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Previous Thread: >>488130540

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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My precious desert rose.
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Which OP should i pick /bag/gotachi
Seia Status?
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pregnant with my child
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Is dress Ako worth it? (besides for my dick)
I wish dress Aru didn't have the coat on
Forgot pic
>get juked but Kasumi's voice
>get juked by Hina's voice
she shot you
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Only The Strongest can survive.
When do the banners end? I have 20 rolls to go before a spark and I don't know if we're getting 20 more free.
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>Mutsuki's birthday today
>My birthday tomorrow
It was meant to be.
Dress Aru and Kayoko are top-tier cuties.
dAko sidegrade appparently
Ayane doesn't need the glasses. She will rise and destroy Nonomi.
you know the drill
>how many pyros do you have?
>do you have sHoshino?
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Fubuki is cute
Kasumi doesn't have a smoker voice she has a sexy voice...
My twitter feed is either people posting their Arius rolls or Sensei losing to Niyaniya. Literal hundreds of posts.
Every time BA introduces a loli they simply take over.
I never paid attention to the end of that shitshow, what did they do to make people forgive her?
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my wife Mika is getting a doujin soon
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What are the odds of rolling any 3 star per single roll during bluefes?
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I forgive.
Okay but what if Seia had big american titties
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Love Wakamo!
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oh yeah? Then where is her halo
She's dead.
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But.../bag/ said that BA is over, gets no more fan art, the 3.5 anni is a bust, and even futaba and Jap BA youtube channels hate us now...
Was I being...bamboozled?
please kill yourself we already have one scatfag
Was Reijyo the last time we had a succsessful titcow fotm?
Merely sleeping
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Here, have Niyaniya losing
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I'm not even hospitalized by it; was she even trying? Strongest mystic my ass.
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>follow blue archive artists
>wow, my whole feed is blue archive!
Since when was Reijo FOTM?
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The summer we should have had
Back when her event dropped a year and some months ago
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This can't be...
What about eos?
This. I'm in the same boat
around 8 hours
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Lot of
>I don't know if we're getting 20 more free
Can you count? How many did you already have? Is it 100?
No we will not have more free rolls after the reset. Use it right now.
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Summer Iroha would destroy my penis and wallet
>I'm in the same boat
What the fuck? Get off, I was here first.
98k but I might consider throwing 2 sparks on fes since I already have Toki and Nagisa
You don't get more free rolls. This is it.
Our Toki posters look like this and smell like this
Mika should die
Nah more of a C.Hare for crit damage. Longer than Ako but slightly less potent and no crit rate buff.
Once is a fluke, twice is a pattern, a dozen times later and the only explanation is they're doing it intentionally.
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my wife saori
I think Mutsuki should be the first student to get a birthday suit alt.
When the fuck is peroro, I need to know if SHosh is skippable or not to plan my rolls.
Should i /bag/ ?
Mine now
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How can you know the smell? It's just a picture.
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Sex with Hanako
She also shot you.
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No shit.
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Summer Iroha would definitely push Rimukoro down the Kinnotamadx road. Can't wait.
I can smell Reisa.
Now that she's playable, Kuroko alt skins Y/N?
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she needs to drop the widowers dress
I can smell this image
Nexon hates lolis, this is a fact.
I assume the bed broke
Satsuki needs bigger tits
If you are trying to pvpmax, I think you should have done that long ago.
Only if it's bunny girl version
Yes, she needs to put on the same size clothes that Shiroko has on so I can see her completely busting through them
Soon my six months of brick-eating will begin
>One spark's worth on dHina (pop it on Wakamo regardless of what happens; I like Hina but dHina's art isn't great)
>Up to a spark on Kirara (pop it on Kaede if I get her late)
>Up to a spark on sIzuna
>Up to a spark on sFubuki
>A spark on Kuroko (unless there are multiple desirable students right after)
I will die before I pull a student purely for gameplay
WoWs unironically could be in a worse state than BA, just this year they lost something like 17-18% of players in all servers
and i shot a lot in her. we are even.
I should finish the spark on D Ako?
I only accept bikini S Kuroko.
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Stop bagging you nigger
The futaba thing is just Cygamesfags on full meltdown mode after isakusan left AND the terribad GBF stream
As for the fanart, anyone seriously still trying to use that to shitpost against BA after all yhis time is either comoletely delusional or bullshitting. If BA could take the momentum back after the Gakumas craze then I can hardly see anything else doing it, not even ZZZ
>reading volume 3
>"Guess I have no choice...I'll use this!"
> *unzips credit card*

should I spark D.Ako or Iroha?
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Are you mentally ill if you don't want to have sex with a child
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Only if you have a saved spark for D.Hina
Now use your own card to become canon sensei.
Stop humble flexing nigger
I'm cursing your bluefes rolls.
>should I spark the limited that's used every month or the permanent that's only used in one raid
Both are sexy, but you can fap to Ako if you have her base already, while Iroha would unlock a lot of good doujinshi.
fine cow it is
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post Makoto
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Students for this feel?
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iroha if you are new and have trouble going through missions
dako otherwise
I don't get it
thinking about not putting 100 more into current banner for Makoto spark and instead doing 2x sparks on d.Hina… is it smart /bag/?
Kisaki, triple brats, churro, shupogakis, professor sex, I'm probably forgetting things, what are they doing at Nexon?
Why would Ako think it is weird I want to have sex with her?
>open thread
>0 gook akos
Depends on how new are you
Mikasheep plush where
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She's so dumb and I love her.
Meh, If you like her do it.
Do 1 spark for D.Hina.
You do have NY.Fuuka, right?
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Have you thought about Sakurako today /bag/?
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youve gone too far this time
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You can't say that
Miyako status?
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Her and this girl, yes.
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WAPPI!1!! uwu
Brat more like braaaap
It's baii
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
I thought we hated Alt Archive here?
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>want to make a new thread
>remember I almost don't have any pic of loli characters
Why is meds looking at me like that?
no, she needs to come home. How are her momos? I wish to speak with her
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Some girls are better than others
But everyone is better then that slut called Sensei
alts ok for students I like
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Something is wrong with this Boogi
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No. You need to get bond 50 before you can fap to a student, whore.
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Naked and in my bed
Cumming inside your daughterwife's belly
thanks bros, i got makoto at 190 rolls and used my spark on dress ako
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https://x.com/0x530x48/status/1817977415915958695 thoughts?
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Do I have to be lvl 90 for the upcoming affection check?
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I've thought about how much Kuroko BTFOs her, yes
90's impossible, isn't it? 89 should be the max
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how's sena now? i heard they improved the IA on her hears- sorry, ambulance
not new so theres not too many students left i’d want to get spooked by. 3 sparks in bank and 1 of them is reserved for nyFuuka
between iori, twins, cherino, and moe it feels like yellow aoe isn’t lacking too badly
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Stop lusting after children.
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Who can stop her?
Use the pyro planner in the OP
Gently rubbing niyaniya's cunny
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We've already talked about it, 89 will be good enough.
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I have a need...
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>you still get another 10 free rolls if you login after resret
thank you nexon
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I came
When I used her in the event for the bonus I could place her in front of my shitty low levels. I don't remember being able to do that before, or being able to do that with anyone else.
Izuna in heat...
>puffy soft developed breasts
>developed fem form
>hips wide

if you don't want to have sex with any girl that looks like that, regardless of age, you are insane.
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pild chussy
she is old enough to be my master
I'm almost not looking forward to my spark with Hina, I just know I'm not going to get any spooks. Arona please, be gentle.
I've never seen her used outside of joint firing drills for meta purposes even after she got reworked. You could probably still use her as a group healer + minor atk buffer in raids but it won't be optimal
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Ain't nothin but Cath Palug's party

Picture perfect, I paint a perfect picture
Bombin' Sensei with precision, my intention's to get richer
With the N-A- to the TSUgie, Nuts, my fuckin' homie
You's a cold-ass migga on the mobs

Yuh, Sho 'nuff, I keep my hand on my gun
'Cause they got me on the run
Now I'm back in the tea room, waitin' on Yoshimi's outcome
"Free Airi" is all that's on a migga's mind
But at the same time, it seems they tryin' to take Mine (mentioned!)
So I'ma get smart and get defensive and shit
And put together an Afterschool Band Club for some gangsta shit
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Now you're getting it~
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It's your fault sensei
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I don't care about bluefes
When is 'zoosfes?
You are a manwhore who would have sex with any student.
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I wish I had an Izuna daughter...
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Which student has the best pits?
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big archive
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you are mentally ill if you think it makes you look like a better person to act like you don't feel attracted to a sexually developed female body that exhibits neotenous traits
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It's now officially your last chance to grovel at Arona's feet before her opinion of you locks in at reset for the following 24 hours. Say something nice about Arona or suffer the consequences in your rolls.
You can't fuck your daughter even if she is in heat.
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naturally it's seia
Reminder Shanjibingchilling will never get summer alts because of china being too gay with skin revealing designs.
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Yes I can, whos gonna stop me?
I honestly can't wait for c104 to come
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No I'm n-
Okay maybe I am
If BA doesn't kill itself in the forseeable future I can see playable dHaruka and dMutsuki having the ability to switch between their dress and suit versions like cHoshino can switch between defense and offense modes.
Believe in the Kokona micro bikini alt
I think I'm screwed anyway. Arona was nice to me on my free rolls, so my bluefes is going to suck.
I give you money and unless you don't want to see more, you will give me Mika.
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You literally do not have a choice
Thanks for the spooks on my free rolls Arona
I trust foxes, Izuna would never do these things to me.
why would PS68 be in a gehenna event
they're literally a small time merc group that in all media goes out of their way to not operate in gehenna turf specifically because the abydos incident made it clear that Hina wouldn't let the prefect team try to hunt them down outside of it

anyways I had fun with the event. I'm not big on Hina, but it was nice seeing what amounts to an incredibly in-depth variation on the club stories. It was kinda cute that Hina specifically noted feeling bad for Juri.

I will say that while I understand the focus on heavy hitters getting in-depth storytime, it feels like the Tsurugi doesn't really appear much as the representative (which I understand is also true in-universe, but still...)
Gehenna: It's Hina. Hina's the big scary of Gehenna. Prefect team appears often in tow (makes sense)
Millenium: Neru and C&C. Checks out.
Abydos: Hoshino, duh.
Trinity: Theoretically Tsurugi (Or maybe Mine?), but neither actually pop up all that often. I suppose there's something to be said about them not having personal adversaries or really much trouble to get into in the first place? There's not enough Tsurugiwank to really get a good feel for how strong she's supposed to be. I literally have no clue if she'd have trouble with, get fucking rocked by, or absolutely destroy the others. The closest I remember is the PV where she and Neru cheekweld with some real dangerous grins, which has some implication as to mutual respect of strength, but it's not much to go off of.
>for the following 24 hours.
Bluefes is in 8 hours though
Izuna respects me
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Rumi the Rock
Just buy her a vibrator.
do foxes even go into heat?
TLDR on s.saori and s.hiroys Momos plsss
Yes, usually in winter
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read them
they're cute
They are CUTE
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>luckshit D.Ako with the free rolls.
I have like 46k pyroxes + the GA ticket and the freebie stuff from bluefes so far, is it worth just getting Makoto as well since she's limited?
I already have Iroha
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Mutsuki's stinky boots
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That switching shit is cringe and should've been a 6 star upgrade to base Hoshitno instead of giving her a shit bond item. They could've make it unlockable after you beat the story and give sSaori her rightful place as Arius Summer's BlueFes. Fuck Hoshitnowank, It ruined the other plot threads for and killed Arius Summer
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Not him but I thought that having less than 10k equals no ligmas.
This doesn't apply because anon wants to fuck his daughter
Do you have S.Hoshino?
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Foxes are actually some of the most loyal animals out there
They are Canidae, sharing this with dogs and wolves, and once they imprint on someone it's for life
One of the reasons you see so many fox girls in anime as either clingy daughters or slightly yandere wives is because they are actually that way in real life, they will destroy things around them if you leave for too long and even starve themselves to death in extreme cases
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>Makoto becomes real
>she loves you and wants your child
>however if you accept Hina also becomes real and DIES
>also your first born child will be Hina's reincarnation
Would you accept?
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Why? That's like 10 UE30 sitting unused
Yeah, I have all of the other prior BlueFes girls atm
Now I'm gonna think of this every time she says that
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I'll just go and impreg Ichika instead.
Get me away from those demons.
Don't think you can escape sensei
Please Arona you already milked me dry with nothing until full pity on D.Ako. Please Arona let D.Hina and S.Hosh come quick.
Fuck my stupid Baka life, I shoulda practiced Japanese instead of perfecting my Spanish this past year, I need to know what my cute wives are doing
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>Eyes open
She is the demons.
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Will JP get a free 10-recruitment ticket for reaching #1 on google play store?
I came so many times to this and that pegging one
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No she's JK.
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(Ka)zoosFes is coming soon
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Rio Archive
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my therapist said I should stop being on bag
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Are you looking forward for other clubs possibly getting fleshed out like how Konoka did for the Public Peace Bureau? or the other one, I forgot which she was part of.
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>10 ue30
y-yeah, who the fuck does that haha...
Wife and a daughterwife? That's pure profit baby.
you don't really need a therapist to know that...
we are top 1 again?
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Average Justice Task Force member design
Why did she do it bros?
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Is makoto meta?
Yes, but the google play store instead of the apple app store this time so there's a good chance it'll be another 10 roll. That's what they usually do anyway
Not really, but she's limited.
Depends on what you want that's coming up. Now is a good opportunity since its a discounted spark. Given the opportunity, I'd rather to pull limited students in pairs with a single spark, so I don't have to potentially spend another on a rerun.
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Ogogee's female smell
tell them i said hi
at least you can now watch dragon ball and saint seiya in their native language.
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Bro, Hina doesn't even hunt the gourmet guild down when they show up to Makoto's party, and jumbo forgets her food ticket. The only reason Gehenna invaded Abydos "for PS68" was really because ako wanted to capture and deal with sensei in the ensuing chaos. Kayoko lays our how the prefects would never use all this just to capture a small time group of thugs, it's all a giant excuse so they could really destroy Schale. Ako sae the creation of an organization that was above the prefects, which Gehenna did not have power over, so Ako unilaterally used her power to attempt to capture or murder sensei in "an accident" while trying to capture PS68.

Of course this action was so egregious that Hina publically apologized, and then explained to Ako in private how if things had gone any further the prefects or all of Gehenna would have been entirely wiped out. The prefects promised to not fuck with Abydos again
The anime tries to paint it like Iori was 1000000x stronger than every Abydos member by herself, but in the game it was a bloodbath with Abydos easily beating the prefects until Hina saved them. And that's without Hoshino joining in.
I just finished. It went fairly quick, the power of the rabbit is incredible.
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imagine the flavors of everyone present
Rimming is such a gay fucking fetish and its so bad. Not only do you want a tongue up your fucking asshole but you also want it to be the girl's? how the fuck would you ever kiss a girl that did that to you ever again you fucking retards, you ruined so many doujins and artists with your stupid shit
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coom in doom
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ncrease the Attack of all allies around Hoshino by 26.5~38.5%, and add 68.3~99% to the Explosion damage bonus against the enemies weak to it. (Duration: 50 seconds)
am i reading this right? so s.hoshino is just the best red striker bar none? idk how much diference there is beetween d.hina and the second best red carry but it can't be more absurd than this
I would kiss a girl who just drank my cum I don't give a fuck you pussy
I want to be, but they take forever to release stories since everything is on rotation with re-runs mixed in.
Club stories would maybe fix this as a low-cost solution but they seem to have abandoned that idea long ago
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Yeah, keep hoarding and NOT investing. I'm actually raising the minimum amount; if you don't have at least 15k in your stash you're POOR.
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how close to spark do you guys say "fuck it" and finish to get the other unit?
Then I think I'm millionaire since I have more than (you).
i can just buy more when i need it
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Lust provoking student
Why the fuck can't I move in the curtain call in LD player? I could move yesterday. What the fuck
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I just remembered these special L2D memo lobbies from the anime BDs. Were these ever posted?
Are they even released yet? I've never seen anyone talk about them
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professor might actually be a hag...
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Yes she is the best but she's a support, not a DPS. So you still need a red DPS, you can't just put sHoshino in your party and win if you don't have any way to deal damage. But they're used together anyway so it doesn't matter
>you also want it to be the girl's
Would you prefer a man?
No i'd prefer no tongue up my asshole
unloading too soon could lead to net loss
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There's a reason sHoshino is user in every single red bossing team.
She doesn't do much damage herself, but can can often double up as a tank, too.
No and I refuse to give those fuckers a cent until I see what they look like.
ibuki tenga
Are you READY to ROLL fellow gamers
I probably did the math wrong but according to that figure getting 5 3-star students out of 200 rolls is actually a really high chance
Fair enough.
>get 3 3*s 150 rolls in
>none are makoto and one's a dupe
Yep, kino
Why? It sounds pretty comfortable. I definitely wouldn't do it with someone I love but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't feel good.
I hate rimming and anal but I will excuse anything professor wants
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as if you get to have a choice in the matter
My favourite thing about the events is that they manage to be lighthearted and fun while also pushing the narrative forward. By introducing new club members, new villians, showing character growth through momos, they build up the world organically and make you want to read more. This year's events have been top notch and I expect that the event writing staff will only get better.
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D.hina banner when?
It's that easy
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would you rim you students /bag/?
I can't believe I stored my cum in Hanuma Makoto's vagina
For me it's a finger prostate massage
Nonomi's reaction to her first time seeing a black person?
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100 rolls and no Ako... How bricked am I if I don't get her?
anything anal is subversive degenerate faggotry, it's an exit not an entrance
How to get the last one?
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You’re now aware of Haruka
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It shouldn't be allowed to have 3x hard during an event.
do you think you'll care about Set?
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Gold looks better anyway.
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Natsume Iroha.
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Isn't Hina in a few hours and not at reset? Why are we getting so excited?
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Hina's asshole...
Me beneath Shiroko
Yeah, 99.3% to get at least 5. Good job on counting that.
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I don't know what that is.
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Hina playing with pussy..
Why do halos protect against insane amounts if ballistic damage to the point they had to invent a special bomb to break one but not drinking for a little while will still kill them?
Can I Set my balls in your mouth?
*crackling joints sound*
I just visited her weed garden yesterday
Sweet girl. I hope she realizes her life worth one day, I wont give up on her
Arona is the most erotic girl of them all.
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Rio pubes?
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No, I want my tongue up her asshole. Better yet, I want her to force me to do it.
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Last-minute-pull cold hours begin in 10 minutes. Guaranteed minrolls until spark when they hit. Pull NOW
>how many pyros do you currently have?
>do you have s.hosh?
>how new are you?
Only if they are female balls.
7 and a half hours, It says so in the OP
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Do I roll or save in 38 minutes?
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Nigga what
You need to make Hina run 30 laps around the parking lot.
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/bag/ can't into UTC
Are you mocking me right now
Roll now for better luck
Yes. Use https://dskjal.com/statistics/chance-calculator.html for future reference.
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confession: i deleted every anime sensei pic from my ba folder
this looks familiar but i can't place it
*grrr sound*
Skipping D.hina for D.Aru.
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The only acceptable and obvious alt she might get is a cycling alt, now I wonder who the rest of the cycling party is going to be.
So far we got: Cycling Shiroko, Shiroko Terror, Very likely Sumire, but who the other 2 would be?
But I already have Slut Ako and Makoto
now that there are only 20 minutes left until dhino's banner, are /bag/gots ready?
>Pandemonium's #1 goal is fucking with the Prefects
>Prefects are the primary force stopping delinquents, which are 90% of Gehenna clubs
Gee I wonder why Gehenna stuff tends to involve Hina or the prefects in some capacity. Blame the writers for making everyone so one-note, if they gave the other clubs reason to not fuck with the prefects maybe you could have a Gehenna story without Hina.
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Need some dog pussy in my life, man
Don't you want 10 keystone fragments?
are you new and have trouble clearing missions?
y: get iroha, n: continue
do you have enough pyros to secure dhina and shoshino after sparking dako?
y: go ahead to get all three, n: forget dako
Is that really true? I don't think ut is
>That tummy pooch jiggle
Chibidevs saving BA once again
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Hopefully yes just so I can doompost about alts of alts
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Statistics and probability are not real. Your chances do not change no matter how many times you roll. You have just as much a chance of rolling a character on the first 10 as you do on the 20th. Do not believe their lies. Every individual roll is equal to every roll before and after it!
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Dog pussy
Uh, anon, that's exactly what everyone is doing. We're blaming the writers. Everyone has always complained that they write Gehenna like shit.
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Skipping dHina and dAru for Rio
She's so beautiful...
This is stupid. Anyone new absolutely needs 48k for Bluefes banners. No exceptions.
How much till bluefes bros..?
I'm barely holding myself..
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Suzumi alt when
one day right bros......? We'll find her holed up like a NEET and save her right....?
2 more weeks
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S. Kuroko Soon.
Cath Palug rigs my rolls
Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun
Shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns
First in the line of fire
First into hostile land
Tanks leading the way
Leading the way
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OK but statistics say statistically wrong
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Your fault.
My dog's smile is so cute...
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Saori, because I need them to be friends in real
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VERY SOON SUZUMIBRO! Suzumi was mentioned on stream and even got her own official merch! Hold on a little longer while the Vigilante plan kicks into high gear!
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What is this team good for?
Catholic priests and grinning obese cats.
Breed Rio
I want a striker Himari with monster truck wheels and giant artillery cannons.
My beloved...
Anything past 100 you might as well go all in on the spark
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Sensei is not prepared for such destructive force
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my princess Mika! I should be able to get 87 in two days
My bigger issue is making Hina 99% of the power of the Prefects.
When you have the Justice Task Force we are repeatedly shown the rest of them handling criminals. In fact, the moments Tsurugi gets to them are few in comparison in spite of her fame. Hasumi and Mashiro are often seen in action and Ichika got the Trip Trap Train.
Meanwhile when we don’t have Hina, it’s Iori jobbing most of her appearances, Chinatsu being gone or at most shown offscreen handling some thugs and Ako being a cunt.
Which students would rim me and won't take no for an answer?
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>86 => 87 in two days
Stockpile or what?
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Arubros, we rise
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I kneel
Hanako unironically. That bitch is crazy
the numbers are dropping though
This is going in my drawfag folder.
Aru's pit erotic...
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swap out shunny for Reisa or Arisu to make a dumb retard team
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it doesn't seem worth it
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Time goes so slow when you are waiting for something... If FES wasn't in like 8 hours it would already have been tomorrow.
Atsuko. Duh.
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>can't stop thinking about sensei's binah
why is she like this
shop reset
>Statistics and probability are not real
They are real, but they back up the rest of your post, so it's okay, I forgive you for being a retard.
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Imagine carrying your daughter on one arm
wtf i love Himari now
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that's good so it's fine
Rise on your way to retirement, yeah.
Few hours before every red unit before and after becomes obsolete.
290 pity on ako/dmakoto do I pull 110 times to finish it off for the makoto dupes?
I just...to Rio...
Kasumi puts out in ONE DATE!! Based!
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>reproduction is prohibited
Try and stop me
At this point, seeing more and more people banding together to find Ibuki's crayons, i'm 99% sure that if any person posed an actual, quantifiable threat to her, the ENTIRETY of Gehenna would drop whatever they were doing, form a truce, and have thecperson responsible drawn and quartered within the hour
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No lol
I was raped
retard daughtercore.....
Wow what a slut
makoto's momotalks are long and glorious
Unironically easier to learn statistics than to use these weird UIs
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Because it isn't. You are not new, I doubt you are gonna use her much anyway. That's depending on the fact that she is not your wife.
It raises the question, how close were we to all out war during the Ninjas event in which Ibuki was "kidnapped"?
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What type of animal is Aru supposed to represent?
Hoshino went "bweh" and became president again, thats it. They also made abydos find a bunch of valuable gems to clear their debt, then had them all get blown up because fuck you.
Post a screenshot of your drawfag folder, I want to see the SOVL
Sensei just smiled at me. What a whore.
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It can't be helped, I'm just that good. Ignore the part where she defeated my binah in one blow.
are you dumb
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Odds I roll for D. Hina
Evens I skip
slow down or I'm going to empty my sack
She wouldn't be completely fotm if they actually released her during the rerun instead of fucking nothing.
Dead Aru...
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Why do girls do this?
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uhhhh bros? this isn't makoto?
If this had a halo I would save it.
I don't really want them to try to wank the other prefects, because the wank with Gehenna is always retarded
Wank with justice squad is balanced, each member has their own abilities and specialities, even Tsurugi has personality flaws which don't always make her life easy
Wank with prefects is "everyone thinks the prefects are weak, so how about we have Iori beat literally everyone in kivotos at the same time with one hit each and make her way stronger than Hina" in the anime
They don't know how to wank the prefects without making everyone into Goku suddenly
That page is a fucking mess, I just use a regular binomial calculator like
The tightest grip.
I don’t need an online tool to run Bernoulli trials so no
she's coming on the 2nd rerun right?
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Made a baby with Rio, I will take full responsibility.
I think it isn't finished, but this is the only pic I have.
So does Makoto.
Gehenna is a school of loose morals.
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Your fault.
*Gosling sound*
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What will Rio's relationship story be like?
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This you?
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Is Saori ready for me to kiss her on the lips, or does she need another alts worth of development?
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Geheeniggers are Bovidae
Kind of like Ako is a female cow
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>freshly cleaned
what was the point, Wakamo
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My rights?
Model building with Sensei. She will question your perfectly normal choice of paints and attempt to customize your gunpla with weird aesthetic attachments.
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Don't stop now
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If she wants it so bad why did she crush it
I can't stop masturbating to Niyaniya
My penis is sore to touch and my semen reserves are bone dry
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yes, we will have our marriage this weekend
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that's saved for the wedding (dress) alt
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You have the right to breed elves.
Who got Hme into rimming? She's a maniac for it
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Had to go to pity for ako but got some prime cunny along the way. Guess I can't complain too much.
She likes the detergent you use. I even caught her huffing your bottle of bleach
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punished for being too erotic
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Honestly, same.
>the entire world is shitting on Kris for what she did with shadman and loli art
>we do that on the regular
sometimes I forget that this general is a pedophilic dent looking from a normal person perspective
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You have no idea the Hiroy images coming out lately
Only about 1% ever get posted here
wait a moment
dhina banner wont be up at reset? is this true?
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Aru is a banana split
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Holy heck this thing's horns are marvelous.
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>7 hours 14 minutes until bluefes
the Arius chibis are really well done. I'm a fan.
I'm in the refractory period...but if Rio were here...
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dress chick begins at UTC 02:00
Stop giving gifts to your wife, she is becoming too powerful
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I also got Kokona while rolling on D Ako's banner. To be honest, with how my luch has been going lately, I doubt FES will go well for me.
I hope we get bouquet packs.
What would Rio be like as a mother?
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the number isn't 100 yet though
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Main difference between Hiroy and Yume
Hiroy is 150cm
Yume is maybe like 180 based on how tall she is compared to Hoshino
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Wrestling with your feelings and properly expressing them is hard especially for a young angry little goblin like her.
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shun (small), ibuki, and cherino happily playing in the other room while i mating press kokona at the speed of light with the force of a thousand suns
I will accept nothing less of dancing together while our fingers are interlocked.

Imagine how she raised Toki
Now imagine it again
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Wtf no bully
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Just finished reading the VN for Fate
How would this nigga fare as a Sensei?
pet the fucking cat Hina
shirou is fucking insane so he will jump in front of bullets for his students
arona need to work overtime
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But stat ups end on level 50
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Well done Mikabro.
There's only one sensei, and it's not him
Sensei is far more suicidal than shirou
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I have had negative luck on every bonus roll banner. They are a scam and I expect nothing different from this one. Pretty sure I only got 3 or 4 3 stars on the wakamo banner.
>after that she ran away from the family and hid for 20 years
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Wow, I love her. I want to make babies with Rio and have daughters like Toki.
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Sensei and Shirou are the same character.
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She's so cool. Be still my heart.
I really need to stop saying things like this, it only leads to be getting blown up, or raped.


Six hours left
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A sign of things to come. Bless your rolls
it says RAT x40 though
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>he thinks Bluefest is a thing
There is a concerning lack of Aru doujin previews for C104 on Melonbooks
Kayoko Hoshino and Kazoos have most of them it feels
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He'd tell Rio to eat a bag of dicks.
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>it's sunny today
7 hours and 5 minutes.
Millenium is the best school
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go back to having sex you normalfag, incrementing numbers is the purest joy in this world of ours.
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i wonder whos behind these posts
I just woke up after cumming really hard
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>40 rats
very important announcement

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I had to spark on the Wakamo one because I was unable to get her in 200 rolls (although I would have sparked anyway). Still, I don't have high hopes.
>Bluefes doesn't immediately start at reset

Who the FUCK thought this was a good idea ?
Can you post the cute one?
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nobody steal my resetpost

we'd better get some more range stuff for the cafe. I'd like it a lot.
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>40 rats
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I like Himari and Rio. What does that make me?
>15 rounds
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I really like how this angle makes Neru look completely naked underneath the jacket. they should've shown a bit of her butt though
I wonder if the general plan is old volume continuations like abydos got, Kei and Rio are both unresolved from volume 2, Rio and Aris but tsun and angery would be a pretty popular banner.
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>"women shouldn't fight"
>gets shot in the chest after taking a bullet for one of the girls
The food at Kivitos would be delicious at least
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Is everyone in this thread a fucking phone poster? Why are there so many social media links in here? Makes me cringe.
rabbit vs fox sensei orgasm speedrun competition
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resetretard 69 or whatever i'm not a gay waiter
The cutest rabbit
>he doesn't go to twitter/pixiv/misskey for the porn
i can't believe kotori is fucking dead
Sometimes it's even both at the same time
>Hina pic
I cringe
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I just really like her having a bleached blonde delinquent daughter. It fits. I would have oyakodon.
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Drei bier bitte.
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Oh yeah? Well, you are gonna see the big sexy number of 200 points tomorrow with 0 D Hinas in sight. How'd you like that huh?
Alright, who should I replace Hoshino and the targets with?
People die when their halo is broken.
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Niyaniya is so fucking hot, I am actually struggling to go through with my day. Every time I mean to do work or a hobby, the thought of her distracts me, I begin refreshing twitter and pixiv searching for more fanart of her. She is every fetish I've ever had, consolidated into one perfect being. She activates desires in me I never knew I had. I get erect for so long my dick starts to hurt and I cum so ecstatically I almost pass out. I had been obsessed with FOTM before, but not to this degree... this is tenfold and has never happened before... And I am on meds that lower libido... How long is she going to keep me on a leash?

What do I do /bag/...
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reset ako59
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sexy reset
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bluefes doesn't begin for another 7 hours you DORKS
Post some more social media links faggot instead of saving whatever "content" you find on there
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>>we do that on the regular
This place does not do remotely what that guy did.
Rio's boobs and hips..
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What the FUCK
Your Akos are now forfeit.
I got feet so i'm happy
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did you really respond to that retard
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But It will be 5 AM in 7 hours...
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Neru stole Yosh's time travel abilities
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Aona's not going to be so tough when I SKIP after dumping my single ticket
i got you covered alicebro
you're too kind. thank you
You gotta find Serika under the truck and then beat the Elite Gourmets 100 times to unlock Hinablu
why does she keep using the pantyhose? my dick isn't that dirty...
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The Strikers category really IS made of Strikers!
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Friendly reminder to not bint your bogos just yet.
Atsuko... you blinked.....
>Page not found
I wish nitter would work at least once.
i love phone posters!! seapag poor retards
Humping Rio's FAT ass
Where is undress Hina?
usually works for me after reloading a few times
Rimukoro please calm down
Post miyako37
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junbos brinted?
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Giving everyone minroll for d.Hinabanner
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lotta tourists
this thread is just as garbage as genshins dont think otherwise
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sensei remember to pee after jerking off so you dont get a dick infection
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Weak bait day?
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I need ligma
no way this is true
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Dunno if anyone posted this yesterday, but I thought it was pretty relevant to that mission.
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when do banners rotate
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not so fast
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Kill yourself.
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this will be your rolls
>dick infection
Weak dick
oh god I'm gonna fucking cum
Shirou being the omega chef is a meme
Even in the VN he called Rin better, and Sakura was better at western dishes, Shirou was only particularly good at Japanese food himself. He was never the apex of cooking ability, he's more like "decent housewife tier". Fuuka is far more experienced than him since she cooks for thousands daily.

Shanhaijng, Trinity, and Fuuka are the apex of Kivotos cooking

Millennium, Abydos, and the other schools have next to no food culture
Kneeling under Rio's desk and licking her pussy...
Don't forget to save AP for mission 25 later tonight
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we need a 4th hoshino
Is 3x exp live? And does anyone have the picture from the stream with the whole schedule?
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I can't wait to use the 100 free rolls on Hina
All these reports and no girls to level them up with. Sad state of /bag/
Imagine responding to being called a faggot lol x users bwos..
there are people that can't imagine an apple?
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This is my free roll. Is it any good?
>Japanese BA artist taking art requests
>The following things will be instantly rejected
>NTR, yuri
How many more hours for Hina?
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Oh yeah that made me realize, are people counting Shiroko Terror as the game's first Third Alt or a new character without any alt?
Is that why I get the urge to pee every time I jack off
get a room homos!
Come back when you have at least one 3* unit.
Steve Jobs
Will there be another wave of Pick-Up recruitments to use the Free Recruitments? I see what we have now ends in 7 hours, but I still have 40 free rolls left, can I save them or do I need to blow them all before that 7 hours is up?
>33 pink 120 yellow
my boogie elephs...
Who’s that one student you really hope spooks you on hina’s banner?
For me, it’s Atsuko (and Saori)
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I’m nervous, scared even
>sweep a hard node for my daily keystone
Yep. I'll keep farming Ibooki instead.
did you just start today
also no
can't imagine things when you're dead
In FGO we count alters as alts too
Double pity and no Ako or Makoto. Only got a single 3* while dropping the double pity and it was an Iroha dupe. Thank god I'm dropping this game after Peroro
Captcha AK04
If you don't see purple envelope it isn't good
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Fuck this I am doing everything this reset now
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you'll get Saori soon... I'm praying for you...
You just bricked you account
You get 1 (one) more chance...
and we give a fuck about that why?
yeah everything but what was yesterday lol
why did she headbutt me
Thanks for your honest reply. I will report tomorrow with swimsuit Hiyori.
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I love my cute little wife!
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Yep. Best roll you can get
Standard Miyako. Was already spooked by her swimsuit alt.
The game counts her as a completely separate character. You can form a team with ShirokoT and another Shiroko while having clonefagging disabled in the game options.
>they've never heard of the male yeast infection
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>Think bluefest is today
>It wasn't
>Manage to get one last 10 pull ticket from Guide task
>Get dress Ako after 242 pulls
I was about to correct Arona all day tomorrow if I didn't get her
another day in paradise
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I'm 5
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Your student
Pubes or no pubes
She's DEAD
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>thought I'd need one more day of farming
>had exactly 120 elephs
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So I rolled Hoshino Battle but used most of my eleph on Kuroko.
How good is she? I know in PVP she can take S.Hanako’s place as a backline clearer but besides that? Would the two modes bring anythinng to the table there? And for raids?
I’m balancing out my eleph here.
why is hoshino like this
A well trimmed bush
My only regret before dropping the game is not getting Natsu. She is adorable, has a very cute voice and is a great unit.
>triple hards and comms
>on top of the boogi farm
It is today, but in 6 hours.
Nutscord is real
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Thick and natural pubes
is she good? i like her l2d
Kuroko isn't an alt.
She shoots me and now she shoots my students... This calls for punishment
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>triple commissions and triple hard are running at the same time
Kotori's fat TANKED that
2 for me.
What's the diagnostic doc?
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I really need Reisa or Mine or else I'm fucked for torment greg since I had to spark Ako and didn't get Makoto.
And tier 9 equipment in seven hours!
>Would the two modes bring anythinng to the table there?
yellow armour bag tank? not really. That's a death sentence in pvp.

We don't really know if she's good for raids yet, no need to rush into investing.
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eos soon...
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When I started this game people were hyping to me the Bluesfest like I would get a ton of characters and the only thing I got aside from S Hanako, S Hoshino and Wakamo were the 4 of the arius squad, big shun, bath cherino, new year Kayoko and Haruka, S Nonomi and C Hanae
Okay then
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Reisa and Onsen shiggy
I don't even want H*nners to be honest.
Filtered x.com. who is next?
Untamed blonde jungle
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I'm sorry boogi. But lvl 90 needs reports.
In my room.
Explain this to me pubefags:
Why do you like them?
that sounds fine
Achuko or Kokonuts.
Pray for me anons.
those are shills. I only get like 2 SSRs max every blufes
Anybody above 4 is a liar
wait I'm not ready for T9 stuff yet
Bag tanks are fine. The only counter to them is Mika or SAyane.
Noa wouldn't do this...
She'd already be inside of my house
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Thoughts on the gifts preferred by the Arius Squad in their first alt?
>x3 hard and commissions
that's cruel.
that's so cruel.
I want the x3 hard so much. but the reports...I need the reports...just leveling my pvp team destroyed my stockpile.
I'll tell Nexon to wait for you.
do you have the rest of his set? It's not upload elsewhere
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Somehow do this day I still don't have Hifumi (I refuse to redeem). So her
They really love donuts
theres gonna be another 3x comms but there wont be another 3x hard
New thread niggers
wait i was supposed to be doing the hina rpg daily?
Atsuko is comparable to SMimori.
Neechan is so girly
If i say, I will not get.
It would've been Reisa but she showed up on my Makoto rolls.
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You have to redeem!
Kasumi or/and Atsuko or/and Tsukuyo.
It was a very recent spook, so I really don't know. Plus, I mainly want both Miyakos since she's cute.
Can you repeat the question?
>he doesnt know JP hasn't gotten another 3x hard yet
How did this robot-obsessed paranoid student get such a great body?
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How long will the hina banner be?
Depends on your screen's resolution.
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I mean I guess pretending iori and sumire don't exist is one way of coping with the current season.
I'm gonna need both of them after bluefes.
I have enough to only level 1 student from 1 to 88. Which will be D.hina.
Ctrl+F you lazy fuck.
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The current season does't last until Hoshino's banner
I'd like you guys to stop fucking with the timeline, please and thank you
Huff,,, Rio oppai!
Thank you
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My dick couldn't last a minute between those..
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Dhina or shoshino first?
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Should I?
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I agree
Fatty likes food? Who woulda thunk it
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Kasumi. I desire her.

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