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Previous Thread: >>487980476

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

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[Current] Jul. 9 - Aug. 5 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Lingering Summer
[Current] Jul. 9 - Jul. 29 | Point Event: Fish on Cloud Nine (P2000)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 5 | Theater Mode Season 12 (HOC: RPG-29)
[Upcoming] Jul. 29 | New Neural Upgrade batch (Type 79)
[Upcoming] August | Episode 15.1 - The Summer Garden of Forking Paths

[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Detective 2
[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 |Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 | External Search - [Crimson Joyrider] (Bonneville)
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | Character Event: Bonneville [Phantasmagoric Sojourn]
[Current] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | New Mini Event: [Melodious Macrocosm]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
Mary Shelly collab when?
Dont bring your figurines to the mary shelly tomorrow
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Doctor Gray so no melties beyond this point.
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I hope the nigger bleeds into this thread.
Willy is basically Dr. Frankenstein
capture DOKO
who the fuck is mary shelly? what does that mean? I don't read.
"Be fruitful and multiply with dolls" said the Griffchan prophet
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Shit I didn't KNOW women being forced to do things was feminist
Author of Frankeinstein. Books is still a damn good read.
yeah but what does that have to do with feminist theory and old ass churches?
Never, every month she doesn't get released on CN means a month closer to EOS before she's released
>but surely they will make an exception for 2nd class servers
The tard brought up snowbreak so suffice to say it's one of the bugs who demand their waifus to be enslaved to only them.
That is pretty much everyone's only knowledge of her.
I hope the support unit system is included in the day 1 version of global, if I don't have Tololo or Qiongjiu by the time the weekly boss unlocks there's no way of beating the boss without using RNG shit like Cheeta ult and hoping for crits
for me its mary skelter
But /gfg/, I don't waaant women. I want dolls. Why are we talking about women. Dolls don't have rights. I can change their memories and make their wombs vibrate with auto-lubrication. Why does chink-man think we care about real women?
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Kino is back on the menu
Reminder to be a good feminist and rape your dolls.
china's gonna be grim when real sexbots start roaming the streets
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>brought up snowbreak
Big brain bug is gonna have to pop out mein kompf feminist edition to try to dig his way back to China at this rate.
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Ah yes, the Rance way.
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She's a woman and a damn good author? I dunno, I'm probably a feminist for really like The Poppy War trilogy.
china literally has prostitutes that demean themselves to plastic dolls already. They show up to every MICA event.
there will be a lot of brainlets with minus IQ, so the friend/support system will be very beneficial for global. also the game don't feel complete without them (CBT3 have it) so i also expect it to be immediately available on global client
if I pretend I'm a chink it's probably about how the mean doctor treated his creature badly and that's pretty feminist
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My brother in christ we're 80% there just a few more years
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It's time I up my power level to catch up with these schizos
Has mary skelter ever had a collab with another game?
It won't get that far.
They already nerfed the weekly boss and there's sweep mode now in case you don't feel confident beating the current phase and don't want to waste time.
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It's all so tiresome
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>said the Griffchan prophet
I want to have rough sex with that thing.
doubt it. for as much kusoge IF pumps out, that and Fairy Fencer were the only ones I liked.
Didn't know they made something worth a crap besides FFF.
dude, purple juice and crystals are literally oozing out of her vagina idk man
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>still replying to last thread's garbage
As Mark Twain once said, never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
>sweep mode
You mean like just pressing sweep and getting whatever last score you got or something new?
Oh come on, this is the first time in like 4 months when chinks were actually funny, although unintentional.
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It's just lube. That's grape scented and flavored. It's fine
I like the idol raising nep game since it allows you to wife welrod forma de nepgear. Other than that they're pretty much the kemco of pc games and consoles.
mary skelter was alice in wonderland schizoing so its based in my book
you are misconstruing my argument on purpose. when they have the marriage thing, why make the background a church where the queen of england was forcibly married? it does matter, that's a feminist dogwhistle. your sequel made it obvious with the slave brand code modification system, but apparently your feminist taint runs deep. stop pretending it's nothing, you know it's big.
and by the way, not surprised you read feminist literature. you need to leave.
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Yo, I'm here to deliver the nightlight Puzzle PSD for whoever wants it. And angry stur too.
Meant to post it yesterday but I still felt jet-lagged.

Sure but her tummy and facial expression are both very hot
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GEE No wonder Girls Frontline can't attract any new players to increase their income
okay snowbreak bugman, next
I want to cum inside Defender while Liberator begs her to let me rest
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Son, the good doctor asked to stop. Please listen to her advice.
dawg.... feminists.... don't like marriage... what are you talking about....
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Smooch entropics!
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>you need to leave.
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isn't it illegal to be a faggot and retarded in china? This guy has no idea what he's talking about
>nooo the people i'm arguing with actually know what they're talking about please leave!!!!
its safer to have a wedding in neural cloud than gf1
you know what i was building with it, stop disregarding it.
so this is why they made a dogwhistle in the game, to spite the evil men who want to force marry these girls.
leave the site if you read feminist literature.
very cool of you, thanks anon
the former
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>Frankenstein is now feminist literature
I won't. Suck my dick.
Showing a picture of one of the most famous churches in europe, where hundreds of people marry every year, is a feminist dog whistle.
The dolls being objectively happier and better in gameplay is also a dog whistle. Positively rewarding the player for things feminists don't like is catering to the feminist agenda.
I think I will rape my dolls instead
Anon please consider using another translator, this one reeks of "asian languagr pasted into google translate"
Why don't you go bug limbabs, I heard they looooove feminist literature.
Man... you have no idea what you're talking about. I thought chinks were supposed to be like intellectually superior and go to like cram school at 2am and shit. This is like 11th grade knowledge you are unaware of.
yeah sure, here's some pity for (You)
Until Persica pulls the plug.
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One thing I always find bizarre is how medieval arranged marriages are always pictured to disadvantage the woman.
You could be a prince, fresh from conquering the city of al-towelheediaa and renaming it to Holy City of Saint Moorkiller after routing an army and suddenly you find yourself having to marry your 40 year old syphilic aunt with four chins because your grandfather (who you've seen twice) wants to re-establish ties with the family branch in Turin.

That shit sucked for both sides.
you know what, i'm not going to argue with you if you act like this. you clearly don't want to even think i'm right, so goodbye. i'll only post more links
EU hours are the worst part of the day
Noooooo come back, I love your retarded ass.
Please keep going.
Why they making it ought to be like this Argentinian is the first player to speak out against MICA? We generally agree shit like RC's translation was bad or forced stealth sections can be not fun and multitude of other stuff in GF and PNC
My man, you need to start watching The China Show.
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GG no re
I wouldn't really call it arguing, that would imply you have a point to argue. What you've said so far is genuinely frightening that a human being has lacked so much basic schooling and education. It's more like we're watching a zoo exhibit than a debate.
It's 8:33 CET, retard.
Euros are having breakfast or still asleep.
mary shelley is a feminist you idiot so don't pretend
lmao @your life, kid
EU hours are the best
If watching the Chinese and Indians live has taught me anything, it's that China and India deserve each other. Atleast Chinese don't eat shit. but sewer oil isn't that much cleaner.
I accept your concession, just keep digging for nga links like you always do kek
Have a good night then bros
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Mayushiis pockety stopped working.....
>they can't eat and post shit
Retarded EU trash
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I bet you can say the US capital city is Sidney and still insist you're the correct one.
She lived before feminism even existed.
>he thinks gutter oil is the worst China has pulled
It was revealed that even their cooking oil is unclean, literally transported in the same transport truck that transports fuel and they don't clean it after
please do not hurt the precious chinese feelings, you will rue the consequences of these actions
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>Atleast Chinese don't eat shit
They drink poopwater instead. I'm not joking even the rajeeshes are somehow more hygienic.
Main character syndrome thanks to SMS kudos. I'm also certain that these are the same types that got filtered by Singularity and SKK becoming his own man.
What are they going to? Pull out of context Merry Shelly quotes from Frankenstein?
yo its the wojak guy too?? I guess he finally ran out of links
>They drink poopwater instead
Nah, I don't believe there is a worse water source than the Ganges, not counting the nuclear-contaminated one.
>wojak posting
Yep he has gone to the deep end now
>he doesn't know
I'm gonna give a (You) because I want you to keep going.
Please find other historical fact everyone already knew about.
Anon, you sound like William.
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You wouldn't want to hurt their feelings, right?
They're going to pull out Wuthering Heights
Wouldn't be surprised if jeets ran nuclear coolant into the Ganges too
I-I will enlist as a mercenary and fight for our ally Russia...
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Every day I thank God I was born as a beaner instead of another irrelevant fucking thirdie. Jesus.
ctrl+f feminist last thread
Reminder that you're just a jobless basement dweller that never play any video games in their entire life.
I don't even care about you being a nigger, go back to the last thread and have a good laugh.
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Don't look up the state of groundwater in China.

Types 95 and 97 deserve bullets to the core. 191 deserves a ring and my love.
If that's the case, who's next?
Jane Austen? Agatha Christie?
too busy crying?
Give us the goat, Mica.
One thing I didn't understand
Did that chink dramatranny really read about marriage in 16th century europe and thought he found another good drama?
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Down low brother here is absolutely seething
Bro is a Gold Medalist in Gymnastics with all that stretching
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Funny considering she's a cool mercenary who doesn't need you at all.
A kitty!
My guess is this chink was successful in baiting leddit and gaslighting them with this Mary Shelly shit he thought he could the same with 4chinz.
i wish i was that rubix cube..
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Bro apparently for 20yrs they've been using oil tanks then cycling them for water without cleaning them.
Being a first world shit skin is greater than being a thirdie in any life time.
this is so sad :(. What even is the point if you don't schizo in the thread
the fuck? that's not me
i'm not that much of a bitch to be a sharty nigger, but you are still feminists.
anyway, more funny shit:
So the NGAnigger was a chink the entire time?
LOL xhe's trying to save face
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the character safie in the story is a feminist allegory, you know this right?
the movement started in her lifetime.
>Whoops, silly me! I didn't send that it was actually my brother who did that.
There's been nothing on reddit
A female author and her free rentor friend.
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you cant debunk me if i say something so retarded that you can't even comprehend a response
I can just mock you and call you gay.
There's another bilibili vid?
dolls poop
kill yourself, falseflagger
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We're single iq general there's nothing we can't do!
Which dol would you fugg
just admit i have a point
A marriage place is holding marriage?
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>Seethed so much he broke down into Jakposting.
Now that's just sad.
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Literal Melty
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>several of the GF2 shitposters are actual chinese shitposters that hopped the great firewall
>Shay is a homosexual grubble addict that does not play the games he shills
>now the NGAfag reveals himself to be a fucking BASEDTEEN
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I finished Reverse Collapse.
The ending was meh. Sad, but the game already blew it's emotional load earlier. The Jefuty/Mendo scene was nice, but after some of the more robust scenes in the story I expected more than just that. Show the gang back in Antarctica, show some of that happy life Jefuty's not getting, play some scenes similar to those in the 4-5 transition but with differences in "Jefuty's" behavior that Mendo picks up on, I was so sure they were going to use that guitar/violin duet for that. Just give me something more than just one brief scene with Mendo, one brief scene with Lusica, roll credits. You've shown me you can do better than this, Reverse Collapse, don't skimp out now.
I've heard it called a sequel hook ending, but even that element's pretty weak. It could easily just be a nod to Operation Tinder, which I wish I didn't know about.
I can't lie to you bro, I want you to improve.
Like a circle
shay shills waifugames, but can only play mixed gender games, unlucky
Any and all cunny dolls.
Even the tiny non-cunny dolls like Destroyer. Especially so Destroyer.
That orientals are a lesser race? Aye, aye and aye again.
i'm telling you, i'm not a jaknigger
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Let's move on to another curious topic.
I just noticed that in the global trailer for GF2, all Cyrillic letterings were removed from the original CN trailers. You can make the comparison yourself
EN trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4csQQE82Hs
CN trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8KIxrXRsHs
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post sex dolls that you would force to be yours forever through forced mind brainwashing
you forgot "at a 16th century church"
you know there's symbolism in that church and forced marriage. besides, gf2's system is a hard confirmation
>Atleast Chinese don't eat shit.
about that... don't look up chinese poop food
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All of them, but which doll I would marry so she could bear my children and raise them together as a loving Family?
That would be Dreamer
There's symbolism for forced marriage in EVERY church, little bro.
that is known for forced marriage?
this one is unique, though.
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The final boss was already kinda weak, it just sorta sat there and died, but I respect them for trying to make some big boss monster in this kind of game. Pity the janky side of the translation was out in force for the whole final mission.
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I lost all my grandma images so shotahunter69 has to take her place for now
yeah but I LIKE forced marriage and mindbreaking and dolls being forced even though they've said multiple times they love SKK why is this a bad thing
the game:
>you have to reach an affection level with gifts
>dolls will literally say they love you before you put the ring on their finger
>their skills improve as a result and you get a new voice line that shows their growing affection

your argument:
>the background is an old church and arranged marriages used to be held there!

If a literal background image is your point of it being forced and farcical despite what the game features from trying to get there to post-marriage features people can visibly see that you don't have a point.
Why can't I oath my dolls below max affection? I thought I can force the marriage?
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And your parents are an hard confirmation you're inbred.
The police stuff was wrongly spelt, the tasty cola tho is pretty funny
It literally isn't. Your point is so generic and retarded it can apply to every famous church in europe, hell every famous holy sight for any religion.
He doesn't understand english dude, don't even bother.
Just laugh.
>brainwashing a sex doll to fuck you
Kinda missing the point there. If you're going the hacking-rape route then you gotta go for a robot that isn't actually built for it.
Chinks starting up shit again. Same guy as before? Wonder why even bother going over the firewall
you cant brainwash dolls that dont have a brain
RPK was perfect for this.
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I would like to congratulate Chinese Twitter for their gold medal in mental gymnastics, narrowly beating out my ex. Unfortunately, it looks like they're going to have their work cut out for them against American Twitter for the next competition, jumping to conclusions
Bro you can't use complex words like that.
yeah I want to fuck all mooks
>Forced Marriage
>Needs Max Affection

You forced her to eat 50 Cakes? Ayt Anon. I gotta hand it to ya. I've seen the light. I will give the other Dolls cakes too
the animation in gf2 is like branding a slave, so looking back there is something to be found in the first game. obviously not a coincidence that it's THE forced marriage church. on the surface you can pretend its fine but its dogwhistling for sure
which church forced the queen to be married? go on. why couldn't they use generic churches or one with a white history instead?
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This but marrying and impregnating those two
Yeah the end of 5-3 feels like it kept a little TOO close to the original bakery ending.
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>Let them eat cake
>Gets beheaded
alright how'd i do?
The absolute disrespect to SEA twitter by not including them.
cake was a queen reference all along.. holy shit..
>which church forced the queen to be married?
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This but I'll take the whole package, I can't have one without the other two
People said things about her, but she's actually flexible with your demand. Wanna go intense and brutal, she's a step ahead of you. But if you want to go slow and passionate, she'll give you one.
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I briefly interrupt this meltdown to say I love Sana.

Carry on.
god yeah I love branding slaves.
SEA twitter are faggots, but mental gymnastic isn't their playstyle.
go back to jakposting please
so you admit it's a forced thing.
okay, then avoid that one. europeans have lots of old dusty churches.
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Weren't arranged marriages the norm during the time? And marriage for love really only started during the romanticist movement?
Still needs max affection.
nigga, I've been saying for two threads straight that I, this poster alone, me and me only, hate women and love slaves. That's all I've ever said.
Anon is just trying to save face by pretending he was baiting this whole time.
I'm not sure how.

I guess? They do have to have enough of a self to want to hold on to it. Otherwise there's no spice.
>gf2 is like branding a slave
More like a girl making a tattoo with your name. But keep doubling down. You're the most retarded nigga I've ever seen . Hell niggers are smarter than you
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You would never get it. You could never even convince a glorified sex doll to hold hands with you.
that doesn't dismiss the dogwhistle. if you tap dance, i'm leaving for the time being
I have to admit to something bros.
It is me who beat and tortured and forcefully raped Thunder. I did it as a feminist manifesto
Show me this branding in GF2, I've never seen it.
None of them didn't have forced marriage.
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i beg to differ
Same, I like to make her serve me drinks and trip her and force her to clean it up. I did this for the fifth wave of feminism.
keep this up morons, you know you don't need to start attacking me
the animation has the girl in a machine room get her code modified, and a ring like brand appears on her hand. its like mind control
What's the point of arguing with a bunch of yes men here anon? Yz could come up with the dumbest, kinkiest brainwashing feature and people would still eat it up. They're all filial sons.
>he keeps doubling down despite being proven wrong
>Completely ignores how the mechanic actually works
Seriously, how did we end up with such a dumbass in these threads?
Stop being historically literate.
No, we're all feminists. Update your lexicon.
I said show me, fag.
Only dogs hear their whistles from their masters. So be a good boy and put on your collar, it's time for a walk.
please understand they HAVE to own the /gfg/ers to OWN yuzhong
God I hope the game will be so feminist that it will let me brand my dolls with hot iron
then forget the churches, why not somewhere else like a pier or a garden? it's dogwhistling
Ah, yes, I love my harem of sex dolls that I branded and forced into marriage
You see, I am kind of a feminist myself
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Someone's really really desperate for (you)s. All started at chink twitter btw
>why not somewhere else
Because people marry at churches.
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When I see a poster that refuses to use capital letters like a human being, I know that it's going to be one of those threads
okay, so why not a modern church and not an old one where forced marriages happened?
I'm more confused on why a niche gacha game like ours attract the most moronic trolls you would think they would go to a bigger general for more attentjon, but I guess they're too scared they would get ignored there since the threads are fast.
I dress my dolls up in the skimpiest of outfits, swimsutis and serving-men maid outfits that show off their cleavage. I am the strongest feminist.
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>Bros, is it gay to marry your wife?
/gfg/ - /great feminist general/
bugman is stuck in a loop for infinite thread bumps
Because old churches look cool.
Well, McArthur didn't get to reduce a country's illegitimate government into radioactive waste.
MICA... the Initial D collab... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-du0TPJxVA
but why include them in a waifu game if they're all about forcing women to be married?
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Where do the majority of marriages happen fuckhead? I refuse to belive someone is this stupid.
>God I hope the game will be so feminist that it will let me brand my dolls with hot iron
He's partly right about the brainwashing dolls with that contractshit. I don’t have much to say about his feminist takes since I don't know enough about British politics to get his queen of england point. But the brainwashing feature is stupidly retard.
And how does this dogwhistle affect me directly? You have to scrounge through the history of this abbey to get even a link that they held arranged marriages there meanwhile all of the dolls the player marries are all something the player has to put effort in and they will all give consent and a mutual affection, it's something that players don't care because the background doesn't effect the ceremony at all other than it was a place for marriage.
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It's empowering you know
Because people marry at churches.
marriage in danger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_RteGnjGF8
We might be missing some cultural relativism here. Maybe chinks don't actually marry each other at churches.
>stupidly retard
Ye you are
We should have married Tabuk in a mosque.
He's worse than stupid, he's a bugman.
How is it brainwashing when they stated that you need max affection to even do it?
He doesn't have a point, and you are also a retarded nigger.
>Why don't you go bug limbabs, I heard they looooove feminist literature.
Okay lets be serious for a sec, does Limbus appeal to feminists and if so why? I don't play that game
I wonder if they had nice doll marriages in the kcco
anon, even he doesn't know about british politics or the queen of england. He is literally just saying nonsense in broken TL'd english.
so why not in an old church, or somewhere where there can't be any feminist ideas?
you know it translated to gf2's forced mind control "marriage"
Do chinks even know Christian traditions and practices?
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Chinks don't even know Chink traditions and practices.
>animation in gf2 is like branding a slave
I would like to imagine that the girls give consent for SKK to access their OS kernel level. But hey you do you, interpret it however you want and shut up
Old churches are the opposite of feminist ideas. Feminists don't like forced marriage.
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Better Stevens!
>when they stated that you need max affection to even do it?
Consent brainwashing is still brainwashing retard. It's actually a popular subgenre when you search for mind control smut.
so why does it look like that? >>488098894
thanks to gf2, your stuff cannot be given the benefit of the doubt. you know there is spiteful symbols added.
Modern marriage is a feminist idea, any place you suggest would still be feminist as long as the marriage is mutual consent between two parties, this fact seems to be something you can't process despite many times people repeat it which is why people are calling you retarded

You need to max affection to marry a doll in GF2, you can't forcefully do it to her
you are retarded hahaha
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>Arranged marriage
I didn't know that forced marriages were a feminist thing. I guess women being more deranged than men was actually true
Old churches aren't spiteful symbols, thousands of people marry in churches.
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Yeah I'm a feminist
So where do marriages happen if they don't take place in churches?
Those are the best brainwashing doujins to be honest. Hypnotism but hypnotism that only works if the subject already has feelings for you
I think Rance is an feminist icon. He shows them empowerment all the time.
>church where queen of england is forced into marriage in 1550 used in your game
>this is fine
no it's not, and gf2 confirms it.
In the mosque, at the temple...
At home before your parents and ancestors or in some public space like a village square probably
So you never liked oathing since the first game? There was always an element of altering a doll base layer.
Man this is pathetic even for you
You're not even arguing the points anymore, everytime someone does you back out of the argument and just pull uhh queen of england
Look, I know you are desperate to save face, but you have to accept that repeating the same shit isn't gonna make anyone, not even yourself, believe you were baiting this whole time.
Everyone is being so retarded no one will notice my post saying how much I love Cx4 Storm without an image
ye olde england marriages are the new doom, you never know whats next
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We must embrace our inner range to be true feminists. We are a progressive general after all.
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IIRC they their share of feminist related drama early on the game'e life because of a relation between one of their writers and South Korea's feminist cult because yeah, that is a thing. In clownworld we live.
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Of course it's feminist propaganda, it's empowering how dolls rape SKK, also rob him kisses and even sit on his lap without his consent
Being a man in the 16th century sounds based if you're a landed noble.
Well it has one of the worlds most stupid romance novel as one of its inspirations so yeah
I want PPK to force me into marriage and lock me in chastity.
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show me more feminism
I prefer her sister Px4.
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We actually do it either at our own home (bride or groom) or some town hall. Any religious legal preceding are done before the ceremony
Until you die of cholera.
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i gotchu covered
>Well it has one of the worlds most stupid romance novel as one of its inspirations so yeah
Let me guess Twilight? On second thought please be Twilight.
Skk is the last italian futurist, the hero of Frankfurt, the unfathomable abyss and now a pro-marriage feminist.
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I will 100 get this skin to support this amazing symbol of feminism
My money is on the Six Day War.
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So this..... this is feminism..... wow.....
so powerful..... maybe I can get behind this....
It’s a controversial kink for a reason. Some people who are into brainwashing will defend it to their last breath while others who hate it will still fucking hate it. You can't make people who hate mind control like it you just cant, it's not gonna happen.
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Kion is becoming kind of gay
>I would like to imagine that the girls give consent for SKK to access their OS kernel level.
Robots giving you access to their mind is so romantic. It's such a huge display of trust.
Spank and then cuddle this battery dork.
Nah its much more inclined on "classics", im talking about wuthering heights.
Answer the question, nigger. You never liked oaths?
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filling RO's empty head with me!
We got a real life terrorist here, watch out
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Sometimes I wonder how chinks feel about FGO
>Let me guess Twilight? On second thought please be Twilight.
What the fuck are you talking about? Twilight has always been against feminist ideas, the femmc get dominated by hot ikemens who try to kill her but also want to fuck her.
that's part of it. THE church where the queen was forced to marry for political strength? and the system makes the girls stronger in game? clearly more than "this church looks cool"
From what we know of lore dolls have their own internal defense system to prevent from forceful hacking or change in their code. Sometimes it can even lead them to breaking the arm of the perpetrator in question, so yeah it's a huge symbol of trust
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Do not molest Amaris or else there will be consequences!
SKK, I'm gonna show you the power of feminisms.
Worth it.
>marriage of political strength
>equates to minmaxing your stats
Ye it's a beautiful feminist gesture
Marrying a girl and it making her stronger
Can you kill yourself instead?
That's a cool symbolism if MICA thought that through, as the Queen of England gains political power in the game dolls gain power from our marriage too, but without the fact that they were forced into it. Thanks, nganon, a new possible trivia was found.
you know what's implied, don'f be stupid
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>and even sit on his lap without his consent
I love getting my lap violated by delicious doll ass
spy-kun's gonna like this one..
What do you think marriages are for before the 18th century?
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We hate england here so its fine
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Yes, but letting someone into their neural cloud means letting them past those defenses. Especially if we're talking about layer 3.
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That was the true deep lore we needed.
The dolls love makes her stronger?
Indeed, and it's truly beautiful
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>glorified bait
Nah, it would make a really shit episode
Yeah, it's implied that the queen gained power from a forced marriage, and we can see that in symbolism as our dolls also gain power from our marriage, but this time it won't be through ancient forced rituals because the commander has to raise her affection enough for her to consent to the ceremony, NGAnon where are you going with this??
So this is the power of YZ. RIght under our fucking noses. Jesus. I kneel.
I can't believe I was a feminist all along.
I'm sure he wants to laugh at the talking point itself
doesn't matter, why use that symbolism? gf2 soft confirms these suspicions with the books they added to the lounge too, and "covenant"
you're the king forcing the girls to marry you so you can get political power. exploitation of women, common theme feminists use.
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N-no 45! Your feminism is ruining my fragile masculinity.
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This is ours.
No nganon, that's not how the game works, you have to fight alongside your girls, give gifts to them. THEN you can marry. DONT IGNORE THIS FACT
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Ye, indeed. A male forcing a girl to marry him to get more power and in turn granting the girl some power too. Such a feminist thing to do
>d-doesnt matter
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I dunno, watching a dumb nigga spend like 3 hours and counting getting clowned on is something.
God-damn, covenant in the bible means a connection between God and men.
This means we're making a connection between dolls and their God, SKK.
YZ is a genius.
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Get Feminized! Get Feminized you dumb dork!
but I have to raise their affinity to oath them...
more judaism after all the shit they had?
Another beautiful example of feminism
All this discussion about marriage. Look at you, you are still single
dumbasses, you think you're not forcing them to marry you because they have "affection" when you FORCE them to eat cake every day of their lives?
even if your forced marriage connection were true it would make the game anti feminist. skk is at all times represented as the good guy you get rewarded for the oath and dolls enjoy it, it is represented as a positive thing
Zas knew the whole time
Does he even know he's being clowned on?
Feather emperor... this filial son is in awe, you have reversed the flowing waters of feminism, made them willing wives. I kneel.
you refuse to acknowledge the argument being made.
I would like to practice good positive feminism to this doll.
What the fuck?! Uncalled for
you don't have an argument
Marriage is jewish bro.
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Instead of feminists, could we have Prince dolls?
Going to force my tongue up her butt
funny you say that when you refused to acknowledge what marriages were for before the 18th century lol
Its Christianism you filthy pagan scum
I'm saving myself for when t-dolls become real!
I'm petty sure he's laughing because of the retards that got so easily baited, I doubt that he's able to samefag this much
he's nor in gfl2, he's made to be evil to the girls and its implied with the book of esther (talmud) and feminist literature like handmaid's tale. spas even says "finally free!" when they leave the company
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>Ark of the Covenant
>The most sacred religious relic of the Israelites
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For me it's fucking Judge while Dreamer and Destroyer hold her arms.
How dare you....
He'd have stopped hours ago if he had the ability to comprehend that.
stop being stupid, jewzhong let so mych jewish stuff in the game
I'm married to (You) anon, against your will
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holy shit, I think he's onto something
Feminists just want to exploit women!
I see now, we need to not do that in order to not be feminist!
Sir but that was g28, get your facts checked
And she ran back because...
No, obviously not.
You argued we force it. I argued against it because we have to fight together with them and give gifts to raise their affection, that's not the definition of forcing. Maybe you want me to argue against us getting political power from marriage? Then not really we don't actually get any political power from marrying our dolls, we don't get land or alliances like the good old days
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I'm having fun being retarded
And Judaism is based. You a mudslime or something?
New ark of the covenant is the church. It carries the laws of God. The rabbithole gets deeper.
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i knew it, you are all jews lol
Ah, so now Christianity is Jewish too, I bet you think Islam is too?

>BA,nikke and snowbreak confirmed Jewish
Bros....everything is Jewish...q
First you cheat on me by sending letters to others, and then do this. You are a monster.
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>he's nor in gfl2
Yeah he's not in Girls Frontline Line 2, he's in Girls Frontline 2, you fucking dork
So, to sum it up, we are british jewish feminists from the 1500s? And we read Frankenstein and stuff?
Wasn't the Ark of the Covenant now stays in some Ethiopian church?
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>The prophet Muhammad and his companions believed in Abraham as the founder of their faith. Muslims regard the prophet Muhammad as the last in a series of prophets, including Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, all of whom appear in the Qur'an.
Is WuWa Jewish? I need me a FemRover wife.
none of them went back, they were happy to leave the evil male commander like they do in handmaid's tale and book of esther
they all come from the same tree
you know what ba did, and don't bring snobreak into this
I just wanted to be a craftsman...
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I can't believe we went 400 posts just to come back to negev.
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Wow, 400 replies in 2 hours. A new recent record!
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Not yet, Anon. The wives said I can get naturalised if I draw them more.
I agree with this fellow feminist
Anon, it's called Abrahamic for a reason.
Evil shikikunt arc??!!
>Captcha SN2XD
I like Negev.
Yes and we britsh feminists posses brainwashing abilities that can force marriage against their will.
Need some more traditional dols that can make your favorite home dishes
so you wish to become jewish like the rest of the shanghai circle lmao
Why aren't they seething at Negev? Her design is so on the nose but no one brings one of the most popular dolls into this discussion
Or in Mecca. Who knows where it is now. I'm speaking of symbology. After Jesus, the new ark of the covenant is his church. Church is also figuratively the new ark of Noah.
You forgot we force marriage and brainwash dolls for being feminists.
They left because the SKK left G&K and they don't like the company anymore since he was gone
jewish cunny armpit sex doko serj
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no, gf1 uses a church where the queen of england was forced to marry in 1550. not bad on its own, but gf2 confirms this is a feminist dogwhistle, where you can see these real meanings
Now you're getting it. You have clearly cultivated.
Do we also like shoot niggers from helicopters or save our mother Earth from any alien attack?
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They can't, because negev is like a symbol by this point.
Taking her seriously means you already lost.
ummm honey??
what is schizophrenia in chinese?
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he says they all left one by one, he didn't leave. and then they don't say anything about him after, and live on like he is garbage in the wasteland. the 10 year separation plot is never good.
What's the name of the queen of England of 1550 that you love so much.
spoiler alert, frankenstein is not the name of the monster
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I'll come into Jericho, through forced brainwashing marriage.
this was just to make the point clear but you ignore it anyway
queen mary, forced to marry a prince for political gain
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You better watch out, dog. I'm a 1500s British Jewish feminist with the book of Frankenstein in hand. Your wife is mine!
But if we're searching and hunting them down to force them into marriage and brainwash them, why do they keep accepting the cake?
You need to raise their affections in GF2 as well before you can initiate marriage, which is when the doll allows SKK to put a "SKK cock only" tattoo on them
Anon he literally left
What the fuck now you ruined my Marry Shelly kino for me!
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>feminist dogwhistle
How the fuck is this a dogwhistle?
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Damn this seanigger is a true skk, can't read for shit
Because of the brainwashing, also because queen of England was forced to marry a man in a church.
Since when chinks care about Europe's History?
Oh, right, they deleted their own history lmao
The queen was brainwashed into letting them eat cake
honestly, I don't think he'll actually pick this up. HIs brain is like a tough leather
But the brainwashing comes after the cake
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you know what, i'm done.
here's the explanation post, and there's a video too. go mtl it
If the queen's name is Mary is it possible that the queen was Marry Shelly herself? Maybe that's why she made Frankenstein into a feminist propaganda.
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Bugmen fear the bug eater
Nuh uh, not clicking them links

your mom is gay
>captain quartz
wasn't he nabbed?
But how did SKK convince dolls to eat cake before the brainwashing?
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So according to this, your wife is mine. Got it!
See you at my wedding at the ever famous church.
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>fastest thread /gfg/ has had in months is middle of the night burger hours solely because a chink is embarrassing himself
Through the magic of the druids.
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extremely cute birb! look at this european robin! he's a level 250 skk!
no that's more of a your thing buddy. It's crazy how you're more easily convinced by a chink video translated through MTL than people who play the game and are explaining the mechanics to you
So if I go to the remains of this church today, does that mean that I'm marrying my wife against her will?
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If the person you like offers cake generally you accept it.
go post your coomer shit, i'm no longer arguing since you refuse to understand
there's the source. go look at it, and see i'm not arguing nothing
Wow! It's almost like a confirmation bias!
But they don't like him, they ran away, how is he feeding them cake?
There must be more to this.
Yes, take any woman there and she instantly becomes your unwilling rapewife. It's great, I can't believe the bongs never shared this information with anyone.
I feel sorry for the burgers they missed out on all the fun.
how long until he starts wojaking out
it's really fun messing with the mentally disabled
A friendly reminder that I fucking hate chess
i'm not a wojak cuck. do not ever compare me to sharty niggers
I clicked the video. Why are you sending us shemale porn?
Thanks for leaving me your wife. I'll be sure to take great care of her.
Im here
This is kino that you have to be there to enjoy
We like boys here, you want us to post that?
The dolls have stockholm syndrome
so you've got split personalities?
it's just text. there's a bili video id to the one i posted last thread. go look at it, quartz has dug up every dirty little piece of shit about your game
But then it isn't forced...
uh no????
I've never even been to Sweden.
too bad
>rerolling non chess missions
Translate yourself please, oh venerated chinkoid
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... uhhhhhhhhhhh
Damn, chink is learning history from 4th grade?
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I wanna run a lil experiment. Post doll ryona.
sorry, this is a thread of people who live in a democratic country. I'm free to do whatever I want. Get fucked
>bongs never shared this information with anyone
Perfidious Albion..
do not post doll ryona
you can look at the posts about holyrood or pretend it's nothing
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Goddamnit, I dumped CR so I could bring her to the theater when she got the bonus. But apparently I forgot to max her skill and now I can't remember who else among my maxed dolls I actually forgot to max out.
LMAO you think 90% of the players care?
Holy rood? Is that some actress?
The probability of me getting Goliath will decide if the schizo stays or leaves.
You better bless my attempt
Yuzhong, your daddy, is chinese you retards
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>chinks in the thread right now
Follow UN Army protocol by transmitting in English, the international language.
>after arguing about forced marriages, he starts forcing people to watch his videos that someone is clearly saying no to
Poetic ending
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>you will never be a bugman
we can't all be winners here
Did hollyrood exist in 1550?
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my name is Holly Rood.
your global release will, no one will play a feminist game like gfl2. now cry and post more coomshit when it goes closer and closer to eos
We all have our flaws.
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I'm actually adopted... no one was supposed to know
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don't mind if I do
I think we can all safely agree that the chink is, as his nation's history always goes, is a cuckold.
>your global release will
Proof? you're going to get a heart attack when the game gonna earn more than 800k USD during it's first 4 months
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Holyrood abbey palace where you marry in GF1. the place where queen marry was forced into marriage by king henry at the age of 1 with his 6 year old son, causing a war
she fused with persikot...
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thompson is my prince aigh
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Scottish anon here who just woke up
Why are we talking about Holyrood Abbey?
its not called the mary shelly?!
I have every doll at 5x and about 80% at level 100 but the intermediate data needed to get everyone to max skill is just crippling
Have fun dealing with him
Chinks just learned arranged marriage was a thing.
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Holy fuck, so this is the power of "epic ML Chinks"
We're not denying history, political marriages is a reality that happened, we're not chinks who turn into monkeys over tiananmen square so this isn't the own you're looking for
i will be sure to make them as miserable as i can
you will not even break 10 million on month 1.
you like feminists like her, huh /gfg/?
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Isn't the west feminist? This will sell like hotcakes then
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it's where jewish feminists from the 1500s like myself come from. We all practice feminism by raping robots or somethign idk
Is Jefuty a men's rights activist for jumping from timeline to timeline, and robbing Mendo of his innocence? Forcing a marriage on him.
it is the background of the GF1 oath cutscene
some chink is having a stinky grasping for more ways to say that girls frontline is NTR and this is what he landed on
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Some chinks on bili/NGA/chink twitter are trying to connect it to the feminist agenda, with some royal/historical marriages happening in Holyrood Abbey being political and forced.
Chinks cannot into history. Film at 11.
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>Thread is now 500+ post
The power of this schizo is amazing
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/v/ and most people hate the SBI ESG games coming out. i will do my best to convince them gfl is, and i want you to feel it
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It's with your consent you know
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.. / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .-- .- .. - / - --- / .-.. .. -... . .-. .- - . / -.-- --- -. --. -..- .. -. --. / -.. .- --- / .. ... .-.. .- -. -.. / .- -. -.. / ... - .- --. . / -... --- -- -... .. -. --. / .-. ..- -. ... / --- -. - --- / ... --- ..- - .... . .-. -. / -.-. .... .. -. .-
How long until he starts threatening to kill us?
Miserable? Well my sides sure are sensible rn
Hope you have something funny to post for the upcoming Drawthread, anon.
Hopefully more than a cheap Lorem Ipsum
10 minutes
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>fucking ADMITTING to being one of the /v/ shitstirrers
>no cunt
I don't believe you.
China could use some feminism. Maybe their women are less retarded than their men.
I thought that was aussies
>/v/ and Twitter SEAtrannies
Holy kekaroo
yes please tell them about the first official united nations-gacha collaboration
LOL LMAO YOU THINK GF2 IS GOING TO BREAK 10 MIL IN A MONTH!? even a seasonal GF players believe that it's ridiculous, and the game earned over 800k during it's first 3 months on Global is already a huge achievement. GTFO TOURIST!
I need you to sit down for a moment but you need to know... you're a feminist. You NEED to rape women to show your support for their empowerment and then forcibly marry them
The fact that he isn't posting shit that will get him Insta banned makes me think he really is arguing in good faith using MTL lmao.
Make sure to fix up your translator. Or don't since it has "trans" in it.
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More meltdowns? Excellent
Anyway time to do my dailies before my morning scrum meeting
Thanks guys
Fuck up cunt
There happy?
>girls frontline line
some troll tried to cancel MICA/GF game calling the game a feminist agenda by bringing up Holyrood Abbey
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I wish a doll would show me feminism.
keep posting coom stuff and pretend your game is not collapsing
you are crying
they already hate it. gfl2 will be hated as much on global as it is here
I dunno about you being Scottish, but I love Aunt Lee
I can't believe I was spreading feminism by wanting to rape saiga.
I swear I had that one image of Japan holding up a sign
>Girls Frontline Line 21
Wtf? I only ate cake, I never said yes! I need an adult! I need an adult!
What if in GF2 after you max affection the doll says NO and your affection goes back to 0, now that's feminism
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would you want this?
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Well I tried. Wake me up when it's over.
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Me too anon, me too
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Its time.
Post feminist pictures.
Only if I can rape her in retaliation
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>rape saiga
Ho ho ho nice joke.
That would make you a feminist icon.
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>doll says no
>you force the oath anyways
That's real Chinese feminism
before i go, let others know you're proud feminists. you clearly endorse it and try to twist what i say and even resort to attacks
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Behold, the radical man-hating feminism of MICA
Please don't go and bad mouth us to /v/ without their respect our general will cease to function...
Do you people suddenly talk about feminism are just being ironic or what?
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Remember, forced marriage is feminism
Hey where the fuck is Earhart's oath story?!
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Yeah, sure, Chinkykunt
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>oath retarded but somehow forklift certified cyborg
>am now a feminist
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Yes, I am a proud feminist. you've convinced me...
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We are proud feminists here.
So? there's nothing you can do about it if you just keep being a parrot in 4chan.
Brave of you to say that Feminism involves twisting words and resorting to violence
nga chink is saying the background png of the marriage ceremony is feminist dogwhistling and we've been clowning on him since then
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So is rape
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Son. Take your meds and touch some bloody grass. Words cannot do justice to how much you need to do those things.
He was half-drowned in milk as a child, meds won't do anything except kill him because they were made in china
that guy can always spread "the Holyrood Abbey reference" outside of 4chan, but he couldn't because he's afraid that he could get exposed if he does it.
Apparently political/forced/arranged marriages from before the 18th century is considered feminism
>ywn have hippo maid teach you real feminism
It hurts bro
I fucking knew that it was a /v/ermin trash nigger
Bugs are resilient
>this background is feminist this game is feminist like mary shelley!!!
>no that's not feminism at all, forced marriages are against feminism
>wait how did you know that...unless...you're a feminist? I'm gonna tell /v/ you're feminists!!
Post the one where SKK gives his dolls candy rings as a prank.
But milk in China is contaminated with melamine, he should be at least half resistant to chemicals & shits.
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I'm confused. Is the whole feminist argument this bug tooting means that it's empowering women or it's sexist?
>2 hour thread
What's nice about them?
gfg heals through dooming
Don't forget Frankenstein is apparently feminist literature now.
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Genghis Khan was the ultimate feminist
Retard discovers new word, doesn't understand what it means and throws it around like dirt. Sun sets and rises.
with qatar? what's going to happen to my argument that yz loves israel...
Wait, it's in New York now?
>Weird ass islamic runes
Oh great, were Muslims now
Laughing, you mean.
Will she be okay if I remove her inhibitors?
Bros why I'm glowing?
Oh no no bros looks like hollyrood abbey was right!
Can't wait for another round of retarded faggots seething on xitter
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Kneel GFchuds, our feminist globohomo overlords demand it
>he doesn't know
Qatar is the most kiked emirate in the gulf. At least Saudi is recovering their reputation with MBS, but Qatar is as kiked as the Azeris.
Top fucking kek. This keeps getting more ridiculous. What are the odds of some Qatari prince being a huge GF(L???) fan and orchestrating this?
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Were you under anesthesia recently?
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Suck my dick.
Israels call out Qataris and Al-Jazeera and hates them but it turns out Qatar is all kiked up too? Didn't they host HAMAS' leaders?
Yuzhong descends from saudi princes fyi
Was always going to be in NY, UNITAR doesnt even have offices in San Fran
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>find /v/ thread
so that's where YZ get money from
So small...
I swear GF(L)'s political spectrum is a fucking roullette wheel outside of the in-game story
>tfw went from jewish cuck to muslim feminist getting a forced marriage in a christian church
That's not very feminist of you
Sorry, but that's how it is
Until they decide to change it (again)
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>Some Arab oil prince dumping money for MICA to develop their games
Is it a good thing?
isnt it the same way for nikke?
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you rike?
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>GF2 could make 0 money in SEA region and it will still get its development fund from a single Qatari prince
Will be extra funny if the Qatari prince does that because he quit Dota.
Real Arabs are actually huge coomers, go figure.
I don't think YZ is lucky enough to pull an SNK
So we haven't died because some oil baron is funding the game?
Woah. We can finally get that Metal Slug or King of Fighters collab
You can trace back everything from Taliban to ISIS, everything that happened in MENA back to the (((British Protectorates))). Even to this day, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi are supplying Israel via Arabian Gulf through Kuwait.
YZ should make a story about this
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What is more feminist than this song?
any Stream link?
/gfg/ meetup? You better dress well
>El Sistema
Venezuelans also got involved.
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>Real Arabs are actually huge coomers
Dubai is peak feminist
im coming in my fursuit
I'm going to the concert, you'll be able to spot me because I'll be naked
how very femenist of them.
*feminist and coomer
*Jordan, whatever, sandniggers are sandniggers
Sorry I'm uncomfortable anywhere I can't carry my gun
Are you also an African warlord?
got curious and check out the chink bili account. The account was create due to this chink doesn't like the direction of GF2 going. At first it was genuine rambling, along the way it evolve into GF2 hating account that dig up any mistake or anything that can paint a bad image on GF2.
Weren't we feminists?
no I'm just in new york
We all glow here.
18/f/adelaide here
>3 hours
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You are welcome
The middle east is perfectly feminist
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Skin too intact.
All personnel MUST wear their standard issue URNC combat uniform. Anyone who fails to follow will be branded as a penguin eater
Be the General Buttnaked that NYC needs.
iirc captain quartz was known for being the main chink mica shitposter for anything that they did then bili nuked his account so he made a new one.
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We used to rip through threads before they increased the post limit
Fuck off, I want me a Jefuty not an NWO.
Skill data in the new formula contributes only a very small amount of CE, and there will only be Owen and Type 82 added as bonus dolls
it all thanks to this bugman post >>488089947 for hastening our thread
He is a fgo nigger isn't he?
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Look man, you hate GF2 we know it, but you are not going to punish MICA with your post here.
picrel are you shouting
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hey hey people SKK here
Anon the nWo created Jefooty
I'm fine with that. AU best U.
When are you gonna start being funny again?
They just turn the tables on skk. Dolls don't want a feminist bich, skk will be raped by dolls, and he will take it like a man.
The nwo? Were big daddy bitch was shown feminism by african americans in 1992?
that chink is also a snownigger, he praise anything that snowbreak do
Nigga you need globohomos and penguin-eaters before you can get your hands on a Jefuty
Wait a minute. We have jeet snownigger AND chink snownigger?
Brother, your own sentences contradict themself...how about you state facts and not your brainfarts assembled in words
First one's Shay. Second was some bugman who's been raiding the threads since release. Outed himself as the NGAnigger
Yz and his love for concert
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>thread correction
At this point there has to be some insider that hates GFL2 right? They literally turned the oath system into some weird brainwashing thing.
we aren't doing this again bro
That's a good slur for antarctican
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>Girls Frontline Line 2
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And after they make her they will all die. I will exsanguinate the big gay.
Took us years but we finally got something good out that image. Magical fuckin' day.
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Penguins have it hard. They are preyed in water by sealions, and on ground by antarcticans.
It's the equivalent to river water upstream lillium flower ice cream bun bunny rabbit defenestration, gweilo.
Getting a divorce is anti-feminism
>You know it's gonna be a good operation when you crack open your Antarctic Union rations and find a pack of these bad boys
Is breathing air feminist? I mean women also breathe the same air as me.
Fuck that's funny
Poisening the well
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Pull points
+4 ap lets GOOOOOOOO
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>They are preyed in water by sealions,
They are? I don't know much about penguins.
Only if you enter their personal space and breath their air
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Maint notes
It only works if you don't think about it. It's like calling Americans eagle eaters, it's not a thing at all. I guess that's true of most slurs, though.
He opened a feminist thread in /v/, kek
Then you've fallen for URNC propaganda. Penguins are majestic creatures and are considered protected species here.
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Jefooty was a group project between the URNC and AU, but only the AU treated her anything like a person. They are not the same.
Yeah, here's a pic. But I'm not sure is that a sealion or antarctican on the video. They both look similar to me.
What does penguin taste like anyway?
Penguins are good eating. Just saying.
Lots of blubber. Very little meat
not really, the game designers most likely thought it looked cool to stand out and be different than the usual ring in finger thing they've already did for the past two games. otherwise, you still need to do the gimmick of raising their affection and unlocking new voice lines at the end of the day
Heh 2 hours thread we are so back bros!
if penguins are birds, they
probably taste like chicken
Like very oily chicken. Maybe a little fishy considering their diet
Yeah, you need to keep food supply steady. You don't want to freeze and starve. I doubt you antarcticans don't even know what a vegetable is. They probably would mistake potatoes for rocks.
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>3 hours thread
Chicken meat
>this time i will leave for real like the other 10 times i called it the last 4 hours
This is what antarctican beach holiday looks like
a pigeon? i dont want to catch some disgusting flu, grilled fish is better
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They can go insane
I hope you're that on purpose.
literally me frfr
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They are pretty helpless, barely reacting to humans getting closer to them, also they smell like shit but ten times worse and more acidic.
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Before anyone asks, adelies >>>>>> emperors
Rockhopper > Gentoo > Emperor > Humboldt
I'm dead serious. Thanks to their diet of penguins, antarctican women are fat like seals. Its disgusting.
>check antarctica temp
no shit sherlock, they need those fat
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I need to sleep I need to wake up in 3hrs. Thanks based 1500s Chinese feminist serial raping jew for keeping me up
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Giant penguin > all
I'll make a new thread on page 8
this guy never been to hollow city lol

You're not.That's too bad, it would have been clever.
Yeah, penguin-eaters are too dumb for jackets anyway.
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Absolute pure kino.
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Pro feminist
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JP stream fan art. What did global fans draw? Nothing, oh wait neither do the official
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nobody here to pachipachipachi me
Its a shithole, rossartrism would fix it, but penguin-eaters don't want any help. They're dumbasses.
We were busy getting cultural
My cute wife!
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>3 and a half hour thread
do you rike it candy?
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Damn right
watch the whole ytube vid, good one anon
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Penguins are found in places other than Antarctica or the cold
this franchise is cursed
>Nobody's talking about the absolute GOAT
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Rockhoppers kind of look cool ngl
>invent tech so advanced it's basically magic
>create the best vaccine we've got to the radiation that's destroyed the world
>established a prosperous civilization in fucking Antarctica
>army is so badass their guys beat URNC armies literally hundreds of times their size over and over again
>are so based they're ready to self-destruct their own city rather than risk their relic destroying the world
>'lol their dumb and need globohomo religion like us'
very good videos anons
Nature is neat and fun. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
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That's UN money for you.
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Fun fact, sometimes penguins can end up in Brazil. You can sometimes see them around beaches "near" their breeding grounds (100km or more)
Yeah like the time they found a pair of widowed Penguins who spend their time looking at the Australian city with each other
And keep it to themselves, like greedy pigs. Relic tech belongs to everyone, for common wellbeing.
But enough about URNC
New chocolate mini event?
(not)valentine's stories for them?
t. promethean globohomo
>valentine stories
My feminism ToT
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Sock wants to put the horns on you...
Yeah I've never known a franchise to have such fucked up porn with such sexo designs. Wasted potential.
They were sharing it until the URNC declared war on them for not being part of the globohomo.
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AK12 mod skill and SPEQ doko
>Matsuri yukata KSVK
Just like in my doujins!
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TL doko
Translate it hokor
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Lucia becomes a dork
if it's not a hot air balloon adventure and showing mai the skies (something she can't do being super heavy) i'll be disappointed
mod exclusive equipment, a piece of cloth, what?
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Look at that fatty!
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Ultiwhore New BP
I've tried like 7 reverse image search sites and didn't get a single hit, help me out here
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They made her more wife and dorky somehow
Two letters: AI
Come concert day, look for the dork in the NCR duster.
Are you planning a shooting?
when the fuck is her figure gonna be on preorder
>mod 1
buffs increased to 40%, in addition allies on tiles gain 10% of buffs for the same duration
>mod 2
apply stacks to the target on crit, each stack reduces armor and evade by 1 for 8s
in addition, any DEFY member attacking the target inflicts extra damage equal to the number of stacks
>mod 3
While equipped, gain cloak during skill duration, where AK12 cannot be targeted by skills or enemy attacks
sar, this is nu york, not the bear territory
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This one?
I don't wanna waste ammo at all
You sure? The eyes look too perfect to be slop, AI always fucks up the eyes
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So, unlike STAR you intend to hit.
Star killed, one and injured 3 others
No choco factory, just do quests to get more recap store tickets which can be used to buy these new projections, so too bad for anyone who was looking forward to new stories.
The poster above me is a nyto
I've generated enough of my own slop to spot weird hair accessories and chockers.
Be my guest and keep looking for a sauce tho.
Loved it. The interactions were really fun and loved the pov change. Probably top 3 collabs this franchise has done
How do these work again? You buy it, gift and you get a mini-story with that girl?
Boring lineup
give us Eos
Oh yes. Me lub birb
Do you desire nanda?
New thread
The choco factory? Yes, you make cocoa powder in the production line then gift it to a doll (selected or random depending on which type), unlocking the skit and you can redeem the projection 1 free and the subsequent ones for tickets (from events like choco factory rerun or doing quests in this one) or quartz.
For this latest set, there's no choco to be made or skit to unlock, at most a single introductory story node with all the featured dolls.
My beautiful wife.
What's the abbreviation for this, SGFP? Does this have a ranking map? If so, is it less cancer than SS?
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>Went to sleep
>Missed the tourist going full retard
ffs (good morning o/)
Finally caught up on the thread after I woke up, I feel like I lost at least couple IQ points, that was probably the most retarded argument I have seen this year
I'm not even going to read this thread.
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It was fun

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