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Previous Thread: >>488060757

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive
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Dog status?
Eaten by gooks
Trash Panda Hina.
Why do parents send their kids to Geneeha when they could a better education anywhere else?
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>SEAmonkey artist
>Posts NTR
Why is this so common?
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Post THAT image. Yes, you know which one
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Thanks, Mikamo
She will never be released.
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Thanks you to picture relative
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Fuck you Nexon. Would it have been so hard to just put Misaki on the banner rather too? They'd better not pull this bullshit with pjSeminar or Trinity Masquerade.
I condone male NTR but why is it that when girls are crying they look so cute?
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Hina should transfer
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it never crossed my mind that senko's artist could write something like this...
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She's thinking about HIM
C&C when able to accomplish their mission and have their way with Sensei
So how are sSaori and sHiyori? Any good?
corruption arc complete
So we are in/spectre collabs now?
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if yuuka's butt is big, how about noa-chan's?
Hiyori sounds like she's about to burst into treats at any given moment. Poor girl.
Iroha but smaller
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I think about her too.
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Haven't come home yet, gonna wait till tomorrow to throw a few more rolls at the banner.
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sEimi spotted
Which wholesome artist do we corrupt next?
She will be released next year, on a rerun
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>Japan found Kivotos on the world map and started adding BA things to it
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Odds I spark Makoto
Evens crafting material is fine too
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>5 new banners in a patch
>at least of them 4 limited
yea, i'd love it... haha
Is Makoto available during the Hina banner?
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Nexon-sama, please bring back Kei...
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Which school has the stinkiest bathrooms?
Congrats on your 14 crafts
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Today I learned that Satsuki's "NK Ultra project" in the EN translation is a reference to an actual real life project that involves forcing an individual to tell the truth using means such as brainwashing and hypnosis. What was it in JP and KR?
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Where's toki?
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I want to use her as my body pillow
Crafting mats are rarer than fucking pyros, I swear to God,
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in my bedroom
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thanks for the facebook meme
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They are using an alias for her because she is related to another student. I cracked the code. Her KR name is Professor HeeHee. Hee Hee- Foo MI Hifumi Daisuki! She is Hifumi's onee-chan. Don't let John Nexon know that I told you.
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I'm tired of sparking every single time.....
Built for domination loss
>post my rolls
>become the laughingstock of /bag/
I thought you guys were my friends...
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Professor Sexo dance!!
I want to kiss her and play with her fluffy hair.
ako is also straight though
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EUnons, still holding up..?
Anime sensei is a prancing lala whoopsie though.
Mika should die
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Good night /bag/
I don't want to wake up
300,000 credits is 300,000 credits
They have all died.
And take her posters with her
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
Do I really have to spark the extra Elephs for any of them now that I'm this far into the recruitment?
I can't restrain myself anymore
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BA needs more (male) students
wtf leave miyu alone
>Week 1 sMisaki/sHiroy/Kuroko (summer permanent/Kuroko Limited)
>Week 2 sSaori/tHosh/Mika (100 rolls/2 BlueFes limited)

Yea I'd love it haha..probably would've bought a pakeji or 2 if that was the case
I am going to cum on your adorable daughterwife's belly.
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Sensei will be dry after
Sechi, control your feet lust...
If you only plan to spark D.Hina once or twice? Sure, why not.
Do note that D.Aru and D.Kayoko are after BlueFes on Valentine.
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Remember Kisaki? Neither do I.
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i looklike a ugly mario bros i cant raped by my precious student
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I just got utterly massacred failing to get any rate-up unit in Global’s 100 free rolls.
How are Hiyori and Saori gameplaywise? Which do you think will be more needed?
i am going to slowly pull azusa's panties down and wear them as a face mask
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she looks very kissable and huggable
Niya2 will suffer this fate soon as well
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What's with the reddit memes the past few threads?
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>use the pull simulator because the urge was too strong at this point
>go for a spark
>no rate-ups
Somehow I feel like I just avoided total disaster.
Gehenna has Izumi and Akari
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i too love my donuts filled with bavarian cream
bonding with Nagisa
>How are Hiyori and Saori gameplaywise? Which do you think will be more needed?
Hiyori is the better unit, Saori kinda sucks. Hiyori is basically a step or two below Mika but will probably be used with her in certain raids
Basically sHiyori just invalidated Kazusa as a supplemental yellow DPS
I really hate how a good 3/4ths of Kisaki fanart makes her look like Shunny but with less colors.
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>Neither do I
>Clearly remembers to make a post about it.
What's the point?
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>Nagisa prefers dark skinned men
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Ako was pretty disappointing in this event not ngl. She didn't react as strongly as she should've for Hina's recital. I was expecting her to cry, shit, piss and cum simultaneously as Hina plays the piano.
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professor ichaicha
Nice memes.
I'm glad someone is still capable of having fun instead of pretending they're too refined for it.
Imagine the view from down there
>dark skin
jesus christ /bag/
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Good night
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im also glad.
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I usually avoid these, I always feel like I use all of my luck there. Getting many pinks on a simulator and expecting to see the same in game right after is just challenging fate.
you pedos corrupted him....
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name the dishes
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Remember me though I have to say goodbye
Remember me, don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me though I have to travel far
Remember me each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again, remember meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBONK
Princess carying the cute professor!
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>got Makoto and DAko with my free pulls
Thanks Arona
I wouldn't survive long at Trinity purely because of the Sisterhood.
nom nom
What's it like to impregnate Azusa and Hifumi in a threesome?
>dSaori and sHiroy also give +15% bonus just like the others
what's the fucking point
Alright spunds like I’ll focus on her. What about Saori’s uses though?
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Saori plays like like a worse blue sHanako (probably gimped because of muh hoshitno stealing her BlueFes slot)
Hiroy is an ok Yellow but has to compete with too many others (Should've made her purple)
Also both are not limited BlueFes units so there's literally NO excuse for Nexon to not release sMisaki alongside them.
Still sparking both because I can't leave Hime by herself, and that way Misaki comes home to her friends day 1 next year
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Damn, Sensei really did hit Shigure with the No Way Fag. (This is why I can't self insert.)

So he slept with Hoshino, and Mika, am I missing any others?
It is.
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hina bobina
3dpd but pan piano is hot
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You can't stop me!
>always compared to Moriarty
>which means there's bound to be a Sherlock counterpart
Quick who's the most British among the students.
Dads send their dork daughters to Gehena so they toughen the fuck up
licking chise's retard pussy
nips are now rumoring that hwansang and doremi will be announcing their resignations soon
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professor humuhumu
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The MK ultra project was way way more than brainwashing; and the amount that we know about it is just the 1% that wasn't destroyed before it was eventually caught. Feeding crack to prisoners to see what would happen, insane drug experiments, trying to break the human mind, the most unethical experiments possible to break down the human mind so they could create perfect soldiers that could activate on a command, things that follow any command, but first they tested out all the ways to break and destroy the human mind. They could break it down but it was too hard to rebuild it go get it to follow commands afterwards, to basically create zombies who followed orders. We don't even know all the things that went down, but the small amount we do know makes every government conspiracy you could think of entirely possible. Its proof that anything you can imagine the government is doing is much more likely than you think. And the idea that "Well if something like this was happening someone would eventually blab" is mostly bullshit, stuff like this happens in secret all the time.
Fun fact, Ted Kezenski was a victim of the MK ultra project apparently.
Has anyone tried comparing sHiyori and Shunny's running animations yet?
Are they just similar or are we asset recycling now?
post them again i could do with a laugh
>everyone love the new NPC jail characters
>1000+ fanarts in one week
>Nexon gets ready to drop third alt for that character with 20 fanarts on pixiv/boorus
Akane too i think?
also oChinatsu
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How Sensei acted actually pissed me off in her momotalks.
do you prefer hiyori's fat tits
or atsuko's slender chest
srt actually would never
Kayoko asked to stay at Schale. In my headcanon they also slept together. Others opinions don't matter.
Toki too
She has the butterface from hell
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
When did he sleep with Hoshino?
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>who's the most British among the students.
Is this really a question?
They write sensei gay in some momo's
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>Good work today Sensei, here's your reward
wait why is she just sitting there?
I thought this was a meme but it was actually real kek
never ever alt
I really fucking hate Sensei sometimes. God what a faggot
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That's just what I told Rin in my official report (yes she tracks my every move please send help)
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I've never heard of anyone that actually prefers Atsuko for much of anything
>Also both are not limited BlueFes units so there's literally NO excuse for Nexon to not release sMisaki alongside them.
wait really
nagisa's fat ass
What are those two dark colored bands around her pantyhose? Never understood what those were
NK Ultra project but written in Hangul. NK 올트라 프로젝.
Why didn't you act differently then?
nips are literally spreading hearsay out of thin air at this point
if any hearsay matters it's the gook one since we knew of isakusan's resignation months in advance thanks to various gooks talking about it
Meanwhile Tact Hoshino gets away with sleeping together...
he literally got in the same onsen with Chinatsu but still acted like this with Shigure. I call this bullshit
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Who's leaving 300k in the trash? Of course I'm gonna check em all
Wait I thought hwansang already left
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>only one pink envelope from the free rolls and it was a dupe
>barely have one spark for the fes (including the free 10 roll tickets)
Do I throw my tickets at D. Ako's banner? Or do I just give it all to D. Hina? How fucked am I for missing D. Ako?
My conspiracy is that Nagisa had an art gallery all lined up but Mika replaced everything with cake rolls as revenge for feeding her nothing but rolls in prison. She is sitting down in quiet disbelief and fuming and formulating her revenge

Either that or Nagisa just really likes cake rolls and genuinely thought that people would like to come to a gallery of it and was wrong so she's just there by herself like a loser
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Chihiro spent the night when we met, and has spent every night at my place since then.
>Sensei chickened out
>All this talking about yourselves in the third person point of view
Sensei is (You), thoeverbeitdoe?
Say they do leave, how does this affect blue archive and me in any shape or form?
Thanks too. I don’t have pyrox left. A bit over a 10-roll after Kuroko and Hoshino drained me dry
> How fucked am I
Not really, she's only good for Set. And Set is only good for min-maxing autismo.
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The idea that something as crazy as MK Ultra is now a joke in a Japorean phone game and people still doubt much tamer conspiracy theories and even dare utter the words "the government would never do that" is actually insane to me.
>No way fagging Shigure
>Convince Hoshino to sleep together
BASED and (you)pilled
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Hwansang is absolutely leaving. He got shoved into the same "advisor" position that Isakusan did before he announced his departure. I would be surprised and very worried if Doremi also left.
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You would be gravely mistaken.
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>there's literally NO excuse for Nexon to not release sMisaki alongside them.
Are you stupid? It's to make you stay for the long haul and have something on the rerun
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>Ask Shigure to not get in the onsen with him
>Dives head first in the onsen with Chinatsu
That fucking faggot.
the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
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I like how soft spoken, yet slightly devilish Atsuko is.
>Misaki fans living long enough for the long run
gosling bros...
I can only describe their EX skills...Hiyori is her original Ex but shooting it five times, still no penetration and the bullet is very thin, I think it does more damage if you land those five shots. Saori is a cone AOE, It's wide...seems to be built to inflict chill debuff, remember that debuff?
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I remember her every day. I still don't know how Mahjong works and I never will
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How humiliating.
If Doremi leaves I would legitimately be CONCERNED
He works on so many sprites, CGs and L2Ds it'd be a real gutpunch to lose him.
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Reminder MK Ultra was 70(seventy) years ago and only declassified in part. Imagine all the fun things our wonderful government has been up to since then!
Usual schizo spam. Currently having a metly it seems.
If Doremi leaves then no more Hinawank
Makoto wins!
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lmao even
Second episode of her Tacticool alt. They slept under the same blanket together. Explicitly.
>Sleep with shiggy
>100% sex
Let's be real, sensei probably rock hard and horny for shiggy while others he just saw them as kids. No cap fr.
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Spanking her butt until she crys. Then patting her head until she feels better.
Misaki fags getting uppity again, eh?
>all the Hina bullying on /bag/ has taken a toll on Doremi
Are you proud of yourself /bag/?
bro your Shun
>Say they do leave, how does this affect blue archive and me in any shape or form?
Do you like BA's overall look and aesthetic? The one that separates it from all the other games?
Both HWANGSANG and DoReMi are the two artists mainly responsible for that. Most of the game CGs were designed by them.
proof that knife ear is superior race
I haven't prayed in years but I will pray that doremi finds a life long passion project to leave Nexon.
Is that Manga worth reading?
Don't we usually do the reverse? artists that usually draw garbage fetish shit for other games suddenly play blue archive and then they start drawing only vanilla with handholding and smiles. I think this is the first time one of the characters is so hot it makes a wholesome artist corrupt
Simple... Sensei is not a communist.

It's funny to me that Google Translate and DeepL can't translate her alias even though the word is already long in the dictionary. What even is Google or DeepL source anyway? I never see what they use for references.
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>Misaki bros having a hissy despite getting BOND GEAR
This greed is getting out of control
>sensei only slept with long-haired students
>kill BA because you hate hina so much
and thats a good thing
Guys, I'm a Megu fan now. She cute.
>Doremi leaves
>mx2j draws Hina from now on
Can you imagine?
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regular chinatsu too
patriotic yuuka in the hot texas summer sun... imagine the state of her armpits...
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The government has broken its own rules to declassify things dozens of times when ordered to do it because "If we declassified that it would lead to chaos" even with all the people involved in it already dead. They refused to release the fully Kennedy thing even now, way past the limit of when they could classify it, even when ordered to do it. If they were ever somehow made to actually turn over certain things, those things would suddenly be destroyed out of nowhere instead. Its happened many times before.

Blue archive
Niyaniya is a villain you retards.
Stop liking evil women.
worried about what?
He took a nap with her on a hammock in her swimsuit version L2D. IIRC.

Something in the water makes sensei horny when he goes to Gehenna. He spends his time everywhere else trying to return his reputation to normal.
Oh btw were the bond item requirements reduced from 25 to 15 already or not
It's actually been pretty chill here in Texas the past few weeks. Like, the most moderate summer in quite some time
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Don't sleep with commies, simple ass.
And the commies (as in ALL OF THEM) did backstab me during the Meru event anyway, so why should I trust them?
So instead of releasing all 3 summer units LIKE THEY DID FOR LAST YEAR'S BLUEFES SUMMER EVENT
They decide to ruin this year's Summer experience by withholding Misaki?
If anything they're missing out on pakeji sales as well, cuz I sure would've bought pyros to have all 4 together.
Bond gear regular hoshino momo
I find it so hard to raise gacha 3* student to 5*
How do you manage to do it so fast?
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If evil why hot?
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No thoughts, head empty
But very cute.
Stockpile of ligmas
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It was a necessary evil so that the commies couldn't take control of our country
Sometimes it's too wordy but yeah it's good and I like it.
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>350 rolls for Makoto
why is this saori so hueg
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professor's erotic tummy...
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I need to sleep with this stoat
I need to fuck this stoat
I need to impregnate this stoat
She ate all the food that would usually go to Hiyori.
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Equal forgiveness except for Miyako
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Well they failed at that apparently
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Is there anything different about this and just sweeping it all on the last day?
>190 rolls on
Do I get Makoto or Iroha?
Is BA being sabotaged
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>literally didn't work at all
>it was a necessary evil
>doesn't even have her gun
shameful behavior
Adding to my prayer that hinafags die in their sleep.
>he didn't know CIA raise commie at home to create red scare
Buru archivu
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You guys know what would happen if you sleep with Shigure, right?
both doremi and hwangsang suddenly resigning this year would explain mx2j suddenly taking over everything for the past few months. that man has made not-subtle hints that he's being overworked by nexon
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I refuse.
I think next week there are some daily objectives to sweep a certain number of times, so maybe don't blow all your points right away.
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I ask her for some water to rehydrate, and she hands me """water""".
No different, do it once per day and sweep it all
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Is dress hina tomorrow? Please help I don't understand UTC
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Enjoy all the hot springs has to offer
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Remember, the goverent will drop or support anything at anytime if it meant it will increase their power.

Blue Archive
I need to spook a stoat
>use me as your hot water bottle
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In 23h
if doremi actually resigns I'm unironically considering dropping BA
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>Ted Kezenski was a victim of the MK ultra project apparently
I was going to mention Ted when I started reading your post, remember hearing that CIA agents would abduct the homeless from Canada and feed them LSD to see what would happen.
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Game CG can be easily replicated/replaced the thing that matters the most is the characters personality.
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No manteinence?
I unironically own Nexon stocks because I love Blue Archive. Anyone else bought?
you sleep with Hina in her ASMR I think
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Hell yeah. She has a lovely smile.
Nope, no need to relog either.
That happens in about half of the ASMR bonus tracks.
I sold all my stocks of Blue Archive
fuck this game has lost its soul
Phew, what a day. Time to relax.
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Average Pandemonium meeting
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Did you know that most of the comintern archives are still not up for public access? I thought that was interesting.
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Diluting my bloodline...
Yeah this line did it for me.
i'll buy nexon stocks if it comes with pakeji
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mari is disappointed with Sensei
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>Do you like BA's overall look and aesthetic?
but this game is like 3 years old, it shouldn't be that hard to replicate the aesthetics at this point?
What the fuck was that prefect team hallway thing
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how did they create such an ideal woman?
Stupid girls tend to be the cutest
The overall art direction can't be. art direction and character personalities are intertwined to create the more light-hearted / hopeful setting BA has. If none of those didn't matter then everyone else would just go to play some other dark, post-apocalyptic gacha instead of BA.
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>your favorite character will fade into the background once the artists responsible for those leave
It's over
Whichever you like the most, metawise they are both good but not necessary
Hwansang I get but I don't understand where the doremi doomposting comes from
Also for the mx2j thing, you'd have a point if most of the stuff he's done these past few months weren't already his characters. The only ones he took over were Saori (9ml) and Natsu (kokosando)
Also, you know, they have several good artists they work with frequently like yutokamizu and kokosando still

Why the HELL can we not go through ONE thread without some new sort of doomposting?
Nexon definitely has their own in-house AI that they trained to replicate Hwansang and Doremi's style
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I think that comic is missing a titanface
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That's my little sister.
Pandemonium is actually a fun group.
Why does /bag/ hate them?
Has any of the doomposting surrounding BA ever come to fruition?
Blood ritual probably.
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You need to own some shares to have the dividends pay for pakeji but it's doable.
My favorite character is drawn by kokosando
If he leaves then Seia leaves too
You're going down with me
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small indie studio, pls understand
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I wanted to go to bed without crippling loneliness tonight...
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Reminder that rumors about Yuuka's weight being 100kg are pure Veritas misinformation. This post was fact checked by real Seminar fact checkers.

For sleeping with Hoshino and Maki? (And Hina? And Akane? And Chinatsu?) Or for NOT sleeping with Shigure?
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I can see them
>eyes wrong
2 people leaving are not gonna impact the art direction of the game
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Yeah the amount of CGs is impossible for a single person so he probably has assistants that replicate his art style. It’s pretty common in gachas that has a single artstyle.
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Pupils fixed
Yuuka Love
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I demand that /bag/ ceases cropped image posts without including a source.
And who said they're leaving?
Pandemonium is generally considered far superior to prefect as a group here, though
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Even if hwansang and doremi do resign, why should I care? The game quality has basically been the same since last year.
I'd rather they upgrade the shitty server, having to pick a god and pray whenever a major event drop like anniversary and collab is worse.
The server must be held together by the spaghettiest of spaghetti code.
I've always wondered how im@s and granblue did it, since it always looks like only one person draws every single character art and cg in those games
no one on /bag/ hates them
only makoto alone
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>the game quality has basically been the same
Nah. This year was an absolute downgrade over last year.
I did
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i did
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I did
2ch is speculating due to nexon restructuring that heavily impacted Nexon Games (team behind BA)
My wife looks like THAT!!!
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my life has been significantly better ever since I met my cute little wife
Yeah both Granblue and im@s specifically Starlight Stage art is made by Cydesignation.
>japs speculating about a korean company
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>Enhancing my bloodline...
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What's her rank in FOTM chart?
Who tries to rape you if you're too soft and who tries to rape you if you swing your weight around too much?
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What does a halo taste like?
Like imagine a student catching you eating a delicious halo.
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Where's D.Hina banner isn't it supposed to be today?
Only Hinafags hate Makoto
Corrupted artists into doing wholesome porn / 10.
Not today
militia vs cop
0.85% is dogshit low even in the current environment.
I really need to sniff Wakamo's tail
They were right about uncle Pika leaving months before /bag/ even thought about it, their speculation has more merit than you'd think
> Cut the free rolls time by half a day
Are GookAkos just fucking retarded or something?
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>flavour of the millennia
That was the gooks though
Also doesn't mean they'll be right again
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why does the food look so disgusting
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>Yet another Penis Inspection Day
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>Yuuka's cute laugh at the end
>say something vague like "this guy will quit the company"
>several months later that becomes true
>you now get recognition for calling it
Youre a bigger nigger than the japs that waste their breath with this.
is BA dying ?
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>Isakusan leaving
>No more costco posting
Isakusan is a costco agent.
Easy top 5, dunno if she can derank Kisaki tho
This is what happens when you ask someone outside the cooking club to make you dinner
ba is kill
I'm sure as fuck do
smelling noa's worn panties
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There's no date anywhere on this.
When does it end? I'm not spending my AP on re-doing these shitty missions.
smelling iroha's panties
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Man Iori really is just my dream wife.
Permanent missions.
it tastes like hologram meatloaf
Toki is my ideal wife!
1.deca cunny
3. shupo
rate my taste
this one sounds really off, don't push your luck AInigger
I'm not making them, I'm just downloading them.
2ch is mocking BA
Make sure to clear all of them at least once for the clear rewards. After that, it's just the usual manual clear the mission that you want to then sweep. It's like with TA raids. You're not allowed to sweep INS from day 3 to 7 after the initial clear because reasons.
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>first free 10 roll
hanako is mocking my virgin status
woah no way
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She single handedly corrupted Rimukoro. That's enough to earn the top spot.
People probably would be forgiving of MX's current terrible art if it turned out Nexon fired 3/4ths of the good artists from the game for no reason in some stupid restructuring move and MX is basically the only thing holding the ship together at the moment.
>hina gets messed with by a ghost
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Enhancing my bloodline...
got both saori and hiyori in 200 rolls bwos
2ch is full of grubcuck and Pricope.

Imagine blaming BA for your game's current state instead of just Cygames being incompetent
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I haven't respected Japanese people for years
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Evil cunnies are for correcting, forgiving, and raising into respectable members of Kivotos society.
Evil hags are for hating and beating.
Good morning, /bag/. Today I'm going to attend a doctor's examination in order to determine if I'm able to begin my driver's license classes in September.
It's more likely than you think. This is Nexon we're talking about, after all, not Bandai or any other company that actually values their employees' wellbeing.
can robots even orgasm?
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poor alex
i remember years ago hearing him talk about elite satanic pedophile rings and underground rape dungeons or china mutating and attempting to clone pigs and laugh him off as a schizo
then like 80% of what he was schizoing on about turned out to be real and now its plain scary if he has continued being right
Blue Archive naturally
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2ch is NOT pleased
What does the bikini say?
t. dekinai
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Let me show you something nice.
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Considering the division ticket, is there a visual representation of each pool?
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let's find out
stop forgiving bweehs
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I got both Ako and Makoto just before the 200th pull
Who should I purchase with the pity to 5 star?
>2ch said
>xeeter said
>bilibili said
Where screenshot or link?
why do you have to go to a doctor first? do they have to determine you're not a complete retard before they let you drive a car?
do not buy it right now wait until tomorrow
for whatever reason the expiration is retarded
Hina was just tired and having a paranoia moment
I actually forgot that free rolls were today, so I don't have any more invites
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Hanako finding out I'm a virgin!
SHiyori has terrible urban mood. There's no way she's replacing Kazusa.
Rio is on permanent correction status
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Maid Kei love
If I just started who should I roll for?
I don't care
Damn meanwhile /gbfg/ is doing exactly that.
Globalcucks make up boogeyman just like Trip Trap Train.
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Comfy wife spotted
Taking random schizoposts from foreign websites and pretending they're the average consensus over there in japanland is one of the oldest shitposting tactics around. Imagine someone in Japan came here to these threads and took a screencap of the scat monkey and took it back to show how much the west hates BA.
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The guy was permitted if not controlled opposition, has he ever called (((them))) out?
Bee yourself.
Maybe D.Ako if you need some bulk for Set.
Or Iroha if you don't have her.
Makoto works fine at 3*.
petitions status?
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China has mutant pig clones!?
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Why is it always the lolis who become FOTM?
Adult pussy...
they are also the welfare trash
What page?
True, also 4channel is concerned about the current situation
I just think it’s funny that the anti-thread is the one dooming about people leaving when they’re the ones to shit on the story and art the most. Also can you blame them for lashing out? Cygames is looking so fucking grim right now especially with that recent GBF stream so they try to drag people down now with them lol.
Dude China has been confirmed cloning pigs for at least a decade(that we know of).
2ch antis are salty niggers who got their dead irrelevant threads pushed out by tens of BA threads during streams.
sex with Saori
Rio paizuri
Hasumi paizuri
Akane paizuri
Mika paizuri
Does 2ch care about 4chin? Or is it just us that have a parasocial relationship with them
i am also concerned about the state of my cock
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>conclusive remarks already when we don't have yellow raids to test them with
shan't fall for your deceit
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I will dedicate my life to serving the Professor!
yea, check the mirror
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not as far as i remember but he did feature a lot of "knowing" individuals
he doesnt try to disprove their point either he just steers the conversation away in pure terror most likely
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who's the blonde guy? is it trump?
I know Shigure is dangerous
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>POV: you won at life
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NYOOOOOOOOOO, can you come tomorrow :3, if not thats fine
They're kids
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It's a standard physical examination. Eyesight, blood pressure & mental wellness check. Based on the results, I'll be given either 3, 15 years or lifetime permission to drive cars. Standard practice in yuroland.
Why would Pina do this?
>Kanna and Kirino plushies
who asked for this
You don't even know about the superhuman chinese clones yet
That how the nip gbf players are?
/gbfg/ is nothing but shitting on cygames and using them as an example of what not do while it was like BA
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ok but what are the gooks themselves saying about the whole company restructuring bs
who cares about 2ch
our number is higher
we're 4 that means we're bigger
at this point im expecting everyone to get plushies
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>random schizoposts
Literally taken from a daily thread that's several times faster than the regular BA thread. This isn't random, people are fed up of the direction BA has been taking, including BA players themselves.
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No.... my mum daid i was handsome...
i'm going to have sex with that fubuki plushie
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> Right now
I just don't get how people couldn't have seen this coming from that 10th anniversary.
I've seen this coming when they tried the bait n switch shit from summer last year.
You can shit on the chink, but what Cygames did for summer last year was intentionally malicious, it was just plain disgusting.
Blue Archive.
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>this thread of 10 schizos screeching means BA is about to EoS
facefucking alice
>daily thread that's several times faster than the regular BA thread
And several times slower than half the generals on /vg/.
facefucking mari
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There's a reason every government agency worked together to deplatform and get rid of him, using something that people would go along with thinking it makes sense, people wouldn't question it more because they all think they know what happened, an easy story to sell. They're on tape with project veritas admitting "yeah we got rid of him using this".
blue archive
That's not our lot in life, friend
oi mate you got a license for that license
gacha cartel isnt sending their best
Blaming John Nexon is even funnier when Mihoyo's enormous shadow falls across the whole gacha industry. BA has infinitly more soul than their AI-generated rambling npcs and chinawank ofc
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well you know what? she was right
Serika's smooth, hairless pussy
Nah only the BA anti-thread since they’re massive Cygames dick rider. The main GBF thread is also dooming.
Sure, whatever you day
Were you only browsing when they were sleeping or something? They hit 1000 post threads in the span of a few hours
They're faster than /bag/ if anything
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Work wouldn't be so bad if I had Yuuka to come home to...
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otogi's extremely tight WOMAN pussy (undebatable) (has no anus)
This entire thread?
All me.
Post more cats
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I just woke up after cumming really hard inside my studentwife
Why did the Hina event turn into horror?
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>Sensei! Your reckress has caused us to go over the budget again! Now we wirr be homressu!
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>key management figures stepping down
>collab characters will now be in the gacha (previously they were always free)
>no main story updates
>AI art allegations
>grind will worse for the competitive mode
>pic related will probably be a tier 0 human rights summon
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Spoopy mission today
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. . .
They both work fine at 3* for their respective roles at the top level. It's just a matter of what you wish to improve on. dAko for more hp or Makoto for more damage.
What exactly is being doomed about?
Cause if it's not too many new alts or lack playable npcs I don't care
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>no hair down there
yuuka why...
>Blue Archive the animation thread
You have only yourself to blame if you can't recognize the barely pretending cydrone
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how about post more desuwide
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I know /bag/ has great taste. Who is the cutest among these? I prefer Jane!
Blue Archive
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Work isn't so bad since I have Chihiro to come home to...
that's a dog
Man I thought you were talking about BA for a second
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Are students sterile?
>AI art allegation
well, PA didnt work on reducing terrorism either and you guys deserve it anyways so spread legs wide and use some lube
buki is going to be once I am done with her
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otogi's indomitably tight ass, molded perfectly to the size of my pringles can cock
Other anon already posted but here
Greatest take aways are the staff resigning, pvp bloat, and premium collab characters that used to be free
can you baggots stop replying to the falsefag
>Summer event characters revealed
>Lesbian who is only shipped with another girl, all her bond stories will be about the other girl
>Girl with large breasts
>Summon character: male

You have a 1/5 chance of getting anything decent
Yukari doesn't know how to type?
Cecilia looks like the biggest slut so her
qrd on what qrd means?
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Rape of Nanking fanatic in the chat
How do you know It's not an actual mentally stunted individual?
it was me. i am the falseflag
now give me those (You)s
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Sure glad I never learned jap and never fell for the jap communities are better meme.
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I'm going to birth her children with golden brown skin
it means qrd
i love how people slurped up the game pass when it was released only for this to drop
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>key management figures stepping down
I'm gonna miss his smile...
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Normally, summer times is when Cygames releases Bikini alt. Most of those alts will have romantic undertones, cause pandering and shit, just regular gacha thing.
Yet for some reason, Cygames thought it would be a GREAT idea to literally cucking the player after baiting them with the summer art, and having a character (S.Fediel) cucked the MC with a crossdresser.
Cygames is not new with all the ship shit, but that was the most blatant case of cuckshit I've ever seen in a gacha game.
And as you may have guessed, her popularity felt off a cliff afterward.
Same shit happened with the rainbow hair archer, who's now a lesbian.
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I beg your pardon?
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Wait a minute there's like 6 females iirc
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>looking forward to read pic related
>scan out
>ended up read shizuko doujin from the same artist instead
why am i like this?
midomo boob tent
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you WHAT
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This is the third time you retards get baited about muh 2ch threads
Previous summer gacha isn't the new summer gacha
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>I'm going to birth her children
You are? Damn. Good luck with pushing that kid through your male pelvis & dick.
Your dick will explode and not in a good way...
is it true? is BA finally crashing down?
so 3 years really is the limit...
anyone got her arona set?
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Please do not indulge in your MPreg fantasies in this thread.
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>Cecilia, a princess, is a slut
Nice eye anon
sensei's can't get pregnant...
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>this thread
Is this like one of those doujins where she shooters her eggs up your urethra and it takes hold inside your balls and grows?
Global's 5th PV got released
he is a neocon cuck of course he'd never talk about them, a grifter like most others. Blue Archive
this judgemental dog is getting my dick hard
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The truest that it's ever been, The time has come.
EOS soon.
>We never got promised fuuka content
I choose all of them
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Also the third time it ends up as nothingburguer because their sources were the blue archive the animation thread
Did my 100 rolls and got Kaho, Nodoka hot spring, Karin, and Miyako.
Good start?
apt thumbnail
I felt this sentence.
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We still never got the promised GSC Pina arc from PV 4.5.
>tags: penis birth
She's still decently popular.
Also every time someone brings up the cuckshit they conveniently leave out that her original bondstory shipped her with the crossdresser from the beginning.
It's more of a case of retards being baited into thinking the character got her original story reverted when it just doubled down on it.
As for Cupitan, yes that one is retarded and inexcusable.
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What's the difference between Sensei and Professor?
Ozzie brahs...
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That wasn't what I meant to say
what kind of a name is Professor Smug anyways
I've been saying this for a long time but /bag/ just doesn't want to listen. Every gacha without exception begins an irreversible decline after the 3 year mark. Dolls Frontline was super popular for like 2-3 years then fell into obscurity. Azur Lane was super popular for like 2-3 years then fell into obscurity. Gbf, pricone, fate g/o, etc., they all fell and never recovered their peaks.
BA is just next, unfortunately.
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Why does Seia want us to die so much? Doesn't she want to be with her beloved sensei?
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seiabros our time has come
The only story content left are deca and GSC so we’re probably gonna go back to volume 2 next.
Next up Valkyrie squad plushies
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Can't wait for Wisespeak to give her the NTR and bestiality treatment
Honestly, I'd like to know their actual reasons because so far I've only seen cydrone shit and jap schizo garbage
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nnnnnggghh dont tempt me. slow blinking is dog-ese for "kiss me"
Fuck off jadf.
Professor is used to refer to university teachers
All bad except the oNodoka
sensei is teacher and professor is senpai
Don't take anyone without a screenshot seriously when they say shit like this. If they don't have a screenshot it's because they're either completely making things up or because if you actually saw the so-called dooming you'd realize immediately that it's shitposting and/or drones complaining that BA shat all over their dying game.
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seia is dying
Gachas outside of Blue Archive seem so easily destroyed just because all of them can pander to yurifags and shipniggers from time to time. I know because I've played some in the past before realizing that all that shipping is creating more fan art of the pairing rather than more self-insert x girl fan art.
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smug brat cop that eats your donuts and does nothing
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This doll will knock me unconscious then rape me like her summer version.
I can't wait.
I can't wait to give birth to this plushie
Blue Archive Season 2 should have even more budget and an actual competent anime studio
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Why does Nonomi's plushie look so dumb in comparison?
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Blue Archive Season 2 should never happen.
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What would Hanako did if she knew that I'm a virgin?
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oh no
i HAVE to get the dumb brat...
Nonomi has a dumb face.
Who the fuck likes Fubuki ?
How is blue archive CN doing now that Nexon apologized
No need, she already only fucks Koreans
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Wise does bestiality?
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Say that to her face
otogi's spats capturing his sweat
Dumb face. Dumb dumb.
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You will enjoy Blue Archive 2 the open world RPG and you will be happy.
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Also... Huge Ojisan
U dumb and goofy and has no booba
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Where gamer merch
they got me.. I never wanted to waste money on dumb plushies but I like the Valkyrie girls and it would feel kind of wrong to have only 1 of them
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Aria collab doko?
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Hanako is pure
JUST WHEN I GOT MY SMALLER ONE, I CANT AFFORD THE HUGE ONE RIGHT NOW, guess ill buy it from a scaleper next year
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dumb face built to slap my dick on
she would make fun of you and pretend that she has any experience when she doesn't. and that's when you correct her and pound the shit out of her and she submits
Tag: older woman, giantess
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You WILL regret this
I want to eat the ahoge
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white women
>should have even more budget and an actual competent anime studio
it should, but it won't
why is she so smug
Perfect collab IMO. The girls are purely for vanilla (like BA) if they even become for (You) at all and I'm fine if they don't. Comfy SOL show with a great soundtrack.
A cat is fine too...
It's not the same
>Inb4 it was thunder emperor who fail at piano and want to take revenge on kivotos
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>her pov
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I saw that Akemi punches a missile as one of her attacks
>collab characters will now be in the gacha (previously they were always free)
As in side story characters or just the limited event characters like Luffy? Because honestly that's really not too much of a difference considering how absolutely fucking bloated the regular pool already is.
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I hate this bitch
It feels like their are new plushie sets up for pre order every other month..
My brother in Christ, the media is duping girls into lobbing off their breasts and dumbasses think this is perfectly acceptable and normal.

The amount of things people get away with RIGHT NOW in broad daylight is insane.
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yeah. pure sex
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When you least expect it, she will appear and take away your human rights. So be very careful with your words towards Nonomi
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As in you pay to roll for them, every collab unit used to be welfare and you just had to earn them by playing minimally
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well /bag/?
She would <<<IT'S TIME>>> then fold in an instant when she sees a real dick
janny recruited
Holy fuck that's incredibly Jewish. Collab units aren't even that good.
Sure, the original Grand version was like that, but why bait the waifufags with that uncap art + fate episode preview like that to begin with? Just commit to it like Song + Silva, or the homo knights. Giving the mc fag 1/4 of the first Fate episode then telling them to piss off for the rest was a baffling writing decision.
Hanako is a coward, she would fold the moment Sensei became serious
When their is a Hanako plush it's over for me.
>shitty 2d felt hair
>pricetag of a giant plushie
who tf is still buying these
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>6 cakes and 1 parfait today
Junko is going to get fat...
That's why her name is Jumbo, cuz she fat.
I shit myself.
Her name is Unko
I thought it was Junzer
I just got Kokona with my last free pulls, what am I in for?
Literally me
I shit myself during that ghost event
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God damn I hate seaniggers so much
I can't remember a single fate episode from grub besides G.Narmaya's. Most of them aren't bad, just still incredibly forgettable. Though plenty were still pretty fucking bad.
>hanako is a virgin pussy bitch just like me
imagine the awkwardness if i dare to look at her tits...
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>her sensei
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I never got why people who only wanted self-insert romance got into gacha IPs that had shipping bullshit.
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Got D. Ako at 150 pulls so figured I'd throw another 50 pulls at the banner to hit spark. Should I spark Makoto or Iroha?
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>have well built Iori and gamer twins
>unleveled moe
is there any need to use 100 pulls on Makoto?
If you do Torment or if you want a comfy Insane.
I been using dAko and Iroha together. The shit is fucking nice
>pvp bloat
GW is the absolute worst part of Granblue
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Yuuka makes my chest feel warm.

Goodnight /bag/
You realize that before BA existed, there wasn't a gacha that was like that, right? No matter how "self-insert friendly" a gacha was, it still had shipping back then.
gn anon
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If you're new you'll probably get more use out of Iroha since she's incredible at clearing waves in regular missions but Makoto is fairly strong in her AoE yellow role as well.
sechi the traitor
no sechi
only gookako now
The good news is that Jumbo is in jail, where she belongs
You can pinch hiroy cheek
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>not making a plushie out of the one who actually has a wide face
You don't have to be able to outrun Hina.
You just have to be able to outrun Burger.
>We want trickal revive audience
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With Ibuki.
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From 1 to Kaya
How bad will Solidus Pina be at her job?
>limited unit that wouldn't return for at least a year
>unit that is always available 24/7 albeit at smaller odds
I wonder will nexon get firebombed by gooks if they ever do a major mishandling of BA
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> Cannot pinch her preggart belly
> Cannot pinch her tits
HUGE missed opportunity, Nexon.
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I suppose that can be arranged
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I don't think I can see them using guns though
I don't like this, it's bullying.
Misakifags are mindbroken beyond saving
I wish I only liked one of them. I'm stuck between Kanna and Kirino.
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Who is the smartest girl in Kivotos?
Just like their wife
how do i learn japanes
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This is what sex feels like.
this exact post is giving me deja vu for some reason
That's right, it's Himari.
I wish I had Makoto

but I feel like I have to save my rolls
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I will always suck off Nexon for enforcing a strictly female roster and making the Momotalks laser focus on just you and your student. It's not that I'm the kind of person who needs to be constantly fed a steady stream of students practically screeching for your D like Wakamo, I just enjoy that Momos are always intimate time together with your student. They aren't always romantic, serious, or even deeply emotional sometimes, but they are still very personal in a way that most gacahs wouldn't even dream of doing and they're the absolute best part of BA that's everyone should copy wholesale.
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Himari a cute!
She's 11 you sick fuck
I want to be fed by professor niyaniya-chan
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Out of 20
S.Hiyori's chibi is so fucking sexy I'M GONNA LOSE MY MIND
now that's some sovl kino
very cute. but man that's a pretty stilted translation
Pelolo is cringe
holy mother of ESL
>he isn't ESL
get fucked
it's her birthday you fucker
she has such a cool factor to me, i dont have collect autism but al the prisoners are cool as fuck to me so im rolling 100%
retard faggot nigger kys
this one
>Hifumi-senpai is love Peroro-sama
this >>488085863 was posted first
but this >>488085869 was created first
my highly intelligent virgin coom brain wife...
You choose the one with the birthday girl.
birthday girl
Hiroy fat belly
The tl is so bad even Midori had a stroke
The anniversary thread, of course.
You have ONE JOB when making a thread and there's always someone to fuck it up I did like twice.
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You're brown and live in a 3rd world country. Get shit on.
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not bad...
yeah, I live in USA
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Goodnight deds
Good night Leisa anon!
Good afternoon ded bag! It's Monday! A rough day for many but I wish you all the best and a swift resolution to the day!
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i cant believe trainanon wished me a swift death
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No... a swift resolution to your problems! Not to you!
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i am the cause of my own problems
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she can tank that
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nice try
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Mental wounds don't heal as easily.
You're fat.
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fat is stored in the tits
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coom in doom
good morning dead /bag/
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good day
Good morning Seia anon!
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i know who those are
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