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Previous Thread: >>488115801

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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Hina should transfer
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This is your reminder that Hoshino has so little sex appeal that Sensei felt nothing lewd sleeping beside her.
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/bag/ is a sensei love general.
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my wife saori
I had two go out for a couple of hours. Are we still doomposting?
I'm not suited for this autism...
Meant for >>488130431
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I'm glad noodles is moving up in the world, let's hope he make an official art for an event someday.
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/bag/ is a sensei rape general.
Please serenade Sensei again
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Stash check.
>How are you holding up?
>How many sparks do you plan to throw?
Yuuka love
Yuuka cuddles
Yuuka hugs
Yuuka marriage
Yuuka sex
Yuuka impregnation
Yuuka wife
Yuuka life
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Learning with Hanako
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unfortunately not, doomposting is now over, end of doomposting... it's over...
one spark
arona is not scamming me this time
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My wife Mika preparing for our date.
What will Hanako-sensei teach me?
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Still smothered by retarded wife
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Just started playing. Why is the crafting music such a banger
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Grooming Saori into a normal girl.
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Hina should die
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Just finished this anniversary event's story and holy shit the story for this event really fucking sucked ass. What a complete disappointment.

I was expecting something fun since it's Gehenna but it was hardly fun. As a matter of fact the only real fun parts were everytime they made a fucking joke out of Makoto or Pandemonium shenanigans. I lowered my expectations down and expected some sort of social bonding at least in the Prefect Team and there were absolutely fucking none! Iori? Chinatsu? Who the fuck are those!? It's all work work work and thank you for your hard work Hina! Everyone is LITERALLY just there to prop up Hina one way or another, including sensei and Hina's own club members.

And what the fuck was that closure? Not a single party that the Prefect Team wiped out had any sort of meaningful motive whatsoever. PS68 wasn't even there! The entire stake of this story is that Hina is the sole tard wrangler for the entirety of Gehenna, her team ceases to function without her, she's absolutely flawless and she's a colossal simp for us??

That was lame as fuck. It's as if the writers wanted me to just straight up dislike Haruna, Kasumi and Makoto especially for their personalities. Well that worked, but i didn't like Hina in return because she's just the Mary Sue of BA at this point.

Thanks for cumming in my TED talk.
I had the same thoughts. Have you heard Usagi Flap?
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My precious desert rose.
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it's ok, there will be more opportunities to doompost another time, just hope and believe in the happy ending!
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Your wife is beautiful and looks just like my girlfriend actually. She is named Mika too.
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Been saving since I started my account a few months ago. I kinda wish I hadn't had a moment of weakness and sparked C.Hare because I got jack shit for spooks but I've got double spark for bluefes so it's not that bad.
5 sparks + some momotalks
probably 2
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Yeah event wise 3 is probably the worst Bluefes scriot overall
It's that easy
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I have not heard that no.
My darling little sister!
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Kaya the GOAT
Just starting, should I choose Hoshino Karin or Iori Tsurugi?
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What does canon sensei look like?
reroll more
reroll until you get shun
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Our Goddess!
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>Not a single party that the Prefect Team wiped out had any sort of meaningful motive whatsoever

Have you ever read a single part of the story for any Gehenna clubs before? What sort of meaningful motive were you expecting the hotsprings department or the gourmets to have? That's the point of Gehenna

frick forgot
>not heard that
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48k, sparking DHina.
Ryonafag should die
Rio mentioned
do you have shosh?
no thanks
Almost 3 sparks worth
1 or 2, I only need dHina
Try the Trip Trap Train event theme
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ryona is just plapping something that isn't a hole with something that isn't your dick
They will be my students after they get their halos...
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Wait, there's another Hoshino alt now?!
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It's called Hinawank, anon. Better get yourself ready because it's not stopping there. Hina's getting her own special animated 2D and chibi fight with Hoshino in Hoshino's chapter.
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Inshallah, brother
I'm coming, Arona...
how did she do that
save everything for dhina and shosh you do not want to risk missing either or you're bricked

Ayyy more testest animation.
>going for blues
I've rolled only like in 3 banners these past few months, and each never goes above 100. So right now I'm sitting on 2.5 sparks.
One. I ain't crazy.
>hiroy actually seems pretty good metawise
fuck I might have to skip everyone but NYFuuka and Nagisa
I did this.
I sleep. Go back to Yuuka
pixel sexxxxxx
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>roll Marina and Iroha
>jump them to lv89 and max out their skills and equipment
>"heh I will finally do well in pvp now"
>lose all 5 attacks
I need to embrace this woman
It's still like 6 months away.
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Am I good to spend my pyros or do I still gotta wait?
This is really good too
Which student is for sex?
>Iroha in pvp
Ok, thanks. I only wanted her because she has a special animation with D.Hina.
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fuck off
Only Ako
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>roll Marina and Iroha
tell me you didn't put both on the same team
Bluefes starts in 11 hours
>the Mary Sue of BA
That's Sensei albeit.
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Wait for tomorrow banner reset, the one with Dress Hina in it.
Goofy ahh booba goblin
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real meruri hours
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Iroha is kinda slow, go with hyperspeed EX team.
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Anon, I don't know what brackets you are playing on but 80% of the people in top 50 of my bracket use Iroha.
ENbros, Are there more rolls tomorrow or its the last day? Was not able to get Ako and planning to go for the spark lmao. Will still have pyroxenes for DHina ofc.
21k, but i have 3-4 chapter of the story to read still and several momotalks
At least 1 and i hope i get luckier this time and get both dHina and sHosh
No, go away you freak
Reminder that she 1v1s Hoshino.
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on chroma you wilded for the last time lil bro
I don't know if it makes you feel any better but even if you had both you'll only be using them together once and even that is pretty optional
How many stars?
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>me waiting half a day knowing full well I'm just gonna get duplicates and blues
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but can you do THIS
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You need to kill fast
It's the last day for free rolls. Spend it all.
nom nom
Thanks bro. Gonna get me some Ako sexo
Artist sauce, anon?
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It's now or never
If you go with Iroha you need to go all in with tanks.
NTA, but what team is this?
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Remember to pat Arona before rolling /bag/
Thank you for your kind words Anon, but I am fine. I got Makoto for free and I'm happy.
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> Kanna
Oh well, I'm gonna be white for a day.
Oh shit yes
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ah... the nostalgia wank... I shall enact my duty as a true boomer sensei
I see almost nothing but Iroha in my brackets top 100, the occasional Nagisa's or oddball shit like someone running Utaha but it's fucking tigers for days.
I don’t know…..
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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Miss... please... just a crumb of a halo...
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I am already half giving up on wanting Iori to be in the limelight for once. She doesn't even have a cafe interaction yet, for fuck sake.
claiming left
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no professor??
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Hmm...I'm thinking sex
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This is why we'll never get a real Gehenna chapter. They can never come up with anything serious because it'll be just another hinawank. In the event that they're gonna write something comedic, it too will be yet another hinawank or harunawank. Gehenna is basically that one school full of smoking hot retards that you jack off to with only two sane students and that's hina and fuuka.
lost items are 25/30 foe this reset, right?
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Ako roller here, so I got her and already have the others in the banners... Do I keep pushing this? Lmao
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I really wanna fuck now.
Remember /bag/, never waste your luck on fake rolls. You can't expect fate to give you pinks on both of them.
Mika should die
It's weird how hard they fucked her over. Even in the story Sensei betrays her and Ichika slaps her unconscious almost like the devs and writers have a grudge against her
how's the gem stash looking for bluefes? do you already have sHoshino?
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I won't say no to nunsex
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Akira status?
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Karin hours?
You are so right
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hare sex
I shouldn't masturbate. I should stop, but...
so uh
the hell was up with that footprints quest
I thought my bracket was full of Nagisa, but apparently not
It's just the top 20 that has 50% Nagisa, 25% Iroha, and 35% sAyane
The rest are all Iroha
Ok, show me good Fuuka pics for that
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Already have sHoshi too.
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It's always masturbation hours there.
That's not Hare though
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thank you, Sensei!
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Well, she is a peculiar color
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but she's a hare
go head then it's just 30 pulls
If you're gonna build her might as well get the eleph. If you just want her sexo back then 3600 saved is better than nothing.
Standard stuff. Shun for AP gauge at the start, SShiroko to reduce AP consumption for the first activated EX. Then go with high burst damage like Iori that will obliterate your enemy quickly.
I personally went with SMash for the other support because mine is maxed and her accuracy buff and EX is useful for those pesky dodge tanks.
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My paradise...
Still an NPC
Oh my God...
it was Miyu, she's angry because Hina keeps looking around her trashcans
My dick in between Kanna's thighs.
NTA but Karin has a darker skin colour and she's treated far more well than Iori who's been carrying my ass through a lot of the early parts of the game. It's not fair. She deserves better.
Who's more useful with more stars?
... You know what, I believe it.
Yuuka Shun Tank NYHaruna Nagisa sShiroko
I've seen people do NYMutsuki over NYHaruna but that's more situational imo
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GIWTWM...(The cat).
One spark
One spark
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they managed to ruin her too...
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I don't wanna... I feel bad for her.
Kanna is a upstanding woman, she would never feed into Sensei's degeneracy.
Makoto or Iroha, dAko is fine at 3*
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Does she even HAVE porn?
>Iroha already maxed out for PvP
Sick, thanks
Yeah I'll pass
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I'm still mad. I'd NEVER betray her.
perfect, just read nyHaruka momo today. she is so GODDAMN cute and precious
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I love my serious wife
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No but she is sexy enough to imagine.
You can spin sexy Mina in your brain, right?
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Bwos i am new and really like swimsuit Miyako, like really much!
Can i get her tomorrow and if so can you give me a little bit of luck? Maybe i will be spooked by her.
I've seen some pretty good porn of her
Maybe only 4 though, but it is something
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>order by release date
>that wide gap of 0 100s between DHina and BHoshino
I didn't know they allowed homos in this general
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Not so serious anymore
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>only two sane students
I'm so good, I can conjure an apple in other people's heads.
until dHina's banner. I want to roll.
>Shichido Yukino
Aight, I'm glazing her tummy with my cum
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I was thinking of throwing 2, trying to look for Mika but I'm honestly a bit scared now. I can afford it since I will be rolling only on NY Fuuka and S Chise but I also feel like I will regret it.
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this is a Kousagi Park flaseflag, do not respond
2 sparks
Only using one
I've been stuck with SShiroko and Iroha backline for the longest time, any other substitutes?
Knowing her she can either start fall apart and cry or shoot up his kouhais again at any given moment sure way to kill a boner
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Making Mina spin in new outfits.
That list is missing Tsukuyo and another Zungo
did you roll makoto?
Oh thank god
Please do that for me, I can't do it myself
Not sure, I've been using SMash for the longest time because I like her.
makoto deez nuts
nah mine
what's degenerate about ass slapping sloppy sex? Especially with love involved
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I have 7 sparks saved right now. Using 2 for dHina and getting her to 50 bond on day 1.
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Rolled her a few days back and just finished the spark for her eleph
The Lesson menu music is also a secret banger desu
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Are you ready to roll?
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she's pretty nice, completely erases nyMutsuki/Iori/sHanako due to yellow armor and her humongous range
2 full spark because i started playing on ichika banner
1 1/2 sparks but only getting DHina. Wish I can get a Marina spook...
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Been for a while
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That's like 10h away man, let me sleep first.
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Any edit of this dumb looking fox but Seia yet?
Isn't she just Perocore? Doubt anyone can touch Migga
Are you that guy with the Serika Student rep?
La creatura...
myuzu or minori
Maybe I'll sub her in when I'm able to UE40 MMMM her, kinda strapped for resources atm
Of course, Kanna is a great woman. That's why she will marry me before having thigh sex with me.
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Doesn't ring a bell.
>get in pvp
>everyone is lvl 20~ish
>I'm lvl 34
>curb stop
Why did no one tell me pvp was this easy?
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yes saar
You are too good
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>what's degenerate about ass slapping sloppy sex? Especially with love involved
Is she your wife?
Carry on.
Some Sensei are luckier than others.
Which BA girls are into 170cm 55kg men?
Hina went schizo from overwork
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I always see a guy in my top 100 using S Mash. He is the only one still using her so I had to ask.
I keep getting face cam BA videos in my recommended and it's always Asians or Black people and never white people. I guess this is why people draw Sensei brown or yellow kek
Akemi is the only one.
Why did the guy above post a nigger? Get that scat shit out of my general please. Post Iori and Karin to wash that garbage out of my mind.
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All of them.
I mean, you will be raped regardless of your height anyway.
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When will you stop hiring hacks to write your script? I miss the good old days.
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Unless Hina retires or transfers out I don’t see it happening.
Is it rape if I want it?
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coom in doom
>Its Marina, AGAIN
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say no more
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Nice, another SMash enjoyer.
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You WILL marry a Hina
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Then it's stockholme syndrome.
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Iori's brown skin on my pale skin...
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she was Nyanya all along
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>uppity little arrogant stuck up cunt
>tries her hardest
>fails the hardest
>falls into pitfalls
>sensei trolls her every time he can
She is the designated joke
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This was a few days ago but it's close enough.
Yearlet newfag so need to pick up Ui and nyFuuka if they don't spook, and I have no sHosh or Mika.
Think I'm covered for the forseeable future but I'll be sucked dry next blufes unless this one wants to save me a spark with a lucky drop.
The actual answer is jewtube is jewtube and their algorithm is biased towards non-whites.
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If junk in Gehenna's garbage bins are plenty enough that they somehow can net me 300k, what does that imply for getting 2 tier 3 exp notes from petting a cat?
Her EX ability is a torpedo
Do lost items get gradually added to the maps during the event? Or am I blind since I haven't found them all yet?
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more of a tailfag myself
That cat is a military veteran
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Is this where Koharu's black line ends?

The cat is Mary
Rio Archive.
I duck taped those on cats as a joke
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nyes, u should have 25 currently i think
Oh no no no
SEAmonkeys and Somalians trying desperately to get with fictional White girls
Gradually, yeah
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Gladly, and we'll have a daughter named Alice
>breasts initially not visible but become revealed from thrusting
That is the good stuff.
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Hey hey people
I just figured that white players don't use facecam or maybe they don't make videos about BA in general. I know gachas are usually going to be disproportionately Asian but the number of black guys was kind of surprising.
1. The papers rotate, you can only get two of them per day (they will repeat ONE time)
2. You missed a day
3. The Crayons are on day 5
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whats the verdict on kayoko gf? i love her soothing voice
I remember one reviewing Nonomi as a unit.
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This is your hacker
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As a real white man, I am entitled to all fictional white girls.
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Yes that's right.
>Already missed some days
Yeah, its over...
Evil booba
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> Only white
You're gay as shit.
SpinHinaSpin > bunnychasers
Think that says more about your watch history than anything. I've never been recommended a BA video with a facecam, though I occasionally get some shit tier meme vids by clowns and / or ironic lolicons incapable of hiding their powerlevels that I get to tell the shit site to never recommend again.
Not sure if that's better or worse than 3rd worlders, though I suspect they're the same. At least I don't have to see their faces I guess.
Why is she sitting like she's telling me I could only spank it once?
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Just make Hina teach her some combat tricks in training or something. Since Ako and Chinatsu looks much less combat capable than Iori. Or rather, since Iori seems like she's only fit for combat...
Since Hina is so capable, she should realize Gehenna will be doomed if there's no capable successor when she graduated.
Maybe her butt hurts
Sorry, I have been the culprit of the Iori and Karin posting ITT. I didn't want to shame the black guys, but yes, your fictional brown women are mine too.
>didn't notice cat petting gives activity reports
>almost missed out on free activity reports by not petting all cats
youd be surprised at the amount of nigger weebs
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I wish I could be Otogi
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Already did
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As long as she doesn't leave by morning
I almost got baited into thinking the bins were useless when the classroom one was the first one I checked and it just makes Hina walk away in disgust.
Meanwhile every other bin is a bank.
BA wise I mainly look at animations but occasionally I'll watch a guide or something and sometimes they have facecam so that's probably why they get recommended.
>shit tier meme vids by clowns and/or ironic lolicons
kek you reminded me that iirc I actually might have had a single white person in my recommended and it had Asuna in the thumbnail with it saying "I recognise her". No doubt he would have been all ironic.
Black people being weebs isn't surprising I was moreso surprised by the fact it's BA and afaik they tend to watch more normalfag stuff
Anon stop spoiling the plot of Vol. Hina
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You will hand over your ass to Gematria.
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I'm not going to make my wife loot garbage bins for credits, i don't care how many of them there are i'm not doing it.
I refuse to believe there are homosexuals in the world. I cite this image as proof. You may argue there are bisexuals, sure, but absolutely no certain 'homosexual' would pass this up.
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Good morning /bag/
Are we still dooming?
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Currently sitting on 50k gems after sparking Makoto, I'm just gonna dump a spark for D.Hina and later next month I'm getting my wife 2nd Alt
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No, we are doming.
Get naked whore.
How are Saori's momos?
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Rio is irresistible
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who's asking?
I'm reading this event.
Please post the otogi undressing her skirt
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We're back to gooning
I wish it gave 100 shards like a featured banner
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is there gonna be an update tomorrow?
I can still spark after the daily reset in a few hours, right?
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No they're shutting the game down tomorrow
There shouldn't be
Great Job Momoi! Now ojisan's panties are all wet.
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I want a footjob with these socks so bad
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Can someome please post a still image of hina in the youtube ad playing piano i want to use it as a reference
I was like 8 elphs away from getting her from grinding. Lucky!
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Which BA girl is most likely to want to play video games 24/7 with me?
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SeiaBros, your response?

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Look at this bum
the racist one
You? I'm sorry...
is monster strike fun? anyone here play it? I want to try but I'm afraid of EOS
Kirara and Erika are really cute. Why aren't they in the game?
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Cut content from this hinawank event
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I was walking down the street and saw Gen Alphiggers singing chipi chapa IRL.
I'm so old that I only know it exists because of Momoiposters, fuck.
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Well now I'm sad.
Be grateful of what you have /bag/gots, let's hope the dev know the sign and create BA2 when they have the chance.
Barf inducing
Then it’s just going to be Hinawank episode all over again.
I though it was shit?
I want a good walking game
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Why is girls masturbating so hot?
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lust provoking image
Hoyocucks don't like it since it features fanservice and dating with the girls, but its the best game that company has made
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Look at these buns
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>Masturbates in her room instead of using Sensei
I don't know if I should appreciate that she respects my rights, or be disappointed in her.
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Do we still love Natsu /bag/?
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>got that bitch makoto at 200th roll
its so easy
hoshino in a choker is a miracle
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Look at this nun
>angry when raped
>angry when not raped
why is sensei like this
Fatsu will get a 10 cost support unit next year...
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So what's next after Arius summer runs out?
It actually makes a lot of sense kek.
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How does BL work in BA? Is she reading animal people BL?
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Japan is an iPhone country
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Suzumi alt when
Every mihomo games does that, then a patch later they ship the character with one another and the cycle continue.
Back to reruns and filler. occasional alt every couple months.
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I don't like this hairstyle
>dating with the girls
I don't believe this, the one thing I was shown was the part of Grace's where you get cucked out of a hug,
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this. try again, not that i think ba is dying over there or anything
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Look at this roomba
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Hoshino is a miracle
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Is there a student uglier than Neru yet?
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I would rather look at Kei.
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between matoko / Iroha / D ako, any of those 3 worth finishing my spark for eleph ? 160 out 200 without risking my spark for tomorrow
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I have the Red Archive, the Pink Archive and the White Archive.
Where's the Blue Archive?
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You wouldn't a stick.
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I remember.
Nope, in HSR from what i've seen all you get is messages in your phone from the characters, in g*nshit you get fucking nothing, you get the game's characters interacting more with themselves than they do with you in that game. But in ZZZ there's actual dating, I've even seen a clip of someone trying to hold the hand of the new cop character but she's way too embarassed about it so she ends up twisting your pinky finger or something
would, with the uniform on
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I read the Gamers manga but I got a boner from how squishy they looked is something wrong with me?
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If it's only 40 more rolls then probably yeah, since makoto and dAko are limited
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>weebs not falling deeper and deeper into degeneracy
are you new?
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sticcs are peak
I'm sad I missed the hype
>is something wrong with me?
your a pedo.
Foxes are so cringe.
where does the line end?
aronas gacha
Wolves are cringe.
Foxes are so based
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Wakamo and Izuna were powercrept by Kuroko.
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>classy style, wears all black
>is a criminal mastermind
>green eyes
why is she so relatable???
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clit. canonically
because you're short
I want to get winghugged by Hina...
Does that mean it will be possible to get them tomorrow? You can get all limited students on FES right?
I do like the gamers, but their maid alts have ugly art. It's safe to skip them, right? So far their only use is in rainbow raids where score doesn't matter and Nexon will hopefully drop more ST purples for other GAs before they go anywhere near an actual ST purple raid.
you have autism
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Every time you post this, I hear it in MvC3 Dr. Doom's voice. Leisa is a Captain Merica/Spiderman/Dante main!
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Where is she going /bag/?
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Abydos idol and Hoshino 3rd alt
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What if we misunderstood all along and the Trinity Cultural Festival is really Eden Treaty chapter 5.
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i'm getting one
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I'm glad I had insomnia that day.
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i can spark 3 times, i would like to spark only once but most likely will spark twice
oh well
No, the only limiteds you can get during fes are the previous fes (Wakamo, sHoshino, Mika and sHanako). You can't get "regular" limiteds like dAko, Makoto, nyMutsuki, sAzusa, etc.
if you follow it you'll reach the one piece
Foxes are so sex.
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Why are you sad, bro? BA is still in good shape. I know Isakusan played a big role in BA's success, but I believe there are two factors even more important than him.

First is the current Game Director (Kim Yong-ha). This guy is so in tune with the otaku community that it's insane. He gave a speech lasting over an hour about what makes things 'Moe,' mentioned there should be fewer males in the game, pressured Yostar to make Sensei male, and even influenced the addition of that licking scene with Iori. With him in charge, I'm not worried about the game's direction.

Another factor that hardly anyone talks about is how sophisticated the chibis are becoming. In my opinion, BA has some of the best chibis in the gaming industry. Nexon has realized that their chibis are a unique trademark of Blue Archive, as they're creating more cinematics featuring them. I’d even say they’ve probably hired more people focused on that, judging by the difference between the D. Hina event's cinematic and the later Hina vs. Hoshino fight.
Who the fuck told you that?
You can get the previous Fes students during Fes. That's the extent of it.
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I want to break her fingers and kick her in the teeth!
the problem with these is that they all look like cartman to me...
To rape sensei
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it's time
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I did it guys, I'm a father now
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Imagine the smell
>criminal mastermind
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I like spicy food.
you forgot to mention her fluffy hair
It grows back quickly right?
Because you're short and think you're smarter than you are.
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I'm imagining.
i would lock both of them up for a least a year for destroying each others hair
I would all the sticks
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Spoil her
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lust provoking rio
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Sex with Noa
Marriage with Noa
Impregnating Noa
Impregnating Noa
Impregnating Noa
Impregnating Noa
Impregnating Noa
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now do it again
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I keep the wolf from the door
But he calls me up
Calls me on the phone
Tells me all the ways that he's gonna mess me up
Steal all my children if I don't pay the ransom
And I'll never see them again if I squeal to the cops
God I'm so glad BA exists for us chibi enjoyers
I would snap her like a twig
you forgot the gomen yuuka
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Ohr my beloved
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We're chibi posting now?
like a faggot?
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Shit, what year is this?
Sorry anon, that won't happen again. Before I go, here's a sneak peek of Hina turning lazy and won't auto-attack or move in a future event. Bye.
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Is the division ticket available for Hina's banner? Someone said the date is fucked and I should wait.
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Treat your Hifumi right.
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raise your hips
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Newcuties...pucker up for her birthday...
Usually yes, i like tits
But Koyuki is begging to be assaulted
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Fuck I meant wombpats
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It's been an honor, bwos...
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who's fatter, Hyroi or Izumi
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I prefer big tits and fatties but there's no anime girl I wouldn't fuck as long as she looks like a girl. Unless it's drawn purposefully ugly they're all fucking hot, don't kid yourself.
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Does anyone have more chibis where the characters have switched animations?
Makoto sexo
That is all
>Shiroko enters within 1 mile of you
>suddenly music starts playing
is it wrong to see the chibis as sexy
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Izumi has BODY jiggle.
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No Yuuka, only Noa
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You can make these yourself following the guide in one of the OP links
Yes. Giving them bobs is the work of the devil
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VERY SOON SUZUMIBRO! Suzumi was mentioned on stream and even got her own official merch! Hold on a little longer while the Vigilante plan kicks into high gear!
Why do I always get Aru?
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Admit it, you would.
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I want to tie her body up to a chair and order her a humongous hamburger and watch her suffer as she tries to hold the burger while its innards keep falling off.
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good night /bag/
hopefully tomorrow i get enough dupes to ue50 hina in a single spark
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I don't get it. How do you defeat Hod? I spam CC on the mini towers but I still run out of time to finish the fight in one go
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please respond
It's clearly fate. Enjoy your dork wife.
Koharu sat on my lap and I got a boner...
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School cuz she dumb
There’s only like a handful of students I wouldn’t
Good night
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Perfect Archive
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I don't know
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I never claimed otherwise
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I have returned
And they are?
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Excuse me
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Hina wingjobs...
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I would
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Anybody have any advice for trying to snag some of that tsutaya pop-up merch, or am I just going to have to hope for someone to buy and then list suzumi on yahoo auctions or something
Koharu’s personality knocks her out
Damn that’s really about it
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Pretty amazing how Niyaniya not being Niya was something hinted so early yet went completely unnoticed.
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Good girl
Character for headpats?
Does Arona counts for this?
Uhh actually she has my eye's color, you can't see it because my little angel has her eyes close in that particular pic.
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I just found out they're running 3x commissions AND 3x hards at the same time as the event???
Am I supposed to prioritize that or Ibuki Elephs?? How far should I take Ibuki?
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According to this it's around for another month
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Cute 'zumi!
Plana is a slut.
To be fair we didn't check the JP script
KYAAAAAAA *faints*

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Favorite chibi Animation?
>AI slop
Which Hod? The one in the vol F?
For that fight Yuuka, Noa and Koyuki FUCKING SUCKS at dealing damage, so normally you will have to do the fight twice.
Just enter the fight again, the HP will be shaved off.
Stop posting lust provoking images
Precisely. I just thought I was doing something wrong
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wtf, I was told Ako doesn't have feelings for me.
Ufathomably based and comfy taste
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How many hours till bluefes?
Yeah just fail then re-enter. You can keep going until it's dead for good.
the sex student, this will be eas-
post thought provoking pictures of her because I can't find shit
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imagine the smell
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The fastest Torment clear used a UE30 Ibuki so she isn't as critical as others want you to believe.
ibuki until ue30. higher than that is pretty useless unless you want her as a wife. You wouldn't do that right? she's a childs.
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Thanks, appreciate it.
>tfw cant decide on which division to pick
It's my fault again?
i forgot
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This doesn't look like plana at all. Also plana a shit.
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That's what I'm banking on. We're stuck digging since these acrylics won't be anywhere else
I am that big
time to metafag
Milk Sensei.
With Ibuki.
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Ako is secretly the biggest for (You) student out there. She is crazier than wakamo but hides it
>Reading porn that features Sensei
Who drew that...
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Good evening fellow Mika enjoyers
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hmmmm nyo
5$ at the monthly Senseicon held in Red Winter
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They could've tuned this better..
What's a good stopping point for farming Ibuki? I already have her at 4*
>Oh, hi, Wakamo
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My tongue is Hina's vibrator.
b.neru is the cutest
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I can't believe I have to rejoin for real
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Which girl would love me sweaty
I'm ready for people to complain that the dHina banner isn't up yet after reset
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Ako loves you
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/m/ sensei answer me this: Who is stronger, Avant Grande on Eridu A.I or Avant Grande pilot by UZqueen
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Is it really this easy to defeat Sensei?
yeah they usually do tune stuff like cost recovery and stuff for story fights but the vol F raids are a bit weird
Didn't mean to quote sorry.
Sensei will marry a random mob student because she happened to be a fellow mechafag
Rio is the mechafag.
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as expected of the gourmet research society. they saved the world in seconds. they are truly fearsome
Yeah but nobody likes Rio.
>those boobs
That's Kuroko in disguise
>Full armor Avant Garde-kun
>Close quarters specialized equipment Avant Garde-kun
UZQueen is the strongest, so the robot piloted by her is the strongest.
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They're all super human in strength, they could probably crush your penis into paste with their pussy muscles.
No I think she just loves being humiliated
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> Already has domination arts
It's owari da.
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Not Meru
Confiscating Koharu's sex toys
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my lovely wife Mika
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Hoshino is the kind of student that would get an abortion
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fuck you I'm right here
Are the animal citizens also bullet resistant? Kirino shoots one by accident and he reacts like it's mildy unpleasant
Shame that your mother didn't get one
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The dog didn't die, right?
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samuiii yooooo
Worshiping Wakamo's ears and tail
Her tail looks dumb
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wtf Hina
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I'm a tail sniffer I sniff tails
Which BA girl would be gentle with me?
Some roaches?
Your face looks dumb
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I want to make children with this dog so much
(You) should marry Wakamo
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Too many tail addicts ITT.
Looks like problem solver 68 are going to work in MOM'S TOUCH
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>there's no circular hole in the boxes
come on now
I made every single Hinapost in this thread
That handsome fella in the middle sure has many cute sisters
I've masturbated so much I have trouble getting hard and it takes forever to cum. Blue Archive did this.
All impregnated.
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>Saori never ever saved up her part time money and buy anything for arius squad before this summer event
What the actual fuck did John Nexon mean by this? Why would they deliberately put this line in and shit on fanworks on purpose like this? What the fuck they trying to do? Dozens, hundreds of fanworks fucked over in one instance, it's like they don't give a fuck about the fan community? Fuck I think this contradict some implications in the canon story too? Have they stop respecting us fans or they actually never care in the first place?
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Just goon for a few hours to lust provoking images
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You know what? You're right. Present the papers to me.
They both job to Peroro-sana
I come back after a break and the genuine schizo is back at it again, do i need to get filters or will meidos do their job for once?
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All of Saori's money went to me, her personally callboy Sensei.
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What would Rio think?
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Maybe she meant money for frivolous shits for summer?
I don't trust MTL at all.
d-does she peg you
Blue archive
guess it's that anal sex toy doujin again
She would either be disappointed or simply confused as such things don't register to her, either way I'll demonstrate my desires in person
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2 hours until your luck is put to the test
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Good question.
No. That costs extra, a wagie could never afford it.
>AI alsop
Before Vol 3 she didn't work, she was busy being a soldier
After Vol 3 she left the rest of the squad

When was she going to spend money on them?
I don't want to disappoint Rio. What about a hug instead...?
Oh my...
she usually pays for handholding.
Too many choice, too little cum
I am back within budget after sparking D.Ako. I am thankful to leftover story chapters
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it was a purposeful mislead to think it was niya (like the hasumi gettijg mad at koharu in vol 3). people recognized the name niyaniya kyoujyu the moment her name was mentioned again
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Think for like 2 seconds bro.
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I love doros, too bad they are from a dogshit game.
my time has come
She hasn't been in contact with them for an indefinite amount of time and is constantly scammed by her employers. Fuck off tertiary eop mtl slurper nigger faggot.
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Its not ambiguous at all. You can ask any moonfag and they will tell you it says the same. Fucking. Bullshit.
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putting her in a chastity belt and telling her that the only relief shes allowed is by calling me over to unlock it, and using my tongue
By me
Least retarded /bag/got
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Have you tried reading the story?
why are some full names while others aren't?
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equally acceptable
Because we don;t know ?
She gets into Pekora from Jashin-chan hijinks and loses all the disposable income
Have you tried reading fanworks?
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Wise choice
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>fans know better
fuck off nigger, your headcannon doesn't mean shit
Ibuki is making me want a daughter
I want to mating press Ibuki. I want to violently mating press Ibuki. I want to lift Ibuki off the floor for uppies and then hit her with a surprise onahole attack. I want to have feral and outright disturbing amounts of sex with Ibuki.
the battleship collab oozes cheap cash-in energy
at least the mahjong collab was soulful (chink insecurity aside)
>Asuna cosplay
>None of them do her signature golden retriever smile
it's all so tiresome
pekora is from hololive retard
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DHina today or tomorrow?
Mika sex
2 hours until you lick Arona's feet
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Her smile is very soulful
Those skin zombies are soulless, barely a step above mannequins
Can't wait for this hinawank event to be over bros
I don't think anyone here want to see a cosplayer teeth.
I don't know, maybe it's just me.
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Arigato anon.
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Am I retarded for watching this BA card set review even if I don't intend to play Weiss Schwarz? I just wanted to watch more Blue Archive-related content.
Is there anywhere I can listen to the OST albums in full? Don't say the internet please, I will slap you if you do Chise.
The usual channel.
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>my studentwife Aru right before the meta must-have nyfuuka
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hifumi daikirai
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>Am I retarded
Just buy it then hot glue the card.
i want to fuck yuzu too
Drinking Peebuki's Ibupee
which cards come signed? I forgot weiss schwarz was a thing for years I need to collect some sets
Judging by the literal wojack-looking asian dude in the corner I'm going to say yes.
One more Muchuki thread
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WoWs unironically could be in a worse state than BA, just this year they lost something like 17-18% of players in all servers
Almost no one really gets this

Trinity is always fun because ANY group in trinity can be the protagonists of their own story. Ass club, justice league, tea party, Make up work club , etc; trinity feels like everyone is their own protagonist, which is why it's the best school. Trinity really is a collection of different stories coming together

Gehenna sucks because every single thing exists to revolve around Hina, there is nothing outside of Hina, all things are Hina even the things that aren't must pay special homage to Hina, even Pandemonium event must be about Hina. Gehenna is the "love Hina" school where all things were really about Hina and Hina accessories
>people meme its germany
>everything revolves around hina (hitler)
You tell me

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