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Previous: >>488037404

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
oh no no janny melty
I want to fuck Clara
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Sayonara Avenpaz week
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based janny
Jannies, I kneel
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when is the next limited gift or 5 star selector
Dr Ratio was 1 year ago right?
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Bronya rabu!
Jannies are retardGODS
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Thank you JannyGODs.
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Based jannies
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Comfy Pompom thread.
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sex with yanqing
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>5 star selector
Next time when HSR win something from googleplay
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/hsrg/ - Herta Sex Robot general
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If you hate Huohuo you are unAmerican and smell bad
Sunday leaks?
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Based janny
We hate fofo here
bro Ratio was only half year ago
We only got free Ratio because HSR won best mobile game of the year in the game awards
>fofo socks bread died because of retarded jannies
it's the opposite
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Yunli status?
It's not even Honkai ENsharts, it's Houkai
Clara x3
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im ngmi...
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
why is misha there?
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Yup, I'm thinking he won
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drew kafka and firefly
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are inorganic life the mongolians of honkai star rail?
me in the back
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Two hours until 2.5 beta opens
elio in the back?
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Cute mom and daughter. Great job anon, I like it a lot!
leaks doko?
Brace for impact snekbros
Very cute
i thought the beta was tomorrow
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cute! keep drawing more honkais bwo
ew paglus has a jew nose. I've never noticed that before.
I take a shower if Lingsha is a snek
Or a shit if not.
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>Acheron style (need 2 hunts for her to work)
>Crit Hypercarry
>Break Hybrid
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Post one think you like about Fofo
keep it up bwo
Feixiao powercreeps everything only to be powercrept by Tingyun two patches later You've been warned
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Based, but I wish he had more porn. I actually fapped three days ago to Yanqing (specifically jjw's art) and noticed 99% of his porn is just AIslop. It's interesting because Arlan and Misha, on the other hand, have a lot more hand drawn images. So why the difference? Is Yanqing so unpopular that not even shotacons bother drawing him? Sad if that's true. Hopefully the next patch gets him more gay porn.
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Lose some wait, fatass
Next time it should be the trailblazer's turn to sit on the express while everyone else goes to play on the new planet.
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fofo is my first limited sustain and she carry me to the endgame.
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I'm thinking
yawn, Im waiting for abundance powercreep.
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Cute avenpaz
Topaz actually waits more than Aventurine (true canon fact)
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It's ok because it goes to the right places
Break Hybrid because I want a 5* Xueyi
Acheron style (wouldn't make any fucking sense, it works with Nihility because a lot of them are supports)
Her banner and rerun helps my jade economy to recover. I hope they keep rerunning her often, so I have even more jades saved.
how did you skip luocha nd fu xuan?
you coped with bailu or gepard?
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I hate these mines. I think I'm done for now... At least she has over 70% cr after factoring in her traces.
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I think I want hunt-acheron because I want a reason to use new march
Her cone will be pretty good for my Natasha
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I will pull Yunli with 1 pass. Then pull Huohuo on the second. Spend another one for Yunli's LC. And then spend 2 more to get fofo's. I'm not crazy, even I don't think I can get all 4 with just 4 passes.
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I like how pathetic and silly she is
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What Olympic sport would your favorite Star Rail excel in?
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It was fun baking Fofo bread while it lasted
Day 1 player, rolled for Seele and quit early 1.2.
Yes but only Bailu.
Is Xianzhou 2 going to be a good story? I'm scared after the first time there made me very apathetic
Would be a pretty funny gag, as long as they don’t drag it out too long before we actually go down after
Skipping her is thr best thing ever for my gacha funds
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>Is Xianzhou 2 going to be a good story?
ask an you shall receive
Because it's only fair. Dan sat on the express to take care of stuff on the express twice now, Himeko and Welt did it the first time. March and the trailblazer should have a turn to do the express chores instead of being selfish assholes.
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Watch all the fotm waifuchasers ditch Yunli once Fei's animations drop
what I am getting with my psionic powers from this thread is that HuoHuo is a skip and Yunli hardly exists so I should roll neither
how about their cones?
>China slop
Pick one
you are literally a fotm waifuchaser.
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How the FUCK do you cope with that???
dead fucking game
if you use clara often you should absolutely pull yunli's LC for her, otherwise neither of them are particularly useful without the attached characters.
How am I supposed to even use Jiaoqiu? I saved for him but I don’t have Acheron. I don’t roll for women. Why did they nerf him so much? What am I supposed to do now?
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skipping fofo is a crime here
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That lady's ugly!
Firefly love!
i'm content with skipping space china content
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Anon, even Chinks, the target audience for China slop, hate Xianzhou and call return to it a shitty filler.
If said target audience isn't remotely excited for it, why are you trying to be?
>no acheron
>no DoThags
>still pulling jiaoqiu
absolutely bricked account
Nah, instead of that they should have a plot A and polt B thing where the POV switches between the other nameless on the planet and the trailblazer doing whatever cosmic bullshit, flashback, dream, boardgames and chores with pompom or whatever the fuck they decide to have the trailblazer do.
the entire patch is ez skip
literally easiest skip of this game
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It's not going to even be on the other Luofu ships.
Put her on your ratio team sis
You don't have topaz because you don't roll for males which means JQ is great for you.
TB is the protagonist
I have Topaz because she is special
cute retard.
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What if we combined all the hoyo generals into /hoyo/ to prevent /vg/ from getting to cluttered up?
And the "protagonist" can go do protagonist-shit in polt A while they others do stuff on the new planet in plot B.
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Someone already tried that and jannies nuked it.
well you can use JQ instead of robin with ratio/topaz/aventurine. beyond that i can't really think of a real use, perhaps you could use him with argenti since he does give ultimate dmg vulnerability, but you're literally missing the 2 main reasons to pull that NPC fox so you're basically bricked
No fuck off
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What I want is an arc where it's only the express crew, the big bad and maybe one gacha character, everyone else is just a custom NPC like Micah. Maybe this way the AE crew will finally be allowed to be more than the writer's mouthpiece and do something in the plot and actually be a proper main party. The AE crew has to be one of the worst main parties I've ever seen. You don't even need to make a big arc like Penacony, just a filler story for a patch or 2 with a mini-area will be enough
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>sharing a general with /gig/
They could have the others go on a mission while you stay back on the express, assuming 1: stuff happens back on the express, and 2: we cut to the ground team with an occasional pov shift.

I can imagine it now, we're busy helping pom pom with THE MURDER ON THE ASTRAL EXPRESS and while that's happening the other 4 are doing the usual trailblazer mission.
no I don't want to share general with /gig/
this is kakavasha's game
it would be the worst thread on the site
you mean like argenti's quest?
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Who here /skipping all of Space China/? Literally not a single character interests me. Not even Tingyun 2.0.
thats a quick way to get everyone to lose intrest in whatever is happening outside the express
probably Gran Turismo
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we'll see after her myriad pv and trailer drops eventually
I will join a no rolling protest until we are out of space china
Kinda but longer and more serious I want the spotlight to be on the AE crew
I'm rolling Lingsha for my Firewife and maybe Tingyun 2.0 if she's good, skipping the rest of this cringe slop
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But you the AE crew doesn't drive gacha money
not me
>85% aren't /gig/gers
>10% aren't pretend they're not /gig/gers
>5% aren't ex-/gig/gers
I don't care how broken Feixiao is. I won't ever pull for such an ugly character
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How would Aventurine react if if I told him I was pregnant with his child?
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Dan shizos are so fucking delusional its unreal.
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Bros, what do I use for Argenti side in AS?

I use Xueyi + RM + HMC + Fu on Cocolia side and get 3200 even without fully leveling them. But anything I put in Argenti side just sucks and dies. The one run I had a success on was by putting Acheron + Pela + Gep + Gala, and that one still timed out at 60% p2. I've tried it with Clara + Sparkle + Robin + Gala, but they just get nuked in one turn eventually once they get to phase 2.
Realistically the best chance of something like that would be an x.5/6 filler patch imo. Crew goes down to some planet the devs can’t be bothered to make a map for, leaving TB (and maybe March) to fuck around on the train and do chores for Pompom until Black Swan or the MoC lady sweep us off on some short solo adventure
well, time to kill himeko and create a limited 2.0 version
I roll for every hunt character
i want a foxian wife to kidnap me and rape me for hours on end
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Watch your head!
*pushes you down stairs*
Yes I'm boycotting the game, and only intend to break my boycott to swipe for Yunli Lingsha and Tingyun as well as monthly+bp
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Will we get to see Shangshang again?
>this retard literally has Jingliu and is asking this
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When is your next Ruan Mei cosplay?
Natlan boycotter…
Based, me too
Two suggestions:
Use Lynx instead of Gallagher, she can AoE cleanse the taunts from the shield totems so you can go back to focusing Argenti for break, and mitigate how much damage you take from his AoE nuke.
Use Dr. Ratio and Pela instead of Clara and Sparkle, Argenti doesn't attack enough during his second phase for Clara's DPS to not fall off a cliff, which is likely the other thing walling you there.

This will obviously require you to build more characters but I don't think the ones you have built at 80 can easily beat Argenti, unfortunately.
based BRICKgod
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No because she would nodiff the wardance if allowed to participate. To maintain diplomatic relations she must not come within 2000 feet of the tournament grounds.
>giant axe
Idk you’d have to be pretty lame to skip this
lmao i didn't even see the fucking jingliu, probably because I assumed anyone with that character wouldn't be struggling

yeah just use jingliu retard
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
>no tail
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Ok senpai
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/hsrg/ and /gig/ are coalition allies against /wuwa/
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Okay, make it like the ghost hunting squad event where the spotlight is "evenly" distributed but there's one gacha character. That way, the story will be AE crew + gacha character. And speaking of the ghost hunting squad, it's still baffling to me how much better they are as a party than the AE crew, and they only have one event to their name. Whoever wrote their interactions should be in charge of writing the AE crew in every arc
need more caefly
I skip mary sues
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He would pick you and spin you with joy
easiest skip ever
I don't care about other threads getting crowded out, if they were worth a shit they'd be able to force their existence
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what will be the tourney arc's antagonists?
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we know Yunlibro
Lots of lame people in this thread as expected
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There's no way she doesn't show up to the fucking sword tournament.
>Not a single info about her so far besides anecdotes
>Already assuming she is a mary sue
i’ll only roll for feixiao if she’s a slutty hag
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Why are all fofo posters so meek and pathetic?
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Man, those mixed "sodas" were pretty. If only the trailblazer had a room on the train and the event gave us a display where we could mix, display and remix a "soda" and just admirer it.
The wolves that come to crash the party obviously
I regret rolling for huohuo
the guy that knots xueyi
I have a freckle on my penis that could be used as an identifying mark if I were to engage in Fofo rape. I'm so sorry bros, I just can't risk it.
cope and seethe huntbricknigger
I like english dub but only the combat voices
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her new design doesn't look great honestly (besides the tails)
maybe it'll look better when itll be actually revealed properly
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Sigga loves children who look like himself so it depends on the result of the product
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Are we getting Lingsha and Feixiao animations today?
both hooley (the big borisin) and feixiao are bosses
so is argenti considered a penacony character?
Beta group B is Tuesday. I don't know why group A didn't leak anything.
I keep hearing people say she's a general and has a high power level and can't not be meta, so I'm just going with those vibes
Jing yuan is also a general
remember jing yuan? yeah
but she's nu-hunt so she might be good
unless boothill was a fluke due to break shilling
I guarantee when Feixiao turns out to be a irresponsible tomboy who loves fighting she will be one of the most wanted characters in this thread
She is still a Chink
He's also arguably a Gary Stu tho. Well a lot of characters are, but if you're aggressively powerful and nothin' personnel then you'll stick out even more
And that dude was the Garyest of Stu's in the story.
Her kit will make or break it for me. She's the only chink design I like so far and her model is top tier but if she's a huntbrick it's all owari da mo
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Sparkle is still a friendless clingy pathetic loser, but I wonder why Sampo is so sick of her, since she hasn't actually done anything that egregious in her screentime yet.(this post was not typed under any duress or other incentives by miss Sparkle)
Then you will lose it once Fu Hua comes out since she is above all the generals, Feixiao included
>nags constantly
>forces us to buy groceries
bros....is pompom......our wife???
I only want cute demure girls.
>Misha and co dying for a 5% share.

Misha is such a fuck up
But he is not meta
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>People are calling Mid Yuan a gary tsu AGAIN when he was mogged by Luochud in the only thing he's actually good at (being a keikaku master)
What is Luochud then? Gary stu x2?
are we back to lion aids shilling everytime we return to space chink flu land?
I don't understand how we still don't have a room lol, we even have a pet trotter thats just siting there on hallway
To be fair most people forgets Luochud exists unless it's a funny webm of someone dying.
Did you miss the part where she killed millions?
Real talk, Feixiao will be popular if she's good and meta. People here forgiven Acheron for all the boring wordslop and dyke faggotry because she was meta and same will happen here
>What is Luochud then?
If we're going off that image, then he's literally me.
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>Canonically the weakest of the quintet and is most likely the weakest of the generals(besides maybe the grandpa)
>Couldnt even match Phantylia, in fact he has no major feats besides beating crazy mode Jing liu
>Everyone sees him as a lazy bum
How the hell is this a gary stu?
We'll inherit March's room after she dies in 5.0
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It's actually 5% of the 30% share that the IPC had in Penacony. So he really died for a 1.5% share.
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This, 99% of /hsrg/ is metaworms masquerading as sovlpullers, some even going so far as to trashtalk the toons they have carrying their accounts.
Because TB glazes him, so much he dreamed of being saved by him and Daniel and getting praised by him
D-don't just think about the money! Think of his Legacy!... that was hijacked by the Family and now the IPC...
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>he's likeable and attractive and a rock star
Yep, he's HIM
I wouldn't really consider him one, but that's only because most characters don't even get much of an opportunity to have character arcs
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I almost forgot to do my ZZZ weeklies
I think it's just worded awkwardly. IPC took 30% and then gave AE 5% leaving them with the remaining 25%. The AE even point out explicitly the 5% Penacony ownership number.
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we already do
the Legacy was the hat not Misha. Dr Blues states so
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is hunt march a legit character anyone could make use of or is she mostly just a f2poor cope option for those who don't have better 5*s?
pure f2poor cope
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You're still at least 2 days too early Yunlibro.
depends on what cone you have for her desu. the free hunt cones and the purple ones are copes
She's really good with a few characters, she's not beating out any limited supports though.
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She is cute that's what matters.
No I meant his historic legacy, since Penacony would've keeled over or reverted back to being a prison if he and the other nameless didn't fight for it.
The AE basically got a trust fund lmao.
the second one
USA GDP is 15 trillion. 5% of that is 750 billion dollars.
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>>Canonically the weakest of the quintet
that was blade blanco followed by Baiheng (no starskiff)
Penacony cleanup: 8 hours for 1000 jade (minus daily). Is this the f2p struggle?
why is yunli so flat
>think Jingyuan would be the one stealing your wife
>it's technically his son YanKING who gets the attention of most playable women
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The women in this game are autistic though
by penacony do you mean the main quest? because i'm pretty sure the secret hanu minigame alone gives you 10 pulls
Juan is for Dan
e0 bronya is a brick
e1s1 bronya is meta though
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Is it today or tomorrow that we'll get Feixao and co animations? I'm getting really sleppy
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How many thoughts are in March's head at any one time?
This is like feeling insecure because your girlfriend is complimenting a 5 year old boy for doing a really good crayon drawing
Every Yanqing interaction is him jobbing and going "aw man" and then people tell him not to feel bad because he is a big special boy
He is the only member of the quintet that is stated to be not known for his strength
sticker collection (talking to npcs 4 times)
audition venue hidden challenges (repeating firefly's talent show)
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finally, an excuse to repost this
51% of her processing power is dedicated to whatever is happening in the moment and the rest goes to what's coming next, it's why she asked if we would take much longer when we were mourning Misha.
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full pic?
Hello Fofobros, will you be rolling for Fofo or her lightcone?
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I personally asked Dawei
Does anyone know the percentage difference between Acheron with Pela and Acheron with Jiaoqiu?
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He'd act super happy about it then ghost you entirely.
fu xuan (I) pandering waiting room
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I don't like how much doubt forms in my mind when I think 'what if Yanqing is actually a girl and that's why ''he'' got pissed at Jingyuan shipping "him" and Yunli in that monopoly board event.' Fortunately I'm 99.999% sure that would be just schizo headcanon, but the 0.001% possibility haunts me.
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>micro pauses from console gameplay
>e0 copefly
this is genuinely painful to watch
also did you put firefly on attack boots? she seems way too slow compared to my own clear
All you need to know is that an E0S0 Acheron can 40k a PF side while using Jiaoqiu/Asta/Gallagher. Both chug sp regardless since Pela needs to skill always with her E2 because resolution doesn't give extra stacks after it lands so pick your poison.
How we have any info on how good Feixiao and Lingsha might be?
But all the clears on yt have 240%+ cdmg and a bunch of e1-e2 and all s1. I don't have any of that. They'll just end up dying the moment she fails to do enough damage to kill 1 pillar.
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Clara > Yunli
She's better for yunli and clara by like 1-2%
In most other teams she's like a 5% downgrade from Robin/topaz/tingyun.
My Jingliu is E0S1, and even E0S0 can fucking clear it if your relics aren't shit. You even have Robin for her. What the fuck?
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Rate in terms of SOVL
Only Firefly is E6S1 because I love my wife
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What the fuck is the problem with HSR? They keep changing the VAs.
thinking of how to criticize trailblazer's zingers
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Why is Jade's banner still not over
Why is Silver Wolf the foot slut from this fanbase?
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Would be alright I guess, but I feel like she specifically won't be put in a high enough pressure scenario this time for her to open up to you about her inner thoughts like in the mara gas incident
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>micro pauses from console gameplay
I play on pad
I play on PC but I had to compress the video to post it to streamable
>e0 copefly
she's E1 and she is on ATK boots, not point on making her any faster due to Bronya pushing her forwards
that's the full pic, it's AI bwo
Is guaranteed to be Feixiao's sub-dps partner so she has the going for her.
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>ruan mei
does it really matter if you had bronya or not
no, beta soon(TM)
why does everyone keep saying seele is le powercrept? every single cycle i see her demolish PF and MOC
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Her best team might be with E1 Jade due to how they interact with each other, which is very funny
I kneel waifuGOD
Based in my book
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Take a look at my bricked account. Who do you recommend I roll for (reruns and new units)? Personally, I want to invest in FUA coin but without that free faggot, but I'm also waiting for DoT's new toy. Do you think picking up Ack E2 would be worthwhile?
People are really bad at this game and can't understand characters that aren't T0 in a tier list being good.
Pretty based, where's your Kafka though...
The uncomfortable truth is HSR does not have power creep, they just tune the endgame content to always make it really easy for the newest units, so people who are too dumb to build teams or didn't bother to fully build their units fail miserably as soon as their crutches are taken away
Because every other char scales up more easily with less optimal lcs/teams/eidolons/relics, but if you have the crit relics she (and most characters really) goes way harder than anyone else.
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Idk but I used her (E0S1) in floor 11 and 12 and firefly on the other side and everything melted. She had shit relics too
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Didn't you take this exact artist mix from someone else? That's very naughty of you, anon
>silver brick rerun
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I'll pull for her in her rerun even if I don't have a team for her
NYOOO I don't mind AI but it seemed like good porn shame I'm off to sleep
sharing is caring
It's crazy to see how different her gameplay compared to my E2 with speed boots is
glad I saved for her
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Warning: There will be comparisons to Genshin and especially ZZZ

On the note of Genshin and ZZZ, it also must be mentioned that Relics in HSR are inherently more important due to the game's turn based nature. There is little player skill factor to make up for lackluster gear, with success being determined more by your characters, gear and RNG rather than how well you play. This means having terrible Relics is inherently more punishing in HSR than it would be in the other two titles, especially due to the existence of stats like SPD or Effect Hit Rate.

With that out of the way, here are the reminders as to how this system is so bad it makes Artifacts / Discs look good:

Relic farming in HSR is very inefficient due to the existence of Planars. Neither Genshin nor ZZZ has an equivalent, meaning you usually only need to farm one source to fully gear a character, whereas in HSR, even after you farm a 4p set, you then need to go farm an entirely separate 2p set to fully gear a character.

There are no off-pieces. Genshin sets allow 1 off-piece, usually the Goblet. ZZZ allows a 4p 2p combo, but the 2p bonuses are largely minor and you can forgo them in favor of running a 4p with 2 off-set pieces. Meanwhile in HSR you have no such luxury. At best you can run a 2p 2p mix up, but if you want to run a 4p set, you have zero flexibility. Same with Planars. It's either 2p or nothing.

The crafting is shit. You thought it had ups and downs vs. Genshin, well, enter ZZZ. It costs 3 pieces to craft 1 random piece OR you can spend 6 to craft a specific part. Additionally, you can craft 4*s in ZZZ and get a 5* after every 5 4*s you've crafted (So crafting 10 4*s nets you 8 4*s and 2 5*s with an RNG chance of obtaining more). Even more additionally, ZZZ also allows you to salvage upgraded pieces (HSR does not) and salvaging pieces gives you both crafting materials AND XP rather than one or the other. HSR system is complete trash in every way in comparison.
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Work so fucking much, my greatest fear is I'mma die alone
Every diamond in my chain, yeah, that's a milestone
People calling me, askin' me for money, man (Uh)
The only thing I'mma give you motherfuckers is the dial tone

God damn, god damn, we at it again
Me and my homies that know me blowing up like the Taliban
Yeah, my stress up, but I'm blessed up
Fuck around and get messed up
When I murder the rhyme, I'm livin' divine
You know that I'm one of a kind
Lemme get it right now, ho

Draped up and I'm dripped out (And I'm dripped out)
Right now, ho
Caked up 'til I cash out and I got 'em all wonderin', "How so?"
On the down low, haters drown slow
On the down low, haters drown slow

Oh God, my God, we got it all right
Oh God, my God, we gotta get it, right?
These fuckers facades, they just a mirage, right?
I said these fuckers facades, they just a mirage, right?

Uh, tell me that they love me
Know damn well that they don't give a fuck
I be on that finger-flippin' killin' shit up in the cut
That's what's up
All these bitches out here tryna gas it up
This is everything I ever wanted, I can't pass it up
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Woah! Star Rail could never
HSR has so many garbage substats. In Genshin, you have ATK, HP, DEF, Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge and Crits. Most of these stats aren't completely useless (i.e Most characters want some ER) so your chance of rolling useful stats isn't too bad. Similarly, ZZZ has ATK, HP, DEF, Anomaly Proficiency, PEN and Crits. PEN is generally about as effective as ATK while Anomaly Proficiency isn't a priority but isn't completely wasted either, so your chance of rolling usable stats is fairly decent. Meanwhile in HSR, you have ATK, HP, DEF, SPD, Effect RES, Effect Hit Rate, Break Effect and Crits. Not only are there more substats, Effect RES, Effect Hit Rate and Break Effect are absolutely useless stats on most characters. Everyone and their mother also wants SPD which is also rigged to be the rarest stat by some margin. This means your chances of getting even 2 decent substats in HSR is way lower than it is in the other games. Most pieces will probably be ruined by useless Effect RES / Break Effect / Hit Rate rolls, if not the ever typical flat HP DEF ATK.

Even the main stat RNG is trash. Many characters want SPD boots which are ridiculously rare, same with Energy Regen ropes. On top of the substats already being terrible, even your chances of just getting the desired main stat is shit. Not to mention the Elemental Bonus parts which are always a pain. Genshin has EM Goblets / Circlets that are notoriously rare but those are mostly used on select few characters (i.e Shinobu, Nahida) rather than being something you want on everyone. So far I haven't noted any main stats being exceptionally rare in ZZZ (though the elemental bonus parts are still annoying, you can work around it with main stat picking, which, yes, does exist in ZZZ).

TL;DR: Relic bad, make it less bad
Shut the FUCK up
>E2S0 Sparkle, E4S5 RM, E3S2 Robin
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Games based on how they are

>Wuthering Waves: A game if you want the full package. Sexy characters, superior designs, amazing combat and animations. Pinnacle of gacha gameplay.

>Honkai Star Rail: A game which respects your time. A game to play for the charismatic and interesting cast. A game to play for an interesting story with tons of potential.

>Zenless Zone Zero: A game to play if you’re a zoomer addicted to parry sounds and dodging and endless button mashing like a Tekken game. A game for you if you’re a furry. A game to enjoy the whacky ass storyline with expressive characters. A pedophiles wet dream for the minor characters.

>Genshin Impact: A game for sunk cost losers. A game with nothing going for it, not even the storytelling. A game with shitty character models mogged completely by WUWA. The only plus side to this game is enjoying the BOTW ripped off scenery, which admittedly, looks good.
>pag humor
>Seele is so strong guys!
>Limited Harmony showcase that sucks up the supports from 2 other teams making it impractical for 2 team content
what did anon mean by this?
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+1 rupee deposited kuroshill, now fuck off and kys
I plan to get E2, 4 actions per turn!
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Which comes first, space Rome or the Fate collab? I need something to look forward to to keep playing this kusoge
So 200 rolls for Acheron S0 --> S2
But I have to skip the wind general. Will Acheron get rerun soon?
shit you're right, I shoulda read the description, I feel cheated and violated by that title
When do we get Lingsha animations bros?
Space Rome, Fate collab is in a year from now on.
Rome should be for january/february if it's the same as Penacony
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Accurate version

Wuthering Waves: A game where the combat is the only redeeming factor

Honkai Star Rail: A game where you only play once a patch for 3 hours of story

Zenless Zone Zero: Soulful side game with quick dailies

Genshin Impact: Superior to Wuthering Waves in literally every way except combat
Wow Seele is so good even at E0S0!!!
>all 3 limited supports + eidolons + cones + tip
Fuck off retard.
Space greece should be around january, Fate collab is a year from now on
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If 2.x goes up to 2.8, then 3.0 arrives in February. Then if new planet goes up to x.3, 3.4 arrives in June, which is almost Q3.
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Wuwa is already better than genshin on account of not being genshin, desu
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green hair
correction, 3.4 in August, which is Q3
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Highly intelligent takes like this that only a smartie could figure out is why Sparkle is a member of the prestigious smartie club
I dropped Genshin forever ago, shit takes too much time
>dollar store genshin copy is better that genshin
call yourself a stupid bitch desu
Topaz and March 8th are supports but it'll be very frustrating if we're railroaded into using those two the way Firefly is railroaded into RM + TB
We know he would have stopped Phantillia though, but probably would have died, without our help though due to Ellio.
Poorsissy cope
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we would have nothing to talk about idk shit about the other ggames
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why do people have to fight and argue about gachas
just play what you like
shan't read
Argenti is one of the +soul dps units
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It's the opposite, if Phantylia didn't waste her effort trying to convert this jobber into a destruction lackey, they all would've lost. GAMBLER Yuan just rolled the dice that encounter. And he'll fucking gamble again like some shrivelled old fossil at a poker machine.
He is for all the HCQ since he is the only one they all still like.
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Currently at 40 pity.
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If we're not going to see any Kafka until 3.x I'm going to fucking riot
Blade likes him?
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mihoyo turned genshin into dollar store genshin lol
where is that damn preload?
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>amazing combat
eidolon gods OWN you
>beat the strongest of the quintet and the number one swordsman(woman) in history
>considered the the weakest of quintet
It's tomorrow you retard
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just the cone
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>some nips are freaking out because they called Firefly the heroine of HSR in some nip stream
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Would loli March be March 6th?
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>Warning: There will be comparisons to Genshin and especially ZZZ
And skipped! You shouldn't be playing other gachas anon.
i want to bend cocolia over her desk, pull her panties down and fingerblast her until she apologizes for fucking everything up
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>the amazing models and designs in question
We changed how it would have gone. I still say he would have died, but Kafka says the Luofu does make it out just with heavy casualties. We avoided those casualties is all, JY still would bring the ship to victory over it. It doesn't really matter on the gamble though or not since they won. Gambling on it all is only a fault only if you lose. At the end of the day everything is a gamble, it just depends on how you set up your chances to win.
who the fuck is raiding this time
Do not ask for common sense bwo, its better that way
It's literally just genshin, but 1,000% more flashy.
it's actually wild how bad 4.X genshin has been.
Inazuma had really fun writing even if enkanomiya sucked and then everything from the Chasm until the end up Sumeru was incredibly fun to explore in despite writing dipping some. I got almost every chest in those areas just because they were fun to do shit in.
Other than the northern area of Fontaine it kind of just sucked, the new Chinese zones were alright, but it didn't help that the writing has just sucked so hard and I don't really care for any new character besides Charlotte, at least Furina is hot I guess.

Also it's hilarious that the devs don't know how to address the op hydro character issue and just keep adding broken as fuck shields to the game that inevitably get solo'd by any dendro or electro character while the broken water characters continue to melt everything without a shield.
>30 minutes ago
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Why is chinese dub sound so bad?
I don't understand jap either but you immediately get the character personality from the voice alone
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I swear we got the one of the weirdest schizos I've ever seen
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If Sampo hated me I would kill myself
don't talk about trailblazer like that in front of firefly
their worst sin is pandering exclusively to fujos and shipcels
Why is someone spamming ftms
I've never noticed sanpo's exposed flanks before and I REALLY don't like it.
Juan is a better gambler than aventurine, really makes me think
>Inazuma had really fun writing
Stopped reading right there, Fontaine sucked too though
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Where's the lie?
Why is some weirdo posting trans men, what did I miss?
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Is this good? I have broyna her at s2 now, should I just buy her light cone from the store
All chinese dubs sound like they're just gargling random shit in their mouth
And that retarded zhong's VA has the gall to call out jap VAs
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please dont disrespect caelus like that
but why hsrg
yeah its very worth for her
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QQ bros, our response?
The gojocuck duh, he made this general his shitting ground now
just because it was completely nuts false-flag war crimes shit followed by the arataki gang didn't make it un-fun.
Why are Chinese men like this?
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>Inazuma had really fun writing
Yeah, fun
at least be thankful that is ftms and not mtfs, mtfs are always way uglier.
Report all of the images, is this the blacked idiot again?
would ask for UID
>but Kafka says
Elio is literally a fraud and you could've just fucked off from Kafka quest even though he said you were supposed to help her and cucked his prophesy, sure only 0.8% of players chose to do that, but what's important is that it it was completely possible and that Fraudlio is a massive fraud and I'm not taking any shit he says at face value. Not to mention his other prophecy about Firefly failing miserably, and lets be honest, Sparkle didn't do jack shit, and literally nothing was going to happen to Firefly if Sparkle did nothing anyways. 3 Death's my ass.
You guys post trannies in cosplay all the time, but it's suddenly a problem when other trannies get posted?
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anons, why are you so gay?
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cumming on her toes
Better than mine, bronya cone is good but not worth limited pulls. You can get the Yukong cope cone for free from forgotten halls.
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Probably that one schizo having a melty after no one reply to his seapag bait anymore.
Reminder to ignore because he also replied to his own posts.
This Sunday is coming to an end, but does it really need to?

From where I stand, society's ideal system should be "seven rest days".
Following Sunday, there should ensue a second, a third and indeed an infinite procession of Sundays.
This should be the face of the new world - idyllic, eternal, peaceful days.
Nah it's usually on Monday.
No one asked incel
How do you know all those posts are one person?
I asked CHAD
She will be with us when we fight Nanook
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what bird for multiplayer mode in the origami thing?
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Don't come to /hsrg/ tomorrow
What a low level schizo if he doesn't even bother changing md5 and image file size
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Why is there no Essex in this game? Sushang has her stupidity and QQ has her meme potential but neither have taken over memes globally the way Essex has for AL.
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Told you it was the gojocuck
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>Welp this thread made me stop hoping for any entertainment on here. Goodbye, /assg/ I'm traveling over to Elden ring and twitter/tumblr for my DbD needs!
>Same here.This thread has been spiraling downwards lately,especially so this week
oh no
silver wolf if you're a meta faggot or are actually really smart
firefly/TB if you wanna let rngesus take the wheel
same filename and md5. only got changed after some anon made a "compilation" from the archive.
Yeah, Blade seems to like him the best out of the remaining ones. He is liked in so much as Blade likes anyone though.
I feel like I would make a good woman. I look like march 7th
do note despite firefly sometimes dropping the ball and losing HARD, you will still get top 3 in any lobby even if you're pretty bad at it like me.
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Its all down to luck and genetics anon, hope you like rolling a thousand d20s
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I should cosplay Kafka all these cosplayers being posted are twigs I have meater thighs than most of them
show teams
Not gay but I'd cum in his ass
>yfw no cosplayer bro to hang out with
trailbird low skill cost is too strong
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I don't even bother trying to clear pure fiction, it's undoesable without clara or himeko
birefly is the most sovl. tbirder and sw are the metachurl picks
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I put Luochud instead of Bronya for first team and I got fucked by the bugs that enrage your team
You guys confuse the shit out of me (and my dick) when you post these cosplayers with cute feet and call them men. There is no way that is a guy. Stop it!
post weight
why dont we have out own tier list
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god yes, do it bro
when are we getting 2.5 beta?
Firefly. Even if she is/was the worst, why would you not pick best girl's bird?
Autists screeching at each other isn't a good format for coming to a consensus
But we do. Characters I like > Characters you like.
It's been 2 hours, where are the animations?
Don't bother with Clara on side 1. Wave 2 will completely tank your points no matter what you do. Just use your strongest team for side 1 even if it doesn't match weaknesses.
Wait did I BRICK my account by picking the second option when talking to Acheron? I thought that sounded smoother.
Huohuo T0
>TFW I used to be 65kg but I've gotten fattier and now hover 69kg
Is it over for me? My waist also went from 69 to 74
Honkai for this feeling?
I take this as meaning you agree with Prydwyn's tierlist as a Schelling point
He beat her with the lightning lord, he didnt have that when the quintet was at its prime
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I fucked up, it's tomorrow
just eat less and jog daily
If I was 50 more pounds I would be morbidly obese
No, that's just one autist screeching into the void and it's even worse
yeah imagine missing her route's CG
beta is 25 hours from now
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What about preload? Is it today?
Should be in like 6-8 hours from now, preload also means kit data, but animations are gated until beta server opens.
My best teams are Firefly and DoT...
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Does Yunli not use Clara's current best teammates?
After six weeks ruminating on the events of this patch, the bad taste still hasnt been washed from my mouth completely, though I dont think it ever will. For me, 2.3 stands as the lowest point in HSR’s history. Our cute little Disney moment with the fireworks and the forced gravitas wasnt just cringe and lame from a “WHEN WILL YOU EVER STOP SHOVING THIS DULL WAIFU DOWN MY THROAT!!” standpoint, but also from a writing standpoint. It turns out that scene and everything to do with Firefly’s deaths was completely pointless and a waste of time that was quickly forgotten after it happened, with the game likely falling back on Penacony’s “its all just a dream anyway nothing here matters” excuse. Meaning it literally was all just fan service, and nothing more. I’m sure her simps appreciated all the bright colors and the manufactured moments with MC/FF, but I personally dont appreciated having keys condescendingly jangled in front my face from a game I used to expect good writing from. Despite lasting about 5 minutes (a very long and very painful 5 minutes), this one scene has tainted Penacony irrevocably for me, and set a really foreboding precedent for the storytelling going forward.
2.3 left a really bad taste in my mouth. I have no confidence in the writing and also the game balancing moving forward. Felt like the game spent 1.0+ patches baiting husbando pullers only to show their true colours in 2.3. I’m not looking forward to any content in the game now.
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why do they always hide their face?
loose some wait fattie
because they're boys, anon
ok reddit
The 60 jades are not worth it, and you know it. I'm at the same point no matter what I do. I refuse to roll for PF bricks
I hope kit data is interesting
With nothing in the horizon to look forward to rolling, its hard to justify logging in to collect jade
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They are ugly probably
man face destroys the illusion
Because I'm ugly
Shrimple as that
male or ugly/lack of confidence because they're femcels
>moz3 kit coming soon
What femcel has a body that tight
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Are you happy with the new Markiplier-sounding Argenti?
Me because I’m anorexic
hopefully he gets an updated version of that old Mei kit, that looked like fun
Maybe stop stuffing yourself sis
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both sound pretty good
I can't unhear markiplier now, thougheverly
Unironically lots of them assuming you live in an area where they're not just fat across the board.
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You could gain some wait
>E2 Hanabi, E4RM, E3 Robin
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If we posted faces I'm confident I'd mog all of you and be at the bottom, ugliest face of all time.
I'm gonna miss this origami candy crush mode. It was cute and SOVL
New player here at TL 42. No limited characters yet, only YanKING and Bronya.

Some content has been difficult to clear. Right now, I'm stuck at the Fu Xuan clone fight.

Should I pull for any of the character banners? I'm thinking Huohuo first then maybe Yunli. I can't even get Lynx because I don't have two teams to clear PF.

how to unbrick my account friends.help
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God I hope she gets pregnant from this
She's poor man's Topaz that's actually good.
why is it always the same pictures
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90% of Firefly's art is with TB, the cuck doesn't have much material to work with.
Uoooooh janny I'm having a meltyyy

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