reward is that you did it without resulting to babby handholding gadgets. or use interactive map
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>culus detector
thought you were talking about topaz for a second there
arlefloppo lost.
get over it.
let it go.
Do whatever Liyue activities you can do until you unlock the ability to craft Condensed resin
You might not need them in the early game, but they're a massive QOL when you'll reach the point where you want to start farming talent books (and artifacts later on)

Aside from that just try to aim for the regional gadgets I guess. I forgot which region that gives it but one of them gives you tiny updraft while gliding which, in my opinion, is the most useful of the bunch
>wasting Clorinde's skill (does it stay after switching out? i don't remember, as i often try not to have that happen)
Yes, you exit Night Vigil when you swap off of her. A perfect set of reactions leaves me with maybe 2 seconds of downtime, more if I fuck up the inputs or get staggered. That's why I use Kokomi and Dori as supports, their field boosts stick around long enough.
the boypussy that launched a thousand ships...
>Show's up just because she felt that you were looking for something
>Show's up to scold the immature brat that skipped school again after the akademiya complained to her
I think that I should start working on the event, and also try to get the fishing rod for furina and also the teapot house. Now that I finished the archon quest I will start the event.
waifufags should have dropped the game after Ningguang's hangout baited them only for them to get cucked like 2 weeks later. that made it clear this game was not for waifufags
Clorindetroon falseflag
Imagine how soft Paimon's feet are
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loom is a cute camera
raiden won btw
okay good to know I've been playing her correctly then
>A perfect set of reactions leaves me with maybe 2 seconds of downtime
that is exactly what i get as well, perfect time to unleash burst/switch to kirara to use skill and collect the energy with Clorinde and go back into skill.
Raiden > Pagrinde
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A reminder that all sodomites will die from AIDS.
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Mualani Naganohara
Kinich Lawrence
Kachina Arataki
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idk what sodomy means
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>boytao talking about aids
>Tom upgrades an artifact.jpg
Sir can you please be quiet, i have a Childe next door trying to sleep
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i feel you bro.
i feel you.
Hu Tao got powercrept by Arlecchino btw
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I regret rolling for Chasca Lawrence
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I want to have sex with Navia
can't get HIV from a dildo
that's someone's adult son
I think it's a city?
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>safehornycchinopags are upset at hu bros again
why do you play lumine
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Will Natlan have any memorable world quest (not archon quests) series?
I'm rolling for Chasca Lawrence.
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Navia is strictly for lesbian gunplay with Clorinde
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Each night
0.05% of the playerbase does them so no
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Wriothesley POV
Because I want to have sex with Lumine
the safe horny electro pork...
/ourgirl/ aSTACYkai is streaming

i want to slam her face in the toilet and give her the biggest fucking swirlie so much it is fucking unreal.
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She's going to be really fun if she's anemo. Even if she's another CA bow dps, she has potential if her CA has CC(like Faruzan's CA powered by her skill). If she's cryo, then I don't want Ganyu 2.0 tbqh...
my asshole's pov
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Calm down bro
but that's incest????
yea she won, won my hand in marriage
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why is chasca so ugly??? they picked the worst concept art of clorinde for her...
crowning mika's talents...
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Left or right?
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Post who you've skipped and judge who other anons have skipped.
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so how's the slime theory comin?
or the vision theory?
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We call her Chucky for a reason
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Not worth the (You), meant for schizo you can now reply to the entire thread.
left because she's not as safehorny
why are Sneednayans so fucking tall?
Left has nice dancing moves
Roll Nilou you cunt
left is for pedos
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Venti and Klee on the bottom
And he'll still be a 4 star kek
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skipped arle because i already have Hu Tao (and i don't even use her)
Chasca has better hair shape then 95% of the cast tbqh. Especially anyone with a hairline spllit down the middle.
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>no world quest foreshadow like the Narzissenkreuz quest in 3.6 or the Aranara in 2.6
it's over...
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The saviour of Genshin Impact...
slavs are big bro
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I only roll role relevant characters
why the fuck did this make me laugh
fuck off.
5.x is going to be completely devoid of content and I'm here for it
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i only roll for hebes, but sometimes roll for hags
Fuck I meant to type lore
>frigid bitch vs sexy snakey dancy dommy mommy
Cheld a flop
What did Fat Xiao mean by this

Genshin has been getting more and more content
>want to catch up on hangouts
>start one
>alt f4 after five minutes
Yeah nah I'm glad they stopped with this slop.
>he started Bennett's hangout
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why did he do it?
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now that the dust has settled, why did natlan fail to generate as much buzz as the previous regions?
I don't have enough characters for the full version but I did the normal Imaginarium Theatre and it was okay I guess. I liked the primos if nothing else.
because fontaine killed the game
why does everyone hate the yellow one?
Faruzan's was good.
Because Floptaine killed Genshin's hype.
We don't know anything about the characters, we're still a month away
>visit house of daena x5000
i went to go take a piss and they're still going
That Arlecchino has mommy issues
>being called Mother myself? No way, Pierro, you fag
Because he's the based one
Watch Chasca get yuribait and everyone who hated her switches up.
cuz he has the funny name
Faruzan's was incredible
hell i even say Beidou's was really good.
B-but /gig/ told me that Chasca is disliked only here...
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My C0 Clorinde has decent artifacts and is my strongest electro character.
73/227 crit or something like that, with 2650 unbuffed attack. The numbers aren't why I like playing her though, it's the mobility. Being able to do my damage while escaping boss mechanics or weaving between enemies is top fun and beats shocking them to death from a standing position.
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you rike the book chase afterword event?
you rike teleporter being 5 miles above the building you are trying to get in?
>waku waku Clorinde-sama let's fight!
Your remuria?
One route of Faruzan's was incredible, the rest kinda boring.
I have like one day left to do a hail mary on getting stage 6, already restarted twice. Just not very motivated because I lack the builds to make it painless and getting those builds takes several months with how I have to pick and choose who gets worked on with resin. Might actually be at the point where I will start borrowing sets from other characters because farming multiples fucking sucks.
You fags hate everything
clorinde shouldve been the one to put down childe when he was the one that wanked her strength in the first place
>caring about sexual traits is safehorny
Damn, DOAX, truly Twitter's favourite.
i think all of the hangouts get boring if you try to do all 5 of them, as most are just slight variations of the same route, like Sayu's.
That being said, Faruzan's was a good hangout. Sayu's was too.
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Artists want to draw for games that don't have fandoms calling them incels, gooners and pedophiles for being a heterosexual male.
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You faggots leave my wife alone.
And she'll always be my wife since I claimed her the second the trailer dropped.
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looks like she's auditioning for Vshojo
I'd rather use use the gadget and no one will ever know that I used it when I brag about 100% map completion.
the safehorny schizo is just trying to push a new narrative against conventional sexual female characteristics
wouldn't be surprised if he's the nahitroon
Clorinde has to be one of the most anti-shilled characters to appear in an archon quest. Her only story contribution was shooting a door closed. Keeping order in the courtroom could have been something at least.
loom is getting koko cock'd
What did Remuria foreshadow about Natlan?
>have a cool duelist
>does no duelling
kek she does
she also fought gardemeks remember? was such an important part of the archon quest how could you forget that part!!!!!
buddypoke face
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Take your meds
because Wormvillette flopped and slopped
You first.
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Reminder this is HER game
So she has childbearing hips while her sister has huge tits?

Fair trade
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>kuki has a sister
am i missing lore?
>borrowing sets from other characters because farming multiples fucking sucks
This mode made me feel the pain for that. I'm also looking at the next version and realizing how completely fucked I am. I have zero cryo characters and only two hydro characters built.
tits too big
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B-bros is this true?
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Just build Qiqi
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a face not even a mother could love
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She's in her hangout
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Huh, when did they add this feature?
No one was seriously in danger from gardemeks
I've kinda wanted to for a while now but I don't have an OHC set for her and I wanted to save artifacts for 5.0.
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i farted
in 4.5
Dw bro no one wants her
this patch
Last week
I still don't get how Kuki, their and presumably her older sister in the past has Green hair but her non-NPC model has black hair
Chasca's beauty deserves some braise.
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You're not funny, childeposter.
even if they were, I'm more concerned about how this keeps happening. Especially how this entire horde of gardemeks were sent to kill navia in the middle of the night RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE and NO ONE knew about it or brings it up again.
love cheldposters
Is there a decent route for farming fodder artifacts for leveling other artifacts?
Most NPC relatives of the main cast look like completely different and unrelated people.
Like I'd laugh if someone told me that Huffman and Mika were siblings
Anons am i going crazy or did the weapon ascension domain always have Fatui agents in them?
I thought it was hydro mages.
And the Hydro disorder thing isn't happening anymore.
why suddenly change it after all this time?
did they change the mondstat talent dungeon too?
/gig/ is in general not funny.
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I'm funny
They babified them as part of 4.8's changes
They changed them to make them more in line with the current domain design
In other words, they nerfed them
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but you aren't cute
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Looks good

I skip a lot of characters
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You get a Saurian pet that's cursed. As you try to save it you learn about Natlan history with dragons, Xbalanque and the so called Sage of the Stolen Flame. They even mention Nibelung in one of the main WQs.
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bro you can keep her no one wants her ugly ass white-black woman asss
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thanks for the 3 Yous
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where's her kokocock
>Genshin should have been a mmo
You tell me
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You skipped all the fun characters
There were routes even during the 1.x days but I haven't done that shit in years since you eventually overflow with artifact XP. I don't see why google wouldn't help you here. You're limited to a certain amount of examination points a day so it shouldn't really be that different.
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stabby hours?
i see so I'm not going crazy.
Idk why mihoyo waited until now to do it.
if this is supposed to be a "QoL" change, or just something to make easier, why does genshin take so long with stuff like this?
I agree with reddit screenshot = Based

I disagree with reddit screenshot = You need to go back
I rolled for the electro pork, and have no interest in Chasc-ACK
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Based and cookiepilled.
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You don't get to call others funskippers when you skipped Xianyun
Is Kuki useable outside of hyperbloom?
bros I think Sethos is actually on the way to being forgotten
now you remember gaming
Like most of the 4.x characters
Yes, you can use her in Superconduct physical teams
He gets more art than chiori
There's an influx of newfags for Natlan that are starting either now or will show up in 5.0, so they probably wanted to make it easier for them, since less frustration = more newfag retention.

Kok's cock!
A completely worthless 4* DPS male randomly dropped on the banner of another DPS of the same element from a different region, forgotten?
Say it ain't so

He exists just to pad roster space and nothing else.
im a tabibitoGAWD buddy
He gets more art than chiori
What the hell is that?
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>Raiden Shogun
>Kamisato Ayato
alright, I'll admit that pretty much explains it perfectly. Thanks bud.
I kinda want to roll nilou cuz she would allow me to use a bunchof benched/underleveled shitters like collei/yao2/gogomi
His lisp is unforgettable
A deprecated playstyle left in the game by pure accident
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Roll Xianyun to unregret your Xiao
Why is Xianyun so unpopular?
Is Chevy's butt bigger than average or is it just an illusion?
DEI characters always flop
I rolled because I thought her burst animation was cool but I never liked her enough to C2R1 or build a hyper team around her so she's been benched for 2 years.
No one likes poc characters
i want a xianyun rerun soon
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>Why is Xianyun so unpopular?
He would probably unregret his Klee too.
I want to breed Razor.
Uh oh xianyunpedo cannot accept the reality it seems
>/gig/ discovers mods
we know bennett
This but buddypokewinne
Does Klee plunge compare well to Diluc or Gaming?
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wtf are you me? I also hate Alpedo and his shitty flower
Why is 4.x character so unpopular…
ayato burst animation is so jank i lost count how many times i actually got hit after it ends
Mind the deluge...
Why are (You) so unpopular?
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I regret not trying hard enough for Nahida
paghida is so ugly
because I'm not trying too hard to be a thread celebrity :ccc
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It's not the plunge multiplier but you get to jump cancel her charge attacks into plunge and she has enough pyro application to make Furina Vape consistently.
>skipping Neuvillette and Kazuha
Bricked accounts
I really hate 5* burst animation camera angles sometimes
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falseflag post
It's so funny how they took the Hat Guy thing and ran with it. I kinda expected him to eventually get a fixed name, but I never expected them to actually just keep using Hat Guy
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Your still alive signora poster?
Can I have your signora pic with the biggest tits?
i don't want your ugly buddypoke wanderer
Fat Xiao thinks he’s funny
same reason why they call you traveler rather than whatever name you gave yourself.
don't think I've ever heard any character in game call him wanderer.
Try to force your meme harder redditranny
Kill yourself, hag loving homosexual parasite.
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They're clearly going for the"Only (You) (and Paimon, and Nahida) Know His Real Name" angle.
he's funnier than /gig/
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WTF? I can't change this faggot's name to his CANON name?
Jean's burst will set the camera in front of her after you use it, and that pisses me off so much because the camera reset button randomly doesn't work. I don't know if that's a gameplay feature or if it's just more of Genhin's problems with input delay/reading.
What happens in a few days? ?re you going to count in negative numbers until Signora is summonable?
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Only nahooder can name him.
antibuddypoke melty
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that and plenty of 4* bursts zooming in your camera so you have to manually zoom out every time
This is just more proof that men aren't playing the game anymore.
Chasca is just ugly anon, let it go.
He's not a wanderer anymore after he permanently moved in to Sumeru.
wanderer is for nahida, nilou is just a side whore.
Sukuna's fight has been asspull after asspull after asspull
so many asspulls that the author cannot even keep his asspulls in check, as he has forgotten about things that he gave him before

genshin impact

i swear to god i still half expect him to do a Sukuna wins ending because of how many times his plot armor saved him
It's not harder to be more funny than women. In fact you'd have to try to be less funny.
effin hot
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i never died nor left. ive just played other games in the meantime, i know signorasaver is also around as i saw him in the threads a week or so ago.
i wait until 5.0 and then make it a full year for snezhnaya.
i fucked up the countdown because i started when it was thought that fontaine only went up to 4.7.
regardless the countdown was always for concrete leaks.
why did they turn durin into a jobber
I meant the fact that a literal who male has more likes than the archon. It's either proof that straight men aren't playing the game anymore or that twitter isn't playing the game either. Not a good thing either way when the fandom doesn't reflect the actual market.
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Nahida is for Sumeru and Nilou is the local dancer
I have worms growing
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so I need shit to upgrade my nahida, she's the first 5* I got, you can fight the bosses from the guide menu right?
there's this guy I fight, you gotta play with some elements you gotta stomp like in mario, jump and stomp. So then the next phase he has legs and he keeps killing me
need a clean slate to push him into the story back
so is she a 4 star or not
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i dont wanna roll, i dont wanna
lolno pagmine's name will never get used nor referenced again
sac a +20 artifact into it so the impact is lessened when it all rolls into flat atk at once
Why are you here instead
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We can't have actual villains in this game anymore, it's made for children and eternal mental children(women)
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1 flat def
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Is your Shenhe ready for upcoming IT?
>Fall out of playing Genshin around end of Inazuma
>Randomly see the Natlan character reveal trailer
>Wow, these characters look really fucking good, I might even jump back in, I wonder what people think online
>Look on Twitter
>Wall to wall screeching that they aren’t brown enough
Why can’t they be happy?
they're literally african but they're all white as hell
I don't have her. I joined a month after her banner ended and she's been rerun-less for nearly 16 months.
worm game
>>Look on Twitter
>Klee's demise shows how few of the player base currently are 1.0 players.
Why are you trying to spin a sizable playerbase increase into a negatively? I don't understand the motive here.
only 2 characters have african names brownoid
Natlan looks... empty...
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Emilie's entire kit is based around burning, why are people trying to force her into aggravate teams?
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Care to explain that filename?
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wanderer gets to fuck this daily!?
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old and debunked
I want Nahida to leave
How do I get her to leave this general?
kinich's pov
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My Shenhe is ready for Chonger's shota cock
Fucking twitter trannies invaded /gig/ too, literally every board has been infiltrated by normie filth giving their shit opinion.
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now that the dust has settled, who won?
I want to have sex with Cyno
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Sages only
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the safe horny chink duo...
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This but also yangu
We know Dehya and Candace.
I want to have sex with Hat Guy
Did he keep the hat or not?
Gorou and Ayato's cute wives...
why are chinks so fixated on nilou? navia was right there too
>Chinks woke up
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Nilou told Tabibito to get off her lap.
I want to have sex with Younan
Now that's cope.
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Navia is already for Wriothesley
You must be the individual known as "literally no one"
narrator was kinda schizo ngl
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Chinks know instinctively that they don't have a chance with Navia so it doesn't have any shock value.
I ask for more dialogue on every survey, get fucked.
/gig/ was calling any anon that liked mualani a troon or a coomer just yesterday
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how often do you cap your resin bros
That's just what women do because they hate men and also a reason why the art is dead and the game is dying and making no money anymore. Women enter male spaces then drive them out with mental illness.
Condense your resin
Filmed using Nahida's Seed of Skandha Kamera btw
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my resin is already condensed
narrator made an "I'm scared of x" classroom meme in 3rd person.
never cringed so hard in my life.
Even Star Rail meming wasn't this bad.
>there were retards that fell for the "use all fragiles at ar45" eceleb meme
They actually like Navia so they won't cuckpost her. Kind of like how schizos select their targets to cuckpost here on /gig/.
Nilou is so lucky to watch...
but I'm AR60?
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>1 reply
>8 replies

Why is /gig/ so racist...
I am the most forced meme on /gig/...
Nahida and Kazuha
NOT buddypoke... (Uh oh incoming melty)
Only Candace and Dehya have any interest in Cyno.
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Uh oh, she's busy right now!
Get fucking dabbed on
we know who gets to watch atleast
I'm starting to think it's kuro or tencent buying bots to shit on Mihoyo again. This whole thing feels very forced when Scara and Nilou's interaction is only her bitching about him placing Tabibito on her lap.
I would start GI if it didn't have gacha mechanics
is there any way to play locally?
[word1][word2] spam...
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Don't worry, Ei isn't left all to herself :3
I am so lucky
Because it unironically is, most of the IPs came from Guangdong. Tencent HQ is at Guangdong. Someone already posted it here. Also the videos talking about 4.8 on bilibili are also promoting WuWa
Just play with only the guaranteed characters. The game is not hard enough to need more than that.
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The undisputed goddess of Genshin
neuv's pov
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Why has /gig/ been so bad for the whole weekend?
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/gig/ needs a beating
[insert character] POV...
I can't wait for the Tsaritsa to proclaim us as the 10th Fatui Harbinger
that's what happened, yes. a similar thing happened during 4.4 on douyin (cn tiktok) if you remember
Faruzan beats Kaveh's dick every day
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Furina is ace/aro coded
Because Da Wei felt like wanking Genshin's most polarizing character.
(We) can't join the harbingers until the rogue fatui faction (all the evil characters who can't be dindu'd) are killed. Also it wouldn't make sense to still be able to attack and kill Fatui in the field anymore afterwards.
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Sorry, I don't speak tranny.
is that albedo?
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yeah, you are
Makes sense. One thing is to shit on Nilou and the devs for that terrible youbait attempt, another is to like she's cucking you out of nowhere.
>shipfag is a safehornyfag
not surprised...
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Why yes hags are a good thing, and all hebes would be better off with big tits.
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>literally coping
they're located in the most populated province in china no shit most posts came from there
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a new week a new combination of 2 words being spammed
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It's always one schizo, come on
>the rogue fatui faction (all the evil characters who can't be dindu'd)
Except for Childe of course, he's not required to be dindu'd. He'll be on the Tsaritsa's side of the schism anyway.
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Literally me
Paimon has always been racist though
they dindu scarashite, they can dindu everybody else. even dottore
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wtf now i love paimon kek
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>all hebes would be better off with big tits
pls pardon my insolence.
Delete this video of me
Traveler's POV
Why is siggy so cute
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>/gig/ will fall for this
too much cake and macarons
>Paimon literally says dark skin looks yummy
>retards think this is racist
No way. You can dindu an innocent segment of Dottore for a playable, but the main man himself still has to be killed
she chose to not be slugdog furrybait
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I'm bored of the game already
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there's only one segment left. they practically done it already
>everything that happened in Inazuma
if a lowly fatui member that helped with this said "i was just following orders" he'd be a dindu too
Finally got a full 4-piece for Emilie after weeks of grinding.
My 2-Crit stat flower is 14 CV with double Def stats.
They WILL dindu Dottore.
He WILL be the main character of several events.
He WILL be tastelessly shipbaited with Collei.
There's actually a scene during Sigewinne's story quest where Paimon asks her directly whether she's a haafu and Traveler gives her a disapproving look kek
Isn't Signora ranked lower than Scara in the hierarchy?
dottore in summerland helping paper squirrels make ink juice
good luck on your emilie pulls friend.
got 80 pulls ready to go for her.
Why is MHY too pussy to kill off scara but they were ok with killing sigora?
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Why is she like this...
Don't lose the 50-50
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Please God let this be real
Different writers. If the nu writers wrote Inazuma Signora would still be alive, and she'd also be neutered.
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Because she was a hot girl.
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no way that's real
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Inazuma was Pierro.
Signora was just sent as diplomat for the gnosis.
Scara was sent to take care of the factory.
neither of them make sense to be 100% behind Inazuma because both arrived days before the traveler did and everything was already fucked.
i keked
koreanbros dont look...
Thank you, Anon.
I already polled a magic 8 ball and it said I'd win my 50/50. I also have like 70 pulls and am close to pity cap, so the odds are in my favor at least.
Why does Clorinded have a monoboob?
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Because Signora has her resurrection theme to fulfill.
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sandy in 4.x
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you cant resurrect if you dont die anon.
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You have a skill issue. Yaoyao is amazing.
If this is real they'll definitely change it in the localization.

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